#wolverine x platonic reader
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captain-tch · 8 months ago
Oscar Worthy Performance (Logan Howlett x GNPlatonicTeenReader)
You get caught shoplifting, and a stranger plays the role of disappointed father
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It dawned on you as you were staring at the security guard, him speaking into his radio, that you had royally fucked up. His face was one of stone, his eyes hardening every time his gaze fell back on you, which was often. It was like he was expecting you to bolt. You didn’t blame him, in fact ever since the security guard shouted out down the aisle you had been seeking the perfect opportunity to run. Unfortunately, you weren’t blessed with super speed. Even the usual charming smile you armed yourself with didn’t work, your innocent false words pleading that you didn’t do anything wrong also fell on deaf ears. 
It was official - you were fucked. 
Your only saving grace was that the guard was that conscious of you running, he didn’t risk moving you to the office where escaping was even less likely. You were standing under the fluorescent lights of the supermarket, your coat being weighed down by your responsibility, cursing your minor mistake that brought you into this position. If you weren’t so shit scared of getting caught, you’d cause a blackout - but then he would know you were a mutant. There would be no hiding how your hands would glow as the light was absorbed, or how your eyes would flash with renewed energy. Right now the worst you could get is a slapped wrist, if you played this right, but if he found out you were cursed with the x gene? You’d be lucky to escape alive.
The radio buzzed. The security guard turned to answer it, one of his eyes permanently fixed on you. Sweat was beginning to coat your palms and your heart was jumping out of your chest. You frantically wracked your brain for another option, something other than revealing your powers, only to fall short. Your chest heaved upon realising how royally screwed you were.  
“We gonna call the cops?” 
You swallowed. Anxiety gripped you tight - you couldn’t afford to get caught by the authorities. You were living under the radar and that was attention you definitely didn’t need right now. You were deaf to the response on the radio, your whirling thoughts overriding all of your senses. Your mission would fail, the people who relied on you would suffer and you’d be thrown into prison, surrounded by mutants ready to establish themselves as an authority figure by picking on the little fish, namely you. 
“Roger.” The security guard turned his steely gaze to you. “You’re coming with me.” 
“Please, don’t do this.” None of your words could pass your lips, the words stumbling out. The man just rolled his eyes. “I don’t show sympathy to dirty thieves.” 
A slight weight was lifted from your shoulders. At least he only thought of you as a troublesome teenager, desperate to get the attention of their parents with some petty shoplifting. At least he hadn’t realised that at the exact time you were slipping the tin of beans in your pocket, the lights flickered for a beat longer than usual. 
“It’s my first time, okay, can’t you just give me a slap on the wrist and send me on my merry way?” Your lips curved into a wavering smile. 
The man scoffed. “I’m sure you tell everyone that.” 
“I promise - I’m not lying.” You were. 
“Tell that to your parents when they come down here.” His hand found your shoulder, gripping harshly. He spun you around, guiding you through the store. 
Panic rolled over you in a wave. Your eyes scoured around the store, desperately taking in the surroundings to help you evade your fate. Your gaze danced over the patrons, it was late at night and the store was barren. A young woman pushing a pram, a businessman staring at the vast display of alcohol, and then there was him. A man with a face of thunder, his brown hair twisted in the corners giving him the slight imitation of having horns. His white shirt was stained, a flannel thrown on top not in an attempt to hide the mess, but to emphasise the size of his shoulders and his arms. An idea hit you like lightning and in your desperation you did the first thing that came to mind. 
“Dad!” You shouted, drawing attention to yourself. The two men turned to face you, the businessman dismissing you with a single glance. But the grumpy man, he stared you down, brows tilted slightly upwards. You smiled desperately at him, hoping to convey your message in your slight grimace. “I thought you were at the site all day today.” 
“Um…” He looked over his shoulder, as if looking for an escape. 
A light flickered overhead, your eyes flashing slightly. The man stood straighter, looking between you and the security guard. He cleared his throat awkwardly, walking towards you. “Um…”
“Are you this dirty thieves father?” The security guard demanded. 
The man’s brows lifted as he took you in. His assessing eyes danced over your half worn combat boots, caked in dirt, and your jeans that had holes that might be considered fashionable if it wasn’t for the seams falling apart at the hem.  “Thief?” 
You shrugged. “Alleged.” 
The security guard squeezed his hand on your shoulder. “I saw you slip something into your pocket.” 
“That could have been anything.” 
“Sure.” The guard rolled his eyes, sharing a pointed glance at the stranger you claimed to be family. “Come on sir, you’re coming with us.” 
The guard carried on the journey to the office, his grip slightly too tight on your shoulder. You squirmed under his grip, trying to grab your saviour's gaze to no avail. He looked as though he was being led to his funeral. You wish you could express your gratitude but his eyes were fixed firmly downwards, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. 
A door was opened, and they were led down several corridors. They were ushered into a small room, screens adorning one wall displaying all angles of the store. Fuck, you thought, they updated the security since the last time. No wonder you got caught - you were normally so careful. 
“Take a seat.” He gestured to the two chairs, and you slumped into it. Your ‘dad’ took to standing against the door frame, his arms crossed.  
“Look, this is serious. You were caught stealing. You could go to jail.” You couldn’t look at him, busy worrying at your lips. “But you’re lucky it’s me on shift, I’m a bit more friendly than the other guys in this place.”
“Hate to meet the others,” you muttered under your breath. The guard stared pointedly at you. An apology was breathed out with little feeling behind it. 
“Let’s see what you stole, and we can go from there.” 
Sighing, you reached into your pocket, dropping tin after tin of beans on the table. With each tin the guards eyes softened, and you knew as dire as the situation had seemed, you struck gold. You discreetly pinched your leg, hard, and mustered tears to appear. 
“Daddy’s been working so many hours at the site, and we can still barely afford the rent. I couldn’t bring myself to eat someone else’s trash again - I couldn’t.” You hiccuped, impressing even yourself with your acting skills. “I couldn’t be hungry anymore, is that a crime?” 
You turned your weeping eyes to your ‘father’, allowing your lip to wobble. “I’m sorry, I know you work so hard. I’m sorry I let you down.” 
Your ‘dad’ had a face of stone, nodding his head silently. The guard looked at him expectantly, and ever so slowly, your ‘dad’ walked towards you. He rubbed your shoulder, the only action that could seem paternal whilst limiting any major contact. 
“I’m sorry too.” He grumbled. You thanked the higher powers on your side that the man was joining in on the act, making it all the more believable. For the first time since you had been caught, you genuinely thought you might be okay. 
The guard sighed, pushing a box of tissues towards you. You made a show of taking a few handfuls, wiping aggressively at your eyes and blowing your nose. 
“Look, I know it’s hard. I’ve been there myself. But you can’t do this. I’m going to take the tins back, I’m sorry. There’s some food banks in the area, let me write them down.” The security guard sent you a soft smile, then disappeared. 
You collapsed back into your seat. Your anxiety was ebbing away and all you could do was thank whatever god was watching over you. You eyed the tins on the table, contemplating if he had counted them before leaving. Your fingers itched to slide one back in your pocket; you fought the urge, not wanting to end up worse off.  
“Quite impressive, have you ever considered a career in acting?” Your ‘dad’ commented, distracting your intense gaze on the food, his lip quipping up. 
“Hollywood couldn’t handle this.” You sighed. “You might not want to though, your role of loving and doting father leaves something to be desired.” 
“I didn’t even know I had a child until ten minutes ago.” 
“Funny, my dad said that too.” 
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Why the fuck did I even get involved.” 
“Only you can answer that question, bud. All I know is I’m fucking glad you did.” 
He opened his mouth to respond, rapidly closing it when the door opened and the security guard reappeared. He handed you a list with writing scribbled on. The man then turned to your ‘dad’. 
“I know it’s hard, but you’ve got to step up. Your kid needs you more than ever.”
“You guys can go - but if I see you here again, I won’t be as kind.” 
“Thank you sir.” You nodded your head respectfully to him, sniffling for extra measure. 
You led the way out of the office, the guard leading you both to the staff entrance of the store and closing the door behind you. 
The pair of you walked away from the employee entrance, turning the corner. You fell against the wall, feeling a huge relief wash over you. You released a big breath, a bright smile lighting up your face. All of the muscles relaxed in your body and the sweat on your palms started to dry. “Wow, that was close.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
“Excuse me?” You huffed a laugh. “I carried that performance, you were merely a supporting actor.” 
“Yeah? From how I see it, without a ‘parent’ present you would be speaking to the cops right now.” 
“Whatever.” You shrugged. “Wanna smoke?” 
“I’m not going to promote teenage smoking.” 
“I’m gonna smoke whether or not you join me.” You dug into your inside pocket, producing a sealed packet of cigarettes. You received a look of disbelief and awe. “What? I wasn’t going to give up all the goods.” 
“Fuck it, I’m already an accomplice.” He offered his hand, and you handed him a cigarette. “Got a light?” 
You fumbled around in your pockets, foraging and finding an old match box. You handed it to the man, waiting patiently for him to light his cigarette. You pulled another one out of the pack, bringing yours to the end of his, watching as the light of flame spread to yours. You jumped up the wall, perching so that you rest your elbows on your knees as you took a drag.  
“Thanks,” he muttered, bringing the cigarette to his lips and exhaling smoke. You copied his motion, silence falling between the two of you. 
“Why me?” 
“Instead of the other guy in there.” 
“Isn’t it obvious? He was all prim and proper, you don’t exactly look like a law abiding citizen. Criminals stick together, well, sometimes.” You frowned, finally giving yourself a moment to actually think about what could have happened if he didn’t intervene. “But you didn’t have to - any reason why?” 
He looked at you, then at his hand. You noticed the line of scars perfectly indented across his knuckles. A flash of silver shot out of those scars, then retracted back into his skin. “It’s us versus them, right?” 
“Right.” You shook your head in disbelief - as if you not only managed to get someone to go along with your ploy, but that they also managed to be a mutant. 
“Well, as nice as this was, I’ve got places to be, trouble to cause and Oscar’s to win.” You stubbed out your cigarette, jumping off of the wall. “Am I ever gonna learn your name, or am I going to have to keep calling you Dad?” 
“Well, thanks old man. I owe you, big time.” You started to make your journey home, tucking your hands deep in your pockets, when you stopped at the sound of Logan’s voice. 
“Wait.” Logan called out. “Answer me this - of everything to steal, why beans?” 
Your expression fell. “I’m sure you can figure that one out, pops.” 
“There’s a place -” You cut him off, turning your back to him. 
“No thanks, I have my place, you should go back to yours.” You were almost disappointed when you made it to the end of the road and you hadn’t heard a response. But you didn’t turn around, determined to find another store to rob so you didn’t go back home empty handed. 
Logan waited until he couldn’t see your form anymore, the sting of the cigarette burning his fingers as ash crumbled around him in a halo. He shook his head, throwing the cigarette to the ground and crushing it with his boot. “Fucking kids.”
marvel masterlist
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incorrectanything · 8 months ago
Y/N: Can I go to the movies tonight?
Logan: Bub, I'm not your dad, you can do whatever the hell you want.
Y/N: Okay-
Logan: Be home by ten, don't talk to strangers, and remember to look both ways before crossing the road.
Logan: Here, ten bucks for popcorn.
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marvelwitchergilmore · 7 months ago
A Good Man
Summary: Logan x Fe!Reader -> Logan Howlett is a good man. At least, that's what you keep telling him.
Disclaimer: 18+ MDNI. Smut. Steam (figuratively and literally), swearing. Logan is the good guy and you prove it to him. Fluff, cuteness, Logan in a flower crown, angst, happy ending, mentions of Halloween and Christmas. Descriptions of period pains, The Addams Family reruns. Again, MDNI. Not Proof Read.
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For as long as you had known Logan, you had known he was a good man. 
It didn’t matter what other people said about him, or what he even said about himself. To you, he would always be a good man. 
And that was something you always tried to remind him of. 
The first time it happened, it had just rolled off the tongue. Of course, you knew you meant it and at the time, you didn’t notice the way Logan’s eyes told you the sad truth that he didn’t believe you. 
It had been one early October morning. You had spent most of the night staying up to cut out some felt and cardboard shapes for your classroom to decorate not only for the fall season but also for Halloween. 
You didn’t expect anyone else to be awake that early so when Logan walked into your classroom just ten minutes after you had returned back to your seat on the floor, practically drowning in Halloween cut-outs. 
Holding down the coffee holder, you were presented with the second cup in the holder, your name written on the side in Logan’s handwriting. 
Still waking up from three and a half hours sleep, you looked up a little shocked. But calmed the minute you saw his own tired smile looking back at you. “Go on.”
Taking the coffee cup from the holder, you brought it close to you, your hands enveloping the hot surface. One sniff and you knew what it was instantly. 
“Oh, my god. You are a saint, Logan.”
Logan couldn’t fully look at you, feeling a little heat on his cheeks. “Yeah, well…don’t mention it.”
He brought his own coffee to his lips as he placed the empty holder onto a nearby desk before walking around you and your sea of Halloween, placing one hand in his pocket as he nursed his coffee. 
“What are you doing?”
You looked around yourself after taking a sip of your drink. It was perfect. 
“Aren’t they meant to be on the walls instead of the floor?”
You nodded. “They will be…if I can get them finished in time.”
Logan took a scope of the decorations before taking off his leather jacket, folding it and throwing it over your desk chair. 
“What-What are you doing?”
Logan placed down his coffee on your desk before removing his second plaid shirt. “Helping. Here, you’re cold.”
Logan draped his shirt over your shoulders and you were instantly hit with his warmth and his scent that was still prominent on his jacket. 
“Thank you.”
Putting your arms through, you fastened a couple of buttons. Meanwhile, Logan pushed some of the decorations aside and sat adjacent to you. 
First he picked up an unorganised pile of themed worksheets, flipping through a couple of them. Tapping them down, you pulled your coffee away from your lips. “The paper cutter is-”
As you pointed to the desk behind him, Logan’s claws came out and he just shot you a smirk before swiping down the edges. You pulled back, eyes a little wider. “Or you could just do that.”
Logan let out a small chuckle before doing the same to the other three edges. 
For the smaller cut-outs, he did use the pair of scissors you gave him. 
“How did you know I was awake?” You asked Logan after a few minutes. 
“I didn’t. But I knew you had a late night. Figured coffee couldn’t hurt.”
You smiled, watching where your scissors were slowly going round the corners of the apple tree you were cutting. “You’re a good man, Logan. Not many people would be up this early and bring me coffee.”
A few hours later, everything was finished being cut and Logan leaned back on his hands as he sat on the floor. You were still in his shirt. Was it wrong for him to be admiring how better you looked in his clothes than he did?
“What do you think?”
Logan came back down to earth. “What?”
You rolled your eyes and laughed. “Come and help me.”
Logan got to his feet, dusting off his jeans before walking behind you. “Pass me that?”
Logan did so and stood at the bottom of the ladder, holding it steady. 
It wasn’t long before he himself was up another set of ladders, taking your instructions for how high to hold the bunting. 
“Little further.”
“Any higher and it’ll be in the ceiling.”
You laughed. “Okay, that's perfect.”
By the end of the day, everything was finished and set up ready for a new week. And every time you looked around your classroom and saw the identical looks of wonder and excitement in the kids' eyes, proved that you were right. 
Logan Howlett was a good man. 
Two weeks later, a knock came to your door. 
“Rogue? Is everything okay?”
She shook her head. “Sorta. Freya won’t let anyone brush her hair. She keeps saying it’s hurting her head.”
“Okay, I’m coming. Have you tried detangler spray?”
Rogue shook her head. “She won’t let anyone near her. It already took three of us to get her to shower.”
Finally getting to Rogue’s room, you knocked on the door. “Hey, Freya. What’s going on?”
“It really hurts.”
Rogue knelt beside you, in front of Freya. “Where does it hurt?”
Freya touched her head. “Here. It pulls really tight.”
“Okay.” You looked around. “Would it be okay if I put some magic spray on?”
“Magic spray?”
You nodded, nudging Rogue. Shuffling over, she grabbed the bottle from her desktop before handing it to you.  
“What does it do?”
“Well,” you looked for the nozzle before turning it around and gently picking up the ends of her hair to spray it. “It helps the brush run smoothly down-”
Freya started to panic. “No, no. No. No brush.”
“What’s going on?”
From the door, Logan was standing leaning against its frame. 
“Freya’s hair sore.” You told him as he walked inside. “She won’t let anyone brush it.”
Logan slowly made his way inside. “Oh, no. That’s not good.”
Logan took a second before pulling his jeans a little to be able to crouch down. “I see Y/n’s already put some magic spray on it?” 
Freya nodded. “She said it’s going to help.”
Logan nodded, placing down the bottle you handed him. “Well, that’s true.”
“Will you let me try and brush it?” 
Freya debated the idea, fear still in her eyes before shaking her head. 
“Okay, that’s okay.” 
Then you had an idea. 
But Logan beat you to it. 
“Would it be okay if I tried?” Logan asked. “I promise I’ll be gentle.”
Freya, although still fearful, slowly handed Logan the brush she’d been holding in a death grip. 
“Come and sit over here, honey.” 
Freya stood up with Rogue’s help before Logan helped lift her onto the vanity stool and crouched behind her. 
“Promise you’ll be gentle?”
“I promise.”
“Pinky swear.”
Logan spotted you and Rogue through the glass for a second before looking back at Freya and linking his pinky with hers. 
It was the first time in a month Freya had sat down, quietly, and not cried or yelled out when someone was brushing her hair. 
By the time Logan had finished, he didn’t know what to do. So, quickly, Rogue came back to his side. “Is it okay if I put it into a braid?”
Freya nodded. “Thank you, Professor Logan.”
Logan gave her a small smile and handed her the brush. “Anytime, kiddo.”
Standing back beside you, your arms crossed your chest and you nudged Logan a tad. “You’re a good man, Logan. Thank you.”
Logan shrugged, putting his hands into his pockets. “She’s a good kid. They all go through this phase. Some are worse than others.”
You smiled at him before looking back to where Rogue was explaining something to Freya.
“Do you know how to do that?”
You looked up at Logan. “What? Braid hair?”
He nodded. 
“Yeah, why?”
He looked at you. “Could you…teach me?”
A slightly wider smile graced your face. “I’d be happy to.”
That was why a few hours later, Rogue was sitting in front of you, whilst Logan was sitting behind you, following along with how you were braiding Rogue’s hair. 
“How do you even learn how to do this?”
“It’s just like riding a bike, Logan. Once you know how to do it, you will never forget it.”
Logan grumbled and let your hair fall through his fingers. Meanwhile, you slowly tugged at Rogue’s fresh braid until it had come undone. 
“I’ll go slow. Just follow me. Split it into three.” 
Logan did that. 
“Take one outer section.”
Logan did that, too. 
“And pull it across the middle.” You move the original middle section to the side before taking the other outer section and pulling that across to create a new middle. 
“And you just keep repeating that until you get to the end of the hair, and finally, finish with a bobble.”
Logan had finally done it. It was loose, but he had done it. 
Rogue’s watch went off. “Shoot. I was meant to meet Bobby.”
“Go ahead, just don’t wreck the kitchen this time.”
Rogue smiled. “We’ll try not to.”
Closing the door behind her, Rogue left. 
You remained seated in front of Logan’s legs as he pulled the hair tie free and your braid fell out again. “Think you can do it on your own?”
Logan let out a breath and tried again. “Outer over middle?”
You nodded lightly. “And then the same on the other side. You’ll be doing french braids before you know it.”
“They can stay in France.” 
Logan continued to braid down your hair. It had been years since someone had played with your hair, and you found it comforting. Raking his fingers from the top of your head, he split it into sections once more and you felt yourself falling asleep. 
Less than a week later, you walked past the living room where you found Freya sat between Logan’s legs as he brushed and braided her hair. 
The next morning you woke up with a smile at the memory before being hit with a dull punch to your lower abdomen. 
You didn’t move for twenty minutes because every time you tried, it seemed to come back. But once it had finally passed, you forced yourself to sit up, your head feeling heavy before you looked at your bedsheets. 
“Of course.” 
For the next two days, all you wanted to do was crawl back into bed. Your period had decided to kick the shit out of you ever since it surprised you by coming a week earlier than expected. 
And by the time Logan found you, you were sitting uncomfortably in the television room, watching reruns of the Addams Family. 
“You look like hell.”
You gave a small sniff. “Feel like it, too.”
Logan pressed his hand to your head. “You’ve got a temperature.”
“It’s just hormones.”
Logan shook his head, pressing the back of his hand to your cheeks before pressing his fingers to your neck but you swatted him away. 
“No, it’s not.”
“Logan, I’m on my period. A week early.”
Logan nodded. “I know. That’s why I brought you this.”
In his hand, Logan handed you a fresh hot water bottle and a packet of chocolate. “Oh, my god,” you sighed. “You’re a saint.”
You could have cried. Maybe you were. 
You were in that much pain, you couldn’t exactly tell. 
Sitting beside you, Logan pulled a blanket over your bottom half as you held the hot water bottle against you and snuggled into his side. 
And for the next hour and a half, Logan stayed by your side, watching the Addams Family Show with you. Half way through, his hand absentmindedly stroked at your hair before he pulled you closer to him, allowing him to kiss the top of your head. 
“You are the greatest man who ever lived, Logan Howlett.” You told him before looking up at him. “I really mean that.”
“I’m sure you do, sweetheart.”
Then you saw it. 
Logan didn’t believe you. Sure, there was the smallest smile to his face, but you could see it in his eyes. He didn’t believe you. 
And that struck you to your core. 
“Logan, look at me.” Pressing your palm to his cheek, you turned his head. “I do mean it. Thank you for everything you’ve done.”
Logan took a moment. Then he smiled. “Don’t mention it.”
And he kissed your head. 
Laying back down on his chest, you watch the rest of the episode whilst your insides started to feel like it was holding a hellhound in a cage that was scratching its way out of you. 
“You okay?”
With your eyes squeezed tight, you nodded. “Just cramps. They’re usually not this bad. Or at least this often.”
Logan nodded, his hand rubbing up and down your back. “What usually helps?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I usually ride it out. They come in waves.”
“What about painkillers?”
The sharpness finally left but the dullness stayed. “I like to see how high my pain threshold is.”
Logan groaned a little and rolled his eyes. “And you say I have a death wish.”
Taking your hand, Logan walked you towards the door, turning the TV off and throwing the remote back onto the sofa from the door. 
“Where are we going?”
“I’m running you a bath. I’ve heard they usually help.”
And he did. 
Even why you tried to say he didn’t, and you could do it yourself. 
“Sweetheart, you can barely walk.” Logan told you as he splashed the bubble bath through the water. “And I could smell you from down the hall. You need to wash your hair.”
That was how you found yourself sitting into a hot bath, covering yourself with bubbles as Logan came back inside. 
Quietly, he pulled a stool beside the bath as you pushed yourself to sit further forward. “Can you dip your head back?”
Slowly, you did so and it wasn’t long before Logan was running shampoo through your hair, softly scrubbing at your scalp. God, you never wanted to leave. 
Logan felt you relax against his touch, slowly leaning your head back when his palm brushed against your forehead. 
With a cup, Logan let the water fall through your hair, washing the suds away from your scalp, down your back and into the water. 
For both of you, everything felt…quiet. Calm. 
“Thank you,” you broke the silence eventually. “This really helps.”
Logan pulled his gaze from your back and shoulders, forcing himself to look anywhere else but you. “Good. I’m…I’m glad.”
“Hey, Logan?”
“I meant it. What I said before.” You repeated it as you looked back at him. “You are a good man.”
Logan swallowed, avoiding your gaze to look at his hands for a second. “We don’t have to-”
You held onto his hands and he finally looked at you. “I mean it, Logan. You are a good man.”
He shook his head. “No, I’m not.”
His gaze flicked to your lips and back up to your eyes. You couldn’t deny you hadn’t thought about it as well. 
“Because a good man wouldn’t be thinking what I’m thinking right now.”
You felt yourself lean closer to him. “What are you thinking?”
Logan shook his head despite the fact he felt himself move closer to you, too. “You don’t want to know.”
Your own gaze flicked to his lips and back again. “I trust you, Logan. I want you to tell me what you’re thinking.”
Slowly you came to your knees and Logan’s eyes roamed over you, his breath shortening by the time he looked back to your eyes. 
Pulling his hands from yours, one began to brush the wet streaks of hair from your face and neck as the other found your waist and started moving lower towards your hip. 
Despite the hot bath, your skin flared in goosebumps at Logan’s touch, your own breath hitching in your chest. 
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want to kiss you,” Logan held before his palm spread wider on your hip. “I want to feel you.”
“Then do it.”
Logan didn’t need to be told twice. 
Pressing his lips to yours, it wasn’t long before his hands pulled you closer to him, your own hands pulling him in by his collar. You let his hands freely roam your body, before one slipped down and over your ass, hitching you up until your legs wrapped around his waist, a pile of water trailing after you both. 
Turning around, Logan set you down on the counter top, moving back a little before letting his lips make their way down your jaw, neck and chest. 
Cupping the back of his head, you whispered his name. And for a second he pulled away. His hand still by your waist, he leaned over and fumbled with the shower until it was finally spraying out. 
And whilst you waited for it to heat up, Logan put himself back on you. 
His hands were everywhere and it was driving you insane. And once he finally did something about it, you let out a little gasp. 
“Is this okay?”
A smile came to your face as you dipped your head forward, his lips pressing gentle kisses to the side of your neck. 
“More than okay.”
Curling his digits inside of you, you let out a breathy moan and jolted forward a little when his thumb began circling your clit, adding more pressure. 
You gasped. “Logan.”
“S’okay, Sweetheart.” His lips captured yours again as his other hand held you steady by your hair. “Just ride it out.”
Thrusting in and out of you, he continued to curl up inside of you. 
“M-more. Logan.” You moaned in pleasure, your pussy begging for him to circle your clit harder. “Please.”
Entering a third finger, Logan stretched you out as he felt your walls pulse against his fingers. 
“That’s it.” He spurred you on. 
You fell back against the wall as his hand left your head and came to your hip, pulling you closer to him and the edge whilst his fingers curled deeper inside of you. 
“That’s it.”
You gasped. “Keep-keep going. Don’t stop. Logan…”
Almost chanting his name as his mouth made its way down your collarbone, his tongue flicking over your nipple before sucking at the curve of your breast, you felt Logan apply more pressure around your clit, keeping a steady speed as he brushed in a circle. 
You gasped. “Logan, I’m gonna-”
You didn’t have time to finish your sentence as a moan of pleasure escaped from your throat before Logan’s own mouth caught it in his. 
Your breath heavy and your chest heaving to catch it, Logan swiped across your clit a few more times until you had fully finished. 
The steam was growing heavy around you both and once Logan had finally stripped down with your help, it wasn’t long before you found yourself pressed against the glass of the shower, Logan’s hand leaving a running print beside your head. 
He had been washing your body, his hand grazing the loofa over your skin, all the while he pushed the hair from the side of your neck and slowly pressed firm kisses down the length of your neck. 
Slowly, he turned you around before you found your back against the glass, his hand beside your head and his lips on yours once more. 
Mere seconds later, you hooked your leg around his hip and slowly guided himself into you. 
By the time morning finally broke through, you were fast asleep against Logan, miraculously still in the pyjamas you had put on after the best shower experience you had had in years. 
Dressed in his boxers, his legs were tangled with yours, his chest pressed firmly against your back. 
And by the time you woke up, you found two small braids at the side of your head and a note from Logan saying he’d be back later since Storm had dragged him into being the second chaperone for the field trip. 
One busy day and a broken down bus later, Logan finally got home and found you half asleep on the sofa you had been on the night before. 
“Hey,” you whispered, the light from the TV brightening you both for a moment before a laughing track played. “You’re back.”
“I’m back.” Logan whispered back before moving the blanket up a little to allow him to slide in beside you. 
“I missed you this morning.”
“I wouldn’t have left but Storm cornered me when I was making coffee.”
You smiled a little, wrapping your arms around him as he did you with you. “I figured.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Better.” Logan pressed his palm gently against your lower half, holding the small of your belly up a little bit which somehow relieved some of the pressure your uterus had been putting on you since mid-afternoon. 
“Want to head to bed?”
“Soon,” you told him. “I want to find out what happens?”
Logan smiled a little. “Haven’t you watched these before?”
“A dozen times, but I still love them.”
Around ten minutes before the episode finished, Logan felt you grow a little heavy beside him and when he looked down, he found you were fast asleep. He waited for the episode to finish before turning the TV off and bringing his hands under your legs and his arm around your back as he lifted you up. 
By the turn of the hour, you were cuddled back besides Logan, one of his hands at the bottom of your back, the other holding your knee in place over his middle. 
The next couple of months continued the same way. Often, you’d fall asleep or at the very least be half way there before Logan would carry you to bed. It seemed to change every couple of nights who’s room you’d sleep in. 
There were moments when Logan would wake up, roaring from the pain of memories. But he was finding them to be very few and far between ever since he started waking up next to you. 
By Christmas, you couldn’t have been more in love with Logan if you tried. And realising this fact hadn’t been from some grand romantic gesture that would be shown to be in the next Hollywood blockbuster. 
He had simply said that you needed to get some lights for the Christmas tree. 
With his arm around your waist, you looked up at Logan to find a look of confusion on his face. You could practically hear the cogs turning over in his head. 
“What? What is it?”
You looked back at the tree, expecting it to be housing a family of squirrels despite the fact it was artificial. 
Too many kids in the school had an allergy to pine trees. 
“We need some lights.”
Logan walked forward and straightened up the tree and you just stood…shocked. Your hands still clutching themselves in front of you, you felt your heart practically swell with excitement and…
“What?” Logan looked at you from behind the tree. 
You broke out in a smile and shook your head. “Nothing. I’m just…excited. It’s officially Christmas.”
“We’re still in November.”
“Barely.” You protested. “And besides, who was the one who wanted to get the tree out of the attic?”
As your arms came around his neck, his arms came around your waist pulling you closer to him as he stepped out from behind the tree. 
“Okay, fine. You’ve got me there. But it’s only because I know Rogue will spend the next week badgering me to get it down.”
“You just keep telling yourself that,” you smiled before kissing him. “You might be a good man, Logan Howlett. But you are a terrible, terrible liar.”
A couple of weeks later, school had finally finished. The Winter exam season was finally over and grading the final paper, Logan threw it into the box before sealing the lid shut and carrying it to the other side of his room, shoving it into the bottom of his closet. 
Riddled with tiredness, Logan slumped down onto the edge of his bed rubbing his face just as you walked in. 
“Here you are.”
Logan looked up and graced you with a tired smile. “Close the door.”
You did so before walking over towards him where he placed his fingers through the belt loops of your jeans and pulled you closer until you were standing in between his legs. 
“Long day?” You asked him as he lay his head against your middle, letting your hands run through the back of his hair. 
“The longest. You?”
You let out a sigh. “Longer still. I think I need to teach a couple of handwriting classes. It’s not the marking that takes forever, it’s the reading. Have you finished?”
Logan looked up at you. “Just finished the last one.”
“I’ve still got a couple more on my desk.”
“They can wait until tomorrow.” Logan told you. “Let’s just take a break. Where are the others?”
“Down by the hill.” You nodded your head towards his window. “Storm’s making it a snow day for everyone. They should be gone for a couple hours.”
“Why didn’t you go with them?” Logan’s hands pushed your shirt up a little allowing him to feel your skin. 
“Because,” you smiled. “I wanted to see you.”
Logan smirked. “Yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
Logan pressed a small kiss to your belly. “Any other reason why?”
You shook your head, acting oblivious. “Not that I can think of.”
Logan pressed some more kisses across your middle whilst his hands started to unbutton your jeans to allow him more access. 
He heard you take in a breath and he smirked, feeling your hands rake through his hair, your nails scratching at his scalp before going down his neck. 
“Well, maybe I can think of one.”
Logan smirked. “If you’re thinking, I’m not doing my job properly.”
Continuing to press his kiss against you, Logan slowly pulled your jeans down your hips, over your ass and down your legs, being sure to press his kiss along your thighs as he brought himself to his knees. 
Trailing his hands up and down your legs as you stepped out of your jeans, Logan looked up at you. 
You felt yourself blush at his words before he pressed a kiss against the inside of your thigh. 
“So beautiful.”
For a moment, you felt your knees go weak. 
Stumbling back a little, you gripped onto the edge of his desk. Slowly, his hand caressed your calf, bringing your leg up. Again, his hot breath trailed up the inside of your thigh, pressing chaste kisses against your skin as he made his way towards where your panties were still on. 
Taking his time with you, he pressed more kisses to your hip bone whilst his fingers toyed with the line of your underwear. 
Pulling each side down at a time, he kissed the soft skin under them before finally removing them all together. 
Finally, pressing kissed down the middle of your stomach as his hands played with your ass, he hooked one of your legs over his shoulder, lifting you a little until you were balancing on the edge of his desk. 
“So wet already.”
His tongue was light at first, against your clit, coaxing it out of hiding until it was fully present for him. With his moans vibrating against your pussy, you gripped the back of his head. 
Gasping, you felt his tongue slip inside of you, tasting every last bit of you. 
Every now and again, his nose would bump against your clit leaving you wanting more, begging him to do more. 
Then he finally listened. 
Pushing a finger inside of you, he hooked it up before pulling back out, all too slowly for your liking. 
Logan looked up for a moment, watching your head fall back as he sucked at you and your own hand went under your top and you began playing with yourself. 
“M-more. Logan. Please.”
With a smirk, Logan added a second finger.
“Keep going,” you pleaded with him before letting out a gasping moan. “That’s- that’s- that’s it. Logan.”
If there was something Logan lived for, it was watching this. Watching your build up before your eventual release. The gasps and moans that escaped your throat, the slight scream you would give as he got you closer and closer to the edge. 
Logan’s jeans restricted him almost to the point of pleasure. “Fuck,” he groaned. 
Lapping you up, Logan was surrounded by your scent and taste. He thrusted faster hearing you go from slowly muttering his own word to almost screaming it. 
With his tongue circling your clit, he felt your walls tighten against his fingers, his hair being gripped by your hand and he finally got the full taste of you. 
Logan made you come twice more before the others got back; once more with his fingers, stretching you out as you lay against his bed, his mouth taking over the work of your hands, leaving them to roam free across him, and finally with you stuffed full of his cock, begging for more as he slowly built up to pounding into you, before flipping you both over, letting you ride him whilst one hand held you steady and the other drove you half to insanity as he played with your clit and his lips left his mark against every corner and curve of your skin. 
And once more after everyone had gone to bed. 
Feeling his chest against your back as you both walked into his room, one hand came up your shirt before the other went down your bed shorts, pulling your fresh panties to the side and circling and dipping into your some more. 
Before you knew it, both of your clothes were strewn across the room and Logan was flipping you over, lifting your ass, allowing his hand to leave its print before snaking around you, letting you beg into his pillows as he flicked at your clit. 
After Christmas, the months began bleeding into one and before you knew it, summer was just around the corner. 
Outside on the fresh grass, Logan was coaching the final baseball game of the day whilst you were with a couple of the kids, picking out fresh flowers from both the garden and the grass.
However, just before Logan was about to yell time on the game, you felt his arms come around your waist. 
He tied his jacket around your waist. “I’ll run you a bath later.”
Logan kissed the shell of your ear before running back across the field, calling time. 
Twenty minutes later, Logan was back at your side, kneeling in the grass with the rest of the kids, and at some point in time, you turned around to find Logan being told to sit still whilst Freya stood in front of him, Rogue sitting beside him taking pictures. 
When Freya moved out of the way, you saw what she had been doing. 
Walking over with a small laugh, you crouched by Freya’s side. 
“Well don’t you look cute.”
Logan tried his best to hide his smile but he couldn’t help it. You caught it anyway. 
“Freya made it for him,” Rogue told you before holding up her camera. “Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of pictures.”
Freya nodded proudly. “I found some more daisies by the fountain so I could make one for Professor Logan.”
And sure enough, there it was. A daisy chain flower crown around Logan’s head. 
“I made you one, too, Y/n.” Freya showed you as it hung delicately from her arm. “So now you can be matching.”
“Thank you, Freya.” You smiled widely. “Would you put it on for me?”
Freya gave a small smile and shook her head before holding her arm out to Logan. “I think Professor Logan should put it on.”
Logan looked at you and raised his eyebrows for a quick second before carefully removing the crown from around Freya’s arm. Quickly she stepped out of the way and sat in between Rogue’s legs. 
“Take some pictures.” Freya whispered to Rogue. 
With a soft smile, Logan got onto his knees as you fell to yours in front of him. He brushed a few stray hairs from your face before carefully placing the crown securely on your head. 
Logan smiled at you, his thumb brushing your cheek. “Beautiful.”
Rogue gave a small cough with a hidden smirk. It wasn’t uncommon for either you or Logan to get lost in the other's eyes when you were together. There could be thirty people in the room, but the minute you looked at each other, the rest of the world faded away. 
Snapping back into reality, Logan cleared his throat. “What do you think, kid?”
Freya rushed to Logan. “Hmm. It’s perfect!”
You smiled as Freya hugged you. “Thank you, Freya. It’s beautiful.”
“Hey, Freya? Want to take some more pictures?”
“Yes, please.” 
Rogue handed the camera over to her and helped her put it around her neck. “Be careful with it?”
“I promise.”
Rogue held out her pinky and Freya linked her with Rogue’s. 
“Come on, Ms Y/n. I want to show you something.”
“Okay,” you laughed. “I’m coming. Slow down, honey. Don’t fall.”
Rogue watched as Logan watched you and Freya run down the field towards the fountain to a small bed of flowers. 
“You really love her, don’t you?” Rogue asked, already knowing the answer. She looked away before she could see the slight flash of fear on Logan’s face. 
But it was true. 
He did love you. 
Truly loved you. 
And yet…he hadn’t told you yet. 
But you hadn’t told him. 
It had been almost nine months and neither of you had told the other you loved them. Of course, there had been unspoken moments. The slow, lazy mornings when his fingers would trace up and down your back before dipping under the covers pulling you closer to him. The quick goodbye’s between lunch breaks when you’d both rush off to teach your classes. The danger moments where it had almost been said, but the hesitation had been covered up by both of you. 
“It’s okay. Just tell me when you get back.” You’d tell each other. 
Only, you never did. 
You showed it. 
But never said it. 
And as Logan watched you with Freya, holding the butterfly on your finger as Freya worked the camera, snapping some pictures, Logan wondered if he would ever have the courage to tell you. And if that day ever came…would that be the day you leave him? Or worse, get hurt because of him?
You looked back at Logan for a moment as Freya took another picture. And he smiled back, giving you a small wave back. 
“I hope I have what you and Y/n have one day.”
Logan looked at Rogue. “I thought you’re with Bobby?”
Rogue smiled and looked down. “I am. We are. But I think it’ll take a while before he looks at me like how you look at her.”
Logan shook his head with a smile before standing. “Don’t doubt it, kid. He loves you. Anyone with eyes can see it. The same way anyone with eyes can see you eyeing him up from all the way over here.”
Rogue blushed before Logan lowered his hand down to help her up. “Well, it’s not like you two are the most subtle couple in the world. But do you really think so? About me and Bobby?”
“Look, kid. I’m no saint when it comes to advice, or love for that matter, but you just have to take each day as it comes. At the end of the day, if he’s still the one you want to talk to, even when you’re fighting with each other, you’re on a better path than most.”
“Isn’t it better not to fight?”
Logan shrugged. “Fighting is just a part of life, kid. But if ever lays a hand on you, he won’t be standing for very long.”
Rogue gave Logan a small smile. “Bobby’s not like that. And if he ever was, no one else would have to worry about what would happen to him. That I can handle on my own. But thanks anyway.”
Logan nodded and patted her shoulder before looking around. “I’ll be back soon. Keep an eye on Y/n for me?”
“I think she can look after herself,” Rogue nodded. “But sure. Hey, where are you going?”
“Nowhere important. I’ll be back soon.”
Taking the steps two at a time, Logan made his way inside the school.
Hours after the sun had set, you still hadn’t seen Logan since he crowned you with daisies. 
Then, taking a walk into his room, you looked out of his window and saw him sitting in the gardens. 
“Hey, what are you doing out here?”
Logan looked back, a little startled that someone else was out with him. “Nothing. Just…sitting here.”
“Mind if I join you?”
Logan shuffled up a little and you sat beside him. 
Logan was quiet. Usually he’d hold your hand or he’d put his arm around you. This time, he just looked out and away. 
“Is everything okay? I didn’t see you after the flower crowning ceremony.”
You looked up and found the flower crown peeking out from his hair. He still hadn’t taken it off. Or he’d forgotten it was there. 
Yours had been twisted into your hair by Rogue and Freya when it came loose during dinner. 
“I don’t know what we’re meant to be doing.”
You shrugged. “Right now, nothing. I thought we were just sitting here.”
“I’m not a good man, Y/n.”
You drew back a little. “Where is this coming from?”
Logan took a breath. “Rogue made me realise something today and I don’t know what I’m meant to do. I’m not a good man, Y/n. People I care about, people I lov-” 
Logan looked at you and the words faltered in his mouth. 
“They get hurt.” He finalised. “People get hurt because of me.”
“Or by me. I’m not a good man.”
“Yes, you are!”
“No, I’m not.”
“You’re a good man, Logan,” you finalised. 
“Please. Don’t say things that aren’t true.”
You were baffled. “Why wouldn’t it be true?”
“Because everyone I have ever cared for has gotten hurt or died. And I can’t put you through that. I can’t see you getting hurt because of me.”
You shook your head. “Logan, I’m not going to get hurt because of you.”
“Really? Because if you haven’t noticed, our lives aren’t exactly the most normal in the world.”
“Maybe not, but I’m enjoying my life so far.” You raised your voice a little as Logan stood up, beginning to pace. 
“I’m not good enough for you, Y/n. You deserve the good guy.”
“You are a good guy.” You stood, walking towards him. 
With his hands on his hips, Logan stopped pacing and you stopped walking, falling six feet short of him. “No, I’m not. People…people don’t take someone like me home. They don’t marry someone like me. They don’t end up with someone like me. You don’t want me.”
You took a step forward. “Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t. I’m not the good guy. The one you can take home.”
You took a breath. “Logan, I am home. And you are the good guy. You always have been. Whoever convinced you you’re not the good guy can fuck off. And nothing you say will convince me otherwise.”
Logan almost pleaded. “Why?”
Logan knew he didn’t have the best record when it came to those he loved, surviving past so many years of friendship with him. Leaning on over a hundred years, Logan had known loss in more ways than one. Why couldn’t you see that you could lose, too? That because of him, because fate seemed to have damned him to a life of forever losing those he loved, you would lose, too? Why couldn’t you see that by being with him, you were putting your own life on the line? 
“Because I love you, Logan!” 
Logan felt like he’d been kicked in the chest by a horse. “Nothing you or anyone else can say or do will ever convince me that you’re not the good guy. Because you are. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Hell, I’m seeing it right now.”
You gestured to his head. 
The Daisy Chain Flower Crown. 
He’d almost forgotten it was still on his head. 
“Logan, you have spent your entire life looking out for people.”
“They still get hurt.”
“Maybe,” you shrugged. “But that wasn’t your fault. Sometimes there is nothing any of us can do that will stop someone from getting hurt because sometimes that’s just how it’s meant to be. Sometimes we can learn from it, most of the time it’s just a shit part of life. Logan, you are a good guy. Better yet, you’re a good person. You always help when you can. You take care and look out for those you care about.”
You continued. “Whoever told you you’re not the good guy, they were wrong. Plain and simple. If you’re not the good guy, then who sits on a classroom floor at five in the morning cutting out decorations for somebody else's classroom? Who brings me coffee every morning, just how I like it? Who helps a little girl not be afraid of brushing her hair anymore? Who then asks to learn how to style hair so he can do it for her? Who helps set up a Christmas dance, and steps in to help the kids learn how to dance properly?”
That was something you remembered most often. Rogue and Bobby had been struggling to learn how to dance together, forever stepping on each other's toes. Until Logan had been through watching enough second-hand pain and stepped up. 
He had taken your hand in his, setting your book face down on the side table beneath the lamp and talked Rogue and Bobby through it. 
“Logan,” you whispered to him. “I don’t know how to dance.”
“Just follow my lead,” he whispered into your ear. 
You later found out, over a hot cup of tea, that he had learnt to properly dance when he was younger (at least, that’s what he figured from his muscle memory) but most of it came from when he had a short stint as a security guard at a retirement centre where some of the older women would ask him to dance with them before pushing him off to dance with their visiting granddaughters. 
Logan had led you effortlessly, leaving both Rogue and Bobby in shock. Parting from you, Logan helped Rogue learn first, it being clear she wasn’t a natural follower. And then he taught Bobby, making him copy his steps as he moved with an imaginary partner. 
“Who spends entire evenings sitting watching reruns of black and white TV shows with me, even if we’ve seen them a thousand times? Who spends more time holding doors open, grabbing things from the higher shelves, braiding kids' hair when they ask, helping Rogue learn how to bake properly without burning the kitchen down? You do. You do, Logan. Because that is who you are. You are the guy that, even hours later, still wears the flower crown in his hair because someone made it for him.”
You held your hands by his neck, making him look at you. 
“And that is why I love you.” 
His gaze finally zoned in on yours. 
“Because for all your gruffness, grunting and brooding, you are kind. And thoughtful. And considerate. And I don’t think you realise how good you truly are, Logan. I don’t care if you think I’m going to get hurt. What hurts me is you thinking you’re not good enough for me, because you are Logan. You are the guy I could only ever dream of finding, when I was a kid. And even then, I didn’t find you. You found me. Sitting on that hardwood floor in my classroom where you brought me my coffee and gave me your jacket to keep me warm. I love you, Logan Howlett. Nothing can ever change that for me.”
Finally kissing him, you felt every emotion pour not only from yourself but also from Logan. Your kisses bled from his lips, across his cheeks and finally to the side of his neck as his arms wrapped around you, holding you flush against him. 
He didn’t want to let go. 
With one hand in your hair and the other wrapped around your back, Logan pressed you even closer, taking in your scent with his. 
“I love you so much.”
Logan’s words vibrated through your entire system and for a moment, your heart relaxed. Pulling back a little so you could see his face, your thumbs brushed across his cheeks as his forehead pressed against yours. 
“You are my home, Logan. I love you. I always will.”
“I love you, too.”
“Never let me go.”
Logan barely had time to get his words out before his mouth found yours for a second outpouring of emotion. 
Eventually, you both finally made it back upstairs where Logan helped you into a hot bath whilst the sound of old reruns came from your bedroom TV.
After that night, never a day went by where you didn’t tell each other you loved each other. Nor was there a day where Logan didn’t prove you wrong. He was the good guy. He was your home. 
And you loved him for it. 
And he loved you back, just as strongly. 
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thattripleabattery · 8 months ago
a few platonic reader incorrect quotes for Deadpool and Wolverine
Reader can be any gender, sexuality, and age. If you want to know why reader is there, their timeline has already been destroyed from natural causes and is at the tva and was teamed up with Deadpool to keep him in line
Reader: So what's the plan?
Deadpool: I don't know. You're smart, *points at Logan* he’s mean, come up with something.
Reader to Deadpool and Wolverine: with all due respect, which is none
Deadpool: It's nice to be wanted, you know?
Reader: Not by the tva!
Deadpool and Wolverine fighting each other
Reader: can I have a waffle 😢CAN I PLEASE HAVE A WAFFLE😭
Wolverine: I could kill you if I wanted.
Reader: Yeah? So could any other mutant. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
Deadpool: We have fun, don't we, reader?
Reader: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Wolverine to Deadpool: do you have adhd
Reader: I don’t think there’s a name for what he has
Reader: I am though if you’re curious
Reader (point to Wolverine): you push people away and act like an asshole because you’re too afraid to get close to anyone
Reader (points to Deadpool): and you use humor to deflect trauma
Deadpool: Thank you
Reader: I didn't say that was a good thing
Deadpool: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Reader: Holy shit, Logan, do you know what this means?!
Wolverine: Kid, whenever you start doing this, nobody knows what you mean.
Reader: this is what you sound like Logan
Reader: oh Jean this, oh Jean that, oh I’m in love with Jean even though she clearly is with Scott
Reader: like seriously, storm was right there man
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limethefirst · 8 months ago
pairings: Logan Howlett x teen!reader (platonic)
warnings: torture, violence
summary: after a year of being experimented on you’re finally saved and taken to a safe place where it’ll never happen again
a/n: Logan x platonic readers always have me gnawing at the bars of my enclosure so…here’s more!!! Logan is so bbg.. also Void Runner pt3 is in the works🫡
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Normality was something people were used to seeing, most people were what the rest of society would consider ‘normal’.
Those who were considered ‘abnormal’ were mutants; humans who underwent a strange mutation that gave them the X-gene. Many viewed them as dangerous, evil even, many kidnapped and would experiment on them.
Unfortunately for you, you were a mutant, and to make it worse, one who was being experimented on and exploited.
Thankfully there were a group of people who were supposed to help and save these mutants, these people were the X-men. Today was your lucky day, today was the day you’d be saved, if only you knew that.
“Transfer 26 back to their cell,” an unknown guard said to your handler. Your eyes were trained to the ground, you knew talking would only cause punishment.
You’d been here for almost a year, your powers had devolved recently and you were quickly taken away.
The power of protection, or so that’s what most of the lab workers said. You had to power to conjure force fields around you as well as others or other objects, but you weren’t able to hold it for long; another perk of the power was you could conjure half shields, something you’d be able to use if you ever needed to protect only the front part of your body.
The walk back to your cell was taking its toll on your body, the constant pain and pressure you were put through finally attacking at you. Your wrists and neck itchy from whatever metal was around it, suppressing your powers.
Finally you tilted your head up, noticing the lack of mutants in the cells as you walked, you believed you were the last one left, the others dying from neglect or refusal to cooperate.
Before being able to be put into your cell, a loud ringing began to blaring over the compound, red lights flashed and everything shut down.
That’s when you saw him, The Fucking Wolverine.
His claws looked as if they were glistening against the contrast of the red, you watched as he began to take down many of the guards, each one down by the second. Your handler grabbed his smaller pistol; hidden within his lab coat for moments like this, but instead of aiming it at the beast in front of him, he grabbed you by your shirt.
He held the gun against your temple, the cold metal making a shiver go down your spine.
“Let the kid go,” You could hear Wolverines voice, it was stern but you could tell he was pissed; his jaw was clenched and his fist got tighter, his claws covered in blood, as was the floor.
It was almost as if luck had decided to visit you for the first time in years, because suddenly, everything shut down, the power was gone. The item suppressing your powers had just fallen down. The metal clinking against the floor.
This was your chance.
Quickly you summoned a shield around yourself, hearing a gun go off by your ear; but instead of a thump of a body hitting the floor, all that was heard was the sound of a bullet hitting the ground.
This was when Wolverine took the chance the strike, killing the man in an instant.
The man turned back to you, his face held not much emotion, maybe a hint of pity.
You weren’t able to say much, before you knew it you had passed out, perhaps the exhaustion from earlier finally caught up to you.
You slowly began to wake up, the room was the bright, it looked like a doctor’s office. You looked down, your white prison like clothes not replaced with a gown.
A taller woman entered the room, she noticed your eyes had opened, she gave you a warm smile and introduced herself as Dr Jean Grey, quickly excusing herself to go get the rest of the faculty.
Each person had said their hellos and such, besides two, the man in the wheel chair and Wolverine. The man in front of you began to talk but his mouth wasn’t moving, it was strange but he let himself explain before carrying on.
“Hello there dear,” the voice echoed in your mind, “I am Charles Xavier, I’m currently speaking to you through your mind if you haven’t noticed,” he looked at you for acknowledgment before continuing, “I’ve been looking for you for quite some time now, you’re currently at my school for gifted children, a place for mutant kids to learn about their abilities away from those who fear them, I’m here to offer you a place to stay.”
Charles looked at you, a warm smile on his face. He hoped you take him up on his offer, “I’d like that a lot,” you replied in your mind, assuming he’d be able to hear you as well. This was confirmed when he nodded at you and slowly left the room, but not before saying something you couldn’t hear to whoever was left in the room.
You looked at the man who’d saved you, his arms were crossed and he stood tall before you, “Listen kid, since you’re staying I’ll be helping you out a bit around here to you get used to it,” he said looking at your bruised arms, “I’m sure Charles told you what this place is and what not,”
But before he could say anything else you cut him off, “You’re name,” was all you could mutter before he finished his sentence.
“What?” He asked, confused by what you meant.
“What’s you’re name”
“Logan, I’ll be your history teacher and combat instructor,”
You blinked, confused before understanding he was probably a teacher here.
“Y/N, I’m Y/N,” you looked at the man, seeing if he’d say anything else, “Where will I stay?” You asked him.
“We have dorms, I’ll show you to yours right now, it’ll give you time to change and explore the place,”
“Hm alright, thank you”
“Don’t mention it kid,”
Logan showed you your room, it was ten times bigger than cage they held you in. Their first thing you did when Logan finally left was shower, once you exited you saw some clothes on the bed, with a note from another teacher here who you knew as Ororo or Storm.
Quickly you changed into the clothes, wanting to see the place.
When you left the room you noticed the hallway with a bunch of other doors, many rooms were empty; there was still lots of room for new mutants to make this their home too.
Slowly you made your way to the main hall, there were many other kids your age, each one with a special ability of some sort, you saw one kid with ice, another going through walls.
You started to make your way outside next, seeing more kids playing. Suddenly you hear someone yell.
“Watch out!” You put out your hands, a shield forming around the front of your figure. The kids who threw what seemed to be a football all cheered, before asking you to throw it back to them, which you hesitantly did.
You turned back around ready to head inside when someone stopped you.
“Didn’t think I’d get to see you use your power again so soon kid,” Logan was now at your side, walking you to the door.
“Would you rather I get a football to the head?” You smiled at him, a playful tug at your lips.
“So what do you think of the place?” He asked you, slightly eyeing your figure, trying to see if you felt comfortable yet.
“It’s big,” he smirked at your words, big was an understatement in his opinion. Then a sigh left you, “I feels like too much for me to take in, I can’t believe this isn’t a dream,”
Logan stopped walking, this causing you to stop too and look at him; he put his hand on your shoulder and looking you into your eyes, “Trust me, it feels like that at first but I promise you’re safe here now, if ever need someone you can always come find one of us, got it bub?”
“I got it Logan,” You gave him a warm smile, and you felt yourself feel somewhat better. The two of you began to walk back inside, you felt safer knowing you had someone in your corner now.
“Do you guys have Oreos here?”
“I can get you some.”
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yoditopascal · 7 months ago
Like A Prayer (Part One)
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summary: best friends with wade you’re always being dragged into something even when he’s not trying to, what are you to do when you find the fate of your timeline in the hands of yourself, your chaotic merc and an angry wolverine who’s hellbent on drinking himself to death?
content warning: romance, some angst, a little fluff, character deaths, canon-typical violence, smut, lots of cussing, mutual pining, found family, drug and alcohol use, reader insert but with no use of y/n cuz I hate that shit, deadpool being deadpool, mentions of poor mental health (depression anxiety and ptsd mostly), scent marking, the honda odyssey scene needs a warning all on its own MINORS DNI
a/n: lots of wade in this one but no wolverine just yet!
tag list: @allmyn1ghts, @oscarissac2099
Masterlist//Next Chapter
Not Ok
Flashes of images invaded your mind. You were in a tank, arms restrained to your sides as the oxygen was slowly sucked out of the chamber, suffocating you. Your nails digging into the leather cushioning beneath you as you try to claw your way out.
Now you were strapped to a table, an array of needles embedded into your arms and legs as you were injected painfully with all kinds of different things you weren’t even sure of.
You startled awake before the sound of your alarm had a chance to rouse you from your sleep. Groggily you run a shaky hand over your face before rolling over to grab your phone checking the time. You still had about 3 hours before it was time to get up and get ready for work. Knowing you most likely weren’t going to go back to sleep, not that you wanted to anyways, you toss the covers off of you and head to the bathroom.
You turn the water of the shower on, waiting for it to heat up as you stand back up you catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, taking in your disheveled appearance you sigh as you lean over the sink.
There’s visible dark circles under your eyes from being torn from sleep countless times over the last few months. You were sure why the nightmares had started back up again, it had been years since you had been freed from the Weapon X program so why was it all coming back now?
Pulling your tank top over your head you quickly undressed and hopped into the shower. The water cascaded over you, the warmth a welcome relief. You closed your eyes, as you felt your tired muscles slowly start to relax under the soothing spray. Lathering up your soap on a loofa you quickly washed and dried yourself putting on ample amounts of makeup to hide your dark circles.
Once dressed you sat down at your little table in the kitchen and helped yourself to a bowl of cereal as you checked your phone again.
So much shit was happening in the world, genocides, corrupt politicians running for power, starving children. It was all you saw anytime you opened up anything and it was all too much. The world was going to complete shit
You lock your phone and check the time, you still had about an hour before work. Slipping on your shoes you grab your keys and your bag and head out the door nearly bumping into Wade who was munching on a bagel in the hallway.
“Jesus fuck Wade!” You said placing a hand over your rapidly beating heart. “You scared the shit outta me!”
“My bad pookie bear. Didn’t know you worked today.” He said with a shrug adjusting his wig as he did so.
“Almost every day this week.” You said with a sigh rubbing a hand down your tired face. You had been doing that a lot lately. “God I’m so tired.”
“I hear OnlyFans is really popping off right now.”Wade said but it was hard to tell if he was joking or not with his straight face.
“Yeah? So what, you and Vanessa can be my only subscribers?” You snorted with an exaggerated laugh.
“I know for a fact Colossus would pay top dollar for a sneak peak of your toes!”
The sound of your ex's name made you grimace. Not that you had any ill will towards him, you were both still good friends albeit a bit awkward now that you’ve dated for a short time, but you still didn’t want the thought of him anyway near anything sexual you did.
“Hard pass.”
“Suit yourself.” Wade said taking another bite from his bagel and you two walked down the hall together.
You start to rub at your forehead as you felt a headache coming on as you walked, another occurrence that had started to happen more and more often.
“More nightmares?” Wade asks, his voice laced with concern as he watched you.
“Yeah…but don’t worry about it Wade.” You could handle yourself, a few ibuprofen and you’d be fine.
He calls your name, as if to say it’s too late not to be worried about you, but you wave him off as you dig around in your backpack for a second before pulling out a small black envelope.
“Happy birthday by the way! You’re hard as fuck to shop for so I hope you like it.” You smile at him as you hold out the gift hoping to change the subject.
With an exaggerated gasp Wade tosses his bagel behind him and holds up his hands up in surprise before taking the envelope from you, and ripping it open. Inside were two tickets to a Celine Dion concert, one of his favorite artists.
“Oh my-!” He starts with a gasp “I didn’t even know she was touring!” He cried excitedly as he pulled you into a tight hug.
“Yeah I had to basically stalk Ticketmaster for those so you’re welcome.” You said returning the hug.
“Sugar booger! I love it!” He said releasing you.
“Now you just gotta figure out who to take with you.” You said as you bump shoulders with him. “Maybe Peter….oooor I don’t know maybe a certain someone we all know and love who works at a particular strip club that we like to visit on occasion?”
“Peanut…” Wade warned, you held up your hands in surrender. It was like a kid trying to get their divorced parents back together.
“Look, all I’m saying is it wouldn’t hurt to ask her.”
“I’ll think about it.” He says quietly as he stares out deep in thought.
With that the two of you part ways, wishing each other a good day at work, Wade heading for his bike where Peter was waiting and waving at you, and you heading toward the bus stop.
Work at the pet shop was the same as always, mundane and mind numbing but it paid the rent so who were you to complain about it. You had your fair share of zooted teens coming in to ask dumbass questions and waste your time as well as the occasional fish snob who complained about the size of your tanks but all of that was typical of a normal day and honestly made it go by quicker. By the time you realized what time it was it was time to clock out and head on home to help set up for Wade’s surprise party.
Once home you dropped off your bag and changed your clothes putting on a loose fitted t-shirt and jeans with a cardigan before heading over to Wade’s place with a bunch of drinks. You didn’t drink much but everytime Wade went out on a “business trip”, as he called them, back in his Deadpool days he’d bring you back a bottle of something.
Inside Wade and Blind Al’s apartment across the hall, many of your mutual friends were already busy at work setting up for the party. Colossus Ellie and Yukio were busy blowing up balloons and decorating while Dopinder Buck and Vanessa were busy setting up the food spread.
Looking around yourself you felt a small smile tug at the corner of your lips, all around you were the people you and Wade loved the most and you were incredibly lucky to have them in your lives after everything you all had been through over the years. A pang in your chest made you hold a hand over it and your smile dropped. Something still felt missing though and no matter how hard you thought about it you just couldn’t place what it was.
“How you doing sweetheart?” A soft voice pulled you from your thoughts. Whipping around you were pulled into a tight hug by Blind Al.
“I’m doing alright.” You smiled weakly “How’d you know it was me?”
“I’m blind not deaf sweetheart,” she said “ain’t nobody else here sighing that hard but you and Wade and Wade’s not here yet.”
“Your dreams still giving you trouble?” She asks as she leads you further into the home.
“I wouldn’t say dreams, more like night terrors but yeah they are a little.” You say as you place the bag said booze you bought on the kitchen counter and follow Al to the living room where she seated herself comfortably in her recliner. “It’s nothing to worry about though.”
“Don’t bullshit a bullshitter baby.”
For someone who was blind Al sure could see right through you sometimes.
“I’m probably just stressed is all.” You try to downplay the situation but Al wasn’t having it.
“It’s been months.” She says matter of factly.
“It’s been a stressful few months.”
“Look… I may not have been there when you and Wade went through what you went through in that program but it’s over now. It’s done and that Ajax guy can’t hurt you anymore.” She said resting a hand in her arm gently.
Al hadn’t been a part of the Weapon X program like you and Wade had been but that hadn’t stopped him from telling her in excruciating detail about all the horrible shit you both had gone through during it.
“I know Al I just-“ you start but stop not fully knowing how to describe what you felt. “I just wish I could switch my brain off, just hit the reset button and be done with it but I- can’t get the memories outta my head.”
“I know sweetheart it’s gonna take time but time ain’t gonna do shit if you don’t let people in to help you.”
You knew she was right but you’d be damned if you’d admit it out loud.
“When did this turn into a therapy session? I thought this was supposed to be a party.”
“Smart ass.” She said tapping you on the leg with her cane. “Go help Vanessa make the jungle juice before he gets home. I’m gonna go see if that dumbass has any Bolivian marching powder left in his stash.” With that she stood to her feet and went to her’s and Wade’s shared bedroom
“Oh Al come on! I thought you guys were done with that.” You called after her with a frown.
“Not till I’m dead babygirl.” She called back and if she could you think she’d wink at you.
Back in the kitchen you and Vanessa make quick work mixing and setting up the drink you bought making light conversation as you do so.
“So-“ she starts off but pauses as if deep in thought for a moment.
“So?” You ask curiously as you take a sip of the alcoholic punch taste testing to see if it needed anything.
“You uh seeing anybody new yet?” She asks.
You nearly choke on your drink in surprise.
“N-no I uh no I’m not.” You stuttered trying to compose yourself. “Are you?”
“Y-yeah there’s this guy. I met him at work, he’s kind.”
You could tell she was lying, but didn’t speak on it.
“Y’know, I hear Colossus has been talking about you to Ellie a lot lately.”
Here we go again you thought.
“Oh nah hard pass we tried that dance already didn’t really work out.” You waved her off, but she continued anyway.
“I’m just saying he’s a nice guy, and he’s big, like everywhere, and made of metal, that’s like totally your thing. Remember when we saw the Winter Soldier and you wouldn’t shut up about Bucky’s metal arm?”
Not she was calling you out.
“Just think about it hun, you're always stuck up in your apartment or at work, you’re lonely and I think a little human connection would do you some good.”
“Yeah alright I’ll think about it.” She smiles at you before caressing your cheek, like she was the big sister you never knew you had.
“But only if you think about giving Wade another chance too.” You slip in “Deal?”
She contemplates for a moment before she smiles back at you again. You knew she still had feelings for the man and so did he.
Before either of you could change the topic of your conversation the front door opened up again, this time revealing Peter and Wade.
“Surprise!” Everyone shouted as Dopinder Ellie and Yukio threw confetti into the air.
“Oh you guys!” Wade gasps dramatically. “You’re lucky I’m not armed!”
“If this was five years ago you’d all be dead.” He laughed as he went around hugging everyone.
The party went on without a hitch. Wade intermingling with everyone as he was passed around the room. You stayed in your own little corner as you watched sipping on your third drink for the evening. Parties weren’t really your thing but for Wade you’d endure them when you had to. Just as you were about to move to get yourself another drink you spotted Wade and Vanessa talking quietly amongst themselves in the kitchen hovering over the punch bowl. With a smile just glad they were finally talking to each other you thought it better not to disturb them for the time being.
Soon after however you all found yourselves piling into the kitchen as Wade called for everyone to come and cut the cake. Wade snapped a few pictures on Yukio’s Polaroid, making some cheesy speech about how lucky he was to be surrounded each and every person he ever loved in one room, something you rolled your eyes at even though you had found yourself thinking the same thing just earlier, before going to make a wish blowing out his birthday candles as he did so.
The party continued to progress throughout the night and the stuffiness of all the bodies in the room was starting to get to you. Excusing yourself from conversing with Buck and Peter you step out into the hallway for a moment to try and get some air. Your head felt like it was swimming, probably from all the alcohol and not enough food, and you were starting to feel nauseated as a pounding sound hammered through your skull. Eventually you decided to take a step outside to get some actual air to see if that would help.
After a handful of greedy gulps of the fresh night air you finally decide to return to the party before anyone came looking for you. Once inside your hallway you spotted Wade first, but he wasn’t alone this time. Surrounding him were at least 5 guys all dressed in black body armor and masks with weird electrical looking batons in their grasps. Immediately your defenses rose as you silently crept up behind them.
“Oh peanut, you came back! I’d offer to let you join in on the orgy but I don’t think this guy here’s down for sharing me.” Wade quips as he sucks on a breath mint leaning on his doorway. His comment drew most of the men’s attention towards you but not before he drew it back to himself. It seemed that they could care less that you were even there. “He’s got this whole hate sex, love 'em and leave' em vibe going for him right now.”
“Shut your mouth clown!” The guy in the front snaps as he goes to grab Wade by his toupee. Just as he grabs it an orange doorway opens up behind Wade and a pair of arms reach out pulling him inside causing his hair system to get ripped off.
“Wade!” You shout as you sprung into action, using all your weight you shove two of the guys causing the three of you to fall through the strange orange doorway just before it closed behind you.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 11 months ago
OH MY GOD imagine platonic yandere adults, find out that the reader is their biological child somehow. Maybe from one of the scientists while doing some test and yans find out they need all of there reactions, especally if Wanda and peitro find out they have another sibling.
Ooooooh, yes! Yeah, that WOULD make things different. Because now the adult/s in question feel more attached (or entitled) to Reader, especially if they were someone who turned out very different from them (as in, saner and maybe a bit nicer)...
If it was Magneto who was Reader's biological parent, surprise, he's now doubling his efforts to free himself, his kids, Charles, and the rest of them out. And those who harmed his kids? They'll be dead when he's done with them. Of course, he is going to try and get closer to Reader, attempt to tell them what he now knows. Hopefully they believe him...
If Charles Xavier is Reader's biological parent, oh, what's this? A few guards mysteriously ended up in a coma? Oh, some head scientist who saw him went insane? That's nothing to worry about, but let's talk, try to calm down, and enjoy a bit of peace, shall we? Yeah, Xavier is ready to keep Reader safe, be it by incapacitating their abusers or simply helping calm his kid down. He wants to badly tell them their relation, but he's aware that it might not be a good time. But on the other hand, he doesn't know how long any of them have...
If Logan is Reader's biological parent, he's scared. He doesn't want them to get hurt, and he doesn't want them to be used as a weapon. He also doesn't want to hurt them. But he also wants to be close to them, wants to protect them. He's worried even more, because they could get hurt just for being related to him. He feels like he can be a bit more feral around them if he's their parent, because it's just as likely they're feral, too, and neither one of them would hurt the other when they're like that, would they? He'll be by their side as long as he can, and he'll try his best to keep them safe. He just hopes Reader survives long enough so they can escape...
If Victor was Reader's biological parent, he's ready to break out even sooner. He has a cub? And they're hurt? And they're sweet? And they're his blood? Ooooooooh, he's going to be goring those lab rats when he's free. He can share his kid with Jimmy, Logan, his runt, but the others? ... He'll think about it. He gets more possessive of them, more protective. If Reader is his by blood, then he feels he should have a say in how they handle them... And he won't hurt them, he'll try not to, but they shouldn't run if he goes to collect them. They don't need to be scared of their papa, right? He's keeping them safe, getting rid of their enemies and freeing their friends and uncle...
If Ororo was Reader's biological parent, she'd be very loving and motherly towards them. She'd happily accept them, and she'd be happy to take care of them. She's sorry they're in this situation, and wishes they could have found this all out some other way, but she hopes that they can move past their trauma and heal together, along with Evan and their friends. She will be electrocuting anyone who lays hands on them, and will be keeping Reader close once they've all escaped. She just has to break the news to them first, that they are related... Hopefully it won't make things worse, finding out about all of this...
Mystique would feel happy about it. One of her kids actually likes her? And this child is friends were her other two children? It's perfect! Perhaps she can finally reconnect with them, the way she's wanted to for a long time. She however hates that they're all stuck in this death trap of a place. She'll get rid of the ones who did this to them, and then they can all go home. She has to do this. If not, she could very well lose them all before they've got the chance to leave. She just hopes she can tell Reader about this newfound information next time she sees them...
Hank would enjoy knowing this, while also being bewildered. He, has a child? Him? When did this happen? And with who? Where? Why? It doesn't matter, he supposes. It just matters that he tells them, eventually. And that they survive, and get out. He knows his team, his family, will accept Reader, they already do, so knowing Reader is his kid will only make him more able to have a claim over them, to truly parent them. He already has ideas, and he's so ready to be done with this awful place. All they have to do is make it awhile longer, and it will only be a bad memory...
(I'd gladly discuss each possible parent option further, but I myself like any of the feral guys as possible parents for Reader. What can I say? They're my comfort characters! But I would find it fun if Reader were someone's hidden kid/clone... What do y'all have in mind over this?)
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csint3rlude · 19 days ago
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summary: after y/n gets hurt, logan becomes all parental and almost worried about them.
authors note: i need logan to be my dad. like so bad. i want him to get paternal over me he’s literally my father. kind of implied fem reader but i tried to keep it gender neutral. teen reader obviously, and there’s also a few mentions of blood to look out for.
word count: 0.7k || masterlist
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logan was acting like you’d ran into the wall on purpose.
you were running around with kitty, trying to get the thing she’d stolen from you when she phased through the wall, causing you to run face first into it.
it probably would’ve been really funny, if logan wasn’t turning the corner at the same time and your nose didn’t just happen start bleeding, giving him the perfect reason to start fussing.
of course it wasn’t exactly a bad reason to fuss and complain about, you were bleeding after all. but it wasn’t really a lot and you ended up getting the thing back anyway.
immediately he’d sighed, and helped you up before he gestured for you to follow him and say you down on the first chair he found, wandering off for a few moments to try and find a cloth. since it was common for people to get injured in the mansion, it didn’t take him very long.
“y’need to be more careful.” he was saying the second he came back, while he stood there and shook his head.
logan’s expression was blank and deadpan while he stood there and scolded you for something not completely your fault. he knew it had been an accident and it wasn’t that big of a deal, but he was still clearly concerned and was making it clear.
“see that?” he grumbled, gesturing to your nose, “ain’t supposed to happen. noses shouldn’t be bloody.”
you sighed and glanced up at him from where you were sitting, towel held under your nose to try and stop the blood from spilling everywhere.
“i didn’t do it on purpose, logan,” you began to defend yourself, “i was trying to get something back from kitty.”
logan immediately hit you with a side eye and eyebrow raise. the ‘are you kidding me?’ look was evident.
“and y’didn’t see the wall?” he asked after a few seconds, sarcasm evident in his tone.
“obviously i saw the wall, i just didn’t have time to stop.” you defended yourself once again.
logan’s stare turned into somewhat of a half smile before he came over and leaned on the wall beside you.
his hand gently hit the back of your head before it rested there. he returned, “‘m just messin’ with ya, kid. i know you couldn’t stop, i watched the damn thing happen.”
about five seconds later he reached over and took the blood-stained cloth. the hand on the back of your head moved to rest on the side and he gently held you in place while his other hand used the cloth to wipe the remaining blood.
he remained quiet for an extra couple of minutes while he focused, making sure that the bleeding had stopped.
“y’alright?” he inquired when he was finished, the question quiet due to his focus on making sure the bleeding had fully stopped.
you nodded, briefly glancing up at him and running a quick finger under your nose to feel for any wetness, which there was none. “i’m fine now, thanks.”
he gave a little grunt as his way of saying you’re welcome, and after a few more minutes of inspection he leaned back against the wall and tossed the bloody cloth to the side.
logan didn’t seem to want to speak anymore, and he seemed to be a bit zoned out before he muttered out of the blue, “don’t anythin’ to happen t’you, kid. i know it was just a nosebleed, but it can always be worse. remember when scott fell down the stairs?”
you almost giggled at the memory before nodding and responding, “yeah, i remember you laughing so hard i thought you might pass out.”
he gave you a simple blank look, before that same half smile came back for a moment. “it was pretty funny. but that’s not the point. the point is he almost broke his damn leg.”
his concern was met with a halfhearted sigh and a slightly guilty tone. “i know, i know..”
“just.. be careful.” he muttered back. he chose to be silent for a few minutes after, seemingly deep in thought.
he decided to say afterwards, mostly teasingly, “try not t’chase kitty of all people next time. she might phase through the damn floor or somethin’.”
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brunettemarionette · 4 months ago
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𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫
↠ female reader. no description of features. no mentions of size.
a/n: pictures made by me, spoilers I guess if you haven't watched Deadpool? No warnings just fluff and dumbassery.
Some time after Deadpool & Wolverine, they get back together, and you're a total surprise for them despite the two wanting a baby before Vanessa died.
"So... are we having a Sonny or a Cher?"
Not being called either of those names and definitely not being called anything 'strippery'... or Wade Jr, Wada, Darth Wader and definitely not Todd, either.
No matter how much Wade worried about being like his dad, all that went out the window when you were actually born.
"I've only had a daughter for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself... come back to life fuck shit up and die again. Rinse and repeat."
Wade leaving you with Blind Al as a babysitter (sometimes she wouldn't even realize you're there).
"Wade, you can't just leave the baby with a blind person." *Surprise Pikachu Deadpool * "...ableist..."
I feel like Wade, at some point, either dropped you or you fell when you were a kid, but it's for the best since that's how he and Vanessa found out that you're a chip off the ole' block when you heal super fast.
Despite what Vanessa thought when they first agreed to make a baby, they did, in fact, make a 'super baby.'
Always following your 'Uncle' Logan around no matter how much he tries to get rid of you.
"'Babypool' go-... play or something, okay kid?"
Growing up surrounded by mutants means you never think you're different or a freak but instead becoming very protective of your mom. After a talk with your dad about your mom dying, you realize just how fragile people are.
Surprisingly, Wade makes a great girl dad. He does the tea party thing and, of his own accord, puts on the dress and clip earrings; he serves tea to the plush bears and scoffs when others mock him.
"Clearly, you people have no class."
As you got older, you started to look more like your mom, but no matter what situation you found yourself in, you could stop the snark, so much so that it earned you the nickname 'Mini mouth' – Wade was so proud.
Wade took you to the roof of the building to 'bond,' which Vanessa knew was him teaching you how to fight – something she was okay with until you both fell off the roof... more than once.
Them both knowing that despite wanting to give you a normal childhood and life you were going to be some kind or 'hero/antihero'. So they roll with the punches, and Wade makes sure you know exactly what you need to know about it.
"No, spermpool, red is my color. Just ask your mom when we-"
"Ew, Dad... and don't call me that."
On that note, investing in headphones was something you picked up the older you got, asking the store which ones cancel noise the best and then buying earbuds to go with them.
"Minipool, Girlpool, not-as-good-deadpool, Wishpool... ow... okay! We'll think of a better name for you!"
Despite you and your dad both being mercs who have been killed or hurt in every which way, your mom still rules the house. That's how you two find your katanas confiscated when you started playing 'Star Wars' during Thanksgiving.
Your dad makes a lot of Batman and Robin jokes when you're working together, only after he made a weird Batman and Catwoman joke until he realized why that was gross. So you became his Robin.
For someone so laid back about love and sex, Wade is very protective when it comes to you. Seeing the bad guys flirt with you, his deadpan snark reaches a few levels higher than his norm – it doesn't help when your mom hypes up your catsuit.
"I told you we should have gotten her a costume like what the lady three floors down wears."
“Red, that's a Muumuu.”
Being impulsive is like an inherited trait from both of them, which just makes up a chaotic household, and yet you all love every minute of it.
"One of the best things my dad ever gave me, not by choice, are these two gold-plated 50 caliber desert eagle pistoleros...."
𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀
The Nights by Avicii
GDFR by Flo Rida
X gon' give it to ya by DMX
𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗧𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝘀:
Chaotic parents x Inherited Chaos (you)
Matching Family Energy
Dumbasses (wade, you) x Oh, those are my dumbasses (vanessa)
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captain-tch · 7 months ago
Anchor (Logan Howlett x GN!PlatonicReader)
Logan finds you when the memories of the past threaten to swallow you whole Warning: mentions of self harm, implied suicidal thoughts below the cut
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There was so much blood. Tents where you once huddled with your friends, laughing, talking, bonding were in ribbons, the poles keeping them upright having been ripped from the ground. One of the poles was skewered inside a body, the face hidden by the red spray masking their features. Fire pits where you once warmed your hands and toasted marshmallows had been destroyed, the thick smell of ash consuming all of your senses. A charred hand reached towards another, mere inches from touching each other. The makeshift laundry lines had been broken, leaving clothes strewn across the ground, muddied footprints and blood stains marrying the materials. And then there were the bodies.
So many bodies. 
You knelt in the middle of it all, unable to move a single muscle. Your friends, your family, all dead. You were the lone survivor. 
It didn’t feel fair - what made you different from the others? What made you worthy of being alive, whilst your knees sank into their pools of blood and their skin grew cold around you? 
You didn’t even move, or speak, as you heard footfalls behind you. You didn’t look up as people descended upon the crime scene, where you most likely looked like the perpetrator. You just prayed that those who caused this harm had returned to finish the job. However, the horror was only beginning. 
“Hey, we missed one!” 
You stared at your reflection with venom in your eyes. Your gaze honed onto the jagged scar running from the corner of your mouth all the way down to your collarbone. Similar wounds ghosted down your body, but this was the one you could never hide from. The feelings rushed you like a wave - rough hands shoving your shoulders into the ground, their hands leaving bruises, a menacing grin leering down at you, the coolness of the blade as it was first caressed against your skin. The fiery hot pain that lit up your entire being when the knife was plunged into your skin. The feeling of hot liquid rushing out the wound, the overwhelming taste of iron hijacking your senses. 
A bubble of anger and hatred began to boil in your veins. The memories kept flooding you, until you couldn’t remember where you were or what was happening or when you were. All you knew was the pain and the terror and the hate.  
A scream ripped out of you. You grabbed the nearest thing your fingers landed on, a small metal bin, and hurled it with all of your might to the mirror. The crash was like music to your ears, the shards flying around you in slow motion. You didn’t feel them slice at your skin. You didn’t feel the blood well or the liquid slip down your skin. You felt absolutely nothing at all.  
It wasn’t enough. You could still see their faces, frozen in death. You could still smell the fire and ash and burning flesh and you couldn’t stop feeling like you were standing back at your campsite all over again and - 
Your fist flew at the shattered fragments. A delicious fire consumed your knuckles. The images fizzled slightly, then overpowered you. You became starved for that feeling of relief, craving the sweet moment of ecstasy where all your brain could focus on was the agony rippling through your hand. 
Again and again you sent your fist flying into the glass, the hits becoming less coordinated as blood coated every surface you could see.
Bodies burned to a crisp. 
A singular shoe discarded in the mud. 
A knife glinting in the light, glowing brighter as it got closer to your face. 
You were so absorbed in seeking relief you didn’t hear how the thud of your fist matched the one coming from behind, until yours was the only thuds once again. You didn’t hear the tirade of swear words leaving their lips, or your name being repeated over and over again. You weren’t in this reality anymore, too deep into your nightmare of memories to escape. 
A pair of muscular arms wrapped around your chest, dragging you from the mirror. A sob wracked through you - now the images were hitting you ten fold, and no matter how much you struggled in your captor's grasp you couldn’t escape. In the jagged remains of the reflection on the wall, you saw Logan behind you, concern painted over his face. 
“Ssh.” A voice soothed in your ear. You thrashed against them even harder - you didn’t deserve comfort, you deserved to be with your family. 
“Let me do it.” You begged, unsure what exactly you were asking for, only knowing you wanted the leaden guilt and torment to be erased from your being. “I just want it to stop.”
“This is not how it’s done.” Logan held you tighter, gently leading you away from the bathroom. You tried to fight back; god, you were so tired. You were tired of fighting back the memories, or pretending to be okay. You were exhausted. 
You crumpled in his arms, leaning heavily into him. His body didn’t falter, only grasped you tighter. You turned to bury your face in their shoulder, trying and failing to stop the images of terror and agony from flashing across your retinas. 
“What can you see?” His gruff voice asked. 
You froze, the words sinking in. Your brows furrowed, struggling to comprehend what he was asking. “What?” 
“Name five things you can see.” 
Your breathing quickened. “Broken tents -” 
“No,” Logan grabbed your shoulders, firmly pulling you away from his neck. He held you at arms length, staring deep into your eyes. “Here, now. What can you see?” 
“Um,” you sniffled, gently pulling your attention from him to the rest of the room. “Glass. A toilet. Shower. Tap. You.” 
“What can you touch?” 
You sought your senses, reaching out to all of your nerves. “Your flannel, the floor, my clothes, my blood.” 
“What can you hear?” 
Forcing your eyes to close, you tried to turn off your other senses, focusing on your hearing. The distant dripping of the tap snatched your attention. Logan’s steady breathing. Faintly, you could hear shouts and playful screams of children from the hall. 
“What can you smell?” 
The answer flew out of your mouth without even needing to think - it was the smell of safety, the first thing you smelt after you escaped from death's clutches. It was what you smelt as you were carried away from the cemetery that was once your home. “Cigar smoke.” 
“What can you taste?” 
Your lips turned slightly at the corners. “Scott’s shitty bolognese.”
Logan kept you at arm's length, taking you in. Your breathing was laboured, but it was evening out. Your eyes appeared more focused and he felt you could actually seem him now.  
“You good now?” 
You contemplated it. The guilt still lay heavy on your shoulders, and the memories were always playing in your brain, except now it was muted enough that you felt like you could cope. Your heart rate had resumed its usual pace and you didn’t have the urge to smash glass.
“That’s a stretch,” you sniffled, wiping at your nose. “But I’m better. Thank you.” 
“Let’s get you to the infirmary.” 
“No!” Your hand shot out, snatching at his shirt, smearing blood on it. “Please, no.” 
His brow quipped. 
“I don’t want them to see me like this.” 
Logan sighed, assessing your injuries and thinking for a beat. “Fine, but you can’t complain about my bedside manner.”
He wanted to go get a first aid kit; he didn’t want to leave you alone. He used his best judgement, hoping the cuts he could see were as minor as they appeared, grabbing a rag and running it over a faucet, being careful to avoid the glass. He came back to your bed, where you sat on the edge staring after him. He knelt in front of you, opening his palm flat to you. You moved your hand into his, wincing at the sight. Your knuckles looked like they’d been massacred, red coating so much of your skin you couldn’t even see the cuts. Without warning, he dragged the fabric across your wounded skin, a flame of pain following in its wake. You tensed up, squeezing your jaw tight to keep the hiss quiet. 
“You know, this isn’t the best way to deal with your feelings.” Logan’s eyes darted up to connect with yours. 
You scoffed. The hypocrisy wasn’t lost on you - many times you had walked into the gym to see him destroying the boxing bag, blood being flung in every direction. “Coming from the expert, clearly.” 
“I can heal.” 
“That’s so not the point.” 
He grunted, dismissing your argument. He carried on his work, his grip on you tight but gentle as the blood disappeared wipe by wipe, revealing the skin beneath. Your skin was littered with cuts; thankfully they seemed minor, them having already stopped oozing blood. 
“Look, kid, you ever speak to anyone about what happened?” 
“Did you?” Logan huffed, frowning at you. You ignored his reaction, watching as he finished cleaning one hand and started on the other. “There’s nothing to talk about.” 
Logan stared pointedly at you. “I’ve lived over a century and survived a war - you can’t fool me.” 
“Honestly, I’m fine.” 
“The mirror says otherwise.” 
A bubble of anger exploded in your gut. Your words were flung like knives, their edge sharp. “Why does everyone have to keep asking me about how I feel? Is it really that important to have feelings? Why can’t I just bury it deep down til it disappears?” 
“I wish that was how it worked. Stuff like this doesn’t go away overnight. You shove it down, it gets ugly, infected. It’ll turn you into a different person.” 
“Is that what happened to you?” 
A few beats passed, then some more. You worried you had crossed a boundary - this man saved you, and was saving you again, and here you were opening up his wounds whilst he helped clean yours. 
He surprised you by breaking the silence, his voice so low you had to strain to listen. “...Something like that.” 
“No offence, but why should I take advice from someone who clearly doesn’t take it themselves?” 
“Take it or leave it, that’s your call. It changes nothing for me.” He shrugged, wiping away the last bit of the blood. He evaluated his work, carefully turning your hand left and right, assessing for any further wounds he couldn’t see.  
“Either way, it’s going to destroy me, isn’t it?” 
He paused, eyes flitting to yours. He surprised you yet again, sending you a small smile. “Great thing about destruction - it leaves room for something new.”
“Hm.” You pondered it for a minute. “That was very wise of you, you’re starting to show your age.” 
Logan brushed off your attempt at humour, his face turning serious. “Let’s just get one thing clear - this,” he gestured to the bathroom, where the glass still lay shattered on the floor. “Is not going to be a habit.” 
“Why do you care?” 
“Because I only have a few shirts and you’ve already stained two of them.” 
You looked at his white top, cringing. It had smears of red, marrying the immaculate white. “Sorry.” 
Logan waved it off. He threw the rag to the floor, bringing himself up to his full height. He towered over you, yet you felt no fear at his size. You felt at ease, enjoying how his shadow fell over you. 
“What do you suggest instead?” 
“Find me. We can spend some time working on your god awful fighting form.” 
“It’s not that bad!” 
“Whatever you say.” He smirked. A warmth blossomed in your chest. 
Maybe you wouldn’t feel like this forever. Maybe the memories would overwhelm you less and less with time, but they would never disappear. They would always haunt you, lingering in the back of your consciousness. But the man in front of you, your friend, would help keep you grounded. He would be your anchor. And he’d never admit it, but you’d do the same for him too.  
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incorrectanything · 8 months ago
Wade: Logan and I are having a baby!
Y/N: That's gre-
Wade, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
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softfem-dom · 5 months ago
xmen2000!logan with telepath teen!reader headcanons
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✰ okay so, think back to Logan on his first days at the School.
✰ he acted like a surly cat that refuses to accept affection. Side-eyeing everything and everyone, not listening to anyone, scoffing and scowling, rolling his eyes, and being a massive dick.
✰ (he was just pissed because he had to stay in a damn school out of all places until those freaks that wore superhero suits deemed it 'safe enough' for him to go back home).
✰ so he just limits himself to walk around the hallways with a scowl and a cigar between his lips, bringing the heavy smoke of cigar with him everywhere he went.
✰ and, oh, cue you turning the corner a little quickly and bumping into him.
✰ Logan just grunts when you bump into him, holding the cigar between his lips with his teeth as his hands reach up to grab your arms and make sure you won't fall.
✰ a beat of silence. you blinking like someone had just flashed you with a flashlight in the face. and then your eyes start to tear up.
✰ and Logan freaks out big time. Confused and panicked as to having just made a random ass student cry.
✰ I'm talking wide eyes and frantically looking around in search of someone's arms to shove you into and away from him.
✰ cue Scott that was just walking by and suddenly gets the wind knocked out of his lungs because Logan pretty much shoved you into his arms.
✰ "fucking do somethin', slim" he said.
✰ spoiler: he turned around and walked away as quickly as he could without giving poor Summers a chance.
✰ and all the while he's mentally cursing himself beacuse making a kid cry is one thing those little shits will cry about anything, but making a teenager cry is another one (given their usually complicated relationship towards tears and vulnerability)
✰ skip to two days later when Jean finally manages to get him alone and it turns out you're a telepath that still doesn't know how to control their powers.
✰ and Logan's like "and?" cue the nasty wolverine bombastic side-eye and quirked eyebrow combo
✰ and and your telepathic abbilities consist of, amongst a few other things, read memories through contact.
✰ and then Logan's like "oh" and Jean is like "yes" and he's like "oh. oh shit"
✰ because he basically, accidentally and unknowingly, flashed a teenager with probably the most gruesome and traumatic war memories known to man.
✰ so now he's just like awkwardly eyeing you out of the corner of his eye anytime he spots you in a room because "damn how much did she see fuck"
✰ and he doesn't know the sheer extent of it until you wake up in your room feeling like you were about to puke your organs out and Logan wakes up just from the stench of your fear that he could smell from a floor away.
✰ it doesn't come as a surprise when he hears a shaky knock on his door and opens it up to the sight of you (paler than a damn ghost) looking like you might faint right there.
✰ "messed up shit, ain'it?" was what Logan groaned, voice raw with sleep, before stepping back and tilting his head as a sign to let you in.
✰ cue the protocol "what did'ya see, bub?" as he rubbed his thumb across your forehead to wipe the cold sweat there.
✰ cue to you looking at him with the most 100-yard-stare eyes he had ever seen and asking. "..where were his legs-?"
✰ and Logan just about chokes on air beacuse what the actual fuck. Staring down at you with his eyebrows up to his hairline.
✰ ellaborating on it, turns out your nightmare had offered you a perfect five stars third-person look into one of his memories in the trenches. The one when he was trying to calm down, sush, a young man crying for his mother on the middle of a gunfire because his legs had gotten blown off. the dude didn't make it.
✰ After that one, Logan simply grimaced "oof, tough one to see, kid" before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you to his chest. His chin on top of your head.
✰ "ya wanna stay w'me?" he didn't even look down, didn't need to do it in order to feel the way you immediately nodded your head. "alright, down we go" and pulling you down to the bed with him.
✰ he didn't have the strenght to look you in the eyes though, keeping you under his eyeline and cuddled up to his side.
✰ needless to say this routine repeated itself few times a week.
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marvelwitchergilmore · 6 months ago
Something's Changed
Summary: Logan Howlett x Fe!Reader -> Something changed when you and Logan kissed. Did it change for the better?
Disclaimer: Fluff, angst, kissing, steam/illusions to sex, best friends to lovers vibes. Mentions of cheating (not reader or Logan -- a client of reader as reader is mentioned to be a PI). First kiss = fake dating...sorta. Some swearing. Not Proof Read.
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Something changed when you kissed Logan. Or, maybe it was when he kissed you. Either way, something had changed. 
Only, neither of you wanted to admit it. 
“Hey, is everything okay between you and Logan? Usually you’re joined at the hip but I…I haven’t seen you both together for a while.” Jean asked as she spotted you in the kitchen as she poured herself some coffee. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Why?” You popped another grape into your mouth, praying she’d drop her question. 
Jean looked you over. You could only thank your mutation that you could block her ability to read your mind. 
“Are you sure?”
To Jean, you looked a little dazed as you nodded your head and walked towards the door. “Yep. Everything’s perfect.”
Everything’s perfect. 
Everything’s perfect?
Everything was perfect. 
Until you kissed. 
Turning down the hallway, you made your way towards your classroom but not before stalling at the door. From down the hall, Logan had turned the corner, looking up from the open History Essay books in his arms. 
Jean watched from the kitchen door as you and Logan stopped in your tracks and had a broken connection of a conversation before sheepishly escaping into your assigned classrooms. 
Something had been different between you both for three weeks. One morning, like every morning, she had watched you and Logan at the breakfast table. Eating. Talking. Laughing. 
When Logan had first come to the school, the first time Jean had ever seen Logan laugh – truly laugh – was with you. 
Ever since, until three weeks ago, you had been inseparable. 
So what had happened?
It was the next day when a second person questioned you about what had happened, but since she didn’t get the answers she wanted, she turned to interrogate the only other person who could give her an actual answer. 
“Okay, what happened?”
Logan looked up from his marking to see Rogue plant herself in the chair opposite his desk. 
“Shouldn’t you be studying?”
Rogue smiled. “I graduated last year, remember?”
“Then don’t you have college to deal with?”
She shook her head. “Not until next week. All assignments are in. I’m as free as a bird.”
“Then go and…peck at someone else. I’ve got work to do.”
Rogue nodded with a smile, kicking her feet up onto the corner of Logan’s desk. “I could always help.”
Stopping his marking, his pen hovering above the page, Logan finally looked up at Rogue and found her looking…too happy at him. 
“What do you want?”
Rogue waited for a moment, wondering if he actually wanted to know. But she knew him. The quicker he got through her question, the quicker he could be left alone. 
“I want to know what happened. Between you and Y/n.”
Logan’s face dropped and he turned back to his work. “Nothing happened.”
“I’d beg to differ.”
“You’d beg to differ?” 
Rogue shrugged. “My Professors are English. But, yes. I’d beg to differ. You two were inseparable. So what happened? You’ve been sulking around here for weeks.”
“I don’t sulk.”
“You sulk.”
“And nothing happened.” Logan repeated. “Why not go and ask her?”
“I already did. She told me to come here.”
Logan looked back up. “She did?”
Rogue couldn’t hide her smirk. God, he was so smitten with you. 
“Not in so many words.”
“In how many words exactly?”
Rogue shrugged. “It’s besides the point. Something has happened and I want to know what.”
Logan sighed. “Nothing happened. But I am busy so…” Logan waved his hand at her for her to leave, but she only sat up in her chair and leaned in. 
“Did you tell her?”
“Tell her what?” Logan asked, without looking up. 
“That you love her.”
That got his attention. 
“It’s okay.” Rogue assured him. “Everyone knows. Well, mostly everyone. The students know, and the Professor-”
“I’m not in love with her.”
Rogue sighed. Was he really going to be in denial? 
“Logan,” Rogue began. “You look at her like she hung the moon. You spend practically every waking minute with her, and some sleeping. Yes, I was the one to cover you both up with a blanket. You’re welcome. You know her like the back of your hand. Better yet, you know each other better than anyone knows either of you. I know you get up early every morning to make her coffee-”
“Okay, okay, okay. Those things might be true. But that doesn’t mean I’m in love with her.”
“Then why did you kiss her?”
Logan practically stood to attention. “She told you that?”
Logan watched as Rogue remained seated and smiled up at him. “No. But you just did.”
She was a little minx. 
“Look, truth be told. I don’t know what happened. But now that I know that you both kissed…”
Logan swallowed thickly and steadied himself on his desk. “We did-We didn’t kiss.”
Rogue smiled as she stood. “Sure. But, Logan. If I were you, I’d talk to her. And once you’ve done that, talk to me. I want to know all the details.”
Rogue left with just a smile and no other words. Meanwhile, Logan felt like he’d been put into a boxing ring, was sent to the floor, poured into a broken washing machine and yanked between two sharp pegs on a frayed washing line. 
He sat himself down. 
If you weren’t going to be the death of him, Rogue definitely was. 
In your room, you lay on your bed, a pillow against your chest. Ever since classes ended, you had been in your room, hugging your pillow, staring at the ceiling, replaying the thing that changed you and Logan seemingly for good. 
You’d been tasked with following a suspect. It wasn’t anything too elaborate. Except, half way through your day, you had found you had a tail of your own. Logan. Apparently he’d been following you around the city in case something would have happened and you needed back up. 
“What if you get caught?”
“Logan,” you sighed. “I’ve been a PI for over a decade. I think I know what I’m doing.”
“Still, I’m coming with you.”
“Logan, he’s suspected of cheating. His wife needs evidence if she’s going to divorce him. It’s not like I’m following the head of a mob or something.”
Logan shrugged. “He could be the head of a mob.”
You didn’t look impressed. “He’s an accountant from Minnesota.”
“Still could be the head of a mob.”
He wasn’t going to leave.
You didn’t even ask, but he answered anyway. 
“Fine. You can stay, just…don’t go all Wolverine on me.”
Logan followed you. “You say that as if it happens all the time.”
“Logan, a guy asked me out at the grocery last week and you punctured a bag of rice.”
Logan’s eyebrows furrowed at the reminder, all the while his hand came to the bottom of your back as he helped you through the busy street. “He was getting too close for comfort. And who asks someone out in the grocery store anyway! He didn’t even know you!”
You and Logan followed your maybe-head-of-a-mob accountant from Minnesota around all day. And until then it had been mostly coffee runs, business meetings in tall buildings with high offices and quick lunches at the cafe on the corner of the street. 
Until he decided to take a detour. A text from your client let you know he had told her he had a business meeting run over late, so he’d miss dinner. 
“Doesn’t look like he’s in a business meeting.” 
So, you and Logan followed. 
Except, once you had both gotten out of your car, there was nowhere in particular either of you could hide. The street was a small town street, quiet enough to alert everyone that someone new was in town. 
And with Logan being…well, Logan. It meant a lot of eyes were on both of you. Two strangers in a small town, who seemed to be taking the exact same walking turns as the man, who a few seemed to recognise, in front of you. 
It was only as you and Logan slowed your paces that you realised he had taken hold of your hand. 
“Stay close to me.”
You did as he said. The more you both looked like a couple, maybe the less stares you’d get as you walked down the street towards-
“Come here.”
Logan pulled you in close to him as you both disappeared into the darkness of a small alleyway. 
“Logan, what are you-”
He seemed to be focusing on something. His hearing. 
“What is it?”
After a few moments, he finally told you. “Phone call. He’s meeting up with a woman called Sandra.”
“Sandra’s his co-worker.”
A little more following and you and Logan came to a stop by a motel. 
“Well, this doesn’t look like the place to have an affair at all.”
As you stood on the corner, hidden behind the sharp edges of a brick wall, you snapped a few shots of him leaving his car, meeting Sandra by the door, sharing a kiss and- shit. He was turning back. 
“Oh, shit.”
You had moved down the street to get some clearer shots. Only, now his car was practically parallel to where you and Logan were standing. 
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit.”
“What do we do?”
Logan might have been able to run fast enough to get back to the main street, but you couldn’t. And it would have looked too suspicious to be moving that fast away from an already suspicious meeting. 
He was getting closer. 
Apart from the buzzing of the lights close by, you could hear his dress shoes against the gravel getting closer and closer. 
You looked up at Logan. “Kiss me.”
“Kiss me.”
Logan seemed frozen in place. 
The shoes were getting closer. 
With slight panic, you let out a small groan followed by a quick, “I’m sorry.” Placing your hand at the back of his head, you pulled him down to kiss him. And, for a moment, he was rigid. Stuck on the spot. Frozen in time. 
It didn’t have to be a good kiss. The darkness you both were in covered you enough so that, just sharing a crappy kiss with your best friend saved both of your asses from the guy who was fast approaching. 
Except it wasn’t crappy. 
Not after that split second moment. 
Because you found Logan kissing you back. 
He shocked you at first, but then…you wanted more. You didn’t want him to stop. His hands pushing through your loose hair, his body coming closer to yours, his arm around your waist,  your own hand in his hair, down his neck, your desperation for breath. 
Neither of you had noticed the man stall on the gravel when he saw you both. Quickly, he made his way to his car to take out the box of condoms from the glove compartment before locking his car and hurrying his way back towards his motel room. 
And somehow in that space of time, you and Logan had stopped. Both of your chests begging for breath, his hands still like fire against your skin. The kind you never wanted to put out. 
“I…” your voice shook. “I think that worked.”
“I think it worked, too.”
You heard yourself apologise to him, for kissing him. It might have just been the best kiss of your life, and you heard yourself apologise to him. Then everything came back into focus. You had just shared the best kiss of your life with Logan. Your best friend. Your partner. Your person. 
“I think I’ve got enough evidence. We…we should…”
Logan stepped away from you and you heard your inner voice yell for him to step back into you. 
“We should go.” Logan finished your sentence. 
Nodding, you led the way back to the car. 
The journey back was…silent. No talking. No laughing. Nothing but the awkward readjustment of seating every now and again and silence. 
And nothing had been the same since. 
One kiss and suddenly you were…no longer Y/n and Logan. You were Y/n. And Logan. 
Opening your eyes, you turned your head and looked outside. You must have been daydreaming for so long, you fell asleep. The moon was out, hanging bright in the sky, surrounded by a blanket of stars that no doubt were being tracked by the small astrological society that had been set up in the school. 
Turning to look at your desk, you found the time. 
Just a little before midnight. 
You had missed dinner. And as if on cue, your stomach growled. 
So, after changing into your pyjamas and pulling your hair back, you slipped your feet into the warmest socks you could find and made your way downstairs and towards the kitchen. Everywhere was dark, save for the kitchen light which remained on. 
“Hello?” You called out. ‘Lights out’ had been called out hours ago. No student should be up this late. 
“Please don’t yell.” 
Walking a little further into the kitchen, you found Bobby sitting at a small table with a bowl of cereal, the milk and box still by him. 
With a tired smile, you shook your head and reached for a bowl in the top cupboard. 
“You’re not a student here anymore, Bobby. You can’t get in trouble for staying up this late.”
Bobby chuckled a little. “I know. Sometimes it just feels…like I never left.”
Joining him, you poured some cereal into your own bowl, followed by the milk. Once you’d placed the milk back in the fridge, you reached into the draw to grab a spoon and sat down across from him. 
“Still plenty of change around here.”
“Like you and Logan?”
You hadn’t even taken your first bite. 
Bobby held back a laugh. “Sorry. Rogue told me something happened. Did something happen?”
Sighing, you pulled your legs under the table and pushed the cereal deeper into the milk. 
“One of my professor’s told me sometimes it’s better to say it out loud so it doesn’t feel so big. No one else is awake. And you know Rogue will only keep pestering you.”
Your eyes narrowed a little looking at Bobby. “Did she-”
Quickly, he shook his head. “No. Not at all. You just…you look like you need to talk to someone.”
It was true. You did need to talk to someone. 
“Usually I’d talk to Logan,” you admitted. 
“But you had a fight?”
You shook your head, chewing your food before swallowing. “No. The complete opposite…sorta.”
“Then what happened?”
You hesitated for a moment. “Promise me you won’t tell anyone?”
Bobby nodded. “Patient-Doctor confidentiality.”
You smiled a little at that. He wasn’t a doctor yet but the fact he still treated the situation as such was a good sign. Especially considering Rogue could get a lot of information out of him, or anyone for that matter. 
“Well, we…we kissed.” 
You waited for Bobby’s reaction. But it never came, until…
“Finally.” He turned back to eating as if nothing had been said. 
“Finally?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” he nodded. “We’ve all been waiting for you and Logan to finally do something for years.”
“What? Oh, come on. You two are practically soulmates. You spend every waking hour together, and some sleeping. I know Rogue has caught you both asleep on the sofa together a couple of times because she never shuts up about it. You only really trust each other. And, with that, you both won the couple’s round last game night and neither of you were playing.”
That was true. 
You and Logan, being the single ones out of the adults, had sat out of the round but whilst sat by the desk under the window, you both stated aloud what the other person would have chosen whilst some of the couples struggled with finding an answer. 
Logan kept score on a piece of paper, but Rogue had been keeping her own’ later declaring that night that yourself and Logan had won. 
Shaking your head to bring yourself back to the present, you looked at Bobby. “Look, we kissed and…we haven’t spoken since.”
“Was it a good kiss?”
You made a face at Bobby but he just shrugged, so with a roll of your eyes you turned back to your cereal. “Yes. No. Maybe? Yes, yes. Okay. Yes, it was a good kiss.”
“And would you like to kiss him again?”
“Are you even allowed to ask these questions?”
Bobby smiled, taking another bite of his cereal. “That’s not a no.”
You pointed your spoon at him. “If you tell anyone this, I’ll kill you.”
“Okay, but when Rogue finds out I knew first, there might be a line.”
The next couple of minutes were spent in silence as you both ate until Bobby was close to finishing and crossed his arms. “Do you love him?”
You almost dropped your spoon as you looked up. “What?”
“Do. You, Love, Him?” 
Your conscious and subconscious both screamed “YES” but your mouth didn’t move. 
“What’s that got to do with anything?”
Bobby sat back. “It’s got everything to do with it. Clearly, you want to kiss him again. And, even more clearly, you’re in love with him so-”
“Now, wait a minute.”
“It’s got everything to do with it. You and Logan have been around each other for so long, you don’t know where else to go in fear of something changing. But, you should know – things have already changed.”
“You think I don’t know that?”
“Oh, I know you know it.” Bobby finished off his cereal. “But I think you need to accept it. Even if you’re scared of something changing, you should talk to him. Things have already changed and they could go back to how they were before, but I have a feeling they might just change for the better. You should let yourself believe that; that it’s changed for the better.”
Changed for the better. 
Changed for the better. 
Changed for the better?
Those four words echoed over and over in your head as you sat in the kitchen alone, as you washed your dishes, as you walked around the school, as you walked upstairs and into your bathroom and as you laid down in bed and fell asleep. 
Logan was your best friend. You never wanted to lose him, under any circumstances. But if the last four weeks had been anything to go by, things definitely hadn’t changed for the better. 
Another two weeks went by and you had somehow seen less of Logan in those two weeks than you had done in the four weeks beforehand. 
Until you were assigned a new classroom. A joint lesson was going to be taught. Who your fellow teacher was going to be, you didn’t know. Until they walked in through the door, stalled at the entrance, found just over two dozen pairs of eyes watching him and made his way to the desk to your right at the front of the classroom. 
Neither you or Logan had ever been this awkward. 
“I didn’t know it was you I was…partnered with.” Logan blurted out. 
“Xavier probably picked this last semester.” You replied. 
Then you just looked at each other. This was the longest conversation you’d both held for six weeks. 
“Here are the books you wanted.” The student you had sent out to the supply closet came fumbling back in through the doors carrying a high stack of exercise books. Rushing over, you took them from their arms. 
“Thank you.”
Handing half to Logan, you started handing them out and the lesson began. 
At first it was a little more than awkward but once things got settled, everything…started going back to normal. 
You and Logan were communicating with each other, and helping your students. But for a split second, every time you looked at him, you felt your mind wander back to the kiss and you felt a need to be near to him, close to him. But then the last six weeks crashed through your mind. No talking, no laughing, no late nights marking work and inevitably falling asleep. 
No friendship. No relationship. No partnership. 
Then your gut seemed to punch itself and your heart as you turned and looked at some other corner of the classroom. 
Yet, once class was over, you found yourself and Logan talking. It felt unsteady, but at least it was something. Then he asked if you’d want to mark the essays written with him. 
“Twice the people, half the work? Plus, we don’t have to run and find each other to check over the work later on.”
He made a reasonable request. 
“Okay. But we’re getting food first. I’m starving.”
“I’ll make you grilled cheese. Scott did the cooking last night. You didn’t miss much.”
You groaned. “Not that bean casserole savoury thing again.”
“There’s leftovers in the fridge if you want them.”
With a grimace look, you shook your head. “No, no. Grilled cheese, grilled cheese, grilled cheese. Please.”
Logan laughed. 
“If I have to even smell that unholy casserole again, I think I might actually puke. Who even allowed him back on the rota for cooking?”
Logan met you by the door. “Apparently he was getting suspicious over why he hadn’t cooked for so long.”
You followed Logan towards the kitchen. “I’ll tell him why. Because that dish is god-awful. It tastes crap, it’s got a weird texture. You spend more time trying to decipher what beans he’s used than you do actually eating the thing. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.”
Logan chuckled as you both entered the kitchen. “Then sit down and I’ll make you grilled cheese.”
“Thank you.”
As you started marking the first few books, Logan got to work making your dinner and before long he was sitting beside you, handing you your plate and he placed his own to the side before swiping some books from your pile.  
For the most part, you both sat in silence eating your grilled cheeses, marking essays and deciphering between student’s handwriting. 
Before either of you knew it, the night was drawing in and you found yourself half sleeping at the kitchen table. 
“Come on,” Logan finally announced. “We can finish these tomorrow.”
After shutting his own books, he shut yours. Then, standing, he pulled out your chair and took your hand despite how much you protested you weren’t tired. 
“That’s the fifth yawn in three minutes. Come with me, I’ll walk you up.”
And he did. 
Both of you carrying your books in your arms up the stairs, Logan walked you to your door. 
“I’m sorry.” Logan blurted out. 
Slightly taken aback, you looked up. “Sorry about what-”
“I’m sorry if I took it too far…that night. And I’m sorry it’s been weird between us ever since. You were just trying to-”
“Logan, I kissed you.” You told him. “I should be the one that’s sorry. I didn’t give you any warning and I shouldn’t have even asked you to begin with. You’re my best friend, Logan. If I knew it would cause this,” you gestured between the pair of you. “Then I wouldn’t have done it. I care about you, Logan. A lot more than I care about getting caught by a cheating husband who’s soon-to-be-ex-wife hired me.”
After a moment, Logan let out a small laugh.
With an exasperated sigh, you finally found the courage to let his features become clear when you looked at him. “Can we just go back? To how they were before, at least? Before the awkwardness and the silence and the…everything. I miss you, Logan.”
With a light smile, Logan nodded. “I’ve missed you, too.”
It was like a weight off your chest. He was back. You and Logan were back. 
Putting down your pile of books on the floor, Logan was quick to do the same before your arms wrapped around him. With his arms around you, for the first time in weeks, you felt home again. 
His body heat warmed you in a way no blanket or hoodie ever could. The scent of him and his aftershave comforted you in now way your favourite candle could on a rainy day with nothing to do other than relax. The sound of his voice was more like music to your ears than any of your favourite songs were. The pressure from beneath his grip on both you and your heart made you feel more alive than anything else had ever done. 
Logan was your home. Your true home. 
Feeling your feet back on the ground once more, you let your arms slide down the length of Logan’s shoulders and arms, all the while you felt his own hands trace around your back until they found a safe space between your hips and waist. 
With your heads still so close together, you could hear Logan’s breathing getting louder. Or maybe that was your own? When did he- it. When did it get so hot? 
Kiss me, your heart told you. Kiss him, your gut said. 
Feeling his nose brush yours for an instant, Logan tried his best to control himself. He’d only just gotten you back. You might be the love of his life, but he didn’t want that to be the reason he lost you again. 
“We shouldn’t do this.” He eventually forced out of himself. 
But then you countered with a demand even he couldn’t refuse.
“Kiss me.”
Looking him in the eyes, you said it again.
“Kiss me-”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence because his hands were holding your face, kissing you as if it was his last moment on earth. 
Walking you backwards a little until your back hit the wall of the small angle between your bedroom door and the hallway, you felt your heel kick over the pile of books on the floor, sending them falling from their neat stack to a heap on the floor. 
Somehow everything you had imagined about being kissed by Logan again failed to meet the expectation of the real thing. Logan fit you. And you fitted him. 
Despite your history, his lips against yours didn’t feel foreign or awkward or terrible at all. In fact, it was almost familiar. As if you’d been kissed by him your entire life. As if you’d kissed him in a past life. As if this would be the first of many. 
Of course, it felt new and slightly surprising. But there was a comfort in being kissed by him. In having his hands be the one to touch your body in places it hadn’t before. In having your space be crowded by him and him alone. 
Pushing against him a little, he allowed you leeway to do so. Your hand fumbled until you found your door handle and pushed it open. From behind him, Logan kicked it shut before he felt his back against it. But not for long. 
Lifting you up and hearing a small squeal come from the back of your throat, Logan felt your legs around his hips as your back came against the door. Pressing into you, Logan smirked a little as he took your hands in his own, pinning them beside your head as he began to leave small love bites across your jaw and down your neck. 
Slowly, he trailed his hands down your arms before they secured themselves under you to hold you up as he left another mark by your collar bone before you pulled his head back up so he could kiss you properly once again. 
“Tell me where.”
“The bed. Now.”
With a slight laugh, Logan carried you over to the bed and dropped you by the edge. Scanning up his body and you smiled before pulling him in by the hem of his t-shirt until he was almost laying on top of you before you helped remove his shirt. 
A few hours later, you both lay in each other's arms, talking and laughing together. 
“We need to move the books.”
Logan pulled you back into bed, almost pinning you down with his body. “The books will be fine.”
“What if the students find them? What if someone thinks we’re in here together.”
“We are in here together.”
You scoffed a little as you tried to get up again, but to no avail. “You know what I mean.”
“Sweetheart, the books will still be there in a couple of hours. And no students come up onto this floor anyway.”
“Clearly you’ve never met Rogue.”
Logan laughed at that. “Fine, you can move the books.”
Quickly kissing him, you thanked him and escaped from his grasp. Rolling onto his back and placing an arm behind his head, Logan watched you tie a robe around your body before slowly opening up the door and bringing in the stack of books and placing them in the plastic box behind the door and snapping the lid shut. 
You also locked the door behind you. Something you and Logan had forgotten to do the first two times around. 
Not hiding the fact he was checking you out, Logan smiled as you walked over to him and repositioned himself to pull you across his lap. Sitting up, Logan looked at you in a way nobody had ever looked at you before. 
Like you hung the moon and the stars. 
Little did you know, you had the exact same expression on your face as you looked at him. 
“You’re beautiful.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, Logan.”
Logan laughed a little, seeing the blush creep up on your face. “I mean it. You’re beautiful. Not only,” he kissed your lips. “Here. But also,” he pressed a kiss above your heart. “Here, too.”
Then he looked back into your eyes. 
“I’m in love with you.”
A little shocked at first, your hands slid to the back of his neck and you studied his face for a moment. The expression never changed. His heartbeat was steady, even if a little faster than usual. 
Then he watched as you stopped studying him and broke into a smile. “You’re in love with me?”
“I think I have been for a long time. I’m sorry it took so long for me to admit it-”
“I’m in love with you, too.”
Logan’s head tilted slightly as he smiled. “You are?”
You nodded and hummed a happy response. “I am.”
With a smile, Logan kissed you again, this time pushing himself to his knees and you towards your back. Smiling into the kiss, your hand linked behind his neck as you said his name in playful warning. 
“What are you doing?” You almost laughed, looking at him as you got comfortable underneath him. 
Still smiling at you, Logan’s hand trailed down your thigh that was hooked at his hip whilst his own lips came down to meet yours. 
“Making up for lost time.”
Kissing you, your own hands roamed his body as one hand trailed across your skin and the other slowly unravelled the loose knot from around your middle, letting the light robe fall from your skin. 
Something had definitely changed when you kissed Logan Howlett. But they had definitely changed for the better. 
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waywardsou2 · 7 months ago
Logan X Male!Reader with Astraphobia
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Tags: reader is afraid of thunderstorms, could be read as platonic or romantic, minimum dialogue, fluff
Word Count: 1k+
Summary: Logan has gone out to work for the day and a Strom has rolled in. Lucky for you, you are alone and petrified of storms. Oh wait...did I say lucky?
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The storm raged on outside your home. A thunderous bellowing that shook the windows and made the whole world feel like it was shaking around you. You were curled up on your bed. A thick blanket wrapped tightly around you, not only to keep the cold out but to keep you safe.
It was silly, the notion that a piece of material could protect you from harm that could be inflicted by a storm but you always felt a little safer know you were covered by something that brought you comfort.
But you really wished that Logan would just get home. He went out a few hours ago, before the storm hit but he still wasn’t home yet. Through the thunderous claps of lightning surrounding the house you listened for his foot steps, the thump of his boots on the creaking floorboards.
You closed your eyes, straining your ears for any familiar sound whilst also trying to block out the thunder. An impossible task but still you tried. Your heart raced inside of your chest and you heart pounded, louder than even the rain on the windows. And then you heard it, the clunk of a car door locking back into place. You let out a heavy sigh of relief.
Logan pulled up in his 1965 Chevrolet El Camino parking in the drive and making a dash for the door so he didn’t get drenched and bring a mess inside. He kicked his boots off at the entrance as he closed the door behind him and called out your name.
The loud noise made you flinch, he called again but you didn’t answer.
Shaking off any excess water at the front door and placing his leather to dry on the coat rack he ran his hand through his hair and went looking for you.
The main part of the house was lit up. The hanging fairy lights you insited on installing in the rafters were on. Leaving a yellow glow to light up the room, contrasting the blue-grey of the outside world. His foots steps thumped down the hallway, he stuck his head in each room as he went looking for you until he found you curled up on the bed, a blanket wrapped tightly around you.
How had he forgotten, you were afraid of thunderstorms.
He approached you slowly, not wanting to startle you. But knowing you he figured you had already heard him before you had even stepped inside the house.
You felt the bed dip as he gently sat himself beside you, he didn’t move. Didn’t speak. But he was here and that was what mattered
Logan still kept his walls up. Replacing a brick each time it cracked and made sure there were no gaps in the motar. Not even for you. Sometimes he would look over the wall. So you could see his face. But it didn’t take long before he hid behind it again. Too many things had happened in his life. 180 years was a lot of time for things to go wrong…
But today he felt brave, he felt like stepping away from the wall for a while, just for you.
Because he knew you needed him to.
He waited, waited for you to move or speak but you didn’t. So he knew he had to make the first move, he shifted his weight, turning so his back was against the head board and your back was resting against his leg.
He sat beside you, a comforting presence. A strong and fierce one, but one that never failed to make the air in your lungs feel crisper. The weight on your shoulders a little lighter. And the darkness around you just that little bit brighter.
With him next to you the whole world fell away. His deep breathing the only thing you could hear, the scent of rain and the woodland musk that covered him the only thing you could smell. And even with your eyes closed you could see his face. You hoped the scowl that always furrowed his brow was a little less hard than usual. But you didn’t open your eyes to check
“The storm should clear out soon” he muttered, his voice low, almost too quite to hear.
“At least this way I don’t have to clean the truck. Although the same can’t be said for the tires”
Your mouth still remains shut but he doesn’t mind, he doesn’t really want to have an actual conversation and neither do you. But he want’s you to know he’s here. More than just physically being here.
“No trees fell on the main road. It’s good. Means getting to town will be easy”
Your breathing is deeper now, less restricted and anxious, your heartbeat is slower. Matching the rhythm in his own chest.
He looked down at you, your head turned away from him and your hair laying messily atop it. You looked more relaxed than he imagined you must’ve been. But he could still tell the storm was frightening you.
Gingerly he lifted up his left arm and placed it on your side. His bicep resting on your shoulder and his hand on your ribs. The touch was light. Almost non-existent. Like his hand was hovering over you rather than actually touching you. But the contact was the last thing you needed to feel truly safe.
To feel truly protected and cared for. You inhaled deeply and sighed contentedly.
Logan watched as his hand rose and fell with your breathing, he watched with hooded eyes. Tired from his days work but content to be home and in your company.
“You’re going to be okay. The storm will let up soon, and I won’t leave you until it does” he said a bit louder this time, making sure that you could fully hear him.
“I won’t let anything happen to you”
He meant it, he had lost so much but wasn’t going to lose you, and he wasn’t going to let you lose anything else either. He couldn’t rest knowing he had left you alone in the world. His spirit would roam the world until he knew you had also found peace.
But he didn’t want to leave you and he never would. Over his dead body.
He watched his hand again as it rose and fell in time with your breaths. He hated knowing that just under his skin were a set of claws sharp enough to kill a man, he hated looking at his hands knowing what the world saw when they looked at him. A dangerous killing machine that needed to be put down. He wasn’t that. And he never wanted you to think of him that way.
He thought of a song that you listened to often, it wasn’t his cup of tea (or shot of Jack Daniels should he say) but he knew how much you liked it so he began to sing it softly. Having heard it enough times to know it word for word.
And I don’t want the world to see me. Cause I don’t think that they’d understand
When everything’s made to be broken. I just want you to know who I am
His voice was low, and beautiful and everything to you. You listened intently to his singing, forgetting completely about the thunderstorm, as everything faded away except the two of you.
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I wrote this for my gorgeous friend and biggest supporter @raetastic07. Thank you for letting me write and post this. Creating is my love language and I loved making this for you.
I also take requests if anyone is interested
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limethefirst · 8 months ago
Could I request a platonic Wolverine x Innocent Reader x Deadpool where the reader is a superhero and the two want to take care of them and shows them the ropes but argue about how to do it?
No pressure or rush, hope you’re having a wonderful day/night!
-W.P 💚
Hero in training
pairings: Wolverine x reader x Deadpool (platonic)
warnings: violence, swearing
summary: Wade and Logan don’t see eye to eye when it comes to training methods
a/n: thank you for requesting! I wasn’t super sure in what way you wanted reader to be innocent so please forgive me if this isn’t to your best liking, also I’m gonna start working on part 3 of void runners soon so keep an eye out!🫢
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No one ever said being a superhero was easy, but it especially wasn’t easy when you were being trained by both the Wolverine and Deadpool. The two people who hardly ever got along.
You watched as Wade and Logan stood in front of you, Logan wearing casual training clothes and Wade in his normal red suit. Wade looked excited, he was ready to show you his ways but Logan had another approach in mind.
“Alright kid, first we need to learn to control your powers, from there we can begin with some drills, slowly moving up to advanced drills then work more on strength training” Logan started, his plan was to train your powers and then learn some moves with them, hoping it would help you in the self defense aspect of crime fighting.
This was something Wade didn’t find appealing, “Woah back the fuck up now Peanut” Logan glared at the man, before Wade continued, “Remember we’re both training them, and I say we need some more fun in this training, maybe learn some cool flashy moves, or we can start off this party with a dance off!”
“A dance off?” You looked at Wade, a bit confused on his method of teaching but not entirely against it.
Logan on the other hand didn’t appreciate the comment, “This isn’t some type of circus act, this is real life Wade, we need to have some type of approach or we won’t make progress, and all that will happen is they get injured out there,” you looked between the two men, wishing someone else had trained you instead.
“Well why don’t we just see what our little sugar plum fairy thinks,” Wade then turned back over to you and booped your nose, “Okay kiddo, do you wanna have a fun training with Papa Wade!! Or do you want to be all bored and tired with meanie Wolverine!” Wade asked you, his voice sounded like he was talking to a little baby.
You looked at both men, unsure of what to say, not wanting to upset the other. Then the idea came to mind, “Can’t we try both methods? Maybe a combination?”
“Fuck no, that idiots ‘method’ is going to get you hurt,” Logan quickly replied, this caused Wade to go over to you and grab your head in his arms.
He began to pet your head and started cooing, “Do I look like I’d ever let anything harm them?”
You stood there as Wade held your head tight, a sigh escaping your lips, “Please Logan, I know its unconventional but I really think it’ll work!” You started to plead with the man.
Wade slowly let go, a hand still on your head, while Logan stood there, unsure if this was the right choice, but he knew how persistent Wade was.
Logan caved, “Fine but if there isn’t any progress, only I’ll train you, got it kid?”
You have him a smile and a thumbs up, Wade just went up to Logan and clung to his arm, “Awe you’re such a softy aren’t you my little firecracker!”
Logan quickly let his claws out and stabbed him in the stomach, already regretting his decision.
Over the course of the next few weeks, you continued your combination training, Logan taught you defensive skills as well as offensive, he also showed you a lot of strategies that would protect you when the time came, while Wade showed you the flair of being a hero, without having to kill as he knew that wasn’t the type of hero you wanted to be, even though every once and a while he’d try to persuade you.
Even though you’d decided to do the combination training, both men still argued all the time.
“Why the hell are you telling them to jump through the sky light when you want to sneak attack a criminal?” Logan’s finger pushed into Wade’s chest, irritated that he’d tell you to do something so dumb and risky.
“Because they need to look awesome while saving the day, oh don’t forget the funny joke once the bad guy sees you, alright my sugar cane,” Wade looked over to you and you gave him a happy smile with a thumbs up, knowing you probably weren’t gonna do that but it was nice to make him feel good before he and Logan fight again over how that isn’t an ethical way of fighting crime.
You decided it was best to leave before they started to get at it again, you knew that tomorrow they’d go back to helping you anyway. So maybe it was better to let them get it out of their systems every one and a while.
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yoditopascal · 7 months ago
Like A Prayer (Part 2)
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summary: best friends with wade you’re always being dragged into something even when he’s not trying to, what are you to do when you find the fate of your timeline in the hands of yourself, your chaotic merc and an angry wolverine who’s hellbent on drinking himself to death?
content warning: romance, some angst, a little fluff, character deaths, canon-typical violence, smut, lots of cussing, mutual pining, found family, drug and alcohol use, reader insert but with no use of y/n cuz I hate that shit, deadpool being deadpool, mentions of poor mental health (depression anxiety and ptsd mostly), scent marking, the honda odyssey scene needs a warning all on its own MINORS DNI
a/n: I wanted to get up to the part where you finally meet Logan but it was too long 😭 and I ended up deciding to split the chapter up. In the mean time I hope this enough to tide you over. <3
tag list: sorry if you weren’t tagged I tried tagging everyone that asked but some usernames didn’t work! @allmyn1ghts, @blooket-scares-me, @amararosesblog, @talanyra, @spideybv28
Previous Chapter//Next Chapter
Wolverining is Hard
When you come to, your arms are tightly secured behind your back. Sitting up you try to take in your surroundings as you wiggle around trying to free yourself. The room you’re in is dark with a metal table and a singular chair in the middle and smelled strongly of disinfectant.
Just as you felt like you were making progress with your restraints, really you had just dislocated your hand, a door opens up on your right flooding your vision with a blinding light.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Came an accented voice, it sounded British. Just as your eyes had started to adjust to the light you were harshly hoisted up to your feet and dragged away into another room before being dumped unceremoniously at the feet of a pair of red and black boots
“Pookie you’re alive!” said Wade dressed in a new and improved Deadpool suit. Where did he get that? You thought to yourself. “I thought these TVA fucks ate you or something!
Helping you to your feet Wade pats you on top of the head before gesturing between your restrained hands and a guy holding what looked like a giant remote in his hands.
Rolling his eyes the guy snaps his fingers and you’re manhandled again as your restraints are roughly yanked off.
Taking in your surroundings you notice you’re in what looks to be an office with office workers and a floating platform above it. On the platform, where you all were standing, are a bunch of monitors all showing different scenes of you and your friends.
“Where are we Wade? What is this place?” You asked confused as you rubbed at your sore wrists, getting closer to him.
“You, baby girl, have just been upgraded to first disciple! Congratulations!” He said jokingly, just as he was about to say something else he was interrupted by an accented voice, the same one you had heard before.
“As you can see Mr. Wilson your friend is alive and well mostly well.” Said the man from behind Wade with the British accent, he eerily reminded you of Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. Frowning, the man watched you with a disgusted expression as you flicked your hand popping your wrist back into place as you sucked in a breath in pain. You had definitely dislocated it earlier.
“Now as much as I hate to cut the reunion short it’s time for her to go back home.” He said snapping his fingers again, suddenly you're surrounded by men in body armor again, one reaches out quickly to grab you but you stumble back into Wade who pushes you behind him.
“Wait wait wait….you’re just gonna send her home? To die?” He turns to ask the man behind him. He could feel you pressed against his back, like you were trying to get under his skin. You were scared and he couldn’t blame you, you still had no idea what was going on.
“Die? What are you talking about?” You asked looking back and forth between the man and Wade until a gloved finger fell on your lips silencing you.
“Shush child Marvel Jesus is talking.”
“What the fuck?” You whispered, pushing his hand away.
“You can’t send her back Paradox.”
“Oh I can and I will.” The man, Paradox, had said as one of his armed men came up to him handing him one of those electric baton stick things you had seen earlier. You immediately tensed up, as he started to approach you with it, not knowing what it would do to you on contact.
“No wait wait wait please just hang on a fucking second!” Wade shouted, it was one of rare times he got serious and it made your hair stand on end
“What now Mr. Wilson?” Mr. Paradox asked, groaning dramatically, as if all of this was just a giant waste of his time
“W-what can I do to fix it? The timeline?”
Timeline? What the fuck was happening? You thought confused as you looked back at Wade again as he stared down Mr. Paradox
“Nothing unless you can bring Wolverine back to life in the next,” he says nonchalantly as if it were the most obvious thing in the world as he checks his watch “96 hours. But that’s impossible to-“
That little bit of information was enough to get the cogs in Wade’s brain turning as he hatched a play.
“Say less, I’m on it like a car bonnet!” Wade said cheerfully, you had no idea what the fuck that many but whatever it was Wade had set his mind too it and once his mind was set nothing was going to get in his way.
“Mr. Wilson-“ Mr. Paradox had started to say but before he could get another word out, Wade lunges forward and headbutts him full force, breaking his nose on contact, knocking him out as he snatched up the strange remote device Paradox had had in his hands.
Before you could even blink, Wade grabs you, scooping you up into his side, right under his armpit, as he opens up another one of those orange portal doors and jumps right through it with you.
The other side of the portal opens up midair and you crash land in the middle of a frozen forest. The ground and trees around you, covered in a powdery dusting of snow as a harsh wind blows over you causing you to shiver slightly, as you go to sit up you find yourself unable to move as a sharp pain shoots up your right arm.
It took a few moments to realize Wade had landed with you, more like on top of you it seemed, until you heard him groan from your back.
“I gotta get better at opening those things.” He groans, getting up.
“Sorry sugar lumps, we didn't really stick the landing there.” He said stretching his sore limbs as he gestured to your arm. It was bent at an awkward angle behind you, most definitely broken. Standing to your feet you grab at the injured appendage, popping it back into place with a loud snap and a yelp before it has a chance to heal wrong
“Ok Wade I’ve had enough of this Leon and Helena bullshit-“ you panted out still reeling from the pain of your arm.
“Ha! Resident Evil 6 humor!”
“Enough! Please just tell me what’s going on?!” You finally snap as you pull your cardigan around yourself in an attempt to block out the cold. Wade looks you over as if contemplating what to say next before he groans, running a gloved hand over his mask.
“Ah shit where do I even start?” He says as he sits down on a pile of rocks that had a makeshift stick x on top that looks suspiciously like a grave, you chose not to comment on it, as he begins to explain what had transpired over the last hour.
Apparently he was Marvel Jesus, you still didn’t get that part, and your timeline was dying. How? You weren’t entirely sure but Wade kept mumbling under his breath about some “Aussie fuck stealing his thunder from down under”, and that Mr. Paradox guy, who’s in charge of those TVA bastards that kidnapped you and Wade, was in charge of overseeing it but instead of letting it die out naturally over the next hundred years or so was going to speed up the process and now Wade only had 96 hours to fix it before everyone you knew and loved died.
“Which is why we’re here!” He said cheerfully pulling two shovels out of nowhere. Looking behind him to see where the shovels had intact come from you missed as he took a sip from his newly acquired ‘I Like Me’ mug through his mask before tossing it. “Grab your shovel jelly bean, we're hunting a Wolverine!” He said tossing the second shovel at your feet as he pulls the makeshift x grave marker from the pile of stones and starts to dig.
As soon as he said that you felt your stomach drop to your ass. That was a grave behind him, and it wasn’t just anyone’s… it was the Wolverine’s. You were digging up Wolverine to save your timeline?
“Holy shit.”
To say you idolized the guy was an understatement. When you were a kid you had all kinds of Wolverine comics and stickers, hell you still had a pair of Wolverine underwear to this day. Digging up his grave after all this time, after all that he went through in life just felt…wrong.
“You can cream your spinach later, right now we need to see if widdle Wolvie is really taking a dirt nap or not.” Chunks of dirt flew through the air as Wade kept digging, completely absorbed in his task.
“Wade this is-“ Not right you wanted to say. You start feeling your anxiety bubble up in your chest. “I can’t-!”
The sound of his shovel hitting something metal, adamantium, stopped you in your place. Tapping his shovel twice more to make sure he had actually hit something and that it wasn’t just his imagination, Wade looked over to you before turning back to what he had found, wiping away the dirt, he stared down at the now exposed decaying metallic skull of the Wolverine.
Your breath caught in your throat as you watched Wade stare at the corpse for a moment, lost in thought, before he raised his shovel over his head and bought it down on Wolverine’s skull over and over again, not stopping until he got even frustrated and snapped the wooden handle over his knee, no doubt breaking it in the process.
“Damn it! Son of a bitch! Fuck! Motherfucker! My world is fucked!”
He screamed, throwing the pieces of the shovel and swinging his arms as he punched at the air. It had been a long time since you had seen him this serious, albeit the last time you were quite literally dying, and it was honestly terrifying.
Your stomach sank even further at his words. Hugging your arms to yourself in an attempt to make yourself smaller you slowly approached Wade just as he was pulling the adamantium skeleton fully from the grave, dragging it over to a downed tree as he propped it up to sit cross legged by him.
“That was weird. I’m much calmer now.” He says with a chuckle, you’re not sure if he’s talking to you or the corpse. “Look, I’m not a man of science, but you seem incredibly passed away. But it’s good to see ya.” he pats the corpse on the knee causing you to wrinkle your nose up in disgust as bile rises in your throat. You’d seen Wade do a lot of strange shit over the years of knowing him, but exhuming a grave of a fallen hero and having a one on one with his dead body was a whole new world for you.
“I gotta be honest, I’ve always wanted to ride with you, Logan. You and me, getting into everything. Just fucking shit up. Can you imagine the fun, the chaos, the residuals?”
You didn’t even want to know what he meant by that as you crept up next to Wade, kneeling down by his side.
“G’day, mate? There’s nothing that’ll bring me back to life faster than a big bag of metal cash.” Wade placed a finger under the corpse’s chin making its mandible move up and down as if he was talking to him, you put your arm on his to get him to stop but he just kept going as he moved to hold his masked head in his hands.
“No, no, no, no, uuuugh!” He groans dramatically as he throws his head back, thumping it on the tree trunk behind him. “He had to get all noble and die for real. God damn it! We coulda really used your help right about now Hugh.”
“Wade,” you said softly as you reached out to rest a hand on his shoulder, “we’ll figure something out, there’s got to be another way right?”
Wade’s masked face turns to look at you, deep in thought, before the sound of multiple approaching footsteps pulls him out of his head. Pulling you until you were tucked between him and the tree truck, he peeks over the tree before ducking back down just as fast, cursing under his breath.
“Wade Winston Wilson! You’re under arrest by the Time Variance Authority for too many crimes to count, come out!” Came a booming voice over the chill of the air. You and Wade look at each other for a moment as if deciding what to do.
“This is your last chance! Throw out your weapons and come out peacefully!” The voice said again as he and a bunch of other TVA agents began to surround you.
You look Wade in his eyes again and nod, knowing he’s going to have to fight to get you both out of there. Looking around himself for anything you could use to defend yourself, his eyes land on the adamantium skeleton sitting nearby and he gets a horribly morbid idea.
“I’m not gonna give you my weapons! But I promise not to use them.” He shouts back as he turns back towards you, placing a hand on your head. “Ok Nugget you know the drill.” He says so that only you can hear.
“You go right, I go left.” You nod your head towards the tree line in the background on your left.
“Good girl.” He pats you on the head one last time, tucking baby knife into your hand. “Maximum effort.” He grunted as you both stood, jumping into action. You break to the left as fast as your feet can carry you just as Wade jumps over the tree trunk pulling Wolverine's body with him.
Hearing rapid footfalls following close behind you try to pick up the pace, your lungs burning as you run, just as you reach the woods a gloved hand reaches out tangling itself in your locs before yanking you backwards. You hit the snow covered ground with an audible thud. Your head ringing and vision blurred from the impact. Just as your eyes were starting to clear, that rapid thumping noise from before came back with a vengeance.
Shaking your head to clear it you try and get back up to your feet until a black boot, steps down on your shoulder harshly. Above you stood a TVA agent, his stick pointed right at you as he glared down at you. Just as he began to lower it, you pulled baby knife from your boot, stabbing it as hard as you could through his foot.
He screams in pain as he stumbles backwards falling on his ass as he goes to pull out the knife. Scrambling back up you yank the knife from his foot before embedding it in his exposed neck. Pulling the knife back out again the fall back on your ass in shock at what you just did. You killed someone and hadn’t even hesitated. Sure you had see your fair share of people dying, thanks mostly to Wade, but never had you actually been the one doing the killing.
Before you have a chance to wallow anymore to yourself, you hear a body thud next to you and jump.
“My bad!” Wade calls as he smacks a TVA agent across the face with something that looked suspiciously like a metal femur, shattering his helmet and mostly his face on impact. “Wolverining is hard!”
“Wolverine was a hero and the only thing worth a shit to ever come out of Canada!” Shouted a voice from in front of you two, it was the same guy from before, the one who you tackled through the portal earlier, and he looked pissed. Before he had a chance to say anything else a katana goes bouncing off the ground and right through the guy’s mouth.
“Get my country’s name out of your fucking mouth.” Wade said as he walked up to the still standing body, pulling his sword out of his mouth. “And my sword, gimme that.”
Cleaning off the blade with his sleeve, Wade looks you over, checking you for injuries, something he couldn’t break himself from doing, no matter how much you told him you could heal, before pulling you to your feet.
“We gotta find us another Logan, an alive one.” He said looking around himself assessing the overall damage.
“How?” You question still trying to quiet the pounding in your head, it was starting to fade out now, only being a low murmur at the point, but it still made it hard to focus.
Pulling something from his belt, Wade holds up the remote looking device he had stolen from Mr. Paradox earlier between wiggling fingers.
“This my dear bestest pal is how.” He said opening it up and hitting a few buttons. Another orange portal opens and you stare at it in contemplation, nervousness grips your stomach as you think about what the two of you would get into on the other side of the portal. Wade goes through first holding out a hand for you from the other side. Swallowing down rising anxiety, you take up his hand following him through.
On the other side of the portal the atmosphere is much warmer, you're both in a club, a nice one at that, surrounded by other people as they mingle and converse by the bar.
“Logan I’m gonna need you to come with us!” Wade spoke over the music. Looking around the room, you wonder which of these people he was talking to, none of them really looked like a Wolverine to you.
“Who’s asking?” came a familiar voice from the bar. Turning to look to see who it was that said that, you were shocked to see a guy, about your height, with a crazy hairy torso, wearing a tight fitted black v-neck.
His face definitely screamed Wolverine to you but there was something about this man that just struck you as off.
“Look at this little Mary Lou Retton. Did you stick the landing little guy? Yes, you did, comic-accurate short king.” Wade cooed to him from your side in a baby voice as he crouched down dramatically.
You frowned up as Wade as he mocked him, definitely planning to ream him out later when you, yourself, was the same height as the man he was making fun of. This Wolverine stares at you, recognition and another emotion in his eyes, that you weren’t sure of as his nostrils flared and they took in yours and Wade’s, no doubt horrific, scents. Just as you were about to tell Wade that this Wolverine would work, another orange portal opens up behind you and he dragging you inside with him.
“Cue the fucking montage, baby.”
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