#wolverine hurt/comfort
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froggibus · 5 days ago
— Another Sleepless Night - Logan Howlett
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Pairing: Logan Howlett x reader
Genre: fluff, comfort
Word Count: 845
Summary: you spend a sleepless night in bed with Logan
CW: insomnia, mentions of night terrors, general sleep problems, logan calls you 'sweetheart', no use of y/n, gn reader
this has been sitting half-finished in my drafts since before i started school >.< i haven't done marvel in a while but the new captain america movie has me feeling the vibes ^.^ also i decided to change up the post format a bit to make it prettier
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It’s late—almost two in the morning, to be exact—when you find yourself padding down the halls of the X-Mansion. The cold of the wooden floors soaks through your socks, sending a shiver down your spine, but you don’t dare stop your journey. 
Your hand falls on the brass knob of Logan’s door and you gently tug it open. Shuffling inside of his room, you try to keep as quiet as possible, squinting into the dim moonlight barely illuminating it. 
Logan doesn’t even stir at your presence, his keen senses as used to your scent as he is to his own. It’s comforting, really. Non-threatening. 
You sit on the side of his bed, tentatively pulling the blankets aside and slipping under the sheets next to him. Heat radiates from his body, warming the whole bed around you. The cold that had previously seeped into your skin dissipates, your taut muscles relaxing. 
You roll to your side and gently rest your head on his shoulder, and it’s only then that Logan’s eyes snap open. Claws come out—only for a second—and then he’s blinking at you a few times, eyes adjusting to the dark until he can see just as well as the day time. 
“Sorry,” you whisper sheepishly. “Didn’t mean to wake you.” 
Logan hardly reacts to your presence. It’s too common these days that one of you ends up in the other’s bed, slipping through the night to find a snippet of comfort only to be gone when morning comes. 
His voice is gravelly in a way that sends heat to the pit of your stomach. “Didn’t wake me. Could hear your heart beatin’ all the way down the hall, sweetheart.”
You nod slowly and rake your eyes over him, taking in every minuscule detail you can catch in the moonlight. His clothes—or sweatpants, given he’s not wearing a shirt—are hardly wrinkled, his hair nearly pristine. You frown. He looks as awake as you feel. 
He wraps a strong arm around you, rolling onto his side and taking you with him, your chest pressed hard against his back. The weight of his muscles around you only helps soothe the ache in your chest, the shadows that chased you all the way here starting to slip away. 
His head falls easily into the crook of your neck. “You doing okay?”
“Bad dreams.” You wet your lips, your mouth still dry from the hoarse cries you’d woken yourself up with. “I couldn’t sleep.”
He’s used to this by now. Though all mutants have something haunting them, you two in particular seemed to always share the weight of night terrors���something that had formed your closeness early on. He tightens his grip around you. 
You let your eyes flutter close but as your lids fall, a shadow casts over the wall. You snap them open but the figure disappears just as quickly as it came. Still, your heart hammers against your ribcage, rattling your bones. 
There’s nothing here, you remind yourself. Logan would hear if anybody even tried to enter the room, probably smell them before they got more than one step on the grounds. It's a fact you’ve always found comforting. 
“Your heart is racing,” he mumbles, hand skimming the hem of your shirt. Calloused fingers slip underneath, grazing your skin as they travel up and rest on the soft skin above your heart. 
“I’m…tired,” you admit, shifting beneath the heavy weight of his hands. 
You blink again, another shadow flickering on the wall in front of you. You swallow hard, squeezing your eyes shut as if it will make them all go away. The bad dreams, the bad thoughts, come all too often these days—you can’t remember a single time in the past few days you’d slept more than a few hours. 
He rubs gentle circles on your chest, his way of trying to soothe your heart rate back to double digits. “Tired.” He repeats. 
“Exhausted. I haven’t been sleeping, not for a lack of trying.” Again, your eyes flutter shut. “Just want peace.”
Logan hums in disappointment. He can’t remember a time he’s seen you this exhausted. Despite the fatigue weighing heavily over you, it’s been at least a few days since you sought him out—he’d just assumed you were sleeping fine on your own again. He pulls you closer.
“You can rest, sweetheart. I’ll take care of ya.”
You open your mouth to protest, to thank him, to say anything—but the words never find their way out. You shift back into him, flushing your body against his.
You lay there for a while in comfortable silence. Eventually, the warmth of his body and the comfort of his arms lull you into an uneasy sleep. 
Logan holds you even long after your breathing evens out and your taut muscles relax. He doesn’t let himself rest until the sun kisses the horizon and turns the whole sky pink, the comfort of daytime finally rolling in.
Finally, he lets his weight settle into his mattress. His lips find the top of your shoulder and kiss it softly. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
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thanks so much for reading ^.^
masterlist | marvel masterlist
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heartlogan · 7 months ago
all coming back to me
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✮— logan x f!reader (set in x-men days of future past)
✮— summary: logan didn’t realise you would be here in the past. all that follows.
✮— a/n: first time writing for logan / the xmen films, be gentle pls. also wrote this in like 20 mins at 1am so kindness pls. ok goodnight.
✮— warnings: character death, major character death, (mentioned mostly, not the most graphic depictions), logan’s relentless guilt, reader’s insensitive curiosity, muddled timeline maybe idk, mutant reader (unmentioned power) , kind of abrupt ending , lmk if there’s more!
When Logan had realised he was the only viable candidate to do this job, he had felt the immense weight on his shoulders, had known that he had no choice but to succeed. He had been prepared for that part, mostly. But even still, the plan was sudden, and he hadn’t thought most things through. After all, Logan was more of a fight now, think later type of guy.
So waking up in some random woman’s waterbed was unexpected, yes, but even more unexpected was the bone cutting through his skin when he had to face those goons. It had been so long since the adamantium had been melded to his skeleton, that he could almost forget it hadn’t always been that way. If it weren’t for the pain that still haunted his every nightmare, that was.
It was an adjustment, definitely, especially because it had been so long since he hadn’t felt completely indestructible — untouchable. There was no metal safety net, here.
Seeing Xavier’s school falling apart was certainly an adjustment, too.
He had known this school only in its prime, when Charles had already formed the X-Men, had already settled many kids into their new home. Logan couldn’t ever imagine this place being so devoid of life.
“Can I help you?” A young man asked, after a few silent moments of Logan waiting for the door to be answered. He sounded vaguely familiar.
“Uh… yeah, what happened to the school?” Logan asked, eyebrows raised as his eyes trailed over the vines crawling up the building, the dust coating the glass.
The man’s eyebrows furrowed, looking at Logan strangely before he decided to speak. “The school’s been shut for years. Are you a parent?”
Logan scoffed. “I sure as hell hope not. Who are you?”
“I’m Hank. Hank McCoy. I look after the house now.”
He’s doing a great job at that, Logan thought to himself, surveying the damaged grounds, before he clocked on to what the man had introduced himself as. He squinted at the small stature of the guy, half hidden by the door he was pressing himself into the gap of.
“You’re Beast? Look at you,” Logan commented idly, “Guess you’re a late bloomer.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hank warned, features hardening instantly at the name he hadn’t heard for a long time. “But I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
The man started closing the door in Logan’s face, not expecting him to shove himself against it, keeping it open. They strained, muscles tensing on both sides, before Logan inevitably won without Hank’s extra strength that accompanied his transformation.
“Where’s the professor?”
“There’s no professor here.” Hank responded, before Logan soon managed to shove the door open, flinging him back.
“Professor!” Logan yelled into the empty house, hearing his voice rebound off of the walls. The echoing made him uncomfortable, and seeing the house that had been destroyed so long ago in his time was odd. It was familiar, and yet so different. Logan wasn’t sure he could ever get used to the empty manor, despite his many complaints about the kids at the school.
The moment Logan began to ascend the stairs of the manor, Hank leapt at him, freshly transformed. Logan was momentarily shocked by the appearance of his blue fur, but he quickly got over it, defending himself from Hank’s admittedly rather weak attack. The Beast managed to stun him, tackling him onto a table in the middle of the foyer, while the blue man hung from the chandelier above.
“Hank?” A voice called out, confused and slightly concerned. “What’s going on here?” He asked, descending the stairs and squinting down at the vaguely familiar man on top of his table.
“Professor?” Logan asked, surprised, sitting up on the table to make sure he was seeing things right.
“He doesn’t like to be called that.” A new voice said, coming from Logan’s left, and he startled, head whipping towards where you were standing. You were leant against the doorway, arms folded across your chest as you watched the situation unfold with unhidden entertainment.
His heart practically stops.
He hadn’t seen you for almost three years. Three very long, very difficult years.
Logan didn’t even want to think about the last time he had seen you. It had been one of the worst days of his life to date, and he’d had a lot of bad days. And yet, here you were, alive. Trying to tamp down your amusement, though it was written clearly on your face, evident in the slight curve of a smile that he had missed.
“You know this guy?” Hank asked Charles, who made his way down the rest of the stairs while Logan only continued to stare at you.
Charles looked at Logan with a vague sense of recognition. “Yeah, he looks slightly familiar.” He commented distantly, already appearing completely checked out of the situation. “Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank.”
The sound of the glass above him clinking together brought Logan to his senses, reminded him that he had a job to do. And no matter how much he had missed you, your presence couldn’t get in the way of that.
“You can walk.” Logan stated, checking back into the conversation with shock still darting down his spine. He watched the Professor carefully, brows furrowed in thought.
“And you’re perceptive.” Charles replied dryly, “Which makes it slightly perplexing that you missed our sign on the way in. This is private property, my friend. I’m going to have to ask him to ask you to leave.” He said, nodding towards Hank who stared between the two men as if watching some sort of tennis match. He looked uncomfortable with the confrontation occurring. “Or her, if you’re more inclined.”
You raised your brows.
Logan didn’t end up leaving, much to your surprise. It had been a long time since anyone had managed to get Charles to do anything he didn’t want to do. Hell, it had been a long time since anyone had managed to speak to the man, save for you and Hank. He turned everybody away, never heard anyone out, no matter how desperate they sounded.
Instead, Charles seemed to accept the fact that this man was from the future. A future which sounded dire, by the way.
And if his glance towards you when he had spoken about watching good people, friends, die, told you anything, it was that you didn’t make it very far in the future. Which didn’t faze you all too much. It didn’t sound like much of a future for those who lived, anyway. But that knowledge had taught you something about this Logan. He had cared for you, some years from now.
It was as clear as day. He looked at you like he had been missing you, like he was greeting you at the airport after a long trip. He seemed to think he was being discreet about it, always glancing away when you turned to him, but you were observant.
You sidled up next to him while Hank went on the hunt for the phone book, and Charles wandered off to regret his decision.
“So, how’d I die?” You asked, feeling bad but also slightly amused when Logan practically choked on air.
“What? How did you—”
“Oh, please. It’s all over your face. I may not know you, but I can see that much.” You responded, cutting him off and watching the cogs turn in his head.
You had always had a strange way of reading him better than anyone else. Not that this version of you knew that, but Logan did. It made his chest ache all the more, feeling like you were so close to being in his grasp, and yet so far away from him. He had to remind himself that you didn’t know him, and he didn’t exactly know this version of you.
You seemed… not happier, exactly, but something was different. Perhaps you had suffered less at this point in your life. He had met you in one of the most difficult times you had ever been through, and it was strange to see you without the baggage that had followed you from that.
“I’m that transparent, huh?” He replied, going quiet soon after. He didn’t want to talk about this with you. With anyone. He didn’t want to relive that moment any more than he already did. He saw it every time he closed his eyes, every time the Sentinels had approached in the future.
“You are.” You paused. “So? What happened?”
“You don’t want to know about this, kid.” Logan stated, pointedly not looking at you. You were so young now, and he missed the lines on your face. This wasn’t the you that he knew or loved. He didn’t know this version of you. And you certainly didn’t know him.
Logan had the fate of the world resting on his shoulders, the fate of every mutant and human who had the decency to be kind towards them. Your fate. The fate of everyone else he had lost. He couldn’t get caught up in this, in seeing you here, as much as he wanted to soak in the sound of your voice, the colour of your eyes, the glow of your skin.
“Why not? We’re going to save the world anyway. It can’t hurt.” You said innocently, regretting the latter part of your statement the moment you realised how it came across, how Logan’s face creased.
He wanted to appreciate your optimism, mostly because he knew how much of it you had lost by the time you died, but you couldn’t understand. It did hurt. Logan had watched you die in front of his very eyes, his adamantium and courage powerless to stop it. He had been dragged back to the jet, forced to leave your body there to rot, or to be taken and experimented on. He didn’t know which was worse.
Even now, he could feel the pressure on his chest from Storm pushing against him, the pain of Magneto pulling at his skeleton, forcing him to leave you behind.
He swallowed the lump that had risen in his throat, eyes flickered across the room, never quite landing on you. It hurt him every day. He could feel the weight of your loss even now, knowing that if he failed to do this, you were lost. This version of you, the one who had so much suffering to come, would die at the hands of a Sentinel, and he would be powerless to stop it.
“Sorry,” You said, when the silence stretched on, Logan seemingly getting lost in his own thoughts. You could see the pain written across his face, could see him getting distant, reliving whatever had happened in the future. “That was insensitive. I was curious, but it doesn’t matter. You’re here to save us all. And I’m here to help this time.”
He finally looked at you, and you could see the exhaustion on his face. Perhaps putting more pressure on him wasn’t the best idea.
“Okay, I’m messing this up,” You admittedly, fidgeting nervously now, eyes flickering between him and the door as if expecting Charles or Hank to walk in on you embarrassing yourself. “I’m sorry.”
“No, no,” Logan paused, apparently trying to find his words. “You don’t need t’be sorry. None of this is your fault.”
You looked at him, seeing him more clearly then. You didn’t know his past, and you certainly didn’t know the future, but this man cared about you. That much was obvious. “It’s not yours either, you know.” You said, and the slight grimace he made didn’t escape you. He clearly didn’t agree. “However we know each other in the future, it can’t change the fact that I am an adult. I would never expect you to take responsibility for me dying. Or want you to! I take care of myself.”
He blinked at you. “We were meant to take care of each other.”
You faltered slightly at that, struggling to imagine yourself relying on someone that much, but then you understood.
“Isn’t that what you’re doing now? You’re here, fifty years into the past, trying to make things right. The war wasn’t your fault, Logan.”
Despite knowing that was true, it still didn’t quite dislodge the guilt that pulsed in his chest. He felt more vulnerable here, without his adamantium. With your prying eyes. Even now, it appeared that you saw him in a way nobody else ever could.
“You know what? This might be totally inappropriate, but…” You trailed off, and he had just opened his mouth to question you when suddenly you were wrapping your arms around his neck, squeezing him close in a way that finally let him breathe again.
His hands hung idly by his sides for a few moments, before finally wrapping around you, holding you tight. He seemed as though he may never let you go, but you could understand that. Logan was in pain, and it seemed that despite your slight uncertainty, this had been a good path to go down. Taking care of one another, or something like that, right?
A heavy sigh left his chest, and you squeezed him tighter, letting out a short breath into his neck. You only pulled away when you heard Hank’s footsteps creaking on the aged floorboards, heading your way. Logan let you go, with much reluctance, but you lingered. Your arm brushed against his jacket.
If Hank noticed anything, he didn’t say a word, simply holding up the phone book victoriously. You glanced at Logan, watching the creases slowly come back to his face as he was reminded of his burden once more. You leaned against him the slightest bit, and pretended not to notice him glance at you.
This would all work out, you were certain of it. And if it didn’t, well, at the very least there was something to look forward to in that bleak future. Logan seemed worth the pain.
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alexiswritingstuff · 6 months ago
Everyone can heal.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Gn!reader
Summary: Logan falls asleep in the day room at Xavier's school, you accidently startle him awake and end up getting hurt.
Genre: hurt/comfort.
Warnings: mentions of blood, and descriptions of wounds, mentions of nightmares.
This is the first time that I am writing in a while, so I hope this isn't just straight up terrible.
A/n: this if my first fic for Logan, so like I usually say when writing for a new character, I may not have portrayed him in an accurate way. There might be parts that seem out of character and such, so please keep that in mind while reading!
Anyway, I've watched the X-men movies since I was a kid. And after watching the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie I was put right back at square one. So, here you go!
I hope you enjoy!!
Logan masterlist.
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It had been a long few days.
It was one of the first weeks that you had actually tried to be a professor. Of some sort.
Now, generally, you weren't exactly the kind of person that worked well with kids. It was a lack of experience on your end, as you hadn't gotten the chance to grow up with much others.
But you wanted to learn. Or... did.
The main fault was that you had forgotten to weigh your personal life, more so the things you needed, alongside being a professor in a school.
See, there were a few things that you didn't know about your abilities beforehand. Charles managed to bring some to light, and in turn, you had to figure out how to use them: Incorporate them into your training, into your fighting skills.
It was a lot to relearn. And you misjudged just how much it was going take it out of you.
Though, you didn't seem to be the only one.
Logan was practically in the same boat. Maybe even a little worse. I mean, he was good with kids, but working with them was different, especially when it's a whole group of them at a time. He even bailed on his own classes once. Or twice... could’ve been more.
But you couldn't exactly blame him.
This was the man that barely stayed a week anyway. He was always leaving, whether it was for a bar or something else, you didn't know unless you went with him.
He wasn't used to it yet. The change of being alone, pretty much all the time, to suddenly being surrounded by a boat load of people 24/7. It was understandable. Especially to you, which is probably why you had got to know him so well.
It was the end of the day. The sun was tucked far beneath the horizon, blanketing your part of the earth in a complete darkness. Minus the slight light pollution.
The hallways of the schools were empty at this time, each kid, hopefully, getting a good night's sleep for the next day of learning. But you could never be sure when it came to the teenagers.
It meant that there were less things in the surrounding area for the sound of your footsteps to bounce off. And that, combined with the size of the archways themselves, allowed the echoes to ring a lot longer than needed. 
You were on your way back to the day room, having made a quick stop by the kitchen to get more sodas in order to soothe the joint annoyance of having a lack of beer. 
It was where the two of you usually set up for quiet moments like these. There wasn't really anywhere else to go, unless you wanted to be stuck in an empty classroom, or have to sit on a freezing bench. And neither of you had an interest in being near a bed.
The most important factor about the day room, however, was that it had a TV. Which just so happened to be the first thing you heard after passing through the final corridor.
It was distant, set at a cautious volume. It must've been one of those talk shows, or maybe some kind of sitcom, as a chorus of laughter would erupt after almost every sentence said.
Either way, it didn't really matter. It had only been put on for background noise. A sound that would carry the silence whenever the two of you had stopped talking, unsure of what to bring up next.
Though, it seemed it had worked a little too well.
The last time you got a look at Logan, he had resumed his usual position. He was upright, back pressed firmly into the sofa as if he were trying to meld with it, and leant against the palm of his hand that had his elbow digging into the armrest.
Your feet halted in a matter of seconds of turning into that doorway. Your tongue was curled in your mouth, lips parted and remaining so, as your eyes had landed back on the man.
He was lying in the opposite direction. His body was sprawled across the length of the couch, though his feet were cursed to hang loosely over the edge. His muscles looked tense, regardless of the usual relief that sort of position was supposed to give a person. But that wasn't the interesting part.
His eyes were closed.
At this point the condensation on the bottles had begun to grow into little drops of water, joining together, one by one, before leaking onto your skin.
Your steps were slow, testing each of the floorboards beneath your shoes to avoid the ones that creaked like an old door.
Logan wasn't a person who got tired easily. It was part of his mutation, that of which you had learned very quickly, but apparently it had manifested into thinking that he couldn't even feel it at all. I guess you were wrong.
Though, in his defence, he may not have even meant to fall asleep when he closed his eyes.
Eventually, you had made it to the edge of the couch. There was a side table on each end of it, the safest and the closest option regardless of the fact his shoed feet were almost right above it.
You took one of the bottles in your free hand, making sure that your grip was just right, before beginning the descent to the table.
You held your breath, narrowed gaze flickering consistently from the eventual destination to the sleeping man. The concentration had even caused your tongue to poke through your teeth as you took about a step closer--
And then bam.
Right as the bottom of the bottle had touched down on the wood, this sudden guttural sound rippled through the air. It had you stumbling backwards, gaping in the direction of the continued noise that sounded like fear itself.
In front of you, now, was not the same sleeping man. In fact, this man was sat up, though almost hunched over most of his body. His arms were raised, aimed straight ahead, and that happened to be right at you.
“Whoa-- hey!”
He was heaving. Each breath taken almost shook his entire body. And the noises... They were almost like growls.
They were so deep and harsh as they pushed out of his throat one after the other, but his inhales were somehow even worse. It was like all the air in the room had suddenly dissipated.
It wasn't until you heard the seams of the couch starting to rip that you realised his claws were even out, the ends just about digging into the pillows beside him.
“Logan, hey, it's me, okay? Look,” you attempted to call, trying to lower your head so that he could properly meet your eyes, “Look, it's me!” And then he did. He saw you, even if It took a moment for it to actually kick in. 
He was still heaving, his gaze was fierce and his eyebrows never eased. He had even slightly choked on a breath on its way out.
But you saw the way he had slightly leaned back. There was a relief within the swirl of other emotions.
Until his gaze lowered.
Now, at some point in the past few minutes, the other bottle in your hand had been discarded. It most likely hit the edge of your shoe, sending it to roll off into some corner of the room where it would be forgotten about until morning... But it hadn't smashed.
So, why did something sound like it was dripping?
By the time your eyebrows had furrowed in confusion, Logan had hurriedly shoved himself up from the couch, his claws shrinking back between his knuckles within seconds. “Shit.”
You were lost. The sudden switch in atmosphere had you just standing there, fixated on the man that was moving towards you with this look on his face. Similar to one of guilt.
“Logan?” You had barely gotten the name out before you suddenly felt a hand on your arm. Your head snapped in its direction, lips parting so that you could ask what the hell was going on. And then he slightly tilted your arm.
There was your answer. “Oh.”
Three marks. There were three lines etched diagonally into your arm, one deep enough that it led the pooling blood to trickle down your skin. How did you not feel that?
“Fuck,” Logan's hand was careful. His fingers were light and gentle as they grazed the side of your arm. Hesitant. His breaths were getting louder again. “I'm…”
“I'm sorry,” he attempted, his voice barely escaping as a whisper, “I'm so sorry.”
His eyebrows were more furrowed than they were before. The rest of his face was sort of scrunched up too, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Or he was disgusted by it.
“Logan,” You tried placing your hand on his closest wrist, but he immediately retracted. He let go of your arm, “Hey, look, I'm fine, okay?” you started louder, more insistent, “It doesn't hurt.”
Logan shook his head for a moment. He took a slight step backwards, his stance heavy. His eyes never moved. “I'm sorry.”
He grunted, the frown taking over his lips deepening for just a moment before his torso twisted. He grabbed the neck of the successfully placed soda, and then just walked around you.
“No, wait,” You tried to reach out, wanting to grasp his arm or even the fabric of his top, but he swerved, completely avoiding you, “Logan?”
You couldn't even make another attempt as if your other hand was away for longer, more blood would end up dripping on the floor. So, your body turned, desperate eyes following the man in a way that was more of a plea than anything else.
But he never looked back. He continued walking through the doorway, rubbing hard against his temples with a final grunt before disappearing behind the wall.
The time, at this point, was unclear. The clocks in this school were usually around the learning areas, mostly in the classrooms, which created a sort of guessing game anywhere else.
It was apparent, however, that the sun had just begun to rise. Peeking over the horizon enough so that a bright mist seeped into most of the corridors.
You found yourself back in the hallways. There wasn't a very clear reason as to why than this inability to sit. A failure to be still for seconds at a time, regardless of the tiredness that had started to cling to your skin.
But that was the last thing on your mind.
You kept thinking about it; the previous encounter. It was sort of plaguing your mind, more so how you handled it.
Granted, it was in fact your first time having to deal with a situation like that, and usually you were on the other side. Though this seemed different, like something had just been exposed.
You were aware of the fact that Logan had nightmares. I mean, it was one of the most believable things about him, considering the things he'd gone through. The extent, however, was undetermined.
Until today.
A huff of air sifted through your lips as you attempted to straighten your spine, stretch the accompanying muscles that had grown tense over the past few hours.
The aimless walking was almost nice. The surroundings were mostly quiet, excluding the wind that whistled against the glass of the windows, having picked up some time earlier.
It was that time of year again. The group of months where the weather grew cold and the plants began to change. It almost made the school feel cosy even if there was no heating in the hallways.
In fact, where you were now was the coldest, and it wasn't until you looked up properly that you realised you were about to walk into a dead-end.
Slowly, your feet came to a stop, your lazy eyes blinking hastily in the blaring yellow light, which was starting to mix into this sort of orange.
Your shoulders lowered, a sense of relief filtering through your system as the decision had been final. You were going to go to your room, maybe even get to lay down for a few hours until it was time to teach.
So, you turned on your heel, taking about a step in the other direction as your blurry eyes attempted to focus on the closest doorway, until you could note the surroundings. It was the kitchen.
Now, that door was always open, usually swung all the way back and held by a stopper. But a light was on. Allowing you to properly get a view of the room and what was in it.
More so who.
Your movements had halted right as you were about to take another step.
He was sitting at the narrow table at the back, set between the array of windows. His elbows were against the surface of it, one of his hands clasped around a bottle he had just set down. He swallowed, and so did you.
There was an initial pause, seconds taken to calculate the right decision, before you went in. Your lips parted, ready to release the script you had gone over in your head for the last hour--
“I didn't mean to hurt you.”
Instead, you were frozen. The volume of his voice, and the angle he sat at, almost made it seem like the words didn't even come from him. He probably heard you before you had even come down the hall.
Your eyebrows furrowed, “Logan–” you tried, but his mouth opened before you could even finish, “Just let me talk,” He hadn't moved. He was in the same position, still holding the bottle, and staring straight forward like there was someone there across from him. “Okay?”
You brought your lips together, placing a hand on the kitchen island to distribute your weight. Logan took the silence as acceptance and he cleared his throat. “I'm sure you already know,” he had begun, sparing the slightest glance your way for confirmation that didn't even need, “about the... nightmares.”
It was as if something in his mouth went sour when he said it, like the words itself tasted bad.
“Some are about the past, you know-- bits and pieces of it, anyway, but…” Logan paused for a moment, both verbally and physically. It only held for a few seconds. And then he sighed. “There are other ones too- Ones... ones where people get hurt, and, I'm…”
“I'm the one doing it.” It was a slow movement, an action that looked like it had to be forced, as Logan suddenly began turning in his seat. He met your eyes with a look that had your eyebrows furrowing all over again, “I'm the one hurting people.”
“Y/n, I'm sorry.”
“Logan,” you started, shaking your head in disagreement with the apology, but he only repeated it. “I'm so sorry.”
You made your way to the edge of the island, pace slowing once round the corner, “Hey,” Logan's gaze had shifted as you moved. It was lower, directed at a specific point. He was looking at your arm.
It had been engulfed by a layer of, hopefully, the appropriate bandaging. An attempt at following the tips Jean had given you from previous injuries.
But it being covered somehow made it seem worse than it was.
“Hey, look at me,” you called, stopping at a good place where you were actually in front of him, yet still a good distance away so he wouldn’t want to back off. “Look at me.” 
The next words only left your lips when he had finally decided to comply. “I'm fine.” you assured, the tone of your voice much lighter than before. But that made the look on Logan's face shift, “I hurt you.”
“It was an accident,” Your response was quick, your voice making it sound so simple. Like the sentence said should’ve been accompanied by a shrug of the shoulders. Logan didn't like that, “Accident or not, I still hurt you, Y/n.” His tone was riddled with this disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that he had to tell you that in the first place.
“And, I'm still here, Logan.”
You didn't understand it. The two of you had trained together many times, each round ending with either one receiving a new injury until your skills developed. Hell, you had been in battle together.
A little scratch was nothing. “It was a mistake-- my mistake. I'm the one who startled you, shit like this happens.” you tried to assure. Logan scoffed immediately, “What-- Does that make it magically okay for me to hurt people?”
“No!” you huffed out, the ability to contain your annoyance dwindling the more he challenged your statements. “No, okay? But-- You know, what-- Look.”
You took a few more steps, the care for all of the previous caution going completely out the window as you grasped an end of the bandaging, and unwinded the material before pulling back the padding beneath.
Logan almost looked like he had buffered for a few seconds. He blinked, and then again, and then twice really fast, as if it would change what was in front of him. His hand had even flexed, like he wanted to reach it out, though it remained on the table.
They were gone. Each mark, each line that was carved into the skin had completely gone. Disappeared without a trace. There wasn't even a scar.
“You…” He spoke slowly, his eyes trailing up the length of your arm to your shoulders. And then your face. “You can regenerate?”
“Granted, a little... Well, a lot slower than you-- But, yeah.” you confirmed, wrapping the bandage up in your hands before placing it on the kitchen aisle behind you.
Logan leaned back slightly in a way that straightened his up spine. He brought his legs from under the table and set them in the direction the rest of his body was facing. He had turned right towards you.
“Are you serious?” The complete deadpan had you staring right back at him. You couldn't read the expression, nor the stance. You didn't even know what to call it. “Yep.” You blinked. Logan didn't move a muscle, “You can heal.” 
Now, you could hear it in his voice. It wasn't just a statement, a form of repetition to clarify the new information. He was getting mad.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “I... I don't really know what else you want me to say.” Which was the truth, the whole healing thing was one of the things you had discovered with Charles. 
It's an entirely different process than it is for most anyway, let alone when it comes to Logan. At the moment you actually had to activate the process for anything to heal. But you were working on it.
I guess it just slipped your mind.
“So, you were just willingly acting like a damn damsel?” The lines around his eyebrows deepened the way they usually did when he was getting angry. And they weren't stopping.
“A damsel?” you repeated, even tilting your head as a wordless question, and he just nodded. “You stood there. You just stood there until I came to you-- You didn't even try to stop the bleeding. Hell, did you even notice?”
That look on his face never changed. You hated it. The way it darkened his eyes, or tensed the surrounding muscles. The most bothersome thing, however, was the fact that it was aimed at you. “No,” you started, this time with a deeper voice. “No, I didn't-- You know, why?”
“Why?” Logan commanded, the veins around his neck becoming apparent. It was as if he was trying to win an argument, get the upper hand and serve some kind of justice, like you had done something wrong.
He was supposed to be relieved.
“Maybe, it's because that was the last thing I cared about, Logan!”
The two of you were just staring at each other. At this point, both of you were almost heaving, the past few minutes taking the air out of both pair of lungs.
The expression on Logan's face twitched for a moment, a crack in the anger that usually wasn't breakable. His posture had become more of a slouch as he suddenly decided to lean back a little, like before.
You watched with curious eyes when he then sighed, breaking the held gaze to grab his bottle of soda and bring it to his lips.
It all resembled a puzzle. A constant attempt to find the right piece, the right thought, that would fit it all together. But there was a lack of progress. You were at a loss. 
Was he mad that you didn't tell him? Was he actually mad that you didn't do anything about the scratches? Were you reacting the wrong way? Did he want you to hate him? Were you supposed to?
Or did he think that you couldn't grasp the situation? The severity. The big 'What if?' Maybe he was in fact tired. 
Just a different kind.
You started to move after another few seconds, the sound of your shoes against the tiles piercing through the layer of created silence. It was apparent that Logan was watching, albeit discreetly, following what he could as he took another swig.
Your movements concluded by the length of the table he was sitting at. You leaned onto it, releasing that weight that had started aching both your knees and your feet from standing for so long.
By the time your eyes were back on Logan, his own had snapped away.
You took in a deep breath of the cold air, feeling it hit the back of your throat, your shoulders deflating, “I get them too, you know... Nightmares.”
There was a beat of silence again. A lack of movement, or reaction. And then he met your eyes again. Slower this time, almost hesitant. He set his drink down ,listening. So, you continued, “I wouldn't go about comparing them,” 
“But, I understand enough to know what it's like.”
Logan sort of huffed a laugh after that. Not a malicious one, or in disbelief of the sentiment. He was acknowledging it. “You shouldn't have to.” 
He was back to that whisper of a voice again. It was still deep, and a tad gravely, almost forceful. But it conveyed enough. “Neither should you.. yet,” you paused, shrugging your shoulders, “Here we are.”
This time, the huffed laugh was louder. More pronounced in a way. It left a mark on his lips, leaving them curling at the corners. It fit right in. You wanted it to stay. Maybe a little too much, “At least, now, I get to say that I was attacked by The Wolverine and survived.” 
The comment was a little dangerous, especially if taken the wrong way. In all honesty, your eagerness allowed it to be blurted right through your lips before you could catch it. 
But Logan practically snorted. “Shut up.” he breathed, bringing the soda back to his lips. You pretended that you didn’t hear him, even crossing your arms over your chest, though a grin had slightly appeared, “I could even say that I defeated him.” 
In about a second his eyes had snapped to yours, a singular brow rising as the bottle smacked onto the surface of the table, “Okay,” He swallowed, “you did not defeat me, bub.”
“Oh, really?” you challenged, attempting to mimic his expression. “You were done after one move.”
Logan pushed the chair with his back in a way that had the legs screeching against the tiles. He stood from it, moving about a step to the side before continuing towards you.
“I was distracted.” he pointed out, gaze narrow as his eyebrows decided to furrow in an attempt to support his justification. “Excuses, excuses,” was all you said, accompanying it with a light shrug.
Logan was right in front of you now. He was close, about a step away. Though, the longer he looked at you, his eyes scanning across the skin of your face, that amusement once held had begun to fade.
He became sort of serious, the tension making the lines of his face more prominent all over again as his lips curved into more of a frown.
“I don't want it to happen again.” He was avoiding your eyes now, his own gaze cast downward. They were following his hand as he had brought it to your arm, the fingers of which ghosting across where the marks had been like he could still see them.
“Logan,” you started, your voice quiet yet loud enough that his attention was recovered. The two of you were looking at each other again, this time properly. Your features eased, all of the concern and the previous anger completely melting away.
You brought the hand of your previously injured arm upward, and he watched it until it went out of his vision.
You gently placed your hand on the side of his cheek, your palm pressing into the hair of his mutton chops which brought his gaze back to yours. And then you smiled lightly, just enough that he could see it, “Even if it did, I am not going anywhere.”
There was this quick twitch in Logan's expression. A split second of movement that had almost gone unnoticed until it happened again. His eyebrows pinched together.
Before you could say a word, he had suddenly pulled you forward, away from the table you were once against.
By the time you were up straight, his arms had wrapped around your body one after the other, entrapping you in this warmth that the kitchen could never achieve. It had you copying him as fast as you could, letting your hands land across the skin of his back and the fabric of the tank top.
Logan's head was planted on your shoulder, his hair sort of tickling the side of your face as he tucked himself in further. 
His body slightly deflated after a moment, a sort of gravelly hum of content rumbling from his throat. He obviously wasn’t putting his entire weight on you, the two of you would've tipped over within seconds. But you could feel it.
An extra weight that you were glad to carry.
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librababe99 · 6 months ago
More Than Skin Deep
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Word Count: 766 
cw: Fem! Reader, Self-esteem issues, reference to scars and disfigurement, established relationship, hurt with comfort 
A/N: This is my first time writing for Wade! Honestly I wanted this to be short and sweet–plus this man is sooo deserving of some gentle love❤️ Would y’all be more open to content with Wade? How are we feeling? 
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The night was quiet—surprisingly so for a place like New York City, where the streets never truly slept. But here, in the dim light of Wade’s apartment, the world outside seemed a distant memory. The soft glow of the streetlamp filtered through the window, casting a warm, golden hue over the room, illuminating the gentle rise and fall of Wade’s chest as he lay on the bed.
You sat beside him, your fingers tracing the well-worn path over his skin. Wade Wilson—merc with a mouth, the man who’d seen more carnage than most could even imagine—was currently as still as you’d ever seen him. His eyes were half-closed, a rare vulnerability etched into the lines of his face.
Your fingers followed the familiar route, gliding over the uneven terrain of his chest. Every scar, every imperfection, was a testament to the battles he’d fought and survived. They were part of him, part of the man you loved, and you cherished each one.
“Why do you do that?” Wade’s voice was softer than usual, lacking the usual quip or joke. There was something raw in his tone, something unguarded. He didn’t open his eyes, though. Maybe he was afraid to see what might be reflected in yours.
“Do what?” you asked, your voice equally gentle. Your fingers continued their journey, moving lower, tracing the ridges and valleys of his abdomen. His skin was warm beneath your touch, the tension in his muscles gradually easing under your ministrations.
“This.” He gestured vaguely to where your hands roamed. “Touch me like I’m… I dunno, something precious.”
You smiled, though he couldn’t see it. “Because you are.”
Wade let out a scoff, the sound more automatic than genuine. "Come on, you can't really find this attractive," he muttered, a trace of self-deprecation in his voice.
You smiled softly, leaning down to kiss one of the scars on his chest. "I find you attractive," you whispered against his skin, feeling the subtle tremor of a laugh as it reverberated through him.
You shifted, lying down beside him so you could face him, your hand moving to cup his cheek. His skin was rough here too, but to you, it was perfect. You brushed your thumb across the ridge of his jaw, feeling the way he leaned into your touch, despite himself.
“You’re not just scars, Wade,” you said, your voice firm but tender. “You’re the man who makes me laugh until my sides hurt. You’re the guy who takes on the worst of the worst to protect people, even if you’d never admit that’s why you do it. You’re the person who makes me feel safe, and loved, and important.”
Wade’s eyes finally opened, and you saw the conflict in them—an uncertainty that rarely showed itself. “You really believe all that?”
“I do.” You leaned in, pressing a kiss to his lips, soft and slow. “I love every part of you. The loud, the quiet, the scars, the smile… all of it. You’re mine, Wade, and I’m not letting go.”
He exhaled a shaky breath, his hand coming up to rest on yours where it still cupped his cheek. “You’re too good for me,” he said, but there was less conviction in his words this time.
“Maybe,” you teased lightly, pulling back just enough to see the faint hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “But you’re stuck with me now.”
Wade’s hand moved to your waist, pulling you closer, his eyes searching yours as if trying to find the lie in your words. But there wasn’t one. What he saw was the truth—the unconditional, unwavering love you had for him.
“Guess I could get used to that,” he murmured, his voice rough with emotion.
You kissed him again, letting your lips linger, savoring the taste of him, the feel of him. Your hand drifted down his chest once more, over the scars and the rough patches, your touch reverent, worshipful. You poured everything into that kiss, into your touch, wanting him to feel the depth of your love, to know it was real.
When you finally pulled back, Wade’s eyes were dark, filled with something that looked an awful lot like hope.
“Thank you,” he whispered, the words barely audible.
You just smiled, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead, your heart full. “Always.”
And as the night stretched on, with the world outside growing quieter still, you stayed wrapped in each other’s arms. Wade’s body relaxed completely under your gentle ministrations, his heart finally accepting what his mind struggled to comprehend.
That he was loved—scars and all.
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artplague · 5 months ago
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trigger warning: PTSD flashbacks.
til death do us part, part three
drawn for morpherine week, "there was only one bed." friends don't abandon friends, Morph.
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htchnr · 6 months ago
ミ★ turn into the noise ꜜ LOGAN HOWLETT.
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𖦹 masterlist. 𖦹 buy me a ko-fi!
「 ꜜsummary,, after a long and difficult day, all you want is Logan. so he takes care of you, gently rubbing away at your worries until you feel a little better. 」
「 ꜜcontent,, old man!Logan ⋆ non described problem that makes you feel awful ⋆ sickeningly sweet fluff ⋆ hurt/comfort ⋆ unmentioned age gap ⋆ Logan is so sweet and gentle i'm gonna throw up. ꜜwc,, 1,1k. 」
© 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐑. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦, 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!
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Logan hears the truck pulling up outside the cabin as he finishes up doing the dishes. he dries his hands, already moving to the front door to greet you. his smile drops however when he sees your scrunched up face, clearly trying to hold back tears.
" what's goin' on, honey? " his voice is gentle, dropping the dish towel on the small table by the door.
you shut the door and drop the keys into the hand carved wooden bowl Logan made you a few years ago on the same table. you shake your head, eyes shut as you try not to let the tears slip down. " oh, sweetheart, " he mutters, big, calloused hands reaching for you. they pull you in by your shoulders, wrapping his strong arms around you as he holds you tight.
you clench your eyes shut as you bury your face into his warm, firm chest — trying so hard to keep it all in. but the moment those two words sound from his lips, the dams break. you let out a sob, your own shaky arms wrapping around him.
Logan's heart breaks at each sob as he holds you, not daring to let go. he sinks with you as your knees buckle, carefully lowering you down to your knees as you clutch at the back of his flannel.
he holds you like this for what feels like an eternity, your smaller frame shaking against his larger and sturdy frame with each brutal sob.
you slowly calm down, your sobs reducing to sniffles as you slouch against him in his arms. " let's get you out of these clothes and into somethin' more comfortable, yeah? " his voice gentle and raspy.
you nod against his chest, clinging to him as he easily lifts you up and into his arms as he carries you to your shared bathroom. Logan sits you down on the toilet seat cover, kneeling before you with a grunt as he gently takes off your shoes. he presses occasional kisses to your shins, slowly pulling off your socks and setting the shoes aside along with the socks.
Logan shuffles around to kneel beside you, helping you shrug off your coat, which he lays on top of your shoes. he gets up with groans and the pops of his knees, moving to stand between your knees. his rough hands pull your sweater up and you raise your arms as much as you can muster to aid him. he pulls the sweater over your head and drops it with your coat.
next are your jeans — he wraps an arm behind your torso and lifts you up enough to pull them down your hips. he carefully rests you back down, kneeling down again with the audible protest from his knees to pull your jeans down your thighs. he trails sweet kisses down each inch of newly exposed skin, laying your jeans on top of the pile.
he stands up, not without another groan and crack of his old metal bones. " c'mon, sweet girl, let's get that makeup off, we're almost done. " his voice is low, not wanting to break the peaceful and healing spell that's woven around your two.
you nod and Logan lifts you up and gently sets you down on the cold marble of the counter. he leans down, ever so sweetly lifting your legs to open a drawer to grab a few of your makeup wipes. he closes the drawer, easing your legs back down.
he opens the pack, a calloused yet painfully gentle hand coming up to hold the side of your face. he pulls out a wipe with his other hand and tenderly starts wiping off your makeup. you close your eyes as he swipes at the product on your skin, nuzzling your face into his warm and welcoming palm.
he smiles sadly, his thumb rubbing a few loving figures against your cheekbone before holding the other side of your face. he grabs a new wipe, his thumb rubbing figures into the clean and slightly slippery skin as he wipes off the remainder of the product.
he presses a few more swipes across your skin, dropping the used wipes into the small trash can beside the counter. " there we go, all done. " his voice soothes, wrapping his strong arms around your shoulders as he pulls you against his chest once more.
you more than happily accept, burying your face against his chest as you wrap your arms around his waist. he sighs sadly, pressing a firm kiss to the top of your head. " tell me when you're ready to let me in. i'll always be here, however long it takes. " your face scrunches up as you nod, a few tears dripping down your cheeks and soaking into his flannel.
he presses one more kiss to the crown of your head before he pulls away. " let's get you into bed and comfortable, yeah? " you nod, sniffling as you try to wipe your tears away. Logan takes a hold of your hand, in their stead he lovingly and gently wipes away your tears with the comforting pad of his thumb.
he picks you up, his old metal bones protesting a little as he carries you up the stairs to the bedroom. he slowly lays you down onto the soft blankets, moving away only to pull his own clothes off. he moves to pull the blankets back enough for him to get in, pulling you against him as he lifts the blankets over you.
you let out a shaky yawn as you curl up against Logan's bear chest, your soft fingers tiredly dragging across the plain of his scarred skin. he wraps his arms around you, pulling your top leg over his hip as he holds you as close as he can. " i'll stay for as long as you need. " he mutters, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
you bury your face in the crook of his neck, placing a silent kiss of appreciation to his skin.
it seemed impossible the moment you came through the door — but now in Logan's arms, you feel as though tomorrow, and all the days after don't look so dark anymore.
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reidsworld · 6 months ago
The Time We Have
Summary: Logan struggles with the fear of dying and leaving Laura alone, but meeting you helps him find peace. Set in an AU where Logan does not die at the end of Logan (2017).
Paring: Logan Howlett x Fem!Mutant!Reader
Category: Angst, Fluff
Content Warnings: Talks of death.
Word Count: 1.4k
Mars speaks… gif is from pinterest!
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Logan’s knuckles ache, the bones beneath his skin creaking with every movement as if they’re finally giving in to the wear of time. It’s a pain that never quite leaves him anymore, a constant reminder that his body is failing him, betraying him in ways he never thought possible. He’s lived more lifetimes than most, fought more battles than he can count, and somehow, it’s this—this slow, inevitable decay—that feels like the cruelest blow of all.
He’s not afraid of dying. That’s never been something that scared him. He’s seen it too many times, come too close to it on too many occasions, to feel anything other than a resigned acceptance when he thinks about the end. But this… this slow, agonising decline is something different. It’s not the swift, clean death he always imagined for himself, the kind that comes in battle, in the heat of the moment. No, this is something that eats away at him bit by bit, until there’s nothing left but a shadow of the man he used to be.
And that scares him. Not the dying part—he’s made his peace with that—but the idea of leaving Laura alone in a world that’s anything but kind. He’s fought so hard to keep her safe, to give her a chance at a life he never thought he’d have to walk away from before it was time. The thought of her being alone, without anyone to protect her, has kept him up more nights than he can count.
He doesn’t talk about it. He’s never been one to share what’s on his mind, to let anyone see the cracks beneath the surface. But it’s there, every time he looks in the mirror and sees the new lines on his face, every time his claws take just a little longer to come out, every time he feels the weight of exhaustion settle into his bones.
It’s a bitter realisation, knowing that his time is running out. He doesn’t know how to feel about it, doesn’t know what to do with the knowledge that he’s slowly dying and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. The adamantium that made him unbreakable is now his undoing, poisoning him from the inside out. And there’s no one left to save him, no one who can stop the inevitable.
He’s spent his life fighting, surviving against impossible odds, but this is a battle he knows he can’t win. It’s a fight he’s destined to lose, and it’s not something he’s ever been good at accepting.
And then, he met you.
You came into his life like a breath of fresh air, a light in the darkness that had consumed him for so long. He didn’t want to let you in at first, didn’t want to admit that you could make any kind of difference in the mess that his life had become. But you were persistent, stubborn in that way he’s come to admire, and somehow, without him even realizing it, you slipped past all the walls he’d built up around himself.
You weren’t like anyone he’d ever met. A mutant, yes, but your powers weren’t about brute strength or regeneration. Instead, you had the ability to manipulate energy, to create barriers and shields that could protect those around you. It was a power that reflected who you were—a protector, a guardian. And it was exactly what he and Laura needed. Before he knew it, he found himself drawn to you in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time.
It was Laura who first noticed the change in him, the way he seemed lighter somehow, less burdened by the weight of the world. She’d always been perceptive, too smart for her own good, and she didn’t hesitate to call him out on it.
“You’re different,” she said one day, her eyes narrowing as she watched him. “You’re… happier.”
Logan had grunted in response, not wanting to admit that she was right. He wasn’t used to being happy, wasn’t used to feeling anything other than anger or pain. But with you, it was different. You didn’t change his purpose; you just made the burden lighter, made it easier to carry on knowing you were by his side.
But you didn’t push him. You let him come to terms with it on his own, never demanding more than he was willing to give. You were patient, understanding in a way that made him feel like he could finally breathe, like he didn’t have to be on guard all the time.
And slowly, without even realising it, Logan found himself accepting the inevitable. He was dying—there was no denying that. But for the first time, it didn’t feel like a death sentence. It felt like… closure. Like maybe he could finally find peace, knowing that he wasn’t leaving Laura alone, that you’d be there, that you’d spend the rest of your life with him.
One night, as you lay curled up against him on the couch, your head resting on his chest, he found himself speaking the words that had been weighing on his mind for so long.
“I’m not gonna be around forever,” he said quietly, his voice rough with the weight of the truth. “I’m dying, and there’s nothin’ I can do to stop it.”
You didn’t flinch, didn’t pull away. Instead, you lifted your head to look at him, your eyes full of understanding and love. “I know,” you said softly, your voice steady. “But you’re here now, and that’s all that matters.”
He let out a slow breath, the tension in his chest easing just a little. “I’m scared,” he admitted, the words coming out before he could stop them. “I’m not used to this… to not knowin’ what’s gonna happen. To not bein’ able to fight back.”
Your hand moved to cup his cheek, your touch gentle and reassuring. “You don’t have to be strong all the time, Logan,” you said, your voice full of warmth. “It’s okay to be scared. But you’re not alone in this. Laura and I… we’re here for you, for as long as you need us.”
He swallowed hard, the lump in his throat making it difficult to speak. “I don’t know how much time I have left,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “But whatever time I do have… I’m glad I get to spend it with you.”
You smiled, a soft, loving smile that made his heart ache with something he couldn’t quite name. “Me too,” you said simply, as if there was no question, no doubt in your mind.
And in that moment, Logan felt something shift inside him. The fear, the uncertainty that had been gnawing at him for so long, began to fade. It didn’t disappear completely—he knew it never would—but it didn’t seem as overwhelming anymore. Because he wasn’t alone. He had you, and he had Laura. And that was enough.
He pulled you closer, his arms wrapping around you as if he could hold on to this moment forever. You settled against him, your body fitting perfectly against his, and he pressed a kiss to your hair, breathing in the scent of you—something that had become so familiar, so comforting.
And then he thought about Laura, about the future he’d once feared she’d face alone. But now… now he had hope. You were by his side, and together, you could give Laura the life she deserved. She’d have you to guide her, to be there when he was gone. And maybe, just maybe, she’d have a sibling to watch over her when both of you were long gone.
For the first time in a long time, Logan felt like he could finally accept what was happening to him. He was dying—there was no escaping that. But it didn’t feel like the end. It felt like… a beginning. A chance to live the life he’d never thought he’d have, with you by his side.
And when the time came, when the poison inside him finally took its toll, he knew he wouldn’t be alone. He’d have you, and he’d have Laura. And that was more than he’d ever hoped for.
So, he closed his eyes, letting the warmth of your presence wash over him, and for the first time in his long, tumultuous life, Logan felt at peace.
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Mars speaks… (again) Thank you for reading, any and all feedback is always appreciated🫶
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animasola86 · 1 month ago
You find yourself at the lowest point of your life, with no way out, stuck in your own darkness, but then a woman approaches you with an offer that may change your life…
soft!Daddy!dom x Mommy!domme x little girl!reader
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WARNINGS: F!Reader insert. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Depression, anxiety, mental health issues. Mommy/Daddy issues. Pet names. Mommy/Daddy kink. Dd/Md/lg dynamics. Age gap. Dom/sub undertones. Fluff. (More notes under the cut!)
WORDS: 6.8k 🔷️ READ ON AO3 🔷️ 1–2–3–4–5–6
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A/N: This is the angsty-backstory/how-they-met episode. No smut here, just a bit of plot and a lot of angst. The real smut will commence in chapter 3. (This also marks the first part of the past-timeline which will continue in chapter 4 and onward.) If you don't care to read 6.8k words of backstory, there's a TL;DR at the end of the post! (For more information on Reader, check out the A/N in chapter 1.)
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Chapter 1 🔷️ Chapter 2 🔷️ Chapter 3
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Several months earlier
Sometimes it takes one single stone to bring the entire avalanche down on somebody. Or however that saying goes. You couldn't care less when it eventually happened to you. It started when you stopped going to college. You just couldn't anymore, physically and mentally. It was a chore to leave your room, an entire obstacle course to even think about going to your classes, meeting other people, doing anything anymore. And you still have no idea how it all came to be. It just happened.
You stopped going, but life went on, and in the end you had to drop out, missed too many classes, couldn't get back on track in time, lost contact to anyone you'd considered a friend before. And when it was official, you lost your room in the dorm. Because it was student living, and you were no longer a student. So you gathered the few things you owned (which wasn't much) and left the place. It was all a daze back then, a blind stumble through your darkness, an aimless wandering, your mind either too empty or too full to realize that you were now homeless.
And not even that. Prior to being kicked off campus, you were let go from your job in the coffee shop because you had excused yourself too many times. You tried to return to it, because the people were nice, but even they couldn't take you back because now you didn't have a home address anymore, and somehow that was important? How were you supposed to afford rent when you couldn't even get a job because you didn't have a place to stay yet? Life wasn't fair, and it accumulated quickly.
That first day, you stumbled through the streets, headless, still not quite understanding what was happening. You were numb, unable to process what your life had turned into.
You slept on a bench in the park that night, luckily it was late spring, already quite warm, the only good thing about your whole situation, but even now you realize that you were really lucky that night because who knows what could have happened. A young woman, alone in the dark, helpless. It's scary just how lucky you had been.
You made it back to the coffee shop, hoping they had changed their mind. They hadn't, but they allowed you to spend the day sitting inside, trying to get your bearings, thinking what you should do. The problem was, you didn't have any options. You had a little bit of money saved up, but it was not enough to pay the first-time payment for a new apartment, and you'd burn through most of it by just staying even at the cheapest hotel.
Your worst enemy, however, was your pride. Asking former friends to crash on their couch for a bit? Never in a million years. You had ghosted them, ignored them for so long they'd probably hate you now, and you couldn't face them, ashamed and insecure as you were.
On top of that, even before you fell into your black hole, you had made an effort to burn all the bridges of your old life when you moved to the other side of the country, leaving it all behind to start fresh.
The 'safety' of your family and your hometown was too far away now. Plane tickets were horribly expensive (as was train travel or a simple bus ride), you also didn't own a car, and asking them to send you money would never ever be an option either. Not just because of your pride (though admitting defeat and returning with your tail between your legs was also high on your no-chance-in-hell-list), but because you knew they wouldn't come to your rescue anyway. Somehow you knew they didn't care about you anymore.
Especially your mother had not been happy when you were accepted into a college all the way on the other side of the country, but for you, it was like a dream come true. A new beginning. All on your own. Finally. The first years truly were like paradise. But then, as if someone had flipped a switch, completely out of the blue, it all came down, and buried you alive. And as days turned into weeks turned into months, where you couldn't even leave your dorm room anymore, you kept seeing your mother's face in front of you, condescending as ever, hissing 'I knew it...' into your ear.
You felt like the biggest failure, letting everyone down, especially yourself. And you told yourself you didn't deserve help, maybe you deserved to rot at the bottom of this deep dark pit. Dropping out of college, losing your room, spending your time on the streets, was only the tip of the iceberg of a months long depression you saw no way out of.
You were stuck, too scared and stubborn and self-loathing to ask for help, unable to move back or forward. And when the coffee shop closed for the night that second day, you found yourself huddled in a nearby doorway, unable to even go back to the park or find somewhere else to stay. They told you about a homeless shelter, but you couldn't face any people right now. It felt impossible.
But it didn't stop other people from approaching you. Again, you were more than lucky, you could have met who knew who, you were aware that there were bad people out there, but instead it was a woman. A beautiful woman in a business suit who looked as if she'd stepped right out of one of those fancy fashion magazines. You stared at her in awe and confusion when she crouched down in front of you.
“You shouldn't be here,” she said, her voice so smooth and velvety and gentle, a subtle accent shining through her words.
What she said made you frown though, and you started to move, knowing you shouldn't loiter here like this, but her hand shot out and found your shoulder, holding you in place. You froze, blinking at her.
“Not the safest place for a young woman like yourself. Do you need help?”
There it was, the dreaded question. You wanted to say yes, scream it at the top of your aching lungs, please, yes, help me, but you couldn't. You didn't want to be a burden, you wanted to rot away in your little hole and that was it. It was a strain to ask for anything, had always been, you liked being independent, but that ship had sailed a long time ago.
So all you replied with was a pathetic sniffle that you hid by wiping at your face. It was numb by this time, too many tears, countless panic attacks, it had been all too much. And again the woman grabbed your wrist, pulled your hand away, watched you with genuine concern on her pretty face. You only sobbed more under her attention.
“Shh, it's alright. It's going to be okay,” she tried to soothe you, the back of her finger wiping at your wet cheek. You startled away, gasping, hitting your head on the wall behind you, which caused you to cry even harder. “Oh, sweet girl, it's alright,” she repeated, and then she pulled you into a hug, right against her impressive bust, and it was warm and soft and the touch so confusing and overwhelming that you just went limp in her embrace, sniffling pathetically.
You still don't know why she treated you like that, you were a stranger, a girl living on the streets for all she knew, and yet she looked right through you and saw how lost you were. You can't really remember what happened next, but she seemed to have convinced you to come with her, and she brought you to a diner that was still open, where she ordered food and drinks for you, and you sat there, stunned and still overwhelmed, and let it happen, mesmerized by this strange woman.
And you ate and talked, pushed by her attentive eyes and concerned questions, told this stranger everything, cried some more, had another panic attack, and as you thought she would leave then, too troubled or unimpressed by your story, she asked you something else. Something that would change your life forever.
“Do you know what a submissive is, sweetheart?” The question came so natural. She was sipping on her coffee, watching you over the rim of the cup, a little sparkle in her beautiful eyes.
You frowned and shook your head. You knew the word as an adjective, of course, but you weren't sure what she was insinuating by phrasing it like that.
She smiled softly and explained it to you, patiently and as if she was talking about the weather, and you felt your cheeks burning up, your attention focused on her and the picture she was painting. Your head was swirling with words like dominance and caregiver, deference and submission, guidance and devotion, and phrases like giving up control and letting someone else take over. She never actually said it, but there was a deeply sexual undertone to it all, which confused you as much as it overwhelmed you.
She finished with: “So my partner and I are looking for a girl like this, someone willing to let go for us, someone we can take care of, hold and pamper, you know? We've been looking for a while, but never found the right one.”
You stared at her as she leaned her elbow on the table and her chin into her palm, her eyes wandering over your flushed face. “You would live with us, you'd have a home. You'd be given tasks and chores, because, yes, nothing is for free in this world, but you'd be taken care of, you wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore.”
She inhaled deeply, leaning back in her seat. You watched her, your mind reeling, her words echoing in your head. You were more than intrigued, but it all sounded too good to be true. How was it possible that at your lowest point, when everything seemed hopeless, you'd meet a woman who'd tell you about a way out? And all you had to do was follow their orders, do what they told you to do, let them take control? Honestly, in your current state, at this point, you'd do anything to get out of your own head.
But the longer you stared at her and the longer the silence dragged on between you, the more you deflated, already knowing she'd be disappointed in you too, sooner or later. You chewed on your bottom lip, lowering your eyes, distancing yourself from this possibility even before it could come to fruition. Can't be disappointed if you don't have any expectations, right?
She moved, extending a hand to touch your arm, her long slim fingers hooking under it, slowly dragging downwards until she could get a hold of your hand. You looked up in confusion, tears burning in your eyes. She squeezed your hand gently.
“Will you be our submissive, sweetheart?” she asked quietly, her eyes boring into yours. “Will you give it a chance? There are no strings attached, you come with me tonight, I'll show you the house, you meet my partner, and then you can decide what to do, okay? I know I'm just a stranger now, and telling you to trust me certainly sounds weird, right? But I mean it, you can trust me. I really want to help you.”
You parted your lips, wanting to reply, but only a sob came out. You didn't deserve this. And this stranger was too nice, too generous, offering you all this? Where was the catch? Were you being pranked? Was she a serial killer looking for her next victim? Maybe she just saw another charity case in you, someone to help for publicity or something? All those thoughts flooded your mind as you watched her, but the longer she patiently held your hand, smiling softly at you, the calmer you became.
She didn't look foul or like she had an ulterior motive. She seemed sincere. You swallowed hard, licking your dry lips. In the end you came to the conclusion: it's either this or the park again, and even if she wanted to kill you or do whatever else with you, it beat being alone and miserable. And if you were meant to die that night, then it would happen anyway. Besides: you didn't have anything left to lose.
So from the lowest point of your life, without seeing a way out on your own, you looked at the woman and nodded, biting your lower lip, blinking away your last tears. “Yes,” you quaked out, squeezing her hand back.
Her smile grew wider, and it reached all the way to her eyes, little creases breaking through her perfect make-up. She seems real enough, you thought. Genuine. She really wanted to help you.
And so she took you with her, and as you sat next to her in the back of her car (which was driven by a man in a black uniform and a hat), you realized you might have struck gold with this woman. Your tears dried on your cheeks as you watched in awe how you drove through the better part of town until you reached a large house, almost a mansion, fenced-in and with a fancy gate, something you'd never seen up close before.
She guided you inside, you in your dirty clothes with your bulging backpack that held all your belongings, while her expensive shoes clicked along the hardwood floors, and at first you felt completely out of place. You didn't belong here and these people would notice this soon enough. Whatever they expected of you, you'd never be able to meet those expectations. They were rich, privileged, and you... were nothing.
She seemed to feel your growing worries and grabbed your hand, silently taking you upstairs to a room somewhere in the middle of a long hallway. You were too overwhelmed to even notice the interior of the place, but when she opened the door and gently motioned you through it, your haze lifted slightly. You were in a bedroom, a simple bedroom with a big bed and two nightstands, a large closet, a desk and a bookshelf, and a door presumably leading into a bathroom. It was somewhat posh, but it was also simple, and it was...
“Yours,” the woman said, her hands on your shoulders. “If you say yes.”
Still biting your lip, you turned your head to look at her. She tilted hers, one of her hands gently cupping your face before her thumb pressed on your bottom lip.
“No need to be nervous, sweetheart,” she told you. “How about you take a nice long shower, get freshened up. Maybe you'll find something to wear in the closet, have a look. And when you're done, and when you're willing, come down and we'll have another talk, yes? Don't feel pressured. If you change your mind, you can still stay the night, no problem. But I'd really like you to consider my offer. You may not see it right now,” she adds, stepping around you to fully cup your face, leaning down a little to look into your eyes, “but we have been looking for someone like you for so long. You are the right one, sweet girl. Give it a chance, okay?”
You swallowed, nodding into her hands. Then she leaned in and actually pressed her lips to your forehead, and the gesture seemed to already settle your raging thoughts. She was so gentle, so nice, it almost broke your heart. Leaning back, she watched you, a smirk on her full lips, and without hesitation she leaned in again, and this time she touched her mouth to yours.
Your eyes went wide, the touch short but intense, a moment frozen in time. And while your mind was silenced, your body became alive with a strange throbbing, an urging need, a feeling you hadn't felt in ages. You'd been numb for so long, this felt like a wake-up-kiss. When she retreated and straightened up, you gave her a shy smile that caused her to issue a short little laugh.
“Take your time, honey, I'll be waiting downstairs,” she told you, caressing your cheek before she walked past you and out of the room.
And you were floating, barely able to think as you walked into the bathroom, stripped out of your clothes and enjoyed a hot shower you had needed for so long, or so it felt. It all fell off you as the water cascaded down your body. A new chance. A new life. In a house like this? Everything had looked so bleak before, tainted by doubts, but now the colors were coming back, one hue at a time.
When you were done, you dried off with the softest towels you'd ever experienced, and with one of them wrapped around your torso, you walked back into the room and towards the closet. It was wide and sleek with sliding doors, and opening it showed you a variety of clothes, but your eyes quickly wandered to the dresses hanging on velvety hangers. All colors one could think of, all shapes and sizes, and in the end you chose one that matched your eyes. Somehow it fit you perfectly also. It was elegant and cute at the same time.
You felt like a new person. Watching yourself in the mirror that stood in the corner, you felt mixed emotions though. It had been a while since you'd taken a long look at yourself. The dress went barely over your knees, and looking down, you realized you hadn't shaved your legs in a long time it seemed. Shame flushed your body, drowning out the excitement for a moment. Self-care hadn't been on the agenda while you were wasting your life away...
Sighing loudly, you shook that thought out of your head. No matter now. You had to look ahead! So you grabbed some complementary tights from the closet (and a nice looking pair of panties alongside it, colors you'd never buy for yourself), and easily covered the flaws of your neglected body. You also found a little matching cardigan to hide your arms. And slowly, you felt better. Like a person again, not entirely like yourself, but it was a start.
In a strange way, this was giving you serious princess-makeover-vibes. A few hours ago you were sitting in the dirt, in the dark, lonely and forgotten by the world, spat out to deal with the broken pieces of your life, and now... you were standing in this nice looking bedroom, surrounded by wealth and warmth. You did pinch yourself a lot that night, but you always came to the conclusion that you were not dreaming.
But when you walked up to the door, about to leave the safe space of this room, your heart sank. Doubts came rushing back, and you wondered how this could be real. A woman you'd never met before came up to you and asked you to be her and her partner's submissive, basically their little pet, if you understood her correctly, you'd get a home, and they would... well, do whatever they wanted with you? (Whatever that meant. You were not so sure.) All you had to do was listen to them, do as they said, give up control?
It all sounded rather strange. But what were your options? Go back to live on the streets? Wallow in your failure at life? (Take the walk of shame back to the life you had tried so hard to forget about?) You inhaled deeply, squared your shoulders, flattened the skirt of your dress, attempted to bring order into the mess that was your towel-dried hair, and then, you went to meet them. You could only go forward anyway.
You heard voices from downstairs when you approached the large staircase. Your heart beat faster the closer you got to the room they were in. Your tights-clad feet tapped over the expensive looking hardwood floors, and it would have been a good idea to distract yourself by looking around and taking in the splendor surrounding you, but you couldn't look, couldn't focus, your mind fixated on meeting these people who wanted to give you a new life, without really knowing you.
Why did they trust you so much? What did the woman see in you that made it clear to her that you were the right one (whatever that meant)? You couldn't see it. But it wasn't up to you, apparently.
Taking a deep breath, you extended a shaking hand to grab the door handle, then paused, breathing harder, before you decided to knock. It was a frail attempt, barely audible over the voices still coming from behind the door. So you knocked again, your heart nearly exploding in your chest. And suddenly: silence.
“Come in!” sounded a female voice, before you heard footsteps coming closer.
You pulled the door open and stepped into what looked like a giant living room. Your eyes moved quickly over the interior. Couches, plural, facing each other, a large fireplace (with a TV above it) on one wall, bookshelves on the other. Big potted plants in the corners, a lot of black and white and wood colors. And in the middle of it, next to a little cart laden with alcohol bottles and glasses, stood a man.
For a moment all you saw was him. Tall, dark, handsome, came to mind. His eyes were on you, so intense you couldn't move another step. There was an air of authority around him, enhanced by the black suit he was wearing, by the way he stood, tall and intimidating, wide shoulders, long limbs, muscular but not too bulky, his angular jaw covered in a trimmed beard, short dark hair thick but kept in order. He watched you with a hard expression, and you had never felt smaller in your life.
The woman approached you then, and by touching your arm, broke the spell the man had on you. You blinked and looked at her, and she was just as stunning. Perfect skin, heavy eyes and full lips, a mane of dark hair cascading down her back. She had changed and was now wearing a tight black dress and high heels, and her legs were long, so long and toned and slender. Together they looked as if they'd just come from some kind of gala.
And here you were, in your borrowed dress, towel-dry-hair in messy waves all around your flushed face, hiding your shame under layers of too colorful clothes. You swallowed thickly, blinking again as you lowered your gaze.
“Here you are,” the woman addressed you, gently taking your hand and pulling you into motion. “I'm so glad you came down. Had a nice shower?” Her voice was soft and friendly, and you shot her a nervous smile and a nod. She pulled you to one of the couches and firmly nudged you to sit down. You did, still fighting the overwhelming emotions.
“Would you like a drink?” the man asked, and you looked up like a deer in headlights, staring at him, his voice a low grinding sound in the atmosphere, a timbre that made your core shake.
“I... I don't drink,” you stammered, your eyes flickering over his handsome face. “Thank you, though.”
A shadow crossed his features, but he nodded. “A water, then?”
You licked your suddenly dry lips, your pulse thrumming in your ears. “Yes, please,” you whispered and looked down at your hands. They were shaking badly, so you grabbed the hem of your dress and kneaded it roughly.
You heard the clinking of ice cubes, before heavy footsteps approached you. Looking up slowly, you saw the man holding a tall glass of water towards you. For a moment you just stared at his hands. Beautiful hands, big with long fingers, short nails, veins and tendons snaking under tight skin. You felt your cheeks burning up. To cover the strange excitement crashing through you, you quickly grabbed the glass, giving him a short nod and smile, unable to fully meet his eyes, and when your fingers brushed against his, a garbled gasp escaped you.
“There's no reason to be nervous, darling,” he told you, his hands closing around yours to stabilize the shaking glass. You stiffened nonetheless, your eyes widening.
You took a deep breath and somehow found the courage to look up again. “Y-yes, sir, s-sorry, and, uh, th-thank you,” you fell into an awkward stutter, meeting his dark eyes. A subtle twitch went through his face at your words, a soft smile growing on his lips. He let go of your hands and walked away with a nod, settling in an armchair close-by, still watching you like a hawk.
The woman then sat down beside you, throwing one arm around your shoulders as you tried to take a sip of the cold water. You almost spluttered when you felt her fingers tracing down your arm. “So,” she said with a sigh. “How about we get to know each other a little, hm?”
You saw her exchanging a glance with the man, who leaned back in his chair, large hands splayed out on the armrests as he crossed his legs. “What's your name, girl?” he asked.
You told him. The woman then introduced herself and her partner. They were not married, she told you, but worked together. He was in his late thirties, she was in her early thirties, they'd met through work and continued to cross paths until they moved in together, pursuing the same goals. A strange relationship, you thought (but you'd learn more about that very soon). She did most of the talking, giving you snippets of their lives, while the man watched you and nodded occasionally or added some details. But whatever they told you, mainly what they did for a living, didn't really register in your reeling mind (you couldn't even remember their names at this point).
You were too focused on just sitting there, holding your glass of water, trying to make a good impression by listening intently (or pretending to do so), being polite, hoping they wouldn't change their minds about you. When they were done telling you about themselves, the man uncrossed his legs and leaned his elbows on his thighs, clasping his hands as he looked at you. And then he asked the dreaded question:
“Tell me about yourself, darling.”
Your throat tightened immediately. Over the last months, you'd lost yourself, buried in doubts and dark thoughts, and thinking about the person you once were hurt in a strange, crippling way. You still tried to answer him, told him where you came from, how happy you were to have been accepted to this town's college, to finally leave your hometown, how fun it had been... at the beginning.
But when it came to retelling the events (or the lack thereof) that had led to your downfall, you choked up, quickly hiding the croak in your voice by taking a big sip of water. You felt the woman's hand on your arm, giving it a gentle caress, but it only made it worse.
Tears spilled from your lashes when you tried to tell him what a failure you were. A loud exhale (akin to a sigh but less condescending) escaped him, and when the woman took the glass from you, you looked around in confusion, blinking against the tears burning in your eyes.
“Come here, girl,” sounded his voice through the large room, the dominant tone causing you to stiffen.
But you stood immediately, shuffling towards him, your hands clenched into fists, your head bowed. His long fingers brushed down your arms until he gently grabbed your waist and pulled you between his legs. You ended up sitting on his thigh, a pathetic sniffle escaping you as he held you, tilting his head to look at you.
The hand that wasn't curled around your hip moved up to your face, fingertips brushing over your wet cheeks. “Don't cry, it's okay,” he said soothingly. You inhaled deeply, trying to settle against him, but you were too nervous to relax, sitting stiff on his leg, like a fucking child on Santa's lap or something. It was weird and you felt horrible, small and insignificant, ugly and pathetic in the presence of such a handsome and successful man.
His hand cupped your face, his thumb pushing against your chin to turn your head slightly. You met his eyes, even though your vision was blurry. You blinked, unable to hold his gaze for long, overcome by a sudden wave of embarrassment.
“Look at me,” he ordered, his voice soft but the air of authority never left him. You jerked your chin up and swallowed, looking at him, your cheeks burning up even more. A smile grazed his hard face. “Good girl.”
His praise left a warm feeling in your stomach, and the longer you spent in the captivity of his dark eyes, the calmer you felt. His smile widened as he rubbed his thumb over the corner of your mouth. The motion gave you the courage to smile back, stiff and awkward, but it was still a smile.
“Tell me about your parents,” he then asked quietly, his hand leaving your face to settle on your thigh, holding you in a loose embrace on his leg. “Why can't they help you?”
You took a shuddering breath and told him that you didn't exactly part on good terms, that they hadn't wanted you to leave your hometown. You hadn't been in contact with them for months, probably years, there was usually just the occasional holiday or birthday call, sometimes not even that. You didn't have the money to make the trek across the country to meet them, and neither did they. You didn't grow up poor, but it hadn't been easy either. You were one of many children, your mother remarrying seemingly every five years, and you never had a connection to your father or any of the men she pulled into your home.
The words just tumbled out of your mouth at this point, and you had no idea how that was even possible. This man was a stranger, and yet he managed to loosen your tongue by simply holding you on his lap, listening intently, watching you closely, giving you attention you'd never had before in your life. It felt cleansing, and when you were done, your chest moved easier, the tension in your body melting slowly. His hand rubbed over your back, the other tightening around your waist as he pulled you a little bit closer.
“I see,” he said quietly. “Thank you for sharing this with me.”
A croaked laugh escaped you. You licked your lips and looked away. “Thank you for listening,” you replied in a breathy whisper, timidly looking back at him. A subtle cough sounded from behind you. You flinched and turned slightly to face the woman sitting on the couch with her arms and legs crossed. “Thank you too, for... for inviting me into your home, for... helping me,” you added, watching her with an apologetic smile. You'd honestly forgotten about her for a moment.
“We haven't done anything yet, honey,” she said, pursing her lips. “But I think we've said enough. I knew you were the right one. What do you think, papito?” she added, looking past you at the man.
His hand was back on your face, turning it towards him once more. His eyes bored into yours as he replied: “Yes, I think you found the one.” Your cheeks flushed with heat. “Are you aware what we're asking of you, sweet girl?”
“To... to be your... submissive,” you answered quietly, still not quite understanding what that meant, but maybe it was enough to just roll with it. Of course it wasn't.
“And what does that mean to you? Why would you want that?”
You bit your lip, frowning slightly. “I... I need... someone to... tell me what to do,” you whispered, lowering your eyes to stare at his lips instead. “I think... it would help me... to have someone who... guides me... because... because I can't –”
Suddenly he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. You gasped, your eyes wide. “Stop. You can,” he said, his voice harsh but there was a soft twinkle in his eyes. “You can do anything you put your mind to. You may need a little push into the right direction, but I will not tolerate you talking yourself down like this, okay? You hit a bump in the road, yes, but you will not wallow in it any longer, do you understand me?”
You stared at him, surprised and stunned by his words, by his dominant tone. “Yes, sir,” you breathed out, blinking slowly, your mind pausing the assault of doubts for a moment. “I'm sorry.”
He shook his head, the muscle in his jaw twitching. “No apologies. It's alright. Accept your failure and move on.” You felt tears burning in your eyes, his scrutinizing stare making you feel small all over again. “And no more tears. You have no reason to cry right now. We're offering you something that will change your life. It may not be easy at first, but I know you'll adjust. You're a fighter, I know it. You wouldn't be here if you weren't.”
Despite his demanding tone, you couldn't help it when a single tear slipped past your lashes after all. You quickly raised a hand and wiped at it, taking a shaking breath, ready to apologize again, but he just looked at you, stern but also somewhat gentle, patient. And you looked back, caught in his deep eyes, slowly feeling yourself relaxing again.
“We will give you a home, we will give you anything you want and need to find your footing again,” he continued quietly, his hand moving from your chin to curl around your head. “And you will do whatever we say. This is as much for you as it is for us. As you know, we've been looking for someone like you for a long time. It's not easy finding the right girl... but you're it, darling,” he said with a pointed look, pressing his fingertips into your hair, massaging your scalp in a very calming, almost hypnotizing fashion that made it hard not to purr under. His words only added to the sensation. “You are perfect. We can make this work, I am sure. If you're willing.”
“I am,” you croaked out quickly, leaning into his touch. “I want to. Please.”
“You will do anything we ask of you?”
His voice was low, his gaze still as intense. Behind you, you heard the woman getting up, the quiet click of her heels echoing in your ears as she approached you, putting her hands on your shoulders.
“Yes,” you breathed out, looking at him, before turning your head to look at her. You saw them exchanging a glance.
“Say it again,” she whispered, teasing her pointy nails into your clavicles. “Tell us what you want.”
“I... I want to be your submissive,” you said, shivering slightly, looking from her back to him. “I want you to tell me what to do. I will do anything you say.”
A soft smile cracked through the hard shell of his face, his gaze getting warmer, little creases visible in the corners of his eyes. While you watched him, you felt the woman's hands moving up the back of your neck until she gently tugged at your hair, turning you towards her, her face suddenly very close to yours, her lips brushing against your cheek.
“You'll be our little girl?” she asked in a low whisper, rubbing her nose against your jaw.
“Yes, ma'am,” you replied, breathing a bit harder, your mind reeling.
The man's fingers dug into the fabric of your dress when he leaned closer too, pressing his rough cheek to yours, the scratch of his beard sending deep shudders down your spine.
“Are you absolutely certain?” he asked, his voice a thrumming vibration through your head.
“Yes, sir,” you gasped out, closing your eyes for a moment, your heart thundering in your chest.
They both cradled you closer, her lips on your right cheek, his on your left. “Will you call me Mommy?” the woman breathed against your skin.
“And me Daddy?” the man echoed, rubbing his bearded chin against your jaw.
You could barely breathe, the warmth radiating through your body was overwhelming. But there were no doubts, no matter how strange their request. You felt safe in their embraces, special. A sigh full of relief slipped from your trembling lips.
“Yes,” you replied, leaning into them.
They kissed your cheeks again, their arms tight around you. As strange as it should feel, it didn't. It felt good. Exactly what you had needed. A warm embrace, someone to squeeze all the worries right out of you. You settled against them, feeling lighter than you'd ever felt before.
“Thank you,” you added quietly, your eyes fluttering open. You met his gaze first. “Daddy,” you addressed him, watching how his smile widened, crow's feet deepening, before you turned your head and looked at the woman behind you. “Mommy.” She issued a happy little squeal and hugged you closer, her lips peppering soft kisses to your cheek.
You smiled back, numb in a way that was almost content, your eyes closing again as you simply melted into them. You felt tired, happy but tired, as if you'd finally reached your destination, a place you hadn't expected at all. Where you could let go.
“My good girl,” the woman, Mommy, whispered against the shell of your ear before she dragged the tip of her tongue along it. “Let's get you into bed. It's been a long day for you, hm?”
You shivered deeply, but you didn't protest when she let go of you and you felt two strong arms lifting you up. “Let's give her some space tonight, okay?” the man, Daddy, said, surely addressing his partner. “Get her accustomed.”
She sighed. “Fine. But tomorrow, I'll take you shopping and we'll do your hair and your nails and, oh, we'll do whatever else we find on our way. I'll pamper you stupid, sweet girl,” she laughed, her hand on your face as you were being carried through the large house that was to be your new home.
“Don't overdo it,” his voice sounded in your ear. “She's not your doll. I'd prefer her looking as natural as possible, okay?”
They continued their conversation, a hushed back and forth you couldn't pay too much attention to anymore, as you felt yourself floating through space, snuggling into a warm chest, firm and hard, but soft enough to lose yourself in. Your head was heavy when it hit the soft pillow, the mattress of the bed denting around you as the two adults sat down on its edges.
“Sleep tight, darling,” Daddy whispered and leaned over you to press his lips to the corner of your mouth. You sighed, your hand twitching, wanting to grab him, hold onto him, but he was gone before you could reach him.
“Good night, Daddy,” you mumbled, feeling yourself slipping into the sweet void of sleep.
On your other side, a set of hands found your face, and you felt Mommy's lips on yours again, a soft press, a short lick, a deep sigh. “Good night, sweetheart,” she said against your mouth, her hot breath fanning over your face.
“Night, Mommy,” you muttered, barely able to get the words out.
“We'll see you tomorrow.” The low voice echoed in your empty head, and you fell asleep with a smile on your face, as you sank into the soft bed, cuddling into the covers someone pulled over you.
You felt like a little girl again (ignoring the fact that you were 23* and supposedly your own person), tugged in by your 'parents', and even though you barely knew these people, you felt safe with them, accepted and taken care of. Somehow through the fog in your head you knew that your life would take a turn now, into different times, better times, because now you had two guiding lights with you, following you into the darkness that had consumed your life, eager to pull you back out.
And you were here for it, willing to do anything they asked in return. Willing to endure anything if only it would distract you from the nagging voices in your head. And endure you did...
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Chapter 1 🔷️ Chapter 2 🔷️ Chapter 3
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Find below the TL;DR version of this chapter:
End notes: *By the way, I just chose a random number. If you want Reader to be younger or older, please imagine her like that.
Also note that this is NOT a realistic representation of a BDSM relationship, I'm not a How-to-guide, I'm a writer juggling ideas around! This is fiction, remember?
TL;DR: Reader drops out of college, is homeless and jobless, depressed and anxious, alone on the other side of the country with no friends and family, when a woman approaches her and takes her to a diner, asking her if she would like to be “her submissive”. Reader agrees, not really knowing what to expect, and the woman takes her to her home where she meets her partner. They ask again and she agrees, becoming their little girl, calling them Mommy and Daddy.
While you're here, I have a little side note to the tags I'm using: as a writer of original fiction, it is very hard to find any readers if I wouldn't poke my head into various fandoms, so I apologize if it irks you to see this kind of fiction under your favorite tags. But then maybe it's enough to pique your interest and you are already giving this a chance? Thank you if you do, maybe you can project your favorite blorbo(s) onto the characters present in this story.
Thank you for reading! New chapter every Saturday!
Up next: We go back to where Chapter 1 has ended and see how Mommy reacts to Daddy's plan.
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meetmypointlessaddiction · 2 months ago
let me chase your demons away | l.howlett
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First post of the New Year, hoping to write bigger and better things this year :)
Summary: Logan struggles to sleep... but not when you're around
Warnings: nightmares and panic attacks
Pairings: leaning more towards a fem!reader
Enjoy and please like and comment if you do. Something as simple as an emoji literally makes my day better so please don't hesitate to comment and obviously reblog to share my work.
Requests are also open if there is anything that people want me to write 💛
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Logan had struggled with nightmares for as long as he could remember. Up until now, there had never been anything that could prevent the neverending terror loop his brain played on a night. Up until you.
You hadn’t been at the school long, Charles had invited you to come and teach English to some of the younger students, but Logan could tell there was something about you, something about your scent that made him relax. Your sleeping habits were just as messed up as his meaning that, whenever you both found yourself unable to sleep, you would both end up on the couch in the mansion’s living room, watching shitty movies to try and tempt you both to sleep. More often than not, it worked for Logan but little did you know that it wasn’t the mind numbing films or the peaceful silence, it was your company. 
For weeks, Logan would simply allow himself to fall asleep on the sofa beside you and it was the best night’s sleep he would have all week. He would ensure there was a good amount of distance between the two of you, not confident enough that he wouldn’t have a nightmare and go all Wolverine on you. You would wait until he fell asleep and then arrange his legs and neck comfortably on the couch, laying the thick blanket over him and then heading off to bed. 
When you were out on a mission or away from the mansion on a long period of time, Logan would have many nightmares. Nightmares meant a sleep deprived Logan and a sleep deprived Logan meant suffering for everyone else in the mansion. One night in particular, snow was falling heavily when Logan went to sleep and you were out of town, visiting some friends in a nearby village meaning a nightmare was 100% guaranteed. Snow was hard enough for Logan to manage, reminding him of Stryker and the physical and mental toll he went through. 
He woke with a start, his chest heaving and feeling tight, dripping sweat and struggling to concentrate on taking deep breaths. He didn’t know why it occurred to him but for some reason his first instinct was to call you so that’s what he did, not even considering the late hour, knowing that you were more than likely awake. 
In the next village over, your phone buzzing interrupted the conversation you and your friends were having over a bottle of wine. “Who’s calling you at this time?” Your friend, Georgia, asked with a smirk. 
“You got a secret boyfriend, you’re hiding from us?” Faith nudged you with a cheeky grin but you just gave them a half smile, standing and excusing yourself to take the call. 
“Logan? Has something happened?” You asked down the phone, alarmed by the heavy breathing and almost whimpers you could hear. 
“I-I think I’m havin’ a heart attack bub.” He said and you knew from then what was wrong. Since when does the Wolverine have heart attacks?
“Logan, you’re having a panic attack honey. You need to take deep breaths, sit yourself down and stop pacing, okay? Are you sat?” You asked and heard the creak of a bedframe as the man grumbled an affirmative. “Alright, in through your nose and out through your mouth. It’ll pass, Logan, I promise.” 
After a couple of minutes, his breathing began to even out the amount of noise he was making reduced. “I… sorry for interrupting your evenin’.” He ended the call quickly and you were left standing in the hall of your friends house, confused. Why did he call you out of everyone?
A few days later, upon your return from your friend's house, Logan pulled you aside with a stern look on his face. “What happened the other night, didn't. Understand? Forget it.” 
You look at him, confused and slightly insulted. “What? You think I’m going to tell someone or something? You think I think of you any less because of it?” Your protest seemed to throw Logan off guard and he looked at you with wide eyes and his mouth slightly agape. “I don’t know who you think I am, Logan but that’s not the type of person I am.” 
For the next few nights, Logan didn’t go downstairs to sit with you on the couch and watch shitty films, didn’t allow himself to bask in the comfort your company gave him. Instead, he suffered on minimal sleep and caffeine, causing headaches for everyone around him and snapping at every minor inconvenience in his life. 
Eventually, you grew tired of it and grabbed him by his forearm just as he was about to head to bed, dragging him towards the couch. “Everyone’s tired of your shit, Logan. Sit on the damn couch, watch a movie with me and sleep.” You demanded, pushing him to his side of the couch and putting the blanket over him before plopping yourself down at your side, closer than the pair of you would normally sit. Logan resisted for as long as he could but pure exhaustion gave him no other choice than to relax and sleep. His eyes fell shut and within minutes he was asleep, snoring and drool coming from his mouth. However, instead of going off to bed like you normally would, you rested your head against his shoulder and let yourself doze off. 
When the students and teachers of the school began waking up and racing downstairs to fight for the tv, they all fell silent at the sight of the notoriously grumpy Wolverine cuddled up with the cute English teacher, his face pressed into your hair as he spooned you, deep snores emanating for the man. Storm and Jean ushered the children out of the living room, telling them to leave the pair of you to rest for a little while longer while Scott immediately found a camera to take a photo to tease Logan with as soon as he woke up.
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Dividers: @coolcatsgraphics
I'm also on A03 :)
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loganspet · 1 month ago
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౨ৎ ‎ ♡₊˚・₊✧ This is based off of a nightmare within a dream I’ve had, about him in conclusion I’m ill!!
Pairing: Logan x Gn!Reader
Mentions of vomiting, anxiety ,panic attack
Terms of Endearment/Petnames ౨ৎ ‎ ♡₊˚・₊✧
. . .
The soft hum of the apartment was the only sound, the kind of quiet that settled around you after a long, full day. Logan had already fallen into a deep sleep beside you, his breaths slow and steady. But you weren’t sleeping. A nightmare had shaken you to your core, ripping you from sleep with a sharp, breathless gasp. The remnants of fear lingered in your chest, suffocating you as you tried to shake off the lingering dread. Your heartbeat was erratic, an anxious pulse that wouldn’t stop thumping in your ears, and your mind raced with images you couldn’t quite escape. Your fingers trembled as you reached for the side of the bed, but before you knew it, you were stumbling out of the sheets, desperate to escape the suffocating darkness of your own mind.
Panic overwhelmed you instantly. Jagged feeling of worries clawed its way up your throat, and before you knew it, you were rushing to the bathroom cold, smooth tile of floor felt like ice against your bare feet as you kneeled by the sink, pressing your palms against the cool porcelain. The room spun around you as nausea bubbled up in your stomach. Then, it hit. You threw up violently, your body convulsing in waves of sickness and sobs, tears blurring your vision.
Logan’s sleep was broken only by the sound of your breathing, now erratic and strained. He’d always been able to sense when something wasn’t right, and tonight was no different. The absence of your warmth beside him had him stirring, his instincts waking before his mind did. His eyes snapped open in the darkness, the sound of your muffled sobs piercing the silence.
His heart clenched as he shot out of bed, his movements swift despite the grogginess that still clung to him. His senses immediately picked up on the faint sound of your weeping—barely a whisper in the vast quiet of the apartment, but enough to send him into action. Logan’s feet thudded softly against the hardwood floor as he rushed to the bathroom, He was used to protecting you, and something inside him snapped when he found you on the floor, disoriented and shaking, tears streaming down your face. —Kneeling on the floor, trembling with your hands pressed against the sink.
Your sobs racked your body, and when you saw him, it only seemed to make it worse. You were shaking uncontrollably, eyes wide and unfocused, still trapped in the aftermath of the nightmare. Logan’s chest tightened, a familiar ache spreading through him. He kneeled in front of you without a second thought, his large hands hovering for a moment, unsure of what you needed but knowing he had to act.
“Hey, hey… it’s okay, sweetie’,” his voice was rough but soothing, a deep, gravelly sound that seemed to wrap around you like a blanket. He cupped your face gently, his rough thumb brushing away the tears that had fallen freely. “Look at me, baby ,” he coaxed, his eyes softening as he searched your face, his gaze filled with concern. “Talk to me. What happened?”
You turned to him, your eyes wide with fear and confusion. The tears didn’t stop, and you could barely get the words out—your voice breaking under the weight of it all. “I—I couldn’t… Logan, I couldn’t—” The words tumbled from your lips in a tangled mess, your chest heaving with sobs.
Logan’s hands moved to pull you toward him, and without hesitation, you fell into him, burying your face against his chest. He was warm, solid, and so unbelievably present—everything you needed in that moment. His arms wrapped around you, holding you so close you could feel the steady beat of his heart beneath your ear. He didn’t ask any more questions, didn’t push. He just let you cling to him, his large hand smoothing over your back in slow, even strokes. The rhythm of his touch was steady, unyielding, like the man himself. You were small, vulnerable, something so precious and fragile.
He spoke low, his voice soft as he rested his chin against your head. “I’m here, darlin’… I’m right here. You’re safe, okay?”
You nodded against him, but it wasn’t enough. You needed more. You needed him to remind you that everything would be okay, that the nightmare wasn’t real, that you weren’t alone.
“I’ve got ya, sweetheart,” he murmured, his arms tightening around you, not to restrain, but to offer comfort, as if to say that nothing—nothing—would hurt you while he was around. He pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes warm but searching. “You’re safe here with me. Always.”
He brushed your hair back, fingers gentle as they ghosted over your skin. Logan’s voice softened as he spoke again, his tone a quiet reassurance. “What you saw… it ain’t real, I promise. But you’re here now. And you’re okay.” His hand moved to your cheek, his thumb running along the curve of your jaw as he looked at you, his eyes searching for any hint of comfort you might need.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Logan murmured, his hand stroking through your hair,. “Just breathe, darlin’.”
His big hand gently cupped your face, his thumb brushing over your lips, before he pulled you in close. His kiss was slow and tender, a soft press against your lips that lingered, grounding you in the moment, making sure you knew he was here, and nothing else mattered. You let yourself melt into him, your body finally starting to relax as you felt the weight of his care wrap around you.
When he finally pulled away, his lips brushed your forehead. “C’mon, baby,” he said, his voice low, rough. “Let’s get you some water, alright?
With one arm wrapped securely around you, Logan guided you to your feet, holding you steady as you stumbled toward the bed. He was gentle, never rushing, always there to catch you when you needed him. He handed you the glass of water, his eyes never leaving you, watching for any sign that you weren’t okay, that you weren’t healing.
When you finished, he took the glass and set it aside before he crawled into bed beside you, pulling the covers over both of you. He didn’t let you go. His arms were around you again, warm and strong, the kind of embrace that made you feel like nothing could touch you. His lips found yours again, this time a brief, loving kiss. “I’ve got you, darlin’,” he whispered against your lips, the words full of the quiet intensity that only he could convey. “I won’t let anything hurt you. Not now, not ever.”
“Better?” Logan asked quietly, his hand moving to cradle your face again, his thumb gently stroking your cheek.
You nodded, “Thank you Lo” your eyes meeting his for the first time since the nightmare. There was something in his gaze—something soft and full of care—that made your heart ache in the most tender way. Without thinking, you leaned into him, closing your eyes as you let him hold you. His lips brushed your forehead in a kiss that was so gentle, so full of love, it left your skin tingling.
. . .
“I got you,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple next, his hands securing you against him as he laid you down in bed, his body following you. He moved with ease, tucking you against his chest, enveloping you in warmth and safety. He wasn’t going to let you go. Not now, not ever.
“You’re safe now,” Logan murmured softly, his voice rumbling against you, sending a wave of comfort through your body. “I’m right here, sweetheart. Nothing’s gonna hurt you. Not with me here.”
As his lips pressed gently to the top of your head, you felt the last of the fear slip away, Your breathing slowed as you settled into him, the warmth of his body pressing against yours, and you allowed yourself to relax in his arms. Logan’s steady, rhythmic heartbeat was the lullaby that carried you back to sleep, the terror of the nightmare slowly fading into nothingness.
Lying there, nestled in his arms, you turned your head up to look at him, your voice thick with emotion as you whispered, “I love you so much, Logan.” Your words were soft but full of everything you felt in your heart. You never needed to say it, but tonight, in his arms, it felt like the most important thing you could say.
His gaze softened as he looked down at you, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “I love you, too, baby,” he murmured, pressing one last gentle kiss to your forehead before settling in beside you, pulling you even closer.
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reginaphalangelobster125 · 23 days ago
Logan x X-Men!Reader
Summary: You and Logan get back from a tough mission and things take a turn.
Warnings: swearing, description of blood and stabbing, no smut hot making out, sarcasm, teasing jokes, no use of Y/n
Word Count: 1.7k
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You and Logan practically dragged yourselves through the door. You had just gotten back from an overly complicated mission. It was meant to be an in and out situation but not much goes as it's meant to when you're X-Men. You both dropped your bags at the door and looked up the stairs. After the day you'd have neither of you could even contemplate climbing that many stairs so you headed for the lounge room. Logan flopped on the couch and dragged you down with him. You were pretty close friends but this was different. You didn't know what exactly was happening.
"Yeah?" He said, very gruffly.
"What um, Whatcha doing?"
"Sleepin', you?"
You decided to just settle into the situation as you were too tired to protest. You stayed like that for a few hours, just lying together, close. You felt his firm, warm body under yours and that lulled you into a soft, comfortable slumber. You both fell asleep pretty quickly but you were woken up by a strange sensation in your abdomen. You weren't sure what it was for a moment, it felt cold and smooth until it was suddenly warmer, much warmer. You only realised what it was when Logan's scream jolted you back to reality. You realised that hit claws were deep inside you, the cold feeling of the adamantium and the warm feeling of blood, lots of your blood, pooling between the two of you.
"Lo-Logan?" You whispered shakily.
He looked down to see his first covered in blood and his claws, protruding from your back. His whole world shattered for just a moment. He was sure his heart was about to beat straight out of his chest. He could feel the hot trickle of your blood going from his hand, down onto his chest, soaking his shirt. He looked into your eyes and saw tears pricking at the sides, your beautiful eyes were like this because of him. He saw the blood gargling up your throat and he saw it start to dribble out of your mouth. His own eyes were glassy and all he could see were flashes of red, blurring across his vision. He stammered, trying to say something, at this point anything, but he couldn't he just sat there in shock with his claws all the way through you. He watched as your eyes began to glaze over and your head lowered. The grip you had on his other hand was limp. You were dead. You were dead and he killed you.
He had killed so many people before but this was different, this was you. He started to cry, something he hadn't done in decades. Your body was hanging, limp, on his claws and he cried. He cried over you and that made your lips turn up in a small smile. You raised your head and looked at him. It wasn't enjoyable seeing him like this, it was awful, but you took some comfort in the fact that when you died he was sad, when you died he cared. You raised a hand to cup his cheek and he almost jumped off the couch. He was shocked that you were alive, you weren't, you just died, in his arms. But somehow you were alive and he was overjoyed.
"I'm immortal you idiot"
"Oh honey, I thought you knew"
You smiled more and let out a small laugh.
"Oh, so this is fucking funny to you?!"
You laughed harder "Y-Yes!"
He began to laugh a little too, maybe because he was a bit hysterical but who's to say.
"You mind, you know, snickt?"
"Did you just say snickt?"
"Yeah, the claws?"
"Oh, I got it. But snickt?"
"Can we maybe have this conversation when they're not through me?"
"Oh, yeah, sure"
He retracted his claws with a 'snickt' sound. You fell onto him and he wrapped his arms around you.
"Thanks? I just stabbed you"
"Yeah, I know. I was there"
"Well why thanks?"
"You cried"
"I did not"
"Yes you did"
"I was here Logan. You thought I was dead and you cried, you cried because you love me" You teased in a sing-song way.
"I don't love you"
"Oh! Harsh!"
"You know what I mean"
"Yeah, yeah, denial"
"Nothing, so, snickt"
"They don't go snickt"
"They do!"
"They're my claws, I think I know what sound they make"
"Then what sound do they make?"
"Sort of a sni-snu-sh, I don't have to explain my claws to you"
"It's snickt, isn't it?"
"Shut up"
"Yeah, nah. I'd rather not"
"Well when do you ever?"
"Apparently when you stab me?"
He looks at you with a very strange pointed glare.
"What, too soon?"
"Yeah, kinda"
You smile again and put your hands on his chest in an attempt to get up but his grip on you waist tightens.
"Where you going?"
"I thought I'd get another shirt, I think it'll take a little more than club soda to get this out"
He lets you go with a small grumble and you sit up, just staying seated on the couch for a moment.
"What, don't wanna go now?"
"No, just, need a minute" you winced "my organs kind of have to, rearrange themselves, stitch themselves back together, y'know?"
He just looked at you for a moment with a hurt look in his eyes.
"I think you went straight through my spleen, it would explain the bleeding" You said as you placed a hand on your side.
Now that the jokes and sarcasm had stopped he remembered that he really did just stab you and he hated himself. Your gaze turned from your former wound and now just scratch, to Logan. You saw how much it tortured him and you placed an arm around him.
"Don't beat yourself up about it, I've had worse"
"s not that" He barely mumbled.
"Is it because we're close?"
He grumbled softly in the place of a yes.
"Then really don't worry about it"
He looked up at you and raised an eyebrow, questioning you.
"I've known Charles for a long time, like a walking kind of long time and we've had, incidents"
"He tried to melt my mind or some shit"
"He what?"
"I don't remember what he called it but it hurt a hell of a lot more than a little stabbing"
"Well I wouldn't say it was little"
"Ugh, men and size"
Logan laughed lightly.
"And it's not just him. Beast mauled me, Erik sent metal bars all through my body-"
"Ooh, he did that to me too"
"Nice, now we can start a club"
"That'd be really fun"
"Hmm, sarcasm is getting kinda obvious now"
"It's late, bite me"
"Ooh! I've been bitten a lot"
"Yep, sharks, tigers, lions, wolves, you know I got bitten by a badger once?"
"A badger? That's kinda pathetic?"
"Oh excuse me badger man"
"Wait, do you even know what a wolverine is?"
"Scary, lots of teeth, sharp claws"
"Yeah, but it's also basically just a cross between a badger and a ferret"
"Fuck off"
"I'm serious!" You said, although the laughter didn't help your point.
"You're lying"
"Nope! It's really tiny too"
"No it's not"
"Yes it is! Now I have to start calling you Tiny Ferret-Badger"
"If you do I'll stab you, again"
"Aww! Is the tiny ferret-badger trying to be scary?"
"Stop it"
"You're so cute!"
"Stop it, now"
"Who's my little ferret-badger? You are! Yes you are!"
Logan grabbed your arms and pushed you onto your back, positioning himself above you.
"Wanna apologise?"
"I'd rather see where this goes"
You both moved your faces towards each other, agonisingly slow. Your breath quickened as you felt his fanning across your face. Your eyes locked and suddenly you were the only two people in the world. Your lips lightly brushed together, the small tough igniting a fire in the pit of your stomach. A fire that raged harder the more you felt his warm touch. His hand moved up and cupped your cheek while cradling the back of your head. One of your hands flew to his shoulder, squeezing it tightly as the kiss intensified. Your lips moved together in such synchronicity that you thought you must have been made for each other. It soon became a clash of teeth and tongues as your hand moved to his hair. Grabbing at the little ear shapes and pulling them just the right way, the way that had him letting out a low growl that travelled right through you. You let out a soft moan as his hand slid up your torso and under your shirt. He ripped the already torn material off your body and threw it to the side. You started to unbutton his shirt and pull it down his shoulders. You writhed against each other, lips clashing as you gasped for air. You moaned his name and he moaned yours. You were completely caught in each other's warm embrace.
"I don't mean to interrupt but this is public area in a school"
Both of your heads shot up and turned, you hadn't even heard the professor enter the room but there he was.
"Sorry, Charles"
"I understand, just please keep this restricted to your rooms, I don't want the children to be further traumatised"
"Okay, traumatised is a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?"
"If I remember correctly, no"
"Fair enough"
You grabbed Logan's hand and led him upstairs.
"Goodnight, professor"
You disappeared down the hallway and to your room.
"What was that about him remembering correctly?"
"I told you, I knew Charles a long time ago"
"Wh-You and-and him?"
"Don't act so surprised, you saw them"
"He and Erik were quite handsome in their day"
"Don't be jealous, we'll have our fun"
"Charles and Erik?!"
"You heard me"
"Next thing you'll tell me you fucked Mystique"
"Hey, she can look like anyone. Although, the blue is pretty hot too, works for Kurt"
"Oh my God!"
"Oh please, don't act like you don't get passed around the mansion like a blunt"
"I-Uh, shut up"
You push him back onto your bed and trail kisses down his chest, leading to a very long night.
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@thegirlsmorgue @1dluver13xx @beeeoop @waffle-wolf-666 @clownp33 @california-boys-and-sun @starsaroundmyscarsblog @kds1999 @everyonesfriend @lord-starscream @pinkthick @craftytacopiecash @meryuniverse @karaishotgirl @aliljaybird @burningcatcollectorsblog-blog @summer200baby @hanahaki-garden @dr3adful-lust
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 6 months ago
Hello!! Love your writing. Not sure if you are doing requests, but ANYTHING Logan Howlett x Plus Size reader would be awesome 💗🤩
fem!plus size reader, wc: 582.
a/n: THIS IS SICKENINGLY SWEET OH MY GOODNESS. maybe this may seem out of character to some people, but in my opinion, I think logan is a big ol' softie.
cw! mentions of knarly injuries and stitches + mentions of a needle.
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Okay yes, Logan might be brooding, and emo and mysterious but God forbid that you actually get hurt, because this man would lose his shit (in less than dignified words).
Let’s say metaphorically you go out on a mission and when you come back, you’re a little worse for wear. You already know by the time you make it to the clinical room Logan would have raised hell on his path there. 
You have a few seconds of silence as you sit down on the medical table before you cringe at the sound of Logan’s voice booming down the hall. Jean gives you a look and all you can do is sigh exasperatedly.
You love him, you really do, but your head hurts and so does your side, which has been gracefully exposed to the open air, a less than preferable gash ripped through your skin. You’re trying really hard not to look at it - or even think about it - rather focusing on the Wolverine who’s now glaring at you.
“The hell happened?” 
“Wow Logan, I can really feel the love.” 
He gives you a look that makes the next bite of sarcasm die in the back of your throat. Instead, you replace it with another fruitless sigh.
“Big nasty metal thing,” You say with a wave of your hand, “‘Was just throwing shit at people and I got hit with a nice piece of shrapnel, but I’m good.”
“Good? You call being cut up like that good?”
“I really don't want to fight right now, Wolvie.” You pinch the space between your eyes. He softens ever so slightly at the intimate nickname and it doesn't take a mutation to know that the extra presence of your peers wasn't needed.
“Just let me stitch you up and I'll leave you guys to talk.” Jean says, already tweeding the thread through the needle. You wince, sparing a glance at the redhead before reaching Logan's eyes once more.
“This is going to fucking suck.” You grimace. 
Taking the hint, Logan walks and hops onto the bed as gently as he can so as to not jostle you. He doesn't speak when he takes your hand in his, squeezing it ever so slightly in a show of alliance. 
When Jean gets started you force yourself not to look, turning your head to bury it in Logan’s burly shoulder, breathing in his cigar scent stained flannel. It’s comforting to say the least, and it’s the only thing keeping you from passing out. The worst part was the numbing needle really.
“Alright, I’m done.” She says, slipping the medical gloves off and throwing them away. 
When you make eye contact with her, she gives you a knowing look. “I’ll leave you to it.”
The room is silent for a moment before he speaks. “What were you thinking?” It’s a petulant grumble, and you smile fondly. “It wasn’t like I actively tried to get myself hurt, you know.” 
He sighs, and pulls away from you so he can cradle your cheek. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me one day, you know that?” 
You laugh out loud, leaning forward to rest your forehead on his. “I guess you’re just going to have to keep up with me then, old man.” You tease. He smirks, “Old man? Really?”
“Mhm.” You nod with a grin. Logan places a sweet, long peck onto your lips.
“Maybe I’ll just handcuff you to the bed.”
You snort, “I’d like to see you try.”
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librababe99 · 7 months ago
Echoes of Her
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A/N: Nothing like a little angst to start everyones day! As always comments and feedback are appreciated--My asks are open as well! I hope everyone enjoys - Libra * .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ Summary: Caught in a painful love triangle with Logan and Jean Grey, the reader confronts Logan about their unspoken connection... Warnings: Angst, Hurt without comfort, love triangle  Word Count: 1146 
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The silence in the mansion's corridors was thick, the kind that presses against your chest, making it hard to breathe. Every step you took echoed off the cold, marble floors as you made your way to the training room. It was late—too late for anyone else to be awake—but you knew he'd be there. He always was when the weight of the world became too much to bear.
You paused outside the door, your hand hovering just above the handle. A part of you didn't want to go in. You already knew what you'd find—Logan, shirtless and sweating, his muscles rippling as he pushed himself far beyond what was necessary. He didn't need to train, not really. You both knew that. It was his way of escaping the thoughts that clawed at him, the memories that refused to stay buried.
And you knew why he was there tonight.
The name alone sent a sharp pang through your heart. You weren't naive. You saw the way Logan looked at her, the way his eyes softened, his gruff demeanor shifting whenever she was around. He was a man of few words, but his actions spoke louder than any confession ever could. He loved her—he loved her in a way that was primal, consuming. But Jean… Jean was with Scott.
You weren't sure where you fit into all of this. You and Logan had a connection, something raw and unspoken. But it was hard to define what that was when his heart was so clearly caught between two worlds—between you and the woman he could never truly have.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door open. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the small lamp in the corner. Logan was there, just as you knew he'd be. His back was to you, the muscles of his shoulders and arms flexing as he pounded his fists into the punching bag.
"Logan," you called softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
He didn't stop, didn't even acknowledge you. His focus was singular, every punch carrying the weight of his frustrations. You walked closer, each step feeling like a mile, until you were standing just a few feet behind him.
"Logan, please," you tried again, your voice trembling.
This time, he paused, his hands dropping to his sides. Slowly, he turned to face you, and your heart clenched at the sight of his face—those deep-set eyes, filled with pain and something else you couldn't quite place.
"Why are you here, kid?" he asked, his voice rough and tired.
You winced at the nickname, one he'd given you long ago when you'd first joined the X-Men. Back then, it had been endearing, a sign of the bond you were building. But now… now it felt like a reminder of the distance between you.
"I could ask you the same thing," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
Logan huffed, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. "Needed to clear my head."
You nodded, though you both knew it was more than that. "I thought maybe… maybe you needed someone to talk to."
He looked at you then, really looked at you, and for a moment, you saw the walls he'd built up around himself start to crumble. But just as quickly, they were back in place, his expression hardening.
"There's nothing to talk about," he said gruffly.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. "Logan… you don't have to pretend with me. I know you're hurting."
His jaw clenched, the muscles in his neck tightening as he looked away. "And what do you want me to say, huh? That you're right? That I can't get her outta my head? That every time I see her with him, it feels like a goddamn knife in my chest?"
Your breath caught in your throat, the raw honesty in his words cutting through you like a blade. But it wasn't just his pain that hurt—it was the realization that you were a part of it. That maybe, just maybe, you were only a distraction, something to keep him from drowning in his feelings for Jean.
"I don't want to be your second choice," you whispered, the words escaping before you could stop them.
Logan's eyes snapped back to you, surprise flickering in their depths. "You're not—"
"Aren't I?" you interrupted, your voice trembling. "Because that's what it feels like. Every time you're with me, it's like you're trying to forget about her. But I can't—Logan, I can't be that person for you. I can't keep pretending that this doesn't hurt."
He took a step closer, his hand reaching out to touch your arm, but you pulled away, the distance between you growing. The look of hurt that flashed across his face was almost enough to make you reconsider, but you held your ground.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You shook your head, tears welling in your eyes. "I know you are. But sorry doesn't change anything, does it?"
Logan's shoulders slumped, the weight of your words crashing down on him. "I never meant to hurt you."
"But you did," you replied, your voice breaking. "And I don't know if I can keep doing this. I can't keep being in love with you when you're in love with her."
The silence that followed was deafening, the air between you thick with unspoken words. You could see the conflict in his eyes, the battle he was fighting within himself. But you knew—deep down, you knew—he wasn't going to choose you. Not really.
"I don't want to lose you," he finally said, his voice raw with emotion.
You took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to steady yourself. "You already have."
The words hung in the air, a finality to them that neither of you could ignore. And as you turned to leave, you felt a part of your heart break, knowing that this was the end of whatever it was you and Logan had.
You walked out of the room, each step heavier than the last, the distance between you and Logan growing with every second. You didn't look back—you couldn't. Because if you did, you knew you'd crumble. You knew you'd run back to him, and you couldn't allow yourself to do that.
As you reached the end of the hallway, you paused, your hand resting on the wall for support. The tears you'd been holding back finally spilled over, and you let them fall, each one a release of the pain you'd been carrying for so long.
But even through the tears, you knew one thing: you deserved more than being second best. And as much as it hurt to walk away from Logan, you knew it was the only way to heal.
The only way to find yourself again.
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Part two
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peargreen-jellybean · 6 months ago
too fuckin long, so sorry about that, but enjoy a 3k word count poolverine hurt/comfort ficlet from the prompt idea i posted
my writing skills suck a bit and i wrote this on my phone but i did my best. enjoy
Logan’s woken up in alleyways, face down, with clothes torn from a brawl he instigated and the glass bottles he’d fallen onto. Sometimes, if he’s lucky, he wakes up slumped over a table in the back of a bar because the owner was too afraid to tell him to leave.
Afraid of his claws or just his name.
The buzz of alcohol never stays long, even with high proof liquor, but the tiredness of a fucked up life still lingers for awhile more after several bottles of booze.
So waking up exhausted isn’t new. It's about the only way he’s woken up for a long time.
And that’s what Logan expects, slowly coming back to consciousness.
Exhaustion. Some hard surface. Hopefully most of his clothes intact.
One eye begrudgingly cracks open.
Yup, definitely a little fucked up. His joints ache deep into the bone and his head is cotton-y.
But… Nothing feels hard or sharp beneath him. In fact, he feels… comfortable.
Turning just a bit, he finds his face buried in softness. It smells lived in; skin, spilled food, a hint of… gunpowder? And, after a moment, he hears the soft sound of music- too quiet to be bar music but not muffled enough to be from a building he isn’t inside of.
“Mmm.” Using his forearms, Logan props himself up just enough to leave the softness and get a look around him.
Not an alley. Not a bar. Not even a cheap, seedy motel.
A house- er, an apartment more likely. And he’s sprawled, a moment ago face down, on top of an old couch with a blanket over him and pillow under him. Neither the couch nor the general space is all that large, he’s practically spilling off the furniture, but everything feels warm and lived in. Home-y, if a little messy.
There isn’t anyone else here- the living room, a good guess- but noises, once he registers them, coming from an adjacent room says he isn’t alone. The soft music seems to filter through from there as well.
Logan flips himself over, a bit too groggy to be elegant about it, and rubs the sleep from his eyes. The feel of gritty grime on his face, more than he usually gets after a night drowning in alcohol, confuses him.
And then-
His head slumps back into the pillow and he groans. “Fucking hell.”
The TVA. The Time Ripper. The Void.
The red spandex-ed asshole who stole him from his timeline.
… Who, after everything, took him home, here, introduced him to his blind roommate- Althea, if he recalls- and offered him a place to stay and sleep for a while. And, vaguely remembering being too tired to shower, who also gave Logan some clothes to sleep in.
Groaning, only half heartedly after remembering the comforts offered and taken, Logan pulls back the blanket and, likey for the first time, actually checks to see what he’s wearing.
A gray, “I eat cement” T-shirt and blue, rubber duck shorts.
Yeah, that seems about right.
He huffs, but sits up to get his elbows onto his knees and scrub more of the sleep away from his face. Instant regret again. Both he and Wade- battle worn and disgusting- had forgone a shower in favor of just near instantly passing out. He is fucking gross; dirt, blood, and god knows what else covering him in a disgusting layer.
Logan feels a pang of shame for getting onto their couch with this much dirt and sweat coating him- maybe he can wash the blanket and pillowcase as an apology- but a clattering from the room with the music recatches his attention. The volume of whatever song is playing- a woman singing, pleasantly raspy- increases afterward.
Too interested to ignore whatever’s going on, Logan gets up to stand- with only a small groan, thank you- and, after a quick, satisfying stretch, slowly pads over to the doorway. Nothing outright sounds or feels dangerous, but from his experience and especially after the past few days, the need for caution can’t be shaken.
He must still not be fully awake, because the smell hits him only a few creeping steps from the doorway; pepper, eggs, something a bit burnt.
God, he didn’t realize how hungry he was until now. Even the burning smell is appetizing.
Popping his head in, the sight inside startles him awake completely.
With “I <3 hot dads” shorts, a red apron, and fucking crocs on his feet, Wade shifts around in front of the kitchen counter, swaying to the song he has playing from a radio somewhere. The place is a complete mess of egg shells and plates, but the table has a, rather large, plate of scrambled eggs, another plate of half burnt toast, and an assortment of other breakfast items. The smell of coffee also hangs in the air. And for the first time, maybe since knowing the man- and when he wasn’t unconscious- Wade is happily content not saying a word. He simply turns a toaster, with a fucking butter knife stuck into it, this way and that, and shakes it like he wants information from it.
It’s jarringly warm, and domestic.
Logan is again thrown for a moment.
When was the last time he woke up to clean clothes- even though he himself is gross as hell- the softness of a pillow, to the smell and sight of another person cooking breakfast in a kitchen?
That sounds pathetically sad and incorrect, but in the doorway, watching it happen in real time, Logan feels lost and a bit raw.
Lucky for him though, Wade is still an annoying fuck and pulls him from his thoughts.
Like he sensed the presence of the other man half lingering in the doorway, Wade looks back at him and smiles wide. All bright teeth. No mask.
“Well, good morning Peanut! Did ya sleep well? I don't know about you but I think being torn apart and put back together finally got rid of the knot in my back. God, I slept like Al after she goes through waaay too many little baggies.” He motions over to the table with his chin. “I made some eggs and toast if you want. A true triumphant heroes’ breakfast! Hopefully you like them both a bit overdone. And there’s a pot of coffee over there.” He gestures to a machine on the counter now. “You can literally just drink from the pot if you want. Caffeine does not work on me, funnily enough. We don’t have creamer but there’s milk in the fridge and sugar next to the coffee maker…”
Wade goes on to babble about everything and nothing and, while Logan cannot count the number of times he’s wanted to stab the man for not shutting up, he can’t find the want to be actually irritated.
Not in the face of food, and coffee, and just… comfort.
Speaking of…
Logan clears the lump in his throat. “Thanks.” It’s all he can think to say, but he means it, even with the rough rumble of his morning voice.
Which Wade seems to find fascinating.
“Holy shit! How the fuck does your voice get even deeper? God, you would make a killing as a erotic audio book reader. Millions probably.” Wade flashes a flirtatious look before he turns back to the toaster and continues to mumble to himself, or perhaps the broken machine.
Logan huffs, but the call of coffee is stronger than his need for a comeback. The whole pot is grabbed per the offer, the sugar too, and now standing in front of the table he finds himself hesitating. No spots are occupied and nothing says ‘preferred seat’, but Logan can’t help but pause. ‘Make yourself at home’ feels like the unsaid, unfamiliar offer he can’t accept as easily as the coffee.
It feels too easy- another pathetic thought- and he can’t help but feel like he isn’t awake yet, and the reality of a cold, pavement bed will greet him if he gets too comfortable…
“Stupid fucking piece of metal crap!” Wade hisses, followed by the sound of the knife stabbing into the toaster.
Nope, probably not a dream. Logan is not a creative enough person to come up with something like this.
God, so just… sit, you fucking moron.
Picking a chair facing away from the toaster killer, Logan sets the coffee pot down- on a mat he also picked up, he isn’t an asshole- and settles in.
He feels awkward, like a kid at his first sleepover, but the eggs are there in front of him and his stomach is starting to growl. Awkwardness can wait until after a few bites, at least. There’s a lack of something important on the table though. After a quick glance around the plates and cups, and not finding anything, he looks over to Wade who seems to be completely brawling with the toaster now.
Wincing at the sight, and before he can rethink his decision, Logan clears the remaining sleep from his throat and uses that to draw the other man’s attention.
“Do uh, do you got a fork or somethin’?”
“Ah fuck, that’s what I forgot!” Wade sets, or slams really, the toaster down and moves over to a drawer, then rooting through it. “Didn’t run the dishwasher either and all the good forks are in it. Fuck…” He mumbles something else too, but lets out a triumphant ‘ha!’ when he pulls out two forks, one a little more bent than the other.
He skips, almost, over to Logan and presents the utensils. “Here you go Peanut, pick your favorite!”
Grabbing the more bent fork, Logan nods a silent thanks and begins slowly transferring eggs from the larger plate to one of the smaller, empty ones. Wade, satisfied with the choice, simply sets the other fork onto the table and goes back to the counter, and that damn toaster.
But before brawling again, he calls back, “Help yourself to as much as you want Babygirl! You deserve it for all your sexy hero work!”
Logan huffs again but grabs one of the toaster’s victims, once he’s gotten a fair amount of egg, and takes a bite of the slightly over cooked toast and just… enjoys.
The moment is pretty… nice.
Warm food. Morning sun from the window- god, he doesn’t even know that time it is. Wade isn’t quiet, hardly ever is, but he’s not overly inane or loud right now.
It’s all… good.
So… What does it?
An old memory, like deja vu, from another place and time with other people? The still lingering, ghostly sensation of his own body shredding and healing, just below his skin? Wade grumbling at the counter over the broken toaster, like a strange picture of domestic living?
It could be anything, everything.
But all he knows is that it’s twisting into something else. Something darker, and sharper, and cold.
Logan starts to tremble in his seat and the fork in his hand damn near snaps in his grip. The bite of food in his mouth tastes like blood- no, it is blood. He’s bitten into his tongue. His heart is racing, and something is tight in his chest, too tight and still tightening. Crushing.
Air isn’t breathable. His lungs won’t let it in.
Whatever stupid song is playing now is muffled by a white hot pulsing between his ears.
… He knows this.
This is panic.
Of all the times to break, after days of one problem after another, pain after pain, this is when it happens? Now? While he’s sitting in Wade fucking Wilson’s kitchen, wearing his worn-soft clothes and eating at his table and listening to some soft song on the radio?
Yes, it is.
Fucking pathetic.
He can’t focus anywhere anymore- it’s too much, too overwhelming, too fucking stupid to reason with- and burning nausea is creeping up his throat.
He’s spiraling. He’s breaking. And he can’t find the fight to beat himself out of it.
Perhaps that’s the reason he doesn’t hear the increasingly desperate ‘Logan?’s behind him or the quick footsteps moving towards the table.
He does startle, however, at a sudden touch to the side of his skull, making him gasp.
His claws gouge the surface of the table and knock over a half-filled water cup but, remarkably, they don’t thrust into the sudden presence pressing to his side.
It takes a good minute to process the situation, much slower than it usually takes him. But he feels the warmth of another person and the pressure of a hand on his head and his head is bent at an odd angle-
Wade, his mind breathes. This is his scent- gunpowder, spandex, and his own strange, unique smell. The touch to the back of his skull is his hand and the press to his cheek is the exposed skin below his shirt.
He’s cuddling him.
And because it’s what he does best, Logan rages.
“The fuck are you doing?!” Logan snaps, and he yanks his head back from the other man’s grasp. Or, at least, he tries to.
“Eeeasy Peanut,” Wade hushes, not relinquishing Logan’s head. It's easy to forget the teasing, ridiculous man is incredibly strong. The battle lasts all of two seconds, and Wade’s stubbornness takes the victory. Logan’s cheek presses back to his hip and stays there under the weight of his hand.
“Easy, easy, easy…” Wade mumbles. He hesitates, only for a moment. “Vanessa did this… when shit got really bad.”
He’s quiet. He doesn’t elaborate. He doesn’t have to. The meaning and weight of the softly spoken words are enough.
There’s a growl starting to rumble in his chest and while he wants to fight against Wade harder- he doesn’t need sentimental crap or, god forbid, pity- Logan takes a breath just long enough to pause here in the moment, and let’s himself feel.
Wade’s hand is cradling his skull and his fingers are threaded through his hair. The weight of them is firm, but not crushing. No, they’re gentle. And they press his cheek and temple into Wade’s side, where the dip of his waist is. Even at the odd angle his neck is bent to, the shape of the dip fits to his face near perfectly and, if obliged to stay here, he would be comfortable. Wade’s body heat- much like his own, running high due to constant cellular regeneration- seeps into him. Into his skin, and then his flesh, and then his bones, settling deep into his chest.
All of it, it… helps.
The revelation startles Logan.
The weight and solidness of Wade is grounding; constant, steady pressure. His warmth slowly relaxes the painful tightness behind Logan’s ribs. Even his smell- showered now, likely before he started cooking, still strange but not unbearable- settles his mind just because it’s there.
Wade… is anchoring him.
Maybe he really should fight this harder, or be annoyed at the coddling, or pissed just because he’s being handled at all, but Logan can’t keep a grip on any of the feelings. He can’t stop the calm that pulls him in and brings him down. It’s so- He’s feels so-
… When was the last time he was held?
Not fucked by nameless faces, or hanging on to another person for dear life, or punch near through the stomach- Held.
Was it before- God does it hurt.
… Was it before, when he had his fellow mutant friends and family? Before that?
After?… Definitely not.
Warmth, gentleness, nothing of the kind was what he deserved afterwards. He could never reward himself with something he never showed, and no one offered it to him regardless.
Logan shudders, his breath likely teasing Wade’s skin but, if the other man feels it, he blissfully leaves the fact be.
Wade- warm, solid, annoying as hell Wade- who breaks his train of thought, unaware of it. “Better right? When Vanessa first did this, waaay back in the storyline, I fucking melted like a kid’s ice cream. It’s like the guilty, trauma victim’s morphine.” He pauses, and there’s a grin to his words now. “I also ate her out that first time, but we can wait to do that until the second mental breakdown session, Babygirl.”
Yup. There it is. Asshole.
But Logan just, non-committedly hums, although it's more of a grumble. Yeah, Wade will probably be insufferable after this, smug and a whole new level of too comfortable touching him, but right now, right here, he’s calming.
He’s- something Logan can’t quite name. Or at least, he’s unwilling to.
Call Logan weak, call him pathetic- because he truthfully is, just below the storm in his skin- and like hell does he actually deserve this, but he’s gonna savor it for as long as he possibly can.
Seconds pass, or maybe hours, and the gentle massage of Wade’s fingertips to his scalp continues during it before his hand slides away from Logan’s hair onto his shoulder.
The loss of that contact against his head is disappointing-a private thought- but when Wade shifts like he’s about to move away the disappointment quickly morphs into panic.
He isn’t ready to let go.
He isn’t ready for Wade to leave.
With pure, unthinking action, Logan latches onto the fabric of Wade’s shorts just below the hip he isn’t leaning against. He fists the material into a ball, like he’s afraid the other man will just disappear if he doesn’t hold tight enough.
Like he really is going to wake up, and be alone again with only the memory of coffee and warmth.
Embarrassment quickly reddens his face once he understands what he’s done but, instead of releasing Wade, Logan turns his face into his hip to hide. Clenching his eyes shut for extra precaution.
Weak. Pathetic.
Wade is quiet, his hand hovering above Logan’s shoulder after it was started off but, just as Logan is about to relinquish his hold of the man- he can't bear the unnerving stillness of him- Wade surprises him again.
Quick but gentle, Wade cups the back of Logan’s head and neck, turns ever so slightly to the side, and presses Logan’s forehead to the cushion of his stomach. And just lets the other man stay against him, as he rubs his head and shoulders.
Logan cries a small sound he’s never heard himself make before- something wounded, and relieved, and ragged- but he can’t be bothered to care. Not right now. He releases his death hold on Wade’s shorts and wraps his arms around the other man’s thighs, as flush against him as he can be in their current positions. His hold might be too tight, edging on painful most likely, but Wade doesn’t complain. Doesn’t do anything except this… hold him.
Thank you, thank you, thank you…
“Of course, big guy. Whatever you need.”
Ah, he said that out loud.
… He’ll care about that later. Logan will be pissed, and embarrassed, and in denial at some point, but it’ll all be later. When Wade isn’t cradling him or murmuring soft words. When he isn’t cooking warm food or listening to music on the radio.
When he isn’t making him feel like, for the first time in a long time, he’s allowed to have kindness.
Fucking… Wade.
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mimimarvelingmarvel · 6 months ago
time bound part three
pairing: worst wolverine!logan howlett x f!mutant!reader
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Part Three - Masterlist
summary: Y/n’s life takes a dramatic turn when the Time Variance Authority intervenes, pulling her from a critical moment in her timeline. The TVA sends her to the void where she eventually meets with Deadpool and a very familiar face. With Deadpool's universe in the balance, alongside his reluctant would-be pal, Wolverine, and the enigmatic time-bending mutant known as the Veil, the trio must complete the mission and save Deadpool’s world from an existential threat.
overall warnings: 18+, Fem!Reader, AFAB Reader, Use of Y/N, Her X-Men name is Veil, She/her pronouns, Swearing, Angst, Heavy Violence, Character Death, Deadpool (he’s his own warning), Hurt, Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, TVA
word count: 2k
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My legs feel numb, something cold and metallic digging into my back—chains, pinching at my skin. I try to shift, but the restraints hold me tight. There’s a warmth surrounding me, and I glance up to see Johnny's face, our noses inches apart. “Welcome back, Pumpkin!” Deadpool’s voice calls out from behind, dripping with that annoying cheerfulness that makes me groan and drop my head.
Johnny twists us around, the chains binding the two of us together keeping us suspended above the ground. Now, I’m facing Logan and Deadpool. Deadpool’s staring at me, and while it’s hard to tell through the mask, the tilt of his head makes me think he’s smiling.
He turns to Logan and asks, “How long was I asleep?”
Logan’s response is gruff, “Not all of you was asleep.”
I cringe. “That’s so—"
“Hot?” Deadpool interrupts, his tone mockingly hopeful.
“I was going to say disgusting.”
Deadpool pouts, his voice taking on a playful edge. “I sense a little closeted anger there.”
I squint at him, feeling the absurd need to defend myself. “I’m pretty comfortable with my sexuality, thank you very much.”
“Don’t clench those cheeks of yours too tight, Pumpkin. I see the way you look at Wolvie here.” He tilts his head towards Logan, who finally meets my gaze.
I quickly look away, shame creeping in. He must hate me for what I did. Or for what I couldn’t do.
Deadpool starts rummaging around, searching for something. “Don’t bother. They’re very thorough,” Johnny tells him, a slight edge to his voice.
Logan cuts in, his tone demanding, “You know where we are, start talking.”
Johnny’s voice is calm but serious. “You’re in The Void. Think of it as purgatory. Reed called it a metaphysical junkyard where anything useless goes before it gets annihilated forever, and where the TVA sends people that don’t play nice with the rest of the multiverse.”
Logan raises an eyebrow. “Like you?”
Johnny nods. “And you. Or her.”
Logan’s voice hardens. “What does the annihilating?”
“Alioth,” Johnny answers, his voice low.
Deadpool’s eyes widen behind his mask. “Alioth is in this thing? From Loki, season 1, episode 5? You know she wrote a fanfic about Loki. I’m talking to you, reader.” He suddenly turns to face the empty space, as if he’s breaking the fourth wall again. 
I squint at him, my voice dripping with annoyance. “What are you doing?”
Deadpool gives me that familiar little head tilt, and I can almost see the grin beneath his mask. “Just keeping things meta, Pumpkin.”
Johnny continues, “Everyone here is on the run from Alioth. Most don’t make it. But there’s a resistance. Other people like us that manage to survive. We’re hiding out in the borderlands, trying to find a way to fuck outta here.”
Logan nods, his voice resolute. “Then that’s where we go.”
Deadpool's eyes light up with excitement. “We? Us? A team? The answer is yes. Shake on it.”
Logan unsheathes his claws, the metal gleaming menacingly.
“Fuck! You nicked it,” Deadpool yelps, pulling his hand back quickly. “Just got the tip with your little steak knife.”
Logan ignores him, turning back to Johnny. “These others can help us get back to the TVA. They can fix things.”
Johnny lets out a dark laugh, and I nudge him, trying to keep him focused.
Logan’s eyes narrow. “Something funny, Bub?”
Johnny’s expression grows serious. “She might have something to say about that.”
Logan’s brow furrows in confusion. “Who’s she?”
Johnny's voice lowers ominously. “In The Void, you’re either food for Alioth, or you work for her.”
The words hang heavy in the air as we approach the gates—or rather, the colossal, decaying corpse of Ant-Man. His gigantic hands, now reduced to skeletal remains, are locked together to form the entrance. As they creak open, a cold shiver runs down my spine, a foreboding sense of doom settling over me. Johnny’s body flares with heat, a stark contrast to the icy dread filling my veins, betraying his own spike of anxiety.
We’re unceremoniously dumped out of the cage, rolling onto the hard, unforgiving ground of the courtyard. The atmosphere here is bleak, desolate—a wasteland filled with the lost and the damned. Variants and mutants alike mill about, their eyes hollow, their spirits crushed by the relentless despair of this place.
From behind, I feel Pyro’s glare burn into my back. I turn slightly, catching sight of Toad, still nursing his wound. With a spiteful smirk, I stick my tongue out at him, my eyes glinting with a momentary spark of defiance.
The air around us shimmers, rippling with unseen energy as Cassandra’s presence draws near. In my sleep, I had only glimpses of her, vague and haunting. But now, as her silhouette emerges, a pang of grief stabs at my heart—she reminds me too much of Charles.
Deadpool breaks the tension with his usual irreverence. “Oh, you must be this year’s Juggernaut.”
“Please be quiet,” I mutter, but my voice lacks conviction.
“Keep your voices down,” Juggernaut rumbles. “She don’t like the chatter.”
Logan casts a sidelong glance at Deadpool. “She’s gonna love you.”
Deadpool, never one to heed warnings, continues, “Is it Charles? Hey, hey, Chuck, it’s us!”
Logan and I exchange a grim look. “That’s not Charles,” we say in unison.
Cassandra steps from her wheelchair, moving with a graceful menace as the sunlight catches her bald head. The air around her seems to crackle with latent power.
“Ah, shit. Oh, ableism great. That’s not gonna go over well with the woke mob,” Deadpool quips, earning a scowl from Logan.
Cassandra’s eyes settle on Logan first, cold and calculating. “A Wolverine. I wondered when I’d get one of you.” Then she turns to me, her gaze piercing through my defenses. “You’re one of Xavier’s.”
Deadpool, ever the disruptor, cuts in. “You know him, you know Chuck?”
Cassandra’s smile is thin, almost serpentine. “Oh, I knew him. We shared a womb. Tried to strangle the sly little fellow with my umbilical cord.”
“Amen,” Deadpool responds, almost gleeful. “I’ve never loved roommates. Mine’s blind, except she could see cocaine for some reason.” He turns to Logan, searching for an ally. “You wanna chime in, Your Majesty? I’m dying here.”
“Who are you?” Logan growls, his patience wearing thin.
“Charles Xavier’s twin,” Cassandra says, her voice dripping with venom. “Cassandra Nova.”
Deadpool’s eyes widen in mock horror. “Oh, shit. Is it anal birth?”
Cassandra’s expression remains unreadable as she assesses us, her tone almost playful. “You two are cute. I have a good feeling about this.”
Her gaze sharpens as she shifts back to Johnny, a predatory gleam in her eye. “And I’ve been trying to catch this little firefly for years, haven’t I, Johnny? You picked the wrong time to make new friends.” She spares me a brief, dismissive glance. “I’ll get to you later,” she adds, her voice like ice. “—pumpkin.”
A shiver runs through me at the nickname, the way it slithers off her tongue far more menacingly than it ever did from Deadpool.
Deadpool, undeterred, presses on. “Oh, Johnny told us all about you.”
Logan’s warning is low and dangerous. “Maybe shut up now.”
“Yeah, maybe don’t,” I echo, my nerves fraying.
But Deadpool barrels ahead. “We were just talking here. Yeah, Johnny told us you’re a psychotic, megalomaniacal asshole. His words, not mine. Hell-bent on domination and pain.”
Cassandra’s eyes narrow. “You said all that about me?”
Johnny stammers, panic clear in his voice. “No, no! How do you— I didn’t say anything!”
“Sticks and stones, Johnny!” Deadpool laughs, his tone mocking. “Don’t let her intimidate you. Like you said in the convoy. This finger-licking, dead inside, pixie slab of third-rate dime store nut milk can eat your delicious cinnamon ring and kick rocks all the way to bald-hell.”
Johnny looks horrified. “I have never said any of those words in my entire life!”
My muscles tense, knowing Deadpool is pushing too far. “That’s enough, Deadpool,” I warn, preparing to act if necessary.
But Deadpool continues, seemingly oblivious. “Ah! The modesty! People think I’m a shit-talker, but this guy, next level.”
“What? This- I- wait- I don’t even know what half of that means!” Johnny protests, his confusion growing.
In a flash, I manage to blip Johnny back a few hours, replacing him with a decoy just as Cassandra’s wrath descends. She tears into the decoy with brutal efficiency, ripping its skin clean off. I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing Johnny is safe, even if the others are none the wiser.
Deadpool gasps in mock horror. “Not my favorite Chris.”
Logan’s fury is palpable. “You stupid piece of shit, you just got him fucking killed!”
I feign distress, staring at the decoy’s lifeless form, playing my part.
“Hey, we’re all grieving!” Deadpool adds, his tone too flippant. “PS, do you know what he was doing to the budget?”
Cassandra’s voice cuts through the tension. “Alioth is hungry.”
“There’s been some kind of mistake,” Deadpool protests, his bravado faltering. “Big Yellow is a backup Anchor Being, and I’m Marvel Jesus, MJ if you’re nasty. This may be hard to hear, but there’s another British villain. He’s gonna destroy my universe, and I’m gonna stop him.”
Cassandra’s smile is chilling. “Oh, honey, you don’t really strike me as a world-saving type.” Deadpool flinches. ���Did I hit a nerve?”
He tries to regain his footing. “I didn’t want it to come to this. Either you help us, or my friend here is gonna sing the entire second act of Music Man, with zero warm-up.”
Logan tries to change the subject. “Where’d you get the chair?” 
“Once in a while, I do get a Charles through here,” Cassandra muses, her voice distant, almost nostalgic. “Never mind, though. No. He didn’t care to find me.”
Deadpool rolls his eyes, exasperated. “Ah, Gen-Z and their trauma-bragging! Can’t you just stuff it down, turn it into accomplishment or cancer like the rest of us?”
Cassandra’s eyes gleam with dark amusement. “But I’m not like the rest of you. Except maybe the Wolverine. Now, we could be truly terrifying together.”
Logan sneers, his claws itching for a fight. “You’re that scary, huh?”
“The TVA certainly thought so,” Cassandra replies, her tone dripping with satisfaction. “They sent me here before I could walk. And you know, it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I love it here.”
“You live in a garbage dump,” Deadpool retorts, unimpressed.
Cassandra’s smile widens, a cold, cruel thing. “I think we both know who lives in the garbage dump. The Void is a paradise. I can wield my power here without shame. Unfortunately, I had no Charles Xavier to teach me temperance.”
Her eyes lock onto mine, sharp and predatory. I’m still coated in the thick, warm blood of Johnny’s decoy, and the sight only seems to excite her. “I told you I would get to you. I’ve been waiting to crack into that mind of yours.” She steps forward, her finger outstretched, and I stumble back, my heart pounding in my chest.
But she’s too fast, closing the distance in an instant. Her long, cold fingers seize my face, digging into my temples with a vice-like grip. The pain is excruciating, a white-hot lance that stabs through my skull as she roots around in my mind. Flashes of my past flood my vision—my dead friends, my failures, my desperate search for Logan. And then, the happier memories, from a time long gone, when Charles and Erik were younger, when hope still felt within reach.
With a sudden, brutal yank, Cassandra rips her fingers free, leaving me crumpled on the ground, gasping for breath.
I hear Logan shout something, but the words are muffled, lost in the haze of agony clouding my thoughts.
“Interesting,” Cassandra murmurs, almost to herself. “But boring. Your Charles, he protected you, made you feel safe?”
Logan’s growl is low, feral. “We’re done talking.”
“No,” Cassandra whispers, her voice a silken thread of menace. “We’re just getting started.”
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Next Part
A/N: Guys, I’m on a roll and I was originally going to write this chapter as a recap but with Logan’s POV, instead, those will be added later as bonus chapters! I’ll try get a masterlist up and running.
taglist: @oscarissac2099 @somiaw
comment if you want to be added!
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dreadfuldrip · 5 months ago
Torn between worlds
~~A ghost of a memory
Your Logan is dead, so how come he's standing in the doorway of Wade's apartment?
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The worst!Wolverine/GN!Reader
a/n: No one asked for it, but take some angst. I hurt my own feelings with this one ngl. This blog has moved to @hiddenavenues
CW: MDNI 18+, GN!Reader, past partner death (major), grief, alcohol consumption (minor), physical violence, ANGST, hurt with eventual comfort, mild language
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You fumble with the paper sitting on your bedside table. The invite to Wade's party only had a date and address, which is a little strange, seeing that he is your next-door neighbour. According to the invite the party started an hour ago, but better now than never, right?
Shimmying into simple jeans and a t-shirt, you thought about what Wade could throw a party for this time. It's not uncommon for him to have impromptu get-togethers, but it had never previously involved an invite. Usually, Wade would just knock on your door and drag you down to his apartment, half forcing you to join in on the fun. So what was different this time?
Although the invite doesn't ask for it, you stand in your kitchen throwing together an ensemble of snacks ranging from fruit to chocolate to bring to Wade's. As you reach to put away the extra fruit, your eyes snag on an old photo of you and Logan on vacation. The two of you had taken a trip to Ireland; in the picture, Logan is smiling at you, eyes alive with something you can't quite tell, and your head is tipped back in laughter at something he said. The years since Logan died seemed to fly by in a blur; days of rotting in bed turned to months and would have turned to years if Wade hadn't dragged your sorry ass out. You never told him about your relationship with the famous Wolverine; you disliked talking about it. You already had to share his death with the rest of the world; you can keep your grief for yourself. Shaking your head, you take a few calming breaths before grabbing your plates and heading for the door. 
Stepping into the hallway, you could hear the hum of voices and laughter coming from Wade's apartment down the hall. It's a miracle the guy hasn't gotten a noise complaint yet, or at least none you've heard about. As you near the apartment door, you spot a man taking the stairs toward ground level before disappearing out of sight, and for an instant, you could have sworn it was Logan. The broad shoulders and tousled hair transporting you back to a time long since passed. Even as every fibre in your body screamed to check and make sure it wasn't him, you forced yourself to push open the door to the apartment.
People were littered around the room, talking and laughing with one another as music played quietly from somewhere. Placing your plates on the counter, you poured yourself a glass of something good from the fridge before looking for Wade.
Unsurprisingly, you find him seated on the couch with Vanessa beside him, talking to a young girl with long brown hair. You briefly lock eyes with the girl, and a strange sensation washes over you. Not quite recognition, but something tugs on the edges of your memory, just out of reach. 
You don't have time to dwell on it before Wade is bounding toward you, dragging you into a tight embrace before grabbing your face and kissing your forehead. "Look who decided to show up! My absolute favourite neighbour—right up there with that guy who blasts show tunes at 3 a.m.!" You can't help the smile growing on your cheeks while you swat him off of you. 
"Jesus, Wade, did no one teach you personal space?" You ask between laughter, swatting him away before letting him lead you over to the couch, babbling about some adventure he went on.
"You wouldn't believe who the cat dragged back from the multiverse," Your brows shoot up at that. Seeing the look on your face, Wade goes into a long-winded story of how the TVA wanted to destroy your universe for a reason you couldn't catch. By the end, you have more questions than answers.
"Sorry, what the fuck reason did they need to destroy our universe for?" You question, feeling ridiculous just speaking the words.
"Well, basically, each universe has an anchor person. Unfortunately for us, ours was sweet Wolverine who took impalement to heart." You can't hide your flinch at Wade's words, but no one seems to notice. "But now we have this cutie-pie over here. Meet Laura, better known as X-23," Wade wraps an arm around the girl who looks like she wants to be anywhere but here. "and Peanut is just making his hourly trip to the liquor store!" 
Your head feels like it might explode. Multiverses? Who the fuck is Peanut? "I need another drink for your bullshit." You huff, earning an offended scoff from Wade before going back to talking to Laura.
Standing in the kitchen, weighing your drink options, you think about that girl. The name X-23 definitely rings a bell, but it's like any memory of the name has a thick layer of fog surrounding it, like your mind is telling you it was better to forget. With a sigh, you pour yourself a tall glass of wine.
You hear Wade's excited shouting just before turning to see the door open, revealing the stranger you had seen taking the stairs earlier, only he isn't a stranger. It was Logan. All the air seemed to be sucked out of the room as you stared at the talking ghost. He was dead; you cried over his already cold body all those years ago, fell apart in front of his headstone daily, and went to years of therapy just to be able to hear his name without breaking down. Heads swivelled in your direction as the bottle of wine you'd been pouring shattered to the floor, splashing crimson on your clothes and shoes. A strangled noise bubbled up from your chest as Logan's eyes locked onto yours. Distantly, you heard people fussing around you, but right now, it felt like the room was empty besides the two of you. 
You didn't realize your knees were shaking until they buckled beneath you, your knees hitting the cold floor, red wine soaking the fabric of your jeans. The noise around you faded to a dull hum as your mind raced. Logan was standing there, alive, breathing- but you buried him. How many nights had you spent curled in the bed you used to share, grieving your last days with him, begging anyone who would listen for one more moment, one last chance to say goodbye? 
And now, he was standing in the doorway not 15 feet away from you as if no time had passed. You couldn't stop staring at him, terrified if you blinked he'd disappear again, like a cruel trick of the mind. He still had that haunted look on his face, the same one you used to kiss away and the same little tufts on either side of his hair you used to endlessly tease him for. Your chest tightened painfully; it felt like an old wound in your heart was tearing open, stitch by stitch.
"You're-" His voice, hoarse with emotion, cracked painfully as he stepped towards you, his face pale as snow. "You aren't my y/n," 
You could barely focus on his words, your mind reeling at the sound of his voice. For years, you've cursed yourself for forgetting the deep timber in his words, how it used to be so at odds with the sweet words he'd whisper to you each morning. You open your mouth to speak, but your throat threatens to close, a noise akin to that of a dying animal choking its way out instead. You can't speak, can't breathe. How do you talk to someone you've mourned for years when they are standing right in front of you? 
Logan's words sliced through the haze like a blade. Not my y/n. They echoed through your head, reverberating off the walls in your mind. What kind of cruel joke was this? You dragged in a ragged breath, your chest tight, eyes burning with unshed tears. Every cell in your body was begging you to run to him, to feel his skin's warmth and let the smell of him envelop you, but you couldn't move. The floor felt like it was swallowing you whole, and part of you wished it would just to rid yourself of this terrible ache in your chest. 
Logan's eyes, the same ones you would stare into and see your future in, looked at you as though he, too, was seeing a ghost. His gaze was filled with sorrow, mirroring the look on your face. "I lost you in my world." His voice was barely over a whisper, agony dripping off each syllable. "I lost you, I buried you, I am the reason why you-" He choked on the word, unable to finish his sentence as his gaze dropped to the floor. 
You felt a pit form in the bottom of your stomach. The weight of his confession nearly had you un-having dinner. Not only were you seeing the ghost of a man you loved, but he had mourned you. In his world, you had been the one who died. The cruel irony of it all left you shaking. 
Wade's voice cut through the heavy silence like a jarring chord. "See, isn't this multiverse crap fun? It's like a cosmic soap opera!" You felt something inside you snap at Wade's ignorance. 
Time seemed to speed up as you launched yourself at him, tackling him to the floor as a vicious growl tore through your throat. You could feel a distant sting in your knuckles as you landed blow after blow to Wade's face; it vaguely occurred to you that he had gone still and was taking it. When the pain in your firsts became unbearable, and Wade's face was black and blue, you stopped, panting over him. He turned his face to the side and spat blood. 
You felt weak, like your body wasn't your own. Someone hoisted you off of Wade, backing off as soon as you shook them off. The pit in your stomach grew, threatening to envelop you whole as you pushed past a Logan that wasn't yours. Your chest felt like it was about to explode, your vision blurring with tears. You needed air- needed space because the walls in Wade's apartment were closing in, and you were drowning in the memory of a past that's now come back beyond the grave. 
The cool night air hit you like a slap when your feet hit the pavement outside the apartment. You gobbled it down, relishing the cool embrace on your tear-stained cheeks. The city buzzed around you, indifferent to the waking nightmare you're currently living in. 
You didn't register Logan behind you until you heard the door slam. "Wait-"
"No." You snapped, spinning around to face him. The look of anguish etched into the lines on his face threatened to make your knees buckle, but anger still flowed through your veins. "Don't. Don't follow me." Your voice cracked, and you hated yourself for it. You couldn't do this again; your world was crumbling around you, but this time, it was someone else's Logan breaking your heart. You could feel the years of work and grief trying to move on falling in shambles around you. "You're not… You're not him." You watched your words land like a physical blow.
Logan flinched, his expression twisting in pain. "No, and you're not them." He bit out each word, like the mention of the other you put a sour taste in his mouth. "You think this doesn't hurt me? I've mourned you for years, and here you are, alive. I held you as you bled out in my arms, helpless."
You couldn't help the bitter laugh that escaped you. "Hurt you? You come into my universe, to my home, and you expect me to try to empathize with you?" You take a few strides forward and stare at Logan, an ugly snarl on your lips. "I fell apart every single day for years after I lost you, and now you-" Your voice falters, a tear slipping down your cheek. 
Logan's face softens. "I didn't know you were alive here, and I definitely wouldn't have guessed you'd be buds with Wade. But," He takes a breath before continuing, something new mingling with the sadness in his eyes. "I'm here now."
Something deep inside you broke. "No, this is a mistake. You need to go home. You're not him. You're not the man I-" Your words caught in your throat. Before you could finish, Logan touched a hand to your elbow. 
"I'm not him, the same way you aren't them. I know that." He whispered, his breath mingled with yours. "But can't you see? It's killing me to stand here, knowing I can't hold you like I used to."
His confession tore down the last of your restraint. The weight of all of your emotions - grief, anger, love you had tried to bury- came crashing down. Before you could think, you grabbed his face, pulling him into a bruising kiss. Logan hesitated for a moment, hands hovering over your waist, but he gave in, crushing you against him like a man starved. The kiss was messy and frantic, both of you clinging to each other as if this could mend years of pain and suffering. 
The world faded as your lips moved together, your bodies recalling each other like a forgotten melody from long ago. You barely notice stumbling into the narrow alley beside the apartment building; you gasp into his mouth as your back hits the cold brick wall. You were fueled with desperation and longing, revelling in the way his breath hitched as you kissed him harder. Right now, nothing mattered. Not the multiverse or the difference between this Logan and the one you lost. All that mattered was the way his body ground into you, his lips threatening to devour you whole. 
You broke away for air, foreheads resting together, your breaths ragged and uneven as you shared the same air. "Logan… I don't know how this…" You trailed off, unable to find the words to make this make sense. 
"I know." He murmured, voice low and raw with emotion. "We'll figure it out, one day at a time." 
You kissed him again, softer this time, letting yourself dream of a world with Logan again. For however long this would last, you hoped that at least this time, you'd have the chance to say goodbye.
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Notes and reblogs are appreciated! Hope you enjoyed :)
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