#wolfstar daughter lore!
myjealouseyes · 10 months
In your opinion, how would Sirius, Remus, James, and Lily react to Wolfstar!daughter getting into fights/trouble at Hogwarts?
James understands right off the bat. He knows what it’s like to get angry over stuff like that because he did it all the time in school. (He still does when it comes down to it.) but he’s matured. So while he doesn’t encourage her to fight, he definitely encourages her to keep standing up for the people she loves.
Lily doesn’t want her to be fighting, but she understands. Especially when it comes to defending her friends against blood-purist rhetoric. (Like how she wished she’d been defended in school. That part makes her proud.) so when she finds out she softly tsks at her and then makes her tea, subtly trying to give her ideas on how to take them down without fighting or losing house points.
Sirius, like James, understands the need to be loyal and protect. So from a that standpoint, he understands and is proud of her. But from a parental standpoint, he knows that she can’t keep fighting and getting into trouble. He doesn’t want it to affect her future or her grades. So she gets a stern-ish talking to but he makes sure she knows that it’s not because he thinks she’s wrong, but because he has her best interest at heart.
Remus works at Hogwarts so he knows before everyone else does. He can see the rage in her eyes when someone says something and will usually try to stop her. ESPECIALLY in his class. (Some of the others are dumb enough to say things in a class where her dad is the teacher.) he knows something is happening when she stands up in the middle of his lecture. He usually intervene with a swift “Miss Lupin-Black, get back to your seat.” And then taking points away from the other students’ house. If he can’t stop her in time he just holds back a sigh, splits up the altercation, and takes house points away from the both of them.
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salt-clangen · 27 days
Are the other clans going to bring up what WolfStar meant by ‘Hurt Lynxpaw’?
They DO still have the ‘don’t harm kits’ rule, Right?
Also, will any of Wolf’s old friends join Saltclan, or is Mother-Star going to go ‘nuclear’ on Saltclan to get this nonsense over with?
Most of the cats were too distracted by all the drama to really catch what Wolfstar said. But don’t worry, certain cats noticed and it’ll come back around.
The clans do still have a code against harming kits (I really need to write down all the codes in my clangen one of these days)
However in this case it doesn’t really apply as Lynxpaw is no longer a kit, she’s an apprentice and technically it’s not against the code to threaten a -paw. It’s kinda weird though for a leader to be beefing with a cleric apprentice.
As for any former duskclan cats defecting to Saltclan, almost all of the cats I’ve shown so far have been created for plot/background filler reasons. Even the ones with extended backstories, I just really like character design so if a cat has a lot of lore that doesn’t mean they’ll join Saltclan. It’s more likely I just got carried away 🙃
It’s hard to say what Jaggedstar will do about Saltclan without revealing too much. Just know she really wants her daughter back and theres a lot of lore behind her that hasn’t come to light yet. (For us or the clans)
Also I love Mother-star! I’m 100% stealing that. I’ll figure out a way to incorporate that 💀💀💀 it’s like when you accidentally call the teacher mom so embarrassing
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The Burned Prince c1
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Nínimeth. Art by Charlie Bowater
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Young Thranduil by pastellzhq on DA
After the sacking of Doriath, the lands once girdled by Melian were abandoned. Faerbraichon, Lord of House Brethil, went east in search of a new land for his Sindar Elves, a land far removed from the grief caused by the Silmaril Thingol had coveted. With him came his family - those who were left - and those for whom he was Lord. Running into a Dragon was an unexpected complication; though, for one of his sons, it might turn out to be the source of love. For the rest of House Brethil, the meeting between their youngest Prince and a Woodland elleth will eventually lead to the formation of the largest Elven Kingdom in Arda and the establishment of a new people - the combined Sindar and Nandor Elves that eventually became known as the Silvans of Greenwood.
This is that story.
a note on people: Nenglessel│Nenalassië - mother of Bregolion, Nengeliel, Glaerdor and Thranduil. Wife of Faerbraichon│Oropher. Kinsman of Thingol through his brother Olwe. Falmarin/Telerin elleth who escaped the kinslaying of Alqualondë, pressed into service as a sailor by Fëanor and his Noldorin army. Faerbraichon│Oropher - father of Bregolion, Nengeliel, Glaerdor and Thranduil. Husband of Nenglessel│Nenalassië. Lord of House Brethil (House of Beech trees), a noble house of Doriath. Kinsman of Thingol. Hwiniedir│Thranduil - youngest child of Faerbraichon & Nenglessel. Named for his skill with a blade(Whirling one). Bronwe - Captain of Thranduil's personal guard and his best friend.
Glíweniel│Nínimeth - future wife of Hwiniedir│Thranduil. Only surviving child of Lore-Keeper Glíwen, clan Oakheart, and Chieftain Drauchir, clan Wolfstar, the two largest clans of the Nandorin who live in the vast Forest. Healer. Glíwen - Lore-Keeper of clan Oakheart, mother of Glíweniel and Drauchirion, gwathel(sworn sister) of Celebrimbor, the Smith-Lord of eregion. Eglossion - Glíweniel's best friend; a taciturn hunter assigned to her protection by Drauchir after the death of her brother.
“Are you sure you wish to remain here rather than visit Celebrimbor, sellig?” Glíwen asked, but her daughter just nodded.
“You know I wanted to stay home until Medlimel had her babe,” Glíweniel chided.
“You are a stubborn soul,” Glíwen sighed, but she smiled fondly at the willful young elleth. “But you are a good friend, sellig, and I am pleased that you will keep your word, though I will miss you while I am gone.”
“I shall go south after the babe has come.” Glíweniel promised, picking up her mother’s cloak and handing it over.
“Promise me that you will not go alone, sellig,” Glíwen frowned, wrapping the cloak around her and picking up her pack.
“I am not that helpless, nana,” Glíweniel complained, “I have been trained in the bow and the blade, same as any other Silvan!”
“I know, sellig,” Glíwen said, cupping her face, “but,” the sadness in her eyes made her daughter’s breath catch.
“Yes, nana, I know.” Glíweniel whispered. “Eglossion will go with me after the birth and keep me safe on the road. I promise.” Her mother rose slightly, kissing her forehead. Glíweniel nodded, tightening the straps that tied Glíwen’s luggage to the elk who would carry her south.
“Gin iallon,” she said. Swinging herself onto the animal’s back, she shared a final smile with her daughter, before setting off with a gentle command.
“No gelin idh raid dhîn, a no adel dhen i chwest, nana.” Glíweniel called, waving until her mother was no more than a blue speck on the edge of the horizon.
   “I don’t like this, Glíweniel,” Eglossion grumbled. “The small birds are silent. Something is wrong with the woods.” Glíweniel knew what he meant, but waved off her prickly friend’s concern when the birds began chirping once more. They continued on for another half league.
“What is that smell?” she asked, before it suddenly dawned on her. Badly burnt meat. At first, she would have steered her elk far away from the smell, the clever animal already turning to avoid it, but the sound that suddenly reached her ears made her spur her mount onwards instead. A pained scream, abruptly cut off. Either whoever had screamed had been attacked and was now dead – or they had fallen unconscious. The healer’s heart that beat in her breast would not let her move on without at least seeing if there was anything she could do to help. Glíweniel ignored Eglossion’s angry yelling; her friend would catch up easily. What she saw when she reached the clearing where the scream had sounded made her wish she had given breakfast a miss. The two ellyn, strangely armoured, in plate that made her think they had come from the west, had obviously been in combat with…something. One of them, his armour rent in places and singed on the left side, appeared to be alive still, but the other… he was little more than crispy, still smoking meat. Glíweniel shuddered. Behind her, Eglossion uttered a low curse.
“We should leave here,” he said, pulling on her hand. At the same moment, the half-burned one moaned.
“We will tend him.” Glíweniel said, her voice brooking no disagreement with her orders. Eglossion cursed again. “Fetch water, and make a shelter. I’ll get a fire going.”
 They managed to get the armour off the ellon who was stubbornly clinging to life. Eglossion had grumbled, but Glíweniel had saved the one he called Lachon. Sitting in the tent while Eglossion saw to the burial of the dead ellon, Glíweniel studied her patient. His hair was pale, like moonlight, and his skin, too, was lighter than her own. His armour and sword were of good quality, she thought, though she knew little of metalwork. Her own people favoured arrows, metal used mostly for the long-handled knives they wielded for everything from hunting to eating. Stroking one of the unburnt patches of skin on his good arm, Glíweniel wondered at the multitude of tiny golden hairs that rose in the wake of her finger. The fist he swung was a surprise, catching her above the eye with unexpected force as he screamed. Glíweniel blinked, dumbfounded, staring into his blue-grey eye as the screams continued. “You are safe, mellon, I swear,” she tried to tell him, but doubted he actually heard her. Trailing off to whimpers, suddenly the blue eye rolled back in his head, and the stranger was unconscious again.
  Eglossion had sat with the patient while Glíweniel had been boiling the herbs she needed for burn salve, but now he was off hunting something for their supper, preferably a fat bird they could turn into broth for Lachon. She had picked one of the small snowdrops that clustered beneath the trees, once more taking up position beside the cot; though this time she dared not touch him. Eglossion had not liked seeing her split eyebrow. When his eyelids fluttered open, he did not immediately scream, which meant the balm was working, at least a little. Glíweniel had never treated a burn this large before. Picking up her small pot of salve, she tried to speak to him once more, slow and clearly, in case he would not understand her woodland speech patterns.
“Who are you, child of Doriath?” as she spoke, her fingers danced lightly across the burnt skin, smoothing the cooling balm over the burns. The ellon grimaced with pain, but did not cry out – another good sign.
“My name is Hwiniedir, Braigion. My father is a Lord of Doriath. Where am I? Who are you? You are not Sindarin.” He mumbled, slow and painful sounding, as though his throat was sore. Glíweniel thought he might have inhaled smoke from whatever had burned him so terribly.
“I am a Silvan, Hwiniedir. Wood-Elf. I am Glíweniel.” She gave him a soothing smile. His eye-colour really was amazing. “You were found by my friend and I, along with the body of another Elf, both of you badly burned. You are in our tent.” Wiping balm off her fingers with a scrap of mullein leaf, one of her hands began playing with her hair, an unconscious habit. Lach- no, Hwiniedir, followed the motion with the eye he had left, as her words filled the blue-grey orb with tears. The other ellon had been special to him, then, Glíweniel surmised, grieving for his loss.
“There are Sindar in the forest, Glíweniel.” Eglossion barked, flipping the tent open. His face looked distinctly unhappy. “We should leave Lachon for his people to find. Return to our forests.” He had a point, Glíweniel knew, her nana would be waiting in Eregion with Celebrimbor. Still, the thought of leaving her patient to fend for himself made her uneasy.
“He is Hwiniedir, and he is hurt and weakened with loss, Eglossion. We cannot abandon him without knowing he will be found by someone who would not seek to harm him further.” Glíweniel kept her tone mild, but Eglossion still snarled unhappily at her, before ducking outside once more. She heard him pick up his bow, stalking off with a low curse. Hunting something would help his mood, Glíweniel knew, letting him go with a soft shake of her head. “Do not mind Eglossion.” She said, turning back to Hwiniedir. “He does not trust strangers, even our distant kin,” Glíweniel smiled, squeezing his clammy hand.
“Thank you… your kindness is valued.” Hwiniedir’s words were halting, hesitant and pained, his voice rough from smoke and screaming, but Glíweniel heard the low words and accepted them with a brilliant smile.
“Rest now. I will watch over you.” Smoothing back a few pale strands of hair, Glíweniel waited until he was asleep once more, before moving outside, finding the expected bird by the fire where Eglossion had left it. Shaking her head fondly, she began to pluck the animal while a small pot of water boiled in the fire. She would have to spit-roast the bird, she thought, cutting off a few of the fattier pieces to boil with some herbs for a nice broth. While it cooked, she’d clean Hwiniedir’s sword, she decided, humming softly as she set to her self-appointed tasks.
 The horse that burst into the clearing made her scream in fright, but Glíweniel was quick to arm herself, pulling the knife she wore at her belt and grabbing Hwiniedir’s sword in her other hand. Her bow was too far away, still strapped to her pack, but she wouldn’t let anyone Man or Elf harm her patient. Snarling at her opponent Glíweniel fell into a low crouch, ready to defend.
“I know that blade!” the armoured stranger cried, his words marking him as Elven, “Give it to me!” Glíweniel believed his words, to a point, but his own naked blade did not make her feel inclined to drop her only means of defence.
“I will not!” she snarled, though it was rather unwieldy, being made for a taller body and shaped for use with two hands.
“I told you, Silvan, I know that sword! It was made for the youngest son of Faerbraichon, and you will tell me how you came by it or I swear I will run you through for his murder!” he shouted, anger colouring his every word and motion. Glíweniel blanched. The sound of a birdcall, an emlin, among the trees behind the aggressive ellon made her feel marginally safer. Eglossion was back.
“I expect she took it from me when she tended my wounds, Captain,” Hwiniedir croaked, making both elves turn their full attention to him.
“Hwin!” Glíweniel cursed loudly. He should not have left his bed; there was no way he was healed enough. Forgetting the ellon with the sword pointed at her back, Glíweniel dropped her knife, wrapping one arm around Hwiniedir’s good side and taking most of his weight.
“Put your sword away, stranger, and face me. You would die before the strike landed!” Eglossion stepped between the trees around the clearing, his longbow ready to fire. Glíweniel breathed a sigh of relief. In her arms, Hwiniedir trembled.
“This is Glíweniel, who saved my life. Have you news of my father, my brothers?” he could barely get the words out, but the whisper reached the apparent captain, who dismounted swiftly with a happy exclamation.
“You live!” he cried. Gliweniel hissed darkly, still not convinced this ellon was trustworthy.
“Eglossion!” she shouted. The Silvan stepped up to the armoured elf, dropping his bow and putting his knife to the captain’s throat. He cleared his throat. With a sheepish expression, he sheathed his sword, giving her a gentle smile. Glíweniel did not let down her guard, keeping herself between the stranger and Hwin – she liked called him Hwin, it was like he was all hers that way… and she really shouldn’t be thinking like that, she knew.
“Captain. Relax. I am in no danger from Glíweniel,” Hwiniedir managed tiredly. “Eglossion is Glíweniel’s friend, be at ease, Captain Bronwe, mellon-nîn.” Glíweniel softened her stance, and Eglossion put his knife back on his belt, stepping over to turn the bird on its spit. Sheepish nods and introductions were made, and Glíweniel forced herself to ignore the way his skin felt pressed against her arm as she forced him back to his cot. He was unsteady, though apparently stronger than she had thought. The captain, whose armour she now recognised as bearing the same marks that Hwin’s had, followed them into the tent.
“Faerbraichon is well, but Bregolion is dead and Glaerdon is missing. Your father sent out all able warriors to search for you. The dragon is dead and will no longer be a threat, but our losses were great. That you live will be news to bring great joy to our Lord.” Captain Bronwe’s smile was fond, and Hwiniedir gave him a weak smile in return. A dragon! Glíweniel had only vague recollections of hearing of such a beast, remnants of the war between the Noldor and Morgoth, she thought.
“I am the last Braigion, mellon. Glaerdon perished before I could save him.” He croaked, coughing hoarsely. So the other one had been his brother? A sudden wave of sympathy overcame her, seeing again the face of her own brother, lost to raiding orcs.
“Amarth bal!” Bronwe swore.
“You are upsetting my patient, Captain Bronwe.” Glíweniel hissed, looking at Hwin’s pale face, which had paled further with the exertions of walking and talking. She had resumed her seat, gently pressing him down flat before swiftly smearing his arm and chest with more ointment, carefully covering the burned half of his face.
“Apologies, Lady Glíweniel.” Bronwe bowed. “Nesto Hwiniedir, dhen iallon.” As if she hadn’t already been doing that, Glíweniel thought waspishly. Doriath-Elves were an odd bunch, Glíweniel decided, but gave him a graceful smile.
“You should regain most of the motion in your limbs, though the scars will remain. The grace of the Eldar will hide your ruined face, and the passing of time might remove the scarring altogether, but the loss of your left eye is permanent.” Glíweniel told Hwiniedir quietly, ignoring the captain’s gasp. She could see in the steady blue eye that gazed upon her face that Hwiniedir had already realised as much, and was determined to be stoic about the loss. She smiled softly at him. Even slathered in goo and smelling like roast, there was something about his smile… “You should remain here until you are strong enough to move, Hwin,” she told him, not even realising that she had spoken his shortened name aloud. She would miss him when he left.
“Bronwe will carry word of my health to my father and our people and return in three days to fetch me,” he decreed, silencing another of the Captain’s protests easily. Glíweniel smiled at his announcement, feeling curiously happy that he wasn’t about to go away right this moment.
“Lady Glíweniel, would you leave us for a quick word? I’m sure my Lord would appreciate a private message from his son. I promise not to upset him further,” Bronwe smiled his most innocent and charming smile at her, but Glíweniel wasn’t fooled in the slightest. Still, she got up with a small chuckle, ducking out of the tent to go help Eglossion with the bird.
“You’re fond of Lachon,” Eglossion said quietly. “No good will come of it, Glíw. The Sindar are not like us, even if we share their blood,” he sighed.
“I know…” Glíweniel replied, stirring the small pot that Eglossion had dropped chunks of meat into, sprinkling a few healing herbs into the water. “but Hwin is… mine.” The designation surprised even herself. Eglossion looked up with an incredulous stare. Then he collapsed in loud guffaws.
“You-“ he laughed uproariously, “you A-AND your nana!” Glíweniel scowled. Just because Glíwen had married an ellon from the North-Woods and caused a minor scandal! Slapping Eglossion’s shoulder with a mock stern look, suddenly Glíweniel too was overcome with laughter. It was funny.
chapter 2 will be up tomorrow.
@life-is-righteous​ @pandepirateprincess​ @crimson-coloured-rrain​
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myjealouseyes · 11 months
Wolfstar!daughter would definitely fuss over Harry if he got injured in quidditch.
She’s SO much worse with a quidditch injury!!
First off, he can’t hide it from her because 99.9 percent of the time when Harry has a quidditch game, she’s going to there.
Second, he’s actually hurt. It’s not just a few sniffles and coughs and sneezes no, it’s an actual injury and he’s In real pain. That worries her more than anything.
She’s the first one in the hospital wing (she doesn’t know how she got there so fast. Once she saw him fall off the broom she blacked out.) no one questions her when she sits and holds his hand the whole time he’s getting checked out. (They knew better than to do that.)
He assures her that he’s alright multiple times to try and soothe her but it doesn’t work. She doesn’t quit worrying until Madame Pomfrey tells them he is. After he’s allowed to leave the hospital wing she’s still fussing. He just lets her do it, knowing it would be easier to do that than try to convince her he’s fine.
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myjealouseyes · 10 months
Does Wolfstar!daughter have a pet like Harry with Hedwig?
I like to think that Sirius, Remus, and Wolfstar!daughter have a bunch of different pets! They’re definitely an animal household.
Sirius adopts three puppies. (and takes up the work of training them.)
wolfstar!daughter brought home a whole litter of stray kittens once. (She keeps two of them. The others go to an animal shelter.)
Remus shares his morning toasts with the birds at the window so they always come back. (They’ve given them names. They know each bird by heart.)
Three dogs, four birds, and two cats. Nine animals altogether.
She takes one of her cats to Hogwarts with her each year.
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myjealouseyes · 1 year
wolfstar!daughter!reader will be in Harry’s lap, head tucked into the nook of his neck and still have the audacity to say “no no no we’re just friends guys!”
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myjealouseyes · 8 months
What do you think Wolfstar!daughter would crave for while she was pregnant? I also think she would play music for her baby. Any particular type? And I can definitely see Harry speaking to her baby bump while they're in bed together 🥰
Wolfstar!daughter either craves normal things like baked goods, cheese, and fruits OR the most abnormal strange ungodly combinations known to humankind. Mustard on popcorn, mayonnaise and ketchup on pickles, tomatoes covered in olive juice, dirt, all of it! “You know what I’m craving right now?” Turn into Harry’s least favorite words.
That’s not to say that she eats all these things all the way through. Sometimes she eats one bite and just gives Harry a ‘why would you let me eat this’ look.
Remus and Sirius give her a playlist of songs to play their grandchild. Alternative, classic rock, jazz, you name it.
Wolfstar!daughter has woken up Harry talking to her stomach multiple times😭 he wakes up in the middle of the night and just starts having a whole conversation with their child.
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myjealouseyes · 8 months
Things about wolfstar daughter I’ve imagined in my head but haven’t had the chance to post about. Part two.
Her relationship with Hope and Lyall. Remus has a great relationship with his parents so it’s only fair that I give wolfstar!daughter one too. They LOVE spending time with her.
Her calling McGonagall ‘Grandma Minnie’. She’s grandma-minnie’d herself out of MANY detentions.
I keep saying her and Ron have beef but I never expanded on that. Her and Ron have sibling-like beef. Ron definitely sees her as an annoying sister. They annoy and argue each other CONSTANTLY. They’re always trying to get each other to make a scene. They get aggregated with each other very easily but if someone else tries to talk about the other one in front of them that’s grounds for an immediate fight.
Her birth family. She thinks about them a lot on her birthday, but she’s never tried to dig up more on them or find them. Although she’s curious, she’s very content with the family she has.
*She has two older sisters in my head. They renite with her through Hogwarts and it’s really hard her to grasp the fact that she’s not an only child lol.
She loves Hozier. Biggest Hozier fan in my head.
Her having a three-person book club with Remus and Lily. They read and annotate the same book and converse about it.
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myjealouseyes · 11 months
While Sirius and Remus without a doubt trust Harry with their daughter (pretty sure he’s the only boy they with her), they still give him ‘the talk’ when they eventually get together. But after that, they’re beyond happy.
Absolutely! Before they get together and wolfstar!daughter is dating other people they’re like “are you sure darling?” “Are you sure sweetheart?” They’re very apprehensive.
When she starts dating Harry she was low key expecting them to freak out but they actually just let out a huge sigh of relief and a “thank fuck!”
Harry does get the talk but it’s very lighthearted since they know he’d rather die than ever let anything (including himself) hurt her.
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myjealouseyes · 1 year
Wolfstar!daughter’s biggest accomplishment is her family. Even though she was adopted really young, she still remembers how it felt to be alone. Which is why she keeps her family with her in subtle ways. Moon and star earrings for her dads, sun and flower hair clips for James and Lily, things like that. It’s something just for her, just so she can remember herself that she is loved and cared for.
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myjealouseyes · 1 year
Thinking about wolfstar!daughter and Ginny. People think they don’t like each other because of Ginny’s super obvious crush on Harry, (Which she got over pretty quickly once she caught onto the fact that Harry was deeply in love with his best friend and really oblivious to it.) but they actually each other as the sister they never had.
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myjealouseyes · 9 months
Wolfstar!daughter finger-painted Remus’s guitar when she was three and Remus nearly sobbed when he saw it. (He managed to keep it in perfect condition throughout every show on every tour he’d been on. It was his greatest accomplishment as a touring artist.) but he didn’t have the heart to clean it off because she looked so proud when she presented it to him. (It was her greatest work at three years old.) so he just praises her and puts it back on the stand even though it was covered in green, purple, and blue handprints and sloshes.
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myjealouseyes · 1 month
Today’s my birthday! 🥳🎂🎁 So I gotta ask how would Wolfstar!daughter celebrate her birthday at Hogwarts and her house? Safe to say Harry’s involved in every detail like the wonderful boyfriend/husband he is. 🥰
Happy late birthday!!!!
I think wolfstar!daughter likes a big birthday bash with all her friends and family and a cake (that despite begging, they do NOT let her bake herself.) but as she grows older she starts to want something more intimate as well. (Especially if it’s set in canon after the war.)
something with just her immediate family is what I’m thinking. Harry, her dads, and James and Lily sitting around the table singing happy birthday and letting her blow out the candles.
But if she’s settled down with Harry and they’ve had their kids I think she might want to spend the day just with them. Harry doesn’t let her do anything that day. No chores, no nothing. She’s given queen treatment! Iris bakes her cake, Estrella is in charge of decorating, and Atticus is in charge of keeping her busy if it’s a surprise. If not he’s definately micromanaging his dad and siblings lol.
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myjealouseyes · 9 months
Toddler Wolfstar!daughter giving Regulus the biggest side-eye when he says something salty.
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myjealouseyes · 10 months
Sensitive wolfstar!daughter but when she gets her feelings hurt she gets mean. Like, she’s kind until you hurt her feelings. If you make her cry she’ll make you sob. And she doesn’t apologize for it a lot either.
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myjealouseyes · 11 months
How do you think Wolfstar!daughter would take care of Harry if he had a cold?
She DEFINITELY fusses over him!!
Harry doesn’t like to tell her he’s unwell because she’ll worry herself sick. (Her worst fear is losing people she’s closest to. So even if it is a bit irrational to act like that over a small sickness like cold, everyone knows she can’t help it.)
She makes him soup and hot tea, and gives him a little more affection than normal. not that anyone could tell the difference except for him)
If it’s a really bad cold with a high fever she’ll even put him on bedrest.
Sometimes the way she dotes on him makes him feel a bit guilty so he’s all like “stop” “you don’t have to” “I’m fine, quit fussing” and she just shakes her head and tells him to hush as she presses a cold towel on his head <33
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