#woke: gender doesn't exist
gildedphoenix · 8 months
Friend: Now I'm thinking of big strong, what's it called when you can't tell their gender? Cause they could be either? God, I wish I could pull that off.
Me: Enby (for NB, non-binary) Or androgonys. Though I feel like people who are "androgonys" are thin fae like creatures. Ethereal beauties. And Enbies are Solid immovable constructs of gerblin chaos.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 6 months
i think im going to throw up
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dykethevvitch · 10 months
That post has got me thinking about how the queer community treats butches in general. And studs too, but I ofc have more knowledge, and are more comfortable talking about, the butch experience.
It's either unthinkable to be attracted to a butch, or butches exist only as an object of desire. Neither is accurate, as both ignore the butch's relationship to sexuality and desire. You don't have to like butches or be sexually attracted to us, but you should not treat us as if we are inherently undesirable. And on the flipslide, we are often seen as objects of desire. Not a person who is attractive, but a sexual object who exists for the gratification of a partner.
Gays are soo past upholding gender roles, except for butches. Because don't butches want to be big strong chivalrous men? Don't all butches do physical labor and work on cars and stuff? This ignores that fact that while butches are masculine, and often emulate masculine gender roles, we, the same as cis men, should not be expected to perform these gender roles. And not to mention how this isolates disabled butches who can't uphold these gender roles.
And these are sentiments I have seen expressed by gay people, often gay people who say they don't believe in sexualization and gender roles. Being butch can be so isolating, because as a gender nonconforming person I'm obviously Othered by heterosexual society. But the gay community is not immune to their own anti-butch sentiments. There's a problem with toxic masculinity in butch communities, and while butches are not immune to upholding it, I think it's important to consider how we're pushed in that direction, in the same was cis men are.
In short: butches are people, and while we may choose to uphold certain traditional pillars of masculinity, we are not defined by our masculinity, and our relationship to masculinity is our own to decide.
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Yandere L Lawliet Headcanons (General)
"I'm always two steps ahead of you, if not more, my sweetie." — L Lawliet.
❝ 📓 — lady l: watching Death Note again and commenting with a friend, I ended up thinking about it and decided to do some L headcanons, because I love him! 🖤 ​​Hope you like it :) 🤍
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, unhealthy relationships, mention of kidnapping.
❝📓pairing: yandere!l lawliet x gender neutral!reader.
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L Lawliet is very scary because he is very smart. A detective, the best detective. He is very good at reading people, at his deductions. There is no running away from him, he will always find you.
He was already stalking you before you even knew it. Before you even knew about his existence, L was already after you. Always behind you, watching you and gathering as much information about you as possible.
L knew about everything you. What was your childhood like, your fears, your desires, your dreams, everything. There is no privacy at all with him, he wants to be able to read you like a book and he does. There's nothing he can't figure out eventually.
He began to appear in your life slowly and normally, for you at least. He just seemed like an ordinary guy who needed some sleep and straightened out his back, but that was it. You had no idea who he really was, how obsessed he was with you.
L has morals that can be easily corrupted when he becomes obsessed. He believes that he is justice and he does in his way, which is not always the right way to do it. He firmly believes in justice above all else, his justice.
He doesn't believe that what he feels, that the things he did for you are considered wrong. L is delusional enough to believe he is right, but he will never do anything against your will. He respects you enough for that.
L is a natural stalker, it's one of his hobbies as a detective. Although he doesn't persecute you in the literal sense of the word, he usually sends Watari to watch you and accompany you somewhere. Whether it's going to school or work, he'll have his butler protecting you.
He won't risk your safety, especially with Kira on the loose. You're not a criminal, but L won't take any risks. He's never made a mistake before and it won't be you he makes a mistake with. Not when one mistake could cause your death.
Always very careful, L would only reveal himself to you when he was sure he would have your trust. He is very, very manipulative and will make you trust no one else but him. Not even your family could be as trustworthy as L. He would definitely lock you up at home if he could.
L has cameras in your house, all aimed at crucial points in your house. In your bedroom, in your living room, in your kitchen, everywhere there is a camera watching you. It had become a habit for him to spend hours a day looking at the images, waiting for you.
He's not the possessive type, but L has his limits and won't tolerate someone approaching you with ulterior motives. He is very quick to think, to deduce that there is someone interested in you and he will quickly push them away from you. He usually uses his manipulation for this. L is not in the habit of killing and will never do so unless it is really necessary.
Once his obsession consumed him for good, L could no longer remain but shadows. He could no longer remain in the background, watching you take risks every day, he needed to do something. And he did, during one night, you woke up in an unfamiliar room and with a pale guy, sitting in a strange way, staring at you intensely. You were finally with him.
You may think you're smarter than him, that you can get away from L, but he'll always be two steps ahead of you. You have nowhere to run. L would finally have you and he wouldn't let you go.
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nuka · 6 months
I think what makes Our Flag Means Death so remarkable in terms of representation is not just the broadness of it, but the depth.
We have an indigenous lead character, but he's not only that. He's also queer. He's a romantic interest. He's middle-aged. His arc portrays surviving trauma and abuse. It also portrays mental illness. And it portrays breaking free from toxic masculinity. And it never tries to put him in a box when he explores his masculinity and femininity.
We have a non-binary character, played by a Puerto Rican NB actor, but their arc is not about their gender identity and their coming out is simply a case of "Just keep calling me Jim". They have a romantic/sexual relationship with a black character, and never is this relationship or either of their sexual orientations or Olu's sex appeal as a fat person or "who even is the man in this relationship hahaha" questioned. When they get into a poly relationship, it's just accepted, instead of questioned or even defined.
These are just a couple of examples. It's not that Our Flag Means Death is the only or the first show with queer/BIPOC/disabled representation, because it's not. What makes the show remarkable is the unique combination of queerness, ethnicity, age, disabilities, life experiences, etc. that each character carries within themselves, yet none of these characters exist solely to appear as representation of any minority on screen. Their identities are not glued onto them, they're ingrained, but in the end, they're just people. Just like in real life. Identities do not work as plot points. Being queer is not a plot point. Being non-binary is not a plot point. It's just a small part of the whole complex experience of life.
OFMD is a perfect example of telling a queer story that doesn't focus on telling a story directly about the queerness itself. Because we have stories about queerness already. We have so many of them that it just feels like tokenism at this point to see yet another story about coming out or forbidden love or anything like that, even if it's well made.
This show took me by surprise with every new way of representation it offered, because each time it did the total opposite of what I expected. It took all the tired tropes and said, "Yeah, see these? We're not gonna do any of that." It delivered something I never thought I'd see on screen.
It never explains the characters' identities to the audience. It simply shows them exactly the way they are and lets you decide whether you see yourself in them, and I think that also allows the audience to question their own identities, to explore gender and sexuality freely without immediately putting labels on things.
People who never thought they might be trans or non-binary or queer in any way discovered their identities through the show. People who struggle with mental illness or trauma saw someone like themselves portrayed with kindness and respect on screen and were finally able to extend the same kindness to themselves. People who are always left out of romantic stories because of their age or body shape or the color of their skin finally saw themselves portrayed as desirable and worthy of love and romance.
That is why so many of us feel that, in the words of Ruibo Qian: "OFMD woke me up."
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blackwoolncrown · 2 months
Saying this separately so as not to distract from transfems talking about how a lot of ppl use the 'gender is fake' argument spuriously to silence their complaints about transmisogyny....
but like, this is one of many reasons I'm just over most western dialogue on gender: y'all address gender from WITHIN a colonized yt heteropatriarchal framework; even your 'rejection' of it is firmly ensconced in this mental framework and it just ends up chasing its tail
What I mean by this is 'gender is bullshit' is nearly irrelevant as an actionable framework esp to people whose concept of gender doesn't go past 'before colonization'.
What lttle y'all understand of precolonial gender is more of a strawman reference to support your positions iirt the *creation* of yt supremacist gender some 400~ yrs ago.
What y'all overlook is that gender existed before the gender bullsht you know now, before the concept you're trying to escape.
The understanding that gender is conceptual doesn't mean gender isn't real. Gender IS real. It's something. It's not particularly woke to confuse something being mutable and immaterial with it not existing at all. As an adult, you should understand that sometimes real things are not solid, fixed, tangible.
Precolonial genders are many, they are fluid, they are often unique to their source cultures, and they are almost always tied to social roles. Gender in my ancestral cultures was baked in to philosophy, cosmology, ritual, and society.
Those genders are real. Just as real as someone's name, culture, beliefs etc. They existed before colonizers created their specific view of gender. They still exist. They will exist in the future.
Going around saying 'gender isn't real' is honestly embarrassing and primitive atp. Colonizer gender isn't the entire world of gender. It may have seemed that way *to you*. Grow up & stop being so uncultured. It's making you small minded and mean.
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sjbattleangel · 4 months
Moon Studios' Thomas Mahler supports a hate movement
As someone who adores the Ori games, this is just awful in so many ways.
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"Cancel culture" DOESN'T EXIST. What you're talking about is people demanding certain figures of power and influence to be held accountable for spewing bigoted hate speech or causing a toxic environment.
"Woke culture"? You mean a culture that acknowledges the existence of marginalized communities i.e people of colour, disabled people, queer, gender-non comforming people. Yet to you, that's somehow a terrible thing.
How dare you use a powerful poem dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust-the horrific tragedy of the history of humanity-to complain about your first-world persecution complex! To whine how sad it is that cishet white men like you own-*gasp*-slightly LESS of the world! Oh woah is me! You don't deserve to utter those words. Also, wanting more diversity, representation and equality in video games, game development and games journalism ISN'T THE SAME AS NAZISM! And don't me give that "The Nazis were socialists" bullcrap! THEY WERE FAR-RIGHT FASCISTS! You should know better. You're Austrian for crying out loud!
Having a women and minorities exist in video games and development isn't an "agenda". It's called KNOWING PEOPLE OTHER THEN CISHET WHITE GUYS EXIST. Also, "Hollywood" and "west coast developers" have nothing to do with this. Society is just changing, becoming more inclusive for the better and entertaining of all mediums are reflecting that. And that's great! Unless you have a problem with that.
Your friends were never "ridiculed" because they "didn't conform". Far from that tragic martyr rubbish you claim. They were rightfully reprimanded and fired for being bigoted jerks who didn't respect the humanity of marginalized people....just like you.
If you really believe the existence of minorities are "political", then I have nothing to say but SCREW. YOU.
Overall, there's just no way of putting it: Thomas Mahler is member and supporter of Gamergate.
Despite what they might tell you, Gamergate isn't and never was about "ethics" or "wanting fun apolitical entertainment". It is, has been and always will be a white supremacist hate movement (alongside Comicsgate and The Fandom Menace) dedicated to chasing women, LGBTQ+ people and BIPOC out of gaming and fandom. Its members and ringleaders are and have always been LITERAL NEO-NAZIS. Even when boycotting certain games over the supposed diversity consultants or the inclusion of minorities, they can barely hide their hatred.
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(As evidenced by the "Embrace Tradition. Reject Modernity" white supremacist slogan*.)
Remember, if you still want to play his games, that's fine. I don't have the power to stop you. Just be warned that this developer stands with a hate movement.
*Hey, Nazi-turds, Japan and Korea aren't your Aryan utopias nor are their people your precious Aryan supergods!
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
I have trans friends. I have many trans followers. And in the years I've been on Tumblr I have probably followed and interacted with hundreds of trans people.
Looking back I noticed the same two stories often get repeated.
A tale of two parents, if you will.
The first story is of the supportive parent. They notice their kid prefers certain toys. Their kid likes to wear different clothes. And when the kid plays the part of their birth gender, they become very depressed. Dejected. The parents will do their research. They will try to figure out how to support their kid. They do some kind of gender affirming care and therapy. They let their kid socially transition. And they are ecstatic. They say, "I feel like I got my kid back."
I have heard that exact phrase from several parents. They got their kid back.
The second story is of the conservative parent. They think their kid has been infected with wokeness from public school. They try a private religious school. Or maybe homeschooling. They will find some quack therapist who essentially does some form of conversion therapy. The kid plays along as best they can. And if they survive long enough, they leave as soon as possible. They cut off contact with the parents. And the parents act all surprised. "Why doesn't my kid talk to me anymore? Who could have predicted this?"
There are minor variations. But I can't tell you how many times I have seen these narratives repeated.
And in all of my interactions, there is one narrative I have yet to see.
I know there are detransitioners. I know they exist. I know most do it because of societal, religious, or familial pressure. And there are a few who had some tragic complications from surgery or medication. Unfortunately undesired outcomes are just a reality of any kind of healthcare. Trans healthcare is no exception. But if we didn't assume some risk in healthcare, we would have no healthcare.
In any case, while I have seen the folks the right wing uses as tokens, I have never organically encountered a trans person who regrets their transition. To date, not a single person in my hundreds of interactions.
And I think that is the difference between actually knowing and talking to trans people and all of this being some thing people create in their head. They don't see these patterns emerge. They don't hear these common narratives. They don't see the difference supportive parents and proper healthcare can make.
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cyborgpuppyofficial · 20 days
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Hey! Before I begin this thread, I just wanna say, DON'T HARRASS ANYBODY. If you find the original post about what this is, then don't harass them or send them threats. They just have a bad take, that's all. Don't look for them, don't engage, just ignore their ass.
Trigger warning for Transphobia, and general dumbass takes ahead. This is gonna be a long one, so strap in! ^w^
So there's this assinine thread that is spreading around in the Sonic Headcannons tag, and I'm here to ratio it, and debunk it. Because it's been REALLY on my nerves, and I wanna talk about it in a longer format. Again, don't look for this person. And if you find them, don't harass them. That's not cool, and I blurred their name for a reason. Anyways, let's begin! In this first screencap I took, they talk about Sonic not being Trans because it doesn't fit with his character
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Now me personally, I don't see Sonic as Trans. But I do see him as Demisexual and Demiromantic as two parts of my headcannon for him. So I'm gonna tell you that it's NOT THAT DEEP. Sonic can still be Trans or Cis, and still have the same personality. It's almost like Trans people are human beings, who have personalities outside of being Transgender! Who would've thought! What a crazy concept!😱 Which by the way, his personality changes in many interactions, look at Sonic Prime, or Sonic Boom for example. In Sonic Prime he acts way more goofy, and in Sonic Boom he's more of a sassy dork. But they still like the same things as far as we're aware. Do you know what would change about them and their personalities if they were Trans? If you said absolutely nothing, congratulations, you're not a braindead idiot! >w< Sonic can still run fast, be cocky, eat hot chili dogs and lie, as well as being Transgender! Because being Trans changes nothing about a person, especially not a FICTIONAL CARTOON HEDGEHOG.😱😱
Also Sonic is a fictional character, he's not even from nature itself, and it's fine if he were to change his gender. Which by the way, MOST TRANS HEADCANNONS MAKE HIM FTM, WHICH CHANGES NOTHING ABOUT HIS PYSICAL APPERENCE OTHER THAN TOP SURGERY SCARS. Side note about this first part, whoever actually uses "Woke Propaganda" in a non ironic way, I'm not gonna take you seriously. >:3
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This next part of this weird take talks about how Trans Sonic is not representation, and that I can call them a transphobe all I want. So I will! Okay Transphobe, and I will fight you.🥰
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Sometimes people like to just put headcannon things onto characters they kin, or they genuinely have reasons for thinking Sonic is Trans. Either way, Sonic and someone's headcannon of Sonic aren't the same! Someone drawing cute little top surgery scars on Sonic isn't going to change the Sonic Brand. It's not cannon, and Sonic being Trans is a headcannon for a reason. It's just a silly thing that lots of people agree with, and it literally harms nobody that some people draw Sonic as Transgender. People can still love Sonic the character, and still draw him as Trans.
They aren't doing a disservice to the franchise by making him Trans, people are just having fun. You should try that sometime! It's better than spewing hateful opinions, and unironically using the word "Wokies" to refer to anybody who DARES to draw Sonic with two little lines on his chest. By the way, bellow is what they're SO PRESSED ABOUT!😱 Isn't that just the scariest thing you've ever seen!? Just two little lines on a character's chest area! Woah! I'm never gonna be able to sleep again!/silly Grow up.
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(I don't know who the original artist is, if ya'll know, please tell me!)
Last screenshot I promise, but I'm not sharing their image they included with their lovely post.
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Uhh, Trans teenagers exist in real life. Sure a lot of them don't get surgery, but that's the beauty of FICTION. Also why do you care so much that if he is a Teenager and Transgender? That seems a little gross to me. Trans people are able to make their own decisions, and can choose to, or to not get surgery. I'm not Trans myself, and I think that people should wait until they're older to get surgery. But I'm not going to throw up in disgust because someone made a choice for themselves. And it's really weird that you're pressed over a fictional teenager with top surgery scars being drawn on them.😒
People can draw their favorite characters as Trans to kin them, or just because they feel like it. In either scenario, it's a drawing. A fictional drawing that was made for fun. And what exactly are you "helping" by saying this take? Just exposing yourself for being scared of little lines on Sonic's chest? What changes about the video, or drawing, or media you consume because Sonic is drawn with, or without top surgery scars? Again, ABSOLOUTELY NOTHING!🥰🥰 Unless you're reading or watching a comic about Sonic's journey with being Transgender, which is a fanmade thing. Then nothing about certain videos or fan content changes in the slightest. And I think it's so strange that you're hurt enough by Trans Sonic, that you had to say it was the worst headcannon BY FAR. What about those headcannons that Sonic is in love with Tails, or where he's a stalker, or a creep? I guess those aren't nearly as bad as a Trans person existing according to this lovely individual. And I guess a Trans person is the worst thing he can be. (GROSS TAKE)
Fuck off, get a hobby, cope, L+Ratio.😒 Also Trans rights are human rights, and all my Trans fans are valid! And they're allowed to headcannon whatever character as Transgender, since they aren't hurting anybody by doing it! ^w^
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Thanks for reading all of this if you did. Again don't look for this person, and don't harass them! I just had to get this off my chest as someone who's been harassed for my own Sonic LGBTQ+ headcannons before. Continue doing your headcannons, as long as you aren't being mean about them. And I hope you... enjoyed this post I guess? XD I hope I did well debunking this weirdo. I'll be sharing my own headcannons, as well as their headcannon designs over here hopefully sometime soon.
Trans rights are human rights! And have a wonderful day everyone, peace out! ^w^
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Boo! Ahhh so scary!/silly
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this-is-exorsexism · 5 days
In my my country (Brazil) the language is heavily gendered so atop of creating a neutral pronoun, we would need to adapt adjectives and substantives too, morphing the Portuguese Language in something really new, that doesn't obligate us to misgender ourselves. This would basically create a new gender neutral form to certain kinds of words, keeping all the rest the same. Sadly, this change will not happen any time soon, because even most of the LGBT+ community here is against it. There are even laws that prohibit this neolanguage form of being taught at school. The arguments here are the same as the ones used against "singular they" in English, with other added. "This would completely change the mechanics of our language!" It would not, actually. "It's completely unnecessary! It only benefits a minority of the population!" Oh so you're proudly addmiting that minorities and their struggles don't matter to you? Delightful. "It's such an ugly dismantling of the Portuguese!" The "ugly" words deserve to exist too. Get over it. "Bu-but- but they can't control how I talk!" Nobody is saying everybody should use neutral pronouns for themselves now, just that if someone tells you they go by "elu, ile, etc" and not "ele ou ela" you should have the decency to respect this person. "They're forcing a change on the language!" Motherfucker, if cientists will change the name of a fucking plant because it sounded like a slur, you can very well expand your vocabulary and your mind a little bit to accomodate nonbinary people. By the way, people like you also whined and teared up about the orthographic reform of 2009, but you don't see markets write "lingüiça" with an Umlaut anymore and nobody raises a single brow about it. Language changes, and sometimes the changes don't see necessary to you, and that's ok. "But- THEY'RE POISONING OUR PURE, SAINTFUL DIALECT AAAAAAAAAAH" again, this is not about talking in "the proper way" almost nobody truly does, and you don't either, don't try to disguise your bigotry with language purism. We all know you only oppose changes this drastically when they involves queer topics. Oh, and how could I forget! They also call neutral pronouns users "turma da lacração", which is just a brazillian version of derogatorily calling someone an "woke". I wish I could just... use my pronouns here, but I fear I will never be took seriously in MY OWN land, for being MYSELF.
this is exorsexism.
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imamcactus · 1 year
TF2 mercers with a reader from the future/our time
So, tf2 canonically happens in 1968. Imagine what it would be like if you got thrown into the late 60s after bumping into Merasmus, who somehow got to our time via some magic shit he did
Slight TW: (serious)mentions of war, political activity throughout the ages (specifically USSR), and mention of racism, (joking)my horrible writing of accents and sayings
Also, the reader in this doesn’t have a specified gender, aside from Scout calling the reader “toots” once
You woke up tied up to a chair in the middle of an empty room
And then 9 men enter room and start asking you all sorts of questions
“Who are you?” “How did you find this place?” “Why are you dressed so weird?”
So you just try to explain that the last thing you remember is going about your day when a weird guy with a with a goat skull on his head did some weird abracadabra shit and now you’re here
The only thing they understood out of all that was weird guy with a goat skull on his head
Spy gets a hold of your bag/purse to look for something like a tracker or a weapon you could have on you (despite your protests) and finds your ID, and looks fairly confused
Slowly, that confusion turned into realisation and slight shock
“Say, ms/mr (Y/N),” The man with a mask on his face starts, tearing his gaze away from the ID card, his brows furrowed and eyes stern. “What year is it to you?”
You stared up at him, slightly confused and uneasy with how seriously he asked that. “Uhh, it’s 2023.” You answer carefully, observing how the rest of the men exchanged looks, each looking more confused than last. The man in a doctor's coat took a look at the ID as well, realisation washing over his face just as fast. “Mein Gott…”
“What?? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
The group stays quiet, disbelief and confusion still in the air, until finally the one in construction helmet speaks up in a southern accent. “Well, I’m afraid you might be over yonder in the wrong day and age, pardner.” 
Soooo, you’re in the past
About 50 years into the past
Your parents are not even born yet
After they untied you, you spent the next half an hour just walking back and forth panicking and trying to understand what to do next
The entire time you’re muttering to yourself stuff like “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to get back? Can I even get back?? Has anyone noticed that I’m missing yet? How long have I even been here? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I’m doomed I’m doomed I’m doomed I’m doomed”
Meanwhile the mercers are just looking at you slowly losing your mind
Eventually, the southern on (who told you to call him engineer) broke you out of your little panic circle, proposing that you stay at the red base for a while until they figure out how to help you get back, or until Merasmus shows up again and he can send you back
“Does he hang around here often?” “Well…” “...I’m doomed I’m doomed I’m doomed-”
Nonetheless, you accept the offer (Despite some of the mercers being against this, they’re still vary of you, unsure if you can be trusted or not), and you’ve been chilling with them since, learning about each and every mercer (as much as you can that is, some wouldn’t budge)
Even getting to spend time with them individually
Scout would most likely be the one of, if not the most, curious about what the future is like
Will ask like 3000 questions at once
“What’s it like in the future? Do flying cars exist? How does bonk taste in the future?” “What is bonk???”
From that moment he doesn't want to know more about the future, the mere knowledge that bonk has been discontinued ruined him
Still thinks it’s pretty cool despite the fact that you don’t tell him much
You know, first rule of time travel, don’t reveal shit
You do give him subtle clues that leave him wondering cause he’s not smart enough to figure it out
“Heyyyy, toots, question. I know you can’t tell me much, but do you happen to know if I get married to certain assistant-” “Scout for the last time I don’t even know you in the future”
“Tell me, maggot, is America still the greatest country in the world?” “...I’m legally not obligated to answer that question.”
At some point you do want to tell him about all the shit that America has done over the years and how knee deep in shit it currently is, but you can’t for two reasons
One, the time travel rules
Two, he seems so genuinely happy and proud to be an american that you don’t want to burst his bubble
Expect a LOT of history lessons about America and everything to do with it that you didn’t know about. He will tell you everything
Hey on the plus side, you’ll pass any american history test 
Also fun fact, the construction of the twin towers started on August 6th of 1968, he’ll be telling you all about it while you just sit there sweating
Does he even know what year he lives in??? I feel like he doesn’t have a proper concept of time because of the goggles
But in all seriousness, I feel like he wouldn’t really care that much about a lot of real life stuff
He’ll most likely just wonder if we figured out how to make cotton candy grows on trees 
Honestly, he’s kind of a fresh breath of air to you
He thinks life is just sunshine and lollipops in the future, just like he sees it now, and you just let him live that fantasy, wishing the world actually was the way he sees it
(Aside from the time you saw him on the battlefield. In that moment you wondered if cotton candy really was the only thing on his mind)
“Aye have to know, did me pa succeed in bombing the Queen of England?” “...Well-”
He’s probably more interested in what assortment of alcoholic drinks you have in the future
You can tell him that much at least, and that satisfies him
When he gets drunk, however, he asks about the rights of black people in the future and if they still face just as much shit as they do now
In that moment, you weigh your options between telling him the truth and tell him that black people still face discrimination but have significantly more rights and are actively fighting for them everyday, or tell him yet again that you can’t tell him anything
you choose to tell him the truth
he is probably the only mercer who you’ve told about the future in such detail
he won’t remember it in the morning, mostly just asking if he said or did anything stupid and laugh off whatever excuse you came up with
And you don’t know whether to feel happiness and relief that you didn’t screw up the future, or feel sad that he doesn’t remember the answer to his question that is probably bugging him a lot  
One of those who asks the least questions
Don’t get me wrong, this man is very curious and wants to know how the technology evolves in the future
But he also understands that you can’t reveal anything for everyone's sake to not cause a butterfly effect 
He has 11PhDs, he can figure that the future might change drastically if you reveal anything that will happen 
And you want to tell him everything
All the stuff that we have, even if not as impressive as what he makes for this team, some of the stuff would still leave him surprised
You would show him your phone and how it works on a condition that he doesn’t do anything with this knowledge
He also figures a few things along the way the longer you stay there
Like your surprise that teleportation is possible
You wanna tell this man so badly that USSR doesn’t exist anymore 
If you are from one of the post soviet countries, he will apologise so much about what his country has done to yours and your people
You’d probably give him a whole speech how what is happening right now is not his fault as he is an anti communist
(Bonus, if you happen to be from one of those countries and know Russian, you’ll most likely sometimes speak in his native tongue)
My personal headcanon is that Heavy most likely spent his free time with people who were deported from their countries to Siberia to labour camps, learning about their cultures and even a little of their languages, so, surprise! He can somewhat communicate with you in your native tongue!
If you’re not from one of the post soviet countries, you still feel bad for the big fellow, especially with what is happening in the world right now
You simply tell him that the system is so flawed it will cause its own downfall. You don’t tell him how or when, but it will
You definitely don’t tell him about the current mess his home land has caused, but you’re pretty sure he would be against it as well.
Another case of wants to know more, but understands you can’t say much
He’s insane not stupid, he did have a medical licence once upon a time, so there is a smart brain up there
He’d be the most interested in how the medical field has advanced though
But after hearing all about the crazy messed up shit he has done, you tell him there’s nothing interesting in the future that would amaze him
This man has revived people, cut them open while they stay awake and managed to keep them alive when their organs explode, replaced their vital organs with animal ones, created mpreg, has a Spys head in his fridge that is begging for the sweet release of death, figured out how to make people bulletproof, HAS A GUN THAT HEALS UP ANY AND ALL INJURIES 
And we’ve done a surgery on a grape and turned a woolly mammoth into a meatball
Yeah he would not be impressed
Maybe by some of the technologies we now have for surgeries and all the possibilities for people to live past their expected lifespan
But mostly no
“Is being an assassin still a good job?”
I feel like Sniper wouldn’t really care all that much
Hey, what happens, happens, not his place to do or change anything even if he wanted to
So you two mostly just chill, not having access to the internet has made you appreciate nature more that’s for sure. You can’t check the latest news and how horrible things are in the world, so you just chill without a worry
He once caught you recording a voice message for your friend/family member, thought you were akin to spy after all and was ready to attack
Until he got closer and heard you saying to whoever the message was meant for that you are unsure when you’d be back, if you ever made it back, saying how you’re doing and to take care
After you sigh as yet another message doesn’t go through, he sat down next to you and you two just talked
Since then you two just kind of hang out in the wild
He’ll tell you all about the creature and plants you two happen to see
He’s also smart enough to figure a few things out on his own
“oooh, I’ve never seen this (plant/animal) in real life!” “probably cause at the moment these are endangered, probably won’t see those again when you go back”
And sadly, he’s right almost 85% of the time
oooooooooh boy
This guy doesn’t want to know what happens in the future for personal gain or to do something about it, no no no, he just wants to get as much of the information out of you as possible for fun
he’s used to the fact that he can get information about anyone and anything, it’s just a matter of a few strings pulled
But the fact that he couldn’t get any information about you (like who you were, where you’re from, your background and family information) drove this usually calm and collected man insane
He doesn’t show it, but it’s there
So he made it his personal goal to get as much info about you and the future as he possibly can
Which isn’t a lot, and that drives him up the wall even more
If you are a vaper and happened to have one on you while in this whole mess, congratulations, you just confused the living shit out of Spy with this refillable cigarette that runs on juice and electricity 
Doesn’t understand why anyone would choose …that…over good old fashioned tobacco
Is however amazed by the variety in flavours when you tell him about those
He does smoke menthol cigarettes after all
Admittedly, not my best work out of everything I’ve ever written, but hopefully I’ll post something better soon enough
Also, let me know if you wanna see more story-like scenarios rather than headcanons of this same concept!
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lozchi · 1 year
A little tiger?
A/N: first fic, edited, I don't think I could balance the length to separate it into chapters, so here ya go XD Decided to write for Hoon-ie after not getting enough fics of him. I read every possible fic in existence, so now I'm joining the rabbit hole. Pairing: Taehoon Seong x !F reader (Gender Neutral, actually. But it steers more towards a female reader.) Themes: Fluff, profane language, actual fluff
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i am convinced this man wears eyeliner.
There were a few things that you came to agree on with Taehoon before you moved in together, in which he took the time to hash out the nitty-gritty details that would shape your lifestyle.
First things first, cleanliness was non-negotiable. Clean up after your own mess, get rid of those stinky socks on the coffee table, and don't you dare delay washing those dirty dishes. A fair share of chores is just as important. Fuck gender roles. That shit doesn't matter to Taehoon, neither to you. You embraced a fair distribution of chores, because who needs traditional gender norms cramping your style?
Communication was key to keeping your domestic life intact. You made it a rule to give each other a heads-up before inviting anyone over. Taehoon didn't want to be caught by your dad walking out of his room after he just woke up, walking around the place while he was shirtless, and you couldn't blame him. No free fanservice for your old man, sorry.
And then, there was the ultimate deal-breaker: absolutely, ABSOLUTELY no pets allowed. Sad, but necessary. You both recognized the responsibilities and potential burden that a furry friend could bring into your peaceful (chaotic mostly, thanks to your petty bickerings) haven. So, you made the tough call to keep your space pet-free, even though it meant missing out on endless cuteness.
These seemingly straightforward house rules were the backbone of your cohabitation. You can see where this is going at, just basic house rules you'd need to abide by. Easy peasy, right?
Dragging your exhausted self through the threshold, you fumbled with your keys, the metallic jingle filling the air as you struggled to unlock the door. With a half-hearted stretch and a lazy rub of your bleary eyes, you muttered curses under your breath. Fuck them. The sheer stupidity of your project groupmates. Ugh, seriously, could life get any more frustrating? But hey, that's fine since you have-
"You cute little shit. You're mine."
Are your ears lying to you? Is your menace of a boyfriend baby talking someone… Who's not you?!? To hear him speak so sweetly that he would never even bring himself to talk to you in the same way as he did just now. That's right, give him a piece of your mind.
Brows furrowing in frustration and jealousy, you'd speak up. You need to talk to him, he deserves a little lecture. As you walked inside your humble abode, you grumpily stomped your way to the bedroom.
"Taehoon Seong, What the f-"
Caught red-handed, Taehoon's eyes widened as he notices your enraged expression. In a panicked manner, he swiftly hurled a nearby blanket into a corner of the room, as if hoping to hide the evidence of his silly stunt. You'd rarely see such a horrified look on his usually stoic expression, Calling this pretty boy other than the stupid nicknames you give him feels so strangely threatening, almost like stepping into uncharted territory. Hello? He's "Hoon-ie", "Pretty Boy", "Sneaky Link", "Sexy Bastard"… Who the fuck is "Taehoon Seong"?
But before you could launch into a full-blown confrontation, a soft and unmistakable "Meow" reverberated through the air, breaking the awkward tension. Busted. Who would have ever thought that Taehoon, the seemingly more composed and level-headed one in the relationship, would dare to break the sacred "no pets" rule? It was unbelievable, mind-boggling, and to make matters worse, it wasn't even you who did this cheeky act. This left you momentarily stunned.
Now, off to berating your boyfriend.
"Oi, I thought we–"
"That was me."
"Didn't know that my man can meow like a harmless creature–"
"Shut the fuck up…"
An awkward silence fills the air for a moment, with you thinking about the act Taehoon pulled, while he starts contemplating whether or not he should break it. The tension was then interrupted by this "unwanted guest". Of course, the cat manages to escape from the blanket, heading its way towards you, its tiny paws padding across the floor.
You know that you can't stay mad, especially when Taehoon is being unusually soft – except that it's not being directed towards you. Your boyfriend is an immature dick of a tsundere, deal with it.
Leaning down to stroke the adorable creature that had stolen your boyfriend's heart, you couldn't help but be enthralled by its soft, velvety fur. Okay, let's admit it, the cat was undeniably cute, but that didn't mean you could suppress the pangs of jealousy that surged within you as Taehoon showered the little feline with affection.
"Why on earth didn't you give me a heads up about bringing this cute shit home? Seriously, you've broken not one, but two rules,"
You exclaimed, unable to hide your frustration.
He glanced at you, a hint of guilt flickering in his eyes.
"I acted impulsively, and I'm sorry."
Is what you imagined he would say. After all, he should apologize for his thoughtless actions. But let's face it, again – your boyfriend had a knack for being a dick. Instead of the heartfelt apology you expected, all you received was a blank stare and a nonchalant shrug.
"Oh, for fuck's sake."
You exclaimed, exasperatedly. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you let out a weary sigh. Finally, he broke his silence, bringing an end to the internal debate he seemed to be having.
"I brought it home because it reminded me of you."
And that's a good thing right? He probably brought it home since the cat was cute, like you, right?
"Where did you even get this? Did you buy it, take it from an animal shelter, take it from the streets… Or did you steal this from someone?"
Too many questions, Taehoon is NOT willing to answer them. But he does anyway because you being an interrogative bitch needs to stop.
"Took it from the streets after I-"
Taehoon began, but you interrupted him, already familiar with the story.
"Lemme guess, another round of beating assholes up?"
You asked, a hint of sarcasm in your voice as you gave him that annoying, knowing, AUDACIOUS smirk. It turns him on a little though, not that he'd admit that.
"They were hurting it."
So, instead of mindlessly beating the shit out of random thugs just for 500 won, he had actually stepped in to protect the defenseless creature? For once, Taehoon had an actual reason for his actions – okay, maybe not once – but it caused a surprising warmth to spread through your heart. You couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for him. It was as if he genuinely wanted to provide a safe haven for the cat, and that realization melted away any lingering resentment.
You looked at Taehoon, noticing a glimmer of excitement in his eyes as he gazed at the little feline. You could've sworn he looked so determined to keep the rascal. In that moment, your heart softened at the oddity of your dear menace.
"Okay, but for real, why did the cat remind you of me?"
Ugh, seriously. Stop with the questions. It's slightly pissing Taehoon off to the extent that he'd kick your ass (only lightly though, knowing full well that it'd rile you up anyway).
"Weak and helpless like you. Especially during training. At least sometimes. Most of the time."
If you expected a better answer than that, then prepare to be dissapointed. He's Taehoon Seong after all, you brought yourself into this.
"And in bed too-"
You send a series of aggressive smacks on his ass. His comment was a little uncalled for! Oh, come on, Taehoon!
"And cute. And cute! Stop it, bitch!"
He chuckled in amusement; those little hits would do little to no damage. And once you stopped, the both of you would look at the cat with another question in mind.
"What are you gonna name it?"
"Disgusting. Let's go for it."
"Bitch, I was kidding."
"Hoon-ie Junior, then?"
"That's a shitty name."
"It stemmed from yours though-"
Taehoon's naming skills were straight up shitty, and it was painfully obvious considering the ridiculous names he had come up with so far. Some were unnecessarily flamboyant, meant purely for sarcastic amusement, while others were downright horrendous. But let's face it, naming a cat after a character from Tekken would be a vast improvement compared to "Ratface." It had been ten fucking minutes, and neither you nor Taehoon had managed to think of a decent name yet.
"What about 'Hwoarang'?"
"Seriously? Haha, you're terrible at this."
You couldn't help but sneer at Taehoon, teasing him mercilessly as he futilely attempted to push your face away, only for you to playfully bring it even closer, peppering his face with kisses. Deep down, he wanted to do the same to you right now, but his entire focus was fixated on finding a proper name for the cat.
"Bitch, you're no better yourself,"
He retorted with a scoff, rolling his eyes in exasperation. I mean, who in their right mind would name something as sweet as this little feline "Tabasco"?
You suggested, realizing that both you and Taehoon were nowhere near finding a suitable name.
With a defeated sigh, Taehoon gave up, flopping down on the bed with the cat resting in his lap. It seemed better to leave the poor thing unnamed than to burden it with a ridiculous moniker. Naming could wait for now.
Ugh, if you ever considered having mini Taehoons then- whoops, too early for that.
But honestly, if you couldn't even come up with a name for a cat, how on earth would you manage to name your own children? Then again, it was too early to think about starting a family, and having kids wasn't currently an option on the table.
"I'll go out and buy some things for the cat."
Leaving again? You just got home. Not on your pretty boy's watch. Before you could make a move, Taehoon swiftly grabbed your wrist, his expression turning blank as he stared at you intently.
"I already took care of that."
He stated firmly.
This man was full of surprises. It was evident that he truly wanted to take care of the cat. Seeing Taehoon in this soft and caring state was unusual but endearing. If you got to witness this side of him every day, then you had no choice but to happily play the third wheel while he tended to the little kitten.
"You're really serious about this. Hah! I always knew you were a softy deep down~"
Bitch, you're teasing him so much. Stop poking his cheeks and shit, it's making him feel all giddy. He smacked your hand away, but you could have sworn to god you saw a faint pink tint on his usually pale complexion. Damn it, his fair skin made it difficult for him to hide the blush.
Minutes, hours then days pass by in a blur. Yet you and Taehoon are still no closer to giving the furball a decent name, not that the little stray needs one. The cat shall remain nameless for now, no big deal. Your life's still pretty much the same, at least a little.
Though there were times you felt a pang of jealousy creep over you as Taehoon would DELIBERATELY sweet talk the kitten just to get a reaction out of you. LOL! You have no idea how smug he feels whenever you pout or sulk in the corner of the room. He knows what he's doing, and once you caught on, he turned it down a little. Keyword: A little.
You thought caring for the adorable kitten while Taehoon was away for taekwondo practice would be easy-peasy-Taehoon-tease-me. But you were so wrong.
"Psspspspss kitty kitty!"
You call, desperately trying to gain the cat's affection. But to no avail. How does Taehoon make it look so effortless?
Every time you and Taehoon want some lovey-dovey time, that furry menace does everything to steal your man's attention. The lion, the witch, the audacity of this bitch. This goddamn motherfucker's gonna keep Taehoon all to itself.
You sigh in frustration.
The furball has now wormed its way into your hearts. Yet giving it a name seems impossible. For now, the nameless stray shall remain…causing mischief and mayhem, one purr at a time.
"Hoon-ie, I have no idea how you get that little shit listen to you."
Other than Taehoon being the one to bring the cat home, is there really something else that would make the fluffball listen to him? Okay, he's intimidating, that's a plus. And it's the same reason as to why Hobin and Snapper would have to deal with his antics.
"My words are law."
"Not to me, they're not."
Taehoon chuckles. Oh, how could you be so stubborn? Accept the fact that this man will get anything he wants, no matter what sort of measures he'd take.
"I'm just better than you at everything else."
You gasped in mock offense, though deep down you knew that his statement was about 49.99% correct. But hey, at least you're better in making his heart pound of his chest. He gets all tingly and warm, ew, cringe. You make him feel so weak and you're not just better at it, you're the best.
"Huh? Wanna bet, pretty boy?!?"
Once you've started, know that you shouldn't back down. After all, you don't want to deal with Taehoon's teasing all week for such a petty argument.
"Alright, how about this - whoever can get the little shit to sit on their lap first wins."
Damn, this pretty boy loves you so much to the point he'll participate or even suggest bullshit.
You and Taehoon shoot challenging glances at each other as you call the cat, trying to lure it over with treats and toys. The furball pays you no heed and walks between the two of you, seemingly ignoring your bets and bickering.
"We really need a name for it."
And "Pocachip", "Tabasco", "Hoon-ie Jr." is not allowed. Taehoon starts to think whether or not you were hungry during thinking about those names. "Sh-"
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
This is for my baba gorl, Garvil <3
Cutest lil goo/rat man to ever exist ^^
Some of the dialogue will follow/directly be from the actual game, but some of it may be edited or not added at all. Game, art, and the BUBO series belongs to @partuulla
Gender-neutral reader
❤️🖤Meeting Gavril🖤❤️
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Waking up in the middle of the night is a common occurrence for you, it has been for several years now. Mainly for the undeniable munchies or dying of horrendous thrist or sometimes because you're body just feels like it, which is very annoying whenever you don't feel like doing anything. Especially early in the morning too.
But tonight, it was due to the constant pawing at your stomach by your cat of 1 month, Grimace, Grimmy for short. He's a fairly small cat, no more than 3 months old or as you like to say, no bigger than 4 McDonald sauce packets. He's a orange cat, and oddly calm for his kind, but he has his moments sometimes. You found him in a bush in your front yard one day, head stuck in a Grimace milkshake cup, which is how he got his name. It was a pain trying to get his head out of the hole of the lid without hurting him, his mews were literally breaking your heart already.
And ever since then you've been taking care of him, eventually adopting him due to your extreme loneliness. You're parents were quite happy that you won't be alone when you sent them pictures of Grimace, but it doesn't quite fill the void in your heart, doesn't come close to human contact. You wish to visit your parents badly, but they live out of state and your job won't even give you a damn week off cause of your stuck up boss. You don't have any friends, other than the old lady that lives next door and regularly brings you food, and even inviting you to dinner whenever her grandchildren visits or whenever she makes too much food for her and her husband. She's the only thing that can even come close to filling the void, she treats you like one of her own children, always asking if you're okay and how you need to take care of yourself.
You've tried to, really, and it's helping little by little. Even if you feel like it isn't, which is a lot of times. Too many times. But the lady next door always assures you by saying you're improving, both physically and mentally.
As your eyes adjust to the darkness of your room, you notice you're quite thirsty, throat parched begging for water. With a sigh, you slowly sit up, picking up Grimmy off your stomach from his scuff so he doesn't topple over and off the bed, wouldn't want him to get hurt. He probably woke you up because he was hungry, or maybe he wanted to spend some time with you, it's an either-or with the cat.
Stretching your limbs until a satisfying pop was heard, you slowly trudge to the door (after grabbing your phone), feet dragging against the floor as Grimace follows close behind, letting out a soft meow to let you know.
You were confident in yourself to be able to navigate your house in the dark, turning down the hall that lead to the staircase, but something felt...off. It was colder in the house despite it being summer, and it felt like someone was watching your every move as you climbed down the stairs, slowly this time to try and hear anything else other than your own breathing and rapid heartbeat beating against your ribcage harshly. Goosebumps began to appear on your skin when Grimace starts to hiss, his body language appearing tense as he stares at whatever is at the bottom of the stairs.
Not paying attention to where you're going, your foot stepped in something cold and,..gooey? Quickly recoiling your foot in disgust, a noise leaving your mouth at the unexpected texture, only it doesn't budge. Whatever the substance was, kept your foot stuck. Turning on your flashlight to see what it was your foot was stuck in, you see it's a black puddle of goo, and it was slowly covering it. You followed where it the goo was coming from with your light. And if landed on hooded figure, who was standing in your living room, arm covering their eyes due to the sudden bright light. A whole ass man in your living room.
Fear coursed through your veins, and without thinking (since the figure was literally in an arm's reach) threw a punch to the side of his head out of pure panic and instinct, whilst dropping your phone. Surprisingly, that was able to knock the guy out, as he laid face down on the ground, unmoving.
And that also lead to the gooey substance to retract from your foot.
"Holy shit did I kill him??" Rushing towards the body, you put two fingers to the pulse on his neck to see if it's still there. Sure this may have been some robber or killer coming/breaking into your house, but it's better if you don't get charged with manslaughter and land a lifetime in prison for it. Thankfully he was still alive, but you've might've given him a concussion..
"Ah he'll live..hopefully." Grimace meows in disappointment, sniffing the stranger in curiosity, eventually becoming a loaf on his back. "What do I even do with the guy? I mean, obviously I should call the police, right?" Staring at the man, you decided you wanted to interrogate him. Why? Well because you have nothing better to do that's why, also you're still thirsty.
So here you are, sitting at your table after downing several glasses of water to quench your thirst. And at the other end of the table, was the knocked out man, his hands zipped tied behind the chair so he wouldn't try anything. "This is the stupidest thing I've ever done." Grimace, who finished eating some wet food, bonked his head against your arm, meowing in response, his version of comfort. Sometimes you wish he can talk, so you can have a full blown conversation with him, and not have it be one-sided. Though he isn't supposed to be on the table, you told him that many times before. So grabbing the scruff of his neck, you place him on your lap, where he decided to become a loaf once again.
A groan is what snaps your neck in the direction of the hooded man, his eyes blinking open. He doesn't seem to know what happened, as he is literally waking up with a concussion. Also maybe due to the bright light of the dining room..should you turn it down a little? No, you want answers, even if it kinda means possibly risking your life here.
"So...I'm alive." His voice sends shivers up your spine, goosebumps appearing on your skin. It has a mysterious deep tone to it, something you would hear when listening to a horror audio-book, and one that you absolutely adore. He seems to take in the situation he was in before meeting your eyes. A smirk creeps onto his face, God even his smirk looks-NO NO, FOCUS AT THE TASK AT HAND.
"You actually want to talk to me? My, you really must be lonely~" It's hard to concentrate on your thoughts when his voice is literally making your insides flutter. Keep in mind this is the same guy that broke into your house, get it together. Oh right, he asked a question or something, "What gave that away?" Sarcasm dripping from the question, an attempt to get yourself together and keep a level head.
"Ah, well I'm here to keep you company." He tilts his head, you can't really see anything with his hood on, as it shadowed the top half of his face. Only one strand of long curly black hair, and one of his eye's were visible to your line of sight. Now on the focus of his face, he has some rather sharp features, with a rather pointy goatee now that you noticed it, it's not too long, rather short. That smirk of his seems to widen as he watches you.
He continues on when you haven't said anything in a minute, "If you untie me, I'll be sure to reward your honesty!" What? You raise an eyebrow at the words that leave his mouth. Untie him? This guy literally broke into your house less than an hour ago, why should you untie him.
...But now you're curious, "..What kind of reward?"
"There's only one way to find out." This guy really sucks, why haven't you called the cops yet? Your phone is literally on your lap, and you have enough practice to dial any number without looking. So what's stopping you from doing so?
"I'm surprised you haven't called the cops already. You really are lonely!" He laughs in a mocking way, head thrown back a bit. This guy probably has a screw loose, or maybe it's you with the screw loose because you thought it'd be a good idea to interrogate him instead of calling the police.
Yes, you're just full of bright ideas.
Glancing at your phone, you run through the limited choices you have. You're quite close to just calling the police on this guy, he keeps talking. And he's quite cocky too. But then you wouldn't get the answers to the questions you have. Out of all of the houses on the block, why did he choose yours? It's literally the smallest house compared to all of the bigger houses, and the most bland out of them all. Maybe because you didn't have a security system? Most of your neighbors have them, hell some of them even have guard dogs too.
So, in probably what was the stupidest idea that has ever crossed your mind, you powered off your phone, throwing it on a counter nearby. "Wise decision, my friend!" He praised, though his expression goes blank after he said those words, "Hm..I guess I can't call you my friend yet if I don't know your name!"
Now he's asking for names? Man, this is some weird ass night. Before you could respond, a sharp pain was felt in your thigh, causing you to let out a small pained, "¡Pinche de puta madre!", as you winced at the pain. The stranger seemed a little shocked at your sudden reaction, raising an eyebrow as he continues to watch in curiosity. Looking to see the source of such pain, it turned out to be Grimace stretching his limbs out after being in such a position for so long. You nearly forgot he was in your lap, and how sharp his claws can be at times. You're not able to feel them due to your clothes preventing them from scratching your skin. But now that you're just in some shorts and an oversized shirt, you can quite clearly feel each and every claw of his digging into your skin.
Picking him up by the scruff, you decided you should just hold him in your arms, as if he were a baby. Well, he technically is a baby, he's your baby after all. And he's still learning, little baby don't even know what 2+2 is. You don't really trust putting him on the ground yet, as you don't know whether this man has any ill intentions, also because he's very curious about new people. "It's Y/N." You responded to his previous question, pretending as if nothing ever happened in the first place. The stranger stares at the cat in your arms for a few seconds longer, before meeting your gaze, a grin returning to his face.
"Well Y/N, I'm Gavril!" Gavril, what an, oddly suitable name for him? "I'd love to shake your hand right now..but..Well.." He's referring to the zip tie, a small chuckle leaving his lips. You slightly grimace at his words, "No thank you, don't really wanna touch you after seeing all that nasty goop around you, or..from you?" A shudder rocks through your body at the idea of the stuff coming from inside him, what is it anyway?
"Oh, don't mind all that!" He shrugs to the best of his ability, his head tilting to the side a bit, turning away from you a little, "It's hard to explain what it is, really. But you don't have to worry about it for as long as I am satisfied!" He faces you again, "Promise." Something in your stomach dropped, satisfied? What way does he mean that word? It could mean anything! Well, he probably most likely means food, or money, I mean, it wouldn't hurt just feeding him right? God now he sounds like some kind of pet. But feeding him would mean cutting the zip tie, cause you're not handfeeding him the food, that would be awkward and he'd be a smug little bitch about it too.
Grimace starts to meow in what you could assume is boredom, stretching his paw until it was tapping the bottom of your chin repeatedly. This was a daily occurrence for you and him, you don't know why he does it yet. Gavril seemed to find it quite funny, as he pursed his lips a bit, a small sound resembling a giggle was heard. You decided to ignore it for the time-being.
"Are..are you satisfied right now?" Something in your gut tells you that you probably already know the answer to this, a warning from your instincts. "It would be more satisfying if you were to untie me." Okay you were not expecting that answer. Gavril keeps going, "This position is very uncomfortable.." To be fair, you never meant for it to be comfortable. But the sudden thought of actually cutting the tie crossed your mind. The decision went back and forth for quite a bit before you sighed, standing up and going towards a drawer in your kitchen containing all kinds of junk, and with the only pairs of scissors you have. You had to put Grimace down for a brief moment on the counter to use your hands, and he as an orange cat in his nature, kept trying to leap off the counter to go investigate the new person. Each time he failed due to you quickly grabbing him before he got far.
With the scissors in hand, and Grimace in your hold, you cut the zip tie holding his hands, the snap of the tie seeming to echo in the nearly silent room. Your heart is beating in your ears, a sudden feeling of regret and anxiety rushes over you, as you try your best to walk back to your chair without falling over from how shakey your legs are. Chewing the inside of your cheek, you wait to see what he does. He immediately stretches his arms above his head, finally able to move his stiff arms from such an uncomfortable position for so long. He takes off his hood, finally being able to see his face without the shadows in the way. You were right, he has some sharp features now that the hood is out of the way. He's quite...handsome, and strangely beautiful in his own way, a warmth spreading through your cheeks. He seems to be in his late 30's, maybe his 40's even, his eyes have very prominent eye bags underneath them, and a beautifully carved face.
"Ahh, that's much better!" He gives you smile, crossing his arms as he leans on them a small bit, "Thank you, Y/N. If it's chat you want, it's a chat you'll get!" Finally, answers to the questions that have been floating in your mind. "Yeah, cool. I mainly just want to know.." You paused for a minute, picking out a question to ask from the piles apon piles of them stacking up in your brain.
"Why did you break into my house? It's quite literally the smallest on the block compared to the others." Your thumb brushes against Grimace's fur, an attempt to relax your nerves as you look anywhere else other than his intense gaze. "Oh, a friend led me here. We're both pretty hungry, so he might have smelled something good!" Fuck, is there more of him going around the block?? "He ran off a while ago, so I don't know where he is..hope he's alright." So there's a possibility that his friend is also breaking into the other houses.
"So there's more of you going around?"
"He and I are nothing alike. For one, he's a rat." A rat. He's friends with a rat. You have a feeling he hasn't had human interaction in quite some time. Though you can't really judge, you talk to your cat everyday as if he were a normal person. Then an image flashed in your mind, when Gavril was in your living room before you knocked him out, he had what seemed to be a tail made of the same substance as the goo. A tail, just like a rat's. "Is that why you have a tail? You part rat or something?" He seemed to perk up at the first question, he seemed confused. "What are you talking about?" He takes a few moments longer before he finally realized what you meant.
He blushes a small bit, averting his eyes to the side, fiddling with the sleeves of his coat. "Oh you mean my.." He pauses, before making eye contact with you again. "That's not a tail, it's more like a third arm!" He gives a small smile as he continues, "Not that there's anything wrong with having tails or anything!" Something in the back of your mind is telling you he won't bring any harm as of now, he doesn't seem dangerous right now. Though it would be pretty stupid to let your guard down completely. You don't know why you're acting this friendly to a home invader. Maybe due to the fact you're basically lonely 24/7 and only have three people to talk too, or there was something in that goo of his that was probably affecting your brain. Either way, it was nice having some human interaction. A small chuckle fills the room, as you return the smile, though it was quite small. "It...oddly suits you in a good way." The comment seemed to fluster him a small bit, though he gives you a grin, "Thank you, it does make stealing food easier."
Contemplating your next decision, you sighed, hoping that this wouldn't backfire on you in any way. "Look, you don't have to steal anything," You say as you stand up, heading towards the kitchen, letting Grimace down on the ground so he could walk around. You trust Gavril enough to not harm him. Gavril seemed a little shocked at the sudden kindness shown to him, though it seems to fade away and he smiles. "Maybe some for your friend too, wherever he may be." Opening the fridge, you look at what you could give the man to eat. Maybe something that has a good amount of nutrients mixed in it. He does look a little bit on the skinny side, though you can't really tell with his coat on. "You are too kind, Y/N!" He says from the table, leaning his head on the palm of his hand, peering at the doorway leading into the kitchen.
He felt something furry brushing against his legs, as he peers underneath the table in curiosity. The cat, he doesn't know the name of yet, laying down on his back as he plays with the fabric of his coat, letting out a mew every so often. Gavril smiles a bit, reaching a hand down to gently pet the top of it's head.
Coming out of the kitchen, you give him a sandwich with some string cheese to go with it, setting down the plate in front of him. He immediately lunges for the cheese first, it being gone as soon as it came. Maybe he's more rat than human, actually now that brings up another question, is he even human? The question is thrown out of mind when you realized Gavril was talking to you. "Sorry, can you repeat that?" Said man was picking up the sandwich, opening his mouth. You didn't really expect a long black appendage come out of his mouth, wrapping itself around the sandwich, covering the whole thing in it's gooey substance. Before you know it, there were only crumbs left, the only existing thing that was left of the sandwich. His tongue withdraws itself back into his mouth. That definitely checks out.
"Oh God."
"Um, what the fuck was that."
"Oh, it is just so hard to chew certain things. It's very handy at times." Gavril waves his hand a bit in a somewhat dismissive manner, wiping off the excess crumbs that got into his goatee. "So you, use the slime to eat things?" What a strange thing to do, can he even taste things like that? The sandwich seemed to have dissolved when the goo covered it. He only smiled back at you, finding amusement in your confusion. That seemed to have answered your question. You remember how you were stepping in that not to long ago, you could've ended up just like that sandwich. A sudden realization came over you that you could've died.
"How does it, work exactly? Is it acidic? Can you control what it can melt or not? Can you taste anything when you eat food like that?"
"I.. don't think it melts things exactly! But it somewhat works like that. I can still taste things yes, it doesn't effect the taste in anyway." Gavril answered, scratching the bottom of his chin. He doesn't go into much detail, maybe he doesn't know much of how it works either. "I am no scientist in any way, it is...difficult to explain how it works."
"But I have a cousin who is one! He would for sure know, he is very smart." He has family? Well obviously he would have family. Though why hasn't he gone to them for help? Maybe it's a touchy subject for him. "I'm assuming your family doesn't, know about this?" You decided to test the waters. "Family..is a strong word." He averted his eyes, his shoulders tensing as he goes to pet Grimace, who was once again, on the table without a single care in the world. Family is a touchy subject then. You decided to leave it alone, it's none of your business anyway.
"So that slime, can you control it in any way?" Changing the subject seemed to be a good idea in this situation, and seeming to work as his shoulders went back to a relax position when you moved on from the subject. "Yes! It has been very useful to me, though it's hard to say if it is a tool or a friend at times.." Christ, his perception of friendship was so, distorted. The thought of becoming friends with him seemed to enter your mind, it doesn't sound too bad. Throughout the time you two have been talking, it seemed that you both had some things in common, and you actually liked his company. "By the sounds of it, you just might be the lonely one here." A light jab at him, as you give him a joking smile. He sighed, though he returned the smile, "..Maybe I am." His smile flattered a little, fiddling with the sleeves of his coat.
"As much as I love my rat friends, it does feel nicer to talk to someone who hasn't run away yet! Like you.." Okay that was a little sad. You felt pity for him, you don't know how long has he gone without human interaction, but you're willing to be the one person to change that, make his life a little less lonely. "I feel as if I can call you my friend now!"
"Because I offered cheese?" You say in a joking manner. "Yes, that too." He laughs a small bit, before continuing. "Maybe it was fate that led me here to you?" Okay now the atmosphere just got a little weird, what is happening?? This is the same guy that you tied to a chair not too long ago, but..his words do show some truth to them. "Maybe you're right, it has been quite nice talking to you, despite you breaking into my house." You both share a chuckle at the coincidence such a situation turned out to be. You continue to talk, "Despite how scary it was in the beginning, we're both pretty lonely I guess.." Grimace starts walking towards you, gently rubbing his face against your cheek as he let's out a purr. It brings a smile to your face.
"We don't have to be lonely anymore, Y/N.." Gavril said in a soft voice, a new emotion being seen in those dark eyes of his. You can't tell what he's feeling now, but you have a good idea you might know in a bit. "And I could eat cheese everyday." He continues in a somewhat joking/serious manner, a grin making itself known. Sounds like he just wants you for the free cheese. "Are you saying you want to stay here? Gavril I'm sorry to break it to you, but I don't want a roommate.." It would be an absolute pain trying to pay for another person considering how much your job pays, especially for someone who is basically a felon. Imagine the bail you would have to pay for if he ever got caught.
He seemed to blush as he said the next words, eyes averting and lifting his hand to cover the bottom half of his face, "What about, more than roommates? As in..not roommates." His voice came out slightly muffled, but you still heard it loud and clear. Is..is he asking you what you think he's asking for? He seemed to become a little shy as he gets more red in the face, his hand still over his mouth. "You..you said you liked my tail...So I thought.." Okay wow, he is asking what you think he's asking for. You don't know how to feel about this, your mind went blank, and you're quite literally speechless. You've never been in any kind of romantic relationship before, despite several attempts to have one, but they never worked out for you in the end. But, there's that little voice in the back of your mind, that little voice of encouragement. Mulling over the idea, you finally spoke up. "Just, don't break into my house anymore, alright?" You're not sure how this will turn out, but you hope it turns out well for you both.
Gavril seems to smile at your response, seeming to be giddy. "Ah, I don't think I would be able to anyway!" That seemed to confuse you, before he continues, "I have so much traveling to do. But, you are fine with long distance, right?" He pulls out a slip of paper and a pen out of his pocket, scribbling something down before he slides it over to you.
"Here's my number. You should call or text me or send pictures anytime you like! I'm always available, I promise!" He starts to get up from the chair, adjusting his coat as he throws the hood back over his head. He..was as lonely as a man could get. But, that didn't seem to bother you, though you wish you got to know more about him during the time he was in your house. You'll get your chance in the morning. "I am so happy, Y/N." He turns to look at you, beaming in pure joy. "I know I have to go soon, but I am so glad to have met you! Even if it meant tying me to a chair!"
He walks over to the front door, the atmosphere feeling a lot lighter than how it originally was in the beginning. Before he left, he turns to one last time, waving as he says, "So long, darling~" He walks into the night, his figure slowly disappearing the further he walked on as he blends in with the shadows around him. And just like that, the house was quiet, as if nothing ever happened in the first place. You were left sitting at the table, staring at the slip of paper Gavril gave to you, reading each number and burning it into your memory. You're not sure what life may be of now, or what it will throw at you, but you know for sure it's going to be a big change.
Standing from the table, you made sure that everything was locked (and putting a chair underneath the door knob to ensure nobody else breaks in) before heading upstairs, Grimace following behind. All the exhaustion that was in you seemed to have disappeared when you got back to bed. It seemed that the events that took place earlier still have you shaken up, despite it turning out better in the end. With a sigh, you turn onto your side, gently caressing the sheets with your fingers. Sleep didn't come to you for quite some time, until the early hours of the morning. You know your boss is going to be a stuck up bitch about it, even if you told him that someone broke in last night. He wouldn't care.
But that doesn't matter to you now, a specific man staying in your thoughts as you drift off.
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luvtonique · 7 months
I just woke up and I chose violence let's go.
Look all I'm sayin' is
If you're gonna attack AI generative art
You should, for the same reason, attack Toby Fox.
The reason I've seen the most for people not liking AI is that it's not "Real art" and that it "Takes jobs from artists" and that it "Steals from other artists"
Well, then, let's talk about how Hopes and Dreams by Toby Fox uses fake Violins to mimic a symphony orchestra. Toby could have hired a real orchestra but he used a fake one and y'all came in your drawers over it.
Why'd nobody ever lift a finger to cover social media in how Toby Fox doesn't deserve to make money because his song "Undertale" uses a fake guitar that sounds just like a real one? He could have hired a musician to play guitar but he didn't! That cost a REAL guitar player a job, didn't it?
And how come when it was found out that Toby Fox stole entire lietmotifs from other games like Kirby n shit, y'all had like 600,000,000 excuses to defend him?
I don't dislike Toby I think he's amazing, like 100/10, one'a the brightest examples of a success story of all time and one of the nicest most pure-hearted people on earth who made two of my favorite games of all time and a ton of my favorite music. Spider Dance has been my ring tone for like 8 years.
I'm just saying, the literal same reasons I see people attacking AI gen art is shit that Toby does, all of it, and y'all worship Toby for it but attack artists.
And neither here nor there, but hear me out?
Y'all will say you're in defense of artists keeping their jobs and their livelihoods which is so very noble of you, but if an artist draws shortstacks that are just a little too short, or if an artist utilizes AI, or if an artist draws Rose Quartz skinny, or if an artist draws Sans and Frisk getting a little too Frisky, or if an artist votes for Trump, or if an artist says a dirty word you don't like, or if an artist draws a black person that looks just a little bit too stereotypical, or if an artist draws a lesbian character getting fucked, or if an artist doesn't believe in gender identities, or if an artist doesn't put trans characters in their graphic novel, or if an artist makes a sexy character with butt-jiggle the protagonist of their video game; Y'ALL ARE COMPLETELY OKAY WITH SAYING THAT ARTIST SHOULDN'T BE MAKING MONEY, AND BANDWAGONING A HATEMONGERING BRIGADE AGAINST THEM.
Spare me this "We hate AI because we care about the jobs of artists" shit, you lying scoundrels. You don't care about my job! You've tried to cancel me like 500 goddamn times, got my Patreon frozen twice, got my PayPal frozen over 100 times even right in the middle of conventions, flooded my stream chat and spammed the N-word in chat trying to get my Twitch banned, flooded my Discord multiple times with links to CP trying to get my Discord banned, and you have entire Discord servers literally called things like "Jay is an asshole" and "The We Hate Jay Society" (YEAH I KNOW YOU FUCKERS EXIST, HI, HAVE FUN SCREENCAPPING THIS).
My artistic career has been under fire for the past 12 years because I draw things y'all disagree with, have opinions you don't like, and have family members who vote for politicians you think are the boogeyman that's the cause of all your problems (and haven't disowned those family members). With all due respect, when I hear "We hate AI because we believe in fair wages for artists and want to protect the jobs of artists" I just wanna strangle your lying ass.
You hate AI because it's popular to hate AI.
AI is like a prosthetic robot arm that helps you carry the groceries, and disabled people like myself (rheumatoid arthritis) benefit from its uses greatly (such as being able to draw backgrounds much easier which has greatly improved my art and INCREASED MY COMMISSION REVENUE DUE TO MY ART QUALITY IMPROVING [But y'all don't care that AI helps artists earn more money, you hate AI because you claim it's hurting artists' ability to earn money]), but you're so hung up on people using the robot arm instead of their real arms that you think you're some crusader against injustice.
You aren't.
You're just looking for reasons to attack people, it's what you do. I've been dealing with y'all looking for any goddamn reason to attack someone that you can muster for the last 12 years, hell even before that I dealt with you types. You just want to hate, you want to be prejudiced so fucking bad that you look for literally any reason you can possibly find to make some vaguepost about how much you hate an artist and post it to Reddit, and then when you get called out, get so surprised that I found your bitch ass that you start pretending you didn't mean any ill will, and start pretending that you're someone else in the most pathetic attempt to dodge blame I've ever seen.
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[Context: The OP of this post accidentally revealed who they are on Tumblr, and then when I called them out on Tumblr, they pretended they were someone else because they were scared I was gonna out them on Tumblr and they tried pathetically to cover their ass, and even politely said "I never wanted to garner hate against you" when they literally posted "I hate the way he draws women" on r/mendrawingwomen and flooded the comment section (mostly now deleted) with how "disgusting of a person" I am, while I was in the comments politely giving context to the shit he was saying about me, and he started getting furious when other people were liking my art and agreeing with me instead of him. I have like 600 screencaps of all the cringe this guy spewed, but I'm not gonna post it all because it's tangential anyway. Case in point? This guy's blog is absolutely covered with how much he hates artists for drawing things he doesn't like, and he regularly posts about how AI is taking jobs from artists. Not gonna out his blog, but that's who he is. A shining example of exactly what I'm talking about. "I hate AI because it takes jobs from artists!" "THIS MAN-THING DRAWS WOMEN IN A WAY I DON'T LIKE AND HE'S A DISGUSTING PERSON, EVERYONE JOIN ME IN HATING HIM AND TRYING TO RUIN HIS REPUTATION AND THEN WE CAN CELEBRATE WHEN HE LOSES HIS JOB!!!"]
Like, y'all can sit there and act like you're defending me and artists like me all you want, you're liars. You're boldfaced fucking liars. You are disgusting. It's completely pathetic watching you attack a tool that can be used to improve our art, and claim it's in defense of the authenticity of our art and the continued financial stability of our artistic careers. Fucking give me a break.
You're looking for people who say positive things about AI art so you can attack them and feel justified because it's popular to attack them.
All while sitting there and gladly swallowing the cum of any musician who makes amazing music with synths, fake symphony instruments and autotune.
"We care about the jobs of artists."
Long as those artists fall in line with your opinions and only draw things that agree with said opinions, right?
Wouldn't wanna care about the jobs of "problematic" artists who draw "offensive" stuff or vote for politicians you don't like.
Final note: This isn't even an attack against any political opinions or activism or anything like that, but I'm being realistic here because these are the people I see brigading against AI art. It's not me saying those people are dumb for having their opinions or political standpoints or being activists for their beliefs, it's me saying those people are the ones who are constantly attacking AI art in "defense of artists," while in the same breath attacking artists for not sharing their political standpoints or also being activists for the same causes. If you truly, truly cared about the livelihood of artists, you'd stop attacking artists' livelihood for disagreeing with you. Or for that matter: Any reason. Stop attacking artists' livelihood, or stop pretending you care about it. Be consistent, at least.
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mulberryasher · 4 months
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Japanese Name: ウィツィロポチトリ
Class: Saber
Rarity: SSR: ★★★★★
AKA: Hummingbird, Eagle, Fake Blue Tezcatlipoca, Fake Grand Saber, True Sun of Mexica
Stats: ATK: 12,831 Lv.100 Grail ATK: 14,047 HP: 14,531 Lv.100 Grail HP: 15,920
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Personal Skills:
First Skill: Fifth Sun: A
Grants self-guts status for 1 times 3 turns. Increase the party’s attack for 3 turns. Increases party's critical damage for 3 turns. Charge party’s NP gauge. Grants party Invincibility Buff Block for 1 time, 3 turns. Removed the buff and changed to reduce their defense for 3 turns.
Second Skill: Tezcatl eye: EX
Increase own NP damage and critical damage for 3 turn. Charge own NP gauge and gain critical stars. Ignore Invincibility for one turn and Grant's self-invincibility for 3 attacks, 3 turns.
Third Skill: Solar: A
Increases own Buster performance for 3 turns. Increases own Arts performance for 3 turns. Reduces their defense for 3 turns. Increases own attack for 3 turns. Increases own damage against Divinity enemies for 3 turns.
Class skills:
Magic Resistance: A
Territory Creation: EX
Divine Sun: A
Appreciation of Weapons: A
Strength: EX
Endurance: A
Agility: EX
Mana: EX
Luck: B+
It was the most powerful deitiy, without a doubt, within the Aztec world. He was born as an undefeated, ruthless warrior on the battlefield, bloodthirsty and bloodshed field, sun and rules, rising sun to the bright sun; when the Aztecs were at war, he was the protector or sacrificed to protect the people as the god of warrior, people believe the incarnation of the sun and replace Nanahuatzin, the sun god from the Aztec Mythology.
Although Hulitzilopochtli would be best suited for the Berserker class, yet was summoned as a pseudo-servant and Saber class.
Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 188cm/80kg
Origin: Aztec Mythology
Region: Latin America, Mexica, Mexico
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Male
“All I wanted was to protect the people, but I did not. I didn’t want to be a hero or warrior. I wanted to live warmly with my siblings and people.”
A deity known as the god of warrior is considered the god of sun and incarnation of the sun. He was also the patron god of the Aztecs and the capital city of Tenochtitlan. He wielded a weapon called Xiuhcoatl, the fire serpent, and used different weapons in his arsenal during the war field. People believed that they needed human sacrifice to strengthen their efforts.
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Bond 2:
Extroverted, calm yet vibe older brother.
He is a bloodthirsty warrior, aggressive to a fault yet self-sacrificed to defend his people. Until he manifested a body, his host influenced his mind more. He is becoming a lovely older brother and extroverted. His host has a mindset as a mage, and martial arts influence his critical thinking and strategy. He does not hesitate or doesn't think about himself and only thinks he protects others. He is like a big brother who lectures to others or is playful with a smile. During the battle, he is more calm and collective. He is quite a gentleman, and caring comes to others.
He gives off as someone who is enjoying his retirement. When it comes to his routine, it is frightening. He woke up very early to practice for the taijutsu basics, then practiced his magecraft, which involved materializing objects and familiarizing all varieties of weapons.
Bond 3:
As he was defined as the most powerful and honored deity on Earth within the Aztec world, other Aztec deities feared his existence and, at some point, tried to kill him. In the myths, he was a minor hunting god of the Mexica. He is the deity who guided the Mexuca people to the Valley of Mexico from their previous home. He commanded the building of a city known as Tenochtitlan, which became the capital of the Aztec Empire. Then was worshipped as the god of the sun and became the fifth sun. When the Aztecs established their new environment and quickly replaced a Tonatiuh, the sun god, Aztecs believed their worship involved human sacrifice to be his strength effort not only that they also sacrificed the warriors who died in battle.
In the earliest origin myths of Huitzilopochtli, he is described as the fourth and final son of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl. During the first 600 years of his life, Huitzilopochtli was born without flesh, but only a bone, and remained fleshless. Huitzilopochtli and his brothers created the world and its laws after 600 years had passed following the events that took place 600 years before. There is a version of that Coatlicue that saw hummingbird feathers fall from the sky. When she picked up, she became pregnant with Huitzilopochtil. In some versions, he protects his mother or avenges the murder of his mother against Couolzauhqui and defeats his siblings, Centzonhuītznāhua.
Bond 4:
Fifth Sun: A
He replaces Nanahuatzin as the new sun of the Aztecs.
Tezcatl Eye: EX
An ability that is the eye is like a second mana cord with magic circuits out of the body. There is clairvoyance and kinetic eyesight, which is gained to see things other than average, like seeing the inner energy of the life of all nonliving and living creatures. Can predict and know the opponent slowly. This can copy other mage’s magecraft and memorizing. There is a second phase of this eye, which can evolve and change the shape of the eye’s user, and it can use all the elements to control the opponent physically and mentally. The last ability is unique and exclusive to a person. Is still unknown of his ability because he didn’t use it during the time when he was summoned. Currently uses half the power of the Tezcatl Eye. Tezcatl Eye is only passed down to the Morarseu Clan. An unknown clan or a hidden clan was unknowingly destroyed in 1994—no record about the hidden clan, only the death of the people, and don’t know if their any survivors in the timelines of Fate/Stay Night series or Fate/Grand Order from any organization.
Solar: A
Using his own mana core connects the earth's planet to the solar sun.
Bond 5:
『Xiuhcoatl Moraresu』
Rank: EX
NP Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 30-40
Maximum Targets: 100 people
Sol Blade Creation
A Noble Phantasm that creates an unlimited variety of weapons and changes the Planet field as wildfire. The place is a unique marble phantasm, sent back to the Aztec War period from the fallen wildfire field with ruined temples of the Tenochtitlan field of different weapons. He connects to the planet Earth and connects his imagination or views as his sword is morphed into a materialization. Mini energy of weapons provided by thearthet went toward his sword to complete his sword, revealing his blade in his hands. A single swing of his sword can cut the law of physics.
The blade’s name: is Xiuhcoatl Moraresu. Xiuhcoatl was a mythological serpent as a spirit form of Xiuhtecuhli. Become a weapon wielded by Huitzilopochtli. Xiuhcoatl is called a symbolic and descriptive of “fire serpent.” Xiuhcoatl is interpreted as the embodiment of the dry season and was the weapon of the sun. Moraresu is the surname of the host. It represents Huitzilopochtli using his magecraft called Atom magecraft to help his divine to create Marble Phantasm. Also, Moraresu is half-Japanese and used his influence mindset and knowledge of modern. To know Xiuhtecuhli's kind of weapon would then materialize it as a twist-shaped katana.
“As this sun fades away to become the blade who reaches this inner world. I used many weapons on this bloody battlefield, I will create the blade that I desire. Ahora ven a mí mi Xiuhcoatl Moraresu!”
Huitzilopochtli, is a Saber Class Pseudo Servant summoned by Yukari Akiwara. He confirmed himself as a Servant and not a Grand Servant in my OC timelines of Grand/Order. Later on, Ritsuka Fujimaru of Chaldea was summoned as a still Saber.
Huitzilopochtli is a eagle deity. He was the tribal god of the Aztec people, known both as a war god and as the incarnation of the sun. The Aztecs worshipped Huitzilopochtli as the sun, causing many deaths and human sacrifices. Guided by Huizlipochtil, the Aztecs quickly largely replaced a Tonatiuh temple around the capital city of Tenochtitlan. Huitziopochtli defeated many deities in the Aztec world.
He is the final and youngest sibling and is known as the loyal and ruthless god of war, yet some myths are out of character, as he wants to protect the people or his mother. Many Divine Spirits are represented as Huitzilopochtli uses his divinity power like Tenochtitlan, the dinosaur king, and Tezcatlipoca. At some point, an aspect of him is known as Blue Tezcatlipocas from Tezcatlipoca. Can’t be summoned fully self as the god of the sun. The Servant Huitzilopochtli is a Pseudo-Servant but summoned with a human vessel named Moraresu Isamu (モラレスイサム) and also Saint Graphs identity as the god of warriors before he was known as the god of sun.
"Are you the Master? I'm Huitzilopochtli, the god of warriors. My class is Saber as a Psudeo-Servant. Let get along well, right, Master."
Summoned (Clear Shatterzone 7):
"Saber, Huitzilopochtli. Well well well, this is interesting. It looks like I'm on your side now, and I hope we get along. I will serve you as my Master."
Cuauhtémoc (OC):
“Cuauhtémoc is some what unique when we hangout. The first time was pretty funny. When I saw her, she gave off a vibe of an elegant lady but she was a fan girl when it come around me. I didn’t expect that from her."
MORARSEU (Caster)(OC):
“Well, well, their another person named MORARSEU. Perhaps he may have known my vessel?”
"Big bro, how are you doing? Doing well after calling me the fake Huitzilopochtli and fake Grand Saber and then already giving me the nickname Eaglet. It was a bit disappointing. I thought you could change it a bit. But still, you are my older brother and still my family. I hope this time we spend our time as a family, big bro.
“So you also summoned as a pseudo-servant, but why? I will just let this slide because you are you. I hope there is no fight between you and Big Bro. What now? Should I call you sister? Huh, Oneechan, then.”
“Huh? Kukulkan from the Mayan deity? This is confusing. She is a different Kukulkan than I know. So she is the sun from the lostbelt. Interesting, a new god and a new sun are rising. A new of myamily…Do you want to know if I would win against ORT-Kukulkan as my Saber Class?...... Nah, I’d Win.”
“So she is the embodiment of the city from Tenochtitlan. Que linda pequeña hermanita that I have. I hope we will have fun and go around the place. Master… Since I was summoned and here, you would not be alone with mi pequeña hermanita.”
“So that guy is known as king of God and the sun….I do respect him and did well as a ruler but I don’t need to worry about him.”
Senji Muramasa:
“Isn’t that one of the well-known blacksmiths, too? His blade is full of power and the will of the flame, but I can still block with my hands. Hehe.”
“So he is Karna the son of the sun god. He should relied on other than his spear. He could join me in my routine.”
Miyamoto Musashi (LOST DATA):
“You tell me Muasahi from Alternate universe. She is completely different from I know. She is simple to get along with, and during sparring, she has indeed lived up to the title of the greatest swordmaster, but still, the Musashi I know can really make me not hold back. Maybe she can also join me in my routine with other servants.”
Miyamoto Musashi (OC):
“We finally met in Chaldea. Do you want to catch up or use the blade of our world like the old time with our previous Master?”
(He is the proper human history version and Saber Class. They were summoned by a Master named Yukari Akiwara before Ritsuka Fujimaru. That is how they met the first time.)
“You also here, too? I guess Yukari’s team is back. Don’t lie to me again or use me for money making.”
(She is a pretender and the goddess of the moon from Greek mythology, as Selene is the goddess of the moon. She is also often identified as Artemis, the goddess of hunting. Her true names are Selene and Cythina, and Cythina is from the Sextus Propertius and the four bok of Elegis. She was summoned with Musashi, Huitzilopochtli with her previous Master. The funny part is that Cythina and her Master lied to him to materialize his physical form to help them with an event. But Huitzilopochtli was working as the butler then earning some quick cash because of his popularity.)
Iori Muuasahi:
“Well, we finally met, so tell me, how was your old man back when you were young? I bet it was hard to get along at first, right, or it was only me.”
Gorō Nyūdō Masamune (OC):
“That blacksmith.. I don’t know I feel he is a rival. He gives off a dangerous vibe when we sparring. Perhaps it is him or his host. Who knows, but still, he is a friendly great-grandpa.”
Celeste (OC):
“That girl, she oddly very friendly to me? What did I do to earn her trust? This is the first time I ever met her.”
(She is a rider class servant. She is the daughter of Andromeda from Greek myths and she is lostdata. She is from an alternate universe or maybe a distant future whose timeline is unknown. Her personality is similar to her mother's, but she doesn’t reveal who her father is.)
Asahina Gozen (OC):
"Gozen, I know them. Isn't he the one who defeats Masamune during the Shatterzone 5? I would love to see that battle. I bet the great-grandpa was in a cage and selling as a slave, Right....uhhhhu RIGHT?"
(Asahina Gozen is a lostbelt or a different version of Asahina Yoshihide and a Saber Class. He is from the Yōsei Nihon and a half-Yōsei who is from a clan of ōni. He is the strongest Yōsei Samurai in Yōsei Nihon. This version has the memory of his pan-human history and also adopted by the ruler of Yōsei Nihon named Umiko Hizumi)
Fusō (OC):
"Wow, isn't she the tyrant queen of Yōsei Nihon? No, it is her younger version, known as Fusō the Saviour and Fusō the Witch. I don't know but I have a bad vibe from her is not of her personlity but it her mana. Maybe she can also use marble phantasm.
(Fusō is a Caster class and lostbelt of Umiko Hizumi. An unknown person that has no record in the historical records but somehow connects to the Throne of Heroes. Her purpose is to cast the Wold's Mana in the Yōsei Nihon. Like her future adopted son, she also received memories in different way of Pan-Human History Umiko Hizumi. Fusō was the Inner Sea of the Plaent of her purpose. Hizumi is an older sister of the "Creation of Magecraft" lost in the record and Hizumi is a woman of selfish witch that wants to rule humanity in her own way)
Something you Like:
"Something I like is quite simple: my family, my people, and others who support me, like you, Master."
Something you Hate:
"What do I hate? I don’t really know. I know there are many things I can hate, like misunderstandings and my siblings, but I can’t hate them."
About the Holy Grail:
"You mean that energy supply? I’m not really that interested. I just want to focus on the extra time in Chaldea and also want to spend with my brother and sisters."
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azullumi · 2 years
kazuha — him as your lover ☆彡
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summary: how is he as your lover?
pairing: kazuha/gender-neutral reader
tags: fluff; headcanons
word count: 700+
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Kazuha, despite the similarities of his personality in public and to you, actually acts differently around you compared to others. It's hard to tell it at first until you witness it first-hand— the way he speaks, talks, and treats others.
Yes, his way of talking is still gentle to others but for you, his tone is much warmer and softer in a way that it reminds you of cold mornings with a warm sun. If he ever accidentally raised his tone, he would immediately apologize and say he didn't mean it.
He's really affectionate and would always show his feelings for you. He lays himself open and holds enormous amount of trust and love for you.
He doesn't hesitate in giving you reassurances and would often express himself through words. He would occasionally write poems at the thought of you and would let you read it. Your existence, his feelings, and everything being put into words are honestly so beautiful, just the thought that he thinks of you in such a lovely way warms your heart. The first time he showed you his work, he was really nervous and anxious about what you might think.
"What do you think? I wrote this while thinking of you. I'm not confident in my skills and I'm not exactly talented."
"Kazuha… It's beautiful, what are you saying? You clearly have a talent for this."
"Really? Then can I show you my works from time to time?"
He's definitely the type to tell you stories about his travels when the two of you are sharing a peaceful moment together or when the two of you are in bed and have a hard time falling asleep. He's the type to twirl your hair on his fingers and play with it while he speaks, his soft and warm touches paired with his voice eases you to sleep immediately. When you wake up in the morning, however, you'll be greeted by an empty bed but you'll see him moments later entering the room with breakfast on hand that he has prepared for you.
You could say that his love language consists of physical touch as you find him occasionally grabbing your hand and locking his fingers with yours when he has the chance or hugging you whenever he can. He would always find reasons to touch you, to trail his finger down your arm or draw circles on your hand as he plays with your fingers. Man would do anything just to feel you against him.
Occasionally, he would also give you a kiss and most of it was on your forehead. The first time seeing you for the day? A kiss on your forehead. He thinks that you look adorable? A kiss on your forehead or cheek. You just woke up by his side? A kiss on your crown or forehead. He just wants to kiss you? There, another kiss. He would also pepper your face with kisses when the two of you are alone, kissing your cheek, your forehead, your nose, and everywhere. In this way, he shows how much he loves you.
Dates? Oh, don't even get me started with it. Man loves dates over anything else and would take you out nearly everyday, even if it's just simple ones wherein you two would just walk around and talk. He would often show up on your doorstep unannounced with a bouquet of your favorite flowers on hand and invite you to go on a walk with him. Sometimes, he would have a dinner reserved at a restaurant or you two would have a picnic outside. Sometimes, he would come inside your home and cook for you while you either watch him or join in to help which he would gladly accept.
"What are you making?"
"Dinner, for us."
"Can I help?"
"Of course, you can, my love."
He has a collection of endearments at the tip of his tongue but he prefers 'my love' the most. Just a simple one sounds so sweet and summarizes all his affection and adoration he has for you.
He adores you in every way, he adores your smile and could stare at it for the whole day, he adores your laugh and voice and could listen to it for eternity, he loves how soft your skin feels against his fingertips and the way your hands hold his, he loves everything about you and oh darling, your so-called imperfections and flaws are beautiful to him as they make all parts of you. He has never realized what was missing in his life not until he met you so he will do whatever it takes to not lose you.
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