#wn quotes results
web-novel-polls · 4 months
WN Quotes Round 1 Winners
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All WN Quotes Tournament Results: #wn quotes results
Tournament Tag: #webnovel quotes tournament
Group A
Quote 12:
“This life of mine, this heart of mine… Are all in your Majesty’s hands. Without a heart, without a life, what’s the point of setting this empty shell free? I would rather die wholly on your hands than to live in this world as an empty shell. At least… I would be glad to die on your Majesty’s hands. I could close my eyes in death.”  - Qi Yan, Clear and Muddy Loss of Love, Chapter 271
Quote 24:
“Just because, back then, I loved you more than I feared death.” - Remnants of Filth (Tumblr - Link 1, Link 2)
Quote 55:
"I wish that, after my death, I’ll also have a picture left in Qilin Hall. When that time comes, you’ll carry it up to the Golden Stage yourself......The most high and most bright are the sun and moon, and the most close yet most distant are a husband and wife. If you promise me this, you will be my only next of kin from now on."  - Fu Shen to Yan Xiaohan, Golden Terrace, Chapter 26
Quote 26:
"Man is no more than lust given flesh and blood. Some people are held back from progressing by the vices, and others pursue a grand and pristine reputation. However, if carnal desire is lust, isn’t the desire for a pristine reputation also considered lust?"  - Remnants of Filth, Chapter 28
Group B
Quote 7:
"Both of my lives belong to you. I have no regrets.” - Mo Ran, The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Chapter 279
Quote 8:
“One only knew autumn when the cold rain came; parasol trees dying of old age; the suffering of the cold under a thin blanket; wasting your lifetimes away… all belated regrets in the end, regrets that we hadn’t met sooner” - Faraway Wanderers
Quote 53:
“We are two ships of Theseus sailing the sea. We met by accident and were afraid to separate, so you gave me your parts, and I gave you mine. We’re not what we used to be. We have become each other.”  - Fanservice Paradox (Tumblr)
Quote 17:
“Remember: when humans ascend, they are still human; when they fall, they are still human.” - Heaven Official’s Blessing
Group C
Quote 37:
「There are three ways to survive in a ruined world. I have forgotten some of them now. However, one thing is certain: you who are currently reading these words will survive.  –Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World [Complete]」 - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 1
Quote 2:
“Shen Qingqiu panted, his heart flooding with tears-- his period was finally over!” - The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Quote 15:
"There's a man I love. In the sea. In the clouds. In my heart." - Jing Lin, Nan Chan
*Match 11 ended in a tie between quotes 62 and 41
Groups D-H
Polls not completed
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
"Who knew the truth about wen remnants." by karmiya, certain truths have been brought to light.
link: Who Knew the Truth About the Wen Remnants?
My qualm was :
"I did still leave out the debt he owes to Wen Qing and Wen Ning, because I felt like that was definitely veering too far into 'let's analyse everything wrong with Jiang Cheng as a person' territory."
I get where they're coming from but the point is jiang cheng's debt towards the Wens is critical in judging his failure to speak up for them, and his failure to speak up for them is pivotal in ensuring their miserable ending/ the events that led to the siege. It's even discussed w WWX in the cave. I've written before that the idea the Wens were a danger was a red herring to incite the mob and justify the Jins invading the Burial Monunds (so many things used to incite mob frenzy usually are) so JGS could get his hands on the Tiger Seal. So what WWX needed wasn't someone to publicize the identities of the Wens but the support of a person in power. Everyone catches some blame for letting it happen but it's impossible to blame everyone equally. The Jins instigated it, and jc was in a unique position to prevent it as the closest person to WWX, the one who owed the Wens a life debt and also a Clan Leader who by the time this happened had, with the help of WWX, rebuilt his sect, and had more than enough power alone, and virtually limitless power w the Yiling Patriarch on his side. Lastly:
"Lan XiChen knew that because of what happened to his father, Nie MingJue abhorred Wen-dogs more than anything, especially with how intolerable he was toward evil. Lan XiChen didn’t say anything else. (Chapter 73, Exiled Rebels translation)
Lan Xichen may well be one of the least prejudiced in his attitudes here, and he still drops the topic like a hot potato because he doesn’t care enough to risk upsetting Nie Mingjue or making a fuss. Quite frankly, the subtext here is that he just doesn’t care enough to pursue it. "Nevertheless a great read, beautifully supported by quotes. Thank you for sharing it with me.
Again here I get what op wants to say, but this was easily solved by jc divulging he owed WQ & WN a life debt. The fact that LXC spoke up at all is a huge deal considering the Cloud Recesses were actually burned down by the Wens and his father died as a result of it. Harboring jc as they had, healing him, returning Zidian and the bodies of his parents opened WQ & WN to the risk of death (and immense torture) from Wen Ruohan. This would have been a big deal, and would definitely have given LXC a reason to "care" to stand up to NMJ who himself would not have been as hellbent against them had he heard this.
Jiang Cheng mocked, “Those sect leaders thought you gathered some leftover forces and crowned yourself king of the hill. So it’s only the old, the weak, the women, and the children.”
(Chapter 73, Exiled Rebels translation)
Jiang Cheng: “Wei Wuxian has betrayed the sect, and publicly regards all cultivation sects as enemy! Yunmeng Jiang Sect hereby expels him, breaking all ties with him and drawing a clear line between us. Henceforth, no matter what this person does, it will have nothing to do with Yunmeng Jiang Sect!”
(Modao Zushi Radio Drama, Season 3 Episode 5, Suibian Subs)
*edit* Since reading this the first time I saw a great point brought up by grewlikefancylowers about it. I think that does illustrate a very significant weakness I initially overlooked in that particular post. Great read: link.
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titilationexpress · 3 years
Sweet Dreams are Made of Screams Ch.3
You awoke with a start, gasping as you found yourself back in your bed, heart racing and sweat beading down your forehead, yet you were clearly where you had last been when you fell asleep.
Rising from your mattress, you looked down at yourself, seeing that you were back to your human self. Or...were you your human self in that...dream?
You couldn’t really remember, suddenly feeling quite tense. “God, what WAS that?” you said aloud, rubbing your temple.
You checked your phone and saw yet more requests for Starscream popping into your messages. You flopped back on the bed with a groan. It seemed that you wouldn’t be getting away from him, whether it be your dreams OR wide awake!
Yet what you had experienced…
Throughout the day, you found yourself unable to focus on anything. Whether it be at school/college/work or in your free time, the Decepticon would not leave your brain. That wasn’t really new, the constant requests for him made his presence in your mind a regular, yet this was different. You didn’t know how to explain it, but Starscream seemed to make his presence known. As in, ridiculous as it sounds, like he’s always over your shoulder, watching you.
A fictional character was somehow transcending reality and subtly manipulating you into doing his bidding. Or was it yours, as, despite the feeling of eyes on the back of your head, you have been wanting to write about him for some time.
Yet unlike before, something had changed. True, that dream you had left you rather flustered (not to mention quite wet that morning), but also...inspired? Was that the word? Well, whatever it was, it eventually managed to get you going on churning out more reader insert entries. You went through your requests, going down the list of bots and scenarios when finally, one snags your attention.
Vampire!Starscream X Reader.
Well, that was quite the challenge, wasn’t it?
Sure, you had experimented with that in the past, yet once again, Starscream seemed to haunt you everywhere you went. Just what was it that...that made him so difficult for you? Why couldn’t you just write something?!
It was then though that your mind went back to the dream and your...intimate encounter with your favorite version of the character. His words regarding your doubts, your insecurities regarding your ability to write for him….how all of it was true. And how, to overcome it, you had to cast aside your inhibitions.
You just had to “do”.
It was an hour later or so that you were still at your computer/laptop, trying to figure out where to go from here. You had the scenario in mind, now to build a plot off of it. So far, all you had was that it was in G1 (or at least some version of it at least. Hey, headcanons and AUs were serious business, you had learned), and that you somehow became Starscream’s vampire bride in the end. It was kinda stupid, but hey, G1 was known for equally crazy shit.
The only problem was where to start.
True, you knew what the end result would be, but how to get there was the question. Better yet, how the hell do robots turn into vampires?! Ugh! You couldn’t do this! You just couldn’t! You were doomed for failure! You slapped your hand against your head, trying to keep yourself from getting too frazzled. But how were you going to do this?
It was then that you heard something. Or rather, thought something.
‘Shockwave this, Shockwave that. All I ever hear about is how great Shockwave is!’
You knew that quote! Starscream’s brigade! It grew to be one of your favorites of G1! But what did that have to do with…wait a minute. Shockwave...Shockwave was left on Cybertron but was also somewhat of a scientist. And there had been references to other planets and aliens in the series (hell, Season 3 had barely anything to do with Earth at that point), and there were such things as Petro Rabbits, so why couldn’t Shockwave have a collection of live specimens to study?
And you, the Reader, we’re going to be his assistant.
From there, more and more came to you, you typing like mad as you clicked and clacked the keyboard, everything just pouring out of you at once! You were doing this, you realized. Holy shit, you were doing this! On and on you wrote, getting the outline and first part done. Then came the second, third, and so on.
And when you finally gained the courage to post them (you had not submitted them quite yet, having held back), you saw that the reception was...good.
It was good.
Sure, the first part only had a few likes so far, but it seemed to be ok. Still, you didn’t get your hopes up too high. But it wasn’t long after that you found yourself aboard the abandoned ship again, only this time, there was no one in the cell. You knew well who should’ve been in there.
“S-Starscream?” You stammered, voice echoing off the walls. It was then that you felt a servo trail it’s way up your spine, causing you to nearly leap out of your skin. Turning, you saw the amused, chortling form of your favorite Starscream, clearly pleased with himself in having given you a fright. “Don’t do that to me!” you held your chest, feeling your heart beating.
“Welcome back.” The Seeker greeted. “It looks like we’re in for another eventful night.”
Your eyes widened. “We are?” You remembered last time well. How bizarre the whole situation was...but also how good it felt. How good he felt.
“Yes, you’ve been aching for another night with me, haven’t you?” He whispered in your ear, sending a chill down your back. “Don’t bother denying it. I can see into your thoughts, remember?” His eyes then began to glow red. “And I also know what you’ve written about me recently.”
“Oh, that.” Your cheeks grew red. “Yeah, well...it was my first time writing for you, and...well, I’ve never done anything with vampires before, so…” it was then that you noticed Starscream’s eyes seeming more...red than you remembered. And...and since when did he have fangs?! “The hell?!”
Starscream only chuckled. “Don’t you remember? This was from what you had written but a short time ago.”
Oh, right. “It’s…kinda stupid though, the story I mean,” you shifted nervously. “I mean, it’s not really meant to be taken seriously.”
“But,” Starscream approached you, holding your chin gently. “You DID finally face your fears, right?” You nodded. “But yet, you’re still unsure.” Sighing, you nodded. “Well,” his optics glimmered. “We’ll have to fix that, won’t we?”
You stiffened, knowing where this was going. The environment around you changed to that of the Nemesis’ brig, you in a cell with Starscream. The same position the Reader was in near the end of the story. You knew well what was about to happen, Starscream slowly backing you up against the wall. And yet not once did you tell him to back off. True, your heart was racing, yet it wasn’t entirely out of fear. No, you feared what would come next.
“Relax, my dear.” Starscream assured you. “I’ll be gentle.” He opened his mouth, revealing pronounced canines on his upper set of dentas.
You released a heavy sigh and let it happen. The Seeker bit down on your neck and into your flesh. There was slight pain, yes, yet you could stop this anytime you wanted. You let it continue. The sting from his fangs entering you lasted only a few seconds though, as there was a rushing warmth that overtook you.
“Ah, found your courage, have you?” Starscream questioned. “Well then,” he lowered his hand to your lower regions, lightly stroking it. “Shall we take things one step further?”
Honestly, you didn’t see why not.
That night, you two had another session, the Decepticon exploring and driving you crazy with his methods, you, in turn, responding in kind. Turns out a tongue savoring his spike was one of the things you did that could make him, fittingly enough, scream. And then, you woke up, a kiss bringing out of the dream once again. More requests, and yet...and yet, this time, you felt somewhat more...confident.
You decided to try out another scenario, taking your time with this one, yet not allowing anxiety to have as much of a hold over you. And, to your surprise, this Starscream x Reader fic got good reception too! True, you still wrote for all the other Autobots and Decepticons, yet the Seeker, whatever incarnation he was, proved to be some of your most popular.
Which, in turn, led to you getting more and more visits from him.
It wasn’t each night, yet sometimes, especially when you were either in the midst of writing one, or were struggling to come up with a scenario, he would appear. Luring you into the darkness to join him, allowing yourself to cast away the chains that once held you back.
And thus, you found yourself here again. The same ship, and same voice calling you. It seemed he wished to repeat how you two had met the first time.
“I know, I know...you belo-o-ng to so-omebody ne-e-w,” you heard his voice echoing all around, you recognized the song. It was an older one, one that your mother liked, remembering it from your grandmother’s vinyl collection. What was it called? Patience and Prudence’s…
“But toni-i-ght, you belong, to me…”
Ah, yes. How...oddly fitting. You followed the Seeker’s surprisingly bearable singing, listening and taking note of which direction it was coming from. What would it be tonight, you wondered. A dive into a new situation for the Reader, aka yourself, or something new? Sometimes Screamer himself came up with ideas, of which you would do, if not just to allow him to let you finish. Though you did get your revenge mostly, there were times where you were just wanting some smooth pillow talk. Starscream frankly made you exhausted. In a good way? Honestly, even now, you weren’t sure.
And yet, here you were, about to indulge him yet again.
“My honey I know, I know,” the source of the voice was close. “With the da-a-wn, that yo-o-u, will be go-o-ne,” you saw the cell, yet Starscream wasn’t confined. You couldn’t confine him now, even if you wanted to. “But tonight…” and, if you had to be honest, “You belong,” you didn’t want to. “To me.”
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
Ok, I've been sitting on this awhile (mostly because I worry that my reaction stems from personal feelings, rather than the content of your actual post) but while I agree wwx's arc is not ABOUT trauma, I do think he IS traumatized. Like, he has a literal phobia of dogs due to childhood trauma w/ dogs??? And I take issue with the idea that someone cannot be simultaneously traumatized and resilient/always smiling. I mean, refusing to process and deal with negative experiences and emotions because if you can choose to be happy, why would you choose to be anything else can actually be worse for you than just letting yourself be sad for a little bit. People are supposed to feel the full emotional spectrum and refusing to acknowledge sadness doesn't make someone not actually sad. As someone with a sunny personality who almost always let's things roll off my back, that doesn't mean I don't have trauma to deal, it just means it presents itself in different ways than someone with a different personality. Everyone is entitled to their interpretation of characters, so I'm not trying to say yours is inherently wrong, my point is more that it's not a guarantee that having a happy personality = not traumatized, especially when there are other things to point to them being traumatized.
Hi anon,
I think it’s important to consider the context in which I addressed fandom’s discussions on “WWX’s trauma/ptsd,” which in this case was a response to people explaining many of his behaviours during his first life, from the Sunshot campaign onwards, as resulting from trauma. I never meant to suggest that WWX could not experience trauma, at all, especially since in an earlier post about my thoughts regarding the trauma argument I did highlight that we get in the narrative an example of how WWX reacts when faced with trauma through his cynophobia (although I can’t find that post because it I can’t remember exactly when I shared it 🤷‍♂️). It was more to oppose the ideas that (1) events are inherently traumatic and thus that because these distressing things happened to WWX, WWX must be carrying trauma from them (because if we’re going to use psychology/psycho-analysis for literary analysis, it might be good to consider that the perception of trauma in psychology is not that) and (2) that there are no other narrative or character explanations for those behaviours that are not rooted in trauma. 
In this case, I think the novel makes it clear that while WWX is of course affected emotionally by the events, the things that people point to as resulting from trauma are actually tied to his cultivation methods and him losing control. I do feel like that interpretation is coherent with the authorial intent, which seems to be confirmed in one of MXTX’s interviews. To share here the most relevant possage:
[WN killing JZX] was perfectly an example of how Wei Wuxian was losing control. The more he lost control over his demonic cultivation, the more likely he was going to receive a backlash.
Of course, authorial intent is not the end-all-be-all of everything, and, certainly, there exists probably as many interpretations of a text as there exists readers (or, in the case of MDZS, we should also probably include all the people who haven’t read it but still have an opinion on its content). However, my brand of meta focuses on reading the text closely and challenging interpretations that are floating around in the fandom space against the text itself--the narrative, the characterisation, the themes, the symbolism. To say, ‘perhaps some people tend to associate a certain behaviour with a specific thing (ie, emotional volatility with a traumatic response to a distressing event), however does it seem like the text wants to lead you toward this interpretation? Does the text provide other story-specific explanations, some of which might actually be more cohesive and coherent with the narrative/characterisation/themes (ie, emotional volatility in this specific instance is a side-effect of the influence of modao on WWX and his loss of control)?’ That doesn’t mean I’m always right, of course I’m not. But I also do not prescribe to the belief that every interpretations are equally credible. That is, I do believe that people are entirely free to interpret a text however they choose, even if it means reappropriating the text and completely ignoring parts of it or mentally rewriting parts of it; all the same, I do not think these interpretations are particularly helpful when it comes to understanding and analysing the text itself (though they are interesting in that they help understand how a work is received by certain demographics). So, yes, sometimes I will write posts that aim to contrast certain popular interpretations with what can be gleaned from a close reading of the text. 
In addition, let me clarify that when I contrasted “resilience” with “trauma”, it was not in terms of personality trait so much as a reference to terms used in psychology: where how a person processes a distressing event through a trauma response or through resilience. 
As for the “smiling thing”, I think it is important to remember the context of the discussion, where I cited the novel:
Jiang Yanli said that he was born with a smiling look. No matter what unfortunate thing happened, he wouldn’t cling on to them; no matter what situation he was in, he would be happy. Although it sounded a bit heartless, it really was not bad.
In the original post, I did reframe this quote by acknowledging that yes, smiling is not an inherent proof that someone has never experienced trauma.
To me, this is a clear move from MXTX to position WWX as the kind of protagonist who can face a storm and keep his smile on his face. I can imagine that some people take it perhaps as a subversion, as the text telling us that WWX is weathering it all with a smile but underneath it all he is just a bundle of unaddressed trauma. And that’s certainly a possible interpretation, but it’s not mine. In this case I think the text is being straightforward. What we see of WWX also seems to support that: the way WWX just rolls with being brought back from the death, how easily he finds a way to adapt to things, etc.
That was more of an acknowledgement that wrt this topic, the novel seemed to have chosen a very straightforward approach or, in other words, to choose to not be That Deep. The smiling disposition here is not part of a psychological diagnosis, but simply a story/characterisation shorthand. I also never suggested that this meant that WWX is not affected by events: “ My point is not that WWX is unaffected by the things that happened to him or the things he’s done during this portion of his life: of course he is! Especially as they are happening to him, or when he is still stuck in a very difficult situation. But I don’t think his character and his arc is about trauma”. I think that nuance is important. 
At the end of the day, I do not want to force people to change their minds. I only use my free time to over-analyse a novel and sometimes try to challenge people to reconsider their initial interpretations of the text or their approaches to literary analysis more generally. 
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the-social-recluse · 5 years
On grey morality
(since I’ve seen people getting upset with donghua’s changes)
Despite S2 piling on the additional murder mystery, it has still managed to get away with more blurred boundaries between good and evil than CQL ever did. Thank you for pushing censorship, donghua team! [using Shino’s translations for quotes]
LWJ’s not complacent during the celebration for Wen siblings’ surrender and attempts to speak for the rest (they are still alive, unlike in CQL!) Second Siege WHEN -
Tumblr media
After YL!WWX arrives and confronts JGS and others at Nightless City, he is fine with being blamed as long as he is left alone:
YL!WWX: As long as you no longer touch the rest of the Wen remnants, I'll shoulder all the so-called sins you want to put on me.  - ep.22
[JGS doesn’t listen, WN’s seals break loose (he’s pictured being in Jin’s “custody”) and YL!WWX retaliates. Someone’s tampering makes the Stygian Tiger Seal more powerful, resulting in a summoning of vast amounts of corpses, but he only gets shocked when they get to JYL, therefore assuming the initial defence was meant to be]
We are shown YL!WWX uses the Stygian Tiger Seal at Nightless City on his own impulse after JYL’s death, the resulting havoc, and it’s known he’s destroyed half of STS afterwards (ep.1). It’s known he is the primary expert on demonic cultivation, as well. So what if he seems to be gotten murdered at the end of the First Siege, by somebody else’s scheme? He surely didn’t give up himself, and he knows mistakes were made by him too and not just others:
WWX: [...] No matter how much remorse I felt, things will not change just because of how I feel. People who died will not come back. All the burdens from the past should be left in the past. Now that I'm back, of course I'll need to move forward. - ep.22
Whatever happened, whoever caused it, leave it be on his conscience.
And LWJ understands:
WWX: Probably I've been really overconfident back then. LWJ: Wei Ying. What happened was not your intention. I know ー you have tried your best. - ep.23
Mistakes can happen to anyone, regardless of whom gets involved, we are all human.
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balonlionardo1992 · 4 years
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Exemptions from Ohio Insurance Continuing Education Requirements Ohio State University has posted a  policies page. This information is general in intent. It is not a complete overview of the benefits you may receive. For more information are other considerations, additional resources, and complete guide in your state to ensure compliance with the insurance laws. Ohio requires people to purchase an insurance policy against the risk of a car accident. These limits include the limits for collision, comprehensive and deductibles. Ohio is one of four states that does not require drivers to purchase insurance against theft, damage or loss. As a general rule, drivers should always purchase a specific insurance for coverage against theft. It may cost more per year to repair or replace damaged vehicles. Also, people should ask their insurance agent about policies that will protect them if they are responsible for an accident. As far as coverage against damage to your car, Ohio does not have any comprehensive auto insurance laws. Therefore, if you are in a serious accident in a suburb or rural area, the chances.
Reporting and Ohio Insurance Continuing Education Certificates of Completion
Reporting and Ohio Insurance Continuing Education Certificates of Completion. This certificate is issued by Ohio State University and you must send the certificate to: This insurance policy is not insurance and is not likely to cover any damage to a car. It is not intended to compensate a non-accidentally dependent pedestrian injured by an uninsured individual. However, there is no coverage for damage to the insured driver’s vehicle. It is always advised to carry liability insurance with a $500 deductible in order to protect the other party. In the event of an automobile accident, the victim is likely to suffer injuries if the accident was not your fault. The driver could also incur property damage or damage to the other party’s vehicle. It is the policy of your own insurance company to cover the victim’s injuries, but you will also pay any medical expenses of any people injured. Insurance, or property damage, is not paid for by an uninsured person and is not paid by you unless there has been an injury in the crash. Property damage will not be.
Ohio Insurance Product Training Requirements
Ohio Insurance Product Training Requirements and Certification Program for Insurance and Financial Prep Programs The Georgia Department of Insurance is in charge of licensing insurance licensure, and registration of licensed insurance providers (licensed for both domestic and foreign license). Registration of any licensees for a state license for the licensees, agencies, or any agency fee, may be required, provided in writing submitted by an insurance company licensed in the state, or in a writing prepared by the insurance company. The Georgia Department of Insurance is in charge of licensing insurance licensure, and registration of licensed insurance providers (licensed for both domestic and foreign license). Registration of any licensees for a state license for the licensees, agencies, or any agency fee, may be required, provided in writing submitted by an insurance company licensed in the state, or in a writing prepared by the insurance company. The Georgia Department is in charge of licensing insurance licensure, and registration of licensed insurance providers (.
Ohio Insurance Continuing Education Course Requirements
Ohio Insurance Continuing Education Course Requirements To avoid penalties under these circumstances, we strongly recommend complete the Continuing Education Exam and submit one-page, on the certificate of insurance for your desired certificate to ensure that you are adequately prepared. Please make sure to read our carefully. If you do not pass, we strongly encourage you to complete the Exam online in Spanish or other approved language before proceeding. If you didn t come across the following error you should immediately contact us. Please keep in mind that by registering to receive instant insurance data or contacting us, you acknowledge that these were our poor choices. If you fail to pass or fail to report any non-payment while in the school zone, you can only register immediately for your course in a different field than class, your course is cancelled and cannot go. To avoid any penalties, we strongly recommended you submit one-page, on the certificate of insurance for your desired certificate to ensure that you are adequately prepared. Please make sure to read our carefully.
Non-Resident Ohio Insurance Continuing Education Requirements
Non-Resident Ohio Insurance Continuing Education Requirements Uniform: N/A Student Housing (1 year) Hospitals and/or Medical Facilities (4-7 days) Accommodation in a separate building (within the school’s hallways must be reserved for students and parents attending classes here) Rates: $130 per week Student Housing – $130 / week Other Services & Benefits (at school) Accident & Injuries (at school), and the other student must be covered for this benefit in order to drive normally. See details below. What is the average cost of insurance for students in Ohio? Uniform: N/A Student Housing – $120 per week Medical - $10 per day Accident & Injuries (at school) Rates: $140/ week Student Housing – $160 per week Medical – $15 per day Accident &.
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clowngore · 7 years
thank you for tagging me ?? @fucktional-slytherpuff idk you but wow great Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people. 1. What is your nickname? nizh probably 2. What is your zodiac sign? sagittarius 3. What is your favorite book series? i can't read 4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? hell ya 5. Who is your favorite author? i can't read 6. What is your current favorite song? tbh the first youtube result for kashmir metal cover because kashmir is the song gwendoline thinks of when she's in character as phasma so it's like, her theme song, but the metal cover fits her more y'know 7. What is your favorite word? fuck 8. What was the last song you listened to? haunted mansion theme song 9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? game of thrones bc i'm stereotypical 10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? idfk but airplane and tombstone are always things i'll watch 11. Do you play video games? (sims music playing) (minecraft grass blocks breaking) (star wars lego theme song) yeah i'm a gamer B) 12. What is your biggest fear? being average 13. What is your best quality, in your opinion? every single thing i love myself 14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my ability to get overwhelmed after being alive for .5 seconds 15. What is your favorite season? autumn? or winter but i just really love halloween 16. Are you in a relationship? nah 17. What is something you miss from your childhood? cali-fucking-fornia 18. Who is your best friend? yumi n izzy n felix are the best friend trio 19. What is your eye color? l ight br o wn ?? ? 20. What is your hair color? rn it's purple but naturally it's dark brown almost black 21. Who is someone you love? the goddess of the universe who saved all of our souls simply by existing, gwendoline christie, 22. Who is someone you trust? the friend trio 23. Who is someone you think about often? ....................gwen 24. Are you currently excited about/for something? death 25. What is your biggest obsession? star wars or game of thrones idk 26. What was your favorite TV show as a child? spongebob hell yea 27. Do you have any unusual phobias? cherophobia 28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? both 29. What is your favorite hobby? crying 30. What was the last book you read? i can't read 31. What was the last movie you watched? my cousin vinny i think 32. What musical instruments do you play, if any? sort of guitar but i'm shit 33. What is your favorite animal? bears bears bears bears bears 34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? literally blog that consistently posts abt gwendoline 35. What superpower do you wish you had? shapeshifting 36. When and where do you feel most at peace? in my room, at night, aaaaaaaa and also the haunted mansion and pirates of the caribbean (the disneyland rides) lmao my childhood 37. What makes you smile? gwendoline. captain phasma. brienne of tarth. people complimenting me. cool clothing. me, when i look good. 38. What sports do you play, if any? is suffering a sport 39. What is your favorite drink? i fucking love matcha frappuccino with two shots of espresso 40. Are you afraid of heights? more like "don't push (person) off don't push them off don't push don't push them do not push them off don't do it i swear to god if you push them, which you will not, i will kill you do not push them" 41. What is your biggest pet peeve? gender roles and biases 42. Have you ever been to a concert? (laughs for an uncomfortably long time) (wipes tear) yeah 43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? an actor or a singer or a president and damn nizh 2/3 44. What fictional world would you like to live in? star wars fuckin duh 45. What is something you worry about? currently school and This Person 46. Are you scared of the dark? nah 47. Do you like to sing? FUCK YEah 48. Have you ever skipped school? refer to 42 49. What is your favorite place on the planet? my room or disneyland 50. Where would you like to live? kerry co ireland or outside of sapporo japan 51. Do you have any pets? ya i got a cat n a dog 52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl 53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? i like when the sun is on the opposite side of the world 54. Do you know how to drive? ): 55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones kill me 56. Have you ever had braces? yeah it's hell 57. What is your favorite genre of music? is rock too vague 58. Who is your hero? i can't answer these questions with anything other than gwendoline dhjsfjkdjs 59. Do you read comic books? i wish i would get around to it 60. What makes you the most angry? refer to 41 61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? i like real books but i'm so lazy that i'm more likely to read digital 62. What is your favorite subject in school? leaving 63. Do you have any siblings? unfortunately i have two 64. What was the last thing you bought? that implies that i have money to spend (probably clothes) 65. How tall are you? 5'0 or 5'1 idk 66. Can you cook? can i use my brain ever 67. What are three things that you love? gwendoline, my ego, sleeping 68. What are three things that you hate? refer to 42, homophobes/transphobes, overwhelming things 69. What is your sexual orientation? bi???? idk but i love girls and in between and boys are kinda iffy i'm not sure if i like them i don't think so but it's Confusing 70. Where do you currently live? unfortunately the united states of prejudice 71. Who was the last person you texted? yumi 72. When was the last time you cried? idk last night prolly 73. Who is your favorite YouTuber? no one ? 74. Do you like to take selfies? ya way too much but it's justified bc i'm great 75. What is your favorite app? tumblr idk 76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? it's fine 77. What is your favorite foreign accent? gwen's 78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? idfk i'm too tired for this 79. What is your favorite number? 13 because i like to be edgy 80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? space, the ocean is confining 81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? idk i do what i want to 82. Are you allergic to anything? chocolate. dairy. idk 83. Can you wiggle your ears? i don't think so? 84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? i'm never wrong 85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? hhhhhhhhhhhhh idk??????? 86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? nobody has given me advice but, everything gwen says is rly good and basically what i can say is: do things that you want if they, logically, make sense and are reasonable and don't hurt anyone. rules that are based on nothing and are just rules to be rules don't need to be followed. judge whether people need to be respected, only respect authority that deserves respect. society is wrong most of the time. if people don't like you it's not your problem and they can cry about it, you're still great and just because some ugly loser is wrong about you doesn't mean that you're automatically worse. 87. Are you a good liar? i'm an actor so 88. What is your Hogwarts House? idk 89. Do you talk to yourself? mhm 90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert 91. Do you keep a journal/diary? i don't even keep my thoughts consistently 92. Do you believe in second chances? depends 93. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yeah but i don't wanna be the one to do it 94. Are you ticklish? literally nowhere 95. Have you ever been on a plane? ya a shitload 96. Do you have any piercings? my ears twice but i want more 97. What fictional character do you wish was real? literally take a fuckin guess (phasma) 98. Do you have any tattoos? god i wish 99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? refer to 86. the decision to not care and to judge things for myself def makes me feel better about myself and the world because the pressures of society need to fuck off 100. Do you believe in karma? sorta 101. Do you wear glasses or contacts? no 102. Do you want children? adopt older (10+) children when i'm older 103. Who is the smartest person you know? lmao me (idk) 104. What is your most embarrassing memory? when i was in kindergarten this girl said her favorite color was either pink or purple and i really aggressively raised my hand pointing 1 finger and said "black!!" and everyone stared at me and my life has never been that bad 105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? way too many times 106. What color are most of you clothes? black 107. Do you like adventures? idk i don't do shit 108. Have you ever been on TV? god i wish 109. How old are you? no 110. What is your favorite quote? "i became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity" and it's not because of the emo reason you think it actually makes sense if i explain it 111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? idk 112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you? side-eyes That Person 113. What is your favorite scent? cold 114. Random fact you know? every penny made before 1982 is actually almost fully copper, and if melted down is worth 2 cents 115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships? hard. just, really hard. not sure if it's worth it 
Tagging: @yumikoflare @one-bad-apple @boxer-pup @erosiian @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell and if anyone else wants to do them you should message me so i know to tag you in the future LOL
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takerfoxx · 8 years
“The True Meaning of Christmas” Thoughts
Disappointing reception aside, I still really liked this story, and it’s worth talking about. So let’s jump in!
Like I said earlier, the premise for this special was actually recycled from the original idea I had for A Very Nineball Christmas, in which the various members of Team Nineball would try to explain the true meaning of Christmas to one another, with each explanation being more outlandish and inaccurate than the last. This was scrapped for reasons that I no longer remember, and the plot of Daiyousei's gift-hunting adventure was used instead. I always had an idea of writing a sequel that recycled the original idea, but it never materialized. However, when I was about ready to call the whole Christmas special thing quits on account of not having any ideas for another PMMM story, I realized that that old idea could be easily adapted into a PMMM setting, so the decision was made.
I knew from the get-go that I didn't want to make it a Resonance Days story, since the show's original setting worked just fine. I also knew I wanted it to be post-Rebellion since Nagisa was perfect for a sort of Little Timmy character for the other characters to try to explain things to. There were some changes to canon though. Everyone's still contracted with Kyubey in this version, even though the end of Rebellion implied that Homura had resolved to take care of the remaining Wraiths herself and would certainly not want Madoka anywhere near another contract. This was ignored to keep things at least somewhat familiar, as delving too far into what-if's would just distract from the story I was trying to tell. Granted, I did indulge in that little deviation with Madoka's vague Christianity, which, as I mentioned, just came from the particular English subs on my copy and doesn't seem to appear anywhere else, but it didn't change too much and stayed within the bounds of acceptable deviation, so it was kept.
Mami's story was sort of tricky. I wanted her to handle the family aspect given what happened to her parents, but unfortunately, the whole happy family at Christmas thing isn't the sort of thing that fills pages. In fact, originally it just had the one page and ended with her going downstairs and finding her parents waiting for her. But as the other stories kept getting longer and longer, I realized I had to beef hers up at least a little, so the whole bit with the arrows and the snowballs was added. Personally I would have liked to have done more, but even that bit of stretching was hard enough as it was, so I just left it.
Now, before I get to Kyoko and Sayaka's stories, let me just take a moment to comment on those two. See, it's no secret that they're my favorite PMMM characters, and I ship them oh so very hard. But the funny thing is, despite writing one of the biggest and certainly the longest KyoSaya fic running currently for the last four years or so, I realized during this story that I had never really written an actual interaction between them. Everything in Resonance Days was all Kyoko and Oktavia, and to date they had never hooked up. They did in Walpurgis Nights, but again, that's Ophelia and Oktavia, not Kyoko and Sayaka. Close, but not quite the actual thing. So this was the first time I ever got to write Kyoko Sakura and Sayaka Miki in a scene together that wasn't a flashback or a dream. And since this is my story and I do what I want, I just went ahead, killed the subtext, and made them straight-up gay for each other. And let me tell you: it was fun, especially since I got to get rid of Kyoko's cynicism and Sayaka's holier-than-thou attitude. As a result, I got a pair of wonderful goofballs that just bounced off one another beautifully. Getting the same chemistry out of Kyoko and Oktavia is always kind of difficult, since there's usually a melancholy note that dampens it. But this was just a delight, and I hope to be able to do something similar in the future.
Okay, let's get to their own stories. I had Sayaka cover Santa Claus, since she's the energetic, fun-loving one even in the original series. And because it's her, I had her butcher it terribly and turn it into her own weird fantasy where she coos over Nagisa (which she totally would) and eventually turns it into a cheesy Sailor Moon-esque show with skimpy outfits and Homura as the evil queen. Because she totally would. That one alternated between being fun and breezy to surprisingly difficult. It's easy to parody something that you are very familiar with, but seeing how I never watched Sailor Moon, I got stuck sometimes. It's easy for me to do silly. I am great with silly. But intentionally cheesy is another kettle of fish, and it proved to be more difficult than I expected.
Anyway, of course Kyoko would handle the Nativity, given her religious background. This story was probably the easiest of the bunch, since I already knew the Nativity story backwards and forwards. But what kind of held me up was exactly how to approach. I'll get into a little more in depth about my own feelings toward Christmas's religious aspects a little later, but even so, if I had her recite the actual Nativity story like Linus did in Charlie Brown Christmas it wouldn't have worked at all. For one, if you're going to go that route, you have to go all in like Peanuts did, and that just wouldn't have worked. It would've stuck out like a sore thumb, taken attention away from the rest of the story, and since I don't personally adhere to the religious aspects of Christmas, it would have felt fake and forced coming from me. Believe it or not, I personally feel that the lighthearted, irreverent parody I went with instead would have been less disrespectful instead, since it was made clear that it was just Kyoko having some fun, the other characters interrupted her constantly to tell her how much she was screwing up the story, and it never directed insulted the source material. Even so, while it was funny and the easiest of the stories, it was also kind of uncomfortable, as even though I don't go personally see Christmas as a religious thing, I don't want to disrespect those who do. That's just not me. So that was a bit of a tightrope to walk, but hopefully no one was offended.
All right, moving on to the next two. Again, it's weird to think about, but even with Walpurgis Nights being a thing, this was the first time I actually had a story that included Madoka and Homura. It was the first time they ever got lines. And that's just weird. For Madoka, I just copied how I did Gretchen in WN, but Homura was…well, I've been doing cold, sarcastic, and contemptuous characters for a while, so she was surprisingly easy to write for. Madoka's story had some issues going in though. I knew I wanted her to cover the romance thing, but like I've mentioned before, that sort of thing just doesn't come easy to me. Mami and Charlotte is pretty easy at this point since I've been developing their characters for so long and worked really hard at making their relationship believable, but this sort of cutesy one-off…well, it took some work and lots of rewriting. It kept veering into Homura almost guiltily confessing how she had brainwashed everyone, and obviously I couldn't include that, so for once I actually had to stop a scene from taking its own path and write something safer, which is not something I do often. I also had to figure out a way to explain why Madoka was sharing such an intimate moment with everyone when she hadn't even admitted that she and Homura were dating, and also find a reason why Homura wouldn't stop her. As such, the whole gimmick of her accidentally transmitting the memory to her soul gem was thought up. For that I feel it worked pretty well. I also got a kick out of the whole bit where Madoka is all embarrassed about coming clean, while everyone else is like, "Yeah, no shit you're gay." It was sort of difficult to think of an explanation for why she and her parents would skip out on having Christmas morning together. At least her totally not canon religiousness came in handy for that.
Anyway, things got darker during Mami's little emotional episode, though Homura did help turn things around. Funny thing is, I always loved the Homucifer twist in Rebellion, since it was a wonderfully dark way to take things, no one saw it coming, but it made perfect sense in hindsight. But I also acknowledge just how messed up Homura became and the many unfortunate implications there are concerning the extent she took her brainwashing of everyone else, especially seeing how she essentially erased Madoka and Sayaka's friendship. But those were implications for another story and I wanted to keep things light, so I just went a vague acknowledgement that this was indeed Homucifer and went for a more optimistic interpretation of her actions and left it at that.
Obviously Homura would be the one to set the record straight at the end, given how few fucks she's giving these days. And of course it would be a dry, Spock-esque recital, complete with her quoting Linus's famous line. Now to do this scene, I had to go back and do a little research of my own. I already knew that it wasn't actually Jesus's birthday and a lot is borrowed from ancient pagan holidays. And I had a fair idea of where Santa came from, and knew about Japan's own Christmas traditions. But a lot surprised me. Turns out Christmas has a really gnarly, and sometimes downright bloody history. Thank God a lot of it is no longer done, but things like caroling and gingerbread men come from some twisted sources. Also, I had heard about the connection between Odin and Santa, but this was the first time I had it confirmed. Turns out there's a lot of old Norse traditions sticking around, which is weird and really cool. But anyway, I felt it was a nice way to end things, with the confirmation that since Christmas has a really weird history that borrows from several dozen sources, everyone's reasons for celebrating it are equally valid.
Now that being said, let's get personal for a moment here. For me personally, Christmas is a weird time. Part of it is due to how I always have to work on it, and Christmas shifts are always pretty stressful, so that's a big bah humbug. And it gets harder to figure out what to get people every year. Further to the point, I was actually raised in a Christian household, so for many years the whole Jesus's birth was really important to me. But as I got older and learned more about the holiday's history I got more and more disillusioned with that bit. I mean I didn't come to have a problem with Christianity itself and certainly never had an issue with anyone who chose to celebrate Jesus's birthday on Christmas. But watching such dumbness like the War on Christmas and people getting all worked up about such things like "Taking the Christ out of Christmas" and moaning about secularization and all that when it was never actually Jesus's birthday to begin with…well, I didn't like it, let's just say that. It just seems like a dumb hill to die on, and seeing people I know and love still carrying on about it just really bothers me.
But even so, while I may be more cynical about Christmas these days, I can't deny that there's just something special about it. I still remember looking forward to it every year, the excitement of giving and receiving gifts, family all getting together and having a great time back before my aunts starting fighting, and just that feeling in the air. I still love Christmas music, Christmas decorations, and just that overall Christmas feel, and while I do like my job, getting my Christmases back is one thing I am really looking forward to once I finally leave.
So I guess right now my feelings toward Christmas are mostly in line with Homura and Sayaka's. There is something weirdly special about it, and it should be a fun day. And all the reasons for celebrating it are equally valid. So let's please stop with the dumb arguing and just have fun together, okay?
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 22/11/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Friday, November 22nd, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Weekend Nation Newspaper (DN).
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NO INFERIOR FUEL FROM BNCOL –There is nothing wrong with the quality of fuel which is being imported by the Barbados National Oil Company Limited (BNOCL). This was made clear yesterday by the company’s chairman Alex McDonald, who said the company had received no complaints from other entities which had used the same fuel as the Barbados Light and Power (BL&P). Following two days of islandwide power outages, the BL&P’s managing director Roger Blackman blamed the blackouts on contaminated fuel. It was reported that new streams of phenol and aldehydes were found in the fuel and had caused the problems. However, speaking during a press conference yesterday at Ilaro Court, McDonald maintained that BNOCL was not importing “inferior” fuel. He said the BNOCL had been importing fuel from two companies, Novum and Vitol, for some time without any issues. “The light and power’s machinery is intolerant to the fuel that is being used. The spec had changed a bit and we have constantly maintained a spec that the light and power has asked us for. What we are trying to do now is to work with the light and power to deliver the fuel without the phenols that have been added to that fuel. “So we have to be careful that there is not an impression that the BNOCL is bringing an inferior quality of fuel. It is a different type of fuel, but light and power is now saying that this spec is not good for our machines,” McDonald explained. “The fact that it can be used to burn in the other machines means clearly that it is a usable fuel.” McDonald said since 1983 the BNTCL [Barbados National Terminal Oil Company Limited] had been bringing “high quality, dependable fuel” for everyone. He said while they had brought in “hundreds of shipments” this particular shipment was the first which had been questioned. (BT)
PAYBACK – Barbados’ utility regulator is giving the assurance that investigations are being carried out regarding the recent power outages, and “an appropriate action” will then be taken regarding compensation.This comes amidst increasing calls from residents and business operators for the Barbados Light & Power Company (BL&P) to provide compensation for two consecutive days of intermittent power outages earlier this week. Information Specialist with the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) Nekaelia Hutchinson-Holder was not in a position to say if customers would definitely be reimbursed for the break in service, or when. However, she pointed out that there was a process that affected customers had to go through. “Investigations are still ongoing as to the circumstances surrounding this week’s electricity outages,” said Hutchinson-Holder. “As a result, appropriate action with regard to claims will be determined following an examination of the nature and cause of the outages,” she said. On Monday morning around 7:29, the BL&P’s approximately 130,000 customers were left without electricity, some for as much as 15 hours. While about 50 per cent of the power had been restored around 3 p.m. the entire island was not restored until about 11 p.m. Again on Tuesday morning, the power went off and due to load sharing, customers then witnessed intermittent outages, which was compounded by water outages. The BL&P blamed contaminated fuel and aging generators for the disruption in service, which took individuals and businesses by surprise. The board of the electric utility company was asked to meet on the matter of compensation, but officials promised to speak to customers on that issue at a later date. In a brief statement, Hutchinson-Holder told Barbados TODAY the claims process for the BL&P included the completion of the Guaranteed Standards of Service Claim form on the BL&P website. “The form should be completed and returned to the BL&P’s customer service office at Garrison Hill, St Michael within three months of the date of the event giving rise to the claim,” she said. “The utility must then be given 14 business days to address the claim. If the customer is not satisfied with the outcome, they may contact the Fair Trading Commission for assistance. The Standards of Service, which outline each standard and the corresponding compensation when the standard is breached, may be accessed at the Utility Regulation link at www.ftc.gov.bb. Compensation is generally given in the form of a credit on the customer’s account,” she added. She also pointed out that in the case where an outage arises due to circumstances outside of the utility’s control, the utility company would be exempt from the standards of service requirements. (BT)
WE NEED WORKERS –With retirement and death rates taking more workers out of the labour force than birth rates can replace them, Government is to introduce “managed migration” in order to provide enough skilled workers to sustain economic growth and prosperity, Minister of Home Affairs Edmund Hinkson said yesterday. Immigration will also guarantee pensions and benefits security to those who have contributed and retired, Hinkson told a citizenship induction ceremony for 64 new Barbadians at the National Union of Public Workers’ Horatio Cooke Auditorium. He said: “In the last five years, between 2014 and 2018, our rate of natural increase has hovered between 1.2 and -0.4, with our rate of population growth between those years being in the negative — -0.2 per cent in 2014 and 2015, and -0.4 per cent in 2016, 2017 and 2018.” Contrasting this decline with the population increase in the baby boom years around Independence, he added: “Our birth rate in 1970 was 20.3 per 1,000 people, our death rate was 8.7 per 1,000. In other words we have a rate of natural increase of 11.6 per 1,000 in 1970. Almost two-and-a-half children were being born more than people were dying 50 years ago.” Hinkson told a roomful of the new citizens, their well-wishers and Immigration Department officials that Government is drastically revising its policies on citizenship widening the scope for more people to become Barbadians, given that the population trend and the need to propel the Barbadian economy past a three-per cent growth rate. He further quoted census figures that showed Barbados’ population has grown only by approximately 35,000 people in the last 50 years. In 1970, the population was 240,000; in 1980, 249,000; in 1990, 260,000; in 2000, 269,000 and in 2010, 276,000. He said: “Last year December, the latest month for which empirical statistics [were] done, our population size was 273,000,” quoting Barbados Statistical Service figures. Hinkson said the answer to this inadequate birth rate in a nation with aspirations for advanced economic growth lay in managed migration. He declared: “Our continued prosperity, our sustained growth, socio-economic development. “The deepening of the quality of our economic growth depends on our attracting requisite skills and expertise not only from CARICOM countries but from outside our region particularly in the Diaspora of our country.” While encouraging Barbadians to bear as many children as they wish, he dismissed former Education Minister Ronald Jones’ suggestion that women must get more babies as the immediate solution, “because a baby conceived today, born nine months from now will only become an income earner in 20 years’ time at the very least. Before that, the state has to look after that child’s education, health, etcetera”. He added: “We have in the last 20 to 25 years been experiencing growth at two to three per cent. “We had a lost decade where we experienced negative growth every year. “A growth of even three per cent cannot sustain a country.” The Home Affairs Minister said that there is a need for “people who are willing to come to Barbados to live, to work, to produce, show commitment to this country for us to grow”. He said this drive to boost the island’s population with adults adding to the workforce is similar to that of the United States, a nation of immigrants – including Barbadians – who built it. He compared Barbados at 670 square kilometres to Singapore, with an area of 721.5 square kilometres but while Barbados has 273,000 people, the Asian island nation boasts a population of five million. Hinkson noted that Singapore gained independence only a year before Barbados, as a village-like economy being essentially only a transhipment point for other countries’ cargo. But owing to managed migration, he said, Singapore grew its population and has become a “leading country in the world in terms of competitiveness, ease of doing business, a modern country”. He declared Singapore “a country that is essentially made up of people from various nations… a model country”. (BT)
WORKERS UNHURT IN WELL FLOOR COLLAPSE – There was near catastrophe at the Barbados Water Authority’s (BWA) Hampton Pumping Station in St Philip yesterday when the well floor collapsed. Minister of Water Resources Wilfred Abrahams said workmen in the well-escaped injury because of the safety precautions which the BWA had instituted. “Due to the safety precautions with people wearing harnesses, nobody was injured in the process but workers on the site had to work exceedingly hard to stop the pumps from dropping into the well,” he said during a post-Cabinet press conference at Government Headquarters. Abrahams explained that Hampton was the last of the pumping stations the BWA was trying to get back online in an effort to restore water to districts such as Durants and other areas of Christ Church, and St Philip. The intention was to have the pumping station working at full capacity by today, but he said this was no longer possible. (WN)
PM REVEALS VISION 2030 – As the Government prepares to unveil its Vision 2020, Prime Minister  Mia Mottley revealed a personal vision for a Barbados in the 2030s where all young people are full of confidence, bilingual, able to swim, unafraid to take business risks and are taking part in a sport or the arts. And she suggested that if this vision was made possible there would be less feeling of alienation among the youth and less likely to get involved in antisocial behaviour. Mottley also suggested that it would result in a lower chance of young people “risking life and limb to do ignorance either on the road or to themselves”, and instead, they would be more confident to “take on the world”.  “That is the kind of Barbados that we want,” said the Prime Minister . “One that is defined collectively by the kind of young Barbadians we want to build and nurture and foster such that they will speak with purpose and passion… from wherever they are in this nation.”  But her message fell on the ears of a modest gathering of mostly elderly people at the St Mary’s Church in The City on Wednesday, as she inaugurated a  series of monthly Barbados 2019 and Beyond lectures. Declaring that it was her mission to help “build the kind of society that has a large middle-class”, Mottley said it was for this reason that her administration was committed to the deconstruction and reconstruction of the educational system, which she wants to “unleash more creative and passionate citizens”. “That is why we reintroduced free tertiary education last year even while being in the middle of an [International Monetary Fund] programme,” she said. Mottley argued that the current education system was constructed to focus on a minority while “carrying along the rest to be orderly and capable of taking instructions”. But the Prime Minister  insisted that every child should be given the opportunity to be the best they could be, adding that “deconstructing our educational system has taken far longer than we had hoped for”. She said: “Our educational system cannot be about training lawyers and doctors, priests and teachers, but it has to be about unleashing a purposeful, compassionate, passionate, disciplined and creative citizens. “We have said that by 2030 every child under the age of 18 must be prepared for the lives that they can live in order to help unleash this country’s greatest potential.”  Mottley also hinted at an ambivalent position on corporal punishment in schools. She said: “I am not going to tell you that some level of a lash or two is bad because people respond in different ways to different things. “What I think we have to be clear about is that corporal punishment in the form of abuse is completely unacceptable, but a lash never hurt anybody with a ruler or a belt.” She also pointed to the need for parental education, saying that there were many “children raising children” and they needed guidance, something Mottley said she already mentioned to Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw. Describing her vision for the country as a “mission-critical activity that has to be nationwide”, Mottley called on the church, community organizations and other civil society groups to come out of their comfort zones and work closely with Government to help young people who need help. She said: “My government has set out some very simple objectives for our period in office in this country. “We believe that we can build a better and stronger Barbados but we believe that stronger and better Barbados is the sum total of the actions of our people, and that it is our duty, if the people of this country allow us, over the course of the next decade to lay the foundation that will secure the next 50 years of our nation as an independent country and the way we do it is by unleashing the purpose and passion in our people.” (BT)
INVESTORS CONFERENCE AT AIRPORT COMING –A wide variety of stakeholders can expect to hear about investment opportunities for the proposed Public-Private Partnership (PPP) at the Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA) when an investors’ conference takes place later this month. Investment promotion agencies, construction companies, financiers, entrepreneurs, and service providers are among those likely to be interested in attending the Local Investors’ Conference and learning about the PPP. The conference will be held on November 27, at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre. A public-private partnership (PPP) is a way to fund public infrastructure projects and is structured as a contractual engagement between public and private entities for their mutual benefit. PPPs are primarily used for providing infrastructure in areas such as transportation systems, including airports and ports, energy, water and sanitation, building and equipping schools and hospitals. At the conference, it is expected that officials from GAIA Inc. will give background on the airport and its operations, as well as the opportunities in the context of the future redevelopment of GAIA under a PPP arrangement. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), which is advising GAIA Inc. on the PPP, will give details on the proposed structure of the partnership, opportunities for local investors and expected timelines on the process. Minister of Tourism and International Transport, Kerrie Symmonds said that the conference is another development in the process of finding a suitable and qualified partner to operate the facility. “There will be opportunities for local and foreign investment in the airport, which will be a positive development for Barbados. The PPP is also likely to have sub-contracting opportunities for local firms in areas such as civil works, food and retail businesses, financing and insurance providers,” he added. Simmons said GAIA Inc. was seeking an experienced, qualified private investor to operate, expand and improve operations at the airport to assist with driving increases in revenue and further enhancing quality of service. To achieve further growth and the expected increase in passenger numbers, the airport needs to be expanded. He said: “It makes sense for this expansion to be funded privately so that Government does not have to make a large financial outlay. Across the world, Governments are turning more to the private sector as an alternative, additional source of funding to narrow the funding gap and alleviate constraints on public resources.” Speaking to the proposed benefits, Acting Chief Executive Officer of GAIA Inc., Terry Layne noted: “Through this partnership, the operations of the airport are set to be transformed through enhanced services, efficiencies and amenities. And we see this happening in a way beneficial to the airport, the economy and the country. “Users of the airport can expect to see an expansion and a new layout to improve traffic flows in the terminal building to meet international, industry recommendations and projected increased traffic,” Mr. Layne added. The airport CEO also explained that the proposed PPP for GAIA is not a sale of an asset. “The Government and People of Barbados will retain ownership of the infrastructure, but the private partner will be granted a concession or lease for a number of years to expand, operate and maintain the facility until the end of the contractual period,” he said. In the case of the airport, the partnership is expected to last up to 30 years. GAIA Inc. is working with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) on the PPP. The IFC is the private sector arm of the World Bank Group and offers advisory and investment services. It is advising GAIA Inc. in the process of finding the most qualified airport operator for the airport. This will take place through an open, transparent and competitive tender process. The final say by GAIA Inc. and Government on which operator will be awarded the contract will be based on the outcome of the evaluation of bids received, against the pre-established criteria set. The tender for the new airport operator is likely to be awarded in the third quarter of 2020 with operations being fully handed over in early 2021. (WN)
BREXIT COULD YEILD FARM WORK BOUNTY – Britain’s impending withdrawal from the European Union – could present the possibility of a farm labour programme of the kind that has sent Barbadians to pick fruits and vegetables in Canada and the US for the last half-century, the Government has confirmed. Minister of Labour Colin Jordan and  Barbadian-born British consultant, Cristopher Griffith, an agent with the programme have held talks to discuss the project. (BT)
UWI, GOVERNMENT AGREE PUBLIC SERVICE TRAINING INITIATIVE –The Government and the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill have signed an agreement to improve the training of public servants. During the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding yesterday at llaro Court, Principal of the Cave Hill Campus, Professor Eudine Barriteau, revealed that the UWI’s Centre for Professional Development and Lifelong Learning (CPDLL) is to be tapped to help develop public workers’ skills. Professor Barriteau said professional training is critical as an efficient and effective public service is necessary. She said: “As this MOU emphasizes, the UWI has the capacity to improve public sector leadership, strengthen management capability and enrich research skills, all towards enhancing the crafting of public policy. “At the university, we intend to use our expertise to strengthen public sector training and research so as to improve the quality and efficiency of the public service in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. “Every country needs a public service that operates effectively, efficiently and innovatively as it engages the public, monitors the progress of projects, tackles problems and makes strategic decisions. “This requires ongoing access to training and education to acquire the requisite knowledge that is vital for operating in today’s global environment. “Through the CPDLL, UWI Cave Hill provides that facility to employees. This Centre caters to the learning needs of a wide range of individuals seeking to remain competitive or who want to enhance their immediate employment prospects. “With over 50 short courses covering a comprehensive and extensive variety of areas, individuals are able to enhance their career prospects.” Signing the MOU for the Government, Prime Minister  Mia Mottley said Barbados in 2019 could not replicate the precepts of the plantation system in how it managed its offices and institutions, saying this would be counter-productive. Said the Prime Minister : “It cannot unlock the productivity and the creation of wealth that this country needs to move to the next stage and to transform. “A colonial public service that is as hierarchical in structure as the plantation systems cannot unlock and unleash the productivity and the creation of wealth in this country.” Mottley said Government had a vision for the public service, which could be accomplished if all public servants go to work and give of their best at all times. She said: “The mission that we have set is equally intended to be very simple and capable of being understood, appreciated and embraced by every single employee within the public service and I must add, those within the political sphere who come to work with the public servants. “And the mission simply put is this: ‘We come to work and to make a positive difference in the lives of our people. We will make this difference by delivering world-class service in a creative way that is fair and honest. We will treat those whom we serve just as we would wish to be treated and excellence shall always be our hallmark.’” (BT)
TAPS STILL DRY FOR SOME RESIDENTS – Government yesterday announced that the majority of the Barbados Water Authority’s (BWA) pumping stations were back in operation, following days of shortages as a result of islandwide power outages on Monday and Tuesday. Minister of Water Resources Wilfred Abrahams warned that the levels in the reservoirs remained low and it would take another 24 hours for them to return to normal. However, as he spoke, residents in some parts of St Joseph were crying out over dry taps, dry standpipes and issues with the community tanks. Giving an update on the situation at a press briefing at Government Headquarters, Abrahams said the Castle Grant system which supplied water to customers in St Joseph was still being replenished, as it was yet to reach a level that would allow pumping to resume to areas supplied by that system. Low water levels also delayed pumping at the Apes Hill pumping station, he reported, while the Ionics desalination plant on Spring Garden was back online, since that was one of the priority areas for reconnection by the Barbados Light & Power if the electricity went down. (WN)
SODOMY LAWS AGAINST BIBLE TEACHINGS – Indefensible. That is how one lawyer has described Barbados’ anti-sodomy laws as he works closely with the local Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTI) community to have them struck down. In fact, Maurice Tomlinson, a Jamaican attorney based in Canada predicts Government’s failure to respond to a recent challenge by the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on the matter will leave the country at the mercy of the Inter American Court of Human Rights. Based on Barbados’ commitments to that court, he told Barbados TODAY the Government could find itself in a similar position to that of June 2018 when the mandatory death penalty was struck down as unconstitutional by the Caribbean Court of Justice. In a recent interview, Tomlinson pointed out that the Government should have responded by the end of October to the case being championed by transgender woman, Alexa Hoffman. In the absence of that response, he said the next step is to ask the IACHR to act. “Our next step is to ask the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to proceed to a full hearing if Barbados doesn’t provide any defence and I suspect they can’t provide a defence because the law is indefensible,” he said.
Barbados is reportedly the only Anglophone Caribbean country to find itself in the peculiar position. This is because it is the only state which recognizes the jurisdiction of the Inter American Court on Human Rights and is therefore bound by its decisions. “If the commission recommends that Barbados scraps the law and Barbados ignores the commission, then the commission can take Barbados to the Inter American Court and if the court issues a ruling, it will be binding on Barbados and this has happened in relation to your death penalty and other matters…” the Canadian-based lawyer explained. He added: “If Barbados ignores this ruling, then a domestic matter may be able to be taken up again, perhaps to the Caribbean Court of Justice, which would basically reinforce what the Inter-American court has said…and I suspect very strongly, based on what the commission and the court have said in the jurisprudence, they will find that this law violates human rights according to the Inter American convention.” On November 11, the IACHR heard a similar challenge to Jamaica’s anti-sodomy laws, on behalf of a gay couple there and attorneys, are expecting a result within the next two months. This, Tomlinson pointed out was the next logical step for Barbados. With the legal storm brewing, Attorney General Dale Marshall has been silent on the issue. In the meantime, and amid constant backlash from some christians, Tomlinson, an Anglican, has revealed plans to engage local church leaders in robust dialogue during a conference next April. He explained that the event, dubbed an Intimate Conviction Conference about Anti-Buggery Laws, was a response to the “heightened rhetoric” by some Caribbean churches opposed to cases challenging anti-sodomy laws. “Both as Christians and as lawyers, we think the best way to resolve these kinds of thorny issues is through dialogue, not throwing words at each other on the pulpit or on the streets. We need to think about the people that are being impacted and how we can respect everyone’s rights, while stridently holding our positions, but not doing any harm while we do so,” said Tomlinson. So far, he reported a very good, but not overwhelming response to the event which is slated for April 24-26 next year and added that some church leaders have consented to attend and even present their perspectives. This, he said was a marked improvement from what transpired in Jamaica when a similar conference had been held and some Christian leaders called for a boycott. Speakers from Africa, Asia, Latin-America, North America, Europe, and the Caribbean are expected to present arguments for and against the preservation of existing laws. Tomlinson was however clear about his views on the subject and argued that for him, existing buggery laws go against the core principles of Christianity. “As a Christian in my research of the scriptures and according to my church, the Anglican church, you cannot theologically justify maintaining a law which criminalises what people do with their own bodies as long as it does not harm anybody else, because that is the whole principle behind free will, that’s the whole principle of when Jesus said, ‘He who is without sin cast the first stone’,” said Tomlinson.(BT)
THREE CHARGED IN NELSON STREET SHOOTING – Three men charged with the murder of Jamar Omar Haynes and other crimes are expected to appear in the District “A” Magistrates today. They are Jandolph St Clair, 27 years of #6 Hilton Row, Princess Royal Ave, St Michael; Keleb Ricardo Hinkson, 28, of Lower Brighton, St George, and Shmar Shbarry Hinkson, 28, also of Lower Brighton and #46 York Terrace, Pinelands.Thirty-three-year-old Haynes, alias Red Dog of Combermere Street, The City, was killed on October 26. At the time, police said he was walking along Nelson Street when was approached from behind by man wearing a hoody and he was shot several times. St Clair was also charged with possession of counterfeit United States currency. Hinkson is also facing several counts related to cannabis. He was charged with possession on November 16, and also charges of possession, trafficking and cultivation the following day. (WN)
SMOLLETT SUES CHICAGO – Jussie Smollett has filed a lawsuit accusing Chicago of maliciously prosecuting him after concluding the actor’s claim that he was the victim of a racist and homophobic beating on a city street was a hoax. Smollett, 37, best known for his role on the Fox television drama Empire, made his accusation in a counterclaim filed on Wednesday, after the city sued him to recoup $130 106 in police overtime costs to investigate the beating claim. The actor, who no longer appears on Empire, is seeking compensatory and punitive damages from the city, police officials and others for causing him “substantial economic damages as well as reputational harm, humiliation, mental anguish and extreme emotional distress”. A spokesman for Chicago’s law department did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Smollett, who is black and gay, ignited a social media firestorm after telling police on January 29 that two masked men had thrown a noose around his neck, poured bleach on him and shouted racial and homophobic slurs, while expressing support for U.S. President Donald Trump. Illinois prosecutors charged Smollett on February 20 with making up the attack, including by hiring two brothers to stage it, and falsely reporting a “high-profile hate crime,” to draw publicity after becoming dissatisfied with his “Empire” salary. But they dropped the criminal case on March 26, drawing anger from Chicago’s police department and then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who called it a “whitewash of justice”. Smollett had pleaded not guilty to lying about the attack, and has long said he had been truthful about it. Chicago nonetheless sought triple damages in its April 11 civil lawsuit to recoup overtime costs. Smollett filed his counterclaim against the city, the brothers and a number of police officers and employees. He accused police of trying to prosecute him based on the brothers’ “false, self-serving and unreliable statements in order to close the investigation into the attack”. Smollett also said Chicago could not recover investigative costs because it already accepted his $10,000 “payment in full” in connection with the dismissal of the criminal case. Without ruling on the merits, U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall on October 22 refused to dismiss Chicago’s civil lawsuit against Smollett, saying his high profile and “the extreme nature of the accusations” could explain the overtime costs. The case is Chicago v. Smollett, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, No. 19-04547. (WN)
PUSH AGAINST DOPING – The National Anti-Doping Commission is pushing for the implementation of anti-doping legislation. This, according to commission chairman Dr Adrian Lorde, will allow for the continued promotion and support of clean sports on the island. “If that legislation is put in place it will allow us to fight the scourge of doping on the island. It will allow for things like the prevention and trafficking of drugs and the handling of drugs by the post offices and courier companies and give some kind of penalty to those persons who break the law.  “Right now we could only punish athletes, but it will allow for the athlete entourage or people who may be pushing the drugs to be penalised,” he told Weekend Sport.  “We have had through the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) a draft of legislation but that [implementation] has not come to the fore. This is well over ten to 12 years now, but with the new code even if we had legislation it would have to be updated.” (WN)
FAILED AGAIN –Left-hander Shimron Hetmyer again got a start with 30 while Shai Hope got 20, but opener John Campbell (17) failed along with Shamarh Brooks (7). Hamza Hotak led the attack with three for 59 while fellow left-arm spinner Zia-ur-Rehman picked up two for 54. Resuming the second day at the Atal Bihari Vajpayee International Stadium on 49 for three, the Board XI started strongly as Ahmadi added 41 for the fourth wicket with Asghar Afghan (10). But Warrican and Cornwall quickly became acclimatised to conditions and asserted themselves, scything through the middle and lower order as the Board XI lost their seven wickets for 68 runs. Cornwall looked menacing throughout his 22-over spell and got generous turn while Warrican, who has played seven Tests, demonstrated immaculate control in his 23.1 overs. (WN)
SIR EVERTON IN HOSPITAL – The Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) has moved swiftly to help one of the country’s oldest legends get urgent medical attention. As a result of the BCA’s quick action, an unwell Sir Everton Weekes was able to gain admission to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) earlier this week after it was reported that he was not admitted by another health institution. “When it was drawn to our attention that he was at the QEH seeking treatment, I quickly contacted a well-known specialist, who was able to get him a private ward,” BCA chief executive officer, Dr Roland Toppin told the Weekend Nation yesterday. “The BCA will take care of all his expenses and ensure that he is well taken care. He is now resting comfortably,” added Toppin, who declined to go into details on Sir Everton’s health. According to reports, the 94-year-old Sir Everton, who was in need of emergency medical care, was taken to a private facility. (WN)
QC 2ND IN REGIONAL ESSAY COMPETITION – Barbados has once again placed in the top three of the regional component of the Caribbean Organisation of Tax Administrators (COTA) Essay Competition. Alyssa Blades of Queen’s College was second in the tax-focused competition based on essays that explored the theme: Digitalisation – Moving Beyond the 21st Century. Blades received her prize during morning assembly at the St James school last Thursday. During the presentation, Revenue Commissioner Wayne Forde expressed his pleasure with the results. “I want to emphasise to all present that part of responsible citizenship is your contribution to the tax system, but, today I have come here to congratulate one of your own and I do so in my capacity as a member of the Management Committee of the Caribbean Organisation of Tax Administrators. “It is my pleasure to see that Barbados has once again placed among the top three essays from across the region. She has done Queen’s College, the Barbados Revenue Authority and Barbados proud in bringing home the silver. Alyssa, congratulations to you,” he said. The Barbadian student edged Ariel Albert of St Joseph’s Convent School in St Lucia, who placed third, while first place went to Jaidah-Leigh Wyatt, a student of Immaculate Conception High School for Girls in Jamaica. The competition is aimed at encouraging students to become familiar with the work of their country’s tax administration, as well as to engender an interest in this field as a career choice. (BGIS)
NO SCHOOL AT SPRINGER MEMORIAL TODAY – Springer Memorial Secondary School will be closed tomorrow to facilitate cleaning of a storage area where Agroproducts and cleaning agents were stored on the school’s compound. There was leakage of one of these Agroproducts, which reacted with a cleaning agent, resulting in discomfort for several students and teachers.  The school was immediately closed.  The Barbados Fire Service and medical personnel were called. Six students went to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital to be nebulised and all students have been released at this time.  The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training in consultation with the Ministry of Labour, a hygienist, a HAZMAT specialist, assessed the situation.  Occupational Health and Safety specialists will be brought in to clean and sanitise the affected area tomorrow so that school will be ready for students and staff on Monday.   (WN)
NO TICKETS FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY AT OVAL –The Independence Day parade returns for the second straight year to Kensington Oval and this time attendees won’t need a ticket to enter the famed cricket stadium, a Government committee has decreed. In confirming the move, Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic, City MP, who chairs a Ministerial sub-committee on the Independence celebrations, said while Kensington Oval was capable of holding 13,000 people, additional screens would also be installed on the outside. This year’s parade is themed 2020 We Gathering: United Against NCDs, the Minister of Health announced, as the parade promotes the Government initiative to unite Barbadians at home and abroad while addressing a national epidemic of non-communicable, or lifestyle diseases. Explaining that the November 30 parade is to be held in three phases, Lt Col Bostic said the first phase, the traditional ceremonial parade and toast to the nation for uniformed organisations would be followed by a march through Bridgetown where the Prime Minister will take her salute at Heroes’ Square, while a third phase has been dubbed the “We Procession”. The retired army lieutenant colonel said a Barbados Defence Force display will mark its 40-year anniversary. Members of the newly formed Youth ADVANCE Corps which replaced the Barbados Youth Service are also down to march. Several schools are also expected to provide entertainment along the route: Windsor, St Catherine, Holy Innocents and St George Primary, Combermere, Deighton Griffith, Daryl Jordan, St Leonard’s Boys’, and Harrison College The Ministry of Health and Wellness will also have a float on display, the Minister of Health said as he expressed hope that each of the national sporting teams taking part will adopt an NCD to help in the fight against the dreaded disease. Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs Cynthia Forde also revealed that the 53rd anniversary Independence church service, entitled One Nation, One Love, One Light, is to be held Sunday at the Garfield Sobers Gymnasium at 3 p.m. Bishop Dr Gerry Seale, chairman of the Pentecostal Assembly of the West Indies (PAWI), is down to deliver the sermon. The Minister said no tickets were needed for entry to service and that eight buses would be chartered to shuttle churchgoers between bus terminals and the Gymnasium. (BT)
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Quote 37:
「There are three ways to survive in a ruined world. I have forgotten some of them now. However, one thing is certain: you who are currently reading these words will survive.  –Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World [Complete]」 - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 1
Quote 2:
“Shen Qingqiu panted, his heart flooding with tears-- his period was finally over!” - The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System 
Quote 15:
"There's a man I love. In the sea. In the clouds. In my heart." - Jing Lin, Nan Chan
Quote 62
He smiled at Javier and thought to himself. You're my only friend, Javier. I couldn't have overcome all the obstacles in front of me without your help. So, my trustworthy and reliable comrade, stick with me until I become a lazy lord and you become my personal guard. I hope we will be able to grow old together… - The Greatest Estate Developer (Tumblr)
Quote 41
“I only believe in people with walls. In order to understand someone, I think I should face that wall first.” - Han Donghoon, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 60
Quote 54:
"I hope that you will hate me all your life."   - Yan Xiaohan, Golden Terrace, Chapter 23
Quote 43:
“–If I was going to give up so easily, I wouldn't have started this journey.” - Yoo Joonghyuk, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 82
Quote 25:
"He could have dug into his living, burning chest, let him look at his heart which was nearly dying from the agony it felt, and they would have only jeered at his passion, suspected his kindness, scorned his overconfidence, and made fun of his trembling sincerity."  - Remnants of Filth, Chapter 17
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Chicken Careers with Dogs All Other states General Overview Certificate III In Engineering – Light Fabrication – Sheet Metal Training methods[edit] Urban Classes Ground Rules Thus-Sun  9 am  to  7 pm 23 Aug 2017 4:12:24pm Search Tea Tree Gully website Press Releases Quote of the Day Agriculture Twitter Agility 6 months + Socialising Your Puppy You will be empowered to become a loving leader and have influence over your dog’s behaviour in all situations. Game hunting in Victoria Byron Bay Bites, wounds and cuts Exact matches only Ellie : Pet services Owning a pet 4.8 out of 5 stars. The importance of socialisation, mental and physical stimulation Class is in… coming to handler on command (known as a recall test) Wait Animal First Aid Reviews Although research into how dogs learn and into cross-species communication has changed the approach to dog training in recent decades, understanding the role of early trainers and scientists contributes to an appreciation of how particular methods and techniques developed.[4] Service Model-rival training[edit] Hutchinson, Lieut-Gen WN (1865). Dog Breaking for the Gun: The Most Expeditious, Certain and Easy Method, With Copious Notes on Shooting Sports, New York: Vintage Dog Books, 2005 ISBN 978-1-84664-035-3 Donate · 4 February 2018 Woodville Community Dog Training Centre Dog Facts Address: Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Sitemap | Credits and Disclaimer SEO and Web Design By Visual Marketing Australia Each trainer on this list below has signed the declaration based on the following definition of Force-Free by the Professional Pet Guild: Tanvir : To be able to function properly dogs of all ages and sizes require the following: Recommended Links Pet Reading Buddy Heartworms and Worms Basic Animal First Aid Exact matches only Equine Vet Alec : Jack E : Location: Delta Institute Code of Ethics Each trainer on this list below has signed the declaration based on the following definition of Force-Free by the Professional Pet Guild: Renew Membership Info and ads Hydrobathing Illawarra Region (Unanderra) – – – – FREE Indicator Tools – – – – 28 Aug 2017 9:33:03am Phone : 03 9723 4387 Fixtures and ladders Our drop-in playgroups are a perfect complement to your vet’s puppy preschool class, particularly for owners looking forward to an adult dog who is comfortable, relaxed, and on her best manners around people and other dogs. Plus we guarantee puppy playgroup will be the best 30 minutes of your week – what could be better than a room full of puppies playing? Guided by a professional dog trainer, your pup learns her social P’s and Q’s while burning off excess energy in play – which means a better night’s sleep for you. Dog Trick Training Workshop Unlimited Classes National Relay Service: 133 677 Phone: 0437 921 289 (Emergency) No foul language or obscenities, please. 5 Pack Leadership Techniques Private Behaviour Consults Keep it Consistent Renew Membership These consults can be done both at home or out in public where you are require the specific training. We can meet you at a park, beach or café etc. Retail suggestions which could help improve our courses and website. Current events Lost and Found Latest News KID 6: Getting them to drop because they don’t like dropping, they all just sit and walk away. 1300 306 887 I found the online course very easy to navigate and informative and the personal follow up to complete section 5 was unexpected but greatly appreciated! Will recommend to others. – Kim Taylor Set up his private den. He needs “a room of his own.” From the earliest possible moment give your pup or dog his own, private sleeping place that’s not used by anyone else in the family, or another pet. He’ll benefit from short periods left alone in the comfort and safety of his den. Reward him if he remains relaxed and quiet. His den, which is often a crate, will also be a valuable tool for housetraining. Urban Classes Ground Rules Behavioural Modification The Animal Welfare League of South Australia (AWL) is a leading animal welfare provider recognised for the provision and development of services for animals in need. Puppies that are not supervised and rewarded for outdoor elimination, but are constantly being disciplined and punished for indoor elimination, may soon begin to fear to eliminate in all locations in your presence. These puppies do not associate the punishment with indoor elimination; they associate the punishment with the presence of the owners. Sydney Shelter and Veterinary Hospital Training Advice Puppy farm legislation Take the Tour The Canine Good Citizen™ Life Skills Course is a three week program with flexible date options. This course is designed to revise some basic skills as well as teach your dog to be calm and focused around other dogs and people. Choose from three of the nine date options. Each lesson is one hour in length. We provide the option of assessment for the Canine Good Citizen™ Award; an accredited national award from the Delta Institute. FINALLY we can reveal our secret project that our team at the Guard Dog Training Centre have been working on, a feature film, THE PACK Contact Private Dog Training Lesson Pages liked by this Page Facebook © 2018 Lifestyle guidance Bathing and Grooming Strictly following the model set out in the Koehler Method of Dog Training, some 50 years later, the Koehler method continues to be taught in both class and private training formats. The method is based in the philosophy that a dog acts on its right to choose its actions. Koehler explained that a dog’s learned behavior is an act of choice based on its own learning experience. When those choices are influenced by the expectation of reward, the behavior will most likely be repeated, and when those choices are influenced by the anticipation of punishment, they will most likely cease. Once the dog has learned that its choices result in comfort or discomfort it can be taught to make the correct decisions. Action→Memory→Desire encapsulates the learning pattern used by the method; the dog acts, remembers the consequences, and forms the desire to repeat or avoid those consequences. Adherents believe that once the behavior has been correctly taught, it should be performed, thus making any correction, fair, reasonable, and expected.[57] While the model has been used consistently since 1962, some of the punishment procedures described in the book are now not considered necessary, humane, or appropriate by many trainers.[23] This page was created in 0.0776498317719 seconds Aquaculture 24 Aug 2017 10:14:03am Socialising your puppy with other dogs and people Teaching Your Puppy Words Dog Training Advice | Take A Look At This Now Dog Training Advice | Take A Look Now Dog Training Advice | Tips And Advice Here Legal | Sitemap
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web-novel-polls · 4 months
WN Quotes Round 1, Group B Results
All Round 1 Winners
All WN Quotes Tournament Results: #wn quotes results
Masterpost Link Here
Quote 7:
"Both of my lives belong to you. I have no regrets.” - Mo Ran, The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Chapter 279
Quote 8:
“One only knew autumn when the cold rain came; parasol trees dying of old age; the suffering of the cold under a thin blanket; wasting your lifetimes away… all belated regrets in the end, regrets that we hadn’t met sooner” - Faraway Wanderers
Quote 53:
“We are two ships of Theseus sailing the sea. We met by accident and were afraid to separate, so you gave me your parts, and I gave you mine. We’re not what we used to be. We have become each other.”  - Fanservice Paradox (Tumblr)
Quote 17:
“Remember: when humans ascend, they are still human; when they fall, they are still human.” - Heaven Official’s Blessing
Quote 11:
I didn’t cry. 「 Kim Dokja was crying. 」 - Kim Dokja & the Fourth Wall, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
Quote 42:
"Working up to build up history to become a constellation and then building up narratives to become narrative-grade constellations… then what? The higher the sky, the brighter the star? How long will you continue using the descendants of this land for your own sake?” - Kim Dokja, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 72
Quote 20:
"What was he going to do in the future? He also did not know that he felt like he was a moth and NanGong Si the flame. He always wanted to follow the light, even if it would only cause him to break apart."  - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Chapter 154
Quote 13:
“I'm going to live for a very long time. I will be a wealthy slacker.” - Cale Henituse, Lout of the Count’s Family
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web-novel-polls · 4 months
WN Quotes Round 1, Group A Results
All Round 1 Winners
All WN Quotes Tournament Results: #wn quotes results
Masterpost Link Here
Quote 12:
“This life of mine, this heart of mine… Are all in your Majesty’s hands. Without a heart, without a life, what’s the point of setting this empty shell free? I would rather die wholly on your hands than to live in this world as an empty shell. At least… I would be glad to die on your Majesty’s hands. I could close my eyes in death.”  - Qi Yan, Clear and Muddy Loss of Love, Chapter 271
Quote 24:
“Just because, back then, I loved you more than I feared death.” - Remnants of Filth (Tumblr - Link 1, Link 2)
Quote 55:
"I wish that, after my death, I’ll also have a picture left in Qilin Hall. When that time comes, you’ll carry it up to the Golden Stage yourself......The most high and most bright are the sun and moon, and the most close yet most distant are a husband and wife. If you promise me this, you will be my only next of kin from now on."  - Fu Shen to Yan Xiaohan, Golden Terrace, Chapter 26
Quote 26:
"Man is no more than lust given flesh and blood. Some people are held back from progressing by the vices, and others pursue a grand and pristine reputation. However, if carnal desire is lust, isn’t the desire for a pristine reputation also considered lust?"  - Remnants of Filth, Chapter 28
Quote 36:
"Isn't it blasphemy to believe that the gods always pursue goodness? No, to believe that the gods always make choices for the sake of humanity?" "Did the gods ever say that the good they pursue is the same as the good for humans?” - Rowan, The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy, Chapter 577
Quote 4:
“Even if I like men, I don’t like all men, and I definitely don’t just go home with any man who waves at me. I’m not interested in your type.” - Wei Wuxian to Jiang Cheng, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Quote 10:
“The first lifetime, a stone appeared, turning into the burial mound of a hero, feelings unable to be broken. The second lifetime, a boulder split, ferrying a predestined love across the Bridge, a pair of mandarin ducks flying off together. The third lifetime, a jadeite burned, vowing to abide by an invaluable oath, eternally following each other in life and death” - Qi Ye, Chapter 1
Quote 18:
"Because like people, an ox has gotta eat. For the sake of eating, a lot of work has to be done. If one day you can't work anymore, then no one cares if you're alive or dead."  - Ox Eats Grass, The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Chapter 65
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web-novel-polls · 3 months
Favorite WN Quotes - Bonus: MXTX
Quote A: Shi Wudu's Fate
“Everything I have today, I have fought for! I will fight for what I don't have. I will change fortune if fate denies me! My fate is up to me and not the heavens!” - Shi Wudu, Heaven Official’s Blessing
Quote B: SQQ's Period
“Shen Qingqiu panted, his heart flooding with tears-- his period was finally over!” - The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System 
Quote C: Maiden Luo Binghe
"To push him away at this moment would be like giving a young maiden-one who'd finally worked up the courage to call and brokenheartedly weep to an older sister fotlr comfort and encouragement-a face turning slap. It was really a bit cruel". - Shen Qingqiu’s narration, The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System 
Quote D: Not Interested
“Even if I like men, I don’t like all men, and I definitely don’t just go home with any man who waves at me. I’m not interested in your type.” - Wei Wuxian to Jiang Cheng, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 
Quote E: Difficult to Bear
“Hanguang-jun endured the wait for so many years, but even now, his efforts have come to naught. Not only does Sect Leader Lan have reason to be impatient—it is also difficult for those of us watching from the sidelines to bear." - Jin Guangyao, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 
Quote F: Wanted to Sleep with You
“Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji! Hanguang-jun! I...I genuinely wanted to sleep with you earlier!” - Wei Wuxian, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 
Quote G: Infinite Glory
“To me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is you, and not the state of you.” - Heaven Official’s Blessing
Quote H: Humanity
“Remember: when humans ascend, they are still human; when they fall, they are still human.” - Heaven Official’s Blessing
[Propaganda below]
Quote A: Shi Wudu's Fate
Submission: THE most badass delivering in all of danmei history!! Bro is literally faced with death, covered in blood! He Xuan asked him if he showed remorse and Shi Wudu was like 'bitch no, remorse isn't real!' Shi Wudu is a BAMF and we all should be appreciating him more!!
Quote B: SQQ's Period
Submission: Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️
Quote C: Maiden Luo Binghe
Submission: this is the mc talking about the ml in a danmei.
Quote D: Not Interested
Submission: MC tries to escape an awkward situation by saying THIS to his estranged adopted brother, who doesn't know it's him but STRONGLY suspects it's him, and he says this BECAUSE HE THINKS HIS BROTHER WILL BE PERSONALLY OFFENDED BY THE THOUGHT THAT SOMEONE IN THE WORLD IS INTO SOMEONE ELSE MORE THAN THEY'RE INTO HIM. And he's RIGHT. it's so funny 
Quote E: Difficult to Bear
Submission: tfw your sworn brother's brother's boyfriend doesn't know they're dating and it's SO agonising that you are compelled to interrupt your own hostage situation to chew him out (politely, of course)
Quote F: Wanted to Sleep With You
Submission: tfw you realize you're in love with your boyfriend and express it so poorly that the guy holding you at basically knifepoint lets you go out of pure shock. who is doing it like wei wuxian.
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
WN Women Bonus Polls #3: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
[Propaganda below] - Major Spoilers Warning!
Han Sooyoung / Han Suyeong from ORV / Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
Submission 1: I can't even begin to explain the real reason so I'll just. She's everything. Consumes my every waking thought. Someone else please take the lead and add propaganda for me
Submission 2: 
Han Suyeong is a writer. She is cunning, self-serving and confident. Her avatar skill allows her to divide herself into as many copies as she pleases, and each copy can look like anyone. Her only weakness is that if she loses the copies, she loses memories. She initially starts as an antagonist who is not afraid to murder some people on her way to the top. She gradually bonds with the main character due to their shared knowledge and shared love of stories. *MAJOR spoilers for manhwa readers* She gradually becomes one of the three main characters. She is one of the two people from the main cast to become a constellation (god-like beings living off stories). She spearheads the attempts to rescue the one person who matters most to her, even when it is impossible. Even when everyone else has given up years ago. She dooms whole universes and all their people for her one person. She sacrifices everything.
Wiki Link
Jang Hayoung from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint / ORV
[No Propaganda prepared]
Wiki Link 
Additional Propaganda: 
Propaganda for Jang Hayoung: Transwoman, universe-hopper, canonically the prettiest character. Personifies one of the themes of the book. You can't know anyone just by looking from the outside; or more spesifically - you can't ever know anyone fully. The inside of their heads will always be a mystery for you. You can't ever know if they receive the words you say and the actions you do as you intended them. You can't ever know how the things you do affect another person. You can't ever know them.   But it's worthwhile to try anyway. 
Jung Heewon from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint / ORV
“Just because I am a murderer doesn’t mean I want to keep killing. I don’t want to be a monster.” - Jung Heewon, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 31 
Jung Heewon rights forever and ever. She’s so funny and cool and witty and funny and good and kind. I’m not far enough or eloquent enough to explain why she’s the best, so here’s another quote: 
“They lived their whole lives inside the cages of their worldview, only to be used by the invaders from the outside. Demanding such people to be brave was the very act of violence itself. Jung Heewon wanted to tell them; tell them that they didn’t have to fight, that she’d do something to resolve this by herself, somehow.” - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 395 (Tumblr)
Wiki Link 
Lee Jihye from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint / ORV
Lee Jihye is boisterous, a little childish and even abrasive. She brags, jokes around, gets into teenage hijinks. But under the surface there is a great deal of survivor's guilt, self-loathing and insecurity. She is a traumatized teenager who killed her best friend to live, and has to live with that for the rest of her life. She is an incredibly talented swordsman and a general capable of turning a battle around all on her own. And a girl just trying to learn how to survive.
Wiki Link
Lee Sookyung from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint / ORV
[No propaganda prepared]
Wiki Link 
Uriel from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint / ORV
[No propaganda prepared]
Wiki Link 
Additional Propaganda 1: Cheerful and kind personality, amazing powers for smiting evil, huge rpf shipper. Think fujoshi but for people you actually know in real life 😂
Additional Propaganda 2: Member of the Absolute Good constellations, ships the main character with the protagonist. About to bankrupt her constellation paying for new content for her ship 😉
Yu Sangah / Yoo Sangah from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
Yu Sangah is a intelligent and hardworking woman with a vast array of skills, which are sadly not optimized for surviving the apocalypse. But there is nothing she can't learn if she puts her mind into it, and soon enough she is a powerful force to be reckoned with.  She has the best interpersonal skills of the main cast and a vast array of knowledge. Her fighting style is graceful, athletic and utterly brutal. She wields dual daggers and threads.  All the while she remains the moral heart of the group, a steadfast support to her friends, and a capable leader in her own right. 
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web-novel-polls · 3 months
Favorite WN Quotes - Bonus: Priest
[Quotes & Propaganda below] 
Quote 8: TYK Regrets
“One only knew autumn when the cold rain came; parasol trees dying of old age; the suffering of the cold under a thin blanket; wasting your lifetimes away… all belated regrets in the end, regrets that we hadn’t met sooner” - Faraway Wanderers 
Submission: This is the quote that convinced me to read Faraway Wanderers because I read it on tumblr and then heard it in the audiodrama trailer and I thought it was so pretty that I knew I had to read this novel. It is written at the end of Chapter 29 where Wen Kexing discovers that Zhou Zishu only has a couple more years left to live and it’s quite heartwrenching 
Quote 9: TYK Affection
“As long as your affection for me is as mine for you, I will not let it be in vain” - Wen Kexing (he writes this on Zhou Zishu’s palm), Faraway Wanderers 
Submission: The classic WenZhou quote. Makes me want to cry every time I read it
Quote 10: Qi Ye Soulmates
“The first lifetime, a stone appeared, turning into the burial mound of a hero, feelings unable to be broken. The second lifetime, a boulder split, ferrying a predestined love across the Bridge, a pair of mandarin ducks flying off together. The third lifetime, a jadeite burned, vowing to abide by an invaluable oath, eternally following each other in life and death” - Qi Ye, Chapter 1
Submission: This is the opening paragraph of the novel. It goes unaddressed in the rest of the novel but it is heavily implied to be describing Jing Beiyuan and Wu Xi’s several centuries of tragic soulmate-ism
Quote 27: Look at Me?
“Won’t you turn back and look at me? If you turn back and look at me just one time, even if you were to ask me to climb up to the roof and jump off, I’ll do it.” - GuoMen 
Quote 28: Reflection
“I fantasize about seeing my reflection in your eyes one day, just one look, I’ll be willing to do anything that is asked of me, even pulverizing my body and shattering my bones no matter how many times…” - Lie Huo Jiao Chou 
Quote 29: No Betrayal to be Had
“Whatever he wants, I’ll give it to him. If he wants my life, I’ll stake my life for him… there’s no betrayal to be had.” - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect 
Quote 30: Droplet of Water
"If one's heart is small, all their sufferings even as large as a house, can only be crammed into that small corner. But if one's heart were as vast as heaven and earth, then even if their troubles were as large as a mountain, they would become nothing more than a droplet of water in the endless sea."  - Liao Ran, Sha Po Lang, Chapter 26
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