#wlw sansa
g0lightly · 2 months
help! i found sansa + brienne parallels to true knighthood via barristan selmy + sandor clegane (mostly) planted in ACOK and i can't get up!
as i have previously written, brienne and sansa both keep blood-stained kingsguard cloaks that come into their possession during ACOK. analogous to maiden cloaks, i read these cloaks as symbolizing two idealistic characters facing the brutal reality that the "protector" institutions they have looked up to (knighthood, primarily) their entire lives do not live up to their ideals. while marriage is certainly an institution that has failed to protect both of these characters, i don't read cloaks as an inherent marriage symbol. if we get sansa putting sandor's former cloak on brienne after she gets the hound's helm from lem that's another story but at the end of the day i think it's significant that sansa wrapped herself in sandor's cloak; he simply dropped it as he did with his kingsguard duties, he did not put it on her as is done in a marriage ceremony.
while the brienne parallels to barristan are more obvious, there is also a very direct parallel between sansa and barristan in ACOK i just noticed that knocked me off my feet a bit: both sansa and barristan plead with the cruel king they were sworn to in order to stop that king from executing dontos hollard because they recognize that he is defenseless. when dontos was a child, barristan plead with king aerys to spare him when he executed the rest of house hollard. of course, barristan was sworn to aerys as a knight and sansa was sworn to joffrey as his betrothed; i think this just drives home the potential for brienne and sansa to wield their complementary abilities for their own cause like a nontoxic version of cersei and jaime (the subject of a forthcoming essay that examines wuthering heights and arthurian allusions in asoiaf).
this connects to a more obvious parallel between brienne and barristan that is set up when we meet brienne through catelyn. i've always thought there has to be some significance to the fact that brienne's place on renly's kingsguard was originally meant to go to barristan selmy, a character who is presented in-universe as the closest thing to a living true knight. as is the nature of true knighthood in this series, however, it's debatable if this can apply to him given his service to aerys while he abused rhaella. through catelyn and later jaime (via loras) we learn that renly made a few assumptions when he gave the blue knight position to brienne:
renly assumed that barristan had gone on to serve robb as king in the north instead of himself; in reality, we know that barristan went off to essos where he took on a false identity to serve dany out of loyalty to house targaryen.
renly thought that brienne would not live long, given her willingness to die for him, implying that he believed her position would be open for someone he'd see as more worthy in the future. once again, in reality we know that actually renly died and brienne lived on, guilty that she did not have the chance to die for him as they both seemingly wanted.
i believe this sets up two major themes for brienne's character: 1) that a true knight's loyalty cannot be bound by the powers that be 2) brienne's connection to death/the stranger. as i also touch on in the post linked above, i think that brienne is foreshadowed to become the next hound after lem (an idea explored in my fic!) which is another stranger-coded persona connected to the idea of true knighthood. sandor clegane is also the person who fills the vacancy that barristan leaves.
similar to what sandor does with his own cloak during the battle of the blackwater, barristan throws his white cloak at joffrey's feet during his dismissal scene and Sansa later kneels before it to plead for her father's life. given that sandor was barristan's replacement, i read the cloak that sandor leaves with sansa as an extension of the cloak that barristan abandoned in front of sansa when she plead for ned's life. extrapolating from this, i think that brienne will ultimately be a balance between sandor and barristan in her knightly capacity (even if she is not a knight). this also means that both sansa and brienne have a bloodstained cloak that was (symbolically) supposed to belong to barristan.
both barristan and sandor literally as well as metaphorically gave up their white cloaks (in front of sansa fwiw) with the intention to serve someone they felt they owed their service to but ultimately end up serving that person's younger family member. though barristan set out to serve viserys, he winds up serving daenerys. though sandor set out to serve sansa, he winds up serving arya. as we know, grrm likes to do things in threes -- i think there's a good chance that brienne serving sansa in catelyn's stead will be the third iteration of this pattern. and because this would be the third iteration, i imagine there will be some sort of twist such as brienne turning on lady stoneheart if she endangers sansa (another idea explored in my aforementioned fic).
additionally, it is emphasized time and time again in brienne's POV chapters that she takes her oath to catelyn even more seriously because she is dead. this provides another mirror to barristan, who is forced to re-evaluate his service to aerys' usurper after his unprecedented removal from the kingsguard. he takes on a new identity and exiles himself to essos to renew his oath to house targaryen, though not to the targaryen he expected to serve. if brienne takes on the hound's identity and serves sansa, that would certainly rhyme nicely with barristan's trajectory.
i think the role of the stranger/death is important because brienne has to kill the idea of what a knight is supposed to be just as sansa has to kill the idea of what a lady is supposed to be (RIP lady, that's the real meaning of her death imo). when lem tells brienne that the hound (meaning himself) will kill her and when brienne tells jaime that the hound will kill sansa, what if that is setting up brienne and sansa letting their ideal knight and lady selves die to become something they get to define for themselves? this would also provide a contrast with cersei and jaime, who served as mentor figures to sansa and brienne respectively in the role that they want to fulfill (queen for sansa, knight for brienne). both lannisters show their respective younger idealist counterparts the dark side of the future they initially want for themselves.
obviously i do ship brienne x sansa assuming things happen on an age appropriate timeline; tbh i thought they had chemistry on the show and now i'm spiraling about their parallels in the books which are also sending their characters in a much more compelling direction. but at the end of the day i don't think these textual allusions have to be romantic! same goes for plenty of other ships involving brienne and sansa that i won't name here bc 1) i appreciate some of them thematically 2) i don't want to invoke the shippers' wrath! sometimes characters are important in each other's arcs (i 1000% believe this will be the case for brienne and sansa) but that doesn't equal a romantic endgame. however i also fully believe that brienne as sansa's true love and true knight would be a beautifully subversive yet text-supported culmination of several main themes in the series (yet another essay on this to come). grrm has not been the best with wlw stuff in POV format but fire and blood has (perhaps foolishly) given me a hope that something like this could be done well 🥹
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elainiisms · 11 months
she may not be a lesbian in canon, but she is a lesbian in my heart
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7seasofem · 6 days
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normalize being 14 and having a homoerotic infatuation with your former betrothed’s current fiancee
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dr3adlady · 8 months
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February 2024 Romance Drawing Challenge
Day 1: Sansa Stark and Margaery Tyrell
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fantasydreamland · 6 months
margaery tyrell x fem reader
Summary: Margaery is currently engaged to Renly Baratheon. You are Margaerys new hand maiden. You figure Margaery just has a flirty personality until one night it becomes more.
Notes: 18+ ONLY!!! wlw, smut, lots of tension, fluff, possible spoilers
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Sequel - Gossip
“Ah you must be my new hand maiden!” Margaery greets you with a warm smile as you walk into her chambers.
“Yes my lady. My name is (y/n). Whatever you need I’m here.” You give a shy curtsy.
“I was just getting ready to leave for tea with my grandmother. Come along then.” She waves to you as she walks out the door.
You follow along behind her to the gardens. She stops for a moment so she can walk beside you.
“So tell me about yourself.” She smiles.
“Uh… yes of course. What do you want to know my lady?”
“Everything! For starters tell me about where you are from.”
As you two walk side by side you tell her about the small city in the North you grew up in and the lady you served until her very recent death.
“How awful…” She frowns and shakes her head.
“Yes, her death was a bit unexpected. I didn’t have many options, so I ended up here.”
“Well I’m very glad for that.” She smiles.
You chuckle and look down awkwardly.
“Ah grandmother!” Margaery rushes ahead to greet her grandmother with a quick hug. They sit down to tea and the servants bring out trays of pastries and fruit.
“Lady Olenna” You curtsy before walking past her at the table. She gives you a small smile and a nod.
You stand quietly off to the side listening to them chat away. Margaery would make occasional eye contact and you give a small smile before shyly looking away each time.
You helped tidy up as the evening ended, feeling her eyes on you the entire time.
Both of you walk back to the castle in an oddly comfortable silence as the sun starts to set.
“Will you please draw me a bath?” She says once you reach the castle. She lightly touches your arm and your face gets hot. “I have some affairs to attend to.”
“Of course my lady.” You nod before heading to her chambers and drawing a hot bath.
Shortly after the bath is drawn she reappears.
“Oh lovely, is it ready?” She asks as she starts to undress.
You try to hide your surprise when she takes off all her clothing, tossing her dress onto a chair.
She walks right past you and gets into the tub. She sighs with her eyes closed and sinks into the water before looking at you.
She smirks. “Help me with my hair?” She lifts her hair to hang over the back of the tub.
You nod, unable to get words out. You pull a chair behind the tub and grab the jug next to it before putting it in the tub to get some water. The jug lightly brushes Margaerys stomach and she gives a small chuckle and smirk. Surely she saw your flushed cheeks. You didn’t understand the heat in your face or why your heart was racing. You’ve helped with plenty of baths with the last lady you served. But this felt different.
You pour the water onto her hair as it drips into the bucket below. You softly work your fingers through her hair to wash it. Trying your best not to stare at her perfect body you take another careful scoop of water. Then you slowly rinse her hair as she lets out a content sigh.
“You have no idea the stress I have had lately.” She suddenly speaks.
“I’m sorry to hear that my lady.”
“You would think I would be looking forward to my wedding but…” She trails off.
“You do not love Lord Renly?” The question slips out. “Forgive me, my lady. I don’t mean to pry.”
“There is nothing to forgive (y/n).” She smirks up at you. “But no…” Her expression softens. “We certainly are not in love.”
“You don’t think he loves you?” You ask.
She chuckles softly and shakes her head. “I am not his type.”
You scoff. “That’s not possible. You’re so beautiful.” Your face quickly turns more red, embarrassed.
She sits up in the tub and slightly turns around to face you.
“I’m glad you think so.” She smirks. “I know Renly agrees, only… He seems to be more interested in my brother, if you understand my meaning.” She tilts her head.
She says nothing else just continues looking at you. You hold eye contact for a long moment until she suddenly shakes her head like she was lost in thought.
“Right. Well, I best get ready for bed.”
She stands up from the tub and steps out, water dripping on the floor. You grab a robe for her and find it nearly impossible to keep your eyes off her wet naked body. The air feels heavier and you find it difficult to breathe. She smiles warmly at you as you wrap her in the robe.
“Goodnight then.” She says sweetly.
“Goodnight my lady.” You curtsy before leaving her chambers.
Once you step into the hallway and close the door you let out a very deep breath. That night you toss and turn finding it hard to remove Margaery from your thoughts.
The next day is slow and normal. You do your chores and follow Margaery while she goes about her day. She would start small chats with you while you were walking, seeming very happy to talk to you. She asked about your love life which you found amusing because it’s very dull. You’ve only been with one man in your life and you didn’t find it enjoyable.
Later you help her prepare for supper as she changes her dress to a lovely but simple gold gown. She slips off her dress standing in only her under garments. She holds your hand and smiles at you as you help her step into the gown and pull it up. You lightly move her hair from the back and your fingers brush against her soft skin causing some electricity. Your hands shake a bit as you pull the corset strings in the back of her gown. There is a silent tension in the air.
“Thank you.” She says as she moves her hair back into place giving a shy smile. “Well I don’t want to be late for supper, I’ll see you later on.” She hurries out the door before you have a chance to respond.
You enjoy your own small supper before returning to your tasks. As you finish tidying up her chambers she appears. She doesn’t even look at you, just storms over to her bad and sits down.
“Are you alright my lady?” You asked, concerned.
She looks up at you as if she didn’t realize you were there. “Yes, I’m alright. It’s fine.” She huffs, clearly not alright.
“It’s just-“ she continues before you respond. “Renly and Loras can be so thick headed.”
You walk closer as you listen to her vent.
“I understand they’re in love. And I’m completely fine with that. Happy for them even!” She shakes her head. “But we are engaged to be wed. You’d think he would at least TRY to be discreet when they’re running around with one another.”
She looks at you listening to her and pats the space beside her on the bed to gesture you to sit down, so you sit next to her keeping an appropriate distance.
“I’m still to be his wife. There should just be a certain level of respect, you know?” She continues ranting, moving closer to you as she does. You nod.
“I’ve been more than respectful to his wishes, wanting to be with Loras. I do not blame him for that. We do not really get to choose who we love.” She looks up at you, her blue eyes piercing through you.
“I completely agree with you my lady. They should be acting discreetly. I think it’s very noble that you allow him to even pursue that.” You reply warmly. “But as you said, we cannot choose who we love.”
“Thank you (y/n).” She says softly and places her hand on yours.
Her touch makes your heart race and cheeks flush. “Of course my lady.”
She leaves her hand there for a long moment as she studies your face to try to figure out what you’re thinking. You sit there quietly looking back at her, wondering about her thoughts too.
The seemingly long moment ends when she moves her hand from yours and reaches up to brush your hair from your face. You continue staring in eachothers eyes. The whole moment making you feel light headed. Her eyes slowly flicker from your lips back to your eyes. You couldn’t help but do the same.
She leans towards you agonizingly slow until your lips finally touch.
“Oh gods, I am so sorry.” She suddenly pulls away and gets off the bed.
“No, no. It’s alright.” You also stand. “I didn’t- You just-“ you stutter unable to get words out.
She looks back at you clearly embarrassed. She looks like she’s waiting for you to speak but your brain is fogging all your thoughts and words. Instead you walk closer before taking her hand in yours and looking back up at her.
Suddenly her lips are back on yours as she pulls you into a deep passionate kiss, moving her other hand to your cheek. You push your bodies against eachother as the kiss continues. Your body feels like it was set on fire as your skin burns from the excitement.
For a moment she pulls away, keeping your hand in hers she leads you to her bed. She lets go of your hand and unties the top of her dress, exposing her breasts. You can’t tell if you’re even breathing at this point. The whole world feels still. She smirks at you and turns around.
“Help me with the back?” She asks.
You nod and start untying her gown and corset as your mind races thinking of what’s to come.
Once everything is loose enough she lifts all her clothing over her head. You try to swallow but there’s a knot in your throat as she stands naked in front of you. She pushes your hair back and lightly touches your shoulder, gesturing you to take off your dress. You follow her silent instructions and pull your sleeves downs off your arms, exposing your chest. She looks at you for a moment before leaning into another kiss. The kiss is slow and gentle, your chests pressed against one another. She brushes your arm before moving her hand between your bodies and grabbing your breast. She helps you pull the rest of your dress off before the kiss breaks and you both get into the bed.
Once you’ve slipped under the sheets you look into eachothers eyes for a silent moment, taking in eachothers beauty.
She places her hand on your cheek. “Are you sure?” Her face full of worry that you may change your mind in wanting her.
You quickly nod, having no doubts this is what you want. She smirks before crashing her mouth onto yours. The kiss is strong and heated, full of pent up lust. You pull eachother closer, legs intertwined. Both your hands wander all over, exploring every inch eachothers bodies. She moans once your fingers find her most intimate place. The beautiful sounds coming out of her light a fire in your stomach. Her hand quickly reaches the same place on your body. You whimper into eachothers mouths as the tension below your stomach builds and builds. Nearly in unison you hit the peak. The kiss breaks as you both cry out loudly, foreheads pressed together.
You both lay back and pant as you catch your breath. You try to bring your mind back to earth as it continues to race at what just happened. She turns her head and smiles at you. You give a shy smile back.
“Well…” She huffs, still breathless. “That was…”
“Wonderful?” You smirk.
She nods and giggles. “Yes, very wonderful.”
“I’ve never…” You hesitate. “Been with… a woman.”
“Neither have I.” She admits and you both giggle.
You look out to the now dark night sky. Margaery notices.
“Would you like to stay?” She asks. “There’s plenty of room to sleep.”
“I would but… I’m not sure it would be proper.”
“What we just did would also not seem proper.” She teases.
“Alright then.” You give a soft smile.
You lightly place your hand on her cheek and she leans into your touch.
“Goodnight my lady.”
“Goodnight (y/n).” She sighs.
She snuggles up closer to you. She gives your shoulder a soft kiss before resting her head. You smile and fall into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning you let out a soft moan to Margaery kissing your neck. Her eyes meet yours when she sees you’re awake. She has a firey look in her blue eyes as she gives you a longing stare before moving her lips back to your neck. She kisses an agonizingly slow trail as she moves down and down your stomach. She begins kissing on your inner thigh. You whine in frustration. Suddenly her mouth is on you and you gasp. Your hands reach for her hair as she teases you with her tongue. You let out little gasps and small moans as she holds your hips still. Your sweet sounds make her moan onto you only sending more electricity through your body. You start to lose control when she enters two of her fingers, keeping in rhythm with her tongue. Your pants eventually turn into a silent scream and you arch your hips against her face and see stars.
You let out a final moan before a heavy sigh as your body relaxes. Margaery wipes her face and moves back up the bed to lay beside you. You pull her in for a strong kiss tasting yourself on her mouth.
“Good morning (y/n).” She smirks.
“Good morning.” You give a shy laugh.
Before you can lean over to kiss her again she gets out of bed and begins to get dressed. You sit up holding the covers and watch her.
She notices you looking at her. “My apologies love, I have many things I must attend to today.”
You try to hide your disappointment, badly wanting to return the favour and to taste her on your tongue. She walks back over to you and asks you to help with her dress. You shuffle to the end of the bed and tie the laces. She turns to you noticing your mood. She leans down and brushes your hair aside.
“But I will return later. We will be together again very soon.” She kisses you with her soft lips.
Once she’s gone you get out of bed and begin to dress. You spend your entire day in a daze, all the memories of her clouding your mind. You count down the hours until you have her alone again.
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danymst · 5 months
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lilymarch · 6 months
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❝we were doomed from the beginning.❞
(the flower girlfriends of westeros, two of which are burnt alive)
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p0rkbun · 1 year
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"She's a princess and you're an ogre, that's something no amount of potions is ever going to change"
"But I love her.."
"If you really love her, you'll let her go"
Female characters that interprets "but i love her"; Wanda Maximoff, Rebekah Mikaelson, Rosalie Hale, Sansa Stark, Daniela Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Mileena, Mikasa Ackerman, Amanda Young, Alicent Hightower, Sam Carpenter, Rin Yamaoka, Carrie White, Jean Grey, Rogue, Rachel Roth, Mal Bertha, Maki Harukawa, Mukuro Ikusaba
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freakassfemme · 6 months
(Smut/Drabble) Is It Casual Now? CisF! Reader x Yara Greyjoy
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Summary: Y/N, a member of Yara's crew and longtime fling, finds herself struggling to face the reality of the Ironborn serving a Targaryen tyrant, especially after Yara's confession.
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST! It's horny but it's sad. Oral sex, f/f, lesbianism (but that's a blessing), angsty sex, sad sex, crying
A/N: YES the title is based off of Casual by Chappell Roan. Every time I listen to it I can't help but imagine something angsty with Yara.
The boat crashing against the rage of the sea only slammed your hips farther onto Yara's fingers as you struggled to keep yourself upright. Her hips worked some to hold you in place on top of the crate you sat upon, but still you tethered yourself on a rope hanging from the ceiling of the steerage.
Your moans were partially washed out by the creaking of the boat and partially by the way she smothered your lips in her own, and when she groaned back into you, your hand dropped and wrapped around her neck, deepening the kiss in a clash of teeth and tongue.
This wasn't unusual for the two of you. You'd been the only female member of her crew for quite some time, and like any of the men on board, you two preferred to find solace in the arms of a woman. It had never been anything serious, and it had always been something kept mostly private. Yara loved good company, but with a member of her crew could put her authority in jeopardy.
However, there was something unusual about the way Yara's mouth wandered to your neck. There was something entirely unusual about the way that she, rather than a simple bite on the shoulder to stifle her own noises, worked a deliberate mark right at the base of your jaw. In all three years of your little secret, Yara had never made such intentions present.
This new sensation pulled little gasps from you that floated right to Yara's spine, sending a shiver down it, so she continued placing her claim at the base of your throat, in the dip of your neck, under your ear, creating bruises that eventually washed to the other side of your throat as well.
Her fingers pumped ferociously inside of you, carelessly bruising every sweet spot like it was her last moments on this earth. When you cried out against her, she cooed into your ear so sweetly that you couldn't even form the words to tell her to stop (not that you would want to).
"Are you going to cum for me, sweetheart?" She whispered into your ear, and you shuddered, letting out a breathy laugh.
"N-no," you said, knowing it was the complete opposite of the truth. It was impossible for you to not to, especially when you knew she could feel the way you pulsed around her fingers, the way you gushed into her palm with every push, and the twitch of your thighs with every gentle curl.
"I don't think so," you murmured, letting a teasing smile slip.
Yara shook her head, chuckling and digging her fingers into a particular spot that had you almost jumping out of your seat. She watched, lips parted as your head fell back against the wall of the ship and your eyes fought not to squeeze shut.
"Your cunt is telling me a different story," she growled. She pressed her hand into your lower stomach, building another toe-curling pressure inside you as she held you in place. She kissed you sweetly after you let out a small cry, then sank to her knees.
You watched as Yara turned her focus to mouth at your clit, the vulnerability in her kneeling not slipping past you. The admiration in her eyes, the intensity of her passion - these things did not go unnoticed, and you felt your eyes begin to water. Tingles worked their way up your shoulder, and your ears rang as she pulled moan after moan from you. Your fingers dug into the crate, and you looked down at her with flushed cheeks.
Your heart pounded in your chest, but every other beat pulled a painful chord in your chest, and Yara could feel the way you began to choke up. Her hand slipped down to rub your thigh affectionately, but you instinctively grabbed it, interlacing your fingers.
Your eyes began to burn and blur as salty tears slipped down your rosy cheeks, and Yara squeezed your hand, watching the way you rested your other hand over your forehead, too mixed up between the climaxing pleasure and your longing heart to stay still.
"Yara," you whimpered out, "I'm, I'm-" But you couldn't get it out. It was all too much, the banging in your chest, the way Yara's fingers opened you up as easily as two flower petals, the way she made out with your sex like it was the love of her life, the way she had made it obvious to anyone who looked at you for the next week what had happened, and how they would know exactly who did it--
-- if you made it to the end of the week.
Tensions were high in all parts of the world, and the recent alliance between the Iron Islands and Daenerys Stormborn had completed changed the basis of the Ironborn way of life, and every member of the fleet in particular was feeling the effects of it.
Being pulled so far away from home, losing friends and family members too far from the sea to even retrieve them, and now you were following the trail of the dead with Yara to meet the queen who had started all of this, who had threatened and reconstructed an ancient way of life.
"What do you mean you don't want to go?" Yara stuttered, looking at you in disbelief. "That's not your decision to make, Y/N."
You stood on the other side of the room, running your hands through your hair. Your fight had echoed through the halls of Pyke until Yara had had enough and pulled you into a private room, but even now, passerby stopped to listen in.
It wasn't that you were a particularly disobedient soldier. You had always trusted Yara with your life, obeyed every command, even if that meant returning to her drenched in blood and void of emotion. She was your Captain, your Queen, and you had promised your life to her.
"Why are you serving her?" You exclaimed, throwing your hands up. "She's not even Ironborn, and you've known her for all but a few weeks, and now you've bent the knee?"
"Y/N," Yara stepped forward cautiously, but you waved her off, stepping back. She could feel the heat radiating off of you, feel the anger ripping at the air, threatening the foundation of this offhand non-commitment commitment you had to each other.
"No, Yara!" You exclaimed, "I won't go off to die in the middle of some fucking sea-less dessert for some woman I've never met!"
"She is the Dragon Queen!" Yara argued back, slowly letting her own temper slip from her. "She is the breaker of chains! She will bring no harm to the islands - you know I would not allow that."
You turned to her, eyes burning with rage, and met her face.
"Oh, but you have so willingly sacrificed everything the Ironborn stand for and everything we are for her!" You screamed. Yara stared fiercely down at you, though she did not respond. "And for what? What do we receive in return?"
Still, Yara said nothing. This irritated you even further, so you went further, going so far as to push Yara back. She let you, still quiet.
"You cannot kill another Ironborn, so what, you've taken to dragging us far away and drowning us all in her name?" You hissed. "What has she promised you? Or are you truly just so wound up in some foreign woman's cunt you would erase everything we have worked for?"
You went to push her again, but Yara grabbed on to your wrists. She dragged you forward, bringing you until you were so close you thought she might kiss you if it weren't for the circumstances.
For a long moment, you stared at each other, rage stirring and boiling at the very sight of each other, at the implications you had grown to believe about each other during this fight.
Then, Yara opened her mouth.
Nothing came out at first, simply a few stuttered breaths, then a glance away. And though you had quite a few times before worked Yara up to the point of chosen silence, never had you rendered Yara speechless.
Then, she looked back down at you, and swallowed thickly. Her expression had changed, twisted into a much more somber one.
"If I die out there," she whispered, "I cannot die without you."
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marascomics · 1 year
Sale in my print shop rn! Plus use the code 32MN7SBX for an additional 10% off any orders $30+ until June 20th :)
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g0lightly · 10 days
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The Hounds of Harrenhal
Longfic! Canon compliant except for the fact that Sansa is now Robb’s fraternal twin. The story begins in 302 AC, making Sansa 19 and Brienne 21.
After Jaime’s death, Brienne takes over the Hound’s helm and persona in her grief. To restore his honor and legacy, she resumes her mission to find Sansa; along the way, she enters a tourney at the Eyrie as the Hound to win some much needed coin to continue on through winter. At the Eyrie, Lady Alayne Arryn begs the stranger in the Hound’s helm for help escaping a doomed marriage.
Brienne temporarily sets aside her mission to help the lady escape north to reunite with her family. Petyr Baelish then announces that the Hound has abducted Sansa Stark, who has been in disguise as his bastard daughter Alayne, and advertises a large reward for her safe return. All this as Tyrion uses his previous marriage to Sansa as an attempt to take the Vale for the mountain clans and Daenerys, ultimately leading to a second dance of the dragons as the Long Night looms over a years-long winter.
Soon all the singers of Westeros would sing of Harrenhal’s Hounds, their witch queen, and the “abduction” that started it all - but life is not a song. In this story, it is far sweeter.
Painting is La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Frank Bernard Dicksee.
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yelenadelova · 16 days
Sapphic Daenerys ships just hit different
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n-evermores · 2 years
The Queen's Heart
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Pairing: Sansa Stark x fem!reader (Drabble)
Genre: Fluff, Implied romance
Summary: Your Queen Sansa's handmaiden. She tells you everything, trusts you with her life, but little does she know how much you admire and love her.
Sansa sat before you, her long hair falling free over her shoulders. Your gentle hands lifted the red tresses carefully, making sure to work out every tangle before you began braiding her hair. She didn't say anything to you at first. She sat there quietly, her pale eyes closed tightly as your fingers brushed against her scalp. You often watched your queen closely, keeping an eye out for her, yet admiring her from a distant as she did her daily duties as ruler of Winterfell. But right now you couldn't see her face fully, and she couldn't see your eyes softening as you began to weave strands of her hair together in a simple plait. Your lips parted, tempted to speak soft words to her, but you knew it wasn't your place. Instead a soft sigh escaped your lips.
"What's the matter?" Came her almost apathetic whisper. Sansa appeared cold at times, and her tone usually emotionless when she spoke. You knew she was kind and good underneath it all, but she's been through so much, so much more than what she's told you. And the red wolf has told you a lot more than anyone else.
"I'm just thinking." You responded, refusing to divulge your true thoughts. You heard her make a non-committal sound, shifting some in the chair so she could turn her eyes on you.
"Please tell me what you're thinking?" She insisted and you knew if you avoided looking into those blue eyes, you could have resisted, but it was too late. Your gaze met hers and you relented, your shoulders slumping in defeat.
"I'm thinking about you." You felt heat rise to your cheeks, "you inspire me." You added, hoping to divert her from your true intentions. She smiled knowingly, a sparkle reaching her eyes as she reached over to grasp your trembling hand in hers.
"What would I do without you?" She asked softly, squeezing your hand. You felt your heart begin to gallop inside your chest as if a thousand Dothraki rode to war within. It wasn't often you saw such a gentle expression on her face, but when you did, it was usually directed at you. You daringly squeezed her hand in return, brushing your thumb over her knuckles.
"I'm sure you would do just fine without me, Your Grace. But without you I can imagine the north would become even more cold."
"That's not possible." She responded and you just chuckled. Of course she didn't know just how much her presence lit a fire in the hearts of the northern people, especially yours.
"Trust me. It is." You released her hand before finishing the plait, wishing more than anything to undo the braid and start all over, not wanting the moment to ever end.
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dr3adlady · 7 months
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February 2024 Romance Drawing Challenge
Day 9: Sansa Stark and Mya Stone
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fantasydreamland · 4 months
Reader is Margaery's shy secret admirer, she wouldn't dare bother the king's wife, so R communicates in the language of flowers, sending all kinds of them to express her feelings
Basically Margaery Tyrell x Fem!Reader, please?
Secret Admirer
Margaery Tyrell x fem reader
Summary: You have always admired Margaery. Her grace, her kindness and her overwhelming beauty. You wouldn’t dare make your feelings known as you (and many others) are terrified of her husband King Joffrey. So you find a way to secretly show your admiration. 🌹
Notes: 18+ ONLY!! a little smut, mostly kissing, fluff, wlw, possible spoilers
Thank you so much for this request!!
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Ever since Margaery arrived in Kings Landing you have been completely entranced by her. You have never seen a woman so beautiful. Her graciousness and kindness only adding to your admiration.
The day of the royal wedding was a tense one. The festivities were great fun but you could not help but notice King Joffreys cruel antics and Margaerys uncomfortable demeanour in response, no matter how well she tried to smile and hide it.
That very night you decided to send her a large bouquet of flowers to congratulate the couple, but really it was in hopes it may bring her some delight on her awful wedding night. You quietly delivered them to their chambers long before they would enter.
The next day you did the same, quietly delivering beautiful flowers to her chambers. The king and queen now slept in their separate rooms only rarely would they share a bed when Joffrey wanted to try for an heir.
Every few days you would secretly sneak to her chambers to leave her beautiful bouquets to express your love for her. For weeks you sent different flowers, lilies, carnations, tulips, peonies, orchids, sometimes mixtures of different kinds. One day leaving lovely white roses.
The next day you saw her having tea in the gardens as usual, this time with a white rose in the back of her half braided hair. Your heart soared at the imagine of her finding them and enjoying their beauty so much she decided to wear one. Part of you hoped it was a sign to her secret admirer that she has noticed these gestures.
That evening while she was at dinner, you decided to leave red roses. As you were setting them nicely on her bedside table, you heard the door opening. You froze as you stared wide eyed at Margaery entering her chambers. She looked at you for a confused moment until she glanced over to the new bouquet on her table.
“You? You have been the one leaving me flowers?” She asked with an arched eyebrow.
“Uh, y-yes my queen.” You choked out.
“They are quite beautiful.” She said moving closer to them. “If you would be so kind to tell me who has been requesting you send these, I would love to give my gratitude.”
“I- um, I have been sending them at my own request, my queen.” You shyly look down.
“You’re my secret admirer?“ she ask, amusement in her voice. “And why have you wanted to send them?” You did not see the small smirk as she asked.
“Well I- I simply admire you, your grace.” You say still looking at the floor.
She walks closer to you forcing you to look up and meet her gaze. “You have sent me beautiful flowers for weeks, only because you simply admire me?” She says raising her eyebrow again.
Her question makes your stomach knot and palms sweat. You stare at her blankly, not knowing how to respond.
“Please… tell me the truth of it.” She calmly demands.
You swallow hard before speaking. “Well. I do admire you quite a bit, my queen. Quite a lot, in fact. I- um, I think you are the most kind and gracious woman I have ever met, and your beauty-“ you stutter.
She gives you an enticing look to continue your sentence.
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.” You blurt out, instantly feeling embarrassed.
She smirks at you, lightly touching the red roses before leaning in to smell them. “So, it would be safe to assume your admiration may actually be deeper feelings for me?” She turns back to you.
Once again you freeze in panic. The strong feelings you have kept hidden for so long being called out by her.
“I cannot say I have not noticed you as well, (y/n).” She says, making your heart race. “I have noticed your gaze on me. We do not know each other well but I have also been one to admire your beauty from afar.”
“R-really?” You say dumbfounded, shocked by her words.
“You are very intriguing.” She smirks, walking closer to you. “So what is it you desire from me, hm?”
“I- nothing, your grace. I simply wanted to quietly bring you some small form of joy and beauty.”
“Yes, that was your intention leaving me flowers… But what do you desire in your heart?” her enchanting blue eyes looking deeply into yours.
You stare blankly at her, too frightened to give a truthful response.
She moves closer, until you are nearly a breath away. “What is it you think about in the night? When you think of me?” She takes your hand, making your heart stop.
“Your queen is demanding a truthful answer, my lady.” She says with a calm but serious expression, continuing to look in your eyes.
“I- I think about a moment like this…” you choke out, looking down at her hand holding yours. “Imagining being this close to you… and-“ you stop.
“Continue…” she urges.
“And… I think about what it would be like to kiss you… m-my queen.” Your voice shakes, terrified at the words you just confessed.
“So that is what you desire, hm?” She smirks, gently lifting your chin to meet her close gaze.
Her touch was making your brain fuzzy, all you could do was give a timid nod.
You hold intense eye contact for a long moment before she leans in and places a delicate kiss on your lips. You look at her with wide eyes, trying to decide if this is truly happening or you are somehow dreaming.
You use all your strength to push away your fears and kiss her back, harder and longer than the kiss she gave to you. She is taken aback, with a smile on her face. She pushes her lips back into yours making you whimper. Letting go of your hand, she moved hers to hold your waist, pulling you closer to her. Your hand moves to cup her cheek as the kiss deepens. Your body feels as if it’s set aflame when she slips in her tongue. You moan into eachothers mouths as your tongues gently dance together. She slowly moves one hand from your waist to your breast, still pulling you close with the hand that remained on your waist. Your hands gently move into her hair, making her sigh. The entire world felt still as you kissed, only resuming when your lips finally parted.
“Well I will be expecting a rather large bouquet of flowers in the morrow.” She jokes, as you both grin widely, still holding eachother.
“Of course, my queen.” you say as your body still vibrates from the excitement of the moment.
You slowly break apart and she places a final kiss on your cheek. “Goodnight, (y/n).”
“Goodnight your grace.” You give a small curtsy, still smiling wide. Your legs feeling like pudding as you make your way out of her chambers and back to your own.
There was overwhelming electricity the next time you caught eye of each other in a public setting. Margaery takes a drink as you look down at your feet, both silently smiling to yourselves remembering of your little secret.
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danymst · 5 months
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assembly distractions
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