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phillipgallant · 6 months ago
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I think I have a Wario body type now. Also I graduated from Laurier and they have the same colours as Wario (minus the green and blue). Feeling Wario-like 😅😅
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qq506914451wechat · 8 months ago
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★★办理毕业|証、成绩|单、使馆|认証、教育部|认証、学生卡-- OFFER等.等!
◆【公司宗旨】:诚信为主,质量为本,客户为先,解您所忧 !
◆【主营国家】:加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、美国、英国、欧洲----- 等等!
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ielts-toefl-1 · 2 years ago
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#Griffith毕业证 8194343,高仿原版格里菲斯大学毕业证成绩单,办Griffith录取通知书,办Griffith毕业证书,办Griffith学位证认证,办格里菲斯大学文凭证书IELTS,TOEFL,Bachelorr,Master,Griffith University,Diploma|Degree|Transcript|
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poleznotut · 10 months ago
🌟 В поисках надежного решения для сетевой инфраструктуры под открытым небом? Представляем вам коммутатор с резервным питанием OSNOVO SW-80802/WLU! 🌐
💡 Главная особенность: Уличный коммутатор внутри всепогодного шкафа, идеально подходит для различных объектов, от строительных городков до транспортной инфраструктуры.
🛡️ Надёжность и защита: IP66 корпус обеспечивает работу в широком диапазоне температур, от -60°C до +50°C, подходя для самых экстремальных условий.
🔌 Мощность и функциональность: 8 портов PoE Gigabit Ethernet для подключения устройств на скорости до 1000 Мбит/с, 2 SFP порта 1000Base-X для оптоволоконной связи.
🎛️ Управление и безопасность: Настраивается через WEB-интерфейс, с множеством функций L2 и L2+, включая VLAN, QOS, LACP, SNMP, IGMP Snooping и другие. Гарантирует высокую надёжность сети с функциями RSTP, MSTP и ERPS.
🔋 Резервное питание и контроль: Аккумуляторные батареи, реле контроля напряжения, антизависание PoE, возможность контроля температуры и влажности.
🔧 Применение и гарантия: Идеально подходит для видеонаблюдения, организации сетей и других проектов. Гарантия от производителя - 5 лет.
🏭 Производство и дистрибьютор: Российская торговая марка OSNOVO, создана в 2012 году. Доступен у официального дистрибьютора АйДистрибьют.
👉 Подробнее о продукте и покупка на сайте: https://idistribute.ru/news/kommutator_s_rezervnym_pitaniem_osnovo_sw_80802_wlu/
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internetsites · 10 months ago
🌟 В поисках надежного решения для сетевой инфраструктуры под открытым небом? Представляем вам коммутатор с резервным питанием OSNOVO SW-80802/WLU! 🌐
💡 Главная особенность: Уличный коммутатор внутри всепогодного шкафа, идеально подходит для различных объектов, от строительных городков до транспортной инфраструктуры.
🛡️ Надёжность и защита: IP66 корпус обеспечивает работу в широком диапазоне температур, от -60°C до +50°C, подходя для самых экстремальных условий.
🔌 Мощность и функциональность: 8 портов PoE Gigabit Ethernet для подключения устройств на скорости до 1000 Мбит/с, 2 SFP порта 1000Base-X для оптоволоконной связи.
🎛️ Управление и безопасность: Настраивается через WEB-интерфейс, с множеством функций L2 и L2+, включая VLAN, QOS, LACP, SNMP, IGMP Snooping и другие. Гарантирует высокую надёжность сети с функциями RSTP, MSTP и ERPS.
🔋 Резервное питание и контроль: Аккумуляторные батареи, реле контроля напряжения, антизависание PoE, возможность контроля температуры и влажности.
🔧 Применение и гарантия: Идеально подходит для видеонаблюдения, организации сетей и других проектов. Гарантия от производителя - 5 лет.
🏭 Производство и дистрибьютор: Российская торговая марка OSNOVO, создана в 2012 году. Доступен у официального дистрибьютора АйДистрибьют.
👉 Подробнее о продукте и покупка на сайте: https://idistribute.ru/news/kommutator_s_rezervnym_pitaniem_osnovo_sw_80802_wlu/
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whencyclopedia · 4 months ago
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Interview: Dithmarschen Republic
Located in what is the present-day German province of Schleswig-Holstein, the Dithmarschen Republic (1227-1559) was a republic by commoners who developed quasi-democratic institutions, including their own written constitution. Fiercely independent and freedom-loving, these peasants successfully defended their political independence against the forces of Holstein and the Scandinavian Kalmar Union as the Middle Ages came to a close.
House in Burg, Dithmarschen
Z thomas (CC BY-SA)
James Blake Wiener speaks to Dr. William L. Urban, a medievalist and the author of Dithmarschen: A Medieval Peasant Republic, to learn more about the Dithmarschers in this interview.
JBW: Dr. William L. Urban, many thanks for speaking with me. As your main research interest is that of the Teutonic Knights and the Northern Crusades, I am curious to know how you first became interested in the history of the Dithmarschers. What was it that led you to Dithmarschen?
WLU: In a very real sense, this book began at the University of Hamburg in 1964-1965 when I met a retired school teacher named Maria Krüger. Of Dithmarscher extraction, she often entertained my wife and me for tea, with cookies and tales of her native land. At her suggestion, I later read some of the local color novelists in the library of the University of Kansas. Thereafter, I went to the works of serious historians where I discovered that the novelists’ descriptions of Dithmarschen and its people were not exaggerations.
I was lucky enough to be able to travel to the countries north of the Elbe. After cycling across Germany three times, I lived in Hamburg and the neighboring town of Ahrensburg for almost a year. This gave me the confidence I needed to write a very rough draft of this manuscript before turning to the revision and completion of my dissertation, which appeared in 1975 as The Baltic Crusade. In the same year, I received a Fulbright-Hayes research grant for supplementary studies at the Johann Gottfried Herder Institute and the Philipps University in Marburg/Lahn. The opportunity arose for me to visit Dithmarschen twice that summer and again in 1976. In 1976-77, the University of Chicago awarded me a part-time faculty research grant in its main library, the Regenstein Library, to further develop my manuscript in discussion with Prof. Karl Morrison.
In the fall of 1982, Monmouth College provided me with a student assistant, Janet Fox, who typed the manuscript into the computer for editing. In the summer and fall of 1983, I was back in Marburg/Lahn with the help of a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service and a sabbatical from Monmouth College. At that time, Professor Walther Lammers was kind enough to read the manuscript and discuss it with me at his home. I really appreciated his support and friendship. In January 1988, with the help of my wife and a new student typist, Kris Wang, I began a two-year editing process. Hardly a sentence remained unchanged. Eventually, after being tutored to use PageMaker by Daryl Carr and Marta Tucker, I prepared the manuscript for publication during my spring semester sabbatical. In June 1990, my wife and I took a car tour of Dithmarschen to visit places I had previously missed. In the fall of 1990, Monmouth College provided another small grant to cover the cost of preparing the manuscript for publication, and Erik Midelfort (with whom I had discussed the Dithmarscher project on several occasions in the past) responded to my request for a final reading with several helpful comments on the text.
JBW: It is true that there was a notable absence of feudalism and serfdom in nearby Frisia during the Middle Ages. Were the political traditions in Dithmarschen similar to what many historians would term as 'Frisian freedoms'? If so, how 'free' were the Dithmarschers?
WLU: There were many similarities, but the Dithmarschers had a more strongly developed clan system. This communal spirit made it possible to build dikes and canals, to develop a legal system capable of dealing with crime, land disputes, and inheritances; it also made it easier to raise a fighting force of men who could stand up to feudal cavalry and neighboring militias.
16-century Map of Dithmarshen
Abraham Ortelius (Public Domain)
This evolved over time so that local communities (Kirchspiele) became more important, and then the more prosperous farmers became a quasi-aristocracy that dominated the 48 representatives of the final government.
JBW: Many of the characteristics of Dithmarschen – the presence of clannish families, a militia, and a fiercely independent populace – strike me as similar to other medieval peasant republics, like that of the Old Swiss Confederation or the Icelandic Commonwealth. Are such comparisons worthwhile or even valid?
WLU: In my book, I tried to analyze why most peasant republics failed. The Swiss survived because they had geography and poverty on their side. That is, the mountain cantons were difficult to attack and hardly worth the effort, while the other members of the Swiss Confederation managed to negotiate the complex political and military challenges by raising a well-drilled military force large enough to defeat the regional powers, then providing mercenaries to more powerful neighbors who became allies.
What Dithmarschen lacked was numbers, and both the Dithmarschers and the Hanseatic League failed to see the advantages of allying against their common enemies as the Swiss had done.
JBW: Relations between Dithmarschen and the medieval Hanseatic towns, like Lübeck, were close. Was this so that they could protect their common interests in commerce while maintaining a degree of political independence?
WLU: Yes, but their common interests were limited. There were Dithmarscher fishermen, just as there were in Lübeck, Hamburg, and Bremen, but no international network of trading partners for selling their catch. There were also too many tensions, especially Dithmarschen traditions that bordered on freebooting (and sometimes crossed over it)! Dithmarschers defended their citizens even when they were in the wrong, which was not always the case with the Hansa.
JBW: John I of Denmark (r. 1481-1513) and his brother, Duke Frederick of Holstein, attempted to subdue the peasantry of Dithmarschen in the 1490s. At the Battle of Hemmingstedt in 1500, Danes and Holsteiners were soundly defeated by the Dithmarscher peasants. What ensured their victory of what was seemingly a more powerful and better organized military force?
WLU: First, the invaders did not have the money to pay their mercenaries and allies for a long war, so they needed a quick victory.
Second, dumb luck. The king sent his army north from Meldorf toward Heide along a narrow road on a dike, expecting that the good weather would last. Instead, a winter storm blew into the invaders’ faces, making it difficult to see until they finally blundered into fortifications the Dithmarschers had hurriedly thrown up across the road. When they trained their artillery on the redoubt, the wind, snow, and rain doused the wicks and ruined the power.
Battle of Hemmingstedt
Max Friedrich Koch (Public Domain)
Lastly, Dithmarscher fighting skills were more appropriate to this battlefield – they opened the dikes, waded barefoot and half-naked through the freezing water to get at the foe, and then pursued the panicked enemy relentlessly.
JBW: What became of the Dithmarschers following the Protestant Reformation? Moreover, how did they ultimately lose their cherished freedoms?
WLU: The Dithmarschers were very pious, but because they had always been suspicious of clergymen, they had limited their authority. Since they had long managed their local religious affairs themselves and used the churches for schools and political assemblies, they found the change to Protestantism easy, which is quite something.
JBW: Are there any unique characteristics of the medieval Dithmarschen Republic that merit further consideration and study? If so, what are they?
WLU: First, we should not think of every European society as an inferior reflection of England and France, but of each possessing characteristics that are still important today. Second, these characteristics can be good or bad, or both at the same time. People are complicated. Third, not everyone can be moved by what they see in others.
Dithmarschers admire Britons; Americans are liable to see in the Dithmarschers what they once were, and everyone can remember that freedom is not free but must be earned and defended by patriot blood.
JBW: Finally, if there is one thing that we ought to remember about the Dithmarschen Republic, what is it in your opinion?
WLU: Someone inscribed a motto on the organ in Hemme, Germany: "Dithmarsia libera fuit." The implication was that it could be again, and today it has become so again.
JBW: Dr. William Urban, many thanks for lending your time and expertise!
Professor William L. Urban was educated at Baylor University, the University of Texas at Austin, and the Universität Hamburg. He received a Ph.D. 1967 at the University of Texas, taught at the University of Kansas and Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois, at Knox College, Fort Hays Kansas State College, the Estonian Institute for the Humanities, and the Eastern Michigan University Cultural History Tour in Europe. He was Director of the Arts of Florence, then the Yugoslav and Czech programs of Associated Colleges of the Midwest. He received a senior Fulbright grant for research at the Herder Institut in Marburg/Lahn, Germany; several DAAD grants, NEH grants for summer study, and a United States Military Academy Military History Workshop. He is a corresponding member of the Historische Kommission für ost- und westpreußische Landesforschung and the Baltische Historische Kommission. He has published The Baltic Crusade, The Prussian Crusade, The Livonian Crusade, The Samogitian Crusade, Tannenberg and After, Lithuania, Poland, and the Teutonic Order in Search of Immortality, The Teutonic Knights: a military history, Medieval Mercenaries, Bayonets for Hire: the Business of War, 1550-1763, Matchlocks to Flintlock, Mercenaries in Europe and Beyond, 1500-1700, Bayonets and Scimitars, Arms, Armies and Mercenaries, 1700-1789, and Small Wars, and their influence on the Nation State. With Jerry Smith, he translated The Livonian Rhymed Chronicle, The Chronicle of Balthasar Russow, and Johannes Renner's Chronicle.
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covid-safer-hotties · 5 months ago
University administrators appear unconcerned that COVID is increasingly rampant on Ontario campuses - Published Oct 15, 2024
By Steve Wilcox
'We are witnessing a failure in public health as vulnerable people are being left to self-organize around a larger systemic problem'
From the University of Toronto to Wilfrid Laurier University to Carleton University, students across Ontario are begging one another to take precautions against COVID-19.
Statements like those below, posted by students to Reddit, a social media site that hosts unofficial forums for universities across Canada, appear on a daily basis now.
“I swear every lecture I go to at least 7 people are one cough away from respiratory failure.” – r/UTSC
“Guys, can you please stay home if you have the god awful cough?…I really don’t want to get sick and some of you aren’t masking or even bothering to cover…” – r/WLU
“Please wear a mask if you’re sick. It seems like a basic courtesy that if you’re coughing and sneezing you should be wearing a mask. We are students and missing class obviously impacts our learning and how much work we can do” – r/CarletonU
On forums like r/UofT you’ll find students using the internet’s equivalent of shouting to implore people to protect themselves and others:
At Laurier, where I research the relationship between play and cognition, there has been no mention of the virus this term; no communication about the risks; no guidance on how students, staff, and faculty can protect themselves.
Let’s be clear: what we are witnessing here is a failure in public health as vulnerable people are being left to self-organize around a larger systemic problem over which they have diminished control and a reasonable expectation that if they were at risk (they are), the school they are attending would inform them (they are not).
At Laurier, where I research the relationship between play and cognition, there has been no mention of the virus this term; no communication about the risks; no guidance on how students, staff, and faculty can protect themselves. At the same time, it is not uncommon for a quarter of the class to be absent at any given time in our program. This has to change.
When I say that vulnerable people are being left to fend for themselves, I mean all of us. We are all vulnerable to COVID, from our lungs to our hearts to our brains. Since higher education is about developing thinking and reasoning skills, I’ll focus on just the mental or cognitive impacts of a COVID infection. As a disclaimer, a number of these studies rely on measuring changes in IQ, a problematic tool for assessing intelligence, partly due to cultural and social biases. However, these studies do provide insight into baseline changes in cognitive functioning.
COVID research tell us that:
Mild COVID infections are associated with a drop in IQ, warns the New England Journal of Medicine. In adolescents and young adults, mild COVID infections disrupt brain connectivity and reduce memory function, according to research from Translational Psychiatry. A single, mild COVID infection can result in the equivalent of the brain aging 10 years, leading to “larger cognitive decline” compared to those uninfected, Nature reports. Young, healthy adults who experience a mild COVID infection show memory and cognition impairment, according to a study published by Heliyon. More severe infections lead to higher drops in IQ, (New England Journal of Medicine); and in one study, one in nine people hospitalized with COVID saw a 30pt drop in IQ (Lancet). Long COVID is associated with severe cognitive slowing (Lancet) One in six Canadians infected with COVID report long COVID symptoms (Government of Canada) These impacts on cognition can last for years (Lancet) If you or your child is attending an Ontario university and they are not taking the proper precautions, they are at risk of graduating with worse cognitive performance than when they arrived. This is not to dimmish students, a number of whom recognize the need for precautions and are scrambling to protect themselves and others. Rather, the responsibility lies with university leadership who have the resources and responsibility to distribute that information at scale. And yet they remain reluctant to even acknowledge the existence of COVID, let alone promote precautions.
Importantly, we do have a “near perfect” solution to this problem: respirators (i.e. N95 masks) are 98 per cent effective at stopping the spread of the virus. As we saw last week on TVO’s The Agenda, informed, equity-focused experts recognize the role of wearing and promoting masks designed to stop airborne pathogens during an ongoing pandemic. It’s worth questioning why this guidance isn’t also being promoted by our governments, local public health officials, or on our university campuses where faculty are producing peer-reviewed research on the harm COVID causes, research that is then resoundingly ignored by their own institutions.
This all seems tied into a broader trend away from evidence-based decision making — the bedrock of good governance — towards decision-based evidence making.
Though by no means a new phenomenon, increasingly leaders are deciding what a policy will be and then manufacturing the evidence that supports that position. It’s an inversion of the scientific method and a dangerous shift towards a post-truth politics in which peer-reviewed research holds as much sway over decision-makers as any other opinion, perhaps even less so given the deference we are witnessing from leadership towards reactionary right-wing framing of topics like the climate crisis, vaccines, genocide, and other socially pressing but economically and politically inconvenient issues.
This all seems tied into a broader trend away from evidence-based decision making — the bedrock of good governance — towards decision-based evidence making.
Indeed, political expedience — making decisions based on what is most convenient rather than what is most moral — is becoming the new norm. The fact is, COVID is an inconvenient truth and leaders have taken the path of least resistance in responding to it, choosing the more expedient route of appeasing those who reject science and our duty to care for others rather than embracing evidence and minimizing harm. While we have become somewhat inured to this from elected officials, there’s something particularly pernicious about an institution of higher education dismissing science, particularly when this involves exposing learners to a virus that diminishes their ability to think, to reason, to learn, and in some cases to even function.
If labelling this post-truth politics seems like an overreach, consider that while universities ignore a demonstrably harmful virus, they continue to position themselves as bastions of equity and inclusivity and to promote the very research they ignore in their own governance.
What needs to happen now? University administrators need to publicly acknowledge the spread of COVID on our campuses; they need to clearly and repeatedly convey the risks in ways that align with best practices for communicating public health information — a single email buried amongst countless others is not going to be effective.
Most importantly, they need to explain how students can protect themselves and each other, such as cleaning the air via enhanced ventilation. The science on the harms of COVID and how to prevent it is becoming quite clear; it’s time for our university leaders to do what we teach our students to do: follow the evidence. The hearts and minds of our students depend on it.
Dr. Steve Wilcox is an associate professor in the game design and development program at Wilfrid Laurier University where he researches the relationship between cognition, play, and communication.
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postsofbabel · 2 months ago
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8 notes · View notes
solarpunkpresentspodcast · 9 months ago
Reframing Narratives With Ecocriticism, With Dr Jenny Kerber
In this episode, Ariel discusses the topic of ecocriticism with Dr Jenny Kerber, Associate Professor of English at Wilfrid Laurier University.
What is ecocriticism? Why is it important, especially for environmental activists and solarpunks, as a narrative reframing device? Solarpunks work very closely with speculation and imagination and as architects of the narratives by which we live our lives, it helps to have tools like ecocriticism at our disposal.
Join Ariel and Dr. Kerber to think through terms like “wilderness” and “nature” and “the Anthropocene”. How do we hold on to hope, despite critical engagement with the dark side of our environmental narratives? 
A bit more about the WLU Land Acknowledgement
Dr Kerber’s profile at Wilfrid Laurier U
“The Trouble with Wilderness” by William Cronon
 Elizabeth May
Kerber, Jenny. "Tracing One Warm Line: Climate Stories and Silences in Northwest Passage Tourism." Journal of Canadian Studies 55.4 (July 2022): 271-303.
Timothy Clark, The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and the Environment
Kate Soper, What is Nature? Culture, Politics and the Non-Human
David Huebert's Chemical Valley
Lord Byron's "Darkness"
Don McKay, Vis à Vis: Field Notes on Poetry and Wilderness
Amitav Ghosh, The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable
Nicole Seymour, Bad Environmentalism: Irony and Irreverence in the Ecological Age
Phoebe Wagner and Brontë Christopher Wieland, Almanac for the Anthropocene: A Compendium of Solarpunk Futures
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typhlonectes · 2 years ago
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Check out this incredible shot of a newly hatched Big Sandy crayfish taken by the team at White Sulphur Springs National Fish Hatchery!
This fella entered the world at a whopping six millimeters – a little smaller than a pencil eraser. White Sulphur Springs National Fish Hatchery works with the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources and Loughman Lab - WLU Crayfish Conservation Laboratory to raise the federally threatened crayfish with the ultimate goal of restoring their populations in the wild. photograph by Andrew Phipps/USFWS 
via: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region
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titsthedamnseason · 6 months ago
finally the bonus scene from wlu of charlie in the car with marrow the people have been begging for this. not me personally but im so pleased for everyone else
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baby-xemnas · 2 years ago
this is not ship hate but ill muse a lil abt l@wlu whom i dont ship so if you do, you probably won't like this (also talking abt law and SH's)
saw art that i didnt hate cuz they both felt IC to how i see them and law looked so calm and casual it made me think how their rship is canonically like YEA law is absolutely indebted to luffy and YEA he grew to respect him a lot beyond initial interest he had in luffys potential.
and ofc i LOVE when ppl fall in love with luffy when they spend time with him they are fond of him but law keeping reserved because yea sure they are some type of comrades BUT it makes me sooooo 😊😊😊 that law doesnt go beyond that
and its not a ohh but hes bad at making friends ohhh he doesnt know how. naw.
fucking bomb decision by oda to allow law to keep his distance despite him spending a lot of time with mugiwaras (and i know some fans disagree but i wont go into all the opinions i dont vibe with or ill be here til morning) because YEAH he HAS a crew he has a family - and what im trying to say here is that SURE meaningful bonds can be built in a short period of time SURE, no denying that
while it would be SO easy to write him getting attached to strawhats and emphasizing those strong bonds - he did that with vivi didnt he, he did that with many characters mugiwaras save -> but! but but but but but - Heart Pirates WIN so much in value when Law is clearly acting like
"Naw man i got my family, you guys are chill and all, and im grateful to you strawhat, but id like to be back right now immediately.i miss my wife tails i miss her a lot. "
like THAT is sooooo precious to me and im so glad that oda made the conscious choice of characterizing law as somebody who keeps to himself, not jumping the shark on making him grow super close to strawhats
and it is not for any sad and shut in reason, it is not a flaw but a feature - in fact it keeps and builds up further on feeling of law as a complete character and not a luffy accessory number god knows what.
ofc i bitched plenty in my time that law shouldn't have been in wano for that reason that it's none of his business BUT it was to indirectly help mink nation so im turning it into an otp moment (plus theres lawbepo and just excellent bepo moments even if they dont go anywhere im still enjoying being serviced as a fan so im not hating on wano existing as much as before)
ps: still wont read PH/dressrosa - bepoless ass law, who needs him. even law doesnt need bepoless law - i dont think this opinion in particular would change in any way if i have read them since im stressing how important laws family - his crew is to him - and that was showcased post that arc.
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shinoposting · 2 years ago
Insect Awareness Walk on WLU Campus
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My eco-art class made native bug masks and walked around campus to raise insect conservation awareness- thought you guys would appreciate! - u/sophisticadence
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cidd · 2 years ago
Aku merasa mati aku bukan aku, aku tak lg mempunyai jati diri hingga semua terasa mengerikan karena semua yg kulakukan bukan yg sebenar nya aku ingin kan
Suatu ketika aku berhenti dan menatap jalanan yg di lalui orng2 ada bnyk sekali manusia ada bnyk kali orng yg sibuk, sibuk dengan pasangan nya di jln, sibuk dengan keluarga nya dalam mobil berbincang, sibuk dengan teman nya sambil berbincang, ada pula yg sibuk buru2 karena di kejar wktu, seketika aku berpikir apa semua manusia yg berlalu lalang di jln aku berhenti ini memiliki jati diri atau mereka sebenar nya berpula2, apa jngn2 mereka sebenar nya melarikan diri dari jati diri nya, seketika aku membuat semua pertanyaan membuat ku merasa lelah, dan aku melihat ke arah belakang ku seorang anak kecil yg sedang bermain dan berlari sendirian seolah dunia adalah milik nya dan dia berhak berlari2an sepuas nya, aku tersadar bahwa semakin dewasa semakin bertambah usia kita akan menghilang kan jati diri kita, kita harus mengikuti dunia bukan lg mengikuti jati diri kita, karena jika kita takut tertinggal oleh dunia dan di singkir kan secara kasar dari dunia kita injak, hingga akhir nya kita rela meninggal kan jati diri kita untuk mengejar dunia ini membuang nya jauh2 agar kita bisa menjadi mahluk yg di Terima di dunia ini, wlu kita tak bisa mengejar kecepatan putaran dunia
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tetrisfinished · 6 days ago
specifically of the unsolicited kind.
i've struggled with this a lot. in various different ways.
first, i think at the part of my life where i took the unsolicited advice and didn't think twice about it and let it guide me on how to live my life. at this point, i think i was young and unsure of myself and i was happy and genuinely grateful to have it. and i never felt myself becoming resentful or taking it and thinking i shouldn't have.
one of the biggest forms of that sort of advice that i can recall in my life is during my university career. i had been removed from the AFM program at University of Waterloo (yes, removed. i'm still ashamed to admit it, a full decade later, but at least i'm able to own my truth now....) and i was trying to re-route my education.
i had applied to and been accepted at 2 programs. economis at university of waterloo and financial math at wilfrid laurier university. i, personally, was leaning towards economics at UW because i was already enrolled at UW and frankly UW is the better known university.
however, at that time, my father guided me and advised me to do financial math at WLU. his reasoning was that potentially both paths are fairly similar and i would be able to learn generally similar information in both but that financial math was the more impressive sounding degree and that that was the one i should pursue.
in fairness to baba, this wasn't completely unsolicited advice because i was confused about it. but definitely leaning towards the option he didn't pick.
now, unless i'm recalling incorrectly, after he told me what he did...i agreed to it. and i listened. and i have never once felt any sort of resentment to him for nudging me in the direction that he did. despite that the degree and the education was difficult for me, but i have to believe that economics would have been too!
so overall that was the biggest form of that advice i recall receiving and taking. and alhumdulillah, to this day, i have no resentment or regrets. i'm happy having done what he suggested and it's worked out for me!
second, with unsolicited advice was when i started to feel some level of pressure about it and from that pressure came resentment.
i believe i still occasionally find myself reacting to unsolicited advice, but less and less with each passing day.
i think this phase was characterized by me showing some of my personal growth (though in the most immature way possible lol). at this stage, i would accept the advice (though again, not solicited by me) and then have it turn into some sort of pressure from the folks giving it and feel resentment for it because in my heart of hearts i knew that i didn't want to do it this way.
i can't honestly think of one concrete example of this, mostly because there are so many and if i start to list them out the ultimate theme of each of the recollections - and the question i ask myself as i read or think through my own life - is so WHY DID YOU DO IT? why do the thing someone else told you to do when you felt it wasn't the right thing to do or you felt it wasn't the right way to proceed. and then why resent?
and while that's 100% true - at this phase of my life, i guess i just hasn't found my own footing in myself and my abilities enough to even ask myself the question. so that's that phase.
during this phase, i think i also developed the deep seeded hate in me FOR unsolicited advice. because oh boy, was i ever triggered when i received it! and that's totally unfair - i mean what's really so annoying to me if someone gives me advice. but i guess the social pressure of taking the advice and the resentment that followed just brought with it a whole bunch of assumptions i chose to believe. assumptions like why is this person telling me this? do they think i'm unable to make my own decisions? do they think i'm an idiot? do they think x or y or z?
and here i'll say - my assumptions were not grounded in what i believe to be falsehoods! like even now, i sit here thinking the answer to all the "do they think" questions could and perhaps was actually "yes, 1000%". but i guess you could say in this phase of my life i was very dependent on the outside perspective on me to define who i actually was. and so if i started to believe someone else thought i was an idiot i would go out of my way to convince myself (and them) that i'm not, and part of it by taking their advice and then proving to myself it was incorrect advice.
it was a vicious and terribly motivated cycle i was in and so i just started to get triggered and weirdly egotistic about instances in my life when others provided unsolicited advice or opinions.
but as i grew up, i really started to wonder why i was getting so triggered with advice. because i started to see instances where i received the same advice from a trusted friend or family member that i had asked for vs having received it unsolicited from someone else. and the way i reacted to these scenarios was nuts.
e.g. my SiL would give some unsolicited advice about something and i would get all pissy and upset and triggered by it. but then i would go and solicit advice from my sister and she would give the SAME advice. and i would completely accept and honour and take her advice without any issues - just because it came from a solicited and trusted source. but ultimately, the advice was the same, and in practice it was GOOD advice. so....what was stopping me from taking it from my SiL?
and this train of thought is what lead me to now, which is third....the phase i've more or less transitioned to in present day. (though, like i mentioned earlier, i do still occasionally find myself regressing HOWEVER now i have the good sense to ask myself to pause and think about why i'm taking said advice and if i don't want to, what's stopping me from NOT?).
and this phase is the one where i'm forcing myself to listen to unsolicited advice with an OPEN mind. the one where i'm forcing myself to detach any unsolicited advice from others from the way i think they perceive me. and taking it strictly at face value.
AND in addition, in this phase, i'm ACTIVELY and CONSCIOUSLY still giving myself the full ownership and control over my own actions. the ownership that was - in fact - mine all along. but i own it consciously. i own the right to take the advice or not. and if i take it and it works out for me - great! but if i take it and it doesn't - i know i did my own due diligence and fit the advice on my own personal circumstance before taking it, so it's not like i'm holding any resentment for someone who pushed me to do something i didn't want to. it was my own decision.
and actually part of this has also been my development in the understanding that sometimes the decisions we make will be great. and sometimes they won't. but one bad decision doesn't need to define us. one good decision doesn't need to make our egos skyrocket.
we're all human. the most i can do is my best effort and beyond that, nothing is in my control.
so....i hope you can see what i'm trying to articulate in this post. and that is...i'm recognizing and acknowledging a lot of self growth. and i am HERE for it. my 30s so far have been a wonderfully transformative time for me and i think i'm finally at a place in my life where i can truly believe that i am an adult.
i'm living my life, more or less on my terms. i'm doing the things that give me happiness. i'm sacrificing where i see fit, and where my responsibilities require the sacrifice of me. and i'm okay with it.
i'm not living my life for someone else's sake - there's very little resentment in my heart. i've made some freaking TOUGH as nuts decisions. and i'm living with them.
and if they're bad decisions, then so be it. but if they're good ones, then maybe i can acknowledge that i do know what's good for me. and i am...in fact...an adult.
that's all for tonight. i don't honestly know how articulate i've been in this post. but i really hope i could get across what i was trying to get across.
much love,
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postsofbabel · 13 days ago
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