#without my mother getting mad at me for going a but overheard..
afternoonblues · 3 months
alright. just finished watching kny's hashira training arc season and with that BANGER of a final episode, let's just say, even though i regret not going to the theatres for the mugen train movie release here in my country, i will definitely be there for the infinity castle arc trilogy. you will find me at the theatre all pumped up for sure. i'm not missing any of it, alright?
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
Take Them All Down (part 1)
Rhysand x reader
A/n: with all things I write I don’t really know what part of my brain this came from. I’ve had this story idea for a while I just never had characters to use it with. Maybe one day I’ll use it with my own but until then enjoy Rhys with a depression beard. Idk why but I mated Az and Feyre plz don’t be mad.
Warnings: death, angst, poison, blood, reader buried alive
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You came to with a sharp inhale. The first thing you see is Beron Vanserra smirking down at you. You try to sit up but quickly find the male is kneeling on your chest. As you struggle against him he clicks his tongue at you. “Now, now y/n. None of that.”
You gave up. Tired from the brutal hours you spent fighting Hybern’s army. Before you could scream Beron gripped your jaw so tight he forced your mouth open. He dumped a small vial of clear liquid down your throat, quickly forcing your jaw shut so you’d swallow.
Once he let go up you started coughing, gasping for air. “What the fuck did you do to me?” You croaked out. Drowsiness started to take over your body. Your limbs feeling weak and tired. You fight the urge to close your eyes, attempting to flip your body so you could crawl to Rhys.
As your eyes closed you saw Beron’s mouth move but you couldn’t hear his threatening words. You just drifted off into an endless darkness.
It felt like you heard years pass as you stayed in the darkness. You heard Rhys cry out in anguish. A priestess and a somber organ and then nothing.
It’s been one month. One month without you and Rhys had become a ghost. He rarely leaves the Town House. Amren and Mor have been running the court. Cassian, Azriel, and Feyre are out of ways to help him.
The High Lord has barley said a word since you died. He just spends his days draped in an armchair, a glass of never ending whiskey clutched in his hand. Rhys had stopped shaving. A dark scruffy beard now covering his sharp jawline. And the bags under his eyes deepened as the days pass.
Rhys knows his family means well but it didn’t make him feel any better as he overheard their constant muttering. “What do we do?” “Has he ever been this bad before?” “He wasn’t like this after under the mountain.” “I’m worried he’s going to do something…drastic.”
If Rhys had the energy to move he would’ve left the Town House weeks ago. But this was your favorite place. He couldn’t just abandon it to collect dust. Rhys scratched at his beard and cleared his throat. The conversation in the hall paused for a moment as the family listened for a moment and went back to their whispers.
The five of them held their breath for a beat, then let go as the sound of ice clinking against glass breaks the silence. Cassian scrubs at his face with both hands. Amren shakes her head. Azriel speaks up first, “I’m out of answers.” Mor hugs herself and Feyre holds Azriel’s hand.
“What about other friends?” Mor asks. Azriel shakes his head. “I have intel that Helion and Kallias have been dealing with their own issues.” He lowers his voice more, “Day and Winter are in trouble. They may collapse in months, weeks even.” Amren’s eyes widen in shock. “Why?” She spits out. Azriel shrugs. It’s killing him to not have the answer.
Amren let’s out a huff as she voices what everyone fears. “We might be headed for the same fate if something doesn’t change.” They all look to the sitting room, sending up a prayer to the Mother.
It was hard opening your eyes. You still felt groggy from the battle. And then you remember Beron kneeling on you. The clear liquid burning down your throat. You jolted up but hit your head on something hard, forcing you down again.
Your eyes fly open. Your breathing fast and hard. It’s pitch black. You feel around the dark enclosed space. It’s getting harder to breathe.
Cushioned siding and smooth wood meet your fingertips. Your mind is racing. Then it clicks. Beron put you in a suspended state. The bastard fooled everyone into thinking you were dead.
Oh Mother, Rhys! Your mate was tricked into burying you.
You felt anger surge through you. Resting your palms against the smooth cold wood. Taking one more deep breath you pull back your fist, throwing all the strength you have into splintering the wood. It didn’t budge.
You switched fists. Willing the wood to break under your knuckles. You kept alternating fists. Punching again, and again, and again, and again.
A scream ripped from your lips and heavy tears started flowing from your eyes in waves. You didn’t yield. Continuing your assault on the coffin holding you back from the world.
Dirt finally fell through a crack onto your stomach. You jerked and felt something metal against your leg. They buried you with your sword. Strapping it to the belt of your dress you went back to breaking open the coffin. Your knuckles were gushing blood, stinging from the loose wood and dirt.
Another wave of strength and anger came over you and started kicking at the lid. The lid splintered in half allowing dirt to spill in. You sputtered as it fell into your mouth and eyes. Willing your arms to move you push the dirt away from you.
You begin to dig upwards. Crawling all six feet to the surface of the earth.
That was the tough part. Punching through the tightly packed ground was harder than the coffin. As your fist broke the ground you spread your fingers, feeling the cool night air.
Punching over and over again you got both arms out. You push the ground apart with what little strength you have left, pulling yourself from the grave. Gasping down air lighting cracked above. You rest for a moment, curling up on the ground.
Rolling on to your back a wail comes up from your chest. More tears run down your face, leaving tracks on the dirt coating your face.
A blood curdling scream of anger comes next.
Rain begins to pelt your face. You breathe a sigh of relief. You feel alive again.
You want to see Rhys but the need for revenge is overpowering. The anger rattles your bones as you begin to shake.
Flipping over you push yourself up on tired and bloody hands. Fingers seeping in to muddy ground. You focus on breathing and your ability to winnow.
As your power flows through you, you focus on getting as close to the Forest House as possible. Wards be damned. Let him know you’re in his court. In his home. Death is coming for Beron Vanserra and you will be the last person he ever sees.
Rapid and hard knocks shake the door of the Town House. Cassian rips it open so hard it almost comes off its hinges. A city guard is standing in the rain looking worried and disheveled. Tilting his head at the guard Cassian noticed the male seemed pale.
“What is it?” “I am sorry to disturb at this hour but there is something the High Lord must know.” Cassian’s brows furrowed, his eyes narrowing. “The High Lady’s grave it’s…been disturbed.” Cassian almost fell to his knees. “How?”
The guard looked like he couldn’t bring himself to say the words. “Speak!” The General commanded. “It’s been dug up, sir.”
Cassian left the door open as he rushed to the sitting room. The Inner circle looked to him with curious faces. “Rhys,” he strode over to kneel before his brother. “Y/n’s grave, it’s…”
Rhys showed his first sign of emotion in weeks. It was unreadable. He shot up from his seat and pushed past the group to the front door. Rhys broke out into a sprint in the pouring rain. They followed and didn’t stop until your grave came into sight.
He halted inches away from the ripped up ground. Dropping to his knees Rhys’s lip trembled as tears streamed down his face. He couldn’t scent another person. Just you. Only one thing was on his mind as he broke out into hysteric laughter.
There had been something off about your death- Rhys just couldn’t verbalize it until now. The mating bond wasn’t gone it was just…dull. Like it was waiting to wake up again. Azriel and Cassian wrapped Rhys in their arms tightly.
“She’s alive,” he forced out through laughter and tears. The group looked at each other concerned. Azriel’s shadows were swirling around like crazy. Covering your tombstone, the hole in the ground, and the ripped up grass around them.
They finally came back to rest by his shoulders. One circling his rounded ear. As the shadow whispered Azriel’s eyes widened at their report.
He looked to Cassian, bewildered. It was true. You are alive. And the shadows haven’t a clue where you went. They needed a plan. And there are too many questions.
You ended up at the bottom of the main stairs of the Forest House. The guards didn’t notice you until it was too late. You beheaded them, kicking the doors in.
Stomping down the hall you sliced through each guard you came across. Leaving a trail of blood to the throne room. One of Beron’s sons, you don’t know which one, didn’t care, tried to fight. You brought him down to his knees keeping a death grip around his throat with your arm.
Entering the throne room you climbed up the dais throwing the male down hard, your sword poised at his throat. Guards and other court members rushed in.
You didn’t flinch. Didn’t drop your scowl or lower your sword. You wouldn’t back down from Beron. “Bring me Beron Vanserra or he loses another son!” For emphasis you pushed your blade against the trembling males throat.
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celiawrites14 · 5 months
Meet The Grandparents
Warnings including but not limited to : family drama, anxiety, drama, angst, death, oc death (not main character), suicide, depression
** this is really bad, but I had this idea in my head and couldn't get rid of it **
Long AF but I don't know how to write any other way
I had a normal childhood. No psycho killer for a parent. Both still alive and loving. The only non normal part was when my mom died when I was seventeen and my 35 year old sister went missing in lieu of a case of three children going missing.
“Garcia, anything?” Hotch asked her. We were called in on the case late. There were already three victims.
“Sir, as much as I want to dazzle you with my awesomeness, I’m coming up blank.” She told them. “I’ve checked and double checked and cross checked everything I can think of and I still have zilch.”
“Have you tried checking the surrounding towns? Do everything within a 45 mile radius.” Hotch question and advised her.
“See this is why you’re the boss man and I’m just the techie that types.” She told us.
“Penelope, also double cross those names with the list of names you get with a list of teachers, nurses, and counselors.” I added in. My sister, Caroline, was a teacher. Maybe he went for the mothering type.
“Okay super. This is much more manageable and I might actually get a hit. Catch you both on the flip.”
With no leads, Hotch decided it was time to try a cognitive interview.
"Alyssa, sit down." I sat down across from Hotch. "Close your eyes."
I took another shuddering breath and closed my eyes. "What am I thinking about?"
"What's your first memory with your sister?" He started off.
I thought back to my first memory with her. "We - playing at the park near my house. She use to push me on the swings. I remember her giving me under dunks."
"Did you guys always play at that park?" He continued.
"Usually, because it was so close to our house. We could walk there without crossing the highway. Just side streets. And we would go there because that's where Caroline would meet up with her friends"
"Who were her friends?"
"Ah, Callie. That was her best friend. They always played together until..." I trailed off.
"Until what?" Hotch pressed.
"When I was ten, she would've been sixteen, Callie stopped coming around. I don't remember why. I was going back and forth between Mom and Grandpas."
"Why were you at your Grandpa's so much?"
"I don't remember." I opened my eyes and stared at him.
"You do remember, close your eyes. Think back to conversations you might have overheard." He urged me. I took a deep breath, not as shakily as before, and closed my eyes. "Think back. Think back to your Grandpa's house. What do you notice?"
"It always felt so big to me when I was little. At my mom's, Caroline and I use to share a room, until I was eight. Then we moved. But I always had my own room at Grandpa's. That's when things got more stressed. Mom got another job, I started going to Grandpa's more."
"When was the first time you heard somebody talk about it."
"At Grandpas. He was talking to my mom. It must have been on the phone."
"What was he saying?"
"He's talking to my mom about Caroline getting in trouble. I can't hear everything."
"What can you hear?"
"Grandpa is mad. He doesn't get mad often."
"What is he mad about?"
"He's mad because Mom won't punish Caroline."
"What did she do?"
"He's yelling -- he's yelling about it. About - about how Caroline had a meeting with her school counselor. I don't - I don't remember anything else." I opened my eyes and stared at Hotch.
"You did great." He told me, giving me his rare smile.
"I hardly remembered anything." I protested.
"You remembered more than you thought. You gave us a lot of details. Like your sister meeting with the school counselor. That let's us know it was probably because she was bullying. She got in trouble at school."
"Hotch." Rossi said from the door.
"What is it Rossi?"
"Penelope found something on Caroline's phone."
Penelope sat with me as the team found the location of Caroline. I knew when Spencer and the rest of the team came in that something bad had happened.
I opened my mouth to ask, but no words came out. Spencer looked at JJ.
JJ kneeled in front of me. I gripped Penelope's hand tight.
"When Penelope got onto Caroline's phone, she found a note." JJ said.
"What kind of note?"
"It was a suicide note. Your sister died from suicide. She was racked with guilt from the incident years ago with the boys and then the shooting. She died a few days ago." All of the words JJ was saying slowly became quieter and quieter. There was a ringing in my ears and everything turned dark.
We got to my grandpa's house, thankfully Rossi and JJ had let him know. I wouldn't have been able to tell them.
I walked into the house, dazed.
"Oh, sweetheart." Grandpa said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him tightly. "Okay, we're going to be okay." I pulled back and moved back by Spencer. I gripped his hand tightly. "Who's this?"
"This is Spencer."
"Your boyfriend." He nodded to Spencer. Thankfully, I told my grandpa about Spencer's weird habits and he didn't try to make physical content with Spencer. "Well, I'm Henry."
"I wish we were meeting under different circumstances."
"Me too, sir."
He waved his hand. "None of that. Sir makes me feel old, and I'm not that."
I smiled softly at my grandpa. He always could make me smile.
"Dad, who was at the door - oh Alyssa!" My grandma barreled into the room.
"Grandma." I hugged her tight.
"Oh, baby. It's been too long." She pressed her hand to my cheek for a moment before looking at Spencer. "You must be Spencer."
"I am, it's nice to meet you. Alyssa talks very highly of you." Spencer smiled at her.
"She is our baby." Grandma told him. "I made supper, you need to eat."
I tried to protest, but Spencer spoke up. "You haven't eaten since lunch yesterday."
I pursed my lips and looked at Grandma who was glaring at me.
"Yes, ma'am." I walked into the kitchen. "Grandpa! Grandma and Spencer are ganging up on me." I whined.
"Honey, leave the girl alone. She's been home for less than fifteen minutes."
"She needs to eat." Grandma said, coming into the kitchen, Spencer following.
"That's true." Grandpa said. "Good thing Grandma made your favorite."
"You made ravioli?" My eyes widened in surprise.
"Honey, you really didn't think I was going to make you come home after Caroline..." Grandma trailed off.
I bit my lip. "Well, I'm here now." I smiled softly at her.
"That's true." Grandpa agreed. "And we finally get to meet Spencer here."
I smiled at Spencer, who was looking at me with a smile. Even when the whole world was dark, he was always my sunshine.
"Caroline would have loved this." I said sitting at the table. "Family dinners were her favorite."
"We stopped doing them when your mom died. It became to painful." Grandma said.
"It was painful." I agreed with her.
"We can start doing it again more regularly." Grandpa decided. "We live close enough."
"We can come up if we aren't on a case." Spencer told them.
"That would be just lovely." Grandma smiled at the two of us.
"Welcome to the family, Spence." I whispered to him.
"Happy to be here." He leaned over and kissed my forehead.
This is really bad but I had this thought and had to write it down. If you or anybody is in need of help, please call # 988.
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valerienrhapsody · 3 months
Chapter 3: The Hunter
The Hotel Dominique sat just on the outskirts of the Redwood City boardwalk, close enough to the pier to boast an oceanside view, but far enough to escape the bustle and noise of the shopping district. It wasn’t the fanciest joint in Redwood by any means, but it was comfortable and clean, out of the way of the crowds, with only a handful of bookings for the weekend. In other words, it was the perfect spot for two people to sit in conversation without being overheard. 
Alec met with his cousin in the hotel restaurant after sunset, choosing a booth well away from the windows and other diners to ensure absolute privacy. 
“Nice place,” he commented as they slid into their booth, the movement causing the unsteady table to rock back and forth between them. He eyed the décor and hummed his mild approval for the sake of the waiter who took the time to pour them each a glass of water before setting down a couple of menus and scampering off. 
“One hell of a step up from the roach motels and gas station food,” Maggie replied with a snort, but she still grimaced at the mention of her previous accommodations. She rolled up the sleeves of her oversized button-down shirt in the same way Alec wore his, just covering the tattoos that started above the elbow, and then they really started to look alike. 
Her skin was a shade lighter than his, but she had more dark freckles than he did. Where his hair was kept short and peppered gray, she dyed hers with caramel streaks and had twisted it into a fluffy bun of curls atop her head. Through their mothers, they shared a broad nose with heavily hooded brown eyes and oval jaws, but Alec thought the one feature that made them most alike was the patchwork of scars that littered their bodies. Maggie sported a pink, jagged line from the corner of her mouth that reached all the way up to her right eye. Alec’s scars were more obscured than hers, easier to hide under long sleeves and pant legs, but they had learned the same lessons from them.
“Been on the road awhile?” he asked conversationally as he picked up his menu to browse. 
“A couple days,” she said with a little shrug like traveling didn’t bother her as much as he knew it did. “So, how’s the small-town life treating you? Getting bored yet?”
“Nah, it’s alright,” Alec answered, taking note of her quick deflection. “I’ve got a job a monkey could do and my neighbors keep sending passive aggressive notes about my lawn, but none of them are trying to kill me and devour my flesh, so I guess it’s nice.”
“I don’t know how you do it,” Maggie said, shaking her head. She picked up the straw that had accompanied her water and began to pick at the paper wrapping, probably just looking for something to do with her hands. “Don’t you miss working for a real purpose? Miss home?”
“Every day,” Alec admitted, watching his cousin as she carefully avoided meeting his gaze. He set down his menu and picked up his own straw to mirror her, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. “You know, for thirty years I lived and breathed hunting, and that part of me hurt something fierce for a long time after I gave it up…but then there’s the part that’s grateful to finally be slowing down. These last few years in Jericho, for the first time in my life, I’m not looking over my shoulder and surviving from one day to the next. I actually have something of a future beyond ‘work until it inevitably kills me.’ After everything I’ve been through, everyone I’ve lost…I needed it. Can’t feel bad about that.”
“Honestly, since you’ve been gone, I’ve been thinking about it more, myself,” Maggie admitted, her expression growing a little heavy as she finally set down her straw, a little pile of shredded wrapper littering the table in front of her. “For a while there I was so mad at you I could spit, mad enough even my mother said I was overreacting. But ever since Jeannie was born, and now she’s old enough to ask where I’m going and when I’ll be back…that small-town life is starting to sound real nice.”
“Did I just hear you right?” Alec asked, emphasizing his shock in an effort to work a smile out of her. “The Margaret Jameson is looking to retire?”
“I’m trying to be serious here, jackass,” Maggie said, kicking his leg under the table even as the corner of her mouth twitched with humor. “That’s the whole reason I came out here! I mean, yeah, I’m on a job, but I also really needed to talk to my cousin. You’re the only one I trust to give me some honest advice.”
“Only one?” Alec repeated, genuinely surprised.
“Yeah, no one back home has ever up and quit the way you did.” Maggie brushed her paper scrap pile aside and leaned forward with her elbows on the table, lowering her voice to talk conspiratorially. “Alec, before I go home, I have a huge decision to make. I can’t carry on hunting like I have been, fighting with sticks and stones while I’m carrying a whole arsenal in my family blood. I’m either going home to announce my retirement, or I’m going to start the trials.”
Alec leaned back in his seat, blowing out a long gust of breath like the weight of her words had just punched it out of him. “Alright, you are serious.” 
He folded his arms and looked out across the restaurant, thinking for a long minute. It was enough time that the waiter finally returned to take their orders and left, and then a while longer after that. 
“You know, you always used to tell me how much you hated your mom,” Alec reminded her, not missing the way Maggie’s face twisted into a grimace at some unwelcome memory. “After she survived the trials, she wasn’t really your mom anymore. The hunter was all that was left, and you were six years old and you needed more than a cold, emotionless machine could give you.
“Now, imagine Jeannie’s life, growing up, becoming her own woman. Do you think she’s going to be grateful that you made this irreversible decision to cut off your emotions and empathy and everything that makes you a great mother? Sure, you’ll win every fight, you'll live long enough to retire, but you won’t be her mom anymore. I think, if you want my honest opinion, undergoing the trials is the wrong choice for both of you.”
Maggie’s mood seemed to darken as she took in his words, as she processed the many reasons why she knew them to be true.
“Mag, why do you have to decide one way or the other?” he asked, trying to lighten up his tone and shift the conversation in a more optimistic direction. “Why can’t you just go home and take fewer jobs, or take up a partner?”
“Because I’m not good enough,” she said, the edge of her voice betraying a note of frustration. “Alec, the reason why I have to decide now, why I can’t just coast anymore, is ‘cause I seriously messed up…a few times. I was on a hunt last month and the target got the jump on me and escaped. I barely escaped with my life. My dad was furious; my mom benched me and hired Jensen Calloway to finish the job. The only reason I’m here is to identify the target and sign over the contract.”
“Calloway, huh?” Alec said, wincing sympathetically at the uncomfortable predicament his cousin had found herself in. “You don’t call the pro over spilled milk. Is the job that serious?”
“Not really; it’ll be over by tonight, which is why it’s so bad that I couldn’t handle it myself. It seems like every hunt keeps almost getting me killed, and I know if I keep carrying on like this, I’m going to get seriously hurt, or worse. Then what would happen to Jeannie, orphaned with no one but my parents, my mother, to raise her? I just really feel like this is it, like I’m at a crossroads. I’ve either got to take the dive and become invincible, or get out. I guess…I think I know what I’m going to choose. Everyone is going to hate me.”
“Maybe, but Jeannie won’t,” Alec pointed out, and to that, Maggie smiled. “Tell you what, after you finish this job, you make your move and come stay with me awhile. I’ll even clean out the guest room and get you a futon or something.”
“I hope you like toddler tantrums and all-day marathons of Pony Princess Adventures,” Maggie joked, attempting a smile despite the look of quiet dread which had paled her features. 
“Ah, shit. My landlord has a strict ‘no Pony Princess’ rule,” Alec teased, waving his straw in her face to encourage that smile into a full-blown laugh. “Sorry, looks like y’all are going to have to live at the daycare down the road with the rest of the babies and outcast hunters. Tough break.”
“Cousin, you are too much.”
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Once Again (PT.I) | Iwaizumi Hajime (Haikyu!)
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Summary:  Iwaizumi’s broken marriage results in his five-year-old son trying to match him up with his primary school teacher, whom he thinks will make a wonderful replacement for a mother. 
Genre: fluff, slight angst, f!reader x dad! Iwaizumi 
A/N: There will be 2 or 3 parts of this oneshot! Depending on how long I feel like writing. Thanks for checking it out and stopping by! Let’s dive into some Iwa moments :,)
“What’s your return policy on rings?” 
The saleswoman smiles sympathetically behind the counter. That stupid sympathetic smile he’s been getting for weeks on end now. And it never stops; with his co-workers, with his family, his friends...
Iwaizumi’s sick of it. He’s sick of having to prove that he’s doing just fine, thank you very much. When in truth, his heart is constantly being torn apart and stomped upon as is people have nothing better to do than torture him in their free time. 
“I’m sorry, but these rings have been brought more than three years ago, and our warrant only lasts for three years,” the saleswoman keeps on talking but it doesn’t matter, for Iwaizumi can already feel the anger slowly creep up through the back of his neck, can already feel the vibrating emotions clogging up his sense of judgement. 
His fists clench at his sides upon impulse, the physical pain of his nails driving into his palms enough to remind him to stay cordial. It’s not the woman’s fault, the better part of him chants, it’s not her fault at all. 
“Fine,” he manages to grovel out, barely, “thanks anyway.” 
He all but storms out of the shop while shoving the rectangular box back in his pant pocket, and though it’s been more than four months since his ugly divorce with the woman he’d hoped to share the rest of his life with, the weight of their promise hangs heavy and hot upon his thigh. 
The thing is, Iwaizumi is mad. He is seething. If one were to give him a bat, he’d probably destroy the entire town by himself. Not because she was the one that cheated, not because she was the one going behind his back numerous times a week to seek out her lover when he’d been basically driven mad between Hoisuke’s cries and the stress of call meetings scheduled back to back. 
No, he’s angry. Because how the fuck could she do this to Hoisuke? How can she break the child’s heart like that, so ruthlessly, without even thinking twice about the consequences? 
Because if there is a victim in all this, then it’s definitely Hoisuke. And not only that, Hoisuke understands that his mother has been acting strange, that she doesn’t return at regular times and that her hugs now smell of cigarette smoke with a bittertaste of alcohol. 
Iwaizumi is so caught up in anger that he almost blunders past his battered Hyundai, red and chipping away at the corners. Still, this car holds so many memories, the good and the bad ones. 
“Can’t you get a newer car? I thought your company could sponsor you,” the ghost of his wife’s voice echoes through his head, a blatant reminder of all the things she’d found wrong in his life.
“Why?” he’d tilted his head around to fix his gaze on her figure bending over the sink. The TV was playing in the background and he thanked the gods that the morning comics were taking up Hoisuke’s attention, enough to distract him from his parents’ quibbles. 
“It’s just--so old and tacky.” 
“It still works well, doesn’t it? Why change it now?” 
She’d paused, hesitated slightly before blundering on, “It’s embarrassing. My colleagues keep asking if we're poor or something."
"Who cares what your colleagues think?"
Fuck her, Iwaizumi mentally swears as he turns on the ignition. Fuck her and all her needs for a better life. As if the life they had wasn't more than enough. Pulling out into the street to join the incoming traffic, he blinks away the sudden tears accumulating at the corner of his eyes and swears once more, this time aloud, glad that Hoisuke isn't in his presence when he gets in such a foul mood.
Iwaixumi may be angry. He may be filled with pent-up rage from the memory still attached to the day he'd discovered a used condom in their bathroom trash. But that doesn't mean it hurts any less.
That doesn't mean he does not still cry into his pillow over it every night.
"Please don't forget to do your homework for tomorrow! We'll correct them before moving on to the next chapter," you call out to your students as excited chatter fills the air. Students rise from their seats, some calling you bye and waving as they all file out of the classroom and you can't help the small smile lingering over your lips even though your feet are killing you.
Outside, parents have already lined up to collect their kids, the chatter and bustle of people ebbing away down the corridor as you let out a soft sigh.
You jolt, not realizing that one of your students stands by the table wringing his hands, "what's wrong Hoisuke? Dad's not here yet?"
He shakes his head, watery eyes blinking up at you as he raises his thumb to his lips. You stand quickly and motion him to come close until he's within reach before your hand smoothes over the back of his head, "it's okay. He's probably stuck in traffic. I'll wait with you."
It's not surprising that parents get tardy once in a while and you're all too accustomed to those slight change in plans. Thankfully, you manage to distract the young boy with some coloured crayons and a piece of paper while you dial for his father's number.
It keeps ringing. No one picks up.
You try once more, one more time after that. But still, nothing. It shifts to voicemail. You decide it's better than nothing, "hi Iwaizumi-san. This is Y/N, Hoisuke's teacher. I was just wondering what time you would be picking up Hoisuke? Please call me as soon as possible. Thank you."
You end the call only to spot Hoisuke's eyes on you, intent and impatient for you to explain, "it's okay," you tell him with a smile, "he'll be here soon. Don't worry. Do you want to keep colouring some more?"
Hoisuke nods, to which your smile widens. It's those special moments, where your shyest students express themselves, that your chest warms with sympathy and affection. You've been there, you know how it feels like not to be heard, and you appreciate every interaction they offer you.
Being a primary school teacher is tough, especially since it wasn't in your original plans. But the satisfaction of bringing up some of the world's future leaders cancelled out all the late nights correcting tests and scrambled weekends trying to finish off as many worksheets as you possibly could for the coming week. You can’t complain, not when you have a decent salary that keeps bread on the table and a roof over your head.
A tug on your sleeve brings you back to Hoisuke looking up at you, a scribbled drawing of what seems to be of him and his dad. You feel yourself chuckling at how he's drawn both their hair in brown spikes, erratically extravagant and yet so close to reality.
"That's really good, Hoisuke!" You beam down at him, "what do you and your dad do on weekends?"
He shrugs shyly, head averted to the side so that there's no need for eye contact. And in the shyest voice he can muster up, he says:
"Daddy brings me...to see Mama," Hoisuke's words are barely above a mumble, "they live in different houses. They can't live together anymore."
Uneasiness squeeses in your stomach, followed by sympathy for this soft-hearted boy. You had overheard some of your colleagues giggling about Hoisuke's dad being attractive and single -- a combo that teachers adore -- but that doesn't mean that the weight of his words don't lay heavy on your own conscience.
"Do you miss your Mama a lot?" You ask him softly. Unconsciously, your hand finds a way to smooth over his head.
The boy doesn't pull away. Instead, he nods, "sometimes. But it is better this way. Daddy smiles more now. And there's no one to shout and make noise."
"Are you happy, Hoisuke? With your dad?"
He nods and to your amazement grins, "daddy is funny. He tells me not to swear but when he burns the food he always swears. And then he says to shush and tells me to close my ears. He also makes me pancakes every Saturday morning before I go see Mama."
Right on cue, a figure bursts through the open classroom door and both your heads snap to see a drenched, older version of Hoisuke who looks like he just finished running a marathon.
"I'm--" he wheezes, causing you to stand in alarm and concern, "I'm sorry I'm--so late--"
"Daddy, you forgot me again!" Comes Hoisuke's statement as you ask Iwaizumi if he's okay. He shakes off your worry with a flick of his hand and a shake of his head, "I'm fine. Sorry-- there's a nasty rain outside--"
"It's okay," you reassure him as Hoisuke practically barrels into his father and almosy knocks him off his feet.
"Sorry Hoisuke," you watch Iwaizumi's hardened features soften ever so slightly as he ruffles his son's hair. Then, looking back up at you as you bring over Hoisuke's backpack, he says, "thank you. For looking after him."
"It's no problem, honestly. We had fun didn't we?" You grin down at your student and are delighted to find Hoisuke grinning back up at you, albeit shyly, "I put his homework in his diary. He'll need to complete it for tomorrow so that he doesn't fall behind in class."
His father nods, "alright. Thanks."
"Daddy, your hair looks atrocious," Hoisuke says, tugging onto his shirt.
"Atrocious huh?" Iwazumi's eyebrow rise, "someone was listening in their English class today."
"Atrocious means that it looks bad. Daddy, your hair looks bad."
"Thanks buddy, I knew that. Now say bye to Miss Y/N."
"Bye bye, miss Y/N," Hoisuke says, wriggling his short arm through the air as you wave back with a giggle. His father nods at you in silent thanks, makes a move to walk out of the class, only to swivel back to you just as you're collecting your bag.
"Uhm," he clears his throat, causing you to jump slightly, "yes?" You blink back at him and try hard not to stare at the way his white shirt clings to his toned chest, translucent from the rain.
"Do you need a ride?"
You've known Iwaizumi since high school. Having graduated just two years later than he did, his reputation had preceded him throughout the school halls even though you'd never actually had any face to face interaction with the said man. Iwaizumi doesn't know this of course and you are adamant about keeping it a secret. But that plan seems to be unraveling before your very eyes the moment your small talk turns towards your academic history.
"You're from Aoba Johsai?" His surprised glance doesn't escape your notice, especially since that's the most reaction you've gotten out of him.
"Yeah," your eyes stay glued to the row of cars crawling through the motorway, "I remember you went there too, right?"
"How'd you know?"
"You were Aoba's ace volleyball player. Everyone knew who you were."
His silence answers you and for a moment, you fear that you might have offended him. Not that it's something to be offended about.
Before you try to scratch your brain for some kind of response -- any response -- Hoisuke pipes up from the back seat, "Daddy was famous back when he was in high school. He hit the ball like kapow! And jumped so high he can touch the sky."
"Oh? Have you seen him on camera?" You turn slightly, a small smile dangling off your lips at how adorably amazed and excited Hoisuke seems to be.
"Yeah! His spikes are so awesome! It goes pow! And it zooms! Like a cannon ball!"
You burst out laughing, "yes, your father was amazing whenever he was on the court. Every girl in our class had a crush on him."
"What's a crush?"
"Hmm, you know when you really like someone. You like like them, you want to be together with them. Like, girlfriend and boyfriend."
"Oh," Hoisuke draws out, "did you really like daddy too?"
"Yeah I did."
"What?" Iwaizumi almost chokes on his own spit at the same time traffic eases and you're glad for the distraction, for you're certain there's a scattering of colour upon your cheeks.
"Do you really like him now?" Hoisuke persists, undoubtly untouched by the embarrassment taking over his father's features and you swear that more than ever, you want to laugh at how flustered Iwaizumi looks.
You decide to play nice though and instead turn to wink at your student, "that's a secret for me to keep."
You don't have to look twice to know that the man beside you is bursting into hot flames.
"Did you really like Mama before you started living separately?"
Iwaizumi swears that he's never felt so uncomfortable in his life. Not when he's had to state that he was divorced, not when he had to sign divorce papers half drunk off his ass. Not even when he'd raged after his said ex-wife after finding a tie that wasn't his own in his laundry pile.
Now is probably a good definition of what uncomfortable means.
"You're not gonna let me off the hook are you?" He steals a glance at Hoisuke from over his shoulder while stirring the vegetable curry, "yes, I really liked your mother."
"Did she?"
The word 'yes' almost slips past his mouth. Except, he isn't sure whether that's the truth and decides to shoot back with, "have you finished your homework, Hoisuke? You know it's due tomorrow. Miss Y/N said so."
"Do you really like miss Y/N?"
"What?" Iwaizumi frowns, "well--no. Not like that."
"Why?" His son whines, "I really really like Miss Y/N. She's nice to me and she never shouts. And she bakes good cookies!"
"How'd you know that?" Iwaizumi leans over to taste a bit of the sauce. Not bad, he thinks and mentally pats himself on the back. A few weeks ago, he would've probably burnt the entire house down.
"Because she bakes them every month. Every time we finish a test."
"That's nice of her."
"Yes," there's a pause as the man fishes out a bowl in which to serve the curry, "daddy, what do you do when you really like someone? Do you marry them like you and Mama did?"
"Uh--yeah. Sure."
"Then does that mean I need to marry Miss Y/N if I really like her?"
Iwaizumi bursts out laughing. Turning off the stovetop and bringing the bowl over to the dining table, he reaches out to ruffle his son's hair with a grin, "you're the one who has a crush on miss Y/N."
"She's too old for me Daddy," grumbles Hoisuke while scooping out two rice bowls as the pair sit down for dinner, "but she'll be good for you."
"Not that simple, buddy," Iwaizumi says as he dumps two spoonfuls of curry into his son's bowl, before doing the same with his own, "there's a difference between like and love."
A frown falls over his son's face, so like his own that Iwaizumi can't help but chuckle, "what is the difference?"
"Well, when you really like someone, you might want to get to know them better. Or play with them andd shit--stuff like that. When you love someone, it's..." he hesitates, "it's different."
There goes that innocent question that punctures his chesy a little too deeply. The brown-haired man steadies his gaze upon the calendar fixed on the wall opposite him as he answers with:
"When you love someone, you want to live with them. You want to start a family with them. Their happiness," his brown orbs switch back to his son's focused attention, "their happiness is all that matters."
Maybe it's the fact that he's not used to speaking so truthfully about such things. Maybe it's just Hoisuke who suddenly realizes the layers hidden beneath his father's poker-faced exterior. But for a moment, neither of them speak, as if bewitched by a silencing spell if broken by the scraping of cutlery against porcelain.
"Did you love mama?"
Hoisuke's voice is small, fragile. So fragile that Iwaizumi pauses just as his spoon reaches his mouth, glancing over at his boy. His beautiful boy.
Another short pause. "Did she love me?"
"Of course she did," Iwaizumi's face softens. To be honest, Hoisuke hadn't showed any kind of restraint during the entire divorce procedure, had merely accepted things as they had unfolded before his very eyes. But sometimes, Iwaizumi fears his son might be keeping more from him than he lets on.
He ressembles his mother a lot in that sense.
"Then," wet coffee-coloured eyes blink up at him, lips trembling with a hoarse whisper, "why'd she leave?"
Before his father can say anything, the young boy bursts into tears.
Iwaizumi rushes over, clasping Hoisuke in his embrace as the child buries his face into his neck and cries and cries and cries. His little heart beats like wild horses and with every sob echoing through hid body, Iwaizumi feels his own heart break over and over again. One of his hands rub comforting circles of Hoisuke's back, while the other smoothes over the back of his head as he murmurs soft nothings in hopes that it will calm down the young child.
"I want--" Hoisuke's voice is thick with tears, "I want Mama--"
"Shh, hey it's okay," Iwaizumi murmurs out, "s'alright kiddo. I got you."
Hoisuke falls asleep eventually, the soft sniffles dying out into even breaths as he slumps against his father’s shoulder, probably tired out from his earlier emotions. Iwaizumi takes this as his chance to tuck the boy into bed, glad that he’d listened to the small subconscious in his head telling him that Hoisuke would be falling asleep sooner rather than latter. 
As he smoothes over his son’s hair, a part of him wonders how much Hoisuke is still silently hurting from his mother’s departure. He can’t imagine it; suddenly changing lives like you’ve merely changed your bed sheets and Iwaizumi had been so caught up in his own heartbreak, in his own bout of silent rage, that he’d forgotten that along the way, Hoisuke was also a victim to their endless fighting, the cold war that had broken his family apart. 
He wishes he can take the pain away, ease it somehow. But it’s not that simple. The truth is, no one can actually predict how a heart gets broken, nor when it does. The only evidence are the repurcussions. And it’s only now that Iwaizumi gets to see it truly take its form. 
Leaning over to press a soft kiss to Hoisuke’s forehead, Iwaizumi murmurs his silent goodnight before walking out and gently closing the bedroom door behind him. 
He leans onto the hard wooden surface and rubs his eyes. It is only upon pulling them away that he takes notice of the family photograph hanging on the opposite wall, frozen smiles wrapped up in lies.
He really needs to take that down.
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lokissuper · 3 years
Need To Be Safe| Carl Grimes x Reader
Summary: Carl doesn't want reader to get hurt during the bombing of Alexandria.
Request: from @hannahlovesfinnick​ I was wondering if you could do a Carl x my oc (Hannah) request, you don’t have to use the name, you can use y/n if you want. So maybe you can do something that takes place in season 8 where Hannah and Carl go out together and Hannah is there where Carl finds siddiq and gets bit in canon. But instead since Hannah is there because her and Carl are dating, Carl doesn’t get bit and Hannah helps Carl and siddiq fight the walkers off and no one gets majorly hurt. So, like in canon, Carl takes siddiq to the sewers along with Hannah. And while Alexanderia is evacuating, Carl and Hannah have an emotional goodbye after he convinces her to go with them after a small argument with her wanting to make sure he’s ok and him wanting to protect her. So Hannah goes with the others and the rest goes as canon. after the saviours bomb Alexandria, it can maybe end with Carl meeting them in the sewers and it can be fluffy with him holding her and trying to reassure her that everything will work out for them and that their ok
DISCLAIMER! I never really followed the timeline at the beginning of season 8, was just kinda confusing. So if there is anything wrong then I apologize, but thank you for the request. I also listened to Easy Street on repeat to write this for some reason. I didn't proof read this because I was too excited to get it out.
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Living in a world full of zombies was kind of a pain sometimes. I mean you could probably guess that it would. But growing up in during an apocalypse isn’t what I though my imagined my future. 
Early on, my parents and I found a group and stuck with them. I found a boy my age and he became my best friend, Carl. His dad led us through the world of the unknown and protected us, especially me when my parents got bit. 
It was when we were finally settling at Hershel's farm and a herd made it’s way through the fields. I didn’t know what happened until everyone reunited after the damage and saw that they weren’t there, along with Andrea. The adults tried to put on a brave face for me but I had matured to much that I knew they were dead. But when we found Andrea again I had a little hope in me that they were still out there, until I overheard her tell Rick that she saw them get taken down by walkers.
From then on I had the whole group looking out for me, including Carl. 
Carl and I had been through a lot together, being there for him when he had to put his mother down, when it was confirmed mine were dead, and when Glenn and Abraham were brutally murdered by Negan.
I wasn’t there for the line-up, but just hearing about it made me realize that I couldn’t keep holding in my feelings for Carl. Especially in a world like our where something could happen to one of us any second.
So I told him and reciprocated. We’ve been dating ever since and continued to watch out for one another. 
We were always looking for people to bring back to Alexandria, people who could help us in a great deal. So when Carl came back from a run with his dad and told me he found someone I was onboard. I was a little hesitant at first because of our war with the Saviors, but if Carl was confident then I was too. We went out to find the mystery person hopefully in the same place as last time. 
We did find him. But surrounded by walkers.
So we helped him, Siddiq, with these walkers because he didn’t seem to know what he was doing. I killed the first one but then saw one cornering Carl and grabbed it off of him, pushing it to the ground. I then shot it in the head. 
Siddiq showed gratitude to us for coming back for him, we asked him our procedure questions and were on our way to Alexandria. We knew Negan and the Saviors were going to be coming tonight, and it wasn’t going to end well.
Carl and I snuck Saddiq into the boarded town, and to the opening in the sewers Carl found to keep people safe. Saddiq thanked us again before climbing down the ladder to the sewers in which Carl and I followed so we could get him settled. We grabbed a cot, pillows and blankets so he was comfortable and gave him food. Carl and I left him down in the Sewers for a few hours before the sun started to set, and we knew what was coming. 
Carl and I were standing watching the sun set from one of the watch towers when he started to speak.
“I want you down in the sewers tonight. I need to make sure your safe.” 
I turned my head to him and furrowed my eyebrows. I was confused since we always fought through these types of things together, looking out to make sure the other was covered. 
“No.” I said.
“It wasn’t a question. This is going to get out of hand and I can’t have you out here.” He said frustrated.
“Where is this coming from?” I asked.
Carl shook his head before responding,”You weren’t there that night. With Glenn and Abraham, seeing what Negan is capable of. We really made him mad this time.”
“Don’t you think I know that, I know he is a threat and dangerous. I know. I also wish I was there that night too. I wish I was there so bad it hurts, I know I shouldn’t but just the idea that something could’ve happened to you-” I cut myself off. “I’m not leaving you this time.”
He looked at me sternly, I could see in his eyes he understood where I was coming from but he still was standing with his choice.
“I don’t want to lose you either. But that is why I need you to be safe, where I know you will stay alive.” He said to me.
I fully turned to him now, growing angry with him.
“Not unless you come with me.” I said crossing my arms.
“I can’t, this is my show and I need to run it. Dad’s not here so I have to be.” He said.
I scoffed,”He’s going to kill you. If not you then everyone else, I understand where your coming from but if you die, then I die. End of story.”
Carl and I started to make our way down to the ground. Shaking his head on the way down, before he could say anything I spoke up again when I set my feet on the floor.
“I can’t lose you, your the only one I have.” 
He looked at me and saw tears welling up in my eyes. He knew I still mourned my parents death and that I felt incredibly lonely even though I had him. He walked closer to me and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. 
“You have so many people looking out for you, so much family here. I can’t lose you either.” He spoke softly to me.
I looked him in the eyes and started to cry. I whispered, “Okay. I will go in the sewers. But as soon as things get hectic you bring you butt down there.”
Carl reached for my waist and pulled me toward him, smiling at me,”I understand.”
We walked hand in hand to the entrance to the sewers, everyone else had already been moved down there and I was the last one left. It was pretty dark out now and we had to hurry
I turned to Carl and brought him into a kiss, a passionate and loving kiss. One we hadn’t had yet in our relationship. I couldn’t go down there without kissing him, not knowing what was going to happen later. Our lips moved together and my arms were wrapped around his neck playing with the ends of his hair. Carl was slightly shocked with the power of the kiss but quickly wrapped him arms around my waist. I realized how much I loved him, even though we hadn’t said the three words to each other yet. 
I pulled away from him but Carl joined our lips together again in a long peck. He pulled away but only enough so he could whisper into my lips, “I love you so much.” I smiled.
“I love you.” I pulled away from him fully. I looked at him one last time before turning to the sewer and climbing down the ladder.
The ground was trembling and my ears were in pain because of the noise. I thought for sure there was no world anymore above us. 
The bombs were going off for a little bit now, I held Judith to my chest and hushed her to make sure she didn’t make any noises that could give us away. Not like they could hear her up on the ground especially with the sound of gunshots and grumbling of grenades.
Carl still hadn’t made his way down to the sewers yet, and it was far past safe from what I was hearing. Which meant Carl was either taken, dead, or just plain stubborn. I tried not to think about it to much, because Judith needed me right now. I was cooing to her when I heard the steel trapdoor to the sewers opened. We were told to be quiet when we heard to door open because we never knew if it was one of us or an enemy. But, when I saw my boyfriends sheriff hat I quickly get up to run to him but he out his finger over his mouth then pointed up. I quickly understood that there were saviors above us. He grabbed my hand that wasn’t holding Judith and lead my away from the entrance. When he deemed it far enough away he pulled me into a gentle hug, watching for his little sister in my arms.
I gently spoke in his ear,” We’re okay. Are you?”
He nodded. 
I pulled away and pecked him on the lips before giving him Judith. I was so happy he was safe.
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ynscrazylife · 4 years
Hey , I saw your requests are open . Could I request an imagine of Wanda finding out that her daughter has been doing everything in westview to make her happy ?. Maybe Wanda finds out her daughter is more powerful than her and Agatha together .
Could it end with a little comfort part of the reader telling Wanda that she can make the pain go away , maybe even let her say goodbye to the people she loved but unfortunately lost ?
I Just Wanted You To Be Happy
Summary: Y/N is the adopted daughter of Wanda Maximoff and Vision. What happens when Wanda discovers that Y/N is the one who created Westview?
Permanent Taglist: @stephanieromanoff
MCU Taglist: @procrastinatingsapphictrash
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) HERE!
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(IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Hands glowing with green magic)
Y/N Maximoff was the adopted daughter of Wanda Maximoff and Vision. They had found her while they were on the run from the Sokovia Accords, since Y/N had gotten powers from an experiment done on her with the Mind Stone. They grew close together and soon, Wanda and Vision adopted her, but Y/N was snapped away along with her mother, and now . . . She was panicking. 
She had just overheard her parents, in Westview, arguing. Vision was trying to get through to Wanda that what she was doing with Westview was hurting people, Wanda claimed that she had no clue what he meant, and Vision thought that she was lying. That’s what made it click for Y/N, made her remember everything . . . 
She got flashes of her old life and remembered what had happened when she and her mother returned back to life. They found out that Vision was dead and it broke them both, but especially Wanda with the previous grief she had endured. Y/N remembered being devastated enough and then witnessing her mother . . . broken. She wanted nothing more than to make her mother happy again and then . . . this. 
That’s when it hit Y/N - she had done this. Without realizing it, she faked this entire reality and was hurting people and it terrified her. How would she stop it? She didn’t want to hurt anyone! She didn’t mean to hurt anyone! Would her parents be mad at her? Was Vision even . . . alive? Had she just made everything 10x worse? Was she going to hurt her mother rather than help? 
It became way too overwhelming for Y/N to handle and before her powers could act out and do anything worse, she ran. She ran until Agnes found her and took her inside her house, asking what was wrong and why she was crying, but all Y/N could think about was the real “Agnes” and how she was hurting her. That’s why she didn't notice how quiet the house was or the purple mist until Y/N looked up, got a face full of purple magic, and got knocked out. 
“All you have to do is tell me how you did this and I’ll release your daughter,” was that Y/N heard as she came too, slowly blinking her eyes open and jumping when she realized what was going on.
Agnes’ magic was keeping her bound to a chair and Agnes stood beside her, Wanda standing just feet away, obviously scared.
“Mom?” Y/N asked Wanda, confused. She immediately softened her expression and went to assure Y/N that she’d be okay. 
“Ah, you’ve finally awoken! I’m Agatha Harkness, dear, I returned your mother’s memories of her Avenger life and I was just asking her how she created Westview,” Agatha said, evilly smiling. 
Y/N’s jaw dropped, struggling against the magic, and looked at Wanda, who was visibly frustrated. 
“I didn't create anything! I don’t know how this happened,” Wanda said, balling her fists up. 
Agatha have a dramatic gasp. “I”m disappointed in you, Wanda. You care more about your own fake reality than you do about your daughter,” she said. 
Y/N could see Wanda getting angrier and, being slightly scared of what Agatha would do if she didn't get what she wanted, the words fell out of Y/N’s mouth. “I was the one who created Westview!”
Both women turned to her - Wanda confused, Agatha intrigued. 
“Ooohh, this just got interesting. Do tell, Little Maximoff,” Agatha said, her grin getting wider as she clapped her hands together. 
Y/N ignored her and focussed on her mother, feeling tears come to her eyes again. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. You were so upset about Dad and I just wanted you to be happy and my powers got out of control . . . I don't know what to do, I don’t know how to stop it . . . Everyone’s in pain because of me,” she explained in a ramble, her tears turning into sobs. 
Wanda immediately rushed forward and brushed some hair out of Y/N’s face, giving her a comforting smile. “It’ll be okay, darling. You didn't mean to and your intentions were good. I’ll help you stop it and I won’t let anything happen to you,” she said, and Y/N bent forward as far as she could, still being restrained by Agatha’s magic. 
Y/N nodded against Wanda’s shoulder, closing her eyes. “I wanted to make your pain go away . . . but I can let us say goodbye to Dad,” she said, and Wanda became stiff for a moment before hugging her tighter. 
“That would be great, honey,” Wanda said softly. 
Y?N sniffed - both forgetting that Agatha was still here. “Okay. I’ll try and figure out how to stop this, too,” she said.
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Pairings: Rafael Barba x Reader, Sonny Carisi x Reader
Warnings: none?
Words: 4,511
Prompt: Rafael spent years keeping his feelings for you hiding.
Missed shot
When Rafael Barba started to work with Manhattan’s SVU, you’d been a detective there for almost two years. You joined the squad shortly before Stabler left. You saw Nick Amaro and Amanda Rollins joining in too. At first, Cragen partnered you with Amanda, and Olivia with Nick, but considering it wasn’t working between Liv and Nick, changes were made, and Nick became your partner.
You two quickly became close, like a brother-sister relationship. He told you about his issues with Maria, you were the first (and only one) to know when him and Amanda became a thing. So, obviously, you told him your secret.
“This is Tomas,” you told Nick, as you were showing him a picture of an 8-year-old boy. “My son,” you added. “Don’t bother counting, I did give birth to him when I was 17.”
“He’s cute. Looks a lot like you,” Nick smiled at you. “Nobody in the squad know?” he asked.
“Cragen does. But he’s our Captain and it’s in my file. But the rest, nope,”
“Why not?”
You told him more about your debut in the police. At first, you did hide the fact that you were a mom. But you quickly realized that your coworkers and others were judging you. People took you as immature, non-serious, and some guy actually pictured you as an easy girl. You hated every second of your debut. So, when you joined the bomb squad, you decided to make your son a secret. It’s much better this way.
Olivia learned about your son when she took Cragen’s place. A part of her was surprised, but another wasn’t. She saw you with kids, you do have that mother instinct. And of course, she promised that nobody would know about Tom.
Working with the SVU squad wasn’t an evidence for Rafael Barba. Nick gave him hard time for no apparent reasons, Amanda wasn’t a fan of him. Fin didn’t care much. But luckily, Olivia welcomed him nicely and then there was you. You were sweet to him, kind. You asked him if you whether call him “Rafael” or “Barba” – “Your choice,” he answered. You ask him how he’s doing every time you see him. You usually bring him a coffee when you stopped by his office.
You’re nice, gorgeous, young, smart, badass… it didn’t take long for Rafael to get interested in you. More than just as coworker. But this couldn’t be happening, so he started to stay away from you as much as possible. At first, it was easy since Rafael only sees you as a detective. He doesn’t know anything about you outside of the office, only that you have Swedish origins from your father. He doesn’t want to know more. He doesn’t need to.
But despite himself, he overheard conversations between you and Nick every now and then. When the name “Tom” came back multiple times, Rafael assumed you had a boyfriend. Good. This should make things easier.
For two years working together, you and Rafael had a normal work relationship. He kept his crush under-wrap, seeing people every now and then, when the thought of you was too much. Sometimes it was one-night stands, sometimes a bit more. But he never kept seeing the same person for more than two months. That’s when people want to make things more permanent. Rafael doesn’t want that.
Keeping you at arm’s length was perfect for him. He couldn’t let you in. He wasn’t open for a serious relationship, and he felt like you could turn his world upside down if he let you in.
He almost did when Nick got shot. You were very worried for your partner, Rafael almost hugged you when you started to cry in front of him. But Liv called at the same point, so he didn’t. And then Nick left SVU, and New York. His departure hurt you a lot, for a moment, Rafael thought you two had some kind of an intimate relationship. But he remembered a conversation you two had.
“Hey Barba, we’re going out for drinks. Wanna join?” you casually asked.
“What’s the occasion?”
“Okay, first, do you need an occasion to go out for drinks? And second, it’s just that Nick needs to get his mind off the breakup,”
“So, it’s definitely over between him and his wife?”
“Yeah, she’s moving to DC with Zara. He’s not doing great,”
“But he can always count on his other partner,” Rafael said, without thinking.
You chuckled, “What does that mean?”
“You two are—close,” Hopefully, it didn’t sound like jealousy. Which it actually was.
“Amanda is the one he slept with, not me. I’d rather sleep with you,” you left right after.
This was months ago, but Rafael still couldn’t believe you said that. He tried not to overthink about it, but he couldn’t. Was this just a joke? Were you just trying to prove a point? Or did you see him as more than just a coworker? He considered trying to explore this, but before he found the courage to do something about it, Sonny Carisi joined the squad and became your partner.
You missed Nick a lot, but you welcomed Sonny with open arms, unlike the others at first. He will forever be thankful about that. It didn’t take long for Rafael to see that you had a bond with Sonny, just like the bond you had with Nick. Maybe more. Liv told him a few times that being partners when you’re a cop is very special. He understands that, but it doesn’t he likes it when it comes to you.
Few months after Sonny join in, Rafael heard the name Tom again. You must have to Sonny about your boyfriend. Since he didn’t hear that name for months, he assumed that you two had broken up. But apparently not. Meaning that there’s nothing romantic with Carisi, but you still have a boyfriend. So, Rafael tried to forget what you told him and kept trying to convince himself that what he’s feeling for you isn’t love.
More months went by. It was obvious for Rafael that Carisi had a thing for you. He didn’t like it, but there’s nothing he can do. But he kept turning down all of your offers when the squad met up for drinks. He didn’t need that. He didn’t want to know the you outside work.
One day, he showed up to the precinct. No one was nowhere to be find. He spotted a gift wrapped on your desk. Curious, he took a closer look. There was a card. He looked around, still no one. So, he tried to take a look at the card.
“That’s very noisy of you, counselor,” he heard for behind. You. He jumped from the surprise, let go of the card.
“A box on a detective’s desk. Had to be sure it wasn’t a bomb,” he said, trying to keep a straight face. You laughed at his excuse.
“Would love to see your reaction if you saw a bomb,” you said, with a smile on your face. Apparently, you aren’t mad, so that’s good.
“I’d rather not,” he shyly smiled at you. “What would your reaction be?”
“Considering that I’ve been there before, I would keep my calm and do my best to defuse it,” you said before walking to the coffee area. Rafael analyzed your words for a moment before joining you.
“Come again?”
“Spent two years with the bomb squad before joining SVU,” you casually said, handing him the cup of coffee you just poured.
In four years, this was the first personal information you gave him. He almost couldn’t believe it.
“I—I didn’t know,”
“Well, yeah. We never talked about anything else than our cases,”
“True,” he took a sip. “And why would that be? In your opinion,”
“Because you don’t like me,”
You had poured another cup for yourself and walked up straight to your desk after those words. You sat, grabbed the gift to put it aside and started to look at something on your computer. Rafael was stunned for a moment but joined you again. He closed your laptop, and leaned against your desk, right next to you. He had never been this physically close to you before.
“Why in the world would you think that?” He asked.
“We’ve been working together for four years, Barba. Not once, did you show some kind of interest in me. You’re best friends with Liv, you tolerate Amanda, you’re courteous with Fin. Hell, you gave hard time to Sonny for the first year but now you agreed for him to shadow you. But me? I feel like you wish I wasn’t here,”
Rafael stayed silent for a moment, analyzing your words. Indeed, he tried to keep his distance with you, but he never thought it made you feel that way. He felt very bad about himself.
“But hey, no problem, okay? We’ve been able to make it work that way for years, there’s no reasons we can’t keep going,”
“You’re very wrong—about everything, Y/N.”
“Then what is it?” You locked your sweet blue eyes into his. For a moment, he was afraid you may see all the love he has for you in his eyes. What reasonable excuse could he tell you? His mind raced. But thankfully, the rest of the squad came back at that moment.
“Barba, Y/N. Are you interrupting?” Rollins smiled.
“Nope,” Rafael stood up right and followed Liv into her office. You watched him leave. No answer. Again.
The gift was actually from Sonny, but it wasn’t for you. It’s for Tomas, who’s now 13 years old. The father left when you told him you were pregnant (he was a bit older) and never saw him again. You raised Tom by yourself, with the full support of your parents, luckily. Your son showed up his interest in makeup and esthetic about a year ago. You completely support him in his passion, brought him whatever he needed/wanted.
Sonny went shopping with his 16 years old niece Mia during the weekend and she wanted to go to the Sephora. He asked her what he could offer to Tomas.
“Uncle Sonny. Are you trying to seduce the mother by being so nice to the son?” Mia asked with a smirk on her face.
“Okay, first, I wouldn’t need to do that. And second, it’s just that—it’s not easy to be different. I just want him to know that he can count on me,”
“Like you wished you could count on someone when you realized you were bisexual?”
Sonny looked at his niece with wide eyes. He still isn’t out to his family. How could she know? “Last year, I figured that this Sam you talked about wasn’t a she but a he. And--I’m bi, too, Uncle Sonny.”
That’s a lot to process in two minutes, while he is standing in the middle of a makeup store.
“There’s nothing wrong with that…right?” Mia added.
“Oh, of course not, sweetheart!” He immediately answered. “When did you know?”
“I was sure when I fell in love with a girl, a few months ago,” she confessed.
Sonny hugged his niece and kissed her hair. “What’s her name? I’d love to meet her,”
“Joy. And that would be nice. I’m so happy I finally told you,”
“I’ll never judge you. And I’ll always be there for you,”
In the squad, you were the only one Sonny came out to. Which makes the two of you even closer.
After the gift “incident”, you and Rafael didn’t talk again for weeks. To be fair, he was trying to avoid you. He almost confessed his feelings for you and that can’t be happening. After this, Rafael decided to call back a woman he used to see. She’s beautiful, smart, nice and wants the same things he does. Exactly what he needs.
He never wanted to talk about his personal life at work, but one day, you showed up in his office. Rafael was on the phone, his back to the door. He didn’t hear you come in, so he kept making plans with Judith. You listened, and felt your chest tightened.
Before he hung up, Rafael heard the door of his office closing. He turned around; nobody was there but he saw you walking out through the blinds. You had heard and walked away.
When Rafael told you, you were wrong about your assumptions, you thought that maybe he was feeling the same way you did. Turns out, you were wrong.
It was Tom’s 14th birthday. You helped him planned an afternoon party. He told you he invited about 10 friends.
But no one showed up. Your son didn’t feel ashamed about his passion - thanks to you and Sonny, mostly - but apparently, his “friends” didn’t like it.
“Baby, why didn’t you tell me they were bullying you? On Monday I’ll go see your principal,”
“Exactly for this. If you do this, it’s gonna be worse. Maybe I should stop,”
“Stop what? Doing something you like? Not under my watch, T. Those kids are just the reflections of their close-minded parents,”
“Yeah, but at least people show up to their birthday parties,”
It broke your heart to see your son like this. You needed to fix this. You need to see your son happy. All day, every day. You went to the bathroom and called Sonny.
“Sonny, I need you,” you said when he answered. “Short things first, those stupid kids didn’t show up to T’s party. There’s no one here. Can you come? With Mia? And Joy? I’m gonna call Liv, see if she can come with Noah,”
“I’m with Mike right now so he’ll be with me. Call Fin too, we’ll stop by Amanda’s to pick her and Jesse,”
“Okay, that’s great, thanks Sonny,”
“Of course. Tom will remember his 14th birthday I promise. Why don’t you call Barba too?”
“Why in the world would I do that?”
“It would be rude not to. Don’t you think?”
“I guess. I’ll see. Can you be there in about an hour?”
You call Liv and she agreed, same for Fin. But Sonny was right, you had to call Rafael.
“Barba,” he answered.
“Hey, it’s Y/N. Sorry to bother you on Saturday afternoon. Um—if you aren’t busy, what do you think about stopping by my son’s birthday? It’s kinda unfair, but stupid kids didn’t show up. I call everyone, they’re all coming. But hey, don’t feel obligated. You don’t have to if you don’t—“
“Okay,” he answered before you could finish your monologue.
“Okay?” You repeated.
“Yeah. When should I be there? And how old is he?”
“I said an hour to everyone. And if you’re asking his age to buy him a gift, don’t bother. Right now, all he needs is people to be there to celebrate,”
“Y/N, don’t make me argue please. How old is your son?”
“Okay, thanks. See you in an hour then. Text me the address, please,”
“See you, Rafael,”
Rafael tried to stay calm and natural in front of Judith, but there were some many things in his head right now. Since he went to the bedroom to answer your call, he lied to the woman he was with, pretending a work emergency to leave.
You have a kid. A teenage kid, actually. A quick count made him realized you gave birth when you were 17. Many things made sense now. He needs confirmation but it seems clear that, this Tom he heard about, is actually your son, and not your boyfriend like he assumed.
How could he not know about this? You’ve been working together for almost five years now. He really kept his distance with you. But somehow, he still fell hard for you.
“Hey Liv, I got a call from Y/N. I’d like to buy a little something for her son, do you have any idea?”
“Well, do you know anything about makeup?”
“I beg your pardon?”
Liv laughed. “Where are you? I can pick you up and we stop by a store to buy him something,”
“Okay, I trust you on that.”
An hour later, everybody was there. You welcomed them as they arrived. “If he doesn’t like it, that’s on Liv,” Rafael joked as he handed you the gift he had for your son.
“Nope. That’s on that sells woman that was clearly hitting on you,” Liv interjected.
“She wasn’t— okay, she was. But not my type,”
“Yeah, and Judith probably wouldn’t like it,”
“I don’t know about that. And she doesn’t need to know anyway,” he smiled.
Tom’s mood improved when he saw Mia and Joy. You and Sonny introduced them months ago and Tomas is crazy about them.
“What happened to your face?” Mia asked and Tom frowned. “No makeup, seriously T?” She added, before taking him by the hand.
“Wait—“ you stopped them before they reached the bedroom. “Tomas, meet Mike and Rafael, first. They are the only ones you haven’t met yet,”
It made sense that Tom hadn’t met Mike yet, since he joined SVU a couple of months ago. But yeah, it stings to Rafael. Five years. And he didn’t know.
“You look like a cop,” he said Mike, “but you don’t,” he then said to Rafael.
“Cause I’m not. I’m an ADA, Assistant Dis—“
“I know what it is,” he cut him. “Thank you for coming,”
“Can we do his makeup now?” Mia called out and the three of them — adding Jesse who wanted to go too — disappeared in the bedroom for a moment.
“Thanks, guys, for showing up this quick. It’s a mess,” you sadly said. “T told me that he’s being bullied at school because he loves makeup, lets his hair grow. Apparently, they are calling him a sissy,” your jaw clenched. Rafael saw the mama bear in you. “He doesn’t want me to interfere. But maybe I should anyway,”
“You’re here for him. We all are, that’s what he needs,” Sonny said, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to bring you comfort. Rafael tried to avoid the jealousy in his belly.
Opening gifts arrived fast. Everyone brought him something, mostly makeup stuff. Sonny actually got him an appointment in a famous hair salon in Manhattan. Now that his hair is long enough, Tom mentioned wanting to get a real haircut. Mike listened to Sonny’s advices for his gift.
“This is from Nick,” Liv said as she gave Tom a gift. “He wants you to call later,”
“Mom!! That’s two tickets for California!” Tomas exclaimed before reading the note. “And he’s offering me surfing lessons! When are we going? Before—“
“Soon, my love.” You said before he could finish his sentence.
Then came Rafael’s gift. “You can return it if you don’t like,” he said. But Tom’s face lit up when he saw what it was.
“Mom!!!” He showed you the gift, with a huge grin on his face.
“Wow! You finally got it,” you returned his smile and moved a little to stand by Rafael’s side.
“Thank you so much, Rafael!” Tom stood up and hugged the ADA. Some affection Rafael didn’t expect.
“He’s been bugging me for this palette for weeks. I told him to wait because it’s damn expensive,” you whispered to Rafael.
“It’s okay. I’m glad he likes it,” he just answered.
Tomas was thrilled with all of his gifts. It feels good that with those people, he doesn’t have to hide himself, who he is and what he loves. Later, you noticed that Rafael setback from the others. You stood next to him.
“You’re not mad about the gift, are you?” He asked, before you could say anything.
“A little, to be honest,”
“I can pay for that,”
“I know. I see your clothes every day. But that’s not the point,”
“Then what is the point?”
“For the first five years of his life, I couldn’t buy him things. All the toys he had were gifts from my parents— when I made better money, I spoiled him. For years. And now, he’s a very smart teenage boy but he doesn’t necessarily have the value of money. Which I’m trying to teach him. And you showed up with this hella expensive palette, Nick got him plane tickets and surfing lessons. Even the appointment Sonny got him is expensive. That’s not helping,”
“Great,” he smiled, and you shot him a glare, “you’re not actually mad at me, but more at yourself,”
“Don’t do this. You’re not a parent, Rafael,”
“Indeed,” he took a deep breath, “And how come did I do not know you were one?”
“This will just bring us back to our convo from February, don’t you think? And we both know how it ended,”
“We were interrupted,”
“And you’ve been avoiding me ever since,”
So, you noticed that. You always noticed things. He hates that about you. He intensely looked at you, not knowing what to say exactly.
“But don’t worry, Barba, you won’t have to use force for that anymore,” you gently patted his shoulder and joined the others. “My love, do you mind if I steal your thunder for a moment?” You asked your son.
“Nope. Are you going to tell them?”
You looked at Liv for approval and signed Rafael to come closer, which he did. Everybody waited for you to talk. “I—I’m leaving SVU,” you said. There were gasps, widen eyes and Sonny choked on his beer. “Don’t die yet, Sonny. I haven’t finished,” you paused. “It’s no secret that my father was born in Sweden and move here after he fell in love with my mum,”
That, Rafael did know. You talked about your Swedish origins. “After my mum died, my father moved back there. And he’s been bugging us to come with him and considering I’ve always promised this one,” you said, playing with Austin’s hair, “that we would try to live there for a while, I’m actually taking a sabbatical. And next month, we’re flying to Sweden. But we’ll stop by California first, apparently,”
Only Liv knew. So, it came as a shock to everyone else.
The mood changed after that. They were all happy but also sad to see you and Tom leave. Mostly Sonny. It was very rare to witness a silent Sonny Carisi, but this was it. One by one, people started to leave the party. Mia and Joy took your son to the bowling alley. Rafael wanted to be the last so he could have a talk with you, but apparently, Sonny had the same thing in mind.
Rafael was helping you cleaning up the apartment when you noticed Sonny, on your small balcony. “How long has he been there?” You asked Rafael, who just raised his shoulders, clearly annoyed. You joined Sonny, not knowing that Rafael could hear everything you two were talking about.
“You okay there, Sonshine?” Sonny chuckled.
“A bit stunned, I guess.” He said, not looking at you.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I—I was afraid to tell you,”
“Because of what happened a few months ago. Because I’m scared to leave you. Because—I was afraid to change my mind after I told you,”
He finally looked at you. “I’ll never hold you back, Y/N. You know that? You talk so much about Sweden, so does Tom. I’m not completely surprised,”
“Under different circumstances—“ you said, letting the silence says the rest. Sonny turned to his side, so he was facing you.
“I was okay with being your second choice, Y/N, as long as you chose me. But you’re also leaving to be away from him, aren’t you?”
You nodded. “I don’t want to promise you anything, Sonny. But maybe—after that year away—“
He knew what you meant. Sonny put his hand on your cheek, softly caressing your skin with his thumb. Before he could lean in to kiss you, you both heard the balcony window opening. Rafael was standing there. “Who’s your first choice, Y/N?” He just asked. Sonny loudly sighed and turned his back to the lawyer.
“Not important, Rafael.”
“Por favor— answer me.”
“You, idiot,” Sonny muttered, still looking over Manhattan.
“Can—can you come inside for a moment, please?” Rafael asked.
“Don’t worry, I’m leaving,” Sonny said, and turned around to kiss your forehead, “Don’t make anything stupid. Call me,” he kissed your forehead again and walked past Rafael to leave.
“Great timing, Barba,” you sighed.
“I—I don’t understand,” he struggled to say.
“You may be a smart-ass lawyer but when it comes to relationships, you’re very dumb,”
“How long have you—?”
“Been in love with you? About three years. Somehow, the more you pushed me away, the more it made me fall,”
“I pushed you away only because I was scared. Scared of the things I feel for you,”
“You can’t—you can’t confess your love to me as I’m leaving the States, Rafael. That’s not fair,”
“If I don’t do it now, when am I supposed to do it? Over the phone while you’re in Sweden? Or when you come back and choose Carisi?” He paused. “Did you guys sleep together or something?”
“Definitely none of your business,” you said. “And you had five years. Five fucking years, during which all you did was making me feel like a burden for you,”
“I—I never meant to do that. I’m sorry,”
“It’s too late, Rafael. I’m leaving anyway,”
“I’ll wait for you if you ask me to,”
“I’m not. Just like I won’t ask that to Sonny,”
“Then—what? What do we do?”
“Nothing. I’m leaving with my boy in a few weeks, maybe I’ll come back next year, or maybe I won’t. And everybody goes on with their life,”
“Are you saying that I missed my shot with you?”
This will be hard to swallow. Rafael probably never will, to be honest. But one thing is sure, he couldn’t miss his last chance to kiss you. He closed the gap between your bodies, and slowly put his hands on each side of your face. Since you weren’t pushing him away, he took it as a permission and leaned in to kiss you. He softly put his lips on yours. Right here, right now, on your balcony, nothing else mattered but you and him.
Things escalated quickly. The kiss got more intense, and you used force to make him step back into your apartment. Still kissing each other, Rafael slid his hands on your butt and your legs, gently squeezing to signal you to jump in his arms, which you did. He pulled away briefly, just to ask you which one was your bedroom.
He laid you down on the bed, clothes quickly fly across the room. This probably wouldn’t change a thing, but Rafael made love to you as if his life depends on it.
Indeed, it didn’t change a thing. Two weeks later, you and Tomas flew to California, spent two weeks there with Nick, before flying to Sweden.
Part two, anyone?
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bloody-bee-tea · 3 years
Jiang Cheng is this close to punching Wen Chao in the face. The only thing that keeps him from doing so is the fact that his mother will have his hide if he does it, and so he grinds his teeth together and steps yet again out of Wen Chao’s immediate reach.
Wen Chao has put his hands on Jiang Cheng more times than he really cares to count and not even Jiang Cheng’s hissed “I have a goddamn boyfriend” seems to deter him in his advances at all.
He leers at Jiang Cheng and devours him with his gaze when he can’t get his hands on him and Jiang Cheng’s skin crawls with it.
“I bet you’re lying about your boyfriend,” Wen Chao even says at one point and Jiang Cheng has to do his hardest not to snap the fingers that are yet again itching towards his waist.
He is lying about the boyfriend—not that he would ever tell Wen Chao that—but he has kept that rouse up for long enough that it’s mostly believable.
His mother tried to arrange dates for him for a long, horrible while before Jiang Cheng snapped at her that he was already seeing someone and didn’t need her help.
She insisted on meeting the mystery boyfriend, but so far Jiang Cheng was able to dodge any too personal questions about it, citing he still needed more time before he introduced him into the whirlwind of their family.
That, sadly enough, seemed to garner a lot of understanding from all sides.
“I am not,” Jiang Cheng presses out now, and slaps Wen Chao’s hand away before he pushes him away for good measure, too.
Wen Chao has never heard of personal space it seems and with every step that he takes closer to Jiang Cheng he feels more cornered, feels more panic well up in him.
Jiang Cheng let’s his gaze roam the room, desperately trying to find someone who would be willing to help him, but his siblings are nowhere to be found and even Nie Huaisang and Mo Xuanyu are gone from his sight.
He doesn’t even have think about trying to get help from his parents, because they would just tell him to suck it up and not be this dramatic but if he’s being honest, Jiang Cheng is this close to either breaking down or exploding in Wen Chao’s face and he doesn’t know which would be worse.
When his gaze catches the eyes of another person Jiang Cheng doesn’t even take the time to properly recognize him; instead he immediately starts to convey his dilemma through his eyes, hoping that the guy will have enough compassion to come and save him.
Jiang Cheng’s stomach drops when the guy looks away without moving and he’s hurt enough by that blatant dismissal that he allows Wen Chao’s hand to creep up on his waist again.
“See, it’s not so bad,” Wen Chao croons in his ear and Jiang Cheng wonders if throwing up on him would get the point across.
But instead of doing that he simply slaps his hand away yet again, much to Wen Chao’s apparent delight.
“Don’t touch me,” Jiang Cheng snarls at him but Wen Chao only laughs in his face.
“I love the feisty ones,” he tells Jiang Cheng as if he’s imparting some great secret and it makes Jiang Cheng sick to his stomach.
He can see how Wen Chao’s hand is itching to come forward again and Jiang Cheng braces himself for it, when suddenly another hand comes to rest on his waist.
“I’m sorry I’m late, my heart,” a voice says and then a kiss is being pressed onto the top of his head. “Who is this?” the guy asks and Jiang Cheng sags in relieve.
“Nie Mingjue!” Wen Chao says in surprise and Jiang Cheng blinks before he glances at the guy from the corner of his eyes.
It really is Nie Mingjue and now Jiang Cheng finally connects the dots. He was the guy he made eye contact with earlier and it seems like Nie Mingjue did decide to come to his rescue.
“It’s alright,” Jiang Cheng says with a small shake of his head, and then he steps closer to Nie Mingjue.
His hand on Jiang Cheng’s waist is warm and heavy, and he should hate it, with how often Wen Chao just had his hand there, but all Jiang Cheng can think is that Nie Mingjue’s hand feels grounding and like safety and unlike Wen Chao Nie Mingjue doesn’t use it to jerk him around.
It’s just there; a steady, heavy presence, allowing Jiang Cheng to move like he wants.
And he definitely wants to move closer to Nie Mingjue. It only barely has to do with the fact that he wants to move away from Wen Chao, too. Jiang Cheng takes the step that brings him squarely into Nie Mingjue’s personal space, hoping he’s not overstepping, but Nie Mingjue doesn’t stop him at all. Instead he makes space for him readily.
“Nie Mingjue is your boyfriend?” Wen Chao asks in disbelieve and Jiang Cheng’s stomach drops when he realizes just what he pulled Nie Mingjue into.
Jiang Cheng knows Nie Mingjue—of course he does, Nie Huaisang is his best friend—and pretending that they are boyfriends will get really messy really quickly.
“I would say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but that wouldn’t be true,” Nie Mingjue says, with his no-nonsense manner and Jiang Cheng snorts out a laugh.
“You—” Wen Chao starts but Nie Mingjue doesn’t let him speak.
“Maybe you should go hide at your daddy’s side, before I remember the way you practically groped by boyfriend against his will,” Nie Mingjue calmly advises him, but there’s a sharp edge to his voice and Wen Chao has enough survival instinct to blanche.
“How dare you! You will regret this,” Wen Chao tries to tell them, but now it’s Jiang Cheng’s turn to laugh.
“We will see about that,” he says because he doesn’t think Wen Ruohan cares enough about his son’s hurt pride to pick a fight with the Nie’s and the Jiang’s.
Going by how quickly Wen Chao shuts up, he seems to know it as well.
“Get lost now,” Nie Mingjue advises him and Jiang Cheng presses his lips together to not burst out laughing.
He doubts anyone has ever spoken to Wen Chao like this and he thoroughly enjoys how he goes red in the face.
In the end he slinks away without another word though, and Jiang Cheng lets out a sigh of relieve.
“Thank you,” he says to Nie Mingjue when Wen Chao is out of earshot and he feels more than he sees how Nie Mingjue shrugs.
“You seemed desperate,” he gives back and then takes his hand away from Jiang Cheng’s waist.
Jiang Cheng wants it back immediately.
“I hope I didn’t overstep,” Nie Mingjue says with a wince, hiding his hand behind his back but Jiang Cheng is quick to shake his head.
“No, not at all,” he reassures Nie Mingjue and then bites his tongue when his traitorous mouth wants to add “I wish you’d do it again”.
Nie Mingjue doesn’t need to know about that.
“You told him you have a boyfriend?” Nie Mingjue asks then. “Isn’t he here? I hope he won’t be mad.”
Jiang Cheng looks around before he steps closer to Nie Mingjue again and he can’t help the grimace on his face.
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” he tells him quietly when he’s close enough that they can’t be overheard. “I said that to stop my mother from setting up dates for me and then it somehow just stuck around. But Wen Chao will tell everyone that you’re my boyfriend now, and I’m sorry about that.”
Jiang Cheng will have to come up with a reason for a break-up and then he’ll have to endure his mother’s dates and it will be hell for a while, but it’s better than dragging Nie Mingjue into this whole mess with him.
“I’m not,” Nie Mingjue says and it takes Jiang Cheng a moment to understand what he’s saying.
“What?” he croaks out because Nie Mingjue cannot possibly mean that.
He knows Jiang Cheng; he knows what kind of mess he is and there is no way in hell that Nie Mingjue wouldn’t mind being associated with him like that.
“I’m just saying that I’m not against giving this a try,” Nie Mingjue says with a shrug and a light blush on his cheeks and Jiang Cheng quickly pinches his own arm to test if this is a dream.
“You do know who I am, right?” Jiang Cheng asks him, because he very vividly remembers the numerous breakdowns he had in the Nie house over the course of the years; the yelling, raging ones but also the ones that left him as a sobbing mess on their couch.
Nie Mingjue cannot possibly want to have that in his life any more than he already has, thanks to Jiang Cheng’s friendship with Nie Huaisang.
“Of course I know who you are,” Nie Mingjue gives back and he sounds honestly affronted. “And I’ve been paying more attention than you seem to think,” he then adds on and Jiang Cheng jerks with his words, before his memory decides to kick in again.
There’s always that very soft blanket on the couch that Jiang Cheng adores so much, and his favourite drink is always in the fridge just as his favourite snacks are always in the cupboard and Jiang Cheng thought it was all Nie Huaisang’s doing but maybe he was wrong about that.
“I—” Jiang Cheng starts but then he simply doesn’t know how to end that sentence so instead he settles on “You’d have to meet my parents.”
“Okay,” Nie Mingjue easily agrees and Jiang Cheng balks at that.
“No one wants to meet my parents.”
“I can’t say that I want to meet them,” Nie Mingjue says with a shrug. “But I want to date you, so of course I’m going to meet them.”
“You want to date me,” Jiang Cheng repeats weakly, even as his heart beats faster in his chest.
He never allowed himself to give too much thought about these stupid feelings inside of him whenever he thinks of Nie Mingjue, but maybe he’s allowed to now.
“Yes,” Nie Mingjue says with a decisive nod. “If that is something you want to as well. Otherwise we’ll fake a break-up of course,” he says as if it’s the easiest thing in the world.
“Of course I want to date you,” Jiang Cheng hisses out and is not at all prepared for the way Nie Mingjue smiles at him.
Jiang Cheng momentarily forgot about the dimples he has, and it hits him like a brick to the chest.
Fuck, Nie Mingjue is gorgeous.
“That’s decided then,” Nie Mingjue says very smugly and Jiang Cheng doesn’t know how to deal with that at all.
“Stop that,” he hisses at Nie Mingjue who only smiles at him more.
“Why should I?” he wants to know and Jiang Cheng goes red in the face.
“Because it’s embarrassing,” he tells him, but Nie Mingjue only shrugs.
“I don’t think so, and I don’t care. You’ll just have to deal with that.”
Jiang Cheng opens and closes his mouth a few times—much to Nie Mingjue’s apparent amusement—before he settles his face into a scowl again.
“That thing you called me, when you came to save me,” he finally whispers, going red with just the memory of it.
“My heart?” Nie Mingjue wants to know and Jiang Cheng nods, not finding his voice. “You want me to stop that?” Nie Mingjue asks him and Jiang Cheng can’t believe he’s going to have to say it but Nie Mingjue’s expectant look doesn’t give him another choice.
“I want you to do it again,” Jiang Cheng presses out and at least Nie Mingjue doesn’t laugh at him or mock him otherwise.
“Of course, my heart,” Nie Mingjue readily says and leans in to press another kiss to Jiang Cheng’s head as well, for good measure it seems.
Jiang Cheng feels a little bit like dying and a lot like this could be the best thing in his entire life.
“Now how do you feel about ditching this boring thing with me and going on a real date?” Nie Mingjue asks him, his hand hovering over Jiang Cheng’s waist in clear invitation and for this Jiang Cheng doesn’t hesitate at all.
He has been missing the warmth of that hand, the security of it, ever since Nie Mingjue first took it away and so Jiang Cheng steps close enough for the hand to make contact again.
“I feel good about that,” Jiang Cheng admits and is rewarded for that with another kiss to his head. “Is that going to be a thing?” he wants to know, unwilling to show just how pleased he is by that little action.
“Yes,” Nie Mingjue decides. “You have the perfect height for it and I love doing it.”
He seems entirely shameless about it too, and Jiang Cheng’s entire being goes hot at his words.
“Fine,” he presses out as if it’s the worst thing he ever had to endure but Nie Mingjue seems to understand him just fine because he smiles at him.
“Let’s go on that date then, my heart,” Nie Mingjue says and gently steers Jiang Cheng forward, only using the hand on his waist to do it.
It feels possessive, in a protective kind of way, and Jiang Cheng walks slower than he normally does, just to feel the slight pressure of it.
He’s going to get addicted to this feeling—and the kisses, and the endearment and Nie Mingjue in general—Jiang Cheng just knows it, but he can’t find it in him to mind that.
Jiang Cheng is looking forward to it, really.
Link to my ko-fi on the sidebar!
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Ch. Seventeen
⚠WARNING: Swearing
• ────── ✾ ────── •
For five days Osamu ignores you. Your texts go unanswered, calls are sent to voicemails, meet ups at the café are now solo trips.
You’re beyond upset at this point. If this is his way of needing space, that’s fine. You’d be okay with giving him space - you just need to know if he wants space. Having this awful radio silence between you is driving you mad. What if he’s sick? What if he needs to go to the hospital? He lives alone and his family isn’t close, and he hasn’t mentioned other friends to you before. You’ve talked plenty about Oikawa, Mattsun and Makki - surely he would’ve offered up stories about his friends if he had them, no?
But you also worry that you’ve done something to really offend him. He’s a pretty laid back guy (all things considered) so you must have really pissed him off if he’s resorting to ignoring all forms of communication.
You just need to know. Even if it will be the end of your friendship (something your brain isn’t ready to comprehend, thank you very much) you have to know why Osamu doesn’t want to talk to you.
So you’ve changed plans. You decide to skip afternoon classes and set up camp at the cafe. You knew he visited the cafe at least once a day, and you thought that maybe he was coming at different times to avoid you but you weren’t gonna let that happen so you would change your schedule and ambush him.
It was literally the only idea you could think of and at this point you were desperate.
“Jasmine tea, right?” The barista greets you when you step up to the register.
“Yes please,” you answer, reaching to grab your wallet from your bag.
“Hey, I haven’t seen that one guy who you’d been studying with in awhile. He used to come all the time.” The barista sets down your tea and types at the register. “What was his name, Osamu?”
You nod, trying to swallow your disappointment and pass over money to pay. If the employees here haven’t noticed Osamu coming in then maybe he is sick. And the odds of you coming across him here are slim to none.
You thank the barista and grab a table in a different spot of the cafe. The whole point of this is to change up your routine and try to see if Osamu will stop by. The last thing you want is for him to walk in, see you sitting at the table, and leave. You sit at your table, pull out your notebooks and get settled. Hopefully you can get some studying done while waiting.
A faint bell to indicate a new person coming in rings, and you nearly snap your neck to look in the direction of the front door. But it’s a young woman talking on her cell phone who walks in, not Osamu. You sigh to yourself and open your books.
The front door bell rings again, and like before you quickly look up. To your dismay, a group of three guys probably close to your age walk into the café and make their way to the register.
You’ve been at the café for 45 minutes and this time it’s the 10th time you’ve been tricked by someone walking in. You feel yourself wilt and look back down at your books, ignoring the stinging in your eyes. This is pointless.
“We’ve checked the campus all morning, and Shin combed the library top to bottom.”
The group of guys waiting in line are standing close enough to your new table that you can just hear what they’re saying. You don’t really eavesdrop on people, but it’s hard when they’re not really trying to keep quiet. And you had given up on your homework ages ago, so you just sit staring at the table while listening to the three friends talk.
“We know that he’s studying here. We should just go up to the registrar’s office and find out where he’s taking classes.” A second voice speaks up.
“Yeah, and how is that going to work?” The first guy was speaking again. “We’re going to waltz onto a campus of a school we don’t go to and what, ask nicely if they can tell us where our friend is? We’ll get the cops called on us for sure.”
“Enough.” The third friend spoke, and you didn’t have to look to know that his voice commanded an air of respect. “We’re here for a few more days, we cannot argue amongst ourselves.”
“Kita, it’s a big campus in a big city. It’s gonna take more than a miracle to find him.”
You look up and around the café, and you can’t help but let your eyes wander to the three guys who’s conversation you had overheard. The shorter friend takes his coffee from the barista with a nod and moves towards the sugar and creamer station. “Him ignoring our phone calls is making things difficult.” The guy paused again to pour sugar into his coffee. “But it’s his mother’s birthday soon, and I know she would like him to be home for it.” You look away to gaze outside but continue to listen (eavesdrop) to them. You can’t help but think that the shortest guy’s accent sounds very familiar to you.
“To hell with the birthday.” The second guy speaks again, sounding agitated. “Osamu should be home with us, not holed up in this city alone.”
Your head snaps in their direction again. The shorter man with black and white hair is nearly dwarfed by two other men, one dark-skinned and the other with dark hair parted down the center. The shorter man and dark-skinned man are busy making their coffees but the one with dark, parted hair catches your movement. You stare at each other, him having no problem holding your gaze. You watch him pull his phone out of his pocket, tap at the screen (without looking away) and bring the phone up. A quick flash and you realize that this stranger has taken your photograph.
What the hell?!
You start, not expecting the action and look back down abashed. This is what you get for eavesdropping, you dummy. You chance a quick glance and see the shorter man giving the photog a stern look. You look away again but you can’t shut your ears off as you hear them speak again.
“Delete that photo right now Suna.”
“But she was looking right at me!”
“Delete it.”
Footsteps approaching your table make you look up again and your pulse quickens when you realize the shorter man is approaching you. Behind him the dark-skinned man is scolding the other friend, both looking cross with each other. But you can’t focus on them as the short man has finally arrived at your table. To your massive surprise he bows in front of you.
“I sincerely apologize for my friend. I assure you that he deleted the photo he took and he will not be doing anything like that again.”
Hearing his voice you can definitely pick up the same accent Osamu has. His eyes are gentle and kind and he does look remorseful for his friend’s actions. “Uhhh, no worries.” You stammer out, still dazed by everything that is happening.
Before you can think to voice your confusion out loud the man bows again and takes his leave. He doesn’t get a few feet from your table before you're blurting out.
“I heard you talking about Osamu.”
The two friends hear you (as did everyone in the cafe) but they immediately make their way to your table. The dark-skinned man is looking at you with surprise but it’s the other friend’s face who catches you by surprise. He stomps over and leans down to your eye level.
“Where is he?” You’re taken aback by the ferociousness in his voice, and the frantic frazzled look in his eyes. The shorter man steps back to the table and rests a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“We’re friends of Osamu from back home, and we’re having trouble finding him. Are you a friend of his?”
“Uh, yes. Well, I think so.” You weren’t sure of your status now after he’s been ignoring your calls and messages.
“Well which is it?” The other man asks aggressively. You don’t get a chance to answer as you all hear the café door open and you turn to look at the newcomer.
Your heart flutters when you see Osamu walk through the door. It’s the first time you’ve seen him since realizing that you like him more than a friend, and besides relief at seeing him in person after he’s been ignoring you, you feel comfort at seeing him.
You meet his gaze and watch him stop in his steps when he sees you. His eyes widen slightly in surprise, but it’s nothing compared to the look on his face when he takes in the full scene. Your heart twists when he pales, and before you can call out to him he takes off.
“Shit!” The man who took your photo takes off, expertly weaving through the small crowd in the café and following Osamu out the door. The second tall man chases after them a second later, having a bit more trouble getting through the other patrons.
The third, shortest friend remains, and you hear him heave a sigh. After a beat he speaks up. “May I join you?”
You start but not immediately. He doesn’t waste time in sitting down in the chair next to yours. Only when he gets situated do you realize what you’ve done - you’re letting someone who supposedly knows Osamu sit with you, someone that makes Osamu look like he’s seen a ghost and run away as fast as he can.
What if this man is dangerous? Did you just endanger Osamu’s life?
“We’re not here to hurt Osamu.” Your companion at your table speaks up. You have no idea how he was able to read your mind, and you feel even more suspicious. “My name is Kita Shinsuke - the one who took your photo is Suna Rintarou, and our other friend is Aran Ojiro. We’re friends of Osamu’s from Hyogo.”
You nod at his introduction, but you’re not buying it. Saying outright that you’re not going to hurt someone is exactly what someone who wants to hurt someone else would say.
Kita must sense your hesitation again and he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out his phone, taps the screen and sets it on the table facing you. He nudges it in your direction, and you cautiously pick it up. What you see on the screen nearly makes you drop the phone in surprise.
It’s a group of guys - you immediately recognize this Kita person with his black and white hair, as well as Suna and Aran. You also see Osamu, giving the camera a lazy smile.
And his exact replica, standing next to him with a wider, cockier smile.
His twin.
Besides the initial shock of seeing a picture of Osamu’s twin, you see Osamu looking happy. He’s got his small smirk you’ve only seen a few times, and even then it pales in comparison to the smile he’s wearing in the photo. It’s such a stark difference to the cold, apathetic Osamu you know now that your heart can’t help but twist.
You hand the phone back to Kita silently. He takes it and puts it away.
“How long have you been friends with Osamu?” He asks.
You swallow. “A few weeks.”
Kita nods. “And do you know about Atsumu?”
“Is that his twin?” Kita nods at your question. “Then yes, that’s how we became friends, kind of.”
Kita gives you a confused look (his expression barely changes but you can just detect it.) You clear your throat. “I lost my best friend a few months ago. We realized we both had something in common and we’ve been able to talk about it with each other.”
Surprise flickers across his face before a serious, somber look takes its place. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you,” you reply automatically. You appreciate his gesture, and you’ve been handling these kinds of interactions with general strangers for months. If, for some godforsaken reason, the passing of Hajime comes up in conversation everyone immediately offers their condolences, you thank them, and then the conversation continues. You’ve long been able to push aside the wave of grief that comes with the briefest of mentions of his passing. You understand that sometimes the stranger you were talking with doesn’t really mean the words they’re saying.
But with this Kita Shinsuke, you feel the sincerity behind it. It only comes from someone who can understand what you’re going through because they’ve gone through it themselves.
“Can I ask how much you know about Osamu and Atsumu?” Kita asks.
You struggle to find an adequate answer, embarrassed by your lack of knowledge about Osamu’s past. He always seemed uncomfortable talking about Atsumu, and you never wanted to push him. Gosh, can you really say you have deep feelings for him when you don’t even know how to answer this simple question?
“I know he came to Sendai for school.” You answer carefully, putting your insecurities away for now. “I think he wanted to get out of Hyogo.”
Kita’s response is a hum. It’s thoughtful, and you can see gears turning behind his head. You wait for him to reply, unsure of what else to say.
“Osamu definitely wanted to get out of Hyogo, and he did come here to attend Sendai University.” Kita confirms. “But what you may not know is that he vanished from Hyogo, without a trace save for the letter he left for his parents to never call him again.”
Kita’s brief explanation feels anything but that. It shocks you to your core, freezing your lungs. Any reply you would have had to it was wiped clean, and you really can’t do anything but sit and stare.
Kita nods. His features soften, and you now see a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I understand his actions. I cannot imagine living in a place with constant painful reminders of his loss.
“But he didn’t give any hint of wanting to leave. He never told anyone his plan. One day we woke up and he was just gone. His parents are heartbroken. They had already lost one son, and now another that leaves no open channel of communication, no desire for any of us to reach him. To them, it feels like they’ve lost both sons.
Your heart clenches painfully. You know Kita isn’t accusing Osamu of anything - you can’t hear any blame in his voice. But you can’t help but feel the need to defend your friend for his actions that are, frankly, self-serving.
Kita goes on. “Aran, Suna and myself have an old schoolmate, one of Osamu’s old friends as well. He recently reached out to tell us that his cousin thought he recognized Osamu here at this campus when he came to play Sendai University’s mens’ basketball team. It was pure dumb luck, and honestly not even a hint of a confirmed lead, but we got a chance to find Osamu. We arrived two days ago and have spent all of our time searching every corner of the campus looking for him.”
You still can’t get over the new information you’ve learned about Osamu. Leaving his small town and the only people he knows with no plans on returning. You can’t help but remember little bits of information gleaned from your conversations with Osamu.
He moved to a new city and got a new phone and new phone number. He doesn’t have any friends or family here in Sendai. How unwilling he was to find a therapist and seek help for unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Now with the added information of knowing Osamu left home without a trace, you’re left with a revelation that sends you reeling.
He’s running away.
Osamu is trying to run away from the trauma of losing his brother. He’s doing his very best to shake off any trace of his past and reinvent himself in a new city. Zero contact with friends or family and no support to help him work through a disturbing life event that shouldn’t happen to anyone. And he’s shoving it all down.
Why? Why in the world would anyone want to do that to themselves? And is this what he’s been doing to you now? Running away from you?
A ringing disrupts your disturbing thoughts and you watch Kita bring his phone up to his ear. “Hello?” Whoever is on the other line must tell him some disappointing news because Kita’s face falls again. “Ok, I’ll meet you at the hotel.” He hands up the phone and sighs.
“Aran and Suna lost Osamu. Not surprisingly, since Osamu was always quick, and he knows the area better than we do.” He stands. “I will leave you to your studying. May I borrow a slip of paper and a pen?”
You wordlessly hand over a scrap piece of paper and pen, letting Kita bend down to write on the table. He hands the items back to you and straightens up. You look at the paper and see his full name and phone number written down.
“You have no obligation to, but if Osamu reaches out to you will you please let me know?”
You think of the messages you’ve sent him and the calls you’ve made - all unanswered. But you can’t bring yourself to tell that to Kita now. “I’ll try my best.”
“I greatly appreciate it.” Kita bows and makes to leave. But he hesitates and looks back at you. “We’re not here to drag him back to Hyogo against his will. If he wants to stay here in Sendai he can, he’s an adult. I just want him to know that he has people that care about him, people that miss him.”
You watch Kita pause, standing still. He swallows hard and you see his hands ball into fists. Watching Kita compose himself somehow hurts you the most in this entire interaction you’ve had with him.
When he speaks, his voice is strained. “I don’t think he knows that. I think he believes that he’s truly alone.”
Kita nods and takes his leave, leaving you sitting alone at your table in the café.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: Enter the Hyogo friends! But Osamu doesn't seem too happy to see them....are we gonna find out why? Also a sad Kita is literally the worst thing in the world and it makes me not okay! :')
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU: @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien @everytimeswift @bongofrito @babucrow @beidouluvr @kozuken-ma @imarriedachef @badkarma-a
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forzalando · 4 years
royally screwed | fw | pt. two
pairing: prince!fred x princess!reader word count: 2.4k warnings: cursing, mentions of meals/food, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers a/n: hello friends! happy valentine’s day!!💛the long awaited part two is here and i hope you all enjoy!😊bonus points if you catch the subtle hp references in this chapter hahaha thank you to @spacexcowgirl​ for beta reading, i love you dearly!! you can read part one here
summary: Prince Frederick Weasley of Burrow was a twin, but unfortunately, at least in his mind, he was born the eldest twin, meaning it was his duty to inherit the kingdom. Since the young age of ten, Fred knew that he was to marry Princess Y/N Y/L/N of Diagon, and over the years they’ve both come to dread the day. With the eve of their wedding closely approaching, their disdain for each other begins to worry their respective families. However, there is a very fine line between love and hate.
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Y/N awoke the next morning and immediately recounted the previous day’s events; she could feel the puffiness in her face and eyes from the tears shed after her Mother left her room. She had hoped that their conversation would go differently, but it was done and there was nothing left she could say regarding the matter.
A sharp knock on Y/N’s chamber door had her jumping up and crossing the room faster than her feet would carry her. She stumbled a bit, almost crashing into the door before pulling it open, only to see the most peculiar sight.
Frederick Weasley, with his siblings stood behind him, although George was standing rather close so that he could pinch his brother’s ear.
“Well,” Ginny goaded, “go on then, you arse.”
Fred turned swiftly to shoot his sister a glare, but George’s grip on his ear had him wincing in pain.
“You better get going or I swear I’ll rip it off,” George grumbled, struggling to hide the jesting smile creeping on his face.
“Fine, fine,” Fred huffed. “Princess Y/N, I would like to apologize for my behavior last night. It was entirely unacceptable and I hope that you can find it in your impossibly sma-”
Ginny quickly stomped on Fred’s foot, interrupting what Y/N was sure would be an insult.
“Pardon me, your impossibly large heart, to forgive me. I was also wondering if you would care to join me for breakfast in the drawing room.”
George promptly let go of Fred’s ear, but not without one final yank, and the entire clan of Weasley siblings looked at Y/N expectantly, awaiting her answer with fervor.
“You must be absolutely mad, Frederick Weasley,” she scoffed, folding her arms across her chest in defiance. “After your attitude last night, which you had for no reason, I might add, and you come knocking on my door to ask if I want to have breakfast with you? I don’t want to see your face unless I have to!”
“I’m trying, Y/N! You said that the least I could was try, so here I am, offering to spend time with you when I’d rather lick the floor in the foyer.”
“Well, then, feel free to go scrub the floors with your tongue because I will not join you for a meal today or any other day!”
Fred stalked away with no objections from his siblings, who were all laughing at Y/N’s quip. She had a satisfied smile on her face as well, but it quickly fell when she averted her gaze to the three other Weasley siblings.
“Now what exactly did you think that was going to accomplish?” Y/N spoke with a, mostly, playful glare to the three standing before her.
“Honestly, we were hoping a bit that you wouldn’t answer the door. Mum made us drag him down here,” George answered with a shrug of his shoulders.
“But, now that we are here,” Ginny said excitedly, “will you have breakfast with us?”
Y/N smiled softly; she could never say no to spending time with her only friends.
“Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you…where should I meet you?”
“The drawing room…” Ron mumbled, hoping Y/N wouldn’t recall that Fred wanted to take his breakfast there as well.
“You three are insufferable,” Y/N laughed, “however, I’ll be there in ten. Hopefully he will be gone by then.”
Y/N gently shut her door and quickly threw on a dress and her day slippers; her mother would absolutely have a fit if she saw the disheveled state she was in, but Y/N simply couldn’t care.
After a quick glance in the mirror, Y/N hurried through the castle corridors that she had come to know so well and made it to the drawing room in record time. To her delight, Frederick was nowhere to be seen.
“Good Morning, dear,” Queen Molly said warmly from her seat. “Have you by chance seen Fred this morning?”
Y/N heard the quiet snickering of Ron and George and then a hushed “shut it” that could only have come from Ginny.
“Oh, yes, Queen Molly, he stopped by my chambers to apologize. Very out of character for him, I wonder if someone slipped something into his morning tea.”
Molly Weasley hummed lightly, taking the slightly sarcastic tone of Y/N’s voice to mean that things hadn’t gone as she directed.
“That’s lovely, dear, maybe you’ll actually have a civil conversation in the gardens.”
Y/N set down her tea slowly, trying not to act shocked because she had no knowledge of a walk in the gardens.
“The gardens? I didn’t know anything about the gardens,” Y/N mused inquisitively.
“That’s where Fred is right now, I told him you’d be along in a few minutes. He even looked a bit excited,” Molly teased.
Y/N snorted inelegantly and immediately covered it with a cough; she rose from the table and looked pleadingly at George, hoping he could come up with some form of an excuse that would save her from time spent with Frederick, but George refused to look at her and continued eating his breakfast unbothered.
“I’ll go meet him now, Queen Molly. I’m sure he’s awfully busy so we can make this short,” Y/N said with a smile.
“Fred is free all day, I cleared his schedule, dear.”
“Brilliant,” she grimaced.
With a half-hearted wave, she left the drawing room and begrudgingly walked towards the gardens, smiling politely at each person she passed. Even if her future husband did not care for her, Y/N took comfort in knowing that his family and the people in the castle did; she hoped it would make the rest of her life tolerable.
All too soon, Y/N felt the sunshine on her face as she stepped into the magnificent palace gardens. She could spot Prince Frederick’s fiery hair a mile away; he was standing near the rose bushes twirling a yellow one between his long fingers.
The rustling of the grass between Y/N’s feet caused Fred to turn around to find the source of the noise.
He stalled a bit; even though he despised the Princess of Diagon, he could never deny that she was breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair was unkempt, a soft pink, cotton gown swished around her legs as she stalked toward him, and her face was set in a scowl but even the worst grimace could not distract from her captivating eyes.
It was entirely infuriating, and it made Fred want to hate her even more, but some intrinsic force wouldn’t allow him.
“What are you staring at?” Y/N asked, her eyebrow raising.
“Nothing,” Fred replied with a shake of his head. “I’m just thinking of all the ways I’d rather spend my morning.”
“Well, it seemed like you were staring at me. Do it again and I’ll push you into the rose bushes, I don’t care if you are the future King.”
Fred turned his head and tried not to crack a smile, but failed miserably as the corner of his mouth quirked up involuntarily.
“Let’s get this over with, Y/N, can your stubby legs keep up?”
“It’s not my fault you shot up like a bloody bean pole; you went from stumpy to looking like someone sewed tree limbs together and animated them.”
“Most women like tall men.”
“I like tall men, Frederick, I just don’t like you.”
A stunned silence fell over the two royals, only the sounds of the rustling leaves and nearby animals could be heard.
“I suppose that’s why you like Prince Cedric, then?”
“Beg your pardon?” Y/N’s eyes widened, confused at the sudden interrogation.
“Your conversation with your Mother last night, how you begged her to marry him instead. Or my brother. Or that horrid Malfoy.”
“You had no right – that was a private conversation. How dare you eavesdrop on my personal business? Every time I think you have a shred of decency you prove me wrong, Frederick Weasley.”
Fred stepped in front of the Princess, blocking her path and preventing her from walking on.
“Prove you wrong? I had come to your room to apologize when I heard you plotting with your Mother to run off with someone else and disrespect my family.”
“I would never disrespect your family. They’ve never been anything but good and kind to me, the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt them. I haven’t the slightest idea how you’re related to any of them.”
“Oh, I know, you have them all wrapped around your little finger,” Fred scoffed.
“I’m not going to stand here and fight with you, Frederick, I don’t have the energy. Can we please just keep moving and we can tell your Mother we had a wonderful time and learned so much about each other.”
Y/N stepped around Fred, lightly grabbing his wrist to pull him along through the endless rows of flowers.
“She’ll probably quiz us and you don’t even know my favorite color,” Fred griped.
“It’s purple, I think,” Y/N blurted. “I overheard you telling your Mum years ago that you wanted purple frosting on some dessert. I figured that meant it was your favorite.”
“And you remembered?”
“There aren’t a lot of things I forget about the people in my life, Frederick. If it’s important to you, I’ll remember.”
“But you don’t care about me, why did you even bother?”
Y/N sighed and shook her head before turning to look at Fred, shielding her eyes from the sun.
“Contrary to popular belief, I don’t hate you. I don’t particularly like you, maybe in a different life we’d actually be friends, but I don’t hate you. I don’t hate anyone.”
Fred realized this was the longest they’d gone without arguing in years, and it was barely one tenth of a conversation. He turned his head slightly to watch Y/N, taking in the way she gazed lovingly at the surrounding flora, and noticed her eyes linger a bit longer every so often.
“Yellow,” Fred mumbled.
“What was that?” Y/N asked.
“You look longer at the yellow flowers. Yellow is your favorite color.”
Y/N smiled softly, the same smile she’d given Fred when she had arrived the day before but it was infinitely more sincere.
“If you were like this all the time, you wouldn’t be so bad Frederick.”
“Who says I’m not?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and this time Fred could not contain himself; he laughed loudly, and the sound triggered a fluttering of sorts in the Princess’s chest. They continued their walk, chattering idly and the Prince even picked a blooming yellow rose and delicately handed it to his Princess.
“I really did want to apologize last night, you know,” Fred assured. “I didn’t have any reason to be so rude when you arrived, I guess it was just…habit. We have a way of getting under each other’s skin.”
“Apology accepted, for your rudeness yesterday, of course. But, you owe me another.”
“Yes, for eavesdropping on me and my Mother.”
“That conversation involved me, I hardly think it’s one I shouldn’t be aware of if you’re trying to finagle your way out of our betrothal.”
“It may involve you, but it was a private conversation.”
“That involved me.”
“My God, I’ve said it before but truly every time I think you can redeem yourself, you do or say something completely asinine. Do you have any manners?”
“You were talking about me, I felt I had a right to listen!”
Y/N groaned loudly in annoyance, drawing the attention of the nearby guards.
“I don’t even believe you wanted to apologize, you had the chance this morning and just insulted me like you always do! Every decent part of you is nothing but an act!”
“You don’t even know me,” Fred seethed.
“No, I don’t, but it’s because you won’t let me!”
“You’ve never even tried, don’t attempt to play me for a fool, Y/N.”
“Well, I’m trying now. I’m trying now and still all we can do is fight.”
The two stood toe to toe, breathing heavily and staring into each other’s eyes. After a few moments, Y/N looked away and sighed deeply. It sounded almost dejected, Fred realized, rather than the anger he had expected.
“Go ahead of me back to the castle, please, I’d like to actually enjoy the rest of the walk.”
“I don’t have to take orders from – ”
“You’ll do as I say, Frederick Weasley,” Y/N snapped.
Fred wanted to argue; God, did he want to argue with her until he was blue in the face, but something about the tone of her voice frightened him a bit. So, he scoffed and stalked back to the castle, swinging his fists by his sides and gritting his teeth.
He passed by his twin, giving George a half-hearted wave before entering the castle. It wasn’t hard to sense the tone of what had transpired, and George shook his head and took off running towards the gardens to find Y/N.
“Oi! What did he do this time?” George shouted as he slowed to a stop in front of Y/N.
“Just the usual. Acting like a pompous prick that can do no wrong. He was nice for two minutes and then refused to apologize for eavesdropping last night on a conversation between me and my Mother!”
George rolled his eyes and raked a hand down his face, massaging his temples in preparation for the headache that his brother always managed to give him.
“Y/N, you know he’s not malicious, he’s just an idiot sometimes,” George offered.
“I appreciate you defending him but at the moment it’s going in one ear and out the other, Georgie.”
He laughed and slung an arm around the Princess’s shoulders, joining her on the remainder of her walk through the gardens. He noticed Y/N twirling a yellow rose around and every so often lifting it to inhale its sweet scent.
“Stealing flowers from our gardens, eh?” George jested, bumping his hip into Y/N.
“Frederick picked it for me, actually,” she mumbled.
“Well, that’s sweet. You two can get along, is what I’m seeing and hearing.”
“It was a momentary lapse of judgment,” Y/N sighed, before throwing the perfect rose to the ground and ensuring her slipper crushed the delicate petals.
When they were good and flattened into the Earth, she swore she felt an ache in her chest.
taglist: @theweasleyslut @vivacesole @weasleyclaw @nuttytani-reblogs @theweasleysredhair @hufflepuffbaby9 @wildfire-whizbangs @gcdricreads @amhyeah @62442-am @letsgotothehop @emrysts @fuckoffthanos @uponashelf @justalittleweirdoo @evermoreweasley @feminafatales @pxroxide-prinxcesss @lumosandnoxwriting @weelittleweasley @darthwheezely @lovecroftreads @whizboingies @love-peachh @harrysweasleys @wand3ringr0s3 @gredmforge @vogueweasley @gryffindcrghost @adrianpuceyishot @spacexcowgirl @freds-slut @phoenixes-and-wizards @parseltongueswriting @geostarr @snoopydoop1 @lana-isabelle @kaye-lantern @aworldinsideaperson @starlightweasley @emeraldbears20 @lupinsclassroom @barnesjamcs @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou @dracosgoodgirl @expectoevans @scoobiessnacks @crissdanvers @itsbebeyyy @ovrwd @satellitespidey @softlyqoos @dandyylions @anxxi0s @raiaurii @gloryekaterina @godricsswords @wischief @amourtentiaa @lmaoitsmebro @legitlaughingflamingo @rodrickmalfoy @listenhereyousupernova 
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
PLATONIC HEADCANINS !! PLATONIC HEADCANONS !! HOW ABOUT- a doting touchy-feely PLATONC reader with the allies?? Friendship headcanons :3 (do Axis if u can but PLEASE don't do that if you are tired or busy PLEASE don't ♡♡:))
I feel Alfred is also a bit of a touchy-feely kind of friend too
Especially with best friends and whatnot
Is either always at your house or telling you to come to his
He just wants to watch movies or play video games with you
Heck he just wants to exist in the same room with his bestie
Will Alfred wake you up at 3am to do something with him?
Y’all will either be doing mundane things like going on a store run or literally committing a crime
There is N O in between
Since the both of you are both touchy-feely and likely clinging to each other you bet you’ve gotten the same question 1000x
“Are you two dating?”
You both either go for the ewww hell no or a straight faced but sarcastic yes we totally are
But it’s 50/50 if you both actually go for the same response
It’s a game at this point to see if you guys can read each other’s minds
You guys usually make an awkward situation for the person that asked because one will say yes and the other says eww and neither of you will back down and explain that you guys are just sarcastic and teasing jerks lmao
Arthur isn’t the most touchy person so having a friend that is can be tough sometimes
He does appreciate the hugs and physical comfort/support but he just gets kinda awkward
Well at first anyways
When you are certified besties he’s used to it and one can often find him gravitating towards you to just be close
Will never admit he likes it though sorry he’s a hard head
No one dares ask either of y’all that dreaded question though because they don’t want to deal with his sarcasm and the lecture that’s sure to follow
Arthur is a chill bestie though
Often invites you over to just be together
He doesn’t care if it’s just to talk, do something, or simply enjoy the presence of someone else
Help him cook maybe?
Even if you suck at cooking he enjoys attempting to cook with someone else
And that also means having fun in the kitchen and being complete dorks the whole time
And also having to order food or eat a sandwich because unless you can cook it’s going to be inedible
Will make you watch and read Sherlock, even if he has to be there or read it to you it’s happening
Francis is very touchy as a friend unless he knows someone dislikes it
So having a bestie that is like him is perfect
People probably think y’all are glued together at this point
No one would ever think y’all are dating either because Francis acts completely different with his bestie than a love interest
He’s kind of a mean ass ngl
He likes to jokingly bicker and fight with you
And definitely likes to cling and be dramatic with you to the point it’s annoying to others
Francis drags you with him everywhere
His house, the gym, the store, England’s house, etc
He cant just go alone anymore it would feel wrong like he’s forgetting something
If you’re bad at dressing or have no style he’s got your back
Literally shops for you but also constantly says things like you’ll never look as good as him
You are also one fo the few that will ever see Francis get serious or down in the dumps
It’s just something he doesn’t wear on his sleeve and reserves for those closest to him
Matthew is not used to having people cling to him
He’s not really used to having people notice him so having a someone that’s his bestie, that notices him the most, and always clings and talks to him is a strange and wild concept
Doesn’t mind the touchiness and honestly rather prefers it
He’s kinda touch starved :/
Matthew is likely always at your house with Kumajirou
Movie marathon and cuddles yo
Also as his closest friend you come to see his ‘secret’ side of being sarcastic and a complete savage
This boy does not hold back with you either
Maybe at first he did but when he realized y’all are in this friend stuff for life he won’t censor or sugar coat things if it’s not necessary
Makes you play and watch hockey with him
Will teach you everything if you know nothing
Matthew is the type of friend to invite you to his families holidays/vacations and come to yours
He knows and is cool with basically all of your family
I mean who could hate or dislike this polite boy?
Ivan is not used to friendship either as people usually tremble in fear before him
so having a friend that is touchy on top of having a close friend can be a bit much at times
But he’s happy!
He loves the hugs! Loves the contact! Loves having a friend!
Loves cuddles most of all he won’t lie, Ivan loves the feeling of comfort and support when you cuddle him
People do often assume you two are dating because most people assume someone would only put up with him if they were in love with him
Neither of you mind the rumors since y’all know the truth
Ivan is the sweetest friend
He shows up unannounced with food or groceries all the time
Always helping you out without being asked
Like oh your washing machine broke I fixed it/bought you a new one already or oh you suck at this let me explain it and teach it to you
Does this completely unprompted
He’s always over at yours or always inviting you over to his
Wants to do classic friend things?
Like things he sees in movies and shows that friends do a lot or things he’s overheard from others
Late night store runs, hanging out at parks, showing up unannounced to crash at your place, those kind of things
You’re the only person he confides in, you know all his secrets, his sadness, everything
Honestly, Ivan is the person who needs a touchy-feely friend the most out of everyone
Yao is happy about having a touchy friend but will always play like he hates it
Not in like a tsundere “I totally d-don’t need friends baka” kind of way but a really dramatic “omg I can’t believe you’re so obsessed with me haha loser” kind of way
He’s only joking of course and apologizes if you get hurt by his teasing or he crosses a line
Only a brave few would try and ask if y’all are more than friends
They have to listen to a lecture with an angry Yao explaining that people can be close and not want to date and how immature and inappropriate they’re being
Totally the type of friend that mothers you
Constantly says you look skinnier than last time and forces you to eat because he’s worried for you
Will not sugar coat anything for you
If you ask for his advice then I’m sorry but you’re gonna get it even if it makes you cry or get mad
Yao wants you over at his constantly
He’s lonely man ㅠㅠ
And he doesn’t want to leave the comfort of his house
Expect a lot of his gifts for your birthday/holiday to be cute plushies he found
Ludwig act differently depending on when y’all become besties
Like before Italy, he’s nervous, confused, and slightly annoyed by all the touching and notion of being besties
If it’s after Italy he’s used to all the touchiness and has figured out how to show his friendship to you in other ways
Like making you things! Or simply inviting you to hang out!
Ludwigs is always gonna be a bit awkward though
Always shy about hanging out and inviting you over
Many people assume you two to be dating because of his awkwardness but he is the first to start defending your friendship and it’s pure nature
He develops a sixth sense and now answers people’s questions about the two of you without even looking at them
He can just feel the nasty vibes
Asks you to do mundane things with him
Like shopping or even chores
Asks you to come bake with him a lot
It was embarrassing at first since not many people know his love of making sweets but he’s over that now
I know I say this a lot, but please work out with him _(:3 」∠)_
My guy just wants a work out buddy, a spotter, a n y t h i n g just please pick up the smallest dumbbell and pretend you want to work out
If you ask for advice expect him to be straight to the point about it but comfort you afterwards
Feliciano is a god tier bestie if your touchy-feely
Doesn’t matter if that touchy-feely emotionally and/or physically he’s down for both
Like please hold his hand, hug him, give him head pats, cheek kisses or any form affection really
No one even thinks anything of it, it’s just Feliciano being himself
If anyone did ask if you were dating he might get self-conscious of his actions, he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or like he was trying to be something more with you
He’s easy to calm down though
Feliciano invites you out all the time
Restaurants, wine tastings, farmers markets, gondola rides, just about anything he can think of that he thinks you would like to do
Always at your house
He eats all of your food too, but he makes you some in return so it’s okay
Gives really good advice
Like for his bestie he’ll get super serious and thoughtful about your issues, even spending days thinking of solutions
Tries not to sugar coat things for you but ends up doing just that
He doesn’t want to make his friend cry or even more anxious
Will comfort you though if you are upset about anything he’s said and apologizes profusely for it too
Kiku is overall one of the ones who needs a touchy bestie but is the most challenging with receiving or giving the touchiness back
He’s a man who enjoys personal space and alone time, so he’s honestly surprised anyone considers him a true best friend
He knows he can get a bit feisty and shut himself away when he gets uncomfortable and that makes it hard to truly befriend him
But he’s really happy you stick around and deal with his awkwardness and rejection of your affection
Tries his hardest to at least accept your friendly affection
No one would dare ask if you two are flirting or together because my god it’s taking so much of his effort to just sit less than 2 feet away from you at the start so they don’t want to ruin his progress by making it awkward
Kiku definitely asks for your opinion on anime and manga
Gets into heated debates with you over certain ones
Is shy but asks you to come over a lot
Likes to have tea and snacks with you while you guys talk
Y’all can talk for literally a whole day
You sleepover a lot, he insists and even got you your own futon with a cool custom cover
Gifts you a kotatsu at some point because he loves them and he thinks you should enjoy them all the time too
When he gets over a lot of shyness he loves when you do simple forms of affection with him
Like ruffling his hair or holding onto his arm or even just leaning against him
He enjoys those the most since they aren’t too physical and mentally taxing on him and it still let you physically express your friendship with him like you love to do
If you ask for advice either get prepared for a harsh wake up call or a stumbling mess of words
It’s 50/50 if Kiku gives you the stone cold truth or tries to spare your feelings
As your friend he thinks you deserve the truth but he doesn’t want his harsh advice to ruin your mood or make you hate him
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I loved and I loved and I lost you
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Kikyo stayed in Illumi and I room for a few hours. I could tell that she was worried about Kalluto. Deep down I knew that she loved all of her kids. I was sitting on the bed enjoying the quiet. I decided to go to the babies room to grab some things while they were sleeping. I grabbed my phone as I got up from bed incase Illumi called so it won’t wake the babies while I was gone. I walked into their room and at the same time my phone did go off like I thought. I answered it and brought my phone to my ear. “Hey did you find Kalluto.” I asked. “No. The trail went cold not far from the mansion.” Illumi said. “So are you, Saliva and Zeno on the way back?” I asked. “Not yet. Father and Grandfather got called to help with ants. I’m going to look for a bit longer.” Illumi said. “Ants? Why do they need his help for ants?” I asked. “They are cinema ants.” Illumi said. “Oh got it.” I said. “How are the babies?” Illumi asked. “Right now their sleeping. I came to their room to grab a few things so I don’t have to walk back and forth.” I said. “You should try to get some rest also.” Illumi said. “I’ll try. But one of them will probably start to cry as soon I try to go to sleep.” I said. “I’ll try to get back to help you as soon as I can.” Illumi said. “I know. I should grab what I came here to grab and get back to our room.” I said. “Alright. I’ll call you later.” Illumi said. “Okay.” I said. “I love you.” Illumi said. “I know.” I said and hung up.
*Meanwhile with Chrollo and Kalluto*
Chrollo was currently carrying Kalluto to prolong the other Zoldycks to follow them. Not many words were spoken between the two of them. “She misses you.” Kalluto said. “She didn’t seem like it.” Chrollo said. “She just wants to protect the baby. She told me that it’s your baby and not big brothers.” Kalluto said. “I know she managed to tell me that it’s my baby before you and your mom walked in.” Chrollo said. “She’s been really sad since big brother brought her back. She doesn’t love him like she used to. You’re the one to give her the spider ring right.” Kalluto said. “I am. Do you know if she still has them?” Chrollo said. “Yes. I’ve seen her look at them a lot. I don’t think she likes being married to big brother. But she acts likes she does.” Kalluto said. “She did tell me before she stopped talking to me and she was being forced to marry your brother.” Chrollo said. “She told me that she loves you. But she thinks her feeling for Illumi.” Kalluto said. “I see.” Chrollo said. “Do you know why I let you go?” Kalluto asked. “I don’t but I am grateful that you did.” Chrollo said. “I did it because I want Y/n to be happy again. She not happy. You make her happy.” Kalluto said. “Well I appreciate hearing you say that.” Chrollo said. “I overheard mother and big brother about Y/n having more kids. I think she’ll agree. She’s starting to show signs of that Stockholm thing.” Kalluto said. “Are you talking about Stockholm Syndrome?” Chrollo asked. “Yeah that.” Kalluto said.
I grabbed what I needed from the babies room then made my way back to Illumi and I’s room. Thankfully they were still sleeping when I got back into the room. I sat the supplies I had brought on a table that was in our room. I decided to try to get some sleep. As soon as I laid down on of the babies started crying. I got up from bed and went over picking her up. “You okay baby.” I said. She just kept crying. “Oh tell me about it. I miss daddy too.” I said. Her crying got a little quieter. “Are you hungry?” I asked which stopped the crying. I walked back over to our bed sitting back down and started to feed her. As I was feeding her my phone went off. I looked at who was calling I didn’t recognize the number so I ignored the call. A few minutes later my phone with off again and it was the same number again I ignored it. Then the number called again. This time I was angry. I grabbed my phone with my free hand and answered it bringing it to my ear. “Who is this and what do you want.” I said. “Y/n it’s me.” Kalluto said. “Kalluto hon where are you. Do you know how worried we are.” I said. “I’m sorry.” Kalluto said. “Where are you?” I asked. “I can’t tell you but I’m safe. How’s the baby?” Kalluto asked. “Babies actually. I had twins girls.” I said. I could hear voices in the background. “Hon is there people with you?” I asked. “Yes. Is big brother with you?” Kalluto said. “He’s out looking for you. Can I talk to someone that is with you?” I said. “I have to go.” Kalluto said then hung up. I quickly grabbed to remote that I was given to alert the other family member’s if I need help if Illumi wasn’t home. I stopped breastfeed the baby incase Milluki walked in. I sent a text to Illumi to call me.
It was only about a minute later Kikyo came rushing “Is everything okay?” Kikyo asked. “Kalluto just called me.” I said. “Did he say where he is?” Kikyo asked. “No he didn’t. He called from a number I didn’t recognize.” I said. “Call him back so Milluki can track the call.” Kikyo said. “Okay. Can you grab the other baby?” I said as I stood up grabbing my phone. Kikyo went over and picked up the other baby from her crib. “Come on now dear.” Kikyo said. I followed her out of the room and into Milluki. Kikyo just opened the door without knocking which cause Milluki jump in his chair. “Damnit mom you didn’t have to scare me like that.” Milluki said. “Sorry son but we need you to track a call. Kalluto called Y/n but didn’t tell her where he was.” Kikyo said. “Why would I do that it’s not my fault he left.” Milluki said. “I know of someone who has a copy of greed island. If you track the call I’ll ask if I could have it for you.” I said. “You’re lying.” Milluki said. “If I’m not do you really want to risk that?” I asked. “Fine. Call him back.” Milluki said.  I clicked the number that Kalluto called me from. I put the phone to my ear has I waited on him to answer. “Y/n.” Kalluto said. “I know that you don’t want to tell me where you are but if you do I promise that I only I will come and get you.” I said. “I don’t know they told me not to tell you where we are.” Kalluto said. “They? Please Kalluto.” I said. “Can you bring the babies with you?” Kalluto asked. “Why do you want me.” I said but stopped. I knew where he was and who he was with. “You’re with the phantom troupe aren’t you.” I said. “Are you mad?” Kalluto asked. “I just care if your safe and that you will let me come to get you.” I said.  “But I want to stay.” Kalluto said. “Hon I don’t think Kikyo will be happy hearing that you want to stay with them.” I said. “I don’t want to make mother sad.” Kalluto said. “I know you don’t. Do you think I can talk to a woman named Pakunoda so I can find out where you are.” I said. I heard voices in the background but couldn’t make out what was being said. “They said that Pakunoda is dead.” Kalluto said. “What! When did that happened?” I said. Again I heard voices. “They said she died the same night that you and Chrollo left.” Kalluto said. “That long.” I said. Then Milluki looked at me and nodded. “Hon I got to call you back your mom just walked into the room.” I said. “Promise not to tell.” Kalluto said. “I promise.” I said and hung up.
“Why is he with them?” Kikyo asked. “He seemed to have the idea that Chrollo is the father of the twins and not Illumi. Where he got that idea I don’t know. Chrollo must have drilled that into his head.” I said. “The nerve of that man. Did he tell you where he is?” Kikyo asked. “They will only let him tell me if I bring the twins with me.” I said. “I will not allow that to happen. Once Illumi gets back we will discuss how to handle this.” Kikyo said. “I’ll send him a text.” I said sending him a text telling him to come back now. “Milluki go ahead and send Illumi the location.” Kikyo said. “Yes momma.” Milluki said. “Take the twins back to yours and Illumi room. I’ll send bulters to guard the three of you.” Kikyo said handing me the other baby. I nodded and walked out of Milluki room and went back to mine and Illumi room.
I was half way back to mine and Illumi’s room when one of the maids saw me and rushed over to help me by taking one of the babies from me. As we walked into my room I saw Illumi texted me back saying he would be home in thirty minutes. I thanked the maid that helped me and she left. I put the baby I was holding back in her crib and went to sit down on the bed. I put my phone on the bedside table as tears filled my eyes. I wiped my eyes as the door opened. “Is everything okay?” Illumi asked. “Kalluto is with the phantom troupe.” I said. “How do you know that?” Illumi asked as he walked over to where I was sitting beside me. “He called me. He also said that he will only tell me where they are if I come to get him and bring the twins.” I said. “I’m not going to allow you to do that. You are not going to be near that man. I will go and get Kalluto.”Illumi said. “I don’t think we really have a choice. Kalluto wants to stay. Just maybe if I’m the one to go get him I can bring him back.” I said. “No.” Illumi said. “Illumi.” I said. “No I’ll do it.” Illumi said. I decided not to fight him on this so I just nodded. “Milluki traced the call you should go to him to find out where they are.” I said. My phone started to ring. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was the same number Kalluto has been calling me from. “Hold on this is Kalluto.” I said. I answered my phone and put it to my ear.
“Is everything okay Hon?” I asked. “Are you still coming?” Kalluto asked. “Illumi said that he would come and get you. Just tell me where you are hon.” I said. “No. Chrollo said that only you can come and get me. If anyone else comes to get me that we would be gone before they even get to where we are.” Kalluto said. “Illumi doesn’t want me to. He wants me to stay here with the babies.” I said. “Well if you don’t come I’m staying.” Kalluto said. I let out a sigh. “Fine I’ll come but I’m going to need help with bringing the twins with me. I’ll only come if Machi comes to help me.” I said. “Hold on.” Kalluto said. It was silent one Kalluto side. “What are you thinking I told you that I would go get him.” Illumi said. “Kalluto said if I’m not the one to get him then he would stay and that they would be gone by the time that anyone would get there.” I said. “Then I’ll follow you.” Illumi said. “They’ll know if you follow me. Just trust me on this please. I said. “They said that Machi can come and get you and the twins. You need to meet her In town.” Kalluto said. “Okay when do I need to meet her?” I asked. “Wiithin in the hour.” Kalluto said. “Okay I’ll get the twins ready.” I said. “I’ll see you soon.” Kalluto said. “Okay hon.” I said then hung up. 
I sat my phone down and go up going to pick up one of the twins getting them ready. After getting the twins ready I got myself ready. As I got ready Illumi had gotten the twins into their car seats. I went over and grabbed one of the twins while Illumi grabbed the other. “I hate that you are doing this.” Illumi said. “It’s not like we have a choice. I’m the only one that can put a stop to this.” I said. Illumi kissed the side of my head. “We need to get to town.” I said.
Illumi and I left the mansion making our way into town. On our way there I got a text with the meet up location which was a small café in town. Illumi helped me take the twins into a table towards the back of the café. Once he was done he gave me and the twins a kiss then left. I waited about thirty minutes before I saw Machi walk in and towards me. I gave her a small smile as she sat down across from me. “You look good.” Machi said. “Thanks. Is Kalluto okay?” I asked. “He’s fine. He really likes being with us.” Machi said. “I’ll only come with you to bring Kalluto back if you also givin me greed island if you still have it.” I said. “You’ll have to talk about that with the boss.” Machi said. “Fine.” I said. “They’re really cute. They really look like you and the boss.” Machi said. “Their Illumi’s kids and not Chrollo. I want him to have nothing to do with them.” I said. “I know that you’re lying. You may be able to lie to yourself and everyone else but I know and you know that the boss is the father.” Machi said. I looked down as tears filled my eyes. “You still love him don’t you?” Machi asked. I nodded a little. “We should get going.” Machi said getting up. I followed behind her grabbing one of the car seats while Machi grabbed the other. We left the café and got into a car. After getting the kids safety in the car we got into the driver and passage seat then Machi drove off to where the others were.
The car ride lasted about an hour and a half. Machi pulled into a driveway that leads to a house that was almost the size of the Zoldyck mansion. Machi parked the car and we got out. We got the babies out of the backseat. “Are you ready to go in?” Machi asked. “I mean it’s not like I can go back now.” I said. Machi started to make her way inside and I followed behind.
As soon as I walked inside Kalluto was the first run up to me hugging me. I smiled as I wrapped an arm around him. “Don’t you do that again okay hon.” I said. “I promise. I really like Chrollo he’s really nice.” Kalluto said. “I’m glad.” I said as the baby that Machi was carrying started to cry. “Looks like she’s hungry. Is there an empty room I can go feed her in?” I said. “Yeah the boss has got a room set up for the babies. Come on I’ll show you.” Machi said. “Can I come and help? I want to hold one of the babies.” Kalluto said. “Okay you can come to help hon.” I said. Machi lead the two of us to a room that was already set up with everything for the twins. Almost like Chrollo thought that we would stay. “I’ll let the boss know that you have to feed one of the twins and to come to see you soon.” Machi said sitting one the car seats down. I nodded and Machi left. I put the car seat I was carrying down and got the baby out gently handing her kalluto. “Be careful with her okay. Go seat down in one of the chairs.” I said. Kalluto nodded and went to seat down. I got the other baby out of car seat and went to sit down in the other chair. I covered myself in case anyone else walked in while I was feeding her.
When I got done feed her I burped her then decided to put her down for a nap. When I went to go get the baby that Kalluto was holding to also put her down for a nap they both were sleeping. I smiled to myself as I took the baby from Kalluto and put her into a crib. Then I grabbed a blanket and put it over Kalluto and kissed his head. I heard a knock at the door. I quickly rush over to open the door making sure that whoever it was didn’t wake the kids. When I opened the door I saw Chrollo. “Their sleeping right now.” I said. “All of them?” Chrollo asked. “If you mean the twins and Kalluto then yes.” I said. “Then can we talk?” Chrollo asked. “I would rather stay with the kids.” I said. “You can’t honestly want to go back to him.” Chrollo said. “Don’t rise your voice you’ll wake the kids.” I said. “Do even remember why you fell in love with him in the first place?” Chrollo asked. I thought about it and tried to remember. But I just couldn’t. “See you even you can’t remember can you. Do you remember why you fell in love with me?” Chrollo asked. “We didn’t all at once because you knew how much Illumi hurt me. You also waited until I was ready.” I said looking at the ground. “Kalluto told me everything. I’m sorry that I basically did the same thing to Illumi did to you. But you must have known that I since I couldn’t use my nen I would wait till I could use again.” Chrollo said. “I know but I can’t stay here with you. Illumi and I are married now I have to go back if I don’t he will come to find me. He already didn’t like that I came here to get Kalluto back.” I said. “Didn’t you say that they forged our divorce papers?” Chrollo said. “So?” I asked. “We can prove it so your marriage to Illumi would be void.” Chrollo said. “You can’t do that when you’re married to a zoldyck. You can come and see the twins but once they and Kalluto wake up we’re leaving.” I said. “Is that what you really want to do?” Chrollo asked. “It’s not like I have a choice.” I said. “I’ll talk to him” Chrollo said taking my face into his hands. “You can’t talk to someone like Illumi. It not going to let me go again that easy.” I said putting my hands on top of his. “You let me worry about that.” Chrollo said as he leaned in to kiss me. But I turned my head to prevent him from kissing me. “I can’t.” I said. “What did he do to you?” Chrollo asked. “He loves me.” I said. “What about me? Do I not love you?” Chrollo asked. “Don’t put words in my mouth.” I said. “You’re acting that he loves you more than I do.” Chrollo said. “I don’t think that.” I said. “But you’re acting like you do.” Chrollo said. He right I have been acting like Illumi loves me way more than Chrollo does. Tears filled my eyes as I threw myself into Chrollo arms burying my face in his chest. “I’m sorry.” I said crying into his chest. “It’s okay. I’ll take care of everything. I promise everything is going to be okay.” Chrollo said and kissed my head. 
“Do you need to rest? Are you hungry?” Chrollo asked. “No I’m fine. I just don’t want to be far away from the kids.” I said. “They will be fine we have monitors set up so if they cry or wake up we will know.” Chrollo said holding out his hand. I nodded and put my hand in his as we walked away from the kid’s room. “Does the rest of the troupe hate me?” I asked. “Is that want you think? Do you honestly think that?” Chrollo asked. I nodded. “No they don’t. They hate themselves that they didn’t prevent him from taking you.” Chrollo said. I nodded as I kissed his cheek.
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nnightskiess · 4 years
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‧₊° 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐬𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧!𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
‧₊° 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐲/𝐧, 𝐚 𝐬𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧, 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲...
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“I’m going back, you guys.” 
Her Slytherin friends raised their eyebrows.
“I’ve gotta study.” She quickly explained.
Pansy let out a snort and took a sip of her butterbeer. Of course Pansy would be able to see through her, but Y/N thanked her silently for not speaking up about it when their eyes met. If only Pansy knew the real truth behind her lie. 
“Have fun.” She sang out teasingly, guessing Y/N was off to sneak around with someone she had a crush on.
Y/N’s feet dragged through the snow as she walked to the secluded part of Hogsmeade, to the Hog’s Head Inn. She crossed her gloved fingers, hoping she was on time and that they would actually let her in and let her listen to what Harry Potter had to say. Y/N didn’t fit the stereotypical Slytherin mould, but no matter how hard she tried to prove that, she seemed to always be considered like a bad guy. Sure, her choice of friends obviously didn’t help her case, but still, didn’t she deserve to not be judged because of that?
Y/N hoped this wasn’t just some way to make Harry believable after all that The Daily Prophet had said about him, or to share his stories to make him even more famous. But if Hermione Granger was there, then it must be serious. She didn’t know the girl personally but knew far too well how much the bushy haired girl detested Umbridge and her teaching as well— or the lack of her teaching, for that matter. 
So when Y/N heard Zacharias Smith being persuaded by one of his friends to go to the meeting, she knew she needed to be there, too. If it was bullshit, she’d be out of there in a second. If it wasn’t, she hoped they accepted whatever kind of help she could offer. So, deciding to give them the benefit of the doubt, she marched up to the front door of the Hog’s Head.
Y/N silently cursed to herself when all eyes suddenly focused on her. How could she have been so dumb? Of course she should’ve walked in long before the rest, now they would obviously not say another word, too afraid she was one of Umbridge’s spies.
Harry pursed his lips, stopping himself from continuing. Ron looked mad and Hermione seemed confused... intrigued... impressed? All of the fore-mentioned? Y/N couldn’t quite tell. 
“Bugger off, you!” Ron gave her a nasty look.
Y/N had been expecting this, but maybe not from Ronald Weasley.
When Ron noticed she didn’t make a move to leave and instead took off her green scarf and mittens, he stood up, his ears red from anger.
“Come on then, leave!”
Y/N tried to stay calm, not liking his approach, and held up her hands, taking a measured step closer.
“I’m not here to spy on you, trust me.”
He stood up, his fists balled up in rage, “I find it hard to believe a girl like you would just stop here to get a drink, on her own no less.”
“A girl like me?”
“Yes! Where are your bloody friends?” Everyone raised their eyebrows at Ron’s newfound hostility. No one knew, not even Y/N, but the hatred towards the girl was partially because her father had humiliated Arthur Weasley plenty of times at work.
“Ronald!” Hermione shook her head and pulled at his arm, trying to stop him. 
“No one sent me. I’m here because of the meeting.” She looked around the pub, saw the man bandaged up in rags, the weird bartender who was cleaning the filthy glasses with an even filthier rag and then looked back at Ron, “I wouldn’t go here voluntarily.” She let out a breathy chuckle but realised everyone was still on edge. She clenched her jaw at the many disgusted looks sent her way.
“What meeting? We’re just chatting with each other.” Harry tried to play dumb but Y/N immediately rolled her eyes. How pathetic. 
“I overheard some of you talk about it. You should really be more discreet, you know?”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek, cursing whoever had been so careless and also hating the feeling how he felt like she lectured him, as if he was some child. When no one said a word and when they kept looking at her in disgust, her anger rose.
“Do you think I would spy for the woman who ruined my mother’s career, who made me carve words into my hand for detention and who fails to teach us anything and ruins the school a bit more every week?” Her rambled confession caught everyone off guard. “I might be a Slytherin but no one knows me here so why is your first approach so hostile? You wouldn’t have treated me like this if I was sporting a yellow scarf instead of a green one. Would you, now?”
Hermione admired how she had so fiercely tried to prove her case and suddenly remembered that Y/N had bought one of her S.P.E.W. badges the year before. She had been one of the few who had and remembered being surprised then, too. It was weird, but Hermione believed the girl’s intentions were true.
“She’s right.” She spoke, “Besides, we need all the help we can get.” She gestured for the girl to sit down, who took a seat at the back, trying to ignore the many stares still sent her way. Meanwhile Hermione tried to ignore the glares sent her way.
A week later, while Y/N was sitting in the windowsill of the Hogwarts library, trying to study for Potions class, Hermione hesitantly approached her.
“Hi, there, um- excuse me,” The Gryffindor cleared her throat, making Y/N look up from her book. She leaned in closer after making sure they couldn’t be overheard, “The first meeting is this Thursday on the seventh floor. The door’s a hidden entrance opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. Just think of the meeting and the door will appear.” Hermione rushed out in a whisper. 
Harry and Ron had both still been hesitant letting Y/N join, but after Hermione had scolded and lectured them about giving the girl a chance, they begrudgingly agreed. However, Hermione had to bring the news to Y/N. They still had their doubts about the Slytherin girl who was friends with the likes of Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy.
Y/N smiled softly, “Thank you.” 
After a week of radio-silence, she had come to terms with the fact that they hadn’t been too keen on letting her join after all, so this was a pleasant surprise. 
“I don’t believe I’ve properly introduced myself— besides the awkward introduction at the pub.” 
Hermione smiled meekly.
“I’m Y/N.”
The two shook hands quickly before Hermione excused herself, “I should probably go again. It might raise questions if we hang out together.” 
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. Because she was a Slytherin? Because she was supposed to be a mean girl who would never hang out with a mudblood like her? Though Hermione probably hadn’t meant it in a wrong way, it hurt Y/N more than she would like to admit.
“Do you need that?” Hermione pointed to the book discarded at Y/N’s feet. Y/N shook her head slowly. 
“Okay, then... let’s just pretend I came to borrow it from you. See you on Thursday.” 
With one last look over her shoulder, Hermione had disappeared again behind the many bookshelves.
Thursday night rolled around and Y/N was on her way to the seventh floor. It was a long walk from the dungeons, so she had left long before 9pm just to be on time. Two Ravenclaws who she had seen at the meeting, walked in front of but Y/N decided not to join them, they probably still hated her.
Pansy’s loud voice echoed through the empty hallway, making the two Ravenclaws turn around. When they saw Y/N with Pansy, they immediately quickened their pace. She wasn’t sure if it was because they were scared of Pansy, or if they wanted to hurry and tell Harry Potter that Y/N was up to something, that they couldn’t trust her because she had been with Pansy Parkinson right before the first lesson. Contrary to popular belief, Y/N actually hadn’t told anyone and wasn’t planning on doing so either. 
“Sneaking off again?”
An arm wrapped around her shoulder and Pansy gave Y/N a playful nudge in the stomach. Y/N let out a laugh and pushed her off, 
“None of your business.”
Pansy gave her a look, the corners of her mouth lifted up into a smirk. “The dungeons are downstairs, you know? No need to slither your way through the seventh floor.”
“Look who’s talking!”
The raven-haired girl rolled her eyes, “I’m a prefect, remember? I’m allowed to roam the halls, even after curfew, and no one would be allowed to question a thing.” 
“I see you’ve been taking advantage of it.”
“And you wouldn’t?”
Y/N shrugged, “Maybe. I don’t know.”
“You didn’t seem to complain when I gave you ten points for doing my homework.” 
The two laughed, “Fine, okay. It’s useful. Though I still think I deserved 15 points for that. You know how much I hate History of Magic.”
“Then you should’ve just said no.” Pansy let go of her arm and stopped walking, “I’m going back. Have fun.” She smirked again and left Y/N.
The Slytherin received a few confused looks when she stepped into the Room of Requirements. No one had believed Y/N had been serious or that the Golden Trio had actually dared to give her a shot. Some students seemed less hostile around her but Y/N knew they were still being careful. So it came as no surprise to her when everyone had to pair together, which led to her standing alone, along with Neville Longbottom. 
The boy’s eyes widened in fear when he realised who he had to pair up with. He was already nervous enough, he wasn’t great at Defence Against the Dark Arts, and having to try and disarm Y/N lessened his shot at success even more. 
Harry noticed the boy’s panic, quickly realising Neville needed a friendly face in front of him so he could relax and try and do his best. He waved Ron over and then left to watch the others, without another look at Y/N who still stood alone, playing with her wand to feel less awkward. No one seemed to notice, and if they did, they probably didn’t even care. 
Hermione let out an irritated sigh when she realised what had happened and told the girl she was practicing with to join the Parvati twins. She made her way over to the Slytherin, still unsure how to approach her, but did so nonetheless. 
“You can pair up with me... if you want to, that is..” She quickly added the last part, unsure if Y/N hated mudbloods as much as her friends did, they seemed to hate Hermione’s guts because of it.
Y/N let out a relieved smile, which didn’t go unnoticed by Hermione, and followed her so they could have more space.
They practiced in silence for a few minutes, both girls impressed by the qualities of the other, before Y/N opened her mouth to talk.
“I feel like a freak show.” She let out a breathy but awkward chuckle, making Hermione stop her movements. Y/N felt all their eyes on her, even if her back was turned their way. Hermione smiled sympathetically, seeing everyone glance at the Slytherin girl every few seconds.
“Just ignore them.” Hermione immediately realised how cliché and stupid it had sounded and tried to better herself, “I-I mean- It’s a compliment really... They... they must keep staring at you because you’re obviously incredibly talented and they feel challenged by that.”
Y/N smiled softly at the rambled reply, “I doubt it’s because of that, but it’s a nice thought. Thanks, Granger.” She knew the girl was only trying to make her feel better. And she had, she was the only one who had tried to accept her, after all. Even if it felt off or if the rest of her friends were against it.
“I don’t know what they all told you, but I promise that I mean well.” Y/N cleared her throat. “I know my house and my choice of friends alarms some of you, but we don’t always see eye to eye on most things... I don’t care that you’re a mudblood, for example.” Hermione looked up, taken back. “If anything, it makes you special. I would like to know more about muggles but my father doesn’t want me to meddle with that world. I just think the unknown scares him.” She continued when Hermione was still searching for a proper reply. She was intrigued by everything Y/N was telling her. “There are more like me, you know? But they’re just too scared to show their true beliefs or to speak up. Some have done it though, but they’re seen as the odd ones out. They are being bullied every time they enter the common room, mostly by Draco.”
Hermione rolled her eyes— of course. Y/N took notice of her reaction and immediately felt the need to protect her friend. “He’s not that bad. I mean, I know he bullies you but... in reality, I think all of us are just pressured to be or think a certain way by our parents and the moulds the other students put us in. It’s not easy being good when everyone treats you like you’re the bad guy.” Y/N’s voice died down.
“That’s still not a reason to bully someone.” Hermione’s voice was soft.
“I know.”
“I’m guessing you were too scared to speak up, then?” She guessed, since it came as a surprise to everyone that Y/N had good intentions and was one of them.
Hermione’s harsh voice hurt Y/N more than she wanted to.
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
“But would you ever tell Pansy or Draco that?”
Y/N shook her head immediately, “No, of course not. I swore to never tell anyone about Dumbledore’s Army, everyone has sworn secrecy, right? Besides, they think I’m not serious when I say I don’t care about someone not being pureblood. They wave it away like I just made a sarcastic joke.”
Hermione looked down swiftly, realising she had lashed out for the wrong reasons.
“I’m sorry.”
Y/N waved it off with her hand, “It’s fine. I’m sure more people will attack me for it in the future. That’s if they dare to talk to me first... do I have a tail or something?” Y/N playfully looked behind her and wiped her bum, “Horns?” She combed through her hair. “They keep on looking!”
Hermione shook her head in amusement. “You look more than fine, there’s nothing wrong with your bum.” Her eyes widened immediately, her cheeks turned scarlet, “Or your hair!” She quickly added.
Y/N laughed heartedly, signalling for Hermione to stand tall again so they could continue practicing.
Y/N fumbled with the fake Galleon in her hand, waiting for the new date to appear. She was starting to enjoy the meetings of Dumbledore’s Army. Through the weeks, everyone had paired up with her at least once and they quickly realised she was no threat. She was finally at a point where they didn’t walk away from her. Instead, they now laughed at her jokes and smiled proudly when Y/N encouraged them. They still had to appear like strangers outside of the Room of Requirements. Y/N hated it. She had made new friends and wanted nothing more but to sit with them during lunch, or help them study. Hermione had done her best to make Y/N feel at home within the group, and Y/N couldn’t lie to herself— she had started to fancy the Gryffindor. Sure, she had found her very pretty before, when all she could do was sneak short glances at the girl during class, but she would have loved to sit in the library together, go to Hogsmeade and really get to know her. But that would raise too much questions, and she wasn’t sure if she could explain this one to Pansy, Draco or Blaise.
“That’s all, you guys. Have a nice Christmas break!” 
Everyone left the Room of Requirements in little groups, as Harry inspected the Marauder’s map, waiting for them to arrive in their common rooms before checking if the coast was clear for another group to leave. Y/N could’ve joined the Hufflepuffs to the dungeons but Harry had advised against it. Seeing Y/N with them would for sure raise questions with the other students who didn’t know of the existence of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class. He would never admit it out loud, but he too had warmed up to the Slytherin girl. She was skilled and could help out the others when he needed a hand. 
Hermione felt Y/N appear next to her, looked up and gave her a soft smile. They were waiting for the Hufflepuffs to arrive so that Y/N could go. 
“Um-” Y/N started, “Did you know Umbridge told her High Inquisitors to try and find out our plans?” 
This got Hermione’s attention. 
“I mean, I only assumed... That’s why she named them in the first place, right?” 
“Yeah, Draco, Pansy and the others talk about it all the time. How they want to catch you guys— especially Potter.” 
“Oh...” Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, realising that this might become a problem later on. Their luck would run out soon. “I’m sorry, it must be hard to sit there and lie to your friends.”
Y/N shrugged, “I knew what I signed up for when I joined.” She twirled her wand through her fingers, one of her habits, and hoped what she was going to say next wouldn’t be a wrong move, 
“I could tell you what their plans are? Inform you when they are up to something, maybe mislead them... and that kind of stuff...”
Hermione raised her eyebrows, shocked that Y/N had the guts to go that far, to betray the friends she’d had since first year. 
“I mean, that would be very useful but... Are you sure? If they ever find out-”
“I have to be careful around Pansy, she reads me like an open book, but I think I could get it out of Draco when he’s gloating about it again.”
“But when word gets out, you’ll be the only Slytherin, you’re the only one out of all of us who hangs out with them. They’ll know it was you.” 
“If we do nothing, we risk getting caught. Besides, it would finally rid all of the doubts the others might still have about me. You know they’ll point at me the moment Draco or the rest finds out about this. They’ll think I finally caved and told Umbridge.”
“It’s not worth it. You don’t have to prove anything, not to me at least. I know you’re not like that now.” Hermione started to feel bad. “Your friendships and relationships with everyone in your house, or with your parents, should not be put on the line for that.” Hermione had a feeling that Y/N’s father would most likely skin her alive if he ever found out.
“I insist.”
Hermione saw the persistent look in her eyes, knowing she was not going to let someone change her mind, not even Hermione. Y/N was after all a Slytherin, and if she wanted to go for something, she gave it her all until she reached her goal.
Harry called her name and waved with the Marauder’s map— it was her time to go.
“Alright, just... be careful about it. Please?”
One curt nod sent Hermione’s way and she left the Room of Requirements, leaving Hermione with a bad feeling in her gut.
“You’ve got me really curious.” Pansy opened the drapes around her bed in a flash, startling Y/N. “You’ve been hooking up with this person for weeks now and you won’t even give me a single hint.”
Y/N shrugged. “I thought you liked riddles, go figure it out then.”
Pansy groaned in annoyance, falling back onto her bed as she stared at the ceiling.
“Can’t, got no time. Umbridge has us patrolling the seventh floor the whole night.”
Y/N froze immediately. Another meeting was about to start in an hour, they couldn’t be seen.
Pansy propped herself up on her elbows and looked at her friend, “To get Potter and his goons, of course?! Apparently this girl, Marietta Edgecombe, told Umbridge all about it.”
Y/N tried to mask her surprise and anger and realised she needed to do something quick to try and steer Pansy to a dead end.
“Are you sure it’s the seventh floor? I thought I heard gossips about it being near the Owlery, in one of the abandoned classrooms. No one goes there because Peeves roams the hallways.”
Pansy tilted her head, realising Y/N’s reply had been way too detailed. 
“Don’t tell me you have another romantic meeting in one of the broom closets tonight on the seventh floor.” Pansy examined the expression of her friend but continued talking, “Don’t worry, we’ll be looking for a hidden room. I reckon we won’t be checking any broom closets tonight.” She gave her a wink, but saw that Y/N still seemed on edge. 
“I need to go.”
“Go where?!” 
But Y/N had already left their dorm room and rushed out of the Slytherin common room, trying to reach Hermione. 
“Can you please get Hermione Granger? Or Harry Potter, or Dean or Parvati- really, anyone is fine!” Y/N needed to tell them or it was too late. But the Fat Lady pursed her lips and Y/N saw her eyes take a quick glance at her green Slytherin tie. She let out a huff and faced the other side.
“Please! It’s urgent!”
The Fat Lady started to sing to try and ignore her, but Y/N wasn’t going to give up so easily and started banging on the wall, hoping it would somehow be heard in the common room.
After half a minute of banging, the Fat Lady turned to her, annoyed. She was about to complain when a third-year Gryffindor student walked out. He looked taken back when he saw the girl stand there and was unsure of how to react. 
“Is Hermione Granger in there? Or any of her friends?”
He looked her up and down, trying to see if this was another attempt at pranking one of the Gryffindor students. However, he soon saw the honest desperation in her eyes and shook his head hesitantly.
“No, I saw them all leave a while ago. You just missed-”
Y/N bolted up the stairs, she needed to stop them. Part of her was hoping Umbridge wouldn’t be able to find the hidden room, but she knew better. The toad would just wait long enough until they all left eventually. Hell, if it were up to her, she would probably sit there for days if needed, just to get the satisfactory that she had caught them.
But when she rounded the corner to the hallway, she saw Harry and his friends being dragged away by Umbridge and her Inquisitors, Hermione included. Y/N saw Draco and Pansy and immediately ducked back around the corner, but the sudden movement had caught Hermione’s eye. When Y/N peeked her head around the corner to see where they were taking them, her eyes met those of Hermione. She shook her head in disappointment, which to Y/N, was much worse than if she had been raging with anger. Y/N realised what Hermione was thinking right now and wanted nothing but to round the corner and tell them she had been trying to warn them, not rat them out. Though she had always told them she was not like the rest, something in Y/N stopped her from stepping out into the hallway. The realisation of losing her friends and disappointing her parents suddenly weighed heavily on her.
The doubts Hermione had had in the beginning, the ones she had just as easily neglected after getting to know the real Y/N, suddenly hit her like a ton of bricks. This had been the bad feeling in her gut. Y/N had betrayed them after all, and Hermione had fallen right into her web of lies. What hurt even more than the tight hold Pansy Parkinson had on her shoulder and arm, was the realisation that she slowly started to develop feelings for the same girl who had now betrayed her.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
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comfortwriting · 4 years
Unbreak My Heart - F.W
Fred Weasley X Reader Part 2 of ‘Call Out My Name’, inspired by the song ‘Unbreak My Heart’ by Toni Braxton.
Part 1 , Part 3
About: Fred realises he has everything wrong. His heart aching for the reader after pushing her aside for someone else, he searches for her to apologise for what he’s done and to admit his true feelings for her.
Theme: Heartache, sadness, moving on, relationships, rumours.
Warnings: mentions of raw emotions, *incredibly light* smut, depression, body image issues and swearing.
Don't leave me in all this pain Don't leave me out in the rain Come back and bring back my smile Come and take these tears away I need your arms to hold me now The nights are so unkind Bring back those nights when I held you beside me
The first thirteen months without Fred were the worst. You couldn’t face visiting Weasleys Wizard Wheezes no matter how many times George asked in his letters which you ignored. You couldn’t go into Diagon Alley without hearing news about The Weasleys - more importantly, the news about Fred and his darling; they were now engaged.
You kept to your bedroom, crying to sleep every night, looking through all the pictures you had taken of and with Fred over the years that you were with him. Letters you had written to him laid scrunched up all over your floor like an author going mad over a sticky, confusing, part of the story - but that was exactly what this was. 
Everywhere you went as you entered Diagon Alley, you were forced to listen to the news over and over again that the shop was a success. You wanted to congratulate George, but after ignoring him for so long you couldn’t bring yourself to pick up a pen to reach out to him.
Too afraid to let anyone in after the damage Fred inflicted on you, you didn’t bother meeting anyone new.
Plenty of people offered and even your sister tried to match you up with a friend of hers from work, but you declined and allowed Fred’s damage to take over you.
You only left the house for work which was torture enough as you worked with Percy at the Ministry. You ate one meal a day which was an apple on your lunch break. You didn’t dream of moving out despite your parents encouragement and you simply just collapsed in on yourself whilst your family constantly complained about Fred, swearing that you chose the wrong twin.
Although you hated Fred - or at least convinced yourself that you did - you still thought about him every single day, and at bedtime you would envision yourself back on his sofa in his arms underneath that scratchy patchwork blanket you shared many memories under. 
Laying awake staring at the ceiling, you took a deep breath. It had been over a year. You couldn’t go on like this. You needed to claim your life back, one step at a time. Sitting up in your bed, you grabbed the last of your parchment and leaned it against an old book. Dipping your feather quill into your ink pot that rested beside your bed next to the framed picture of you and Fred, you wrote to George.
You began apologising for not replying and for not visiting the shop, explaining why, and asked how everything was going - you missed your friend and it became suffocating to ignore him reaching out.
Un-break my heart Say you'll love me again Undo this hurt you caused When you walked out the door And walked out of my life Un-cry these tears I cried so many nights Un-break my heart My heart
It had been another five months since you wrote your letter to George and you were still waiting for a reply. You told yourself that perhaps he got too busy with the shop or he just didn’t want to mend things after you ignored him for so long. Either way, you didn’t ponder on it, sprayed yourself with some perfume, and got ready to leave for your third date this week.
George wasn’t ignoring you on purpose. He truly was too busy with not just everything at the shop, but also helping Fred plan out this so-called wedding and engagement party that came out of nowhere. He planned to write back but time got the better of him, he knew you wouldn’t take it personally.
“Oh look at you!” your sister grinned, “Same guy?” she asked enthusiastically. 
“No,” you shook your head and grabbed your coat, putting it on, “I don’t see the same guy twice if the spark isn’t there.”
Your sister smiled to herself and told you to have a good time. You enjoyed yourself temporarily until you remembered Fred Weasley and what he did. He was the reason why you decided against seeing the same person twice. If there was no chemistry during intimacy you moved on. Speed dating was the perfect temporary aid you needed at the moment.  
And just like Fred and his fiancé, word got out about you and how desirable you were. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, you started looking after yourself and forced yourself into the limelight. Even if it didn’t result in finding your true love, you still wanted to have fun along the way.
Your parents went to The Leaky Cauldron, and just as they were leaving, they bumped into Molly and Arthur Weasley. Your parents flinched at first sight, but swallowed the anger they had towards their son Fred.
“Oh Mr and Mrs Y/LN! what a lovely surprise to see you!” Molly chirped up. George turned his head and stood up to greet your parents. Unlike Fred, they loved George.
“And you.” Your father replied, his voice monotone.
“We haven’t seen your daughter for ages. We missed her last summer, please ask her to come and see us. George misses her and it’s our Freddie's engagement party tonight!” Molly babbled on, pointing to George when she mentioned him and Fred.
Molly and Arthur loved you coming over to the burrow. They loved you even more seeing how happy you made their son. In their eyes you brought out the best in him. On the other hand, they weren’t keen on the girl Fred decided to marry, she was inconsiderate, selfish and didn’t know what hard work was - she was handed everything she ever wanted, the exact opposite to you.
Your fathers face flushed with frustration. Didn’t they know why you never came around anymore? Were they not aware that Fred was the reason she screamed and cried every night for over a year?
Your mother hesitated but decided against holding back. She liked the Weasley family, but she couldn’t allow Fred to get away with what he had done. 
“Maybe you should ask your darling boy, Fred. Or maybe George will tell you, he’s the decent one of the two.” 
Your mother said no more and stormed out of the packed pub, your father trailing behind nodding a goodbye to George. Molly and Arthur stood there speechless and looked over at George, demanding that he tells them what happened as soon as they arrive home when everyone has gone to bed.
Fred felt strange throughout the whole party. He didn’t feel happy like he thought he would - he hadn’t been feeling happy for the past five months. Something in his life just didn’t feel right and he couldn’t put his finger on what was wrong -waking up next to his girlfriend made him feel sick and he realised how stupid he was thinking that getting engaged would make everything better.
Molly, Arthur and George sat at the dining table when everyone else was in bed. “George you better tell me what happened, now!” Molly hissed in a low whisper.
George spilled absolutely everything, from beginning to end. As much as he loved his twin, he didn’t shy away from any details even if they showed Fred for exactly who he was, and the awful things he did. Molly and Arthur were outraged at their child's behaviour. Molly had to restrain herself at the table whilst she sobbed into her hands.
Far away, you panted heavily as you came down from your high with your date. Unmounting him, you laid beside him in his bed. He took off his condom and breathlessly offered taking a shower with him. You accepted his offer knowing that you could go home straight after, you wouldn’t need to stress about hurrying in the morning to get to work on time. 
Take back that sad word goodbye Bring back the joy to my life Don't leave me here with these tears Come and kiss this pain away I can't forget the day you left Time is so unkind And life is so cruel without you here beside me
Work at the ministry became more tolerable over the next six months. Percy smiled at you more often and you couldn’t understand why. You didn’t look into it and simply smiled back. You flourished even more within the same time - you had got into a relationship with the one night stand you shared a shower with. The curly haired bookshop assistant grew on you and you didn’t mind, he often made you laugh so hard you burst into tears.
Whilst you were finding yourself, running with the wind, Fred had fallen apart completely. He overheard George spilling his guts, and finally realised why everything felt so wrong, why he wasn’t happy. You were the missing piece. His guilt and mistakes were eating him alive. He broke off the engagement - to his parents delight - and vowed on finding you and making everything right. George felt relieved that he had his own room because Fred’s cries were enough to make anyone feel ill.
Fred slept with the Irish scarf he bought you from the world cup, and he kept the patchwork blanket on his bedroom, refusing to bring it back downstairs.
Memories flashed back to him, the two of you in the tent, “Oh Fred are you sure?” you asked him as he put the scarf around your neck.
He chuckled and kissed your head, “Anything for you, my love!”
Then memories from the sofa flooded in, hurting him even more. 
“I’m so in love with you,” you moaned, cupping his face while he made love to you. 
He shook his head and came to his senses, angry that he put such a lovely girl in the firing line.
“Percy, Y/N works with you doesn’t she? Can you tell her I need to see her.” He later begged.
Percy refused, “That would be an incredibly inappropriate thing to do in the work place!” 
Fred wrote you letters, but you never got them. The family refused to lend him their owl and Fred couldn’t understand muggle post. Getting desperate, he would stay in Diagon Alley trying to see where you were lurking after work, asking strangers if they had seen you, showing them the only picture he had of you.
“It’s going to be perfect here!” Your mum smiled looking around your large half unpacked apartment, “When will he be moving in?” She winked.
You finally saved up enough money to move out and you were planning on asking your boyfriend to move in if things continued to run smoothly. You had got your furniture, all you needed were the items left in the big green box from your bedroom. “I’ll collect them next week.” 
Feeling brave with your partner, arms linked, the two of you visited George’s shop. He had sent you a letter letting you know when Fred wasn’t working and you felt confident that you wouldn’t bump into him.
“I’m so proud of you!” You cheered for George, giving him a hug.
After paying for your bits and bobs you previously saw in the design stages, you walked out of the shop and bumped into someone. Looking up to apologise, you realised it was Fred. He stared at you - both of you mirroring each other looking like a deer caught in the headlights. 
You shook yourself out of the immediate shock Fred was still stuck in. 
“Sorry,” you muttered, walking away, your boyfriend asking what his problem was.
Un-break my heart Say you'll love me again Undo this hurt you caused When you walked out the door And walked out of my life Un-cry these tears I cried so many nights Un-break my heart
Another week went by and Fred was going stir crazy. Customers in his shop who knew you both were whispering about how happy you were now. Him and George argued when he discovered the letter between you two.
Fred rifled through the stacks of letters and found your parents address where you no longer lived. He got on his broom, not caring if muggles saw him, and landed on the roof. He crawled down to your window and gave it a tap with his wand with a soft “Alohomora”.
Expecting to find you asleep, he discovered only disappointment that your room laid bare and empty. The bedside table had nothing but a folded photo lying face down on it, the bin on the floor full of parchment balls.
He unfolded the photo and put a hand over his mouth, seeing you and him moving during your morning walks. He bent down and grabbed a ball from the bin, unravelling the parchment. He cried reading the letters you had written him but never sent. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted the green box on your bed and he went through it, more tears spilling down his face.
“I’ll just grab my box!” He heard you yell, walking upstairs. 
Without giving him time to hide, you opened the door, revealing him standing in front of you. You held back a scream of shock and took a deep breath shaking your head, “Fred please - you can’t be here.” 
Fred shook his head and cried, “I’m so sorry, for everything,” he made his way closer to you, “I got everything wrong, her, everything.”
Not wanting your parents to see him, you closed your bedroom door and locked it, your heart pounding. Tears fell from your eyes, the walls you put up against him crashing down, your hate for him melting away and your love for him surging inside.
“Why are you here?” you questioned him through your cries.
Fred walked over to you slowly not wanting to scare you off. This was the closest you had been to him since you bumped into him at the shop. The young man you fell in love with wrapped his arms around you, tangling his hands in your hair. You stayed still with your hands by your side.
“I’m in love with you.” Fred choked out between sobs. He pulled away and gently put your hands in his, your tear filled eyes getting lost in his.
“Fred- I can’t!” you shook your head crying, feeling weak at the words he said and the ones you replied with. 
“Please,” Fred begged getting onto his knees, staring up at you, “please let me make things right.”
Don't leave me in all this pain Don't leave me out in the rain Bring back the nights when I held you beside me
“I think you look stunning,” Fred complimented you, soot spread out all over your nose.
You chuckled and sneaked a kiss on his lips, only to hear a loud thud on the desk in front of you.
“One weeks’ detention for the two of you,” Professor Snape snarled, “and fifty points will be deducted from your house.”
Un-break my heart Say you'll love me again Undo this hurt you caused When you walked out the door And walked out of my life Un-cry these tears I cried so many, many nights Oh, un-break my
“What do you mean you’re taking her instead of me!” you freaked out, throwing your earrings at the mirror. 
“It’s just a bloody Yule Ball. Y/N. It doesn’t mean anything.” Fred argued.
“Well it does to me!” you argued back, “I’m guessing I was just your back up plan if she said no.” 
Un-break my heart, oh baby Come back and say you love me Un-break my heart, sweet darlin' Without you I just can't go on
Fred held you in his arms, the two of you watching the muggle horror movie in amazement. You nuzzled your head into his neck, planting kisses on it softly. Fred let out a soft shaky moan, his hand making its way up your thigh. “We’ll need to be quiet,” he whispered, pulling your underwear off.
Can't go on (Say that you love me, say that you love me) (Tell me you love me, un-break my) (Say that you love me, say that you love me) (Tell me you love me, un-break my)
You stared at Fred, still trying to process what he said. You pursed your lips and stayed quiet getting lost in your thoughts. Fred noticed you were in shock and lost for words. He pulled out the scarf from his coat pocket and walked over to you, wrapping it around you.
You stared up at him, getting lost in those gorgeous eyes that you missed so much. You looked down at his lips and kissed him impulsively.
He kissed back.
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softlyqoos · 4 years
Forbidden Love Pt. 1
(Pairing Draco Malfoy x reader)
Summary : Draco and Y/N were best friends since their first year and the only person who doesn’t worship the ground he walks on like the rest of his fellow Slytherins. Draco needs to break off their friendship before it turns into something greater and irresistible, but his heart tells him something else.
Warnings : heartbreak, heartbreak and heartbreak. (basically anything related to it.) *THIS DOES NOT HAVE A HAPPY ENDING*
A/N : I had this written down on paper two weeks ago but didn’t have time to finish it and stuff back then. I know I’ve only been doing angst so far I’m not really sure how to write fluff event hough I want to. If you have any requests please don’t hesitate to ask <3
flashbacks in italics
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He couldn’t take his eyes off you whilst your laugh filled the Great Hall, interrupting his thoughts. A simple act that could distract him even a room away. He couldn’t imagine ever living without you, even he himself found it cliché, he didn’t believe he was in love nor did he believe in love.
That is because he didn’t want to. He thought that the simple body signs and skin contacts the two of you often shared were just gestures of friendliness. You were always the careless, friendly and outgoing one, and in his eyes, you were beautiful. Every time he looks at your eyes, his heart stops beating. He’d met you on the train back in their first year.
“Hello” he lifted his gaze away from the window and his eyes landed on your Y/E/C ones. “May I join you? The rest of the cars are full.” you smiled pointing out to the corridor. Before he could could reply, you shut the door behind you and sat opposite from him. He stared at you then looked back at the window snickering. “Tell me, why do you find my face so amusing?” you demanded furrowing your eyebrows at the platinum blonde in front of you.
“There’s mud on the side of your face.” he grinned, pointing at your right cheek.
Your eyes widened, wiping your cheeks, you looked down at your hands.
“Oh, um.. I ate a bar of Chocolate Frogs a few minutes ago” you said, wiping your hands on a tissue. You smiled at him looking up, laughing at yourself “I guess it was silly of me, I still have a few more.. would you like some?” You said taking out a few bars from both your pockets.
“No, father’s given me plenty of pocket money.” He smiled proudly before handing out his hand. “Malfoy, Draco Malfoy”
“Y/N Y/LN”
You turned your head looking at Draco from across the table and winked at him. His breath hitched in his throat for... Merlin, he didn’t even remember how many times you’ve taken his breath away that day. It was driving him mad because the two of you always shared multiple winks and smiles, but that day he was observing them closer than ever, cherishing your happy gestures. Only he himself knew the reason to it.
He stopped halfway from the door “I don’t know what you’re talking abou,t” he wanted to get out of his office, he knew he needed to but his legs froze his steps.
“Do you think I’m blind, boy? Nothing and nobody, especially Ms. Y/L/N must distract you now with the mission the Dark Lord’s assigned to you”
His jaw tensed and he closed his eyes with the view of you lingering in the darkness.
“We can’t afford more time, I’m sure you can’t afford losing your family too.” Snape reminds him. He clenches his fists and turns around facing his professor.
“She’s a friend, she means nothing to me.” he bit his cheek at his words. Guilt washing over him as he heard it, but he knew it was only the beginning.
“A-ah see, if she surely means nothing to you, like you said, then I’m sure you won’t mind her cries when the Dark Lord finds out about her and who knows what will happen to her.” tsked Snape.
Draco’s chest rose up and down, his breath heaving, with the thought of you being tortured or worse, killed made his rage build higher than his guilt. He opens his eyes ignoring the tears welling up his eyes blurring his vision.
“W-What.. how,”
but he didn’t need the answer he already knew to.
You glanced at Draco before he quickly drifted his gaze to his table you realized you were being watched by him, the thought that he did it because he fancies you made your cheeks flush. You were confident that he might feel the same way no matter how many times you overheard him saying he never believed in love to Crabbe and Goyle. You never told him anything because you were afraid of taking risks after almost 7 years of friendship.
Draco was usually fairly talkative to you during breakfast. You couldn’t help wonder why he was oddly quiet that morning, but you brushed it off when Draco got up and walked to you.
You smiled, looking down at your food playing with it around your fork “Finally talking to me huh Dray? I thought you were giving me the silent tr-”
“Meet me at the Astronomy tower, tonight, after dinner” he said and walked.
Exiting the hall, you scoffed watching him.
You couldn’t concentrate on your classes the whole day, usually Draco would sit behind you in Charms but he sat in the corner of the room. You were nervous every time Draco walks past you to get to the next class without saying anything. If you looked at his face properly you could see his pupils looking at you from the corner of his eyes. (not in a creepy way)
When you entered the Great Hall again for dinner that night, your eyes would scan the room looking for your him like it usually did, and your eyebrows furry when he wasn’t there. Sure, you were in love with him, but you were also his best friend and the thought of him acting odd that day made you tense.
After dinner you walked to the Astronomy Tower like Draco had instructed, in a fast pace. Was he told not to attend Hogwarts anymore with his father in Azkaban? You didn’t know about his relation to the Dark Lord as the two of you shared everything but he didn’t have the courage to tell you about his mission, his threats and him being a.. death eater.
When you reach the end of the stairs to the top, you slowly walked out feeling the night’s cold breeze brushing against your skin. You took a deep breath as you walked towards the figure wearing a black suit facing the rails. You thought whatever he was going through you were gonna cheer him up.
You walked to the rail beside him leaning onto it watching the view with him. It was a full moon you were taken aback by how beautiful the night sky was.
“Hey Dray,” the words came out more cheerful than u you wanted it to be “ Are you okay? I barely saw you today.”
“Poor Y/N/N, Miss me that much?" He grinned finally looking at you.
You rolled your eyes and bit your lip. "Yes, poor Y/N, she got detention for breaking a cauldron in potions today.”
The two of you joked together and you forgot about Draco’s odd behavior that previously happened. “Why did you ask me to meet you here, Draco?”
As soon as you said that Draco’s smile faltered, he avoided talking about the subject entirely because he wasn’t ready, he couldn’t imagine your face when he tells you what he’s been dreading to. He looked into your eyes and you saw him soften. Merlin, you were gorgeous, the cold air made the tip of your nose red, he admire your features until his gaze fell on your soft lips.
You thought to yourself, you have to do it, you had nothing to lose, You lean closer to him and you close your eyes expecting the kiss you had dreamt of since you were twelve.
“N-no, I..”
Your eyes fluttered open and you look at the boy you love in confusion. The realization hit you like a brick. You gasp and quickly took a few steps backwards avoiding eye contact from embarrassment. You felt tears swell up in your eyes but you didn’t wipe them away, your heart thumping louder and louder in the silence, you were sure he could hear it. You were too shocked to move.
Draco cleared his throat “Y/N I’m sorry, I can’t do this,”
Your eyes widen, you felt your heart break into pieces at his words, you thought to yourself this has to be a nightmare. The Draco you know wouldn’t toss away 7 years of friendship. The Draco you knew wouldn’t toss you away
You wanted to act unhurt but your voice betrayed you “Wha-what do you mean?”
“I think we shouldn’t be friends, I don’t want to, not with you following me around like a sick puppy. I didn’t mind after a few years but you’d really ticked me off lately. I don’t need another mother figure. You were just another annoying-”
There was a loud smack and this time Draco’s eyes widen. Your hand print was glowing red on his pale cheek. He looked down at you and and you look into his gray eyes daring him to speak. You could see rage in them but they turned into sadness or maybe even guilt?
You turn on your heels running to the stairs but you stopped. Draco didn’t move, he was still standing at where you had slapped him.
“Tell me, for the last 7 years of our friendship, did you not feel anything?” You chocked in tears.
“Because I did, and I still do, I love you and probably forever will.”
You didn’t wait for his answer and walked down the stairs in tears, but what you didn’t realize was when you left, his heart left with you.
here is Part 2
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