#with specifically the same letters as my url
crimzoncrow · 1 year
got tagged by @milfkon to pick a song for every letter of my url!! ty for the tag <33 this is,, gonna be difficult LOL
c - Candy - Robbie Williams
r - Rät - Penelope Scott
i - interlude IV (Showtime) - Zach Callison
m - Misery x CPR x Reese’s Puffs (Extended Version) - Maroon 5, cupcakKe, Reese’s Puffs, Lamaita
z - zoom call crushie - Fishy Bishie
o - Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
n - Night Club Junkie - YUC’e
c - Choice (Extended Edit) - Jack Stauber, MaxResDefault
r - Raven’s Descent - Stardew Valley OST
o - Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry? - Lovejoy
w - Way Less Sad - AJR
i have no clue who to tag so… if you want to do this, just act like ive tagged you!! have fun :]
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majorshatterandhare · 4 months
I’ve been thinking a lot about Through the Looking Glass, mainly, but also Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I would like you all to know that the Hatter and the March Hare appear in both books; however in the second one Carroll decided to spell their names phonetically. I love phonetic spellings, I love when dialogue is written so you have no choice but to read it in the correct accent. So Hatter gets spelled “Hatta,” that’s cool and normal, makes sense. He spelled Hare “Haigha.” I really appreciate the A on the end, because I think it’s intended to make it two syllables, and I love when non-rhotic accents add a syllable in for the R, however the rest of it? Uhhh…. I don’t know that I could do a better job though (barring IPA usage, of course).
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ao3commentoftheday · 10 days
do you know if it's possible to hide a series of fics from an anonymous author? since the author is anonymous I can't just find who posted the series and either hide their works with my site skin or use the mute button (since that's what i recall the mute button doing since I haven't used it before since this is the only thing I've found worthy of it in my eyes).
It is! You can hide a series with a site skin, whether the author is anonymous or not. (This is also useful if you just want to hide one series by a known author and not mute them completely).
AO3 doesn't (yet) have a handy dandy button to do this, but users like @laurelnose have learned that you can use the CSS has selector to get the job done.
First, go to the landing page for the series you want to mute. Since this one is Anonymous, you can't find it on the author's page. Instead, you'll need to find one of the works in the series and press the link that will take you there.
On the series landing page, look at the url. I'll use one of my series as an example:
The important part of the link is that series of numbers after series/ Those numbers are the unique ID for that specific series. We're going to use that series ID number in the following CSS:
.blurb:has(.series a[href*="/series/3943204" i]) { display: none !important; }
What this CSS does is it searches blurbs (the title, tags, summary bit that you see when you're scrolling a tag or search result) for a url that contains /series/3943204. When it finds a blurb that has those letters and numbers in that order, it hides them.
You can do something similar to block a specific work (instead of muting an author entirely). In that case, you visit the work and pull the work ID number from the url in the same way. Then paste that number into this CSS code (replacing the zeroes with the work ID number):
.work-000 { display: none !important; }
Right now, blocking and muting via the buttons on the site only work at the user level, so if you want to block a particular work or series or tag, you need to break out the CSS and use a site skin.
If you've never made a site skin before, you can do so very easily!
Tap on your name at the top of the site and then select Dashboard from the dropdown menu. Once on your Dashboard, select Skins from the page options available. They'll be right under the header if you're on mobile and on the left hand side of the screen if you're on a computer. From there:
Press the Create Site Skin button
Give your site skin a unique name (in order to save it)
Paste the CSS code into the big CSS box (modifying it so that it has the ID numbers of the series or work you want to mute)
Press the Submit button (this will save your skin)
On the following page, press the Use button (this will make it live on your account)
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mulderscully · 24 days
hey, everyone.
this is the longest break i've taken from tumblr and it's been nice to clear my head. i'm gonna try to stay away a few more days but i don't want anyone to think i'm ignoring their asks or gifsets i was tagged in.
the reason i decided to take a break is because there is one specific rwr/b person who has been borderline harassing me. a few weeks ago this person sent me an anon abt how nick hates the movie etc, whatever, then sent me another ask immediately after sent me a message with anon off by accident. the blog was completely empty, and to me, obviously someone from twitter trying to start drama.
i blocked the anon and the blank account.
then a few nights ago nick's team archived around 70 posts from his instagram including some rw/rb related posts. an anon sent me a message about how nick deleted "almost everything" related to the film and that they thought the sequel was gonna be cancelled bc of that, completely leaving out that he/his team deleted a shitton of posts about other past projects as well, and that this clearly is not specific to anything.
i was pretty fed up at this point but not actively freaked out until the same anon sent me another message with anon off, from an empty blog, with the same url as the last one that i blocked with an added letter at the end. this means they remade their empty blog with a new email address to do this. that shit is weird and why i need to take a break.
i'm already really stressed. i work two jobs, i've been sick for a week and a half, and i'm just working through living with roomates for the first time after living in an abusive household half my life. fandom is meant to be fun, and i am not going to let weirdos ruin that for me.
i'm logging off again for a bit now, love you guys 💖
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rpgarbage · 7 months
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hey goobers, let's learn some basics for rp.me HTML coding.
under the cut, we have:
-getting image URL -what are hex codes? -how to post a gif/image -how to add a background -how to bold, italic, underline, or highlight text -coloring text -centering text or right aligning text -line breaks -creating a link
*ignore my typos, i'm stupid **if you need any extra help w/ these, lmk on discord @feralgnat
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getting image url:
i'm only adding this because it's important for other steps and i don't wanna assume y'all know how to get this.
to get a image url, typically you can right-click on any interwebz photo and click "copy image link/url."
you can also upload onto imgur or similar places and still copy the image url. some sites have specific copy zones for those urls, but i always just right click and copy. up to you.
make sure your url ends in .jpeg, .png, .gif and similar. i don't think .svg works for html coding but i am probably wrong and stupid.
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hex codes:
we're gonna be using a lot of hex codes too so here's what they are!!!!
hex codes will have # and 6 characters after that represent any color you can think of. for a full list of hex code colors, go here and look around. copy and paste that number/letter code, including #, and use that in any codes that require hex codes.
black: #000000 white: #ffffff
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posting gif/image:
whenever you're posting a gif or an image, you'll use the same code, which is:
<img src='IMAGE URL HERE'>
with this code, it will post the original size of the photo you're using. sometimes that's OK!!!!!! but a lot of the time, we are lazy and don't want to personally resize pictures. there is a solution!!!
back to our original code but with a new addition: <img src='IMAGE URL HERE' width=100> or <img src='IMAGE URL HERE' height=100>
this code will keep the aspect ratio the same, but will now make the picture 100 pixels in width (or height in the second code). you can TECHNICALLY add both width and height to your code, but you might fuck up the aspect ratio (you do you, tho). you can obviously edit the width/height number to whatever space you need to fit it in. you'll probably have to play with it and adjust it a lot, but that's life, baybee.
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adding a background:
idk this code off of the top of my head, but here u go.
background image:
<style> body {background-image:url("URL HERE") background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; background-position:top; }</style>
the url used should end in .jpeg, .png, .gif, or similar.
background color only:
<style> body {background-color:HEX CODE HERE; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; background-position:top; }</style>
(this code could prob be shorter but i'm not touching it. what if i fuck it up? we will DIE!!!!!!! more code is better than less code, imo)
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bold, italic, underline, or highlight text:
bold: <b>text herehehehehrehherehhe </b> italic: <i> text heehrhehrhehhehehheh </i> underline: <u> text herehehrhehrheh </u> highlight: <mark> text herehehrhehr </mark>
there's a way to change the highlight color, too!!! add this code: <style> mark {background-color:ADD HEX CODE; color: black; } </style>
background color is the actual highlight color and the second color is your text color. typically we're gonna use black but you can also adjust that with another hex code if ur feeling fancy.
with all of these codes, do not forget to add the second code when you are done with transforming whatever text you're working with. those </> codes are your friends.
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coloring text:
you're gonna need ur handy, dandy hex codes for this too.
before text you wanna color, use: <font color=HEX CODE HERE>TEXT WHEEE</font>
once again, don't forget that </font> or else everything after the code will be the color you chose. unless you want that.... it's your life.
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centering text or right aligning text:
centering: <center> TEXT OR PIC CODE??? WHATEVER </center>
right align: <p align=right> TEXT OR PIC OR WHATEVER </p>
left align (default but here u go): <p align=left>TEXT WHEEEE</p>
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line breaks:
many of you prob know this but JUST IN CASEEEEE
new line: <br> skip a line: <p>
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creating a link:
<a href='LINK URL'>link name</a>
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izicodes · 11 months
Google Clone Functionality
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Sunday 13th August 2023
I wasn't going to continue my Google Clone project any further but @puginalug suggested having the search query go to Bing instead of Google!
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It was pretty easy to do that, I don't know why I couldn't just do it yesterday with even Google initially but hey ho!
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I searched on Bing for a random thing (cheeseburger cakes to be specific) and looked at the URL. It was all in lowercase regardless if you added caps on and the spaces were replaced with + symbols 😋
I searched for how to replace letters in a string and just found it it's basically the same as Python (which I am more used to since I use Python more) and I should have guessed that~! Note: I did know it was the replace() method but I forgot! You also couldn't just say replace(" ", "+") because it would only replace 1 empty space for some reason so found out that replace(/ /g, "+") replaces all empty spaces! Yay! ✨
Well, that's all! Thanks again @puginalug for the idea 💗✨
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ash-the-alien-goirl · 3 months
tips to not look like a bot
change pfp, most important step
reblog liberally
make shitposts
change header and blog colors
more tumblr tips
we're all losers
everything is anonymous, you can follow random people
cultivate your dash, don't be afraid to unfollow (although I like to send a short note, it's not required) or block someone
filter any tags you don't like in your settings! nsfw stuff, triggers, etc. (ex: your filtered tags might be #tw murder, murder, #nsfw, #cw body horror, body horror, #tw transphobia, transphobia)
feel free to scroll through someone's blog and like and reblog their stuff. it's not creepy. usually
people swear freely here. i swear occasionally and just tag for profanity when i do
research fairy vs walrus, vanilla extract, the color of the sky, i like your shoelaces, spiders georg, and children's hospital color theory blood trail
every year we celebrate the ides of march
go to the settings and opt out of that ai data sharing thing. you have to turn this off individually for your main blog and any of your side blogs
tag your posts with relevant stuff. you can also talk in tags to add stuff that isn't really interesting for people who don't follow you or to add an afterthought. if something asks your personal stuff or you're reblogging a poll you voted in, use tags. tags aren't preserved in reblogs
you can follow tags of things you like (#tally hall, #melanie martinez, #hazbin hotel, #art, etc.)
no one can see your follower count
bots will follow you
people love their mutuals here. follow me back?
you can't re-vote in a poll, so click carefully!
neil gaiman and nasa are on here
there are no influencers, but @pukicho, @one-time-i-dreamt, and @bettinalevyisdetermined (is that her url?) come close (idk if tagging people works in asks if it does sorry guys)
there are lots of gimmick blogs, from the post uwuifier to hellsite genetics to the people that identify things in posts like cars, knives, etc. (can't remember the exact urls)
yes, there is a blog that counts the number of letter ts in a post. yes, there is a kitty broker and a puppy broker. yes, there is a blog that posts the "fag of the day", which is always Paul McCartney. yes, there are two blogs that disemvowel posts.
there are blogs specifically for reblogging and creating polls (they do take requests!)
the corporate gimmick blog verse and the celestial same pic verse are pretty cool
lots of people here are lgbtqia and/or neurodivergent
the ceo is transphobic and people want him to die in a car crash with hammers flying everywhere and multiple explosions (or something like that)
if you can't donate, signal boost! reblog!
also if you want some tally hall blogs to follow, consider @sincerecinnamon, @edgingattheedgeofauniverse, @pigeoninabowl69 (a lot of spanish tho) and their side blog @hawaiipartyii (all english), @queeniesretrozone (although they don't interact with tally hall stuff much anymore, they're still nice), @aquakatdraws, and those people's mutuals as well!
the harry potter fandom on here has a lot of TERFs, so tread carefully
people love supernatural, dr who, sherlock holmes, good omens, and hazbin hotel (at least from my experience)
i'm sure there are better guides out there, but this is hopefully a good start! ^_^
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laindtt · 5 months
Ask Meme
Was tagged by the lovely @lulu2992 for quite a challenging ask meme: spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC/pairings, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL! Thank you so much ♥ As I haven't properly introduced my OCs yet, I chose 3 songs for the Seed family and one for each of its members ; some of them are quite oddly specific so I added some details, but I hope you'll enjoy the medley :) I also added the parts of the lyrics that motivate my choice under the cut.
Tagging, if you're interested in giving a try: @purplehairsecretlair @teamhawkeye @redreart @sweeetestcurse @galeofwaterdeeps @miasmat @josephslittledeputy
TW: strong language, violence, self-harm
L - Live like legends, Ruelle (the Seed family)
When it rains, it pours There will be blood in the water Cold to the core Faith falls hard on our shoulders This is our time No turning back We could live, we could live like legends This is our time No turning back We could live, we could live like legends
A - A million voices, Polina Gagarina (the Seed family)
We are the world's people Different yet we're the same We believe, we believe in a dream Praying for peace and healing I hope we can start again We believe, we believe in a dream So if you ever feel love is fading Together like the stars in the sky We can sing, we can shine When you hear our voices call You won't be lonely anymore
I - If rain is what you want, Slipknot (the Seed family, to the Deputy)
It's been years since anyone could be a friend It's the fear that kills the feeling in the end Can we face it? Can we shape it? Can we really die? If rain is what you want, all you have to do is close your eyes Just close your eyes I am watching resurrection start to crawl Is there any chance in hell? Any chance at all? Do we need it? Do we see it? Is it really there? If rain is what you want, then take your seats, enjoy the fall Enjoy the fall The only thing deeper than my last breath The only thing darker than my last death Is the panic, the static, I've come back from the dead But my cities will never sleep again
N - Nightmare, Halsey (John)
Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep If I shall die before I 'wake I pray the Lord my soul to take I, I keep a record of the wreckage of my life I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind They talk shit, but I love it every time And I realize I've tasted blood and it is sweet I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet I've trusted lies and trusted men Broke down and put myself back together again Stared in the mirror and punched it to shatters Collected the pieces and picked out a dagger I've pinched my skin in between my two fingers And wished I could cut some parts off with some scissors (…) 'Cause kindness is weakness, or worse, you're complacent I could play nice or I could be a bully I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be (…) Someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware But I'd rather be a real nightmare than die unaware, yeah Someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware But I'm glad to be a real nightmare, so save me your prayers
D - Down with the sickness, Disturbed (Jacob, to the Seed brother's biological parents)
Looking at my own reflection When suddenly it changes Violently it changes (oh no) There is no turning back now You've woken up the demon in me Get up, come on get down with the sickness Get up, come on get down with the sickness Get up, come on get down with the sickness Open up your hate, and let it flow into me Get up, come on get down with the sickness You mother get up come on get down with the sickness You fucker get up come on get down with the sickness Madness is the gift, that has been given to me I can see inside you, the sickness is rising Don't try to deny what you feel (Will you give in to me?) It seems that all that was good has died And is decaying in me (Will you give in to me?) It seems you're having some trouble In dealing with these changes Living with these changes (oh no) The world is a scary place Now that you've woken up the demon in me
T - The darkest star, Depeche Mode (Faith)
Oh you sad one Playing the Angel Isn't so easy where you're from Oh you wild one Devil's companion You won't stay satisfied for long I don't want you to change anything you do I don't want you to be someone else for me Oh you dark one Eternal outsider Caught in the spider's web you've spun Oh you blind one Gentle and kind one Seeing the world as a loaded gun I don't want you to change anything you do I don't want you to be someone else for me Stay as you are, the Darkest Star Shining for me majestically
T - The beaten side of town, Barry Adamson (Joseph)
I woke up this morning from a crazy dream: The Earth was a turning ball of fire Satan and the Pilgrims had wiped the scene And I became their twisted gun for hire Don't let 'em getcha, boy, now use your head The lights they're coming 'round again "Run like a demon, boy," is what they said And then began to count from one to ten So now I'm tryin' to get out of the city You know where I can be found: The beaten side of town… Won't never let you down
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ilikedetectives · 6 months
Spell your url ✧˖°.
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Thank you @horsyunicorn for the tag! This is for my Tav, Kalius, a criminal ranger Mephistopheles Tiefling whose moral compass is Minthara. Note: lyrics in "" are direct quotes and those in [] are translations stitched together. And "you" in these songs are referring to Minthara in Kalius' POV OwO
I - I Feel Immortal - Tarja Turunen "Whenever I wake up / I’m lost and always afraid / It’s never the same place / I close my eyes to escape / The walls around me" L - LMLY - Jackson Wang "Don't leave me, loving you / Whatever you do / Don't leave me, loving you / If you tip toe out in the morning, I need a warning" I - Imaginarium - Nightwish K - Kizuna No Kiseki - MAN WITH A MISSION x milet [For who do we carry on our lives for / Intertwining fates / Road of the serpent, countless sins / Cut them all down] E - Eyes, Nose, Lips - Taeyang [Your eyes, nose, lips. Your touch that used to touch me. To the end of your fingertips, I can still feel you.] D - Devil - Super Junior [Everything, even kneeling before you feels so natural now...You're cold and hot, devil, like a midsummer rain shower. After drenching my hot body, you burn up my throat again. You make me taste a moment of pleasure, then you burn up my throat again.] E - El Dorado - Two Steps From Hell T - Tempo - EXO [I wanna be the only one hearing her, she's my melody...Your scent is in my heart. Striking like a wave...Don't slow it up for me.] E - End of All Hope - Nightwish "It is the end of all hope / To lose the child, the faith / To end all the innocence / To be someone like me" C - Chân Ái (Vietnamese equivalent of Alurlssrin) - Orange x Khói x Châu Đăng Khoa [Since the day you arrive, dawn suddenly comes to the sky. Like a ring of melodies when all beings are moved. You are the symphony that evokes emotions in the human/mundane world.] T - Truyền Thái Y (Summon the Imperial Doctor) - Ngô Kiến Huy x Masew [You finally notice me. Coming closer, the captivating fragrance blooms. Wait for one minute, I want to say. Summon the imperial doctor, I'm so drunk I already lost my way back.] I - I Think I - Super Junior [The dream that is becoming more distinct...I'll stretch out my hand to catch the perfect moon. Your entrancing dance and eyes that dominate me...Getting drunk only on the entrancing rhythm, I engulf you completely. Getting drunk on you.] V - Vì Yêu Cứ Đâm Đầu (For Love, Dive In Head First) MIN x Đen x JustaTEE [I want to be bounded in your embrace / I want to listen to every breath surrounding me.] E - Ever Dream - Nightwish "Would you do it with me? / Heal the scars and change the stars / Would you do it for me? / Turn loose the heaven within" S - Sha fa (杀伐 / Kill and Conquer) 司空先生 x 苏子凡 x 岚之调 x SESE鱼 (this version specifically x) [It is the hells that invite me, glancing at the flaws of artifices in this world. Dye river with blood in exchange for a heaven and earth without flaws.]
Tagging, if you would like to, no pressure at all ^o^ @minthara, @wyllravengard, @miyku, @userkarlachs, @orphiceonian, @blacksalander, @jove999, @usurperss, @mistress-light, @onewingedangels, @jujoobedoodling, @vikingnerd793
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krnzysh · 2 years
🍁 character intro — main leads🫀
previous | masterlist | next
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Y/N 💗 — The Female Lead
4th year and a member of the Art club
she is the dubbed the "favorite senior" by her juniors due to her kind and caring personality
always seen with kazuha so people assume they have a thing or something.
she paints as a hobby, so whenever there is a special occasion, she gifts them special paintings just for them.
although she has that kind of personality, she knows how to differ people who are genuine and people who are using her for their own personal needs
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4th year and a member of 4NEMO
the campus crush that only has his eyes on the female lead. knows about the rumors of them being together but always shrugs them off.
he is a gentleman who has a very poetic way of wording things. he loves to write letters and poems for y/n, but he ultimately just keeps them to himself.
he is the lead guitarist and the back up vocal for 4NEMO, Teyvat High's band. together with Venti, Xiao, and Aether.
the library is his second home due to the sheer amount of time he spends in there, even the librarian memorized the time and the specific table he sits at.
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🍁 I WANNA BE YOURS — kazuha x female!reader
⌗ SUMMARY when she reached her hand out to that one lonely boy on the swings, never did she think that same boy would someday be her own lover.
⌕ AIKA NOTES watch me disappear after posting this👍 charot lang
⌗ TAGLIST ( OPEN ) — @lovely-althxa @lady-elodie @astolary @hamdehlesmis @lazy-sanns @pooonyo @shinjume @kazuyato @wrrapedroundmyfingerlikearing @itsactuallylina @coquettemaiden @kazuhaprnt @viovya @cooki-anna @teyvatness @crazydreamcat @deucebox @tatiratty @shirmxie @creammpuff @blurr3db3rry
send me an ask or dm to be added, removed, or if you changed your url ∘ if your username is in bold, kindly check your settings as I can't seem to tag you
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© aiikalvr — do not repost, translate, or plagiarize any of my works on any platform !
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noctualagenaria · 5 months
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[im going to use he/him pronouns for furina (and focalors by extension]
furina genshin impact. you know him, the guy who acted a part in a play that wasnt his own play for like 500 years the guy who yes, can be annoying but is honestly just a silly little guy!! thats all he is!! thats all hes ever wanted to be; himself
furina genshin impact is in canon, a she/her, i heavily disagree with this because of his design, and his overal character being made 1) from someone else and 2) "[he] was made to be the perfect human" that focalors created for himself, focalors is also trans but more genderfuckery because his gender is Divinity and also dead. anyways.
focalors design is a mirror image of furina's "archon" outfit the light one, pneuma version i believe, and in focalors top part of the dress, its quite revealing! theres a lot of chest skin showing there and the most important thing about this; flat. literally no tiddy there at all in the slightest.
now because focalors made furina based on himself, they have the exact same body, just duplicated, meaning! furina also has literally no tiddy!! nothing!! zip zilch na da!!! he has a very rectangular torso (adding evidence to my transmasc idea), even if he did have canon tits (which he does not this is proven) he is purposefully covering them up with the french ass ruffles hes got going on up there, /purposefully/ covering.
the most exposed furinas design is, is his legs, he has rather short shorts (akin to hu tao who Also has no titty but there is room to see a curve there because hu tao doesnt have. the chest ruffles) ((this could lead to how hu taos design is also quite tmasc coded but sadly enough im not a hu tao insaner)) so i could Maybe sort of if i squint real hard i can see why people would want to exaggerate the legs a little
But when people ( the horny + uninformed.. usually..) give him the most hourglass shape figure?? or even Big Boobs im like??????? first off did yall play the archon quest and second ????????? of all genshin characters you think furina deserves boobs??? Flawed logic he is not who you think he is, like even ignoring my headcanons In Canon he is very much jus living his best life being a theater director !!!!!!! hes not an actor anymore !!!!!! furina genshin impact is the wrong character to put your horny beams on !!!!
and for the people in the back
Furina Genshin Impact Is The Wrong Character to Put Your Horny Beam On
does any of this make much sense? probably not,, do i care not rlly i jus hate how the fandom treats him so so so so much its why i cant really consume fancontent of him anymore that isnt made by a trusted mutual of mine, we are saving him from fanons grabby dirty hands and putting him in our own grabby dirty hands :3
what makes it worse is neuvifuri. there are people who believe that neuvifuri are either 1) father/daughter (this is the same crowd who think zhongxiao are also father/son) 2) siblings or 3) a cishet married couple with furina as the UwU Wifey and neuvi as the gigachad husband.
These are All Wrong
pushing most of my headcanons aside, literally in canon neuvi is the one constantly down bad for furi, Constantly!!!! he had a moment of realisation in the archon quest, realising he appreciates furina a lot more than he first thought he did (see furina story quest AND neuvi birthday letter)
and also in canon furina is Terrified of losing him, so he distanced himself (see his about neuvillette line)
now headcanon territory kinda ; neuvi watched focalors fucking Die in front of him, whilst givhim the original dragon power back, that shit was still traumatising as all hell , i think neuvi is just as equally afraid of losing furi as furi is of losing him
,, if i keep going i wont stop about how much i adore their specific dynamic but ANYWAYS. back to the point;
Fanon is Wrong
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(have an old doodle as thanks for reading,,,)
thank you for reading all this, it sounded more composed in my head i swear i jus uwauwuuawu biting fandom so hard
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huomenhaamu · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @bluebudgie
I narrowed this down to approximately 2007 rock earworms only because otherwise there's too many to pick
The rules of the game are to write one song for every letter in your url, and then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
h - Helena / My Chemical Romance
u - Unwell / Matchbox Twenty
o - Our Truth / Lacuna Coil
m - Mustat sydämet / 51 Koodia
e - Every Day Is Exactly the Same / Nine Inch Nails
n - Nämä ajat eivät ole meitä varten / Egotrippi
h - House of Sleep / Amorphis
a - Ah ahtaita aikoja / Viikate
a - Already Home / Kemopetrol
m - Machiavellism / Dir en Grey
u - Untitled / Interpol
Honorary runner up: Oops! I Did It Again but specifically the Children of Bodom cover
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dynmghts · 3 months
💌 (shamelessly)
🐝  *  ― send 💌 or ( `LOVE LETTER` ) for me to write one thing i like about your blog, one thing i like about your character or your portrayal, and one thing i like about you in general. doesn't have to be anything long, just a little something to make someone's day a little brighter. if you want, include the url of someone else if you want me to write them some compliments.
i've been hoarding this buried under all of my other asks but guess what reina. i'm getting to it now. tonight i boost ur confidence (at least, hopefully, a little bit) in how AMAZING your writing is!
what i like about your blog: honestly, i have absolutely adored your pastel aesthetic for shoto since you moved him onto his own blog. i don't know what it is about it specifically, to be honest, but when i see any art of shoto in the more pastel tones, the first shoto that comes to mind is yours - it's such a strong association for me tbh, but i absolutely adore it! and let's be real, shoto looks really really good in pastel colours.
on top of that, i adore your simpler formatting when it comes to your writing; you emphasise a lot of words, but you don't add a lot of flair to it (e.g. extra spacing, excessive changes in font size, unique characters beyond quotation marks), which i think is a wonderful way to be. i've been constantly evolving my formatting to be a loooooot more readable and minimally formatted as a result of writers like you, because! well, i sit there and adore your writing all the same, and i'm captured by every sentence you write even without the tumblr dot com flair. i think it's a perfect way to be in a place where formatting + graphics mean everything!
what i like about your character(s): PLEASE. I ADORE YOUR SHOTO SO MUCH. you capture his very blunt and straightforward persona amazingly, in which his manifests differently to katsuki's where shoto is infinitely calmer in his approach. i also love how literal he can be sometimes! and just!! even his stubbornness!!! it can be really difficult to balance so many characteristics - which is a certain sign that the original author has a talent for three-dimensional characters, thanks horikoshi - but i always thought that you managed it perfectly. when i see your shoto and the way you transcribe him, i think, yeah, this is shoto. this is the same boy i read in the manga.
not only that, but i recognise him as YOUR shoto - you've developed him in a way that makes him unique to your interpretation, and i love that soooo so much.
what i like about you in general: reina. reina you have to understand that i think you are such a wonderful and cheerful person to talk to! and i MEAN that. i know that we don't talk often in dms, but i loooove to talk with you about our boys and how their dynamic has the potential to grow beyond what they already have in canon. i love that you have such an enthusiasm for your characters, even beyond shoto, and even with life pretty much blindsiding you at every turn (me too bestie), you still manage to maintain such a passion for your characters!
i know that you struggle a LOT with your confidence, and especially in writing, but just know i will always be in your corner telling you that every piece you write is an absolute godsend and a blessing to witness. i treasure EVERY interaction you give me. i am so so glad you have enough confidence to give me what you have, and believe me, i consume your media without fail with the same adoration as i had from the very beginning. thank you for being such an amazing person and a wonderful presence on my dash, no matter how frequent or scarce <3
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arsenicflame · 9 months
hi i'm really interested in space lesbians! where are they, who are they? how can i see them? (shows, games, books?) also what are you most excited about in s2 of ofmd?
soooooo my space lesbian enthusiasm refers to 3 separate medias!! (it used to say gay space vikings bc that was an even more specific niche buuuut im way more into tihylttw these days s o) one day i am going to make a fuckin venn diagram of my girls because they all have so many similarities. (loki/sigyn and angela/sera are basically the same characters change my mind.)
this is about to get real long bc im unhinged about them <3 10/10 would talk about them all day if the communities were there
our first space lesbians are loki + sigyn from the bifrost incident! TBI is an album by the band the mechanisms which you can find wherever you listen to music (youtube here) its a norse mythology inspired rock/steampunk-esque album and it is SO GOOD- it takes place on a train in SPACE in the format of an incident investigation. its a story so you have to listen to the tracks in order :)
next up! this is how you lose the time war- our lesbians in this are called red + blue because we have deconstructed this trope to its most basic format at this point :') its a short book, and you may be familiar with it as it went viral from a trigun fan tweet a few months back. (my url (and sewing blog url) are actually references to a quote from this book!) you can get it wherever you get books and id recc the audiobook if youre into that i am also in possession of the pdf if you wantto try before you buy.
tihylttw is a story told through the exchange of letters between two agents on opposite sides of a war- it usually gets described as enemies to lovers but id personally use rivals as i think it describes them better. the book is known for being incredibly poetic and sometimes pretentious in its writing and i just think its the most beautiful thing ever. lesbians do it better
honestly theres nothing i could say for tihylttw better than it could say for itself, i just adore the universe theyve built and i want to KNOW MORE. i love you and i love you and i want to find out what that means together
saving the best for last is my girls angela + sera. the most of all time. nobody compares to them for me. they consume me
angela + sera are from marvel comics and you can find my complete reading list here, but if im talking about them positively, im usually talking about one of the titular Angela comics, and more often than not queen of hel.
honestly i love the angela comics so much that im making myself speechless trying to figure out where to start. Angela falls into the asgard side of marvel comics, though she is a lot more fluid in her affiliations, her whole thing being that she deals in deals- nothing for nothing everything has its price. she is at times described as emotionless and is generally quite a stoic character, especially around strangers. the major exception to this is her wife, sera. seras one of marvels few canon trans characters and i think she is just so wonderfully written. shes witty and cheeky and doesnt take shit from anyone, even when it gets her into trouble- and oh boy does sera find herself in some predicaments! the angela comics are often just as poetic as tihylttw for me, theyll drop an 'as long as you are with me, i am not afraid' and ill need to go smother myself in a pillow for a sec. in QOH they adopt a daughter who is Also a lesbian, shes an alternate version of leah of hel and i ALSO adore her.
im desperately trying to avoid plot points but god. the main arc is 21 issues of smooching Shakespearean space angels what more could you want?
(through sera & angela we get a lot of heven lore and honestly that could be its whole own thing for me im SO fascinated.)
my girls are currently in comic hell, i am praying they will get something good soon 🙏🙏
and what am i most excited about for season 2? can i just say izzy? can i just say anne + mary? dude im so ready for some lesbians you have no idea actually you probably have a very good idea if you made it this far down. im incredibly excited to be seeing izzy get a favourable arc this season, im really hoping to see him develop relationships with everyone else, see him grapple with feelings around ed (actually im really hoping he chooses not to forgive ed. for growth) im excited to see whats gonna go down with his leg, im excited to see wtf is going on w ed + stede because i have no idea what the continuity is at the moment, im just excited!!!!!! i honestly dont think theres anything im not excited about everything looks so good so far
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blubberquark · 1 year
It Belongs In A Museum
I have a memory in my head, an experience I can't stop thinking about. I don't know how much good it would do me to write about it, but I need to get it out. A few weeks ago, I saw an NFT.
It was in a museum.
They actually had multiple: Mostly short looping rendered videos, but one was a Beeple JPEG. They didn't have any CryptoPunks, Bored Apes, or in-game collectible items. It was an art museum after all. they also didn't have any rare Pepes - But they did have a Beeple (on loan from a collector).
When I saw it, I understood the appeal of NFTs to museums in particular.
Art museums, as physical places and spaces that show a limited, curated slice of their collections, plus visiting exhibits, always had a weird relationship with film, video, digital and electronic media. The same goes for galleries. I have seen exhibits that were installations, inhabiting the space in a particular and deliberate fashion, and exhibits that were just running on a computer or looping on a screen, but commissioned specifically for an event or a space. I haven't seen many exhibits of things that you could just watch on Youtube or on pouet.net or play on your home computer. Certain forms of digital art, like games and the demoscene, were just incompatible with the concept of a gallery.
Nothing stops a gallery from showing off something that is licensed as CC-by, but every other gallery could show that one too. Copyright law may or may not stop a gallery from just buying an indie game and letting people play it. (I think that would depend on whether you charge admission. This is not legal advice, please consult with a copyright attorney who is licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction. Maybe there is a passage about this in the Steam TOS, but probably the letter of the TOS and the enforceability thereof also depends on where you live. Or just contact the developer and see if you can work something out.)
Before NFTs, there was a lot of digital art specifically commissioned for certain spaces, but that meant you couldn't easily move it to a different museum. Some curators felt the need to document art works through video and photography, to capture the space in which the work was exhibited, to treat the whole thing as a "performance". NFTs can just be exhibited on a screen, without all that physicality, and they can be sold or loaned to different collectors and museums, as long as they have screens.
At the museum I visited, there was no checksum, no key fingerprint, no URL, no QR code that told me about the blockchain, which blockchain, where on the blockchain, where it was minted, or who hosted the URL. A little plaque just said that somewhere, there was an NFT, there was provenance, there was legitimacy. It looks like that's enough.
Even though bored apes, NFT games, and other non-fungible-but financialised fractionalised and interchangeable investment-scam token schemes have crashed and burned, the the things that started the NFT craze, Beeple JPEGs as high art, are here to stay, as long as brick and mortar art galleries and museums are.
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clotpolesonly · 10 months
tagged by @hurryupmerlin!!
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people
oh no, i'm so bad at these 😂 i listen to the same songs on repeat ad nauseam and always have, hahaha. may the odds be ever in my favor as i try to think of like thirteen whole songs alfdghalfdg
C - Copperline (James Taylor) L - Last Young Renegade (All Time Low) O - Once Upon A Dream (Jekyl & Hyde) T - To The Sky (Owl City) P - Pandemonium (25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee) O - Only The Good Die Young (Billy Joel) L - Lonely Lullaby (Owl City) E - Everybody's Fool Evanescence S - Stiletto (Billy Joel) O - On My Own (Les Miserables) N - Nice2KnoU (All Time Low) L - Love Bites (So Do I) (Halestorm) Y - You Matter To Me (Waitress)*
yes i looked up the handful of artists i could specifically remember liking and scanned their discographies until i found the right letters i needed lmao. and i'm taking a leaf out of prev's book and trawling my activity page for people to tag cuz i SUCK at remembering people's urls 😂 hope you don't mind lol
(*i literally came back and edited the post to change it to this one cuz fuck this song is so pretty i should've thought of it first)
tagging: @thedaughterofkings @wellhalesbells @adamprrishcycle @profanityproblem @midnightisquiet @captainpettie @stilesisderekslittlespoon @the-raven-euphoria @@rosieposiepuddingnpie @idea-less-author @shealwaysreads @clotpolemerlin @rhyslahey
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