dynmghts · 4 months
A special day. Even if the person celebrating may have already pointed out his distaste for most celebrations quite a few times, everyone worked their hardest to make this day even more special, so the blond would enjoy his birthday from the depths of his heart. It could be selfish of them, to force Katsuki to celebrate, but he was the one to blame — rarely honest about the rhythm of his heartbeat. Despite every part of his being carrying honesty with pride, successfully he’d conceal the parts of him they all wished to understand the most, his real nature.
But Shoto believed he wouldn’t get many more chances to show the other — without any doubt, without any clouds in between them — the extent of his affection. For someone who read everyone as if they were the back of his hand like Katsuki, Shoto sure had to try his hardest to make sure his message would sound loud and clear. The harder he pushed him away, the harder he’d push back. It was about time, for the blond to finally admit defeat for once, learn some battles are better to be lost.
Imagination wasn't one of Shoto’s outstanding skills– it was as if he were born without it, to be honest. Limited to what he could see and sense, despite often losing himself in his thoughts, Shoto didn’t actually dream. Maybe years of isolation, his mind feeding on thoughts of resentment and revenge alone had a lasting effect on him. Maybe, he didn’t dream because he already had more than he could ever dream of: friends to care for, and a path in life he had chosen. Or maybe, he didn’t dream, simply because he enjoyed a simplicity of the mind. And that simplicity had caused him great trouble in choosing a gift, for maybe one of the most complex people he had crossed paths with.
The choice of a place to find him in private was the first challenge. Katsuki’s room would have been the best choice, but he’d lose the element of surprise ( plus he didn’t know what kind of reaction to expect if he were the first person the other would see in the morning before even washing his face ). Before even the sun had risen, Shoto had taken seat in the kitchen. The blond usually was one of the first to wake up and make breakfast, and he relied and hoped on his routine repeating on this day as well.
On the kitchen table was placed an orange-colored gift bag and a small bouquet of orange roses, decorated with a white bow. Next was placed a small-sized birthday card. After numerous attempts to write down what Shoto wished to say to the blond, he settled for a simple ‘ Happy Birthday Bakugo. ’ The words he couldn’t express in a card, he’d say them out loud instead while he’d stare into fiery eyes, when the time was right. It was the gesture after all, that mattered on such a day, not the words and presents offered. At least that’s what Shoto hoped, since for the contents inside the bag, they were the biggest challenge to decide.
First, was a pair of gloves. Another pair of gloves was seemingly useless for Katsuki — he could just order them to his exact liking, made for battle, to enhance his Quirk. But the gloves Shoto had chosen, were simply meant to keep his hands warm on winter days, to a style he wished Katsuki liked. Made of leather, black in color, fingerless, with a characteristic red X symbol decorating the top of them, and a red stripe detail on the wrist.
There was a cassette tape, with all the songs Shoto thought Katsuki liked to listen to, along with a music player to play the cassette. Some time ago, they had seen an old movie where someone gifted to the person he held most dear a cassette. Shoto, unconsciously fond of anything considered old-fashioned or classic, hadn’t thought these would continue to exist, but he was surprised to discover they were still on the market. He may not have much knowledge of which music was popular, and have trouble to fully understand the kind of music Katsuki liked, but with Sero’s help, he made the tape while also adding some of the songs that reminded him of the other.
Last was a pair of chopsticks. The same gift Katsuki had given him for his birthday, the style mimicking Shoto’s hero costume. Shoto had done the same, the style mimicking Katsuki’s hero costume. Maybe, it could be nice if they matched.
The cheerful chirping of birds was getting louder, the sign of their day starting, and that Katsuki was about to come in any minute now. Except, the exhaustion of many days was finally sinking in. The relief of a day he’s been looking forward to having arrived, the soft warming light coming into the room, the satisfaction and sweet kind of bubbling anticipation got mixed with his growing dizziness of mind. Why was it that Shoto couldn't sleep at night, but couldn’t keep his eyes open during the day? He needed to stay awake, but it was getting harder to resist. Maybe, a short nap wouldn’t be that bad. He’d make sure to wake up before Katsuki would . . . The sound of footsteps and the creaking door could no longer reach him, head resting against the kitchen table.
( shoto being like: how to confess without confessing. hbd kats!! can't believe it's already been a year 💕 )
katsuki didn't make plans for his birthday this year. well, nothing past the ones he already organised and pre-approved for his family, who want to celebrate the young bakugou surviving to 18 against the odds. they mean well, really. katsuki isn't about to turn around and deny them when his 17th was in the middle of wars, a fact that isn't lost on him nor anyone he knew; some classmates last year insisted on a celebration after everything settled.
this year, though, katsuki just hoped they waited until it was a reasonable time of hour before tossing whatever hare-brained plans they had his way.
either bakugou katsuki's guard was up too high, though, or he actually got up soon enough that the others wouldn't have their window to bother him - and with that leaves his morning routine intact. he enacts his skincare routine without skipping a beat, re-organising his class notes and setting out clothes for the day before pacing out of his dorm and down the stairs. he doesn't run before breakfast; his next step is to beeline it to the kitchen before anyone else decides to claim it, with the goal of fixing himself a well-balanced meal before exercise.
when careful footsteps pace into the kitchen, making an effort not to make too much noise until he was cooking, crimson eyes fall on the resting figure leaning on the kitchen table. a brow raises. he moves forward with light steps to avoid disturbing the other - and it isn't hard for katsuki to determine who it is resting on the kitchen table, but if he was to have questions as to why, the gift bag and roses set on the same surface making the indication quite clear.
had shoto stayed up to gift him these on his birthday?
the blond stares between him and the gifts presented to him on the kitchen table, brows furrowing. his face scrunches up. after a moment, katsuki manoeuvres over to the bag and bouquet, deftly picking up the card that accompanies them - he reads the writing on the inside and huffs, lips quirking upward even as he rolls his eyes and sets it aside. he re-examines the roses. he can't imagine they were... cheap, per se. they looked high quality. a hand reaches to gently run fingertips along the petals of the flowers, noting that they seemed fresh, recently picked if anything; how far did shoto plan this, exactly?
katsuki doesn't let himself linger on the thought much longer as he finally turns his attention to the bag with the goods inside, glancing over to multicoloured hair and pausing. his hands rest against the edge of the bag for a moment. then, quietly, he pulls open the bag to peer in and seize the first item among the few that settle in there; up come the pair of gloves first, of which katsuki observes, feels the texture between digits with a slight head tilt. he hums. the weather is not quite freezing, no, but the spring mornings were still carrying a bit of bite with them - he makes the quick decision to slip them on. he doesn't know if they're quirk resistant. not that it matters much; he wasn't using his quirk at all this morning.
the next is the chopsticks - easy to reach, easier to hold. katsuki can't help but quirk his lips upward at the sight of familiar orange X and explosion motifs as the design; if he remembers explicitly that he'd given a pair with the same intentions to shoto a few months ago, on the other boy's birthday, he won't say. he places them aside. maybe he could even use them this morning.
the final gift is the one that perplexes the young bakugou the most. not because of its nature, that is, because katsuki enjoys music and doesn't care how he has to listen to it - the tape player is fine, but the tape it comes with isn't an explicitly marked band track. he eyes it curiously, flipping it over, looking for any writing on the tape to indicate what it is exactly, what its contents were. katsuki furrows his brows when he doesn't seem to find any strong indicators. nonetheless... if shoto gifted this to him, there had to be a reason. something this vintage and old-fashioned and arguably dated isn't just handed off to people without a purpose anymore, right? so maybe...
hands quickly set the headphones over his ears and slip the tape into the player. taking a few moments to learn the functions, katsuki manages to press play, and after a few seconds, he's hit with one of his favourite songs. this, he smiles at.
todoroki shoto remembered this about him, and that... was heartwarming.
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with a final glance to the resting boy at the table, katsuki makes up his mind quickly and sets to work in the kitchen; deft hands work swiftly to accommodate for two different breakfast meals, yes, but they also aim to fill out a bento that the blond dug out and placed aside during his meal prep. it would take him more time than normal before he could go on his run, and he may have to cut the run short. he decides almost instantly that it would be worth his time.
once the blond sets the food on the kitchen table, crimson gaze lingers on multicoloured hair, hesitating. a hand reaches. there, he very delicately shifts a few strands back into place, gaze losing its sharpness for a moment. [ he is suddenly glad that nobody else is in the kitchen; he doesn't want to admit how his face turned red, nor how tender the action itself was. ]
by the time shoto is awake, katsuki is long gone. the gift bag and flowers have since been moved - in their stead, however, rests a bowl of cold soba, some vegetables put aside as an optional addition for the other's favoured dish. beside that, a bento, stuffed meticulously with a balanced lunch. while it wouldn't come close to rivalling lunch rush's outstanding cafeteria options, there has been considerable time taken to accommodate to shoto's food preferences all the same.
a note rests near them. it is scribbled in a quick hand, but the calligraphy is undeniably bakugou katsuki's as it reads (and quite fondly):
got your gifts. thanks. didn't think you remembered what i listened to. liked the songs you added. made you breakfast and lunch. don't waste them.
nobody else knows why katsuki's mood seems better all day. maybe they don't have to know - so long as the blond spends his free time with headphones on ears, cassette tape on repeat, head subtly moving with each song's beat.
@deibreak / katsuki's bday asks! <3
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fightaers · 9 months
❛⠀TODOROKI !!! ❜ yoarashi does not hesitate. his voice booms across the street, and he is mindless about the attention he's clearly attracting. no! how could he, when his eyes are zoomed in into the familiar red-and-white mop of hair. he is very tall, you know! he could see nearly everyone even if there is a massive crowd around him. and what a fortunate thing it is that UA doesn't require its students to wear a cap! that makes him spotting todoroki even quicker!
the man quickly marches his way to the other.
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❛⠀GOOD EVENING !! ❜ he bows as a greeting then, forehead touching the pavement. yoarashi can hear bystanders around gasp from that too. he doesn't mind! passion is very important to him, you see. ❛⠀I AM VERY HAPPY TO SEE YOU HERE ! ARE YOU OUT SHOPPING FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES ? ❜
@deibreak ♡ starter call !
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ofsavior · 1 year
unprompted. || @deibreak
❝ Momo. ❞ Here he goes. ❝ There's something I've been meaning to ask you. ❞ What a bold move. ❝ May I call you Momo, from now on? Or is there some other way you'd like me to call you? ❞
“ Eh? ” She blinks and turns to Shoto attentively.
Wait - did he just...?
“ Ehhhhhh? ” Instantly, her cheeks color crimson deep enough to match her hero costume. That's her given name! To say she's flustered doesn't quite capture her reaction, but the spring that pops! from her elbow certainly reflects her feelings.
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“ I'd accept Momo from you, Shoto-kun. ” She answers, hands now fidgeting with themselves as they clasp and dangle before her. “ It sounds nice coming from you. ”
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ofdetonation · 1 year
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@deibreak inquired : 💗 ╱ love meter.
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how did he and shoto get a low-ass number ?
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❝ this thing is fucking rigged. ❞
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roguesenses · 1 year
🍎 an apologetic text.
texting starters
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[ ✉︎ ] Sorry for reacting the way I did yesterday
[ ✉︎ ] I was just really surprised and had to take some time to process
[ ✉︎ ] Movie on Saturday sounds great
[ ✉︎ ] If the offer still stands
Two minutes later.
[ ✉︎ ] I will understand if you don't want to do it anymore since I did freeze up on you!
[ ✉︎ ] Please feel no obligation whatsoever if you don't feel like it anymore
Three minutes later.
[ ✉︎ ] Also sorry for doing this in text, I am still kind of embarrassed hahahaha
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herostoried · 3 months
Ochako doesn't know Shoto very well, and to be honest, he's always been something of a mystery to her. His stoic and occasionally intimidating nature makes him hard to read, and Ochako's never really had the confidence to approach him, but... for a while now, he's been spending more time with Deku, and the two seem to be good friends now.
She's not sure what happened, but nowadays, she thinks she understands Shoto a little better. Under everything, he's just a kid like the rest of them - a surprisingly funny and earnest kid with a strong desire to be a hero, just like her. She's even shared some fun conversations with him, and would like to consider him a friend of sorts, but... she isn't sure if he feels the same way.
More to the point, though, Ochako thinks that she wants to get to know Shoto better. Maybe it's because he's Deku's friend, or maybe she's just curious about him as a person... the reason doesn't really matter, does it? Either way, today she's going to gather up her courage and stop worrying about how she comes across!
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"Todoroki-kun, did you need any help with that? I'm stronger than I look, you know!"
@deibreak ( starter! )
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shehorned · 1 year
@deibreak liked for a starter
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while she'd never actually spoken to him, she knew who he was. deku had pointed him out when he went through the name of everyone in his class as well as their quirk ; eri remembered none of it. she stared at him with bright, red eyes in an attempt to determine just who this guy was.
eyes flicker to the mark on his face. people liked to tell stories about their scars, right? deku had done so for her before, along with a couple of other people are the school. so, that is what she settles on.
" does the mark on your face hurt? "
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txnatiuh-etc · 1 year
@deibreak asked : 🌷 | send  🌷  for  a  soft  starter .
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Enji returned home, a bag that was dwarfed by the size of his hand held dear. "Hello, ahem-" a clear of his throat, "-Shouto. I...got you some cold Soba on the way home."
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Hesitant, nervous, he set it down near his youngest son. "I hope it is to your liking." Was it the perfect gesture? Probably not but Enji wanted to try. Shouto deserved more than a try and that what Enji planned to do but he afraid and unsure of how his son will react.
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hosticaaa · 7 months
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ALIAS / NAME :  Ire. BIRTHDAY :  March 2nd. SOON. ZODIAC SIGN :  🐟 HEIGHT :  5'3ish. HOBBIES :  Rping mostly ! But I also like to play my switch and I'm trying to get back into art :3 FAVORITE COLOR :  Black, pink, red and purple. FAVORITE BOOK :  Lets go with The Crawling Chaos from H.P Lovecraft [ Important to my take on Vecna/Henry Creel/the Mindflayer >:3c ] because its the last actual "book" type thing I read and -chef kiss- LAST SONG :  Falling Down - The Birthday Massacre. LAST FILM / SHOW :  Probably Hazbin Hotel, smfh. RECENT READS :  Caught up with two chapters of BNHA the other day. INSPIRATION :  Horror tropes / movies / books. Tragic Villains. Even evil can be loved. Gothic romance. Goth, punk and metal music. Ofc, many of my muses have their own specific inspos ( One of Vecna/Henry's mentioned above) but thats just the general stuff !! STORY BEHIND URL :  Its Latin meaning "of or belonging to an enemy, hostile." Which rips considering all my muses are villains or antagonists in some way. FUN FACT ABOUT ME :   [ REDACTED ]
TAGGED BY :  No one, I stole it >:3c TAGGING :  @olliesmultimuse , @hellshoncho , @drengar , @girlishgiggle , @auntiecannibal , @wingeatersblog , @cannibalvillains , @deibreak , @musedriven , @letsbreakhearts , @stiiricidium, @musehotpot and anyone else who wants to. 🖤
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moved-deibreak · 10 months
this blog has moved
since december 2023, you'll find me at @deibreak
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dynmghts · 8 months
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TRANSMISSION FROM @deibreak : i never gave up on you. never! ASSERTIVE ACCUSATIONS , ACCEPTING .
there's scarcely been a moment where they've raised their voices to each other. if anything, katsuki has tried in the past, and each time, it was neatly deflected by shoto's calm personality and level-headed responses. while katsuki appreciates it in the after ... [ because sometimes, he's just looking for the thrill of a fight, in whatever form it might come as. ] ... there are still times when his temper flares at something said. shoto is usually not the cause -
until now, that is.
a part of him says that shoto is just being sincere - that this is his way of admitting that he was in katsuki's corner, and he always will be. but the phrasing grates on the blond's nerves. a rational response was never going to be in the cards.
❛ i never fucking asked you ! ❜ temper, red hot as iron, strikes in venomous words and burning glare and a snarl with bared teeth. ❛ what, you want me to turn around and thank you for something i never gave a shit if you did ? you want a shiny new medal for your services ? hell, a whole parade in your honour ? why don't i call in some heroes for your brave and noble sacrifice, then ! ❜
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katsuki scoffs then, as he storms over to the other boy with an accusatory jab to his chest. ❛ you act like i'm supposed to be grateful, like i should worship the ground you walk on 'cause you wanna stand in my corner. newsflash, todoroki, ❜ he emphasises the name, as though intended as an insult itself, ❛ i don't owe you anything. why don't you go and save your speeches for deku instead, huh ? go on, give it to someone who will give you a sob story back. ❜
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fightaers · 9 months
❛⠀the heat was no joke ... ❜ her voice comes across as a joke, almost, if not for the way it's also wrapped around a tremor of fear. a hero somewhere had draped a blanket over all of their shoulders when it was all over, with what remains of tōya and their father carefully carried to the nearest point of safety. it's a miracle that the medics still deemed tōya alive, though their faces as they informed their mother had told fuyumi enough that they aren't certain if either endeavour or tōya could genuinely make it.
she should move, she thinks. she should be asking the medics where they're taking her father and brother. she should be the responsible one; escorting natsu-chan and mom somewhere safe, as well. instead, fuyumi feels numb everywhere inside. she didn't think it'd be possible: to suffer from threat of frostbites and a burn all at the same time. that, in that very same aftermath, she could barely register it.
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still, to shōto, fuyumi musters a small smile. he doesn't want shōto to ever be worried about her. no, least of all, her. ❛⠀it worries me a little that this is what you're up to regularly, shōto. ❜
@deibreak ♡ starter call !
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ofsavior · 1 year
Reina’s Shoto muse here like, I know I’m not good at this. But please, I’m begging. Don’t go back to Todoroki-san.
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ofdetonation · 2 years
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@deibreak inquired : what difference does it make? ╱ prompts  for  angsty  conversations.
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𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀  𝘄𝗮𝘀𝗻’𝘁  𝘁𝗵𝗲  𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲  𝗳𝗼𝗿  𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺  𝘁𝗼  𝗯𝗲  𝗮𝗿𝗴𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗴. but unfortunately for both shoto and katsuki,  at least one of them is extremely argumentative,  despising the tone and style,  determined to make his point. and when someone he cares about is in a negative mood like this,  the blond is more inclined to say something in a less agreeable tone.
some people think that means he’s looking for an argument. anyone who knows katsuki will know that’s not always the reason ⸺ sometimes,  it’s because he cares.
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❝ all the fuckin’ difference ! stop actin’ like everythin’ you’re doing right now ain’t for a goddamn purpose,  shoto ! ❞ scowl on his face,  glare narrow and frustration in his tone,  the blond almost reaches to shove some sense into shoto … almost. he holds himself back for now. ❝ where’s your fuckin’ common sense,  huh ? didja lose it for the split second i wasn’t there to keep it with ya ? don’t you dare go talkin’ like you ain’t been a difference to a lotta people,  y’moron. ❞
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roguesenses · 1 year
💀 for what my muse would say upon hearing about your muse’s death. ( from Shoto :) )
the evil meme (not accepting) @deibreak
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tw: character death
He became aware of the possibility the moment he'd stepped into the hospital and was ushered into the waiting area by too many pairs of teary eyes.
Still, when those painful words were actually delivered from the exhausted physician's lips, Izuku's first instinct was to deny.
"No," he simply said, coldly rejecting the information he was given as he pushed past the doctor. Many moved to stop him, but even more people chose to stay in their place because they recognized the look in his eyes - not even god could stop Izuku now, he must see his beloved one last time and confirm the truth for himself.
Izuku felt incredibly light, he could barely detect the weight of his legs as they took him into the room that smelled so heavily of death.
He fell to his knees, swallowing hard as he grasped for the hand that was always so warm against his own. Just last night it had been pressed against his cheek, stroking down his neck as they discussed their endless tomorrows.
That's two times now fate had taken away someone he loved. Two times where he had hoped and begged for a different result only to be utterly crushed, and two times he had his heart broken.
Izuku wasn't sure if he could recover.
The truth was he perhaps never even managed to do so from the first time, but Shouto's love had been like a salve. It was cooling, gentle, and wrapped around his pain until he could almost forget it was there. But now everything was gone, his carefully recollected calmness was slipping and it hurt too much to even cry.
"Give him back!" He yelled, startling the nurses, bright green light streaking down his shaky hands. "Now!"
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This is Reina, the writer behind knightinsourarmor, a multimuse roleplay blog, featuring two singlemuse blogs for my most active muses: @deibreak for Todoroki Shoto, and @naitfall for Levi Ackerman.
I will interact ONLY with people to have read my rules.
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MUSES. I portray many muses from various sources of media. This is my muses page. Other than Levi, the rest of my muses don't have an about page, for the reason I'm mobile bound 99% of the time and I can't work with Google Docs / Tumblr codes. I'll do my best to add any missing info in Tumblr posts as time progresses, and eventually properly move everything in Google Docs. My most active and developed muses for the time being are Todoroki Shoto, Levi Ackerman, and Castiel. They'll pop up on the dash more often than others.
REPLIES. I’m a slow writer. Trying to be a somewhat active member of this rotten society, and taking into consideration how things are in my life right now, I doubt I’ll be replying to a thread in less than a day. I might need days, weeks, or months to get to our thread. How long I take is NOT a reflection of my interest in our thread. Sometimes, I lose a specific muse, sometimes I don’t want to write a specific matter, sometimes I get stuck and can’t come up with a reply as good as yours. Or all of the above. But it’s definitely something that has nothing to do with you.
BETA EDITOR. I can only use beta editor, so I'd appreciate if you did the same so I can properly crop our threads.
CROSSOVERS. Crossover verses / AUs / Modern verses are main to my portrayal. I overly enjoy writing them ( sometimes more than canon interactions ), so I'd appreciate if you were interested on them. I don’t mind if I don’t know where your muse is coming from. If both sides want it, we can make this work. Established crossover verses can be found on my muses page, but I'm always willing to jump into any universe / setting / idea.
AGE. I'm over the age of eighteen. I won’t write with anyone younger than the age of eighteen.
DRAMA. I won't interact with anyone participating / supporting call-out culture, drama, or vague-posting. I will hard-blocking anyone making public any issues they have with anyone. I'm not interested to participate in the anti / pro-ship civil war going around and give myself another label. I also happen to be aware, people give different meanings to these terms. In conclusion, I will interact with both sides, or better say, anyone who knows respect, and doesn't spread hatred between the two, or anyone else. I expect to be RESPECTED for the content I post and the people I write with, same way I RESPECT everyone else and their views whether I agree with these or NOT.
I'm a pretty tolerant* person to what people like to write ( teenagers (16+) having sex, problematic ships or themes, etc. ) whether or not I agree with these matters, simply because this is what tagging is for. I expect the same from the people I choose to follow, concerning the matters I like to explore, and my boundaries.
* I'm disgusted I even have to note this, but people read only what their twisted minds think, so by being tolerant, I certainly don't mean with pedophilia.
CONTENT. Fiction and writing is a way of developing emotions / characters / bonds we wouldn't have the chance to explore in real life. The matters I may explore, don't reflect my views in real life. I portray fictional characters, in fictional settings. I approach the characters and the matters I've chosen to write with respect and care, for the sake of writing and nothing else, and I expect the same from my mutuals. I may happen to choose to write about matters ‘ questionable ’ or ‘ disturbing ’, and I will do so for the sake of character building and nothing else. Such matters may be war, drug usage, suicide ideation, dissociation, villain logic, prostitution, romantic ships with age-gap ( Eren & Levi ) & more. I don't expect anyone to agree writing any of these matters as a requirement to be mutuals, but I expect being given the space to explore these as much as I wish, with the people interested.
Concerning the people I choose to write with ( or not ) and the content they choose to write ( with me or not ) it's not anyone's concern than their's or mine's. If you dislike the people I write with, or the content that may pop up on your dash, the content I write with anyone other than YOURSELF, it's not in my concern. I properly tag everything and have warned you, ANYTHING may come up on your dash if you don't block tags. I'm open ( not necessarily interested ) to exploring many sort of questionable matters with the people interested, and to avoid any misunderstandings, if you're going to be an ass* for content you don't like / support, don't follow in the first place. To be less intimidating, this is only a warning, I'll post what I like and I don't want to bother with people who will judge me for it.
* make a fuss instead of blocking or blocking tags
SMUT: Exploring sexual themes is the least of my concerns in this blog. Sexual-themed threads are extremely rare and written only with people I trust, and only for the shake of WRITING. Exploring the bond, the emotions, and the atmosphere to come with the sexual act ( and that's why it's probably going to be 99% of emotions and 01% of the act described ). I prefer writing male x male sexual scenes. Only after a lot of building, I’ll feel comfortable enough to write male x female sexual scenes. I have zero experience and knowledge in writing female x female sexual scenes. I haven't decided on a tag yet, but when I do so, I'll inform you.
TRIGGERS. I tag the triggers my mutuals have on their rules/about page. A post with all the triggers tagged will be added soon. If you need me to tag a specific trigger, feel free to send me an ask or a message. I tag triggers like: ’#yourtriggergoeshere tw’ without the quotation marks. My own triggers are aliens, cockroaches, and drama. That’s the reason I won’t be writing with any single-muse roleplay blogs having alien muses (those having a non-human form). Cartoon/Anime alien faceclaims are the exceptions.
MAINS. I have blogs / threads which I prioritize over others. I don’t practice exclusives but there are roleplay partners I feel close to exclusives, meaning the chances to want to write with the same muse portrayed by someone else are very low. There are, but very low. I always enjoy looking at how someone has made their muse unique in their own way. You can find my main call here.
LIMIT. There's no limit to the asks you can send me or the active threads we may have going.
GENERAL: I'll remind you of the basic stuff: don't pester me for replies, control my muse, force a ship on me, etc. I'm OC friendly, crossover friendly, au friendly. Every romantic bond belongs to its own verse.
DROP. I don't drop threads and asks no matter how old. It's my policy to return the work you've put in writing something for me, even if it takes me years to do so. On your side though, feel free to drop anything you wish, no hard feelings.
MEMES & FANART. I'd appreciate if you reblogged memes / visuals / quotes from the source, unless I've tagged you in any of these. Memes / RP Starters have no time limit.
SPOILERS. This blog is not spoiler-free. I use the tag: #—× spoilers.
ENGLISH. English isn’t my mother language. Keep in mind OOC language ≠ Thread language. I pay little mind and care to ooc posts and communication. Don’t assume the mistakes I make when writing ooc will be the same mistakes on threads. I’m much more careful when writing my muses and do my best to make no mistakes at all. There might be times I make some or write something difficult to understand. Of course my inbox/messages are open for clarifications.
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ARCANE MUSES. My arcane muses are solely based on Netflix’s series. I know nothing of League of Legends or video games in general.
SNK MUSES. I think of SNK as two separate stories that don’t connect with each other. I’m talking about before and after Marley Arc. ( Final season of the anime, chapter 91 of the manga ). Levi’s and Mikasa’s portrayals are based before Marley Arc, and Reiner’s after Marley Arc. I will surely write all three of them at any timeline of the SNK universe, but if not specified or agreed otherwise, my default timelines will be the ones above.
LEVI ACKERMAN. If interested in writing with Levi Ackerman, read this. ( DON'T SKIP )
MIKASA ACKERMAN. I don't ship Mikasa with Eren. Even though their relationship is confirmed to be romantic, in my portrayal, their bond is familial. There are chances I'll write them romantically as well if convinced into the ship, but I won't ship them by default.
MIKAELA HYAKUYA. My portrayal of him will be canon-divergent. Mikaela will be based in his character early in ons ( like, the anime timeline ) and based in my OWN headcanons and development for his character. Meaning I'll be IGNORING canon from some point on. Also, the canon storyline is getting very complicated for me to understand so like I said, I'll stick more to the anime, even if being caught up with the manga. Mikaela is a vampire and that's it.
CASTIEL. My portrayal of Castiel is canon-divergent since I don’t agree with many plot points of the show. I am not caught up with season 15 ( I only know some spoilers ) and my portrayal of Castiel is based mostly between seasons 4 and 9. I will write him at any season except 15, since I don’t know what’s going on. There always are exceptions though. Also, Castiel’s powers are different. At any season I am about to write him, he’ll have the same powers as he did on season 6, meaning much more powerful than he is in the later seasons ( he has his wings, he can time-travel, defeat most creatures etc.).
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LAST UPDATE: Mar. 01, 2023
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