#with red eyes angry ciel
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elyos03 · 1 month ago
In retrospect, it's kinda shocking Ciel never crashed out even once. I originally made this for a Discord server for MMZX fans, buuut... might as well put this here.
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juanarc-thethird · 7 months ago
Sorry but I already have plans.
Jaune: *Eating breakfast*
Suddenly Team Rwby arrives for breakfast too.
Yang: Oh but look who decided to wake up early for once.
Jaune: I would have preferred a "Good morning"
Yang: Sorry~
Ruby: Since we found you here. We were thinking of going with everyone to check out that new Ramen restaurant that opened up by the park. Do you want to go?
Jaune: Sorry but I already have plans.
Weiss: Don't tell me, a new game came out.
Jaune: *Ugh!* (Not good! If this keeps up, they will think I'm an adult who act like a man child! I must act like a proper adult here...) Well... Actually... *Gulp* I'm going on a date.
At that moment all the girls of Team Rwby went numb.
Jaune: Well... I have to go so... SeeYouLater! *Runs away*
Moments later
Jaune is walking down the road, feeling a big pressure on his shoulders.
Jaune: (They're totally following me...)
Behind hime Team Rwby is watching him closely while trying, and I mean really trying, to keep themselves hidden.
Jaune: (What should I do? At this rate they'll think I lied out of a bizarre sense of pride. They'll see me as a pathetic adult!. But I still want to buy that game... and besides, I don't even have a date.)
At that moment he bumps into someone.
Jaune: Oh, sorry... Prof Goodwitch?
Glynda: Oh Jaune, what a surprise to find you here.
In the kitchen today it's Penny, Pyrrha, Bleiss and Ciel's turn to clean.
Bleiss: *Jumping over and over again* Why can't I clean Jaune's mug?!
Pyrrha: *Holding the cup as high as possible* Because you’ll end up licking it!
Bleiss: Of course not!
Ciel: Can you two stop?! The faster we finish, the more time you'll have to spend with Jaune.
Suddenly Penny starts vibrating like a cell phone.
Penny: Emergency. Jaune is not available at the moment.
Ciel: What do you mean?
Penny: According to the information gathered, Jaune is on a date.
Ciel/Bleiss/Pyrrha: DATE?!!!
Meanwhile Meanwhile
In the evil's lair (Service Closet). Cinder is on the phone while Neo and Emerald are resting.
Cinder: Are you saying someone broke the truce?!
Neo: 🤨
Emerald: What happen?
Cinder: And on top of that Jaune is on a DATE?!!
At that moment the three of them become serious and begin to prepare to fight.
Cinder: That bitch is gonna pay.
Meanwhile Meanwhile Meanwhile
In a cafeteria, Neo, Reese, May and Arslan are having coffee.
*Ring, Ring!*
Neon: Hi Bleiss, were you able to get Jaune's mug?
Bleiss: Forget the mug! Code Red! Code RED!!
Neon: What are you talking about?
Bleiss: Glynda is on a date with Jaune right now!
At that moment the atmosphere became dark and heavy. And the faces of the four girls became serious.
Neon: I see
Meanwhile Meanwhile Meanwhile Meanwhile
At the park
Coco: *Sitting on a bench* What a nice day
Velvet: *Running towards Coco* Coco! Coco! Coco!!!
Coco: Wow! Calm down, what happen?
Velvet: Something terrible just happen!
Coco: *Worry* What is it?!
Velvet: Jaune is on a date with Glynda!
Coco: *Her eyes turned dark and soulless*... Excuse me?
Back with Jaune
Glyda and Jaune are walking together to their destination.
Glynda: So you're on your way to buy a game?
Jaune: Y-Yeah. (Is she going to judge me because I play video games?)
Glynda: It's good that you have a method to de-stress after your missions.
Jaune: You don't think it's bad to play video games at my age?
Glynda: Why should I? Everyone has their own methods, for me it's knitting, believe it or not. So I don't see anything wrong with you playing video games.
Jaune: *Hugs her* Professor!!!
Glynda: *Worry* Jaune?!
In the distance you could hear the voice of a very angry girl.
Bleiss: Code Black! CODE BLACK!!!
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 2 years ago
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Sebastian & Co. - Riddle Rosehearts Reader
I changed it up a bit Anon, and made you Ciel's long lost cousin twice removed and a lord instead of an earl, pre overblot riddle, beheading is literal. But your butler is still Trey and your staff is still the rest of the Heartslabyul cast like we discussed before. Sorry for not posting at an earlier time, my seasonal allergies turned into a very bad cold. —Benny🐰
Warnings -> Passing mentions of decapitation...
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🐈‍⬛ Sebastian's first impression of you was... not great. When he opened the front door to let you inside, you were in the midst of shouting at your butler about following rules and then you turned to him and said "It's about time!" So you were another cheeky brat like his master, it seems. The demon didn't mind you all that much though, he was used to dealing with children already.
🐈‍⬛ He was a bit shocked that you were Ciel's distant cousin, but then again your soul was just slightly similar to that of his master. While you and his young master conversed about your childhoods, Sebastian listened in from where he stood off to the side. All he could really offer your situation sympathy-wise was a short muttered "Oh."
🐈‍⬛ Upon your arrival you had brought a few members of your staff with you, which Sebastian thought of as strange since you came here to see his young master only. But he figured that you must have wanted to introduce them to your cousin. Or... to give them an example of how to do their jobs properly, from what the demon butler saw, they were just as incompetent as the Phantomhive Manor's own staff. Ugh. Such misfortune.
🐈‍⬛ Sebastian did however meet your own butler who went by the name of Trey Clover. He was quite impressed with his performance considering he was a human. Though later in the visit you had sent Trey to assist him with dessert, something about "Trey, go make me a tart.". And dear me did Sebastian find out your butler can make a good ass tart.
🎩 Ciel was quite shocked to find that he had any family left after Madam Red's unfortunate passing. You looked a bit similar to his aunt as well, but you quickly clarified that you were his distant cousin twice removed. The young earl was definitely taken aback at your intense dedication to the rules your mother raised you with. Ciel was even more shocked that you hold your staff to the same rules and behead those who disobey.
🎩 Truth be told he finds you quite childish and audacious, such rules are utterly ridiculous, and he tells you so. Fortunately, you can't bring yourself to behead Ciel and the two of you delve into a long talk about your differing childhoods. He learned of your mother and what she put you through, but he can't help but be envious that you still have your parent, even if they aren't the best. Ciel doesn't tell you that though.
🧹 Poor Mey'rin is terrified of you! She was moving a stack of expensive china plates from the storage room to the kitchen and as she walked through the tea room, past you and the young master, she tripped! The plates sailed to the ground and broke on impact. As Mey'rin turned to apologize, she was met with a very angry you, shouting about how she should be beheaded for her mistake.
🧹 Thankfully one of your staff, Ace, made up some excuse that calmed you down and helped her up. Mey'rin instantly fell in love, he was such a 'kind gentleman'. How he looked in her eyes with that boyish smirk and said, "Let's get outta here.", she couldn't hold herself together and sprinted out of the room in embarrassment.
🧯 Bardroy is peak annoyed with you, he already has the young master, he doesn't need another spoiled child to deal with. He was 'cooking' in the kitchen, right, trying to make something for the esteemed guest. So he did the usual, light a stick of dynamite and toss it in the oven, right? Then the oven exploded and Bardroy could hear your shouting all the way from the game room.
🧯 You ended up sending in one of your staff to check out what happened in the kitchen and that's how he met Deuce. Bardroy thought he was a pretty nice kid even if he too had no idea how to cook without being destructive either. He also found the interest in pots to be weird. "Let's just use a pot!" "Eh!? Steak in a pot?"
🪴 You scare Finny sometimes, yes, but he knows that deep down you're probably really nice. While both you and the young master were sitting in the garden having tea, he accidentally let a hedgehog loose. However, his suspicions were proved right when he noticed that you had picked up the hedgehog and sat it on your lap, petting it as if it were a cat.
🪴 A member of your staff named Cater had literally bumped into him while he was walking past the newly installed rose hedges. He and Finnian got along swimmingly as they spoke about their shared interests with one another. He also found that Cater really enjoyed taking photographs in his free time.
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patriot2525 · 3 months ago
I need to see Commissar Arc meeting the atlas students like Neon, Coal, Ciel, and especially Penny.
Meeting the Commissar
Neon Katt
Neon: Sup, cutie. *gives a wink to the Commissar*
Commissar Arc: ... *completely speechless, as he stared at the abhumans so called uniform* What. is. this. *pointing at her attire, with a shaking finger*
Neon: like what you see, eh. *Give a catch smile, to the blonde Commissar* If you want we can go to a party and have som-ekk *grabbed by her collar with one hand of the Commissar, and first to stare right into the ever menacing Cybernetic glowing red eye of the Commissar*
Commissar Arc: YOU LISTEN HERE AND LISTEN WILL, BECAUSE I WILL NOT REPEAT MYSELF! *Brings her slightly closer to him* YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY CHANGE THIS INSULT OF A UNIFORM INTO A PROPER ONE, BEFORE I PUNISH YOU WITH 100 LASHES! *intensifying his angry glare, before lowering his voice into a whispering* Do I make myself clear, abhuman!?
Neon: *nodding furiously her head, While stuttering in fear* YES MASTER! I MEAN, YES SIR MASTER! I MEAN, YES MASTER SIR! I MEAN, YES SIR! *Shakingly trying to salute the Commissar*
Commissar Arc: Good. *Released his grip from Neon’s collar, and leds her fall to the ground*
Neon: *Hit the hard ground with her butt* OOF!
Commissar Arc: *Turns around with his back to Neon* You better have a proper uniform on yourself, when I return for a check up. *Turning his head to glance back at her with a glare* or there will be severe consequences, once I return. *starts to walk away from Neon, who staring at the walking way form of the Commissar*
Neon: ...
Neon: Is it weird that I feel turned on by this? *asking no one in particular, while having a small blush on her cheeks*
Flynt Coal
Flynt: Hey you! *points at the Commissar, while approaches him*
Commissar Arc: *Looks at Flynt* Yes?
Flynt: *narrowing his eyes* Are you that guy that threatened my teammate?
Commissar Arc: *raised an eyebrow* and if did?
Flynt: Listen buddy, I don't know what your deal is or who you are. *slightly lowering his sunglasses, to stay right in the Commissar’s eyes* But I know this, if you threaten my teammate again, I will shove my trumpet so far up your as-AEK!!! *gets interrupted by a punch from the Commissar to his stomach, Which makes him lose his breath. The Commissar then kicked to the back of his legs, causing him to fall on his back to the hard ground*
Commissar Arc: *Stomps his boot on Flynt’s chest*
Flynt: AH! *Feels the heavy boot of the Commissar on his chest, And then he heard a loud “CLICK” sound. He cautiously opened his eyes, to which he was meant with the sight the Commissar’s medicine form that was glaring down at him and the sight of barrel of the Commissar’s bolt pistol pointing at his face*
Commissar Arc: *Glare down at Flynt, while increasing the pressure of his boot on Flynt’s chest* I suggest you choose your words very wisely guardsmen.
Flynt: ... *gulps hard, unable to say anything out of both fear and nervousness*
Commissar Arc: Nothing to say? good. *Kneels down, while still maintaining the pressure on Flynt’s chest* Then I suggest you listen to me, very carefully. *increase the pressure on Flynt’s chest* I am a Commissar. My duties are to maintain order and discipline in the guardsmen regiment, that includes keeping dogs like you in check. *Pressing the barrel of his bald pistol on to Flynt’s forehead*
Flynt: *Feels his heart skips a bit, as he saw the Commissar’s finger was on the trigger*
Commissar Arc: You Should never threaten a Commissar, If you don't want to be executed as a heretic.
Flynt: *eyes widen at the mention of getting executed*
Commissar Arc: But fortunately for you, I am more merciful than the other Commissars. *Retracted his bolt pistol from pointing at Flynt’s forehead* So I suggest to you to be thankful, from my merciful forgiveness of your insolent insult. *begin straightening up, before lessing the pressure of his boot on Flynt’s chest*
Flynt: *takes a big gulp of breath, as if he finally came out of the water*
Commissar Arc: Now before you tried to threaten me, with your poor attempt at intimidation. *takes off his boot off Flynt’s chest* you wanted to know for what reason was my harsh treatment given to your abhuman companion, it's quite simple.
Flynt: *As the Commissar's boot was off his chest, he finally managed to lift himself slightly up. while still maintaining his eye contact with the Commissar, waiting to hear the answer*
Commissar Arc: The abhuman has shown disrespect to the guard and to the entire Astra Militarum by wearing that disgusting excuse of a uniform, and this kind of disrespectful behaviour is something that I will not tolerate! *looks at Flynt’s clothes* And It seems that I need to suggest the same thing, as I did to you abhuman companion. *Turns around with his back to Flynt* So I suggest that you change your uniform immediately, if you don’t wish to be punished for real this time. *begins to walk away*
Flynt: *Watching as the Commissar walked off* Man, this guy is scarier than the drill sergeant...
Ciel Soleil
Commissar Arc: *walking in the beacons hallways, About to take a right turn*
???: off *accidentally bumps into Commissar*
Commissar Arc: *slightly pushed back* Are you all right, guardswoman?
???: *immediately straightening herself up, before giving a proper salute to the Commissar* Yes Sir. My Apology for bumping into you, Sir. it is my fault for not watching where I was going, Sir. *takes a proper soldiers Stand, with her hands behind her back*
Commissar Arc: *slightly surprised at her actions, but quickly returns his serious expression* Could it be? A disciplined Guardsman for once, or at least Not like the others ones that I have the misfortune of encountering them. *slightly annoyed at the bitter memory of his two recent encounters, but quickly returns his focused at the guardswoman that was front of him* What’s your designation? Guardswoman.
Ciel: I am Huntress in training, Ciel Soleil. I am a student of Atlas Academy, and a proud member of the Atlas military.
Commissar Arc: *nods his head* Ah, finally some properly disciplined soldier Behavior. *Give a small smile* Tell me Guardswoman Soleil, where are you currently headed?
Ciel: I was headed to training class, for my routine schedule.
Commissar Arc: *raised an eyebrow* Routine schedule? Can you elaborate on that, guardswoman.
Ciel: Yes Sir. I have a schedule for every day, with each schedule filled with tasks for me to do and to improve my efficiency and study to become a huntress.
Commissar Arc: *very impressed, but not showing it*interesting, and what do you wish to achieve by doing this?
Ciel: *Makes a determined face* I wish to become one of the Atlas specialists, The Ace-Ops. The Atlas Elite soldiers, the best of the best.
Commissar Arc: *now genuinely showing his prideful Commissar smile, at Ciel’s determination to achieving her goal* By the throne, finally a true example of a warrior of mankind. If I would train her, I could mould her into a proper example of a guardsman, or perhaps even a Commissar. *Cleans his throat, returning into his commanding Commissar demeanour* Guardswoman Soleil, Do you know who I am?
Ciel: Yes, Sir. You are Commissar Jaune Arc, an officer that has a duty to maintain order and discipline amongst the soldiers. As well eliminate any corruption and traitors among the rings. This is all that we were informed by general ironwood about you, Sir.
Commissar Arc: Good, This makes things much more easier. *Puts his hand on Ciel’s shoulder* Guardswoman Soleil, You have shown remarkable disciplined and exemplary behaviour befitting of the guardsmen. Even though my first encounter with the two disappointing excuses of the Atlas’s guardsman that I have misfortune of meeting earlier. *showing bitter annoyance at the memory of them, without trying to hide it* You have proven that there is still hope for Atlas guardsman, which is why I wish to extend an offer for you.
Ciel: *Has her full attention towards the Commissar, eager to learn of the offer*
Commissar Arc: Guardswoman Soleil, I offer you to become my personal assistance. under me, you will be properly train and mould into the likes of Cadian Kasrkin. You will be trained to use various weapons, from the likes of Melee weapons like the chainsword and to the likes of long range weapons like heavy lastguns. you will be also taught how to strategise in every situation, and how to make tactical decisions that will change the course of battle into your favour. *leans closer to her, looking straight into her eyes* But I must warn you, that if you will agree to this, you’ll be subjected to most harsh and painful training that will break you physically as well as mentally, as this path will lead you not only to achieving greatness, but also filled with pain, that will make you sweat and bleed. So tell me guardsman Soleil, do you have what it takes to do this?
Ciel: *Has a fully determined look, as her eyes were shining at the opportunity to be trained by the well respected Commissar* Yes Sir. I'm fully determined to become Atlas elite soldier, it will be great honour to be trained by you, Sir.
Commissar Arc: *Smiles once again with a proud smile* Good. *Turns around and begin walking towards the training grounds* Follow me to training grounds, Guardswoman Soleil. Your training begins now.
Ciel: Yse Sir. *immediately rushing towards the Commissar to catch up with him, before stopping and begins following behind him in a slower pace*
Penny Polendina
Commissar Arc: *simply walking in the hallways, before spotting guardswoman Rose standing in the middle of the hallways* Guardsman Rose, What are you doing standing here?
Ruby: EEP *jump in startled surprise*
Commissar Arc: *simple raised an eyebrow at how easily Ruby got scared*
Ruby: JAU- I mean Commissar Arc, Please don't do that, You scared me. *puffed out her cheeks in a childish manner, while pouting like a little child*
Commissar Arc: *unfazed by Ruby’s childish behaviour, even though his is slightly annoyed by this* You still have not answered my question, Guardswoman Rose. what are you doing in the middle of hallways?
Ruby: Oh, I'm waiting for my friend to come here.
Commissar Arc: A Friend?
Ruby: Yep, She Should be here any second now. Her name is Pen-OFF *gets tackled by someone*
Commissar Arc: *This surprise attack made him instinctively to grab the heeled of his chainsword, ready to unleash the Emperors fury upon the unknown enemy*
Ruby: *Struggling to say and move, due to an orange hair girl on top of her* Aek! Penny you too much heavy, Please get off of me, I can't- Aek! breathe.
Penny: Oh, Sorry friend Ruby. *gets off Ruby, and then help so to get up*
Commissar Arc: *Still holding his weapon, ready to attack at any moment* Guardsman Rose! I demand that you immediately explain who is this?
Ruby: Oh yeah. *Remember that the Commissar was here* Commissar Arc, This is my friend Pen-
Penny: Salutations! I am Penny Polendina and I am combat ready. it's nice to meet you Commissar Arc, general ironwood and friend Ruby told me lot about you *extends her hand for a handshake, while having a bright beaming smile*
Commissar Arc: *Looks at Penny with suspicion, before taking her hand for a handshake. slightly surprised by Penny's very hard hand grip that resembles that of the grips of the metal cybernetic hands of the Tech-Priest, As well feeling the lack of warm of her hand, as if her body was made of cold metal*
Ruby: *Looks at the time in her scroll* Oh no, Penny our Bullhead is about to take off, we need to go now.
Penny: Okay friend Ruby, goodbye Commissar Arc it was nice meeting you. *runs off with Ruby*
Ruby: Bye Jaune! *shouts out, while running with Penny*
Commissar Arc: *silently absorbing as the two Guardswoman running away from his sight, but despite this he still managed to have a glimpse of Polendina’s inner soul, which strangely resembles that of the Adeptus Mechanicus, with it's gray metallic colors of the machine spirit and the blessing of the Omnissiah* Penny Polendina, hem. I Should keep an eye on her, just in case. *begins to walk off*
A/N: and done, I finally finish this. Sorry for the long wait for new post. I can’t give any excuses as it solely my fault at being such a lazy ass. But anyway, I hope you will like it. It’s late in the night so now I’m going to bed but after this, I’m continue working on the second ask. Good night and good day for everybody.
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k-s-morgan · 1 year ago
Those Gentle Slopes: Snippet
Thought to share a final snippet before the posting of the chapter! Have some protective Sebastian and unhinged Ciel)) Also, I have to say that when I'll be writing this chapter from Sebastian's POV, it will be probably creepier than anything that happened so far. He broke my plans and started getting a lot more physical than I expected, having a couple of unplanned realizations. Huh. I love the mystery writing.
“Sebastian,” he barked. His commanding tone must have reached some part of Sebastian’s brain because he turned his head slightly, but he still didn’t let go, and this was infuriating as much as it was flattering.
Looked like not sensing his soul didn’t make Sebastian any less willing to protect him. He still got angry on Ciel’s behalf — angry enough to ignore his orders and common sense.
Good. But unacceptable. If speaking didn’t work…
Ciel stepped out from behind Sebastian and wrapped his hand around his wrist. Shivers of strange, heady heat blossomed all over his body when he sank into the inviting unnatural energy Sebastian was radiating, feeling it sing under his touch. It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep his head cool, but fortunately, Randall’s gurgling sounds helped a little.
And it seemed like he���d already succeeded in something — Sebastian was staring at him now, the deadly redness of his stare quickly softening to a more human shade. Holding his gaze, Ciel tapped against his wrist in rapid succession, recreating the secret language they had devised a long time ago.
Stop. This is an order. You’re still mine, you have to obey me.
He wasn’t certain it would work any better than his verbal commands did, but something about his new approach must have finally gotten through. Sebastian released his grip and let Randall crash to the floor like a sack of sand. He seemed far more interested in Ciel now — one of his hands wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer, and another one touched his chin, tilting his head back to reveal his neck.
The futility of this evaluation was blatantly apparent. Randall hadn’t managed to touch him, so whatever damage Sebastian was checking him for couldn’t be there. It was absolutely ridiculous, but for some reason, Ciel didn’t protest. He stood there patiently, allowing Sebastian to examine him to his satisfaction.
Finally, Sebastian hummed in contentment and let him go. Almost. His fingers slid down to Ciel’s wrist and stayed there, holding it firmly but unobtrusively. His attention returned to Randall’s panting form, and this time, Ciel caught the moment when the darkness flared in his eyes.
“Let me make one thing clear,” Sebastian uttered. A smile touched his lips, but it was as far from what a smile was supposed to be that even Ciel found it disturbing. “If you attempt to inflict any kind of damage on my Master again, the next time your family sees you, you will be chopped into more pieces than your daughter will be able to count. Perhaps I will feed your liquefied remains to her. Would you like that?”                
The desire for something Ciel couldn’t identify took over his rational thoughts again. He almost swayed on his feet, his skin burning, his lips parting in a pleased sigh. More waves of joy crashed into him when Sebastian placed his shoe on Randall’s ankle and pressed against it carefully. His movements seemed feather-light, but the bone cracked anyway, followed by Randall’s pained shout.
“It’s not broken,” Sebastian noted disdainfully. “Consider it your warning. You will leave this house and you will not bring anything that happened here up with anyone. Because I know where you live, and I know how to slip into places unnoticed.” The sharp grin he gave Randall was downright frightening, but Ciel felt like he could drown in it. He shook his head, hoping it would be enough to sober him up. His body was behaving in an increasingly odd way, and it was getting tedious to make sense of its incomprehensive needs and demands.
Wheezing but trying to keep all the sounds locked in his mouth, Randall stood up. He nearly fell down, a pained grimace twisting his red face. What was even more fascinating was the wetness of frustrated tears shining in his eyes. The sight was completely unprecedented, and Ciel stared at it greedily, committing every inch of it to memory.
“You may not believe it right now,” Randall said, his voice hoarse, “but there will be a reckoning. One day, the both of you monsters will die, and I’ll become the last thing you see.”
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year ago
Ciel Phantomhive Whump | Black Butler
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Black Butler
Ep.02 - Drugged, kidnapped, beaten (offscreen), punched x2, gutpunched, unconscious, hostage, held at gunpoint x3, carried Ep.03 - Angry, trauma (20:50) Ep.04 - Scared (06:25), freaking out (13:00), exhausted (15:00), drugged, unconscious, auctioned Ep.05 - Traumatized, hyperventilating, held, arm sliced, choked Ep.06 - Collapse JUKED (11:40), choked (18:55) Ep.07 - Chained Ep.09 - Nearly crushed by statue, held (17:20) Ep.10 - Freaked out (11:50), thrown Ep.11 - Manhandled, birthday trauma, [flashback; branded (05:00)], choked, taunted Ep.12 - [Flashback; Missing, eye bandaged, depressed], carried, held (11:05), tortured flashback (16:30) Ep.13 - Grabbed x2 (04:30, 08:40), vital point hit (11:58) Ep.14 - Trauma (09:30) Ep.16 - Disrespected x1000 Ep.17 - Trauma (10:40, 20:20), snatched Ep.18 - Tortured/reliving trauma x3, unconscious (08:25), anguish (10:50) Ep.19 - Held at gunpoint Ep.20 - Carried (16:30), nearly stabbed (19:30) Ep.21 - Depressed, protected/distracted (adorable) Ep.22 - Hell flashback (14:40), abandoned Ep.23 - Tackled, shot, carried Ep.24 - Bandaged, consumed by the mist, bleeding out, hanging, large fall, unconscious, dead
Black Butler II
Ep.01 - Encased Ep.02 - Drowning, unconscious Ep.03 - Trauma (05:05), tackled (11:50), knocked against wall from explosion (15:25) Ep.04 - Restrained (13:20), hostage, carried x2 Ep.05 - Amnesia reveal, trauma (04:30), freaking out (06:05, 09:20, 16:05), headaches x2, collapse Ep.06 - Sound attack (05:50), pain, [Flashback; Unconscious/soulless, corpse kidnapped (14:25)] Ep.07 - Choked, pushed from balcony, hand sliced, bleeding out carried Ep.09 - Trauma (09:00), restrained, abducted, gutpunched, unconscious, mental torture, waterboarded, memories replaced, weak Ep.10 - What the actual fudge (17:20), passes out Ep.11 - Trapped, crying, collapse Ep.12 - Unconscious, trapped, drowning, bleeding, 'dead'
Black Butler: Book of Circus
Ep.01 - Head 'shot' (15:20) Ep.02 - Exhausted, allergies (14:25, 20:35, 21:25) Ep.03 - Angry, tightrope, pebbled with tiny rocks x1000, tortured/forced to smile Ep.04 - Stressful commoner life, brand scar revealed (21:25), cold & wet, trauma (22:05) Ep.05 - Encased (08:30), very sick (15:05+), throws up, passes out, weak, hallucinating Ep.06 - [Nightmare; trauma/branding ceremony, Madame Red] Coughing fits, fever, carried, asthma fit (17:30), restrained to bed Ep.07 - Prolonged sleep, branding trauma (21:55) Ep.08 - Branding trauma Ep.09 - Branding trauma (19:25), throws up, crying, carried Ep.10 - Carried cont.
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rea-grimm · 9 months ago
The crow and the spider - London time pt 1
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inspired by missions from Assassin's creed Syndicate
Finally, after a long time, you were safe in your newly renovated home. It wasn't entirely true that you were completely without servants. You just didn't need as many as the others. You just needed a servant who could take care of the whole house.
In London, you didn't think you'd run into Phantomhive and Trancy again, even though you knew they visited the city now and then. 
You chased down a few Templars who might have the information you needed. You came across as a damsel in distress, pursued by dangerous men. But you knew what you were doing, and slowly and surely, you lured them into a trap. 
With a swift step, you crossed the street and headed for the dead end where you wanted to get them to talk. They followed you like dogs. You didn't know anyone else was following you.
As you crossed the street, you didn't notice the black butler with the red eyes who hadn't missed your situation. He still hadn't let you out of his mind, and now that he had you in his grasp again he wasn't about to give you up. 
He ran after you, and in a flash, he had pacified any thugs who might have harmed you. Sebastian was satisfied with his work and wanted to make sure you were okay. 
"Why did you do that?! Now I have to start over!" you yelled at him in a flustered voice. You were angry with him. Why did he have to interfere with your work? You didn't ask for anything like this.
Angrily, you walked away with a quick step. You needed to come up with a new plan. Sebastian went back to Ciel, but he kept thinking about your reaction. He didn't expect something like this. 
The evening of the much-awaited ball at Alois's was finally here. You wore the dress from Ciel and also the shoes you practised in with Sebastian. 
You hid a hidden blade under your gloves for emergencies. You also hid a dagger and a small gun in your clothes just in case.
Everything was calm. Nothing suspicious was happening. That is, until Hannah, Alois's maid, started playing a strange musical instrument. You couldn't hear much of the music, since your ancestor couldn't hear certain notes. 
Therefore, you were also immune to the effect of the music. Everyone else who heard this tone lost control and started attacking each other. 
You've never seen anything like it. You've only read about the various effects of the Isu artefacts. That's why you thought the instrument was a fragment of Eden, like the Apple of Eden. 
You pulled out a gun and pointed it at the instrument. You had to prevent more casualties and prevent this madness altogether. As soon as no one was in your way, you fired and the instrument shattered into shards.
Some of the shards hit Hannah. She was outraged. How dare an ordinary person interrupt her musical performance and hurt her?
She saw you as a threat to her master that had to be eliminated. Hannah lunged at you, and you had to do everything you could to avoid her deadly attacks. You've never fought anyone this strong and fast. 
You've been mostly on the defensive and only minimally successful on the offensive. Somehow, you managed to hit Hannah with a hidden blade. The maid cried out in surprise and rolled to the ground. How could an ordinary weapon kill her?
Hannah breathed her last, and you noticed a Templar in the crowd that you had been trying to reach for some time. You weren't going to waste this opportunity and went after him. 
You passed Sebastian, who was fighting with Claude and the triplets. 
You didn't know what happened later at the mansion. 
You were chasing Templars across the rooftops of London one night. Or rather, it was the other way around. You were running from the Templars who were on your tail, trying to get rid of you. 
You were jumping from rooftop to rooftop and you thought you were heading for another fight. You heard the sounds of fighting and a chainsaw. You had no idea what was going on, but you didn't care. Now you couldn't jump anywhere else, so you decided to take a chance. 
On the roof, Sebastian was fighting Grell, who you had only met once, but that was enough for you. You ran between them and almost lost your head in the process. You ducked at the last moment and hid on the other side of the roof.
The fight between the two stopped for a moment, and instead, the sound of gunfire echoed through the air. Bullets were flying over your head. But that soon passed. You peeked out to see Grell and Sebastian had taken care of all the Templars that were chasing you. 
You scrambled to your feet as you barely dodged a chainsaw that missed you by mere inches from your neck. You jumped aside to get some distance. Sebastian headed towards you, wanting to make sure you were okay. Even though you were wearing a uniform and a hood that covered your face. But he recognized you. He'd recognize you anywhere. 
But just before you could properly register your surroundings, Grell pounced on you. He was angry at you for distracting Sebastian, who he wanted all to himself. 
His attack was pretty straightforward, though, so you had no problem dodging it, plus wrestling the device out of his hands. You pushed Grell aside and were about to use his own weapon on him when you were stopped by another man in a black jacket and glasses. 
He explained the situation to you briefly, took the chainsaw from you, and led Grell away. He was obviously facing some sort of punishment. 
With the situation sort of explained, you decided to go home. You didn't come out of that whole evening unscathed. Grell had hit you after all, and the wound in your side was beginning to reverberate more and more. 
The next day, you were on your rounds in London when you bumped into a butler on the high street. You wanted to get it off your chest and back home as soon as possible so the wound in your side wouldn't reopen. 
But you didn't expect to meet the butler again. He sought your presence first and you talked for a while. He took you gently around the waist and touched your wound. You were too close to cry out in pain. 
Your reaction, however, did not escape the demon and only confirmed his assumption. 
Sebastian and Claude met in the city when they were investigating the same thing. Their encounter first resulted in an argument and then almost a fight when they smelled the familiar scent of blood along the way. 
At that moment all their bickering ceased, and they exchanged worried expressions before they set off on the trail of blood. It led them to a remote area where fight clubs were being held. 
Once inside, they had to restrain themselves from breaking into the circle and destroying everyone there. 
Because in the middle of the circle was you. The multiple and undefeated champions of the arena. With a healed wound on your side, you fisted your way through the other fighters and it was obvious you were enjoying it. You needed to finally let off some steam. 
Just when the demons thought it was finally over, more fighters came at you. Every time you got hit, or seemed to be at a disadvantage, they nearly broke the railing and shot murderous glares at everyone. 
After a few rounds, you were finally declared the winner and went to the bookmaker to give you the promised information. However, he refused sternly, as he felt you had not kept your end of the bargain.
"You told me to play. I did and I won. The deal was not that I would lose, but that I would participate!" You fumed, as he was supposed to have important information as to your next goal.
However, the bookmaker was adamant and wasn't going to just give you the information. At least until the two butlers appeared behind you, and it was clear from their looks that if he didn't give you the information, he'd be finished. For good. 
Once you got your information, you turned towards the exit with a good feeling, noticing the demons. You didn't expect them in a place like this. Even though that's what they were asking you. They didn't think this was a place fit for a lady. They escorted you home, where they made sure you were okay before they had to bid you a gradual, reluctant farewell.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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darkspellmaster · 3 months ago
Hello! Same anon as the Lizzy n ciel stuff! (Call me Yuri) I had like a lil concept of a scene and stuff. Not too important but wanted to share1!1!1!1!
So basically it starts off with the nice students looking for ciel cus he went missing (grim ran into heartslaybul crying abt it). They search for hours and meet up in ramshackle, where they start to hear music playing (Circus arc ost) so they go and investigate and see ciel just standing there.
And he’s wearing like his ouji esq clothes (like this but black where the white is https://pin.it/4Uuk7tWij !1!1) and they’re all confused?? Until a man wearing a butlers outfit emerges from the shadows (Sebastian) and kneels. So now they even MORE confused?? But lillia, Jade, and fly’s recognize him so they’re a lil more confused.
One of adeuce or riddle try calling out to him and waking to him, but stopped due to a magic barrier of some kind. And ciel hears so he turns back and only saw him for a split second before Sebastian made him face foward again. The music gets louder and he leads ciel into a waltz, and the students (some) start to panic as the shadows take shape.
Sebastian’s face holding a smug grin and for the most part makes direct eye contact with the students. The shadows create illusions of the past and he leads him mad ciel to standing on them. The shadows working as platform stairs, they make their way back down soon after.
Meanwhile the cast are getting more frantic (especially those particularly close to him). From the few times. They see ciel he looks likes he’s accepted something, but also tried and sad. At the end Sebastian dips him enough the he sees the NRC guys. His eyepatch his gone, he mouths the words ‘I’m sorry’ before giving a small but real smile. And this his eyes start to dull and eventually close. Sebastian picks him up and carries him how he usually does. Then he hands him off to the shadows, he plays with him for a little (as in putting him in the same pose he did o!ciel). He brings ciel closer to them before taking him back and laying him against a rose bush (white roses) before speaking to the students.
I’m not quite sure what he would say, but it would leave some if not all angry. And then he just disappears as the barrier goes away! (One thing I forgot to mention was that the garden in ramshackle is fixed. Just rose bushes, white roses bushes)
Ciel Hc fr tho: he can do flips, yknow those flips that his stage actor did while dancing. Yeah that
Hello Yuri, Wow that is dark at the ending, but really interesting. Thank you for sharing. And is that the dress that was used in the cover of the earlier chapter with Madam Red?
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aioledreams · 7 months ago
FFXIVWrite 2024 Day 1: Steer
Ciel and her mother make the passage to Vylbrand some time before the events of Carteneau.
A pair of bright blue eyes peers at the lanky hyur from the edge of the ship’s deck. Lips pursed, the ship’s helmsman glances at the redheaded elezen girl and then lifts his eyes back to the horizon. He turns the ship’s wheel to angle her nose away from the dark cloud kissing the water’s surface in the distance, crackles of levin energy arcing through it. 
“Thought we told you to keep ‘er belowdecks” a gruff voice carries from behind the helmsman, making the girl jump. The eyes of the weary roegadyn weren’t focused on her, but on a grown woman who was in the process of pulling the girl away from her view of the helm. “Goin’ to enough trouble for you and yours already, if she falls off the side we won’t be stoppin’” the man gives the inky blotches on the horizon a meaningful look. 
“Won’t happen again.” The woman promises, digging her fingers a little firmer than intended into the girl’s shoulders as she angles her away from the sailors and back toward the stairs that lead below deck. The girl knows better than to try to wriggle free; she’s already been caught. 
“Crazy woman” the girl hears the ship’s captain say as they retreat “Who bargains passage in this mess.” 
“Already got the gil up front, though” the hyur replies, hands still on the wheel to adjust course, trying to avoid the storm. 
“Aye, enough to spare the cargo space at least.” The roegaydn agrees. “Not any extra trouble. You see her up and about again, you send her back down.” 
The voices chase them down the stairs and then fade into the howling of the wind. When the pair is beneath the shade of the decks above, only dim glimmers of fading afternoon light from gaps in the wood overhead serve to guide them through the black below. The older woman catches the girl when she stumbles on the last step, then guides her around people and cargo to a quiet space out of the way. 
“You should know better than this by now, Ciel.” The woman warns, her face a mixture of fatigue and frustration, just enough to mask the fear. “You’re not a child anymore.” Those words are more tired than angry, almost sad.
The girl, stuck in that awkward stage where she wasn’t quite the young woman her mother claimed, nor the child the sailors saw her as, looks for her part apologetic, regretful. She leans against a crate and sits on the wooden planks, pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on them. “Sorry mama.” She says as she looks away, embarrassed and angry. 
The woman’s look softens, and she settles beside the girl, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Her hair is brown where her daughter’s is red, her eyes green where her daughter’s were blue. It was painful how much she looked like her father, the one they never really talked about. “We’ll be off the ship soon.” The woman squeezes the girl’s shoulders and tries to smile. “Starting our new life together.” Her tone is encouraging, hopeful. 
Ciel sinks into her mother’s embrace, breathing in her familiar soap and tea smell mixed with the salty scent of the sea. The rush of emotions she felt a moment before seems to ebb, shift. “I miss home.” She says softly. “I miss Leo” the arm around her shoulders tightens and relaxes. 
Leommeaux wasn’t really at home anymore. He had left to squire to a dragoon a fortnight ago. The woman rubs the girl’s upper arm and squeezes her shoulders again. “You’ll make new friends. We’ll make a new home. No fighting. No dragons.” The woman’s voice gains strength with each affirmation, even as the ship begins to rock with the winds. 
“No dragons…” Ciel echoes quietly. She blinks once or twice, tears budding in the corners of her eyes. “Do you think Leo… do you think he’ll be alright? I won’t…” won’t be there to mend his wounds. The sentence finishes in the woman’s mind without her daughter needing to say it. They had argued about it before leaving. 
The mother heaves a sigh and they are silent for a while. They both know what is likely to happen to Leo. The ship rocks around them. Cargo strains against its tethers. The girl grows tense as the mother steels herself for the troubles ahead. Traveling to a land run by pirates when it was already embroiled in another war, a different war. As the waves crash against the wooden sides of their vessel, she wonders if it is a fair trade. 
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crepe-of-wrath · 2 years ago
Utter Self-Indulgence: What I Fantasize about Blorbos [Alucard, Sebastian, Aizawa] Smelling Like
This is inspired by THIS POST that someone else made about Aizawa (post also reblogged on my tumblr). I haven't been able to get the "what fragrance would I pick for them?" thoughts out of my head. Before we get started, I want to acknowledge again that I know that men in Japan traditionally don't wear the type of fragrances I'm discussing here. But, I like fragrances and I also like thinking about these characters. Final Warning: Absurdly self-indulgent post incoming.
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I think we need to have an incense fragrance here, as I like to think that it would amuse even the non-Abridged version of Alucard to smell like incense just because it would make Maxwell angry. (He shouldn't have insulted Integra, eh?)
I also like the idea of picking at least one fragrance marketed to women for Alucard because he transcends these categories. So maybe something like Bois d'Iris by Van Cleef and Arpels, which dries down on some people like what can best be described as cold smoke, which is a visual that feels very Alucard to me.
Another way this fragrance is often described is: imagine silver had a smell and that smell had just a hint of florals to it. Again, I think Alucard would appreciate the humor in a vampire such as himself smelling like silver.
Since Alucard is so changeable, we can't have just one fragrance pick, can we?
When Alucard dances vintage ballroom dances with you, staring down at you with those hypnotic red eyes, wouldn't it be lovely if you could smell a classic Givenchy when he brought you in close? I'm thinking original Gentleman, which has lots of deep, dark, notes, while also playing around with the fougère structure, and, while I don't like straight fougères all that much, it seems wrong not to imagine Alucard wearing something that pays tribute to that fragrance family.
I also like the idea of Alucard layering something very dry and medicinal with an over the top sweet warm vanilla, maybe like Guerlain Double Spiritueuse (another perfume marketed as feminine but again who fucking cares?) just for the contrast, and because smelling that hint of comforting vanilla would be so nice when he wraps you up in those massive arms.
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Something that defies the usual trends is necessary here
There is literally a perfume named Ciel by the fragrance house Amouage
And yes, it is damn cheesy (and possibly creepy) to imagine Sebastian wearing a perfume called Ciel, but it's a compelling fit.
(If it really squicks one out to imagine Sebastian wearing a perfume called Ciel, there is also Amouage Dia, which travels in the same scent family circles as Ciel, IMO. However, I truly believe Ciel is the more unusual fragrance and thus the most suited for Bassy.)
Ciel has aspects of fougères, but it also has this big peachy, floral-aldehyde blast.
It is a scent that feels very geometric to me
Like, if any of you know the Thoth Tarot, the components of this scent block together and push against each other like the angular, transparent wings of the Sword Court Cards.
The shifty, airy, gender-eschewing nature feels very appropriate for an immortal demon being.
Dark horse selection: Lorenzo Villoresi Garofano (marketed for women, but a big floral and green combination that plays off Victoriana without having any elements I dislike.)
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Goddddddd, just imagine he's getting dressed for his once-every-three-months fancy occasion
And then he applies some Knize Ten, the warmest, most traditionally masculine, least pretentious (IMO) of the leather classics. Like good, classic boots and other quality, long-lasting things.
I associate leather with nature, groundedness, comfort, and, strangely enough, competence [look, humans are weird], which are all things I associate w/Aizawa, which is probably why I'm so fixated on him smelling like this.
I'm sorry, my brain just about fucking shorts out at this point. Just imagine walking by and seeing him with his hair already up and then surprising him as he's about to put on his dress shirt, wrapping your arms around him, running your hands over his bare chest, just breathing in sexy leather
ohhhhh myyyyy godddddd
(Forgive the 2010's typing style, but my overwhelmed brain is reverting to what it knows.)
Another choice that would be really hot: the Tiffany for Men (as in the one that practically can't be found any longer): a warm, comforting, delicious, cinnamon/nutmeg/cedar-y treat to smell as he holds you close on a cold night.
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xxlucyxlolaxx · 2 years ago
You have a mother?!
Sebastian's eyes immediately changed to vibrant red like a blood moon. Looking at the young master with such venom....the little brat deserved to be reminded that he is no human, and he won't always take crap from him.
" Mention her again and our contract is done. You will be devoured before you could even blink." Said Sebastian in his usual calm demeanor and the typical smile on his face, but Ciel could see very clearly that he was angry. From the way his eyes watched him. It was the eyes of a hungry monster waiting for a chance.
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ants-personal · 1 year ago
thinking about the longer tim is around evan and on this journey the more of his psst does come up to haunt him
At this point tim was in a ..slightly better place he moved past hornets and everything that happened he had gotten help and simply planned to leave forests and slenderman behind and not give them the opportunity to come back
Hence why he lives in his small beachy town across the country
But all this new stress and trama and habits brings him right back to that helpless confused and tragic time.
He has better coping skills at this time so it hasnt been the worse. Plus habits been lenient and let evan be in control for the most part so hes been able to deal with the anxiety easily.
That is until the nightmares hes seen evan and his nightmares everything still so fresh to him before being spit out of the woods and into tims car. Tim relates he remembers what it was like going for drives simply to clear his mind, or just staring at the cieling covered in sweat and tears till the sun came up.
But tim hasn't had one in long time and so it hits him harder then ever before bloodied corpes of his friends grabbing and dragging him over the forest ground as he scrambles and digs his nails into the dirt its so real he swears he can feeeel it under his nails. Kicking and screaming finally breaking free only to be in a dark house windows and dorrs beinng covered in dark thick branches and he tries to pry them off. The high pitch screeching starts and his vison becomes grainy and blurred screaming as the tall man grows larger in the corner.
He wakes with a shout sheets twisted over his legs sweaty and heart beating hard in his chest. Evan is standing by his side with his hands up a long deep scratch running down his arm. Eyes flickering over tim looking for any sign of injuries or potential attacks asking him if hes okay what happened.
Tim head is spinning as he pushes himself up and rubs his eyes apologizing if he freaked evan. Taking deep breaths out runnig his hands theoug his hair before dropping them as a glass of water is held out for him. He takes it as evan sits on the edge of the bed crossing his legs. He waves tim off with a half smile
"Its fine really I was more worried that you didnt have nightmares. Kinda made me feel like a wimp to be honest."
Theyd both lightly laugh at that tims hands are still shaking but the glass is empty and hes feeling better till his eyes travel along the red angry scratch running up evans forarm.
" Did .. I do that to you?"
Evan looks down at his arm and rubs at it before shrugging
" Yeah but only after i tried to wake you up. Youd think i would have learned not to do that, but i dont know You started mumbling something and jerking in your sleep..... so i tried shaking you. And pffft let me you tell you man you have the grip of like a goddamn beartrap i couldnt get my arm out."
i dont have like an ending to this scene really tim feels bad but evans fine with it really if anyrhing hes hurt friends and loves ones enough its only fair it happens to him but yeah maybe they go out to get coffee and fresh air or just sit and watch the sunrise idk really.
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bleachanimefan1 · 8 months ago
The Midnight Masquerade Part 7
His Butler, Chance Encounter,
It was in the afternoon and Cassandra decided to go to the park to think. She was sitting on the bench, watching the birds and watching the sunset. Then Cassandra heard footsteps slowly approaching closer to her and a voice spoke to her.
"Cassandra?" She turned and saw Grell standing a few feet from her, and he started to walk over to her.
"Grell? What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to make sure that you were alright." He smiled and took a seat next to her, sitting a few inches away. "I've noticed that you've been kind of quiet since last night at the Viscount place. Did anything happen?"
"I'm fine. Maybe a little shaken up and a little angry that I got shot at. All of that for nothing. The murder is still out there." Cassandra told him. Grell's eyes widen.
"You got shot!?" He exclaimed.
"But I'm alright. The bullet missed, luckily." Cassandra assured him.
"That's good."
"Yeah." Cassandra smiled and the two sat with each for a few moments in silence. Then Cassandra glanced over at Grell. "So other than the color red, tell me something else about you?"
"I like poetry and theatrical arts." He told her.
"That sounds interesting. So, you like romantic stuff?" Cassandra asked him. Grell made a small smile.
"You can say that. What about you? How did you end up with a crazy guy like the Undertaker? What about your parents? You never really talk about them." Grell asked her then he noticed Cassandra eyes drop a little.
"I'm sorry! If you don't want to talk about it-"
"No, it's okay. You asked, didn't you? It's fair since I asked you a lot of questions." Cassandra told him and continued.
"It's not a day that I'd like to remember. It happened ten years ago. It was late in the night; my parents had tucked me in. A loud noise woke me up and I went to go wake my parents. Someone had broken into the house. I didn't get to see who it was. I don't know why they attacked. My parents never done anything to anyone. All I remember, there was blood everywhere and smoke. I heard my mother screaming and my father telling me to run. So, I did. I heard my parents screams as they were killed.
I ran and never looked back until I collapsed in an alley. The next morning, I heard footsteps coming closer towards me. I grabbed a sharp piece of glass and lunged at them thinking it was the person who attacked our home. It was Undertaker.
He told me that my parent's had been burned down and my mother and father were killed. I didn't want to believe him, but I went to see it for myself. The house was gone and so were my parents. There was nothing but ash. So, Undertaker took me in. He's the only one close to family that I have left."
Grell, listened, silently, processing the whole story. It was almost similar to the Phantomhive brat. This can't be a coincidence. He looked at her, sadly. "Cassandra, I'm sorry."
"It happened a long time ago. I don't really know what to feel. But the main thing is that I'm alive. My parents died for that, and I won't let that go to waste. And also, I got to meet you." Cassandra spoke and smiled and slowly started to slide her hand over towards Grell's. Grell quickly pulled away and cleared his throat and quickly got up, avoiding his gaze from hers. "I'm sorry I got to go. There's some business that I need to attend to."
"Oh, okay. We'll talk later then." Cassandra nodded, smiling a little.
"Sure." Grell smiled and he left, and Cassandra waved goodbye to him as he did. Once Grell was gone, Cassandra's smile dropped a little.
"I'm so dumb. Why did I think he would like me."
It was late in the middle of the night, Ciel and Sebastian and Cassandra were waiting near an alley to a building of the latest victim the killer was most likely going to strike next. Every now and then it was drizzling rain. Cassandra shivered a little from the cold air.
"I still think this is a bad idea to let you come." Ciel muttered.
"I'm not going to get shot for nothing and not know who the killer is." Cassandra retorted. They have been standing guard to the only entrance to the house and waiting for several hours and nobody had passed by. 
"You're sure this is the place, right, Sebastian?" Ciel questioned.
"Yes. I've told you many times. I haven't gotten it wrong." Sebastian spoke.
"I've realized the prostitutes have other things in common besides their missing organs. Why go through the trouble of killing them?" Ciel wondered.
"Such pretty black fur..." Sebastian murmured. Cassandra blinked in confusion. Fur? She turned her head and saw Sebastian hugging a cat. Ciel saw as well, staring at Sebastian, angrily.
"Sebastian! Are you even listening to me!?"
"I couldn't help it. She was so beautiful." Sebastian replied.
"We are not keeping it! Now let it go!" Ciel shouted.
"I apologize, master, she's so soft."
Then a blood curdling scream pierced the air. "How could they have gotten past us!?"
"But this is the only entrance, isn't it? There's no way..." Cassandra questioned as well. Ciel quickly ran heading towards the door and busted it open. Sebastian and Cassandra followed behind him. Cassandra saw Ciel immediately stop.
"Ciel, why'd you stop? What's wrong?"
Sebastian quickly stopped her before grabbing Ciel, covering his eyes and quickly pulled him away from the door. Cassandra's eyes widen when she saw Ciel threw up.
"Ciel!? What did you see?" She asked about to walk towards the door, but Sebastian stopped her.
"Do not go in there." He warned her. Cassandra stopped and looked at Ciel in worry before turning her head towards the door when she heard footsteps coming towards them.
"You've made quite a bloody mess of things in there, Jack the Ripper, or rather, Grell Sutcliff."
Cassandra's eyes widen as she saw Grell step out of the house. He was covered from head to toe in blood.
"N-No, you're mistaken! I-I heard a scream and rushed to help!" Grell cried out before he glanced over at Cassandra for some help. "Cassandra, tell them!"
"Sebastian, Grell couldn't have done this. He...he couldn't..." Cassandra spoke before Sebastian cut her off.
"You can drop the innocent act, Grell. It's over. You know this is the first time I've actually met someone like you in the human world. You've played the role of helpless butler well. You're act almost had everybody completely fooled." Sebastian smirked. Cassandra looked at Sebastian, confused. Someone like you? Human world?
"Sebastian, what are you talking about?"
Then Cassandra heard Grell chuckle. "Really? You think so? How kind." Grell smiled and his teeth became razor sharp. Cassandra felt her the world shattered around her as she stared at the man, she cared about deeply, becoming less human by the second, in shock. Grell undid the bow holding his long hair and it flowed down to his waist then he pulled out a comb washing away the brown dye, revealing strikingly red hair.
"After all, I am an actress and quite a good one at that." She put on some false eye lashes. "Of course, you're not really Sebastian, either, are you?"
"Sebastian is the name my master has given me." Sebastian answered. "So that is who I am, for now."
"So, you're playing the faithful dog. Well, you're handsome enough to get away with it." Grell switched out her glasses for a pair of red spectacles with a long chain and skulls on each end. She pushed her glasses up, smiling at them. "Anyway, here we are, Sebastian, no, I'll call you Bassy! Let me introduce myself. The Burnett butler, Grell Sutcliff at your service." She blew a kiss over to Sebastian, who cringed in disgust.
"You're a crossdresser?" Cassandra stammered.
"I hated having to hide my red hair and dressing in such dull colored clothes. This is the real me." Grell said before looking at Sebastian. "Although, I'm very surprised to see someone like you. I've never met a demon playing a butler."
Cassandra's eyes widen at Grell's words. Demon? Sebastian wasn't even a human. No human could do the things he could do.
"Well, that explains so much." Cassandra murmured, softly. Sebastian glanced over at her a little in surprise before looking at Grell.
"I should say the same thing about you. I've never thought I would see one of your kind playing the role of butler, either. You're supposed to be an intermediary between man and God. A Grim Reaper." He smirked.
Cassandra's eyes widen. Grell was a grim reaper?
"Why would a divine being like you pretend to be a human?" Sebastian questioned.
"Let's just say, it was out of love for a certain woman." Grell smiled.
"And that would be-"
"Do you really need to ask?" Madame Red spoke and stepped out of the building. Cassandra's eyes widen in shock.
"I knew it was you!"
"I hadn't counted on this. I didn't think anyone would be able to tell who Grell truly is."
"Naturally, you were on the suspect list from the very beginning. But all of your alibi seemed flawless." Ciel spoke.
"You mean, you've actually suspected your own aunt."
"I was looking for a murder. Degree of relation to me does not matter." Ciel answered. "None of the humans on the suspect list could have been responsible for all the murders. But if one of them had an inhuman accomplice, then that would change the game entirely. It had to be someone who could enter and leave the room without being noticed. Someone who could travel from the Viscount's home to the east end, instantaneously. In the end, you two were the only ones who could be Jack the Ripper. You, Madame Red, and Grell Sutcliff. The victims also had something else in common besides prostitution. I've noticed that they've all undergone a certain surgery at the hospital that you work. We've made a list of all the persons, one, who was still alive was a woman by the name of Mary Kelly. We knew if we waited for the right moment, you would have come for her eventually. But we were too late."
"My darling nephew, how unfortunate this turned out to be. If you had let it go, we would have played chess again. But now...You have taken everything!" She screamed, furiously. There was a sudden roar and Sebastian quickly grabbed Cassandra and Ciel moving them out of the way when Grell lunged out wielding a chainsaw. Sebastian tossed them aside and quickly grabbed Grell's chainsaw with his bare hands when Grell attacked again and knocked her back.
"What is that?" Ciel asked.
"Grim reapers use a tool to harvest the souls of the living. That is his reaper scythe." Sebastian explained.
"Don't you dare call it that! It is so much more than a scythe! I've worked very hard to customize it!" Grell shouted. "This is a death scythe of my own design. It can hack anyone into tiny pieces. I've been far too well behaved. I'm getting out of shape. I would like to exercise my skills, so shall we play?" Grell teased.
"You should be more respectful of my position. I'm on duty after all." Sebastian frowned.
"What a stoic man you are! That makes you even more irresistible!" Grell smiled. "You know, red is my favorite color. It's perfect for hair, clothes, lipstick, so I've painted all those women with pretty red blood. So, Bassy, now I'll make you even better looking than you already are! I'll tear you up from the inside out and trust me I'll make you like it! You'll be lovely as scattered rose petals!" she winked.
"You're a grim reaper. Your job is required to harvest the souls of the dying. As a butler, your job is to follow your master like a shadow. You have violated both of these expectations and quite frankly, I've find it sickening." Sebastian glared at her. Grell smirked.
"Bassy, you wound me! You know, I'm more deadly efficient than I seem!"
"In my name and that of the queen, I order you Sebastian, put an end to them!" Ciel told Sebastian.
"Indeed, my lord." Sebastian smirked and Cassandra saw Sebastian's eyes glow red. Grell charged at Sebastian and the two started to clash with each other. Grell managed to pin Sebastian against the brick wall as he tried to hold back Grell's chainsaw. Cassandra watched still in shock and in disbelief. This all can't be real. This was a dream. This was all just a horrible dream!
"Cass, get out of here. This is your final warning." Ciel told her.
"You're not going anywhere!" Madame Red shouted, charging at Ciel and Cassandra with a knife. Ciel pushed Cassandra, knocking her out of the way. Cassandra fell to the ground and Madame Red slashed at Ciel, slicing his arm.
"You're a doctor! How could you do it!?" Ciel demanded.
"You wouldn't understand, if I told you! You're just a child!" Madame Red grabbed Ciel by the throat and slammed him against the wall, getting ready to stab him. "You shouldn't have been born in the first place!"
"Ciel!" Cassandra shouted.
"Master!" Sebastian shouted.
Then Madame Red stopped once she gazed at Ciel's face, trembling in shock. "S-Sister!" She gasped, stepping back a little. There was a sickening crunch, and Cassandra saw Sebastian flash by her, standing behind Madame Red getting ready to strike.
"Stop, Sebastian! Don't kill her!" Ciel shouted. Sebastian immediately stopped, pulling his arm back and held onto his injured shoulder that Grell sliced with her chainsaw.
"Sebastian, your arm." Ciel spoke, looking at him a little concerned, shocked to see that he was hurt.
"How sweet you are, Bassy! Really, what a prince. Sacrificing your own poor limb to save that kid. On the other hand, you are a disappointment, Madame Red. Come now, hurry up and kill the brat, already!" Grell shouted.
"I can't..." Madame Red spoke, softly. Cassandra saw that she was crying. "I loved my sister. I loved her husband. I loved their child. I can't...I can't kill him. I can't kill their beloved son."
"Really? You're getting soft hearted on me all of a sudden, after all those deaths? If you don't end him, he'll end you!"
"He's their son." Madame Red said and turned to Grell. "This child is my-!"
Grell's chainsaw plunged into Madame's Red's chest, slicing into it. Blood spurted out. Cassandra's eyes widen in horror, and she covered in her mouth. Ciel and Sebastian were shocked as well.
"Too late for that! How disappointing! What use do I have for you, if you're just another woman!" Grell shouted, tossing Madame Red to the ground. Then multiple ribbon like strands began to come out of Madame Red.
"What is that?" Cassandra asked.
"I don't see anything. Do you see something?" Ciel asked her.
"Oh?" Cassandra tensed up when she saw Grell turn to her, looking at her a little in surprise. "You can see it? How unusual."
"Is that the-" Sebastian spoke, knowing what it was.
"A part of the reaper's job is to replay and examine the memories of those who are on the to die list. From that, we determine what kind of person they were. We see from their own perspective what kind of life they lived. And we decide on whether they should live or die." Grell explained.
"Their lives flash right before their eyes." Sebastian replied.
"Oh, that's such a pedestrian term. This is so much more than that. This is the reaper's true power, the cinematic record."
Then Cassandra slowly began to reach out about to touch one of the flowing ribbons. Grell's eyes widen, slightly panicking, as she saw what Cassandra was about to do.
"Are you crazy!? Don't touch that!" She snapped. Cassandra quickly pulled her hand back.
"Why? What would happen?" She asked, frowning at her.
"Nothing that concerns you." Grell remarked. "But, if you wish to, then go right ahead. It won't be pretty; I'll tell you that much." She smirked. Cassandra glared at her.
The cinematic record began to play flashing through Madame Red's life.
Her real name was Angelina Dallas. She had always hated the color red, especially the red hair she had inherited from her father, while her sister got her blond hair from their mother. She fell in love with Ciel's father, Vincent Phantomhive, when he complimented her red hair. But in the end, he chose to marry her sister and Ciel's mother, Rachel. Eventually, Anne got married and settled down with her husband were about to have a child together. However, it didn't end the way she wanted. She lost her husband in a carriage accident and in order to save her life, the doctors had to remove her uterus and her unborn child. She could never have children again. Several years later, the Phantomhive estate was set ablaze and burned down to the ground. She had lost the man that she loved and her sister all in one day but was relieved to find that their child had survived. Ann eventually went into the medical field and became a doctor. She had several prostitutes as her clients wanting an abortion so a child wouldn't' get in the way of their work. That was all it took to break Anne. She started murdering them until one night she encountered Grell. Having the same interests, the color red and both wanting to carry a child of their own, the two teamed up together.
The record stopped and Madame Red fell to the ground with a thud, dead. Grell stepped over to her and ripped the coat off from Madame Red.
"You don't have what it takes to wear red." she spatted out disappointed and put the coat on draping over her elbows. "This is the end. Goodbye."
Cassandra stared down at Madame Red, feeling bad for her. She didn't deserve anything bad that had happened to her in life. All she wanted was a family of her own. But, then again, when was life ever fair? Then Cassandra turned to Grell as she started to walk away to leave. Cassandra slowly stood up while Ciel closed his aunt's eyes. His eyes widened as he saw Cassandra made a charge at Grell.
"Sebastian! Stop her!"
Before Sebastian could move, to Ciel's and Sebastian's surprise, Cassandra kicked Grell hard in the butt, knocking Grell forward with enough force and sending her falling flat on her face. Just right after she kicked her, Cassandra could have sworn she heard Grell let out a moan but ignored it. Grell sat up, looking at Cassandra in shock.
"How dare you!" She sputtered.
"That's for lying to me!" Cassandra shouted, angrily.
"You're going to wish you hadn't done that." Grell growled, getting up and brushing herself off.
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Neither SEBASTIAN nor your master were due home for a couple of weeks, so needless to say, you’re surprised to feel someone slipping into bed beside you only a few days after they’d supposedly set sail.
“Don’t be frightened, my dear.” It’s whispered against your skin with a kiss, unmistakably your beloved’s voice. “It’s just me. My apologies; the young lord and I are home rather a bit early.”
That’s an understatement. They were supposed to be away for three weeks, and here he is after three days. You roll over to face him immediately, though. You’ve missed him even for that short time. “That’s not something to be sorry for,” you chuckle.
When you kiss him, his lips rise to meet yours, and he seems so... tired. That’s not an adjective you’ve ever used to describe him before... that it’s been called to mind now is strange. “I missed you. Is everything alright?”
He murmurs into the kiss, “We had a bit of an incident aboard the ship. Unfortunately, it ran into an iceberg.”
“An iceberg?! Oh, my God, are you and Lord Phantomhive okay?” Though he doesn’t seem worried, that news is troubling at best.
“Shh, shh. We’re fine, my darling.” He kisses you again, as if for reassurance that he’s here. “Our master simply thought it... wise... to return rather than book another cruise.”
Well, that’s Ciel. Pragmatic as always. “Thank God. Although,” you tease, “now that you’ve told me that, I’ll never let you go again.” You circle your arms round his waist, pulling him in against you.
When he lets out a groan of discomfort, you know something isn’t quite right here. “... Sebastian? You’re hurt, aren’t you?”
The look in his eyes suggests that he knows there’s no sense trying to lie, even though he considers it. “Regrettably... I was injured helping the young lord escape. You needn’t worry... the worst of it was quickly patched up before we got back to town. It’s just a bit tender, is all.”
“No, no, let me see, sweetheart.” Thankfully he gives no real protest, so you carefully undo the buttons of his shirt. It reveals an angry-looking wound on his side, somewhere between his stomach and chest. It’s been stitched up and cleaned, but it’s still very red and irritated, likely just because it’s a new injury.
You brush the tips of your fingers against it as if inspecting the handiwork of whoever did it. The gesture earns a quiet gasp and a wince from your beloved, prompting you to pull your hand away. “Oh, Sebastian, look at you! Oh, you poor thing. What on Earth happened?”
When you look into his eyes, he’s staring at you with a kind of wonder in them. It seems as if he doesn’t quite know what to do with all the concern you’re giving him. Like he’s surprised to be treated gently. “It doesn’t matter. Please don’t worry. The master has been rather generous; he’s instructed me to simply rest for a week. I’m sure this will heal well in that time.”
“Aaah. I can’t believe... oh, God, my poor dear.” You’re kissing him again in an instant, cupping his cheek with your hand and pressing against him as firmly as you dare. “You don’t worry, alright? I’m going to take good care of you. You’re going to stay in bed and not lift a finger, am I clear?”
A low chuckle reverberates from his chest. “Crystal, my darling. You’re far too kind to me. I suppose some sleep is in order, then... would it be alright for me to be so selfish as to ask if I might lie in your arms?”
You smile and kiss his forehead, guiding his head down toward your chest. One hand stays there, running gingerly through his locks, and the other stays round his waist, being cautious in the way you hold him. “That isn’t selfish... poor love. You just get some rest... I’m right here if you need anything, okay?”
His eyes go wide for a second at the contact, then he seems to settle. “Ah... if you insist. Thank you.” After that, his eyes flutter closed. “I do believe... I have never needed your care before, have I? It might be an interesting experience.”
“Silly boy.” You let your lips come down atop his head, and with your arm around his waist, you begin to run your fingers half-curled up and down his spine. “Get some sleep, sweetheart. Let me know if you need anything at all.”
Within a few minutes, you manage to fall back asleep, and Sebastian is left with little but his thoughts.
Well, his thoughts, and your heartbeat.
Steady against his ear, it’s something he’s never heard before. Not this close. None of his former masters or lovers ever offered him something so... incredibly... soft. He’s never laid with his head upon someone’s chest, listening and feeling their heartbeat.
It’s a beautiful thrum, so strong and so fragile. That duality is something he’s always lived for.
... And you. You.
He lets his eyes remain closed, and for the first time in hundreds of years, burdened by pain and love, the demon sleeps.
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k-s-morgan · 1 year ago
Those Gentle Slopes: Snippet 2
Another snippet - this is a long one!
Falling asleep was impossible. Ciel curled into a ball, trying to get warm, staring at the black sheep Sebastian had given him.
It was a ridiculous gift, but he might have gotten attached to it. A little bit.
He kept it hidden, but with how cold and oddly empty he’d been feeling the last several days, indulging himself and bringing it out didn’t seem like a bad idea. Now it decorated his bedside table, visible even in the dark, and a tiny glow of warmth flickered in him at its sight.
It was two o’clock in the morning, and Ciel was stuck between dozing off and being awake. His body plunged into a sleepy trance, but his mind was alert, tracking the passing of time and the sounds his manor was emitting.
That was why when the air shifted, Ciel instantly noticed it. The enticing smell of night and sharpness spread through the room, more distinct now than it had ever been before. Was it because of some traces of Sebastian’s blood that still wandered through his body? Ciel always felt attuned to his presence, but he’d never sensed it so startlingly well.  
A formless shadow moved towards him. It lingered for a couple of minutes, as if undecided about what to do, and then it shifted and grew until Sebastian emerged from within. Contrary to Ciel’s expectations — hopes? — he didn’t look at him. No, he stared at the sheep, his lips pursed tightly in consideration. Finally, he reached for it, his slender fingers wrapping around it with slow but grim certainty.
And suddenly Ciel understood. He understood, and his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. An icy chill burned him, and when he tried to speak, he realised that he couldn’t. A huge knot was blocking his throat.
Sebastian had come to take his gift away.
It was so— petty of him. So unprovoked, so unfair — Ciel was breathless with how betrayed he instantly felt.
It wasn’t his fault that some wretched demon had chosen to put a curse on his soul and that Sebastian could no longer sense it! Yes, it was a problem, but a problem that wasn’t permanent. They could deal with it. They would deal with it, if only Sebastian wasn’t like this, if he didn’t act like Ciel was so repulsive that he couldn’t bear to even look at him!
The hurt was crushing. Every part of his body throbbed with it, and Ciel thought that if Sebastian were to murder him now by slicing him open, they’d both see the unnatural bleeding redness of his insides. How many more injuries was he supposed to take before this internal bleeding killed him?
Desolation demanded that he shut his eyes and pretend that this wasn’t happening. He didn't want to fight, he didn’t want to risk betraying the devastation that had been slowly gnawing on him all these days. Sebastian had already seen enough. Maybe it was better to hide and to forget about the world at least until the morning. Every moment of reprieve was a blessing.
Ciel almost did just that. The temptation to give up, to wallow in his misery was strong, but the glow he’d felt from watching this stupid figurine blazed into a spark of fury, and he clung to it with all he had.
He needed to get angry. And if he couldn’t, he had to pretend that he was — at least that he was more angry than hurt. Soon enough, his stupid brain would catch up.
“What are you doing?” he asked coldly. Sebastian almost flinched. His grip around the figurine loosened before tightening again.
“I didn’t realise you’re awake,” he said. Ciel had to swallow this insult.
“This doesn’t answer my question.”
Sebastian licked his lips, glancing at the sheep before finally looking at him. His eyes were guarded.
“This wasn’t supposed to be a permanent gift,” he said smoothly. “I have—”
Sebastian halted. A familiar mix of annoyance and surprise crossed his features, but before Ciel could pounce on it, the distant mask snapped back on.
For a moment, Sebastian regarded him with cold eyes. Like this, he was a stranger, unfamiliar and untouchable, and the pang of loss that seared through Ciel almost left him gasping for air.
Almost. He’d be damned if he showed any reaction.
“You have no need for it,” Sebastian uttered at last. He rolled the figurine in his fingers. “I made it from the essence of my power. You receive no benefit from it. If anything, it is poisoning you.”
“Poisoning me how?”
Sebastian hesitated again, and a dark feeling stirred in Ciel. It was obvious that he was being fed more lies. Was he supposed to believe that this indifferent version of Sebastian cared about the effects of his gift when the real Sebastian, the one who had given it to him, hadn’t bothered? As if.
“Tell me the truth,” Ciel hissed. Hissing was good — it masked the pathetic wobbling of his voice. “Tell me why you are really taking it.”
He caught the second in which Sebastian decided to stop pretending. His expression cooled further. A sneer twisted his face, and the look he sent him was vehement, full of unexplainable bitter resentment.
“I am taking it because it is turning you into something you are not.”
With the way it sounded, Ciel was certain it was another insult. Only he couldn’t understand it.   
Sebastian had to know it. He tilted his head, looking at him, searching for something and, based on his mounting frustration, not finding it. This maddening stare was enough to make Ciel’s hackles rise.  
It’s not my fault, he wanted to cry out. My soul is still there even if you can’t see it. Why are you punishing me for it? It’s not how we are.
Only it was, wasn’t it? Sebastian was a demon, and in the end, hunger was what mattered most to him. How many times did Ciel have to remind himself of it for the notion to finally stick?
He had a feeling that if he asked for elaborations, Sebastian would say something even more terrible. In a way, it was graceful of him to stay silent. If Ciel wanted to protect himself from other blows, he just had to use the easy solution and to shut up.
But using easy solutions was never among his strengths.
“Turning me into what?” he asked carefully. A shadow flickered across Sebastian’s face, and then he sighed.
“It is turning you into someone special,” he said. He sounded disappointed, and though it was the blow Ciel had been waiting for, it still had him flinching. “Someone more than a human. The more you are surrounded by my energy, the bigger effect it has on you. It makes you see things that you would have never been able to see otherwise, and this… this adds colours to you that you simply lack in reality.”
Ciel frowned, trying to make sense of it. Sebastian’s energy was making him special? It gave him some abilities he shouldn’t have? He didn’t notice any extraordinary changes in himself.
But based on Sebastian’s grim look, he was the only one.
“I can see it clearly now,” Sebastian murmured. “You are…” he paused. More hesitation; another flash of resentment. “Without your soul, you are an aesthetically pleasing package with nothing of substance underneath. It is not your fault. After all, all humans are simple-minded. But it fooled me into perceiving you differently, and I am not going to repeat this mistake again.”   
“Simple-minded,” Ciel repeated softly. He felt strangely disconnected from his own body. “I am simple-minded?”
Sebastian opened his mouth to reply, then closed it. His uncertainty was palpable, and Ciel could hear it echoing in his voice when he said, “Perhaps less so than other people.”        
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pumpkinpot · 3 years ago
AN: This is so rushed and like most the plot doesn’t matter??? I just wanted to lay the foundation for fun poly fics in the future. Bottom line: Grell x readerx Sebastian.
cw: coercion, dubcon?, threats, Grell being possessive, Sebastian being possessive.   
I’ve been sitting on this idea for a while now, but can you imagine- living in the Phantomhive house- it doesn’t particularly matter why, that’s more up to you, but you’ve been there for a minute right? (this could be a continuation of the Sebastian getting Jealous of Pluto Drabble here but is also a stand alone.)
You’ve acclimated to the bustle of the house. No longer needing directions to get to different spaces, and of course, learning when the routes of the staff were.(as to not get in the way.)
For instance in the next ten seconds Sebastian would be turning the corner with the tea caddy. prepped with afternoon tea and sconez for Ciels business hour break.
You could hear Ciel grumbling from behind the door about where his tea was despite Sebastian never being late. You stepped off to the side holding a book over your chest as he passes.
This was your routine too. At the time Ciel would be up and about the house, you would disappear to some far corner by yourself. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy Ciel’s company, but you can only throw a chess game so many times for a mans ego before it becomes- waring. 
Per usual Sebastian slips a cup of cocoa black tea into your hand as he resumes on his way. He’d done so since Soma and Agni had gifted the tea to Ciel who had decidedly, not liked it. The words he'd used if not you weren't mistaken were "childish". Now its your tea and yours alone. 
You nodded a thanks before turning the corner he just came. today was a perfect grey day with a promise of rain so you headed for a balcony to enjoy a few moments outside before the inevitable seclusion. 
Sebastian didn't hate rain, he hated cleaning up after it.
The onset of autumn wasn’t in the air just yet, but the sun was disappearing a moment sooner than it had before. you took to spending the last breath of summer outside as often as possible.
Just barely had your mind properly slipped between the pages of your novel when the the turn of a door knob pulls you away. Sebastian clicks the door closed behind him looking up at the sky. “you’ll get wet if you’re out here long M’lady, shouldn’t you like to read inside.” 
“probably,” you said pulling as much of the scented air into your lungs as you could. “but for now I am contented here. Will you join me?”
there is a hesitation in his agreement. Like he should be finding something more valuable to do with his time. But he lifts your legs sitting beneath the bend in your knees. 
It had taken quite a lot of convincing to get him to display this level of intimacy with you. Originally you’d taken this position with Pluto and that didn’t sit right in Sebastian's chest at all. it was only then that he agreed to it, but never when anyone was around to see.
“what are you reading today?” he asks. 
It doesn’t take much encouragement for you to spur into a tangent about the world you’ve imagined past the authors pros. This was always the formula. He’d ask for a synopsis of the book you read then wait. 
The tips of his gloved fingers stroke your arm as you go on. Excited to speculate your favorite characters preferred meals, and what they were like when they weren’t participating in plots. Your words come out in commas and parentheses until something catches the corner of your eye and you stop.
Deep green eyes of a woman decorated in a vibrant red suit sits deathly still across the patio table.
Instinctively you pull your legs off Sebastian closing the novel over your finger. you wait for someone to say something, but when you look over at Sebastian he’s not pulled the service ready prosoma over his features. Instead he opts for flat brows and clenched jaw. Was he angry with you for not noticing the person sooner? 
“Grell,” he sneers, “I assume there is a reason for your presence?” 
The woman has yet to move, eyes unblinking and trained souly on you. Your body prepares to duck if she lunges for you but she doesn't move. At all.
“Grell,” Sebastian demanded, voice deepening.
The corner of Grells lips twitched into a sharp grin. “We’ll get to that Bassy, for now I need to finish planning this humans tragic end. I’m thinking something gothic, as she does seem to have some wild ideations-”
She’d yet to pull her eyes away and despite Sebastian straightening his coat taut against his body. “Grell, my patience is thin. Why are you here?”
"You've been trying to find someone, for a cased I'd think," she says cooly, "I happen to be looking for something they possess. WIlliam told me to let you fail and find it myself, but I could never leave my Bassy without a bone..”
His face stays fixed and his tone even but it was the slight rigidity in his movements that told you something was wrong. He’d seemed annoyed with Ciel plenty of times but now, here with you, getting caught by someone obviously of consequence.
You’d be lucky if he’d ever be so close with you again
Without saying goodbye he leads Grell off the balcony. She spares you a last look over before stepping possessively closer to Sebastian.
You’d asked him early on about a lover tucked away somewhere, but he’d only laughed and said his only true love was hunger. You wondered if that odd answer had anything to do with this woman.
*Later that night*
You’d been asked, with no details to accompany Ciel, Sebastian and Grell to the city. They’d proved you with in-depth questions about the book you were reading earlier, and where you’d acquired it. Once answered they mumbled amongst themselves just quiet enough that you couldn’t hear.
When the carriage finally stopped the three got out Sebastian helping you down. “which store was it?” Ciel demands. 
You point down the alley to a corner shop. The windows are still wholly lit despite the late night. Other books and trinkets crowd the window like they were in line waiting for someone to pick them out. 
“Did the keeper say anything to you when you bought the book?” 
“He said that the things in his shop found who they were meant to. He never made me pay, only asked that tell others about his shop and where to find him.”
Sebastian and Ciel share a look while Grell looks bored of the entire ordeal. 
“We’ll pay him a visit at once, thank you y/n,” Sebastain says, “the carriage can take you back to the manor.”
Grell pauses in front of them. “hang on, she is just as involved now, she should-”
"are you doubting my ability?” Sebastian challenges. 
Grell slaps a hand over her mouth with a thick sigh.  “Bassy, I would never. Only that the shopkeeper might be more forthcoming with information if he sees a familiar face. He did want her to bring in customers after all.”
Sebastian is about to rebuttal, but Ciel speaks first. “As much as I hate to agree with the reaper, the point is true-”
“My lord I can-” 
“don’t argue Sebastian. Y/n, let’s go.” 
With hesitance you trudge at Sebastians side. The series of events that transpire go as follows, much to your confusion. The shop keep sees you with delight as the others crowd in followed by Ciel. They bombard him about stolen books, which results in- it couldn’t really be considered a fight, the shopkeeper pulled a knife and Sebastian broke his arm. Now the shopkeeper is running through the maze of downtown, in the dark.
The four of you stop at the fountain looking down the endless number of streets he could have dipped into. 
“Sebastian with me, Grell, Y/n go south-”
Grell inhales. “What a lucky girl I am to be paired with a fragile little-” the last half of her sentence doesn’t make it out of her mouth before Sebastian drags her to him by the wrist. 
His eyes bleed into deep bloody pools when he speaks, “It isn’t uncommon for my appetite to wonder, if any hair on her head is out of place when I get back, I will take my time pulling you apart.”
Grells cheeks turn a deep red as she turns away- like he didn’t just threaten to eat her??? “Oh, Bassy don’t tease me-”
“Sebastian now!” Ciel yells still running down the alley. 
Sebastian pulls his eyes to you for only a moment before disappearing into the dark. 
You keep the momentum of the moment turning down the opposite way. “let’s go check the-” 
Grell watches to pair disappear before knocking you against the nearest wall. She pins your ribcage to the cobblestone wall with one arm, the other wrapped rather firmly around your throat. 
“I may have found you cute in another life, but,” she glides her thumb up your trachea. “I don’t like the way he looks at you.” 
You can taste blood between your teeth as you flash a toothy smile. “You think I’m cute?” 
She pulls out a thin knife from the breast pocket of her suit dragging it down her tongue. “yes, but you’d look much better in red.”
the metal is cold as she trails it down your neck across the back of her hand, finding your heart. She angels it between the bones of your corset. "I'm not meant to kill your kind, but it's not the first time I've asked forgiveness. I'm sure William will understand."
Fabric rips in your ears and you press your back as tightly as possible against the cobblestone wall.
“I don’t know why I’ve caught his attention,” you rush out in a single breath, “but the truth of the matter, as it stands is-” you muster every bit of yourself bringing your eyes to hers. “you kill me now, his affection will never find you.”
“oh please, I give it a year before he finds a new meal.”
you hadn’t the time to dwell on the words before Grell loosened the pressure on your neck, just enough for small intakes of air. “though he has been rather selfish recently. He finds all these pretty things to keep for himself, never once offering to share,” she looks at you with a pouty lip. “you know what they say about crows and shiny objects.” 
pointy teeth puzzle into a bright smile. “I think I’ll have you.” she says decidedly.
Her nails press valleys into the sides of your neck as she brings your lips inches from hers. “we will still be here long after you are rotting in the ground. Plenty of time to make him mine and mine alone, but for now-” She pry's your thighs apart with her knee, sitting you up onto your tippy toes. “I like your eyes. Keep them on me for this.”
The hand once around your throat pinches your jaw forcing you to open your mouth. She glides her warm tongue across your lip, dipping into you. She finds your tongue sucking it between her teeth. 
your breath comes out hot, fogging up her glasses. Her free hand laces through yours. 
To any onlookers it would seem a couple just lost in embrace in the cool of night, but no one could see the battle in your mind. Between your palms you could still feel the knife she’d held to you moments ago. But her lips were so soft-
Hesitantly you stop fighting her, nuzzling your nose into hers. She grinds her hips into yours. At this rate she was sure to pull your soul from between your teeth. 
She slows the kiss with a sigh, breaking from you, but not yet pulling your bodies apart. She kisses you one more time nipping your lip enough to leave a tiny cut. She smears the blood, pulling away with a smile. “Better.” 
By the time she’s backed away Sebastian and Ciel return, shopkeeper in hand. Ciel focuses on the shopkeeper while Sebastian's eyes shift between you and Grell. “what’s happened?”
Grell pulls herself around you. “A girl never kisses and tells Bassy.”
Truthfully, you’d never asked Sebastian why he spent his time with you. From the moment you’d arrived at Phantomhive he’d lowered his tone and noted whenever you were around with soft glances. Maybe you’d never asked because the thing about knowing was- you’d already imagined an ideal to his advances. if his answer didn’t match, it had the power to ruin you. 
 Grell giggles into your ear as Sebastian takes hold of their shopkeeper. “I am going to ruin you,” she whispered in your ear. “he will be mine, but not before you are.”
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