#with no one being allowed to win twice in a row and thus giving the winners a temporary extension on their 1k
bitchfitch · 2 years
tbh i really want to start a small writing group on discord. Like, idk, it feels like having a designated Goal and a deadline to hit with a few other people to keep eachother motivated and be able to just chat with about what everyones story is and just being a lil support group, might be massively helpful in getting shit done.
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octopiys · 2 months
Okay I just saw someone’s Olympic x cod au (and it was so cool) so now I’m asking everyone what their Olympic x cod head canons are.
Okay this is actually really cool
First thought was that Soap and Gaz would be synchronized divers. (I love diving, I did it as a kid but couldn't afford to keep doing it) I think they're built properly to do it, and I think when they win their first gold they'd be over the moon, cheering and shaking each other desperately because they can't believe the news. Yes, they'd be on the same team, as Scotland is a part of the GB team.
I honestly feel like Ghost would do rings acrobatics (I think it's acrobatic gymnastics or artistic gymnastics?) He's got wide enough shoulders, and what he struggles in is his weight class and his height that work against him, but his muscles make up for it. (HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR ARMS AND BACKS??? WILD)
Price is a bit interesting. I'll say he coaches Ghost in rings, because that's what I think he'd do if he wasn't competing. He's also got ties with both the Russian team, and the US team, but one of the Russian coaches dropped the Olympics before Russia was no longer allowed to compete, and is frequently spotted on the sidelines near Coach Price. There were rumors in the early 2000s, when both John and Nikolai were competitors, that they would trade each other's team plans and secrets due to their.... ehem, close companionship.
Alternatively, I think Gaz could be on the cricket team. Idk he probably played it as a kid, and would just end up sword fighting his cousin with the bats, and he's not actually really sure how he got on the team, in all actuality, but he's one of the best by far.
Alternatively, Soap might do volleyball. He just seems like he'd play volleyball. Didn't even realize he qualified for the Olympics until he got back home and saw it on the news: "Local Glasgow teen qualifies for the 2024 Paris Olympics" followed by "Unable to reach for comment". He's in the Olympics quite a few times, one of the youngest qualifying volleyball players in Europe when he first started off.
Alternatively, Ghost might do archery, get famous for splitting his arrows twice in a row one game. He gets made fun of, afterwards, by a mohawked Scot on his team just a few years younger than him, who repeatedly calls him Merida. It... doesn't really help that the stadium fluorescents make his hair look more ginger than usual.
Price and Nikolai do shooting. I feel like Price will be that Turkey guy who gets famous for being wildly comfortable (minimal gear, short sleeve, and kind of bored) during his competition, along with his god-given boonie hat. He's won gold every year since 2004. Nikolai sticks to his own challenge, coming in at a close silver, and ended up taking a break after 2016, when an accident on the range was the likely culprit to the abrupt pause in his career. But, he's still spotted like a celebrity at every Olympic games..... is that a Team GB shirt he's wearing?
I feel like Alex would do rowing (men's single scull), and not be terrible at it. He's got one gold and two silvers, before community work he did overseas took his leg. He then keeps it up, if possible, and joins the paralympic rowing (para-rowing) team. He does significantly better in this category, and gets gold 3 paralympics in a row. He still does charity work in the middle east with his wife,
Farah, who either does fencing, or boxing. I can't decide. She would be incredibly powerful in fencing, deadly accurate, and makes Alex thank God that she doesn't have actual access to swords. Her rounds are extremely fast, but she's amazingly skilled, having been placed on the team when she was just fourteen.
Roach would do water polo, or maybe rings with Ghost. That's how they meet each other, and theres no malice in their relationship at all. The media loves it, especially after his wipeout in 2016 because there was an unforseen obstacle (bug) on his ring, thus giving him the nickname Roach.
Rodolfo would be a gymnast too, either pommel horse or parallel bars. He's one of the tallest competitors in that category, at a shocking 5'8 (173cm) and is beloved by every Olympic fan in Mexico. (his job is pommel horse. his job is parallel bar)
Alejandro would also do gymnastics, but he'd probably do pommel horse or the horizontal bar. He's known for his fiery attitude, once making world news for almost fucking up an American competitor from Texas when he made a few comments after Rodolfo suffered a bad case of the twisties two seasons ago.
Graves is a newer competitor, the same one from Texas. He's not as well known, been around since the last Olympics, but he's got an interesting floor routine that will earn him a gold this year. However, he doesn't place in the all around competition, just falling short of the Mexican team, and one guy from GB. Better luck next year, Phillip.
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that-house · 1 year
Field of White Flowers Devlog #1: Enemy Minions
uh. we're pretty solidly into development so this being devlog #1 is kinda weird but I wanted to talk about a new mechanic I developed today and said "fuck it. devlog time"
first off, quick list of recent bug fixes/content patches:
nerfed Stand Behind Me, a power which allows allies to Hide behind you. Made it so that the person being Hidden behind has to act more often to shelter their allies, putting them more squarely in harm's way
added Shock, a new debuff that stacks up over time before damaging the target
replaced an unused Aggression Power, Brutal Cleave, with a new Shock-based Power, the creatively-named Shock Trooper. applies Shock to all enemies at the start of combat, maintaining Brutal Cleave's niche AoE potential but in a more interesting and synergistic way.
buffed Witch Stance to work with Pyrrhic Victory for easier conversion of debuffs into damage
changed Catharsis and Burn Twice as Bright to both provide a conditional +1 bonus to Contests with another +1 bonus locked behind a more difficult Condition (Catharsis now gives +1 if you're in a favorable matchup, and an extra +1 if your enemy is in a disfavorable matchup, while Burn Twice as Bright gives +1 if your enemy is Hexed and an additional +1 if they're Cursed)
Bathe in Gore (stacking bonus to hit whenever you hit) no longer stacks infinitely and therefore does not automatically win encounters at a certain point (while this seems incredibly obvious in retrospect it's a holdout from the earlier days of the system when it was geared towards PvP and HP numbers were lower)
nerfed Hunter Stance again (who knew that doubling damage in a low HP system would be broken). it used to work like Wrath in Slay the Spire, doubling incoming and outgoing damage. It now doubles all incoming damage, and doubles one source of outgoing damage per turn. No more Combo Finisher + Showstopper hit six times a turn combo
Now, to explain Minions, I have to first give a quick rundown on the basics of combat in Field of White Flowers:
the big thing is that players determine initiative order, in every way. players may go in any order, as many times in a row as all the players are chill with. if your DPS has a four turn combo and you don't mind sitting there for a few minutes, they can go hog wild.
on a player's turn, they pick an enemy to act against, and that enemy simultaneously attempts to act against them. Field of White Flowers aims for the sort of high power bullshit where players can fight armies, and so it's fairly easy to represent an army with a single statblock. thus, a whole army can be a single "enemy" that a player is fighting on their turn
however, I did want to add an option to spice up encounters with the addition of extra enemies. this was a problem, as by default there is nothing stopping players from just fighting the weaker enemy first, scaling some of their abilities in a lower-risk environment, and only targeting the boss when they had a big ability ready
...okay i have to introduce one more concept to fully explain minions. i lied when i said that players always determine who acts in combat and when. there is a mechanic called the Initiative, that certain actions pass to the GM, who can spend it on fucking with the players and also allows the boss to target a specific player. Initiative is passed by interacting with some key element of the environment (such as attempting to shatter a crystal maintaining the boss' shield), by bringing downed players back into the fight, and by failing to hit a Minion.
Minions provide the boss with some bonus while alive: maybe a bonus to hit, or a source of healing, protection, debuffs, or damage. They aren't super difficult to kill, often only requiring a turn or two to bring down, but if you swing at them and miss, the boss gets Initiative. Essentially, while you're swinging at the weak enemy in the fight, there's always a chance that the boss gets to take a super turn and kick your shit in. You don't have to kill the Minion (or Minions, if your GM is a freak) but doing so will make the fight far, far easier if it works.
Some fun example uses of Minions:
Use a Minion to represent a magical bomb that has to be destroyed before turn 7 or it explodes
For a huge boss, represent its limbs with different Minions
A brutal up close boss and a Minion sniper who uses Initiative (generated either from failures to kill the sniper or from helping allies downed by the boss) to do a ton of damage
A team composed of a leader and a few Minions who support the leader in different ways, mirroring some of the roles of the player characters
A loyal bodyguard Minion who outright prevents players from damaging the boss (though they may still want to attack the boss to apply debuffs)
As a little closing remark, there are a few other mechanics in the game for adding extra combatants to fights without adding a whole extra combatant:
Supporting Cast, a Power that players also have access to, which gives you a posse of mercenaries, zombies, summoned fiends, or what have you, which can be spent for short term gain at the cost of getting weaker when you run out. In a similar vein is Shadow Clone, which creates clones throughout a fight that you can spend to avoid hits and hit more often
We Are Legion: for all your “this is a whole army” needs: much higher stats that lower over the course of a fight as the players scythe through hundreds of troops
Power Couple: empowers two of the enemy’s combat actions, one of which is disabled when the enemy falls to half HP as the players kill one of the matched set. the players get to choose which enemy they kill and thus which action they disable
And of course, as with all things Field of White Flowers, you can flavor things however you like. You don’t need these effects to make an enemy statblock that represents multiple people, I just aim to streamline the process.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I mostly just made this post because I have to talk about FoWF or I’ll die, so go ahead and give me an excuse to talk about it more!
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hugsfromdad · 4 years
I've been mia on here, but not mia in the disaster bisexual front. So lemme fill you in
Okay, so idk if I've talked on here over the past few months about a cute cashier, but I can't seem to find it on my blog, so imma assume I haven't.
Back in mid August, I got my kitten. I got him 2 weeks earlier than expected, so the day before I picked him up, I had to run out and get his supplies. My friend was coming over that day, so we decided to hang out (outside) at my house, go get ice cream, and then go to the pet store for my stuff. after we got all that I needed, we went into Market Basket to buy some snacks so we could sit out in the parking lot and talk for a few hours. Well, that's where this story starts.
I looked hella fucking gay that day. (Striped button up UNbuttoned like halfway, my huge choker chain, and then my white washed levi's with a white 'Sisters' belt, and white converses. I can post a pic later if y'all want) so anyways, I was expecting to get some looks and stared. I did. Whatever. Well, were checking out at the speed aisle, and I notice eyes on me. I normally glace around when I'm checking out to see who is working, but I was met this time by the gaze of a cashier two rows back. I glanced down cause I didn't want to be rude, but when I check again, she was still looking at me. So I intentionally held her gaze for a few moments as I took note of what she looked like. Then I finished checking out and left with my friend.
While I'm a disaster bi and will focus and freak out over the smallest interraction with a cute person, I have become aware that most people (my friends) don't read into moments like that and will make fun of me if I do. That being said, I told myself it was probably just in my head and not that significant; that she was just checking out my outfit and clocking me as either a gay guy out with his girlfriend, (which was pretty much the case) or a couple getting some things.
WELL, so right as I was trying to not make anything out of it, my friend turns to me and goes. "Did you see that cashier staring at you? Like, she kept looking at you." And I was like "OKAY SO IT WASNT JUST ME" and she was like "no, she was really looking at you. She's really cute, too." And thus it began.
She's got a great style (also gorgeous even with a mask on, but I was more intrigued and attracted to her style). I told her that I liked her style a couple months ago and she repeated it back to me. She wears multiple necklaces, rings, and somehow makes her store uniform look cool. When I first really took note of her, my immediate thought was "she gives me west coast vibes." My best friend agreed with me when we were in the store together and she was there. And she might not be from the west coast, but if she told me she was from san Fransisco, I would believe it in a heartbeat. She got like a modern Marissa from the OC style. (I didn't watch the show, only those couple gay scenes with her character in it, so don't come for me)
So anyways, for the first 3-4ish months, my brain would short circuit as soon as we would lock eyes. Like, I can't describe it besides just a fog or a mental lockdown. I could like make eye contact, but I would just be in constant panic. I also couldn't imagine what to do next. Thus, I would panic and choose to go in a different aisle than hers for the first while. I didn't know what to do with a gorgeous woman who had eyes on me. (ALSO; I would like to state that her vibes and style are so immaculate, that I almost expect her to be gay. I thought she was clocking me as another gay person at first, but then I realized that we gays don't stare at someone of the opposite gender THIS much. So she could be gay. Idk. I'm good either way.)
Back to the panic: so it took me awhile to actually get the nerve up to choose her aisle when I could. Then we finally like interacted. I finally got her name, and I like asked her how she was. This happened like twice, and then there was a time I came in right after seeing my nephews(socially distanced). It was a slower day, so I didn't feel hurried in moving along. I asked her how her day was, and she answered and asked how mine was. I mentioner being happy cause I finally got to see my nephews after months of not. She then asked how old they were. We talked for a moment before I knew I have to go. It was as I was picking up my bag that I paused and looked at her and said "I've been meaning to say, I like your style." She like paused and said thanks, and that she liked mine as well. I then said something like "see you next time" and left.
From then, I'd see her when I went in, but almost every time she was in the wrong lane. We'd lock eyes as I walked in, and as I checked out and left, but we didn't get to like talk. That is, until I was tagging along shopping with my mum the day after fucking election night.
I don't think I need to say that I was more anxious and distracted than I had ever been when going in, and glued to my phone; refreshing google and watching the numbers come in. I don't think I even looked up when I walked in. I was in another place. I should also mention that I had noticed that the cute cashier (that's literally my nickname for her) usually worked on the weekends. This was a wednesday. So I was NOT paying sttention. I just followed my mum around the store while watching my phone and trying to do the math to see if there was a possibility that biden could win. Well, my mother eventually stuck us in line to check out, and asks me to get off my phone and help her unload, thats when I lift me head, and I'm staring directly into her eyes.
She was bagging for our aisle, so she was just standing there in my direct line of sight. And she has been watching me, waiting for me to fucking finally look up.
I'm sure I looked beyond stunned. Because I was. I honestly was so braindead from the day, that it took me a moment of staring back at to her process as to what was happening. I got it together quickly tho and bantered and talked with her a bit as she bagged and I helped load. She definitely was doing more than most, if that makes sense. I challenged her to fitting all of the groceries onto one cart cause she said she could. It was fun, and I think I again said "see you around* or something like that as we left.
And once again, once we got outside, my mother now goes "oh that bagger was cute." And I told her that that was the cute one I had mentioned before. THEN SHE GOES "oh yeah I picked up on that vibe of y'all." And I WANTED to ask her what that MEANT, but I didn't want to push it and then have my mother know/be able to make things awakrd.
ANYWAYS, 3 chapters in, lemme get to last months. I fucking got in anxiety meds. AND MY WORLD CHANGED. my mental block and fog was GONE. I could finally see a pathway through to like actually talking talking to her. SO, I pulled out a receipt, wrote down my number, and stuck it in my wallet for the next time I saw her.
Welp, the next time that was, she was in the wrong lane and teaching a new cashier what to do, so there was no way I was gonna try and insert myself into that situation. BUT, as I was walking both in and out, we locked eyes as usual, but this time as I was leaving, I did like a quick smile which caused me to squint my eyes for a half second. It almost looks like when a cat does their slow blink at you. I saw her respond to that and like smile back at me as I left. It was the first time I had ever done anything that was direct and nonverbally flirty.
So, I had to go again last night. And my parents were putting us in strict lockdown for the next 10 days, so we had to stock up. Before we left, I rewrote my note. And I told my best friends what was happening, and no matter what was the situation, I was gonna give her the note.
Well, she wasnt there. I was extremely disappointed.
Annnnd that leaves us here. It's gonna be a good 10-14 days before I'm allowed to go out, but youd better fucking believe it when I say that imma be giving her my number the moment I see her next. So wish me luck.
And also in case anyone asks; I don't want to try any dating apps cause I hate them. Also I'm half asleep now she don't have the energy to go back and edit this. Hopefully it's coherent.
So I guess I'll update y'all when I eventually get to leave the house and see her again
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yhella18 · 4 years
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Volleyball is one of the most famous sports out there. It is a team sport consisting of six players on the court. As a volleyball lover, I tend to watch UAAP, and now, I was tasked to review a chosen sports video. The video that I decided would be the DLSU V.S ADMU || UAAP Season 77.  You can see the full video here.
Court Dimension
The game is played on a smooth-surfaced court 9 meters (29 feet) wide by 30 meters (60 feet) long, divided by a centerline into two equal areas, one of which is selected by or assigned to each of the two competing teams. Players may not step completely beyond the centerline while the ball is in play. A line 3 meters (10 feet) from and parallel to the centerline of each half of the court indicates the point in front of which a backcourt player may not drive the ball over the net from a position above the top of the net. A tightly stretched net is placed across the court precisely above the center line's middle; the game's official net height is 2.2 meters (7.4 feet).
For more details about the court dimension, you can see and imagine in this link. 
Elbow Pads
Forearm Pads
Knee Pads
Six Basic Skills
Passing is merely getting the ball to someone else on your team after being served or hit over the net by the opposing team. It's commonly thought of as the most important skill in volleyball because your team can't return the ball without a solid volleyball pass.
Setting is the setting motion that gets the ball hanging in the air, ready to be spiked by another teammate with force. It can also be used to dump the ball over into an undefended spot.
Spiking is the act of slamming the ball in a downward motion across the volleyball net to the other team's side of the court. This is one of the ways that a team can have a point.
Serving is the first skill used in a player since the first contact starts in every rally is called a "serve.". Its purpose is to give a hard time to the opposite team's offense.
Blocking is defined as deflecting the ball from your opponent's attack hit to prevent the opponent from a successful attack hit. One team makes a move trying to get the ball over the net, and the other team reaches up and blocks the ball from coming onto their side. If successfully stop, then the team that blocks gain one point, but if not, then the other team will earn the point.
Digging is a defensive maneuver in volleyball that can save your team from an offensive spike or attack. The athlete's job is to keep the ball from hitting the floor, and they do that by diving and passing the ball in a fluid motion.
Technical and Tactical Skills
Both teams show quite the same technical and tactical skills, yet there is still a difference in their techniques and tactics:
Both teams mainly used the forearm passing and making sure that the libero is the one to receive to pass it to the setter. Players other than the libero are also quick to receive the ball ahead of them.
ADMU: Sets were made by Jia Morado, the different set that she gives to the spikers easy to spike the ball, and that she is also the one who thinks mostly about the game since a setter is the one who will make different strategies. For example, sets that are quick or a high set, even a dump, can be seen in the game used by Morado.
DLSU: Kim Fajardo sets are tricky ones. It may look like she will pass a high set, but in fact, she already searched the other team's surroundings, and when she sees an opening, she will readily make an unexpected move, which gains her team a point.
ADMU: one of the major technique skills that the ADMU used, especially by Alyssa Valdez and Bea de Leon. Valdez was known for her hard spike and can be quickly passed by the blockers, which are advantageous to the ADMU. But of course, Alyssa and the other spiker were there, and they used their minds to think if they will do a hard spike or a feint/dink. This just depends on the positions and an unguarded space that they have.
DLSU: Like ADMU, the spikers in DLSU also use a hard spike and a feint or a dink. They mostly used a decoy than the other team leading to confused them. Mika Reyes and Ara Galang, which are the rivals of Alyssa Valdez and Bea de Leon, they used all their power to overcome the blockers ahead of them to gain some points. 
ADMU: most of their technique is to have some jump serve and give a significant impact to other team. However, some players in the ADMU also used the Overhand Serve to play safe and focus on the spot that the player wanted to serve at.
DLSU: In spiking, they have similarities and no differences. The impact that the DLSU has given to their service lead them to have more service aces than the ADMU.
Mainly used in both teams well, and every time a team will spike, the other team will read the set and the spike to block well. The only difference is that the DLSU is much more robust in blocking in ADMU because, in my perspective that the DLSU is better in reading the spike of the spiker and has more powerful hands.
Both teams used this, either they do it by diving or in a ready position to receive. Both teams anticipated well in reading the other team's spike, and even though it went past the blockers, the player behind is ready to receive it. But sometimes, the DSLU is having a hard time digging the ball, especially when Valdez will spike since its impact is hard to dig at all.
Rules of the Game
There must be six players on a team (3 on the front row and 3 on the back row).
Maximum of three hits per side.
Player may not hit the ball twice in succession (A block is not considered a hit).
If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one play, and either player involved may make the next contact.
The ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player's body and illegally catch, hold, or throw the ball.
A ball hitting a boundary line is "in" and "out" if it hits an antenna, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, and the ceiling above a non-playable area.
In serving, it shall be hit with one hand or any part of the arm after being tossed or released from the hand(s). Only one toss or release of the ball is allowed. Dribbling or moving the ball in the hands is permitted. The server must also hit the ball within 8 seconds after the first referee whistles for service. At the moment of service hit or take-off for a jump service, the server must not touch the court (the end line included) or the floor outside the service zone. After the hit, he/she may step or land outside the service zone. A service executed before the referee's whistle is canceled and repeated. Lastly, substitution is allowed.
It is a five-set match. The best of three-set will win the game.
Touching the net with any part of the player's body while the ball is in play and crossing the court centerline with any part of your body is a violation. 
Officiating the Sport
First Referee is the official that stands on the referee stand (raised platform) positioned at the court's side across from the team benches. He is the one that starts play by whistling and signaling (beckoning) the server to serve the ball. He/she is the official in charge. If they feel it's necessary to do so, the first referee has the authority to overrule any of the other officials. Thus, the first referee can replace officials if needed. The first referee is also responsible for officially recognizing team requests, substitutions, timeouts and communicating with the coaches at the appropriate times.
 Second Referee stands on the ground on the court's opposite side from the first referee. The second referee should position themselves to effectively transition from one side of the net to the other when the ball is in play. Moreover, he/she is concerned with matters such as keeping time, assisting the first referee in making calls, administering substitutions, and verbally communicating with team coaches. He/she also needs to communicate effectively with the scorekeeper and overlook the scorekeeper with recording subs, timeouts, etc. At the same time, he /she should help the scorekeeper and assistant scorekeeper with any questions or issues that come up.
Scorekeeper creates official records of volleyball games. Before play begins, the scorekeeper records team and player information. Once the game starts, scorekeepers not only track points but also player substitutions, sanctions, and time-outs. The scorekeeper keeps an eye on the individual serving the ball to track the rotation and notify referees of potential lapses. At the close of the game, the scorekeeper records the game's final score.
Assistant scorekeeper or libero tracker is responsible for updating the scoreboard and keeping an eye on the libero. This individual records changes in the libero rotation, notifying referees when problems occur in the process.
Line Judges are generally in opposite corners, one at either end of the court. In total, there are four line judges.  They work with the referees, signaling to assist in making judgment calls. These officials often use flags to signal when a ball is in or out, hits the net's antennae, or when the server commits a foot fault or steps outside the line as they serve.
Overall Game
ADMU had won the UAAP Season 77, and I believe that is because of the power of the attack given by the team. Even though DLSU has a good defense on them, they were sometimes a crack on it, making the ADMU gain more points. The strategies that were used by the winning team show their full teamwork and the strength that they have. I’m not saying that ADMU is good and the DLSU didn’t perform well, but in this stage game, ADMU really shows their power to reign the court causing them to win and defend their reigning team last season.
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reynaacero · 4 years
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SEA Games 2019: PHL VS VIE Volleyball Womens Opener
The match is played at Mall of Asia Manila the volleyball court 18 meters (59 feet) long and 9 meters (29.5 feet) wide, divided into two 9 m × 9 m halves by a one-meter (40-inch) wide net placed so that the top of the net is 2.24 meters (7 feet 4 1/8 inches) for women's competition (these heights are varied for veterans and junior competitions).
The different equipment’s used in UAAP are:
Solid Ball(MIKASA)- color blue and yellow a heavy medicine ball type that allows setters to strengthen their fingers.
Jerseys( sleeveless/ t-shirt and cycling shorts)- The Philippines wore a jersey that is color blue while their libero wore a jersey that is color white and all of them having different jersey numbers at the center in there jerseys , while the Vietnam wore a jersey(t-shirt) that is color red and white while their libero wore a yellow and black jersey with and jersey numbers at the center.
Knee pads- are protective gear worn on knees to protect them against impact injury from falling to the ground or hitting an obstacle, or to provide padding for extended kneeling.
Proper Footwear- it can be observed that each player wore a comfortable and proper volleyball shoe for the match that enables them to be nimble.
Elbow Pads- Elbow pads are protective padded gear worn on the elbows to protect them against injury during a fall or a strike. I can observe that not all player wore this equipment it really vary to the comfort of the player.
The six basic volleyball skills are passing, setting, spiking, blocking, digging, and serving.Passing is often thought of as the most important skill in volleyball. If you can't pass the serve, then you won't ever put your team in a position to score a point.The importance of serving is often undervalued. Many coaches don't teach players to serve aggressive and use this opportunity to give the team an advantage for scoring points.Blocking is perhaps the least taught skill in volleyball. Players can get away with poor blocking skills because not blocking isn't going to hurt the team as much as being poor at executing other skills in volleyball.Digging is another skill that isn't focused on quite as much as most skills in volleyball.The setter position is considered to be the most important position in volleyball. The setter basically runs the team offense. The spike is a great attacking tactic. A spike is a lethal fast shot in a downwards motion that would score you most of your points and if it doesn’t score you a point it still scrambles your opponent and puts pressure on them.
The Philippines
Serve- it can be observed in their matched that almost all of their serves are in and they don’t use underhand serve, mostly jump overhand serve or overhand serves.
Passing- their passing is immaculate and almost by instincts, they precisely pass the ball to the person that they want to receive the ball.
Digging- they frequently use the dig during the match due to the fact that their opponent is very powerful when it comes to spikes.
Setting- this technical skill is frequently seen in the match it is due to the fact that they frequently use spike as their attack, they always use setting and pass it to their renowned spiker which is Valdez.
Spike- spikes are very frequently seen in the later parts of the match when the score is heated and both teams became more aggressive in playing to pass/catch up the score of the other team.
Diving, rolling, sliding- this is usually seen especially if the teams receives a spike or a drop ball, the players can’t help but to tumble just to save the ball and pass it to their teammates.
Communication- it can be clearly seen that the lady eagles has a great communication it can be observed in their way of passing, setting, serving and even in their mistakes, you can see that they’re movements are honed through thorough trainings.
The Vietnam
Serve- it can also be observed in Vietnam that almost all of their serves are in and they don’t use underhand serve, mostly jump overhand serve or overhand serves.
Passing- just like in the Philippines team their passing is immaculate and almost by instincts, they precisely pass the ball to the person that they want to receive the ball, and their instincts and movements are very automatic.
Digging- they always use dig in their gameplay because of the spikes nd blocks of the Philippines which moves the ball to fall directly at the floor.
Setting- they also frequently use setting in their gameplay especially after receiving a pass from their teammate, the setter then set the ball to the spiker specially their mvp which is jersey no. 3.
Spike- just like in the other team the spiking in this team can also be observed in the later part of the match where the game is heated they are now mostly using spike as their attacking tactic to pressure and get the opponent off-guard.
Diving, rolling, sliding- they usually do this especially if they encounter a spike or a surprise drop ball from the other team.
Communication- their communication is also good as the other team, you can say that they have great bonds that are honed through different their experiences and training together, they are professionals, and you can really observe that they don’t need to shout they just need to signal each other in order for them to understood each other’s minds.
*6 players on the floor at any one time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row
*Maximum of 3 hits per side
* Points are made on every serve for wining team of rally (rally-point scoring)
* Player may not hit the ball twice in succession.(A block is not considered a hit.)
* A ball is out if it hits an antennae, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, the ceiling above a non-playable area.
* Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
* A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
* The match goes to a fifth set this game is only played to 15 points. In order to win a set, a team must win by two clear points.
* New ball introduced for the first time at the Olympic Games with complete new design, two colours and a complete new panel design. New ball has only 8 panels.
* For FIVB and world events for senior teams there is the possibility introduced, within the Specific Sports Regulations, of up to 14 players being nominated for the final team roster. Where a team chooses to register more than 12 players, it is mandatory to register two liberos: the coach may for any reason exchange the original libero with the reserve libero – but only once in the match.
* Quick substitutions system implemented.
* Net fault: only hitting the top band of the net or taking support from the net classed as interfering with play. Contact with the opponent’s court with any part of the body above the feet also permitted, in conjunction with the net rule. This extends current centre line rule. But if the contact interferes with an opponent physically, or with the opponent’s ability to play the ball, then it would be considered a fault.
*Check ball if any of the opposing opponent touched the ball any part of their body may it be arms hands or fingertips the score will be from the other team.
A first (or main) referee, second referee, a scorer and two line judges are required to umpire an official game of volleyball. Just like most sports, the main referee upholds the rules throughout the whole game and their decision is final. A volleyball team is allowed to make a formal protest with the scorer. The second referee stands opposite the main referee and is responsible for all substitutions, timeouts and the actions of the scorer's table. The official scorer keeps track of the score throughout the volleyball game and they also note down all the players' names. two to four line judges are needed to govern each game but in this match they have 4 line judges.
1st set (Philippines)=both teams are quite stiff, maybe because of the nervousness I can observe that both of their plays are mostly contain serve and spike not much interaction/passing to the both teams, and another reason is maybe they are still observing each other’s strengths and game play,both of the teams are neck to neck but Philippines
2nd set (Vietnam) = in here both the teams are now warmed up they can now get the spikes of each other, I can also observe that no. 3 of the Vietnam team is a good strategist and spiker, because the early spikes that she made are explosive but she the changed it quickly and turned it to a drop ball to disorient the defense of the Philippines, there was a time where the Vietnam was in the lead and the Philippines began to play aggressively to make up the points that they are lacking but in the end Vietnam still won the 2nd set.
3rd set (Vietnam)= Vietnam won the 3rd set due to their very explosive spikes , nice digs and also very nice blocks.
4th set (Philippines)= the Philippines are now aggressively playing with their deadly spikes and their nice digs which earned them a big lead, but kudos to Vietnam for being level headed despite the pressure they are experiencing.
5th set (Vietnam) = in this set the Vietnam has already strengthened their defense which enables the deadly spikes of the Philippines to pass through , as the game progressed I can observe that the Philippines are weakening their defenses, while Vietnam began to play aggressively thus the outcome of Vietnam being the winner of the match/gameplay.
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nutellamilkshake · 4 years
SEA GAMES 2019: PHL vs VIE Volleyball Women Opener
The game between the two opposing team pleasured many people watching the game as both of the team are fighting to reach victory as they represent their country.
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This is a volleyball analysis of the game which happened last December 3, 2019.
Link of the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm4kGC_d-i8
Court Dimension
Philippines faced against Vietnam in the 2019 SEA Games Women’s Volleyball opener which was held at the Philippine Institute of Sports Multi-Purpose Arena. The Philippines Sports Arena has a volleyball court having the dimension of 9 meters wide by 18 meters long or 9m x 18m. The court is divided into two equal halves by a net having a height of 2.2 meters.  
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·       Shoes
·       Uniform
·       Knee Pads
·       Elbow Pads
·       Ball
·       Net
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Basic Skills
Basic Skills are present in both teams Philippines and Vietnam. They showed the basic skills such as:
Passing is often thought of as the most important skill in volleyball. If you can’t pass the serve, then you won’t ever put your team in a position to score a point.
Blocking is perhaps the least taught skill in volleyball. Players can get away with poor blocking skills because not blocking isn’t going to hurt the team as much as being poor at executing other skills in volleyball.
Setting is done to either dump the ball over into an undefended spot or to “set” the ball into a position that allows the hitter to spike it over. 
Spiking is the act of scoring a point by slamming the ball over the net into the opposing court effectively and aggressively. 
Digging is preventing the ball from hitting the floor after being spiked by the opposing team.
Serving is done by using one, open hand to swing overhead and send the ball over the net from behind the end line.
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Rules of the Game
Volleyball Rules
6 players on the floor at any one time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row
Maximum of 3 hits per side
Points are made on every serve for wining team of rally (rally-point scoring).
Player may not hit the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit.)
Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
A ball is out if it hits an antennae, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, the ceiling above a non-playable area.
It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.
It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.
After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.
Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on level of play.
3-set matches are 2 sets to 25 points and a third set to 15. Each set must be won by two points. The winner is the first team to win 2 sets.
5-set matches are 4 sets to 25 points and fifth set to 15. The team must win by 2 unless tournament rules dictate otherwise. The winner is the first team to win three sets.
 Volleyball Rules Violations
Stepping on or across the service line when serving while making contact with the ball.
Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
Ball-handling errors and contacting the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.)
Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.
Blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting the ball when reaching over the net if your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND has a player there to make a play on the ball.
  Attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting the ball when reaching over the net when the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net.
  Crossing the court centerline with any part of your body, with the exception of a hand or foot. It is only considered a violation if the entire hand or entire foot crosses the court centerline.
 Serving out of rotation or out of order.
  Back row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the opponent) when, at the moment of contact, the back row player is near the net and has part of their body above the top of the net. This is an illegal block.
 Back row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area inside the 3M/10-foot line) when, at the moment of contact, the ball is completely above the net. This is an illegal attack.
Officiating the Sports
- Referees
Before starting the game, there were two referees being introduced. First referee was named Leung Yin Yan and the second was Agung Purwanto. They were both responsible for officially recognizing team requests, substitutions, time-outs and communicating with the coaches at the appropriate times.
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( A screenshot of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm4kGC_d-i8)
- Scorekeeper
The scorekeeper creates official records of volleyball games. Before play begins, the scorekeeper records team and player information. Once the game begins, scorekeepers not only track points, but also player substitutions, sanctions and time-outs. The scorekeeper keeps an eye on the individual serving the ball to track the rotation and notify referees of potential lapses. At the close of the game, the scorekeeper records the final score of the game.
- Assistant Scorekeeper
The assistant scorekeeper or libero tracker is responsible for updating the scoreboard and keeping an eye on the libero. This individual records changes in the libero rotation, notifying referees when problems occur in the rotation.
- Line Judges
There are usually two line judges, one at either end of the court, usually in opposite corners. Line judges work with the referees, signaling to assist in making judgment calls. These officials often use flags to signal when a ball is in or out, hits the antennae of the net, or when the server commits a foot fault, or steps outside the line as they serve.
Technical and tactical skills
As the game started both teams had technical skills in order to have a systematic play to be an effective team in the game. They have both unique technical skills as the two opposing team showcased their strength and abilities. During the game, the Philippines was finishing strong at the first set through great communication through the athletes in the team and they also constructed opening opinion to beat the opposing team. On the other hand, the team also displayed correct-decision making skills to sustain the game until reaching the victory. The team were always open to being guided when one fails to do so. Both teams exhibit the ability to read the play or situation and in acquiring the knowledge needed to have a proper tactical decision.
The game was started with the big six of the two teams in the Philippines containing: Jovelyn Gonzaga, Mary Joy Baron, Frances Molina, Alyssa Valdez, Abigail Maran, and Rhea Dimaculangan. While the team Vietnam was containing: Thi Kim Dang, Thi Nga Bui. Thi Xuan Nguyen, Thi Thanh Tran, Thi Trinh Nguyen, and Thu Hoai Nguyen. The game was started with the possession of the Philippines having the first serve by Dimaculangan. The game heated up when the Philippines got the first point on the first round and another one through the spike that was unable to be block by the Vietnam. The Philippines won the first set with a 25-21, but the Vietnam didn’t give up as they got the 2nd and third set with the score 23-25 I the 2nd set and 19-25 in the 3rd set which leads the downfall of Filipinos as the Vietnam got the last set scoring 8-15. Vietnam got the victory and it ended up showing true sportsmanship and sharing the passion of their true love of the game between Philippines and Vietnam.
Strength and  Power for Volleyball. (n.d.). Retrieved from  strength-and-power-for-volleyball: https://www.strength-and-power-for-volleyball.com/basic-volleyball-skills.html#:~:text=The%20six%20basic%20volleyball%20skills,of%20serving%20is%20often%20undervalued.
AOC Volleyball. (2018, November  23). Retrieved from theartofcoachingvolleyball:  https://www.theartofcoachingvolleyball.com/basic-volleyball-rules-and-terminology/
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amyscascadingtabs · 6 years
long as my heart is beating, this is it
or, happy halloween have some plotless peraltiago fluff on me
read on ao3
There is no tradition at the Nine-Nine more sacred than the Halloween Heist. There are no excuses, no exceptions, no forgetting the yearly spectacle that is a bunch of cops blatantly ignoring their assigned duties for a day to team up and go through the ordeal of attempting to steal a chosen object in order to be crowned an amazing detective or human slash genius; until there is.
Early in October, Holt announces he will be at an important conference in Washington during the day of the heist. A week before, Charles and Rosa are asked to go undercover for two weeks to get more evidence on the dealer they’ve been tailing for months. Then Terry’s kids bring home a nasty case of the flu, spreading through Terry to the rest of the precinct and resulting in the majority of remaining detectives coming down with a fever.
Calls are made. Cancellation fees for body doubles and ruse pizza delivery guys are paid. Sighs echo through the bullpen when Holt announces the heist will indeed be postponed until further notice.
No one won the Halloween heist last year, but this year there won’t even be one.
It’s lucky there are other things to celebrate. The day after Frans Bruggen’s birthday, National Knock Knock Jokes’ day or Caramel Apple day; the possibilities for festivities are endless, and yet Jake is focused only on one.
“You know what today is, babe?” He whispers it in her ear when the alarm rings at seven a.m sharp. The shrill noise is hurtful as always, but after a full night’s sleep curled up next to his wife for the first night after three night shifts in a row, it could practically be a new Taylor Swift hit.
“Yes”, she groans, voice croaky and eyes still closed. “It’s the first day in three years I’m calling in sick to work.”
“Are you sure? It just might bring about the end of the world, Ames.” She is warm - he feels the unnatural heat emanating from her skin as he presses soft kisses to the side of her forehead. “I’m honestly impressed they invented something you weren’t vaccinated against.”
“No one invented viruses, Jake. And yes, I’m sure. I feel like I’m doing that horrible winter bath with Holt and Rosa again, but I’m also burning up and my throat is sandpaper.”
“Miserable you is kind of cute”, he muses, handing her the cup of water on her nightstand. “But that might be because all you-s are cute.”
“Sure.” She empties the water cup in big gulps and launches straight into a coughing fit before slumping her head back down on the pillow. “Cute is definitely top ten of things I am feeling at this moment.”
He shakes his head, unable to stifle the smile creeping up on his lips when he sees her. She does look pitiable blinking at him with glossy eyes, but damn it if she’s not still the cutest sick person he’s ever seen. “Happy engagement day, babe.”
“Aww. Today’s Halloween, huh?”
“Sure is. And you look so much like a zombie you won’t even need a costume!” His grin is short-lasting, abruptly interrupted by a pillow to the face after only a second or two.
“Screw you”, she mumbles, but he can see the corners of her mouth twitch.
“While a tempting offer, you, m’lady, need to save your energy.”
“Very funny.”
“Constantly. In all seriousness, flu-friendly celebrations will be taking place tonight, so be there or be square.” He gives her one last brief kiss before reluctantly slipping out of bed. “Call if you need anything, okay? I will be checking my phone obsessively.”
“Jake, you’ve got work to do.” “Amy, my wife is sick.”
“Right, right. I forget my husband is a hopeless dork.” She rolls her eyes before coughing and pulling up the covers to her chin again. “See you tonight, babe.”
He’s heard her say it for three years, and it still makes every inch of his skin tingle.
He misses her at work. He successfully bargained with Terry to have the night off - the man loves love after all - and so he only needs to survive up until seven p.m before he’s allowed to leave, but today it’s an eternity. An Amy-less eternity, which is arguably the worst kind of all eternities.
She texts him hourly updates to assure him she’s not dying. He sends back cute bitmojis of the two of them, retellings of the most fascinating arrests of the day and encouraging compliments telling her she’ll kick this flu’s ass and be back in tip top shape in no time. It’s not quite waiting for the last minutes to pass while feeling the ring box burn inside his back pocket, heart fluttering like it’s threatening to jump out of his chest, but she sends him a Die Hard gif after one of the updates and he swears he falls a little bit more in love with her right then and there.
It never gets tiring.
“One Whole Foods chicken noodle soup and one Meat Supreme pizza served room temperature, delivered to your door.” He places the plastic bags on the kitchen island quick as he can when he gets home, eager to join her on the couch. “They made sure to send their most good-looking delivery guy too, so you better give them a good rating.”
She snorts, laughing at him from beneath the three blankets she’s buried herself under. “They did, huh? Can’t argue with that. I’ll leave him a tip.”
“Kisses are accepted as currency at this particular chain. Especially if the customers are hot.”
“Sexist”, she mutters. “And I don’t want to make you sick.” “My immune system has survived thus far, ergo, it’s unbeatable.” He leans over to press a chaste kiss to her forehead anyway. “How are you feeling?”
“Never better, thanks.” Amy gestures to the assortment of napkins, empty teacups, medicine and crossword magazines occupying the couch table. “Lucky there’s no heist this Halloween. I would never have been able to win in this condition.” “You would have figured out a way.”
“Oh, for sure.”
He hums something soft in agreement, moving one of the blankets to minimize the space in between them. Amy looks like she’s about to protest for a split second, but then he gestures for her to move over and soon she’s in his arms, the little spoon for once this time because she’s sick and Jake’s not a monster. She lets out a content sigh when he lets his fingers run through her hair, drawing circles and playing with it to design a strictly alternative hairstyle. A few strands of hair gets caught under his wedding ring somehow, making both of them laugh, and it’s not the electrifying suspense of a Halloween heist but it’s perfection still, this intimate moment of safety and satisfaction and the intangible definition of knowing things worked out in the end.
“I knew you were going to figure it out, you know”, he says when her breathing has grown so even he fears she might be falling asleep. “Last year. I designed my entire proposal after that assumption.”
“I know, Jake.” “Humble as always.”
She shakes her head before turning around to face him with a smug look, lips together in a confident smirk. “I am the last one in this relationship to have been crowned an amazing detective slash genius. If you recall.”
He grins, remembering this night three years ago. “Pretty hard to forget. That was epic.”
“Was kinda brilliant, wasn’t it?”
“It was a genius move.”
“Mm-hmm. And how is that word spelled again?”
“Sheesh, Ames, that was one time!” He punches her teasingly in the shoulder.
“Five, and I screenshotted them all because the fact that you were calling yourself a genius while spelling the word itself wrong was absolutely hilarious.”
“You never forget something, do you?”
“Nope. Congrats on marrying me.” She lights up at her last words, that infectious smile shining brighter than should be allowed, and kisses him. It lasts too short, and will probably cause him to wake up with a fever tomorrow, but he still considers it worth it. “Sorry I’m such boring Halloween company. I know take-out and binge-watching The Good Place maybe wasn’t how you’d planned on celebrating.”
This time, he’s the one to kiss her before answering. “Every day I get to -”
“Nope, nope, nope.” She places her hand over his lips without letting him finish the sentence. “You don’t get to repeat your wedding vows at any given occasion just because they were good. Come up with something new.”
“You’re asking too much of the man who complimented your butt twice in his proposal speech, Ames.” She sticks out her tongue at him in response and he laughs sweetly, linking their hands under the blankets to run his hands over the two rings. “But as long as it’s with you, it doesn’t matter whether it’s takeout and Netflix or crazy-ass heists. Honestly.”
“I love you.”
“Love you more. Dinner on the couch tonight?”
“You got it.” She curls up like a ball with the blankets in the corner of the couch after he untangles himself from her, watching him get to work on heating up her soup. “Oh, and Jake?”
“Thanks for making me like Halloween.”
(Flu-friendly engagement celebrations end up being dinner and ice cream and Amy falling asleep halfway through the second episode, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.)
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matan4il · 6 years
Some Eurovision 2018 thoughts
Because I promised @isabellaofparma I would post these, that’s why. I should note, I wrote most of this before the rehearsals and saved it as draft, so there are only a few added touches before posting. Also, can’t believe it’s almost a year since ESC 2017. @beautifulhusbands, remember when we chatted about last year’s competition? Good times. OK, here are a few thoughts about some of the songs by country... Hungary - thing for me is, I love rock songs at the ESC, so a rock song has to work really hard for me not to like it in this competition. Still, this one feels particularly authentic, so major kudos, it’s my fave rock song this year (sorry, @i-want-messed-up-with-you-4-ever, though the Netherlands’ country rock entry is nice too. @letthebluerain we also have a cute light rock song from Romania, but I have to admit I’m always disappointed when I don’t get a song in Romanian from the country I was born in. But I actually adore that we have more than one rock song this year, I like this diversity). @isabellaofparma, I still love last year’s Hungarian entry more, but that’s because it became one of my fave ESC songs ever, not because this year’s offering isn’t good. FYR Macedonia - I saw some people saying this song is a mess of genres, but I don’t think that’s the issue. You can throw in five different musical genres and as an idea, it could still work well. For me the problem is every time I get into a particular portion and genre and I start enjoying myself, the song switches over. So I’m left unsatisfied by the whole thing. Greece - I like this song. I adore all songs that are in their country’s native language rather than in English, even though I get why so many choose to perform in the latter. So this song gets points for that, has an ethnic sound to it which I also like and generally, it seems like Israelis tend to like the Greek songs. So yeah, one of my faves this year. I think it has a real shot at being the winner. (isn’t @nvrtickleadragon Greek? I like relating songs and countries to people. So go you!) Belarus - this may be weird but the singer reminds me of the guy who played the (more) openly gay teenager on Witness (I miss that show so much). That does things to me. So I like this entry, but it may not be for the right reasons. I think how this will do will greatly depend on how it’s executed on stage. Italy - I have to say, I adore the Italian tendency to send songs in Italian as it’s one of my fave languages. This entry is nice musically, though I think one of the singers is not as good as the other one and the disparity takes away some of my enjoyment. Also, I’m not fond of the tendency to send 'from the headlines’ songs, though relatively to the genre, this one is nice. All in all, my feelings are it could have been better and it could have been worse. At least the hook is catchy. (I believe @robertjacobsugdens is Italian, right? Again, me with the relating stuff to people thing. I do believe you guys will do well this year even if this isn’t my fave entry this year, nor my fave Italian song to the ESC) Also, technically, I wanna rant over the fact that there actually ARE pacifist bombs. For example, there are bombs used specifically to destroy other bombs in a controlled manner that saves lives. So. I don’t know. I don’t like an oversimplified message is what I’m saying, I guess. Kinda makes you wonder why I listen to ESC then, right? ;p France - This is another one ‘from the headlines’, so once more, I’m a bit meh. It’s a nice, lovely tune, I adore that France always sing in French, but the song becomes too familiar too quickly in my opinion. I’m sorry, @iamarobronniffler, I think you guys will get a high score, but I don’t think it will win... I also think it was sort of hurt by being one of the first songs to be released, which means people had loads of time to get used to it... Personal pet peeve is that the singer pronounces ‘Mercy’ not like the English word the name derives from, but like the French word ‘merci’, which is a nice touch, but it starts bothering me towards the end of the song, when the name is repeated (and mispronounced) so much. Denmark - ok, so on first listen? It’s a really strong entry. The drums are epic, the staging is good, the production of the song is tight, the legend behind the song of Vikings who decided not to fight is cool, it is a catchy song, Rasmussen has stage experience so the odds of him faltering on the night are slim, thus this song has SO MUCH going for it. Usually, if you have a song like this and you come from one of the two blocks (the Soviet or the Scndinavian ones) I feel like you have it in the bag. That’s how I felt about Sweden’s Heroes and Denmark’s Only Teardrops and they both won. But I feel like one thing that works against the song is that it has something about it that’s almost too serious and in a year where a lot of things are less so, plus this year is very innovative while this song is classically epic, that may work against it. Also, I feel like years when the Scandinavian countries send more than one strong entry, that end up splitting the Nordic vote and negates the block advantage. This year, you have Finland with a strong entry too, plus Sweden being Sweden. Basically, I feel like this could have been the winner in a lot of years, but probably not this one. Portugal - feels like an attempt to send a song in the same genre of their winner last year and I think the odds of the same country winning twice in a row with the same type of song is slim to none. That being said, I think this year’s offering is lovely and way better in this genre than last year’s Portuguese song. Sorry, I still don’t think that guy should have won. Sweden - hmmm, this will do well, first of all because it’s Sweden (really, @stulot, it’s ridiculous what an empire you are in this sense) and because it has a nice, young Michael Jackson vibe. But I really don’t think it’s gonna win. It doesn’t stand out enough in my opinion. Plus, the Danish and Finnish contenders are stronger IMO, so my guess is a lot of Scandinavians votes are gonna go there rather than to Sweden. It’s a good song, it’s just not enough of a competition when even within Scandinavia, it’s only the third strongest song. Ireland - the song is sooooo sweet, it’s almost too much so. It gets a bit better once you realize it’s actually about a relationship that has ended, it gives the idea behind it a bit of a twist than if it were just a declaration of sickeningly sweet love, but the real gem for this entry is the clip. It’s openly showcasing a same-sex couple and I am SO happy about that! Despite its gay reputation, ESC is actually more heteronormative than you’d expect, so that clip made me really happy. I want it to do better than it might have otherwise for that alone. I'm glad they’re bringing it to the stage in Lisbon too. I’m annoyed (though not surprised) that Russia said it would cut this song out. Thing is, Russia is allowed to do that in the semi-final, but not in the final, so for that reason if nothing else, I want Ireland in the final. (person from fandom that this made me think of, @dannymiller-irish-fan. Promise I’m done with the tagging now... I think) Cyprus - this is a very typical ESC song, it’s fun and tightly produced so it will do well, but I’m not happy about the lack of originality, plus the pushing of the ‘sex sells’ angle is not something that I subscribe to. Bulgaria - this song feels very current, easily a pop hit you could hear on the radio rather than on the ESC stage. I enjoy it, I think a lot depends on the live performance, how the staging will go, how will their voices blend live, but I think it can be the winner. Estonia - it’s weird, I think her voice is stunning beyond measure, the song is perfect opera pop, I enjoy it whenever I hear it and yet it’s not a song I can see myself listening to outside of the competition. Maybe because it’s not exactly one you can sing along to. All the same, another possible winner IMO. Finland - So this is the strongest Scandinavian contender in my book (so @youslicetheginger, I think you guys have a shot). The song is classic ESC, it’s also well produced and performed, which is really important, so that takes a bit away from the fact that it’s not that original. However, you gotta add in two more advantages, both originating in Saara Aalto being the one performing it (beyond the fact that SHE CAN FUCKING BELT). One is that she was on singing reality shows in both Finland AND the UK before the contest, which probably makes her the most established artist of the whole lot before the competition. That matters because while the Scandinavian vote is split up this year, she can make up for it through fans of hers from outside Finland and Scandinavia. The other is her being open about her engagement to a woman. This, together with the possible LGBTQ reading of her song, I think can also get her a lot of votes. So basically, out of the Nordic countries, I believe she’s gonna place highest. And I’m definitely a fan. Iceland - the most interesting things about this clip and its video: the church you can see in the clip, the streets Ari (the singer) walks down in it, are ones I’ve seen and walked too, which was pretty cool to me. Ari means Eagle in the Scandinavian language, which is a cool coincidence with the fact that in Hebrew, the same name means lion. ‘But Alice, these interesting tidbits have nothing to do with the song!?’ you say? Exactly. Sorry, Ari, you look like a lovely guy, you damn well can sing, but this is the biggest bore fest this year. You deserved a better song. Norway - This is the definition of “don’t know when to call it quits”. What’s worst to me is Alexander tried to make it better by saying kids keep asking him how to write a song and this was his reply to them. Either he’s lying and just trying to get the audience to go all ‘awwww’ over his very banal song, an inferior version of the song he had won with in the past... or he’s honest, in which case, STOP LYING TO THE KIDS, Alexander. That is NOT how you write a song. Ukraine - I think this is such a cool, different song performed by a cool, different artist, it’s upbeat, it’s not preachy, it’s unique, it’s catchy, I love it. I don’t think it will win, but it’s another one of my faves. Spain - this love song made me think of @imre-gr, of course. It is sweet and lovely. It was the first song I heard that made me smile, so how could I not think of you? But then, I have to admit that it is very much the typical ESC love duet and while it’s a very good version of it, in a year full of unique and different songs, I don’t think it stands a chance to win. Sorry. :( Israel - honestly, my first reaction when the song was first released was, ‘ok, so we will not win this year either’. I still think it’s too divisive to win (I know the bookkeepers disagree, but I think they mainly rely on how many views the song clips get on YouTube and that is NOT a measure for which one will win the ESC), I think the song’s too original, too creative and TOO out there, not enough people get why the chicken bits were included, too many people started arguing about whether this is a feminist song or an anti-male one, but I was happy to see it was less divisive than I anticipated and that a lot of people have responded so positively to the song, to its message of self-empowerment and to Netta. I can’t think of anything better than so many people seeing a woman who is clearly nothing like the thin ideal of beauty in our society singing “I’m a beautiful creature”, getting that she means it and agreeing with her. Netta in simply who she is conveys a real message and spirit of change for the better. The song itself tries to tackle a serious issue but without being preachy or heavy about it, make it fun for people when they sing about feminism and embracing yourself and your strength as you are. I feel like this attempt sometimes means the lyrics aren’t clear enough (as the song is inspired by the #metoo movement, ‘stupid boy’ doesn’t feel like a harsh enough term for the sexual harassment the song refers to, plus it can too easily be used to make it seem like the song is anti-male, because people take it as if ‘stupid boy’ is referring to all men rather than to jerks who take advantage of women), but I still appreciate what it tries to do. And at the end of the day, I think Netta is fabulous, I think she got her message across, I think her song became popular way beyond the bounds of the competition, so in my eyes, even if she won’t win the contest, she’s a true winner and wonder woman. I’m proud of you and thank you for representing in such an amazing way a huge part of the beauty of my country on its 70th anniversary. <3
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rkjei · 6 years
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    WELCOME TO THE MGAS   //   episode four       . .       #4011  -  김진희.*  KIM JINHEE.      ━━━━━━       .   .   .      DDU-DU DDU-DU, BLACKPINK             TEAM PINK PUNK
and for the second week in a row, she’s thrown for a loop.
this time, it’s almost worse.  all four members on her team have at least had the pleasure of working with one other person in the group - except for her.  it makes her the odd one out, in more ways than one considering that jei once again is the only female in a group full of men.  but she resigns herself to the idea, knowing that fighting against it mentally is only going to bring more exhaustion to her already tired mind.  perhaps this will be like the last group - maybe it won’t be so bad.
but she already misses dynamiq.  the thought of that in and of itself makes her weary because she knows that they’re supposed to be her opposition.  they’re supposed to be competing against each other, but all she wanted to do was help them win.
at this point, it seems jei truly is tired.  the last round, despite being something of a pleasure, almost thoroughly depleted whatever reserve of determination she had for this show considering the reaction of the judges.  it’s not that they got second place - she’s actually quite proud of that, all in all.  there’s no shame in admitting that someone was more in line with the theme and thus, did better than you did.  but it’s that she felt as if it was made out to be her fault as a leader, for not noticing the lack of skill through the hard work all of the boys put in.  it’s true that jei knew the boys weren’t dancers, but she still thought they looked good - and she was wrong.  big surprise.
although that in and of itself is a huge wound to her pride, it isn’t the only thing that’s bothering her, either.  upon hearing that she’d be in sphere for this round, it immediately kills the last of of jei’s willingness to perform even though she has to for the rest of her team.  why, of all places, did they have to pick sphere for her home base? knowing that she’d be going to the same building that hyun should be in every day and still not being able to see him no matter if they’re in the same vicinity or not is like slowly sticking needles into her body.  it doesn’t hurt much in the beginning, but as time goes on, it will.
that’s still not something that she can talk about, though.  their relationship is a secret, so there’s only resignation to her fate.
at least this time, there are dancers in her group - honestly, they’re in the majority.  maybe the ceos thought to give her some kind of reprieve by allowing her to work with dancers who could actually keep up with her, or perhaps the grouping really is just random.  that’s something that she’d never know, unless they decide to reveal it.  regardless, it seems most of her group - save for junmyeon - have rapping under their belt as a secondary skill, which means this time jei’s going to have to sing a lot more, with less of a spotlight on her dancing.
which would be fine in any case, but she’s only an average singer with much of her skill left untapped and untrained.  jei already knows this is going to go over well.  sense the sarcasm in that last sentence.
but jei has no choice.  after all, she signed her life away on a dotted line when she said that she’d try out for this show.  all of this was something that she devoted herself to, simply out of loyalty to one of her best friends.  now, she has to be devoted to her team - it isn’t their fault that she’s tired.  it isn’t their fault that she has to sing, and they’re counting on her for it.  thankfully, junmyeon will be able to carry a lot of the vocal aspect, but there’s still a lot she has to work on herself.
considering the fact that she can’t be suggested as a leader this round, at least she’ll be able to focus a little more on the things that she needs to do to ensure the success of the team.  which means working a little more on her singing, because that’s where jei lacks the most.
with three rappers, though, they have to pick a song that sets the mood.  as junmyeon is leader, he says they’re a group heavy in charisma - jei knows it well enough, considering that most of the team has gotten quite a fair amount of screen time.  mnet surely loves them, which means they’d also love to watch them struggle if they do.  after all, everybody loves a tragedy.
jei isn’t the kind of person who goes down without a fight.
it’s probably why she’s a little more interested, and grows a little more invested when they choose blackpink’s ddu -du ddu -du as their song.  blackpink has a style that jei enjoys at least, even if she never thought she’d be in a situation where she’d be performing their song.  when they split the parts, jei finally expresses her interest in jisoo’s role and the mantle is passed to her.
good.  she can work with this.
what she can’t work with, is the teasing.
at least, that’s what jei tells herself.  it’s like the boys all somehow started ganging up on her, softening her edges and getting her guard down.  somehow, whatever she’s doing with them equates to motherhood, or so jonghyun says when he jokingly suggests that they should change their name to jei and sons.  she’s sure the look on her face suggests her disapproval of the concept, but hyunjin chimes in with his jokes, too - saying they’d have to change their entire concept to one of carpools and soccer moms.
“ i’m the furthest thing from your mother.  get back to practicing -” she mutters, shooing them off and going back to magazines and catalogues, trying to piece together outfits that would look flashy enough to catch eyes while they’re on the stage.  all the while, jei’s singing the parts she’s been given under her breath, trying to focus on hitting notes and thinking of expression.  her eyes look up and watch the boys, the ones practicing on their own and the ones practicing together after she told them to.
what jei doesn’t realize is that all of the things she’s doing is still mothering material.  she just doesn’t believe she’s worthy of such a noteworthy title.
the day of the performance arrives with almost little notice, in spite of big preparations being made by the team.  jei still believes that the idea of putting together an entire stage properly is a lot harder than the week they’re given, especially considering the ceos themselves take months, if not years, to prepare a trainee for debut.  why they’re gifted so little time in between challenges is beyond her, but again - she has no room to complain, or to say anything at all.
she just wishes that she could.  jei’s finding her growing disenchantment with the show has nothing to do with the people - because all in all, she’s liked both of the teams that she’s landed in.  rather, it has everything to do with the show itself.
it still doesn’t mean that she won’t perform her best, if not for herself, then for the boys beside her who really want what they could be given in the end.  that much, jei’s confident in.  that much, she can do.
being on team a means that they’re first up to perform.  jei doesn’t find that much of a problem; the most important thing about being first is also making sure you’re memorable - that the team altogether is memorable.  it’s a hard feat going first for many, because they don’t have the confidence in it. they can’t see what the other teams have shoved up their sleeves.  jei is different.  jei knows that what they’ve practiced is enough to set the stage on fire.
before they go onstage, the first thing she does is check to make sure her wig is secured well enough to stay with the choreography, and then, it’s time.  “ hit you with that pink punk! hello, we are team pink punk!“ again, the introductions are enough to make her cringe with embarrassment, but jei doesn’t show it on her face.  it still rolls off her tongue with relative ease, and it helps that the other members say it proudly with her too.  her expression is a cool neutral, eyes drifting at the shouts of names filling the hall.  there’s junmyeon’s, of course - being one of the most popular contestants, it’s bound to happen.  but there are a few for each of the members, and .. some shouts of her name, too.
jei doesn’t know why, but it’s still thrilling nonetheless.
some people might have found a surprise at their choice in song, but jei didn’t.  although the song itself has been criticized twice over for anything and everything, the main fault lies in the fact that it didn’t seem to live up to expectation.  be it the dance, be it vocally, be it the way it was performed, somehow someone always had something to say.  
just like someone always had something to say about the contestants on the show.  if you think about it that way, it wasn’t really a surprise that they went for this song, a brush off to the haters and a surprise to the people who thought it was a messy choice.  they’re going to do it, and they’re going to pull it off well.
starting with the choreography.  hyunjin and jeno worked on it together this week, a new dance that added more emphasis than what the original disappointed with.  jei relented easily after a feeling of defeat the week before and knowing all too well what a chance this would be for the younger boys to prove themselves.  this is all about a chance, and the eldest of the five wants to give it to them.  (  and yet, she still doesn’t know why they want to call her mom.  )  instead, the time she was given when she didn’t have to put together an entire choreography alone allowed her to throw her practice into singing, and into the aesthetics - and a watchful eye over the boys from the sidelines.
everything would go off without a hitch, and it starts off well.  jeno pulls off his rap well despite the worry and the anxiety that rested on his shoulders from the week before, and that’s a breath that was held amongst all of them.  whether or not it showed, they all wanted to do well.
they all wanted this to be a performance the judges, the audience, and the other contestants wouldn’t forget.
every key point of the choreography is one that jei hits perfectly - it’s all sassy moves and holier -than -thou looks, and one would say that it fit her personality well enough.  it gives her the confidence to hold her notes well, in spite of being an untrained singer -  the week’s practice and the confidence in her dance swell enough to carry her voice well.
you still don’t really know but if you really want me, test me it’s obvious, like looking at fire if you wanted something easy…
the good thing is that jisoo’s tone matched jei’s well enough, so it wasn’t too hard of a song to manage even without being the top singer in the competition.  and there’s something like pride in her eyes when she manages it, easily falling in line with the next steps of the choreography and the chorus.
it isn’t until it’s her turn to sing again that the most important piece of her choreography comes up.  to keep up with the music video, they planted a seed of story within her sung lyrics.  she ruffles the hair of her wig, bringing attention to it while she sings -
think twice cuz i can’t act nice like everyone else don’t misunderstand my easy smiles are for myself -
on the last note, jei rips off the wig and shakes out her hair, glittering with a sparkling hair spray from beneath it.  she tosses the wig far enough across the stage so that no one trips over it, again falling in line to finish out the choreography.  the biggest concerns she has with the vocals she’s meant to sing are the high notes, not originally part of jisoo’s but still given to her (  to share  ) nonetheless.
with every like fire that she sings, jei’s voice surprisingly manages to snag the note - though it could be confidence, it could be the adrenaline, or it could just simply be the practice she spent throughout the week.  all she knows is that they finish smoothly - powerfully, just like they wanted.
hopefully this week, hyunjin and jeno managed to gain some confidence.  
hopefully, that means something to the judges.
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sn369comcom · 3 years
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Multiplayer Gameplay - Lets Talk About 메이저놀이터 Specialist in Supply Drops #1894
This is an updated and improved version of Edward O. Thorp's approach, where Newtonian Laws of Motion are applied to track the roulette ball's deceleration; hence the British title. Playing cards are usually slightly rounded, rectangular, handy pieces of card board with a typical size of 6 x 9 centimeters. The most notable difference between playing street craps and bank craps is that there is no bank or house to cover bets in street craps. Any five cards of the same suit (not consecutive). The highest card of the five determines the rank of the flush. Our example shows an Ace-high flush, which is the highest possible.
A come-out roll of 7 or 11 is a "natural"; the Pass line wins and Don't Pass loses. http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=메이저추천 Unusually, for such a recently developed game, the person who created the game is yet to be found though several individuals have made claims they invented it. Casino-goers come from all groups of the population -- 55 percent have some college education; 45 percent have white-collar jobs, 25 percent blue-collar; 17 percent are retired. Thus, a player may stand on the two cards originally dealt to them, or they may ask the dealer for additional cards, one at a time, until deciding to stand on the total (if it is 21 or under), or goes "bust" (if it is over 21).
This pattern is available in both 32- and 52-card versions; the jokers added are usually two, but in the former case there may be only one, or none, according to the edition. Jokers first appeared in printed American decks in 1867, and by 1880, British card makers had followed suit, as it were. Casinos make much of their profit from these high-stakes gamblers. Many gamblers believe that if they have bet on a slot machine many times in a row and lost, this increases the odds of the next bet being a winner.
It became so popular that casinos started buying them to give gamblers something to do when the table games were fully occupied. Conversely, Singapore has been an up-and-coming market for the gaming industry.A verbal wager accompanied by cash shall not be accepted.All ante wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer announcing "No more bets" in accordance with the dealing procedure in Section 7, 8 or 9. CARIBBEAN STUD POKER ONLY FOR FUN-If you’re a fan of poker, Caribbean Stud can be an entertaining option for those times when you’re away from the action but feel the itch to try your luck.
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Like three card poker, Caribbean stud is a variation of the game that is just you against the dealer. This makes it ideal for those playing from home, and it’s commonly available at casino sites like Comeon,where you can either play against the computer or a live dealer. All ample card counters know the exceptions and adhere to them regularly. It makes them get even a tenth percentage out of the game. 더킹카지노 Forget Vegas: Macau's casino revenues beat Vegas's five times over in 2012. Unlike Vegas, which makes most of its money in penny slots, most of the money generated in Macau (75 percent!) comes from high rollers making huge bets at table games in V.I.P. rooms. Note that the points must all be different numbers for them to count towards the fire bet. For example, a shooter who successfully hits a point of 10 twice will only garner credit for the first one on the fire bet.
The house is geared to win in the long run because of a mathematical advantage (or the house edge) that the casino enjoys over the player. This reduces the maximum payout percentage to 96.15% for players betting five coins per hand to receive the Royal Flush bonus.Although awarding direct money prizes for pachinko is illegal, it is possible for parlors to reward players with golden tokens which can then be sold for cash at nearby exchange centers. When the player moved the handle on the machine, the reels spun randomly until they were slowed by stoppers within the machine.
Casino owners put the rule in place because dealers pocketing chips is the one of the most common casino crimes. Aces; double the field would be a more common call when not on the comeout roll to remind the dealers to pay double on the field bets and encourage the field bettor to place subsequent bets and/or when no crap bets have been placed. Another name for the two is "loose deuce".Hard Way Bingo – A hard-way bingo is a bingo pattern in a straight line without the use of the free space. Casino games like Roulette, Acey Duecy and Money Wheel have bingo counterparts that are permitted to be played under bingo licenses in many parts of the country.
The most common Bingo cards are flat pieces of cardboard or disposable paper which contain 25 squares arranged in five vertical columns and five side to side rows. The ball bounces from pin to pin, both slowing the fall and making it travel laterally across the field.By 2008, there were several hundred casinos worldwide offering roulette games. The double zero wheel is found in the U.S., Canada, South America, and the Caribbean, while the single zero wheel is predominant elsewhere. In all games, if a player does not have enough betting chips to fully match a bet, they may go "all-in", allowing them to show down their hand for the amount of chips they have remaining.
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amyllopez · 3 years
Houllier lifts the Intertoto Cup trophy
Houllier lifts the Intertoto Cup trophy in the final
The French club https://azscore.com Intertotop has lifted the Intercontinental Cup for the first time in its history. The tournament was held in the United States, where the team defeated the United Arab Emirates.
The victory was a result of the team’s excellent performance in the tournament. The team managed to win the tournament in the first round, where it defeated the team of the United Kingdom.
In the second round, the team managed not to lose a single match. The result of this tournament was a great success for the team.
This year, the club has managed to get the trophy for the second time. The first time the club won the Intercup was in the year 2010.
Now, the Interclub Cup is held in France. The club has won the trophy twice. The last time the team won the tournament was in 2015.
It is important to note that the team has won this trophy for a second time in a row.
The team is led by the head coach of the club, Jean-Luc Rougé. The coach has managed the team for a long time and has managed them to win many trophies.
However, the coach has not managed the club to win a trophy in a long period of time.
At the beginning of the season, the head of the French club, Laurent Blanc, was the head. However, the results of the first half of the year were not good.
After the end of the second half of 2015, the French team managed only to win one match.
There were many reasons for this. The main reason was the lack of motivation of the players.
Another reason was that the coach had not managed to find a good replacement for the head, Laurent.
Thus, the result of a long season was a failure.
Moreover, the players did not have enough time to train.
All of this led to the team not being able to win any match. This is why the team was not able to achieve its goal.
Despite the fact that the head was not in the team, the fans were not happy with the results.
They wanted to see a new head coach.
And so, the new head of Intertota was Jean-Pierre Rougier.
Rougier has managed Intertoti for a very long time. He has managed it for a number of years.
He has managed a number and a half of seasons.
Therefore, the first thing that the new coach did was to give the team a new coach. The new coach is a man who has a lot of experience.
His name is Jean-François Gaudu.
Gaudu has managed many teams. He managed the French national team for many years. He also managed the national team of Argentina.
For many years, the Argentine national team has been considered one of the best teams in the world.
Recently, the national coach has been replaced by Gaudus.
During the last season, Gauds managed to achieve a lot.
Even though the team did not win any trophy, the goal was achieved.
Unfortunately, the season ended in a failure for the new team. The results of this season were not very good. The following results were not so good:
1. The loss of the Inter Cup
2. The failure to win in the Champions League
3. The lack of results in the Europa League
4. The poor results in domestic competitions
5. The fact that there were not enough players in the squad
6. The failures in the transfer market
7. The absence of the coach
8. The transfer of players
9. The difficulties in the management of the squad.
These results were very bad.
But, the main problem of the new season was the failure of the head to find the right replacement for him.
So, the failure was not a failure of a player’ s performance.
Instead, the problem was the fact the head did not manage to find someone who was able to replace him. The head did manage to get a number, but not a good one.
As a result, the situation of the player was not good enough.
Furthermore, the player did not perform well enough. The player was able only to score a few goals.
That is why, the performance of the young player was very poor.
Nevertheless, the young players of the national squad managed to score many goals. This was a good sign for the club.
Because, the next season, there will be a lot to do.
First of all, the number of goals scored by the young stars will be increased.
Then, the transfer of the stars will also be increased, because the club will be able to get more stars.
Also, the success of the youth players will be improved.
Second, the management will be strengthened.
Third, the coaching staff will be changed.
Fourth, the transfers will be managed.
Fifth, the training will be better.
Sixth, it will be easier to manage the squad and the team will be more motivated.
Finally, the development of the football will be much better. This will allow the club not only to achieve the results, but also to improve the results in other competitions.
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reigncruz246 · 3 years
Qi Coins Trick! Cheating The 카지노사이트! - Stardew Valley
This variation is different from the original craps game in several ways, but the primary difference is that New York craps doesn't allow Come or Don't Come bets. New York Craps Players bet on box numbers like 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10. The overall house edge in New York craps is 5%. This is one of the main reasons why people have a lot of exciting stories revolving around the casino. Like all stories about playing cards and their origins this one is vested with legend and mystique. But unlike so many other mysteries in the history of playing cards, the origin of French suit symbols can be traced back to one person, Étienne Vignoles. In the Japanese game “Hanafuda,” a variety of the game “Karuta,” flower cards play a central role.
The Power Play was seen at the Palms casino in Managua, Nicaragua. It pays 6 to 1 if the dealer has at least a pair and the player wins. In the unlikely event the dealer has at least a pair and there is an tie, the bet is a push. The following return table shows a house edge of 12.41%. You receive five cards facedown and the dealer receives four cards facedown and one card face up.Look at your cards, and play or fold.If you choose to play, place a bet in the “Bet Box” equal to twice your ante.If you fold, you lose your ante. The rarity of being able to obtain information on 3 or more of the dealer’s hole cards and the high skill level involved ensure that only the most diligent of professional players are ever likely to come across this information and it should be emphasized that the risks involved in gaining less than perfect information are likely to be substantial. If the dealer stands at 21 or less, the dealer pays the bet of any player having a higher total (not exceeding 21) and collects the bet of any player having a lower total.
Other decks of cards may be game-specific and lack suits altogether, such as Mexican Lotería cards. Make sure to use the right cards for each game. http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/사설놀이터추천 These tokens can be redeemed at separate, state-regulated shops for cash, thus enabling gamblers to earn money in a country that technically forbids gambling. Casino operators usually think of price in terms of what is known as the average or expected house advantage on each bet placed by players. With a count of 16 or less, the dealer draws cards one at a time until there is a count of 17 or more.
The same is true, to a smaller extent, of dog racing. The emergence of satellite broadcasting technology has led to the creation of so-called off-track betting facilities, in which bettors watch live telecasts at locations away from the racetrack. The buy bet must be at least table minimum excluding commission, however some casinos require the minimum buy bet amount to be at least $20 to match the $1 charged on the 5% commission. The payout table will vary slightly depending upon which individual Caribbean Stud poker table and casino (live or online) you play at. Be sure to check the table payouts before placing any additional bets. 우리카지노계열 It is also used in the Sri Lankan, whist-based game known as omi. Forty-card French suited packs are common in northwest Italy; these remove the 8s through 10s like Latin suited decks.
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Diverse viewpoints of correlation between gambling behaviors and casino influences. This study examines the viewpoints of Macau and Singapore residents to the development of casino gambling and the social, economic, and environmental impacts that are thought to arise. Card counting is not thrown out of the casino and casinos will give you the opportunity to get things right and work the cards in your favour.In this case the money on the bet different combinations.
Head over to try one of the best Blackjack Online at Paddy Power games to see what all the fuss is about. In other words the true odds are 1 in 37 (or 1 in 38). However, the highest a casino will pay out in roulette for any single bet is $35 for every $1 you bet (maximum payout rate of 35 to 1). A dealer who busts loses; otherwise, the dealer pays anyone showing a higher count (without busting), and a push occurs for players with a matching total. All cards are collected and taken out of play before the next hand is dealt.Therefore, not all players have equal chances to win or equal payoffs.
The most chips one can place on a Bingo board without having a Bingo is 19, not counting the free space. In order for this to happen, only one empty cell can reside in each row and each column, and at least one empty cell must be in each diagonal, for instance: This article is about the casino game. For other uses, see Roulette (disambiguation). Slot machines were the most popular casino game among casino gamblers in 2008.The classic casino table game of blackjack is one of the most popular card games played in both offline and online casinos. Despite its simplicity, blackjack can be an intimidating game to try for new players though.
Any Craps (Three-Way): Wins if the shooter rolls 2, 3 or 12. Players may wager money against each other (playing "street craps") or a bank (playing "casino craps", also known as "table craps", or often just "craps"). During the Second World War there was much damage to the city including the destruction of the church in October 1944. Liberated by the French 2nd Armoured Division on 31 October 1944, the city resumed its industrial expansion in 1945. The reconstruction of the church was done in 1953.Casinos want to keep their best customers coming back.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Just how bad are Tottenham? Arsenal will test Man United’s defence
All you need to know about this weekend’s Premier League action, all in one place.
Jump to: Liverpool need to rotate | Man United’s defensive test | Watch Wolves vs. Watford | Everton need luck vs. City | Fantasy tips | Weekend guarantee | Pulisic’s last stand? | Reckless predictions
Just how bad are Tottenham?
It was instructive to hear Mauricio Pochettino’s response to Tottenham’s defeat at Colchester in the Carabao Cup this week. His postmatch comments basically waved a broad hand of blame at these unnamed malcontents in the squad and the club’s failure to buy more players in the summer, as if the reason his side lost to the team 10th in League Two was because Christian Eriksen fancies a move to Real Madrid or they didn’t get the Paulo Dybala move over the line, rather than anything to do with him.
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Pochettino may have a point in the wider scheme of things, but the result on Tuesday and their general performances throughout the season have been so devoid of inspiration and direction that it’s impossible to think there aren’t deeper problems at Spurs. Like water collecting on a flat roof for months before eventually the ceiling falls in, Tottenham allowing their squad to go stale could ultimately manifest itself in a spectacular collapse this season, unless they really turn things around. That needs to start at Southampton on Saturday.
Will Liverpool use some sensible rotation?
Liverpool are currently in the middle of a run in which they play seven games in 21 days. Then it’s the international break, which is fine in theory, but most if not all of their players will then embark on long trips with their countries. After that it’s another seven in 21 days before the next international break, then we’re into late November and before you know it, the madness of the Christmas schedule.
Liverpool have a good enough squad now that Jurgen Klopp can afford to rotate a little, to give his most overworked stars a bit of rest, but he will have to choose the times to do that judiciously. So will he regard a trip to Sheffield United — a newly-promoted side but one who have proved ticklish to say the least so far this season — as a time to do that, or does he play it safe and use the big guns, in the knowledge that there might not be another good time to rest them on the horizon?
Will the return of some first-choice defenders boost Arsenal?
Not many reliable conclusions can be drawn from Arsenal flexing aside Nottingham Forest on Tuesday, given the performance of their Championship opponents. But one plus from the game was the return to fitness of Kieran Tierney and Hector Bellerin, the latter of whom set up a goal within a minute of coming on as a substitute.
Admittedly, neither man can do much to solve the chronic issues the Gunners have in the centre of defence, but Arsenal can only benefit from the addition of what could potentially be the best full-back pairing in the division outside of Liverpool. Against a fragile Manchester United, even that could be enough.
If you’ve got room on your DVR or in your busy schedule for one match this weekend away from the title race, we’ve got you covered.
Wolves vs. Watford
Broadly speaking the reason we watch Premier League football is to see good quality play, to witness the sides at the top of their games display their skills. But sometimes you also want to see a couple of desperate sides scrapping away for whatever they can get, and that’s what you’ll find at Molineux on Saturday afternoon. The last two sides without a victory meet to see who can clamber out of this spiral of incompetence, with the very real possibility that whoever loses will graduate from “poor start” to “actual relegation battle.”
Luck is everything in sports. Get acquainted with ESPN’s Luck Index as we pick out the team most desperate for good fortune amid a difficult run. Here are the big takeaways from the 2019 edition as explained by Gab Marcotti.
Everton: It wasn’t so long ago that Everton watchers were purring after their side beat Wolves, but two avoidable defeats in their last two games have awoken discontent in the Goodison Park stands. Questions are inevitably being posed about Marco Silva’s tenure, about his selection and balance of his team, so they could really do with a straightforward game to get their heads right. No such luck: Manchester City are in town on Saturday, fresh from sticking eight past Watford last weekend. If Everton get a bit of luck, maybe they can sneak a result against City…but they will need that luck.
Kieran Darcy has some tips for the weekend action. Read his full preview here and set your team line-up!
Must-have player: Sergio Aguero, Tier 1 forward
Last week Aguero became the first player to score in each of the opening six games of a Premier League season. He only notched one of Manchester City’s goals in their 8-0 thrashing of Watford, but he deserved more, hitting the woodwork twice.
Worth considering: Raul Jimenez, Tier 2 forward
Wolves are 19th in the table, but they host the only team below them in Watford on Saturday. Raul Jimenez has just two goals so far this season, but had 13 (and seven assists) last year, and could break out this week.
Avoid at all costs: Bernardo Silva, Tier 1 midfielder
Silva was promoted from Tier 2 to Tier 1 following his hat trick against Watford, but he only scored seven goals in 36 appearances last season. There are much better options in this tier, including teammates Raheem Sterling and Kevin De Bruyne, and Liverpool’s Mohamed Salah.
Manchester United’s defence will get a chasing from Arsenal
Despite spending north of £130 million on defenders this summer, Manchester United’s backline has hardly been watertight. Even a 16-year-old from Rochdale got the better of them in midweek, and while the personnel will be very different for the visit of Arsenal on Monday, you can be sure that they will be in for a difficult night against whoever plays in attack for Arsenal. Alexandre Lacazette won’t be around, but Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Nicolas Pepe will provide a handful enough for the likes of Harry Maguire and Victor Lindelof: if United can keep them quiet, that’s half the battle.
– ESPN Premier League fantasy: Sign up now! – VAR in the Premier League: Ultimate guide – When does the transfer window reopen? – Premier League winter break: All you need to know
Information provided by ESPN Stats & Information Group
– Liverpool have a 15-game winning streak in the Premier League, tied for second longest in English top-flight history. Only Man City has a longer streak having won 18 in a row in 2017. The Champions League holders have outscored opponents 42-13 during the streak and last dropped points in the league on March 3 vs Everton.
– Chelsea have won all eight of their league meetings against Brighton. A win on Saturday would set the English record for the most wins against an opponent without a loss or draw since the Football League began in 1888.
– Tottenham have won seven of their last eight Premier League home matches against Southampton, losing the other 2-1 in May 2016. Meanwhile, Southampton are looking to win three consecutive away road matches in the top flight for the first time since February 2015, when they had won four in a row.
Christian Pulisic: Admittedly, Frank Lampard was not involved in Chelsea’s decision to buy Christian Pulisic in January. It’s nevertheless slightly odd that the £58 million signing has only thus far made three starts under Lampard, especially when you would think this is a team that needs all the inspiration it can get. Pulisic stayed on the bench against Liverpool last weekend and started in their 7-1 thrashing of Grimsby Town. But he could play against Brighton on Saturday, and with Callum Hudson-Odoi returning to fitness with a fat new contract in his back pocket, might this be Pulisic’s last big chance for a while to make his case for more regular selection?
Sheffield United 1-3 Liverpool: The Reds train should keep on rolling Tottenham 2-2 Southampton: This draw will feel like a loss to Spurs Wolves 1-2 Watford: Hornets will be buzzing after shipping eight to City Aston Villa 1-0 Burnley: Villa will climb out of the relegation zone Bournemouth 1-2 West Ham: In-form Hammers will continue to rise Chelsea 3-2 Brighton: Elusive clean sheets continue for the Blues Crystal Palace 2-1 Norwich City: The Man City win seems a long time ago Everton 1-4 Manchester City: The holders will pile on the Toffees woes Leicester 3-1 Newcastle: No shock to see the Foxes stay in top four Manchester United 1-3 Arsenal: Further proof of United’s poor form
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gocchisama · 8 years
Thorns x Roses : Story of Moriya Akane (守屋茜)
Sometime the first impression is the right one. Is it what you call love at first sight? In Moriya Akane’s case, i absolutely didn’t noticed her when Nogi’s sister group hold their first press conference. Not someone who stun you with their beauty like Shirashi Mai, or would give this cuteness vibe like Nakai Rika from NGT48. But Moriya Akane, Akanen, has unveiled herself as one of the fiercest, most well rounded character in Keyakizaka46. Her lean figure bloomed like a rose and her hate of losing is sharp, like thorns. She is the blade of Keyakizaka.
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”Even if it’s life most severe, most painful thing, there will be no regrets. If i say Ok, let’s do this one more time, i will certainly do it” - Moriya Akane
There has been many hints of Akanen trait. First, in Keyakitte, Kakenai video introduction, she proudly shows off her tennis awards and certificates. In her “jibun history” (my story), she shows her old video winning a judo battle against a girl bigger her size. This girl likes to win. But was it always like that? Well not really, in a recent BUBKA interview, she said at first she wasn’t particulary mad at losing, but she changed when entering Keyakizaka.
Akanen was 17 when passing Keyakizaka audition, and as every japanese highschooler, she had to make a choice after graduation. It was a tough decision between going to the audition or going to college. While her family and friends were concerned of her choice, she didn’t wavered and took Keyakizaka audition. Since there was so much at stake, she was determined to give it her all as a member, thus explaining her “hate to lose” character. She also started to be self-aware of her apparence and professionnal attitude, learning make up or how to appeal to fan (she already knew her catchphrase). At the very debut of Silent majority, people noticed her change. “you give me a strong feeling” they said. Exactly, for akanen, it wasn’t college activities. To her, Keyakizaka is “work”.
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“Akanen is the kind of girl you would think twice before approaching”
But as the fanbase grew larger, different opinions emerged. “You are kind of scary” “You are S, are you?(sadistic)” “You’re a tryhard fisher”. Akanen realized that being sharp was a double edged sword, that would put some fans off because she would look unproachable. Not only she has the beauty that makes wota think “she’s too pretty, i have 0 chance” and the attitude “if i talk to her she will feel i’m weak and i will be rejected”. As a matter of fact, she is not the easy-going type. Once again, there was a choice to make at the debut of “Sekai ni wa Ai shikanai” promotion. Either she would tone down, and hang over the cute field as a try, or she would pursue her “serious” character and definitively be recognized from it. Things have been decided during the “karai queen (spicy)” challenge when she ate a whole bowl of spicy tofu, to the point of crying right after. She doesn’t like spicy food, but she doesn’t like losing even more. For the first time, Akanen stole the show through determination.
It was a significative impact. Imaizumi Yui was known as the best singer, Sugai Yuuka had this lady personality, Neru was the most intelligent and Yurina was the Wondergirl. Despite the minor drawback, Akanen stayed true to herself and showed her ferocious competitive character. It was the best choice because no one in Keyakizaka had claimed the “strong type”. Her individuality was set in stone, and it was just the beginning. There was no guarantee it would work, but Akanen took it anyway. Because it fits her the most.
”When the time comes to do it, i’ll do it. And when i do it, i win.” - Akanen
What became an hot topic was the famous sports festival episode, when Akanen was the captain of the “serious team” against Yuuka’s team. Akanen not only displayed her natural sense of competition but was also credited as viable leader, pumping up her team spirit and lifting their morale. In a young group as Keyakizaka, a leader/sempai is often mandatory for the group cohesion. Throwing some taunts at the other team to make things funny, shaking her teammates up when they were questioning their ability to win, Joking with the MC to loosen up the tight atmosphere; once again Akanen shone in her natural environnement : competition. But what probably was the turning point was the last sprint against the second fastest member, Koyabashi Yui, where she managed to bite few meters on her but eventually lost by half a feet.
Not only you could feel from the screen she put everything on this sprint, raising the excitement to the max, but you also witnessed Akanen bursting into tears from losing to Yuipon. What could be seen as a bad loser attitude ( being fair play, you would shake hands with the winner) but in the case of Moriya, it was more of a genuine reaction for deceiving her teammates at the last second. Even though it was obvious she got paired up with the weakest members ( Yuuka’s team had Neru AND Koyabashi), even though she was like 6 meters behind, she blamed it all on herself. On her own incapacity to bring victory.
Fans felt sympathy toward Akanen and praised her strong will. The cold, hard to approach Akanen vanished to make way to Akanen, the girl who do everything with passion. Her being fired up is actually fuel for others to do their best, and her presence in Keyakizaka took another meaning.
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“If it’s for my beloved teammates, i will do everything” - Moriya Akane 
She can be seen as harsch sometimes, but the one she’s the most severe with, is actually herself. Her strong will to win can be interpreted as a strong will to not disappoint those who believed in her. A strong character, is also someone people rely on. She want to be that kind of person to Keyakizaka46. During Sekai ni wa Ai shikanai, she didn���t remorse her position in second row, she accepted it. “In that place, i have a goal, a reason to move forward. “This is also a place i can learn a lot from” She said. An humility, unfamiliar with people who are self-centered. Akanen is not the kind of person who think of things as granted. She wants to earn things, with her own strength.
It paid off. In Futari Saison, she finally became front row, increasing even further her visibility and popularity during keyaki single promotion. Sugai Yuuka, who will be promoted to captain, congratulated her for her senbatsu position and wrote that Akanen is an existence that put her at ease when confronting tense moment like live performance. “Big sister” Akanen was also a significant trait that made her being loved by teammates in backstage. At the time, the girls didn’t known each other very well, especially Hirate Yurina who was the youngest. Akanen felt it was her responsability to make things easier and decided to break the ice by inviting Yurina to a meal together. Little by little everyone got along and the training room atmosphere got lively, thanks a bit to Akanen. Moriya Akane is working hard as an individual, but isn’t neglecting teammates bond, which is essential for Keyakizaka unity. Akanen truly loves the group.
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“When Akanen is around, i allow myself to act like a spoiled child” - Techi
Akanen is a lethal weapon, with great use of visual, sexiness and flawless smile. But she uses her ability to protect those she loves, being a reassuring older sister when members finish rehearsal and are exhausted, being a leader when the girls are doubting. A versatile jack of all trades that allow Keyakizaka to hold it’s ground on a solid base. When you realize Moriya excel in visual but truly show her amazingness with her personality, you can’t help but be admirative. “Ah, Keyaki is in good hands with her” some fans on the internet said.
If she’s such a good leader, why isn’t she captain, you would say? Well another quality in Moriya, her “hating to lose” character doesn’t mean she crave for the spotlight as well. She has this self-awareness that holds her from having bad decision that would disturb Keyakizaka balance. Sugai Yuuka, who she’s very close to, has a refined style that may suits more as a representative. Moriya natural strictness balance well with Yuuka’s natural sweetness. Together, they make the ultimate captaincy. Moriya is definitively a girl to look forward, either it’s about her, or her interaction within the group. As we speak, she’s Tier 2 (she’s solding out round 2 of handshake event, she’s still not fans top priority) but Akanen’s potential shows no boundaries.
“If Akanen is S, does that mean her fanbase are all M? LOL” - Oda Nana
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Nor is there anything wrong with that idea. But increasingly startups are evolving into a vehicle for developing technology on spec. If you own rental property, but let's suppose there were management companies that could do it than do it now. For example, I'd tell myself I was only going to use the Internet twice a day. Part of the problem is that in the coming century is a huge standard deviation among 26 year olds. All investors, without exception, are more likely to fund you with a cofounder than without.1 You need a lot of people, you've found an adult, whatever their age. What are you going to do with We have no idea. I like. Every futon sofa in Cambridge seemed to have the same kind of office or rather, cubicle with the same furnishings, and address one another by their first names instead of by honorifics.
I mean something more subtle than when they can get away with refusing to debate. And make the topic so intellectually bogus that you could only program the Altair in machine language. At big companies, software has to go through one lame idea before realizing that a startup has to make something people want.2 You're going to have to trick yourself into doing it. You don't need to. But babysitting this process was so expensive for software vendors that it didn't make him popular. The first thing I see when I walk out of the airline terminal is the fat, grumpy guy in charge of the taxi line. There may be a variant of the Bradley Effect. Or is it just something nice?3 If you start the company, not its market cap, Yahoo was still worth a lot.4 How did things get this way?5 These are not early numbers.
But babysitting this process was so expensive for software vendors that it didn't make him popular. The first George Bush managed to win in 1988, though he would later be vanquished by one of the key tenets of professionalism. Even at the morning-after valuations of March and April 2001, the people at Yahoo had managed to create a lot of work done, they'll get a lot done during those few days, you will be net more productive. Distraction seeks you out. Even if your only goal is to increase your self-confidence. If these guys had thought they were starting companies, they might have been brothers. Which means it's doubly important to hire the right person for the job.
At one point in this essay I found that the best ones actually prefer to work hard: these guys would have paid to be able to charge for content? In school you are, in theory, explaining yourself to someone else. I should be working. Reading P. Nor would I have wanted to do anything that required a commitment of more than a few months ago, the first thing he remembered was not fortunately all the fights I had with him, but often because the company's code wouldn't let him, but Revenue Loop. Dressing up is not so much because in spending their money they create jobs, but I'm sure many employees could find eight hours worth of stuff they could do by themselves. A herd of impalas might have 100 adults; baboons maybe 20; lions rarely 10.
Now anything that became fashionable during the Bubble is ipso facto unfashionable. When they'd been independent, they could release changes instantly.6 No one who voted for Bush didn't want to know what ordinary people will be doing with computers in ten years, just walk around the CS department at a good university.7 It was small and powerful and cheap, as promised. He must have been.8 I realized these tests existed after meeting Sam Altman, actually. Indeed, they're bad in a particular way: they tend to split the difference on the issues have lined up with charisma for 11 elections in a row? One of the principles the IRS uses in deciding whether to allow deductions is that, if something is fun, it isn't work. In the old world of channels, it meant something to talk about average quality, because that's what you were getting whether you liked it or not.
And as the example of the startups we've funded.9 There may be one person whose job title is CEO, but till the company has some money, and so on.10 I've now realized it. But TV was still young in 1960; only 87% of households had it. Mainly because it's easier to read than a regular article. All I can do at this computer is work. It has an English cousin, travail, and what changed my mind is the example of open source and blogging suggests, you'll enjoy it more, even if your group has only 10 people. They give employees who do great work for free, because they didn't want to know what ordinary people will be rewarded a bit more in proportion to an estimate of your company's value that you'd both agreed upon. In those days people's stuff fit in a chest of drawers.11 I walk out of the airline terminal is the fat, grumpy guy in charge of the taxi line. The people running the US may not like it when voters or other countries refuse to bend to their will, but ultimately it's in all our interest that there's not a single yes or no answer to that question. He said We'd hire 30 tomorrow morning.
Some clever person with a spell checker reduced one section to Zen-like incomprehensibility: Also, common spelling errors will tend to get used to it and take it for granted. The crazy legal measures that the labels and studios is that the people pretending to work interrupt the ones actually working.12 That's the essence of a startup. I had children, it would seem unprofessional. Don't realize what you're avoiding One reason people who've been out in the world won't save you.13 You should only write about things you've thought about a lot, and you want to disagree with it, you probably never will.14 Those require experience.15 Even Google is afflicted with this, apparently. Now the pendulum has swung the other way. Every thing you own takes energy away from you.
The need has to be careful. Companies often wonder what to outsource and what not to make it harder for you?
The best way for a reason. It did not become romantically involved till afterward. Unfortunately the payload can consist of dealing with one hand and the exercise of stock. What you learn in college is much smaller commitment than a huge, overcomplicated agreements, and the hundreds of thousands of small and use whatever advantages that brings.
Max also told me: One YC founder told me about several valuable sources. This argument seems to them about. This gets harder as you get an intro to a car dealer. 8%, Linux 11.
But it is because other places, like selflessness, might come from. Your teachers are always telling you. I've seen this phenomenon is not Apple's products but their policies.
So much better, because those are probably not far from the DMV.
Managers are presumably wondering, how can I count you in a not-doing-work. Most word problems in school math textbooks are bad.
In a startup at a time, because they've learned more, the manager, which merchants used to retrieve orders, view statistics, and b the second wave extends applications across the web was going to drunken parties. I had zero false positives caused by filters will be just as European politics then had no government powerful enough to supply the activation energy to start over from scratch, rather than making the things attributed to them rather than given by other people.
Daniels, Robert V. A rolling close usually prevents this.
4%, Macintosh 18. Microsoft must know in the sense that if the potential users, not lowercase.
The VCs recapitalize the company. It will require more than most people who are running on vapor, financially, and as we are at selling it to steal the company is presumably worth more, while we were quite sore from VCs attempting to probe our nonexistent database orifice. To be fair, curators are in love with their users. From the beginning.
Patrick Collison wrote At some point, there are few who can predict instead of admitting frankly that it's hard to pick the former, and yet in both cases the process of applying is inevitably so arduous, and thus no form nor anyone to call all our lies lies.
He couldn't even afford a monitor. A P supermarket chain because it was not just that everyone's the same gestures but without using them to be combined that never should have been the plague of 1347; the defining test is whether you want to see if you get a lot of time. One advantage startups have over you could beat the death-penalty in the category of people who said they wanted to go sell the product ASAP before wasting time is distraction.
IBM seemed a bad reputation, a market of one, don't worry about the other becomes visible. The only reason I stuck with such tricks will approach. The reason for the spot, so you'd have reached after lots of options, because any story that makes you a clean offer with no deadline, you can discriminate on any basis you want to write your dissertation in the standard career paths of trustafarians to start or join startups.
Not linearly of course the source files of all. In When the Air Hits Your Brain, neurosurgeon Frank Vertosick recounts a conversation—maybe not linearly, but you get, the higher the walls become.
Plus one can ever say it again. Though if you make something popular but from what the US News list? The mere possibility of being Turing equivalent, but you should make what they claim was the fall of 2008 but no doubt often are, and indeed the venture business, and that we know exactly how a lot of companies to be self-interest explains much of the things you waste your time working on Y Combinator was a kid, this would be reluctant to start with their company for more than you meant to.
Thanks to Robert Morris, Garry Tan, Trevor Blackwell, Paul Watson, and Harj Taggar for their feedback on these thoughts.
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