#with her nails painted trans and lesbian flag colors
green-tea-crow · 2 months
If I see a non-passing t woman in the women's bathroom I feel the need to compliment her, even if I don't love her hair or what she's wearing all that much, because I cried the first time I heard somebody on a show use they/them pronouns and if I can make somebody in real life feel a fraction of that safety and acceptance, I will
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noblehouseofgay · 3 months
My marauders Pride headcannons
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・
Regulus- trans man, he/him, gay, went to his first Pride with james and sirius. Sirius painted a little trans flag on reg's cheek. And reg had a little trans flag sticking out of his pocket bc its subtle enough and not too flashy. Sirius also painted his nails the trans flag
James- bi, he/him, the biggest ally ever, will fight anyone who's homophobic or transphobic. Always always goes to pride, even before he realized he was queer himself. Carries around little flags and pride bracelets to give out. Wears a bi cape ofc
Sirius- queer, genderfluid, he/they, will fight you. He's considered drag before, hell maybe he's done it. Flashy as fuck as pride, I'm talking glitter, a flag cape, Pride makeup, painted nails, the whole thing. Definitely rides around Pride on james shoulders while they cause gay chaos
Remus- gay (or bi, i go back and forth), he/they. Has a special cane he uses for pride month, it's painted a subtle rainbow and has some stickers on it (sirius added those).
Peter- he/him, could be fruity could be an ally, who knows. But he definitely goes to pride with his friends for a good time. Usually the driver bc he's the one who won't take too long getting ready so he'll for sure be on time
Dorcas- she/her, lesbian. Has t h e most gorgeous Pride makeup ever. Same with her nails. Her clothes are more subtle but they're hella cute. Probably helped pick out outfits for most of the group, especially regulus (both her and sirius helped him a lot)
Marlene- butch lesbian, she/her. Always has the ends of her hair pink, but for pride she does pink and orange. Wears a virgin killer shirt and boots with lesbian flag chains on then. Flag cape obviously. But said cape gets used like a leash by dorcas when Marlene tries to cause too much chaos (not in a kinky way but in a "my gf is basically my baby sitter" way)
Lily- lesbian, she/her. Originally identified as bi but later realized it was comphet. Subtle lesbian pride makeup done by dorcas. Lots of little bracelets she made for pride, has some to give out as well (james got the idea from her).
Mary- bi, she/her. Has the cutest outfit. Did her own hair and helped Lily with hers. Has pride flower earrings she made herself (made a matching pair for lily).
Pandora- pan, demigirl, she/they. Put little pan colored beads in her braids. Has a flower crown she made, she made some for the others too. Has the most fun outfit, super flowy and colorful. Pride butterfly themed makeup and she put jewels on her face
Barty- bi, arospec, he/they. Believes in kink at pride lmao. Wanted to wear a collar and everything but Evan said no. He wore it anyway. Has rainbow tears makeup under his eyes (Haley Williams as the reference if you don't get what I mean).
Evan- gay, aspec, he/him. Honestly only goes to keep barty in line but ends up having fun with his friends anyway.
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la-principessa-nuova · 7 months
So living with painted nails for the last 24 hours or so has been very interesting and affirming.
I can see why in Doc Impossible’s blog series about her experience coming to terms with being trans, her therapist recommended she paint her toenails, because my fingernails are in front of my eyes and on my mind pretty constantly right now. If I was still in disbelief at being trans, it would be too much.
Every time I use my phone (even as I type this), every move my thumbs make, I perceive them as feminine. These two completely valid woman-thumbs dancing across my phone screen with motions that are technically the same as they were yesterday but for some reason I perceive as feminine motions.
Every time I see all of my fingers with the multiple colors, it’s not even being excited about them being the lesbian flag, but just having different colored nails makes me feel pretty 💅.
First thing when I woke up this morning, I looked down at my hands and it was just this instant hit of euphoria, and when I catch a glimpse of them in the mirror I just want to pose and twirl my fingers around.
I ended up buying a bunch of new cute clothes yesterday because it just gave me this new wave of excitement and belief that I am a real woman and I can look the way I want if I try 💃.
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diver-up · 3 years
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[ID: a digital drawing of six lesbians of various races and ethnicities in front of a background colored with the lesbian, trans, and nonbinary flags. they’re all smiling while wearing rollerskating equipment and various pride-themed clothing. black hearts are scribbled in the background, as well as two interlocking venus symbols. End ID.]
let’s go lesbians
(extended ID under the cut for those who are interested - it’s very long)
[ID: a digital drawing of six lesbians in front of a background colored with the lesbian, trans, and nonbinary flags. black hearts are scribbled in the background as well as interlocking venus symbols. four people are huddled around each other in the back while two sit in front. 
starting in the back row, from left to right, they can be described as: a black butch lesbian looking upwards and grinning. they have brown skin, short dark brown hair with a fade cut, and dark brown eyes. they’re wearing glasses, a grey shirt with the text “girls girls girls” in the colors of the lesbian flag, and denim shorts. they’re also wearing a trans-flag colored bracelet and a nonbinary-flag pin. they have several silver piercings in their visible ear. next stands an iraqi woman wearing a pink floral hijab. she has light brown skin with brown moles, and dark brown eyes. she’s also smiling and wearing a cream-colored shirt with a rainbow heart stiched onto the shirt’s pocket. next is a chinese woman with short black hair and tan skin with patches of vitiligo around her eyes. she’s wearing a black and green hoodie, an autism pride pin featuring a rainbow infinity symbol, heart shaped earrings and a silver stud piercing on her nose. next is a nonbinary indian lesbian smiling and sticking her tongue out, giving a peace sign with her visible hand. she has brown skin, unshaven legs, black hair, and dark brown eyes. she’s wearing an unbuttoned red plaid shirt over a grey t-shirt, denim shorts, fingerless gloves, and black roller skates over white socks. she’s also wearing rainbow sunglasses, two rainbow bracelets, a beaded bracelet that reads “women,” has several piercings in her ears, and her nails are painted rainbow colors. 
in the front row: to the left is a white woman sitting with her knees pulled up, looking at the viewer and smiling. she has brown hair, dark brown eyes, and pale freckled skin and unshaven legs. she’s wearing an unbuttoned floral shirt over a white t-shirt and black shorts. she’s also wearing pink and yellow kneepads, a star of david necklace, and has an ace-flag pin on her shirt. to her right is a black woman smiling with her eyes closed. she has dark brown skin and black, afro-styled hair. she’s wearing a black shirt with a rainbow stripe running through it, ripped denim jeans, and white rollerskates with rainbow stripes on the sides. she’s also wearing bright red eyeshadow, heart-shaped earrings, a pink button with the venus symbol on it, and has pink manicured nails. 
End ID.]
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expectingtofly · 3 years
Painted Nails and Pride
internalized homophobia, john being an a**hole, bisexual dean, found family, happy ending
written for day 7 of @spnprideweek
Music boomed from the park down the street and Dean tried to focus on the newspapers spread out before him, front pages covered with news about a bear attack at a campsite a few miles west. Not actually a bear attack, of course. From the tracks they’d seen when they hiked out there yesterday, Dad's money was on wendigo.
Cheering drew his eyes from the table where he, Sam, and Dad sat outside a restaurant to the people heading down the sidewalk towards the music. Banners on streetlights along the road proclaimed that today marked Roseville's 3rd Annual Pride Parade. His eyes snagged on a group of kids his own age standing on the street corner, hugging and talking excitedly. One boy had painted nails and wore a cropped shirt that exposed his midriff. As he talked with his friends, he looked around, and his eyes met Dean’s. He smiled at him, and Dean ducked his head, face burning.
An announcer’s voice echoed down the street. “Welcome to Pride,” the voice boomed. Dean folded and unfolded the corner of the newspaper, listening to the cheering, rotating the ring on his thumb around and around.
Dad snorted, and Dean glanced up at him. Arms crossed, leaning back in his chair, he watched the proceedings with a scowl on his face. Dean studied the newspapers more intently, underlining words just to look like he was doing something productive. Part of him wanted to go down to the parade, just to see what it was all about, but that was ridiculous. Only affirmed by a derogatory comment Dad made low under his breath about the people in the street.
“Yeah,” Dean agreed verbally, jostling his leg under the table. He glanced sideways at Sam, who was giving Dad a glare. Dean gave him a look that meant, don’t start, but Sam ignored him.
“Don’t say that,” he said, and Dean froze, eyes snapping to their father. Dad pulled his eyes from the street to Sam, giving him a long, steady look.
“What?” he asked after a long moment. “You one of them?”
Sam only held his gaze for a second before it seemed his courage failed. He ducked his head. “No,” he mumbled, kicking at the table leg.
Dad stared at him for another long moment, expressionless, before turning his journal around and dropping it in front of Sam. “Shut up and make yourself useful. Sooner we figure out what’s killing these folks, sooner we can get out of this goddamn town.”
He waved down the waitress for another drink, and Dean glared at Sam, who was absently thumbed through the journal pages. Returning to his own work, he snapped one newspaper closed and opened another, skimmed an article about the victim’s family. The words didn’t really make sense in his head, though, and too soon he found himself watching the people in the street again. The boy who’d smiled at him had disappeared, though, probably watching the parade.
Finding a one-off line in an article about rumors of a strange being haunting the woods, he circled it and handed the newspaper across the table.
“Nice work,” Dad said, taking the paper, but instead of the usual warmth from his praise, Dean only felt sick.
He felt about the same now, standing in Jody’s kitchen—off to the side so he wouldn’t be in the way during the frenzied preparations to attend the Sioux Falls Pride Parade. Music played from Patience’s phone, some song he recognized from Cas constantly turning the radio dial to the pop music station. Sam helped Kaia finish a sign decorated with the lesbian flag, and Eileen signed with Alex who was learning sign language in high school. Claire sat at the table painting Jack’s nails, who wriggled in his seat excitedly.
Catching Dean’s eyes, he held up the hand Claire had finished. “Dean, look!”
Dean forced a smile. “Looks good.”
“Stay still,” Claire ordered, frowning down at Jack’s hand as she painted his pinky.
This was a bad idea, Dean thought. Jody had invited them for the week, mentioning off-hand that Sioux Fall’s pride events were going on, and Dean had pushed aside the mild panic at that comment, told her they’d come visit. He didn’t know he’d be roped into joining everyone at Pride, but here he was, feeling out of place in the corner of the kitchen. Who knew how he’d feel standing at the parade.
“Want me to do yours?” Claire asked, and Dean snapped his attention back to her. She was holding a bottle of nail polish, others lined up next to her on the table, and he froze, realizing what she was suggesting.
His first instinct was to spit out, “I’m not one of those,” but guilt rushed through him for how harsh the words sounded in his head. Defensive words, unnecessary ones because there was no threat here. He didn't mean them anyway.
Swallowing them down, he glanced around the kitchen for rescue. Cas was helping Donna pack water bottles because “It’s gonna be hot out there,” but he must’ve felt Dean’s gaze because he looked over and gave him a reassuring smile. No judgement in his eyes, or Claire's either, for that matter. He had a feeling he wouldn't find any judgement in this kitchen, which should've been a relief, but he had a hard time trusting it.
“Come on, Dean,” Jack said. “We can match!”
You can do this, Dean told himself. It's just Pride, not an Apocalypse.
He tried to smile. “Sure,” he said, going to the table and sitting down, chest tight.
He chose the color blue because it felt less ostentatious than the pinks and lilacs Claire presented to him. Even so, the color looked strikingly bright in the sunlight as he stood along the street marked off for the parade, and he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Hey,” Cas said, touching his shoulder. Dean tensed, then felt awful for his reaction, but Cas didn’t move away, only rubbed between his shoulder blades until Dean relaxed marginally. “You okay?”
Dean nodded. “Fine,” he managed. Cas gave him a small smile and leaned his head on Dean’s shoulder.
A float passed with people waving and dancing on top, a banner strung across the front declaring, “Protect Trans Kids.” Jack waved a rainbow flag around, cheering along with the crowd. Claire’s arm was wrapped around Kaia’s shoulders, a smile tugging at her mouth despite her attempts to look unbothered by the proceedings. Dean wished he could feel that nonchalant. Instead, he kept looking over his shoulder. He didn’t know exactly what threat he was looking for, but the press of the growing crowds and the heat and noise, the bright colors and waving flags everywhere he looked was making him nauseous.
Turning back to the parade, he met Sam’s eyes. “Never thought we’d both end up here, right?” Sam asked over the noise, attempting levity, and Dean wondered if he remembered sitting outside near a Pride parade, feeling so unsure. There were plenty of other instances to remember, plenty of times John made disparaging comments that Dean either pretended to not hear or agreed with out of a panic that if he wasn’t careful, they might be directed at him next.
“This is fun,” Sam commented, watching the parade, and Dean wished he could agree.
Easy for you to say, he thought. You have a girlfriend, people’ll assume you’re straight. But he felt bad for thinking it. He didn’t want Cas to move away from him—if anything, wanted him closer, wanted his arm around him. But he felt too tense to move.
A crowd of middle-aged people walked in the parade, t-shirts reading variations of MOM HUGS, DAD HUGS, GRANDPA HUGS. Dean watched as people stepped off the sidewalk and hugged the moms and dads, some crying as soon as arms wrapped around them.
Without his permission, he felt his own eyes growing teary and he ducked his head, scraped his heel on the sidewalk.
“Dammit,” Jody said. “Where can I get one of those t-shirts?”
“We gotta do that next year,” Donna decided, and Jack gave her a hug.
“You can hand out hugs without the t-shirt,” he told her, and she grinned.
“You’re right.” Lifting her arms, she announced, “Free hugs over here!” People around them laughed, and someone took her up on the offer, telling her, “You’ve got a lovely family.”
Donna beamed. “Why yes I do.” She pulled Claire into a half-hug that Claire resisted, protesting the whole time. “Come here, Sam,” she said, yanking Sam into a hug that he had to nearly fold himself in half for. Everyone else got their turn, then she turned to Dean, holding out her arms.
Dean stepped into it, wrapping his arms around her. A gentler hug, Donna rubbing his back. Dean sunk into the embrace, the chaos around him subsiding for a moment.
“We’re family now, right?” she asked, pulling away to meet his eyes, and Dean nodded. Smiling at him and patting his arm, she turned back to Jody, wrapping an arm around her.
It felt a little easier to breathe now, his chest not so tight. The crowds around them didn’t seem so threatening, just smiling people with their families like he was with his. Eileen cheered as a float passed with an Irish LGBTQ+ coalition, and Dean smiled, easier now, not forced.
Jody pulled Donna in for a kiss that turned into making out. Claire rolled her eyes. “Ew, guys, Gross.” Kaia elbowed her and Claire’s put-on air of displeasure broke into a grin as she elbowed her back. Cas nudged Dean with a small smile when a float of pink, purple, and blue streamers drove past. For a moment, Dean's chest seized, John's voice ringing in his head, but in all the noise around them, it quickly drowned out.
Pulling his hands from his pockets, he took Cas’ hand. Cas interlaced their fingers immediately, squeezing tightly, then lifted their hands and studied Dean’s nails. Dean had let Jack paint a smiley face on his pinky to match the one on Jack’s thumbs. Staring at them, he thought of a boy at Pride with painted nails, his own fears and wants tightening his chest, but then Cas looked up at him with a smile, and the memory faded into a warm glow.
“I like them,” Cas told him.
“Yeah," Dean said. "Me too.”
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shakugutzz · 3 years
MtR LGBTQ headcanons, but I make them very complicated
NOTE: I did not include all of the Robinsons in this post. If you want me to make a part 2 with more characters, tell me.
Wilbur - Bisexual Demiboy
- Claims he's only "80 percent a guy" and has no idea what the other 20 percent is
- Has flirted with most of his classmates one way or another
- LOVES saying he's gay despite just being bi
- Makes many pronoun jokes
Carl - Asexual Polyromantic Genderqueer
- Wants to have a romantic partner someday, but doesn't feel sexual attraction in any way
- Was always told they were designed as male, but has had many existential crises whether that was actually true or not
- Doesn't really care what pronouns are used for them, but also does at the same time
Franny - Bisexual Polyamorous
- Very confident and out bisexual
- Sometimes paints her nails to the colors of the flags she identifies with
- Wants an open relationship, and even though Cornelius was already down with the idea when she brought it up with him, she's worried it might confuse Wilbur
Tallulah - Trans Lesbian
- Chews out transphobic lesbophobes that say she's a straight man who wears dresses
- Has a pride dress with the colors of her identity
- May or may not have a girlfriend. Who knows?
Lazlo - Gay
- Used a painting to come out
- Gets into heated arguments with his sister about the sexualities of fictional characters, but not in a way that's disrespectful to each other's identities
- Isn't really open about his love life
Billie - Bisexual Non-Binary
- Prefers to be referred to as "they/them" but doesn't really care if someone refers to them as "she/her"
- Has known they liked both sexes since they were young, but couldn't really find the right label for it until years later
- Will explode with happiness if you use their neopronouns, "train/trains/trainself"
- Likes to wear pride pins on their hat
Joe - Demisexual Panromantic Genderfluid
- Went through lots of gender dysphoria during childhood with them with a repeated cycle of not wanting to be a boy at one point and then going back to being comfortable in their body the next, which has caused some serious emotional trauma to them
- "Wait, sexual attraction and romantic attraction are two different things?"
- Wants there to be a strong emotional trust before they can have sexual relations with another person
- Is quite happy with their identity in the future due to their very supportive family and very supportive enby wife
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thoughts-of-alaina · 3 years
Marvel Pride Day 30
Question 25: What sort of pride apparel do you think the characters would wear/have, if any?
Tony would make himself a Bi color suit. This suit would have firework rockets that shot out lgbtq+ flags patterns, a rainbow repulsion beam blast, LED color lights, ect.
Loki has a few different lgbtq+ flag capes. Genderfluid, Bi, Pan, Pride, and Ace. (They receive the ace cape from an aspec.) Also a few bracelets Peter made them to signify the gender their currently are.
Carol Danvers would have a lesbian color flag flannel.
Peter Parker would have a ton of buttons, stickers, and bracelets. Tony would gift Peter a trans color suit.
Question 26: If you were scared because you were in an area hostile to queers, which character would you want to be at your side to wreck anyone that dared touch you?
Loki (I would ask if he could refrain from stabbing)
Question 27: What harmless stereotypes do the queer characters fall into? Things like wearing flannels or sitting oddly, that sort of stuff.
I don't know to many queer stereotypes so I just list the ones on the top of my head.
Carol Danvers. Where do I start? The leather jacket, the flannel shirt, the hair cut. She the stereotype of a butch lesbian. (I forgot about her existence till recently- my bad)
Loki. Every armor piece he owns has shoulder pads. Really screams 90s lesbian vibes to me. He also sits oddly majority of the time. Also the fingerless gloves with black nail polish.
Question 28: Do you have any queer jokes relating to Marvel? If so, please share.
I have one terrible joke. Loki is the whole of lgbtq but minus. They're Lgbtq-
Question 29: Do something artistic in relation to Marvel and the LGBTQ+ community. Drawing, painting, ceramics, jewelry, calligraphy, photo editing, music, whatever you'd like! Share with us what you did!
I did nothing and I don't have the time too. Sorry.
Question 30: Did you have a good, fun, safe pride month? Did you enjoy this fun little thing? As for Marvel, what sort of representation would you like to see someday? And, if Loki does end up being confirmed as queer by now, what did you think?
It's been a fun safe quiet pride for myself. What representation I would like to see? I would love to see some canon trans hero characters some day in the future. (With proper representation.)
My thoughts on Loki being confirmed queer is positive. I love how it's open for interpretation. He could be bi or pan or ace who's pan or bi romantic. I'm hoping we get more than just a minor comment tho.
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🌈🌈🌈 for whoever you'd like to share, please!~
Okay okay okay
Imma just... Do all my Brawl Stars f/o's :)))
Pansexual, Aromantic and Transfem
Tbh thats just me projecting and the fact that she just has massive pan vibes. Idk how to explain them lol
Also shes canonically a single mom, that always talks about her son, but never about the parents
Sounds like a "I thought I had fallen in love but then I realized I had just forced myself to do so due to amatonormativity and I had to end the relationship cuz it was just not good for me, but they didnt take it well and I had to run away"
Or maybe thats just me lol
Aromantic and Homosexual
Look at this man
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Does he look "Straight" to you? Does his super exagerated theatre kid wannabe voicelines sound "Straight", to you?
He litteraly has the aro flag in his color palette like kxkdkskks
Also, He has a white ring, Aka an Aro ring, has spent most of his life traveling along, and loves reptails and anphibians (Aka frogs)
Aromantic Lesbian
You see, Piper had a role in the game where she was a "Heartbreaker". Men came in hoardes to try and "conquer" her, but she always ended up rejecting them
That doesnt sound very straight or allo to me sis
I just think he doesnt really care. That kind of stuff is trivial to him, so he just uses the most comfortable and broad label he found. And hes pretty happy like this!
Transmasc, Pansexual and Demiromantic
The trans part is almost canon at this point. His old design used to be a girl (He was called "Rocket girl* on his concept art) but he ended up being a man
So I took him with my filthy trans hand :)
The pan part? Again, just the vibes :D
About the demi part, again, he is currently living with two robots, only has friends, and shows very little interest in other people in general
Not very allo to me, no sir
Agender, Aromantic and Asexual
She just doesnt care
She can say and do anything, and never cares for what others may think. And she just seems so happy and free
And thats how the aro label made me feel to some extent
So to me, that freedom translates to "I dont feel it, so I dont care about it"
Shes just doesnt care about Gender, or romanticism, or Sex. And thats how she is so happy and free
Well that got personal
Aromantic, Asexual and Agender
Its called projecting sweaty :)))
Lesbian Demigirl or Pansexual Demigirl
Its just that she was released in Lesbian Visibility Day, and for some reason I associate demigirls with Nature?
The Pan part is me projecting again lol
Aromantic and Asexual
Again, spent most of her life with just her family and some animals. Never showed any urge to go find anyone else. That does not sound allo in any way
Aromantic Asexual
He has many lines and moments where he reffers to his friend (Or his crew) as the most important part of his life. For fucks sakes he lives with them, and the only moments we se him smiling is when he is with them.
That aint very allo of you Crow
Biromantic Asexual
The vibes are strong on this one
Plus im 99% sure he paint his nails black, and thats just Bi Ace culture
Homoromantic Asexual Demigirl
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Do I have to say anything else?
Bisexual Demiromantic
For the demi part its just me projecting
But for the Bi part
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My beautifull wife, aka Tara
Bisexual Aromantic and Bigender
I feel like the only way I can truly feel comfortable in a relationship like the one I have with Tara is if I share those parts of me with them, because im still insecure about them.
Ive seen and experienced aro, trans and biphobia so many times, from people Ive concidered friends or family, im just so afraid of finding someone, caring for them that much, and then being so dissappointed.
Also she has the Bi Flag on her color palete
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godandanime1104 · 5 years
Queen Bee Is A Lesbian And She’ll Fight You. (A ML Pride One Shot/Drabble)
Pride was possibly the best thing the inhabitants of Paris knew. Parades, confetti, balloons, the streets full of happy people flying flags of all different colors. People lined the sidewalks, spent months building floats and planning outfits, covered their faces in paint and let themselves be free on the day of the Pride parade.
Miss Bustier’s class was no exception.
Everyone was excited, joined together in the lobby of Mayor Bourgeois’ hotel. Chloé had invited them all, too excited by her newly found sexuality to be off putting today. She’s surprised them all last week when she stood up and shouted out that she was a lesbian, and would gladly fight anyone who tried to say she was wrong.
Of course, nobody had. Half the class had some sort of pride flag hanging in their room, and gladly welcomed Chloé to the community. Needless to say, it improved her attitude a little bit.
Chloé had surprised them all again when she descended the stairs, a multi-shade pink flag hanging from her shoulders like a cape, and trailing behind her elegantly. Her hair was down, and she looked genuinely happy. It helped having Sabrina at her side, her own rainbow one tied around herself with a pansexual scarf.
Nino gave them both a thumbs up from the couch, his face being painted with small pink, yellow, and blue dots by Alya. His shirt proclaimed that he loved hearts, not parts, and his smile was brighter than any other day. He’d even replaced his normal hat with a pride themed one to match his shirt and face.
Alya herself wore a bisexual flag shirt, and had a scarf with ‘ladybug-sexual’ written around it in small prints.
Marinette and Adrien stood next to them, Adrien’s scarf matching Alya’s, intentionally, and his shirt a mix of white, black, purple, and greys. His face matched Nino’s with the colors proudly smearing across his cheeks in lines rather than dots.
Marinette chose to match Alya with a bisexual shirt, but had added paw prints across her nose in the same colors. The reference to Chat Noir and Rena Rouge with the paws wasn’t lost on Adrien or Alya, but neither mentioned it in embarrassment.
Juleka and Rose both were posing for pictures together, Rose with a large pink, purple, and blue flag in her hands, and Juleka with rainbow paint down her arms and around her neck in splatters. Their hands were squished together, smearing paint, but neither seemed to care.
Alix took the pictures, her usual helmet and rollerblades replaced with rainbow ones despite only being an ally. She was too happy to support her friends, especially Nathaniel and his new boyfriend, Marc, who proudly wore matching rainbow flags. Nathaniel had a black, white, gray, and purple shirt, and was so wrapped up in Marc, Alix snapped a few pictures on them as well.
Ivan and Mylène were talking with Max, laughing about the fun that was sure to come. Ivan wore a shirt proclaiming him as a proud ally boyfriend of a trans woman, meaning Mylène, and Mylène herself proudly wore a dress made of the trans pride colors. Her face was bright, and covered in painted stars to match the dress. Max wore their flag proudly as a cape, along with their robot companion carrying a little matching flag beside them.
Luka showed up after a half hour of everyone mingling, and was immediately pulled back towards Marinette and Adrien, the two both excited to see him. He smiled gently, happy Gabriel let Adrien come, and pulled his scarf out of his jacket pocket, draping it around his shoulders. The pink, blue, and green stood out on him, and both Adrien and Marinette looked completely absorbed by his presence.
Kim finally appeared from his bathroom break, dressed in a rainbow tracksuit nobody had expected. Of course, everyone loved it and Kim flourished under the attention. He was an ally, but, like Alix, was so very proud of everyone around him he had to go all out.
Lila, surprisingly, sashayed into the lobby ten minutes after Luka with her entire body covered in pinks, blues, and whites. Her make-up, nails, and jewelry was all themed after the flag hanging around her waist. Even her shoelaces were colored after it. She wore a confident face, but everyone noticed the way she tensed when eyes went to her, and relaxed when everyone merely accepted it and treated her the same way.
Marinette even walked over, and offered to take a picture for her. She didn’t want to fight today, so Lila kept her comments to herself and let Marinette snap a photo.
“Okay, it’s time to get moving everyone!” Alya called, putting away the paint she had used. Everyone brightened, if it was even possible, and began moving towards the doors. Outside, crowds raged and confetti rained.
Mylène and Ivan went first, heading out to hop onto the private float the Bourgeois family had reserved. Max and Kim were next, followed by Luka, his hands gripping both Adrien and Marinette’s with a fiercely loving pride. Chloé ushered the rest of them out, couples holding tightly to each other, and looped her arm around Sabrina, taking a deep breath before they went to join the parade.
Alix skated around the float as they moved, throwing beads and candy from her bag. Kim ran with her, dancing to the music playing around them.
The class yelled, and cheered, and laughed as the crowds screamed back, the colors and the warmth of it all overwhelming.
Chloé hadn’t planned this when she came out last week, but she was so, so happy to be surrounded by people who wanted to share the love as she did. Even if she didn’t necessarily act like it, she did value people’s opinions, and her pride was always a vulnerable spot for her.
Of course, she hadn’t invited Lila. It was mean, and yeah Chloé kind of felt bad, but she hadn’t. Seeing Lila strut up into her father’s hotel like that, wearing her pride and trying so hard not to look like she was scared, Chloé felt an overwhelming sense of wanting. She wanted to go back and invite Lila correctly. She wanted to make sure Lila knew they may not agree with her lies, but they would always support her identity.
Looking at Lila sitting at the edge of the float, Chloé moved towards her, whispering to Sabrina that she would be back in a moment. She pulled Lila to her feet, wrapped her arms around her briefly as she could, and handed her a tiny little rainbow flag. Lila looked shocked, then confused, and then, fond. She gave the little flag a wave, and smiled gratefully.
Sabrina welcomed her girlfriend back to the top of the float, and grinned at her, proud of the way she’d handled Lila’s appearance, and pressed a kiss against her cheek.
Alya took pictures, cheering and dancing to the music. Nino moved with her, joined by Nathaniel and Marc, who looked shy, but too happy not to enjoy themselves.
Max let their robot fly around above the crowd, flag waving in the wind, and tossed candy towards the people, Ivan and Mylène doing the same on the other side. Juleka and Rose jumped around, swinging each other in some kind of dance on they knew, and Luka cheered his sister on before being pulled around by his partners, who wanted to enjoy their day together.
Chloé watched them, basking in the glow of everyone’s happiness. It’d taken years to accept herself and now, looking from her girlfriend, to her friends, and to the crowds, she didn’t regret any of it.
A/N - I don’t own the characters, just my story plot. Find them at HeyItsHoot on AO3 or owlgirl121 on Wattpad
Chloé - Lesbian Sabrina - Pan
Nino - Pan Alya - Bi
Adrien - Pan/Demi-sexual Marinette - Bi Luka - Polysexual
Juleka - Gay Rose - Bi
Alix - Straight
Nathaniel - Graysexual Marc - Gay
Ivan - Straight Mylène - Trans
Max - Non Binary
Kim - Straight
Lila - Trans
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elusianknight · 5 years
i’m so sick of the flag discourse oh my god
real talk here. if the creator of the og flag didn’t make a blog to advertise how fucking disgusting she was, we would’ve been using this flag the whole time and not a single thing would have changed.  like, she’s not making money off it, she’s not famous bc of it, her harmful views aren’t spread by people seeing the flag.  
the new flag (the orange and pink one in my icon) was created with the specific message of inclusivity in direct opposition to the original creator’s views (which, i can’t emphasize enough, are divorced from the flag ANYWAY bc its just COLORED STRIPES).
so... the fact.......... that there’s discourse now about if the person who made THIS flag, with the excplicit intention of being inclusive, has a 100% spotless track record of being Non Problematique in all things .... is so fucking frustrating, oh my god.
After we spent weeks? months? of so many fucking MS paint vomit flags (plenty of them by non lesbians too which is like ?????? come on... REALLY?) this one, in my lesbian opinion, really hits the nail on the head.  Previously, I’d seen butch flags in orange, so the pink + orange seems to really capture the butch/femme dynamic, the white stripe seems representative of trans and gnc lesbians... not to mention, it’s close enough to the original that it is still very recognizable.  And bonus, it was made with the intention of including all lesbians. Yay!
tldr: i found a flag that i and many other lesbians like. i’m not about to dig through 10 years of their internet receipts to see if they’ve ever done anything that i didn’t like.  The fact that they made this flag with the explicit intention of inclusivity seems to me like a pretty good indicator that they didn’t have idk, fucking ulterior motives or bad intentions when it comes to making the flag or who it represents.  
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transbatfam · 7 years
trans hc take 5028467
requested by @superspecialsnowflake666 trans Batgirl hc’s, & I’m in a god I love Tiffany Fox mood so thats who I’m doing <3 <3 <3.
.she came out when she was little knowing near immediately that she wasn’t a boy, due to Lucius & Tanya being that bitch ™ it was made clear to her school immediately what her pronouns were & the consequences of not using them (Bruce Wayne owes me a favor bitch) 
.she’s a high femme lesbian & honestly she may be overcompensating w being femme to make her more secure but honestly thats valid I support her 
.until she was old enough to do her own makeup (her dad wasn’t psyched about her wearing makeup so young but got how secure it made her feel) she had Tam do it & they bond over it
.  (Tim Fox) while he doesn’t get along w dad he wasn’t about to be a bad brother, when she was little he did her hair everyday & would always put on ribbons & bows to make her feel better 
. Luke’s not the best w words to make her feel better so he goes out of his way to get time to paint her nails w she was little (always pink), it wasn’t much but it was something 
. she hates having her hair cut, it had to be cut short once & she’s never felt so insecure, her hair is her biggest comfort tbh 
.when she became Batgirl she immediately redesigned her costume to be as femme as possible while still being functual (Pink accents,legwarmers,pink bracelet, ect) 
.as Batgirl her persona is openly trans & she has an alt costume w trans flags as her accents & she & all the other trans members of the batfam (& by that I mean every other member of the batfam) go to Gotham,Bludhaven,& Hub City Pride parades every year to keep everyone safe
. her costume has a built in “figure” so she doesn’t have to stuff & tbh that was awkward as hell to ask for but also every other Batgirl has asked for the same thing 
.she tried fighting in heels at first (like I said she overcompensated a bit) but after the other Batgirls assured her she was already “girly enough” (being a girl) she switched to practical boots 
. she’s secretly getting classes from Selina on how to fight in heels & the second she masters it its on shes fighting in nothing less then 6 inch heels 
. when she’s not in costume she only wears heels & skirts & honestly that makes her feel just as safe as her Batgirl suit 
. she loves girls so much & she was so nervous about telling her gf she was trans because she was a girl but what if she didn’t think she was a girl & her gf was like?? “Tiffany you literally know I’m trans” Tiffany : “I get anxiety ok” 
. her fav color is def pink when its on her its her battle armor & she’s /this/ close to making her entire costume just diff shades of it, it makes her feel so safe when she wears it & she literally won’t leave the house w/o something pink on her 
.  her dad told her if anyone is ever transphobic to her to tell Bruce Wayne & she didn’t get that till she did & slowly saw that person lose their job/money/happiness/sanity (because apparently Bat’s was  paying them visits 2) 
. when people are transphobic while she’s Batgirl she just beats the crap outa them theres no mercy, she doesn’t have time for this 
.in conclusion Tiffany Fox a known trans lesbian
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