#with all their hearts
reginrokkr · 1 year
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Not me getting feels because of Dain when he claimed that the Black Serpent Knights, whose duty was to protect the gentry, were ordered to protect everyone by himself when the Cataclysm struck. The way Halfdan felt so affected by the fact that he and those who followed Dain couldn't do that and the relief on his face when Dain praised him for doing his duty for 500 years. That hits hard man.
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riacte · 7 months
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
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clearcutcasualty · 3 months
“Do you think seahorses write fpreg” and the many other riveting things my friend texts me right before I go to work
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skipppppy · 4 months
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leiandroid · 4 months
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"free palestine," he shouted until his last breath. aaron bushnell, we will never forget you.
as much as bushnell's actions has moved us all, please seek other ways to take actionable measures against the injustices we face in the world. none of us wanted him gone, and the least we can do is prevent another such tragedy by supporting each other in our efforts to enact lasting change.
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obsob · 5 months
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i am a being capable of immeasurable love and whimsy
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 4 months
It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren't expecting visitors, deliveries or post.
Unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door.
you are greeted by...... her
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kensatou · 2 months
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me and senshi: i've only had izutsumi for one day but if anything happened to her...
also.... she has nekojita (cat tongue) ;___;
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retquits · 3 months
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save me winter elliott stardew valley... winter elliott stardew valley save me......
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cracklewink · 3 months
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My Mane 6 Redesigns all together! I was going to post them separately but ended up finishing them all before I got around to it lol
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searyuu · 27 days
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as if you’re holding the world in your hands
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snuffysbox · 5 months
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felucians · 4 months
Nex Benedict's death wasn't just for being transgender, it was for being native too. 2 Spirits are revered in many native cultures and it is a native-specific identity. This wasn't just a hate crime against trans & NB individuals, this was also a hate crime against Natives of Turtle Island.
You cannot separate Nex's trans identity from their native identity - this is a case of MMIWG2S (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 Spirits).
Native children being killed at school is nothing new, so it's equally important to talk about Nex's native identity and being intersectional, this is a devastating tragedy for indigenous people, the queer community & especially those of us who are both indigenous and queer.
May Nex rest in peace 🪶
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literaphobe · 11 months
being obsessed with a song and being obsessed with the blorbos is so funny because u will listen to the song and go HMMM……. if i ignore this one lyric forgo this whole verse remove the context AND solely focus on these five completely unrelated isolated lines…? this song is TOTALLY about Them 😎😎😎
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1alchemistart · 5 months
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dont got much to offer for The Holiday but have these sillies!
happy valentines day :D
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wanologic · 25 days
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yo danny fenton he was just 19
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