#with added scientific analysis
jessieren · 11 days
Have you seen this item somewhere before?
An ode to the Moustache and the too snug navy shirt of smugness... otherwise known as:
'Just how much stuff did Evans snaffle from the Endeavour wardrobe'
I'll start by saying I may be mistaken but in my recent *cough* scientific analysis *cough* of potential photos for use on Moustache Monday and whilst perusing the posts from yesterday my spidey senses starting tingling at the incredible likeness of this snug navy shirt...
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To one of our most lusted after admired items of the Endeavour wardrobe.. the too snug navy shirt of smugness
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I can't be certain but they are certainly similar in colour, sheen and ummm 'fit'...
Just for completeness and further checking/analysis... here are a few more views of the snug navy shirt (definitely not just gratuitous posting)
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This one doesn't even have the tache but I don't care...
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And another comparator from Manor... mainly to analyse the.... ummmm... fit...
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I fully accept that there are lots of navy shirts and that it may not be the same one but I think it deserves some continued analysis..
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prokopetz · 3 months
I'm not gonna claim that most Tumblr polls are anything like rigorously structured, but I've seen a lot of folks rather smugly asserting that having a "not applicable" option that ends up dominating all other responses is evidence that the person who created the poll is incompetent, and y'all: under the specific circumstances in which these polls are constructed and distributed, that outcome is evidence of good poll design, not bad poll design. Yes, even when the "not applicable" responses outnumber all other responses ten to one. There are several reasons for that:
At the time of this posting, Tumblr polls have no "see response" button. The only ways to see a poll's distribution of responses are to wait for the poll to conclude, or to respond yourself – and not only are people on social media typically curious and impatient, many of them also know that there's no way they'll remember to check back later once the poll has concluded, so in practice, their opportunity to see the results is now or never. Adding a little note to the poll insisting that people who aren't part of the targeted demographic should refrain from voting isn't necessarily going to restrain that impulse. Indeed, it may end up encouraging folks who otherwise wouldn't have picked a random result-revealing response to do so, because fuck you, don't tell me what to do.
Many respondents genuinely won't realise they're not part of the targeted demographic until after they've voted. It doesn't matter how much text you add to contextualise the poll, because they'll read the poll first, and if they read the accompanying text at all, it's only after they've responded. Heck, a lot of folks don't even bother to read the question before responding to a poll; they just start going down the options and reflexively click the first one that seems like it might apply to them, then go back and read what was actually being asked (and complain in the notes if it turns out that they misunderstood). Even a well-meaning person can only comply with instructions they've actually read; for those folks, clicking the "not applicable" option is what compliance looks like.
Even folks who do fit your poll's targeted demographic can fall prey to the imp of the perverse. Giving the most accurate response rather than the most entertaining one can be a real struggle for a lot of folks; in scientific analysis of polling data, this is known as the "mischievous responder bias". In an informal setting like Tumblr, it's reasonable to suppose that the mischievous responder effect might be exaggerated compared to polls conducted in more formal contexts, and a well-designed poll is going to take that into account. A humorous "not applicable" option provides an escape by affording folks the freedom to screw around with the knowledge that they're not polluting useful data by doing so; in practice, the "I am a toaster" option is a mischievous response filter.
What this adds up to is that a poll where 90% of the responses hit the "not applicable" button is more likely to have yielded useful data than a poll with a narrow target audience where some unknown percentage of the responses represent folks not reading the instructions, clicking random options to see the results, and/or taking the piss.
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Rise Characterizations Pt. 3!!!
Now that Leo and Raph are done, it's Donnie's turn for character analysis as a writing reference. So without further ado,
Donnie Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Straight up talks like a redditor who hasn't touched enough grass (affectionate)
Oscillates between very scientific paper polished, sometimes adding a dazzle of shakespearean for dramatics, or abbreviations/a shorter version of a word with a more fun connotation (i.e. "brekkie" instead of breakfast)
Uses food as surprised exclamations or curses, "oh my peaches and cream", "banana pancakes!"
Emphasizes each syllable of a long word when he's excited or trying to make a point. Conquered becomes con-qu-ered
Either exaggerates his speech or speaks in deadpan
The science terms he uses as battle cries aren't chosen at random, but rather are related to the action/subject at hand, i.e. yelling "fibonacci" when throwing his spinning tech-bo
Will overly describe an item or a situation, and often gets caught up in these observations before processing what just happened
Will repeatedly yell "help!" when he's distressed and/or outnumbered
Refers to Mikey as "Michael"
Refers to his brothers as "brethren" or "gentlemen"
Refers to splinter as either "father", "papa", or "dad" depending on the weight of the situation
Refers to his tech as his "babies"
Answers the phone with, "You're conversing with Donatello"
Uses "gesundheit" instead of bless you
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The fixer, he supplies the family with tech and resources. He always has a trinket made for the situation at hand and/or offers his knowledge/data collected. He's always prepared to help. Even with outside resources, he likes to feel useful in solving their problems (i.e., building Todd that dog park)
The theater kid, in a similar vein to leo, Donnie has his own style of dramatics. He often uses shakespeare-like language, is mentioned to regularly recite the jupiter jim musical soundtrack, and has a music mode for his battle shell. He belongs on a stage, or at least thinks he does
Not good at lying, despite the glamour he can put on in the spotlight. This may be due to the side of himself that over explains his thoughts
An over-thinker, who really tends to over-complicate things. His first theory or idea will always be the most extreme buck-wild concept. After some filtering, he still word vomits
A dreamer/big idea guy. He does have big ideas and goals. A lot of these he's able to put into place, although some go a little haywire (see Albearto). He doesn't do things in halves, and puts everything into a project
Meticulous, someone who's very detail oriented. As mentioned before he tends to over-complicates things. This may be impacted by his love for data and collecting information (he does record Everything for a reason)
Always on the edge of violence, which is surprising. Donnie's not known as being the angry archetype of tmnt, but he can get a little violent in his fighting style and does often cite his desire to use lethal force
Low empathy, which is mainly due to his issues processing and recognizing emotions. He's been pegged as unemotional, but in canon he's rather emotional and expressionate, just lacking the skills to process such emotion (he's just like me fr)
Praise motivated, as seen with his interactions with Splinter. Also desires the praise of his brothers, who he doesn't feel understand him with all the teasing that's sent towards his direction. This also pushes him to seek validation and acceptance in other groups (i.e. the purple dragons), to feel a sense of security or belonging
Ignores his own mistakes, and will often pretend like they didn't exist or ever happen. This most likely has to do with his desire for praise, so he feels bad when he fails. If he never made a mistake, he never has to feel bad
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Fourth to unlock mystic powers
Uses "Bootyyyshaker9000" as most of his usernames and passwords, with his alt. username being "Alpha-Bootyyyshaker9000"
Has a fear of bees, spiders, and of course beach balls
Breaks the fourth wall the most
Loves the smell of pineapple, hates the texture
Has a hobby of rooting around in the junkyard and dumpster diving
Uses cheat codes in video games
Mikey's next of course :)
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punisheddonjuan · 3 months
There was a second event that revitalized interest in a psychosomatic approach to cancer. In 1989, David Spiegel and his colleagues at Stanford University published the results of an unplanned survival analysis. The results were a big surprise and have since been cited more than 3000 times.
In the 1970s, Spiegel and colleagues had conducted a randomized trial of supportive group therapy for patients with metastatic breast cancer. The goal of the therapy was to support patients to live life as fully as possible in the face of death. The study was published as a success. After treatment, patients in the intervention group reported less anxiety and depressive symptoms than those in the control group.
As psychosomatic ideas received more attention because of the books by Simonton, and Siegel, the Stanford group was tempted to see if their intervention also increased survival rates. This was never the goal of the treatment but it was thought that negative results would be useful, for example, to debunk false ideas. To their surprise, however, there was an effect and not a small one either. Patients in the intervention group lived significantly longer. The results were published in The Lancet and became the hot topic of the day. Eysenck, for example, frequently referred to this publication to argue that the data of Grossarth-Maticek was not that extreme after all…
There were, however, some problems with the data. Most notable was the survival curve of the control group. People who did not receive the intervention seemed to have died quickly and around the same time. As explained by Bernard Fox: “the curve dropped rapidly to zero survival, with no patients having relatively longer survival than the rest. This was of interest because most survival curves are skewed, having a tail that indicates a few people with unusually long survival compared with the rest of the group.”
When Fox compared the results with survival rates from a regional database of patients with metastatic breast, it became clear that the control and not the intervention group was unusual. Fox didn’t think these results would be replicated. He was right.
Several large studies were initiated, trying to match the design of Spiegel and colleagues as closely as possible. These studies convincingly showed that supportive group therapy did not prolong survival. Even Spiegel’s own replication study came to that conclusion. The hype was based on nothing.
Because the trials were measuring survival, it took almost a decade before the results were in. In the meantime, patients were frequently told that joining a support group to encourage the expression of emotions, would help them live longer. It caused unnecessary pressure and guilt in fragile patients who were already struggling with a horrific disease
Although there are no scientific studies on the impact of psychosomatic myths on cancer patients, anecdotal evidence suggests that it caused a lot of damage. When discussing the psychoanalytic literature of the 1950s and 1960s, one review noted:
“In retrospect, one cannot help but feel that insult was added to injury by suggesting to cancer patients that immature personality development or a real or symbolic loss precipitated their malignant illness.”
Many of the psychosomatic myths still linger on to this day. A 2001 survey of breast cancer survivors found that “Despite lack of evidence substantiating stress as a cause of breast cancer, many breast cancer survivors believed stress caused their cancer.” When asked what prevented cancer recurrence 60% attributed it to a positive attitude, and only 3.9% to tamoxifen.
In his 2011 book “When the body says no, the cost of hidden stress”, Hungarian physician Gabor Maté enthusiastically refers to the dubious research mentioned in this blog series. Maté uses the work of Kissen, Temoshok, and Gossarth-Maticek to claim that “repression of anger increases the risk for cancer for the very practical reason that it magnifies exposure to physiological stress.” Despite the lack of scientific evidence, this idea remains attractive. Maté’s book was an international bestseller and was translated into 15 languages.
Ha! I fucking knew that Gabor Maté was absolutely full of shit, I just never dug into him enough to find out how he was full of shit.
Anyway, this was a good blog post, actually the whole series of blog posts is really good and well worth reading. Just as an aside, guess who funded the majority of research claiming psychosomatic factors were involved in causing cancer, the Tobacco industry. It was all bullshit and they knew it. The parallels to all the primary researchers pushing GET/CBT for ME/CFS having close ties to the insurance industry are obvious.
Here's a link to the introductory post which contains links to further posts covering the histories of psychosomatic theories for a number of diseases (MS, Cancer, Asthma, Epilepsy, Autism etc.):
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carriesthewind · 6 months
"Although hired as a consultant by Washington County in this case, Baird had a long-standing independent agenda: helping foster parents across Colorado succeed in intervening and permanently claiming the children they care for. Often working hand in hand with Tim Eirich, she has been called as an expert in, by her count, hundreds of child-welfare cases, and she sometimes evaluates visits between birth families and children without having met them. Baird would not say how many foster-parent intervenor cases she has participated in, but she can recall only a single instance in which she concluded that the intervenors should not keep the child. Thinking that particular couple would be weak adoptive parents, she told me, she simply filed no report."
"With the supply of adoptable babies dropping, foster children were becoming a “hot commodity,” he said, and he and his colleagues (among them Tim Eirich’s law partner Seth Grob) realized that attachment experts could be called into court to argue that foster children needed to remain with their foster parents in order to avoid a severed bond."
"The judge ruled in favor of Eirich’s clients, a social worker and a real-estate agent. “Court found [Baird’s] testimony credible. She has significant experience,” the judge said, adding approvingly that Baird’s analysis had “focused on primacy of attachment over cultural considerations.”"
"Was Baird’s method for evaluating these foster and birth families empirically tested? No, Baird answered: Her method is unpublished and unstandardized, and has remained “pretty much unchanged” since the 1980s. It doesn’t have those “standard validity and reliability things,” she admitted. “It’s not a scientific instrument.”
Had she considered or was she even aware of the cultural background of the birth family and child whom she was recommending permanently separating? (The case involved a baby girl of multiracial heritage.) Baird answered that babies have “never possessed” a cultural identity, and therefore are “not losing anything,” at their age, by being adopted. Although when such children grow up, she acknowledged, they might say to their now-adoptive parents, “Oh, I didn’t know we were related to the, you know, Pima tribe in northern California, or whatever the circumstances are.”
The Pima tribe is located in the Phoenix metropolitan area."
"We found that — leaving aside the question of whether attachment theory should even be used as an argument in these cases — Baird’s assessments of foster children’s relationships aren’t just unscientific. They barely touch the surface of a child’s life.
“I don’t know these children,” she testified in one 2017 case, adding, “I have not met anybody.” Still, she said, she “strongly” recommended that those children’s birth parents’ rights be permanently terminated and that the kids be adopted."
"She also regularly uses terms like “mirror neurons,” “neurotoxins,” “synapses,” “hormones,” and “encoded trauma in the central nervous system” to justify her conclusions about children’s family relationships. (Baird is not a neuroscientist.)"
The New Yorker article focuses on possible legislative solutions, but I think these articles point to something more pernicious and more difficult to address. Judges - in all kinds of cases - routinely give credence to professionals and "experts" who are biased, bigoted, and testify far outside their expertise (if they have any expertise at all). These professionals have credentials (like being a police officer or social worker) that are validated by institutional hierarchies. Their frequent systematized interaction with the legal system is mistaken as experience that makes their subjective beliefs more credible, when in truth they lack any objective expertise. They are considered credible and unbiased because they conform to, and validate, systems of hierarchical oppression, while the people they hurt - often poor, marginalized, and most frequently, not white - are viewed with inherent distrust.
The ProPublica article focuses primarily on Baird. I'm more concerned with the judges who believed her, who used her to justify funneling children away from their (safe and loving, but poorer and frequently browner) birth families. She was only able to do so much harm because of the the power given to her by courts, and the judges inside them.
The ProPublic article ends with the line, "This past fall, with Baird’s help, the foster parents were granted full custody of the baby girl through her 18th birthday." It names Baird as a force that led to the theft of this child. The passive voice hides the judge who made the ultimate decision.
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Jan Bartek - AncientPages.com - New scientific research has revealed a piece of tartan found in a peat bog in Glen Affric around forty years ago can be dated to circa 1500-1600 AD, making it the oldest known surviving specimen of true tartan in Scotland.
The Scottish Tartans Authority commissioned Dye Analysis and Radiocarbon testing on the woolen textile to prove its age.
Scotland's Oldest Tartan On Display For The First Time!
Glen Affric tartan - Scotland's oldest-known true tartan discovered by The Scottish Tartans Authority to go on display for the first time at V&A Dundee's Tartan exhibition.
Credit: Alan Richardson Pix-AR
The first investigation was dye analysis carried out by analytical scientists from National Museums Scotland. Using high-resolution digital microscopy, four colors were visually identified for dye analysis: green, brown, and possibly red and yellow.
The dye analysis confirmed the use of indigo/woad in the green but was inconclusive for the other colors, probably due to the dyestuff degradation state. However, no artificial or semi-synthetic dyestuffs were involved in making the tartan, which pointed to a date of pre-1750s.
Further clarification on the age of the tartan involved radiocarbon testing at the SUERC Radiocarbon Laboratory in East Kilbride. The process involved washing out all the peat staining, which would have otherwise contaminated the carbon content of the textile.
The Radiocarbon testing results identified a broad date range between 1500 and 1655 AD, with the period between 1500 and 1600 AD the most probable. This makes it the oldest-known piece of true tartan found in Scotland – the Falkirk ‘tartan,’ dating from the early third century AD, is actually a simpler check pattern woven using undyed yarns.
The Glen Affric tartan, which measures around 55cm by 43cm, is now on display for the first time at V&A Dundee’s Tartan exhibition.
by TaboolaSponsored Links
The piece will be the oldest exhibit among more than 300 objects. The exhibition examines tartan’s universal and enduring appeal through iconic and everyday examples of fashion, architecture, graphic and product design, photography, furniture, glass and ceramics, film, performance, and art.
“The testing process has taken nearly six months, but the effort was well worth it, and we are thrilled with the results!
In Scotland, surviving examples of old textiles are rare as the soil is not conducive to their survival. As the piece was buried in peat, meaning it had no exposure to air and was therefore preserved.
The tartan has several colors with multiple stripes of different sizes, and so it corresponds to what people would think of as a true tartan.
“Although we can theorize about the Glen Affric tartan, it’s important that we don’t construct history around it. Although Clan Chisholm controlled that area, we cannot attribute the tartan to them as we don’t know who owned it.
“The potential presence of red, a color that Gaels considered a status symbol, is interesting because of the more rustic nature of the cloth. This piece is not something you would associate with a king or someone of high status; it is more likely to be an outdoor working garment," Peter MacDonald, Head of Research and Collections at The Scottish Tartans Authorit said.
Scotland's Oldest Tartan On Display For The First Time!
New scientific research has revealed a piece of tartan found in a peat bog in Glen Affric, Scotland around forty years ago can be dated to circa 1500-1600 AD, making it the oldest known surviving specimen of true tartan in Scotland. Credit: Credit: Alan Richardson Pix-AR
“The Glen Affric tartan is clearly a piece of national and historical significance. It is likely to date to the reign of James V, Mary Queen of Scots, or James VI/I. “There is no other known surviving piece of tartan from this period of this age. It's a remarkable discovery and deserves national attention and preservation. “It also deserves to be seen and we’re delighted that it is to be included in the Tartan exhibition at V&A Dundee,” John McLeish, Chair of The Scottish Tartans Authority, said.
“We knew The Scottish Tartans Authority had a tremendous archive of material and we initially approached them to ask if they knew of any examples of 'proto-tartans' that could be loaned to the exhibition.
I'm delighted the exhibition has encouraged further exploration into this plaid portion and very thankful for The Scottish Tartans Authority's backing and support in uncovering such a historic find.
To be able to exhibit the Glen Affric tartan is immensely important in understanding the textile traditions from which modern tartan derives, and I'm sure visitors will appreciate seeing this on public display for the very first time," James Wylie, curator at V&A Dundee said.
Tartan at V&A Dundee opens on Saturday, 1 April, until 14 January 2024.
Written by Jan Bartek - AncientPages.com Staff Writer
Source: Facebook
Source: AncientPages.com
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
A newborn baby found earlier this year in Newham, east London, is the third child abandoned by the same parents, the BBC can report.
DNA tests presented to the East London Family Court established that “Baby Elsa” is the sibling of two babies, a boy and a girl, found in very similar circumstances in 2017 and 2019.
Despite appeals by the Metropolitan Police, their parents have not been identified.
The BBC and PA Media were given special permission by the court to report the sibling link - and that the children are black.
Judge Carol Atkinson said the story was of "great public interest" as babies are very rarely abandoned in modern Britain.
An expert told the court that, in his opinion, the genetic findings provided extremely strong scientific support for the view that Baby Elsa was “a full sibling” of the other two babies.
The older children have been adopted and Baby Elsa remains in foster care.
She was found by a dog-walker in January in sub-zero temperatures - the coldest night of the year - wrapped in a towel inside a bag.
The other babies - named Harry and Roman - had also been abandoned after birth in the same area of London.
They had been wrapped in blankets. One was also inside a bag.
Family Court documents stated Baby Elsa still had her umbilical cord, and doctors estimate she had been born only an hour before.
Although she was extremely cold when found, Elsa was described as crying and responsive. The court has since heard that she is doing well.
The Family Court has heard that the children - whose names have now been changed - will all know that they are full siblings, and there are plans for them to have some form of contact as they grow up.
The reporting of the sibling link was not supported by the local authority and England's Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass), which advises courts about children's best interests.
The Met Police said it was up to the court to determine whether the link between the children should be reported, but they told the court they did not wish to “inadvertently promote or encourage struggling mothers to abandon unwanted babies in public spaces”.
East London Family Court is taking part in a transparency pilot, which has been extended to cover almost half the family courts in England and Wales. This makes it easier for the BBC and other journalists to report cases.
The BBC and PA Media argued in court that it was a matter of public interest that the three children had been abandoned at birth by the same parents.
Carol Atkinson, the most senior judge in East London Family Court, agreed.
“Abandonment of a baby in this country is a very, very unusual event,” she said, adding that there was considerable public interest in such cases, for that reason.
She said the fact the three babies were full siblings was, for the same reason, “of enormous interest” in “our current society”.
She said that if she were to refuse reporting, it would affect the “public consciousness” of these matters, and restrict open justice in such cases.
The BBC and PA said further reporting was likely to assist the authorities in locating the children’s parents, and that highlighting the relationship would put the focus back on the children’s mother.
Very few babies are recorded as abandoned at birth in England and Wales. The ONS only published data until 2015, and that showed no babies were registered as abandoned for the previous three years, with just one logged as abandoned in 2011.
However academic researchers estimate the number higher, at about 16 per year - in analysis covering the period 1998-2005.
The press reported on an abandoned baby in Hackney, east London, in 2020 - and another in Birmingham in 2021. Their mothers were eventually traced, several months later. ______________
Woman campaigns to introduce baby boxes in the UK
A woman who was abandoned as a baby is campaigning to introduce baby boxes in the UK. ____________________
Having these should really be a no brainer by now
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katmaibearfan · 2 months
tw: cub injury, cub death
going to copy & paste the update on grazer's injured cub from Naomi Boak under the cut. i dont think i have any better words for this than she does right now.
Good evening everyone. Tonight we witnessed another trying moment. We also witnessed the actions and reactions of a stellar mother bear and we have lots to learn from her actions. Below are Mike Fitz's considered comments after reviewing the video of what happened this evening. Thank you so much for your kind and empathetic reactions to a very difficult moment. I will post the video of the live chat we did on Monday after this comment if you want to review our analysis of the events of last Saturday
1. I didn't see it live, but I've been able to review the footage. At ~ 224pm AKT, Grazer was on the lip of the falls.
2. On the falls low cam, I could see her apparently healthy cub on the edge of the water. Then another spring cub washes over the falls.
4. The cub that washed over the falls appeared unresponsive. I do not know if it was dead or not but I saw no indication that it was or could fight the current.
3. This was almost certainly the cub that was injured by 32 Chunk on 7/29. If you want to know more please see this program:
(added note: link didn't copy over but i may add it later if i can get it to work)
5. Grazer saw the cub wash over the falls. She left the lip and searched for it in the jacuzzi (the large plunge pool below the falls).
6. Grazer retrieved the motionless cub in the water and made attempts to bring it to shallow water.
7. Grazer was then distracted by a need to corral and/or protect her other cub who remained on the near river bank.
8. When Grazer went to her healthy cub, the motionless cub drifted downstream. Grazer seemed to show some effort to look for it, but I don't know if she made contact with it again.
9. Was the cub dead when it washed over the falls? IDK. If it was still alive it could not fight the current. We know that cub was dealing with upper body injuries the last time we saw it.
9. If the cub was dead, then why would Grazer try to help it? Perhaps Grazer wasn't ready to give up. Perhaps Grazer didn't know it was dead.
10. Perhaps she felt an ursine form of loss. There is good evidence that some mammals can grieve.
11. Given the intelligence of bears, I would not discount that possibility even if it hasn't been demonstrated scientifically. Bears are thinking, emotional animals.
13. The saga and pain for the cub appears to over too. It didn't work out the way we had hoped, but at least there's comfort in knowing the conclusion to this story.
12. I think we can admire her dedication to her offspring, her dilligence in caring for them, and her courage in protecting them.
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blueiscoool · 3 months
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35 Bottles From the 18th Century Filled with Cherries Found at George Washington’s Mount Vernon
The story of a six-year-old George Washington chopping down a cherry tree may be a myth, but archeologists excavating Mount Vernon, the home of the United States’ first president, made the very real discovery of 35 glass bottles filled with cherries and berries.
The bottles were found in five storage pits in the mansion’s cellar, with 29 of them intact and containing “perfectly preserved cherries and berries, likely gooseberries or currants,” according to a news release from George Washington’s Mount Vernon on Thursday.
Crews unearthed the 18th-century bottles during the ongoing $40 million revitalization project launched last year at Mount Vernon, Virginia.
The bottles were extracted from the pits and refrigerated, and are expected to undergo scientific analysis, the release states.
The slowly drying bottles, “composed of materials and foodstuffs that are likely 250 years old,” will be sent from Mount Vernon’s archaeology lab to an off-site location for conservation, according to the release.
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The latest discovery comes after the recent find of two intact European-manufactured glass bottles, also from the 18th century, filled with liquid, cherries and pits in the same cellar, according to the organization.
“Now we know those bottles were just the beginning of this blockbuster discovery,” Mount Vernon President and CEO Doug Bradburn said in a statement.
Bradburn referred to the discoveries as “an unprecedented find,” adding that “nothing of this scale and significance has ever been excavated in North America.”
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“The bottles and contents are a testament to the knowledge and skill of the enslaved people who managed the food preparations from tree to table,” said Jason Boroughs, Mount Vernon principal archaeologist.
The bottles may have been forgotten when Washington left Mount Vernon to take command of the Continental Army, according to Bradburn.
“These artifacts likely haven’t seen the light of day since before the American Revolution,” he said. “It’s so appropriate that these bottles have been unearthed shortly before the 250th anniversary of the United States.”
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Bradburn added that the organization’s team is hopeful the cherry pits may be viable for future germination.
Mount Vernon partnered with the US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service to analyze the bottles’ contents.
In the early stages of analysis, researchers identified 54 cherry pits and 23 stems, suggesting the bottles were likely full of cherries at one point, according to the release.
“The cherries likely are of a tart variety, which has a more acidic composition that may have aided in preservation,” the release states.
The cherries are likely candidates for DNA extraction, which could help researchers compare them against a database to identify their exact species, according to the release.
By Ashley R. Williams.
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somedayillbepeterpan · 2 months
DAY ONE | Favourite Season 3 scene: The Butterfly ball
I have bitten more than I can chew but I am determined to get all the parts out of this analysis if only to free up my head. Now, I just hope I could get out all the stuff I want to put out for each day of Polinweek too 🤣
PART 4: THE FEATURED SONG AND DANCE - Lights by Ellie Goulding
This song is hinged on this line that Pen says on S3E8 (“But I was careless with that power. It was easy to cast aspersions in the dark.”)
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And the line while Pen was talking to Genevieve in S3E7 (“I'm relieved... in a way. It has been painful carrying that secret.”) Added also the obvious parallel of the titles of Episode one: Out of the Shadows and Episode 8: Into the light. 
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I also looked into what Ellie Goulding said about this song and she said it’s about her fear of the dark, a childhood trauma, where she couldn't sleep without the light on. And while that explanation about this very catchy pop song seem to be very common, when I look at how it parallels to Pen's life and how she has been in the shadows most of her young life-- overlooked, ridiculed in her own family for prioritising her mind over her "prospects", unintentionally treated more like a soundboard than a person than her best friend, and forced to bury her affection turn love to her other best friend.
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LW was a light in Pen's mind. Scientifically, the brain is fully active when you write on complex subjects and LW is definitely a complex one. When Pen used LW as more than just a scandal sheet but also a critique on how their society works effectively challenging the Queen, it became a true exercise of power when Pen affected and effected public opinion (there's a line on S1 where Anthony said something along the lines of how every one is swallowing everything that LW was publishing).
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[I want to highlight this dance too because it looks like bugs flying around. Jack Murphy is an absolute genius.]
It is this power that Pen gets drunk on and made her feel that it is the only thing she can use to be properly heard thereby making the controversial decisions about Colin and Eloise's situations.
The funny thing about her abuse of power is that she used it for (and unintentionally against) the two people who actually WOULD HAVE LISTENED TO HER. I know that we saw her "try" to reason to both of them but she never said the truth. Which is the opposite of what she says in LW ("But gossip I might, I always tell the truth.")
This clouding of her judgment tainted the light that writing LW brought. And unless she came into the light, that clouding would have eaten her alive and I for one am glad that she finally owned up to her mess.
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whitehotharlots · 2 years
Okay, fine, let’s define “wokeness” so you people will shut up about it
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Wokeness is amorphous but not nebulous. Like all social phenomena, it exists only to the extent to which it is subject to formal description, and its purveyors are wont to resist any attempts at being pinned down by outsiders (I cannot, for example, think of a single philosopher associated with Postmodernism who did not reject the label--at least not at first). The difficulties with defining human phenomena are compounded greatly while the phenomenon in question is still unfolding, but that does not mean that earnest efforts toward definition cannot be undertaken. Wokeness most certainly exists. It deserves to be delineated, even if its vastness and dominance make it difficult to do so in a manner that everyone (or anyone) finds fully definitive. 
Wokeness should be understood as an immense and rapidly adopted change in the manner through which left-liberals adjudicate morality, righteousness, and even factuality. It applies not just to individual people but to nearly everything: broad social happenings, historical events, places, industries, and matters of scientific fact. It engenders contradictions at an hysterical pace, which actually strengthens the movement, due to the radicalism of its approaches.
Wokeness is best described as a form of Associationist Manicheanism. Whatever falls under its analytical purview is declared either good or bad (never both) not according to the beliefs and ideologies in question, nor to the material consequences thereof, but according to the conceptually recognized identity markers associated with whatever is being analyzed. There are good things and good people. There are bad things and bad people. Good things are good because they are good. Bad things are bad because they are bad. All other forms of adjudication--from direct empiricism, deductive and inductive logic, or even simple cause-and-effect--are subordinated within wokeness, if they are even acknowledged. 
The lack of ideological consistency and dismissal of material analysis naturally leads to a slew of obvious contradictions, which makes wokeness very difficult to pin down even as its presence becomes more and more undeniable. This provides an added bonus to the movement’s purveyors, as their wanton duplicity allows them to claim the lack of existence of something that’s happening right in front of them, an absence of belief in very the causes they champion. (”Why are you freaking out about this? It’s not even happening! And also it is happening and it’s good.”)
The wokes believe that police and prisons should be abolished, but also that we need much stricter gun control and hate speech laws. They believe it a form of severe violence--perhaps even genocide--to not understand the identities of others as they understand themselves, but also that you face a moral obligation to understand yourself as they tell you to. They believe that outsiders should be subjected to brutal criticism regarding their very existence, but also that any disagreement is a form of violence. They think that violent street crime--up to and including rape--should be dealt with via the light hand of “restorative justice,” but also that vague accusations of causing discomfort should be enough to ruin a man’s life and career. They revel in victimhood but deplore fragility, embrace vague “ways of knowing” while demanding absolute clarity and unpassable evidentiary bars of from their ideological enemies, and regard truth as a white supremacist fiction while possessing unshakable certainty in their own worldview. 
There are many, many more examples. These are just ones from the top of my head. 
These contradictions are allowed to stand. They are never acknowledged, let alone addressed. This is because the woke believe there is only one, universal mechanism for (in)validating any belief, action, or assertion: determining its conceptual association with the pre-established Good or the pre-established Bad. They don’t start by asking “is this statement true” or “is this belief harmful.” They can tell everything they need to know by running a quick identity index of the person who made the statement or professed the belief. Sometimes, in the absence of obvious markers of race, gender, or sexuality (or in the case of those markers contradicting the desired (in)validation outcome), they will revert to aesthetic symbols or nominally ideological group affiliations. So, yes, a white Democrat man outweighs a black Republicanman , who outweighs a white Republican man, who is outweighed himself by a black Republican woman, etc, etc, but most issues play out according to partisan lines.
And that’s it. Seriously, that’s it. You can regard it as a bold new era of social progress or as a civilization-destroying scourge. Your opinion does not matter. The point is, this is all a very blunt and very radical sleight of hand in regards to how beliefs, actions, and statements are adjudicated. Its purveyors readily admit to this. Nothing written in this essay is in the least bit deniable. 
Of course, my analysis won’t matter for the reasons outlined above. I am a white (bad) man (bad) who has previously expressed reservations toward left-identitarian activism (very super double bad). Three Bad designations is too much to overcome, no matter how much I profess myself to be on the left or assure my readers I support that broad social goals that wokeness disingenuously claims to be striving toward. But even if I were a black trans woman who was born without legs, this essay would still be dismissed because it would be conceptually associated with the people who criticize wokeness, who are bad. I am bad and this piece is bad. That’s all there is to it. And that means I’m wrong, wokeness isn’t a real thing, but also it is a real thing and it’s so good and perfect that criticizing it makes you bad.  
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oxygenbefore1775 · 10 months
ok just one more thing about color analysis
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(here is the my full post about the color analysis on other characters including Hange)
This one is specifically about Erwin. What I like about his "official" color is that it's the same as Hange's - purple, mirroring their similar fate of becoming Scouts leader. But there's difference in hue, Hange's looks balanced due to having equal ratio of red and blue whereas Erwin's is magenta and warm-toned due to addition of red. And this addition of red is where the root lies.
Beyond the shared qualities that Erwin and Hange possess and that the color purple symbolizes, such as knowledge, ingenuity, dreams and energy - the very attributes that propelled both into great commanders - the additional touch of red in Erwin's color introduces another layer of connotation to his personality, complementing the classic purple symbolism.
Red symbolizes many things but ones that are relevant to my rant are as follows:
The first and obvious one is bloodshed (cuz blood is also red believe it or not). This connotation ties in with Erwin's treatment of his soldiers and subordinates. Although he cares about them, he doesn't hesitate to sacrifice them for the sake of the mission's success which would often result in lives being lost and blood being spilt.
Going off the blood association, the color red also invokes danger - the feeling that was very evident in each of Erwin's endeavors as his plans would entail endangering the lives of other soldiers.
On the positive note, one of connotations of this color that also pertains to Erwin is passion and driving force. In Erwin's case it mirrors his dream to see what lies beyond the walls, the thing that dictated Erwin's decision.
Another thing worth mentioning is that red is commonly known as the color of revolution - a pretty low hanging fruit for me to point out, considering that Erwin went and did just that in season 3.
All in all, the added hint of red to Erwin's "official" color only underscores the aspects that distinguish him from Hange's approach to leadership. On one hand it's more bloodier and cruel when it comes to soldiers' lives but on the other hand it is more driven and inspiring (not that Hange's isn't it's just their dream doesn't really require an army of soldiers, their dream is more "scientific")
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batshaped · 2 years
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This is Batty, a type of line-and-color-secreting organism (likely mammal). She is legally categorized as an unwholesome cartoon character (this may be a subtype of cryptid but as of this writing the organization has not obtained a warrant to catch and vivisect her, so the science is unconfirmed). We still let her work as a writer and storyboard artist for TV animation though. Diplomatic reasons.
This Tumblr is an archive of the secretions she produces (known by laymen as “personal art she makes in her free time”). These substances may include nudity, blood/injury, dark/mature themes and, as quoted from a statement by the subject, “whatever the fuck else I feel like.” Do not let her “cute” art style fool you. This is merely a biological lure tactic. She is in fact what we in the scientific community recognize as a “Bitch” and engages in what the layman might understand as “Bitch Activities.”
The archive is currently under construction. As antiquated works are unearthed and uploaded by our system, they will be posted out of chronological order. Where applicable, a link to the original source of the work will be posted in its description and the original post date added to the tags by an automated process. Researchers interested in a particular era may conduct their search by browsing these tags—for example, “2020 art” or “October 2022 art.”
Other documented sightings of the subject:
Twitter — High-activity zone. Amasses curiously high-intelligence social groups that pay her tribute of some kind in the form of excellent analysis of the “comics” she secretes.
Instagram — Moderate-activity zone. Recent activity may be observed via “stories” (a type of functional trailcam). 
HELLO FROM HALO HEAD — High-volume, high-chroma current secretion intended to attract specialized prey (enjoyers of webcomics).
Angel’s Advocate — Monochromatic secretion paused in 2020. It is nonetheless being monitored as the subject may begin secreting again at any time per her unpredictable will.
WEBTOON — Both secretions have been archived here.
Tapas — Both secretions have been archived here.
TikTok — Rare footage of the subject’s movements in realtime.
Ko-Fi - HIGHLY DANGEROUS AREA. DO NOT APPROACH. Any tribute paid here will only enable further, enhanced activity by the subject. Reports of extremities lost in the act of attempting tribute are not uncommon. ENGAGE AT YOUR OWN RISK. 
Linktree — Documentation hub to be updated as events—
Dictation paused to address matter of high priority. Dictation will resume upon resolution of the matter.
hi please disregard above im not reading all that but its definitely not real please put your fingers in my enclosure i promise you will have fun :)
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dandelionsresilience · 3 months
Good News - June 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi or $Kaybarr1735! Also, if you tip me on Ko-fi or CashApp (and give me some way to contact you if it doesn’t automatically), at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week!
1. Hundreds of Mayors, City Leaders Commit to Protecting Monarch Butterflies in Annual Pledge
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“The 300 participating communities are taking a record number of actions to advance monarch conservation by planting or maintaining pollinator gardens at prominent locations, supporting native plant sales and giveaways, and partnering with local gardening organizations and experts to advance monarch conservation and community engagement.”
2. Basic income can double global GDP while reducing carbon emissions, analysis suggests
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“Researchers suggest that charging carbon emitters with an emission tax could help fund such basic income programs while reducing environmental degradation. [… G]iving basic income to the entire world population could boost the global GDP by $163 trillion, which is about 130% of the current GDP. Every dollar spent on implementing basic income can generate as much as $7 in economic impacts, the analysis shows.”
3. Los Angeles-area wildlife crossing over freeway expected to be ready in 2026
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“The crossing will be a vegetated overpass that will help isolated animals safely cross U.S. 101. […] Officials said the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing will "reconnect habitats and improve the health of the environment for many species in Southern California." They added that currently, U.S. 101 is a huge barrier that disconnects Southern California wildlife. […] “We need to move beyond mere conservation, toward a kind of environmental rejuvenation," [Annenberg] said in a statement. "Wildlife crossings are powerfully effective at doing just that — restoring ecosystems that have been fractured and disrupted.””
4. ‘Many waterfowl are very gay’: Elliot Page set to narrate LGBTQ+ animal documentary Second Nature
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“According to Deadline, Second Nature will be executive produced by Page, who will also narrate the documentary set to explore instances of same-sex attraction in species other than humans. And, spoiler alert, they’re everywhere. [… Page said,] “Second Nature reveals the full spectrum of life and how when it comes to gender and sexuality in nature, the diversity is endless. I learned so much and am thrilled others will too.””
5. McKenzie River Restoration Benefiting Threatened Upper Willamette River Chinook
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“Salmon have successfully reproduced at the Finn Rock restoration site in Oregon’s McKenzie River watershed. Another project aims to bring salmon back to lower Quartz Creek. […] Historical accounts document the presence of Chinook salmon and bull trout in Quartz Creek, but neither species has been seen there for decades. Project partners have replaced an aging bridge that constricted Quartz Creek. Previously, the stream constriction forced the water to gush like a fire hose, blasting salmon and sediment downriver. […] The restoration work will increase groundwater and expand the amount of wetlands, which can reduce the impact of forest fires.”
6. Leading Scholars Call for Global Treaty on Free Education
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“According to the experts, well-established scientific evidence shows “unequivocally” that education is foundational to children’s healthy development and lifelong prospects[…. Seventy scholars from thirty countries] call on all governments to support a new optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child to ensure recognition of the right to free early childhood education and free secondary education, alongside the existing explicit right to free and compulsory primary education.”
7. Water is key as study shows restoration of drained tropical peat is possible
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“Rewetting of tropical peatland that was drained for agriculture can lead to the recovery of the native ecosystem, a long-term study of a former pulpwood plantation in Indonesia shows. Researchers studying the 4,800-hectare (11,900-acre) plot that was retired in 2015 by Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) found the water table had risen, soil carbon emissions had gone down, and native trees were springing up and replacing the planted acacia pulpwoods.”
8. Antioxidant gel preserves islet function after pancreas removal: New approach could reduce diabetes complications
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“Before surgeons remove the pancreas from patients with severe, painful chronic pancreatitis, they first harvest insulin-producing tissue clusters, called islets, and transplant them into the vasculature of the liver. […] Unfortunately, the process inadvertently destroys 50–80% of islets, and one-third of patients become diabetic after surgery. [… To] create a healthier microenvironment for the islets, the researchers adhered the islets to the omentum with an inherently antioxidant and anti-inflammatory biomaterial[…,] significantly improving survival and preserving function of transplanted islets.”
9. Restoring Indigenous aquaculture heals both ecosystems and communities in Hawai‘i
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“The loko i’a system of native fishponds in Hawai‘i has for generations provided sustenance to Indigenous communities[….] Unlike commercial fish farms, loko i‘a thrive without feed input and need little management once established[….] “We are using science to translate ‘ike kupuna, or Indigenous knowledge, into policy,” said study co-author Kawika Winter […] “Loko i’a are really built to work with the ecosystem, whereas not all forms of aquaculture are made to do that.””
10. Meet Neo Px: the super plant that attacks air pollution
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“Neo Px is a bioengineered plant capable of purifying indoor air at an unprecedented scale[….] "It's the equivalent of up to 30 regular houseplants in terms of air purification," said Lionel Mora, co-founder of startup Neoplants. "It will not only capture, but also remove and recycle, some of the most harmful pollutants you can find indoors." [… The plant comes] with packets of powder that contain a microbiome, essentially a bacterial strain. "This bacteria colonizes the plant's roots, soil and leaves [… and] absorbs the VOCs to grow and reproduce. The plant is there to create this ecosystem for the bacteria. So we have a symbiotic system between plants and bacteria.””
May 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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mwebber · 1 year
the" look at you doing all that arty shit" marky mark flower photo could be another contender for the horse cock tag, less Explicit, however, Bulge must be considered in this scientific analysis
ON THE STUDY OF HORSE COCK: a Qualitative Analysis of Mark Webber's Bulge
mwebber [1]
Cite this article! mwebber. (2023). On the Study of Horse Cock: a Qualitative Analysis of Mark Webber's Bulge. Tumblr Asks, 9(11), 6-9. https://doi.org/10.420/horsecock
ABSTRACT Mark Webber, 2015 WEC world champion and retired F1 driver, has terrorized the online world with his dick bulge for all the years he has been photographed. Whether this is due to a lack of well-fitting pants, or simply because his cock is massive, remains to be answered. Building on previous academic work by scholars such as @cedobols and @f1rstyasfk, this paper uses grounded theory to analyze the work of Clive Rose, a friend and photographer of Webber. It takes into account primarily the draping of Webber's pants, the shadows, and his stance to examine whether the work should be added to the existing dialogue surrounding Webber horse cock. We conclude that, though the photo demonstrates bulge, it is unfortunately not obvious enough to be added to the horse cock tag specifically. That said, we suggest the work be added to a new academic collection on Webber's love handles.
KEYWORDS Grounded theory, Mark Webber, Women and Gender Studies
[1] Faculty of Sports RPF, Tumblr University, Tumblr, Internet
Corresponding Author: User mwebber, Faculty of Sports RPF, Tumblr University. email @mwebber
In 2016, Mark Webber announced his retirement from motor racing for good, but this announcement didn't mean the end of his relevance to the racing world. With his limited appearances on television, and without the need to wear team-mandated uniforms, Webber began to gain popularity in online circles who'd never heard of him for one thing: his incredible dick bulge. At least, this is how the history goes; scholars such as bom have pinpointed the phenomenon of what is now called "Mark Webber Horse Cock" as beginning in the late 2000s, or indeed earlier (motorkink, 2022). Dutiful academics have taken the time since to contribute to the contemporary discussion around Mark Webber's bulge, and it is in this context that this paper aims to add to the conversation with Clive Rose's recent photographic work from Singapore, 2023. In this paper, we will use grounded theory to examine the photograph from an aesthetic, qualitative angle to answer whether or not it can be added to the seminal works of the Horse Cock portfolio. We will first discuss the existing literature around Webber's bulge, then justify our use of grounded theory. We will then partake in a detailed, critical analysis of Clive Rose's work. Following the analysis, we will discuss our findings to conclude that though the photo demonstrates bulge, it is unfortunately not obvious enough to be added to the horse cock tag specifically. Finally, we suggest avenues for further study and review.
Perhaps one of the most obvious and encapsulating examples of Mark Webber Horse Cock academia comes from this post the author made in early 2022 (multi2-1). To our knowledge, it is currently the only work that has broken containment regarding Horse Cock and attracted a new wave of critical thinking about Mark Webber's penis. Other works exist in Horse Cock literature, namely by acclaimed scholar bom cedobols, who has contributed much to the movement. The author is too lazy to hack it with Tumblr's shitty search engine, so imagine that the rest of the substantial lit review is source: trust me bro.
This project uses grounded theory to examine Clive Rose's work photographing Mark Webber. Conceived in 1967 by Anselm Strauss and Barney Glaser, grounded theory is as much a theory as it is a methodology (Mediani, 2017). It was created to merge quantitative and qualitative research methods (Greon et al., 2017). It is prescriptive, meaning it generates new theories to account for patterns in a study rather than apply existing theories, thus avoiding the trappings and limitations of existing theories and conceptual frameworks (Mediani). There are several reasons why this study does not use pre-existing frameworks to guide the research. Firstly, grounded theory allows for a looser combination of quantitative and qualitative lens with which to examine the data. It allows for the examination of arbitrary things, such as the shadows around a cropped photo of Mark Webber's crotch. Secondly, though this study of horse cock is not new, the field of research studying the relationship between random photos and dick bulges is an emerging field that is only gaining prevalence with advancements in technology. Thus, avoiding the limitations on perspective that come with pre-existing theories is a benefit in providing insight specific to Mark Webber's horse cock that might otherwise be lost. 
Clive Rose's work can be found below. Rose has a prolific portfolio, most notably of beautiful Sebastian Vettel photos, and we thank him for his contribution to our cause (Rose, 2023).
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First, it is important to isolate the most relevant part of Rose's photo. We have taken the liberty to do so here:
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With the benefit of grounded theory, we have identified three key aspects to guide our analysis: the draping of Webber's pants, the shadows, and his stance. First, in examining the draping, we can see that he has pockets on either side. We can also see that the pants fit well; they leave ample breathing room and don't seem to hug his thighs, while simultaneously providing adequate definition to his dumpy, the likes of which we can extrapolate from the front.
Next, let us consider the shadows. They fall most prominently beneath the fold of his right pocket and in the dip towards his left thigh. They are also visible around where his bulge is, in the large crease leading to his right pocket.
Finally, Webber's stance is that of a man on the move, which we can deduce by focusing on his elevated right thigh. We can estimate, based on the rest of the photo, that Webber is walking, rather than running.
In our analysis, we highlighted how Webber's pants drape, how the shadows fall over and around his crotch, and his movement in the photo. Based on our analysis, we can reason our way logically through to a conclusive stance on whether or not Rose's photo should be added to the Horse Cock portfolio.
Webber's pockets, namely his right pocket, seems to take centre stage. The way the fabric of his pants drape, in addition to how the shadows fall, leads us to the notion that his pocket is folding as pants pockets do when one walks: outward. Assuming that Webber's pants have a zipper in the front, we can further presume that the front part of his pants are attached along its seam, thus creating the tension that causes his pocket to fold in such a manner.
The pocket seems to be the source of confusion. From a distance, or on a small screen such as a mobile device, the way it folds seems to suggest Mark's dick bulge. However, upon closer inspection, the bulge itself is barely present. As we are debating the merits of adding the photo to works under the horse cock tag, this is what Rose's case hinges on. Thus: we believe the photo should not be added.
This paper investigated Clive Rose's recent work from Singapore 2023 to answer the question of whether it should be considered among works demonstrating Mark Webber's dick bulge. It used grounded theory to identify three aspects of the photo we believed were significant: the draping of Webber's pants, how the shadows fell over his crotch, and his photographed stance. Upon analysis and discussion, it found that the photo should not be added to the horse cock tag on the basis of Webber's bulge not being obviously present, and cast blame on his pocket for inspiring hope.
It is a sinister illusion for Horse Cock theorists, but a significant one nonetheless. Negative results, as they say in the research world, are still results. That said, Rose's photo is not without merit, and we propose a new avenue of investigation where it may be relevant, out of the scope of this paper: Webber's love handles.
I would like to thank the anonymous asked who sent this to my inbox and prompted me to dig out one of my old papers from second year undergrad.
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. However, the author would like to request that it never sees the light of day outside Tumblr dot com.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. God, don't they wish they received funding for this shit.
Ames [@multi2-1]. (2022, January 22). actually insane how mark webber walks around when his massive fucking schlong bounces... [Textpost]. Tumblr. https://www.tumblr.com/multi2-1/703853656379899904?source=share
Groen, C., Simmons, D. R., & McNair, L. D. (2017). An Introduction to Grounded Theory: Choosing and Implementing an Emergent Method. American Society for Engineering Education Paper presented at 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio. https://doi.org/10.18260/1-2--27582
Mediani, H.S. (2017). An Introduction to Classical Grounded Theory. SOJ Nursing & Health Care, 3(3), 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.15226/2471-6529/3/3/00135
[@motorkink]. (2022, January 25). this needs to be included. [Textpost]. Tumblr. https://www.tumblr.com/multi2-1/703853656379899904?source=share
Rose, C. (2023). [Mark Webber walks in the Paddock prior to practice ahead of the 2023 Singapore Grand Prix] [Photograph]. Getty Images. https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/mark-webber-walks-in-the-paddock-prior-to-practice-ahead-of-news-photo/1682058315
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aquatark · 2 months
kind of randomly spurred post, but i was just wondering how many endless ocean fans knew about the development screenshots we have of the first game... so i figured i'd share them with you all, along with some light analysis for those interested in this game's development history!
so the development photos i'll be going into in this post were revealed to the public in 2014-2015, shared on the twitter account of ichiro mihara, the vice president of arika and series producer of the endless ocean games! nowadays, he mostly just posts food pics and pokemon go stuff... kinda living the dream ngl
below is the complete set of screenshots:
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the most obvious difference here to most players would be creatures placed where they shouldn't be, such as the yellow boxfish in an atypical zoom, and the presence of false clown anemonefish in the abyss and ship's rest. while the boxfish photo i don't have any explanation for other than the creature moving around a little at some point in development, the anemonefish photos i have a more interesting explanation for!
we can use these photos, along with multiple other photos of clownfish in eo1 zooms taken during development (which are used on the plaques of eo2's aquarium), to deduce that this clownfish species was used as a test creature for zoom environments! i mean, it's pretty obvious they weren't intending for you to actually find clownfish in the depths... and due to their order in the game's internal d code life system, we can assume they were among the first zoom mode creatures to be added. it all lines up! though i'm glad the little guys don't have to suffer that insane water pressure anymore...
now, another big difference is the lack of water fog in most of these photos! it's especially obvious in the photos taken in zoom mode that this portion of the game had yet to be figured out at the point those photos were taken. for comparison, here's the yellow boxfish photo compared with a photo of the same staghorn coral zoom in the final game:
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big difference, huh? this fog would be even stronger if i weren't using an emulator to take my photos - dolphin tends to skimp a little on the fog. but, this lines up with what we know about this game's development: during a post-release developer interview (which you can view translated into english here), they mentioned struggling to make this fog feel right - more oceanic than foggy feeling, and accurately changing with the player's current depth - and these photos illustrate that there was a time where fog in zoom mode spots was neglected entirely!
the screenshot of the open encyclopedia also has a lot of interesting differences from the final game. take a look here, comparing the same page:
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(note that of course, the development photo was taken in japanese, while my screenshot is in english: "fish who live in the ocean" is actually what the deep sea section is called in the final japanese release... trust me, i checked)
so obviously, the layout of these pages is completely different! i imagine the details on these small fish would have been barely legible on the average person's tv at the time, so making them bigger was a good call. additionally, the encyclopedia used to be navigated using arrow buttons and a back button to exit! this back button is completely unused in the final game, probably just because it's redundant when in the final game, you can just press the b button to go back. three other small changes are that:
in the dev screenshot, the encyclopedia's page background is just a texture, as opposed to a 3d model as seen in the final game. this means it's likely the pages didn't flip like a real book does at this point.
the scientific names of the giant squid and the oarfish was altered.
there are no page numbers in the encyclopedia.
now, for a quick lightning round of smaller changes!
in the final game, there is only one place to find remoras: accompanied by the whale shark in entryway slope, in small numbers. this contrasts with the whale shark photo, in which way more remoras are seen surrounding it, and in an area deeper than entryway slope allows. since this photo was also an old promotional image, and we have footage of the game from previews around the same time, the most plausible explanation is that this whale shark was placed in the game's unused test stage (which i should also make a post about at some point lol).
the penguin photo was taken with an angle impossible in the final game, as was the polar bear photo and the starck's demoiselle photo.
also in the penguin photo, there are two hatches typically present on the deck of the gabbiano (one on either side of the mast), that are absent.
the water surrounding the gabbiano in the polar bear photo is a different color than in the final game.
the starck's demoiselle photo has a bright cyan water color in the background, which is never visible in the final game without camera hacks.
finally, one fun fact regarding the starck's demoiselle photo: it's actually used in-game, both in this game and in the sequel! in eo1, it can be found occasionally placed in the fake magazine spreads sent to the player for a C grade photo request, and in eo2, it is the photo used to represent "DIVING MAGAZINE" when viewing photo requests!
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that's all of my rambling for now, i hope you found this interesting! if this kind of longpost is something you'd like to see more of in the future, let me know! i've got all sorts of topics in the chamber that i just need an excuse to write about lol
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