#witchy school rpg
crvptydgaming · 2 years
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Since I haven’t updated since Session Two, the text below the read more is a recap of all the sessions since.
It has been a time.
We went on a field trip to an ancient forest to learn some things, and some weird robots showed up and started burning the forest down. we made friends with a magical weed plant who became a dryad so that was cool and we curbstomped the robots. We rescued the fire elemental they were using and named it baby, he lives in a lantern now. 
 We were hanging out at school when a baby like...titan? or something? woke up and was threatening the school. The one pregnant girl [we'll come back to that] went into labor and our resident farm boy helped her until the nurse got there. we helped protect the little kids. 
 WE SOLVED THE PROBLEM WITH THEM NOT BEING ABLE TO HAVE BABIES. They were inbreeding too much lmao, and the one pregnant girl was like really respected and loved because she managed to carry a baby to term. 
 So we made 'friends' with a devil who had a stall selling random crap, he tried to sell us a bag of devouring in a bag of holding's place. we saw through it, got a contract out of him, so we became trading buddies. we trade him stuff from the outer realms, where earth is, and he gives us first dibs on his new stuff. we arranged with Management of the market to get him a permanent store. we purchased 4 storefronts. he swapped between them 
So Management is like...an eldritch being. looking at him is terrifying. He has a halflink assistant that he mind melds with to communicate with people. If they are able to last a month they are able to retire with full benefits. Abby fucking negotiated with that guy. That's something i should have mentioned and a testament to how terrifying she is.
 We take our transmutation teacher and the pe teacher to a concert! in our realm! we go to a nightclub after and accidentally teach humans magic. 
Abby and Oliver also end up in a threesome with a girl we called McDonalds girl for the longest time [her name is Sadie] 
 abby's parents found out about her magic and that they could also do magic. they are...coping well, remarkably. less so wit the fact that she made a deal with a devil and LESS so with the magical weed smoking but that's fine. 
 Derek got a hold of the actual holy grail. he showed us, we went to our devil friend and went 'cool religious artifacts?' so he stole a heap from gods of the outer realm and we purchased them. Needless to say the gods got mad, sent their angels down, and started pummelling the devil. abby, and her balls of steel, told them she wanted to speak to the manager. SO she and the gang had a meeting with literal gods, including some greek gods, and God as well as ones like Inanna and 'lesser' gods of earth. God has a hard on for Derek but he refuses to do anything out of sheet shock lmao 
 Abby and Oliver become oracles of Athena and Inanna respectively. 
 We literally have a sit down with the magic council who are very hard to meet with to tell them how they fucked up biologically, and what they can do to fix it. 
 Oliver buys a house, uses our Illusion teacher, Alanysmith to pretend to be his dad, Abby's parents freak and that's how we learn we are half siblings.
Abby and Oliver find out they are HALF SIBLINGS. 
Deep Breath. There’s more.
All that happened in around a month.
But first some notes;
Headmistress is kinda sus. So I asked the librarian if he could find me a book on the history of her or her family. He STOLE HER DIARY FOR ME. Turns out her sister had decided to fall in love with a Gnome or a Dwarf or something short and so prejudice did its thing. Her sister died before she graduated school and my character firmly believed that headmistress killed her. Still up for debate. The woman is emotional when it comes to her sister, who knows. 
 First time we went to the market we made friends with a Dragonborn and his half-orc godchild who had been left in his care after the parents died. Their names are Bimrap and Gram. The godchild is a toddler. Abby loves him and would murder for him. 
 Oliver transitioned using magic near the start of the game! 
The gang got banned from all gold exchanges in Adelaide, because 1AUD = 80GP, and we went “Oh, we can exchange this for more money” so we did...So now Abby has hh... 10,080,120,000gp
We also invented the “Stall Market”
now back to what happened next
Everyone goes to church, Derrick puts everyone to Sleep after Yahweh [God] tries to hit on him again. We found out the priest was cheating on his wife it was a WHOLE MESS. 
Back to the market and we find out that Bimrap his concerned about Gram because Gram has been ruining all his good swords by chewing on them??? CONCERN. Ask the school nurse for help. Turns out his gums keep healing over the breaks in them for his teeth to come through. Needs surgery to help.
It's time for the quarterly intercollegiate tournament - Enchantment edition! We like the teacher. Her ex was there, bullied her, we humiliated him. The prize was a dragon egg. Some idiots tried to steal it and we stopped them, egg hatched and imprinted on Derek. Derek is now a mum. 
This was also the session that both Oliver and his player learned that Luggage eats people. 
We learn how to turn spells into potions. Gram comes for surgery. We learn that half-species don't get fair treatment as that's why nobody would help the literal baby. Abby gets MAD. Oliver gets MAD. We start getting riled up and determined to change the way things are for half-species. Confront one of our teachers who according to the curriculum has to teach that half-species are lesser than their two parental parts. We convince him otherwise, pay him to change the curriculum. Now for the war on all this shit to happen when we have time. 
 It's time for Derek to Multiclass! He's multiclassing into Druid, as the school's land is actually owned by Elves, and they are all shoehorned into being Druids. Derek is chill with the Elves so he gets invited to their big gathering that they do where he gets to pick his multiclass. I think he picked stars. It was a very chill event. 
 Abby's Multiclass! She's a bard! We go to a music festival for bards after Briminox is invited to perform on the main stage! They arrive and see Count Voltaire. Abby is determined to fuck the man. She goes and looks over all of the different bard schools before actually deciding on Count Voltaire's, it's College of Eloquence and makes sense for her in character.  She literally just acts aloof and like she has never heard with him to flirt with him. She and the gang do backup/roadie stuff for Briminox including fireworks and make his show good. She also gets to sing a song on stage with him! This impresses the Count. He had already invited her to the afterparty but now she succeeds. She goes, gets in an orgy with a bunch of potential teachers he introduced her to, but picks him lmao. 
 Oliver's multiclass! We get to go to the artificer festival, Tinker Town! First we visit the Kobold Artificers at the markets and teach them to make fireworks without glass. They literally snort the gunpowder, it's wild. We go to the festival. We let a lot of people in by paying too much at the ticket booth. We go to the showbags stall and get A LOT of showbags, and overhear a halfling mother saying that because someone nicely paid for their entrance they can get showbags for the kids. We slip 20 gold coins into her purse and run away. We then go to our friend who is a cobbler at the regular markets. We taught him how to make roller skates back in the first time we went. He got invited to the main stage to show them off, we offer to do tricks and shit on stage, and since Briminox came with us [we need someone to watch us when we go to other realms still] we say he should play on stage. He got fucking WASTED tho so we have to sober him up. Cobbler tells us about his enemy going on stage after him, a man who has claimed to 're-invent the wheel' we're like nah we'll have none of that son.
We go to this man's stall, use Disguise Self to make ourselves look like a Halfling, a Kobold and a 6-year old girl respectively and we RUIN THIS MAN'S WHOLE CAREER by bullying him into submission. Then, Abby calls Count Voltaire and is like 'hey you wanna perform with Briminox?' and he's like 'hell yeah' and so this little cobbler guy ends up with a fucking show for rollerskates with us doing mad tricks, fireworks, and 2 famous bards belting out music.
Time to introduce a new PC! The group head to Victoria by train for Abby’s cousin’s wedding! It’s in Rosebud, Victoria. They vibe for a bit after arrival before coming across some older members of the town holding a small riot outside a gaming store claiming it is a gateway to hell blah blah, satanic panic, and they spot a teenager clearly trying to distract them. 
They decide to help, in their own ways, and eventually the adults leave. The gang notice that this kid has ended up with one of the letters they recieved that got them into their school. They freak the fuck out. More kids arrive, friends of this kid, whose name is Victor, also with fucking letters. This leads everyone inside and upstairs at the gaming store and explaining magic and stuff to them. They have pizza, chill, the usual. 
The wedding happens, then the gang meet the other, newer gang at the beach, along with the Headmistress [who abby sent Brimanox to go get] who explains things properly to the new kids and she adds Victor to our group’s Cabal leaving the other four to their own. We take Victor to the market; he ends up with a weasel for a familiar, and gets on our mad collection of Crystal devices. 
Anyway we're chaotic neutral at best with a few evil leanings from time to time. But its a great game and I love it.
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poisedpen · 10 months
✒ Solo RPGs
About a month ago I went down a rabbit hole and came out the other side absolutely obsessed.
A singular post on r/fountainpens notified me to the existence of Solo Journaling RPGs- literally, tabletop experiences that you play by yourself. Some of these games have physical components, but many are played entirely with a pen and a piece of paper.
Needless to say, I was absolutely thrilled at the concept of being able to scratch that TTRPG itch without the social drain, impossible scheduling, AND with the bonus of using up my enormous stores of fountain pen inks. Since the middle of November I have tried three separate Solo RPGs, with one being a longer experience with a physical book with rules and tables...with the other two finished experiences being short, one-to-two page PDF's that can be played out in several hours.
✒ Experiences so far...
During my first attempt I tackled a larger-than-anticipated RPG called Apothecaria. In this game, you are sent a letter by a witch who wishes for you to take her place making potions in the town of High Rannock. You gather reagents, explore, make potions, and develop your reputation and relationships with characters in town. Very Stardew Valley inspired, but with a fun, witchy twist. There is also a cute animal version called Apawthecaria, as well as a few expansions for the main game, which I have yet to look at.
I was excited to start but otherwise clueless about the typical pacing and play of journaling RPGs, and soon found that I was writing way too much information!! My hand got tired, and I put it aside for the time being. I will have to revisit it soon, as it is DISGUSTINGLY cute and fun, but for now I have focused my sights on smaller experiences.
During my second, I played a cute little experience called Last Tea Shop. The game has since released a "full" version with more mechanics, but I found the classic version to be exactly what I was looking for on a lazy saturday night. It took me about 4.5 hours to complete thanks to several distractions, but the playtime was probably closer to 3.
I found this to be a strangely emotional little experience, which probably should have been expected since you are playing as a shopkeep at the edge between life and death. I will admit to shedding a few tears by the end of my journey- but they were happy ones. I will be returning for the full version sometime after I have let the experience settle.
My most recent experience-- as of maybe 30 minutes ago, to be precise-- is a lesser-known RPG called Axe Wielding Priest. This was a wonderful switch up from the cozy games I have tried so far, and as a person who adores a good (but understandably controversial) "sanity" mechanic in a game, it scratched my itch for madness.
There are some warnings in the description for blood, self-harm (flagellation), violence, and paranoia, but I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 hours I spent exploring the mind and history of my character.
✒ Conclusion
I am absolutely obsessed. I'm always itching to come up with stories, but have burned many a role-playing partner by being flaky or losing interest. These offer a few overarching mechanics and rules and otherwise let your mind run free. That sense of loose structure is exactly what I need as someone who struggles with ADHD, but also enjoys coming up with solutions within a set boundary.
There are "old-school" solo RPGs out there, as well as others that aren't just acting as a tool for creative writing. I will be trying some of those out as well as the time comes, as well as the games that use physical maps and movement around a grid.
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iris-polaris · 2 years
bear of the ice FAQ
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Answers To Your Most Stinky Questions
↓ keep reading you Mongrel ↓
🌠 Are you really a bear?
yes, in the same way Calliope Mori is really the Grim Reaper.
🌠 Are you really a witch?
yes, just like you are Presumably a human.
🌠 Do you really eat crystals?
what Else would you do with them. dummy
🌠 If you're really a bear, how are you talking to us?
shooting star bonked me in the noggin a few Years back. turned me temporarily Human. long story. one day i'll Return to Bear but for now i have to be Monke. that is why my Oshi mark is a 🌠. (sometimes i Return to Bear on the full moon, though)
🌠 So this is like a role-play account?
insofar as anyone's life is a "role-play account"
🌠 What do you stream?
RPG, sim, and puzzle games. educational streams on Nature, self-help Skills & witchcraft. horoscopes. tarot and rune Readings. art. live Rituals. just chatting streams about Conspiracies, Cults, and the Paranormal.
🌠 So you're a streamer. What else do you do?
mixed media/collage Art. divination. storytelling. writing. music-making. you Know.
🌠 Where do you live?
at a Zoo in the US southeast. pretty nice. keepers are Annoying, but what can you do about Humans.
🌠 Why do you type like that?
like What
🌠 Did you ever go to school?
yes? like most Polar Bears. if you mean University, i have two degrees in Polar Bear Poetry: one bachelors, one masters.
🌠 What is your witchy path?
eclectic. i take Bits and pieces from everything.
🌠 What kind of witchy skills do you have?
astrology and tarot-reading, Mostly. but i dabble in it all
🌠 Who is "Mate-chan"?
my wife, Demeter (aka Demi) Polaris. also bear-turned-human. i think she likes it Though.
🌠 Wait, but you flirt on stream sometimes.
that is not a Question. ask a question. i don't have Time for this
🌠 Wait, but you flirt on stream sometimes?
jealousy is not known among Polar Bears except about food
🌠 Who is "Manager Bunny"?
...my Manager. who is a Bunny. are you Bereft of neurons
🌠 Who are "Mama Faerieko" and "Mama Sulia"?
they made me! well. mama bear and papa bear Consulted them to make me. you can find Faerieko here and Sulia here. shower them with Support and Love or i'll flat out just Punch your head
🌠 Who are the "cats of the ice"?
bitchy, dumdum, and chubby, my 3 cats. chubs is a Big Fat Black Cat. dumdum is a little grey and white Idiot baby. bitchy is a Calico bastard.
🌠 Who is "Mop"?
the Dog of the Ice. he is a Precious Boy who is some kind of spaniel mix. you can hear him Boofing in the background of many streams.
🌠 Who is "Auntie Bear"?
my Aunt. Mate-chan and i live with her in her Cave. she often cooks us lovely Dinners.
✨ more to be added at a Future Date ✨
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
I'm a slut for ship requests so if you're still open for these you'll make my day 💙
Fandom: lost boys
Gender preference: I'm pan/bi
Favorite animal: giant river otter
Music taste: Aurora, Melanie Martinez, Elis Regina, Post Modern Jukebox, Lady Gaga, Abba, musical theatre/movies songs, Brazilian folk music, the amazing devil, some symphonic metal, Blackbriar, some 80s rock, mostly random taste
Physical appearance: 5'4 mid-size, a little bit muscular. Light brown hair with blue/pink/purple strands and a side cut. I have a Spirited away tattoo on my side left back and a crow's skull adorned with some hibiscus flowers on my arm close to my wrist.
Clothing style: A lot of funky sweaters, comfy jeans, cottagecore inspo, a bit of history bounding (mainly from the 80s, 50s 1910s I'm still building my vintage wardrobe of my dreams). Occasionally goth inspo, witchy.
Personality traits: Proud, nurturing, stubborn. I'm a very classic virgo, if this helps. Tendency to be anxious. False extrovert, bubbly and sympathetic. I like learning new things and living experiences.
Hobbies: drawing, singing, gardening, cooking, sewing, listening to true crime podcasts, playing videogames (mostly sims 4 and open world RPGs), seasonal hobbies and hobbies that I'm still learning include: free diving, surfing, cartomancy, fish keeping.
Favourite movie genre: horror, animated movies, musicals
Hope you have a nice week 🌺👌
I Ship You With:
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Michael! He is an absolute simp for anybody who will take care of him, and is even more interested if they can show him things he’s not used to.
He loves your hair and tattoos (he wants to express himself in those was but is too anxious) and loves to see what outfit you’ll come up with next. I personally think he did really well in History at school, so I think he’d try to guess who you’re bounding as
He’s 100% a domestic man, so he’d be super stoked to have a partner he can play video games, cook, sew, and draw with (even if he can only make stick ppl) Michael tries to sew, but he always ends up with bloody fingers:[
He is also a false extrovert, but in a very obvious way so you’re gonna have to lead most parts of the relationship. Michael is only stubborn about certain things, but those things are VERY important to him and he will never back down
Michael likes Comedy Horror movies, but that’s it in the Horror genre (unless you really want to watch them with him) he does like musicals and animated movies, but be ready to hear him hum the songs for weeks after watching
He doesn’t really have a genre of music he likes, so y’all can explore that together:]
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witchhatproductions · 2 years
Welcome to Witch Hat Productions!
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Hey there! This is a blog for Witch Hat Productions, the creative label of @cheetour and @witchy-rook!
We make TTRPGs, microsettings, and whatever funky types of fiction that strike us. We also have a bimonthly newsletter about small fiction pieces like ours, which you can read here under the #witch hat news tag!
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Designer Dragon - Itch / DriveThruRPG
Designer Dragon is a rules light TTRPG system designed for and by kids. Designer Dragon uses a 2d6 system with only a handful of rules that mainly serve to guide the collaborative storytelling. Easily accessible and with a simple character creation system, you can have a game up and running in only a few minutes!
Spittlewick's: A Witchy RPG - Itch / DriveThruRPG
Fenton Spittlewick's Academy of Witchcraft is a magical college attended by young witches still learning the basics of magic. Enter the great hall and learn which house you belong to to start attending classes at the world's finest magical school! (And don't worry: it's all-inclusive, non-segregated and there are plenty of bathrooms.) We've even provided a personality quiz to tell you which House you belong to!
Maximum Light - Itch / DriveThruRPG
Maximum Light is a Tabletop RPG set in the universe of The Green Horizon and Voiders. Themed around the traditional ragtag group of down-on-their-luck spacefarers, the rules of Maximum Light are roleplay-heavy and designed for you to scrape out of danger by the skin of your teeth.
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Aster & Delphinium - Read on Comicfury
Aster & Delphinium follows the story of an ancient magical prophecy, and the guy whose job it is to spend his whole life waiting for it to come true so he can help the hero.
Golden Shadows - Read on Comicfury
Golden Shadows is a sci-fi/fantasy comic about crime and vigilante justice in a strange and mystical space Empire.
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 year
Hello, it's your local DE fan! I'm sorry to hear that you'll be busy, don't stress yourself too much.
I was wondering if I could get a Disco Elysium match up, please (and thank you). I go by Charlie and I'm genderfluid, I guess I'm fem presenting. Other names I've gone by are Al Doe, Zim, and Allie. I'm 5"1 and a half and have really long hair. Sometimes it gives me gender dysphoria but I keep it for when I'm feeling more fem, for braiding and for headbanging. I'm currently dark dirty blonde but I'm going to dye it red (more natural I think) soon. I'm also a Taurus sun sign but I also believe astrology is way more than just your sun sign. I'm a bit witchy and like to go on pendulum walks and do tarot readings. I want to get more into wicca but I have lots other things to handle before that.
I listened to a lot of indie rock music but I love music in general. Destroy Boys, Nickelback, The Crane Wives, Mother mother, NSP, Jack Stauber, Lemon Demon, Teddy Hyde, and Will wood are some of the bands I'm currently listening to. I'm also a big fan of Musicals with one of my favorites being Heathers and Be More Chill.
I love four wheeling, baking, reading, singing, and gaming. I specifically like rpg games, my favorite right now is obviously Disco Elysium. I also like playing Pokemon, Yokai watch, RDR2, Stardew valley, the "of lothing series" and, "cook, serve, delicious" no matter how angry it gets me. I'm a stoner and I would like my partner to be okay with smoking with me, not everytime. But smokey cuddle time with some music on (calmer music) sounds amazing. ( I mean so do smokey kisses.) I don't do anything harder but I do drink occasionally and smoke nic socially. I like almost all kinds of humor if done properly. I often flirt with my friends and say a lot of dirty or odd jokes. I've definitely made a few bewildered eyes look our way. I love being supportive so if you do something then you will know because I will tell you and literally go soccer mom on your ass.
I'm bisexual but I have an easier time getting with men (love men with a feminine touch just *chefs kiss) Women make me a lot more nervous when it comes to romance and even more so sexually. I'm going to college for culinary and business school but I'm doing the normal classes first. Sometimes I have a hard time going to school but lately I've been getting better. I'm incredibly smart and test well and remember stuff, but I fall asleep in class even when I get sleep at home.
I like people who are older than me or at least a bit more mature. Basically fatherless behavior but what you gonna do when old men hit a spot in you. I'm incredibly affectionate and love cuddles but sometimes just being around someone while reading or doing your own thing feels nice. I'm polyamourus and my dream relationship is with two 2 partners with an occasional third because of my social battery. My preference for men tends to be of the chubbier side but in all honesty I can make anything work if the personality is good. I love women in general, just so pretty.
The fastest way to get to my heart is to make me laugh and feed me good food. I also want someone who I can go on ADHD tangents with. I would say I'm pretty artistic as well, some of my favorite topics are hidden meaning, femininity, clowns, creatures, fae, uncanny valley, apocalyptic and nature.
If you need anymore you know who I am so feel free to ask. I could write so much about myself rn. Why can't I get this way with a resume?
Hi anon! I recognize you :) I made this one special for you mi amigues. 
== Disco Elysium ==>
I match you up with…
I firmly believe that the two of you are prefect for one anther. Both sorta punk-y, and women lovers. But you also share some of the same struggles, and that’s important in a partner. 
First of all, the two of you would absolutely dye your hair together. She’s been through a plethora of colors, and so I imagine you’d help her pick out something that fits her, and she’d help you dye yours. You make little date nights out of it. 
She’s also keen on helping you with dysphoria when you have it. I headcanon Ruby as trans, and so I think the two of you may share similar experiences. She knows best how to help when you’re feeling out of it, and is a very sympathetic shoulder to lean on. 
Ruby would be interested in your belief in witchy things and astrology. She’s much more of a practical person, so those kinds of things normally don’t interest her, but I imagine coming from you she’d find them pretty intriguing. 
She’d also love to go on pendulum walks with you. 
Ruby is definitely into punk rock and the more indie music scene, so I can imagine the two of you rocking out together and listening to music while simply enjoying one another’s presence. Maybe you go to concerts together and have the time of your lives, or maybe you stay home and sing along in your own private concert.
I don’t imagine she’d be super keen on musical theater, but she’d find your enthusiasm for it endearing enough. Maybe she’d find some of the black comedies entertaining. 
Ruby hasn’t played many games in her time, but I think she’d adore horror games and anything that she can play with you. 
She’d absolutely be down for some RPG Maker horror games, and I imagine that’s an area where the two of you would have a lot of common ground. 
But also, imagine a stardew valley date night with the two of you playing and you teaching her the ropes. She’d spend a lot of her time in the mines getting you diamonds and all sorts of goodies. 
Ruby absolutely smokes, so the two of you could totally have high cuddles. Maybe watch some ghibli movies and talk about whatever comes to mind while perfectly stoned. 
Ruby is absolutely flustered by you if you go soccer mom on her. She’s not used to receiving a lot of praise or loyalty, so you cheering her on and being in her corner is insanely precious to her. 
Given her trust issues, I think she’d have a hard time coming around to believing that you’re being genuine, but when she got there, she’d already be so deeply in love with you. 
Ruby gets being nervous around pretty women. I imagine she’d get extremely nervous around you at first, being very secretive and not talking much. But I think the two of you would start a beautiful friendship that would grow into an equally beautiful relationship. 
Ruby admires your intelligence quite a lot. She needs someone who can keep up with her rants on the pale and technology, and she’s glad that she’s found that someone in you. 
Also, culinary school? She’s secretly delighted when you cook something amazing for her. She’s used to eating shitty microwave foods, so a fresh meal from someone she loves would be an absolute delight. 
Ruby is not the most affectionate person, being very awkward when confronted with affection in the first place, mostly because she’s been used in the past. But when you cuddle her she can feel herself decompress like a deflating balloon. You bring her a sense of peace that she has not known since she was a young girl playing pinball. 
Ruby has dirty sense of humor too, so the two of you are always cracking jokes and remarks to each other and breaking out into laughter. Ruby doesn’t try to draw attention to herself, but she can’t help how hard she laughs around you. 
Overall, I think the two of you are a match made in Elysium. You’ve got her back, she has yours, and she’s infinitely thankful to have you in her life ♥️
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dreamingmappist · 4 months
Just got Spittlewick’s: A Witchy RPG on itch and there’s a sorting quiz lol.
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tycodes · 6 months
So while my user is "tycodes", I do code but I also run a rpg site that I'd like for y'all to check out if you so wish.
Link: SaudadeRPG (jcink.net) Site Ratings: 3-2-3 https://saudaderpg.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=2 Beginner's Rules: Beginner's Rules | SaudadeRPG (jcink.net) Site Lores: slowly progressing, we are writing and releasing lore at least once a month giving people time to research and write supplementary lore on top of their real life events. Site Lore | SaudadeRPG (jcink.net) Head Admin in the case of Questions: ME! My ooc/parent account for admin purposes is Dorkasaurus should you have any questions.
Method of External Communication: In the registration form, there will be a question asking if you have discord and if you've joined the linked discord server. If you have discord and use it, then put in your username! If you do not use discord, please put an email in your biography (that you can remove whenever you please) for a member of staff to reach out in the case you aren't actively checking the site every 2 seconds. It's okay, we know you have lives and we want to respect that. -- A short and simple guide: create (1) a parent/ooc account that has a singular username, put in your biography (one of the fields that show at registration) that the account is an ooc account. (2) create a first year account. --> Set: There are four schools in the Wizarding World; Beauxbatons, Ilvermorny, Durmstrang and Hogwarts. --> IC Year: The current school year is 1970-1971 --> Details: While we are (1) a new site that are in need of members, we have new issues that come out yearly, each one connected to one another. (2) You can live out your wizard/witchy dreams as you so wish no matter how chaotic you make it! Just have fun! --> Plot: A group of purebloods known as "SELMA" are on the rise and have been in the headlines of the Daily Prophet, and they're looking to take down all Muggleborns. Are there going to be dead people this year? --> Additional Consideration: You can join as a member of the site/a single character rper and not a member of staff, but if you wanted to be a staff member, applications for two more moderators are open. Note: We are LGTBQIA2S+ friendly, if you want to have a character as part of the LGTBQIA2S+ umbrella, feel free to have one!
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samspenandsword · 2 years
1. Idk how I missed your follow celebration but i hope not too late!! It’s the 29th where I am! First of all congratulations on the follow count! Second can I please request a ship request and a bestie request? I’m bisexual so either gender is fine! Here we go:
2. I go by she/her and am 20 so I don’t mind some nsfw!
3. Appearance:
As for looks, I’m 5’1, average build, tanned olive type skin, dark brown eyes, full lips, dark brown shoulder length wavy/kinda curly hair with curtain bangs. I also wear glasses with a slight cat eye to them.
4. Personality:
For personality I’m creative, introverted, and individualistic. Though I’m introverted, around my friends I can be quite talkative, humorous and outgoing. However I definitely treasure my alone time the most.
5. Hobbies/Interests:
As for hobbies escaping to new worlds while reading books/comics, watching movies, and playing rpg video games. My favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi, though I do love a good classic from time to time. Apart from that, I love working out.
My interests on the other hand are art focused. I’m currently in art school working with both digital and traditional mediums. I love my practice and everything from interaction design and digital illustration to graphite drawings and inking.
6. Likes/dislikes:
Likes: coffee, chai tea, dark chocolate, rock/blues/jazz/ music, cafe art shows, arcades, comic book stores, purple, thai/Indian/Chinese food, roller blading to classic rock with the wind in my hair, quality alone time
Dislikes: people i am unfamiliar with and have to make small talk with, the biting cold, rain, non fiction, staying too close to reality and not being allowed to daydream/imagine/roam freely in my thoughts, physical touch, overly crowded areas
Random stuff
My favorite planet is Dathomir. Don’t ask why but I love the aesthetic and the witchy spookiness. Also maul and ventress yes pls. Idk if I’d want to live there but the vibes are immaculate.
If I had to live on a planet tho it’d prolly be Naboo, Alderaan or coruscant (pre empire ofc)
Thank you and congrats once again!
Hey there!! You're absolutely fine, your request was before the deadline (I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this out I'm such a flake oml lol). Thank you so much for participating, and I hope the week has been treating you well so far!
Sam's Pen and Sword Follower Celebration (Closed)
Danzalladagger's Follower Celebration Request
Ship request 👄
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Okay, okay, okay, okay, listen. The sequel trilogy I know is pretty polarizing, especially here on Tumblr (I don't write for them most of the time), but you and Rey would be so CUTE!!! She sees your art and she literally had no idea that something could be so beautiful. You get a bit bashful because it's just a rough sketch and the dimensions are all off and tbh it was really just a warmup but Rey falls in love with it and it warms your heart so much you give it to her. She scrimps and saves money to get it properly matted and framed and she just adores it. Also, pls get this girl some healthy emotional relationships she would just flourish on Naboo. The water!! The greenery!! It's warm enough for you both but it's not a desert! HUGE plus. The war ends and Rey just wants to come home with you, to a peaceful place where she doesn't feel weighed down by her past and her powers and her responsibility. She wants a place where her friends came come and go and enjoy being there. She loves that her friends can become your friends. But the both of you also get overwhelmed with too much social interaction, and quiet nights in together, ones where Rey sits and tinkers with some mechanical bits and bobs. Ones where you've ordered takeout and you're sitting working on a new piece of art or reading Space-Dracula with Space-Ella Fitzgerald playing quietly in the background. Peaceful nights. A peaceful life. It's everything Rey didn't realize she wanted until you came along.
"It wasn't that bad." You were a bit pale in the face. For all your interests and talents, a pilot you were not. Your beautiful, powerful, pure partner, however, was a pilot of extreme skill. But every time she flew it was like she was in battle, and the ride had gotten a bit rocky there. You'd think you'd be used to it by now. "Rey, my love, you fly like Poe was on your ass." "Poe could only hope to keep up with me." You giggled a little. Poe was also a fantastic pilot, and he and Rey had had a few "friendly" competitions to see which one was better. And every single time, they asked you and Finn to judge. And every single time, you and Finn stayed the fuck out of it and were happy to let your partners be competitive little flyboys. You and Finn were quite happy to gallivant off towards a coffee shop with pastries and laugh at their antics. "Good thing he's not here to hear that," you said. "He'd be squaring up right now." "Again, he could only hope to keep up with me." You laughed again, with a fond little roll of your eyes, and reached up to kiss her cheek. "Come on, Reybird, home's awaiting." Rey smiled, that beautiful, radiant smile of hers. The one that made your cheeks warm and stomach flutter. The one that had stolen your heart. The one that you did not want to go a single day without seeing. And it felt like you were already home.
Bestie request 😎
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I came this 🤏 close to putting Sabine Wren down as your ship request, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought you two would be better suited as besties. (Also I hope you're okay with me putting down a Rebels character 😊). You two would bond so easily over art. Sabine is also well-known for her individuality, creativity, independence, and introversion. Sure, she loves being with her friends and family, but sometimes Sabine just needs some goddamn alone time. And you just have to do, "same lol." I think Sabine and you would also love meeting up at your favorite (space) Thai joints cause you two can handle spice and no one else on the Ghost Crew can lol. You and Sabine would also love working out together, giving each other shit for being out of shape lol, griping and being dramatic about how tired you are.
You could hear the gentle hiss of Sabine's paint gun somewhere around the corner from you. You wondered if she was leaving behind her trademark starbird or if she was leaving something a little more detailed. The longer the paint gun went, you knew she was painting something a bit bigger than her signature symbol. Your own piece was coming along nicely. A smirk curled at your lips as the details and colors came together, a mural of pure beauty materializing and giving the drab slate durasteel wall a bit more character. Your didn't use a paint gun yourself, only for linework. You preferred a classic brush to blend and apply the colors of your work. Even if it took a bit longer. You weren't worried. You and Sabine had yet to be caught. A few more flicks of your brush brought the piece together. And with a quick arc of some black paint with your gun, the piece was done. "Nice." Sabine had finished her own work and was now sniggering at your mural. You smirked over your shoulder at her. Your mural was a wonderful rendition of one Grand Admiral Thrawn being strangled by that chimaera he seemed so fond of. You were quite proud of it. "Thanks." You slapped up a stencil and sprayed with your gun, leaving your own symbol to sign your work. "What's yours?" Sabine's was as comical and poignant as your own. It featured a figure cloaked in black, a figure you recognized as The Emperor, with a lightsaber through his ass. You sighed a little dramatically. Oh, if only. "Come on, I've still got some ideas to get out that will get me grounded if Kanan or Hera sees." Sabine flourished her paint gun. You barked a laugh. "Then I want to see it!" Sabine grinned, and as the two of you darted through the city to find your next displays, you left behind nothing but fresh paint and the knowledge that rebels had been there. Rebels were everywhere.
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school-of-roses · 2 years
Closeted Craft Tips!
Happy Pride from us in the School of Roses! Hope everything is going well! Heres a few notes and tips for those who can't necessarily practice openly!
A note here is that something to keep in mind, the trick to a lot of these is confidence.  Have confidence that you’re not going to be caught and more likely than not, you won’t.  If it gets brought up, you have the power to deny it.  There are tons of games and things that could easily be blamed for what you’re doing.  Tabletop RPGs, modern fantasy, and video games to name a few.  Having a good excuse can do wonders, if only for your peace of mind.
Books and Binders
Notebooks are easy to hide.  Most people won’t think twice about notebooks with notes in them.  If you tell someone it’s just notes from school or otherwise from a body of fiction you’re working on, they will be none the wiser.
Drawings and Doodles
Sketchbooks are super common. A sigil here and there among other drawings won’t attract much attention. Just make sure you don’t draw pentagrams on every page if you think someone will be flipping through the pages.
Password Protected
Having notes and resources in a digital library is a good way to keep people from seeing what you’re writing.  Unless your family has a keylogger, most of your information is going to be password protected by default, and private.  This is a good way to keep information private.  If you are out and want to write something down you can transcribe it when you get a chance and throw away the paper after.  In the modern world most people can type things on their phone and either upload it later, or otherwise have it uploaded as you type.
Candles are Cool
Just say you like them. It is much easier to get a specific color of candles if it has a scent along with it. They also tend to be unobtrusive. You can dedicate them to deities, use them in spellwork, or as a fire source for other rituals. Just make sure you put them out when you are done.
Storage and Sneaking Around
You’d think a hidey box would help, but oddly it’s easier to hide things by just being brazen about it.  You got some cool rocks?  Just act like you collect rocks. That hank of dried lavender? It's hanging there for decor. Spread out any brazenly pagan or witchy items throughout your normal belongings, and hide in plain sight, as concentrating all your stuff in one spot designed to deliberately obfuscate only serves to draw further scrutiny if it's ever discovered.
Jewelry and Geomancy Wearing Jewelry for what effect you want is another good way to hide geomancy, especially if you can coordinate your wardrobe to where the jewelry simply looks like a tasteful accessory. In addition, sun catchers, chimes and other hanging art made from crystals and stones hanging in your window can be easily passed off as simple ornaments.  
Also, perhaps one of the simplest and easiest things to do is start a rock collection. You can acquire many specimens and carved stones with this hobby and display them in plain sight without arousing suspicion.
Plants are Perfect
Gardening isn’t obvious. Draw sigils on the inside of the plant pots and/or draw on sigils on some rocks to give your plants little rock buddies with a little bit of magic boost. Also love your plants unconditionally and they’ll die for you. <3 Additionally, sigils and talismans made in other processes may be placed in soil to dispel and dissipate, or to recharge. Provided the materials aren't toxic, there's no reason you can't simply use the soil in the pot of a houseplant, and avoid being seen doing suspicious things in the garden or the park. 
Foraging for herbs is also a common practice. You can go outside, touch some grass, and your parents will probably praise you for being more interested in nature! If you live in a city or somewhere else where nature may be harder to come by, parks are great places to commune with nature, and you may be able to find certain plants to use in your craft. Cottage is not Conspicuous
Handicrafts are just fun.  A lot of the crafts you can make or otherwise put together make very inconspicuous magical charms.  Most of cottage/home and hearth magic is by its nature something you would find in your home normally.  This forms the basis of stitch witchery, kitchen craft, and small household rituals.  Sewing, cooking, and other forms of things you might learn in home economics are all incredibly useful skills that can be applied towards your craft.
Cooking is Crafting
Herbs and teas are tasty. Soup is a potion if you think about it. Heating the herbs won’t dampen their magical properties, and it isn’t weird for a spice cabinet to have rosemary, lemongrass, or even lavender sitting on the shelves. If you are financially dependent on people not accepting of your craft, adding certain herbs and teas to a shopping list doesn’t attract unwanted attention, especially if you have made a habit of cooking. Moonwater isn’t Mysterious
No one asks about water bottles that are left on your window sill at night. Keep it in a spray bottle or fill a humidifier with some.  Also, remember kids, drink your water.  Maybe don’t drink moonwater though.
Cleansing and Cleaning
A hot bath, with epsom salts and oils can be a relaxing night in, but can also be used to cleanse yourself and your space from negative energies. Cleaning your room, sweeping the floors, doing the dishes, can all be ways to cleanse your space without bringing attention.
Also make sure to clean up after yourself afterwards too, don’t just leave your whole broom on the floor, it’s called a broom closet for a reason.  You might not get caught performing rituals when you’re home alone, but if you leave a pile of ashes and chalk circles directly on the floor in your wake, your chances are slim.
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crvptydgaming · 2 years
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It’s April 1981, and you are on a lovely walk through a park in on a dreary day in old London town...
Today’s Witchy School Session was postponed due to our GM getting the spicy cough, and since the session was going to be an excursion she decided to do a one-shot in the same universe instead. Unfortunately one of our members couldn’t make it, so it was two of us against the world. 
And we were brain slugs. Who got into two relatively normal humans, and need to get to the bottom of why their last foray into bodies went horribly wrong, and how they ended up on earth. With four of them [two possessed the animals] remaining they can at least repopulate their species [though they can clone themselves easily].while they figure things out.
Mitz and Zyorn are jut two of many. They’ve found each other, now to find the truth.
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truly-a-snitch · 4 years
What would each character do during quarantine?
thank you for the ask!!
Aoyama: He’s probably been texting Midoriya and looking for something to do. He isn’t really sure what to do because he structures most of his life around school and hanging out with friends, so now that there’s neither, he’s exploring things he never had time for before.
Mina: You’re lying to yourself if you say she doesn’t have a dozen group chats with various people that she’s constantly spamming with memes. She also spends a lot of time with others, but she spends more time with more varied groups and listens to a lot of jpop.
Tsuyu: She’s pretty sad she can’t sit outside in the rain, so there's an allotted time every time it rains to sit by the window and gaze longingly, but when it isn’t raining she stress-cooks. She cooks anything she has the ingredients for.
Iida: Iida dedicates so much time to school and studying that he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He tried to keep a schedule for a while, getting up at a certain time, then keeping up with his studies, but that quickly fell through. He spends a lot of time playing Animal Crossing.
Uraraka: Sleep. What were you expecting? She wants to save money for her parents, and she can’t spend money if she’s asleep or sitting in bed doing nothing. It might not be healthy for her, but she cares too much for her parents to “waste” their money while she’s home.
Ojiro: He’s been working on the strength in his tail. He wants to stay in shape for when quarantine is over, and knowing his classmates, they probably aren’t doing the same. He wants to pull ahead, so he’s been throwing himself into his studies- and since he doesn’t have anything to do, he can dedicate himself to it.
Kaminari: You already know my mans is doing something dumb. He’s probably almost burned down his parents’ place multiple times doing everything from making bacon in the toaster to punching lightswitches. He spends a lot of time in the Bakusquad group chat, appropriately named “Bakugou Fanclub.” (he named it)
Kirishima: Constantly doing one of two things. If he isn’t bothering Bakugou, he’s geeking out over Red Riot, rewatching videos of him he’s seen a thousand times. Not that that’s a bad thing. He’s also been trying to keep up his physique, so he’s been working out occasionally.
Kouda: This baby boy has been enjoying himself, taking care of the animals his parents let him keep. It’s a lot of work- two ferrets, three tarantulas, twelve various fish, a dog, and a cat. He sells homemade stuffed animals on Etsy to afford to keep them fed.
Satou: Like I said in my “killing time” one, Satou bakes and does various cottagecore-type things. He has two pet snails as well. His residence always smells like whatever he’s recently been baking, and his parents just sit back and enjoy the smell and the amazing food.
Shouji: He loves manga, so my man is over the moon that he can stay at home and read manga all day. He’s even working on his own manga series, one he’s been working on since he was in middle school. He doesn’t have a title but it’s about a world without quirks.
Jirou: Music. All the way. Her parents support her writing music, playing it- lots of Guitar Hero in her house, lots of karaoke. She’s also been branching out, trying to find something else that she enjoys so that she doesn’t do the same thing, but so far has had no success.
Sero: Putting how much I love him aside, he’s still been exploring what to do, like Jirou and Aoyama. He plays lots of games- board games, card games, tabletop RPGs, MMOs, idles- any game, any genre, as long as it can be played alone or with his family.
Tokoyami: He’s been researching witchcraft, and recently began working with Horace (from the Egyptian pantheon). He does a lot of witchy things and when he isn’t doing that he listens to true crime podcasts in his free time. He also watches lots of horror movies and reads horror books.
Todoroki: In an effort to stay away from his father, he has a Youtube channel and a podcast. He writes, draws, cooks, reads- if he can avoid his father, he’s doing it. He even started reading American YA novels- the ones that get a lot of hate for being targeted at teen girls (like Divergent and Twilight.)
Hagakure: Hagakure has been doing a lot of clothing looks- she does all sorts of different street styles. Her favorite is lolita, because it covers enough that she becomes impossible to miss, but she also follows a lot of western trends. She learned to skateboard and skates everywhere to stay outside for as little time as possible.
Bakugou: He’s been playing all sorts of video games, like Sero, but he prefers to do it alone. He’s a Twitch streamer, usually streaming Call of Duty or other violent video games, but every once in a while he does a drawing stream- which surprised his classmates. He is actually very good at drawing but doesn’t practice as much as he wants to.
Midoriya: Training. He is exercising, keeping to the regiment he had during the summer between middle school and the UA entrance exam. When he isn’t doing that, he’s spending quality time with his mom, helping her around the house, cleaning and cooking, and watching movies with her.
Mineta: You can’t tell me he isn’t watching porn. I don’t really have any other comments, but it’s really his only interest- his personality doesn’t exactly lend itself well to other interests because of how invested in the girls he is. ;-;
Yaoyorozu: She’s rich. She can do more or less anything she wants- but she spends a lot of time practicing piano and sewing. She likes to make her own clothes and it helps that she can make her own fabric for free. She’s also been on the grounds around her house, tending to the bees she has (just let me believe she has bees it makes me happy)
(sorry for the long post oof)
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tardigraded20 · 4 years
Witchy Questions
1. Are you solitary or in a coven? -solitary, you think i have time for humans? 2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other? -Idk someone who said fuck other religions and said revive the old gods 3. What is your zodiac sign? -Gemini 4. Do you have a Patron God/dess? -I don’t, but I am open to it 5. Do you work with a Pantheon? -No, but I am looking into the norse pantheon  6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or any other kind of divination? -tarot and rune stones 7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any) -bergamont and I use incense 8. How would you define your craft? -idk i diy religion  9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do? -No, i haven't tried but I would if i was motivated for it 10. How long have you been practicing? -5 years? I guess? I don’t count 11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars? -lmao i wish 12. Do you believe in Karma or Reincarnation? -Karma yes, I am not sure about reincarnation 13. Do you have a magical name? -how do you find that? 14. Are you “out of the broom closet”? -Yeah, but im not sure how much my dad thinks im serious   15. What was the last spell you performed? -A positivity jar  16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable? -about mythology yes but actual witchcraft? Kinda.  17. Do you write your own spells? -im not that original lol  18. Do you have a book of shadows? If so, how is it written and/or set up? -I do but its kinda just a book i occasionally write in  19. Do you worship nature? -somewhat, but its not a focus  20. What is your favorite gemstone? -umbalite and labradorite 21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work? -feathers and naturally fell from a bird  22. Do you have an altar? -yes 23. What is your preferred element? -fire 24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist? -no 25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch? -idk  26. What got you interested in witchcraft? -lmao percy jackson 27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch? -no 28. Have you ever used Ouija? -Yup, at school in the hallway  29. Do you consider yourself a psychic? -pfft no 30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it? -no, but I am looking into it 31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started? -Not everything is black and white, you can do your own thing 32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite? -Yeah, although mildly. My favorite is Samhain 33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children? -yes but i would never force it on them 34. Do you meditate? -I try too but not often    35. What is your favorite season? -autumn 36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform? -Nature based magic 37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life? -Appreciate nature  38. What is your favorite witchy movie? -Kiki's Delivery Service 39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why? -The Raven Boys because it is fucking amazing 40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not. -some shitty rain spell from a childs book 41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you? -when i was in Senior Kindergarten I saw a “fairy” 42. What is your favorite type of candle to use? -beesewax 43. What is your favorite witchy tool? -candles 44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools? -I use a rock to grind shit because i dont have a pestle and mortar  45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fae or spirits? -I want to try working with fae but I need to learn more 46. Do you practice color magic? -yes, a bit 47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind? -No, I think? I have older online witchy people I talk to but no mentor 48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies? -In person, but somethings you can only get online 49. Do you believe in predestination or fate? -I guess? I think that life has a story that gives you options and a new story starts on what you choose, kinda like an RPG 50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice? -Read into it and appreciate it more 51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences? -yes, at my grandmas funeral     52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve? -”I CAn PrAcTiCe CLoSEd ReligIoNs If i aM rEsPeCtFul” 53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent? -bergamont    54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind? -no but I should 55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster? -spilling wax on myself    56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success? -not burning the house down    57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about? -chanting shit in my room    58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too? -yup    59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work? -of course, its dealing with things that dont have 100% safety measures    60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain? -lmao I one day want to be a teacher but I never feel knowledgeable enough for that     61. What is something witch related that you want right now? -my own pestle and mortar    62. What is your rune of choice? - Hagalaz   63. What is your tarot card of choice? -the empress    64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite? -Lemongrass 65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses? -no   66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public? -Yup, I have a cheap ass pentagram necklace    67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch? 68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines? -no because I am poor and where would I find one?    69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft? -yes 70. What are your favorite things about being a witch? -those scared looks that karens give you, even though you are eating cupcakes and smiling    71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch? -the amount of people who keep on trying to make you christian      72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band? -heatherdale    73. Do you celebrate the sabbats? If so, how? -yes, by lighting candles and making tea 74. Do you ever work skyclad? -I want to be but nooo 75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how? -makes me happier 76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice? -other witches and what makes me happy 77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc) -The fae yes, but like celtic like ones 78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol? -I have none    79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not? -No, because I am not ready for it   80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice? -Hahahaha no, if you dont respect my religion I dont have time for you    81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow? -meditation and divination     82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice? -beesewax 83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it? -have a bath 84. What real life witch most inspires your practice? @spellchased 85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity? -meditation and a yes-no pendulum 86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients? -in jars and by aesthetics    87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of? -my mom is interested in druidry but doesn't call herself one    88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it? -I dont know? I just did what felt right.    89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they? -No    90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven? -with closed practices you need to be initiated, but with open religions thats not the case 91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought? -incense tray and incense    92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been? -The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul     93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities? -Read. Just read a lot.    94. What techniques do you use to 'get in the zone’ for meditation? -Silence and deep breathing 95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it? -I need to practice it     96. Do you prefer day or night? Why? -night because i dont sleep 97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work? -My best time is the full moon at midnight  98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly? -It was okay, nothing special     99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice? -old practices become easy, but you learn more complicated things 100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces? 101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy? -I eat cheese, eggs and fish 102. What is your favorite color and why?  -purple, blue and yellow because its pretty 103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond? -why dont you respect Jesus? Because he did nothing for me Susan.  104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest? -sight 105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice? -Karma, I keep on doing shitty things 
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faunus-skye · 5 years
21 Questions
Was tagged by @jadeplumbob
RULES: answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: nickname for my username is Gotham,nickname irl, Candi
Zodiac: Aries and Taurus cusp
Height: 4′11″
Last thing searched:Razor blade numbers,to help my S/o figure out his next hair cut
Favorite musicians:Maroon 5 for mainstream and Jeff Williams for not so mainstream
If you had a time machine, would you go back to the past or visit the future:i would go to the past to probably tell my past self that things will get better, and you will actually find a significant other that will actually treat you like a human being.
Do you gets asks: occasionally
Following:people i am following 11, people following me 35
Would you rather be rich or famous: rich, but not in money, in happiness as cheesy as it sounds
Amount of sleep: what’s that? no but seriously it depends on what my internal clock deems necessary so it varies from day to day.
What I’m wearing: currently i am in my lounge wear which consists of a tanktop(no bra), my underwear, and a blanket. (i have no shame.)
Dream job: honestly i want to be a stay at home mom.
Dream trip: i want to go back to Paris, France and actually take the time to enjoy the trip, the last time i went i was rushed because it was a school trip and we were only there for a couple of days.
If you were an animal, which animal would you be: probably a cat, i’m sassy as hell, demand to be loved when i want to be loved, and then just eat and sleep most of the time.(though i do wish i could get out of the house more.)
What are some of your favorite:
BOOK - honestly i loved the spiderwick chronicles and i want to read them again, but lately i haven’t really found reading fun.
FILM - howls moving castle, princess diaries, and chronicles of narnia: the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe.
SHOWS - fairy tail, riverdale, black butler, and soul eater. (i really like animes)
GAMES - ts4,FFXIV, baulders gate, diablo, terra. (i REALLY like rpgs.)
Play any instruments: no but i want to learn to play the piano.
Language(s): English,sarcasm and pig latin.
Describe yourself as aesthetics: fall, comfy, relaxed, colorful, and slightly witchy.
i tag whoever is reading this and wants to do it.
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My fandoms and my favorite characters and ships
I’m going to talk about all my fandoms and my top one or two characters from each fandom, and my top OTP from each one, if I have any. I’m going in order from when they entered my life. 
Star Trek: The Next Generation
I watched TNG when it first aired in 1987. It was my first fandom and my most time honored fandom. I literally grew up watching it as a child, until it ended in about 1994, when I was about 10. I didn’t know about ships or OTPs or anything back then (no internet cuz you know... it was the 80′s and I was a child). But I did have my favorites: 
Favorite Characters
Captain Picard: Seriously Picard is awesome. He was my first role model. He always had an important lesson to teach and he always did the right thing. I had tons of different Captain Picard action figures.
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Dr. Crusher:  She was probably my very first girl crush. I seriously loved Dr. Crusher. I thought she was tough and smart. In the 80s, when women were beginning to be able to go to college and stuff, she was especially important because she was the Chief Medical officer. She had an important role on the ship.
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OTP: It shouldn’t come as a surprise that my OTP for TNG is Picard and Crusher. I wanted them to get together so bad!! My favorite episode was “attached” an episode in season seven where the two of them were stranded on a deserted planet and could hear each other’s thoughts. They learned about their intimate dreams and their feelings for each other.
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: 
Deep Space Nine is near and dear to me because it was MY show. I watched it as a young teenager. It was there for me when I was dealing with some dark times in my life, and dealing with the challenges of being a teenager. it was the first fandom that I wrote fan fiction for. Of course, there was no internet then either, so it was just on notebooks and those notebooks have been lost in time. But even now, Deep Space Nine is my default when I can’t decide what to watch. Its my comfort zone, it’s where I feel safe. It was also one of the first times I felt moved by a show ending. I mourned TNG but I was too young. DS9 left just a void and there was no netflix to take comfort in, so no reruns.
Kira Nerys
I loved Kira so much! She was so bad ass. I seriously wanted to be her back in the day. She had a quick temper and she could be stubborn but she had a very tough past. She was a terrorist. She fought for her people’s freedom and she cared deeply for her planet. She dealt with some serious trauma and PTSD because she had been fighting as a resistance fighter since she was a child. It’s all she knew. Living in caves, starving, surviving. She taught me how to be resourceful, my favorite quote is when she said if you need a hammer, use a wrench. 
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Constable Odo
Odo was the sheriff in town. He cared about justice and getting at the truth and he tended to be very hardline about it. He took his work very seriously. I loved his banter with Quark. Odo was the observer, he was on no one’s side but he didn’t hesitate to give his opinion and he wasn’t a fan of authority. He did things his way.
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OTP: Kira and Odo! I shipped them so hardback in the day! I knew they had something from the very beginning. In season one I shipped them. I was waiting through the whole show to see them be canon, only to be crushed when Odo left in the series finale! That kiss on the promenade was probably the best thing that ever happened to me!
Star Trek Voyager
I admit I didn’t get into Voyager right away. I was mourning for DS9 and couldn’t handle any more Star Trek spin-offs at the time. So I didn’t get into it until it had already been syndicated. But when I did, it definitely hit me hard. I was going through my early community college years, making friends, I met my husband around this time. I moved away from my parents. There were a lot of changes in my life so VOY came into my life at an important time.
Captain Janeway
Of course, I love her! She’s the captain! She’s smart, she’s tough, and she doesn’t take crap from anyone. She was another huge role model in my life. She was a scientist and a leader. Her crew mattered the most to her and it was through her that I learned about sacrifice and bravery. 
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Commander Chakotay
I liked Chakotay. I liked his spiritual side. I happen to be part Native American so that’s something I related to him with. He was a strong sensitive type. The warrior. 
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OTP: Janeway and Chakotay of course! I wanted them to get together so bad! It kills me when they had so many close chances that never happened. I mean it was so clear that they loved each other and that Chakotay/Seven thing at the end was a total slap in the face to us Janeway/Chakotay fans! I still hate the writers for that! it totally ruined the series finale for me.  
X-files: So begins the era of stuff that husband introduced me to, starting with X-files. I had never watched it back when it was on because I only had eyes for Star Trek, but my husband, who was my boyfriend at the time, introduced me to pretty much every fandom from here on out. X-files was his show, its what he grew up on. 
Scully: I’m a total Scully girl. I love her! She’s a scientist and she wears a gun. Total badass! And I love that even though her scientific mind, she was also spiritual which, as a pagan, I can relate. She knows that she is in a male-dominated occupation but she doesn’t let it bother her and isn't afraid to give people a piece of her mind.
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You can’t have Scully without Mulder! I love how dedicated to the cause he was. And my husband and I have this on going joke that whenever you see a top secret secured area you have to wonder if Mulder has broken into it yet. Cuz he always manages to get to places where he isn’t exactly supposed to be. 
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OTP: Mulder and Scully of course! Mulder may be a goof ball but he has said some of the most romantic, amazing things. “You were my constant” that whole speech right there was amazing.
Lord of the Rings
My husband introduced me to Lord of the Rings. I never read the books until I met him and even then, I’ve only read the Fellowship, but I loved the movies. They are my ultimate sick day splurge. I plan a LOTR/hobbit marathon when I get sick. 
Aragorn: I think we are seeing a pattern. I like the leader types. The warriors. Which is why I love Aragorn! Also, I’ve always had a thing for guys with long hair so there’s that. But yeah, Aragorn is the sensitive, courageous warrior but he also has this self-doubt. He worries that he won't live up to what everyone knows he must become. 
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The younger brother to Boromir. I hate how Faramir’s father treated him and I think it’s sad how he still looked up to him and to his brother. He was brave but he had a kind heart and he deserved better than Denethor.
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OTP: To be honest, I didn’t really ship anyone from Lord of the Rings. 
Rurouni Kenshin
I’ve never really been into anime but this is the one exception. And of course, my husband introduced me. He’s been a fan of the anime and the manga. I like this anime for it’s historical content. I am a history major and I love fandoms that make the setting a big part of the show. Like the setting itself is a character too, and this was certainly true in Kenshin. Meiji Japan was a character in the show in many ways. I really loved how it tied history into everything, describing Japan’s beginning of imperialism and its rise that would eventually put it on the world stage.
Kenshin is my favorite character! The wandering Samurai who just wants to protect people. He’s the warrior type just like all my other favorites. 
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OTP: I didn’t really ship anyone, although I did have a soft spot for Kenshin/Kauru and Sanosuke/Megumi.
The Legends of Drizzt
My favorite book series of all time! I got so obsessed with the Drow through reading these books. My favorites were the first books about Drizzt and his homeland. This is also the first fandom my friend and I got really into and started RPGs with. WE had done RPGs with Voyager and X-files crossovers but this was probably the longes RPG series we did.
Drizzt Do’Urdon: Drizzt and Kenshin have a lot of similarities. Drizzt is another warrior type. He was abused by his female-dominated society until he finally had the courage to do what few drow ever did- leave. He faced hatred and discrimination on the surface because everyone feared the Drow.
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OTP: I didn’t really ship anyone. I liked Drizzt/Cattie-brie and I thought it would have been nice if he got to reconcile with Ellifain and maybe they could have been together, but that’s all.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I wouldn’t say I am a hardcore Buffy fangirl, but I love the show. My sisters were really obsessed with it back in the day and they both know every single episode by heart. My husband is a huge fan so he finally got me to watch it. 
Willow Rosenburg
Willow’s my favorite! She’s nerdy, geeky, and witchy. She’s been Buffy’s number one and she’s no side kick, she can handle her own. I was a nerd in school, and still am so I get her.
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OTP: I liked Buffy and Angel and Willow and Tara. I also thought maybe Xander and Spike would have been cool, or maybe Xander and Andrew.
The Hobbit
I loved the Hobbit movies despite the criticism. They were my first attempt at publishing fiction online. I have a bunch of my old Hobbit fics on Fan Fiction.net still. I also have saved some of my all time favorite Hobbit fics. I love the brotherly love between Fili and Kili and fan fic writers did such a good job of capturing it!
I am on the ‘justice for Fili’ team for sure. I seriously feel like Fili deserved way more than what he got in the movies. The third movie irritated me because Fili hardly got a part. It’s like he wasn’t even there. Fili was Thorin’s heir and I just think fan fiction does a way better job of giving him the love he deserved. 
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I loved Kili. He’s the younger brother so he feels he has to prove to Thorin- his hero- that he can do what needs to get done. I think it hurt him to be left behind.
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OTP: No OTPS here, I don’t really ship anyone. I wasn’t a fan of the Kili/Tauriel thing at all. When I write Hobbit fics, I have these OCs I have been using for years that I ship with Fili and Kili but that’s all.
Last but not least! Supernatural is my last fandom. I’ve been a part of it for about three or four years. It’s my most current, the one I’m into the most at the moment. After it ends, that will be it! No more fandoms for me, all my fandoms will be things of the past. But my husband introduced me to it. He and I both have an interest in theology so that’s why we got into it, for all the angel and religious aspect. I like the mystic stuff, and I like how angels and demons are these different species with their own rules and such. That is the thing I’ve always loved about science fiction and fantasy- I love learning about non human cultures. I like learning how their society is. 
Hannah is my current crush these days. I love her. I pretty much think she is a goddess. I have so many reasons. I love that she is a soldier and she’s tough, I love that she has flaws but that she’s brave. Her inner conflict was the best part of her character, how she struggled with her sense of law and justice and with her emotions. She seemed to struggle a lot with trying to process the things she felt. I can honestly say that she is the closest I’ve ever seen to a female person with autism in any of my fandoms. That’s why I love her so much, I relate to her on such a personal level, being autistic myself. She inspires my writing and my art so much. She’s probably my favorite character out of all my fandoms right now. I’ve never related to a character more than I do to her. She is the character I love to play the most because she feels comfortable to me. 
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When it comes to team free will, I am a Cas-girl all the way! Who doesn’t love that adorable little angel? I feel like Castiel’s whole time on the show has been so sad. He rebelled for his friends and ever since then, it’s been one disaster after another with him and even now when season 15 is about to come out, I don’t think he’s ever found true happiness, and that hurts. He misses being an angel and it hurts that they don’t accept him for who he is. I’ve tried to touch upon Castiel’s emotional health a lot in my writing because I don’t think the show does a good job of addressing it. He has done so much for the Winchesters but I don’t think he’s happy with how his life is now, especially after the end of the last season. 
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OTP: Castiel and Hannah! My ultimate hardcore forever OTP. I truly believe Castiel loved Hannah and its clear that she loved him. She is one of the few people in Castiel’s life who seemed to truly, honestly want to address his needs. She literally begged him multiple times to take care of himself, and in true Winchester fashion, was willing to let Metatron out and this sacrifice the world, just to save Cas. She’s one of the few angels who cared about Castiel, even knowing what he’s done, none of that bothered her. In the beginning when they first met, when all the other angels wanted to kill him, she didn’t care what he had done and only left when she thought he had betrayed them and was quick to come back to him when she found out the truth. I love Castiel and Hannah, pretty much all my fics focus on them. 
NOTE: Before you start getting all upset about the fact that all my OTP ships are m/f, I want to point some things out to you. First off, I am bi. Second of all, m/f doesn’t always equal straight and m/m or f/f doesn’t always equal gay. STOP IT WITH THE BI ERASURE!!! I have plenty of other ships but these are my top ships and yes I mostly ship m/f. Just because they all just happen to be my favorites. Maybe because all the above characters tend to have certain characteristics and certain traits and it's their personalities that I ship not their gender. Also, I have huge crushes on the above female AND male characters so again, it’s probably why I ship them. Also, I am demisexual so sex doesn’t really play a huge role in who I ship. A lot of these characters also have similarities to me and my husband, so I tend to ship what I see in real life. I actually ship plenty of other ships other than what’s listed, yes most are still m/f, but some are f/f and some are poly. I don’t ship a lot of m/m because, well, I just don’t. I haven’t found any m/m ships that I really ship. I am all about chemistry first and if I don’t feel it I don’t feel it. Since sex doesn’t play a factor in my ships much, I need them to connect mentally and emotionally much more than physically. I also value equality in relationships. I am not into the whole ‘opposites attract’ thing. Characters have to be compatible. 
And one other thing. Chemistry is in the eye of the beholder. What one person sees as chemistry someone else might not agree and that’s okay. It’s okay to disagree it's not okay to be a hater.
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missingmunin · 6 years
Fall Witchcraft pt. 2
You seemed to want some more of this so here you go! As always feel free to add and remember to take care of yourselves.❤️
Here’s part 1, the summer edition, and the back to school edition
🍂 Enchant your beanies, scarves, mittens etc for extra warmth and comfort
💫 I find myself reading more in fall. So a tip is to put sigils on your bookmarks to not lose your way - and to make sure it doesn’t end up on the wrong page (I swear there’s a curse on every single bookmark I have, they never end up where they’re supposed to be)
🍂 Offer flowers, lake water, grass, plants, or anything else you associate with summer to Persephone as a departing gift
💫 Read up on and practice tea/coffee/hot chocolate magick
🍂 Donate clothes, money, food etc to shelters or charities
💫 Not exactly witchy but I think spending time with loved ones is important for your well being. Therefore I recommend game night! RPGs or tabletops on cold nights -with some tea of course
🍂 Practice astral and storm magick
💫 Practice divination (extra spooky and cozy atmosphere in the fall)
🍂 Do spells and make potions with apples
💫 Give offerings to, or do spells related to hamadryads, tree nymphs
🍂 Bake and cook! Do some kitchen magick. Maybe with apples...?
💫 Make art, decorate, and use symbols associated with stags, goats, owls, cats, wolves, ravens, or crows
🍂 Write a sigil on a dying leaf and let it wither on your altar. Don’t do it outside, the pens can contain substances that shouldn’t be in nature. Also DON’T TAKE THEM OFF OF THE TREES, take them from the ground!
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