#witchcraft and wizardry are my *jam*
minhosimthings · 11 months
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Blue Days Yellow Nights
Synopsis: Y/N of the Black family of the wizarding world had finally gotten into Hogwarts, the magical school of witchcraft and wizardry, only to find out she had been sorted in a house which the entire world would not accept. And along the path, she meets a cute boy, with a secret behind his collar. And let's just say the secret can be kept, between two people.
Pairings: Hufflepuff!Jake × Ravenclaw!Fem!reader, includes rest of Enha, Wonyoung and Gaeul from Ive, Yunjin from Lessrafim, Sana from Twice, Joshua from Seventeen.
Warnings: Fluff, tiny bit of angst, descriptions of pain, mention of scars, mention of food and alcohol, they're idiots in love your honour, swearing
A/N: YAAS MY BABY IS FINALLY OUT OF THE OVEN LOOK AT HER. SHE'S SO AMAZING. real tho I worked hard on this shit cause it's been in my brain ever since I started writing on Tumblr. As an intense potterhead and engene, combining these two things was heaven to me. And yes all magical facts in this are fact checked by me through the Harry Potter Website. She's my favourite child. I don't care if she doesn't get notes she is MY FAVOURITE CHILD. As always feel free to give feedback!
Song rec!
"Gryffindor!" Oh great, you thought as Danielle, the friend you had made on the train ride to the magnificent castle of magic, ran over to the table of the brave, where the lion roared and the swords never rested. Of course, she had to be in Gryffindor. A house which your family had resented for centuries. The most noble house of Black, that was where you were from.
Your cousin Sirius waved to you from the Gryffindor table. 'Traitor' you thought as he applauded along with everyone else when Danielle sat down at the table. To be a member of the most noble house of Black was to be a member of the most prestigious house of Slytherin. Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda, Regulus, they all waited at the Slytherin table, wearing robes of expensive green and drinking from golden goblets. Waiting for you. For you, the youngest member of The Blacks to get sorted. You crossed your fingers as yet another black haired boy got sorted into Ravenclaw. "Sim, Jake", Professor McGonagall called out. A fit young boy with messy dark brown hair, came out excitedly from the group of scared first years. He was so.... happy? His face was much more uplifting than those surrounding you. While all the other first years looked like they were about to pee their pants, the boy, Jake, looked so happy and excited, like a golden retriever. You resisted the urge to smile, when he jammed the Sorting Hat onto his head, and it slightly fell down, hiding his eyes. He broke you out of your slight hypnotic state of staring the all the people in the Slytherin table, trying to find out your cousins. "Hufflepuff!" The Sorting Hat shouted out, to which Jake slightly jumped up and ran over to the applauding Hufflepuff table, where he was met with smiles and handshakes and a greeting from the Fat Friar, the Hufflepuff ghost. You were so distracted by his happy eyes and his overall positive energy that- "Miss Black, would you consider stepping onto the platform please?" Minerva McGonagall's voice was stern. Oh damn. First moment of school and you already embarrassed yourself. Just like your mother said you would.
You quickly apologised to Professor McGonagall who curtly nodded, and stepped onto the platform, sitting on the stool and gently placing the Hat onto your head, strands of hair coming onto your face. "Oh you're a puzzle aren't you?" The Sorting Hat whispered into your ear. A voice only you could hear. How interesting. "You know deep down who you are don't you?" The Sorting Hat asked you. "Well yes. And no. I don't know Mr hat." You thought, hoping that the Sorting Hat would hear you. You heard a chuckling sound in your ears, a comforting sound, you thought. "I know who everyone really is my dear Black." And with that the Sorting Hat screamed out, "Ravenclaw!". Silence. Eerie silence was what filled the Great Hall. No one clapped like they had done for the other children. You sheepishly took off the Hat and placed it back on the stool, and took off to the Ravenclaw table, where curious eyes awaited you. Awkward, you thought. First day of school and I'm a disappointment. Different thoughts filled your head as you were on the way to the Ravenclaw table. All the thoughts, however broke, when you heard clapping coming from the Hufflepuff table. The Hufflepuffs? Clapping for you? The next child didn't get sorted yet. They were clapping for you. All headed by a fluffy brown haired boy, who was clapping the hardest. He gave you a wide smile as you glanced at him and sat down quickly next to the dark haired boy who had gotten sorted earlier. The clapping subsided after a while as the last two people got sorted into Slytherin and Gryffindor respectively.
"Well students old and new!" Professor Dumbledore, the Headmaster of the school had risen from his golden chair at the staff table. "Dig in!". All the students cheered loudly and clapped as food appeared out of thin air and settled comfortably on the golden plates. Oh god the food. It looked delicious. Only problem is that you weren't hungry. Your appetite escaped as soon as you heard the word 'Ravenclaw' coming out of the rip in the Sorting Hat. You stared endlessly at the roast chicken and bread, and instead sipped on your pumpkin juice.
"You gonna eat or not?" The dark haired boy next to you asked you. He had a sharp jaw line and cat like eyes, and a butterfly shaped birthmark on his neck. You were slightly startled by his voice, which snapped you out of your stupor. "Um no thank you I'm full." "Yeah? You're rumbling tummy says otherwise." And that seemed to be the perfect time for your tummy to let out a sound again. The boy chuckled softly and put roast chicken on your plate. You mumbled a thank you to him and started eating, regaining your appetite again, as you threw small glances now and then at the boy.
"Are you going to keep looking at me like that or are you going to introduce yourself?" The boy's husky voice rang in your ear like a sudden siren. "What?" You asked him, scolding yourself for being rude. You lifted your arm slightly to adjust your slipping robes, accidentally knocking over the boy's goblet of pumpkin juice "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. Let me clea-" The boy waved his hand at your rambling and put a finger to his lip to shush you, subtly pointing out how the people were staring at both of you. "It's alright. The juice didn't get on these robes so we're good." You smiled warmly at him. This was the first time you had had normal human interaction ever since the train ride, where every person would look at you, as if you were a snake, ready to pounce on them and inject your venom in them. Extending a hand forward to the boy, you introduced yourself. "I'm Y/N. Y/N Black." Firm grip, you thought, as the boy took your hand and shook it. "I'm Jay. Jay Park. It's very nice to mee you Y/N. Would you like to be friends as payment for knocking over my pumpkin juice?" You giggled slightly, amused at Jay's kind manners with you. It surprised you that someone would still want to be the friend of a person who came from one of the most notorious wizarding families of the world. "I would love to be your friend. I also noticed something-" you leaned a bit towards his ear. "Are we both the only Ravenclaw first years?" Jay chuckled a bit at your question and took a bite of his toffee pudding. "It seems so." He replied after a long while of chewing his bite of pudding. "It's weird but not impossible. My great uncle was the only Slytherin in his year too you know." Slytherin? "Wait wait are you the Jay Park of the most famous wizarding family in the world?" He looked at you with an amused expression and smiled. "Well aren't you a member of the famous Black family too? And yes I am." He sighed heavily before continuing. "I am a part of the family whose history is filled with bloodshed and Gryffindors." He glanced over at the Gryffindor table with distaste. "I wonder what my family will think when I tell them I'm a part of the smart house." "Same here. I'm pretty sure I'll be disowned." Both of you laughed at that as your heart lifted gently. Jay was nice to you. And he related to you a lot, what with both of you coming from families who deemed themselves 'pure'. "Should we make a pact? If both of us do get disowned?" You asked Jay, who turned to you with curious cat eyes. Then he picked up a spoon full of pudding and motioned for you to do the same thing, which you did. "Alright , if both of us do get disowned, we are going to steal some money from our home, run away and live somewhere in the countryside, where we'll have umm.... three cats! And a dog. And a dragon." Saying that, you ate your spoon full of pudding, Jay following suit. "Maybe not the dragon and the cat part. I'm allergic to cats."
"Oh are you the only two Ravenclaw first years who got sorted?". Jay and you had gone up to the Ravenclaw prefects when they had shouted out for first years to follow them. The rest of the students, majority of them I'm Gryffindor had already gone up to their towers, while you two were still stuck with the prefects, Sana and Joshua. They were sweet and kind and made you think of springtime for some reason. Jay and you shipped them whenever they turned away. "Alright come on you two." Joshua clapped his hands together. "Sana just went to inquire Professor Flitwick, our Head of House, and it seems, in this rare case, both of you are going to have to be roommates. Usually the girls and the boys are split up, but your dorm room is big enough for the both of you. Is that alright with you?" You both nodded at Joshua's words, which he spoke so gently, that it kind of surprised you. "Alright then follow me!"
Woah. That was both of your reactions when Joshua and Sana had led you up to the Ravenclaw Tower. It was so... ethereal. Gorgeous, stunning, eye catching, every synonym for the word 'beautiful' came to your mind when you saw the interior of the Ravenclaw Tower. It had large windows, perfect for your stargazing, you thought. The moon was out tonight, and through the slightly blue stained windows, it looked like Heaven's sleeping figure. The common room was decorated with stars that actually shone and a big bookshelf, full of volumes, that you would only dream of seeing. There was a door ajar to your left, which you assumed was a painting room, what with the smell of paint and the ruffling of paper coming in from the room. "Do you like it? It's going to be your home now." Sana asked you. "It's- it's gorgeous." You stuttered out to her. She was so pretty, like an incarnation of an angel, with wide eyes and the prettiest red hair you've ever seen. "Alright just going to set some ground rules. You guys can sit down first." Jay and you plopped onto two warm armchairs, made out of oak. They had the words 'Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure' carved all over them. Carved. Just like how your face will be on the Black tree. "Alright first of all-" Joshua started. "You guys already know most of the basic rules because I assume you were listening when Professor Dumbledore was speaking." You heard Sana mumble something along the lines of 'dude you weren't even paying attention'. "So you know how each dorm has passwords? Well to enter our dorm, we need to answer a riddle, which will be given by the eagle outside. You don't always have to necessarily give the right answer. You just need to use your wit. And if the Eagle thinks you are worthy, you're in!" Jay and you both looked at each other, comprehensive looks decorating your faces. A riddle? You were the worst at riddles. Oh well. Anything to have this beautiful dorm all to yourself. "Second of all-" Sana started "You can bring people from other houses in here. Only if they can answer an additional riddle at the door. Although I highly doubt you two are going to do anything like that, so ignore I even said that." Joshua laughed at that as you and Jay just stared, awkwardly. "Anyway." Joshua said, once he stopped laughing. "The last rule is that you must never abandon each other all right? You two are the only Ravenclaws in your year so you must stick to each other like glue. Yes you should make friends from other houses but you should always have each other's backs got it? Now off to bed chop chop!"
"Soo should we glue ourselves together now? I know a spell or two." Jay suggested as both of you plopped onto your respective beds in your dorm room. The room was just as pretty as the common room, with two oak beds, and a large window, looking out into the Giant Squid's home. You could slightly see the Squid now, tossing about in the water. You made a mental note to give it a piece of toast the next day. "Dude how are going to make friends from other houses? Just walk up to them and say hi and that we would like to be their friends?" You asked Jay, who was wiping his glasses. He shrugged his shoulders and put his glasses on the beside table, before pouring himself a glass of water from the silver goblet. "I guess" he finally responded after downing his water. "I mean let's just stay together until we get more comfortable here. And we can make friends with some of the older Ravenclaws too can't we?" You simply hummed in response to that question. You had seen some of the older Ravenclaws at the table tonight. Some of them stared at you and some of them simply ignored you.
‌"Jay can I tell you something?" Jay looked at you abruptly and nodded slowly. You let out a big sigh as you prepared to tell a boy you met today, your greatest secret. "Alright don't laugh and promise me you'll never tell anyone else." Jay held out his pinky to you and intertwined it with yours, making a pinky promise. "I am an unregistered Animagus." Blink blink. Jay's eyes blinked rapidly as he tried to register what you just said. "Y/N, please tell me you are not kidding right now." Wait what? Most people would usually laugh at you if you told them you could turn into an animal at will. But Jay's face was contorted with seriousness and a bit of excitement. "Y-yeah I'm not joking. I am an Animagus. I can turn into a lynx cat. Wanna see?" "Oh my god Y/N!" Jay jumped from his bed to yours, startling you. Why was he so excited? "Alright you're not gonna believe this. I thought I was the only one! Did your parents turn you into one when you were eight?" "Yeah they did. How in the hell do you know that?" As if to respond to your question, Jay stood up and shook his head. His hair faded and his nose slowly enlarged to form a beak. An eagle! He was an eagle! With mighty wings and the most sleek brown wings and strong, sharp talons. "Now your turn" Jay said, turning back into his normal form. Turning into an Animagus wasn't as painful as the rest of the wizarding community made it out to be. People always assumed that an animagus' skin would tear apart every time they would turn, but that wasn't true. It was more gentle, and calmer. "Woah Y/N. I've never seen a lynx cat before." You lay on the bed in your cat form in front of an amazed Jay who gently scratched your head, providing you with the ultimate pleasure. You were quick to turn back and explain your entire story to Jay, which was eerily similar to his. Both of you had been turned by your familes at the age of eight, against your will. Both of you hated your families so much, always so thirsty for blood purity, like vampires. "So secret kept?" You held out a pinky to him, which he intertwined with his. "Secret kept."
‌"Oh well night then Jay. See you tomorrow." "Night Y/N." As both of you drifted off to excited sleep, your heart lifted from where it had been earlier. Seeing all these people who were nice to you, like Jay, Joshua and Sana and that peculiar Hufflepuff boy, it made you think more about whether or not you were actually hated by the world. Maybe you were hated, by most of the world, but then again you've got to make up your own world now. And the first people in it was going to be all the friends you were determined to make tomorrow.
"Oh my god we have potions first!" You squealed in excitement at the breakfast table. Bacon, eggs and toast layed the Ravenclaw table and as you and Jay peacefully at your toast with jam, you looked over your timetable. "You that excited for potions? Best subject?" Jay asked you curious, with a mouth full of orange juice. You nodded fervently as you picked up some more scrambled eggs to lay on your plate. "My cousin Andromeda used to teach me when I was nine. And plus I like to believe I'm a natural chemist." You flopped your hair over your shoulder as Jay rolled his eyes. "Well I think we'll be doing the more easy ones first." Jay got out his potions book. "So I'm sorry your highness but you won't be able to use your amazing potion expertise." You slapped his arm playfully, before a bell rang and most of the older students started getting up. "Oh there you are you two." Sana called out to you and Jay. "You need to go to the dungeons alright? For Professor Snape's lesson. It's just round the corner. You want me to take you guys?" You felt a bit embarrassed, having to get lead by a prefect to your first class. So you politely declined Sana's offer, to which she smiled and gave you the directions instead.
"God this castle is so beautiful." You commented as Jay and you walked down to the dungeons. The brick walls, painted with red and paintings hanging everywhere on rusty nails. There was a painting of some shamans who screamed at you while a kind lady picking peaches asked you if you wanted some.
"You're late." Snape commented as you and Jay turned up at the doors of the dungeons. "We apologise sir. We lost our way in." You started, but Professor Snape simply waves his hand and directed both of you to come in and sit on the benches. Hufflepuff. You were having a class with Hufflepuff. And that boy was there. He was in his robes, with messier hair than it was the night of the Sorting. You tried not to catch his eyes but apparently the universe is always against you, and as you caught his eye and he gave you a smile, you felt your cheeks burn red. "Dude quit blushing so much." Jay scolded you as both of you got out your ingredients.
"A perfect potion? That's surprising." Snape complemented you as you and Jay gave him your completed potion tubes. "Well I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Miss Black. You are, after all the cousin of my most favourite student, Andromeda. Very well. Five points to Ravenclaw." You would have taken the points very well, if not for the fact that Snape had added in the point that you were a part of the Black family.
"Y/N you alright? You seem a bit peaky and pale and you haven't said a word for like five minutes." Jay slightly nudged your arm. "I'm fine Jay." "It's about your family isn't it?" How did Jay always read your mind so perfectly?
Before you could respond to Jay's question, you felt something hit yoir head sharply. You cried out and fell on your knees. Whatever hit you head was sharp and hard and it probably did more damage than you or the attacker anticipated. "Aww look at the little Black sheep. Get It? Black sheep!" You heard some girls and boys laughing behind you. They were of Gryffindor house and they were in your year. They were coming back- you assumed, from Herbology, as they were covered in dirt and they still had dragon hide gloves on. "Hey are you insane!" Jay shouted at them and helped you get up, your head still dizzy. "Oh what? Can't take a joke Park?" The tallest of the boys said. He was the one who threw something at you and he laughed the loudest. "Hey!" A voice shouted behind you. "Pick in someone your own size!" That boy. That Hufflepuff boy. He charged at the Gryffindor and pinned him against the wall, the latter's head banging against the fading cement. Your head was still spinning so much, and as you leaned against Jay's frame, you could hear the voice of someone older, possibly Joshua and someone else. "Jay- I don't really fee-" Black.
"Oh good you're awake." You were laying in a very big hall, laden with beds everywhere. A hospital wing, you assumed. You also made the assumption that you probably passed out. "Y/N are you alright?" Sana was pressing a cold compress to your head. "What happened Sana?" Sana gave you a pitiful smile, before giving you a glass of pumpkin juice and explaining. "You passed out Y/N. That gryffindor boy is in detention right now, don't worry. Turns out he hit you with a pot. Which is honestly mental. I would have bewitched him right then and there, but unfortunately I am a prefect-" she frowned a bit at that "But that boy got to him before Joshua could. That Hufflepuff boy." That Hufflepuff boy. You sat up so fast that Sana flinched. "The what? Is he here?" You whipped your head around the room, trying to spot a batch of messy brown hair. Sana put an arm around your shoulder and said "Babe, no he's not here. He also got detention unfortunately, even though he did the right thing. Listen hon, I gotta go. It's kind of late and it's a full moon night, Josh and I have our monthly date tonight And I don't wanna be late. Jay got some of your clothes for you." She motioned toward the bedside table where an extra pair of robes lay. "So you can change here and come down in the morning alright? Jay told me he'll bring your bag down to the Hall at breakfast tomorrow. So rest up well hm?" You thanked Sana for her help, and as she left the room and the school matron extinguished the candles in her office, leaving for bed, you couldn't help but not ignore the feeling in your stomach. Some feeling. Do eleven year olds usually feel this? Whatever this was? It wasn't nausea, no you didn't get nauseous that easily. Was it chickenpox? Nope definetly not that. Your period? Yeah no it had just ended. Was it the feeling of finally being defended by someone that you felt like falling in love with a person you don't even know just because you've known loneliness for so long that you pounce on the tiniest bit of attention?....... Yeah it was probably that.
The moon was full tonight. It looked like a cheese wheel, with a rabbit shape carved on it. Faint white light seeped in from the windows, illuminating the dark room, and allowing you to look at all the beds, empty and quiet. Of course. It was the first day of school. No one would get injured on the first day of school. Well, almost no one. "Hello?" You called out in the room, your voice echoing as the vibrations hit every magical brick which was used to build this magnificent chamber. Great. No one is there. Not even the matron. This was perfect, you thought as you slowly removed your sheets and got out of the bed barefoot, careful not to make a sound. This wasn't a crime was it? Only the moon was watching tonight, and you were sure that she wouldn't tattle on you. And I'm very sure she didn't, as she watched you hair start to smoothen and your skin turn blackish-grey, whiskers clinging to the sides of your nose. The Moon silently applauded as she watched you transform into a lynx cat, all smooth and gracious with your careful padded steps. You stretched your body out, groaning internally at how stiff it was, and turned your eyes towards the entrace to the hospital wing. The door was open. Oh could this night get any more luckier? It was dark, midnight, and a lynx cat would roam around this magical school, without the knowledge of anyone. Magical isn't it?
Strutting out the front door, you carefully checked your surroundings, making sure not even an ant was present. No one could ruin your plan of walking through the palace right now. You were amazed at the size of the castle. It was bigger than the universe, you thought as you climbed yet another moving staircase, easily jumping from one to the other with your cat skills. It was good that your animagus was a cat, you thought, as you jumped onto the seventh floor. You could climb into whatever you wanted and easily jump from one structure to the other, making it easy for you to move efficiently and fastly.
Awoo! Wait what was that? You turned your head so fast, that your whiskers made a whoosh sound. You heard something. You heard a howl. A Wolf's howl.
A Wolf's howl? Could it be another Animagus in school? Perhaps and older one? Or maybe it was? No it couldn't be. They would never allow a werewolf into this school. Shaking your head, you continued to walk along the stone path, and leapt onto a pillar, prepared to leap off to the sixth floor, when..... Awoo! The sudden sound made you lose your balance and as you made your way back to the rock hard tiles on the seventh floor, curiosity got the better of you. You made your way to the source of the sound, your excellent ears gently guiding you.
A statue. There was a statue with the inscribed words Barnabas the Barmy. There wasn't a door or anything. But the sound was coming from here. You were certain of it. Your cat ears never failed you once and you trusted them enough to turn back into a human and press your ears to the wall, to make sure what you were hearing wasn't a dream. Nope wasn't a dream,you thought as you kept hearing the sound. You were about to go back to the hospital wing, creeped out the sound , when a sudden memory popped into your mind. The Statue of Barnabas the Barmy on the Seventh floor. Yes Narcissa told you about something on the seventh floor. What was it? You snapped your fingers a few times to try to jog your memory back to when you were ten. The room. The Room of Something.
You remembered what it did. It would only show itself to someone in times of great need. Narcissa had once opened it when she needed to hide from some Malfoy boy. You asked yourself again and again whether or not you should try opening it. What would you think? Would you be able to open it merely by thinking, 'Hey I need this place to open up because I need to know where the source of the sound is coming from'? That would work but it was a risk. What if there was some evil contained inside the room and opening it would make you Pandora from the myth of Pandora's box?
You turned back into a cat, ignoring your heart's protests of having an adventure and trying to open the the mysterious room. There was a werewolf or something there, but you weren't going to risk being stuck inside of a wall for all eternity. Maybe later, but not today, you thought as you strode back to the hospital wing, tail held high in the air and whiskers proudly displayed.
"You did WHAT?" Jay whisper-shouted to you the next day at breakfast. You had told him what you had done the night before, to which he almost spat out his pumpkin juice and out his hands on his hips, like a scolding mother. "Y/N. Please give me a warning before you tell me shit like that. Im gonna go into cardiac arrest if you do shit like that." "Oh please Jay stop being such a mom." You rolled your eyes at him and went on with eating your bacon and eggs, while Jay looked like he was going to explode at any moment. "Still-" he began, picking up his goblet once more. "You shouldn't do that. If you wanna do it, tell me, I'll accompany you alright?" You smiled at Jay's worried face and nodded, assuring him that you would always tell him.
"I wonder where that boy would be. You know the Hufflepuff one?" Both of you were walking to Charms class, after your lunch, and the topic of the Hufflepuff boy came up. Jay was fiddling with the straps of his bag, while you daintily strolled across the corridor, looking at the paintings. "I heard his name is Jake." Jay finally got the straps to be proper. "Sim Jake. Apparently he's already popular. The charms professor adores his quick answers in class. We'll see though. Today we're going to be doing the practical work." You hummed and nodded again, too distracted by a beautiful painting of a wolf and a woman hanging on the wall. The woman had the wolf in her lap, as she slowly stroked it, putting it to sleep. She smiled at you warmly, and you smiled back, admiring her stunning features.
"Im going to pair you all up together for this charm now." The tiny professor, Professor Flitwick, stood across a pile of books to make himself visible. He was apparently the Head of your House, as told to you by Jay. You immediately shifted towards Jay, in order to give Professor Flitwick the hint that you wanted to be paired up with your only friend. Professor Flitwick looked through his list of names, and began pairing people up together. You had a joint class with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff today, since you and Jay both were the only ones in Ravenclaw. Unfortunately he insisted on inter house pairing, so your hopes of getting paired up with Jay went down the drain.
"Miss Black?" He called your name. "Ahh one of my Ravenclaw students! Very well very well." He let iut a tiny cough. "Well I believe you can get paired up with Mr Sim over here! Get your wand and books now. Good girl." Mr what now? You looked over your shoulder to see that Hufflepuff boy, smiling at you and motioning to the empty seat beside him. Your heart internally did backflips and as you went over to his desk, fumbling with your wand, you couldn't help but notice how much this boy smiled. His perfect teeth, displayed in a wide smile with crinkly eyes were all so adorable, as if he was a puppy.
"Hi! Im Jake. Sim Jake." He greeted you excitedly, extending his hand forward. "I'm Y/N. Y/N Black." The grip of his hand was soft, gentle, as if he was gripping something made out of crystals. "Shall we get started then?" He asked you, eyes widened, smile still not leaving his face. You nodded at him, as he prepared his wand to carry out the spell of levitation. With a clear of his throat, he lifted his wand upto a level above his feather, and chanted, "Wingardium Leviosa!", combined with a swish and a flick of his wand. The feather lifted off of the table in an instant fluttering above your feather, as the students in class watched on, mesmerised. Professor Flitwick clapped his hands together excitedly and strode over to your desk. "Excellent Mr Sim. Excellent! Ten points to Hufflepuff!" He turned to you, by the time Jake got his feather down and with a tap on your desk, he said, "Well your turn now Miss Black. Don't you disappoint me!" You took a deep breath and a gulp. Charms were always your worst thing when you used your cousin Andromeda's wand. You glanced over at Jake, who was still looking at, along with all the other students in class. Jake's eyes have you an encouraging look, as if to say 'You can do it!'. You took another breath, raised you wand about the white swan feather, focused your entire existence on it and with a swish and a flick, you chanted the words in your mind. The feather slowly rose above the table, and made its way all around the classroom, eerily floating like a woman in white. Every pair of eyes in the class were on the feather, well almost every pair. Jake was still looking at you, mesmerised by the way you managed to make a silent spell.
"My my." Professor Flitwick said, eyes widened, glasses slipping off of his nose bridge. "You have managed to do a silent spell young lady. We don't teach these until Year Six! Well well, it's good that you are in my House. I simply must tell Minerva this. Yes I wil..." He kept mumbling to himself after class was dismissed and as you made your way out of class, Jay ran to you at full speed, his glasses foggy and his palms all sweaty. "I swear to God if you pull out one more magic trick, I will throw myself to the Giant Squid." "We're in a school for magic Jay." You shot at him. "And I seriously don't know how I did that!" "Some children are born with the ability to perform silent spells." A familiar voice rang behind you. Jake had followed you and Jay out of the classroom, clutching his bag tightly. "I beg your pardon?" Jay asked him, tone cold. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to impude on your conversation. I just wanted to say that maybe Y/N could have been born with this ability to perform silent spells because my older sister also had this thing to perform spells without speaking." The way he talked was so pretty. His voice was melodic, like a Siren's and it enchanted you.
"Oh well maybe I am born with it then. Weird." You laughed it off with an awkward sentence, while Jay wanted to vomit right there and then. "Anyways-" Jake began again, scratching the back of his head. "Um I wanted to ask, if it's not too awkward, whether you'd like to hang out with me? Not in the creepy way! Just in like a platonic friend way." Oh god he was so adorable. You wanted to squish me and protect him from the entire world right there and then. And he wanted to be your friend? Lord, you wanted to ask the Heavens to kill you right there and then, because you were currently exploding out of happiness.
"Jay would you stop staring at Gaeul and move the fuck on with your essay on the stupid sleeping potion?" Jake, Jay, you and your Hufflepuff friends Sunoo, Yunjin and Wonyoung, were currently sitting out in the lawn and completing your homework. It was the Easter holidays and none of you had gone home, since you all were basically the 'We have horrible parents' group, barring Jake, Sunoo and Yunjin. But they still stayed because without both of them all of you would probably be dead in a ditch by now. Jay and you were trying to complete his potions work together, because teamwork makes the dreamwork, but for the past fifteen minutes, Jay had been doing nothing but stare at Gaeul from Gryffindor.
"Dude just ask her out for God's sake. She'll like you back." Jake optimistically said to Jay, who only slouched and deflated on the grass, throwing grass on Jake, which unfortunately landed on Wonyoung. "Jay I swear to God I'll kill you. You ruined my favourite jeans!" Wonyoung rubbed off the grass from her jeans. "And also Jake's right. You've basically been in love with her since first year when you got paired up with her for Charms. And for Pete's sake we're fifth years now! So be a man, get your ass up and ask her out on the next Hogsmeade trip. It does come on Valentine's day."
You were excited for the next Hogsmeade trip, since you heard that some large sugar quills were going to be on sale. You had planned to go with Jay, but looking at your friend look at a girl with the ultimate heart eyes, you decided to let him take his shot. "How do I ask her out though? Just say 'hey Gaeul I'm in love with you please marry me'?" Yunjin slapped Jay's head with her charms book and sighed, mumbling something along the lines of 'boys'.
"Dude just ask her if she would be interested in going with you to Hogsmeade and definetly leave out the marriage part." Sunoo said to the deflated boy on the grass. "You gonna ask Sunghoon out Won?" You asked Wonyoung, who smiled and nodded frantically. "I really do hope he says yes. I mean he's in Slytherin so I don't know how he'll react to a Hufflepuff girl asking him out." "Oh he likes you too." Sunoo, who was casually eating some pudding, said to Wonyoung, who looked like her entire life had made sense at this moment. "I still don't get how you got the title of this school's Gossip Queen. Like how did YOU get it?" Yunjin asked Sunoo, who went on with eating his pudding. He merelu shrugged his shoulders while you smiled, knowing how he charmed everyone to tell him shit. "Oh by the way Y/N-" Sunoo started. "we're doing werewolves in Care of Magical Creatures. Interested?"
Ever since you've told your only friends about that one night that you explored the entire school as a cat and heard a wolf howling, they're entire life had been dedicated to finding out what that noise was. You had told them all of them, barring Jake. You knew it wasn't good to hide something like this from him but you just didn't want to tell him because the voice in your head told you tlnot to. And you always listened to that voice. Your other friends had kept this secret for you, pretending that you had had an interest in werewolves since you were little. You and Jay trusted them enough to tell them who you actually were and they were understanding, especially Wonyoung, whose sister had been turned into an Animagus by force too. She had lived with Yunjin ever since her parents abandoned her for not being in Slytherin and you really wondered how such a sweet girl like her could have ever been born into such a family. Jay still lived with his own family, who surprisingly didn't disown him but they talked to him less and less now. You, on the other hand, were taken in by your maternal uncle and aunt, both of whom had been Gryffindors. They had protected you ever since you were eleven and you loved them more than your own parents.
"What were they teaching about werewolves Sun?" Sunoo gave you that fennec fox smile and crinkled his eyes. "Nothing much, just how to kill them, how to recognise them, what their characteristics are. Apparently you can kill them if you-" "May we change the topic please?" Jake's cold voice ran like ice through your veins. You knew werewolves were always a touchy subject for him. His uncle had been a werewolf, who had almost killed him when he was eight or so. Ever since you had told him about the werewolf incident, he had asked you whether you could not mention it again, the mere word 'werewolf' making his heart run faster. You obliged because you didn't want to make your best friend (read: crush) of five years uncomfortable.
"You know what?" Jay had gotten up from his sleeping position on the grass. "Im gonna ask Gaeul out right now!" "Oh for fucks sake finally." Yunjin sighed and lay her head on Sunoo's shoulder. School was good. School was better now that you had friends. But that thought of the werewolf still never left your mind, especially when you would sneak out every night as a cat, without Jay to look for the howls again. It was half moon night tonight, a point where a werewolf wouldn't be too strong neither too weak. Perfect time for a lynx cat to hunt wasn't it?
Midnight came earlier that night than anticipated and as you silently checked whether Jay's snores were real or not, you felt a bolt of electricity hit you. You were admittedly scared, since this night you were going to try something you had never done before. Being a child who could do silent spells, you were a favourite among most of the teachers who would do anything for you, which included providing you with information. Professor Flitwick had become a victim of your innocent eyes, when you asked him how to open The Room Of Requirement from where you had first heard the howls. After much trepidation, he had finally given you the answer and ever since that day you had been trying to figure out a wormhole to open the room while someone was already occupying it. And after months of your dying brain trying to stay alive, you finally found the loophole.
The walk to the room was eerie. You noticed every touch of wood on your paw and every time your whiskers moved due to the wind. You had never felt so much fear in your life before. What if you actually found the werewolf? What would you do? Just run and hope that the werewolf never finds you? Hope was all that was left in this mundane life, you thought. It was time to spice it up a bit.
You finally arrived in front of the statue of Barnabus the Barmy. You could hear the faint howls cut through the silence of the beautiful night. The wall ahead was plain, an ordinary wall which any person would just pass by not evening noticing how it helped to hold up the foundations of the castle. You prepared yourself and rid your mind of every other thought and focused on your command. Just a little bit more. Just a minute more. You didn't pay heed to the whistling of the wind telling you to not go in or the warning hooting of owls. All you needed now was to get inside that room, to solve a mystery you had been wanting to solve for five years.
Cracks slowly started to appear in the walls. The wall turned brown and a doorknob formed at its right side. It was a handsome door, dark brown and made of oak. You slowly opened your eyes, and your heart almost leapt out of your chest. The door had appeared. You had done it! You had achieved what wizards had tried to achieve for centuries. You had opened the Room of Requirement while someone was in there. The howls got closer and louder now. They sounded more like choked sobs rather than howls. They sounded like a human. Had the werewolf not turned yet? Had it reached that stage where it was half human- half wolf?
You nervously trodded inside the room, taking it it's dark interior, painted in blues and yellows, decorated with a painting of the solar system. It was so beautiful, yet so marred with the choked sobs coming from a corner. A boy? A fluffy brown haired boy sat in the corner, head in his knees, sobbing his eyes out. It was a pathetic sight, his clothes were torn and his hair all messed up. Without thinking, you walked up to him, still in your cat form, meowing and purring softly. You had found that your cat noises always calmed Yunjin and Sunoo down whenever they were about to have a panic attack, so you assumed it would do the same for this boy. The boy looked up to see who was meowing so loudly and your entire world froze.
Jake. It was Jake. Sitting in front you, red eyed, tear stained face, and lips slightly parted. His hair was messier than ever and his pale blue sweater was slipping off of his shoulder. He looked thinner that he did in the morning and his breathing was low. His skin was slightly covered with fur. He held out a shaky hand to you.
"Hey there-" he said in the weakest and softest voice ever. "How did you get in here?" He let out a chuckle as you hesitantly went up to his hand, licking it. You were right. His smile truly never left his face. "You must be one of those magical creatures they told me roam the school aren't you? Or are you just a cat? You're really pretty you know?" You meowed in response to him, slowly going up his lap and sitting there, tail moving around every now and then. You could feel Jake's breathing slow down a bit, and his body stopped shaking. He felt warm, like an autumn breeze whooshing away the fallen leaves. "Well I don't have anyone to talk to right now so I think I'll talk to you. Wanna be my friend? Im Jake. Im-Im a werewolf if you don't mind." How did he manage to stay so happy? Two seconds ago he was bawling his eyes out and shaking like crazy, but suddenly when you came up to him, his face became more illuminated than Apollo. You meowed again in response to him, being the only thing you could do. "Hmm what should I name you? Jay? Nah you don't look like a Jay. You're definetly a female. You know I have a dog named Layla. Maybe I should name you something like that. Should I name you Y/N? She's one of my closest friends and you weirdly look like her." You meowed a bit louder at this, slightly startled at the sound of your name leaving his lips. Did he perhaps know who you were? He couldn't have but suspicions could be true. "I don't think it'll be right to name you after anyone I know. I'll name you something else. Maybe it a trick of the light but you really do look like Y/N. How about.......... Blackberry? It's the colour of your skin and I really like blackberries." Blackberry. It was such an endearing name and unfortunately you were also allergic to blackberries. But you knew Jake loved them, courtesy to that one time Jay argued with him about what the best pie was. You snuggled onto his chest, allowing him to give you head scratches. His hands were so soft, so comforting and it reminded you of fourth year, when you were stressed out of your mind for your exams, and Jake calmed you down so easily. You had finished your History Of Magic exam, and upon finding out that you had written one tiny answer wrong, you ran off to your secret spot, the abode of The Grey Lady, the Ravenclaw Ghost, and cried your heart out. You didn't know how Jake found you so easily but he did and he held your hands and stroked your hair until you stopped crying. The Grey Lady had been watching from behind a pillar, smiling at how adorable both of you were. Now, as you sat on Jake's lap, you knew how he had found you. Werewolves had very strong senses of scent. They could memorise the scent of anyone who used to be with them all the time and they could find said person even if they were a thousand kilometres/miles away. He was also a Hufflepuff wasn't he? And Hufflepuffs were particularly good finders.
You felt Jake suddenly flinch and let out a cry. You leapt off of his lap and faced him, to see that he was shivering again. The fur on his arms was growing and his nose was turning black. You could hear his bones cracking inside of his body. You could feel his pain, as his face contorted to form a face of torture, pain and sadness. Tears were escaping his face fast as he continued to cry out of agony. He was transforming. According to the clock on the wall, it was two pm. In half moon nights, werewolves usually transformed after midnight. And unfortunately for Jake, he was transforming now.
"Go away BlackBerry! Run- ahh- away now! AHHH!" He let out a torturous scream and you bolted for the door, not looking back as you ran all the way, without stopping to the Ravenclaw dormitory, only pausing to take a breather at the Eagle doorknock. "What can be touched but not be seen?" The Eagle's deep voice commanded you to answer the riddle. You clutched onto your chest and knelt down, trying to breathe and get over the image of Jake transforming fully. "I-I don't know." You breathed out, your mind not working from the pace at which you ran across the entire castle. "A heart. The answer is a heart." You felt a chill go through your body, and as you turned back, to see where the voice came from, you understood why. A ghost was currently floating behind you. She was pretty, with long locks of straight black hair, flowy robes, a silver dagger at her hip, and her expression forlorn and longing. The Grey Lady, Ghost of Ravenclaw House. "Helena Ravenclaw?" You whispered to her. She smiled sadly at you, a beautiful smile, you thought. "So you know my name? Interesting creature you are. The answer is a heart by the way." She paused and smiled again, as you picked yourself off of the floor. "A heart can be touched by fear, sadness and love. And you've got to choose which one you let touch yours, little girl." Saying that, she vanished in thin air, leaving you all alone again, in the cold, dark silence, the only source of light being the half moon shining outside of the window.
"Y/N I swear to God one of these days you're going to stab me in the heart." Jay dramatically said as both of you sat near the lake, throwing bread every now and then to the Giant Squid, who accepted it gratefully. It was chilly today, and as Easter holidays finally ended, all of you got busy again. You two were hanging out alone today, courtesy to your Hufflepuff friends having classes at the moment. Jay had finally gotten the courage to ask Gaeul out and she magically said yes. Jay had been celebrating this 'Glorious moment' (his words not mine) when you thought it would be the perfect time to tell him that you had sneaked out last night. You left the part out about Jake being a werewolf, about him being the creature you had been searching for for five years of your life. You didn't want Jay to freak out and go into a state of anxiety where he did nothing but stare forward so you left it out.
"It's not that big of a deal. Plus I didn't even get to open that stupid door anyways." You lied to Jay, who was laying on the grass, with his eyes shut, courtesy to the sunlight shining on his face. "Do we have any joint periods with the Gryffindors today?" Jay asked you, as you checked your timetable. "No we don't Jay." You responded, with a fake stern tone. "If you wanna talk to Gaeul again, just write her a fucking letter or man up and sneak inside her dorm." Jay looked scandalised at your words and was about to fire back, when- "Hey guys." A honey voice rang behind you. It was Jake, Sunoo and Yunjin, accompanied by your Slytherin friend Riki who was a year younger than you guys, but he was cute enough that he hung out with you. He was also an honorary member of the 'We have horrible parents' club. "How's your auntie Riki?" You asked as you ruffled Riki's blonde hair, to which he slapped your hands away and put his head on your shoulder. "Why don't you ask how I am instead? I am dying right now because of all the Transfiguration homework I've just been given. " He grumbled as Sunoo rolled his eyes, muttering something about 'getting into fifth year first'. "Wonyoung asked Sunghoon out by the way." Riki informed you guys, to which you and Sunoo gasped. "What did he say?" Sunoo asked, excitedly, bouncing up and down. "Steal some food from the kitchens with me first and maybe then I'll tell you." Riki shot a mischievous grin at Sunoo, who pulled out his wand, threatening to hex Riki. You, Jay and Yunjin laughed out loud seeing Sunoo chase Riki around the grass, wand in hand, hex ready.
You glanced at Jake, who was silently sitting in the corner, by the tree staring straight at the lake, face emotionless. He had dark circles under his eyes and his body looked frail, just like how it looked the night before. His eyes were closing every few seconds, but snapping open again, as if he was forcing himself to stay awake. Poor thing, you thought. He went through so much last night and he didn't even get to sleep much. You felt terrible even though you had done nothing. You felt hatred towards the entire world, towards the Heavens, for dimming such a sunshine like him, in the worst way possible. It broke you, when you thought about how many days he must have endured all of this alone, still managing to put on a smile at the end of the day.
"Hey Jake?" You gently asked him, scooting towards him and putting your hand on his arm. He flinched slightly at the sudden touch, but he relaxed once more as he put on that smile again. Now that you saw it, the smile was so heartbreaking. It hid his pain, as if his mind and heart were telling him 'don't show your tears!'. His eyes were so pretty, you thought, so brown like chocolate pudding. "What's up Y/Nnie?" He asked you, tone cheerful and laced with sweet honey. "oh nothing." You shook your head. "Just wanted to see if you're alright. How was your Herbology class?" Jake sighed and ran his fingers through his fluffy hair. He looked out at the lake once more, where the Giant Squid was sleeping peacefully. "I don't know why I keep failing at the subject. I lost two points for Hufflepuff because I put the wrong thing in the wrong pod. How am I supposed to know how much fertilizer a plant who bites off your arm requires? Maybe the fertilizer is Jay's simping for Gaeul for all I know." You burst out laughing at his statement, as he chuckled softly. Both of you were terrible at Herbology, which was weird since everyone in your friend group were basically masters at digging soil and taking out antidotes from certain plants. But hey atleast both of you were top of the class in Charms.
That night, you decided to go out once more. Jay said he would stay up all night to watch you, but you knew his ass would fall dead asleep the moment his neck hit the pillow. And you were right, as you crept out of your bed, in your cat form, Jay was snoring loudly, in the most coffin like sleeping position ever.
You once again strolled across to the Room of Requirement, thinking the same thing that you had thought yesterday. You didn't hear the sobs coming today. The room was the same, decorated with the solar system but weirdly enough there was a tiny cat bed and cat toys sitting next to a brown haired boy, who was sitting against the wall on the floor. "Hey there blackberry." Jake spoke softly to you, once again holding out his hand. "I-I thought you'd like this." He motioned towards the cat bed and the toys. They were purple in colour, your favourite shade, of plums. You jumped onto the cat bed and snuggled against the soft fabric, all whilst keeping your eyes fixed on Jake. He looked so fragile, like freshly shaped coloured glass. "Why do you keep looking at me blackberry?" He asked you, smiling at your wide eyes. Idiot, you thought to yourself. How could you be such an idiot? You had to behave like a cat, not a human. You meowed gently at him, as he stroked your fur, with a soft hand.
"You know we should get to know each other." Jake chuckled. "I mean you can't talk, so is it alright if I talk to you? Maybe tell you about me a little? And you can talk too if you want! How's that sound?" You meowed loudly at him, and swished your tail around. God he was so adorable. You had reached a bit early today, so he wasn't anywhere close to turning.
"My name's Jake. Well Sim Jake to be exact. What's yours? Hmm?" He held out an ear to you, pretending to be listening as if you were human. You let out another loud meow. "Blackberry is it? Well what a fine name! Pleasure to meet you." He shook your paw, playfully as you played along. "Well I guess I should tell you why I'm here and why I'm like this." He motioned to his arm, which was slightly beginning to fur up. "Well when I was eight, I got bit by my Uncle Rudy, who's also a werewolf. It was an accident but-" he sighed heavily, as you stared at the tears welling up in his eyes. "My momma died trying to protect me from he. He died two days later when my brother killed him. But I wasn't so lucky. So I ended up transforming into a monster every night the moon is in the sky." Hearing Jake call himself a monster broke your heart so much. Eight years was too young a child to have that horrible of a fate.
"Anyways-" Jake continued, trying to keep his tone calm. "Professor Dumbledore allowed me to attend Hogwarts because apparently there's another werewolf here too. An older one." You smiled to yourself at that. Remus Lupin, your cousin Sirius' best friend. "I still haven't met the other wolf though. I-I come here every moon filled night to transform. It's called The Room Of Requirement. Rumor has it that Helga Hufflepuff herself built this room. And it only opens in times of need. So today I asked the room for this bed and the toys-" he extended a hand towards you, stroking you. "So that you could be comfortable just incase you came I didn't expect you to come again though." The way he talked to you, the way he smiled at you, the way he treated an animal who he met just last night, it was so innocent. You felt that thing in your stomach again, that hatred, that burning feeling for the world. How dare they tell you that a person like Jake be a monster? How dare they tell you that werewolves were even monsters?
"Well enough about me-" Jake scratched your head again. "Tell me about you? What's your favourite colour?" You purred lowly at him, snuggling tighter against the bed. "Oh it's plum? What an interesting choice! Mine's blue. It's the colour of Y/N's house." The colour of Y/N's house? If he knew that the cat whose head he was currently scratching was Y/N herself, he would probably never talk to you again. "Y/N's such a nice girl you know?" He began, leaning back further against the wall. "She's one of my best friends. She's in Ravenclaw and she's really good at charms, just like me. You know she can do silent spells! She's so pretty too. If I had the courage to ask her I would- AHH.
Jake suddenly clutched onto his chest, and let out a painful cry, as black fur began rapidly enveloping his arms. He let go of his chest after a few minutes of what you felt like was pure agony. His face contorted into a grotesque one, eyes crinkled, but not like the way it did when he smiled at you and mouth stuck in the same open position.
"Im sorry Blackberry." He said, once he let go of his chest and began panting after some time. "I-Im not turning yet am I?" You were so bewildered at him. How could he be smiling at you after all of that? After all that agony, how could the smile still not leave his face?
"I was rambling about Y/N wasn't I?" He chuckled slightly. "Do cats also fall in love blackberry?" He asked you, to which you remained silent, choosing to stare ahead at him. "I mean do you ever see another cat and be like 'oh I love that cat'? Does that ever happen? Well it happens to humans, and it happens a lot. I really like Y/N, not just as a friend. Like I want to be with her like Jay wants to be with Gaeul. She's so beautiful inside and out and sometimes she doesn't realise that. I really do want to be with her blackberry, but I don't know how."
That night when you ran back to your dorm, you were distracted. Distracted by the words you had heard come out of Jake's mouth. 'I really like Y/N, not just as friends'. Did he really just confess to a cat about you? Did he really just confess to you about you? It was a weird thing, love. We all know it happens and yet we are so afraid to go after it. Where had God gone wrong with humans, that they would have to reject an essential part of life? An essential thing which our souls needed so desperately? Why were we so quick to turn it away?
You didn't even notice where you were going until you looked up and realised that you had reached the dorm already. Transforming back into your human self, you can in front of the Eagle doorknock, waiting for him to give you your riddle, to get in and wrap yourself in your comfy blankets.
"You're a peculiar child you are." You felt a shiver down your spine as the atmosphere turned cold again. You turned around to see her again. Helena Ravenclaw sitting on the floor. More like floating on the floor, with her ghostly gown spread out evenly. The dark stain on her stomach seemed to shine in the moonlight coming through the windows. "Miss Ravenclaw, what are you doing here so late?" You asked her, trying to ignore the pace of your heart. She merely smiled at you and looked out the window. "The ghosts in Hogwarts can travel anywhere, little girl. I was merely bored so I came to see if you were here again." She paused. "You're an Animagus aren't you? A cat, I presume?" The question as to how on earth she knew that was ignored by your mind. You were currently sinking into her beautiful voice. It was so intoxicating, so beautiful. You could see the melodies of her voice bounce around you.
"You get easily distracted. Did you know that?" She spoke again, breaking you out of your hypnosis. "Oh I-I'm sory Miss Ravenclaw. I didn't mean to-" "Call me Helena. I despise my last name." She responded to your stuttering apologies. "You go to visit that boy don't you? The Hufflepuff werewolf?" She asked you once more, curiously spreading over her face. "Y-yes I do." You answered, sitting down on the floor next to her. It was probably two am in the morning by now, but all that mattered was your conversation with her right now. "You must be wondering-" she cut in. "How I, the ghost of Ravenclaw House can know about a Hufflepuff boy?" She smiled again, and adjusted her skirt, slowly rising from the floor. "Well mysteries should always remain mysteries shouldn't they? I'll leave that up to you to figure out." With that she sped across the corridor and disappeared, once more leaving you cold and dark.
The next few days went in a blur. It was the same routine at night. Turn into a cat at night, open the Room Of Requirement, snuggle into the cat bed as Jake talked to you, and talk to the Grey Lady further into the night. You would think your sleep schedule was fucked up by now, but you were an insomniac from the beginning of time so it alright.
One thing that had changed was that now, you didn't run away when Jake started to turn. You stayed with him, hiding in the corners when he was turning, and once he turned into his wolf form, with black fur and yellow eyes, you would go up to him and pure softly to which he would respond by touching noses with you. He talked about a lot of things to you, his blackberry. He talked about the solar system, and how, one day he would like to invent something that would help him reach Saturn. 'To get a pretty ring for Y/N because she deserves the universe', he would explain, making your heart flutter and burst into a million pieces. He talked about badgers, lions, eagles and snakes and how he thought the Sorting System was a cruel way of separating mere children. He talked about the pretty autumn wind, the crowd which would nest outside his bedroom window, how his brother once turned him into an actual puppy. But most of all, he would talk about you. It melted your heart so much hearing, 'Y/N's favourite pie is pecan' and 'Y/N doesn't like when her bread is not toasted and she hates too much sugar in cakes but she adores those tiny flowers that they make with icing.'
The fact that he actually remembered all that shit about you, all of those things that you brought up which were highly insignificant, it was wonderful. And the Grey Lady noticed. She noticed how you eventually became more talkative. How you would talk to her about riddles and how the houses were misunderstood and how werewolves were such innocent creatures. You rambled to her most about Jake. About how he liked blackberries so much, about how he loved knitting yarn and how he would knit a sweater for his dog Layla every Christmas he was away from her. The Grey Lady laughed internally, at how stupid the youth was. To not realise that love was around the corner.
"I am actually dying right now Y/N I beg you kill me." Jay flopped down on the grass again as all of you sat down for your weekly shit talk session. Moon nights were over now, and you were a bit saddened, that you couldn't spend more time with Jake, although you mentally scolded yourself afterwards, for not realising that now, Jake would finally be out of his pain. You still talked to the Grey Lady, who came to the Eagle doorknock everyday and sat down, each time bringing you a new story of what she did along with Peeves the Poltergeist. She seemed happier now too for some reason unknown.
"Jay it was one date. It's fine. Gaeul still likes you." Wonyoung insisted bracingly to Jay, who was near the verge of tears. "Jay man it's fin-" "NO ITS NOT!" Jay loudly interrupted Jake, who jumped back a bit. "I spilt my butterbeer on her." Jay wept. "What kind of an idiot does that? I'm hopeless." You fought back the urge to laugh as you patted Jay's arm.
"Oh my god stop being so dramatic." Sunoo sighed, as he braided Wonyoung's hair. "She's planning to ask you out again, you idiot." Jay sat up straight at this, whipping his head to Sunoo so fast, you were surprised he didn't get whiplash.
Jake and you chuckled slightly as Jay rounded on Sunoo, interrogating him. "Did you sleep well last night Jake? The dark circles are gone." Yunjin asked Jake, who nodded fervently, setting his Herbology book down. "I think the herbal tea Y/N gave me last week is really helping." He explained, running his hands through his hair, as he usually did. "Thanks for that by the way Y/N. How did you know I've been wanting it for a long time?" Truth be told, he had told you, or technically blackberry about the tea leaves which he had been wanting to buy for a long time. You remembered that your aunt used to grow those leaves, so the next day you immediately wrote to her asking her for some tea bags, saying that it was for a friend.
"A magician never reveals her secret." You jived, making Jake and Yunjin laugh while Wonyoung and Sunoo rolled their eyes (Jay's still crying let him be in his delusions he's Ken). "What about you?" Jake quizzed you. "You've been sleeping well too? Even your dark circles are gone." The bags under your eyes had indeed disappeared after you stopped your daily cat nights. "Yeah. The moon's gone away so I guess I don't need to-" you stopped mid sentence, realising that your dumb brain was just about to give away your secret to the person you secretly visited every night. "You don't need to what?" Wonyoung asked, raising her left brow slightly, as all the attention shifted to you. "Oh um" you stuttered, before spotting someone who could take away the attention from you. "Jay, look! Gaeul's coming this way." You pointed her out to Jay, who immediately began to fix his hair and wipe away the tears on his face. All the attention successfully turned to Jay, who was approached by Gaeul, who asked him for another date on the next Hogsmeade trip. After she left, leaving Jay to be a squashed tomato laying on the grass, everyone took turns to tease him about it. All except for Jake, who you did not even notice was staring at you, not only with bewilderment but also with adored eyes
"Y/N can I talk to you later?" Jake had stopped you in the corridor, while you were walking back from Quidditch practice with Jay. You were a chaser on the team, and Jay usually came with you as moral support even though today he just came for Gaeul. "Yeah sure Jake. When is later specifically?" You joked, to which Jake responded with his signature smile. "Maybe after you change into your something more clean?" He pointed out your mud covered Quidditch robes. "I'll wait for you outside the dorm don't worry."
On the way to your dorm, Jay hadn't stopped giggling like an idiot over your interaction with Jake. He kept making our theories as to why he wanted to talk to you, like a fourteen year old girl which made you laugh a little, seeing your usually serious friend jest around.
"No don't wear that old piece of shit! You wanna look like a sad pathetic octopus who no one would want to date?" Jay was currently raiding your clothes, looking for something which gives, in his words, 'casual date aesthetic'. "I love octopuses for your information." You grumbled. "How much longer Jay?" Jay clicked his tongue like a mom, and pulled out a blue and yellow sweater. The one which Jake had knitted you for Christmas in your third year. It was a special sweater and you often wore it, courtesy to the yarn being cosy and warm.
Fifteen minutes later after you wore the sweater and the trousers which Jay had carefully picked out for you, you went out the common room's door, carrying the good luck given to you by Jay, Joshua and Sana. Jake, as he promised was standing there, hair cleaner than usual and in a dark blue sweater. "Where are we going Jake?" You inquired, curious about why he suddenly asked you. "You'll see." he said with a smirk on his face. You quietly tiptoed and climbed upto the fifth floor. A familiar route to you. It was close to the one you always took to reach him on his moon drunk nights. Actually, it was the exact one you took to reach him. Why was he taking you to The Room Of Requirement? Did he perhaps find out who his beloved blackberry actually was?
"Alright now." Jake stopped in front of the wall, where you knew was the magical room. It was probably nine thirty by now, and all the students would be in bed. "I need you to do something Y/N. Just shut off your brain and don't think if anything. Can you do that for me?" You nodded to his gentle question. You knew what he was doing. Whenever there are two people who required the Room of Requirement, only one of them would be able to open it by thinking about what they needed. You thus obliged to his request and shut your mind off, bringing yourself to think of a white screen with nothing on it.
The wall suddenly contorted to form the same door that it usually formed. The same oak doors, with carvings on them. Jake opened the door without saying a word to you. Your brain was getting fuzzy now. Did he actually find out? And if he did, would he still be your friend? A part of your soul? Your Aman Cara?
"I thought you'd like it." You stepped inside of the room, to find a it roofless, revealing all the pretty stars that shined for love and for rejoicement. The room was no longer blue and yellow like it usually was. It was purple now, and there were pillows everyway, along with some roses, arranged all pretty in a bouquet. "D-do you like it? I know it's weird to ask you out like this in such a creepy way but I can't do it in any other way." Jake nervously said, not noticing your awe struck eyes as you gazed at the stars above. "It-its beautiful." You breathed out, causing Jake to sigh with relief. "Y/N-" he suddenly called out to you. "I-Ive been wanting to tell you for a long time. But I really like you and I want to be more than friends with you. And I understand if you don't feel the same way but I reall-"
The rest of his words got drowned out by you pouncing on him and connecting your lips to his. His lips tasted sweet and smooth, like the leftover cake batter which you would lick and like an old book which you would get out of a bookstore after searching for it for a long time. The kiss tasted like cotton candy, melting in your mouth as soon as it touched your tongue. The dance that your lips performed against each other was amazing, like a female ballerina trusting her male partner to lift her up In the air to create a music drunk dance, which would enchant the audience.
Jake pulled away from the kiss first, a dopey smile on his face, his eyes not leaving yours. "I've been wanting to do that for some time." He finally said, after a few minutes of just smiling at you. "Me too." You confessed, hugging his closer and caressing his hair. "So what do we do now blackberry?"
Your world suddenly stopped hearing the last word coming out of his mouth. He knew? How do he know? "Did the cat really look that much like me?" Jake smiled again and kissed your forehead gently. "I've always told everyone that I never liked tea." He chuckled softly. "So if you really were my friend you'd remember that won't you? But if you were a certain cat, you would know my favourite tea leaves." You mentally slapped yourself for being so stupid and giving away your secret so easily. "Also the Grey Lady told me." "Sim Jake I will hex you, you asshole!" He chuckled slightly as you quizzed him about how he knew the Grey Lady. "She used to talk to me when I used to be alone. Apparently ghosts can enter this amazing room and she would often talk to me about her life. But when she saw a cute little cat coming here every night, she figured out who you were. And let's just say ghosts aren't really good at keeping secrets." Both of you giggled as you stood in the room, gently swaying and holding each other, never to let go ever again. No matter how sad the days would be, how blue they would be, you knew that from now on, your nights would be filled with bright yellow sunshine, and perhaps a bit of moonlight too.
"FINALLY THEY'VE GOTTEN TOGETHER IM DYING HAPPY NOW." Jay screamed at the top of his lungs, as Gaeul sat beside him, covering her ears. There you were again, sitting in your normal place near the lake, feeding the Giant Squid, when you thought this would be the perfect time to tell your friends that Jake was now your boyfriend. Their response was good, well maybe barring Jay crying his eyes out and hugging you, telling you that he was proud, while you looked at Gaeul, wondering how she ever managed to put up with him. You did tell them that Jake was a werewolf, to which they responded quite well, saying that they simply did not care. (Jake shed some tears at that)
Jake and you cherished the moonlit nights now that Jake didn't have to spend them alone. It was peculiar to the beings within the magical paintings in the castle, as to how two creatures, so different in their worlds could ever kiss under the moonlight every day and drink the stars up, intoxicating themselves on each other.
And the Grey Lady smiled again knowing that she had a story to tell every child who would stay up late at the Ravenclaw dorm, lost in their thoughts. The story of the cat and the werewolf, who fell in love, under a drunken moon.
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bratzydollz · 8 months
"Ivanka's Grand Unveiling: Who is Ivanka? 💋✨ #IvankasReveal #IvankaHasThe411"
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January 10th, 2024.
•—✧✷ Well, well, well, Upper East Shifters! The prodigal blogger has returned! Cue the applause, the confetti, and, of course, the eye rolls. Yes, my fellow shifters and followers, it's moi—Ivanka. I've been MIA for what feels like a century, and in the midst of my Instagram-worthy life drama, I've managed to gain a few followers. Not that they care, but hey, who needs a lame and basic introduction when you're living the chaotic dream?
Round of applause for my stellar disappearing act! Bravo, Ivanka. But enough about that. Let's dive into the grand reintroduction because, let's face it, you've been deprived. What can I say? Life's been a rollercoaster, with more twists and turns than a binge-(un)worthy season finale of Riverdale. But fear not, for the gossip and glam are back, and I'm about to spill the tea on yours truly. Ready or not, here comes the multidimensional Ivanka comeback!
✧ About me, Xoxo.
—✧✷ Greetings, cyber citizens! I'm your digital deity, Ivanka Beeyuh, reigning over the online realm. Real identity? Baby, that's a closely guarded secret. She/they pronouns are my melody, and proudly transcribing my existence as a fabulous transgender woman. Virgo vibes and INFP musings – at the ripe age of 19, I'm navigating the academic jungle with a major in Business Administration. Because, let's be real, who doesn't love a business-savvy queen?
Oh, and here's a little nugget of trivia to spice up the Ivanka saga—I'm rocking the Klinefelter Syndrome, making me a naturally sculpted divine doll. HRT process? A breeze, honey. Feeling blessed, and this goddess is ready to conquer the digital cosmos. Buckle up, buttercups! 🌟💻 #IvankaBeeyuh #OnlineRoyalty
—✧✷ Listen up, trendsetters and multiverse explorers! Ivanka Beeyuh, your guide through the virtual wonderland, is spilling the tea on her current obsessions. Since the mystical year of 2020, shifting has been my jam – and yes, girlies, I've successfully made the leap! Yay for alternate realities!
Now, let's talk beauty—natural vibes with a splash of bold Latina and Thai makeup, because who says you can't slay in multiple cultures? Embracing the magic of witchcraft, I'm your modern-day enchantress. Need some data entry wizardry? Count me in. And of course, strutting the cyber catwalk, because fashion is life.
But wait, there's more! Yours truly is also a subliminal sorcerer, crafting unseen spells for your subconscious. I've got a stash of creations waiting to dazzle, and when they hit the digital airwaves, you'll be the first to know. Stay tuned, my cyber comrades! 🌐💄🔮
—✧✷ Hold onto your broomsticks, spellbinders! Ivanka Beeyuh here, spilling the enchanted tea about my bewitching side. Yes, luvly, I'm not just interested in witchcraft—I am a full-fledged chaos-type witch, and I'm here to own it. No rulebook, no limitations—I dance to the rhythm of my own magical beat.
Quick disclaimer: I'm not your run-of-the-mill chaos magick witch. Let's get one thing straight – my craft is a constantly evolving masterpiece, not a cookie-cutter spell from the dusty pages of some ancient tome. Had to clear that up because, you know, some witches get their broomsticks in a twist when you mix "chaos magick" and "creating your own craft" in the same cauldron <3.
And now, a moment of worship for the Goddess of Keys and Witchcraft, the ultimate diva, Hekate. Bow down, beauties, for her cunty aura is the reason I'm a devoted follower. The slay is real, and so is my commitment to the mystical queen.
—✧✷ Picture this: the current earworms that have me spellbound include the hypnotic vibes of Melanie Martinez, the powerhouse notes of Ariana Grande, the offbeat allure of Ayesha Erotica, the soulful serenades by SZA, and the sultry sounds of Summer Walker.
Now, let me spill the real tea—I might not be the maestro of musical taste. In fact, I'm shamelessly riding the trend wave, and who can blame me? These beats are too good to resist.
•—✧✷ Alright, my curious companions, buckle up for a little rendezvous into the aesthetics of both my CR-self and DR-Self. If you're itching to unravel the layers of my vibe, swing by to the "Ivancore" page, or if you want more shifting teas, drive your Mercedes to "Ivanka's Shifting Teas" that you can access from the front page! 👀
And with that, my luvlies, behold the finale of my introduction—lovely, yet a tad messy. Here's to hoping that as you tread the path of my posts, you, my moots and followers, get to uncover the layers of Ivanka Beeyuh. For now, a temporary farewell, my luvlies. Buh-bye~
Xoxo, Ivanka. 💋🫧
back to front page —❥ 💙
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Forever Immortal | part 1.
Summary: My name’s not Ebony, it’s Sable. And this is why you never tell your story to stoned Muggles, they will write the story down as an absolute rollercoaster of a ride. Here’s my story. Let’s hope I do it justice. 
Warnings for the Series: violence, trying to make sense of Ms. Tara’s writing, attempts at a coherent plot
Pairing: draco malfoy x black!oc, maybe harry potter x black!oc (i’m reading the fic as I write it so I don’t remember exactly what Tara wrote)
Word Count: 3.3k 
A/N: HI! Yes, It is the time we’ve all been waiting for. I am attempting to make a real plot/story from the infamous “My Immortal” fanfic. We as a fandom were blessed, or cursed, with this nightmare/dream of a story. I hope you guys enjoy this re-telling 
A/N II: I will turn this into a reader fic if y’all request that! It’ll be like how Little Situation is a reader fic but you get assigned a name instead of Y/N. (I’ll make a separate post about this in case you forget) 
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The rain soaks my long, straight black hair as I walk through the courtyard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry before breakfast. It soaks through the My Chemical Romance t-shirt I found at a random muggle thrift shop that I liked to use as a pajama top. My outdoor slippers are getting a little muddy but I can’t bring myself to care. 
A dreary day can’t stop me from being outside. It’s always been a routine for me. No matter the weather, I always stroll through the courtyard before changing into my school uniform and going to the Great Hall for breakfast. It’s a way to clear my head. Sometimes, it’s the only peace I get all day from the visions. 
A sigh escapes my lips as my carefully straightened hair goes back to curly. I already knew it was going to rain but I still wanted to straighten my hair. I might be a Seer but I don’t believe we can see the future perfectly. One day, my visions would be wrong and my hair would survive a supposed rainy day. 
“Hey, Sable Haze Dove Lane!” a voice shouts out from behind me. 
I don’t have to turn around to know it’s Draco Malfoy. Draco makes it his mission to bother me almost every single day. It’s a thing we do. I think. He’s been doing it since third year. I can hear his deep laughter as I walk back into the castle Hogwarts calls home. 
Like I already knew it would, the rest of my hair completely curls up as I get changed. Searching my drawers, I grab my pink knee-high socks. Flitwick stopped trying to take away house points for my uniform socks in second year. Looking in the mirror, I grimace. My hair is going into a tight bun. There’s no point in trying to straighten it again. The rain is here to stay for the entire day — I already saw it earlier. Grabbing my messenger bag, I head out for breakfast. 
I feel a body drop down in the empty seat next to me. I don’t have to look to know it’s Cho Chang and that she probably has a smirk plastered on her face. My amber brown hand pushes a stray curl out of my eye line before reaching for the jar of strawberry jam. 
“I saw,” Cho starts, scratching at one of her braids. “Draco Malfoy coming out of your favorite courtyard.” 
My eyes roll to the back of my head. “And?” 
“And I’m wondering if there was any conversation. Or if you two finally made out.” 
“Ew, Cho, gross. The only conversation Malfoy is ever getting is going to be one-sided.” 
“He likes you.” 
“He likes annoying me,” I retort. 
“I think he actua—” 
“New topic, please?” 
Cho laughs, taking the second piece of toast off my plate. “Alright, alright. Hufflepuff’s having a party in their common room for Halloween. You in?” 
“Is Justin’s band playing?” 
“Do you think Page Three-Ninety-Four would ever miss a chance at a gig?” 
The two of us chuckled. Justin’s band isn’t the best by a longshot but they’re the only student band at Hogwarts that’s lasted more than a year. Even though Cho and I are in Ravenclaw, we both agree Hufflepuff always hosts some of the best parties. It’s partially because their dorms are right next to the kitchens and the house elves love them. I agree to go just for Cho. 
Besides, it’s a Halloween party. Halloween parties are always fun. And I live to dress up. Not feeling like spending a lot of money, I use whatever clothes I have in my trunks to make a costume. Is sexy Audrey Hepburn too much? I have a black dress but it’s a bit too short and I wonder why I even brought it this year. There’s nothing else I own that would really make a good costume. I have the dress, some pearls, sunglasses I’m not going to wear, and a crown. Sexy Breakfast at Tiffany’s it is. I roll my eyes as Cho wolf-whistles when I enter Hufflepuff’s common room. She hands me a cup of starlight mojito. I down it in a matter of seconds. 
Justin’s band is going off. Page Three-Ninety-Four might actually have gotten better over the summer. The common room is dark and humid. Some people are playing drinking games or Seven Minutes in Heaven on the couches. Others are making out in corners or eating all the snacks at the food table. 
Most of us are jumping up and down to the music, trying not to spill our drinks on each other. I’m sure if anyone was to walk past Hufflepuff right now, they’d hear us all screaming the lyrics to “Mischief Managed” along with the band. I roll my eyes as Cho leans over. 
“Roger Davies got hot, didn’t he?” she shouts in my ear. “Like he just looks totally better than he did last year? Summer did him good, right?”  
Of course, she has a thing for the drummer. If anyone’s hot it’s obviously Dean Thomas. His stage presence can’t be beat. Justin might have started the band but he was smart in making Dean the frontman. Plus whenever Dean and Hannah start harmonizing, the way he looks at her does something to me. 
“Bloody hell,” Draco says as I turn around without any warning, switching my empty cup for his full one. 
“Why do you still insist on trying to sneak up on a Seer?” 
“One day, I’ll surprise you.” 
“Mmm hmm, sure, Malfoy… What do you want?” 
Draco smiles, taking my wrist and lifting his cup I stole to his lips. He took a sip before he spoke. “Shouldn’t a Seer be able to tell, Lane?” 
“If I used my powers for everything then life would be so boring. Entertain me.” 
“Well, I wa—” 
“Malfoy bothering you?” Harry comes up behind, putting a hand on my shoulder. 
“I’m fine.” I tilt my head all the way back to give him a smile. 
“See. She’s fine,” Draco says with a sneer. 
The tension between the two of them is evident. Draco and Harry were the briefest fling in Hogwarts history but they were intense. When the two of them ended things — on a very sour note — it felt like the entire student body had to take sides. Sometimes we can’t tell if they still want to be with each other or not. Despite being friends with Harry, the two of us never talk about that. 
He was the one that had cut it off with Draco. The Triwizard Tournament took a toll on the entire school but Harry suffered the most. Not just in fourth year but last year as well. Cedric barely made it out alive, injured beyond belief. And Harry… He saw some things he refused to tell others. Things I only know about because of my powers. It was hard for him to get past the whole Lucius Malfoy being a Death Eater thing. I can’t blame Harry for the breakup but I also understand Draco’s bitter feelings. He can’t control his parents and what they do. 
I feel myself freezing up at receiving a vision. I can’t see in front of me but I can hear Harry asking Draco if he put anything in the drink. Even though I can hear the two arguing, I can’t seem to pull myself out of the vision. It keeps playing over and over again as if it’s trying to warn me. It might as well stop. I understand the vision loud and clear. This year ends one of two ways, with Harry’s death or Draco’s. The vision releases me before I can try to see if there’s another path.  
I shake my head as Harry squeezes my shoulder. “Sorry. I just failed Charms. Well, I will be failing Charms in about two days when we get the tests back.” 
Lying doesn’t feel good but I don’t know if I’m ready to tell them the truth. 
“Can you check my grade?” 
A snort escapes me. “Harry, it doesn’t work that way.” 
“It doesn’t or you won’t try.” 
“It doesn’t.” 
He purses his lips for a moment before letting them rest into his usual small smile. “Fine.” 
I finish Draco’s drink before putting the empty cup in his hand. I can’t be at the party anymore. Not after what I just saw. Unlike with the weather, I need to be wrong about this. Just this once, can my powers be a lie? I stalk back up to Ravenclaw tower. The air around me feels heavy and not because of my recent vision. 
I squint as I turn around. Reaching my hand into the air, I somehow have a solid grip on it. An invisibility cloak falls away as I yank on it. Neville and Ron have stupid goldfish expressions on their faces. I huff. 
“Really? If you’re going to think about being complete perverts and look up girls’ skirts, next time don’t try a Seer.” 
Ron hit Neville. “I told you it was Sable and not Luna.” 
I scoff. “Get the fuck out of here before I report you. And if I ever see you in my visions being creeps, I’m reporting you to Dumbledore.”
Neville’s face goes red. “N-n-no, Luna and I ar— I-I’m supposed to go see her. We just aren’t ready to be public. Harry let me use the cloak, Ton’s just making sure it gets back.” 
I blink. Heat rises to my face as I realize I screwed up. My apology comes out in stuttered fragments. Neville and Ron head up to the tower first while I run back down the stairs. Tears are blinding my vision as I keep running. Alcohol and visions clearly don’t mix. Normally, I can push everything away. The stupid thoughts of Harry and Draco keep creeping up on me. I stumble back when I hit a soft wall. 
“Sable? Are you okay, love?” 
I look up to see Draco, his face flushed red. He wipes at the tears on my cheeks. Both of us start laughing hysterically at the soft gesture. My fingers trace over his nose. 
“You look so drunk.” 
Draco shakes his head. “I look drunk? You look drunk.” 
“Mmm hmm.” 
“Mmm hmm.” 
We start going back and forth as we walk. I don’t think either of us know where we’re going. Our conversation starts to have more words but I have no clue what we’re talking about. We keep going from topic to topic. Eventually we end up in front of the Slytherin entrance. Draco holds a hand up to pause our conversation, making me giggle. He leans forward to tell the wall the password. 
“Hippogriff… no wait, pureb— wait a minute, Slytherin? Salazar? Pureb— I already said that, no wait, yeah. Pureblood.” 
The wall opens to reveal their common room. My face feels even hotter as Draco grabs my hand. I start to itch as we walk towards the prefect area where his room must be. A vision keeps trying to enter my mind but something’s blocking it. It’s all fuzzy or blurry and it might be because I’m tipsy. Something like a pale figure with white hair crosses my mind before it disappears. Oh, well. It must not have been important. 
Draco turns around to face me once we enter his room. “Why were you crying?” 
I shrug. “I don’t know, can’t remember.” 
“Pretty girls shouldn’t cry.” 
“I wasn’t crying.” 
His thumb traces over my lips. “Pretty girls shou— Can I kiss you?” 
“Can you?” 
He slowly starts to lean in. It’s too slow for my liking. The distance between us is no more. His lips are against mine. His hands are cupping my face before they move to caress my body. My hands are holding onto the fabric of his lame lumberjack costume. Our clothes are off before we know it, both of us tripping over each other as we try to get to his bed. 
“I’ve never done this before,” Draco whispers against my lips. “I’ve only snogged, never done this.” 
“Me either,” I say before kissing all over his face. 
He smiles and it lights up his room like the sun. Draco sits up, pulling me up with him. His eyes roam over my body. He snaps the waistband of my panties and fiddles with my bra strap. I close my eyes as he presses kisses to both of my cheeks. 
“I don’t think I’d be happy with myself if this was our first time. Let’s get you dressed for bed, Little Raven.” 
I flop on the bed after taking off my bra, watching Draco walk to his dresser. “My house’s animal is an eagle.” 
“Why’s it called Ravenclaw then?” 
My mouth opens before closing. He laughs at me as he hands me a shirt. Draco’s eyes look everywhere but me as I sit up and try to put his shirt on. I poke his cheek. 
“You like MCR?” 
Draco takes off his shirt and gets under the duvet, motioning for me to join him. “I’ve heard a few of their songs. They aren’t bad.” 
“You like a muggle music?” 
“Don’t tell my father.” 
I hold up my pinky with the utmost seriousness. He locks it around mine. We both kiss our thumbs and swear to secrecy on our inside joke. I let Draco pull me closer, snuggling into his chest. He presses a kiss to my hair. I think I say something but sleep is pulling me under.  
I roll over with a groan. I’m not hungover but I feel tired. Rubbing my face, I think about what I have to do for the day. My hand drops, hitting something instead of my duvet. A scream leaves my mouth as I shoot out of bed. Why is Draco Malfoy in my roo— I’m in his room. Merlin, I’m in his room. I’m in his bed. I’m in one of his black pajama shirts. And he’s shirtless. 
Draco wakes up at my yelling. He sits up slowly, giving me a smile. I shake my head, signaling between the two of us. 
“This didn’t happen.” 
“Would it be that bad i—”
Draco stands up. He grabs my hand before I can leave his room. I turn to face him, waiting for him to say something snarky. He runs a hand through his platinum blonde hair. Draco holds me by my shoulders. 
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. I don’t think we did anything. And we can both pretend nothing ever happened if it did. But I don’t think anything happened.” 
“How do you know?” 
“Because I’ve been planning my first time with you since last year and I don’t see the remnants of flower petals anywhere.” 
Draco sighs. “Look, I don’t remember what I said to you last night.”
“That makes two of us.” 
“But whatever I said, I meant it. If I called you beautiful, or smart, or just said I liked you which would be the worst confession ever. I meant it. I know you think we’re just a joke but I stopped seeing you as a joke a long time ago. You just won’t let me in. I would… Can you just give us a chance? Or think about it?” 
I grab the doorknob. “I can think about it.” 
That’s the last thing I say to Draco before leaving the Slytherin dorms. When I reach my room, I ignore my roommates as I head to the bathroom. I don’t want to answer any questions about where I’ve been. Brushing my teeth takes longer than usual just so I can avoid them for longer. 
Cho senses that I don’t want to talk about last night. She links her arm in mine. We joke about Seamus blowing himself up again in Charms as we leave our dorm. The common room is surprisingly sparse when we get downstairs. Everyone else has either already gone down to breakfast or they’re still sleeping off the party. We leave the Ravenclaw Tower. I look up from adjusting my skirt when I feel Cho stop. 
Draco is outside our door. He sheepishly holds up a neatly folded dress, my necklace and crown are on top of it. “You left these.” 
“Thanks,” I say, not making eye contact with him or my friend. 
I quickly dart back into my room to throw my clothes in my trunk. Draco’s no longer there when I come back outside. I refuse to answer any of Cho’s questions as we make our way to the Great Hall. I barely meet eyes with Draco when I enter the Hall, both of us quickly looking away. He must have been serious about his words. Draco isn’t one to give people space or look away almost like he was shy. 
The Great Hall somehow seems too small. Maybe because I didn’t get a chance to walk in the courtyard this morning? I take a pumpkin pasty to-go. Turning the corner to go outside, I bump into someone. Harry starts apologizing for not looking where he was going. 
“Harry, it’s fi— What happened to you?” 
He looks paler than usual. His curls have no life to them and his scar looks angry somehow. It’s red as if someone scratched him. And there’s sweat beading up along his hairline. 
“I’m fine.” He starts to walk away, going just slow enough that it can’t be considered running.” 
He turns around when I call him. 
“Your glasses.” I hold up the eyewear that fell off his face when he ran into me. 
“I know something’s wrong. You can tell me, you know?” 
He nods. “I know. I promise I will. I just need some time to think. Than—” 
Harry and I double over in pain. I’ve had over hundreds of visions but none of them had ever been painful before. I can barely bring myself to stand. I look at my surroundings. It’s some damp cave. My mind scrambles to think of if I’ve ever seen this place before. 
“What’s happening?” 
I turn around, wide-eyed. “Harry? You can see this too?” 
He rubs at his scar. I wonder if sometimes his scar made him see stuff, if we are almost the same somehow. We must be so close to each other that we’re seeing the same thing. Harry suddenly pulls out his wand. 
I look in the direction of where he casted a spell. Voldemort was staring at us both. He laughed when Harry’s spell fizzled out. 
“We aren’t in reality. You can’t use magic here.” He leans over a large stand stuck in the rocks, looking in the bowl. “I know what you’re doing, Harry Potter. You forget, I can touch you now. Your mother’s stupid love is starting to fail. Keep trying, Harry. I will kill you before the school year is over. No matter how many little bits of my soul you find.”  
“You won’t win.” 
Voldemort ignores Harry. He races over to me, grabbing me by the face. “It’s never too late to join my side. You’d be a fine Death Eater, powers beyond belief.” 
“I will never join you.” I spit in his face. Voldemort digs his nails into my cheek. 
“Then you’ll die too, half-blood. I know what you’ve seen. You can’t save them both. Try and you might kill them both. Don’t try to stop him.” 
The cave is gone before I can say anything else. Harry and I both look at each other. I’m still a bit out of it but I think I can hear a voice calling out to me and Harry. I feel someone pull me into a hug. Draco has an arm wrapped around my waist and a hand on Harry’s shoulder. 
“Are you two alright?” 
I look up at Draco. His ice gray eyes stop looking at Harry and stare down at me. 
“Draco, what did you do?”
(part 2)
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107​ @i-have-no-life-charlie
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uncertainwallflower · 2 years
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Bella's Masterlist
THREE IS A LUCKY NUMBER, YOU KNOW Words: 4K | Chapters: 1/1 | Rating: T | AO3
Remus leaves Sirius in the lurch, going on an Order Mission with Marlene McKinnon and leaving nothing but a rushed letter containing no real detail. Sirius is left to grapple with his abandonment while Remus secludes himself in misery.
CHRISTMAS KISSES Words: 1K | Chapters: 1/1 | Rating: T | AO3 WATTPAD 
A fluffy Jily one-shot inspired by one of my favourite Christmas carols, “Baby It's Cold Outside.” 
ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL Words: 24.1K | Chapters: 7/25 | Rating: T | Co-creator: @merlinsbbeard | AO3
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. And the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have very small minds, indeed. Or: Lily Evans is flung into the vicious cesspit that is the Hogwarts Dating Scene. Filled with boys and Quidditch parties and Firewhisky and friendly inter-house relations and tears and mean girls and public displays of affection—gag.
BETWEEN THE DESIRE AND THE SPASM Words: 24.3K | Chapters 9/? | Rating: M | AO3
Trains are arguably the centre of everything. The sinew of civilisation for muggles and wizards alike. They are where all walks of life converge. Congregate. In synchronised traversal. Shared agony inflicted by the piercing screech of metal on metal, bonding all patrons aboard a carriage. And outside. A passing glimpse of someone you thought you’d never see again. Trains. They change everything.
Related content: Chamomile,
EXPECTATION’S ENCUMBRANCE Words: 3.5K | Chapters: 2/? | Rating: G | AO3
Miss Lillian Evans is entirely uninterested in marriage, thank you very much. James Potter, Viscount Godric, could not agree more. After an introduction from a mutual friend, one Mr Lupin, the pair form a friendship in which they laugh at the ridiculousness of their marriage-minded society together and pass away endless tiring fetes in each other's company.
I CAN’T LOVE HIM Words: 48.9K | Chapters: 9/? | Rating: T | AO3 | WATTPAD | CHARACTER AESTHETICS
James Potter was an intolerable prick. A dim-witted, egotistical toerag who wasn't worth Lily's time. Well, unless, in the case of a good telling-off; that was very much worth it. This was true right up until the last few weeks of fifth-year when her whole life was flipped on her head, and she was left to work out what in Merlin's name to do with it.
SO, DOE Words: ~400 | Chapters: 2/7 | Rating: G | AO3 | WATTPAD
A record of all the letters James ever sent to Lily and some replies. From 1st through to 7th year. 
TO LIVE WITHOUT A HEART Words: 1.3K | Chapters: 2/? | Rating: M | AO3 | WATTPAD
James wasn’t home that night. It was the one decent thing Peter did, and James hated him for it.
MICROFICS SERIES Words: 7.68K | Works: 32 | AO3
A collection of drabble ranging multiple characters and ships.
To Be Undone E Twiggy Contraptions of Death G In Which James Lost Lily G O Captain! My Captain! G Make a Wish Harry G Fumes That Curled and Twisted G A Commingling of Events G Sweet Sweet Salvation T Anguish & Anchorage T The Virtue of Sharing G Sneezewort Pruning G If Not Forever, For Now G Creature of Habit G Kumquat Jam T Nettle Wine & Commiseratory Snogging T Fear My Wrath G The Constant Tang of Blood G The Heads’ Private Quarters M A Welcome Distraction T Because You're Mine G Loose Strands and Sleeping Draughts T It All Comes Out in the Wash T Red Velvet Curtains T The Cruciatus Curse M Tender Flesh M Beetle-Browed Boy E The Price of Lust M Blossom Bodies E Broom Closet Communion E Setting A Proper Example M Familia, Amare, Fide G Beastly, Silken-Lipped & Smirking T The Mind's Eye M Academic Attentions E James "Blood-Traitor" Potter M Sunburnt Skin Hitherto Forbidden T Telliephone T Pressed & Bandaged Flowers T Never Far Behind (Those Vivid Knuckles) E Grated Nerves G Atlas (Muggleborn Burden) T Like a Lovesick Puppy G Giggling Grown Men T Dead Skin Cells G Lovey Dovey T Nesting G
LAST EDITED: 25/07/2024
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McGonagall vs. Voldemort Pt. I (From Ch 3)
It was only five minutes until lunch when the doors blew off of the Transfiguration classroom, causing screams from the third-year Ravenclaw students who were supposed to be practicing their spells. Professor McGonagall just barely intercepted one of the doors, turning into loose straw before it careened into her students in the first row.
“Minerva, I regret to inform you that your services are no longer required at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” The students gasped as Voldemort himself walked into the classroom.
His wand was trained on her. With remarkable speed, she dodged a jet of green light while pointing her own wand at her desk. Hundreds of papers flew into the air, flapping just like a flock of birds. They surrounded the intruder, swarming around him and obscuring his view.
“Students! You must escape through my quarters! At once!” Her voice was almost deafening, though none of the students had seen her cast a Sonorus. 
The entire class was panicking as they clambered to the back door in the classroom, even as Voldemort slashed his wand through the enchanted papers, causing them to alight with fire. The pages had become flaming arrows, which were directed towards the students jamming through the back exit.
McGonagall pointed her wand at a nearby table, which animated and flung itself in front of the volley of arrows. “Engorgio!” she shrieked, and the table grew as it fell to its side, absorbing the strikes of the arrows as the last of the terrified students disappeared into the doorway. 
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tev-the-random · 3 years
The Crystal Cliffs Academy of Wizardry is finally open, which means it’s time for me to headcanon.
> Mineralogy and Crystal Healing classes are the most popular in Crystal Cliffs due to the empire's huge natural collection of magical minerals.
- Gem is particularly knowledgeable in this field, as it is the basis of her magical studies. Surprisingly, - or perhaps not so much - Fwhip also excels in this subject, and he sometimes helps Gem with the classes.
> A class closely tied to Mineralogy is Tool Crafting. The students learn how to craft staffs and wands that can amplify, direct and purify their magic. General studies of minerals, wood properties, carving and sigil-making are applied, as well as the general handling of magic tools.
- This is another subject Fwhip likes to help with, specifically when it comes to applying technology to the craft - meanwhile, Gem knows best of the traditional crafting and magical applications of said tools.
- Pixl sometimes provides copper wires to be used in Tool Crafting. Gold sometimes is provided by Scott, while Joey offers a small supply of jungle wood.
> Sigils is another popular class, due to its sheer usefulness. Though Gem likes to keep these classes objective, she doesn't aim for mere memorisation of the symbols. Their history and properties are explained, as well as their formation, so students can create their own sigils or simplify/stylise existing ones without losing their effects.
- Shubble Shrub Berry's Forest Golems are used as a prime example of sigil carving for giving life, and although Shrub is having a hard time right now, I can see Gem asking her to bring some more of her carvings to be presented to the students in Sigils class.
- There is a whole section on most students' grimoires dedicated solely to the sigils discovered in Rivendell.
- Although material is provided for writing down sigils, it's not rare to see loads of sigils written everywhere, as students often do. On the desks, sometimes on a wall, behind tests, on any susceptible wooden structure... sometimes on cheat sheets - the headmistress doesn't allow those, though. Although Gem is very proud to see her students applying their Sigils learnings, she sometimes has to use magic to remove the symbols scattered around the school.
> Classes on Fairy Circles are sometimes available; Gem learned just how useful they can be during Xornoth's time. Lizzy, Shrub, Katherine and Gem herself give the students their own teachings on the subject.
> Lizzy's classes on Sea Magic sometimes alternate with the usual Study of Magical Beasts. Her insight on the magic of the deep ocean, oceanic structures, water-based magic and aquatic creatures is considered almost cryptic, and sometimes field trips to the Ocean Empire are scheduled to give the students a better understanding.
- There are many benefits to being a marine biologist-
> Gem dreams of being able to take her students to see dragons. Growing up amongst those creatures, she knows there's a big difference between studying Draconology in theory and actually meeting dragons.
- Although the dragons of Crystal Cliffs aren't hostile towards the students, they're not exactly cuddly either. They keep a close watch of Hope's egg and act rather territorial to strangers. The headmistress would rather not bother the ancient creatures.
> Although she was hesitant at first, Gem has classes on Dark Arts and Demonology. Less so people can practice them and more so they know how to deal with it. What happened to Sausage and Joey should not repeat itself with anyone else, and that'll be much easier to accomplish if more people know how to avoid being tricked into those things.
> People like Joey, Scott and Pixl often have tips to offer about elemental magic.
> Though a lot of the initial students in the Academy are directly invited by Gem, the school will be open for anyone who wants to enrol and learn about their magic. Some people are sent from other empires through recommendation. Some are travellers that stumbled upon the Crystal Cliffs and decided to stay. Some travel far with the intent of finding other wizards and learning more. And some, like the very first students Gem housed, came with an initial hostile intent, but ended up caught up in the wizard's business and, through some threatening hospitality, decided to abandon the bandit life and stay at the school.
> Travels to the elder Elven Library are scheduled at least once per semester. Scott doesn't mind it, and Gem thinks the vast knowledge of the old tomes are a unique learning experience she shouldn't study alone.
- Although some students are prone to trouble, the Great Wizard believes they'll be able to do great things with their knowledge. If not, then it pleases her immensely that the magical arts are being revived trough each and every one of her students, and she can see the old wizards the lived on these cliffs would be proud as well.
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After knowing that Skye had a class and an exam when MC didn’t makes me find it hard to see how she IS in their year tbh. And there’s no way MC was just bunking off class and not studying for their exam. I think that honour goes to Beatrice (the bunking off classes part at least) 😂😂😂
Beatrice the Bunker...I don’t know why but that sounds so cool as a title and I can just picture someone like Tulip or Merula giving it to her, much to Penny’s chagrin. 😆😆
Yeah...Skye having an exam when MC doesn’t is often referred to as the checkmate point that proves she’s older. It makes sense, but I don’t know. For one thing, Skye is studying disillusionment charms. Which as far as I can tell, aren’t supposed to be on the curriculum until seventh year, and we now know for a fact that Skye wasn’t a seventh year. 
Furthermore...you ever notice how Skye is having an exam, way too early in the year? 🧐Going off book canon, Hogwarts doesn’t appear to have exams except at the end of the year. They’re always referred to as the “End-of-Year Exams” and the books never mention say, Hermione studying for an arithmancy exam, unless they’re toward the end of the book. 
This is only one example though. Apparently the “Outstanding/Exceeds Expectations” grading scale was only ever meant for fifth years and up. Something the fandom seems to either be ignoring, or just plain unaware of. I didn’t know myself until recently, and I’ve got to be honest - I think I’m just going to ignore it. That’s what I think Jam City is doing too. I think it’s safe to assume that they’re taking some liberties with the exact rules of the Hogwarts curriculum. Or else just not doing their homework that thoroughly (though they usually do, so...) Another example that comes to mind is how a lesson on Thestrals was saved for sixth year even though they were on the O.W.L. curriculum in the books. (I mean, we all know why the Thestral lesson happened when it did, but I’m just saying, in-universe.) 
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
You wanted personal opinion, I feel this will be very unpopular but “queering your craft” or whatever is bullshit. I myself am apart of the LGBT+ community so let me just explain
Witchcraft has no gender and this just tries to jam witchcraft into another box that it doesn’t deserve, if you can’t seperate gender (that doesn’t even exist beyond our comprehension) from magic then maybe you should try
I am also queer, and I see your points and actually fully agree with you, but I also need to point out a few things that I'm sure you already know but a casual reader of magical stuff might not.
While many people claim that witchcraft is a woman-only thing (which is a stupid but unfortunately commonly-held view), a lot of people lean into gendering things through the lens of Wicca, or rather a pop culture understanding of Wicca, which is where you get the "fire and air are masculine and water and earth are feminine" stuff that can be seen echoed around. I'm sure it goes further back than Wicca's founding in the 1950s (I believe European manuscripts started gendering plants and stuff around the time alchemy had its big boom, but I'm not a historian, so please don't take these parentheses as fact without doing your own research). Unfortunately, Wicca's founder and several of its big-name splinter sects were BIG on the "heterosexual only two genders fertility religion" thing, which melded into witchcraft more broadly when Wicca made its way into the public conscious.
If someone sees all of this gendering going on, it's no wonder that they'd want to pull it out of their craft (like I have done in my jump to wizardry) OR use it in specific instances (like a lesbian trying to cast a love spell that will draw a mystery feminine lover or a transmasc guy using magic to help combat his dysphoria).
Overall, I agree that witchcraft, like magic as a whole, is inherently genderless, and people stuff things into neat little boxes too much. Then again, I'm a wizard, so maybe I'm just playing 4D chess with this whole process.
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lumosatnight · 2 years
5 favorite fics self recs
Thanks @crazybutgood for the tag! It's always hard to choose my favorites, but I think I've narrowed it down.
What is this, fucking Jeopardy? [Drarry, E, 20.5k] 💖 This story is ridiculous, and I had a blast writing it. It may have fed my kitkat addiction and started it in a few others.
Draco is struck by a wayward curse of unknown origin and keeps trying to get Curse-Breaker Potter to help him. It’s rather frustrating that he seems to be so busy… and that Draco can only speak to him in questions.
White, the colour of flowers [Drarry, M, 3.2k] 💖 Angst is my bread and butter. Hanahaki is my jam. Delicious multiple endings with a suffering Draco. I THRIVED writing this.
The first ending of our story goes like this. Draco is anxious, overwhelmed, and scared of his own shadow. He does not tell anyone about the flowers... and that is his first mistake.
7 Days of Halloween [Wolfstar, E, 26.7k] 💖 Halloween shenanigans with the Marauders. Such fun. Such crack lol.
Something was wrong with Remus. What it was, Sirius couldn’t say..... With Halloween quickly approaching and Remus acting stranger by the day, Sirius just hoped that his massive secret crush on his werewolf best friend would remain, well, secret.
Your Cigarette Smell [Sirius/Narcissa, E, 9.7k] 💖 A rare pair that will forever be one of the favorite works that I've written. My first fest fic that I feel like I poured my whole heart into.
It’s easy, she thinks. Falling into each other while their family falls apart. Lips connecting while other connections fizzle away. Losing themselves to pleasure while the rest of the world grows lost to war. Bodies sliding together as months slide by.
Rosmerta's Special Brew [Rosmerta/Andromeda, T, 6.0k] 💖 I wanted to write a story about queer joy and finding yourself and this is what came out. I still smile just thinking about this story.
This is a story about how Madam Rosmerta, of the Three Broomsticks fame, became the unofficial Queer Crisis Counselor for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, Wizardry, and Wixenry. Or, 5 times she helped other baby gays + 1 time they helped her.
Tagging (if you wanna join): @curlyy-hair-dont-care, @siriusly-sapphic, @paulamcg, @bluesundaycake, @vdoshu, @makeitp1nk, @the-francakes
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
How To Stop Time: Touch
Request: Please could you do a soulmate au where time stops when solemates touch for the first time with draco 💞
A/N: Another soulmate AU and for Draco? It’s like you’re treating me, I swear. You must know how much of a sucker I am for this man. Thank you so much for requesting this, nonnie! I hope I’ve done it justice! <3
Warnings: swearing - it’s a load of fluff and me waxing lyrical about the history of soulmates... again.
Word count: 2.1k
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The magic surrounding the tale of soulmates is so powerful that it is said time stops when soulmates finally touch.
The eldest witches and wizards in the magical community believe that in response to the muggle witch hunts across history, and particularly, the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the soulmate bond was created as a way for witches and wizards to identify their other half without the risk of increased danger.
To tiny witches and wizards, they grow up on this tale. They relish in the belief that their love for their soulmate is so powerful that time will stop once they touch; spurred on by the tales of their parents and grandparents before them who had found their soulmate in the other. Across the world, tiny witches and wizards curl up in their bed, dreaming of how time will stop the moment they find their soulmate.
As you progressed in your education at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, countless numbers of your friends found their soulmates. Each of them bounding up to you giddily as they each explained how time stopped the moment they touched their soulmate, and how it felt like time would always stop whenever they looked at them.
As you entered your seventh year and you still hadn’t found your soulmate, you began to question whether you had one. For a small percentage of the wizarding population, they did not have a soulmate, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing – those without a soulmate felt the freedom of being able to choose who they loved and who they dedicated their life to. However, as a teenager watching their friends fall in love around them, you were desperate to know if you had one.
Sure, you had crushes. The longest one being on the blonde-haired Malfoy heir, and the part of you that dreams at night, wonders whether it could be him for it seemed that he hadn’t found the person that made time stop for him either.
To say you were frustrated would be an understatement.
NEWT exams were rapidly approaching yet you felt no more confident with your potions ability than you did at the beginning of the year. You had barely scraped by to get into Slughorn’s Advanced Potions class but scrape by you did and now you find yourself questioning why you had ever taken the class.
Not to mention the fact that your soulmate was still to make an appearance. Your closest friend, Sam had found his soulmate in a Ravenclaw boy named James – they were lovely together, but the anxiety of not having found your soulmate as well as the upcoming exams diminished your happiness for them.
They comforted you; promising that you would find your soulmate soon and that you would pass your exams without fail. And though they tried their hardest, you found it hard to believe them.
Instead, you take matters into your own hands, pushing all thoughts of soulmates and your lack of one to the back of your mind as you approach Professor Slughorn after class in which a practical had gone drastically wrong. He agreed to help; promising he would call on you when he found it.
You left the classroom feeling somewhat at ease with his words. You may not have found your soulmate, but you’ll be damned if you don’t pass your exams.
Professor Slughorn calls on you on a Thursday evening; sending a note with a first year to your common room asking you to join him in his classroom. You head straight there, pulling on a jumper as you leave the common room.
“Miss (Y/L/N), thank you for joining us.” Professor Slughorn greets as you enter the classroom, taking in the sight of him and Draco Malfoy.
“Of course, Professor.” You say, sitting in the empty seat next to Draco.
Slughorn smiles at the two of you, “You approached me at the end of our last lesson, Miss (Y/L/N), asking for extra help with Potions, is that right?”
“I did, sir.”
“I spoke to Draco after we had our conversation, and he’s more than happy to tutor you, isn’t that right?”
Draco crosses a leg over the other, “It is. I’m more than happy to help.”
Slughorn claps his hands together, pleased at the fact that he’s sorted this between you both. “I’ll leave my classroom free for you both on Saturday, that way you won’t be disturbed.”
You stand from your seat, smiling at the professor and Draco. “Thank you.” You look at Draco, “I guess I’ll see you Saturday.”
Butterflies erupt in your stomach as you leave Slughorn’s classroom.
Saturday arrives, and you hold back a yawn as you push open the door to Slughorn’s classroom. The chill of the morning and your residual tiredness has you pulling the sleeves of your cardigan down to cover your hands; hoarding any warmth possible.
“I know it’s early, but I went to the kitchens and the Elves were more than happy to wrap us up some warm pastries and give a flask of tea.” Draco greets.
He holds out a small cup of tea, steam still rising. You take it from him, letting the warmth fill your hands and then flow through your body as you take that first sip.
“Thank you, Draco.” You say, taking a bite of the breakfast pastry, moaning softly at the taste of butter and jam.
Draco smiles as he takes a bite of his own. “I thought we’d follow Slughorn’s curriculum, so we aren’t missing anything out. That means we start with Amortentia, is that okay?”
You nod, continuing to eat your breakfast.
Draco smirks, “Besides, it means I get to find out if you have a crush on anyone.”
You snort, “It goes both ways, I believe, Draco. I get to see if you have a crush too.”
Draco laughs, blushing lightly. He potters around the classroom, gathering the ingredients as you sip your tea. Watching him, you realise how attractive Draco truly is. Once you got past the hard exterior; removed the mask he so often wore, he was soft and gentle.
You had always harboured a small crush on the teenager titled the Slytherin Prince. You briefly wonder whether the love potion would smell like him.
Draco places jars and vials of ingredients on the table before collecting his cauldron from where he had placed it on the floor. He plants it on the stand before murmuring the warming charm so the bottom can heat up as he prepares the ingredients in the order that he needs them.
Draco instructs you through the potion; pausing every now and then for you to take down any notes. As you dip your quill in the ink pot for the fourth time, you think that Draco would make the perfect professor – he has a knack with words making explanations easier and relating them in a manner that are easily understood. Not to mention his passion for the subject comes across so clearly as he gestures with his hands and smiles all through his explanations.
He pauses part way through a sentence, “Let me know if I’m rambling too much, won’t you?”
“Of course, but I enjoy listening to you speak – you clearly love this subject, Draco.”
He looks away sheepishly, reading over the instructions he’s already memorised. “I’d like to be a Potions Professor once we leave here.”
“You’d be brilliant at it,” You reply immediately, “You have a talent for this, I already feel more confident in my potions ability.”
His blush from earlier returns as he murmurs, “Thank you. What are your plans for after?”
“I think I’d like to do something in the ministry; in the archives I think.”
Draco nods, understanding, “I’ve seen you in History of Magic. You’d suit the archives, with all the old documents.”
You laugh, “I just think the history of our society is so interesting.”
“You’d be a good professor, (Y/N).” Draco whispers.
“Let’s hope Professor Binns finally retires then,” You start, “That way we can work together.” You internally groan at your shoddy attempt at flirting, but Draco doesn’t seem to notice. He chuckles, “We’d make a good team.”
You stare down at your notes, fiddling with your quill, so Draco doesn’t see the giddy expression on your face.
Draco looks back to his instructions, glancing over the final few steps. He stirs the mixture clockwise for three more minutes before steam begins to rise from the cauldron.
He sits back into his seat, “There we go. All done.”
For a single minute, you watch the steam rise from the potion. Draco brewed it so effortlessly that you wonder where you had gone wrong the first time you attempted it. But with his instructions and his tutelage, you know that you would be able to brew it again successfully.
Temptation rises within you; the urge to lean over Draco’s cauldron and take a whiff of the potion becomes too much. Draco sees you shift in your chair, “Go on then,” he prompts, “What does it smell like?”
The fumes from the potion make your head spin slightly. They smell of something you’ve smelled before; of something you’ve been in close contact with recently.
Burnt sugar and rain give way to the delicate smell of roses.
And it hits you all of a sudden – you’re smelling the teenager sat next to you. Your heart races as you come to the realisation that the crush you had been harbouring for the blonde-haired teenager had evolved into something more.
The desperate thought runs through your head. The pleading thought of: please let him be my soulmate.
If you were already feeling this strongly about Draco, it would be hell on earth to find out that his soulmate was actually another.
“What did you smell then?” Draco asks as you sit back down in your chair.
You avoid his eyes as you say, “I’ll tell you once you have a smell.”
Draco frowns but he nods, nonetheless.
Draco bends over the cauldron, having noticed your reaction to the smell. He inhales deeply; the heady scent taking root within him.
Jasmine, citrus and orchids.
The smell of your perfume mixed with the floral smell of shampoo. It had settled around him.
He had a hunch it would smell like you. He’s had feelings for you since Fourth Year; smelling you perfume, and shampoo only confirmed what he already knew deep down – that he was in love with you.
Draco takes a step back from the table; the revelation hitting him all at one – so strongly it knocks the breath from him.
“I’ve had a thought.”
“I think I’m having the same one.” You say, standing up.
Draco’s eyes blaze as he states, “I think you’re my soulmate.”
You nod, “I think you’re my soulmate too.”
Draco holds his hand out to you; less than a centimetre away from you, but he doesn’t take the final step. Despite it all; despite the certainty, he cannot ignore the spike of fear running through his body. He never expected he would find his soulmate; he never expected that it would be you of all people. Draco had been crushing on you since Fourth Year; since you had sat next to him at dinner and asked his thoughts on the Triwizard Tournament – he was taken aback by your presence that he answered honestly, and the conversation that followed had been one of the most honest he had ever had.
You watch the myriad of emotions that flit over his face; trying to define each and every one of them. The certainty that you feel with the idea of Draco being your soulmate settles deep within your bones; combining with your genetic makeup. It all makes sense now; your feelings for Draco finally made sense.
You take the final step; taking his hand in yours, tangling your fingers together. His skin is smooth and soft against yours. His hand fits perfectly in yours, as if made for you.
And then time stops.
Time stops.
The steam from the Amortentia potion freezes; the ticking of the clock no longer sounds; the sound of younger students running up and down the corridor outside the classroom fall silent.
The only thing moving in this moment is you and Draco.
He draws you into his arms. One arm wrapping around your waist; the other caressing your cheek. His thumb rubs over your cheekbone as he smiles softly down at you. For a moment, neither of you speak for the small fear of breaking the instant in which you find yourselves. This time is so precious; it’s where everything is defined. You beam up at him, savouring the feel of his arm around your waist though you know that you have a lifetime to memorise the way he touches you.
“I never thought I would find you.” Draco whispers, in awe of the situation.
“You have. So what do you plan to do?”
It’s all he says as he dips his head and kisses you.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @dreamer821 @the-hufflefluffwriter @summer-writes @harrypotter289 @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn @kalimagik​ @figlia--della--luna​
Draco Malfoy taglist: @the--queen-of-hell @obx-beach @obxmxybxnk​ @sycathorn-slush​
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sly-merlin · 4 years
T h e      E n c h a n t e d      C a n v a s
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Pairing :: doyoung x reader ft simmi and her moots
Word count :: ~4k
Genre :: Hogwarts soulmate strangers to ?? Fluff
Synopsis ::
Y/n , a muggle is called to Hogwarts not because of her exceptional talents but due to the fact that her soulmate is a pure/half blood studying in Hogwarts. Her destiny takes her from an average household to the enchanting world of spells and charms. Would she found the one she sought? or sh’d end up losing herself in the new world!
A/n :: this is a Christmas gift for lovely nini - @dvrlingrenjun​ under @neoculturechristmas​ event. Thank you admins for letting me talk to her. And nini!! I'd be happy if you enjoy this even a little bit. I hope you can get some time out from your responsibilities to relax and then we can cry over twice's beauty!! MERRY CHRISTMAS NINI.
With love ,
From simmi(stocking anon)
tagging :: lovely @danishmiilk​  ( warning :: donot expect too much) @astroboy-lele​ (oops! i opened discord and just remembered i was supposed to tag you furou! sowy)
networks :: @neowritingsnet​ @kafenetwork​ @nct-writers​ 
thank you aria @adamfoolcry​ for hyping me up!!!
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"A MAGIC SCHOOL?DO I LOOK LIKE A FOOL TO YOU?" you screamed at your parents, their pleading eyes instantly making you guilty.
"Darling! That woman showed us what she's capable of. You can go and learn and it's not like you have much of an option." Your father said, caressing your arm.
They were right. The woman, who called herself the professor of Hogsy or something school, had explained to you the two tier unscripted path of your future. The first thing being that you were invited to study at an elite magic school, the evidence of which was provided by summoning your sketchbooks from your room. Second being, your soulmate was a boy of the magical community so you,inevitably, were a part of it and there was no escape from it. 
"I don't want to leave you alone!" Tears threatening to fall, you requested your parents. 
"Please sweetie. Don't make this harder than it already is. We do not have enough money to provide you with quality education. At least you are getting a chance to improve your life. Do not let this chance pass because of us. Besides it's like a boarding school. That lady did say you'd be visiting us twice a year and that too for two whole months! I see no harm sweetie. You possibly cannot refuse your soulmate right. They need you as much as you need them. So go and live your life. Make your parents proud!" 
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Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry,
Year - third
"Then the battery is placed in this small compact space in a very specific way to make the clock work. This small cylindrical unit called battery has very complicated working so we'll discuss that next week. And this week,I won't be bothering you with any homework so go and enjoy. Have an enchanting day." Your professor dismissed the class with a brightening smile.
"Y/n" she called as you were packing your bag.
"Yes mam?" You asked her, hands respectfully crossed in front of your skirt.
"I just wanted to say thank you so much for the automated battery clock that you got. The ones we have are very old and it's a long and tiring process to ask for new ones. Do know how delighted i am to have you in my class. I'm glad you chose muggle studies as elective." She smiled at you and you bowed just a bit to show your gratitude and walked outside for your other classes.
Being a ravenclaw was all about wisdom, intellect, being sharp minded and laced with logic and creativity or this was what the book that prof McGonagall gave you read. The almighty sorting hat, the pillar on which walls of Hogwarts stood, had placed you in ravenclaw. Though the hat did contemplate between every single house, you ended up with ravenclaw. You believed neither in the semi-animate object nor the popular saying that Sorting hat knows you better than you do yourself for you failed to find your own kind. The smart ravenclaws were too bright for you. It didn't help that you were the only muggle in your year. You weren't able to keep up with them and if it haven't been for willy, your only friend in ravenclaw, you'd have ended up going home,without finding your destiny. Not that you were any better at the moment but life was fun with willy and aria, your hufflepuff friend. 
But nothing remains stationary right!
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“How are you here already?” you questioned lazily.
“Arithmancy professor fell sick this morning. I've been free since then.” said Aria. You turned to William, who was busy toying with his alligator bracelet. “And you willy?” 
“Huh?” he mindlessly asked. 
“I asked, did you run away from divination again?” you repeated the question, changing the words to suit his ears. 
“Oh no! We just had a small accident in class today.” he giggled, his glasses falling off as he doubled over with laughter.
The potion classroom was soon jammed with third year fellows, all chatting in their own friend groups, enjoying the few minutes before they would be bombarded with over expectation of brewing a girding potion.  At the precise moment, the door was closed shut.
Prof. Snape thundered as all the students, without a second wasted, dispersed and settled. “Mr. brown.” he called a hufflepuff, “collect the ingredients and mr. kim, care to move yourself and help him.” he instructed two students who complied immediately. “Not that i expect any from you little incompetent students, you shall not prepare more than two vials of the potion or else i won’t hesitate to make you do your laundry in the same foul liquid. Understood!” his warning earned silent gagging from several students at the mention of the awful smell, of which you were not excluded. 
As you got busy in discussing the recipe, noise of shattering glass and a shrill cry pierced through your ears. Before you could raise your head to witness the happening, your left wrist burned as if it was set on fire. Knees buckling, you fell on the floor as sudden inflammation blocked your senses, heart wrenching screams leaving your throat.Your wailing alerted your friends as William instantly unbuttoned your sleeve to view the reason of your pain and gasped at the damage. 
“Prof. snape! Her soulmate mark is burning.” he shouted but your ears were too clogged due to choked sobs to feel the distress in his voice. You slowly opened your heavy eyelids as your wrist was pulled swiftly. With blurred vision, you saw prof. casting a spell,his wand releasing a blue light circling your mark which entered your wrist, momentarily soothing the pain. Your cries softened into tiny sniffles as the spell did it's work. You lifted yourself up with Willy's help while sloppily rubbing at the darkened spot. 
“Oh yes, it’d leave some itching and for the spot and further treatment, you need to immediately go to the hospital wing. Ms. y/l/n and mr. Kim, you both are excused and for your foolishness, 100 points from slytherin.” Upon his command, your head snapped towards the man standing across the room in dishevelled state,probably matching your own,his hand clutching his wrist, eyes holding your gaze.
Nodding your head, you made your way out, the male following after you. 
Either you were too slow in your steps or he was too brisk, but he seemed to be way ahead of you. Gripping your tingling and heavy hand, you were tracing his path when a pair of shoes met your vision, halting you in the middle of the corridor. 
“It’s stinging y/n. We have to run!” and before you could reply, he was sprinting for the stairs, taking you with him.
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“You both are in the same year?” the nurse asked, examining the burnt swans on your wrists. 
“Yes” you both replied in unison, eyes meeting for a second before you  averted your gazes. The head nurse noted something in her register before she went to extract some bandages and potions.
“is the skin still burning?" The nurse queried, taking doyoung's hand but he pulled his hand and pointed for you. 
"She's more hurt. Check her first please" he mumbled, noticing your incessant scratching and ragged breathing. She shook her head and proceeded with the treatment.
"Why were you playing with the potions?" She scolded Doyoung while applying the healing potion. 
"I wasn't!" Doyoung retorted as he straightened his back in defence. "It got spilled by mistake when I was finding seaho-RSES!" He screeched as the medicine stung.
"Seahorses are kept in see-through containers mr. Kim and don't you nincompoops know that golden marks are sensitive to heat. Why were you wearing a folded shirt in a potions class when clearly you were exposed t-
"The temperature madam!" Your eyes never left his face as you witnessed the misery he went through in the past few minutes and which you were going to experience in a few seconds. 
"Give me your hand miss y/n" 
The liquid ignited it again but as she massaged on it, the skin felt cooler than before and when she wrapped the white bandage, the sharp needles alleviated into cold jingling. You carefully glanced at doyoung through your peripheral vision only to find him staring at you with wide eyes. Saving yourself the humiliation, you tried to hide your face into your neck which only annoyed you further due to the wetness of your fresh tears mixing with sweaty moisture, creating what felt like a puddle but you endured it, calculating the weight of the outcomes.
"Do stop by every day for a change of bandage unless you want to live your whole life with black wrists which I clearly don't have any problem with kids!" She jested before leaving for her office. 
You stayed seated beside doyoung, the newfound soulmate, wondering if he was as nervous as you were. Fisting your clammy hands, you mustered all the courage you could, ready to introduce yourself but the greeting travelled back through your throat when he hopped off the hospital bed and departed without uttering anything. 
Your recently dried eyes were sprayed again with his callous action as millions thoughts ran through your throbbing head, heart constricting under the weight of silence. 
Did the man for whom you deserted the whole world for, rejected you?
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"HE DID WHAT?" Aria hollered and looming forward, slamming her hands down on the table. At her reactions, you felt your own anger bubbling again but the disorder generated by the recent incident and William's reasoning, you stopped yourself from forming any conclusion.
"Will you calm down." 
"No willy, don't you want to rip that sly boy apart. How dare he! I’m going to- wait you told him before me! That's not fare." She whined, diverting her own attention.
“stop shouting aria. Let people eat in silence. An-and we don't know why he left. It could be--maybe he wanted to use the washroom or he wanted to hide his pai-
"Stop defending him willy or I'll pour this porridge over your head" willy pouted at her remark and slided down his chair to avoid her.
"Stop bickering and tell me what should i be doing now! I have a soulmate for god's sake!"
You had finally found the reason for your presence in the castle, your soulmate, kim doyoung and you didn’t know how to proceed.
"I guess wait y/n and at least you were saved from the awful odour of the gird today. Sicheng almost fainted in front of professor but that was a hilarious sight girl. You missed it" you saw rolling her eyes at the mention and you mirrored her reaction,resting your head on the table as Willy's ironic statement only intensified the pounding.
Wait! But for how long?
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"YOUR FROG BRAIN DID WHAT?" Simmi jumped off the bed to face doyoung, her hand reaching for the transfiguration book.
"I-i- i got nervous!" He whined and cringed at his pathetic excuse. He was busy folding and unfolding his poor ear,apparently in nervousness, when his best friend thwacked his bicep with the heavy book.
He cried out loud, grasping his arm with one hand, “do you want to die!” he glowered at her. 
“How could you miss your soulmate when she was right there in front of you for two years." She said before working on his arm again. 
“I’m not the only one! She also missed me.” he reasoned, holding his hands up in refuge from her neverending attacks. “Wait!” he exclaimed, pondering over his words. “How could she not know I was her soulmate when almost everyone knows I've got a gold swan embroidered.” his face fell in despondency and the horrible and hurried conclusion his thoughts took him to. “Simmi what if she- what if she never wanted to find me and that-
“Merlin’s beard shut yourself up and mail your family. They need to know their baby boy is all grown up now!”
He nodded in acknowledgement of the suggestion but his wandering mind refused to rest until he was sure of his qualms. 
Maybe he should wait! But for how long?
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My love was sleeping, but there was fragrance in the air
Doyoung roamed around in circles, his heart unevenly drumming, body so warm under the strain of muddled thoughts that the moisture was seeping through the bandage. The response of his parents, lying on his bed in the form of a letter, had relieved him of the worries of any prospective opposition. Not that he didn’t know his family, he wasn't too convinced how their family would address the sudden revelation of his soulmate being a muggle. You were going to be the first muggle in his family and the first ravenclaw after his great grandmother. The first line of the letter “we are elated to know that your soulmate is a human and not your piano” had eased him for the remaining part. Now that the dragon was out of the dungeon, the subsequent troubles were giving him splitting migrains. 
In the past week, he had tried to approach you after a painful shove from taeyong and simmi but he had to retreat due to your very malevolent comrades. The mental conversations he had with you continued to be in the confines of his head but nothing arrested him from searching for you in the crowds. You had always been there, in the same classes, in the great hall, in the corridors but you were nowhere when his eyes sought you. Just a week has passed and he found himself getting more and more conscious of your presence. He wanted to hijack and become a part of your convivial life yet he lacked the needed courage. 
So he resorted to wearying his legs by moving around. Maybe Some blood rush from his branches to brain would give him some clarity.
By degrees, the thumping of his spirit corresponded to the swooshing of the sea creatures.
He might have been too young to fall in true love but slowly, he knew, he was falling for that little golden swan.
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Hidden from the rest, you were completing your assignment when the chair besides you was drawn out. You raised your head with the intention of getting the chair vacated for your friends but watching the Kim doyoung occupying the seat, you shot up instantly,ready for your escape. Fumbling with the ink and books, you whirled around only to be stopped by the boy.
 You glanced at him for a moment before pulling your hand ,which he was tugging at , back. 
"Stay. Your friends won't be coming today. I won't say anything. Please" he requested with his doe eyes looking up in a hope to catch yours. 
Wordlessly, you sat down.
He kept his promise. 
No word was spoken that day or the next day or the next week. 
The intense silence that engulfed you that day soon morphed into a tranquil one. The one of the familiarity, of the silent exchanges and of the growing unbreathed bond.
By the end of the month, the green leaves sacrificed themselves for the birth of fiery red ones as the days became shorter, the sun became mischievous and the gold on your wrists started gleaming more than ever.
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One month later 
“Gamps’ law of transformation? Didn’t we read it last year?” doyoung asked perplexedly, taking the reins of the conversation, again.
“Prof. told me to prepare an assignment which would be used for the younger students.” you replied sheepishly, dipping the quill in the ink. 
“Pure ravenclaw” he muttered, looking lovingly at you. These days, he did it more often than he could count. He wanted to say more but the fear of your refusal always held him back.
“Not so much” 
you heard his muttering! He wanted to pry further but saved it for a later discussion. 
He shifted himself towards his own chair and worked on his sheet as the ticking of the grandfather clocks muddled with scratching of the quills filled the empty corner. 
It wasn't home but it certainly felt like one!
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Two months later
“Give us our y/n back” aria whisper yelled to taeyong.
“She’s doyoung’s soulmate, doyoung is my best friend hence she is my best friend as well.” taeyong retorted, dramatically flaring his nostrils. 
“Don’t forget we live at the same place taeyong and simmi won’t be there to save you baboon face.” amused smiles adorned everyone’s faces as they saw both of them quarelling. Some things were always constant. 
You sipped on your hot chocolate that warmed you up as you and doyoung went through the revision for the last exam. Without being asked, he helped you with his encyclopedic knowledge. you were grateful for his assistance but never said anything for you felt like the feather silence between you was too delicate to breach. 
So you spoke through your eyes.
And he never failed to hear you.
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Wrapping the scarf around your neck, you sprinted for the dining hall, tightly holding onto the white chocolates tightly. 
At the end of the hallway, you saw another figure running over in the same state as you.
“Did you get shorter?” he said, grinning ear to ear. Glancing up at him, you scanned through his features, in case you had forgotten in the christmas holidays. 
“This is for you!” you both said simultaneously, extending your hands
“Open it for me!” you requested.
Under the emerald covering was an elegant and vintage fountain pen, engraved and decorated with turquoise stones. “This is so beautiful.” you told him before taking it from him. You traced over the name kim carved onto the nib of the pen. You raised your brows in question to which he responded quickly , “it’s my great grandma’s. This is your Christmas gift from the Kim family. I know it’s small but you are invi-
“It’s precious. You are giving me a family heirloom when all i got are some homemade milk chocolates for you.” your smile faded as you avoided his sight.
“How did you know white chocolates are my favourite?” he exclaimed, a bit too loudly.
“Mom said you’d l-
Before you could complete your sentence, he prised the chocolate box out of your grip, sprinting for the great hall.
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“Why are you always so quiet?” 
“I’m never!” you defended yourself. 
Doyoung didn’t know why he was talking about it now and here, out of all places, in front of whomping willow.
“Tell me!” he pressed.
“I talk to a few and it’s enough.”
“Do you know you are intimidating?” you raised your chin to scrutinise the sincerity in his words.
“I am not!” 
“To those you don’t know you, you radiate passive energy. My slytherin friends wanted to introduce themselves but they got scared and ran away. Honestly, i was also a bit-
He trailed off, slouching on the bench as your eyes bored into his. His head hung low in apology for he knew, he must've crossed the line but for the first time, you decided to show him your dauntless side.
“Hogwarts did that to me.” you said, wearily. “I was happy with my parents, drawing and colouring in my art books when suddenly i was told that i’ve been living in a wrong way. That there is a secret magical place where i have a soulmate. I was angry because i had to leave everything behind. And then i was sorted into ravenclaw. And i was distorted when i found out that i wasn't smart enough for them. I couldn't solve the riddles! William was the one who showed me how to do it properly. It felt awful knowing that the only place that was supposed to be my home for next seven years wasn't the place where i belonged to.” you spoke calmly but doyoung felt your distress and let you continue without any interruptions. 
“I was an eleven year old. I never wanted to fend for myself in a place full of strangers. I -i imagined my life to be a canvas full of colours that i wanted to design for myself. The borders, the paint, the drawing, i wanted to design it for me. But then an owl screeched and i felt like someone had shortened my canvas and after all these years, i feel it’s completely disappearing.” it sounded like someone snatched the life out of your voice. But your visage remained soft, drawing doyoung in. 
“So you like art.” he asked with curiosity. 
“Yes. i love art.” you said, eyes fixed at the movements of the branches of whomping willow.
“Can you please teach me?” he urged and within a second , the air filled with the fragrance of your happiness.
“ why wouldn’t I. what do you wanna do in future doyong? Aria wants to arithmancer, william would be a healer and sicheng, he would be a star quidditch player.”
“I don't want to worry about it right now. Let’s just live in today.” he answered back, smile gracing his lips at the thought of a future with you.
You both relished each other’s company until the temperature froze the both of you.
Removing a  snowflake from your lashes, he made a promise to himself that he’d help you find something that’d put ice on all the bitter memories you had. 
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 “Doyoung’s got a howler!” yuta and simmi fist bumped each other, already too excited for the letter to be opened. Of all the howlers they have received, doyoung and yuta’s were record establishing and they expected mrs. kim to maintain the status quo this time as well.
The howler jumped in the air and as the seal opened, doyoung’s heart dropped at the voice. It was not from his mother but his sister and it shouted humiliation, if he was being polite towards her. 
“MS. Y/N!” 
You choked on the juice as you heard your name. 
The howler exploded and so did the whole room. Several snorts, chuckles, happy curses were exchanged as doyoung lowered himself under the table to avoid the shame. 
You checked your paint supplies attached with the howler and as your lips curved up, he knew what he was going to pursue in his life. 
Your happiness and immortality.
When i found you, there was magic 
“Mr. kim if you wish to ogle at ms.y/l/n instead of paying attention to my words then i’d suggest please fail your o.w.l.s so i don’t have to face your affection filled face from next year.” prof snape growled, throwing the head of vial on doyoung’s face. 
He was going to fail potions, you thought gesturing him to apologise.
“And 20 points from slytherin and 10 points from ravenclaw!” you both ducked your heads in an instant, forcing a poker face to save yourself from further trouble.
When i found you, rain smelled good
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When i found you, desires awakened
“No simmi! This is a slytherin dungeon. I cannot go inside!” you warned simmi, who, all of a sudden was adamant on showing you her room, at midnight. 
“I love you but please don’t call this a dungeon.” she held out her hand before you could correct her. “Yes i know this is practically a dungeon but we call it seascape.  Close your ears, you don’t wanna hear the password. You nodded, palming your ears.
“Yutaisthegreatestbeingintheworld” you snickered as she recited the words.
“Our prefect is a dung brain so please excuse.”
Door opened to darkness but a dim light slowly floated towards you as you walked inside “Nox”  your wand rose high up in the air. You made out doyoung’s figure and before you could calculate, the whole room resonated with a syncless birthday song.
And you knew, you were enthralled by this boy.
You heard my prayers, you answered my heart’s call
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“I love you aria. Would you give me the honour of being the snitch of your life?” sicheng, aria’s ravenclaw soulmate confessed to her with a promise ring. 
“The ice prince finally melted!” You and william, hands joined, jumped in joy as you watched aria’s eyes glistened with glee.
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You rushed upstairs to find doyoung as you forsaw the end of your wait.
Panting heavily, you dragged doyoung out of prof’s room, his step gracefully flowing with yours in a instant.
“What are yo-
“What do you smell in amortentia?” you stopped abruptly and asked him, gasping for air.
“Wh-a-t” he giggled nervously, his hand patting his chest to control his own breathing. “What has gotten ov-
“Answer me kim doyoung.” you whispered, strictly.
He was quiet but you understood the stillness of his heart veiled by the thumping and you felt him losing his composure when his hands cupped your face, 
"I-i smelled white chocolate, lovely lillies-
"Hurry up Kim." You hit his chest with your fist with requirement of the answer.
He chuckled, his bunny teeth enlightening his chiselled face while he looked at you like you were something special to him and you no more just wanted to feel it. You wanted him to say it, express it like he did when he read the poetry from your book or like the random scribbles on his notebooks. You wanted him to move on from the shy glances and profess that you were his and he was yours. 
he licked his lips as he gulped harshly before continuing,
"And you. You-your hair. Your lavender scent. Your innocence. Your d-dreams. Your colours. Your paints yo-
Pulling him by his tie, you placed your lips on his soft ones, leaving them with a smack. His hands wrapped around your waist to embrace you in the warmest hug you'd ever received from a loved one. As your head laid on his chest, you heard his heartbeat for the first time, making you feel closer to him than ever. 
"How would i ever requite your love Kim doyoung" you asked, closing your eyes.
"Maybe a portrait would do!" 
Kim doyoung became the canvas of your life,giving you the liberty to paint him in your colours and  your love and you became the smudged ink to his enchanted diary, without whom he would've failed to fill the pages.
You'd grow old but the swans born out of you would tell the stories of the years gone by.
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magicalforcesau · 3 years
Fragments of the Garden - Origins - part 1
A companion collection to Dancing With Ghosts in Your Garden
(ao3 link)
Getting into Diagon Alley had been a bit of an event, her mother had to take off work and get Bo up and off to school before they could finally head out. The time and place on the parchment had been specified down to the minute, but as they seemed to circle the same block for the hundredth time Satine started to wonder if maybe this was all some elaborate prank.
“I’m sorry, love,” her mother finally turned to her, “It’s supposed to be right here, but I don’t see a Leaky Cauldron anywhere along this stretch,” Satine looked back down at the parchment again, rereading the same message she had a thousand times since receiving it. Disappointment started to seep into her bones and she looked up in desperation, one last time scanning the buildings around them. Her eyes drifted just right of her mum and she lit up.
“It’s there!” Satine pointed her finger at the old iron sign dangling over the door, dripping water on passing pedestrians. When she glanced up at her mother though she was only met by confusion.
“Uh, what is dear?” Her mother’s eyes seemed to skim over the building without seeing it, and Satine was struck with an odd feeling of experiencing something that her family never would.
“The Leaky Cauldron,” Satine answered, grabbing her mum’s hand in her own, “I’ll show you,” Determined she pulled them across the street and up to the building, her mum still showed no signs of acknowledgement so Satine pulled open the door and dragged her inside.
“Oh,” the soft gasp came from behind her and she glanced back to see the surprised look on her mum’s face, it seemed entering the building was enough to break through whatever weird magic surrounded the place and she followed her mum’s gaze from the owls swooping through the windows to the dishes washing themselves in the kitchen.
“You must be the last of the muggleborns,” A creature was approaching them, eyes like a hammerhead shark and face long, it took Satine a moment of staring to realize that their mouth was on their neck, “You’re a little late, but I know we can be a little hard to find,” The creature pulled out a piece of parchment and skimmed it over, “So you’re the Kryze’s?”
“I’m Satine, and this is my mum,” She found herself answering for them, her mother looked a little pale so it was probably for the best.
“You can call me Jho,” they said pulling out a brown stick, that Satine realized with belated excitement was likely a magic wand, “Follow me and I’ll let you into Diagon Alley, make sure you buy a wand when you get in there, because otherwise you’re not getting back in,” they made a sound that she assumed was a laugh and she tugged on her mum’s hand in order to follow close behind.
“How many pounds is a wand?” She wondered aloud and Jho scoffed.
“Pounds. When you get inside you should first go to Gringotts, transfer over the amount your letter told you to bring and they’ll give you real money,” They were facing a brick wall and Jho turned back to them for a moment, “Welcome to Diagon Alley,” they turned back and tapped a pattern into the bricks with their wand and suddenly the whole wall melted away, bricks turning into themselves to get out of the way and a bustling path with funnily dressed people was revealed. Satine stepped through pulling her mum in with her and the wall closed up behind them.
“Hello you must be the Kryze’s,” They turned and were greeted by someone who looked almost human, but with white and blue pieces coming from her head instead of hair, “I’m Professor Shaak Ti from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, here to help our new muggleborns find their way in our world,” Satine’s mum stepped forward dropping her hand for the first time.
“It’s lovely to meet you. I must say I’m very overwhelmed,” Her mum had seemed to have gotten over the shock and Satine took the opportunity to tune out the grown-up talk and gaze around the new world she’d stepped into.
Owls seemed to be a common theme as they swooped around in broad daylight, landing near magical folks wearing a wide variety of interesting clothes. Most commonly seemed to be cloaks and funny hats, but she saw one witch wearing an outfit entirely made of feathers and hoped very much that her school uniform would not be something that itchy. Her attention was drawn next to the shop windows. There was one with a broom floating in the window, many children seemed to be gathering around it so she wondered if maybe it was a toy of some sort. A building with sweets in the window boasted such things as cauldron cakes and pumpkin pasties instead of chocolate croissants and eclairs and she saw a tall wobbly looking stack of cauldrons in the next. Her eyes landed on another window jam packed with books and her heart leapt in excitement.
Satine had always been a reader. She read during both class and lunch, as well as nearly constantly at home and when she’d gotten her letter to Hogwarts, she’d read that too, but she hadn’t considered that a new world of people would provide her a new world of books to read. She found herself approaching the window, excited to read the spines until her mum was done talking when a flash of dark fabric bumped into her sending her falling backwards onto the cold stone pavement.
She looked up and her eyes met that of a witch’s, they were such a light blue they looked like ice, although Satine would maybe attribute some of that to the witch’s personality.
“Watch where you’re going, girl,” She spoke sharply, and the wizard behind her turned and rested his eyes on Satine too. His were a dark blue, but held the same kind of coldness, like how she imagined the bottom of the ocean would feel like.
“They’ll let anybody in here these days,” The first part was spoken under his breath, but not quiet enough for Satine to miss it, “We have more important things to worry about than another lost, muggleborn,” He turned on his heel and continued on.
“Don’t muggle parents teach any manners,” the witch also spoke as she turned to follow her companion further down the street.
Shocked and confused Satine continued to sit where she fell staring off after them. She jumped when suddenly a hand was thrust into her view.
“Need a hand?” She turned and looked at the newcomer, he was a boy near her own age, with a wide grin and warm brown eyes. She took his hand and he pulled her up, “Are you ok?”
“I think so,” She replied, but found herself still staring after the icy couple.
“Hey, whatever they said, don’t let it bother you,” The boy gained her attention again, “They’re pretty much as old-fashioned and traditional as you can get,”
“You know them?” Satine questioned.
“Yeah, the Kenobi’s,” the boy rolled his eyes, “My family used to attend their pureblood dinner parties until a couple years ago when my older brother Hevy lost his temper… But good riddance I’ll say, none of us Fett’s care too much about blood status politics anyways,” Satine’s head was reeling trying to make sense of it all.
“Purebloods?” Satine asked, too busy trying to catalogue all these new terms to ask it with a little more of her usual finesse.
“Purebloods are wizards whose family line is all magical,” He answered, and with the realization of who she likely was he continued, “There are halfbloods who have one magical parent and one muggle parent, and muggleborns who have 2 muggle parents.”
Satine thought back to the words the Kenobi’s had said to her and a new fire started burning in her chest. She had no time for such an old-fashioned way of thinking, she needn’t prove herself to them she’d been invited here and that was enough. Still they’d manage to plant a small seed of doubt in her mind.
“I hope I never see another Kenobi again,” She decided and the boy laughed loudly at that.
“I understand that sentiment,” He agreed, mirth still sparkling in his eyes, “By the way, the name’s Cody.”
Riding the train had been exciting, looking up at the castle had been extraordinary, but standing next to her peers waiting to be shepherded through the doors to the great hall was as nerve wracking as it could get.
Cody, who she’d written to a few times to test her new owl, Sundari, had explained a lot of wizard things, especially the sorting. Cody laughed at her on the train and said if there was any way she was anything, but a Ravenclaw he’d eat every vomit flavored jelly bean in Honeydukes. She was still nervous though, and as the time crept closer even Cody looked a little pale.
The doors swung open suddenly and they followed the prefects inside, each student taking a moment to admire the starry night sky, before they stopped before the stool with the old sorting hat resting upon it. Cody had mentioned that they changed up the order of ceremony a lot, sometimes they’d go in alphabetical order or the reverse. Or they’d just go at random, Satine hoped that whatever way they went she’d be one of the first to get things over with.
So of course, it was her luck when they decided to go in alphabetical order anyways. Cody was called before her of course. His name was spoken loudly and it made it easy to pick out his older brother, and fourth year, Hevy who cheered embarrassingly loudly for his little brother. Cody stepped up onto the stage and sat on the stool, the hat barely sat on his head for a moment before shouting out for Gryffindor. The red and gold table cheered loudly, and Cody was smothered in a headlock by his brother as soon as he reached it.
Satine waited patiently as names were called all the way through J and readied herself for the K’s before suddenly the man up front started calling for Z’s. She felt a spark of indignant rage as they started going in reverse which would leave her as one of the last to go, she cursed her own luck as she tried and failed to not look a little grumpy.
Finally, finally her own name rang out over the crowd, and she heard some cheering from the direction of Gryffindor table as she stepped up shakily onto the stage. The hat was dropped over her eyes and she heard its voice speak through her own thoughts.
“Oh, quite right, with a mind like this it can only be,”
“RAVENCLAW!” The hat was removed from her head and she looked across the large room to see the dark blue and silver table cheering passionately for their new member. She felt something warm settle over her as she walked over to the table and was patted on the back and high-fived all the way to her seat. She’d worried a bit about belonging, but to think her place in this school had been so easily found made her grin widely. She sat down and had a minute to collect herself while they called the next student, and then maybe she could start making friends with the other Ravenclaw first years-
“Obi-Wan Kenobi!”
At first, she’d thought she was imagining the hush that crossed the room at that name given her own ears suddenly seemed muffled. She threw her gaze onto the stage as a boy with perfectly styled hair, and finely pressed robes walked poised up the steps to the stage. The words of the older Kenobi’s, who could only be his parents, rang in her ears as she frantically made eye contact with Cody over at the Gryffindor table, who gave her a worried look and a shrug. They both turned back to the stage and waited for the final verdict of who would have to put up with the son of the most pretentious wizarding family in England.
When Obi-Wan Kenobi had first gotten his letter to Hogwarts, he’d reacted with the poise and manners that his mother had instilled in him since he was born.
“Your letter came today,” His mother had said, handing it over to him, “When your father gets home from work today, he will once again tell you what you are expected to do,” Obi-Wan didn’t spare a glance at the letter, instead keeping direct eye-contact with her.
“Yes Mother,” He replied as he had been instructed to do and she nodded in acknowledgement.
“Now leave me to my work, you may have the afternoon to reflect,” He gave her a short bow in thanks and used every ounce of willpower not to scurry out of the room. Once his mother was out of sight though, he let all pretenses drop and all but ran to his bedroom.
Throwing himself onto his bed (he mentally noted to remake it before his mother saw the wrinkles) he hugged the letter delicately to his chest and grinned in absolute elation.
He’d been dreaming about this moment for as long as he could remember, memories of bedtime stories from his parents, before they’d deemed him too old, about their own time at the school. The absolute honor that they felt having been chosen for Slytherin and how one day he too would get to experience it. He’d dreamed of the green and silver robes when he was a child, but as years passed and his responsibilities around the house grew and grew, he found himself these days just dreaming of the school itself.
He chided himself for thinking that way, but if he were honest with himself about his own selfish desires, he was wishing these days about being away from this house and away from the people within it. He knew he’d never escape the demands of his family and he would be foolish to ever try, but he certainly wouldn’t mind them not breathing down his neck every moment of the day.
Once again he shook his head, banishing the thoughts, he knew he was lucky to be a Kenobi such thoughts about his parents he really shouldn’t consider. They’d given him all the finest toys as a child, and on his 6th birthday when they’d swapped out all his toys for fancy robes, they’d gotten him only the best, plus, he remembered with excitement, they’d let him choose one sweet from Sugarplum’s and didn’t even bother to remind him that boys should not have such a fondness for chocolate.
This year, on his eleventh birthday, they’d given him the greatest gift a wizard could ever receive, he turned over on his bed eyeing the sleek Elder wand on his bedside table. It had been darkened with a varnish and there was a real strip of silver winding around the grip. It was his prized possession.
The reminder of the wand brought him back to the letter still gripped tightly in his hands. Gently he peeled back the wax seal, and pulled out the parchment within. He didn’t need to read the letter, already knowing exactly what it said, but that didn’t stop him from reading his name over and over again, wanting to memorize the script in case he was in a dream he would wake up from.
He eventually left the letter and the list, tucked back inside the envelope, on his nightstand. It was rare he had the afternoon off from chores or some sort of manners lesson, so he would be foolish to waste it daydreaming. He remade his bed, sheets perfectly smooth, and sat at his desk pulling out his father’s old transfiguration textbook for the hundredth time, flipping it back to page one.
When Professor Windu called his name, it all became real to him. He ignored the hushed whisper that fell across the hall, his parent’s reminders to stand up straight and walk with purpose echoing loudly in his head as he started forward. His palms were sweating, but he ignored it in favor of schooling his expression to be neutral, his eyebrows pulled together slightly as the whispers got louder and the hat stared at him funny, but his father's disappointed tone smoothed his expression once more. Once he had sat down on the stool, facing the audience, he knew from experience he did not look any part nervous.
“Well, well a Kenobi, welcome back,” the hat spoke as it slid down over his eyes. It was silent for much longer than he’d expected and he fought the urge to fidget, “You seem to think you’ll be assigned to Slytherin,” The hat commented finally.
“I’m a Kenobi,” He thought back as if it was obvious, “My place is in Slytherin, like my family before me,” The hat hummed which felt very odd, like a vibration through his skull.
“Your family has fit into the Slytherin name for generations,” The hat agreed and Obi-Wan mentally agreed with satisfaction.
Yes, he was certainly on his way to following the guides his father had set up for him, he’d be a Slytherin and make friends within it, work towards becoming a legislator and-
“It’s my place to determine where you will succeed,” The hat interrupted his thoughts to muse once more, “I think the best place for you would be-”
The hat had been silent for so long Satine had been starting to wonder if something was wrong. So, when the announcement had finally been made, she jumped in surprise before the words really registered within her mind.
“Ravenclaw,” She echoed in surprise, and the realization finally dawned on her. She watched as the pristine boy walked down from the stage, he still looked bland and neutral almost like he was bored by the whole thing and it made Satine rather mad. When he passed by her she ignored him, she would not cheer for someone like Kenobi. She did make eye contact with Cody again who seemed very surprised about something, but she would not have time to bother him about it now. The feast was beginning and even her disdain for Kenobi would have to wait until after such a marvelous feast was enjoyed.
The feast was everything he dreamed it would be, but he found himself staring at his empty plate rather than gathering anything for himself. The Silver plate was almost right, but the blue table cloth just kept the hat’s voice echoing in his head, ‘Ravenclaw!’
Him? A Ravenclaw, that hat had to be daft, and likely had it out for him, seeing as how his parents may actually kill him for this. It wasn’t even his first day here and he’d already failed them. Surely, he’d be forced to polish every single one of his fathers awards next time he was home. For this he may even have to shine all the dishes too. Though, he supposed, he’d be lucky if they didn’t lock him up in his room all winter break.
Him, A Ravenclaw! Sure, he liked learning, but didn’t that show his ambition? That was a Slytherin trait, right? And he supposed resourcefulness and creativity could be seen as similar traits. Maybe it was because he wouldn’t describe himself as cunning, but he couldn’t really see himself as witty either.
He noticed suddenly that there were eyes on him. He looked up from the table, suddenly realizing where he was and made automatic eye contact with a girl across the table from him. She was also a first-year judging by her robes, she had hair the color of wheat and eyes the color of the sky which she was using to glare at him now that she had his attention.
“Um, hello there,” He greeted, nearly biting off his own tongue for using a filler word, his father would really have his head come winter break, if this was the path he’d be going down.
“Don’t tell me you’re not planning to eat anything,” Her voice was filled with fire, “You know that’s quite rude,” He didn’t know what had provoked her, but he did realize that perhaps what she said may be true.
“Well, it’s not really your business, but I’ve no appetite this evening,” He retorted, but still glanced at the feast around him for something to take, he didn’t want to offend the staff. He reached for a roll, but suddenly the food vanished and the desserts appeared.
“Serves you right,” She said, before ignoring him in place of spooning pudding onto her own plate.
Obi-Wan stared at the desserts lining the table, there were many he’d always wanted to try and his eyes kept coming back to the chocolate pudding. He caught himself mentally begging the girl to call him out again as an excuse to have some, but she didn’t, so he just stared off across the room at the Slytherin table and listened to his mother’s voice echoing in his head.
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everly-kindred · 5 years
Eve’s Diary - Entry #44
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Synopsis: A very snowy week of January passes, and Eve collects her thoughts on the happenings. 
Words: 1,501
Date: 17th of January, 2027
Dear Diary, 
Well. It has been quite a week. I feel like my mind is too full of things, and I’m definitely looking forward to the weekend to process some of it. I’m gonna at least write down what I remember, to sort of… unload and unpack.
First of all, I finally approached that Persephone Vitrac girl. I didn’t mean to, but I stumbled upon her and kind of just… started asking all those questions about werewolves that have been bouncing around my brain. I had been reading those old Owl Post articles, after all, so I was really curious. 
What I learned was: 
Dittany and silver are used to heal werewolf injuries - silver does not hurt werewolves. And this is the only thing that can heal those wounds, thus why almost all, if not ALL werewolves are also magical folk. 
Werewolves face so much discrimination because of their violent nature, that it drove them to the Dark Lord’s army, as they believed they would finally be safe and in a community of their own. 
The discrimination stems from the fact werewolves do not retain their human mind when changed and have a weird and strong desire to attack other humans…
UNLESS they take wolfsbane, which was only invented around 50 years ago, and magical folk live really, really long so many remember life before wolfsbane.
Werewolf related injuries are considered curse damage and will never heal properly.
No one really knows where the curse of lycanthropy started. 
The Lovelace woman I read about in the papers is the one who turned Persephone, several years ago, and was the one doing the Hogsmeade attacks that I read about, dreamed about, even had a vision about. 
I think that’s everything she told me. Anyways, it gave me a lot to think about. Especially because we had our full moon just last week - and ironically enough, January’s full moon is called the ‘Wolf Moon.’ Or at least, that’s one of a few nicknames for it. It’s also called the Old, Winter, or After-Yule moon. 
For this moon, I asked my tarot deck to present me with a card that would show me what to expect between this moon and the next. I know that I should do a larger reading for esbats, but I honestly don’t have the energy to. 
Anyways, I pulled judgment, which tells me imminent change is coming, and I will have to make a very important decision of some kind. I’m unsure of what this could be, so for now, I will sit tight, continue my studies and practices, and wait to see how life unfolds. 
Most of my dreams have been nonsense, like, the other night I dreamt that Talula owned a shop inside the school, and she made and sold really pretty velvet dresses, and then this boy who was really mean came and lit the shop and the school on fire. But, like, Talula thought it was funny? And it just didn’t feel like how any of my serious dreams felt, so I sort of brushed it off. 
Though I did have a dream about Aures, too. She was really sad and was sitting in the snow alone, when three roses grew from seedlings to buds, to fully blossoming in a circle around her. And then these roses began to glow and turned into three foxes curled around her, and the foxes seemed to make her happy. So I took some of the wood from artificer club, and a knife and paint, and carved Aures her own little wooden fox that I put in a terrarium for her. 
Speaking of, Bonnie has been showing us how to carve our own wands in Artificer club. I tried to make mine look like a berry branch… Maybe Holly or Blackberry, I’m not sure. We’re going to paint and polish our wands next week. I want mine to be colourful rather than just polished wood. I feel like there are so many creative opportunities with wands that don’t get explored!
Also in Artificer club, I talked to Bobby and this older boy who had approached us to talk to Tal, about making a jellyfish lantern. If I get a floaty fabric and a jar, I could probably make it.. I’d have to learn how to cast bluebell flames and a few floating spells like wingardium leviosa, and I feel like there’d have to be some level of enchantment involved, but maybe Bonnie could help me! I think it sounds so nice to have a glowy jellyfish floating above you as a nightlight. 
We had Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Vikander had something really noisy in some sort of cage covered in cloth that looked stained with either blood or jam. I hope whatever it was is closer to the latter, and not the former. Anyways, Vikander asked us about dark creatures, what makes a creature dark, and that sort of thing. And Aures said something that sort of echoed and reminded me of a thought I’d had when we were talking about dragons. And I’ve come to the conclusion that humans, both magic and muggle, really are the most deadly creatures on the planet. 
History is really… bloodstained, and we’ve caused so much damage to all living creatures, ourselves, and our own planet. So we must be the darkest creatures of all, even if we have the capability of being the opposite. We can choose to be different, we can choose to be light. So that’s what I’m going to do. I will be one of the lights in the darkness. I have to be. If no one did it, we’d all drown and cease to exist. 
Speaking of dark things like this, I need to remember to write Aisling a letter and ask how she’s doing. The attacks have continued to be addressed, and they’re apparently still looking for the guy who has been going after animagi. I hope they catch him. 
On lighter notes, some fun things have happened this week, too! Like, Professor Banks was substituting for Transfigurations this week, and we were talking about the basic functions of Transfigurations and whatnot… And I think… Well, I asked her if it’d be possible to use magic to turn oneself into a faerie, and she wouldn’t answer, which tells me it is! If I can just make myself really small, and give myself wings and maybe pointy ears… It’d be wonderful! And dangerous too, of course, but you know… 
I went to Arithmancy and learned that even though numbers and my brain don’t really get along, it’s an interesting class! Professor Rask made all these pretty shapes in the air with the wand-writing spell, and we were meant to copy those shapes and sort of do something to comprehend them, but I couldn’t get my wand to work with me. I also met a few new people - a boy named Colin Mackenzie (who called me Lady Kindred, thank you very much! Makes me sound like a knight or a princess or something!) and a girl named Maddy Hemlock, who tried to help me cast the spells. 
There was this girl in that class who was really mean to one of the older Hufflepuffs. She called her a loser and told her to get out of ‘her seat’ and it was just… really odd, but no fights were started or anything. She was just kinda loud about it, but the Hufflepuff moved and didn’t kick up a fuss. I didn’t like it though.
In Herbology, Ruby’s friend Octavia sat next to me. It was her birthday, so I gave her a chocolate chip biscuit with some icing. I guess she really liked it, because she got really energetic afterward! I also gave one to this other girl who was sitting next to me, another Slytherin, because her stomach rumbled and it was close to dinnertime anyhow. 
And then tonight, I had divinations with Bonnie. We were continuing our eye study, and so Bonnie told me to look in her eyes and tell her what I saw. Basically, to no one’s surprise, Bonnie is a brilliant mind and will have many opportunities before her. But I warned her not to burn herself out by putting too much on her plate. 
I think I want to paint her eyes, as well. So maybe I’ll do that this weekend… paint some eyeballs and write Aisling a letter. 
It’s been snowing like crazy. I feel trapped in this castle, in a way, and comforted in another. Like the snow is a clean, sparkling blanket against the stone walls, keeping us safe to be cosy by our warm fires. I’m certainly much sleepier this time of year. I love all of the seasons, honestly, and I especially love when things shift and change, so I’m really getting ready for spring. I know that’s a long way away, though. 
Anyways, it’s super late and I need to go to sleep. 
Much love, Everly
About the Character: Everlina Rosemary Kindred is an imaginative Hufflepuff attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She keeps up with her magical journey through a series of diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings, all documented for future reflection. Her diary is a small glimpse into her enchanted life, and her adventure into the wizarding world and all its splendors. If you’d like more information about Eve, visit her wiki page. 
About the Author: My name is Katherine! I am a 21-year-old Hufflepuff & Pukwudgie from Louisville, Kentucky. This page is my creative journey into the magical world, through the lenses of Second Life. Here I post diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings all from my character’s perspective. If you’d like more information about me, visit my Flickr! 
Outfit Credits:
Hair - Magika - Hair - Faye
Eyes - Gloom. - Walkers Collection - Undying ((Now at Epiphany!))
Skin - DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for Genus Heads *Sienna* Nordic
Head - GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face
Headband - Mossu - Fleur.Wreath
Sweater - neve top - sharp
Book & Pose - *!R.O!* Knowledge BENTO Pose
Choker - Whisper ~ Teeny Choker 
Ring - ^^Swallow^^ Lock of Love Ring
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floopcwdr-blog · 6 years
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❝ Brought a knife to hell and saw / What was left down there and more / Hide-and-seek’d for far too long / Kept my treasures with my bones / Lived for lies, lived for tales / Lived for good and hit the rails. ❞ PARK SOOYOUNG? No, that’s actually ALICE LONGBOTTOM. A SIXTH YEAR student, this SLYTHERIN student is sided with THE DOUBLE AGENTS (MCGONAGALL’S ARMY). SHE identifies as a CISWOMAN and is a HALF-BLOOD who is known to be SECRETIVE, ARROGANT, and MANIPULATIVE but also CLEVER,OPEN-MINDED, and EFFICIENT. { SAM, 23, EST, THEY/THEM }
Full Name: Alice Longbottom. Nickname(s): None. Seriously, she believes her name is short enough as it is. Age: Sixteen. Gender & Pronouns: Ciswoman & She/her. Place of birth: TBD. Birthday: TBD. Currently living: TBD. Species: Human. Ethnicity: South Korean. Occupation: Hogwarts student. Orientation: Bisexual. Social status: Middle class. Relationship status: Single.
Body Build: Ectomorph. Height: 5'6". Hairstyle: Long and slightly wavy. Hair Colour: Brown. Eye Colour: Brown. Distinguishing Features: None. Preferred Clothing: Always fashionable. Follows both wizarding and muggle trends. Wears a lot of skirts and dresses. Accessories: A dainty gold necklace with a small pearl, always. Also, a small powder blue and gold-plated watch on her left wrist.
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. House: Slytherin. Best Core Class: Astronomy. Worst Core Class: Potions. Electives: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Divination. Prefect: Yes, since fifth year. Quidditch: Seeker for the Slytherin team. EXTRA-CURRICULAR(S): Astronomy Club. O.W.L. Grades: Ancient Runes (O), Arithmancy (O), Astronomy (O), Charms (O), Defense Against the Dark Arts (O), Divination (E), Herbology (E), History of magic (E), Potions (A) Transfiguration (O). N.E.W.T. Grades: To be determined.
Wand: Acacia wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 ¾" and hard flexibility. Pets: Has a barn owl called Albertine. Boggart: Her family’s dead bodies. Animagus/Patronus: Non-Applicable/Hippogriff.   Amortentia: The scent of the body lotion she uses, rose jam & honey.
49 Archetypes: The Maestro (Ambitious, Focused, Confident). Alignment: Lawful Neutral. Enneagram: Type 4, The Individualist. MBTI: ISTJ, The Logistician. Soul Type: Thinker. Zodiac: Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon & Leo Rising.
quick facts
neville and hannah’s daughter, ever’s twin, and violet’s younger sister. WOULD kill and/or die for her family.
has few friends, but the ones she has? she cares about so damn much and would do anything for them. also would highkey do anything for the people her sisters care about because she wouldn’t want them to be hurt because that would hurt her sisters and that’s just not okay.
is, um, kind of full of herself? thinks that she’ll never get caught as a double agent because she believes that she’s the best and just……. child…….. chill, get your head out of your ass, and be careful.
is lowkey cold and intimidating, but is still super open-minded? like, she doesn’t judge others easily. she just thinks highly of herself, but that doesn’t necessarily means that she thinks badly of others.
so yes, is a double agent who’s true side is the da, because she does believe in their cause. she does strongly disagree with the death eaters, but since she’s always kept her mouth shut about her beliefs and is slytherin af, it made sense to others when she joined the death eaters. she ofc approached the da first, letting them know she could have an in to the de, which is how that all started! wants to fight for what is right, and truly believes she can make a change, which comes from the thinking highly of herself bit i already mentioned.
loves fashion???? is 100% here for short skirts and dresses and will fight you if you call them inappropriate because “fashion is art, you piece of scum”
uhhhhhhhhhhhh is actually kind ofsenstive but hides it VERY well behind a bitchy façade
i’ll write her bio asap, which you’ll be able to find on her about page!
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Confessions: Chapter 2
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Confessions Chapter 2 - Avoiding Thorns
Summary: Rose Weasley's story has been lain out for her even before birth. expected to stay on the path of good, the path that her parents helped carve years earlier. But that is the story of Rose's parents. Little did Ron and Hermione expect their daughter to take part in a separate journey, one that began similar to theirs... With the enrollment to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Rose Weasley is immediately divided away from the Malfoys with the understanding that they were not to interact. Now currently attending the boarding school for her final year, a unanticipated change sends her in a tail spin. Perhaps it was the trouble they always got wrapped up in. Perhaps the silently mutual, rebellious message to change tradition. Or perhaps she simply succumbed to her emotions. Despite the reason, Rose discovers to her own surprise--and her family's disgust--that she has slowly but surely fallen for her enemy.
Pairings: Rose x Scorpius, Albus x OC
Warnings: Swearing
Confessions Masterlist
Em’s Masterlist
5 years later…
"Mr. Malfoy and Miss. Weasley, you will both be serving detention for a week with Professor Longbottom in the Herbology greenhouse."
McGonagall drops two enormous files in front of us, our very detailed records. Dumb-shit over here and I have had a lot of problems over the past few years.
"You two will never grow up, it’s always something. You’re in your sixth year, it’s about time you grow up and leave the past in the past," McGonagall grumbles filling out the detention forms. "I should owl your parents for this!"
This time we…err…accidently let out some Cornish Pixies while we were attempting to hex one another. Anyway, the pixies kind of…sort of… hung some first years by their knickers off the astronomy tower.
It was NOT my fault!
McGonagall’s face turns hard as stone, just like it always does before she starts lecturing us on getting along. She’s a frightening woman when she gets angry; I should know.
I slump in the uncomfortable wooden chair placed in front of McGonagall’s enormous desk. I turn my head and glare at the albino weasel next to me. "Next time you two get at it, Miss Weasley do not give me that look, I will put you both in detention for a year, remove both of you from your respective Quidditch teams, and bar you from all privileges. Do I make myself clear?" McGonagall looks as if shes going to have an aneurism by the way she’s leaning over the giant oak desk shouting at us.
"Yes Ma’am," squeaks Malfoy. I nod rapidly, too furious to speak.
"You are dismissed," she says, and we scamper out of that office faster than Harry Potter’s broomstick. Once we’re out Malfoy stops and turns to me his arms crossed over his chest.
"Nice going Weasley," he sneers, silvery blue eyes ablaze.
"Hey, it was your hex that let out those bloody pixies, not mine!" I snap, walking past him. I need to get away from ferret boy before something happens…again.
"Don’t you walk away from me, Weasley." He easily matches my quick pace. "We are not done!"
"Yes, we are!" I turn a corner abruptly and duck under a tapestry. A ton of them have secret passages, this one in particular led to the Gryffindor common room. I wait for a moment, sitting on the damp ground in the unusually circular tunnel, waiting for Malfoy to pass on.
"Weasley!" I hear him shout my name. "We are NOT done, where the fuck are you?" He yells my name again.
I roll my eyes at his daftness. It was a good thing that James had shared the secrets of the Marauder’s Map with me. I hear Malfoy’s footsteps recede. I stand, ducking my head in the grimy tunnel and slowly creep along the cavern back to the Gryffindor common room.
"Rose, thank Merlin you’re here!" I hear Al call out to me from the center of the Common Room. His face wore a look of relief; in his hands was a bundle of parchments.
"What is it now?" I groan, sliding onto an empty couch, patting the cushion beside me.
"Can you please help me with my Transfiguration essay?" he looks at me with puppy dog eyes and pouts his lip dramatically.
I just about love him to death. But right now, I'm not in the mood, due to the... events that occurred today.
"Absolutely!" I growl sarcastically, "I’ve just had a bloody brilliant day! Malfoy and I got at it again, we got chewed out by McGonagall for letting Pixies escape and hang first years by their knickers off the astronomy tower. Then I had to come up here by a bloody secret passageway and now I have blisters on my feet!" I say mockingly excited, "Of course I’ll help you!" I clasp my hands together.
"Really?" He sounds so hopeful that I roll my eyes. Sarcasm isn’t Albus' specialty.
"I'm sorry Al, not tonight." I sigh, marching up the stairs to my dorm.
"Aw, come on Rosie…please! What happened?" he calls up the stairs to me.
We’re best friends; I can’t keep anything from him. My anger dissipates on hearing his pleads.
I turn back around to Al. "Why can't I ever say no to you?" I huff.
He gives me a small smile and shrugs his shoulders.
"Tell me what happened," he questions, placing an arm around my shoulders and we sink onto the floor in front of the massive fireplace.
"Well… I have detention with Longbottom for a week, I might get kicked off the Quidditch team, and banned from all non-mandatory extracurricular activities,"
A hard lump obstructs my airway and my voice breaks, I bury my head in my lap. I can’t get kicked off the Quidditch team, it’s way too important to me. Besides I’m the best Seeker Gryffindor has seen since Uncle Harry, or so I've been told.
"Shhh, Rosie, don’t cry. I won’t let you get kicked off the team." Al hugs me. "And that Malfoy is a fucking part, don’t go near him!" Al is super overprotective of me, he acts like the older brother I never had.
"You sound like my Dad," I smile weakly as Al tries to cheer me up.
"If you don’t get into Gryffindor, young lady I’ll disinherit you, no pressure," he mimics sending me into a fit of giggle. I still can’t believe Dad actually said that to me on the morning I first went to Hogwarts.
I give him a playful shove, a final laugh escaping my lips.
"Hey!" He exclaims pushing me back.
"Hey, yourself," I push him harder, and he scrambles away.
"Get back here Potter," I growl.
"Make me..." A mischievous glint shines in his eyes.
"Potter, I’m counting to three and if you’re not here I will personally tell your mother that you got detention last year for setting Juliet Wood’s robes on fire," I say authoritatively. I know that will get him to shut up.
"Whoa Red, what are you telling our mother!" James declares as he saunters down the stairs.
"James, stop calling me that, first off. And secondly, it’s none of your business." I place my hands on my hips.
"What’s with her?" James asks Al as if I’m not here.
"Got detention with Malfoy again," he shrugs.
"Ha, again! Why?" He asks Al.
"Pixie incident," Al laughs, "Some first years got hung by their knickers off the astronomy tower."
"You do realize that I'm still here?" I question them.
"Yeah..." James gives me a sideways look, not realizing his rudeness.
I've had enough stupidity for one day, so I turn on my heel, and march up the stairs again.
"Boys!" I mutter exasperated.
"See you later Red," calls James. I swear I’m going to strangle him if he calls me that one more time! Does anyone know where I can find a paralytic curse?
"Oh, and by the way, Quidditch practice is at five!" Al calls after me.
I jam my helmet over my messy bun, grab my Whirlwind 360, and march out the snitch-decorated door onto the Quidditch pitch.
"Oi, Rose nice of you to join us!" I hear Al yell to me from the air.
"Sorry!" I yelled back. I’m the last to arrive at practice, I had a bit of trouble finding my gear…I know! I’m an unorganized mess! If it wasn’t for Al helping, well more like forcing me to clean my part of the dorm; I don’t know what I’d do! Probably live like a hoarder!
I hop on my broom and take off to where our team is huddled; well you can’t ‘huddle’ very well when you’re flying on a broom. Anyway, Al was barking out our practice schedule for the week leading up to the first game of this year, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.
"Weasley!" Al snaps at me.
Whoa Al, did someone Quaffle you on your head?
"Yeah?" I roll my eyes at Al, who looks like he’s on the verge on some kind of breakdown.
But unfortunately, this is normal. Well, for Quidditch practice anyway. Al likes to win, no sorry, I lied. Al loves to win. So that means long, hard practices four times a week. But even for Al he looks a bit touchy.
"Fifteen laps around the pitch, Rose" Al commands.
I was late! It’s not like I blew up the pitch!
"I need my Seeker in tip top shape for the game, and after you’re done with that I want to see The Wronski Feint!" Al continues.
But at this point I’m not really interested in his ranting. I look around at my teammates… everyone looks uninterested in Al’s rantings, going around the circle I count off everyone. The two beaters are the twins Lorcan and Lysander Scamander, Chasers Al, James, and Trevor Wood, and our keeper Roxy. Then me, the Seeker, Yeah, most of the team is related, but it keeps things interesting.
"Weasley! Are you even listening to me?" I glance back at Al, his bright green eyes overflowing with annoyance.
"Fifteen laps Al, really?" I groan.
"Yes, fifteen Weasley, everyone on your toes! Go!" Al exclaims, blowing a plastic whistle.
Yes, a whistle, a bloody whistle.
I fly my broom down to the grass, while everyone else starts drills.
I lay back panting, flat on my back after fifteen laps around the pitch, it’s a hot day and my clothes are soaking with my sweat.
I’m dead…
I’m slowly dying…
I loathe Albus Severus Potter…
Everyone else is up there doing passing drills!
"Hey Red! Whatcha’ doing? Killing time?" I hear James shout at me.
Yes, James exactly.
"No," I pant, rolling my eyes
"Then what are you doing?" He hovers above me on his broom, grinning.
"Dying…" I moan. I manage to sit up with a bit of struggling and a lot of resistance from my screaming muscles.
"Can I help with that?" James smirks.
"Yeah, tell that brother of yours to..." I snarl, only to be cut off…
"Weasley!" Al shouts at me, once again blowing that stupid whistle "On your toes, I need to see those Wronski Feints."
"Not a chance in hell, Potter" I whine at him. My legs are wobbly, as I try and walk to my discarded broom.
" I need my team to beat Slytherin on Saturday and I’m sure you would love to beat Malfoy," Al dismounts from his own broom, scooping up my own and handing it to me.
My mind jumps at the thought of rubbing Malfoy’s defeat in his face, a smirk grows on my face. I straddle my broom stiffly, my muscles aching as I push off the ground.
"That’s my girl!" Al chuckles joining me in the air.
After practice was finished I could hardly move. But it would all be worth it when we won on Saturday. Although, I believe Al’s competitive problem is worsening, but then again, his mother is Ginny Potter.
I can hardly make it to the locker rooms; it’s not fair, Al didn’t half kill everyone else on the team.
The cold water from the shower cools my burning muscles. I quickly towel off reaching for my bag of fresh clothing, Roxanne has just stepped from a steaming shower stall when the door thuds open.
"Hey girls, just so you kn-…. OH SHIT SORRY," James’ voice announces. A chorus of shrieks and swearing insures, I pull the towel off my head to cover my naked body.
Shock registers on James’s face for a second before he shields his eyes, backing out yelling, "Meeting. Common Room. Eight."
I bury my head in my red and gold striped towel to hide my embarrassment and shock. "Oh my Merlin, that did not just happen!"
"James will never hear end of this," Roxy exclaims her face just as red as my own.
I hope you enjoyed my second installment of Confessions!
I’m so excited to breath life back into this fic!
Please comment and reblog if you liked it! and give me a follow if you want to read more!
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delicrieux · 6 years
the one for me
PAIRING: bill weasley x reader
summary: bill and fleur’s wedding is attacked. little angst. mostly fluff. 
also, requested by @whitewolf-dianaprince, @ghostwriter050402, and anons. 
a/n : the requests are quite long so i put them at the end of the fic. i was nearly boycotted so im fixing my act. sorta. poor fleur tbh. but i love my mans bill weasley and i only make him suffer bcs my heart couldnt take giving him up afterwards! IT’S SAD AT THE START BUT HAPPY AT THE END! A COUPLE OF THINGS TO NOTE: this takes place after ‘the one for you’, jacob and mc have a curse-breaking firm, mc is bills one true love :( THANK YOU SO MUCH TO @blackphoenixfire FOR COMING THRUUU WITH THE MOODBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 PLEASE CHECK EM OUT! <3 
feedback is always appreciated xoxo
MASTERLIST. ko-fi (i chug coffee as i write these fics, and another cup would make me happy <3)
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“Stay here tonight. If you go now, they might catch you.”
At Bill words you snap your head to him, your whole body trembling as you grasp you wand tightly. The unfamiliar building seeps with warmth as the wind howls mercilessly outside. The room, small, yet cosy, one of the many safe houses the Order has, is illuminated by oil lamps that cast dim shadows of you and he. The air is stuffy. You take in a deep breath to calm your beating heart, yet to no avail. Slowly, your peer away from the defeated form of Bill Weasley, he sitting on a plush couch that is lightly chewed by moths and other, as you shakily turn to the window. A clear starry night lies behind your ghastly reflection.
“(Name).” Bill calls you, his voice hollow and strange.
Subconsciously, your mind racing with terrible thoughts, your hands raise and you twirl your wand in a graceful, poise motion, “Protego Totalum….” The words fall from your lips in a terrified whisper, “Salvio Hexia…”
“I think we’re safe here.” He tries to get your attention again, yet you do not budge, “(Name)…Please….” His face falls into his hands as a low, breathy sigh leaves his lips, “Come here so I could make sure you are actually alive.” He adds quietly, more to himself than you.
His words shake you to the very core and inspired with energy you drop whatever protection charm you were going to cast next and promptly walk to his side, a short stride, really, and fall by the couch as you grab him by the wrists and pull. You meet face to face with misty blue eyes, clouded by shock and hurt. A strained smile pulls on the corners of your lips, “I’m here.” You reassure him, yet you don’t sound so sure yourself, “I’m alive.” Your cold hand moves to caress his hair, “The rest are alive, too. They are, really. I would never lie to you, would I?” Your voice strains with doubt, “What matters is that we made it out, yeah? We’ll contact the rest as soon as—“ As soon as what? You aren’t certain yourself. “…Shitty wedding, ey?”
He manages you wheeze out a laugh, “Tell me about it.” Though the last drop of light-heartedness melts away into fear, “I…really thought I lost you.”
“Nonsense, you couldn’t lose me even if I died.”  You jest, your voice still a nervous whisper, “I’d haunt you for the rest of my afterlife. Nothing in this world could tear me away from you, Bill.”
He smiles faintly at the genuine, yet morbid, idea.
The events of the first cheerful night replay in waves, in striking precision. No detail is left out of your mind, and soon you feel too exhausted to move. You sit by the couch, on the dusty wooden floorboards, your back leaning onto its plush side. Bill had joined you on the floor, his body a welcoming furnace of heat as his arm is draped over your shoulder. The two of you sit in solemn silence, watching the night outside the window, deep and scary.
The wedding was attacked. The Ministry has fallen. Your friends might be dead. And worst of all, there is nothing you can do, no way to contact them and make sure they are still intact. You must wait. Sit and wait and feel utterly useless. It is still too soon to regroup, as danger might be luring just around the corner. You try to even out your breathing as you recall the chilling message, the screams, the blasts of deadly magic that made your hairs stand on end. You had nearly received a few curses; a few less murderous ones had hit you, and their remnants engrave your already bruised body and chip away at your dress. They do not hurt. Granted, you may simply be too numb to feel any pain at all. They are but a dull ache somewhere, you can’t even pin point where. All you can think about is your friends and worry sick. Each time you drift away into your own mind, Bill yanks you back as he pulls you closer to his bodice.
His lips brush against your forehead, warm and tingling against your skin, as you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Do you remember…when we were kids?” He asks you, quietly.
“It would certainly be disturbing if I didn’t.” You reply with a sad smile, “I’m hardly that old.”
“And do you…remember the Yule Ball?”
You hum, “I remember having to reject quite a few offers because I was dead set on taking Ben.” You frown softly, “He was so….frightened of everything. But I knew he wanted to go. He was really happy when I asked him. We jammed to punk rock all night…I have never seen him smiling so brightly.”
“I asked you to the dance, too.”
“You were joking.”
“No, (Name), I wasn’t.” The sudden seriousness in his tone made you pull away, much to his dismay. Your eyes meet and you gulp - intense and determinant, no sign of defeat, “I wasn’t joking when I said I wanted you to be my date. I wasn’t joking when I asked you to be my girlfriend in Egypt. I wasn’t joking about what I said back in the Burrow—“
“Stop.” You plead, eyes closed and quivering, “Just stop, please…” You shake your head, “I was…I was so scared and hurt to come back, I already lost you to someone else and when the Death Eaters showed up I—“ You inhale a sharp breath, your eyes prying open, tears picking at their corners, “I thought I was going to lose you again, this time for good.”
His hands land on your cheeks, pulling you just a tad closer, “(Name), I need to tell you something.”
“I must.”
“You can’t.”
He gives you a shaky smile, “(Name) (Lastname)” He address you, his voice soft as velvet, “my partner in crime, colleague, and best friend.” His eyes find yours and lock them, “…I love you.”
It feels like lightning going through your chest, a whole world of new senses and truths opening after so many years. He says it genuine, meaning every world, every syllable, and every possible connotation. He gazes at you expectantly, your expression of shock and helplessness – even your tears have stopped in their tracks, hot on your skin – as you regard him with silent wonder and admiration. You shut your eyes, welcoming darkness, as you lean onto his touch.
“I love you too, Bill.” You confess, “…And I’m sorry it took me so long to realise.”
He grins, “Better late than never, I suppose.” His thumbs wipe away a few stray tears, “You know… people usually tend to be happy on such occasions.”
You hit him on the shoulder, “You’re married, you git!”
“Then I won’t be.” He states, as serious as before, “I won’t be, for you.”
“No, you will be making a huge mistake—“
“The only huge mistake I made was not having the courage to tell you sooner.” He cuts you off, “And look at where that got us…” His eyes briefly roam around the silent room, “Maybe it is fate.” His attention returns to you once more, his stern expression softening as he caresses your cheek, “I always had this feeling that…You are the one for me. And that sooner or later…We’ll be together.”
“Wishful thinking.” You blur, but can’t help the small smile.
“I say it paid off.” He grins sleepily, briefly glancing at your lips, “I say it paid off, indeed.” Your breath hitches in your throat as you lean in, and so those he. The wind continues to howl. The last thing you see before you close your eyes is soft yellow light playing on his freckled skin. You meet him halfway and he kisses you softly.
For a moment, one single moment, the rest of the world melts away in overwhelming sensations. Worries fade into the night. There are only two people in the world, you and him. Just you and him.
The house is quiet, only the sound of sleepy mumbles and kitchen appliances by the breakfast table echo. Your footsteps are diluted by the carpet under your feet, as curiously and with a hum, you pick up todays mail, dropped just a moment prior. Sunshine streams from the outside, and grasping the velvety letters you briefly skim each one: work, taxes, work, complaint, another complaint, and… Blinking owlishly, you eye the familiar envelope, one you had gotten many years ago yourself. With your heart jumping to your throat, you tear the seal off with shaky fingers and open the letter.
You place a hand over your mouth as not to scream. The envelopes helplessly fall from your gasp and settle on the floor.
You re-read the letter one last time and scream anyway, “OH MY—MERLIN! BILL! BILL COME QUICK!” You yell frantically, looking up to find Teddy Lupin curiously poking his head out from the kitchen. Your husband, still in his sleeping robes, stumbles downstairs, frightened to death with his wand ready. Seeing you teary and grinning brightly, he promptly takes a relived sigh.
“Bloody hell, I thought someone died.”
“No, you idiot,” You shove him the letter, “Our son just got his letter!” You squeal excited, “From Hogwarts! Our baby is going top Hogwarts!”
requests:   Ahh okay I’m in love with your writing and was wondering if I could request Bill x mc with the prompt “Stay here tonight” /  can you make a story from hogwarts mystery after the one you made mc attending fleur and bill's wedding, but the attack happened and later saw mc got hurt bad from it with some side charlie moments (also as i recall in the book ginny and molly never initially like fleur) 😍😍😍😍😍😍 pleaaase i love me some good angst and i really love your writting style~ /  your last fic just KILLED me. can I please request a fluffy mc/bill fic so my boi finally gets the true love he deserves? you’re such a good writer and I really enjoy your fics! can’t wait to read more :-) /  since you are determined to break our hearts with Bill/MC angst here I am, asking you to write Bill/MC fluff, where those two get their shit together, confess their feelings, get married and live happy together ( cause I now consider canon that Bill married Fleur only because he couldn't marry MC-sorry fleur i like you but MC and Bill are soulmates and nothing will ever change my mind )
forever tags: @scarletraine- @brahwhytho- @smilesfromabove- @pharaohkiller - @victoriaelvendorkweasley-@onehellofdevilotaku- @eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy- @phillipas00- @xxcrowfeatherxx- @cupcakestyleshood- @invisibilityrocks- @nephalem67 - @chwechwechwe - @porpentyna - @lesbianheartbreaker - @banjosanjo - @madswheelers - @sombodymaybeawatson - @disneyfanatic77 - @superanonymousreader - @aliypop​ - @slytherinyour-chambers - @onehellofdevilotaku - @victoriaelvendorkweasley - @pharaohkiller - @smilesfromabove - @brahwhytho - @scarletraine - @rosiersgirl  -  @teca-tita - @anapiscator - @ardentmuse - @illiniana - @sugerquill - @oliviaplayschoices - @sarasapen
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