#witch x Incubus
djarinsbeskar · 1 year
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The theme is warm ✅ autumn ✅ coziness.
Both main characters (Faye and Raef) are big influences on all three so I wonder which you lean towards most: the sweetness of Faye's apple cider float or the aged smokiness of Raef's whiskey smash. Maybe you meet in the middle with the ginger lemon tea that's perfect for cooler nights!
You can still preorder A SENSUAL SUMMONING before its release date this coming Friday!
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Spellbound Serendipity
Incubus! Trafalgar Law x Witch! OC
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Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x OC
Magical world AU
Rated: M (For later sexual content)
Summary: AU: Imagine a universe where all pirates are either one of four things; A monster, A demon, A witch, or A human.
What happens when a rival coven member pranks the newest coven "The Straw Hats" by causing the spell Melodia was supposed to perform for initiation to go horribly wrong?
Chapter 1: The mistake
It wasn't fair. Out of all the pranks that could be played on her by the Clown coven, why did it have to be something so damn serious? 
Melodia had been so excited. This year was finally the year that both her and her twin brother Luffy would be able to get their familiars and form their own coven at the Grand line school of magic. They already had their group of friends who all agreed to join them to create this coven. Each one was either without a coven before, or was not happy with the current one they were in. 
Of course though, someone always had to pull a foul prank on the misfits. It shouldn't surprise her all that much right? Well the thing was, she didn't expect for this prank to go so far! It almost didn't seem like just a prank anymore. To her it wasn't because now she's forever bonded to grumpy, albeit handsome looking Incubus! 
"Look, can you just stop scowling at me?" She snapped up at the hovering male demon with many tattoos. Melodia did think he was pretty handsome, she would give him that. If he wasn't one of the most dangerous kinds of demons to be attached to, then she would have been a lot more happy when he showed up from the summoning circle.
"What kind of stupid witch are you? You do know that you've bound us together for all eternity right?" He scoffed back, rolling his eyes at her. 
"How many times do I have to tell you? This wasn't my fault! Someone else in this school pranked me! I was trying to summon my familiar for the initiation ceremony and you came out of the summoning circle" Melodia shot back and glared up at the demon. She then sat back in her chair and waited still for the school's council of elders to call her in. 
Melodia hoped that with them being some of the most powerful witches and wizards in the world, they could find a way to undo her current predicament. She closed her eyes and did her best to hold back her tears. She was at least happy that Luffy's initiation spell had gone correctly. His familiar ended up being exactly what she thought it would be, a Monkey. She was so proud of him and she knew their older brother Ace was probably proud of him too. 
Then this happened to her. She was standing on stage in front of her summoning master, Red Haired Shanks. She concentrated with all of her might to summon her familiar, but instead got this Incubus. Familiar's usually took on the form of a favorite animal or magical creatures of the person summoning it. It was very rare for anyone to get a demon and usually if they did, said demon would only be an imp. Not a full blooded Incubus! 
"Yeah well, you're pretty weak for letting someone push you around like that. I certainly wouldn't, they'd be dead meat!" The Incubus retorted, bringing Melodia back out of her thoughts. 
"Is this gonna be a constant with you because, trust me, I didn't ask for this either buddy" Melodia seethed back, this time she didn't even look at him. "Why do you think we're here huh? These elders can usually get students out of sticky situations. Hopefully if we're lucky they'll be able to undo this," Melodia added after a moment. She then turned her attention to her spell book and looked through it to see what might have gone wrong. 
As she peered into the creatures section, she couldn't find a single page about any type of demons except imps. It didn't really surprise her as most demons were off limits except to the senior students and professors. Cubi demons were usually forbidden to summon on school grounds because of how powerful they were. 
When her friends watched what had happened, they all believed her when she told them that she didn't do this. Zoro was now on a mission to hunt down evidence of who might have done this cruel thing to her. Nami believed wholeheartedly that this wasn't just a prank, but literally someone out to get Mel for some reason. 
Mel didn't want to believe that Nami could be right about someone being out to get her, but she also knew that it wasn't impossible. She just hoped that her master would be able to convince the elders that what happened during the ceremony was not her fault. 
"Yeah well… I hope I'm not bound to you either. I happened to like my freedom thank you very much. Now I can't so much as fuck anyone else without my genitals falling off" The Incubus grumbled crossing his arms over his chest. 
Melodia found herself flushing a deep shade of pink when the Incubus mentioned that. "TMI man! Geez!" She squeaked, nearly dropping her spell book.
"What it's only the truth. Because of this stupid bond, I'll never be able to have another orgy again. Do you even know anything about how my species works stupid?" The Incubus shot back glancing up and down at her curvy form. 
"I have a name ya know. Call me stupid one more time and I will deck you with this spell book," Melodia snapped, her blush draining back out of her face.
"Fine. I guess if I'm stuck to you then I guess I need to know your name. What is it Stupid?" He growled back, not even taking her challenge seriously. That was until a heavy spell book smacked him upside the head. "Ow! Hey!" He groaned, rubbing where the Spell book had hit him. 
"My name is Monkey D. Melodia, but you can call me Mel. Now then, what's your name HellSpawn?" Melodia asked, trying to hide her smirk as she wanted to laugh at him. 
He got his bearings back by the nickname she had called him. He sent another icy glare back at her. "Don't ever call me that again or I will maime you in your sleep," He threatened and then he looked down at the floor he was hovering over and let out a deep sigh. "My name is Law," He finally said after a long pause. 
Melodia then smiled for the first time since the initiation ceremony went wrong. "See, now that wasn't so hard was it?" Melodia replied, earning yet another scowl from Law. 
"Yeah whatever. Still hate you, you stupid human," He answered flatly before it went quiet between the two of them for a moment. 
The silence was interrupted by a familiar looking boy with pink hair. Melodia remembered how her brother had rescued him from a warlock clan at the beginning of their first year. Sadly she didn't see the boy too often so remembering his name was a bit of a challenge. 
"U-Uh… Melodia? The council will see you now," The boy replied standing in front of her. 
Melodia sighed and nodded. "Thanks… um…" 
"Koby, I'm Koby" The boy finishes for her and fiddles with his thick purple glasses. 
Law studied the boy as he began to float after Mel. He then chuckled to himself. "Heh… dweeb" He mumbled as he followed her into the large chamber room. 
"Just be nice for once huh?" Mel shot over her shoulder, she didn't even bother to look and see if he was following her. She could already feel he was. 
The bond between them that was already forming was weird. It seemed like Law could not venture very far from Melodia's side whether he wanted to or not. In return it seemed like Melodia could always feel exactly where he was even if he was using his powers of invisibility.
As much as Law hated to admit it, he realized that at least he seemed to be bonded to a pretty witch. So what if she wasn't the smartest? Her Raven flowing hair looked so soft and fun to run fingers through, her lips looked so incredibly kissable. Wait what? 
He shook his head trying to rid himself of thoughts like that. He lost the ability to truly fall in love years ago when he was turned into this demon. He was an Incubus god damnit! Incubus don't have romance, they're all about sex. 
What would he give to be a human wizard again. He made the mistake of making a deal with a powerful demon known as Doflamingo. The deal was to save his little sister's life, but in the end his entire family died anyway. The price that he had to pay was to become an Incubus and feed off the sexual desires of the human world and give their energy to Doffy. 
What sometimes hurt him most was that he left his master Corazon behind. Cora was probably very angry and disappointed with Law's decision, but at the time Law had felt that he had no other choice. Now he knew that not only was his family fated to die, but he had betrayed the master who taught him everything he knew about healing magic. 
"Hey Law… Law? Hey Hell Spawn!" Melodia called to him, sounding concerned and a little annoyed. 
Law blinked and then glared "I told you to never call me that again you stupid witch!" He growled at her. 
"Hey I wasn't the one acting like a space cadet here. I was just trying to see if you're ok or not, but that's fine I guess. We're here" Melodia quipped and then she turned and bowed respectfully to the elders. 
The elders included Master Hawkeye Mihawk, Lady Boa Hancock, Master Crocodile, Master Buggy, and Master Rayleigh Silvers. Each member owning powerful magic that encompassed the many fields of study at the school. 
"My, My Miss Monkey, what trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?" Mihawk asked first, noticing the Incubus floating over her shoulder. 
"Well you see sir…" She begun before she was signaled by Boa to be quiet for a moment. 
"Just a rhetorical question dear, Shanks has already informed us of your predicament…It is not something usual to happen, but we have reason to believe that another student sabotaged your initiation ceremony." She spoke after a moment causing a little relief in knowing now that the council didn't find her at fault. 
"Why in God's name did Shanks teach those hooligans the old spell? It's so easy to get it wrong and so close to an Incubus spell," Crocodile added flatly, taking a drag from his cigar. 
"Who the hell cares about that? Please tell us if there's a way to fix this!" Law shouted impatiently earning an eyebrow raise from Rayleigh. The white hair elder got up from his seat and wandered over to Melodia and Law. 
"An interesting connection, it's as if it was meant to be…  hm it can be rare that someone has the ability to tame an Incubus. I'm afraid there currently isn't a way out of your bond… at least not one that is known." He spoke as he lifted Melodia's wrist to study the bond mark burned into her skin. "If another student did do this as Shanks is led to believe, then we will punish them justly. For now you will be under careful watch and you must wear this Melodia as a precaution," The old man added, tossing Melodia a collar looking necklace. "On school grounds you must wear this at all costs,"
"In the meantime my dear, we will do what we can to find a way to break the bond. For now it is impossible," Boa spoke. 
Melodia felt the world crashing down around her feet. She would be made even more of a pariah being forced to wear this stupid collar. She hid her tears and nodded. She knew there was only so much the council could do without straying into dark and forbidden magic. She sighed and nodded. She then bowed respectfully to them. "Thank you for time, your graces, We'll see ourselves out," She spoke up and then she turned and dragged a gaping Law behind her. 
Once they were back out into the hallway, Law became livid. "WHAT DO THEY MEAN IT'S IMPOSSIBLE?" He shouted angrily, his tail swishing violently now. His eyes glowing red and he actually looked pretty menacing. 
"It's exactly what they said Law. We're stuck like this whether we want to be or not. Again I don't like it either, ya know since I'll look like even more of a freak now," Melodia snapped glaring icy daggers up at him. 
This made Law pause for a moment and look at her. Somewhere in the pit of his stomach he actually felt bad for her. Especially now knowing that she really didn't do this on purpose. "You get bullied a lot?" He asked her, his voice a bit calmer than a minute ago. 
"So what if I do? My twin brother and I are always getting picked on by people. This wouldn't be something new. I'm sorry you got dragged into this," She apologizes and begins to walk again. 
This made Law feel even worse. He remembered what it was like comforting his little sister when she would come home crying because of a bully. He blinked again. What was that? He only met this human witch a few hours ago. What was wrong with him? Maybe he was exhausted from being dragged out of his home in the underworld? 
"Where are ya going?" He asked as he began to follow after her again. 
"To my dorm room or where we're living until I graduate from this place, might as well show you home I guess," She answered sounding defeated and a bit sad at this point. 
"Well… showing us to a bedroom huh? I could turn that frown upside down if you want me to," Law replied in an almost flirtatious tone. 
"Don't even think about it, mister. I may not know every thing about you Incubi, but I know not to fuck one!" Mel groaned and hid her face behind the hood of her cloak. She then led the way back to her and Law's new living space. 
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p-p-panda · 4 days
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Damn it now I miss C.C... You know it's true love when sn incubus d.j breaks into your bedroom to install a case for all the limited edition/out of production dolls he plans to thrust upon you as they are his pride and joy, but you are his very reason for breathing and he wants to dump all his hyperfixations on you because he loves you so much and then he gives you head in the middle of you watching a monster high movie together-
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tags/warnings: sexual themes, coercion but not in the direction you might think, fem!reader, restraints, consideration of non-con impregnation but ending left ambiguous , incubus!Dabi, witch!reader
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Dabi lunges against ever-tightening chains, teeth bared and snapping as he strains uselessly towards his target. 
He’s bound on a soft queen-sized mattress, his ankles and wrists manacles to the head and footboard, awkwardly forcing out his chest. Enchained also is his neck, the end of it held like a leash by his would-be victim.
She is beautiful— too beautiful, he realizes belatedly, to be mere mortal. Her smile is sharp like thorns on a rose, and her eyes are bright with triumphant wickedness; with a delicate hand, she yanks the chain circling his neck even tighter, and he bares his fangs in protest. 
"Gotcha," she says with a sultry little wink, and he hisses in pain as metal glowing crimson with holy heat presses against his decidedly unholy flesh. 
"Release me."
He means it as a bitter, furious command— but it comes out more like a plea, breathy and nearly fearful, betraying the panic he feels clawing within his breast. 
His words only earn him tighter bonds, and he howls against the pain of them. 
"Did you really think I would let you go so easily?" she asks with a hint of a giggle, as though something about this were entertaining. "How long have you been lurking, creature? How long have you watched, waited by my window for this very night?"
So long, he thinks. So very, very long. 
He thinks it started when he watched her as she tended her garden in the springtime. He watched as her hands sifted through rich earth, planting wolfsbane, mandrake root, pretty little posies, and all manner of herbs and spices; at the time, all he could think was what this human might grow for him, and what he could plant in her garden, as it were. 
Now, in autumn's dying breath, he wonders if she will bother to bury the ashes of his corporeal form in her flowerbed, or if she'll scatter him to the wind without a care in the world for his resting place. By the way she's looking at him now, Dabi doesn't think he wants to know. 
"You know what? I don't want to know," she says casually, twisting the chain over her hand, drawing it taut as she closes the distance between them. "After all, it doesn't matter. I know all I need to know about you."
Fiercely, she jerks the chain again, and suddenly she's close enough for him to kiss or to kill. 
"I know you want me," she says, "and if you behave, I'm willing to let you have me."
Everything stops. 
Dabi's heart hammers in his chest— did he hear her right? —and then she's touching him, her soft hand coming to press against his exposed, ever-persistent bulge, his insatiable need. She grips him tightly— too tight, but desperately pleasing— and he whines against the motion, utterly unused to being actively touched by an intended victim. 
"I don't want a baby," she tells him gently, her nose nearly touching his. "You can fuck me, take your pleasure from my body— you can even be rough, violent without fear of waking a sleeping victim— but I won't procreate. That's my one condition."
Dabi blinks at her, puzzled— then melts once he realizes the implications of what she's just said. 
"But— but I want one," he whines. "The procreating— that's the fun of it, I want a— nngh!"
The fiendish, evil woman jerks the chain so that he literally chokes on his final words.
"No baby," she says, and her tone is final. "You'll make that deal with me— a binding deal— and that's the only way you get to fuck me."
She strokes him as she says it, dry and painful, and Dabi knows he's been had.
"Y-yes," he pleads, his hips rising to meet her strokes, precum leaking from his head. "Please— please—"
Her hand is gone, traveling farther upwards. With one sharp nail, she slices a shallow wound on his chest— over his heart— and she speaks words that shock him to his core.
"I bind you, Todoroki Touya—" she knows his name, how the hell can she know his true name?— "I bind you this night to my will. An even trade we make, an even trade then done, and you will quit this place or else be cursed forever mine. Mine ever to own, mine ever to keep, mine ever to bind. Finite."
She releases his chains, and he pounces. 
A flimsy, snow-white chemise is all that stands between her naked body and his— Dabi rips it off and immediately presses into her flesh, rutting senselessly against her just to gain some relief. As his body takes over, kissing her, caressing her as he grinds against her, his mind wanders to what might happen if he should break the binding between them. He wants a baby, he wants to see this woman swell and grow with little demon spawn; he wants to watch as it toddles and grows fur on its legs, and he wants to keep it for himself, leaving her with another one to grow in her belly, over and over again until—
A high-pitched whine escapes him, and Dabi realizes he's come already just from rutting against her. 
"Good boy," she murmurs, reaching between them to stroke him, his cock never softening— his blessing, his curse— and he throws his head back as she kisses him gently, too gently.
If he were to do what he was thinking, it would mean being bound to such a wicked creature for eternity— or, at least until she died, and with it her magic… but witches can live a very long time. Can he really take the risk?
As he watches the woman climb up onto the bed, her ass up and her legs spread for him, he thinks maybe he can— maybe he should. 
After all, how bad could it be to be bound to someone clever enough to trap him and cold enough to use him? She seemed so much like himself, and if their tastes aligned, well— such a binding might be more advantageous than it had first appeared.
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elfqueen006 · 11 months
Read Charmed on Ao3✨️
Read this paranormal romance drama I made featuring my OC, Cloudy as an amateur witch!
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shisui-uchiha-anon · 1 year
𝕆𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖!
Day four -Witch-
The male reaches out with his pale arms and fondles her long dark brown hair. She does not resist....more she enjoys it... Every night same dream, she gasps awake from in cold sweat. Still feeling cold fingers that linger on her body. Alustriel is a witch. Born one, from the pure unbroken bloodline or as they call it a coven.
In this world, she had to hide what she was. Inquisition would have her burned if they knew what she was. And the mark of what she was, is very visible. The darkening on her hands has begun. The day she cast her first spell her finger turned black, like a burned branch covered with the blackness of the burnt and ash. She always wears gloves or carries her hands hidden in her pockets.
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Till that day. She came inside one shop littered with books and stuff that no one should put on a display like that and far from it sell it so casually. But it looked more like an antique store or a junk shop. For a common person who would enter. “Good afternoon,” she said hoping to get some attention from the owner. But no response came so she wandered from shelve to shelve looking over books till she found one approved by the Inquisition? Since when did they approve of witchcraft? Descriptions of rituals to enhance the harvest were interspersed with truly serious, difficult rituals for summoning familiars and shadows, and even the dim lighting in the room did not prevent her from carefully examining the patterns of applying runic symbols, finding runes familiar to her in the small details of the pattern.
"Entertaining reading matter?" A husky voice asked
Alustriel almost jumped jerking her head towards the voice. How she didn't feel him at all? A tall, dark figure stood in the aisle behind the counter, hiding in the shadows, but the silhouette was clearly visible - the man leaned his shoulder against the doorway and, folding his arms across his chest, watched her with piqued interest. Her eyes went wide it was him, the pale man from her nightmares. And it seemed that he...how ...how did he summon her here? What is he? A warlock, demon, or witch doctor? Alchemist perhaps?
"How do you have this book? How do you hide all this from the Inquisition? Mages, witches, and elves are killed on the spot" She held his direct gaze, stubbornly for she knew well the moment she would flinch he would devour her. She was enveloped in a thick, herbal smell, and she turned, looking up at the alchemist, who turned out to be a whole head taller than her. Long pale fingers grabbed the book out of her gloved hand. A vibrating voice said: “You can take the.” “She froze, not knowing where to put her eyes because looking at his face up close was too... intimidating. -"I read it a long time ago anyway,” he grinned. For this confession alone he could have been handed over to the Inquisition.
"Show me your hands." He knew even when she never took off her gloves. For the first time in many years, Alustriel felt what it was like to have an ally. They were not friends, just allies - and even though Orochimaru needed their deal for selfish purposes---She came to his shop every day. He was wearing a robe that hid his entire figure, but she could easily imagine that underneath were long, slender legs, a narrow waist, graceful curve of shoulders: the tunic and trousers that he preferred in everyday life left no room for imagination.
And then for the first time, she realized the difference between a boy and a man. The way he held her the way he put her to lay down into the circle he made out of the goat blood. Female in a circle and male on top of her, feeding on the energy made by the peak of human pleasure. He was an incubus visiting her dreams, till he lured her to this point.
“What are you ...doing" Her words were cut off by the moan that he ripped out of her lips as she felt his wet tongue between her legs. His tongue felt impossibly long. The tongue of a dragon or it was of the snake? Orochimaru kissed her down there in the same fashion as if he would kiss her mouth. Pleasure silenced everything her compass of morality long gone when he nestled himself between her thighs and elivered first thrust. A surprised cry escaped from his mouth. So he too felt the pleasure it was not just simple energy gathering?
She raised her hand, gently running over his face, but the pleasure quickly turned into agony. In the next second, he had her pinned. A hissing sound came past his lips as he opened his mouth revealing tow sharp glistering fangs.
"Witch is only sourceable during sexual intercourse" He sank his teeth into her neck, and the cracking sound made her eyes water with tears, she was sure that he would brak her neck or eat her way through it. Searing hot pain burned through her veins...
It's so hot.... The heat...
"Stay Back!"
It's setting my body ablaze....
And thus the Snake's daughter was born....
(Story inspired by a thread on Discord )
(as per request tagging the creator of this challenge list @lunyraartistry)
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dark-moonlust · 4 months
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Weaving dark tales of seduction and lust. Welcome.
「 ✦ Masterlist ✦ 」
𖥔˚ Vampire 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Werewolf 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Dragon 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Gargoyle 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Tentacles 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Centaur 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Naga 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Minotaur 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Incubus | Demon 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Lizard 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Weretiger 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Winter Ghoul𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Mixed/Other Species Mοnster Smut 𖥔˚
「 ✦ Miscellaneous ✦ 」
𖥔˚ Kraken x Mermaid 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Orc King x Elf Princess 𖥔˚
𖥔˚ Yeti x Ice Witch 𖥔˚
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Spellbound Serendipity
Incubus! Trafalgar Law x Witch! OC
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x Monkey D. Melodia (My OC)
AU: Magic school, Magic world
Rating: M (For some sexual content further down the line, cussing, and mentions of violence)
Summary: Monkey D. Melodia was so excited to finally have her familiar and be initiated into upperclassmen status. That was until a supposed prank went horribly wrong and caused her to be bonded to an Incubus!
Now the witch and Incubus duo must learn how to navigate daily life with this new entanglement.
Master Jinbei may have some insight into Law's past and what sets him apart from others Incubus.
Will the bond between witch and Incubus grow stronger or will these two souls locked together be forced to suffer under mistrust and pain?
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Chapter 2: A routine and a secret
"Just so we're clear, I am not sleeping on the floor," Law grumbled, giving a disapproving look at the Full sized bed in the room. 
"I'm not sleeping on the floor either," Mel said, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking down at the floor. She hadn't really thought about what would be affected by the now bond she shared with the grumpy Incubus until they had gotten back to her dorm room. "Come to think of it… if you aren't able to go too far from me then how are we gonna take showers?" Mel asked as a blush began to rise on her cheeks. She definitely didn't think about that part until now. 
"Looks like you're gonna have to trust me," Law replied, a sly looking grin slowly forming on his lips. He then plopped down next to her on the edge of the bed and looked at her. He reached out with a clawed finger and lifted a piece of hair away from her face. 
Melodia shivered a little at the action, she didn't dare spare a glance at him in fear that he was going to hypnotize her or something. She sighed to herself as she knew that at the moment there was no other way around their predicament. "Fine… I guess I can trust you for now, but you do anything perverted then I will spray you with Holy Water," Melodia retorted, her blush getting a bit darker. 
"See, that wasn't so hard was it?" Law replied mocking her from earlier and then he let out a soft laugh at her threat. "You do know that Holy Water doesn't work on all demons right? It's fine I wouldn't dream of being perverted with stupid witch like you," He added after a moment earning a glare from the girl beside him. 
Melodia rolled her eyes "That's fine, I'll eventually figure out something you're weak to or afraid of, but for now I want to take a shower and get ready for bed. I have another day of classes in the morning," Melodia said and then took a deep breath.
"Would it help if I turn away while you undress?" Law asked with a small groan of disappointment. 
"Please…" Melodia answered quietly and then waited for the Incubus to turn his back to her. 
"Speaking of trust, how do I know you aren't gonna do something to hurt me when I turn my back to you?" Law asked after a moment of just listening to the sound of Melodia's robes rustling. He squeezed his eyes shut a little tighter as if it would prevent the thoughts he began to form in his mind. 
She had a beautiful face, with soft looking chubby cheeks. From the glances he had taken of her rare curves he'd seen under her loose robes, he was already guessing that her body must also be just as beautiful. He then began to wonder what her skin must feel like, was it soft and warm like most humans? What would it look like for her hair to be splayed out under her while she laid flat on the bed at his mercy and… 
"Hey emo boy are the lights on upstairs?" Mel's voice broke him out of his thoughts. He clenched his fist, perfect timing too because he knew that if he let his thoughts go another step further then he'd be having to awkwardly explain why his dick was hard. 
He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes at the new nickname that she'd thrown at him. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine… let's get this over with already because my body is exhausted," He answered flatly and then he snapped his fingers. 
As he snapped his fingers his normal clothes disappeared leaving him in only a towel wrapped around his waist. Melodia blinked for a moment as she was now able to view a gorgeously toned chest littered with tattoos. He even had a perfectly groomed treasure trail! 
"Now look who's being perverted," Law teased seeing the mesmerized look on her face. He knew that look. He'd fucked enough ladies and gents to know that it was most definitely attraction. 
Melodia blinked and quickly turned away from him, her face flushing a dark shade of pink again. "Shut up emo boy and c'mon" She shot back at him and then she led them to the bathroom. 
Taking a shower was definitely an experience. Melodia refused to stand naked in front of Law primarily because of him being an Incubus. The other reason was because she had never been naked in front of a man before. She was still a virgin unlike her older brother Ace and had no idea what to do when it came to sex. 
Witch and Incubus took turns in the stand up shower with one of their hands sticking out of the cracked open door. They were in this predicament because an invisible chain was revealed on both their wrists once water touched it. "I really hope we don't have to do this for the rest of eternity," Law mused while he took his unchained arm to scrub his hair. 
"I hope not either, but if we do then we'll just have to adjust to the circumstances. Animals adapt to their circumstances to survive," Melodia replied leaning against the outside of the shower door to give him as much movement as possible. 
Law poked his head out of the shower door, his shaggy black bangs hanging in his eyes. "That's not all animals do to survive ya know," He whispered in her ear. He then teased her by darting his tongue out to lick her earlobe before he quickly stuck his head back into the shower. 
"PERV!" Melodia shrieked, her cheeks now burning because the delicate lick he left to her earlobe gave her a weird tingling sensation. She then yanked on the chain and caused Law to smack into the shower door with a resounding thud. 
"OW! Geez I'm sorry," He groaned and glared at the door to the shower. After a moment he felt the chain go a little slack again so he went back to finishing with his shower. 
Once they were both finished, Law mumbled something under his breath. A minute later a weird noise rang out along with a weird blue looking light. He then came out of the shower dressed in a pair of yellow and black sleep pants, a heart that matched one on his arm along the leg. 
Melodia looked confused and in awe as she continued to stand there wrapped in her towel. "How in hell did you do that?" Melodia asked, earning a chuckle from Law. 
"What? You mean to tell me that you're a witch and you don't know how to perform a spell for clothes? Pathetic" Law teased glancing up and down at her towel clad body. 
Melodia realized he was checking her out and clenched the towel closer to her body. "I'm still a beginner at magic so no I haven't learned that kind of spell yet. Quit that!" She snaps glaring at him. 
"Yeah, yeah, lemme help you with that then" Law answered barking out a laugh and then he took a deep breath. "Room!" He said aloud and suddenly Melodia was surrounded in the blue light she had seen come from the shower. "Shambles" He then said after a long minute of leaving Melodia in anticipation. As the second word left his lips, she looked down to see she was in one of her favorite nightgowns.
Once the blue light was gone she slowly looked up at him. "Uh… thank you…" She mumbled and then she went over to the sink to brush her teeth. 
The rest of the night went fairly uneventful bar the small argument the two had about what position would be best for them to sleep in. In the end they found a way to sleep facing away from each other, their wrists attached together laying on top of them. That was how they fell asleep, but definitely wasn't how they woke up. 
The next morning… 
The sound of the obnoxious and loud Navi alarm clock woke him first, much to the Incubus' dismay. He looked over with tired eyes to see that it was only 6:00 am.
He realized that sometime in the night, Melodia had rolled over and was now laying with her head on his shoulder. The Incubus part of him wanted to take advantage of this situation, but something was stopping him. He glanced down at her sleeping form, she looked so peaceful and it was actually adorable.
His mind then began to wander about what it might be like to wake up like this next to her every morning. He imagined it would be warm and fuzzy like the feeling he had in his stomach at the moment. No! He was an Incubus. He sold his soul years ago, he wasn't allowed to have this peace because he gave it away. 
He didn't really regret the reason for why he made the deal, he just regretted making the deal at all. He wished he would have thought more rationally and listened to Cora. Now he was stuck in the tortuous hell that was knowing he didn't deserve to have anything normal or good in his life. Incubi don't have families. 
Suddenly he felt her begin to stir awake. He realized his arm was still around her and panicked trying to roll away. This ended with him toppling off the bed and onto the floor.
"W-Whoa! Hey!" Melodia cried hoarsely as she toppled over and landed on top of him on the floor. "What was that for? Have you ever heard of an alarm clock before?" Mel questioned as she groggily tried to get to her bearings. 
She blinked a few times as she realized what position they had landed in. Realizing how dirty this seemed, she quickly jumped off of him and clutched her chest. 
Law blushed a little as well, but turned his face away so that she couldn't see it. "U-Uh yeah… I haven't," He lied because he was not about to risk her finding out the real reason why he freaked out. "Why does it have to be so damn loud and obnoxious?" He growled pretending to glare up at the clock on her bedside table. 
"Because I'm a heavy sleeper and if I don't have it like that then I won't wake up on time," Melodia answered plainly and then she stretched and let out a yawn. She then stood up and dragged the grumpy Incubus into the bathroom to start her morning routine. 
Lunch Period 
"Alright class, remember to practice your luminous spell as we will be using it for the moon water collection field trip next Friday," Master Jinbei announced as the bell sounded for the lunch period to begin. 
He then watched as the students began to file out of his classroom, each one saying their pleasantries. "Oh… Miss Monkey can I see you for just a second" He spoke up as Melodia was getting ready to leave with Law floating over her. 
Melodia paused for a moment as she finished packing up her knapsack. "Yes Master, am I in trouble?" She asked nervously. Law also felt a chill of unease run through him for some reason and it caused him to bare his fangs. 
Jinbei chuckled softly seeing the Incubus' reaction and waved them both off. "No, no, of course not child. I had heard about what happened yesterday and I wanted to just talk to you for a moment to see how you were," Jinbei reassured her and then he invited her over to his desk so that they could both sit down. 
Melodia instantly calmed down and followed her teacher in sitting down by his desk. "Um yes sir, I'm surviving I suppose…I still don't know what really happened. I didn't mean for this to happen though," Melodia said, yanking a little on the invisible chain. 
"Hmm I see, well from what I've observed so far about your permanent guest is that he doesn't seem to be like other Incubus. He's a lot tamer than others I've seen," Jinbei replied, looking over Law for a moment. It was like the Fishman was looking for something on Law, what it was, Law didn't know. 
"Geez thanks for talking about me like I'm not right here or anything," Law quipped sarcastically and crossed his arms over his chest. 
"Hush emo boy," Mel hissed up at him before turning to look back at her teacher. "What do you mean Sir? I thought Incubus were all the same,"
"Not quite. Incubus and Succubus are actually much more complex demonic creatures than the human community gives them credit for," Jinbei explained and then he opened his desk drawer and pulled out a book of demons and demonic entities. 
The Fishman then trifled through the pages until he came across the page on Incubi. "See here, there are four main types of Cubi demons. The first are those who are born with the blood of a Cubi in their veins, a lot of times they are hybrid species. The second are humans who made a deal with a chief Cubi out of either stupidity or desperation and was turned into a Cubi-" 
"I WASN'T STUPID OR DESPERATE, SHE WAS DYING!" Law snapped angrily, his wings flared up, eyes turned red, and his muscles tensed. His breathing became ragged and he shut his eyes. 
Melodia shot a look up at Law and grew concerned. Jinbei must have hit a nerve with him by accident. "Hey…" She said quietly and then she cautiously put her hand on his knee. "Easy now Law… look at me," She spoke calmly, her voice like a balm to his ears. 
His body shook a little, but his red eyes finally mustered up the courage to look at her. His breathing was still heavy, his jaw was also clenched. She didn't try to run away though. Her hand felt gentle against his leg, not burning hot like some humans who tried to touch him when his thoughts spiraled.
"I'm sorry, but the curse has progressed too far in your daughter's body. There isn't anything else we can do, but let her be comfortable and content," 
"No! Please Doctor, there has to be something we can do! There must be some spell you haven't tried!"
"There is nothing that we can do that won't cross dark and unholy territory Ms. Trafalgar… I'm sorry" 
"Law, take a deep breath for me, can you do that?" Melodia instructed calmly and then she carefully reached out to take his hand in her own. She carefully pulled him downwards so that his face was level with her own. She then took a deep inhale and slowly exhaled. Melodia repeated this process a few times hoping that he would see and follow her lead. 
Inhale… 1 2 3… Exhale… 1 2 3… 
A few minutes of this and the memories that were circling his brain like vultures began to go away. It almost shocked him when he found himself growing calm again. What the hell? No one had ever been able to do that before, he usually just let the memories torture him into a dreamless sleep. 
"That's it, easy does it… are you ok?" Mel asked softly, her eyes filled with concern and kindness. Law nodded slowly as he didn't trust his words at the moment. The kindness in Melodia's eyes scared him a little because he had almost forgotten what it looked like. The last person who he saw that kindness in was his old master Corazon. 
Melodia then turned to look back at master Jinbei again with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry sir…" She said bowing in respect and mercy. 
Jinbei looked at Law quizzically for a moment and then turned back to look at Melodia. "No need for an apology child, he just confirmed to me that he isn't like many Cubi. I'm going to write down some notes from my book here that might become useful for you and give them to you later so as to not stir up another PTSD attack. You two best be going to lunch period anyways before your twin brother starts looking for you," Jinbei replied calmly. 
"Thank you so much Sir, it means a lot that you're giving me so much help with this," Melodia said and then she took a hold of her knapsack. She then grabbed Law's hand to lead him out of the classroom. 
"It's no trouble at all, it isn't everyday that this kind of thing happens. You're also one of my best students Melodia and I want to help you through this. We will find out who caused this on you," Jinbei promised and then he went back to his book. 
"C'mon emo boy, let's get going to lunch," Melodia said absently earning an eye roll from Law. He pulled his hand from her grasp and began hovering beside her. 
"Mention that to no one." Law grunted as they made their way towards the dining hall. 
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kisakis-boyfriend · 2 months
Genshin Impact Masterlist
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🎃 = Halloween specials
❄️ = Winter specials
✨ = Not smut; SFW
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Trans sub Aether
Bennett's first time – (Sub Bennett)
Hit with sex pollen – (Sub Kaveh, Bennett, Freminet)
Catboy Freminet – (Sub Freminet)
Sub Diluc
Scaredy Cat! – (Sub Tighnari, Gorou; Ghost reader) 🎃
Halloween costume headcannons – (Wanderer, Kaveh, Alhaitham, Layla, Heizou, Kaeya) 🎃✨
Dragon Freminet 🎃✨
Making trans demons cum/squirt on command – (Sub Scaramouche, Freminet, Albedo; Witch reader) 🎃
Diluc in a slutty Halloween dress 🎃
Diluc x Soft demon reader – (Sub Diluc) 🎃
Freminet x vampire reader – (Sub Freminet) 🎃
Camboy Freminet
An Oni's Beloved – (Sub Yae Miko; Oni reader)
Xiao courting headcannons ✨
Spicy Gaming headcannons
Neuvillette x tall reader HCs ✨
Wet dream in your lap pt. 1 – (Sub Wanderer, Xiao, Venti, Aether)
Wet dream pt. 2 – (Sub Lyney, Lynette, Freminet)
Kissing Chongyun – (Sub Chongyun)
Submissive Genshin Darlings – (Sub Wanderer, Heizou, Kaeya, Alhaitham)
More ghost reader – (Sub Tighnari, Gorou) 🎃
Oops, all catboys + catgirl! – (Sub Lyney, Lynette, Freminet) 🎃
I Warned You About Those Woods, Bro! – (Sub Lyney, Lynette; Werewolf reader) 🎃
I Heart Subs pt. 1 – (Multifandom scenario; Sub Freminet, Scaramouche, Xiao, Bennett)
Wet Dream pt. 3 – (Sub Dottore, Childe)
I Heart Subs pt. 2 – (Sub Diluc, Childe, Kazuha, Neuvillete)
Teasing Furina – (Sub Furina)
Whiny, drunk Kaveh – (Sub Kaveh)
Spoiling Freminet
Receiving Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet as a present – (Sub Lyney, Lynette, Freminet) ❄️
Freminet's first snow ❄️✨
I Heart Subs pt. 3 – (Sub Scaramouche, Furina, Freminet)
I Heart Subs pt. 4 – (Sub Xiao)
I Heart Subs pt. 5 – (Sub Neuvillette, Wriothesley Alhaitham)
Pure Yang Spirit – (Sub Chongyun)
Railing them – (Sub Freminet, Lyney)
Stuck in a hole – (Sub Bennett)
Sensory deprivation – (Sub Aether, Kaveh)
Eating out trans Freminet
Public phone sex – (Sub Freminet)
Furriendly Competition – (Trans sub Lyney)
Deep Dark Waters – (Sub Freminet; Sea monster reader) 🎃
Sleeping Benny – (Sub Bennett; Sleep paralysis demon reader) 🎃
Beware the Big Bad Wolf – (Sub Bennett; Wolfboy reader) 🎃
Trade Off – (Sub Xiao; Monster reader) 🎃
Sacrificial Lamb – (Sub Bennett; Incubus reader) 🎃
Oh, To Be A Harbinger – (Various sub Fatui grunts)
Rimming Freminet – (Sub Freminet)
Teaching Freminet How To Masturbate
Soft sex with Ayaka – (Sub Ayaka) ❄️
Kaveh x monster reader – (Sub Kaveh; Plant monster reader)
Soft noncon – (Sub Scaramouche)
Albedo's Experiment – (Sub Albedo)
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269 notes · View notes
kinktober '24
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scheduled posts .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙
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bang chan
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⁀➷。 hunting season pairing: werewolf!chan x fem!reader ↳ MDNI content warnings: primal play, breeding kink, knotting, etc. ➸ synopsis: when your darling, fluffy headed boyfriend said he wanted to try something new, you couldn't help but agree. ⇥ wc: tbd
lee know
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⁀➷。 witch trial pairing: witch hunter!minho x fem!reader ↳ MDNI content warnings: semi-public sex, overstimulation, fingering, squirting, etc... ➸ synopsis: you bet your life on a trial you would surely fail. burning to death or drowning was what you'd imagined, your captor and savior has other plans. ⇥ wc: tbd
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⁀➷。 bring the rain pairing: god!changbin x fem!reader ↳ MDNI content warnings: sacrifices >.>, thigh riding, cockwarming, size kink, overstimulation, praise, body worship, etc... ➸ synopsis: you had always been told you were too ugly to wed anyone. yet in a room full of so many other women, the god beyond the walls of your tiny village chose you. ⇥ wc: tbd
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⁀➷。 devour pairing: vampire!hyunjin x fem!reader ↳ MDNI content warnings: marking, blood play, dacryphilia, blood moons, edging, etc... ➸ synopsis: you'd known what hyunjin was for the longest time, but when he locks himself away on the one night you wanted to see him the most, things get very out of hand when you enter his home. ⇥ wc: tbd
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⁀➷。 theres nothing here yet..
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⁀➷。 theres nothing here yet..
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⁀➷。 theres nothing here yet..
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⁀➷。 mark of a sinner pairing: incubus!jeongin x fem!reader ↳ MDNI content warnings: corruption, virgin reader, romantic sex, praise kink, body worship, voyeurism, etc... ➸ synopsis: your father always warned you about demons who chased after innocent girls like you, as much as you prayed to be chaste and wed a man from the church, it seemed heaven, or rather hell, had other plans for you. ⇥ wc: tbd
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oct 31 ⁀➷。 fallen virtue interlude : once a century pairing: ot8 x reader ↳ MDNI content warnings:HEAVY NSFW, rough sex, creampies, breeding, fingering, spanking, size kink, marking, degrading, dirty talk, orgasm denial, etc... ➸ synopsis: as much as the books in hyunjin's library warned you. you didn't think demonic heat was that bad.. right? ⇥ wc: tbd
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requests are open until sept. 27 this is my first kinktober so i'm learning >.> help? i really need some ideas so >.> <.< please ask away
© 2024 xxkissesforchanniexx. DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE MY WORK ! dividers by: @cafekitsune
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ghost-1-y · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 / Monsterfucker Plans (Updated!)
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Sea Serpent!Obanai x AFAB Mermaid!Reader – October 3rd @ 6pm PST
Your father had always warned you of the dangers of the deep ocean, demanding that you stay within the safe borders of the underwater kingdom. However, one day, you become curious and secretly travel into waters untraversed by any merperson still alive today – wishing to know what lies beyond the safe confines of your home, not realizing that the countless warnings from your father had been given to you for very good reason.
Incubus!Gojo x AFAB!Reader – October 7th @ 6pm PST
It’s been months since your husband had touched you in the way that you wished, and you’ve started to grow tired of the way he constantly flirts with other women. Completely fed up with both him and the never-ending dry spell you’ve been going through, you retire to the guest room’s bed to fall asleep without your husband, unaware of a shadow that’s been lurking in your home each night, waiting for the right moment to prey on his new victim.
Angel!Mitsuri x AFAB Succubus!Reader – October 10th @ 6pm PST
Mitsuri had always done what she was told to do, singing hymns and praying to her god every single day – ensuring that she fulfilled her duty of spreading the Good News to others far and wide. She never once thought about breaking the rules – much less her vow to chastity, until she found what initially appeared to be a human in a darkened alleyway in need of help, unknowingly falling into a trap that would corrupt her from holiness for the rest of eternity.
Human!Giyuu x AFAB Naiad!Reader – October 14th @ 6pm PST
As a water nymph, you never saw the world from beyond the spring you were born from, having only seen humans come to your spring bearing gifts and performing rituals for the sake of worship. However, one day, a beautiful human male stumbled his way into the domain of your sacred spring, and without offering nor sacrifice to give you, you thought of another way in which he could pay you worship.
Witch!Shinobu x AFAB!Reader – October 17th @ 6pm PST
Your girlfriend usually spends all day cooped up in her cabin brewing potions and studying spells, and, of course, placing the occasional hex on someone she doesn’t particularly like. One day, when you decide to visit her place deep in the woods, she has come up with a rather…interesting potion recipe, and wishes for both of you to try it out together.
True Form!Sukuna x AFAB Sorcerer!Reader – October 21st @ 6pm PST
Having been one of the sorcerers of the Heian Era to attempt to eradicate the King of Curses from the face of the earth, you were the least bit surprised to find yourself awaiting death within Sukuna’s domain. What you didn’t expect was that the Disgraced One had other plans awaiting you, to which you selfishly conceded if it meant you were allowed to live yet another day.
Surtr!Kyojuro x AFAB Worshipper!Reader – October 24th @ 6pm PST
The legends stated that the mighty fire giant would one day bring about the beginnings of Ragnarök and engulf the world in flames. You had been told of these prophecies since childhood and were a firm believer in appeasing the proclaimed Ruler of Fire through worship and sacrifice – just as you had been taught by the village elders since you were a mere child. What you didn’t expect, however, was for the village to turn their back on you and suggest that a human sacrifice would be needed to appease the giant once and for all.
Trickster!Sanemi x AFAB Tricked Princess!Reader – October 28th @ 6pm PST
As the Princess of your kingdom, you have been a voice of authority for all of your royal subjects. In fact, you had grown quite accustomed to your way of living – it was comfortable, and you rather enjoyed having others serve you – believing it was your divine right to have such privileges. That is, until one day you started to notice acts of mischief occurring around the castle – and with no one stepping up to take responsibility, you decided to seek out this imposter yourself, not realizing that was what he had wanted all along.
Vampire!CEO!Nanami x AFAB Secretary!Reader – October 31st @ 6pm PST
As the new secretary for a company, you find yourself excited about getting hired for your first job ever! You never thought to question why the position you’d applied for had been listed as vacant once every few months, nor did you wonder why all of the previous secretaries were female – all you wanted was to impress your new boss with your amazing work ethic. However, as you continue your weeks working for him, you start to notice rather…odd habits, and the more you observe, the more it becomes difficult to ignore – and why was it that the usually stoic man would seemingly become friendlier with you at the beginning of your menstrual cycles?
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If you'd like to be tagged in any of these fics, please comment under this post with which ones you'd like to be tagged in! You must be 18+ (with your age in your bio) if you wish to be tagged! No age no entry!
divider credit: @/benkeibear
1K notes · View notes
sinner-as-saint · 1 year
Incubus!Bucky x Witch!reader (fantasy au)
Run-through: You learnt about them when you were young. You had tomes filled with information about them, how to invite one, how to control one, etc. You also knew that if done right, union with an incubus was said to result in the birth of powerful witches. And now, after having spent years all alone following the unfortunate slaughter of your family you have two strong desires; to have a child and to continue the witch bloodline. Both of which can be fulfilled by summoning and making the right arrangements with the right incubus. And the best part of it all, incubi were known to be incapable of love and emotional attachment, so ending the arrangement once you conceived wouldn’t be hard for either parties involved. Except, it’s not always that easy, is it? And perhaps, not all incubi are heartless. 
Themes: breeding kink, smut, fluff, incubus!bucky, witch!reader, size difference, he has wings and a tail, some angst, HEA
a/n: nothing is folklore accurate whatsoever just excessive imagination and vibes hehe 
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You were prepared if ever it was not going to work the first time. 
You’d been told, when you were a young woman who had just begun learning about the art of witchcraft under your mother and grandmother’s supervision, that incubi were particularly stubborn and picky demons. They were strong, seductive with vigorous stamina. 
Given their power, they aren’t summoned. No. They are invited. And if they are feeling mischievous and generous, they accept the invitation. Sure, most incubi visited weak mortals of their own volition however they did avoid witches. Because the power dynamic there was more or less in equilibrium. Incubi couldn’t mess with witches like they did with mortals because witches were strong and smart enough to mess with them right back. 
Still, you had made sure that everything was just perfect. You had countless tomes and books and scrolls on your table, all containing multiple ways of inviting an incubus. So many rules to follow. But you had done everything right; every rune, every herb, every incantation, every offering - to complete the invitation you had always been taught to lure them with something they’d want. Other than sex. 
You had been told certain secrets other witch families did not know. Like how incubi, though ravenous, had a weakness for embellishment. Trinkets. Shiny things. So you offered this one a crown made of gilded animal bones. 
You had everything in place. All that was left to do was wait. So you sat there, in what you called your workshop. You had a quiet little home in the middle of the woods. Well away from the kingdom of the vile King who had your entire family eliminated after using your powers and cures to save his wife from a terrible disease. For years the King was kind to your family, but one day, his wife died of natural causes, none of your doing but still, the King went mad and ordered to have your family slain. You managed to escape, unfortunately your mother and grandmother couldn’t. 
So you ran far, far away from the kingdom. Got on a ship and travelled to a new country. Here people were welcoming and kind. No kings and queens, just people living together in harmony. So with what little money you had, you bought a plot of land and built a house. You had neighbours, but since you all had a large country all to yourselves, everyone was scattered rather far and wide from one another. 
This country was unlike anything you’d ever heard or dreamt about. You had friends here who did similar things like you; warlocks, necromancers. Then there were the mermaids in the lake, and the fae people living in the same woods as you, centaurs and wolf shifters lived deeper in the woods, and so many more you still had to meet. There were no wars here, just peace. 
But peace, after some years, started looking a lot like loneliness. During the initial years it seemed like you could do this forever, run your little shop, help your new friends when they needed you, socialise and learn about so many new people and animals, you thought you could spend a lifetime just being here and being happy. But then, as much as you adored your friends and neighbours, you missed family. Your own flesh and blood. And after years of living here and making sure that this was the happiest and safest place to have a family of your own, you wanted a child. And what better way of ensuring to pass on the gifts of your powerful bloodline than this. Besides, witches lived for a very, very long time and you couldn’t imagine spending centuries all alone. 
You had envisioned your dream life often. Since witches most often had daughters, you often dreamt of you and your daughter living in this lovely place. Your home was spacious enough to accommodate around five people easily so you’d have more than enough space. You would build your daughter her own little workshop table. You’d teach her everything your mother and grandmother taught you, and all that you learnt by yourself. You’d watch her grow up and make friends of her own, maybe she’d like the faeries and the mermaids more. Or maybe even the gnomes. Or the pegasus in the meadows. 
Maybe someday down the line you’d have another child. And you’d raise them both with the same kindness and love that your mother had with you. And life would be perfect then; with your girls, your friends, in this peaceful country. 
If only… 
“Such pretty dreams you’re having, little witch.” 
A deep, smooth voice said. Sounding like it wasn’t too far from where you were… sleeping? Had you actually fallen asleep at your desk while waiting? You woke up startled, blinking at the demon in the room who was casually lounging on the chair by the window. The same chair on which you sat and read during the afternoons. 
Except, the demon made the chair look smaller than it was. The chair still accommodated him well enough, but he was bigger. Broad shoulders, wide leathery wings folded behind him, long legs… he was surely taller than most of the people here. Shorter than the giants, but still. You had read that incubi were bigger in height and built and… other assets when compared to mortal men but seeing him in real life was still a little shocking. 
Every other feature of his was mortal-like. Deep blue eyes, slightly darker here in your candlelit workshop. Pretty face, you noticed, if not a little arrogant looking but it suited him. Well defined features. Soft mouth, perfect nose. And he was slightly tanned. You thought he’d be ghostly white, with near translucent skin given there wasn’t any sun in the depths of hell that he came from. He also had shadowy, near black markings all over his hands, chest and some creeping up his neck. Swirls and symbols, and it only made him look even more dangerously attractive. 
The candlelight reflected a little on the shinier parts of his large, leathery wings and you shivered a little before speaking, after clearing your throat. “You came.” You simply said and watched how his mouth twisted into a handsome smirk. 
“How could I not?” He said, sounding cocky. “You gave me a proper invitation. And offered me such a pretty crown,” He twirled the gilded crown between his fingers, and added, “And such soft, delicious bread.” 
Your face contorted in confusion at the sound of that. “Bread?” 
He nodded, still toying with the handmade crown, “Forgive me, I didn’t save you any. I was famished. Butter and honey, was it?” His voice sounded like a purr, like a lover’s caress. Dangerous he was, this one. The handsome ones usually are if you remember your notes correctly. 
You blinked at him once, twice and then looked down at your hand and sure enough, there it was - remnants of the butter. You had been nibbling on homemade bread as you waited earlier, but given that you fell asleep at your desk, the bread must have fallen out of your hand, rolled and landed near the runes. Had you messed up? You couldn’t have. He was here, wasn’t he? 
The demon gave you another arrogant grin, “I assume the bread was a mistake.” 
You stood up from your chair and thought well before speaking, “I apologise.” You said. Even though it is always said to never seem shy and docile in front of the likes of him. You were supposed to assert dominance. But… how could you when he was looking at you like that? Himself looking all regal in all his naked glory. 
He chuckled. Chuckled. Then said, “No matter.” You noticed he remained seated. He said, “I heard your invitation, heard what you wanted from me.” He paused for just a second and noticed the way you squirmed. Then continued, “I appreciate your gifts, witch.” He admitted. “So,” He spoke in the voice which was equivalent to a lover’s soft caress again, “A child?” 
“Yes,” You said firmly, finally able to stand your ground and act like the powerful witch that you were. “A child.” 
He nodded slowly, “I can’t say I’ve ever encountered a motherly sorceress before. Most of them are nasty and cruel.” He spoke with such honesty. It was refreshing almost. 
You managed a faint smile as you looked down at the rings on your fingers, many of them were passed down to you, the others you had handcrafted, “Most of us develop a hard exterior because of how we are treated by most mortals. Half of them are afraid of us and the other half despises us enough to hurt us for no reason.” 
He cocked his head to the side, “Who hurt you?” 
“A King. He… hurt my family.” You answered. 
“Hence the empty house.” He noted. 
“Yes.” You said, finally looking up to meet his deep blue stare. He was… devilishly handsome. Even as he sat there looking all princely which should’ve irritated you because it was your favourite chair. What if his devilishly strong body breaks it? 
But then… 
Then he stood up. Proud and tall. Other parts of him stood proud and tall as well so you couldn’t help but look down, following the many muscles on his broad chest, down to his navel and down to his jutting cock. 
Holy gods. 
He was very, very well endowed. It took some seconds before you moved your shamelessly leering gaze up to his eyes again. And then… holy gods, he was tall. Taking up much more room now that he was standing up in the middle of your, what now seemed cramped, workshop. 
He smirked as he looked down at you. Crossing his muscular arms over his chest he said, “I assume I am to your liking then?” He teased, obviously enjoying the way he had you tongue-tied. 
You looked up at him nervously. You’d never done this before. And now, standing in your dimly lit workshop, wearing your black flowy black robe, the demon did make you feel a little subservient. “I… um, yes.” You struggled to answer, struggled to hold his lordly stare. 
You mindlessly took a step back the moment he began approaching you. Steadily, slowly, letting you see all of him before he came to a stop only inches away from where you stood, near your desk. 
“Well then, little witch. Shall we?” He said, before placing his warm hands on either side of your waist and lifted you up to set you down on the edge of the desk with ease. You never quite realised how strong incubi were until now. They were some of the strongest demons of Hell. 
You were sat on the edge of your wooden desk, legs dangling off the edge as you looked up at him. Only then did you notice his slender tail, as it wrapped around your thigh which was now exposed due to the slit in your black robe. 
The demon seemed to inhale deeply before saying, “You smell absolutely delicious.” He stepped in between your legs, spreading them as he placed both of his hands on either one of your thighs. “May I have a taste?” He asked, slowly pushing your back down on the surface of the table so you lay on it, with your legs still hanging off the edge. 
You nodded. “Yes,” You murmured, watching him lean over you for a moment before he pulled your robe up to your waist, taking in the sight of your bare body under it. 
He hummed in appreciation which shouldn’t have made your body tingle the way it did. Then he grabbed you by the hips and lifted your lower body off the table with ease, enough so that he could comfortably bend and place his mouth right where you didn’t realise you’d been aching for him to touch. 
Your legs hooked easily over his shoulders as his ridiculously soft lips brushed against your inner thighs before you felt his warm, long tongue slide in between your wet lips. He somehow managed to spread your legs even more, leaving you completely at his monstrous mercy as his tongue teasing your entrance, lips sucking on your clit. Damn him. But at least now you understand why most people let incubi feed on them. It’s because their touch was this addicting. 
Your hands rested on either side of your head, limp on the table as you threw your head back and moaned, unable to stop yourself. He growled against you, sending pleasurable vibrations all over your body. His tail remained wrapped around your thigh, slithering along your skin in tandem with his devious tongue as he ate you out ravenously, savouring your taste while holding your heated stare. 
His strong body in contrast with your more mortal-looking one. His hands and arms, covered in those shadowy markings gripped your thighs securely, keeping you spread open for him. He almost made you forget the reason he was here was beyond just pleasuring you. “You taste exquisite, little witch.” 
He knew he could only take minimal energy from you. Mortals were left drained after incubi were done with them but you were stronger, and with your protective wards around you, you didn’t feel as drained. Neither did he feed on you like he would on a mortal. Still, you felt a little delirious, almost euphoric as he tasted you. 
You gasped and moaned as he almost made you come all over his tongue. You’d let yourself go under his irresistible touch. It was high time to get to business. “Don’t forget why you’re here, demon.” You managed to say before he slid his tongue inside you once more before pulling away and placing your lower body back on the wooden table. 
“Of course. You need more than just my tongue, little witch.” He teased, keeping your legs wide open for him as he reached down and easily tore the rest of your robe off your body. You noticed his eyes got darker as he grabbed and fondled your breasts. 
His shadow filled hands slowly trailed down your bare body. He reached your folds and once again teased your clit with his fingers, slowly sliding his one finger down your slit to your opening. His other hand grabbed his cock, guiding it over to your hole. You were drenched down there, he noticed. He was in a mood to play so instead of just sliding into you, he teased you by sliding his tip up and down your slit. 
He rather enjoyed watching you hiss, and whine and whimper, and squirm on the tabletop. “You are going to have to put in some effort to fit me inside you.” He said, purposely pushing his tip against your tight opening, just applying enough pressure to make you lose your mind but not quite enough to slide in just yet. 
Your voice trembled as you spoke, “Don’t… don’t play with me, demon.” You tried to sound as assertive as you could. But you ended up sounding like you were begging him to keep playing. 
“No?” He cooed, almost in a mocking tone. “But you make such pretty sounds when I play with you.” 
You arched your back, moving your hips forward, desperately trying to get his cock to slide inside you. You whimpered when he kept teasing you. “Please,” You murmured. Damn this demon and his enchanting touch. 
He smirked. “Very well then.” He slowly pushed the tip of his cock inside of you, carefully watching you to gauge your reaction to his size. You felt his length stretching you like no one ever did. You gasped and moaned as he filled you up.
He grabbed your bent legs and spread them open, pushing them as far back as they would go before burying his cock fully inside your tight, warm hole. He held your stare the entire time, even as he pulled out and pushed back into you. 
You gasped for air, the snugness of him feeling unbearably good. With your back flat against the wooden table top and you whined at the feeling of his cock moving swiftly in and out of you. You could feel your walls gripping him and milking him as he pounded into you. 
“You feel just as good as you taste, little one.” He whispered as you threw your head back and moaned, feeling him moving in and out of you to the point where the only thing you could focus on was the snug way he felt inside you. 
His large hands grabbed you by the hips, lifting your lower body just inches off the table and pulling you in each time he pushed inside you with enough force to drive you insane. Then… then you felt something pressing against your clit, rubbing it in sync with how he moved against you. His tail. The flat end of it, sliding across your sensitive clit while he fucked you. 
You cried out loud, somehow managing to hold his stare as you slowly felt your brain getting foggy with intense pleasure.
“Look,” He whispered, pounding into you relentlessly, as he lowered his gaze to your lower abdomen. You followed his gaze and let out a gasp of both surprise and bliss. You watched how each time he pushed into you, a soft bulge formed against your stomach. “You’re so soft and delicate.” He said, his voice steady and calm as if he wasn’t rutting into you like an animal. 
Mindlessly, you placed your hand right where the bulge formed each time and you felt it against the palm of your hand. You cried out in pleasure again.Your legs trembled as he held them spread open for him, not willing to let them go yet. 
You closed your eyes as you felt your walls clenching around him and the pressure around your lower body felt tight and hot. The handsome demon looked down to where you clenched around his cock. And he sped up, moving the desk along with his thrust and causing books and scrolls and pens to fall carelessly on the ground. 
Somehow, it felt like he fucked you deeper now. Faster. His damned tail moved against you in equal vigour, flicking your clit until you cried out again. He chuckled, watching you nearly come undone beneath him. So he leaned in and said, “Should I fill you up nicely now, little one?” 
His voice, the surprising warmth of his body, the feeling of him inside you, the candlelight which made him look like a wild god. You whined, and said, “Yes, please.” 
He smirked, letting go of your legs and instead leaned over your body so he could get close to your mouth. His hand grabbed your wrists and pinned them down on the table, above your head. This close, your breaths mingled. His heated stare, his warm body pressing against yours while his other hand reached up to toy with your breast. “So soft,” He whispered. 
For some reason, that was all that you needed to hear, all the stimulation you needed to come undone, clenching around him violently as you did. He held your stare through it all and soon after, he spilled inside you too, grunting and gasping for air. 
Your back arched off the wooden table as you felt his warm release filling you up. He pulled out a little and pushed inside you one more time before stopping, properly emptying himself inside you. You were still whimpering and moaning as he pulled out. You could feel his release slowly trickling out of you. 
You closed your eyes for a few moments. And you fully expected him to be gone by the time you caught your breath and opened your eyes. But there he still was. 
He picked you up from the table, cradled you in his arms and asked, “Where’s your bed?” 
You lifted a shaky hand and pointed in the general direction of your bedroom, just outside your workshop and he began walking towards it. He stopped outside the dark doors and nudged them open with his broad shoulder, walking into your bedroom. 
No one had ever been in here. Wherever you had your neighbours and friends over for dinner or the afternoon tea, you hosted them in the kitchen or the other rooms. He was the first person to ever walk into your bedroom and honestly, he didn’t look that out of place. 
Your bedroom was spacious, mainly dark except for some candles which thanks to your magic could be left unattended and would never burn your house down. 
“Here,” He placed you down in the middle of your bed and said, “I’ll take your leave now, little witch.” He spoke, smirking as he let his eyes roam your bare body one last time before turning around. 
You reached out and grabbed his wrist before he would fully turn away. You managed to say, voice a little raspier now after all that moaning and gasping earlier, “You… um, in case this doesn’t work the first time around,” You spoke, hoping he read in between the lines, “And if I find myself in need of your, uh, help again. Would you come if I call?” 
He grinned. “Of course. No need for shiny crowns next time, just leave out some warm bread.” He left you with a playful wink and a handsome smirk. And then just like that, as if the shadows of your room swallowed him whole, he disappeared. 
For the following week that passed by, you paid extra attention to your body and with the help of your magic, you’d know if conception occurred. But also, you couldn’t bring yourself to forget the demon. 
He’d been just as energetic and thorough as you expected him to be. But… he had also been much more gentle than you expected him to be. The bread incident made you giggle quietly to yourself now that you thought about it. And you did think about it each time you baked. 
You were extra nervous the next time you sent out an invitation to him. The conception hadn’t happened, as expected because they rarely work the first time. Which meant that you needed the demon again. So as you waited for him to show up, awake this time, you found yourself feeling unnecessarily giddy. 
You not only tried to lure him with your best bread this time, but also a cloak. Not that you minded his naked form but… you felt the need to give him something nice. Not quite like a payment, just a gift if you will. You had made the cloak in a way to accommodate his wings comfortably as well. And those broad shoulders, and strong limbs, and-
You were lost in thoughts of him when a voice spoke up from the corner of the room, “A cloak this time,” He noted, grinning already. “I think you like me quite a lot, little witch.” 
You smiled at him. Your heart almost skipped a beat at the sight of him. The handsome demon came wearing the crown you’d made him the last time. And he looked like a god. Naked, golden skin, shiny crown, dark wings and those shadowy markings all over his skin. 
“It’s just a way of thanking you for, you know, helping me.” 
You didn’t feel so nervous when he approached you this time. You let him come closer until he was standing in between your legs again as you sat on the edge of your desk. He placed his large, warm hands on your thighs as if it were a habit and his tail wrapped around your calf, squeezing just a little to remind you of last time. You shivered at the memory. 
“But do you?” He asked playfully. 
He gave you a cocky grin. “Like me?” 
Well that came out of nowhere. You chuckled, “Yes. I wouldn't have sought you out again if I didn’t.” 
He smirked. Then reached out to touch your face so gently that for a moment you forgot he was a demon from Hell. “I take it that you need me to fill you up again, little witch?” He asked so brazenly, while your face felt hot. 
You managed to say, despite your racing heart, “I do. And I’ve even come up with a plan in order to ensure that it works this time.” 
He raised an eyebrow at you, “What plan?” 
Your face heated up again as you said, “I suppose for it to work this time around, maybe you shouldn’t, um, pull away so soon after…” 
“Ah.” The demon’s smirk denoted that he understood. “I see.” He said, “So you wish for me to remain buried deep inside that tight warmth of yours after I’ve filled you up.” He said, purposely just so he could watch you squirm. “I can do that.” 
A sudden confidence shot through you, “Good. That is precisely why you are here, demon.” You sassed. 
The demon chuckled before reaching out to grab you carefully by the jaw. His actions were slow and gentle, as if worried he might accidentally hurt you. “Careful with that mouth of yours.” He hissed playfully, “Don’t you know what happens to pretty little witches when they run their mouths like this?” 
You held his stare, playing along, “No.” You whispered, “What happens to them?” 
He leaned in and whispered against the corner of your mouth in a sinful voice, “They get pinned to the wall and fucked until they cannot think straight.” 
You felt your heart racing faster. Your thighs desperately wanted to clench together but he wouldn’t let that happen. His tail slowly moved up and down your leg, stroking your skin and making you crave his touch even more. It wasn’t supposed to feel like this, right? You were supposed to just take what you needed from one another and that should’ve been it. But… you didn’t mind this. 
His mouth moved along your cheek and you lost your ability to speak. He kissed along your jaw and down your neck, then he said, “I can hear your heart racing, my little witch. Tell me, is that what you want?” He kissed along your collar bones and the top of your breasts. “Do you want to be pinned to the wall and fucked by a cruel, greedy demon like me? Hmm?” 
“Yes…” You managed to whimper. “Please.” 
He scoffed, kissing his way back up your neck before he reached your mouth again, “Alright, little one.” He breathed against your parted lips and moved the two of you with such ease and speed that all you did was blink and you found yourself away from the desk and now naked and pinned to the nearby wall, bare legs wrapped around his torso and his mouth pressed against yours. 
His wings spread wide behind him, blocking the candlelight from reaching the two of you and shrouding you both in unnatural shadows. Almost as if he couldn’t bear the thought of anything else touching you except for him and his darkness. Not even light. 
Your hands wrapped around his broad shoulders, pressing you tightly against his firm body as his mouth moved against yours. His tongue slipped into your mouth, making you moan into the kiss as he undid the tie of your robe, letting it slip down your body until it fell to the floor. 
His large hand cupped you in between your legs and he pulled away from the kiss, grinning at you like the Devil himself. “All that for me?” He asked, sliding his knuckles along your wet folds, smearing your arousal around. “How very immoral of you. Spreading your legs and getting all wet for someone like me.” 
You whined when he slid a finger inside you, followed by another before he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting all the right spots which make you weak in the knees. You bucked your hips against his hand involuntarily, and he chuckled as you moaned out loud while he touched you.
“Are you ready for me now?” He mumbled, kissing down your neck, nibbling on your skin around your collar bones. 
“Yes,” You cried out when he wrapped his mouth around your breast, sucking just enough to drive you wild, making you grind your hips against him, chasing whatever friction you could get. 
His cock briefly brushed against your wet folds in the process and you whimpered. You felt his body tense up against you as well and a quick moment later, he aligned his tip to your dripping wet hole and slowly pushed in. 
His fingers dug into your skin as he held you by your hips, and yours scratched at his shoulders as he filled you up like the previous time, making you whine and moan as he went. His body was familiar now. His heat, his scent. The sound of him breathing, his warm chest pressing against yours. And when you looked down, you already knew you’d find that bulge forming against your stomach each time he buried himself all the way inside of you. 
When he began rocking in and out of you, your body remembered. The stretch of his thickness, the snugness of him, the way he started out with slow strokes and then gradually sped up into you. It was all familiar. Except this time, you could feel his back muscles moving along with each thrust of his. Each movement of his reminding you of the sheer power his sinful body contained. 
“You feel even better than last time, little one.” He said as his devious tail reached up and wrapped around one of your breasts, pumping it before moving to the other one, and repeated. 
His strong arms supported you up by grabbing you at the curve of your ass, holding you against him, as he sped up into you. He fucked you relentlessly, with a little less caution this time. Your back hit the wall with each thrust and you couldn’t stop whimpering, whining and moaning as he fucked into you with the intensity only a demon like him could. 
Your hands somehow slid beyond his shoulders, grabbing onto the base of his large, dark wings. He stilled. Then supported you up with one hand thanks to his devilish strength, while the other pulled your sneaky hands away from his wings and pinned them above your head. He began fucking you again and said, flirtatiously warning you, “Wings are extremely sensitive.” 
That only intrigued you even more, but all that for later. You needed him right now. And you needed to come. 
He leaned in and nibbled at the skin under your ear and you lost all control you had left. Your thoughts became cloudy and all you could focus on was how his body brought you immense pleasure, your mind a foggy mess. Your clit rubbed against his stomach each time he buried himself completely in you, and he soon quickened his pace, earning even more moans and gasps from you.
Your legs started to shake around him as he quickened his pace, pounding into you relentlessly. The pleasure built nicely as he took you higher. The bulge in your stomach forming and disappearing quicker now. Your moans were wanton. 
“Ready for me to fill you up again, little one? Hmm? You’re going to be so full after this,” He whispered, leaning in just so his mouth would brush against yours as he spoke. “Perhaps you’ll still feel me in between your legs when you wake up tomorrow. Is that what you want? Huh? Is that why a pretty little witch like you invited a filthy beast like me? Because you wanted to be so full.” 
You couldn’t hold back anymore. So, you came undone around his thickness. Walls clenching around him, nails scratching down his shoulders and chest as loud moans escaped your mouth. He came right after you did, cock throbbing against your pulsating walls before he filled you up with his warm release. Pumped you full of it until you could feel it inside you. 
And just like you’d instructed him earlier, he didn’t pull away immediately. He caught his breath for a few moments before he moved, keeping you pressed against his chest, still buried deep inside you he pulled away from the wall and walked out of your workshop, towards your bedroom. 
You felt a soft pinch inside your chest at the thought of him being so comfortable with moving around in your house. 
He opened the bedroom door, still holding you close to him as he carefully laid the two of you in your bed. He barely fit in your bed which was in fact made to hold two people. He pressed closer to you as you both laid on your sides facing each other. “Are you alright, little one?” He asked softly. With genuine care. 
You blinked at him lazily, feeling boneless because he’d worn you out. “Hmm, I’m alright.” You whispered, feeling his tail stroking your leg as if comforting you while his hands held you close to him. 
He gave you a rare, soft smile. Then said, “Tell me about your shop.” 
You smiled and answered, “Well, it’s a typical witch shop. I sell crystals, candles, herbs, and medicine. The children get hurt often, especially when they play in these woods, so I sell stuff that heals them even quicker. I have special crystals, laced with magic to help my friends shift quicker. The mermaids love them. The dragon folks up on the mountains love them too. The wolves wear them around their necks like necklaces.” You paused, “Why do you ask?” 
He shrugged, the movement also moving him while he was inside you so you whimpered in pleasure. He pulled you closer, kissing your forehead as if apologising and answered, “I’m just curious about your community here. It all seems so… peaceful.” He said. 
“It is.” You gave him a faint smile. “Everyone is welcomed here. A family of moth people just moved in down the creek. They have the most adorable little children.” You giggled. “And-,” You stopped abruptly at the sight of the longing and slight envy in his eyes. “What is it?” You asked, sensing the shift in his demeanour. He seemed sad. 
He gave you a faint, fake smile. “I’m just thinking about how nice it must be. To be accepted for being whatever you are. To have friends and not have people look at you and run away screaming.” 
Your heart ached for the handsome demon. You reached out and laid a hand on his cheek. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, sincerely. “Is it that bad where you’re from?” 
“It’s lonely.” He answered truthfully. You knew the feeling all too well. 
Your thumb instinctively began stroking his smooth cheek. “And you can’t leave.” You stated, suddenly feeling very bad for the demon. 
“Oh we can leave. I know a few of my kind who have left and moved elsewhere, but it’s not common.” He said, “There are not many places where beings like me are accepted.” Then he smiled and said, “I’m not like you, little witch. I have no skills. There’s nothing I can do to contribute to a lovely community like this one and have its people accept me as one of their own.” 
You chuckled, “Well, I’m sure we could find something for you to do.” You said, “You have wings and can move at incredible speed, maybe you could be a mail carrier.” 
He laughed. Truly laugh, louder than he ever had. And he looked like a god while he did. His boyish laughter echoed around your bedroom and if you could bottle up the sound and keep it forever, you would. 
When he finally stopped and looked back at you, you could’ve sworn you saw something resembling affection in his eyes. “You truly are something, little witch. I’m very glad I met you.” For some reason, his words felt like goodbye. 
And then it hit you. If you managed to conceive this time, maybe this would be goodbye. You snuggled closer to him, refusing to think about that right now, and said, “And I’m glad I met you, demon.” His wing wrapped around you and you fell asleep some moments after, cocooned in the warmth of his body and wing. 
When you woke up in the morning, he was gone. The entire day went by in a blur. You worked at your shop, met up with your friends for afternoon tea, made yourself dinner and then you went back to bed. And repeat. 
It was only two days later, when you sensed something different about your body did you realise that it had happened. You were expecting. And your heart sank, solidifying the fact that you would never see the demon again. It shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did, but you couldn’t get rid of the sadness. 
But that was the initial plan, was it not? So what if you’d miss his handsome face, his cocky humour, and his touch. This is what you wanted, a baby. And now you were going to have one. And yet, you couldn’t help but miss him. 
You thought the absence of him would not matter in time, but weeks later, it felt the same. Each time you made your bed, each time you baked, each time you saw a couple walking hand in hand, everything reminded you of the surprisingly kind demon. 
But then one evening, as you returned home from your shop, you sensed something different in the air the moment you stepped inside your house. 
And something stirred inside you, that pinch in your chest, the way your heart fluttered. You knew. 
“You’re here.” You whispered, shutting the door behind you. You placed your basket down and waited. And then, as if he stepped out of shadow itself, one moment he was nowhere to be seen and the next, he was standing a few feet away from you. 
Wearing his dark cloak and his golden crown. He looked like a forgotten, ancient god. One so handsome anyone would willingly worship at his altar. “I am.” He answered, looking at you with sad eyes. 
You held his stare and both of you were quiet for a while. You hadn’t invited him tonight. It had been weeks since you last saw each other and seeing him right now, it hurt. It hurt even more because he seemed… lost, hurt and confused. And you didn’t know what to do. 
Then his eyes trailed down your body, stopping around your midsection. You smiled and placed a hand on your abdomen, even though you hadn’t started showing just yet. “It worked,” You told him. “I’m expecting.” 
“I see.” When he looked up to meet your eyes again he looked even more miserable. And heartbreakingly alone. 
“Well,” You said cheerfully, hoping to make him feel a little better. “I was going to make dinner, would you like to join me? I even made fresh bread.” You said, smiling up at him. 
He gave you a faint smile, noticing how you weren’t asking him what he was doing here. He nodded, following you to the kitchen and the cosy dining table. 
Dinner went well. The conversation flowed. He asked you about your neighbours and friends, and your shop. He laughed at your jokes and you laughed at his. Yet once you were both done with your food, the tense silence was back. 
Then, while he helped you put away the dishes he said, “I wanted to see you.” 
You placed the last plate down and then turned to look at him. “I’m glad you came.” He was so tall that you had to extend your arm up completely to be able to touch the shiny crown on his head. It warmed your heart that he wore it. You smiled and asked, “You really like that crown, don’t you?” 
He smiled back at you and said, “It’s my favourite gift I’ve ever been given.” 
“Do you show it off to everyone?” You asked, teasing him. 
His smile fell a little. “I have no one to show it off to.” He stated. 
Your heart broke at the sound of that. You couldn’t help but lean in and wrap your arms around his torso. He was warm, his body heat wrapping around you as you hugged him. “I’ve missed you too.” You said. 
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer and kissed the top of your head. “Can I stay for a while?” He asked, and the softness of his voice made you tear up. 
“Of course you can stay,” You said, then pulled away to look up at his pretty face. “For as long as you wish to.” 
So you and the handsome demon found yourselves on that favourite chair of yours, with you on his lap. You tried to read but then ended up engaging in playful banters with him until you slowly drifted off to sleep right there on his lap, with your face nuzzling his neck. He had his arms wrapped protectively around you, reminding you a lot of how the dragons guarded their hoards. 
So you fell asleep, dreaming of random things until… 
You were in the meadows. The sun was about to set so the sky was nothing but golden and pink and purple. But you weren’t alone. A little girl was holding your hand tightly. 
Your daughter? 
You looked down and she was barely tall enough to reach your knees but she squealed in happiness, pointing up at the sky. You followed her small finger and found a dark spot in the pink and purple sky above. A dark spot, like shadows, that grew and grew until it looked like it was getting closer and closer to the ground. It was. He was. Mighty wings flapping in the wind as he flew above you in circles until he landed on the grass with a loud thud. 
Your daughter dropped your hand and ran to him, to her father. And he picked her up, holding her high up in the air, laughing as she giggled louder than ever, before hugging her close as he walked over to you. Once close enough, he bent down to kiss your forehead, curling a wing around you. As if it were a habit. As if he’d done it hundreds of times. 
“Let’s go home, my love.” 
You woke up, and immediately pulled away to meet his eyes. Incubi could infiltrate dreams with ease. And your handsome demon had done just that. 
You held his stare in silence for a while. Then you managed to ask, voice a little shaky, “Is that- what you just showed me, is that something you would want?” 
He grabbed you by the hips and pulled you even closer, “You are what I want.” He whispered, inches away from your lips. “You and…” He placed a hand on your not-showing-yet stomach. “Her. And however many more babies you would want from me. I want everything with you.” 
Your eyes watered, and you managed a faint smile as you said, “And here I was taught that demons were heartless.” 
He chuckled, and grabbed your hand and brought it up to his chest. He placed your palm down on the material of the cloak, right in the middle of his chest and said, “Feel that?” He pressed your palm against his chest. And you felt it, the steady beat of his heart. “I forgot it was even there. Until it began racing the other day when I thought of you.” 
You blinked away the wetness at your waterline, sniffled and said, “How poetic of you, demon.” Then you realised, “I don’t even know your name.” 
He laughed again, eyes filled with adoration as he looked at you. “I don’t have one. Then again, my name can be whatever you want it to be.” 
Your heart doubled in size just looking at him. “Are you sure you want this? You’ll have to pull your weight. I’ll make you do chores.” You teased. 
He smiled, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your cheek. “Anything you want me to do, I’ll do it.” He smirked then added, “I’ll even carry mail around if you want.” 
You couldn’t help but lean in for a kiss. A deep, passionate kiss. One that made him growl possessively against your mouth before he claimed it with enough passion that had you undoing the buttons in the front of your dress as quickly as you could. 
He helped you in getting rid of your long, flowy dress. Then as you straddled his lap properly, he shrugged off his cloak and dropped it on the ground. And all it took was one silent, pleading look from him and you bucked your hips against his, your wet core rubbing against his erection and he grunted. His hands rubbed up and down your sides lovingly. 
“Don’t tease me, little witch.” He whispered mischievously against your mouth, your warm breaths mingling. The fact that he was willing to just sit there and let you take whatever you wanted from him turned you ravenous. 
You lifted off his lap and slowly lowered yourself down on his cock, or tried to because you still had trouble taking him given his size. But with a little help, he grabbed you by the hips to keep you in place and he pushed up into you. Making you cry out as you finally began sinking down on him. Somehow, he felt bigger this way and your body resisted just a little to fit him inside. 
An arrogant smirk formed on his pretty face as he watched you struggle for a while. “Do you need help, little one?” He asked, and once you nodded, looking at him with pleading eyes, he grabbed your hips in place and gently began thrusting his hips up into you until you found a pleasurable pace. 
When you felt that your body could take it, you began moving against him. Lifting up just the slightest, before sliding back down on his cock, you whimpered as he groaned, snug inside of you. In this position, the tip of his cock reached sensitive places you never knew existed. 
“You’re so warm,” He whispered, his eyes locked in place where he disappeared inside you each time you moved. Lust-drunk, both of you. You leaned in closer, cradling his head as he took one of your breasts into his mouth while his tail wrapped around the other. 
Crying out in overwhelming pleasure, you moved faster, impaling yourself down on his cock each time. You whimpered shamelessly as you felt him filling you up completely each time, feeling him reach deeper into you with each thrust. 
His hand slipped between the two of you and he placed his palm against your abdomen. Your heart melted as you remembered the dream you just had. You cupped his face and he released your nipple to look up at you. Nothing needed to be said, the sincerity and adoration in his eyes spoke volumes. You leaned in for a soft kiss, moaning against his lips as his hand circled around your waist and he pulled your warm body closer to his. 
He felt warm from deep within. Warmth he had never felt before. Your lips brushed against his each time you moved up and down his cock. He mostly let you set the pace and he took whatever you gave him, only guiding you up and down his cock when you needed him to. 
You pulled away, bouncing on his cock as you stared into his pretty eyes. He whispered gently about how perfect you felt around him, wet and warm all for him. He panted against your cheek, kissing the side of your face and gripping your jaw with his hand. “You’re mine,” He whispered. 
“And you’re mine.” You didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, and he kept thrusting his hips up into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came, hard, feeling your walls squeezing and clenching around him. 
He came right after you, his warm release filling you up once again as he wrapped his arms around you and pressed your warm body closer to him. “I’m gonna take care of you.” He promised.  
You smiled, pulling away to look into his eyes. “You’ll never be lonely again. I promise.” You sealed your promise with a kiss on his forehead and he couldn’t have smiled any bigger. 
“Do you have to go and bring back all your belongings?” You asked, kissing down his face until you could nuzzle his chest. Secretly not wanting him to leave even for just a minute. 
“I don’t have any. All I have is the crown and cloak you gave me.” Something about that made you tear up as you looked up at him. He smiled at you, pulling you closer. 
You sniffled, snuggling closer to him. “I'll make you a drawer full of clothes and cloaks. Some pants too. Maybe even a hat or two for when it gets cold.” 
He laughed, kissing the top of your head. No one had ever cared for him this much, let alone a fraction of this. And in that moment he knew there was nothing he wouldn’t do for you, and the family that you two would have soon. “I’ll love you till the end of time, little witch.” 
“And I you, demon.” You wrapped yourself around him, placing your ear right above where you thought his heart would be. In the middle of his chest and there it was, his steady and strong heartbeat. 
Part 2  (just in case you wanna read more about these two)
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moonchild9350 · 6 days
Spooktober 2024 Masterlist
Hi hi! Below are the fics that will be released for my first ever spooktober. I will release two fics a week, except for the week of Halloween in which I will release only one on the day of honor. I decided to delve into our deepest psych/horrors since it's spooky time. Specific warnings are listed on the actual fic once released. I'm super excited and hope y'all are too ♡
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Summary: You're an avid horror fan looking for a thrill. Your boyfriend, Chan, tells you about a house in town that is supposedly haunted. You both decide to explore the house, but you may get more than you bargained for.
Pairing: Chan x fab reader, OT8
Genre: horror, smut
Fate Within the Depths of the Sea
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Summary: Minho is saved by you, a siren, while out at sea. It seems like your fate is intertwined as you both fall in love. However, fate never seems to work out for a pair of star crossed lovers.
Pairing: Minho x Siren gn reader
Genre: angst, smut
Lost in a Dream
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Summary: We all love to dream, to escape into a fantasy world. You find yourself trapped in the land of the fairies, searching for a way home. You meet a fairy, Changbin, who can help you find your way back home. But, you soon realize even dreams come with a cost.
Pairing: Fairy Changbin x fab reader
Genre: psychological thriller, angst, smut
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Summary: In a world where vampires and humans coexist, albiet not peacefully, you come to realize everything is not as it seems after meeting Hyunjin
Pairing: Vampire Hyunjin x fab reader
Genre: thriller, fluff, smut
Three Wishes
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Summary: You find a vessel one day and unsure of what is it, you take it home. Later, the being within informs you that you get three wishes only to change your fate forever. But, there's no warning to tell you to be careful what you wish for...
Pairing: Genie Jisung x gn reader
Genre: psychological thriller, angst
Chosen One
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Summary: You are Felix's chosen one. The one he is supposed to keep safe throughout your tumultuous life. He's never put much stock into mortal beings, but that changes once he gets another chance encounter with you.
Pairing: Angel Felix x fab reader
Genre: fantasy au, angst, fluff, smut
Spell for Love
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Summary: You were given a familiar, Seungmin, long ago to help guide you in your spiritual practice as a witch. Seungmin is your everything, both of you being destined to fall for each other. However, fate has other plans as there's chaos when you both break the rules with your love.
Pairing: Familiar Seungmin x witch reader
Genre: thriller, fluff, angst, smut
I'll See you in Your Dreams
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Summary: You and your friend find a store selling interesting wares, leading you to buy an ancient tome. Inside the tome, there is a section where you can fill out your deepest desires and they will supposedly come true. You eagerly fill it out only to come face to face with nothing but your wildest dreams.
Pairing: Incubus Jeongin x fab reader
Genre: Smut
Annddddd last but not least the suprise collab fic with @jeonginsleftcheek.
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dark-and-kawaii · 5 months
I love soft Haarlep and I do love your parent!Haarlep stuff but I can't help but wonder about the angst that would come from Soft!Haarlep realizing that Tav is pregnant with their child, ie a cambion (DND lore states cambion births that stem from a human mother x devil/incubus/etc always results in the mother's death).
₊˚⊹♡ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ. ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏʀʀɪꜰɪᴄ ᴏᴜᴛᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴘᴏᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ. ᴏʀ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏᴜᴛᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ʜᴀᴀʀʟᴇᴘ ɪꜱ ʀᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴅᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱ ᴏᴋᴀʏ.
⋆˙⟡♡ Angst | Pregnancy | Soft Haarlep ♡
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Haarlep’s usual guise of cruelty softened into something almost human as they watched you sleep, your chest rising and falling with the innocent rhythm of peaceful slumber. Oblivious to Haarlep’s unexpected worry. The incubus was always known for their merciless nature, feasting upon souls and taking whatever it is they wished without a care for the other’s wellbeing… But you… You were different.
Haarlep’s gaze drifted, lingering on the delicate features of your face before trailing down to your still flat abdomen. Inside you, unbeknownst to you, a new life was taking root. A life that Haarlep could sense with a clarity that cursed their very being...
Haarlep had always threatened to breed you, to knock you up with their demon spawn to show all of hell and Faerun that you belonged to them, once enslaved incubus, a lowly creature…
Closing their eyes, Haarlep realizes their very nature had gotten the best of them. That their very threat had come to fruition and with each beat of your heart, a silent countdown to your demise had begun…
The knowledge was a blade to Haarlep’s darkened heart. Incubi, like them, were no strangers to the fatal toll their offspring could exact on mortal lovers. History whispered of rare survivals, like Tasha the witch queen, who bore the children of Grazzt and lived to tell the tale. But you were not her. You were just some adventurer, who had gotten tangled with Raphael, which led you inadvertently into Haarlep’s embrace.
If this spawn was anything like a full blooded incubus, your mortal body would have trouble handling such a pregnancy. You could very well die trying to bring it into this world… If you even carried the spawn long enough for that to become an issue. The youngling may take you by surprise in the night and tear through you, feasting upon your very soul as it left your body.
With a heavy breath, Haarlep’s lashes fluttered back open as they placed their large hand gently on your stomach. They could only stare at it as memories flooded their mind of when you whispered dreams of carrying their offspring, begging for their threats of breeding to come true, wishing to feel your own belly swollen with a little mini Haarlep... You had smiled so brightly then… A smile they wished to keep to themselves… Haarlep wondered if that would be the last time they would ever see such a sight… Their favorite treat, always eager for a taste of the them… Always so loyal to them…
The incubus’s eyes began to harden…
A deep growl rumbled from within Haarlep, the sound echoing around the room as they thought of all the ways this could go horribly wrong. All the ways your precious mortal life could end.
The growing soul within you had to go. It must.
You were theirs. You were not supposed to be taken away from them…
They couldn't lose you.
Not you.
As they leaned down and pressed their lips against your stomach. It was a kiss, tender and loving, so out of place from their usual rough manner. Haarlep lingered there, lips brushing against the warm skin, feeling the flutter of your heartbeat underneath the softness of your flesh.
You were theirs.
Not Raphael's, not any other fiend or demon who thought they could get a claim on you.
Just Haarlep's.
Kelemvor, death itself, wouldn’t have you... Haarlep would seize the offspring, tearing it from your flesh with merciless hands if necessary…
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djarinsbeskar · 1 year
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You can order your digital copy of A Sensual Summoning in advance of the release date on September 22nd, 2023. Just click here!
When exiled witch Faye Kyteler discovers a spell book hidden in the ceiling of her home, she never expected to accidentally summon the Daemon held prisoner within its' pages. Now bound to her, the sullen, cantankerous Rafael is anything but what she expected an incubus to be when he demands she find a way to free him, or else. But something is wrong. The world has changed in the centuries since Rafael has been imprisoned. All the Daemons have disappeared and the magic that once thrived on earth, is dying. Forced to work together, frosty suspicion soon morphs into a fiery passion Faye isn't sure is due to her own feelings or the seductive power of an increasingly hungry incubus. A hunger that Rafael is hellbent on resisting. As she navigates the alluring world of Daemons and the dark past that brought them together, an old evil is awakening. Now, Faye must do her part to save a world that shunned her or risk losing it, and Rafael, forever.
If you're interested in any of the following, you might just enjoy it:
✅Forced proximity ✅Sunshine/Grumpy dynamic ✅Incubus pheromones ✅Cottagecore meets erotic dreams ✅Indulgent smut
A Sensual Summoning will also be available FOR FREE on Kindle Unlimited if you subscribe so consider giving it a read once it comes out! Paperback will be available for purchase on September 22, 2023!
My DMs on all socials are always open if you want more information or just to chat everything incubus and writing!
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