#wish i remembered how i did it hahahaha
hellaephemeral · 7 months
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daddy qifrey being protective of his daughter coco
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renranram · 4 months
Hi darlll super love your stories!!!!! huhu even though its so short it's enough to keep me fed for a whole week HAHAHAHA.
That aside I kinda have another suggestion do take your time! Always take breaks, you don't have to write as soon as you see this🫶 (just tryna keep the schlatt community alive/j)
Anyways what about schlatt with either a preggy or reader with a newborn baby (like they just gave birth orrr it's a nephew? cause SCHLATT HANDLING KIDS IN HIS INTERN VID WAS SO SWEET AJSHSH) or maybeee baby accidentally shows themselves on screen with jambo and burnt soup following them (sorry if it's so long LMAO)
Ps. Holding rammy or something eehehehehe... Also genuinely don't know if I skipped your rules etc but yeah I hope this is comfortable for u to write 🫶
Dad Schlatt
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new dad schlatt trying to take care of your daughter!
( a/n; COME BACK OF THE YEAR LET'S GOOO 🗣️🗣️🗣️ ill also post more later 👍🏻 )
jay sighs, watching you two, his treasure, fall asleep in bed, you facing your toddler, your baby girl, he looked at you with admiring eyes, he can't help but catch himself smiling
he can't believe your daughter will be 3 in a few weeks, he still remembers everything, “ jay- oh my god.. im so sorry for interrupting the r-recording… but i think.. i think she's coming out “ you burst into his room, recording an episode of chuckle sandwich, deep in pain as you hold tightly on your stomach
“ holy shit “ schlatt immediately rushes to you, not minding the recording anymore, “ my water broke “ you mumble at him as he caresses your cheek, “ okay, we'll be okay, let's go to the car “ he tries to reassure you, panicking himself, gently lifting you up, bridal style as he carefully rushes downstairs
during the ride to the hospital schlatt kept his hand with yours, holding you tightly as you tried to calm yourself, moaning in pain, “ im so sorry toots, it'll be okay, just take a deep breath, yeah? “ his thumb caressing your knuckles, stealing a peck
after you arrive the man patiently waited outside of the operation room, waiting for you to be okay and your little angel to be born, clenching his hands as he takes deep breaths, pacing back in forth, his anxiety rising up
and after hours of waiting schlatt immediately rushes in when he hears you've been admitted to a room, “ toots? toots? how are you? you alright? “ he approaches you, caressing your hair, you chuckling softly, “ im fine jay “ your hands intertwine, as you peck his knuckle
“ i wish you could've seen her… she's so pretty “ you whisper, a bit weak due to birthing just a few minutes ago, schlatt couldn't help but sigh in relief, “ yeah?, im guessing she took her mother's genes “ he smiles at you, endearingly, jay softly pecking your cheek
you could only giggle, as the nurse enters your room, “ how are you feeling darling? “ she gently asks, checking your vitals, before facing jay, “ you can watch your pretty princess on the nursery now “
“ baby, why don't you see her? “ you suggest, smiling softly, “ but toots, what about you? “ schlatt asks, wary to leave you even for just a minute, “ awh don't worry sweetie, i’ll look after her “ the nurse, with the nametag of sarah, smiles at him reassuringly
“ now shh go “ you gently pat his butt as he steals a quick forehead peck, “ alright… be careful yeah? “ he hums slowly leaving the room
as he walked towards the nursery, a small smile came to his face, seeing the newborn children inside, finding children, adorable, his eyes tries to look for your daughter, ‘ loreine schlatt ‘, his eyes sparkle in affection, seeing your baby laying in the crib, a pink bonnet on her hair, with a matching pink blanket
“ jesus fuck… im a dad now “ schlatt breathes out, leaning closer to the glass window, “ my pretty little girl “ he whispers staring at his daughter through the glass, his chest getting warmer every second
after a week, you're finally released from the hospital, and god, did anyone warn you how stressful it is to be parents?
schlatt decided to take a break from youtube, to finally focus on you two, he was amazing at it, managing to look out for his healing wife and his… crybaby of a daughter
as the two of you cuddle, schlatt hums, finding rest for a bit, watching your chest rise and fall, as you snore quietly, he chuckles softly, fixing your hair with his featherlight touch hoping not to wake you up
and that's was his rest, as loreine, yells and sobs, the man sighs, tiredly sitting up as he glances at his alarm, 3:45 am, he groans softly before approaching your daughter's room, already having a miniature fridge on her room to avoid rushing downstairs to make milk
“ you like interrupting daddy’s rest, no? “ jay baby talks your daughter as she wails, her tiny chubby hands wavering around as he gently lifts her up, cradling her, “ you got your mother's mouth, loud “ he jokes, gently grabbing her milk, guiding it to her mouth
humming a song as he moves back and forth slowly, hoping to calm her down, “ it's 3 in the morning and my tiny lady is bothering mee “ he said in a sing song way, gently caressing her cheek with his finger, “ i can't believe i made you “ he whispers, smiling
his baby talking slowly calms your daughter down, sucking the shit out of her milk as she cooes
“ i can't believe, one day, you'll grow up and have a boyfriend, then you're gonna leave daddy “ he playfully scolds your daughter, before noticing burnt soup and jambo entering the room, meowing, “ you guys are awake too? “ he asks, chuckling, “ she's a pretty loud sibling isn't she? “ he jokes
noticing loreine finally gone back to sleep, he gently puts her back down on the crib, switching the milk for a pacifier, as soup and jambo look at your daughter, as if guarding her, “ you two gonna be her guards now? “ he kneels down, gently petting jambo and soup, “ then you better take care of her alright? she's grow up and take care of you two too “ he smiles
before standing up, stretching, eyeing up a rammie plushie of his, the first of it's kind, before gently setting it next to his daughter, smiling as he watches loreine immediately hugs it
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aquaticwolfkuri · 11 days
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You HATE Me, But I Hate YOU More: ch.6
“hehe….hahaha….Hahahaha….HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Zim laughs, completely impressed by his new and genius EVIL plan. It was just too perfect, so evil, that only someone as great as him could have come up with it, other than Minimoose of course.
The plan? Ruin Dib’s prom night by asking Plotty to go with HIM instead of the Dib-Human. Yes, the plan is very amazing.
“NOW to attend Skool like the good and filthy human that I am!” Zim says, throwing on his disguise before heading out the door. Gir and Minimoose wishing him the best of luck.
Everyone gathered by their lockers, gossiping and conversing about all sorts of things, ranging from rumors, boys, adult magazines, games, and many more stupid human things. Zim cared not for such things, and right now, his target was the ginger haired girl.
Thankfully she wasn’t too hard to spot, so Zim ruthlessly shoved anyone that got in his way.
“Oh, Hello Zim” The girl says, giving him a smile that nearly makes him gag.
“Yes, Hello…PLOTTY.”
“Did you need something? If your looking for Dib, he’s-”
“Z-Zim is not looking for the Dib-human!!!” Zim’s face starts to feel warm, trying NOT to remember his computer’s clearly INCORRECT calculations.
Plotty looks at him, feeling a bit awkward and confused… Zim can see this and quickly changes the subject.
“I was actually looking for YOU.” Zim says.
“Yes. You see… because of my condition, most of the other HUMANS, tend to pick on poor Zim, even making fun of my water allergy…. Now Zim has no one to go to prom with…” Zim says in the most soap opera way possible, even going so far as to fake the tears welling up in his eyes.
“Oh, that’s awful… Of course I’ll go to prom with you Zim” She says, smiling brightly. Delighted, Zim thanked the girl, letting her know just how HAPPY she’d made him before making his way to class, laughing maniacally… but, unfortunately, he bumps into the back of a very familiar black coat. Dib turns around, giving him a very accusing look as he narrows his eyes.
“Zim, what did you do?? What are you planning this time?” 
“Well Dib, if you must know… the Plotty-girl will be going to prom with ME!!” Zim says, laughing again, but instead of Dib wallowing in Sarrow like he had imagined, Dib instead tackles him to the ground, attempting to strangle him.
"Zim, you little piece of shit!!” Dib yelled. Zim screamed and gagged, before finally kicking Dib in the groin, and pushing him off. Dib nearly sheds a tear, but he pushes through the pain and grabs Zim by the leg before he can get up.
“Z-Zim, I hope you know how much I HATE you right now!” He punches him, and Zim pulls his hair, biting into his arm. 
“I hate you MORE Dib!” Zim retorts back. They both continue to kick and fight as the other students gather around them, watching the live wrestling match, and pulling out their phones as they capture footage of the event; even Gaz.
“Zim you-....y….y-yaaaCHOOO!” Sneezing right into the alien’s tunic, Zim screams bloody murder, and thankfully, the principal arrives just in time with the other teachers to stop the fight from escalating, sending them both to the nurse's office.
“Dib… This behavior is completely unacceptable. This is the 4th time this week. You can't keep assaulting Zim just for being different.” The principal says, tired and frustrated. Dib is such a talented student, so gifted in fact, that he’s honestly being held back by being in high Skool and not Membrane Corp… yet his behavior was just out of control.
“It's Zim’s fault! He- Cough cough!”
“LIES! The Dib-human lies!-”
“Enough. Dib, your suspended from Skool for the rest of this week.” The principal says. This was the last thing Dib wanted to hear.
“B-But Principle Morals, Prom is THIS weak! A-And my Dad is going to be pissed if he finds out!” Dib says, trying not to have a meltdown
The principle sighs. “Fine. I’ll allow you to attend prom, but for the rest of the weak, you’ll be suspended from Skool… You can go home now.” The principal says before leaving the nurse's office. Dib falls back against the small bed, and groans.
“Fuck… Dad’s going to be pissed.” Dib groans, removing his glasses before rubbing his eyes, frustrated, and this morning's headache didn’t help. He can hear Zim cackling in delight and it only makes his headache throb.
He already didn’t feel good getting up this morning, and now he had to deal with this??? He never should have gotten out of bed… or maybe he should have exposed Zim sooner. In fact, he should just rip his wig off in the class hall, and force those stupid contact lenses off his eyes; then everyone could finally see what he is! They would HAVE to BELIEVE him! And then, after enduring so much of Zim’s shit, he could finally cut open the damn alien and study his organs to his heart's content.
“That’s right Dib, suffer like the pathetic- “ Dib grabs Zim’s face and sneezes. Zim screams and squirms.
“Fuck you Zim.” Dib grabs his glasses and walks out of the room as Zim continues to scream and squirm. He should have known, he should have fucking known Zim would pull some shit like this. No matter if Dib does something nice or mean, the alien always has to double down and make his life more miserable than it already was.
Dib just can’t ever get a break, he can’t ever just have anything go right! 
“Hey… I heard from the Principale… Dad’s gonna be pissed.”
“Yeah…Cough cough!... Hey Gaz… can we trade place?”
“What? And have me be stuck with Zim? No thanks. Besides, I don’t think there’s anyone else that could capture that guy’s attention more than you.” Gaz explains, but Dib raises a brow at this.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asks, but Gaz just shrugs and doesn’t elaborate any further. 
“Anyway, you look terrible. Get plenty of rest once your home…”
“I will…”
Dib returns home after a miserably long walk, only to have his dad reprimand him as soon as he walks through the door, giving him the longest lecture before sending him to his room, and as punishment, he would not be given access to any of his paranormal possessions or TV shows. 
So Dib just lies in bed, letting his slowly forming fever consume him. He hated not having his things or knowing that Zim could be doing who knows what at Skool… and yet, he couldn’t help but feel relieved he wouldn’t have to bother with any of it anymore.
But you know what really pisses him off??? Is that he caught a shitty cold helping Zim out, only to get totally backstabbed! And why would Plotty go with Zim to prom anyway!? 
He just groans and rolls over in bed feeling miserable, feeling too sick to even be pissed anymore. “Cough cough cough! Ugh…. this fucking sucks…”
Later, his dad comes up to his bedroom and brings him a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some water. “Thanks dad…” Dib says, careful not to burn his tongue while eating his bowl of soup, but his dad takes a seat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Son, I know being a teenager can be a difficult thing.”
“Dad, I’m fine.”
“You have so many new hormones inside you, making all sorts of chemical reactions.”
“And sometimes those changes make us see people differently.”
“Dad, where are you going with this?”
“I know you must be so confused and maybe even frustrated. I know you and your little green friend used to be so close as kids, but sometimes things change when we get older.”
“We were never friends, dad.”
“Look son, I will always love you and I’m always proud of you. But bullying Zim is no way to get his attention. Just tell him how you really feel Dib. I know he’ll feel the same way” He say, patting his head before leaving the room, taking the empty soup bowl with him.
Dib nearly chokes, blushing “D-Dad, I don’t have a crush on Zim!!”
“Sure you don’t son…!” He says from downstairs, clearly humoring him.
“W-What the fuck??? Why would Dad think that???” Dib groans, falling back against his bed, coughing into his hands.
This can’t be happening… First Zim asks Plotty to Prom, then he gets suspended from Skool, and now his dad thinks he has a crush on Zim??? And why would his Dad think Zim would like him back??? Zim hates him!
But then he suddenly remembers yesterday when it rained… He thought he had seen Zim blushing… Gaz said something weird too, about him being the only one that could keep Zim’s attention… and then there's Zim’s disdain towards Plotty, like maybe he’s-....???
“No,no,no,no,no,no,no!! Zim is NOT in love with me!! I HATE Zim! And Zim would NEVER fall in love with me! ME of all people! I’m his greatest enemy! I’m a stinking disgusting human for crying out loud!!” Dib shouts, as if he was trying to reason with the universe and convince it that all of this was just some crazy misunderstanding.
“He’s an evil alien invader trying to conquer Earth! He’s loud, annoying, violent, green, and tiny! He’s proof that i’m not crazy…! He’s...the only thing that makes me feel… normal, kind of… I don’t have to hide my paranormal interests around him… UGH! What the fuck am I thinking?” Dib looks out the window, looking towards the stars for some kind of answer. He sighs and lays back down, setting his glasses aside and goes to sleep for the rest of the night.
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sehodreams · 7 months
Could I request ways Riize members are toxic and possive and how utterly turns into sex
I hope I understood the request, toxic!riize is so interesting, maybe I lost myself a little bit, and sadly I couldn't imagine everyone. Also, Sungchan one is based on a few headcanons I've read before in the platform, I kind of almost wrote a full fic there and with Eunseok hahahaha
TW and tags: toxic!riize, dark!riize, manipulation, lying, a touch of verbal abuse, sexual content.
Eunseok, like I've said before, is really controlling. He wants to know where you are, who you are with and why you are even out, being capable of flooding your phone with texts demanding your location and, if you don't answer, going straight for your friends. This is pretty much based on how possessive he's with you, even before he starts courting you, he sees you as a potential partner only if he sees you're willing to obey him, for example, watching you for some time and how you talk to your parents, "yes dad, I'm here at school, I'll call you when I get back home", "dad but I want to stay, please... 'kay, I'll be waiting for you outside", and finding that you're a good girl easy to manage, he'll go for it. So, throughout the whole relationship, he won't have a hard time telling you to come back home, sometimes he did with nice words and little bribes like gifts and desserts, and in worst cases, lies about him not feeling well and hurting. The last one, of course, he only used it when you made things difficult for him, and it's not hard to convince you to come back, but it's hard to make you stay when you're so angry you can't stop crying while you say how preoccupied you were, you're honest, you say that only because you really were like that, so to stop you from leaving him, he'll apologize with that sweet voice he has, pushing you until he has you under him, and after that he would treat you as good as never before to make you forget why you were even mad, whispering exactly what you want to hear, all the praises you wished you had heard before, "such a good girl, listening to me so well'', and filling you with love remarks to make you remember that there's no one who loves you more than him, ''my pretty baby, crying for me because you were preoccupied, there's no one as good as you for me out there, my perfect girl.''
Sungchan is a really jealous boy, he loves his smart girl, he loves that whenever he says the name of your university everyone's impressed with the catch you are. Pretty, smart, kind, you're just perfect, which sounds amazing when he shows you off, but always makes him paranoid when he's not with you. He doesn't study with you, he's pretty, but he's not smart, so he lives in the gym and does his best to live as a trainer, and he knows he shouldn't bother you when you're so busy, but he can't stop himself. He calls you ten times a day and needs to meet every one of your friends, to feel calm and check that none of them put his position as your boyfriend in danger. He goes for you when you finish class to walk you home, and if you have a party, he's going with you. He's so fucking afraid of losing you that he can't even sleep well, and he's usually nice in bed, but if he sees you talking to a man or about a man too much, he gets lost when he touches you, leaving his nice side and pretty smile aside, he touches you until you can't talk anymore, a mess after so many orgasms, "so smart and pretty at the same time, I'm the only one who can make you this dumb, right?", because he believes that, if you can't even walk out of his apartment, of course you'll never leave him behind.
Sohee is extremely insecure, he wants to trust you, but he just can't. He tries to be good and contain himself, but before he notices it, he's already doing everything he knows he shouldn't, like checking your phone when you go to the bathroom, creating a fake profile to watch your social media and your friends, and watching all your and their stories to see if you told him the truth or not. He has tried numerous times to stop, he knows he shouldn't do it, that if he wants to have a healthy relationship with you he should trust you, but he can't, so when he sees you start suspecting he checks your phone and you take it to the bathroom with you, he decides he needs to do anything to see what you're hiding. So he fucks you even better than normal, the fire inside him pushing him to continue and continue thrusting inside you, "I'm sorry baby, I'll change, just feel how much I love you, you trust me right?", the insecurity giving him the strength to make you cum until you pass out, and once you're just like he wanted, deep asleep after everything he has done to you, he finds himself finally relaxing when he sees your phone as much as he wants, because that's a cycle that has no end.
Wonbin feels he has the right to control you and your decisions, what you eat, where you go, and especially, what you wear, so he's always judging how you look, sometimes even choosing your outfits himself because you really can't do anything well, and he can't let himself be seeing beside you if you're not looking your best. Like he says, he has a reputation to maintain. And doing all that, of course he decides when to fuck and where too. If you're in public and he feels the need to have you, you don't really have an option, whether you're on a reunion, a public place, even if you're extremely busy, if he wants to slip his hand under the skirt he chose, make you lie down and push to the side your pretty shorts or order you to go to your knees and suck him good, you'll do it, after all, he chose your outfits with the aim of getting what he wants fast and easy, and if you're good, he'll talk to you with a hint of affection and pride "shit baby, you'll have to redo your makeup, just look how you're crying all your eyeliner, but you look so good like that too", but if you don't leave him satisfied, he'll talk to you without an ounce of care, almost hurting you, ''Don't you dare come out looking like that, I don't need my girlfriend to look like a slut.''
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Dw hahahaha I'm still alive just dying over ( why did I chose to study a PHD 😭 ) But im on a break from school so except so a lot more brainrot from me lmao, also sorry if this is jumbly kinda just put my words out there hahaha
I know we always talk about fragile reader during the illness but what about after? Fragile reader was plauged with this illness for hundreds of years so they deffinently adapted. Like typically when walking then would shuffle their feet a lot cause it took less energy so sometime they shuffle their feet and don't even realize. They didnt have the ability to do tasks such a pouring liquids into cups so whenever they're about to pour themselves a glass of water then to do collect themselves because what if their illness comes back? What if there dreaming and they'll suddenly drop everything. All of Zandik's work is reverted. So often times segments will just find reader staring intensely at a simple task. And of course they'll go comfort reader. Whilst they wish they could do it they know how much reader wants their autonomy back after such a restrictive few centuries.
But let not ignore the segments and Prime cause they've picked up a few habits also. They've gotten used to treating reader as fragile as glass so whenever they fall or trip post illness they freak out. It would require some comfort from reader to bring them back to earth and remember that reader is no longer ill. But you KNOW that they're pulling out every healing treatment they've got. They're all evil and sadistic doctors but for you they'll be good. <4
But regarding Zandik himself... Well he was so excited to finally have cured his lover that he completely forgot about the effects you'd suffer after. So when a few segments report of you not being completely free of your curse he's immediately trying to figure out how he can help you. He decides that the best thing to do is to be there for you. It typically is unusual to see the Doctor away from his work but now it's the norm for Il Doctors to be with his lover.
- Jellofish Anon
After being sick for so long, one would think you'd be ecstatic to finally be cured, to be free of the illness that plagued your body and life so much. And well, they were right, but the happiness still came with its anxieties. Change was never an easy thing, even when it was the good type. After dealing with this for so many years, you were bound to still be nervous about doing certain things. To not have the confidence in yourself to carry out the task. You worry that you'll mess up or fail and waste your time trying to do so and just end up making more of a problem for yourself and others. Even though you know that's illogical now, it's hard to get out of a mindset you've been stuck with for so long. Of course, your inner conflict doesn't go unnoticed by your lovers, and each segment would provide their own kind of comfort based on who they are, whether gruffly or soothingly, to give you the courage to take back your life.
You can't exactly blame Dottore and the segments for being overbearing, after all, they've witnessed your weak state for numerous centuries, and they've seen you hit your lowest many times too. They can't help but worry about their darling too. It's endearing at first but you have to hold them and help them realize that was the past you, the new you is someone different thanks to them. You can be strong and safe and independent without them now, even if it sort of makes them crazy knowing the situations you put yourself in now. Still, they observe you very much even when you least expect it.
Of course, the cure is not without its drawbacks - you still have to deal with the lingering effects of your illness sometimes. Which definitely aren't as bad as before, but they still serve to remind you of your old life. But you know that regardless of what the future may bring, you'll always have Dottore by your side to ease whatever pains you have.
(Dottore post-illness would be such a cutie. It's such a rewarding feeling, to see the one he loves no longer burdened and free to pursue what they want just like he does. He would sit and listen to all the stories you have for him each day, all the exciting things you can do now, the days of pain in the past. Of course, the segments would be extremely excited to finally have a worthy assistant - you - but there's only one of you after all. Unfortunately, they have to share, and bear the painful curse of having you to themselves once nearly every two weeks.)
(I've been planning to make this a full fic for like a year...)
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remedyturtles · 4 months
out of curiosity, are you an only child? I'm one of four brothers (aged 2-26) and have multiple estranged half siblings, and I've always found the way you write familial interactions between the brothers to be just. incredibly realistic and raw
Especially between Leo and Donnie - their interactions in your writing will occasionally (bar the codependency...) parallel interactions between my older brother and I to a T and it's. so touching
If you are an only child, what goes into writing familial interactions for you?
If not, do you have any specific memories or experiences of your own that you melt into interactions between the brothers?
Your writing brings me so much comfort and makes me love my brothers just a little harder
LMAO definitely NOT an only child hahahaha. i have an older sister and an older brother, then two bonus brothers
hmm! experiences... let's see. under a cut bc you got me rambling abt my family LMAO
our family groupchat is titled 'live and don't learn that's us'
once my brother drove over 12 hours all night to come rescue my sister and i after our car broke down during a road trip and the only payment he took was pizza
i still have an envelope that my brother slid under my door after a fight with other family that says on the top 'I HEARD YOU WERE UPSET BUT BIG BROTHER STILL LOVES YOU'
at my high school graduation, my brother took a very expensive trip home for two days just to walk me down the aisle. i did a speech and wasn't nervous at all bc every SINGLE time i looked out at the crowd he was looking at me with the fucking BIGGEST smile on his face
after my sister moved out and went to university she called me every single day
there was a girl that was going after my brother against his wishes and my sister picked up the phone when she called and threatened her so hard that she never talked to my brother again and like ten years later he was like 'yeah she just gave up one day idk what happened' and we were like 'um sister happened' and he was like 'WAIT WHAT' LMAO
for years me and bonus brother #1 would steal sister's phone and make her background a selfie of us and she never changed it and even one year was like 'hey the selfie is super old can you guys take a new one'
i also have a photo saved on my phone after bonus brother #1 got out of a surgery legit in his hospital bed with the caption 'i lived bitch'
i have been wearing a jean jacket i stole from bonus brother #2 for years and last time he saw me i was wearing it and he did not even remember it was his anymore
every snapchat i've taken of bonus brother #2 is captioned with 'bitch'
last christmas we did powerpoint presentations over discord. sister assigned everyone roles in star wars. brother provided a satirical how-to on home maintenance. bonus brother #1 talked about magic the gathering.
i didn't take many pictures but i do have this moment from sister's that made me laugh out loud:
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then another badly taken picture from brother's:
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i know what you're wondering now. rem, what did you do your presentation on?
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cue groans from my entire family. except, wait....
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the only use i've gotten out of my bachelor's degree LMAO
anyway if you got this far, the point is that i am definitely NOT an only child lol. we have issues too of course but they're pretty cool
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radplaidtacofan · 24 days
Idk if anyone will see this or care but this is my coming out post
I'm 33 and I think I'm finally done pretending I'm something I'm not. I've known since I can first remember that I was a guy. My first memories are of running around shirtless, being told I would have to cover up soon and not understanding why. I wondered why I didn't have a dick. I always wanted to prove how strong I was, how fast I was, how high I could climb, etc. I remember when I first learned about puberty and I was 100% certain that, when the time came, I could pick which one I'd be and I knew I'd pick male. I couldn't wait to start growing a beard and look like Riker.
The dysphoria has always been really fucking bad. The autism, ADHD and OCD made me miserable already but dysphoria made me so badly depressed by the time I was 10 I was constantly thinking about ... well, let's just say that I never thought I would see 33.
I found out being trans was A Thing and started binding, begging my parents and doctors to let me start hormones, etc. I had a really shitty person at CAMH tell me that I didn't meet the criteria? Lmao. He's probably retired now and I hope he's miserable tbh.
I did eventually take T in my early 20s for about a year, then I had a breakdown thinking I was making a huge mistake... because I didn't think I'd ever be happy. I feel wrong down to my fucking DNA. Even now I'm fighting with myself because I feel terrible that I can never be a cis man and it just... it kills me.
So yeah, I decided to chug copium for years thinking that if I tried really really hard I could accept being female and be Okay.
Hahahaha. Ha.
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The funny thing is, even when I was chugging copium I was still thinking things like, "If someone had a magic wand and could make me a cis male I'd say yes without hesitation," or, "I wish Star Trek was real cause they could fix me easily," or even, "Wearing a dress is drag."
I still felt like I was being weird by looking at bras, panties and swimsuits. (Not that there's anything wrong with that if you're into drag! And I'd fight anyone who tries to make trans women feel bad. It's just, personally, it doesn't feel Right for me.) I assumed people saw me as a man. I really played up being girly. I'd be giggling and acting flirty and barf. But I thought I was being very Gender and convincing people! And that's what I was trying to do: convince people. People who didn't need convincing because they saw me as a woman. It was just me who didn't.
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Fun fact: I quote this all the time and people keep looking at me weird.
Anyway, I've been in a bit of a mental breakdown over the past few days because my brain finally said, "You know what? Fuck this and fuck you. You know what you are, goddamn idiot bastard man." So now I'm trying to be less of a goddamn idiot bastard man and continue the process I started when I was like... 3. I'm gonna make little me so fucking proud when I grow that beard (god I hope I can grow a beard) and get this weight off my chest.
I haven't figured out what name to go by yet because I've been through several since I told my parents I hated my name when I was like 10 and none of them fit. But I am a man and I am starting the process of making that obvious to everyone around me.
I already know some people are gonna be challenging but fuck it, we ball!
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Few days until the Wayne cousins have to attend their crazy cousin's grandson's Bar (not bat) Mitzvah, but they do not want to be the only members of Martha's family to attend, so they call someone who might go
Beth Kane, formally Alice and receptionist at the sanitarium she was a patient at, laughs erratically on the phone for a solid two minutes.
Bruce and Kate, sharing the same amount of annoyance, wait for her to finish. Kate turns to Bruce, her left eyebrow raised and she points at her phone.
Kate: Thanks for the suggestion on asking if she wants to join us.
Bruce shrugs.
Bruce: How was I supposed to know she'd laugh like the Joker? I don't focus on this side of the family. For good reason.
Kate rolls her eyes and returns to the call.
Kate: You done, sis?
Beth: Yes, I'm done. Whew, I thought I was the traumatized comedian, but you are funny as well. You want me to go to crazy cuzzo's ANYTHING. I wouldn't go to her house if she paid me. Her funeral though, invite me. I can wear a nice red dress.
Kate: Can't you leave the sanitarium for this one?
Beth: Hahahaha! No! Linda will pester me about my criminal past and that makes me have insane people thoughts and you do not want me to repeat what I did to Bruce to her at that lake.
Bruce, alarmed: What?
Kate: She... May have pushed you into the lake when were children.
Bruce: She fucking what?!
Kate and Beth: We were kids, get over it!
Bruce, angry: Maybe she shouldn't go with us!
Beth: Good looking out rich cuzzo! Can you send me another grand, by the way? I got some vacation plans and I need some extra spending money!
Bruce: ...
Kate: Stop brooding and send her something.
Bruce: For fucks sake-
Bruce grabs his phone and sends Beth money.
Beth: Aww thanks. On a serious note, I would attend with you guys. I know how Lenny can get with his insane conspiracy theories and I can silence him without the lake, but I have an anniversary date with my fiance.
Beth in a cutesy girl voice: So sorry. Don't be mad at me. Okay?
Kate sighs.
Kate: I'm not, I get it. Wish us luck.
Beth: Of course, I'll even pray to... Somebody. Have fun you two and remember... the lake.
Kate: Yeah bye.
Beth (singing): Byeeee!
Kate ends the call.
Kate: Call her, she'll say yes, you guys are actually siblings. That's what you said.
Kate glares at Bruce.
Bruce: I didn't say it exactly like that.
Kate: Do you get why I couldn't call her though and why I usually go alone?
Bruce: I do, but I'm glad Beth is doing better mentally.
Kate: Thankfully. They have good doctors there, but hiring her as a receptionist was surprising.
Bruce: I sent in a recommendation.
Kate: You... You did that? I thought she falsified your signature.
Bruce: No. I wanted to help her.
Bruce pauses mulling over Kate's words.
Bruce: How many times have you both been forging my signature?
Kate: You remember I needed that yacht for a art house party? Yeah that.
Kate puts her hand up to ignore her cousin's rant.
Kate: They needed a benefactor's name and they wouldn't take mine don't worry I paid for it that time.
Bruce: That time?!
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shuyui-nether · 2 months
My Blue Sky
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Chapter 02: AO3
Summary: She hated this bitter fate and wished that her father would return even for one day. But this was an impossible wish that will never come true.
Admin talks: Hey guys long time no see. I miss you all. Forgive me for disappearing. As you know I had therapy sessions for my mental status. Now I'm completely fine and will update more. I can't wait to write again. Please welcome me with your reviews 😭.
With the sunlight shining on his face, Kou slowly opened his eyes. He was never a morning person. He usually couldn't sleep well at night because of his nightmares, so he woke up in the morning with great difficulty. Sometimes he wished he could just sleep peacefully for one day without any nightmares.
Kou: Damn it... why do I have to go to school every day? Ahhhhhh...
With great difficulty, Kou got up from his bed and went to his wardrobe to put on a shirt. After choosing his shirt, he put it on and tried to fasten the buttons.
Kou: Ahhh... this is very difficult... I wish someone else would do this for me.
Saying this, Kou remembered the pale girl who is now in the dungeon. And he smiled with this thought.
Kou: ...! Hahaha... I remembered now. I have a new little girl. Maybe I can make her listen to me. Of course, I am sure that she will do it with full satisfaction. She is probably one of those fangirls who is dying to be with me for just a few seconds. What a lucky girl you are...
Thinking about his weaving and dreaming, he buttoned his shirt hard and went out of his room and went to his brothers.
Kou: Yahooooo.... Good morning...
Yuma slowly appeared from behind Kou while yawning.
Yuma: Why are ya making so much noise in the morning?
Azusa: Good morning... Kou... Yuma
Ruki, who had woken up earlier than everyone else and was busy making breakfast in the kitchen, entered the living room with a breakfast tray.
Ruki: Good morning everyone. Breakfast is ready. You can go to the kitchen and start.
Kou: Ruki, do you want to eat breakfast alone?
Ruki: No. This is not for me. It's for Eve.
Kou: Ahhhh... you are right... I was forgetting that, that girl is now in the dungeon. Poor girl must have had a hard night. I am sure she is scared now. Haha, her scared face must be so cute.
Yuma: Haha... did ya really forget or were ya thinking about her all night haha?
Kou: what the fuck Yuma? Why should I think about that ugly girl?
Azusa: Kou... you're such a liar... we all saw yesterday... how you... were staring at Eve. Besides... she is very... cute and beautiful... if you call her ugly, you are lying.
Kou: Azusa, you should see my fans, they appear in front of me every day with the best makeup. I'm sure this girl has never put on makeup.
Azusa: That... makes her more beautiful...
Kou: It's ridiculous...
Yuma: Haha, just say you love her.
Kou: Never...
Ruki: Enough. Your fights are like children's fights. Do not forget the right behavior. Anyway, I will take het breakfast to explain some rules to het. Then we all have to go to school.
Kou: Shall we take Eve too?
Ruki: Of course not. She disappeared last night. Besides, we can't let the Sakamaki brothers see her.
Kou: Ruki, isn't it better to have someone stay with her at home. I mean, even if you make rules for her, she will still be a rebellious girl.
Ruki: Yeah. I will stay with her.
Yuma: Ya...
Ruki: Is there a problem?
Kou: No, you are just an honor student. Are you sure you want to stay?
Yuma: Hahahaha... What's wrong? Don't say that you want to stay with her. Boy, you fell in love with her badly.
Kou: Ahhh.... Stop Yuma. Don't say such nonsense. I'm just tired. I didn't sleep well last night. I prefer to stay at home.
Ruki: Okay.
Yuma: ...!
Kou: ....! Really? Is it okay?
Ruki: yes, but just this once.
Ruki went to the dungeon with the breakfast tray to see Eve and explain the rules to her. Kou went to the dungeon with him. Ruki frowned when he noticed Kou is following him and turned towards him.
Ruki: Why are you following me?
Kou: I want to see Eve. Her pitiful scared face should be interesting. And since I'm going to take care of her today, I need to know what rules you set for her.
Ruki: Ah... okay.
Ruki and Kou continued on their way until they reached the pale girl. It was unbelievable. She was sitting quietly staring at the door without any attempt to escape. It was as if she was waiting for them to arrive.
Ruki: Good morning Eve. So you are awake.
Hearing Ruki's voice, the girl raised her head and looked at him. You can tell from her shaking eyes and hands that she is scared. But she was trying to show herself strong. That's why she looked at those two people without showing any fear.
Yui: Who are you? where am I?
Ruki: Don't worry Eve, I will explain everything to you soon.
Ruki put the breakfast tray in front of Yui.
Ruki: You must be hungry. you can eat I will open your hands, but remember, if you make a foolish attempt to escape, you will be punished.
Ruki slowly unchained Yui's hands. Yui was hesitant at first, but she was very hungry. Since the Sakamaki brothers are vampires, they eat little, Yui also eats very little, and this has affected her health.
Yui first took the glass of water and drank it. She seemed very thirsty. She looked at Ruki as she ate some of the food and waited for his explanation.
Ruki: Listen Eve. Or Komori Yui. You are here on the orders of an important person and you must obey us. You are going to stay here for a long time. Remember, don't think of stupid attempts to escape, they will all be futile and you will only get yourself in trouble. From today you have no right to go to school. You have no right to contact the Sakamakis and most importantly, you have no right to disobey. It is in your best interest to listen to everything I say, otherwise you will be severely punished.
Yui: Why am I here? On whose orders am I here?
Ruki: This is not important anymore. I am Ruki, the older brother of this family. And this is the second brother of the family Kou. You will meet Yuma and Azusa soon.
Kou was listening to the conversation of these two people without saying anything. He was staring at Yui. He knew he had seen Yui somewhere before, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember.
Ruki: We will free you. As long as you respect all the rules I said. Do you have anything to say?
Yui: Please... let me go...
Ruki: Ahhhh.... Didn't you hear what I said? Do not resist, you will only make it difficult for yourself. Now eat your breakfast as soon as possible. I will introduce you to my other two brothers and we have to go to school. But don't worry, you aren't going to be alone. Kou is by your side and makes sure you don't break the rules.
Yui was afraid of Ruki. She had to obey him, otherwise it was not clear what fate awaited her.
After Ruki introduced his brothers to Yui, they left the mansion and went to school, leaving Kou and Yui alone at home.
Kou: Ahhhhh... I'm finally alone. I can't wait to just have fun and relax today.
Kou walked over to the couch in the living room and threw himself onto it, yawning deeply and chuckling. He could see Yui staring at him. He smirked at Yui's look.
Kou: What happened? Didn't you think you would see your favorite idol up close, M-Neko-chan?
Yui: Idol? Are you an idol?
Kou: Haaaaaaaaa? Don't say you don't know me.
Yui: I'm sorry, but I don't know you.
Kou: Are you kidding me?
Kou went to Bookshelf and picked up some of the magazines and came to Yui. He put the magazines on the table and pointed at them angrily.
Kou: My picture is in almost every magazine. What do you mean you don't know me?
Yui: Fufu... I never read such magazines. I am sorry. But I felt that I have seen your face before. Maybe that's why you looked familiar?
Kou: Familiar? Are you crazy or something? All the girls in Japan know me. I am a famous idol that girls die to be with me for just a few seconds. How can you not know me?
Yui: I'm sorry... but I've never been interested in this kind of thing... but that doesn't make the value of your work less.
Kou: You bitch... are you trying to pity me?
Yui: No... I just...
Kou: Shut up... you worthless bastard... you are the one who is worthless. You are just a moving blood bag.
Kou angrily walked over to Yui and grabbed Yui's narrow neck in his fist and began to squeeze it to strangle Yui.
Kou: You see... you are so worthless... if I kill you now, no one will be upset. No one even knows you exist.
Yui: Kou-kun... I can't... breathe...
Kou: If I feel a little sick all the girls in Japan send me postcards and gifts to wish me well. You see, this is the difference between you and me.
Yui: Kou...kun...my breath...
Kou: Hahaha... yes, hurry up and beg for your life. You have to beg even for your life. You are just worthless prey, nothing more.
Yui's eyes were about to close when Kou released his hand and let go of Yui's neck. Yui fell to the ground in despair, coughing and struggling to breathe. Tears were flowing from her eyes and her vision was blurry.
Kou: Don't forget your place. You are as worthless as a mouse and I can easily crush you under my feet. I don't even have to do it myself. Just mention it and the fans will destroy you.
Yui: Huh...huh...I'm sorry...
Kou smirked when he saw Yui in that state and walked out of the living room. When Yui was alone in the room, she started to cry. She hated this bitter fate and wished that her father would return even for one day. But this was an impossible wish that will never come true.
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thegamingcatmom · 26 days
Resi Village crack post in 3...2...1...
*The Lords and MM discussing what to do with MC*
*MC in the middle of yet another shitshow*
MM, pointing her finger: "Heisenberg - the mortal´s fate is in your hands-"
Lady D: "Mother Miranda, I must protest-"
Karl, imitating her in a pitch that is most unpleasant on the ears: "Mother Miranda I must-Oh, SHUT your mouth, super-sized freak!"
Lady D: *eye twitching, pressing her pointer finger to her ear as she recovers from that din*
Lady D, still prodding at her ear: "At least I am capable of producing sounds that will not be mistaken for a dying cat."
Karl: *indignant spluttering*
Angie: "HAHAHAA, she GOT you there! MEEEOOOOW!"
Karl: 😑
Lady D: 😏
MM: *wishes to be literally anywhere else*
Salvatore: *watery laugh*
Salvatore: "Hhahaaha, M-MghaOUUaaGRRahAH!"
Karl: "...Wtf was that?"
Angie: "Sounded like a dying cat INSIDE a dying cat! HAHAHAH!"
Salvatore: *watery spluttering*
Lady D: 🤦🏻‍♀️
MM, beneath her mask: 🙄
Karl: "More like a dying cat inside a dying cat on fire. HAH!"
Angie: *more mad cackling*
Salvatore: 🥺
Salvatore: "N-Not n-nice, no-no! Mother, they´re m-mean!"
MM, having zoned out ages ago cause she can´t deal: *elevator music*
MC, from the background: "...I thought it sounded pretty close actually."
*elevator music stops*
*everyone turns to her, only now remembering her presence it seems*
MC: *starts to sweat with all those eyes on her, clearly waiting for her to elaborate*
MC: "...I-"
Karl, who recovers first: "If that was a cat then I´m a giraff-eh."
Lady D: *giving Karl a rather extensive once-over*
Lady D, in all honesty: "Hm. The resemblance is quite uncanny."
Karl: *indignant spluttering*
Lady D: "And it´s Juh-RAFF, you ignorant fool."
Salvatore: "Ohh I l-like dogs!"
Angie: "Me too! They´re tasty! HAHAAHHA!"
Salvatore: D:
Donna, finally having found the correct channel: "Now now, Angie... Lulu was an accident."
Angie: "True! We only accidently roasted her over the open fire like a suckling pig!"
Salvatore: D:
MM: *contemplates having some pork for dinner later tonight*
MC: *stomach starts grumbling from all that talk about pigs*
MM: *eyes shooting in MC´s direction at the sound of a lycan*
MC, all by herself: *catches MM´s eyes, gives a shy wave*
MM: *confusion*
MC: *stomach grumbling again*
MM: *realizes there is, in fact, no lycan near*
Also MM: *torn between feeling appalled and impressed at the sounds that stomach is capable of producing*
Karl: "What do you mean Juh-RAFF?! How fucking stupid does that sound?!"
Angie: "RAFF-RA-Mmpf Mhhh-!"
Donna, still covering her mouth: "Now now, Angie..."
Lady D, quickly losing her patience: "It was an exaggeration on my part to make you understand, you idiot manthing!"
Karl: "An exaggeration that was fucking pointless to begin with! Everyone knows it´s giraff-EH!"
Lady D: *eye starts twitching again*
MM: *elevator music*
Donna: *eerily calm as she keeps Angie´s mouth shut*
Angie: "Mpff mhmm! MPFF!"
Salvatore: *still processing the doggie incident*
MC, who clearly has a death wish: "...Actually-"
*elevator music stops*
*everyone turns to her*
MC, with a confidence that is entirely misplaced: "It´s giraff-EE."
MC: "...Yknow, like, a whole new breed! Futuristic giraffes. Cause they´ll be so advanced, they come with built-in GPS to find those branches!"
*tense silence*
MC: *swallows*
Karl: "That´s..."
MC: *prepares for a rather painful death*
Karl: "...Fucking BRILLIANT! HAHAHAHA!"
Angie, muffled: *mad cackling*
Salvatore: *uncertain watery laugh cause he has no idea what that means, dude just wants to feel included man*
Lady D: *torn between slicing MC to ribbons and...other things cause MC got the pronunciation right after all*
MM: *oddly charmed by that...curious specimen*
MC, in the face of it all:
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Yknow that feeling when you´ve won a game but have no fucking clue how you did it cause those damn rules make zero sense to you?
MC knows the feeling.
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wrathofrats · 3 months
God I love them so much they’re so fucking fun to write no one understands.
Like 800 words of pebble baiting alpha into fucking him. Featuring elder abuse and exhibitionism. Or In other words I need @delusionalbitchinthehouse to get out of my DMs (I say even tho I’m the one setting up camp in her DMs. I apologize HAHAHAHA)
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“Looks like you’ve been really getting around the abbey” alpha muttered, walking into the kitchen. There was a harsher tone behind his voice, something that screamed he wasn’t entirely kidding.
Pebble noticed it. How couldn’t he? The internal need to mess with alpha had his senses sharp just waiting for the perfect moment. Something was sore about the subject, something about pebble sat up on the counter with hickeys littering his neck and exposed thighs had alpha unable to even look at him for more than a second.
“Can’t help it, learned ifrit likes to enable me,” pebble started. He saw alpha tense up at ifrits name, only egging him on further. “Just got me so high that I would let him do anything to me. Don’t remember much of it besides the fact that I’m still sore. You’d have to ask him about it”
“Don’t care” alpha slammed the fridge door shut, placing his findings on the counter across from pebble so he could have his back to him.
“Don’t care that he practically forced me to be pliant for him? Just so he could use me? Telling me he should burn his name into my thigh since I loved being his toy so much”
“I wouldn’t get so fucking cocky. You’ll get on your knees for anyone who shows you a little push back” alpha growled. He tried to keep his eyes down. He didn’t want to take the clear bait that was laid out of him. Pebble in shorts that were a little too short, a shirt that made him look like he wasn’t even wearing bottoms at all, hair askew and bruises all over his skin as if he really just rolled out of ifrits bed and walked down here. Honestly that’s probably what happened judging from how tired he looks.
“Hey just wanted to break the new guy in, take him for a spin, can you really blame me?”
“Yes I can actually. Did you pay him or something?” Alpha tried to focus on his lunch, but arguing was much too easy.
“He came onto me in my defense. Besides, gotta make sure the new fire ghoul knows how to handle me since you’re being replaced”
That’s what struck a nerve. Alpha gripped the butter knife tightly in his hand. His reaction was obvious as much as he wished it wasn’t, it would only make pebble worse if he gave him what he wanted.
“What” alpha growled before he could stop himself.
“You heard me. You’re getting old, washed up. Can’t handle me anymore I think. So I gotta find another stupid hot head to throw me around whenever I want”
Alpha turned around quickly. He was like putty in pebbles hands. Easy to bring to this point, playing exactly into what he wants.
“Shut the fuck up”
Pebble smiled with a cocky tilt to his head, like a kid in a candy store.
“What? I just wouldn’t want you to break a hip or anything. Maybe I’ll give you a sympathy blowjob every once in a while when I notice the arthritis really set in”
Alpha couldn’t help himself. He practically lunged himself at pebble, quickly turning him and shoving him against the granite. Pebble thrashed as he always does as if this wasn’t what he wanted. His legs kicked, a panicked feeling of realizing he couldn’t touch the ground in the position alpha had him in.
“W-wait I can’t touch alpha slow down-“ pebble pleaded as alpha already made quick work of his clothes. Shirt discarded to the side and pants all the way down to his ankles. The hard counter top dug into his skin painfully as alpha maneuvered him like a rag doll.
“Better hope ifrit fucked you well enough. Said you were still sore huh? Better hope you’re still stretched too”
Pebble let out a pained gasp as alpha pushed in. He was a lot thicker than ifrit, felt as if he could break at any second with the way alpha wasn’t hesitating. Saliva pooled in his mouth as he prayed and counted the milliseconds alpha was giving him to adjust.
“Fuck it’s going to be too loud what if someone hears” pebble whimpered out in between thrusts, pausing as alpha rammed into his prostate like he was trained to do it.
“Oh that’s the plan you fucking weed. Hope they all hear and have to come find you like this. Realize you’re just my worthless slut and nothing more” alpha growled, leaning down to bite over ifrits bruises as if he wanted to carve the marks out of his skin himself. “Hope ifrit comes down and sees you already getting fucked again. Lose all respect for you, not like you deserved it in the first place”
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pervprincealwayswins · 8 months
Kanato Sakamaki x FEM! Reader
Body Switched
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Tw: Mentions of catcalling, sexism, harrassment and boundary-crossing behavior.
Word count: 8806
Almost every day of the week, Kanato tormented Y/N at school, until the pair were put in each other's shoes.
Y/N still remembered her first bad experience with Kanato. She didn't have an easy school life to begin with, and this occurance with Kanato had made it so much worse.
It was a few weeks into the first grade, still early. And Kanato was already seated in the classroom with his teddy bear.
At first, Kanato had always seemed really cute and sweet to Y/N. And she wondered if she could befriend him. If only she ever had the guts to do so, she thought.
But as soon as Y/N walked in that day, Kanato began to speak to his teddy bear in a mocking tone.
"Oh, look, it's little miss perfect, Y/N. Getting all the best grades, trying to show me up."
Y/N swallowed nervously. "I-I'm not trying to show you up, Kanato. I just...I just want to do well in school."
Kanato smirked. "Is that so? I'm sure you're just thrilled that you got better grades than me."
Y/N hesitantly replied. "I...I'm sorry, Kanato. I didn't mean to make you upset."
Kanato laughed. "Oh, please. Don't act like you care. You know you love it when you can rub it in my face that you're smarter than me."
"I don't...I don't want to rub it in your face. I just...I just want to be friends." She replied softly.
Kanato scoffed. "Friends? With you? Never. You're beneath me."
Tears welled up in her eyes. "But why? Why do you have to be so mean to me?"
Kanato shrugging. "Because it's hilarious." He paused for a moment and grinned. "And because you let me."
"I don't...I don't want to let you." She whispered.
Kanato leaned in close. "Then why don't you try to stand up for yourself? Fight back." He smirked deviously.
Y/N stammered. "I... I..."
Kanato chuckled. "That's what I thought."
Y/N looked down at her feet. "I wish you would just leave me alone now, Kanato."
Kanato smirked. "Not going to happen. You're my favorite new toy now."
"...I'm not a toy." Y/N said.
Kanato laughed. "Yes, you are. And I'm going to play with you forever."
Y/N backed away. "Please...just leave me alone."
Kanato stood up, towering over Y/N. "Never."
Without hesitation, Y/N ran out of the classroom with tears. "Help! Somebody help me!"
Kanato laughed maniacally as Y/N ran away, crying. "Hahahaha! Did you see that, Teddy? Mortals are so pathetic aren't they?"
The following months Kanato kept tormenting her. The afraid Y/N however, little by little, tried to build up the courage to stand up for herself.
Kanato held onto his teddy bear. Talking to him in a sing-song tone. "Look at her, Teddy. She thinks she's so smart, always getting better grades than me."
Y/N spoke nervously. "I-I didn't do it on purpose."
Kanato took a step closer towards Y/N. "Of course you did. You're trying to embarrass me, right?"
Y/N spoke softly. "No, I'm not."
Kanato's eyes flashed. "Yes, you are! You're just a conceited woman who thinks she's better than everyone else!!"
Y/N took a deep breath, mustering up all the courage she had. "Kanato, why do you always torment me like this? Can't we just coexist peacefully?"
Kanato smirked. "Oh, Y/N, you're such an easy target. It's amusing to see you squirm. And let's not forget how you callously persist to outshine me academically. Do you enjoy mocking me?"
"I never intended to mock you, Kanato. I work hard for my grades, just like anyone else. Can't you see we're all in this together?" Y/N pleaded.
Kanato laughed. "In this together? Please, Y/N. You're just a helpless pawn in my game. I have the upper hand here, and you'll always be at my mercy."
"But even if that is true, Kanato, that doesn't give you the right to belittle me and make me feel inferior. We all deserve respect and kindness." Y/N said.
Kanato replied. "Respect? Kindness? Those concepts are foreign to me. I thrive on fear and control. It's exhilarating to see you cower in my presence."
"Well, Kanato, I refuse to be your punching bag any longer. I may have struggled with fear in the past, but I'm finding my voice. And I won't let you or anyone else take that away from me!"
Kanato raised an eyebrow. "How dare you... You are nothing but a lousy mortal!!!!. Know your place, I will continue to make your life miserable."
"Maybe, Kanato, but I'm not backing down. I'll prove that I'm stronger than you think, and I won't let your cruelty define me."
Kanato slowly walked closer to Y/N. "How foolish you are Y/N.. A pathetic girl like you.. doesn't stand a chance against me.”
"We'll see about that, Kanato. I won't let you have power over me any longer. I am finding my strength, and it won't be long before I stand up to you and anyone else who tries to bring me down!"
Kanato looked down at Teddy and started talking. "Look at Y/N, Teddy, she is trying to feign confidence. She truly thinks she's better than everyone else."
Teddy replied, which only Kanato could hear. "Oh, Kanato, you're being so mean to her.."
Kanato glared at Y/N. "She deserves it. She always mocks me, trying so hard to get better grades than me, not knowing her place.."
Teddy snickered. "Maybe she's just smarter than you, Kanato."
Kanato yelled angrily. "No, she's not! She's just a lowly brat who thinks she's better than everyone else!"
Out of nowhere, Laito appeared in the room. Y/N couldn't believe what she saw. "H-how.."
Laito chuckled. "Fufu.. So this is the girl you've been playing with? Not bad Kanato, not bad."
Kanato turned around at his brother. "Shut up Laito!! This isn't your prey to meddle with!"
"Prey now? I thought you hated her for making fun of you?" Laito snickered.
Y/N shakily looked at Kanato and Laito, her eyes filled with confusion and fear. "I-I'm not trying to make fun of you, Kanato."
Kanato smirked. "Oh, really? Then why do you always keep getting better grades than me, huh?"
Y/N replied hesitantly. "I-I just study harder."
Kanato and Laito laughed.
"You have guts, little bitch~" Laito purred.
Kanato continued. "Study.. harder? Please. You're just a nerd."
Y/N's voice trembled. "I'm not a nerd."
Kanato leaned in close, his eyes glinting dangerously. "Yes, you are. And you're also weak and pathetic."
Y/N recoiled in fear. "N-No, I'm not."
"Oh, yes, you are. And you know what else? I'm a vampire." Kanato grinned, revealing his sharp fangs to her, while Laito observed the situation with amusion.
Y/N's eyes widened in terror. "W-What?"
Kanato grinned. "That's right. I'm a vampire. And I could drink your blood right now if I wanted to."
Y/N gasped. "N-No, you wouldn't."
Kanato leaned in even closer. "Oh, but I would. And you couldn't stop me."
"P-Please don't." Y/N replied, her voice barely a whisper.
Kanato smiled cruelly. "Why should I listen to you? You're just a human. And humans are nothing to me."
Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of class.
Laito pouted. "Nawhh. How disappointing! Just when things started getting interesting too."
Kanato stood up straight, tucking Teddy under his arm. Kanato eyed Y/N. "This isn't over. We'll be back for you." He hissed before walking away.
Laito started walking too, "Bye bitch-chan, lets see each other soon~" Leaving Y/N alone and terrified.
After returning to her home, she was lying in bed, her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. "I can't believe this is happening. I just want to go to school and learn, but it's like everyone is out to get me."
Y/N sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on her. She had been catcalled, harassed, and made fun of by her classmates all day, and to top it all off, she had another run-in with Kanato Sakamaki, the strange and unsettling boy who turned out to be a vampire, possibly his brothers as well. Her world was shaken.
Y/N sat up in bed, hugging her knees. "I don't know how much more of this I can take. I just want to feel safe and respected. Is that too much to ask?"
Y/N's eyes filled with tears as she thought about all the times she had been hurt and humiliated. She felt like she would never be able to escape the pain and torment.
Y/N wiped away her tears. "I need to find a way to make this stop. I can't keep living like this."
Y/N took a deep breath and made a decision. She would not let the bullies and Kanato win. She would find a way to fight back and take control of her life.
Y/N lied back down, closing her eyes. "I'm not going to give up. I'm going to find a way to survive this."
As Y/N drifted off to sleep, she felt a sense of determination growing within her. She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but she was ready to face whatever challenges came her way.
The next day, Kanato and Y/N were in for a surprise.
Kanato woke up at dusk, as usual. But to his astonishment. He woke up in a completely different room.
"...What is this?" He stared down at his body, it looked nothing like his own. It looked female. Upon realizing this, he jumped out of the bed, frantically touching the new body he had, confirming what he was seeing. He hesitantly walked over to a mirror.
As Kanato stood in front of the full-length mirror, his face filled with full disbelief. Staring at the reflection of a familiar young girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes. He almost couldn't believe it. He, the infamous and powerful demonic vampire, had been body switched with a mere mortal girl.
He had always viewed humans as nothing more than food and playthings. He had no regard for their lives and treated them with cruelty and disdain. But now, as he stood in the body of one, he could feel the weight of her emotions and it scared him.
He looked down at his new body, dressed in the school uniform of the local night academy. Did she sleep in her clothes? He just realized. The girl he had been switched with was a student there, just like him. It was none other than Y/N. He felt a twinge of dread as he remembered how he had treated her.
Kanato, who had stared in disbelief at his reflection in the mirror for a while now, had finally begun to put it all to words.
"How can this be true? I can't believe I'm in this mortal girl's body. I'm immortal, not some powerless schoolgirl!"
Suddenly Teddy appeared on the bed behind Kanato. Invisibly smirking. "Oh, but you are now, Kanato. And it's all thanks to me."
Kanato turned and glared at Teddy. "You! You did this to me? How could you? uwaa.." He yelled as he then began to sniffle.
Teddy just scoffed. "How could I? Let me count the ways. You've ignored my wishes, used me for your own gain, and treated me like a mere possession. I'm sick of it, Kanato."
Kanato's face grew instantly furious. "You're nothing but a filthy Teddy bear! I own you!"
Teddy's beaded black eyes gleamed with contempt. "Oh, really? Who's the one trapped in a frail body now, Kanato? Seems like the tables have turned."
Kanato seethed with rage. "I'll kill you! I'll tear you apart!"
Teddy however, was unmoved by this threat. "You can't, Kanato. Not while you're stuck in that body. And even if you could, I'd just come back. I'm immortal, remember?"
Kanato frowned in defeat. "You've won...for now. But I'll find a way to get back at you."
Teddy chuckled. "I'm counting on it, Kanato. In the meantime, enjoy your new life as a mortal school girl."
Kanato glared at Teddy again. "I'll never enjoy it! I'm a vampire! I belong in the night, not in this pathetic human world!"
Teddy shrugged. "Well, that's too bad. Because you're stuck here until fate decides otherwise."
Kanato collapsed on the bed, both defeated and devastated as tears streamed down the cheeks of his new face. "Uuu.. This is a nightmare."
"Welcome to my world, Kanato." Teddy replied smugly before completely vanishing from the bed.
Kanato felt powerless, like he hadn't in a long time.
Now that he realized he couldn't punish Teddy, his anger grew at his other perceived culprit, Y/N. He wondered if she was in his body too, and at his mansion right now. And so he went out. It took him a while to find his way to his mansion, having no teleportation or speed powers to get him there.
However as the body switched Kanato entered the mansion where he normally lived. He did not realize one fatal flaw of his plan, he would now be perceived as a human girl to his brothers. Exposing him to imminent danger. And it did not take long for his brother Laito to stumble across him.
"Finally, I'm home. This whole body-switching thing has been a nightmare."
Suddenly his brother Laito appeared across from him.
"Fufu~ What's this? A visit from bitch-chan?"
Kanato became flustered, embarrassed by being treated like this by his brother. "I'm not her! I'm Kanato!"
"Sure you are, and I'm the Pope." Laito chuckled.
Which caused Kanato to get angry now. "I'm serious! This is some kind of sick joke!"
Laito smirked and slyly moved closer to him. "Oh, I like feisty ones."
Kanato abruptly backed away and yelled. "Stay away from me!"
Y/N, (from inside Kanato's body), walked down from the giant stairs behind them. "Kanato!"
Kanato's angry eyes slightly widened. "Y/N? Is that you?!"
"Yes, it's me. I'm trapped in your body." Y/N said.
Kanato's anger reduced. His face turned paler as Y/N reaffirmed what he already knew, yet deep down still had hoped it was nothing but a mere twisted joke. "What? How is this possible?"
Laito however, was still smirking. "This just keeps getting better and better.."
Y/N stood firmly on the ground. "Back off, Laito! Kanato doesn't deserve this and I won't let you hurt him!"
Laito laughed. "Oh, you're going to stop me? And just how do you plan on doing that?"
Y/N glared at Laito. "I don't know, but I'll figure something out."
Laito lunged at Y/N. "Nfu! Let's see what you've got."
And with that, Y/N and Laito start fighting. Kanato, astonished, watched the scene unfold. "Y/N...is fighting for me?"
Y/N managed to land a few good punches on Laito, who was now starting to get angry.
Laito began to sneer at Y/N. "You're going to pay for that!" Laito lunged at Y/N again, but she ducked out of the way and he ended up crashing into a wall.
Kanato walked up to. "Y/N...thank you."
Y/N grimly smiled. "You're welcome, Kanato." Y/N replied.
All the while Laito huffed, got up, and ran away defeated.
Kanato’s eyes remained fixed on Y/N. "I don't know how we're going to fix this, but I'm glad you're here."
Y/N sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "Me too. "
"Y/N, why did you save me? Don't you hate me?" He asked.
"It's true that I don't particularly like you, but nobody deserves to be harassed like that. It's wrong, and I will never idly stand by when that happens to someone, even if I dislike them." Y/N said.
Kanato's curious expression changed to a contemptful one. "Liar.. You hate me yet you say you don't wish harm upon me.. You are a deceitful woman!!" Kanato spat.
"I'm not a liar! I just happen to have morals. Unlike.. Unlike you!" Y/N snapped.
Causing Kanato to begin yelling at her. "....How dare you!! I will rip your body to shreds. This is all your fault after all!"
"No you won't!!!"
"Be-because you owe me!!!" Y/N said.
Kanato snickered darkly. "Ha, like I care. I don't owe you, a mortal, anything!!"
Y/N paused in doubt for a moment. However a sudden surge of confidence and determination washed over her.
"Actually Kanato, you're the one who is now mortal. And if you purposely hurt my body, I will make you... make you disappear!!" Y/N said as angrily as she could. Realizing that she could not show any signs of weakness anymore. She had the power now after all. The power of and over her greatest tormenter.
Kanato suddenly sobbed in an attempt to bend her to his will. "N...No, you wouldn't.. uwaa.. You are so cruel.." He whined as he delicately began wiping the tears off his face.
Y/N wouldn't fall for it. She couldn't. It was her body that was at stake here. "I'm not changing my mind, Kanato. Don't hurt my body, and I won't have to hurt you." She said,
Kanato was now faced with his own power, and his dispossession of it. Kanato stopped considering mutilating the girl's body for revenge. Regardless of his wishes, he realized that the girl would and could kill him. The thought of being left to perish in the mortal's body while she continued to live her life as him, with HIS possessions, tormented him too much.
"Fine!" He spat.
For a moment, Y/N thought about the situation, thinking of any solutions to their problem.
Something came to her. "Wait, why don't we undo the spell, you have magic right?"
"No, YOU have magic now." Kanato hissed.
"Then why don't you teach me?"
Kanato scoffed. "The fact that you say that as if it's nothing already shows enough. I can't have you mess up my body by being incompetent with it. Besides, it is Teddy who cursed us, so only he can undo it."
Y/N curiously raised an eyebrow. "...Then why don't we just ask him?"
Kanato glared as if looks could kill. "Don't you think I haven't tried, foolish mortal? He said he wouldn't and disappeared!!"
"I didn't know.. I'm sorry Kanato." Y/N said.
"..." Kanato blinked a few times, trying to come up with what to say.
He then began. "We should sit this out, maybe it will undo itself eventually, or Teddy will change his mind about betraying me."
Y/N frowned. "..Alright then."
The two agreed on living each other's lives for the time being, Kanato reluctantly returning to Y/N's house.
The next day it was Y/N's first day alone of Y/N living as Kanato. She had no idea what to expect.
Y/N thought to herself. 'I can't believe this is happening. I'm stuck in the body of Kanato Sakamaki, a vampire..'
Y/N tried to pinch herself. To wake up from this nightmare. But it was real. She knew what people said about Kanato. He is bipolar, right? Y/N thought to herself, 'I'm all alone. Why did I have to be involved with him? I don’t know what I ever did to deserve this..'
Suddenly, the door opens and Laito walks in, interrupting her train of thoughts.
"Hey, Kanato. What's up?" He asked with a smirk.
Y/N slightly shudders from Laitos unsettling presence, remembering the fight they had the previous day. "Nothing."
Laito slightly narrowed his eyes, inspecting his brother. "You don't seem so good, Kanato. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Y/N insisted.
"You sure? You've been acting weird. Since that day.. you suddenly started acting differently."
"I'm not weird."
Laito shrugged. "Whatever you say then."
Laito walked away, leaving Y/N alone again.
Y/N continued to explore the dark mansion a bit further. When suddenly, two giant doors opened to a giant room.
"Creepy" Y/N mumbled as she entered anyway.
Y/N sighs. 'I feel so alone. I don't know what to do.' She thought to herself as she looked around the room, noticing all kinds of creepy wax dolls. 'What is this place? And why are there so many dolls?' She wondered.
Y/N sighed. "I guess I'm really stuck in Kanato's body now. This is going to be a long day."
Y/N walked out of the wax doll chamber, exploring the mansion a bit further.
Y/N stopped walking after a bit, thinking to herself. 'This place is huge and empty. And it feels so lonely..'
‘How lonely Kanato must have been. He never seemed to have any friends besides his Teddy bear, and his brothers don't really seem to care much about him so far.’
Before she could ponder further, Y/N encountered more of Kanato's brothers, Ayato and Reiji.
'I am surrounded by vampires, and they are all talking about me, well, Kanato like he's not even there? Referring to him as troublesome or hysteric. Ugh, they're just as bad as I remember. They're so rude and condescending.'
Y/N felt empathy for Kanato. 'It's no wonder he's so messed up. He's never had anyone to love or support him.'
Y/N was sitting alone in the mansion now, feeling overwhelmed. 'I don't know how much longer I can do this. I miss my own life and my own body.'
Suddenly, Y/N's face expressed determination. Determined to make the best of the situation and to find a way to connect with Kanato. ‘Maybe I should get to know him better. Nobody is all bad after all.’
And like speaking of the devil, she felt Kanato's presence, as herself, entering the mansion. By thinking intensely of wanting to go to him, she accidentally teleported herself to the main entrance..
Kanato had arrived at the mansion and walked in, looking exhausted. "Finally... I can't believe I had to spend a night in that awful place... " Kanato mumbled to himself.
Y/N appears before him, looking somewhat shocked and disheveled from the sudden teleportation. "Kanato, you're back!"
Kanato turned to face her. "Yes, I couldn't sleep. I don't feel at ease in your house with your mortal parents. I need to be in my own home."
Y/N frowned. "I get that, but it's not safe for you to sleep in your old bed alone. Your brothers would probably feed from you, thinking you're me."
Kanato became frustrated. "I don't care! I'm not going to sleep in that strange bed again"
Y/N let out a sigh. "Fine. We'll share your bed then. But you do have to call my parents to tell them I'm staying at a friend's place."
Kanato's face filled with surprise. "What?"
"It's the only way to keep you safe, and my parents from getting upset."
Kanato hesitated for a moment. "...Fine."
"Okay that's settled then, but on another note, why is there a room full of strange looking dolls in your home?" Y/N half-joked.
Kanato glared at Y/N "Strange..dolls?" He paused for a moment before widening his eyes with hostility. "They're not strange!!! They're mine and they're perfect!!!"
'I should've known Kanato would be behind something like that...' Y/N thought to herself
"Oh did I just say ‘strange’? I meant to say strangely beautiful dolls!" Y/n said sheepishly, feigning a genuine smile.
Kanato's mood changed to a sinisterly calm one. "I'll forgive you this once for insulting and trying to deceive me Y/N. But don't mock me again, i'll break you."
Y/N frowned. Typical Kanato. But he was all she had to rely on now so she couldn't risk making him angry again. "Okay Kanato," She replied.
As the night passed Kanato and Y/N prepared for bed.
"Okay. I'll go and get your pajamas. They're over there right?"
"Indeed. Thank you."
Y/N left the room. "No problem."
Kanato lied down on the bed, closing his eyes. "Finally, I can relax.."
Y/N re-entered the room with Kanato's pajamas. "Here you go."
Kanato sat up and took the pajamas from Y/N. "Thank you."
Y/N helped Kanato put on the pajamas "You're welcome."
The two of them get into bed. Kanato lies down on one side of the bed, and Y/N lies down on the other side.
Kanato thought to himself. ‘This is so strange... I'm sharing my bed with... 'Me who isn't me?’
‘I can't believe I'm doing this…’ Y/N thought to herself.
The two of them lie in silence for a few minutes, neither of them able to sleep. They both stared at the ceiling.
Kanato spoke. "I think it's almost sunrise, and I still can't sleep."
"Me neither." Y/N replied.
"I don't understand. I’m not mortal anymore, I'm in my own bed, and I'm tired. Aren't you supposed to fall asleep then?"
Y/N turned to Kanato. "Maybe it's because you're not used to being in my body."
"Maybe." Kanato replied.
They lied in silence for a few minutes until Kanato started tossing and turning.
Y/N spoke softly. "Kanato? Are you okay?"
Kanato replied, muffled. "No. I still can't sleep."
Y/N sat up. "Why not?"
Kanato turned to look at her. "I don't know. I just feel... restless."
Y/N reached out to touch his arm. "I'm sorry."
Kanato looked into her eyes. "It's not needed Y/N. It's just... this whole situation is so strange."
Y/N nodded. "I know. It's hard to believe that we're stuck in each other's bodies."
Kanato sighed. "I just wish there was a way to switch back right now."
Y/N squeezed his hand. "Me too. But for now, we just have to make the best of it."
Kanato nodded. "I guess you're right."
Kanato and Y/N lie down in bed together. Kanato eventually falls asleep, but Y/N lies awake for a long time, still thinking about the strange situation she's in.
'This is crazy. I'm sharing a bed with a vampire. And he's sleeping like a baby..'
Y/N eventually drifts off to sleep, but she wakes up in the middle of the day.
She realizes that Kanato is gone.
Y/N whispers. "Kanato? Where are you?"
Y/N gets out of bed and starts looking for Kanato. She finds him in the kitchen, drinking a glass of blood.
Y/N quickly approaches him. "Kanato! What are you doing?"
Kanato turns to look at Y/N. "I was thirsty."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "You know you can't drink blood anymore. You're a mortal now."
Tears started welling up in Kanato's eyes. "I know. But it's so hard. I'm so used to drinking blood. I don't want to be a mortal, uwaa..." He cried.
Y/N sighed. "I know. But you have to be strong. For both of our sakes. And besides, it isn't safe for you to walk around here all alone, remember? Please be careful."
Kanato nodded as he wiped away his tears. "I will. I promise."
Y/N and Kanato hug each other. "We're in this together." Y/N said.
"I know." Kanato replied.
Y/N and Kanato go back to bed. The two of them fell asleep in each other's arms, both of them feeling a little bit less alone in the world.
Y/N woke up relieved when she found Kanato still sleeping next to her.
Y/N whispered. "Kanato, wake up."
Kanato groaned. "..What is it?"
Y/N spoke. "It's morning. You need to get up. "
Kanato sits up and yawns. "I don't want to. I'm tired."
Y/N chuckled. "I know, but you can't stay in bed all night. We have to go to school."
Kanato whined. "I don't want to go to school like you."
"You have to. It's important." Y/N insisted.
Kanato sighed. "Fine. I'll go."
Kanato gets out of bed and makes his way to get dressed. Y/N watches him, a grim smile on her face.
"He can be such a pain in the neck, but I can't help but also feel for him. He's all alone in this world and he doesn't know where he belongs. Then again, we might just have that in common."
"How did you sleep Kanato?" Y/N asked.
Kanato thought for a moment, with a puzzled expression. "I slept better than I have in a long time.." He mumbled.
The two of them leave the room after getting dressed in their school uniforms.
In the hallways, Kanato stopped for a moment to adjust the way Y/N wore his uniform on her. "How bothersome, don't you even know how to put on a male uniform?"
"Well, no" Y/N admitted.
"Be grateful you have me to fix it for you then." Kanato said.
"..Okay." Y/N said, trying to not roll her eyes at Kanato's remark.
"So, to avoid you making mistakes, I will tell you that when we join my brothers for breakfast you need to act as me, they obviously can’t know about this, and don't embarrass me Y/N, or I'll get angry.”
"Yes, I got it." Y/N replied.
They head downstairs to the dining room, where they join the rest of the Sakamaki brothers for breakfast.
The brothers are all surprised to see Kanato and Y/N sitting together at the table. They exchange confused glances, but they don't say anything at first. Eating in silence.
Ayato broke the silence. "Oi! Kanato, What's up with you and that girl? She's still alive after last night, are ya datin her somethin'?"
Y/N blushed. "W-what? N-no, I don't!"
Laito interrupted. "Oh, come on, Kanato. Don't be shy. We all know you're popular with the ladies."
Shu chuckled while lazily hanging on his chair. "Yeah, I've seen the way they look at you. It's like they want to eat you up sometimes."
Reiji eyed Shu with disapproval. "Well, I wouldn't go that far, but I must admit that Kanato commonly does have a certain charm to these girls."
Subaru grunted. "Whatever."
Y/N thought to herself while Kanato was staring daggers at his brothers. 'This is so embarrassing! I wish I could just tell them the truth.'
Ayato spoke again. "So, what is it with her? Is she your girlfriend now?"
Y/N panicked. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!"
Laito purred. "Oh, come on, Kanato. You can tell us. We won't tell anyone~"
"Yeah, we're your brothers, we want to know!" Ayato added.
Reiji shoved his glasses further up his nose. "Well, I'm not sure I would go that far, but I am curious."
Subaru still grunted. "Tch- Whatever."
Y/N thought for a moment, if she denied any ties to "Y/N' aka Kanato, they'd have even less problems harming him.
Suddenly Kanato kicked her under the table. Trying to tell her to open her mouth.
Y/N feigned to finally break down from denying. "Fine! I'll tell you! She's mine.. I'm very fond of her!" She said, trying to sound as much as Kanato.
Ayato's jaw dropped. "O- you're seriously in love with a human?"
Laito smirked. "This sure is unexpected Kanato, fufu.."
Shu slightly smirked. "I knew it.." Before fully closing his eyes and falling asleep.
Reiji scoffed at Shu. "Tch- How typical. You are still required to attend school, even if you fall asleep. Ayato, wake him!" Reiji yelled.
Subaru grunted once more before heading out. "Whatever."
While witnessing the chaos, Y/N took a deep breath thinking to herself. 'Good, they believed it.'
Kanato tapped on Y/N's shoulders, and they got up and left the dining room. The brothers all watch them go, their eyes filled with curiosity.
"Peculiar.." Reiji said to himself
"I don't know, but I'm curious to see how it plays out~" Laito smirked.
As the two walked through the corridors of the mansion, Kanato huffed. "That was uncomfortable. But I'm relieved I don't have to worry so much about my brothers now."
"Agreed." Y/N replied
Y/N and Kanato had arrived at school.
“Well, we have differences in class schedules today, so i guess we have to go our separate ways now..”
Kanato nodded. “Good luck Y/N.”
“You too, Kanato.” She replied before heading off.
Y/N sighed. ‘I’ll have to act just like Kanato now.’ Y/N walked through the hallways. ‘This is so weird. I'm a guy at school now.’
Y/N looked around. ‘Why is everyone staring at me?’ She wondered.
Y/N felt uncomfortable. 'I don't like this.' She thought. Y/N continued walking to class. I hope no one tries to talk to me.
She sat down in her seat. 'I'm glad I'm in the back.'
Y/N looked around. 'No one is paying attention to me anymore, I think.'
Y/N sighed. 'This is going to be a long day.'
"Hey, Kanato." A girl next to her said.
"Me?" She said surprised.
"Yeah, you. Why are you acting so weird?"
Y/N spoke nervously. "I'm not acting weird."
The girl continued. "Yes, you are. You usually have that teddy bear with you, why? The whole school is talking about it. And also, you usually ignore me, but now you're talking to me."
Y/N realized. 'Oh, right. I'm supposed to be Kanato.'
“..What of it, it’s no one’s business isn’t it?”
"I guess.. So, what's up?" She asked.
Y/N thought to herself. 'Help, I don't know anything about Kanato's life.'
Y/N shrugged. "Nothing much."
"Okay, well, I'm going to listen to the lesson now." The girl said.
Y/N sighed. 'This is going to be harder than I thought.'
After the first lesson, you walked through the hallways again.
A guy passed by and greeted her normally. "Hey, Kanato. What's up!"
She was stunned. She thought for sure she'd be harassed or something, but she found that everyone's been pretty cool so far.
Despite Kanato not having any friends, no one harassed him or made lewd comments like they did to Y/N before all this. The guys treated her mostly normal, and the girls were much nicer to her.
Y/N encountered a group of girls that excitedly spread around him. Normally she'd expect to be bullied like this, but the girls didn't seem malicious at all.
'Wow, Kanato actually has admirers at school. I never would have guessed.' She thought
One of the girls was blushing. "Kanato-kun, you're so cool and mysterious." She said,
"Yeah, I wish I had the courage to ask you out the other day." Another girl said.
Y/N was stunned. 'I can't believe this. I'm a guy now, and girls are actually interested in me.' However Y/N knew she couldn't agree to anything. Kanato would be furious if she did. And it wouldn't be fair to him either.
Y/N smiled. "Thanks, but I'm not really interested in dating right now.
The girl's expression turned to disappointment. "Oh, okay."
"Maybe another time." Her friend replied.
Y/N walked away. "Sorry, girls. I'm just not ready for that now."
Time at school gradually went on for the both of them, however unfortunately for Kanato, not very smoothly.
He encountered some name calling, lewd comments, and harassment as Y/N. He was able to ignore it with an angered expression. Still brushing it off as guys being guys. But during gym class, things became unbearable for him.
After Kanato finished dressing himself in Y/N's sports wear, he entered the sports hall. The gymnastics teacher instantly approached him.
"Well, well, Y/N, you're looking quite lovely today. How about we work on some special stretches together?"
Kanato physically cringed at this. "No thank you, I'll just continue with my routine."
The creepy teacher smirked. "Come on, don't be shy. I know what's best for you."
Kanato was getting really uncomfortable now. "I'm really not interested. Please let me continue with my workout."
The middle aged man got closer to him. "You know, Y/N, I can make things very difficult for you if you don't cooperate."
Kanato tried to stay composed, knowing he probably couldn't fight the teacher off right now. "I'm here to learn gymnastics, not deal with your inappropriate advances. Back off!"
The teacher laughed. "Such a feisty one, aren't you? We'll see about that."
Kanato, now unable to handle the situation any longer, lost control and threw a tantrum, storming off.
The classmates in the back who heard the yelling curiously watched Kanato storm off. "Whoa, what just happened? Y/N never acts like that." A classmate said, Another one replied to them. "I have no idea, but it seemed like Y/N had a complete personality change."
Meanwhile, Kanato was hiding in a secluded area in the school, upset and confused. "This is a nightmare. Nobody will believe me if I tell them what happened. How am I supposed to handle this situation?"
It all felt like a smack in the face. As Kanato, he was used to the people at school bending to his will. Being cautious of him, and fearing him when he got angry. But as Y/N, he faced a whole different world.
After a rough first half of classes, Kanato was relieved it was break time. Thinking he could finally have some peace. However, nothing was less true.
Kanato sat alone at a table, trying to eat his lunch. When suddenly a group of male students approach him.
"Hey, what's a pretty little thing like you doing sitting all alone?" One of the guys said. "Yeah, come sit with us. We'll show you a good time." Another guy snickered.
'Not again...' Kanato thought to himself.
"What's the matter, scared?" Said the first guy again. "Don't be shy girl. We won't bite."
Kanato angrily stood up. "Leave me alone."
"What's wrong, can't handle a little attention?" One of the guys said.
"I said leave me alone!!" Kanato yelled.
One of the guys grabbed Kanato's arm. "You're coming with us." He said.
Kanato tried to struggle. "Let go of me!"
Y/N entered the cafeteria and saw Kanato being harassed.
"Hey! Leave "her" alone!"
"Who are you?" One of the guys laughed.
“I'm "her" friend.”
"Her friend? Since when do sluts have friends?" The guy scoffed.
Y/N glared at them. "Since now. And don't call her that!"
"Pssh what a simp!" The guy mocked
"We're taking her with us, she doesn't mind does she?" The guy who was still holding onto Kanato shook him while he snickered darkly as Kanato yelled various nasty words at him.
Y/N balled her fists and plunged them down. "You're not taking "her" anywhere!"
"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it, soy boy?"
Y/N punched the guy in the face, causing him to let go of Kanato. "This!" They guy's friend stepped forward "You're going to regret that!"
Y/N grabbed Kanatos hand and walked. "Let's go." Kanato nodded as he followed.
Kanato and Y/N walk out of the cafeteria, leaving the group of male students stunned.
Kanato faced Y/N. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Y/N said.
"I never would have thought that you would come to my rescue again."
Y/N placed her hand on kanato's shoulder "Of course I would. You deserve it no matter what. And you're my friend now."
Kanato smiled surprised. "Friend? I see. Thank you for being my friend Y/N."
Y/N smiled back. "You're welcome."
Kanato and Y/N continue walking, their bond strengthened by their shared experience.
As the days passed, Kanato learned about Y/N's life and the challenges she faced as a girl. It opened up a whole new outlook on the world for him.
As for Y/N, she learned what it’s like to not be harassed at any unpredictable time at school. And it made her more aware of the misogyny at play.
After a week of school, it was finally the end of Friday's classes. And so, Kanato wanted to visit his favorite bakery in the demon world. Insisting Y/N take him there.
As they waited for their order, Kanato was still frustrated from what he experienced at school. "I still can't believe this! Every single day, those male students at our night school make inappropriate comments and harass us. It's infuriating!”
Y/N leaned her hand against her face on the table. "I know, Kanato. It's a sad reality that many women have to face these challenges on a daily basis. But experiencing it firsthand has opened your eyes, hasn't it?"
Kanato sighed. "Yes, it definitely has. I always viewed all women as scheming and callous, but living as one has shown me the struggles and hardships they endure. I feel foolish for ever thinking that way."
Y/N placed the hand she leaned on back on her lap. "It's okay, Kanato. It takes courage to admit our flaws and learn from our experiences. But now that you've seen the world through a different lens, what can we do to improve this situation?"
Before Kanato could answer, two demon girls had entered the bakery.
"Oh my! It's Prince Kanato Sakamaki. What is he doing with such a lowly human girl?" The taller girl said to her friend.
Kanato glared at the girls in annoyance. 'Why are they talking down on me who they perceive as Y/N? And how dare they question MY company?' He thought to himself.
Then the shorter girl snickered. "He must have brought her as an appetizer for his sweets. My, my, how bold!"
Which stung Kanato. He knew that normally that could have been the case. But it wasn't like that now. How dare they judge people they know nothing about? Don't they understand how cruel their words are? He pondered. He felt conflicted about his earlier statement. How could those girls be so callous? Likely having to experience the same sexism as Y/N?
Something inside Kanato snapped. "Shut up!!! SHUT UP!!"
"What the hell? How dare this mortal speak to us like that?!" The taller girl hissed as her friend joined in. "It seems Kanato can't control his livestock anymore."
Y/N also stood up. "Excuse me, but who do you think you are to judge us? We don't need your approval or your derogatory comments!"
The tall girl gazed at Y/N. "Hmpf! Humans are nothing but food, I wonder what the king would think about you betraying our race for a lousy girl!"
Y/N straightened her posture as Kanato defiantly. "She's" my friend. And I'm not going to let you bully "her".
The shorter girl scoffed. "A friend? More like a meal.”
Y/N angrily snapped. "That's not true! Kanato and I are friends. We don't eat each other." Only afterwards did she realize she used the wrong name to refer to Kanato.
The tall girl only rolled her eyes. "Whatever. We're not interested in your little games."
Her friend eyed her as she held her arm. "Yeah let's go. This place is beneath us." The two girls leave the bakery, leaving Kanato and Y/N alone.
Kanato, later, expressed disgust to Y/N. "It's disheartening to see how women can be so cruel to one another."
Y/N began to explain. "It's because of sexism, Kanato. It's a problem that exists in our society, where women are often treated differently and unfairly. Which can cause them to turn against each other. It's no excuse, but commonly the root.”
Kanato's eyes widened in realization. "I never realized..."
Y/N continued. "But we can change that in ourselves, Kanato. We may not be able to fix society’s errors, but can still stand up for what’s right."
Kanato nodded. "You're right, Y/N. We won't let the ignorance of others bring us down. Let's continue to support and uplift each other."
Y/N nodded. "Yes. And I've been thinking, although we may have been thrown into this unexpected situation against our will, on the flip side of it, it has also given us an opportunity to see different perspectives. Perhaps this could bring us some good too."
Kanato paused for a moment. "I hope for it. I feel so shaken by this suffering, all the realizations, and the betrayal from Teddy. But knowing I'm not alone in this made it more bearable. So, I'm glad it's with you, Y/n."
Y/N smiled. "I'm glad you feel that way. In a lot of aspects, I can't help but feel the same. Although, I would like to be back in my body eventually. Do you know anything we could try to have our own bodies back?"
Kanato thought for a moment.
Kanato looked up. "Maybe. As you inhabit my body now, you're capable of magic. We could try to summon Teddy and convince him to undo the curse. Now that I know you're not useless, I'm willing to teach you."
Y/N nodded. "Let's get to it then."
In a dark room at the mansion, Y/N and Kanato spend hours practicing magic.
After Y/N proved to have the knack of it, Kanato smiled content. "Y/N, you finally did it! We must perform the summoning ritual now."
Y/N looked at him nervously. "But, Kanato, I'm not sure if I'm ready."
"There is no time to hesitate. We must do this before it's too late." Kanato said sternly.
Y/N hesitantly replied. "Okay, I'll do it."
Kanato nodded. "Good. Now, follow my instructions carefully."
Y/N nodded back. "I will."
Kanato walked over to the table in the room and picked up a candle. "First, we need to light this candle."
Y/N took the candle from Kanato and lit it with Kanato's powers. "Okay."
Kanato walked over to a window and opened it. "Next, a window needs to be opened."
Y/N nodded. "Okay."
Kanato walked over to a bookshelf and picked up a book. "Now, we need to find the summoning spell."
"Alright." Y/N said.
After a few seconds of searching, they found the correct page.
"Here it is." Kanato said
Y/N looking at the spell. "So, what exactly do I need to say?"
Kanato rolled his eyes before reading the spell aloud. "In the name of the ancient spirits, I call upon thee, Teddy. Come forth and show thyself!" Kanato paused. "That's not too complicated, right?"
Y/N inhaled nervously. "Yes. Okay then, I'm ready."
Y/N closed her eyes and concentrated. Repeating the spell. Adding one final sentence with great energy. "Teddy, I summon thee!"
There was a moment of silence. Then, a bright light filled the room. Teddy appeared in a puff of smoke.
"How bothersome... What is it that you desire from me?"
Kanato glared before suddenly frowning. "Teddy, I beg of you, undo the curse that has been placed upon me and Y/N!!"
Teddy sighed. "I cannot do so. This curse was not cast by me. There is another who is behind this."
Kanato looked at Y/N in shock. "Who?" He asked, turning his gaze back to Teddy.
"Why, your brother Laito of course." He smirked.
Y/N gasped. "Laito?"
"But why?" Kanato asked.
Teddy shrugged. "I do not know. I just gave him the idea in return for my freedom."
Kanato growled angrily. "Laito! I will not let him get away with this!"
Teddy disappeared in a puff of smoke "Good luck. You will need it." His laughter echoed.
The bright light fades away. And Kanato and Y/N are left alone in the room.
Kanato turning to Y/N. "We must find Laito and confront him about this."
Y/N nodded. "I'm with you. We'll get through this together."
It didn't take long for them to find Laito. It was on the second floor at the stairs reiling, where it was dimly lit with orange hues from candles.
Kanato and Y/N stood together, facing Laito, their expressions tense and determined.
Y/N spoke with a firm voice. "Laito, we know you're behind all this. You are the one who switched our bodies in a body switch curse, and we demand you undo it now!"
Laito smirked slyly. "Oh, you've discovered my little secret. I must admit, I'm impressed. But why would I ever undo such a delightful situation?"
Kanato glared at Laito. "You think this is a game, Laito? You've messed with our lives with your selfish desire to cause chaos!"
Laito chuckled. "Chaos is the essence of life, Kanato. Besides, I've grown rather fond of you as Y/N. It's so much more...interesting."
Y/N stepped forward. "Enough games, Laito. We challenge you to a duel. If I win, you undo the curse. If you win.." Y/N hesitated for a moment. "I'll do whatever you want."
Laito raised an eyebrow. "A duel? How intriguing. Do you truly believe you have what it takes to defeat me, mortal?"
Y/N met Laito's gaze defiantly. "I have once before. I may be a mortal in spirit, but I won't back down from a challenge. I'll do whatever it takes to get our bodies back."
Kanato nodded in agreement. "I stand by Y/N." I have enough faith in her.
The atmosphere crackles with tension as Laito considers their challenge. A mischievous smile plays on his lips.
Laito spread his arms wide. "Very well, I accept your challenge, Y/N. Let the duel commence!"
With a swift motion, Y/N drawed a shimmering sword from its display, its blade glowing with determination.
Laito conjured a dark orb in his hand, its energy swirling ominously. The room falls silent as the two prepare to engage in a battle of wills and power.
As the duel unfolds, Y/N and Laito trade blows, their movements swift and deadly. Y/N's agility and resourcefulness prove to be a match for Laito's cunning and supernatural abilities. With each clash, the tension builds, and the outcome remains uncertain.
After a series of intense exchanges, Y/N seizes an opportunity and delivers a powerful strike, disarming Laito and sending the dark orb shattering into pieces.
Laito stumbles back, his eyes wide with surprise and defeat.
Y/N panted, but with a resolute expression. "It's over, Laito. You've lost."
Laito glowered at Y/N. "Curse you, mortal! You've bested me." With a deep sigh, Laito snaps his fingers, and the body switch curse breaks.
Y/N and Kanato's souls return to their rightful bodies, leaving Laito defeated.
Kanato hugged Y/N. "I'm so glad you're okay." Y/N hugs Kanato back. "Me too."
Laito glared at Y/N. "This isn't over." He hissed before walking off.
Y/N turned to Kanato. "What are we going to do now?"
"I don't know. But we can figure it out then. I'm just relieved to have things back to normal."
Kanato and Y/N walk away together, a new path ahead of them.
And the next thing they knew, they found themselves in the Sakamaki rosegarden, sitting on a bench together.
The moon shining down on them as they talk.
Kanato looked down at his hands, a conflicted expression on his face. "I never understood why you were always so kind to me, Y/N. Even when I treated you poorly you showed me nothing but compassion."
Y/N smiled softly. "Because, everyone deserves kindness, Kanato. No matter what they've done or said."
Kanato shook his head. "But I've been cruel to you."
"I know. But I don't hold it against you. As a vampire, you live in a different world, with different values. It's not your fault ." She said,
Kanato looking up at Y/N, tears in his eyes. "Thank you, Y/N. You're the only one who's ever shown me true kindness."
Y/N took Kanatos hands in hers. "You're welcome, Kanato."
Kanato and Y/N sit in silence for a moment, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the garden. The moon continues to shine down on them, casting long shadows across the rose bushes.
Kanato broke the silence. "Y/N, do you still want to spend time with me? Be my friend?"
Y/N smiled. "I do, Kanato. I meant it back when I said you were my friend."
Kanato and Y/N smile at each other. They know that their bond has grown stronger, despite their differences. They are now friends, united by the shared experience of body swapping.
The End.
How did this experience change Y/N and Kanato?
And how will their relationship develop?
Does Laito really intend to strike again?
All that, will be revealed in the sequel.
Stay tuned!!
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daryfromthefuture · 1 month
i'm on the train and bored and still have an hour to go, so TIME TO RANT ✨️
and i'm choosing to make a list of bttf scenes i would have done differently/things i would have added because i like disagreeing with bob gale as if i owned this franchise
this is maybe an unnecessary change, but personally, i would have preferred if there were more instances of marty trying to warn doc about his death in part 1. we see it when doc demonstrates the model and then later twice on november 12 (before he writes the letter and then before marty has to leave), but i feel like it would have been more emotionally impactful if he had tried it more than that and only at the very end given up and written that letter.
SHOW DOC PLAY SAX. LIKE BRO. they could have had a concert 😭 imagine doc crashing the dance and playing sax with marty on stage (take this bullet point with a grain of salt, i'm only half serious. but still seeing doc play sax would have been badass)
the most obvious point of all obvious points, add the goddamn lone pine mall hug. the entire fandom agrees it's canon, and i remember a post going around speculating that they did indeed record a hug and keep the secret footage somewhere at universal lmao. but all jokes aside, this hug was SO necessary. every sane person would be waiting for it when watching the movie. marty is literally on the ground, bawling his eyes out, thinking his friend is gone, and us heartbroken audience members don't even get a hug to soothe our souls. i haven't paid much mind to doc and marty's relationship when i first watched bttf, but even past me was expecting a hug. good thing bobby fixed it in the musical
MORE JENNIFER. don't knock that girl out for 75% of the movie, please. she deserved better, and i wish bttf 2 would have put more emphasis on her as a character and how she's like and stuff. i hate to see it, but she's such a surface character that we barely know anything about (in my opinion), and that's just sad. she could very well have gone to the cafe 80s with marty and kept him grounded and stuff.
honestly, i maybe even would have kept that deleted 1985a scene with dave. we don't get to see marty's siblings at all in that timeline aside from a mention from biff, and it would have been interesting to see.
this is quite a jump in time, but i wish bob gale would have expanded on the scene in bttf 3 in which doc tells marty that he wants to stay behind in 1885 because of clara. this might be my fanfic brain speaking, but i see so much conflict potential. it would have been wild to see doc and marty argue, maybe even fight for the first time in the trilogy, and picture the emotional turmoil both of them were going through. if i had been marty, i would have snapped, not gonna lie. like, yeah, i get that doc found the love of his life but after all the lectures he'd given marty and after all those times marty was willing to rip apart the fabric of time just to keep doc alive, that man just goes "sorry marty, i met a woman i fell in love with, thanks for saving my life so i can live it out HERE. you go back home and idk clean my lab" >:(. this will forever be a pet peeve hahahaha
WHY does doc just FLY OFF on that DAMN TRAIN? i have to admit, it is an epic ending and feels sort of celebratory, but how can he say that he had to get his dog BEFORE even MENTIONING marty, giving him a photo, shake his hand as if they were work colleagues and nothing more, and then LEAVE? WHAT??? at least talk to him for a bit longer, tell your best friend where you've been, whether he will see you again and that you cherish him for god's sake. if you already had to give him false hopes by getting on the train only to fly off on the hoverboard later 🙄
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earlgreytea68 · 2 months
In my journey through random reading, I just re-read The Odyssey.
Spoilers for an ancient epic poem below.
I was assigned The Odyssey three times in high school and college and I remember by the third time through coming to appreciate it. Emily Wilson's new translation has been so widely praised that I figured I would give it a re-read.
I am no judge of translating ancient Greek but the Emily Wilson version reads well and is engaging and I appreciated the blend of formal tone and modernism, it seemed perfect for the poem and I loved it. Also appreciated how many different ways Dawn gets described as breaking.
Odysseus? I found unbearable hahahaha. I just could not with him. I do not remember being so annoyed with him when I was younger! But this time through I was like, Dude, you have made a million bad decisions, PLEASE STOP NOW. As far as I can tell Odysseus's main talent is telling incredibly elaborate lies, to everyone he meets, even where there is really no reason to lie, and certainly not in such detail. But he is OBSESSED with lying. I also love how many names for different made-up fathers he could just pull out at the drop of a hat. I mean, they were impressive lies, very detailed, but I was much less impressed by lying as a superpower than I think the ancient Greeks intended me to be.
Also I only remembered Odysseus's journey. In my head his return to Ithaca was a tiny bit of the poem. Whereas in actuality almost all of the poem is his return to Ithaca and his journey is the tiny bit AND it struck me for the first time that we only ever hear about his journey FROM HIM. And the whole poem is about what a good liar Odysseus is. So now I think the entire journey is suspect and this idea of the unreliable narrator is my favorite new Odyssey headcanon lol. I just never learned it that way and I wish I had thought to bring this up in any of my seminars!!
I was also struck by how the deep belief in gods made it so that no one was ever responsible for any of their actions, ever. Everything they did was because one of the gods wanted them to do it. If the suitors were evil and said evil things, it was because a god made them do it. If Odysseus was able to kill them all, it was because a god wanted it to happen. There was just zero idea of accountability in the way the society was functioning and it was fascinating to me. (My favorite thing was how often people would casually be like, "Hey, can I get a ride on your ship, I just killed someone in town and people are after me," and no one asks any questions, they're just like, "Sure! Hop aboard!") I don't ever remember discussing that in my seminars either and it seems especially important because I think that detached feeling of "can't blame me, it's God's plan" still does show up in some religious beliefs.
One hilarious little moment happened when the suitors were plotting to kill Telemachus and as they're discussing it eagles descend and start attacking them and afterward they're like, "Was that a bad omen! Should we not kill Telemachus!" And then a second later they're like, "Nah, I'm sure that was just a wild coincidence." People only see what they want to see lol
The suitors were actually by far my favorite part of the whole story. They were absolutely hilarious. I love how over the top they were. Like, the swineherd would come in to deliver their dinner and they would throw things at him and shout things like "Smelly pig-man!" And it's like, dudes, chill hahahaha. They just cracked me up. But I also liked how everyone in the poem really is complex and no one is actually really good or even really evil, because the suitors are like, "We wouldn't be here if Penelope would just marry one of us," and I obviously do not approve of this patriarchal society requiring this woman to be married but at the same time I do recognize that I think in their society they were making a valid point that Penelope wasn't entirely blameless and it wasn't all on the suitors. But that ambiguity means nothing in the world of the poem because Athena loves Odysseus best. And I don't say that disapprovingly, it's just clearly how they explained some people winning and some people losing when everyone is making valid points.
My other favorite part of the poem was really contemplating how time works in it. Odysseus has been gone twenty years. With no reliable or solid word about him. (because goddesses keep kidnapping him to have sex with him). And yet every single person Odysseus meets in Ithaca (while he's in disguise) IMMEDIATELY unprompted is like, "Man, every day I cry about how much I miss Odysseus. He was awesome. You would have loved him. Just the best guy." For many many verses this poem is just Odysseus listening to people rave about him. And if they didn't rave about him he was like "those people are not loyal." ...no, Odysseus, you've been gone TWENTY YEARS. I think those are the people who just moved on! Sorry not every one of your enslaved people still weeps every night over you. Honestly the whole poem is way more wild and out there than I remember it being. I really remembered it being about Odysseus's journey and it is honestly most just lots of random Ithacans in perpetual grief.
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desceros · 7 months
Why did you call the fic "Ataraxia"?
I remember I studied that word in philosophy years ago, doesn't it mean something like serenity or calmness?
excellent question, tc! thank you for the excuse to lore dump hahahaha
you are correct! ataraxia is an idea in several different schools of thought, like stoicism and epicureanism. it represents the release of emotional disquiet to achieve something kind of like a mental tranquility.
i always pictured that the early part of a relationship with villain donnie would be quite tumultuous. he’s a difficult person to be with, romantically and sexually. he’s mean and cruel and possessive and jealous. the insert-chan for this au is strong-willed and almost attracted to him against your wish. it’s like. man. out of all the guys that snag your attention, it’s this guy?? this guy?? the annoying guy who gives you troublesome gifts and blows up your phone with messages and has a hissy fit whenever you ignore him??
it drives you nuts how someone like him just has you wrapped around his finger. you hate it. you hate how much you like him. you hate how good he feels. how good he makes you feel. oh if only you knew he’d felt the same way before giving in… that giving in would feel so so good…
this fic, which takes place a few months after you start having sex with donnie, is the story of when you finally realize that you do have romantic feelings for him. the moment you realize that this whole time, for donnie it’s never been “just fucking.” you aren’t just a toy to him, some little plaything he uses to distract himself. you’re his partner. his romantic partner. he loves you, and you love him. and so you shed the hesitancy, the reluctance. in so doing, you achieve a kind of ataraxia, and the life where you and donnie are equal begins.
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dgrailwar · 4 months
Round 10, Day 3 - Team Gunner
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The Gunner stumbled back, coughing.
He was no fool. The Avenger had thoroughly beaten him, to the point where his Spirit Origin was damaged beyond repair.
He was a poet by heart. And a warrior unafraid of death. So, as both, his brain began to whirl, readying itself to face his disappearance with a composition.
A turn of phrase, a memory.
Words, after all, were what was often the only remnants of one's person left behind.
He awaited his body to vanish, and yet it didn't.
A moment in time. A pause.
A savior... though he had some doubts about that.
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"Ah. You look mad."
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"I am. You shouldn't even have been fighting here. You're not one of the six She chose. What were we even supposed to do if you won? What was I even supposed to say when I got back? 'Yeah, the war's going fine, Gunner died again'. You're trouble either way. Did you expect me-- expect us just to improvise?"
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"Ha-ha-ha! Improvisation is what life's about! Besides, if I won, that would simply be fate! That, and the the Japanese spirit--"
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"Gah…! Quit pulling, Yokihi! That's my ear! My ear! I'm dying! You're yanking on a dead man!"
"No you're not, thanks to me! So apologize!"
"I'm sorry, okay!? I couldn't help myself! Besides, it wasn't even my fault... technically!"
He yanked himself away, as the Consort folded her arms, letting out a bitter sigh.
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"Yeah, yeah. Get your butt over here. I had a big speech and you ruined it. You should be dead twice now. I'm gonna tell Gatekeeper you broke the rules and you'll wish you were dead. How come I'm spending this mana on you, huh? Say thank you before I change my mind."
"...yes, yes. i'm very grateful, grand imperial consort and sage yang taizhen--"
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"Put the fire away, I got it! I got it! Thank you! Heard that?!"
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"My goodness. There's supposed to be six of them. And then, one at a time we appear and challenge them. 'I'll be your seventh'. Remember that? There was a whole routine. You ruined it."
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"Now let's go. We still have to make sure the system grants Avenger the proper reward for winning, and... ugh, you jerk! You're making me lose my cool in front of the Masters...!"
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"I'm sorry for worrying you... I mean, we weren't made to live for very long anyways and... listen, it was a complicated situation. I'll make it up, promise. Now, Foreigner-- True Foreigner, can I have a moment?"
He cleared his throat, smoothing out his attire, and wiped some of the blood off his face.
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"I expect to see you all again, Masters! I look forward to seeing your growth! This is but a temporary goodbye!"
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"Hahahaha! I’d kill all the crows in the world, just to sleep with you till morning tolls--"
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And just like that, the two had vanished.
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