aquaticwolfkuri · 7 hours
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CH.1 https://www.tumblr.com/aquaticwolfkuri/759732752826368000/you-hate-me-but-i-hate-you-more-ch1
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aquaticwolfkuri · 2 days
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You HATE Me, But I Hate YOU More: ch.7
(I rewrite this so many times. I might scrap it lol )
 Going to Skool knowing he had defeated Dib was most gratifying, but without the Dib-human to harass, Skool was boring and even started to feel pointless. Come to think of it, Dib hasn't even tried to sneak into his base, or bother him outside of Skool
 Was he spending all his time with that Plotty girl again??? 
This infuriated him like never before. He had thought Dib was finally resisting that girl’s mind control, but clearly he was mistaken. Perhaps if he had Pustulio again, he could override Plotty's stupid mind control
 but the thought of rubbing DISGUSTING bacon on his skin again was just 
 too disgusting to think about. 
“Hey Zim
” Zim turns around, only to find Gaz standing behind him.
“The Dib-sister. What do YOU want?” Zim narrows his eyes at her.
“I just thought I’d let you know Plotty is coming over to see my brother.”
“Grrrr!! I knew it!! As long as she admits that putrid smell, the Dib-Stink will continue to ignore me!! And the GREAT ZIM shall NOT be ignored!!” Zim knew he had to do something.
“Then you should come over. My dad would love to have you over for dinner.” Gaz says before heading off, hoping she's set things in motion.
Zim is repulsed by the idea of going into his enemies territory
 but if that Plotty girl was going to see Dib, he would have no choice if he wanted to rid Dib of her influence
. But once Zim was actually standing in front of the door, he began to feel anxious. He stared at the doorbell for about an hour before finally ringing it.
“Ah, the little foreign friend! My son will be so happy to see you” Professor Membrane says before letting Zim inside.
“Uh, yes
his, FRIEND. Now where is he!?” Zim demanded, but Professor Membrane just chuckled, patting the green boy on the head.
“Dib is upstairs in his room.” He says.
Zim wasted no time making his way up the stairs to Dib's room. He kicks the door down and steps inside.
“Zim!?- cough cough! Why are you in my room!?” How and why was Zim in his house??? And why would Gaz let him in???? Doesn't she know how evil Zim is!?
“EH!? Where is the Plotty-girl???” Zim says, looking around the room, but the girl is nowhere to be seen. Had Dib’s sister lied to him???
“Zim, Why would Plotty be here??? I mean, I wish she was here-”
“UGH!! Must I tell you everytime!? Stay away from her, Dib!! She's making your already stupid brain even stupider!!” Zim says, but this infuriates Dib.
“Zim, just stop! Plotty is just a girl!! And I just like her, that's it!! “
“No, you're being mind controlled, DIB!! And Zim shall NOT be ignored for some FILTHY-URTHLING!!” 
“Why are you so insistant on this idea!? I'm not being mind controlled!!” Zim jumps him, and they roll off the bed with Zim pulling Dib's hair.
“Because why else would you ignore your greatest enemy for some Urth-girl!?” Zim says before getting punched in the face hard enough that his wig flies off.
“What???” Zim kicks him in the stomach, sending him into the bedframe.
“Zim will not be ignored!!” Zim declares.
“Zim you
 is THAT why you hate Plotty??” Dib asks before coughing into his hands, trying to ignore the growing headache. So that was it? Zim hated Plotty because he was being ignored?? Is Zim
 really IS jealous....??? But that was supposed to be impossible...
Dib adjusts his glasses before looking back at Zim, recalling the last few weeks
 He and Zim really haven’t been the same, and maybe Zim already knew this, so maybe when Plotty came in between the two of them, she threatened what little was left of them
. But why would any of that matter?? Zim hates him, he should be happy that he wasn’t bothering him anymore
 right?? But he wasn't, it was the exact opposite. Zim DID care... He was just too stupid too...distracted by Plotty to notice....
"Zim I-"
“Dib, are you and your friend alright?”
“D-Dad???” Dib looks at the door, then he looks at Zim outside of his disguise
“Fuck me
!” Dib gets up, grabbing Zim’s arm, and throwing him onto the bed.
“What do you think your!?-”
“Shut up Zim!” Dib gets into the bed next to him, pulling Zim down, and holding him close before covering him with the blanket, just before Professor Membrane walks through the door.
“Dib, I heard yelling-” His dad stares at him, then notices that Zim is gone, but in his place is a large lump in his son’s bed.
“Son, what are you and you’re green friend doing?”
Nothing?” Dib says, sweating.
“..........You better be using protection Son.” His dad says before shutting the door. Dib blushes brightly, nearly choking.
“D-Dad!!!” Dib doesn’t even know what to say to that. Zim on the other hand, could feel his heart pounding out of his chest like it was going toceszplode, his face burning as his whole body is pressed against Dib’s, being held protectively by one arm. The words of his computer echo in Zim’s head.
R-Release me!!” Zim tries to break free before biting Dib’s arm.
“Ow!! Zim, knock it off!” Dib Shoves Zim against the bed, pinning him down. “I JUST hid your identity from my Dad! You could be a little more-” Zim kicks him in the jaw, quickly climbing out of the bed and retrieving his wig.
“What is your problem!?” 
“Z-Zim did not ask for your
.your KINDNESS!! Zim HATES YOU!!” Zim says, and Dib can finally see it clear as day. Zim was blushing
 Dib could feel his own cheeks heating up at the sight.
?” Maybe he really was crazy.
“Will you go to prom with me?”
 will you go to prom with me?”
“W-Why would I do that????” Zim asks, but he seems nervous when Dib approaches him.
 well, maybe if I go to prom with you
 I won’t be affected by Plotty’s mind control anymore???” 
! Zim supposes he could go with you
Dib kept waiting for life to pull the rug out from under his feet and wake up from this dream
 but that was the thing, this wasn't a dream. Zim was in love with Dib, and Dib
 didn't know how to handle that yet... It's hard to believe, but... maybe he liked Zim too...
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aquaticwolfkuri · 4 days
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What is Zim's evil plot? Idk, but one thing is for sure, it's that it must be very evil!
(still writing the next chapter. It should be out soon)
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aquaticwolfkuri · 5 days
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I am working on the next chapter of yhmbihym, so don't worry. I just want to add Fanart to the Zadr community đŸŒŒ
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aquaticwolfkuri · 9 days
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You HATE Me, But I Hate YOU More: ch.6
.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Zim laughs, completely impressed by his new and genius EVIL plan. It was just too perfect, so evil, that only someone as great as him could have come up with it, other than Minimoose of course.
The plan? Ruin Dib’s prom night by asking Plotty to go with HIM instead of the Dib-Human. Yes, the plan is very amazing.
“NOW to attend Skool like the good and filthy human that I am!” Zim says, throwing on his disguise before heading out the door. Gir and Minimoose wishing him the best of luck.
Everyone gathered by their lockers, gossiping and conversing about all sorts of things, ranging from rumors, boys, adult magazines, games, and many more stupid human things. Zim cared not for such things, and right now, his target was the ginger haired girl.
Thankfully she wasn’t too hard to spot, so Zim ruthlessly shoved anyone that got in his way.
“Oh, Hello Zim” The girl says, giving him a smile that nearly makes him gag.
“Yes, Hello
“Did you need something? If your looking for Dib, he’s-”
“Z-Zim is not looking for the Dib-human!!!” Zim’s face starts to feel warm, trying NOT to remember his computer’s clearly INCORRECT calculations.
Plotty looks at him, feeling a bit awkward and confused
 Zim can see this and quickly changes the subject.
“I was actually looking for YOU.” Zim says.
“Yes. You see
 because of my condition, most of the other HUMANS, tend to pick on poor Zim, even making fun of my water allergy
. Now Zim has no one to go to prom with
” Zim says in the most soap opera way possible, even going so far as to fake the tears welling up in his eyes.
“Oh, that’s awful
 Of course I’ll go to prom with you Zim” She says, smiling brightly. Delighted, Zim thanked the girl, letting her know just how HAPPY she’d made him before making his way to class, laughing maniacally
 but, unfortunately, he bumps into the back of a very familiar black coat. Dib turns around, giving him a very accusing look as he narrows his eyes.
“Zim, what did you do?? What are you planning this time?” 
“Well Dib, if you must know
 the Plotty-girl will be going to prom with ME!!” Zim says, laughing again, but instead of Dib wallowing in Sarrow like he had imagined, Dib instead tackles him to the ground, attempting to strangle him.
"Zim, you little piece of shit!!” Dib yelled. Zim screamed and gagged, before finally kicking Dib in the groin, and pushing him off. Dib nearly sheds a tear, but he pushes through the pain and grabs Zim by the leg before he can get up.
“Z-Zim, I hope you know how much I HATE you right now!” He punches him, and Zim pulls his hair, biting into his arm. 
“I hate you MORE Dib!” Zim retorts back. They both continue to kick and fight as the other students gather around them, watching the live wrestling match, and pulling out their phones as they capture footage of the event; even Gaz.
“Zim you-....y
.y-yaaaCHOOO!” Sneezing right into the alien’s tunic, Zim screams bloody murder, and thankfully, the principal arrives just in time with the other teachers to stop the fight from escalating, sending them both to the nurse's office.
 This behavior is completely unacceptable. This is the 4th time this week. You can't keep assaulting Zim just for being different.” The principal says, tired and frustrated. Dib is such a talented student, so gifted in fact, that he’s honestly being held back by being in high Skool and not Membrane Corp
 yet his behavior was just out of control.
“It's Zim’s fault! He- Cough cough!”
“LIES! The Dib-human lies!-”
“Enough. Dib, your suspended from Skool for the rest of this week.” The principal says. This was the last thing Dib wanted to hear.
“B-But Principle Morals, Prom is THIS weak! A-And my Dad is going to be pissed if he finds out!” Dib says, trying not to have a meltdown
The principle sighs. “Fine. I’ll allow you to attend prom, but for the rest of the weak, you’ll be suspended from Skool
 You can go home now.” The principal says before leaving the nurse's office. Dib falls back against the small bed, and groans.
 Dad’s going to be pissed.” Dib groans, removing his glasses before rubbing his eyes, frustrated, and this morning's headache didn’t help. He can hear Zim cackling in delight and it only makes his headache throb.
He already didn’t feel good getting up this morning, and now he had to deal with this??? He never should have gotten out of bed
 or maybe he should have exposed Zim sooner. In fact, he should just rip his wig off in the class hall, and force those stupid contact lenses off his eyes; then everyone could finally see what he is! They would HAVE to BELIEVE him! And then, after enduring so much of Zim’s shit, he could finally cut open the damn alien and study his organs to his heart's content.
“That’s right Dib, suffer like the pathetic- “ Dib grabs Zim’s face and sneezes. Zim screams and squirms.
“Fuck you Zim.” Dib grabs his glasses and walks out of the room as Zim continues to scream and squirm. He should have known, he should have fucking known Zim would pull some shit like this. No matter if Dib does something nice or mean, the alien always has to double down and make his life more miserable than it already was.
Dib just can’t ever get a break, he can’t ever just have anything go right! 
 I heard from the Principale
 Dad’s gonna be pissed.”
Cough cough!... Hey Gaz
 can we trade place?”
“What? And have me be stuck with Zim? No thanks. Besides, I don’t think there’s anyone else that could capture that guy’s attention more than you.” Gaz explains, but Dib raises a brow at this.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asks, but Gaz just shrugs and doesn’t elaborate any further. 
“Anyway, you look terrible. Get plenty of rest once your home
“I will
Dib returns home after a miserably long walk, only to have his dad reprimand him as soon as he walks through the door, giving him the longest lecture before sending him to his room, and as punishment, he would not be given access to any of his paranormal possessions or TV shows. 
So Dib just lies in bed, letting his slowly forming fever consume him. He hated not having his things or knowing that Zim could be doing who knows what at Skool
 and yet, he couldn’t help but feel relieved he wouldn’t have to bother with any of it anymore.
But you know what really pisses him off??? Is that he caught a shitty cold helping Zim out, only to get totally backstabbed! And why would Plotty go with Zim to prom anyway!? 
He just groans and rolls over in bed feeling miserable, feeling too sick to even be pissed anymore. “Cough cough cough! Ugh
. this fucking sucks
Later, his dad comes up to his bedroom and brings him a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some water. “Thanks dad
” Dib says, careful not to burn his tongue while eating his bowl of soup, but his dad takes a seat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Son, I know being a teenager can be a difficult thing.”
“Dad, I’m fine.”
“You have so many new hormones inside you, making all sorts of chemical reactions.”
“And sometimes those changes make us see people differently.”
“Dad, where are you going with this?”
“I know you must be so confused and maybe even frustrated. I know you and your little green friend used to be so close as kids, but sometimes things change when we get older.”
“We were never friends, dad.”
“Look son, I will always love you and I’m always proud of you. But bullying Zim is no way to get his attention. Just tell him how you really feel Dib. I know he’ll feel the same way” He say, patting his head before leaving the room, taking the empty soup bowl with him.
Dib nearly chokes, blushing “D-Dad, I don’t have a crush on Zim!!”
“Sure you don’t son
!” He says from downstairs, clearly humoring him.
“W-What the fuck??? Why would Dad think that???” Dib groans, falling back against his bed, coughing into his hands.
This can’t be happening
 First Zim asks Plotty to Prom, then he gets suspended from Skool, and now his dad thinks he has a crush on Zim??? And why would his Dad think Zim would like him back??? Zim hates him!
But then he suddenly remembers yesterday when it rained
 He thought he had seen Zim blushing
 Gaz said something weird too, about him being the only one that could keep Zim’s attention
 and then there's Zim’s disdain towards Plotty, like maybe he’s-....???
“No,no,no,no,no,no,no!! Zim is NOT in love with me!! I HATE Zim! And Zim would NEVER fall in love with me! ME of all people! I’m his greatest enemy! I’m a stinking disgusting human for crying out loud!!” Dib shouts, as if he was trying to reason with the universe and convince it that all of this was just some crazy misunderstanding.
“He’s an evil alien invader trying to conquer Earth! He’s loud, annoying, violent, green, and tiny! He’s proof that i’m not crazy
! He’s...the only thing that makes me feel
 normal, kind of
 I don’t have to hide my paranormal interests around him
 UGH! What the fuck am I thinking?” Dib looks out the window, looking towards the stars for some kind of answer. He sighs and lays back down, setting his glasses aside and goes to sleep for the rest of the night.
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aquaticwolfkuri · 12 days
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You HATE me, But I HATE You more: ch.5
(sorry for the long wait. I hope this chapter was worth the wait. Comments are most welcome)
Today at Skool, Zim couldn’t help but notice all the other students were talking about “Prom” And who they were going to ask to go with them or what they were going to wear.
At first Zim just assumes its just some useless Urthling ritual
 but than he hears something about “Prom king, and prom Queen” 
Curious, Zim pulled out a small device from his pack and searches through the human database to figure out what exactly the prom king is, and to his delight, it seems like becoming Prom king could help him rule the Skool and possibly even the whole Urth!
Zim begins to laugh, but he's interrupted when Dib suddenly appears behind him.
“Just what are you up to now?” Dib asks, narrowing his eyes at the alien.
 Zim nearly jumps before quickly moving away, putting distance between them.
“Why, I'm just SO curious about this, PROM thing that everyone is talking about” Zim says, but Dib doesn't seem to take this very well.
“Oh no you don't Zim. You are NOT going to ruin my chances to take Plotty to the prom!” This disgusts Zim.
“That PLOTTY-human is just mind controlling you, Dib! She's making you too stupid to see it”
“Whatever Zim, I'm taking Plotty to the prom and I'm not letting you ruin this for me” Dib says says before walking away. Zim glares, furious. 
“Ugh! Stupid Dib! Why does he still insist on being around that Plotty!? I already told him about her mind control, but he just refuses to listen to me
!” Zim grumbles, wishing he could choke the other boy until his eyes popped out, but even if he did, Dib would probably still insist on being around that GIRL....
Suddenly, Zim feels his chest tighten and something sickly in his belly. He quickly scans himself with his device again, but once more, his vitals appeared to be normal like usual.
Just what had Dib done to him?? Was it some kind of undetectable human poison???
Sitting at his desk, Dib vaguely listens to his history teacher while he watches the sky through the window, trying not to fall asleep
 but he dozed off anyway.
It's not of any particular memories, but Dib dreams about being 12 again, trying to catch Zim and stop his evil plans
 Things really aren't like that anymore, are they?
Zim has become a lot less focused on conquering the earth and more so just harassing him. And Dib on the other hand has nearly put his paranormal investigations to the side to focus on High Skool and just be
 a normal teenager.
??” Lifting his head from his desk, Dib groggily opens his eyes, only to realize the person in front of him is his teacher, looking none too pleased with his recent nap.
“Dib, I'll excuse you this time, but if you fall asleep in class again, I'll have to report you,” She says.
“Y-Yes ma’am,” Dib replies, not wanting his dad to hear another word about his misdemeanors at Skool again.
He sighs, wishing he was home right now, feeling kind of depressed after that dream.
When he looks out the window, he realizes it started to rain while he had been asleep. It's a good thing he's always prepared
 Zim on the other hand, did not come prepared.
Since there hadn't been any rain, Zim forgot to bathe in his paste this morning.
Once Skool was over, everyone grabbed their umbrellas, and those who forgot to bring their own either had a friend to share with or made a mad dash home.
Zim nervously stared at the rain. It was a week ago that he applied his paste, but maybe it would still be effective?? He sticks a finger out only to quickly retract it, feeling it burn from just a single drop of rain.
Zim cursed under his breath, wishing he had never believed a human weather-man, as clearly, the sky wasn't as sunny as predicted.
Unfortunately, however, while standing around, one of the students decided to have some fun and shoved Zim down the small flight of stairs and into the rain. Zim hits the ground, feeling the small puddle of water forming on the concrete burn his skin, as well as the rest of the endless downpour falling from the sky. He screams and squirms around like a dying bug before managing to get up off the ground and under a tree.
This new shelter doesn't provide much cover, but it was better than nothing.
Feeling his body burn and blister, Zim holds himself tightly, damning this planet's water.
“W-Why does it hurt more than usual??? “ Did it have something to do with whatever Dib had done to him???
Excited to finally get home, Dib meets up with Gaz, telling her his amazing plan about sharing an umbrella with Plotty, but she doesn't seem that interested, instead, she seems more interested in a particular tree out by the front of the Skool.
“Gaz are you-” Dib stops mid-sentence, noticing a few of the students laughing, mimicking some kind of bug before pointing at the same tree Gaz was staring at. Then, it finally clicks. Zim is behind the tree.
Dib looks at the tree for a moment, but he can hear Plotty approaching with her friends
 He looks back towards the tree again, thinking about his recent dream

“Hey, Gaz
 I'll meet you back home. Tell Dad I’m running late.” 
” Gaz says, and just like that, Dib takes off toward the tree without saying another word. She watches and smiles ever so slightly, approving of her brother’s decision.
“What's wrong Space boy? Did your robot eat all your paste again??” Dib laughs, mocking the green boy. Zim glares, furious, especially because Gir actually wasn't at fault this time.
“Silence, Dib-worm!! I-” Before Zim can continue, Dib suddenly holds out his umbrella over his head. Zim’s body instantly feeling relief from the rain with the new shelter.
“Unlike you MIGHTY Irkens, I can handle the rain,” Dib says, letting himself get completely soaked by the rain.
Zim glares at him, feeling something sickly and squirmy in his stomach again, so he shoves Dib to the ground after taking the umbrella.
“You- Do not mock the Irken empire!!” Zim says, but Dib just laughs.
“D-Do not laugh at Zim!!” 
“I’ll stop laughing when you're MIGHTY empire isn't affected by a little water” “Dib teases, standing back up to his feet. 
Pissed, Zim begins to make his way home, but he's annoyed further when Dib follows him.
“Do not follow Zim! Just because you gave me this water shield device, does not mean I will allow you into my base!” Zim hisses.
“It's an umbrella. And yeah, I know
 but if I don't walk back with you I won't get my umbrella back, and I'm pretty sure Dad’ll be mad if I lose another umbrella” Dib says, walking beside Zim.
Zim grumbles, but its when Dib suddenly sneezes that Zim practically jumps like a cat and backs away from him, his back hitting the wooden fence beside him.
“It was just a sneeze Zim” Dib says, hoping the alien won't come back to Skool covered in weird burger meat again.
“Zim-!” Dib sneezes again and Zim screams.
“D-don't come any closer to Zim!!” Zim says, most likely threatening to kick Dib if he didn't listen.
“Geez, alright” Dib, not wanting any more injuries, agrees to keep his distance, rolling his eyes.
While they continue the rest of the walk in silence, Dib starts to shiver and can't help but wish he had just walked Plotty home, then he would still be dry and wouldn't be freezing his butt off for the ungrateful alien.
Zim on the other hand, was somewhat pleased that Dib was antagonizing him again instead of drooling over that stupid GIRL, even if he WAS annoying.
He looks at Dib for a moment, soaking wet as he gets pelted by the rain, then he looks down at the umbrella handle in his hands, and his stomach feels sick again, but this time, his chest tightens.
Thanks to this device, his body was already dry and his pack had healed his body from the rain, but Dib was just a weak and pathetic human, so his temperature had gradually dropped while in the rain
 and despite that, he still gave away his water shield device to him.
Zim, staring at the ground intensely, steps close enough to Dib, allowing the umbrella to cover them both. Confused and even shocked, Dib looks at him with a bewildered expression. 
“U-unlike you STUPID humans, I, A MIGHTY Irken, can recover quickly from such rain
! So
 Zim shall share
. BUT DON'T EVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN!!!” Zim says, his face suddenly feeling warmer than usual.
Dib just stares at him, and blinks a few times
 because he had to be seeing things right? There was no way Zim was
 blushing right now
“I-I won't, promise
” Dib says, but when he wipes away the water from his glasses, Zim was already looking away

He must have just been seeing things earlier. He’s pretty sure Zim isn’t even capable of blushing.
The walk home is still silent, but Dib's been able to somewhat dry off a little bit by staying out of the rain, and thankfully, the rain finally starts to let up as Zim’s house comes into view.
As usual; upon his arrival, Zim’s ROBO Parents welcome him home, as well as Gir from the kitchen..
Dib couldn't help but lean over, feeling nostalgic at the sight of the house, as well as the smell of freshly made waffles coming from the kitchen.
Zim freezes, his antennas practically sticking out of his wig when Dib’s chest presses against his face. The dampness of the shirt burns, but that's not why Zim’s face was burning up, his heart starts racing, as if desperate for oxygen.
“Y-Y-You're mission is over!! N-Now be gone with you!!” Zim says, shoving Dib onto the pavement, and tossing him the umbrella back before quickly slamming the door behind him. His heart was pounding so quickly, he thought his chest might burst, and his face felt so hot, he felt like he had been baking in the sun, not to mention the weird flippy feeling in his belly.
“T-This is simply not normal!!”
“Aww, what's wrong master??” Girl asks.
“ T-That Dib
.h-he 's done something to me!! H-he’s planted a bomb inside me or something!!” Girl cheers in delight, wishing he himself could explode.
“Q-Quite Girl! T-Tests! I need to run more tests!” Zim says before he rushes to the lab, running various tests on himself, and typing in all the strange symptoms he's been experiencing. He runs everything through the computer, hoping to get a proper diagnosis this time.
“Calculation complete. Results. You are in love with the Dib creature.”
“What!? There must be some kind of mistake!! I can't love! I'm Irken!! A-And Dib is the enemy!!” Zim says, feeling his face heat up and his chest swell, almost as if his own body was disagreeing with him.
“According to Irken history. Love is not impossible for the Irken empire, it is simply just irrelevant. Though unused, Irkens still retain their required bodily organs for reproductive purposes in case the Irken Empire should ever reach dangerously low numbers resulting in near extinction.” The computer exclaims, horrifying its master.
“T-This can't be
!! I-I can't possibly be in love with Dib
.!! I
 I HATE him!!” Zim says, as if declaring war with the universe, and maybe even himself.
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aquaticwolfkuri · 14 days
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Two snug bugs in a rug đŸŒŒâœš
(and don't worry I am working on ch.5 of yhmbihym)
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aquaticwolfkuri · 20 days
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You HATE Me, But I Hate YOU More: ch.4
Today at Skool, Zim was acting weirder than usual. He seemed to desperately be avoiding Dib, as if he was a giant water balloon or something, waiting to splash him.
Normally they antagonize each other and end up fighting, but Dib couldn't even get a chance to try, especially anytime Plotty was around. 
Unfortunately, however, Zim and Dib would conveniently be assigned together for their chemistry class.
Zim would keep a close eye on Dib, watching his every move, making sure he would be ready if he tried anything. But try what??? In Dib's opinion, he hadn't done anything to Zim as far as he was aware, so the green boy was just being jumpy and paranoid for no reason.
“G-Get away from Zim, you FILTHY Urth-monkey!” And unfortunately, Zim’s new odd behavior was making it more difficult than usual to work with him in Skool.
“Zim, just give me the beaker!” Dib says, reaching a hand out.
“Stay away from me, Dib-beast!!” Zim backs away, his back hitting the wall.
“Zim, just!- “Dib reaches for the glass beaker one more time, leaning into Zim far too close for the green boy’s comfort, causing Zim to panic. Dib manages to get the beaker, but Zim pushes him, shoving him so hard he falls to the floor, shattering the glass beaker, and cutting Dib’s hand in the process.
“Ugh! Just what is your problem today!? you weird ass Alien!” With his other hand, Dib reaches for Zim’s ankle and pulls him to the ground, punching him straight in the face. But before things can escalate further, the teacher steps in and breaks up the fight, sending them both to the nurse's office.
“You two need to stop this behavior before you two get expelled.” The nurse says, patching up Dib’s hand.
“I'm TRYING! But Zim is making everything difficult like he always does!” He exclaims.
“Zim has done nothing wrong! You and your big head are the problem!! Zim says, holding the ice pack to his black eye.
“Now Plotty is going to think I'm weird or something!” Dib says, and this seems to particularly annoy Zim.
“That PLOTTY-human, is just manipulating you with her weird stupid amplifier waves.” Zim says, but this not only confuses Dib but it also seems to frustrate him.
“Zim, she's just a girl! A very cute, and nice girl! Ugh, whatever
 you wouldn't get it.” Dib says, losing the will to argue with the alien.
How can he ever expect Zim to understand what it's like to have a crush? Zim's probably not even capable of falling in love.
Zim narrows his eyes, watching Dib for a moment before looking away. It was possible that Zim didn't really understand human affection, but he could never admit to being wrong in front of Dib.
The nurse eventually lets them return to Skool, but they're both uncharacteristically quiet on their way out. Gaz wants to ask if Dib is alright, but Plotty seems to get to him first.
”Oh my gosh Dib, is your hand okay??” She says, careful when she examines the bandaged hand. Dib blushes; Zim and Gaz both retching at the sight of it.
“I-I'm alright Plotty, the wound isn't very deep” Dib says, and the girl seems somewhat relieved.
The two talk for a while, and Gaz can't help but notice Zim observing them, looking none too pleased with the ginger hair girl.
“What's your problem?” Gaz asks, lifting her gaze from her game console to the green boy beside her.
“ That PLOTTY-Human keeps making the Dib-monkey act all
all stupid! Even more stupid than usual, and then he ignores me! ME! The great Zim! He should be BEGGING me to tell him my evil plan, but instead, he just makes stupid faces with that female!”
Zim says and Gaz just vaguely hums, not even responding, as Zim continues to rant.
“I don't even think she's human! She must be another Irken invader looking to steal my mission! And she's been using her hypnotic like smell and those two jiggly things in the front to control the other humans and their pathetic brains, especially the males; and Dib!” 
Gaz raises a brow at this. Was Zim getting jealous? She did see him blushing after Dib fell on him
 but weren't they used to fighting? Shouldn't something like that be normal? Then again, it has been a few years and Dib is older now, so it is possible that even though Zim doesn't realize he sees Dib differently, his heart and body do.
Before Gaz could try to answer Zim, Dib, and Plotty interrupt them. Dib glares at Zim, hoping he wasn't trying to do anything weird to his sister. Zim glares back but nearly gags when he smells the ginger haired girl, making a retreat.
“Hey Gaz, Plotty wants us to walk her home again,” Dib says, smiling gleefully. So I guess Plotty didn’t end up thinking badly about him after his fight with Zim after all.
“Whatever.” Gaz responds, but she takes notice of the fact that Zim didn't seem to run very far, as he was watching them from just around the corner. She thought about telling Dib about Zim
 but ultimately, it was his choice to make
 even if she might disagree.
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aquaticwolfkuri · 21 days
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Zim: How can I conquer the Urth when the Dib-human is so... Distracting...???
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aquaticwolfkuri · 22 days
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An unfinished sketch. I wish I drew them better 😣
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aquaticwolfkuri · 22 days
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You HATE Me, But I
Hate YOU More!: ch.3
(I deleted the original character.3 cause I hated it, hopefully I don't hate this one and rewrite it lol )
During lunch, Zim watched the new girl closely, and while he was doing that, Dib was watching Zim just as closely, trying to figure out what he might be planning. 
Just then, Zim springs from his table and shoves one of his classmates passing by, causing them to spill their drink all over Plotty’s shirt.
She didn’t scream and she wasn’t even smoking, much to Zim’s displeasure. Had she already discovered the secret to paste? Or perhaps she had some sort of new Irken disguise that protected her from water??
Well, before Zim could think much longer about it, the student he had shoved earlier was actually a jock and they didn’t appreciate being shoved. Zim was promptly beaten before being thrown into the trashcan.
“Plotty, are you alright???” Dib and a few other students go to check on the new girl, but Dib blushes when he realizes that Plotty’s black lacy bra has become visible through her wet white shirt.
“Dib, D-Don’t look!” The girl blushes, shoving past him as she covers up her chest, quickly escaping to the woman’s bathroom with a few of the other girls with her.
Dib spins around and stumbles, tripping over the now fallen over trashcan and toppling over on top of the green boy. Zim freezes, feeling Dib’s hot breath ghosting over his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. He quickly begins to panic as his chest tightens and his face burns up. So what does he do? He screams, shoving Dib off of him before kicking him.
“W-What the fuck Zi-” Zim kicks him again.
“Y-You won’t kill me that easily, DIB!” Zim shouts before running out of the cafeteria.
???” Dib holds his side and winces from the pain, not really sure what the green boy was talking about. He hadn’t done anything to the alien, in fact, Zim was the one who attacked him!
Gaz, who had been watching from afar, raised a brow when she noticed the clear blush that had been dusted over the alien’s green complexion.
She puts her game-slave aside and walks with Dib to the nurse's office where he got the bruises Zim gave him, treated.
Outside the Skool, Zim hides behind a tree near the track field, breathing heavily.
“W-What was that
.that FEELING!? W-What kind of human trickery was that!? Z-Zim’s chest nearly exploded
!” Zim pulls out a scanning device from his pack to check for any physical or internal damage, but his vitals are perfectly fine, so then what was wrong with him??? 
Touching the back of his neck, Zim blushes and nearly quivers, remembering the feeling.
“W-What in Irk’s name is this
.??? What has the Dib-Human done to me!?” Zim rushes back to the base, forgetting about the rest of Skool for the day in order to run a few tests on himself.
After Skool, Dib and Gaz would walk home, but this time, Plotty wouldn’t be joining them, So Dib could finally read his favorite pass-time mysterious mysteries magazine on the way home. Gaz watches him for a moment before looking back at her game but she speaks up.
“You know
 If you plan on dating that girl, you should really think about telling her the truth.”
“Gaz, if I told Plotty that all those things the other students said about me were true, she'd just think I’m crazy and stop talking to me!” Dib responds, clearly annoyed. 
“I mean, Despite all the bizarre things in this world, why am I the only one singled out for it? Since I was a child, I’ve always been the crazy big-headed kid, but things are finally starting to feel different now, and a girl ACTUALLY likes him!”
“...But she doesn’t know the REAL you
” Gaz says.
“It doesn’t matter. I mean, isn’t that what people do in High Skool?? They lie about who they are until adulthood?” Dib says, but Gaz seems dissatisfied with this answer
 but she doesn’t say anything, instead, she changes the subject.
“Zim wasn’t around for the rest of class
“Huh? Yeah, I don’t know. He just started hitting me and ran off. I think he was just being weird or something
” Dib says that, but Zim was clearly serious when he hit him.
"Yeah, he was definitely acting weird..." Gaz says, recalling the blush on Zim's face. "Definitely weird..."
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aquaticwolfkuri · 25 days
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You HATE me, But I
Hate YOU More: ch.2
(Should I pot these to Archives of our own?)
I hope you guys like this chapter! Sorry they have been so short
Today during skool, Zim and Dib’s teacher Mr.Mathews introduces a new student to their class. Plotty Dev. A cute Ginger haired girl who seemed to be smiling at Dib in particular. Said paranormal investigator, blushes nervously, as he smiles back. 
“This is Plotty Dev. She’s just arrived here, so please welcome her kindly into our math class.” The teacher says. Plotty introduces herself and everyone welcomes her, immediately finding her to be super cute and super nice, except for Zim of course.
However, some of the students worn the new girl of Dib, calling him weird and crazy, but she just laughs their comments off before going over to Dib and smiling.
“Hi Dib, I’ll be sat next to you, I hope that’s okay,” She says. Dib stares at the small window the collar of her shirt left open before looking back up at her face, meeting her rosy pink eyes, breaking out into a sweat as he blushes, stammering for a response.
“I-I don’t mind at all!” He says, feeling the smell of her perfume tickle his nose.
Zim looks over, confused. He’s never seen Dib malfunction before, but it was clear he was becoming more grotesque the longer he spoke with the new girl. But the other students also seemed to be staring at her. Was she admitting some kind of magnetic waves of stupidity?? Zim quickly double checks himself, but he appeared to be fine, perhaps because he was Irken?
During science class, Dib and Plotty were paired up together. Zim on the other hand was paired up with Zita. Like usual, Zim and Dib were at the top of their class, completely outperforming everyone, but this time, Dib was not only acknowledged for it, but Plotty calls him amazing and “So super smart” causing him to blush.
“P-Plotty, do you live near here, m-maybe me and my sister Gaz can walk you home after skool??” Dib asks, sweating again.
“Really? You would do that?? Wow, your super smart and sweet” She says.
True to Dib’s word, he goes to find Gaz after school. “H-Hey Gaz, um, would you mind if we walked our new classmate P-Plotty home?” He asked nervously. Gaz raises a brow and stares at him for a moment.
Dib, wants to walk a GIRL home??? And she AGREED??? Gaz couldn't believe it...
“Sure, whatever
” Gaz says.
“Really??? Thanks Gaz!” Dib hugs his sister tightly before running off to find Plotty, but he panics when he sees her talking to Zim. Zim of all people!?
“Wow, so your bad kidneys caused you to be born green and earless??? That’s so crazy.”
“Yes yes, now be gone with you
!” Zim hisses.
“Plotty, get away from him!” Dib runs over, and grabs the girl by the arm, pulling her away from the green boy.
“He’s an alien! He’s trying to-
.” Dib falls silent when he sees the way the girl stares at him, confused
“D-Did I say Alien? I-I meant he’s A-Clean guy! He’s uh
a-a super germafobe, having a weak kidney and all, y-you wouldn’t want to get him sick” Dib says, in hopes to make a smooth recovery, and thankfully it works.
“Really? Oh gosh! I’m so sorry Zim” Plotty says before stepping closer to Dib.
Zim stares at Dib curiously before glaring, not sure what exactly he’s planning.
“C-Come on Plotty, Gaz is waiting.” Dib then quickly takes the girl by the wrist, dragging her back to his sister.
“Dib! Don’t think you can run!!- 
.Eh?” Before Zim could even finish, Dib was already off in the distance, introducing the ginger haired girl to his sister
 He watches for a moment before glaring, furious that Dib would ignore HIM, his greatest enemy.
Zim returns to his base, slamming the door on his way in. Gir cheerfully welcomes him home like usual, Minimoose just floating over the couch.
"Gee master, why you soo mad??” Gir asks before slurping down a whole pizza, only chewing it a few times before swallowing it. Zim wrenches, disgusted by Gir’s eating.
“Gir! A new pathetic earth monkey has come to our Skool, and I HATE HER!! I thought perhaps I could use her hypnotic like frequency to make all the stupid humans even more stupid than they already are, but her FAUL stench sickens me! And what’s worse, is even the Dib-monkey seems to be affected by her
“Aww, he likes her!” Gir says, only angering his master further.
“WAIT!! Could it be
?? Could she be
 Another invader looking to steal my mission??? Its true the tallest gave me a top secret mission.”
“No they didn’t!” Gir blurts out.
“Even Tak had tried to take my mission once before, so perhaps this *PLOTTY* is also an Irken invader?” Zim thinks outloud. He knows he’ll have to do some testing in order to find out if his theory is true or not.
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aquaticwolfkuri · 26 days
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You HATE me, but I hate YOU more: ch.1
(my Invader Zim AU fanfic) I don't know if I'll have time to make it a comic, so I'm writing it. Let me know if your interested in making it a comic for me.
(also, don't worry, we ain't staying in highskool)
While time continued to move, Zim and Dib suddenly found themselves entering highskool. If Dib felt out casted or bullied before, he was definitely going to now
 but with his focus on stopping Zim and Gaz by his side, highskool was bearable.
However, without Ms.Bitters, Dib would soon realize how much his new teachers would begin to recognize his massive head, or rather the intelligence inside it. Though Dib never gave too much thought about his classes, he always had the best grades, it's just his interest in the paranormal that always deemed him as crazy, so his grades were never really acknowledged before.
“Dib, you're science experiment is amazing” A teacher would say.
“Dib, please show the class how to solve this issue up on the black board.” A teacher would ask.
This confused Dib, but he was also super happy to feel acknowledged to some degree, especially by his peers. Zim on the other hand was annoyed by this, disgusted even. So he would go out of his way to antagonize him more than usual, just to remind everyone how “Crazy” Dib was about the paranormal, but they would both end up getting in trouble anytime they got into a fight, being sent to the skool councilor.
“Now Dib, why did you punch Zim?” The older woman asked, looking at the very beaten and bitten Dib.
“Because Zim BIT me!” Dib says, pointing an accusing finger at the green boy next to him.
“YOU LIE!! Zim did no such thing to the smelly big boy!” Zim says, angry and a bit erratic
but spits a piece of Dib’s coat out of his mouth.
“Did Zim mention that the earth child also called me an alien?” Zim says, in an effort to defend his case and get Dib further into trouble.
“Because you are, Zim! Ms.Think you have to believe me! Zim’s a real alien!” Dib says, but the councilor just gives him a disappointed look.
“Dib, just because Zim’s skin condition leaves him green and earless, doesn't mean you can call him an alien. That's racist.” She says.
“-Dib. That's enough
 Zim your free to leave.”
Zim cheers before cackling at Dib’s defeat as he leaves the room. Dib glares but the councilor gets his attention.
“Dib, you're really REALLY smart
 but you need to give up this idea of aliens." She pats Dib’s shoulder before letting him out of the room.
“She just doesn't get it, no one does.” Dib says, muttering under his breath. He lets out a sigh before he heads off to find his sister Gaz, walking back home with her, and Zim nowhere to be seen.
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aquaticwolfkuri · 30 days
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Just some sketches I did, But I don't think I'll ever finish them ^^;
Guess what they're arguing about in the first image
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aquaticwolfkuri · 1 month
I'm dropping my money on both of them XD
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GUYS NO SHOT. DIB PLUSH??? DIB PLUSH??????!!!!!!!!! MY BOY MY BABY BOY???? zim is there too i guess lmao hes bald
pondering if i should also get zim but i already have the zippermouth plush.. one dib and two zims doesnt sound like a safe environment for my dib but idk yall you decide
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aquaticwolfkuri · 1 month
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I tried to add some other sketches to the canvas, but this was all I ended up with, so I just took a picture of it ^^;
Sorry if this isn't very good, but I want to contribute to the Zadr community. There are so many wonderful artists who draw for it and it really inspired me. I'm hoping to come up with an AU to either make a comic or fanfic
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aquaticwolfkuri · 1 month
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I decided to sloppily put this together.
I couldn't decide what color to make Zim's blush, but something about this color seemed right, so that's what I went with, but let me know what you think.
Ps. They're trapped in a failed experiment Zim made to catch and destroy Dib with lol )
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