#wip: heiress of the night
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justnerdy15 · 1 month ago
FlashFictionFriday 1.31.25
wc: 1000 prompt: @flashfictionfridayofficial midnight distractions notes: attached to HOTN: a midnight stakeout
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The third time he closes his eyes, breath evening out a little too much, Evangeline kicks his leg.
Anthony jerks up, entire body shifting up from his slouch against the parapet, narrowed eyes glaring at her as she settles back down onto the roof. “Christ, what is it?”
She arches an eyebrow, looking him up and down , and rolls her eyes. “I thought for a man of the night you’d be a better stakeout partner than Greenie.” She glances down at her watch before holding her wrist up for Anthony to see. Between the streets lights and his vision, he shouldn’t have any trouble reading it. “Not even midnight yet and you’re already nodding off. Like an old man.”
He makes a face at her, flashing the tips of his fangs, and shoves himself up until he’s sitting with his back flush against the parapet, legs drawn up with his arms resting on his kneecaps. “11:55. Close enough.” Sighing, he rolls his head, neck popping with a concerning crack, before he gives her wry grin. “Besides, I am an old man.”
“You’re like, what? Thirty?” she asks with a flippant wave of her hand that she knows irritates him. Evangeline suppresses a smile when he huffs and turns her head to look down at a white brick building, tucked between twin brown buildings. Nothing. Great. "I'd hate to think you're vain enough to consider that old."
“Twenty-eight. And I’ve been twenty-eight for two-hundred-and-something odd years, so it adds up.”
A snort escapes her as Evangeline shakes her head, hiding a smile behind her forearm. Laughter floats up to their perch and Evangeline cranes her neck far enough to spot a group of teenage boys making their way up the street, faces illuminated by phones they pass between them, grins splitting across smooth faces. She glances back to the white brick building.
“Don’t worry,” Anthony says, letting his head rest against the parapet’s edge, relaxing. “Home is just around the corner. They’re debating pizza or Chinese and who’s sleeping on the floor.”
She looks at him, at the way shadows plays across his face, and shifts around until she’s able to rest her cheek against her arm, letting the boys' laughter fade into the distance. It takes her a second to realize, with the darkness obscuring most of Anthony's face, that he once again closed his eyes.
Jesus, are they not professionals here?
With a sharp huff, Evangeline reaches out and shoves at his shoulder. “Hey,” she says, going for another push, “I’m not the only one staying awake, Du—” Before she can pull away, his hand shoots up to take her wrist. It sends a shock up her arm, his skin cool enough to notice, and her fingers curl into a fist.
He cracks one eye open, looking at her through the corner. “Then find something to help pass the time.” Anthony squeezes her wrist once before letting it go.
She can’t help but wrinkle her nose at him, slapping his shoulder once in defiance, before sighing.
This night can’t be a bust. Though, given her luck this week, it probably is.
Because life just hates her like that.
She looks at the white building. Jaime’s never steered her wrong before. Not for the Hunt at least. They just have to be patient.
“Who’s the most famous person you’ve ever met?” Evangeline asks, turning her attention to the hazy night sky.
She hears him shift, the rough scratch of brick, and an amused, if not a bit confused, laugh.
“Really?” he asks and she can almost picture the slight curve of his lips. She shrugs her shoulders. If it gets him to keep talking.
Anthony hums, scratching at the side of his face, and lets the seconds tick by. She swears to god, if she looks over and he’s asleep, she’ll just throw him off the roof, stakeout be damned.
“I met the Shelley’s in Italy,” Anthony answers finally, “A few months before the husband died.”
Now that is damn good answer. “No shit?” Evangeline asks, looking at him with a grin. She can’t help but wonder if they knew, if Anthony had dared to reveal to them the otherworldly creatures that walked among them. “What were they like?”
He raises a shoulder before dropping it with a huff. “She was quite sad at that time. I hadn’t known it then, but she had just lost her last baby and she was lonely. Her husband. . . well, I wasn’t a fan of his.” Anthony sighs and turns to face her. “I didn’t know them for very long. I only stayed a few weeks in San Terenzo before I left for Spain.”
“How’d you find out about the baby?” Evangeline asks, a little put out by the sullen answer.
“Read it in a book,” he says dryly, “about a century and a half later.” He reaches out and taps the tips of his fingers against the outside of her thigh. “What about you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve lived in Manhattan your entire life. I’ll be hard-pressed to believe you haven’t ran into your fair share of famous people.”
She laughs, running a hand through her hair, as she thinks it over. “I don’t think any of mine are nearly as impressive,” Evangeline admits, “But uh — hm. I saw Sofia Coppola at a coffee shop once.”
Evangeline glances up at him and flushes when he makes a little motion with his hand, an expectant look on his face. “I didn’t say anything to her or you know, anything else.” Actually, she might have been hunting something. Yeah, yeah. It was the gremlins or whatever.
Anthony chuckles, a nice deep rumble that settles into her bones, and nods agreeably. “Understandable. But what a shame.”
She can’t help but roll her eyes, mouth opening to say something snippy, when he suddenly stiffens, turning to look at the building. Evangeline follows suit, but the front looks the same as ever. Damnit. She curses at herself for being distracted. If they had been pay attention —
Forget it. What’s done is done.
“Anthony?” she asks, starting to push herself up with her hands. When she’s to her feet, she offers hand.
“Someone’s in there,” he replies lowly, reaching out to take her hand without looking away from the target. “And it smells like magic.”
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justnerdy15 · 1 year ago
losing memories on purpose for life.
ok the last post was infodump friendly. this one is NOT.
i expect you to explain your/something about your magic system as badly as possible. i want to be confused. i want to lack context.
i'll start:
big wyrm gives off radiation that is also magic. ohhh no gas.
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house-of-hamartia · 5 months ago
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(this is an old wip that I wrote in 2021. It takes place in a Modern AU with Dorothea as the heiress to the Starrick Criminal Empire and Shay as her bodyguard (and secretly the killer hired by a rival family to kill her). It was purely self-indulgent smutty smut on my part. lolol)
"Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news, Poppet, but this is the last room available,"
Dorothea looked up from her phone, as her eyes grew wider with each passing second. That couldn’t be possible. She must have misheard. She couldn’t have lost her luggage AND not have a room all in the same day.
“Beg your pardon?" she cleared her voice, hoping to have just heard wrong.
She searched for Shay’s dark eyes, hoping to find a different answer in them. But the look on the man’s angular face just confirmed that she had indeed heard right the first time.
"I said that I went to talk with the night receptionist - disagreeable lad, let me tell you- and he said that this-" and he waved his hand toward the door "It's the only room they have,"
Dorothea didn't answer right away, turning to look at the door as if it had the power to actually turn to life and bite her head off. She wrinkled her nose, feeling her palm sweating.
She had to fight the impulse to dry them against the white dress she was wearing. It was couture, for crying out loud.
"Tell me-“ she babbled, swallowing hard. “-tell me at least it's a double bed-" He shook his head, a sheepish smile on his face. Her face grew purple upon hearing that. Bloody hell. She knew it would end up like this. SHE KNEW IT. Leave it to her luck to give her exactly what she wanted - time alone with Shay - in the most embarrassing way. Clearing her voice, she tried to ignore the prickling warmth of her cheeks. "Very well, then. I will leave this room to you and find a place in another hotel-" "I already asked about it for myself, Poppet, and they are fully booked everywhere nearby. You know, with the Eurovision going on and all," Shay tilted his head as he crossed his arms against his chest. “B´sides, where you go I go. Your father wouldn’t be happy to be informed that I wasn’t doing the job he hired me for,”
Dorothea sighed, try with all her might to ignore her burning cheeks.
He had a point.
She looked once more her telephone, her eyes falling on the three smiling faces that were looking back at her.
She felt a surge of irritation run to her head.
She should have never accepted Charles and Phillip’s offer to make the reservation to the hotel for her, and knowing the penchant her cousins had to be nosy little buggers - especially when her sentimental life was concerned- they probably did it on purpose.
They knew that she had the biggest crush on Shay.
So leave it to them to do precisely the opposite of what she asked, and not push her to reveal what she felt for Shay.
No, worse than that.
Leave it to them to put her in a situation where she would be closer than she had ever been to him.
Feeling Shay’s dark eyes on herself, she turned to look at him, as a strangled giggle left her throat.
What in the world was that sound she had just made? She thought, cursing herself with all her might.
“Just-just a moment. I need to send a message to my father to let him know we arrived,” she mumbled, before turning to tap furiously away on her mobile phone.
‘The moment I am back home, I am going to kill you both! That’s a PROMISE.’
And she would be sure to go through with that promise.
When she realized that Shay was still looking at her, she tried to relax her features, clearing her voice to regain her composure.
"Very well, then," she said, avoiding his eyes. " Shall we?"
With a small bow and a small smirk on his face, Shay opened his arm wide, letting her lead the way.
"After you, Princess."
Feeling her face growing even hotter, she used the magnetic card and pulled the handle. When she entered, her eyes were immediately drawn toward the bed.
It was a tad bigger than what she had imagined, but still too small than what she had liked.
Her heart started to beat in her chest now that the realization that he was going to be in the same bed with her.
She pursed her lips, looking at Shay from the corner of her eyes.
“Oh Dear God,” she thought again, as she glanced at his strong arms, the way his black shirt wrapped his chest and half tucked away in his jeans, her eyes pausing for one moment on his crotch, hidden under dark jeans, before forcing herself to look at the ceiling.
Dorothea knew she would never survive the night.
Not with him that close to her.
"I-I think I will go have a shower," she muttered under her breath, and before he could say anything, she had already disappeared into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
With her back against the door, trying to take deep breaths, she took the phone out of her pocket, and quickly dialed Phillip's number.
He picked up at the second ring.
"Phillip, I swear on your mother’s grave that the moment I am back to London I am going to strangle you with my own hands! What were you thinking?"
He heard him chuckle on the other side.
"Did you like my surprise?"
"Liked it? LIKED IT?” she hissed through her teeth, moving away from the door hoping that Shay did not hear her. “You know damn well what I feel for him! What the hell am I suppose to do with him now? In a room with just one bed?"
She heard him chuckle on the other side of the phone, and the irritation in her chest grew tenfold.
"You are the creative one in the family, cousin. And you got him for yourself all night. Better yet, for all the weekend. This is your occasion to finally get out of this limbo you put yourself into.”
While Dorothea was busy taking her shower, Shay had ordered room service. He knew Dorothea was vegetarian - at least he thought she was, if all the time he had accompanied her to various social events were any indication - so he had settled down ordering a pizza for both of them.
As he waited, he sat on the small bed, and looked at it. Damn it all, it was small.
He wasn't as big as Connor, but even then, there was barely enough space for both him and Dorothea.
His mouth was dry, as he tried to figure out how they would manage to get to sleep.
What if he snored and woke her up?
What if he drooled?
What if..
He tried not to imagine her body against his own, tried not to think at the obvious effect she would have on him while being in his arms.
He rubbed his eyes, because, what a fucking luck.
"Shay?" He heard her call him from the bathroom.
He jumped a little, absorbed as he was in his thoughts.
"Yes, Poppet?"
"Is my luggage here? Did they find it by any chance?”
"Unfortunately no, Poppet. Didn’t hear anything from the airport nor the reception, so I’m afraid your luggage is still lost,"
He heard her sighing from behind the door, and felt his stomach grip as he tried not to think about her completely naked, trying with all his might to stop his mind to run *precisely* to where it would always go each night before he fell asleep. He kneeled beside his own old, worn-out backpack, and took out an old t-shirt - a memento from a Led Zeppelin concert he went to with Edward and Ezio once- and a pair of men’s trunks.
He knocked at the door of the bathroom, and it opened just a smidgen, Dorothea's face peeking through the crack.
He swallowed hard when he saw her, the steam still rising from her wet skin, droplets of water still on her shoulder, her silver-blond hair plastered against her cheek-still tinted of bright red.
"H-here, you can use this for the night," he said, trying to sound normal. "I figured you might want something to-to wear underneath."
She unraveled the clothes and when he saw his undergarments, she blushed from her cheeks to her neck, eyes growing wide. She stood quiet, looking at the garments as if they had the power of bite her.
"I-Thank you, Shay. I will - I will dress now." she said, keeping the clothes to her chest and closing the door behind her.
Shay huffed at himself.
'Great, Shay, now she'll think you are a weirdo that gives underwear around,' he thought, rolling his eyes. It took all his strength not to facepalm himself. (...........)
"Goodnight," she murmured, giving him her back, as she faced the wall, leaning her burning forehead agains the cool wall, hoping to calm down, if only for a little bit. Shay gave her his back as well, despite wanting to do the exact contrary, and but tried to make himself as small as possible, to give her enough space to turn, if she wanted to. They were both lying straight as fuses, as uncomfortable as they could be, not daring to move one inch, afraid as they were to touch more of the other. Shay tried to ignore his gallopping heart in his chest and tried to close his eyes and drift into sleep, but all he could think about was the floral perfume of shampoo that came from her hair. He clenched his fist, as he tried not to think about his fingers running through those locks. They stood like that for what seemed an eternity, neither of them truly able to fall asleep, both of them thinking about the other. "What a situation, eh?" Dorothea heard him say as he chuckled under his breath. "Like one in those cheesy movies Lucia always denies to watch," she answered back with a smile. They both looked over their shoulders at the same time, dark eyes reflecting into a steel blue one, and both let out a loud laugh. She turned on her other side, now facing his broad back. Dorothea bit her lip, her hand moving toward his back without her even realizing what she was doing.
She lightly brushed her fingertips against the shirt, forcing herself not to fully caress him, despite how much she wanted it to. She brought her hand back to her chest when she saw him turning on his side as well, now facing her, his eyes looking straight into hers, the beams of the sun finally setting reflecting into them despite being already almost midnight. She could still clearly see the scar that ran through his eyes. "Looks like we're in for a long, sleepless night," he murmured, bringing one arm under his head. "Looks like it," she whispered back, her breath hitching in her throat when she saw him scooting closer. She had never been so close to him, so close that she could feel him breathing against her skin. "My shirt looks good on you," he chuckled, snuggling his face against his arm, a soft lock of dark hair falling on his eye. Dorothea felt her breath catch in her throat. "I-" she mumbled. She was always ready with a witty comeback, a way to get herself out of small moments of embarassment. But now, with him so close to her she could see all his expression lines, his cologne filling her nostril, she couldn't thinkg of anything, her mind only filled with thoughts of him. "Thank you." She blushed, averting her eyes. "And thank you for letting me use it. I will make sure to have the laundry service wash it tomorrow and give it back to you." He shook his head with a low chuckle. "Keep it, Poppet. It looks better on you," He only managed to let out a small chuckle. He couldn’t tell her how seeing her with only his shirt on affected him. Knowing that the course fabric that usually covered him was now against her bare skin. He had to fight the impulse to lower his eyes and take in all of her once more. Instead, His hand found its way to her cheek, as he gently brushed his knuckles against the soft skin. Oh God, she thought at his touch. She felt her skin warm up, cursing that he would feel it. "Thank you," she lowered her eyes one moment before looking back at him. He was still smiling at her. "What is it?" She asked.
"I know it's an inconvenience, having to share the bed with an oaf like me," he said."But if I have to be honest with you, Poppet, I'm actually happy it happened," "You are not an oaf, Shay," she blushed, before taking courage and scooting a little closer to him. “And if you want to know the truth…I am happy as well,” Shay's eyes lit up, his mouth agape. “Really?” She smiled. "Really," She scooted even closer, the skin on her face prickling. It was now or never. Leaning over to him, she brushed her lips against his, lingering for a moment to take in how warm they were - how soft. She felt the lingering taste of tobacco from the last cigarette he had smoked before coming back to the room, but despite usually hating smoke, she found herself not minding about it at all. It was something that made him him. When she broke the kiss, his breath against her own lips, her face was aflame and her stomach in a twist. Shay stared at her, eyes blinking as his mind spinned, trying to calm himself, his breath hitching in the back of his throat. But nothing could stop the blazing sensation that had started to pool in his loins. Not the kisses. He had imagined far too many times how it would feel kissing her, feeling Dorothea pressing herself against him, wrapping his arms around her body.
It always started with a kiss. He knew how it would end, if they were to start kissing. And he wanted it, so much it hurt. He breathed through his nostrils, trying to calm the need he had for her with all his might, head spinning as the blood fled from his brain. When Dorothea saw that he didn’t answer at all, she fought the impulse to hide her face against the pillow.
What if she had read all the signals wrong? What if she had seen something that just wasn't there? “I-I am sorry, Shay, I am so so sorry. I shouldn’t have.” she only whispered, as she started to turn to face the wall once more. Shay’s large hand found its way to the nape of her neck, making her look at him. The glint in his eyes was unquestionable, veiled as they were by unspoken lust. “Yes, you should have,” he murmured in a low husky voice that made Dottie shiver with pleasure. He pulled her against him and found her mouth with his, while his other hand found a way to the small of her back, pushing her even tighter against him. Dorothea let out a small moan that drowned in his throat, feeling that familiar clenching that enveloped her loins whenever she thought of him, when she was alone. She threw her arms around his shoulders, as he let his hands roam underneath the shirt she was wearing, feeling her soft skin underneath his palms. They were truly in for a long, sleepless night.
I hope you will like this! I remember writing this while still trying to get the hang on how to write Shay, and I had so much fun because OMG this AU is probably one of my most favourite (aside from my own Camelot one, that is another one that has a HUGE part in my heart <3<3).
Also, keep in mind that Dorothea's characterization was still in the process of being developed, so she is a little less girlboss here than I actually like to imagine her to be with Shay usually.
But I still like how I portrayed them together.
I truly hope you will like this, I wouldn't mind starting to write again for them, in between artworks lolol
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incognitajones · 3 months ago
oooh, #5 for the WIP game please!
It started with a 3-sentence prompt @mosylufanfic dropped, which @jojobaaaa adapted into this amazing comic page, and that was all it took for the concept to eat my brain! I wrote a short PWP piece to try and exorcise the idea but it still won't leave me alone and is mutating into what could be the first mystery I ever attempt to write.
Since he started trying to make a living as a private detective, Cassian Andor had seen a lot of strange people walk into his office. An heiress he recognized from the papers was a first, though.
Jyn Erso figured in the society pages, not the crime blotter he skimmed every morning, but her photograph had caught his eye a few times: the camera loved her slim figure and dark, doe eyes, and her rich girl antics were catnip for bored reporters. Hadn’t she won some kind of stupid bet by diving into the ocean in a ball gown? Been convicted of reckless driving once or twice, too. 
It was certainly reckless of her to knock on his office door and come straight in without waiting for his acknowledgment. Lucky for her he hadn’t slept here last night, or she'd have got an eyeful of him in his boxers. 
Her voice matched her image: cool, crisp, with a snobby accent like a movie actress. “Mr. Andor, I presume?”
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justnerdy15 · 2 years ago
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Arthur and Lance from Heiress of the Night. Paternal grandfather and cousin to Evangeline. Primary antagonists. They are the Worst.
Moodboard prompt! 
Let’s make a moodboard inspired by the least favorite character that you’ve got in your wip! This could be the one that you need to do the most work on, this could be the one that’s the most boring to write… It could be anything!
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hippolotamus · 11 months ago
Rewatching Bridgerton Season 2 and it’s got me thinking about your Buddie Bridgerton AU ❤️
Well, hello there, Daffi! With Season 3 impending it has definitely been on my mind a lot, too. Especially now that we've gotten some delicious previews of married Kanthony. Just for you, a little spruced up snippet that takes place during the 2nd ball (master tag list here)💖
“Is there anyone here you haven’t offended yet?” Chimney quips as they enter the main room for the night’s festivities.  “I suppose it’s possible,” Eddie muses. “But the night’s still young.” Chimney huffs out an amused laugh. “And your mother wonders why you haven’t remarried yet.” Eddie shoots him an irritated glare, but there’s no real heat behind it. “Speaking of Helena, she assures me there’s someone. Seeing as you’re more knowledgeable about the Ton’s goings on and gossip, who should I invest my time in?” His friend surveys the room, occasionally pausing to tilt his head as if contemplating whether someone is worth mentioning. “Well, there’s Miss Flores. Pretty, well educated, loves children.” “I feel like I’ve heard that one before. Does she have any personality? Accomplishments other than being trained to marry?”  “Well, she is a private tutor. If that helps.” “Hmm,” Eddie hums, “maybe. Anyone else?” “There’s always Miss Kelly.” “As in Taylor Kelly, printing heiress?” “The one and only.” Eddie sucks in a deep breath and stiffens his spine. He’s only heard rumors about anyone unfortunate enough to become entangled with the family, but none of them are encouraging. “Let’s put that option on hold.” “If you want, I could talk to Hen and Karen. This is their soirée, after all. They might know about someone here I don’t. Maybe someone from out of town?” “It certainly can't hurt," Eddie agrees. "By all means, lead the way.”
also tagging some other moots that have shown interest in this WIP @eddiebabygirldiaz @jesuisici33 @tizniz @diazsdimples @bi-buckrights
@shipperqueen6 @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @spotsandsocks (if i missed you i'm so sorry, no i didn't)
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ohanny · 10 months ago
wip tag game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@le-trash-prince tagged me and even though i don't exactly have wips, here are some half-cooked aus for the canon-ish pit babe ships:
babe x charlie: where babe is spiderman, charlie is an investigative journalist for the daily bugle trying to get to the bottom of this recent wave of vigilante justice and uncle alan does not get shot, thank you very much.
alan x jeff: alan’s rich parents, embarrassed by their spinster son playing with cars, agree to leave him alone as long as he produces an heir with an omega of their choosing. alan reluctantly agrees and is very shocked when, instead of doing a turkey baster deal with some heiress, his parents showed up with an omega they “rented” from their old pal tony.
north x sonic: where north (the university soccer star) and sonic (the emo theatre kid) accidentally woo each other while both trying very hard to woo kim, the recent transfer student from korea.
pete x way: a john wick au where, after failing his mission to get babe for tony, way has become a persona non grata to both his father and those he considered a family and, with multiple hits on his head, has retreated to the continental that is ran by pete who takes interest of the wet cat with no check out date and a bar tab larger than some bounties.
kenta x kim: on a dark and stormy night kenta is driving home with tony and in the midst of berating his son, tony loses control and they get into an accident. tony dies and kenta is left with a shattered leg and no will to live. after scaring off three physiotherapists, the hospital assigns him kim. (their love does have long beans.)
winner x dean: winner and dean are teachers, competing with each other through their classes. except they teach a bunch of 7 year olds and their grading system is smiley faces so they go to war over whose kids make hand turkeys that look the least like a bouquet of penises.
a giant polycule: a lot of the credit for this goes to the discord server where one night we went unhinged over the idea of pete as an emperor who has a harem of heirs from foreign nations and an army of kids, some of which were even fathered by him. after all he is just a man and his harem has very busy social lives.
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aserene · 1 year ago
Aserene's Master Fic List
Last updated 9 February 2025; the newest works are in red. Anything posted on AO3 or FF can be found in this list, fragments and WIPs will be listed at the bottom of each section. My AO3 works are largely locked to registered users only due to AI scraping. If you need an account, please feel free to hit me up for an invite code while I have them to spare.
Fate: the Winx Saga
Why "Did it break your skin" or "Hello Bloom" has such an impact is a question I can't answer. Sorry, Not Sorry.
Regin of Dragon Series
The Smoking Incident (Silrah, pre-canon, Keggar Explanation) 
Are you my fairy Godmother? (Silrah, Ficlets, Bloom & Farah Prequel to main story) 
The Heir of Dragons (WIP, Silrah, HOTD cross over, Farah meets Rhaenys, Bloom & Farah found family) 
Sparrow, Spider this is how it had to be
Sparrow, Sparrow on the hill (Silrah, Farah-centric time travel fix it) 
Spider, spider in the tree - Tell me how it ends (Silrah, Saul-Centric time travel fix it) 
Echantix and More 
Snow (Silrah, Bloom & Farah bonding) 
Across the Sea, Soar Above (Silrah, Mako Mermaids cross over) 
Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust (Silrah, Winx power swap) 
Downpour (Silrah, Power Reveal, Bloom & Farah Bonding) 
Lighting (Silrah, Skloom, Protective Farah & Saul) 
Farah and the Caturday 
Tell Tail Heart (Silrah, transformation accidents) 
Let me tell you a tail (Silrah, Bloom & Farah, transformation accidents, Bloom’s in trouble) 
Other Works 
snow and sweatshirts (silrah sharing clothes, Year of the OTP 2025)
State of Mind (Farah has trouble with her powers)
Down an unknown road to embrace my fate (Meet the family, Silrah, lost child, Selkie)
Made You Look (Silrah, fluffy)
All the Stars in Your Hair (Silrah hair braiding, slight Star Wars cross)
A Solo Guardian (Silrah, Farah & Bloom bonding, Direwolf)
A road so rough, this I know (Road trips, Silrah, Episode tag)
Prompt Fills:
HEX Gifts 
tis the damn season (meet the family/kind of, snowball fights)
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter  (Winter whump, snowball fights)
soft snow falling in a winter serenade (winter party disaster)
Reverse Big Bang 
Ferns are what it must mean to love without yearning (Farah the Fern) 
The Geas of It (Silrah, Skloom, accidents, Like father–like son)
The Best Days (AU Fix it, Rosalind picked the wrong parents, Silrah & Bloom)
Exile (High Court Fae take an interest in Bloom)
The Heiress (Winx reflections on how they got their magic)
Farah the Cat (WIP for Farah and the Caturday) 
Pawlp Fiction (WIP for Farah and the Caturday)
Car Crash (Silrah, baby bloom)
Saul asks Luna for a favor (silrah, Luna, protective Saul)
Let me save you the trouble. They’re all jibbs. 
Long Live the Queen. 
I had a thought, dear, however scary about that night (Year of OTP 2025, Hozier - Like Real People Do)
A kiss in the park (Year of OTP 2025 first kiss)
Ex Files Take Two (episode re write)
A Christmas Fairy-Tale (Episode tag, team as family)
I’ve Read all the books beside your bed (domestic fluff, secret relationship)
Bella Noche (vampires)  
One in a Billion (Halloween) 
I talked to your dad, It’s a love story, just say “yes” (meet the family, Judgement Day fix it) 
Coffeeshop Chatter (Batman won’t like this prompt, Jenny overhears the wrong thing) 
In absentia lucis, Tenebrae vincunt, Coram amore lux valet (accidental love confessions)
The Director’s Fool (April fool’s prank) 
The Cure for Hangovers and Other Aliments (Gibbs to the rescue) 
Noli timere malum, sed time heroa (Jibbslet, Kidnapping, Angst with happy ending) 
Truth in the Lies (fake marriage) 
Ask Her (tag to Knockout) 
Say Goodbye 007 (Mentions of JAG, fluff)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Christmas fluff)
Twist of the Mind (WIP, Secret Relationship, memory alteration) 
Off the Clock (Girl talk) 
He Knocked (Episode tag) 
Haunting (Halloween Fluff)
Muscle Spasm (Gibbs whump, Jenny gives TLC)
Paris Rose (fluff & crack, lipstick) 
Only With You (undercover as married)
The Missing High Heels (Slight sequel to Only with you)
Jen, Jenny, and the Director (fuff & angst, crack treated seriously) 
The Manual (Gibbs’ Rules, Fluff, Team Dynamics) 
History Lessons (Fluffy collection of ficlets) 
Carols in the Night Series
Carols in the Night (Holiday Found Family)
February Ills (Fluffbruary Sequel to Carols in the Night)
The Easter Bunny (Easter theme)
Mother's First (Mother's day)
He didn't have to (Father's day)
Judgement Day Rewritten Series
Second Chances (Gibbs wakes up in a world where Jenny isn’t dead, yet)
From Now On (Jenny gets a second chance and learns what honesty can change) 
The Reality of Acceptance  (Gibbs follows Jenny to LA)
Expressing the Inexpressible Series 
That’s not her style (Tabloids report on Jenny) 
Goodbye Earl (Gibbs finds an interesting person in the middle of an investigation) 
Home (letters, fluff and angst)
Our Song (tooth-rotting fluff) 
Do you Remember? (orchids, hidden relationship) 
24 (WIP) 
It’s beginning to get to me (WIP) 
Anything you can do (WIP)
A little fall of rain (WIP)
Something in Red (WIP)
So Close (WIP)
Ever, Ever, After (WIP)
She’s in Love (WIP)
That’s How You Know (WIP)
One Step Closer (WIP)
Watering Your Plants (Post Hiatus) 
The Deal (deal to have a baby) 
Now I lay me down to sleep (secret relationship, abduction) 
Xena: Warrior Princess 
So you’re saying there is a chance… Xena/Ares 
As Long as You’re Mine (post Looking Death in the Eyes) 
Reckoning the Thoughts (takes place during “The Reckoning) 
The Pendant (Aphrodite fixes Looking Death in the Eye) 
Wrapped Around Your Finger (Post Xena coming back from Callisto) 
Black Roses Red (Hercules bashing) 
An Affair to Remember (Looking Death in the Eyes Fix It) 
House of the Dragon
Rhaenys Intervenes (Time Travel Fix-it)
Daemon and Rhaenys work together to save the House of the Dragon (Time Travel Fix-it)
Go All the Way Back (Rhaenyra and Rhaenys Time Travel)
Rhaenys Overhears (Rhaenys will make sure she is the only one with the title of the Queen Who Never Was) 
Cross Overs 
Call my name and save me from the dark (Fate, Wednesday, NCIS, I have issues okay?)
 Wishes come True, Not Free (Fate/Labyrinth) 
A Demon and A Fairy Sat Drinking (Fate/Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Grave Digger Redux (Bones/NCIS)
My Perfect Romance (NCIS/My Perfect Romance) 
Captain Bennett’s Christmas Catch (Christmas Catch/NCIS)
The Man with the Blue Eyes (NCIS/ CSI Miami) 
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the-trinket-witch · 9 months ago
Hihi! 3 for the writer asks? Thank you!!
(Fic Writer Asks)
3. How do you feel about a current WIP?
Writing something for @thecosmicjackalope's birthday and I legit have no idea why it's been difficult to get from the start to the actual FUN parts
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I will get it to you by your birthday, goddammit!
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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zmwrites · 1 year ago
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OC Kiss Week Day 4: Lost
WIP: Open Seas
Pairing: Tess x Dorian
CWs: none, other than the obvious kissing
Words: 1,125
Notes: hand wobble on the canon, hand wobble on following the prompt, but I had fun writing it
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Tess took a deep breath of the cool night air. She hadn’t forgotten how much work these society balls were, exactly, but she was certainly out of practice. The carefully crafted conversation, the selecting of dance partners, the fashion choices… as much as she enjoyed them, she sometimes missed the frankness of life on a pirate ship. There were only so many polite ways to turn the conversation away from her time with Dorian and the pirates, and she wished she could tell the whole of society to mind their own business and to leave her alone.
The party sprawled across a greenhouse, a garden, and the ballroom of the main house. Every family of any consequence had been invited. It made it easy to avoid the people she didn’t have the patience to deal with, but it also meant she hadn’t been able to find any of her friends. Nicolau Carvalho was supposed to be around somewhere and she was determined to hold him to his promise of two dances so she could show her parents she was trying to find a suitable match and not moping over her missing pirate. 
She sighed and pressed her back against the cool stone of the garden wall, gazing at the stars above. Her pirate. That was the problem, wasn’t it? Dorian was a pirate—a rogue, a criminal, and completely unsuitable as a match for an heiress like herself. She didn’t have any siblings to pass the responsibility of suitableness on to. It was just her, and her father’s shipping empire on her shoulders. 
Perhaps she was being foolish. Dorian surely knew her parents would never accept if he asked for her hand. He wasn’t willing to give up the sea to belong to her world, and she wasn’t willing to give up her family to belong to his. It was doomed. It was—
“Tess!” Lina scampered towards her and grabbed her hands. “I’ve been searching for you.”
She resisted as her cousin pulled her towards the dance floor. “Lina, I’m tired.”
“You promised you’d dance with me.”
“I know, but—”
“Please.” She dropped her voice. “Sophie’s here and I want to dance with her.”
Tess sighed but allowed herself to be dragged onwards. Who was she to stand in the way of her cousin’s forbidden romance while she bemoaned her own? At least Sophie was a member of polite society, even if her family’s lack of fortune made her an undesirable match per Lina’s mother.
They lined up with the others, Lina in the leading line so when they switched partners she’d be paired with Sophie. Tess curtsied to Lina, who giggled and gave an overdramatic bow. She couldn’t help but smile. As much as Lina had matured during Tess’ absence, she was still young enough to be playful in public.
The music started. It was a dance with lots of spinning and energy and was fast enough that the focus wasn’t on footwork, with multiple partner changes that she was sure Lina and Sophie would somehow avoid making. It was also one of the few dances that encouraged people to join part way through and steal partners so it almost became a game.
Tess spun into her second-to-last partner, one of their hands landing on her waist and the other catching hers to lead in a modified closed position. She blinked once, then twice, her mind going blank as she stared up into an impossibly familiar pair of brilliant emerald eyes. His honey-like brown hair had been cut into the traditional short military cut—not shaved, but shorter than he’d worn it before—but it still had a few errant curls defying his efforts at styling it.
“Miss Bowen,” he greeted quietly, moving her along the next steps of the dance when her own feet failed her.
He looked like Dorian, he sounded like Dorian, but he wore the uniform of the Royal Navy of Astos. And not just any uniform, a captain’s uniform. Captains in the navy were common in polite society, having built themselves into the respectability required to be accepted by the rich and titled. For a moment she wondered if he’d stolen it, but it was tailored to fit him perfectly and there was an extra button sewn near the collar that she recognized from his favourite coat that had been ruined during their time together. If it was true, if he was truly a captain in the Royal Navy, then he would be the perfect match for the daughter of a wealthy man in trade.
“It’s actually you,” she whispered.
A shadow of pain crossed his features. “I’m sorry it took so long.”
He spun her under his arm, but instead of releasing his hand and joining her next partner, she pulled him out of the line and off the dance floor entirely. No one gave them a second look as she tugged him away from the crowd and into the shadow of the main house. As soon as they were out of sight of the party behind a hedge, she grabbed his lapel and the back of his neck and dragged him down for a kiss.
His mouth was hot and sent a current through her body. He might’ve looked like a gentleman, but the way he responded to her certainly wasn’t gentlemanlike. His hands on her body, leaving searing heat in their wake, searching for any inch of skin or softness. Holding her so close she was bent backwards but still glued to him at every point.
She pinned him against the wall, eliciting a noise of surprise. “Don’t touch my hair unless you can fix it.”
Dorian spluttered a laugh.
“What? It took three of us over an hour to get it to sit right, and people will notice if it’s ruined,” she said, hovering a breath from his face and caressing his jaw.
“I was worried about being indecent, but it’s you I should’ve been concerned about,” he replied. 
He captured her lips again, this time softer and slower, savouring the moment. She melted into him and looped her arms around his shoulders. She didn’t even care if someone found them—she was so giddily happy, and was content to miss the rest of the party if it meant she got to spend the rest of the night entangled with him.
“I’m supposed to be respectable now, you know,” he murmured against her mouth.
She hummed, peppering his face with little kisses. “Would you like to go meet my parents instead?”
“Maybe next time,” he said.Her laugh turned into a gasp as his lips found her neck. She threaded her fingers through his soft hair and allowed her eyes to drift closed. Gods above she’d missed him.
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justnerdy15 · 15 days ago
OC Kiss Week 2.16.25
wc: 2000 prompt: oc kiss week forbidden notes: attached to HOTN. warnings: allusions to sex work, derogatory language (1x), public sex (not by main couple)
Of all the blood dens in New York, the Scarlet Rose was the most exclusive. A place where vampires could indulge away from the prying eyes of the Hunters, given permission from the Council to have their fun.
Within reason, of course.
“Stay close to me,” Anthony says, smoothing down the edge of Evangeline’s mask. It’s simple, just black velvet, and covers the upper portion of her face. He breathes in, committing the sweet vanilla notes of her perfume to memory, refraining from wrinkling his nose at her otherwise blank slate.
He had insisted that she bathe, pushing a bottle of wolfsbane and yew into her hand, and the bottle had done its job. She didn’t smell like herself — the distinct lack of that familiar warm, floral scent keeps catching him off guard, making it difficult to keep her in his periphery like usual. It was necessary. Hunters have a scent to them — layers of power and charms and deterrents practically projecting DON’T TOUCH for any creature with half a brain cell — and they would’ve been made the second they stepped through the doors.
Hence, the perfume.
Even the clothes are different. She traded her typical jeans and shirt for one of the outfits Lillis had sent up. Ever practical, she tossed aside the dresses for a pair of leather pants and a silk halter top. Good enough to blend in, sturdy enough to run. Or fight. Still, the movement and slide of her clothes are different than normal.
In short, there’s a lot he’s having to adjust to tonight.
“Got it,” Evangeline says, offering a brief smile. She tilts her head to the lobby doors. “Should we go in now?”
Even though he nods, slipping an arm over her shoulder to hold her close, he can’t help the sharp breath that escapes. He knows that they need to do this, that this will probably give them the lead they need, but still. This is one place he’d be happy to keep her away from.
“Don’t worry,” she says lowly as they enter the lobby. He slips a card out of his pocket and shows it to the man at the front desk who nods them through to the elevator. “I won’t wander off.”
“Jesus Christ,” she says under her breath as they exit the elevator. “This is a little much isn’t?”
He squeezes her shoulder briefly. “It’s not for everyone.” Scarlet Rose doesn’t shy away from the clientele it serves and, in his opinion, is a little heavy handed. He guides them through the dark room, lit only by recessed red lighting and dim golden chandeliers, slipping between velvet chairs and lounges, keeping his eyes out for one of the round booths.
There’s music, of course, some kind of thrumming jazz, but it’s not nearly loud enough to cover the noise of. . .amorous couples. There are private rooms for that kind of thing, however, he knows a few enjoy the thrill of an audience. Like the pair ahead of them.
When he hears the hitch in Evangeline’s breathing, he knows she’s spot them. A man with his head tilt back, eyes covered by a white tie, as he slumps into an oversized chair with a vampire in his lap, one of Abara’s he thinks, head buried into the side of his neck. It would be innocuous enough, if he couldn’t see the man’s unbuttoned fly or her gyrating hips.
“Let’s go this way,” he says into her ear as he steers her to the left, finally noticing an empty booth. Perfect.
Anthony has her slide in first, settling in the middle of the curve, before he joins her. They face most of the hall, entrance in sight, while they’re tucked into the shadows, affording them some privacy. He places his arm across the back of the bench, Evangeline a warm weight at his side.
“I thought that wasn’t allowed at dens,” she said, keeping her voice low. “Sex and feeding.”
He bends his head down. “Technically. But it’s one of the rules that the Council overlooks, too much energy to enforce it considering it’s. . .popularity. Here at least, they’re vetted.” It’s something that had been argued over extensively, for all the good it did.
“The vampires or the, uh, donors?”
He laughs quietly. “Both really.”
“Is it something you like to partake in?” she asks, damn near causing him to choke on his tongue. Jesus.
Evangeline freezes, pink creeping down her cheeks, before she looks up at him, brown eyes wide behind her mask. “I’m sorry,” she says quickly with a nervous laugh. “It’s just — you have a card. Not that it makes it any of my business! I — I’m just going to shut up.”
The urge to reassure her crawls up this throat, before he can however, there’s a bright laugh and the sound of footsteps. Anthony stiffens, turning in his seat so Evangeline is behind him, as someone approaches.
“I have to say I’m surprised, DuPont. It’s been so long since you’ve graced us with your presence and when you finally do, it’s with someone so fresh,” Katrina Ivanov says with a smirk, slipping into the booth.
She offers a charming smile, holding out a manicured hand. “Hello zolotse,” she purrs, “It’s a pleasure.”
Anthony wants to smack her hand away, hiss at her to leave them be, but Evangeline reaches out to grasp her hand. He wonders if she’s surprised to find that her skin is warm, a steady heartbeat bumping in her veins. “Pleasure’s all mine.”
Katerina laughs again and lets go of Evangeline’s hand. “Well, at least this one has manners. More than you can say, eh DuPont? Are you not going to introduce your guest?”
He’d rather not. His jaw clenches, the urge to tell her to fuck off growing stronger, but that won’t help them, so he gives her tight smile instead. “This is Lina,” he offers, settling back into his seat. “Lina, this Katerina. The club’s current owner.”
“Current?” Evangeline asks, taking the same tone she used when she was grilling that pup and his friend. She really should have gone to law school, he thinks, with the way she sinks her teeth into things.
“Fifth generation, zolotse. My mother ran the club before me. I took over about ten years ago.”
“It’s a family business?” The incredulous reply would make him laugh any other time, but Katerina gets a look in her eyes that he doesn’t like.
“Oh wow, he really hasn’t told you anything about this place, has he?” the other woman replies, red lips stretching into a grin. She looks at Anthony. “Why don’t you go pick out one of my top-shelfers to keep you company while I give this one a little lesson in history?”
Katerina huffs before giving Evangelina a wink. “Always so serious this one. Sure you want to stay with him tonight, zolotse?”
Underneath the table, Evangeline slips her fingers around his wrist, stroking her thumb along the underside of his arm. “I’m fine where I am, thank you.”
Her gaze slides between him and Evangeline. “Oh I’m sure you are,” she says breezily, slipping out the booth. “Let me know if that changes for either of you. DuPont.”
“Hold on.” The words slip out and Katerina looks at him with an arched brow. “Has there been any trouble lately?”
She stares at him for a moment. “Not really.” She shrugs, making a face. “Had some new ones come in last week. Foreigners. European. Didn’t want to follow the rules. Ivan and Mika had to show them out. One unlucky bastard got staked before the message sunk in.”
“I didn’t hear anything about that.”
“Nothing to hear,” she replies, examining her nails, “It was handled.” Katerina doesn’t wait, just offers a brief nod, before walking off to another portion of the hall.
“Do you think its connected?” Evangeline asks, letting go of his wrist. She relaxes against into the seat, letting her head rest against the filled backing.
He sighs. “I don’t know.” Anthony glances down at her. “We’ll stay for a bit longer. See who’s here and then we’ll go back to my place.” He knows some of the others have noticed him and the news of his presence at Scarlet Rose will spread quickly.
Evangeline hums, stretching a bit, drawing attention to the long line of her neck. His gaze drops to where her neck and shoulder meet, the skin covered by smooth silk, before moving up to the velvet mask, to her lips. He forces himself to look back towards the entrance. Focus.
“I have questions,” she says, “About some things.”
“I’ll answer anything you ask,” he says quietly. “Once we’re back at the apartment.”
“I don’t know if we can call this night a bust,” Evangeline muses as they walk down the street towards the subway station. She waves a hand around, mask dangling from her fingertips “But it doesn’t really feel like a success.”
Anthony hums noncommittally, keeping an ear out for trouble. “I’ll need to ask around about that group Katerina mentioned. Or loosen up Ivan and Mika’s tongues with some drinks.” They need to know who these people are, especially if they’re trying to make Manhattan their home. They’re just about to pass by an alleyway, when a familiar voice reaches his ears.
“Shit,” he swears, putting a hand on Evangeline’s lower back to guide her into the alley. “Sorry about this.” Anthony presses her up against the brick wall, stepping in close, and puts a finger up to his lips when she yelps.
She looks up at him, confused, with a scowl on her lips. He jerks his head towards the far end of the alley and ducks his head down until his nose is against the hinge of her jaw. “Turn your face,” he says into her skin, cursing at himself. Stupid. He should’ve gotten them a cab.
Evangeline obliges him, thankfully, turning her head towards the alley and he shifts up, hoping he obscures her enough from their approaching company. Anthony places one hand on her waist and lets the other one slip into her hair, giving an illusion that will hopefully dissuade them from interrupting.
Heat’s radiating from her skin, the last remnants of vanilla clinging to her, and he can practically feel her heartbeat vibrate against his lips, despite the crucial inch or so of space between them. One of her hands fist into his jacket, fingers curled tight around the fabric.
“Goddamn,” one of them say with a low whistle as they approach. “Is that DuPont?”
There’s a smack. A hand hitting clothes. “And if it is? Mind your own fuckin business Clive.”
“Yeah,” a third voice chimes in. “But who do you think’s with ‘em?” Evangeline stiffens underneath his hand and he angles his body just a bit, trying to hide her from view. In the space between them, he can see the faint edge of her mask, hanging uselessly in her hand.
“Probably just some two-dollar blood-whore. Ya’ know, there’s that club up the street?”
He needs them gone before another godforsaken word comes out of any of their mouths. Anthony straightens up and looks over his should at the trio as they past the alley’s opening, fangs bared. “Can I help you?” he demands, letting his lip curl in distaste, flicking his claws out on his left hand.
The group startles, the one in the middle latching onto the other two’s shoulder. “N- no sir,” he stumbles over his words, “No, Mister DuPont. Sorry, sir, for uh interrupting.”
“Then move the fuck on.”
The three practically trip over themselves as they scramble away, their footsteps fading into the night. Anthony waits until he can't hear them anymore before he steps back, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry about that," he says quietly, watching as Evangeline pushes herself off the wall.
When she straightens up, she closes the distance between them. “Did you know them?”
“They belong to Mires, out in Brooklyn.” He looks down at her, watching as she reaches out to smooth out the wrinkles in his jacket, so close he can count the freckles across the bridge of her nose. There’s that look on her face, the one she makes when she’s concentrating on something, and he wants to smooth that furrow in her brow. Anthony tracks the tip of her tongue as she wets her lip and it hits him like a truck.
He wants to kiss her.
Anthony captures her hand, still valiantly trying to fix the rumpled fabric, and when she looks up at him, eyebrow raised, he wants nothing more than to press her back up against that wall.
It’s the worst goddamn idea he’s had in a century.
She’s a huntress, a Clark, and there a thousand reasons why this is not a good idea. He can only imagine the skinning he’d get from the Council if they found out. Jocasta would probably string him up by his toes for touching her granddaughter.
Not that any of that matters, of course, because he isn’t going to do anything.
“Anthony?” Evangeline asks, cocking her head in concern. Shit.
He pushes her hand away from him. “Let me call a cab,” he says, pulling out his phone. “I don’t care for any more surprises tonight.”
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dayseternal-blog · 2 years ago
Hello days I love your writing and I check your recommendations list at least once a week for something new! But this is my first time asking. I was wondering if you knew any recommendations for something like “The Mission” by Lunawrayth. I finished all chapters in one sitting and loved it. So I’d really love to find more just like it. If you could help me out I would be forever in you debt. Thank you and please keep up the amazing work! ☺️
I love "The Mission"!!!!! I constantly check it for updates 🥺 It's amazing that the author's still updating it!!!
"The Mission" by Lunawrayth - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. It wasn't that Hinata never expected to work with Naruto, just never on a mission quite like this.
So hmmm....fics that are like it. So, I guess, like... fake relationship aus? Or fics that have them on a mission together? Or maybe just like...kinda mysterious Hinata? Maybe, just like...similar vibes?
Fake Relationship AU
“Mission Together” from “Proud Failures to Proud Parents” by xHinaLovex - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. “You will be posing as wealthy newlyweds on their honeymoon for the investigation.”
“Hand(s)” by @ssa25 - Rated T, Royalty AU, One-shot. After sneaking out of the palace, Hinata finds herself in quite a commotion…
Untitled wip by @matchaball - Rated T, Modern AU, Short one-shot. He will always entrust her to watch his back in a heartbeat.
“Spy AU” by @magmawrites - Rated M, Spy AU, One-shot.  They were one of the best teams The Agency had ever seen. Until they broke one of their most important rules…don’t fall in love with your partner.
"A Night on the Kaori" by sassywhatevers - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Be as attached to Naruto-kun as possible without seeming too clingy. Be effortlessly sexy but not trashy. Be possessive of Naruto-kun. He's your man. Oh Kami. Hinata's going on an undercover mission - on a yacht cruise, of all the places - with Naruto. Has the Hyuuga heiress bitten off more than she can chew?
“Oblivious” by PervyNinja - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. After the war, Naruto is not the only one to be approached by admirers - Hinata is oblivious, Kiba, Shino & Akamaru are protective and Naruto is just so confused.
“Operation: Bring home Naruto” by Dragonwannabe - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Part 1 Complete. Hinata’s been assigned the mission of getting Naruto back home safely after his last dangerous assignment. But can she handle the undercover identity as his girlfriend that she’d been given without revealing her true feelings for him?
the one I wrote, but you probably read it already:
 “Undercover” - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto and Hinata join the Twelve Guardian Ninja of the Land of Fire’s Daimyo. But not really. Their mission is to smoke out the rat among them who’s selling political secrets to insurgents, while making sure the other Guardians don’t figure them out. Neither can tell when their acting became so convincing.
Okay, and this was one has seduction missions! But it's much more smutty!
“Naruto’s New Focus” by @truebkgirl- Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. For 18 months training and missions have been put on hold due to the loss of his arm. Now, Naruto is mission-ready and learns that a number of his comrades have taken on seduction missions… He’s questioning his feelings but never lets his focus waiver. Naruto has a new mission to endure. All he needs now is to figure out if SHE wants to be part of it.
There are certain fanfictions that give me the same feeling as "The Mission." Like Hinata's characterization is mature, yet insecure, or she's extremely skilled, but still so soft-spoken.... and also the slow burn is just as painful :)
Gives a Similar Vibe as "The Mission" (IMO)
“Made in Heights” by @utsus - Rated E, Spy AU, Long One-Shot/Incomplete. Hinata is definitely skilled enough to infiltrate the highly secured Uchiha party and steal sensitive intel that will save lives.  It’s just a matter of making it out alive.
“A Place In The Sun” by ihaveastorminme - Rated M for smut and depictions of violence, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Naruto realizes that he’s not enough to love her.  He’s not enough to save her, either.
“Love and Water” by nineetaaaillled - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. The hardest part isn’t acknowledging that he’s in love, it’s believing that he can be loved.
and the feelings discovery through a physical relationship in the one I wrote:
“Nightdreams” - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto and Hinata find comfort in each other after the war.
Enjoy! If anyone knows of others that seem similar to "The Mission," please add on!
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justnerdy15 · 2 years ago
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evangeline and anthony from heiress of the night. it's about the Yearning.
We aren’t quite done with the topic of love just yet!
Let’s do a moodboard for it! Let’s see what your story’s love looks like! It could be a moodboard for the main romantic couple, for family members, for best friends -  a moodboard for any sort of love your story has!
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ohhgingersnaps · 1 year ago
I'm a little late to the party with the WIP Ask Game, but will you talk about Holding Patterns at all? Super curious what that's about!
Aaaa I'm so glad you asked about this one!! Holding Patterns is an original sci-fi thing I've had on the back burner for a while. It's a heist/mystery/disaster/(rom-com??) novel set on a fancy Art Nouveau-style cruise ship orbiting a dying star.
Featuring the following:
A man who's just assassinated a corrupt high-level senator in retaliation for some disastrous space mining OSHA violations. He is laying low as a waiter while he hides from the senator's corporate sponsors and figures out what, exactly, he wants to do with his life, now that his years-long revenge quest is over.
Two thieves hired to steal data from an attached research vessel by a mysterious donor. The promised payoff is enough to set them both up for life. Getting on the vessel itself is going to be tricky, but once Thief 1 gains the trust of the pretty astrobotanist he masterminded a meetcute with at the first night's masque dance, they'll be golden.
The astrobotanist private eye, who's hot on the thieves' trail. She's posing as a scientist to get close enough to them to find solid evidence of their last heist, but she's used to working from a distance... She's chanting "I won't get attached, I won't get attached!!" in her head half the entire time, and playing a Kira-and-L-style battle-of-wits chess game with Thief 1 in her head the other half of the time— but regardless, this is actually the most fun she's had on an investigation in a good long while.
A rich heiress on vacation with her sorority friends. She's less fleshed out right now than the others, but when things start to go south, she's really got some solid Elle Woods/Final Girl energy.
The underpaid, overworked security guard who's just trying to do their job, please, why is nobody cooperating with my murder investigation—??
Anyway, I don't want to spoil the plot (and also, frankly, I don't have all of the specifics figured out yet), but when another passenger is murdered in what appears to be a robbery gone wrong, all of the characters are left scrambling to cover their own secret identities, and also figure out what happened and who they can trust...
And then, when the life support systems on the ship start failing one by one, they find they've got even bigger problems.
This all sounds really serious, but this is actually intended to be a fun little sci-fi romp! I also originally meant for it to be a novella but, like... Honestly? Knowing me and how my projects normally go? This thing's not going to be less than 70k haha
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ashthehermit · 8 months ago
List of Works:
I'm being a bit serious about the self-promo these days, so it stands to reason that I should have a bit more clarity about what my work is. This is a non-exhaustive list, because I am never writing one book at once. That would be deranged.
WINTER'S CHOSEN - Fantasy, standalone
(planned release September 1st 2024, ARC sign-ups now open)
Winter's Chosen is a low fantasy I wrote primarily because I hate to ski. It came together loosely because of what I learned about the history of alpine skiing while I was refusing to ski in the Alps, though it became more of a fantasy and less historical as time went on.
The story sees Ifry, a clerk, travel to a remote mountain town to help his employer found and build a ski resort for the wealthy to holiday in. The town is unsuitable for many reasons, the first being that it is infested with carnivorous beasts, and the second being that the townsfolk are fervent worshippers of 'Solyon', the god of summer. Ifry seeks help in Jos, the town's hunter, in safely traversing the slopes, unaware that Jos has been chosen this year by Solyon to make a sacrifice that will end the winter.
TANRY TENERI - WIP, fantasy, first in a series
This one is kind of meant for folk who like fantasy with a historical sheen, but that doesn't necessarily have much to do with history, if you get me. It's a 'fantasy of manners', along the lines of the Lord of Stariel, Half a Soul, and other such works.
It's about Tanry Teneri, who unexpectedly becomes heiress to her father's estate. When her father arranges an unwanted marriage, Tanry extracts a deal from him that she can wed her choice, provided that he is higher in rank. Using a device that can tell Tanry absolute truth, she sets out in search of a husband, settling on the Archduke Cezsario, an exile from his home country. Tanry quickly learns that he has secrets of his own, but will stop at nothing to make a match that preserves her freedom.
ABOVE ALL - WIP, YA fantasy, first in a series
England 1860. After being expelled from one finishing school, Beatrix 'Trix' Robinet is sent to a last resort finishing school: Caelestis Abbey, which is magically built on a cloud. Trix attempts to gain friends in her new surroundings, and discover the secret of where her friend Jenny, an angel, vanished to. One night, Trix hears screaming inside of the school chapel, and resolves that there is something more malevolent at foot at the school than she anticipated.
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fair-night-starry-tears · 2 years ago
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Wip meet the one and only! The future Queen! The most “I am so done here get me the fuck outta here”!
Lady Aqila! The corrupted/fallen hero!
Backstory lore drop!
This is when Aqila and Jasminko/Twst Jasmine were two years younger.
When Aqila was having second thoughts. She was giving the prince just one more day to rethink of how their relationship felt so rushed or well. Wrong. But she deceived her self, when the prince announced to the kingdom his secret relationship with the girl. The news and press loved this story, of the royal and high status trading their future for a girl who lived in the slums. And they all cheered love when the girl said yes.
Aqila hated him…. She resented him so much for blabbing their relationship. She despised him for making her have no choice to say yes. But Aqila was too stubborn. She resented herself for saying yes. For holding back. And now, her life was a miserable hell. Dealing with royal tutors and the eyes and berating of the guards. Chastising her for being lucky to win over the prince heart. She put up with this, and barely kept herself sane.
Though all good tales comes to an end. When she snapped one day, the same guards who torment her all those times in the slums, chasing her, berating her, always threatening they’ll have her head as a trophy. Aqila couldn’t stand their voices, and she suddenly snapped so cruelly. As she ordered the guards who berated her all her life, was to be executed. But…..
Not by any professional or amateur executioner. Rather. It be herself who do the heinous deed. She was done being a prisoner for the palace. The old her died within the walls. No one came to stop her wedding. No one came to truly save her from the pain as a princess. So it’ll only be her taking control.
When the curtains are open and the cameras are flashing, they see the picture perfect couple who broke societies rules. But.
When the curtains close. They see the true nature of this “happy picture couple” a cruel and heartless girl who shares no love to her lover. As the prince is dismay to why the girl can turn from a kind hearted girl to a cruel princess.
Aqila has no one to trust. If she were to have one more wish…….
She wished she denied the prince privately or publicly. To show him he can’t always gets what he wants too easily.
There is a reason they can’t divorce. Political image for the prince more to say. If he asks for a divorce. All will see him childish and unable to commit to a marriage he made years ago. It would have tarnish his image. Leaving him no escape of this terrible marriage. The only reason he suffers. Is because Aqila would make him feel this pain for damning her life to this perishment.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626
Bold of you to assume Jasminko was gonna be evil and be petty for this au. Nah. It’s the girl he screwed over.
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