#winx club trix asks
trashcankitty12 · 1 year
What similarities do the Trix share with the ancestral witches (both in appearance and personality)? Do the Trix look like their ancestors when they were younger? Also are you going to write about Sapphire in your upcoming story and if you do, does she share any similarities with her ancestor?
I'm not sure for the canon series of events, so I'm only going to answer as far as "my" version of canon.
Under cut because this is loooong.
As far as similarities go, Icy could be a dead ringer for Belladonna (as the saying goes). When alive, Belladonna was considered a terrifying sort of beautiful, with ice-white hair and piercing blue eyes.
Icy definitely has the hair and the eyes. Unlike Belladonna though, her face shape is more like her mother's side of the family, and her height is more from her mother's side as well. (Belladonna was a dangerous but petite woman.)
As far as clothing style goes, Icy dresses a bit more 'provocative' than what Belladonna did. (Considering Belladonna is from a time when women typically wore long dresses and robes and many, many layers.) However Icy does have Belladonna's love for capes/crowned back cloaks.
They also share their core magic as Ice Magic. Icy hasn't quite reached the level Belladonna reached yet, but she's still young.
Personality wise, they are extremely similar. Belladonna was an ambitious witch who wanted to rule over all, and as we've seen, Icy is the same way. Ambitious, a natural leader.
She's also cruel and cunning like Belladonna was, willing to cut down anyone in her path.
However, she's a bit more emotional than Belladonna was. Yes, Belladonna had her moments of 'avalanche causing/blizzard bringing/hail storm' temper tantrums, but they were far and few between. (She tended to be more quiet in her anger, but no less dangerous. The tantrums only happened with major setbacks... Like Griffin escaping them alive and when they realized they may not survive the fight on Domino.)
Icy, on the other hand, has a tendency to lose her cool and get overwhelmed with her anger, flash freezing everyone nearby.
Icy also is more likely to allow herself moments of joy and enjoyment, whereas Belladonna was definitely not much for 'resting and relaxing'. (Such frivolous activities wouldn't help their cause at all.)
And unlike Belladonna, Icy has allowed herself to have genuine feelings for others outside of her 'sisters'. Its only happened a time or two, but Icy has felt her little heart flutter once in a while. (Darko was a great guy... But there was too much going on around them.)
She and Belladonna are both selfish and have great egos/inflated senses of grandeur.
Belladonna was willing to steal both forms of the Dragon Fire and all powerful magic in the realms for herself and her sisters so they could rule the Magical Dimension by ushering in a "New Era of Darkness", thinking it was her calling to create more for her life. Of course her methods weren't 'friendly' and it started a whole war. (And centuries of building up a Cult disguised as a Coven.)
As for the selfish part of her plans, she tended to hoard more of the magic for herself, as she was 'the eldest'. She also tended to pick the strongest members for her personal Inner Circle.
Icy is much the same way, willing to toss her sisters under the bus if it means she gets the prize at the end. And she sees herself as becoming the next Grand Mistress of the new generation of Coven members, the one to usher in the New Era.
(I'm using the version of Lysslis' name that was present when I first started WINX, I have no idea when they changed it or if it was just an error in translation.)
Physically speaking, Darcy and Lysslis do look alike. Same golden eyes, same dark hair kept nice and long. About the same body shape (when Lysslis was alive and young that is). However Darcy's face shape is more like her mother's side of the family.
Like Lysslis, Darcy is also considered the more alluring of the trio, often using her sexuality and her looks to get what's needed. (Along with a dose of hypnosis/mind control magic for those who are a little more difficult.)
Clothing style wise, Darcy does share some fashion traits with Lysslis; wearing clothing that would be considered easy to move in and airy while also 'inviting'. (Though the most Darcy ever looked like her ancestor was when she wore that disguise against Jared.)
Darcy is admittedly taller than her ancestor, but not by much.
Magically, Darcy is incredibly similar to Lysslis, however she doesn't quite use her full potential like she should.
Lysslis was known for her grand illusions, her mind manipulations, her control over the very shadows within souls. And once her powers grew, she could even bring in spirits and ghosts to do her bidding, as well as psychically and psychologically torture her opponents.
Darcy could, in theory, do all of this. In fact, she has done it before. Often. But she's not into capturing and tormenting her opponents or creating 'sleeper agents' like her ancestor. Nor is she interested in twisting someone's mind so badly they kill themselves.
Basically, she's just not into it. She doesn't mind fucking with people's minds or using her powers to get what she wants (free stuff, people not to question why she's somewhere she shouldn't be, etc.), and she's all for defending herself however she has too. But to actively seek out people to psychologically traumatize isn't her thing. Honestly, it's too much work and not enough reward if it's not personal enough.
She also doesn't summon creatures as much as Lysslis did for her dirty work. It's a lot of power to summon things and she just doesn't want to waste power she may need for a direct fight than summon creatures she may not need.)
Personality wise; Darcy is bit lazier than Lysslis is. The goal for her isn't 'realm wide domination', though she's okay with helping her sister reach that goal. She's just in it for the fun and chaos it brings.
Ruling, to her is fun, in theory, but it's not a deep-rooted need. But in reality, she'd rather be the one planning or plotting. Studying. Researching. (Even if she gets called a nerd in the process.) But hey, what are sisters for if not helping each other rule the entire Magical Dimension?
She's actually a little bit like Lysslis that way. Researching and studying on magic and it's effects were something Lysslis took great pride in. (Though her experiments tended to be more... Extreme than Darcy's.)
Like Lysslis, Darcy is drawn to animals and manages to create strong bonds with the creatures she meets. However, unlike Lysslis, Darcy actually has some feeling toward the animals she brings in, whereas they were a means to an end for Lysslis.
Also like Lysslis, Darcy has a bit of a romantic sense about her. She enjoys the idea of dating and sex and being close to people. Granted, she also likes to toy with them, but there's still some genuine feeling there... Some... (Riven.)
But she's loyal to her sisters and their cause and she refuses to let herself become too sidetracked when it comes to their mission. (Lysslis was loyal to her sisters too, but she was also prone to have her part of the Coven members go do missions for her and her alone that tended to... Blow up. Darcy seldom ever does such things.)
Where Lysslis wouldn't hesitate to call Tharma and Belladonna, Darcy tends to follow her sisters' lead until it goes poorly. (Though she will make an effort to point out flaws or ways things could go wrong. It's why Icy comes to her for planning purposes.)
Like Lysslis, Darcy is one who will search out those who have wronged her and exact her revenge. (Unlike Lysslis, her success rate isn't the best considering her main targets are the Winx and they're still happily prancing about.)
Like Tharma, Stormy has the curled/kind of frizzy storm cloud hair. She's also got Tharma's face shape. Her eye color, however, is the same as her father's side.
She's smaller than Tharma is, actually. Her body shape is more like her father's side as well. (She has freckles like Tharma though! And is great at doing the same wild smile she does.)
Clothing wise, Stormy is a bit more provocative than Tharma was in her youth. Tharma was more into robes and anything loose and flowy, but modest in her wear.
Stormy prefers clothes she can move in and look great in. So... Major differences. (Of course, that's also because of differences from the times they're from.)
Power wise, Stormy is definitely Tharma's descendant. Tharma could create massive thunderstorms, devastating tornadoes, ravaging tsunamis, blinding blizzards, and horrific lightning storms. Stormy is much the same way.
And just like Tharma, the more damage she does, the more excited she becomes. She loves wrecking havoc and causing mayhem. Loves the pain she can cause by localizing her powers.
(Unlike Tharma, she's not quite as refined with her skills yet. But give her time.)
Personality wise, she's even more like Tharma. In fact, out of the Trix sisters and their Ancestors, Tharma and Stormy are the most alike.
She's sadistic, cruel, temperamental, and quick to fight. Tharma was just like that. Sadistic in her torture, cruel in her actions, and quick to fight whenever she felt slighted, even with her own sisters.
Like Tharma, she's also quick to get into physical fights. (And is pretty decent at physical fights as well, considering she enjoys using her magic any chance she gets.)
Tharma wasn't much for romance in her day, though she did enjoy 'having fun' from time to time. (Though how long any of her 'partners' lived varied...) Stormy... Much like that.
Stormy doesn't care for romance. She sees it as an unnecessary headache and just boring. As for sex, she's not really into it either. Can it be fun? Sure. Is it necessary? No.
Unlike Tharma, Stormy can find ways of enjoying herself that don't necessarily regard harming people or killing them. Like dancing or gaming, or even silly little makeover nights with her sisters.
Stormy tends to be a bit more hostile than Tharma was, as she's more willing to reject outsiders into her and her sisters' bubbles, whereas Tharma was fine with having new people to... "Teach".
The Case For Sapphire:
She's going to make an appearance, but it's not going to be too major. It's going to be a moment though.
Sapphire has no idea that Icy is her biological sister, nor do their parents remember having Icy. (My tie-ins thing on AO3 will tell you why. But basically, Lysslis had a vision of them losing the war and had their three youngest and most magically in-sync descendants would be found and raised to be their new puppets. So Darcy, Icy, and Stormy were essentially baby-napped and raised by hidden/underground Coven members to be 'triplet sisters' and fly under the radar. Which is why Griffin didn't think anything too odd of them despite recognizing their heritage.)
But she does have some distant similarities with Belladonna, though thanks to her raising, she's not quite like Icy.
Sapphire has the icy white hair and pale blue eyes that her sister and ancestor do. She also has powers over ice and snow. However, unlike Icy, she's not a witch... She's a fairy. Which has honestly blown the minds of her people. Though she's not completely surprised. Her mother's family tree does have light magic in there.
As the daughter of the Governor of Dyamond, she is polite and well-behaved around others. She's also quiet, a bit reserved.
But don't let that fool you; she does have a slight temper, one that could rival her sister's. It just takes a lot to get her there as she's normally quite a jolly young woman.
(I hope this answers your questions! Sorry it took so long, I had to plan this out.)
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solariaswitch · 1 year
i sooo agree about the icy backstory! i HATED the retcon, and the trix aren't sisters anymore?
I dislike Icy's S8 backstory, but I actually don't consider it a retcon. I know this is yet another topic that divides the fandom but I never took the Trix for being biological/blood sisters.
I think it depends a lot on which dub you watched, but I never considered them bio sisters, but rather sisters in a coven way. Covens of witches always refer to each other as sisters even if they aren't really. And there are some things about them being bio sisters the just wouldn't really make sense, for example the scene in S3 where they take a swim in the weeping-willow pond and come back as kids, and they don't recognise each other. Icy even tells Darcy "Your hair used to look like that!?" and Darcy says "Whatever, you look like a pixie!" or something lol.
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Besides the coven thing, I think they call each other sisters because they are descended from Belladonna, Lysslis and Tharma who were indeed sisters. If each trix is a descendant of a singular sister, then it's impossible for them to be triplets/biological full siblings. But you know, through them they're still blood relatives in some way.
Anyway, I think this is one of those things that the creators kinda didn't have figured out themselves so they just sorta... left it up for interpretation.
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ghostsprobably · 4 months
So to transform, do the freshmen witches have to like, run to the nearest bathroom and change into their outfits?
basically yeah 😅
but mostly they use them like how students at UA use their superhero costumes - they sort of act as a visual signifier that the wearer is a magic user. So they sort of serve as a school uniform in a way too? Or maybe its more like when you get changed for gym class (is that just an american thing?).
Fairy forms are the same in that they show how far along in her training a fairy is, but its a lot more intuitive for them to change forms bc of the way their magic works.
Once a witch gets to the point she can transform magically, she'll be able to add more bits and bobs and detail to her witch form, so an advanced witch will still look cooler than a novice witch
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darkpoisonouslove · 25 days
How was Darcy able to burn the library in season 3? Was it some last part of the dragon flame? And if it was, why did we never saw Icy or Stormy using it again? And the most important question, why did we never saw her using it again?? Became ngl this is one of my favourite scenes of her using her powers bc it looks so cool and just that whole scene she was just- wow.
It's possible that that was a leftover from the Dragon Fire but I think that then, the Trix would have used it back in season 2 as well. Actually, Icy does use 1 fire spell in her first appearance in 3x05 so I think it's reasonable to conclude that Valtor gave Icy and Darcy some fire powers (though, for what possible reason, I don't know; maybe to put on a performance of being willing to share his power with them to convince them to stay by his side?). Stormy could already set fires with her powers as seen in one of the season 1 episodes (I cannot remember which one, maybe 1x14?) while the Trix are walking through the forest so he probably didn't have to give her anything.
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ur-fairy-of-mimicry · 4 months
❂ Winx Club Masterlist ❂
Alfea College
How the Alfea College students (+ Red Fountain, Cloudtower) Give Hugs (Fluff)
Red Fountain
The Specialists as Your Boyfriend (Fluff)
How the Alfea College students (+ Red Fountain, Cloudtower) Give Hugs (Fluff)
How the Alfea College students (+ Red Fountain, Cloudtower) Give Hugs (Fluff)
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darlenicy · 9 months
Probably Darcy and Icy artificially grew their hair unnaturally long. Because they think it is very beautiful. They and Lucy made her hair that long when they changed her appearance so that she would take part in a beauty contest. But this is inconvenient, and hardly beautiful in the case of Darcy with her hair color. As they showed her in childhood, she looked good with a bob, probably all the influence of Icy’s tastes. In general, the creators of Winx seem to impose on the viewer that long hair is beautiful, for some reason changing the design of the Muse and depriving her of individuality.
"hardly beautiful in the case of Darcy with her hair colour"? Excuse me?? Every inch of Darcy is gorgeous.
The long hair is simply a matter of design. I doubt the writers had anything deep behind it in mind. Icy having an influence on Darcy's (beautiful, perfect, gorgeous) long hair is unlikely. But they surely wanted to make Musa look more appealing with giving her long hair. It looks good of course, but it's not Musa anymore.
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disenchantixtime · 9 months
Darcy's character's biggest fear?
Ooohhhh this is a good one. I think a lack of control for sure. A lot of her actions are about control of the mind and body.
I think being spontaneous scares the **** out of her. She would be really scared to have it “all crumble” but really that would mean letting go of a little bit of perfectionism. Going with the flow, having another character have power over her and not being in control of her thoughts and feelings even for a second terrifies her.
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wtfastaroth · 7 months
@darlenicy sorry, Tumblr posted my drafts again (???? Sometimes this happens) and i lost your ask
But here's the info:
Lilith D'arcy
In short, she is Darcy's cousin and studied in Cloud Tower with the trix (in the same classroom).
She is very introverted, the "yuck people" type, she usually speaks in dry and sometimes harsh tones (even without her intention).
She is half Nophurian and half Zenithian (and started living in Zenith after the installation of the interplanetary blockades)
Lilith's powers: She is the "witch of the constellations" The essence of her magic comes from the stars and cosmos in general. She is also a seer, she's able to see glimpses of the future, she isn't able to control when this type of vision will come tho, but usually they come once a week.
I created her along with several other characters right at the beginning of the development of my rewrite, as I always found it strange that we didn't have much focus on what the witches' dynamics were like inside Cloud Tower, so I created these characters to be from the same class, friends or ex love interests of the trix (school drama,i love).
Apart from the trix, there are two more groups of informal covens in CT that are more popular, a group of 5 witches in third year (irrelevant) and the Sirens, formed by Lilith, Sophie and Abigail. While Darcy and Stormy get along well with them, Icy HATES Sophie with all her might, so she doesn't interact with them.
I think this explains a little bit of who she is without giving away too many spoilers.
And, here some character sheets i did for her that i didn't post here (plus her moodboard)
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I hope these notes aren't too confusing, I just put together all the information I had (At least everything you can know for now)
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charmixpower · 6 months
From best to worst individually, how good are the Trix at commanding, channeling and harmonising?
Thank you for the lore questions!! Fun fact I'm making a lore bible with now with some major rewrites and somethings that are exactly the same, and that will be out... Before next year XD
The notes are about 7,000 words right now and I can say with complete certainty that it will be over 10,000 by the time I'm done XD I've already broken it down by part to make it easier to explain. Focused, thriving, moisturized, in my lane, ect ect. Excited for that, I'll rewrite this when I finish my lore
Icy: Commanding, Harmonizing, Channeling
Icy is a straight up prodigy at commanding magic. She uses cold air and water in the air to make her ice and throw it at people. That takes an insane amount of control!! Stormy is also really good at it, making lighting is hard, but she gets to start with air and wind being already present. Icy has to MacGyver that shit. Icy is theeee baddest bitch. As for harmonizing if she had literally any other domain she'd suck massive dick at it, I mean she'd be TERRIBLE. Icy just really REALLY vibes with ice in particular, both physically and metaphorically, making it extremely easy for her to harmonize with ice/cold. She kinda views the cold as an extension of herself, so it's almost second nature to her. Adding Bloom's power to her massively fucked up her ability to do that btw bc there was something foreign was in her. As for channeling magic she's still really good at it! Remember in s2 where she nearly killed Sky in RF by, I think it's implied that she kinda internally freezes him??? Yeah but she's good at that too. It requires more thought than the first two that she's a genius in and she can do by instinct but that only makes a difference of a couple seconds. Icy is EXTREMELY good at magic
Stormy: Harmonizing, Commanding, Channeling
It's really funny to say Stormy "chaos reigns" is good at harmonizing but that's exactly why she's good at it. Baby girl IS the storms. She's like the concept lightning tornados were a person, and said storm magic reacts to her back like that. They GET each other. Relating to that, Stormy is obviously far less controlled about her magic. Stormy intuits her magic, the only thing she's really intentionally controlling is her lighting bolts, otherwise she's just pulling at the magic and letting it do what it wants while pointing it in the direction of whatever she wants dead. On that note, channeling, channeling a large wild source of magic into a little box is literally the worst thing in the world for Stormy. She sucks ass at it. Like. Barely passing her requirements sucks at it. She's all like, fuck OFF storms are not meant to be contained in tiny little magic stones, immediately die about it. And then the teacher tells her to stop being insubordinate and just do the assignment
Darcy: Channeling, Commanding, Harmonizing
I feel like Darcy is at her best in combat when she's not a powerhouse. Icy and Stormy are already power houses, we don't need all three of them to be. Darcy's commanding and channeling magic are at the same level. She's not Icy levels of good at either but still extremely good. She uses her commanding magic to throw things around and attack from multiple directions and basically uses it to influence her environment physically, and channeling magic to use things inner darkness to cause havoc. She deserves a unique fighting style her magic is so cool. As for harmonizing. You remember in s1 where she pretended to be Stella and was SO TERRIBLE AT IT??? Remember in s2 when only Icy was any good at pretending to be a normal CT witch??? Darcy is good with physical darkness, she's great with messing with internal darkness, she's TERRIBLE at the trickster parts of darkness. Like. Blowing up Riven and gaslighting him into falling in love with her wasn't even HER idea, IT WAS ICYS!! She sucks at harmonizing, she's much better at it than Stormy is at channeling, she can mostly do it but it's not very good. It's passable. High C, low B grade
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win-x · 2 years
me summoning the power of the whisperian crystals because i want iginio straffi to succeed with the live action film/season 9:🧘‍♀️
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manifesting an accurate adaptation with a colourful + glittery aesthetic and actors that actually resemble the characters
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how the trix relationship is in your rewrite?
I want to talk about them non stop, but everything is spoilers I'm so sorry. The most I can sum it up to it "self serving". But here's a cute Stormy from memory since it's been ages since I've drawn her. As a consolation prize
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juniaships · 1 year
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So as Junia is the "7th winx" there's a fourth member of the Trix: Rosy. She has the power of poisons & hazardous waste. Ivy was too obvious& Thorny sounds lame. Besides it is said that every rose has its thorns. Unlike Junia who is an adult mentor for the Winx, Rosy is a young fanatic worshipper of the Trix & eagerly does what they say without much question.
Since the trix all serve as dark reflections of the winx it makes sense for a plant based villain to counter Flora. But strictly reserved for venomous species like belladonna and vipers. She doesn't hold nature in high regard. And since Winx loves to reference pop culture, in a way she references Poison Ivy (power&color scheme) and Harley Quinn (in terms of personality).
Link here
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solariaswitch · 9 months
It is true that Darcy is the weakest of the three as a person? She is ready to betray her love under pressure from Icy and Stormy. Although Icy herself would rather sell her friends than abandon Tritanus
Interesting question. I don't think it's possible to easily quantify the strength of each individual trix, I guess that depends on which definition of strength you use. But what I can say about Darcy is that she does possess more signs of empathy than the other two. Simultaneously, she's pretty much been told all her life that such traits are a weakness for witches, and especially a weakness for a witch who's a descendant of the ancestral witches. I think this causes an emotional divide where she tries to push it down as much as possible and act in line with her supposed destiny as a dark witch while also dealing with softer feelings that she can't confide with her sisters. So no, I don't consider her weak, I consider her more of a person of conflicting interests at heart. In one way, I may even think that her willingness to remain focus on her initial ambition of taking over Magix even though she was in love with Riven, is a sign of a strong will and a focused character able to put a "greater good" (or greater evil in her case, I suppose) over her own personal emotions. But that's up to interpretation, of course.
When it comes to Icy and Tritanus... I think that's a rough comparison to make considering that the writing of the show took a wholly different direction post s4 (new writers, new production team, the whole ordeal). None of the trix really act like themselves in this season. The whole deal with the Trix in s1-3 is that in the end they always choose one another. Over Valtor, over Darkar, over anyone. I personally don't consider S5 part of my winx canon.
There is also the matter of the circumstances, Darcy liked Riven, yes, but it was also tactical to date him to gain insight into the Winx's doings. Icy liking Tritanus on the other hand was entirely random.
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ghostsprobably · 4 months
Which character is next video about?
its gloomix!!! or my version of it at least lmaooo
sneak peek
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 months
What if Grififn never changed sides and went with Valtor to Omega instead (if she would went with him to Omega)? How would that change the results in season 3?
I mean... Griffin's convergence with Faragonda was kinda instrumental in the season 2 finale. Without it Darkar might have won but let's pretend that they still defeated him.
I did write a post about Griffin going to Omega with Valtor but it was a more general idea rather than being focused on how that would change season 3 so let's look at that. I'll note down the key differences in the season structure.
When the Trix free Valtor, he offers to work together because he has been weakened by his stay in Omega as much as he doesn't want to admit it and he's considering the possibility that Griffin might be in an even worse state and wouldn't be able to assist him with breaking out. I like the idea that the ice didn't allow her to age so she's really not that much older than the Trix. Instant problem there because it means that Valtor would probably be interested in them if it weren't for her.
However, she's on it at once. She compliments them on obviously being talented at the dark arts because only people that are end up being sent to Omega. The Trix aren't going to fall for it as easily after what happened with Darkar but they are aware that they can't escape on their own. Their plan is to split as soon as they're out of Omega but witnessing what Valtor can do quickly changes their minds as both Griffin and Valtor expected it would.
Griffin is the one that reveals to them that she and Valtor worked for the Ancestral Witches. Valtor is against it since they both immediately realized who the Trix are and he doesn't like it. He thinks that they would turn on him if they think they had a chance but Griffin convinces him that that's exactly why they shouldn't give them reasons to turn on him. She explains to the Trix that she and Valtor were loyal to the Witches only to get discarded in the end, abandoned to be imprisoned. She manages to steer the Trix into believing the Ancestral Witches couldn't care less about them and that it doesn't matter because they're with her and Valtor now.
She and Valtor would have a sort of a "good cop, bad cop" dynamic with the Trix where Valtor is more withdrawn and doesn't like to share his thoughts, let alone his magic while Griffin is acting like she and the Trix are on the exact same level in the food chain. She'd explain his bad mood away with the fact that he wouldn't have gotten as powerful as he is by standing around talking with people or giving away his magic while at the same time she'd share freely her plans and magic with them. The Trix would still be too enamored with Valtor to think of leaving, if anything it would make them see him more as a challenge. Meanwhile, Griffin wouldn't appear a threat to them and they'd grow more relaxed around her, sharing information about themselves and recreational activities with her.
Upon discovering Bloom, both Valtor and Griffin agree that they have to remove her to make sure she doesn't find her parents and the Ancestral Witches along with them. So the Andros episodes would go somewhat differently. I can see Valtor still pulling Bloom out of the water but only to kill her himself, make sure she won't survive against the odds again. She and the Winx are only saved by the Androsian army.
Learning that Faragonda is Alfea's headmistress gives Griffin perfect opportunity to sow discord between Faragonda and Bloom by revealing to Bloom that Faragonda knew her parents and never told her. The Cassandra & Chimera and Diaspro arcs would also be more successful and longer. Because of all that and Faragonda's refusal to take down Griffin, at least the rest of the Alfea faculty would be more heavily involved in the action, potentially some law enforcement. Hagen may even be introduced into the fray.
Faragonda decides to strike back by getting it into the Trix' heads that they could attempt to control Valtor. Griffin having to deal with that mess leaves Valtor to handle the Winx alone. He's not doing so well against all their Enchantix (Bloom saved Daphne or Mike and/or Vanessa to earn hers) but little do they know that that's just for show. The plan was always for Valtor to pretend to lose so that Bloom might free him from the yoke of the Ancestral Witches. I can see it all coming to a head in Obsidian where Marion and Oritel are freed but so are the Ancestral Witches.
However, with Valtor being fully independent now, it's a three-way war that would take another season to be solved. I'm thinking of a very begrudging eventual team-up between Griffin and Valtor and the Winx + CoL that puts an end to the Witches but Valtor and Griffin still slip away after an unsuccessful sneak attack on the CoL. When (if) they are murdered, they're taking at least one member of the Company with them. I'm thinking Faragonda or Marion. Probably Marion for the sake of making a thematic implication that Valtor was just another side of the Dragon Fire and they couldn't kill him without harming themselves. Meanwhile, Faragonda is in shambles over Griffin's death and her relationship with Bloom is completely destroyed because Bloom blames her for what happened to Marion.
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vexic929 · 4 days
Fandom: Winx Club for the plot bunny game?
name: Talin (she/her)
age: 19
sexuality: bi-lesbian
job: Witch
love interest: Darcy and Musa
5 adjectives to describe them: loyal, cunning, clever, musical, ornery
also I had to make her lol
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