#winx club rant
winx-reimagined · 1 year
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A magic dimension is obviously going to be full of magical creatures. Fairies, witches, pixies (do specialists count as magical? To be discussed later), and several others. But what makes a fairy a fairy and a witch a witch? Aside from aesthetics and alignment, there’s always been a lack of information about the differences and makings of the various beings that exist in the magic realm. There’s also a lack of information about important beings like the Great Dragon, Daphne—nymphs in general frankly—, Faragonda, and many other people & events. Hell, no one can even tell how long the war against the Ancestral Witches lasted. Was it 16 years or over multiple centuries? Like seriously, why is Faragonda old as balls but the war started when she was a teen / young adult, but Bloom is only 16 and nobody remembers her or the war? (Even if she was born at the end of the war, that’s still not enough time for everyone to forget about it).
All I’ve been able to gather from the series is that witch magic is fueled by negative emotion & winx magic by positive emotions. But this isn’t always the case since, for example, when Bloom was infuriated because she thought Kikko was dead she released a massive amount of power. Call it a hunch, but I don’t think she was feeling very live-laugh-love in that moment. Though, you could argue her love for Kikko was the motivation even if the emotion was a negative one. Still, at the end of the day, she acted out in rage and not love.
And clearly, one’s form of magic can be changed, given Mirta became a fairy. Which I personally don’t like, she could’ve just been a good witch (which would help fight the stigma that they’re so adamant about keeping up until it’s convenient for the witches to help the good guys) but I get the school environment might’ve not been the best for her. It just sucks that the only reoccurring witch character we get are the Trix and then are expected to just accept that witches aren’t evil.
Given that Stella said Bloom was born with her powers and the city of Magix, especially the schools, don’t allow non-magical beings to enter. This has to mean the specialists are magical creatures. But the only magical thing they do is use their weapons (which I’m not even actually sure is magic or if it’s just advanced tech or both?) What specialists are is such a neglected topic I’m almost convinced they’re just regular dudes. Also, why are princes training the same way as knights or squires? Like yes, I get “military training” given Sky would lead the royal army if ever the occasion, but I would imagine there’s more to being a king than being able to fight. The princesses don’t ever get “military training” though I guess they do learn how to fight (I think, it at least looks like it) and change the color of their hair. A necessary skill to rule over a kingdom, surely.
I believe that all of their magic is the same but what they choose to do with it ultimately dictates what they end up becoming. But then that puts into question why are witches allowed to go to school? And what are any of them going to school for? Relating back to my previous rant “Cloud Tower | School of Terrorists” most of the Winx dubs have set up witches and their school to feed off negative emotion, not to mention have called most of them evil especially given the terrible deeds of the Ancestral Witches. But how does school function within the magic realm? Because in real life, it’s meant to prepare children for jobs or further education. This idea is never really explored, honestly, I think the fact that the girls are growing up and will soon leave Alfea is never really brought up (mind you I haven’t watched season 7, so maybe it is) since even once they’ve graduated they stay at the school to act as teachers. Which is cool and all, but eventually these girls have to move on. Stella, Aisha, & Bloom all have kingdoms to rule over and Tecna, Flora, & Musa have their own interests but this idea of growing up and moving on from school is never really talked about. And while I know most of my writing is about the actual writing of the series and not its influence on its audience, this idea would’ve been great for young girls to watch so they’re not so afraid of growing up and moving on. Because it’s inevitable and seeing your fictional idols experience that and overcome it, would make it less scary.
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Anyway, it’s unfortunate we don’t get to see what they learn from school often. We hardly see what the fairies learn, let alone the witches or specialists. And weirdly, for a show that heavily involves magical schools, we never see any arcs about school competitions, tournaments, festivals, or interactions with other schools. Even regular high schools have basketball or football games against other schools regularly. It’s just sad how little their school life actually makes an appearance in the series. Especially when it seems they’re either too scared or too lazy (perhaps even too uncreative) to let go of them being at Alfea.
I also wish we got to see more unique cases, similar to Mirta, of people who don’t fit the binary of witch, fairy, and specialist. Also we never really learn about other kinds of these species(?)/groups, like how there are nymphs and presumably an equivalent level for witches, not to mention there are also sorcerers. It’s even weirder given Nymph is the next level in terms of fairy magic and yet none of the main crew go on to learn how to become one? But also, what is a nymph? Like always it isn’t explained, saying they’re a stronger fairy isn’t much of an explanation.
Sometimes it makes me sad to write rants like this because it makes me realize that Winx was not as unique as I thought it was nor as in-depth as it could’ve been. I still love the series of course, but taking it apart and analyzing it like this has its consequences. Though in a way, it does motivate me more to add my own ideas and creations to the series, and I hope my ramblings and machinations are at the very least entertaining!
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fan-kingdoms · 1 year
reposting my rant about sirenix and why s5 ROBBED US
so i wrote this rant a while ago in an addition to a personal post and i figured it deserved its own post. basically i have a lot of feelings thoughts and anger over sirenix as a fairy form and i think a better-executed harmonix would've been a better sirenix. here we go:
so we can’t just start on sirenix without first talking about harmonix, which is a big part of my anger towards it. while i do find the idea of a “stepping-stone” fairy form that builds up to a more advanced form interesting, the whole concept falls apart when the endgame form is such an obvious downgrade from the preliminary form. let’s look at harmonix for a minute.
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the two main criticisms of harmonix are that it's A. unnecessary and B. very same-y in terms of character design. it is kind of unnecessary but that doesn't mean it can't be fun! i think the whole "temporary form" thing could have been handled better than just getting it when they open the book. it's like the winx equivalent of "it's dangerous to go alone, take this! *gives link a sword*" which makes it feel incomplete. it could've been really cool if harmonix posed some sort of challenge that forced the girls to grow into their powers or think of new angles of using them, in addition to the whole "find these gems before the month is up or lose your powers forever" thing. i would've liked a plot where the girls have to prove that they're worthy of sirenix not necessarily through getting some crystals, but by mastering harmonix first. but hey we can't really expect fantastic writing from winx club (affectionate) so sometimes we gotta deal with the fact that a fairy form is there to sell some dolls and look cute
first off i really wanna say that harmonix really slayed with the transformation sequence, SO aesthetically pleasing. you can tell the girls are becoming water nymphs it's so flowy and graceful, plus its nice to see them with wings Not the size of a fucking truck. i see the samey-ness here with the design but i actually think they did a really good job with it, and that it's suitable for the concept
first off, harmonix is a temporary form that only lasts maximum a month, because that's how long you have to complete the sirenix quest before losing your powers forever and never having a fairy form again. with this logic, it makes sense for harmonix to be a one-size-fits-all costume to slip into for a bit— it doesn't have to be properly tailored to the girls' individual selves and styles. yet, it does a much better job than sirenix at doing that!
when you look closely, each harmonix outfit calls back to the girls' older fairy forms. look at bloom— she's the only one with a tiara, bringing to mind her magic winx crown, and her skirt has all these layered ruffles, reminiscent of her enchantix dress and even her believix skirt. stella's got the same ruffling that matches her believix skirt, and if you look at her wings you can tell they're modeled off her magic winx wings. flora's dress has that light pink triangle on the top, which exactly matches the design of her magic winx dress, and her skirt has these flower petal shaped pleats which echo back not only to her powers but her believix skirt. as for musa the diagonals in her dress remind me of the mesh cutout in her magic winx dress. tecna's wings are clearly modeled off her past wings, and so are aisha's, that jagged shape from magic winx is there even with the gentle style of harmonix. she's also got the one-shoulder top with the strap on her right side, like in magic winx. it's really subtle but the resemblances are there! also, i love the way each girl has unique sparkle effects on their wings (bloom's hearts, stella's stars, flora's flowers, musa's notes and treble clefs, tecna's diamonds, and aisha's swirls)
and no matter what you say about harmonix you have to admit the spells are BANGERS. thirteenth seal? diapason? incredible.
and now we can finally move onto the main event
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honestly this should speak for itself i shouldn't have to explain it. fashion? gone. individuality? gone! CHARACTER COLOR SCHEMES??? GONE. it's just so terrible. what in the 2012 justice store fashion is this.
why is there so much purple. the only one who's actually in her own color scheme is flora, and even her colors are slightly off. why is there so much purple in bloom and stella's outfits purple has NEVER been in either of their color schemes. what is with musa's lime green skirt. WHERE did those blue-green colors in tecna's leggings and wings come from. even aisha's purple isn't right, her purple has always been very pink, the magenta morphix color. why are the streaks in their hair like that.
it's the same massive wings copy-pasted onto everyone, high ponytails across the board except for flora and tecna, same weird mesh cutouts?? like what's happening here. they look like they're wearing tacky patterned leggings. despite the uniformity in outfits among the girls, the outfits themselves aren't cohesive— they're chaotic and look like they've been thrown together without any regard for actually looking good. and looking good means a lot to the winx!! and what's more it just looks so… immature compared to harmonix. they go from these mermaidlike, gorgeous, graceful creatures to the garish eyesore that is sirenix and it just feels like a regression. if getting sirenix makes them these powerful fairies that can coexist with the ocean, make the outfits reflect that growth and that power
i really hate the way sirenix fit into the overall story. it really isn't any more powerful than enchantix, only better suited to water, so why would the ancestral witches have to curse it? why was that the trump card power daphne was going to use against them? like she definitely has enchantix why did she need sirenix on domino while the witches were attacking?? and daphne is another reason why the sirenix designs are so heinous!!!! daphne is THE sirenix fairy, we assume it was her favored form (though i don't know WHY), and we always saw her in nymph dress, with her flowing gown and mask and general ethereality. if it weren't for her coming back to life (and believe me i also hate her human character design i barely even consider it daphne) and transforming, i would not be able to imagine her wearing anything like the sirenix outfit. you're telling me that daphne, nymph of magix and previous guardian of the dragon flame, beautiful goddess older sister, would be wearing that tacky legging-ribbon-bathing-suit abomination??? absolutely fucking NOT! it just clashes with literally everything we know about daphne up until that point (s5).
lastly. why the hell do the winx keep using sirenix post-s5. they hardly Ever go underwater after that please god just use enchantix again
in conclusion harmonix was good actually and we all got robbed by sirenix they should have switched the designs and the spells
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winx-trash · 2 years
Honestly, now that I'm thinking about it, Daphne's sacrifice was too reckless of a choice. She decided to teleport a literal baby into another dimension all by herself instead of just going there with her. I get that she thought she had to fight for her kingdom but wouldn't it be more important to make sure that her sister will survive wherever it is she sent her to? Bloom was very lucky to have parents like Mike and Vanessa but what if she would end up getting adopted by horrible people that make up at least 50% of Earth? Or what if she would be teleported at an abandoned building? With no one to help her?
I think of how much the story would change if Daphne went to Earth with Bloom. It's definitely an interesting thought.
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maycat-19-142 · 2 months
Helia x fairy reader
A/n: I love early season helia so much
⚠️: gender neutral reader yet fem coded, fairy of prophecy
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The fairy of prophecy
Not very know out side of the winx
You tries to hide so people don't harass her for readings
You refuses most especially her close friends
You doesn't want to know what could happen to them
You never read helia even when she thought she should
So when he ended up hurt in the library of Alfea being healed by Crystal and he was close to dead you read her prophecy
When you looked you saw engagement, wedding, kids, lose, life
Was this tour life with him or was he will someone else you couldn't tell
Yet later that night he was in the medical wing you talk for hours
Then he mentioned your lost face
"I read your prophecy thinking you'd die and I can't see my role in the prophecies so I'm not 100% sure I'm there" you said looking down
"You will always be apart of my life" he said hugging you
You sat together for many more hours talking about how life would play for you
Little did you know in a few week he would be on one knee
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Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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Sky from OG Winx Club
Disclaimer: Just my opinion
So as a kid I actually liked Sky. Like there were 10 different people I saw Bloom with more than Sky, but as a canon ship. They weren't bad. But they weren't great in the way that you go: That's love.
But now as I re-watch it, I ABSOUTLY DESPISE Sky.
Like he lied to Bloom about his identity, "But But he-" "SHHHHH" I don't care why he did it. He full on scammed her. On top of that he had a frickin fiancé. It dosen't matter he didn't want the marriage, he lied to her about his identity and the fact he was engaged.
Looking back on it I feel SO bad for Diaspero. Like there she was just minding her own business and Bloom comes out and attacks her. And accuses her of stealing her man? Like WTF? So obviously Diaspero fought back. Like I get Bloom was the protagonist and such could do no wrong, but here she was the "other woman". She had no idea about Diaspero, but she was still the person Sky was cheating on with.
Not to mention when Bloom thought she may be a witch, Sky's initial reaction was to turn away. Am I the only one who remembered that moment when Brandon pretended that Flora's spell was still working just so Stella wouldn't feel bad about her appearance and he assured her that he loved her no matter what she looked like? Like in those moment Sky reacted like a BOY and Brandon did what a MAN would do.
Also, going a quick reroute to Blooms other ships, I know people joke about Bloom having more chemistry with literally ever other character than Sky. But I honestly feel like it's SO TRUE! Like Icy and Valtor. She had so much chemistry with those two. Also, is it just me or do I feel like Bloom honestly had more screen time with Icy than Sky? I mean if shit comes down to it, I'm pretty sure it's going to end up being Icy and Bloom fighting against a big bad (Bad-Version-Valtor in season 8) than Sky and Bloom.
Gotta ask who was the best winx club boyfriend? For me personally it would come down to Brandon, Helia, and Nabu. Like Brandon and Stella were just great. Helia and Flora were the sweetest and steadiest. Aisha and Nabu I feel like had the most growth from Aisha hating the idea of him to falling in love.
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devilheartsblog · 2 months
Ok this might be a hot take but I don’t really get the appeal of Roxy joining the Winx Club. My main issue is that Roxy stated in an episode that the fairy stuff wasn’t for her and she just wants to live a normal life, so I feel like that’s what she SHOULD be doing, she should just live on Earth as a normal girl, and maybe have a super hero gig on the side to save animals or fight criminals. So putting her with the Winx contradicts that aspect of her character the WRITERS RETCONNED— and she doesn’t have much of an arc beyond season 4 so I feel like shoving her into the story when her arc is done feels wrong.
Do you guys agree that she shouldn’t be part of the Winx Club? Let me know in the reblogs or comments I always enjoy reading them.
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p0ckiiturtle · 5 months
So, I recently started hyperfixating on an old show I used to watch called “Winx Club”. It’s a 2004 Italian Magical Girl show that was really popular and soon made its way to the states.
I’d also like to point out that this show ran from 2004-2019. Just to give you guys a heads up on how long it ran for.
While it was loved by all, it did have many, many, MANY flaws. One of which was their love interests.
Sky: Bloom’s boyfriend
Brandon: Stella’s boyfriend
Riven: Musa’s boyfriend
Timmy: Tecna’s boyfriend
Nabu/Nex/Roy: Aisha/Layla’s boyfriend/fiance/crush I guess
And Helia: Flora’s boyfriend
Notice how Aisha’s list is a bit longer. I’m gonna get into that.
They all suffer from the same thing. A thing I like to call “The Lover Effect”. Basically, when a character is introduced, but their only trait is to be another character’s love interest.
They have no other backstory. No known morals. They’re just there to fall in love with the character. And nothing more.
A lot of shows struggle with this. Mainly with their female main characters, but there are some examples of the male characters suffering from this.
And Winx Club is one of the prime examples of this.
We know little to nothing about their pasts. We don’t know what their goals are. And they’re only there to serve the main cast. The Winx. Their entire personalities revolve around them being the boyfriends of the Winx.
I think the only characters whose past we know of are Sky and Nabu’s. And even then, it’s seldom said.
A while ago, I was researching for a video based on my own version of winx for my TikTok account (shameless plug, I know). And I came across this:
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It was from the old Winx website. I wasn't aware of this when I was watching it cause I grew up on the Nickelodeon one, but that's besides the point.
It clearly states here that Riven's mom left him when he was very young. And according to him: She probably left for money. Resulting in his distrust of people and his 'bad boy' attitude. Specifically in women. This was never stated in neither the show nor the comics.
This could've been perfect ammunition for a good redemption arc for Riven. Why he's so distrustful and so standoffish of all of his friends. Why he's constantly pushing Musa away. He's too afraid that they'll leave him. And the hurt will start all over again.
But no. They don't.
Instead, they give some toxic relationship between two characters where they're both in the wrong, but decide to paint him as the bad guy cause 'ShE wOuLd NeVeR dO tHaT!!!!". They constantly breakup. And then when they decide to give him the slightest amount of character development , they just drag him back down to being the asshole character. And the whole cycle repeats.
Every. Single. Fucking. Season.
I'm not even kidding.
I will give them this though;
As much as I will shit on Nick for practically ruining Winx Club, at least they tried to give him a redemption arc. But it was put into a half-assed breakup scene where he had to 'find himself'.
The next victim is Sky.
For those who don't know:
Sky is the crown prince/king of Eraklyon. His home kingdom. The most we know about him is that he possibly has daddy issues and was in a relationship before Bloom.
Now the way they went about Sky is interesting. Because they gave him a little bit of a backstory. But not enough for him to be an interesting character to me. The most that we know is that his dad is an asshole and his ex-fiancé was just selfish.
From what I've gathered from the show.
But what else about Sky? What was his childhood like? What was his relationship with Diaspro, his ex, like? When did Sky and Diaspro first meet?
In the show, it's stated that they were childhood friends, but for some reason, I don't believe that. Maybe it's my version of Winx clouding my judgement, but I don't care. Knowing how most marriages between the elites and royalty were mainly for political reasons back then, that was probably my reason for not believing the whole "childhood friends" thing.
We don't even know his relationship with his father. The most we know is that he has an older cousin who he doesn't trust for some reason after something he did back when they were kids.
But personally, I think him somewhat revolving around Bloom could work.
Imagine this:
Ever since you were a child, you were forced into a life of perfection. Your parents were distant from you, so you were raised by the servants in the castle. You're forced into an arranged marriage to some girl who can only think about herself, from your eyes. And that's all you know. Perfection. Perfection. Perfection.
And then all of a sudden, you meet this girl. She's outgoing. She's a bit shy. She has goals. Aspirations. But most of all, she's free.
You meet her parents and you see how strong of a relationship they have with her. She has friends in her school. She's made tons of mistakes, but no one criticizes her for them. After all, they're just mistakes.
And the more you're around her, the more you realize that your childhood wasn't good. It wasn't what you wanted. You realized that you needed your parents love. But because of their status, they never gave it to you that much. Only speaking to you at dinners or whatnot.
Sky wanting to break the mold and find his true self because of Bloom could work. With good writing and planning, his character could become far more interesting than the one we were given.
Next up: Brandon.
The most we know about him is that he's Sky's best friend/squire and is from Eraklyon just like Sky. We don't know jackshit about his family life. All we know is that he's loyal and a flirtatious guy. Even when he's dating Stella, he's still flirting with other girls!
Like wtf??
Sure, he gives Stella a heartfelt speech about always loving her for who she is, regardless of how she looks. But that's basically it. And I hate that the most I can give him is killing off his dad. Like, that's the most character I can give him. Because we don't know jackshit about his past. His goals. Or anything else about him. And it sucks.
Next: Timmy
I hate that we barely see any of him throughout the show. The most screentime we get of him is when he's searching for Tecna when she gets lost in the Omega Dimension. But the fact that he didn't go on that trip with Sky and Bloom just sucks. I get that they wanted to create some cute moments between them and they didn't want Timmy, the guy who literally found her coordinates, to be a third wheel. But his girlfriend was LITERALLY SUCKED INTO ANOTHER FRICKIN PLANET!!!!! I think he has every right to be on that trip. It could've shown his desperation and fear that he may not be able to find his love.
And as much as I love him when it comes to commitment and his girlfriend, he still falls into this category. because once again, we don't know his damn backstory. Hell, we don't even know where he's from!
Like Riven, Helia, or Nex. Unless it was specified in the show, we don't know where they're from.
I'm gonna assume that Timmy's from the same planet as Tecna, which is Zenith. A futuristic planet with highly advanced technology mixed with magic.
But here's the thing: The only thing about his character that may give me that answer is the fact that he's smart and likes to make robots.
That's the only reason why.
Nothing about his character design gave that away. Which may just come down to me being nit-picky. But I honestly don't care.
And I hate that I have to assume where he's from because the show never gives us any indication from his character.
For Tecna, she had no idea how to handle her feelings for Timmy and was constantly going back and forth on logic and heart because that was the norm in Zenith. Logic was their only answer. And for that, they probably have no reason for love or feelings.
Meanwhile for Timmy, he's automatically head over heels for her and has no problem confessing his love for Tecna. That could be chalked up to just how they were raised. But, as I've said before, we don't know how he was raised.
Next: Helia
You wanna know something crazy?
Originally, Helia was supposed to be a girl. But they changed his gender and made him a boy because Flora was the only one without a boyfriend. And they didn't want her to be single.
(Even though Aisha didn't have a boyfriend and was single until season 3)
The thing that gets me the most about Helia is that he's seen as the quiet and reserved nature lover of the group. Just like Flora. But even then, we barely hear from this fucking bastard.
Like, I get that he's supposed to be the quiet guy, but it's not like he's non-verbal. He can fucking talk!
At least we know from context clues that he's most likely from Linphea. The same planet Flora's from. But that's only because he's friends with the fucking princess of Linphea.
I guess you could chalk it up to his love for nature and pacifist personality, but that could be applied to anyone.
What's worse is that I couldn't even find/give him a reason as to why he's like this. I could just leave it and just say that "It's his personality. He was just born like that", but I refuse. The most i could give him was a large family. 6 sisters with him being the middle child.
Yes, I took a page out of 'Loud House', but I feel like it could work. You have absolutely no idea how much your family can shape and affect your personality.
But that's just me.
Next: Nabu
This is going to hurt me because he's my favorite out of all of the Specialists.
I want to say he falls into this category. I really do, but a part of me just doesn't have the heart to. Especially since he was basically the perfect match for Aisha/Layla.
Both come from wealthy families. Both have only known perfection throughout their lives, but are trying to break that mold and want to be their own person.
And I think it's perfect! Even if they were in an arranged marriage, they could still make it work.
You just have to develop their relationship over time. Have them do little things that makes the other fall in love with them bit by bit.
Unfortunately, they decided to fucking kill him off in season 4. Literally the season AFTER HE WAS FUCKING INTRODUCED!
And it pisses me off so much!
But back to his "Lover" trope:
See, he doesn't fall into it that much. If anything, I'd say he doesn't fall into it at all since we, as an audience, were given more than enough content of his past to make a clear picture of him.
Is this me being biased because he's my favorite? Absolutely.
And I think the reason as to why he was so loved by the fandom is because he was something new. He wasn't a copy paste of the same person but with a different personality and character design. He was something fresh.
Until they decided to fucking axe that and give us shit.
I don't wanna go too much into detail for Roy and Nex. Their characters bored me to death.
All you have to know is that Roy was the equivalent of the rebound summer fling for Aisha and Nex is like Riven, but worse. At least Riven was somewhat interesting as to why he acts the way he does. Nex is just an ass for no reason.
I get that this show is supposed to be for young girls. It's to encourage them that they can do anything. But you can have an uplifting girls show with interesting male characters.
With the reboot coming soon, I really do hope that the writers take their male characters into account and give them interesting personalities and not go down the Nickelodeon route and screw everything up.
From what I've heard, Iginio Straffi, the creator of Winx, is back to writing for the reboot. Even though his writing was flawed, I do hope that he's used these last 2-3 years in improving his characters and plot. From what I've heard, he's been working with authors from around the world. So this may be a sign of hope for the Winx fandom. Because god knows we need it.
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kiirous · 8 months
I started watching Voltron. I'm on season three now, and so far, I have these moods.
1: making fun of the voltron robots. Because it's power rangers all over again.
2: Keith is so pretty.
3: About Klance: just Kiss already.
4: Everything go boom!!!!! *cackles madly*
5: Keith is pretty
6: Coran is hilarious
7: Keith is pretty
8: Can you please stop making stupid decisions?
9: Shiro needs to be protected. Keith, too.
There are a lot of thoughts, but these stand out the most.
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winx-lore · 1 year
My thoughts on Believix and what should of been
(I know this is ultimately a kids show but sue me i'm not a fan of believix)
So the first three seasons show the girls evolving their powers till they get to the "final" stage of Enchantix. This was mentioned several times in the series as a fairies most powerful form, which seemed fitting with the larger wings, use of fairy dust, and being able to miniaturise like fairies in storybooks.
So when the concept of Believix was introduced, as a new stage to fairies magic that is stronger than Enchantix, it messed and downgraded all the sacrifice and effort that the fairies had to go through, both mentally (Charmix) and physically (flora drowned), to get earn Enchantix.
As well as this the concept of how they got their powers were a bit iffy - make people who don't believe in magic believe - like it seems very low barriers for a power which was stronger than Enchantix. Especially when there could be many planets in the magical dimension that may not be exposed to magic, so what is stopping any fairy from accidentally gaining Enchantix by making one of the people on one of these planets believe?.
So what would I propose instead?
I propose instead a magic transformation that can be more powerful than Enchantix but, so to not erase the concept of Enchantix, can only be used by fairies on Earth. (Terrix/Tirnix/Terranix)
This magic would be sourced from Tir na nog and would be what gives all earth fairies (such as Roxy & Morgana ) their powers. As their magic is connected to Tir Na Nog once they leave earth their connection with this magic is disconnected. This means that a fairy can only gain Terrix by being an earth born fairy or by being blessed with the power from an earth fairy.
These powers were originally centred around nature, with earth fairies being connected to the environment and lifeforms on the planet, but they later evolved to ensure earth fairy survival against fairy hunters and the wizards of the black circle. This created the abilities to see into the past, fly much faster than the average fairy or the ability to teleport (but an individual fairy can only have one of the three gifts).
This would mean the fairies still need to make Roxy believe in magic but they also need to make her believe in herself as until she transforms into an earth fairy and gives them the blessing they are unable to achieve this magic form and help defend from the Wizards of the black circle. This would also keep the environmental theme of S4 as the fairies would be much more connected to nature due to their new connection to Tir Na Nog.
Overall my concept of the season 4 power upgrade would allow the fairies to gain a stronger power but, by only having access to this power on earth, not erase the entire concept that Enchantix is the strongest power a fairy can.
This can also be carried to season 5 by making Sirenix be a power which can only be used exclusively in the infinite ocean. (Can then explain why Daphnes spirit is trapped in lake Roccaluce because her spirit is stuck in the infinite ocean cursed in her Sirenix form and lake Roccaluce can be an an entry gate to the infinite oceans)
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charmixpower · 1 year
Mythix rankings!! Kill me!!
Now let me get a complaint out of the way
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How are we going to design a mythical transformation??? Put all the girls in the same length homecoming dresses and glue a bunch of random flowers on them
Why are they're so many flowers everywhere! Why does Stella have so many flowers on her??? Why do they keep doing this to Stella???? They went really hard on the flowers for Tecna too???? You cover the fairy of technology in flowers???? For what????
Anyways I hate all the flowers!!! I hate them!!! I hate them so much!!! Why are they all covered in flowers???
Telling you all now so I don't break off into a rant about the flowers in each ranking, because god I would
Oh and all of their skirts are the exact same length, with the same collar for most of them, and only Stella has different sized boots. Because individually is above their pay grade
1) Bloom
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Her wings in Mythix???? Flat out gorgeous. They look like layered flames and I love them so much, I wish they were on a better transformation in a better written season
Her dress is the least offensive to my eyes, with some mild visual interest. The arm warmers are cute. It looks so ugly in 2d but in 3d it's tolerable, that shade of blue and purple are pretty together. Over all I love her color palette and wings, and I do not see the rest of it
2) Flora
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I am OBSESSED with her wings. Like they TRULY have a vibe I'd associate with the name Mythix. They look old and worn, with the holes in them, but still powerful. Like an ancient set of wings Flora got for herself, and it's such a cute visual
Flora being covered in a petal dress is lazy but easily the least egregious because she is the fairy of nature so it at least matches her personality and powers
3) Tecna
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TENCA'S WINGS ARE WEIRD AGAIN!!! NOW MAKE THEM WEIRDER!!!!! I love how geometric they are they look so strange, perfect perfect perfect
Her heels are also metallic which is sufficiently weird
Tecna would literally never wear that dress however, at least it's pointy, but it's a complete flop on the weird scale. Make it weirder. Make it cyber. Make it Tecna
4) Aisha
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Why is she a red head again. Well with Wow and s8 I think we know why
Anyways her wings are ready mid. They kinda look like a plant and I'm physically restraining myself from saying anymore about that. Her heels are weird in a fun way, and she has what looks like an ice skaters dress on?? I have no clue why they put Aisha in that but whatever. It's better than Flora's dress, win
5) Stella
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Her wings are almost good but I hate the shape of them. The colors are gorgeous though
Anyways Stella's dress is boring and the FUCKING CORSAGE. AHHHH. I'm normal I'm normal
Anyways her dress is so fucking boring and literally for what!!! It's just orange!!!!
Her purple part under her skirt and the fabric over her boots also look like fire???? For some reason?????? Like it looks like a mix of a Bloom and Flora outfit and it drives me up the fucking wall
6) Musa
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I like her corset, it looks like musical staffs
Thats it
Her wings look like moth wings, her hair is so ugly, her shoes have weird staff plant things on them, her skirt is weird and fuzzy, her hair things are weird and fuzzy
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ariariarimu · 3 months
Well done. There is not a single white one left among the Winx, this is such a revenge to the creators that in season 8 they made Flora and Musa white.
yayy revenge!! :D anyways idk if i mentioned my hcs but bloom is west asian, musa is east asian, tecna is north african, flora is afrolatina, stella is black mediterranean, and aisha is west african or carribean! i dont have any specific countries anymore but itd be cool if their planets drew inspo from these hcs too. like how melody is obv based on asian countries
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vhstown · 9 months
idc how toxic your ship is nothing will ever top riven and musa in winx club
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spilledmilkfkdies · 1 year
Do you have any unpopular wizard opinions?
Uuhhhhhhh hhmmm??? I used to think not really, but these days I have no idea how unpopular certain takes are, both in general and under wizard enjoyers specifically. Lemme just uhhh carefully throw some things out there that I've been thinking about-
So I know there are several, very valid reasons to dislike the Wizards of the Black Circle, like the Black Circle in question is made of actual spray painted soggy cardboard, go off- But a thing I still see floating around sometimes is that they suck because they killed Nabu? Which, when you think about it? Not really? Yes, he died closing their portal thing, but that's technically not a direct kill. Ogron kept him from being resurrected, he definitely did do that, but did he kill Nabu? No?? Nabu kinda. Killed himself. And like I said, Ogron absolutely had a hand in him not um. Getting back up from it. But if you're gonna shit on him or even the whole group, at least do it for what they actually did y'know?
Okay lightning round!!
The canon interactions between Flora and Anagan do very little for me. Gantlos has the best fit it slaps so hard. It's fair that people consider the wizards weak due to how canon portrayed them, but it still makes me a little sad sometimes.
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I know I am late talking about this but a while ago this promo image of Winx season 9/the Winx reboot popped up on the internet. I had a rant before about not liking the new transformation designs. In my opinion the original Magic Winx designs are much better and I will never understand why they want to change it as every design suited each fairy so perfectly. The new wing designs are much more generic and boring too. The crowns are pretty, yes, but it looks like everyone gets a crown now, taking away from the uniqueness of the individual designs. Or, they did it because everyone is a princess now, something I think would also be a bad choice. As much as I love the designs and differences between the kingdoms in the Magic Dimension, I thought it was a good thing not every Winx was royalty, showing that you do not necesarily need to be a princess to be special. Yet, for the girls who are princesses, the stories and how each girl deals with the responsibility of being a princess was very interesting. All these unique stories are part of what made Winx so good and interesting. The bags they wear in the new transformation designs I personally just do not like, as in my opinion it does not look so 'fairy-like'.
On to the casual outfits;
First the positives. Even though overall I am very unhappy with these designs, there are things I do like! Mainly, the hairstyles. I love how Bloom has her messy hair back. Flora gets to keep her original hair too, a style that just looks wonderful on her. Musa's buns are super cute, I love how it gives a nod to her season 1 hairstyle. Tecna looks fabulous. As much as I love Layla/Aisha's original curles, I think she looks great with braids too! The only thing I think that is wrong with the hairstyles is that Stella has no bangs. I want Stella's bangs back!
I also like that there seem to be different face shapes, making each girl more unique. A great choice I think! Their heights and body types seem to vary now too. Something I think could be a nice touch too! I always imagined Layla/Aisha and Stella to be tall, I think it suits them! Musa looks super cute short! I only would have liked it if Bloom was shorter too, as I always imagined her that way. But that could be subconcious shameless self-projection too, as I am short and always recognised a lot of myself in Bloom. Also I would just love to see more short main characters in general hahaha
Now the negatives, mainly, the outfits. To be completely honest. I hate them all. Some have some good elements but they are just.... too much. More is not always more. In this case, more just is a mess. I think they also do not fit the original Winx vibe at all. Where are the crop tops? I want the crop tops back! Especially for Bloom crop tops were such a recognisable element of her style.... I think out of all of the girls, Bloom's reboot outfit here is the worst. It looks awfully messy and childish. There is way too much going on. Sometimes less is more. There are way too many patterns. Bloom is not wearing the outfit. The outfit is wearing Bloom. This especially hurts as Bloom has always been my favourite fairy. They did her sooo dirty. I am scared they might have put her in flat shoes too.... The girl just needs her heels! Lastly, why so much pink. Where are the blue shades that made her outfits so iconic? I hate it.
Almost everyone wears a lot of pink now, again taking away from the girls' individualities. Pink is a pretty colour, but using it this way does simply not work. Especially with Stella it is a problem. Stella does not look like Stella. Stella looks like Barbie. Now there is of course nothing wrong with Barbie, but please give Stella back her oranges and greens. It made her stand out! Now she looks so generic and like she is a copy of Barbie....
I love how Flora has this 70's vibe going on. But they just piled too much on top of each other, something that is a problem with a lot of the reboot outfits. I do like that Flora has her hoop earrings again.
Tecna's outfit is not awful, but her original is way better in my opinion. I do like how her outfit still looks futuristic. I will just not understand why each leg of her leggings has a different colour. I also think the fabric wrapping around her arm looks messy. I do like the material of her skirt. Also, give Tecna her purples back.
I like that Layla/Aisha has this sporty vibe going on but.... oof. The way they coloured her outfit is once again... messy. It does not look cohesive. It looks so random. Why oh why. I like the shape of her cropped (yay!) top/hoodie but there just is something wrong with that skirt I cannot quite put my finger on.
I think colour scheme wise, Musa is the least awful. I think it was a good choice to put her in pants, Musa has always had a bit more of a tomboyish vibe in the original three seasons, I think that suits her so well! But again. I am missing the crop top. And again, there is too much going on. Now I don't say everyone always has to wear a crop top at all times, but more crop tops would definitely help create that original Winx vibe.
I will never understand why they keep trying to fix things that are not broken. I so wholeheartedly hope these outfit designs will still change a lot and that the girls will at least get their original personalities back in this reboot, but after seeing these outfit designs I am mostly just scared. I wish it wasn't cgi animation too, the 2D animation of the original seasons was much more expressive and so so beautiful and unique, even with animation mistakes. At least this cgi looks better than the season 5+ cgi....
Super long rant over, please let me know what your opinion about these reboot designs is! :)
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
Helia x magma fairy comfort
A/n: I'm feeling fluffy. I finished this and it didn't save so I had to redo it😞
⚠️: fem coded, use of the pet names 'love' and 'my love'
P/n= planet name
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You were in pain
5 days ago you had gone to get the gem of bravery
And thanks to dark magic you saw an illusion of the dark winx
"You're a fake" one said "Not a real fire fairy" another spat "We have enough fire and light fairies"
You had been struggling to stay positive
What if it was true
What if you were a fake
The others were worried about you
So what did they do
They called helia the most understanding person yiu know and your boyfriend of 4 years
"Y/n" his soft voice said as you sat reading in the court yard of Alfea
His dark hair lose in front of his face yet his face was soft
No his eyes the softest
"My love, you are not ok I can tell" he said softer than seconds earlier
"I'm no your right" you said closing the book and setting it down
"I fell like of the fake winx, we have bloom she has the great dragon flame that made the magic universe, zrelka the fairy of the sun AND moon" you said your eyes watering "heck both are princess"
Helia pulled you closer to him and ran thus hand though you hair
"Y/n my love you are not at fake" he said calmly
"You are the guardian of p/n"
You sat listening to his soft words and nodded slowly
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This is based on how I think a fire fairy would feel. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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thereisnolumos · 6 months
Despite the fact that Tecna's Enchantix gain is my top favorite one, I will forever be bitter that it proved that THERE WAS NO PROBLEM FOR BLOOM TO GAIN A FULL ENCHANTIX TOO!
Tecna didn't sacrifice herself to save anyone from her planet, so why was it made to be an impossible problem for Bloom to get a full normal Enchantix just bcs she doesn't have anyone from her planet to save??????
I'm 28 years old and it still infuriates me to this day
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