the-transid-gacha · 3 months
Name: Lulu, Noctilionine, please lots of names.
Gender: femme boygirl xenogirl nyuhafu man, doll/cute/undead/winter xenos please.
TransIDs: transhikikomori, permakigurumi, crutchian, transmuette.
CisIDs: cotards, ball-jointed doll, taxidermy, permapatient, caneian, autistic.
Pronouns: ♡t/♡ts, lace/lacie, suki/kirai, ghw/ghwst. lots of pronouns please
Species: none needed. ball jointed doll, marionette, porcelain doll, ragdoll lalaloopsy, plush, banette, ghost, ghost-type, yokai, jiangshi, zombie, undead, vampire, dhampir, ghoul, lamb, bunny, seraphim, angel, AI, program, virus, android, vocaloid.
Ages: dollage, permateen, mortemchro.
Sources: artiswitch, more if you think they fit.
Roles: currently facet of median system host, roles needed please.
Appearance: Lulu (artiswitch) but otherwise need add ons from trans/cisIDs please.
Also add: fashion style, add on from gothic lolita please.
Likes: parasols, sunflowers, ice cream, porcelain tiles, plushies, crowds, cuteness, cats, traffic lights, heights, short nails.
Dislikes: summer, meat, the blue of the sky, tanning, sweat, t-shirts, carbonated things, yelling, people, the sound of honking, post boxes, used clothes, school, home, split ends, trains, clocks, pidgeons, gossip, toxic masculinity, dirty children.
Paras: big 3, biasto, somno, musk, hoplo, plusho, sangui, add more please.
Emoji sign offs: 🌀
Names: Lulu, Noctilionine, Neo, Luna, Dollie, Blue, Gray, Cumulus, Cyclone, Cryo, Mari, Nina, Bun, Bunny, Angel, Angie, Lola, Or Mia
Genders: Femme, Boygirl, Xenogirl, Nyuhafu man, Dollgender, Dollboygirl, Shatteredollgender, Cutegender, Cutecoric, Xenocollector, Cutecreature, Cutefluffysoftgender, Undeadgender, Corpsegender, Mascdead, Femdead, Cryptfluid, Lovizomb, Winterspacic, Wintercoric, Snowgender, Genderfrio, Winteress, Wintergirl, & Winterfrilled
Orientations: Hypersexual, Abrosexual, Abromantic, Frayromantic, Panromantic, & Gaybian
TransIDs: TransHikikomori, PermaKigurumi, Crutchian, TransMuette, TransGeneration, TransSDAM, TransUniverse, Trans2019, PermaARG, NullJoints, TransShopaholic, NullDNA, TransBlankQueer, NullSpine, TransFrontTriger, TransSweetTooth, TransJiraikei, TransLobotomizer, TransDesire, TransOpinionFluid, TransAIWS, TransPersonality, TransCultMember, TransConcept, TransDysphoria, TransVegetarian, TransProgrammed, & TransProgrammer
CisIDs: Cotards, BJD, Taxidermy, PermaPatient, Caneian, Autistic, PermaWeight, Manipulative, OCD, Secret admirer, Obsessive, Catalepsy, Photophobia, Epilepsy, Sleep paralysis, Narcolepsy, PermaBandaged, CIPA, PermaEarly, & Multilingual
Pronouns: ♡t/♡ts, Lace/Lacie, Suki/Kirai, Ghw/Ghwst, Doll/Doll's, She/Her, D♡ll/D♡ll's, It/It's, Marionette/Marionette's, Puppet/Puppet's, Ragdoll/Ragdoll's, Vamp/Vamp's, Zomb/Zomb's, Z♡mb/Z♡mb's, Undead/Undead's, Bun/Bun's, Bunny/Bunny's, Lamb/Lamb's, Virus/Virus's, & Glitch/Glitch's
Species: BJD, Marionette, Porcelain doll, Ragdoll, Lalaloopsy, Plush, Banette, Ghost, Ghost-type, Yokai, Jiangshi, Zombie, Undead, Vampire, Dhampir, Ghoul, Lamb, Bunny, Seraphim, Angel, AI, Program, Virus, Android, & Vocaloid
Ages: Dollage, PermaTeen, & Mortemchro
Source: Artiswitch
Roles: Facet of median system host, Protector, Reducer, Artisan, Experiencer, & Extirpator (TransProgrammer)
Likes: Parasols, Sunflowers, Ice cream, Porcelain tiles, Plushies, Crowds, Cuteness, Cats, Traffic lights, Heights, & Short nails
Dislikes: Summer, Meat, The blue of the sky, Tanning, Sweat, T-shirts, Carbonated things, Yelling, People, The sound of honking, Post boxes, Used clothes, School, Home, Split ends, Trains, Clocks, Pigeons, Gossip, Toxic masculinity, & Dirty children
Paras: Big 3, Biastophilia, Somnophilia, Musk, Hoplophilia, Plushophilia, Sangui, Dacryphilia, Cordophilia, Ecouteurism, & Voyeurism
Emoji sign off: 🌀
Fashion styles: Gothic lolita, Lolita, Jiraikei, Gyaru, Creepy cute, Cyberpunk, Grunge, & Pastel goth
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Here you go!!!!
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hello! we saw your blog in the build a headmate tag yesterday and we like your vibe!!! can we please request a headmate based on winter, december, nighttime, general coldness, snowfall and ice and Winter? (nothing christmas related though !!!)
notes : teenager (13-19), vaguely nonhuman is some way? humanoid but not a Human Human, masc? fem? all? both and neither?,
notes 2 : please please please not a white person. body is poc. brown skin for the win 🔥🔥🔥
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Winter Headmate
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Names: Bianca, Eira, Eirwen, Andri, Juniper, Isolde
Pronouns: He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, Snow/Snows, Flake/Flakes, Soft/Softs, Frozen/Frozens, Cold/Colds, Ice/Ices, Sharp/Sharps, Star/Stars, Moon/Moons
Genders: Pangender, Winterpoetic, Yukinic, Girlprince, Genderfrio, Snowperihumic, Winteress, Snowstarthing, Snowynightgender
Age: 15-17
Roles: Comforter, Pacifier, Praiser
Likes: Painting, Telling stories, Hot chocolate, PDA, Playing in snow, Fog, Snow globes
Dislikes: Heat, Insects, Pranks, Crowds, New things, Cleaning up
Personality traits: Could talk all day long, Looks cold but is very warm, Doesnt trust people, Shy, Creative, Self-Centered
Appearance: Dark skin, dark brown hair with blond-ish roots, Blue eyes, Androgynous, Sharp teeth
Extra: Selkie or just a shapeshifter
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Resident Evil 8 Master List
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House Dimitrescu
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu
House Heisenberg
Lord Karl Heisenberg
House Winteress
Ethan Winters
Mia Winters
Rosemary Winters
House Moreau & Beneviento
Salvatore Moreau
Donna Beneviento
All of the houses
Drabbles- Love Language (01/06/23)
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ghostsiren · 3 years
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from a lovely day in February, pre-covid times...
@ghostsiren with @hauntedthimble photographed by @cottagewren 
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sheepmouseghostwolf · 5 years
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a-crocusblooms · 6 years
@winteresse asked for an audience with the princess!
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           “ Annabelle-sama  --  it’s an honour to have been invited to your beautiful country, ”  Hisui had to be a lot more proactive now, in light of her father’s ill-health; she could only hope and pray that her words appeared as sincere as they were intended to be. The Princess’ head dips in a display of her gratitude and respect, before managing level eye-contact one more. Breathe... “ Your hospitality is most generous. ”
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violettesiren · 3 years
That which is wild moves to its own law, always changing, always hot, cheating death. I learned early I was a cold girl—nothing more, unyielding, fixed—unreachable, unchangeable. A being like me, wilts in the sun— leave me in my winter, here I am powerful.
Winteress by Segovia Amil
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Rapid- Sebastian Stan x Reader
Based of this
Word count: 900
a/n: this was written on my phone so sorry if it looks weird !
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“Welcome back to the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon! When we last left off we had a nice chat with some of the Marvel cast. Welcome back Sebastian Stan, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth and Anthony Mackie!” The audience broke out in applause as Jimmy welcomed everyone back to the show.
“So, were gonna play a game” Jimmy was too excited for his own good. You and Sebastian shared a look, as did the rest of the cast. You and Sebastian had always been close, since the moment you stepped foot on set, you instantly clicked. You always wanted something more but he didn't feel the same.
“So, if you would all go stand at your podiums” He gestured to 6 podiums in the middle of the stage, each with a name. Yours was Moons, a nickname cretaed by Sebastian the day he met you, due to your werewolf necklace and bracelet, Seb was Snowy Soldier, you let out a giggle at his name, Scarlett's was Little Red, pretty fitting, Cevans was Americas Ass, You all laughed at that one, Chris Hemsworth's was, Giant Thunder man, very fitting, and Mackie's was Bird boy, the look on his face was priceless. You all moved over to the podiums.
“Okay, so, im going to ask you all some general/Marvel related trivia, and the person with the least amount of right answers looses. Their forfeit is, they have to rapid fire answer some embarrassing questions!” Your stomach sank You knew that you would loose, this was your first Marvel movie, and you had never really followed it before. And your general knowledge wasn't great either. Seb sensed your worry, and nudged your arm with his elbow.
“You'll do great” He gave you a huge smile that made the whole world fade. You smiled back and averted your gaze.
“You ready Ladies and Gents?” A chorus of Yes’s and clap from the audience ensued. “Right, Question 1, What was the first Marvel Cinematic Universe film” Scarlett immediately pressed her buzzer and answered Iron man. The rest of the cast scowled jokingly. A few more questions where asked, and you failed miserably, even on the questions about you.
“Question 7: What's the name of Bucky Barnes love interest?” Even though it was your character, Sebastian still managed to hit the buzzer before you.
“The winteress!” He smiled over at you, with a glint in his eyes as he said it. You just rolled your eyes.
“(Y/N), that's your character!” Scarlett said, incredulous that you didn't get a single question right.
“I know, I know, shh” The cast giggled as Seb layed a hand on your arm, your cheeks flushed and you looked away. The questions went on. And on. And on. Unsurprisingly, you didn't get any questions right. So you had to answer the embarrassing rapid fire questions. Yay.
“Miss. (Y/N) is in the hot seat! She lost the last challenge” You pulled a face as Seb giggled. “So she must answer some embarrassing questions, very quickly” Jimmy introduced, you just frowned. You hated being embarrassed. Seb shot you a quick smile, which you just gave a pouty face too. “You ready, (Y/N/N)?” Jimmy said with a smile.
“Absolutely not”
“Great!” The audience laughed and applauded, and so the timer began.
“When did you stop wetting the bed?”
“11” the audience laughed once again, as you flushed red.
“First kiss?”
“Popular in high school?”
“Absolutely not”
“First boyfriend?” Your face flushed red, how where you supposed to tell them you where a 20 year old popular actor and you've never had a boyfriend. Ugh make something up!
“Uh, 16”
“Age you lost your V Card?”
“Ew!” You scrunched your face and giggled.
“17!” Sebastian shouted from his chair. You turned to face him with a shocked look.
“Ugh Seb!” You threw your water bottle at him, and he caught it with ease.
“First cast member you met?”
“Worst cast member?”
“Seb” He pulled an offended face from the sideline and you laughed.
“Favourite cast member?”
“ooo, its gotta be Mark Ruffalo” Sebastian pulled an equally offended face again as you whispered ‘Sorry Sebby’.
“Most nosy cast member?”
“Oh RDJ for sure”
“Most fun cast member?”
“Mackie all day every day” He laughed and jokingly blew you a kiss, which you returned.
“Cast member with the best house?”
“Best cook?”
“ever had romantic thoughts about a cast member?”
“Seb” The entire studio went quiet as you had just admitted your huge-ass crush on your co-star best friend. Scarlett covered her mouth in shock and giggled.
“What?” You asked confused, until it hit you. “Oh my god!” Your hands flew to your mouth as your face flushed, and you sank deeper into your chair. Jimmy looked towards you with his mouth open and laughed.
“Well wasn't that a revelation!” He said towards the audience, who where equally shocked. You turned around to look at Sebastian, hoping against hope that you hadn't just ruined your friendship. But, to your surprise, he had the biggest shit eating grin on his face as a blush coated his cheeks. You turned around and tried to sink deeper into your chair, hoping the ground would just swallow you up. Oh no.
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ao3feed-romione · 3 years
We Carry on (Not Final Title)
We Carry On (Not final title) by Winteress Soldier
!Trigger warning for the entire work!
“Expecto patronum..” she whispers weakly and the warm, blue glow of Prongs fills the room. She cracks open an eye, letting his presence comfort her. “Sorry, buddy” she whispers and the stag lets out a mournful croon. “Didn't want to be alone, not h-here” she wheezes, the stag pressing his head to her shaky, blood-covered palm. She's not sure when he became solid.
‘At least, if I die, I have magic still with me’ she thinks to herself, the strength to keep her eyes open fading. Faintly, she recognises that she's grateful, not that she wanted to die here but it's better than being alone. She'd expected worse.
Words: 4960, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of It's Not A Race To The End (Series)
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Dursley Family, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Nymphadora Tonks, Order of the Phoenix, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Cedric Diggory, Kreacher, Lee Jordan
Relationships: Harry Potter/Charlie Weasley, Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Bill Weasley & Charlie Weasley & Fred Weasley & George Weasley & Ginny Weasley & Ron Weasley, Ron Weasley & Kreacher, Kreacher & Harry Potter, Theodore Nott & Harry Potter, Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini, Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter, Seamus Finnigan & Neville Longbottom & Harry Potter & Dean Thomas & Ron Weasley
Additional Tags: Female Harry Potter, Good Friend Ron Weasley, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley Friendship, Past Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory Dies, Lots of Angst, BAMF Charlie Weasley, Protective Charlie Weasley, Good Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini Flirts, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy is still an asshole, like not evil, like I love them but they're still snakes with no idea how to handle emotions, They come in later, slowburn, endgame Charlie Weasley/Harry Potter, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abuse, Sirius Black Lives, Order of the Phoenix Meetings, Order of the Phoenix, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's Army, Supportive Ron Weasley, BAMF Ron Weasley, Ron Weasley is Our King, BAMF Harry Potter, Ron Weasley is So Done, Harry Potter is a Horcrux, Harry Potter is Bad at Feelings, Harry Potter is So Done, Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Harry Potter Needs Therapy
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36874954
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insurgent87 · 5 years
KT8 - Winteress (2019) FULL ALBUM
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winteressspider · 5 years
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|| All Along, It was always You ||
-Harrison Osterfieldx Reader -
Hi, so this is my first time doing this so please don't judge but I wanted to give it a go so yeah Trope: Bestfriends to lovers! Marvel cast. This is for the @mcuspidey writing challenge _________________________________________
She's not sure when it happened, it kind of just did or maybe it always was that way and she didn't know why but suddenly all she could think about was every thing to do with him from his eye's the colour of chocolate drops to the way his hair curls after a shower or when he's ran out the door with 5 seconds to spare to get somewhere on time leaving hair an unruly mess and his smile always somewhat mischevious but he never fails to be kind something that just attracts her more, even if he's completely oblivious to the way she feels but at least they are bestfriends even if she wants something more
Working on set with him became hard so far nobody had found out and she'd rather keep it that way and she thought she was, y/n flopped onto the lounge in her trailer. Y/n is actually an Aussie actor having been brought into marvel for The Winter Soldier as Everest knight or The Winteress her specialty being winter based powers and sidekick to The Winter Soldier becoming fast friends with Tom holland when he came on for Civil War, oh and we can't forget harrison either he is what y/n would call her other best friend who also happened to know about y/n’s feelings.
The door opened Y/n looked up to meet 2 sad sky blue eyes looking back at her he flopped down next to her no words needing to be said. Harrison looks at her trying to decide whether or not to speak ultimately deciding to talk "Y/n are you sure that you can't just tell him, i'm just worried your gonna get yourself hurt and i don't want to watch that" harrison admits worry shining clear as day in his eyes as well as something else that y/n couldn't quite place but it made her feel reassured and nice, something she hasn't felt in a long time
=A Week Later= Tom remained none the wiser y/n knows Harrison advice was only meant to help but it didn't stop the thoughts from swimming around her head. Tom was slowly killing her by the way he would throw his arm around her shoulder a gesture that meant nothing now means something to her but Tom remains oblivious which made the hurt even worse. Today is the day of the premier for Spider-Man FFH Y/n got hit with a wave of nostalgia as she sat leaning back with a sigh she couldn’t believe how far she’s come from when she started she can still remember the day she got the call saying she got the part one of the best days of her life hands down. Getting out of the limo she smiled and waved as the crowd went crazy for her, stopping and posing every now and then until she made it into the theater quickly finding her seat and taking it The movie was amazing and just, wow. It surpassed all expectations.
Everybody started to make their way to the after party excited whispers making there way around about getting to meet famous people while others weren't as excited having done this all before. Y/n pulled up a bright smile on her face she walked through the door smiling so many people are there already drinks in hand chatting with music blaring in the background hugging and waving to a few people Y/n is quick to find Z one of her closest friends since the tour started sometimes beinv with the boys could get a bit much, she quickly picks up conversation with her "that was awesome you were amazing Z" she said, Z smiled a slight blush covering her cheeks "you were to, it turned out so much better then I ever could have dreamt" they talk for a bit longer about anything and everything before Y/n spots two of her other co-stars playing a game so she decides to say bye to Z before joining them for a game or two
Y/n's POV
I smile at Z giving her a quick hug before going off to talk to Jacob and Tony quickly getting ropped into a game of truth or dare. 5 games and 2 beers later I jump up "I'll be back in a bit I need the toliet" I explain before trying to find the way to the toliet eager to get away the game getting a bit more intense a few dares in which I hope to never have to think about again, I turn a corner to see t-tom kissing some blonde up against the wall a silent tear falls and I step back a couple steps before turning and running away out the front only to get soaked by the downpour I didn't realise was even happening.
I slide down the brick wall my mascara smudging from the combination of tears and rain, a hand is placed on my shoulder I spin to meet sad, crystal blue eyes. Harrison pulls me close hugging me while i cry, suddenly I realise something. Harrison was always there for me, helped me, made me laugh, wiped away the tears. looking at his face I bite my lip taking a breath before I lose all confidence I place my lips on his in a soft, gentle kiss sparks flying my eyes naturally falling shut. Once I pull away Harrison looks at me in surprise, I put my forehead on his our noses bumping I close my eyes a tear slipping through the cracks "All along it was you, it always was" I whisper before connecting our lips again. It may have taken a while but I finally realised that I loved him, it was always him
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Winteress(Winter SoldierxReader) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/FxmI8U0G7W You are Winter Soldier's partner. Your H.D.Y.D.R.A name in Winterress. You are out set to find and capture Steve and Natasha for experiments. But, things do not go as planned. This story includes some torture and some mild language.
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coeurspire · 5 years
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
this is a self call out because i’ll shed light on my muse list which has gone out of control ages ago so get ready:
sherry / @lamiafangedotp: sherr.yon / notp: sher.ren / brotp: shenny with @belsimuur / @fideliiotp: silv.ur / notp: ur being anywhere close to her father. also (and i guess i could’ve skipped this part) …. gray and lyon. just no. no. / brotp: * laughs with salad * please let her have friends, i’m  begging  youlibra / @selenitiiotp: libra x pisces junior (look i have my headcanons and i won’t shut up) / notp: libra x any summoner / brotp: libraries & libraquariusaquarius / @sacreceanotp: aqua x scorpio / notp: aqua x any summoner / brotp: aquaries, libraquarius, aqua, pisces senior and capricorn bc, again, i have my hcs and they #matterjura / @rulesearthotp: i ship him with my own oc and i admit it / notp: romantic jura x sherry, i guess. also: jura x most of the cast because he’s in his mid to late thirties and the majority of the female cast isn’t even 25 / brotp: jura and his guild but especially PLATONIC jura and sherryannabelle / @winteresseotp: annaphael / notp: refer to the last hc on her blog and you’ll #know / brotp: anna and her friends (they’ll show up in a drabble i REALLY should finish)auburn / @autumnfatedotp: noburn. noburn. aaaand noburn. / notp: auburn x being an enabler which is sadly v much canon / brotp: aupril, cashburn, dimiburn, joburn, auburn and dylan, auburn and fay … she has lots of friendsfreya / @ofmsfortuneotp: the people who follow her know i ship frayden, but even more than that, i ship freya and happiness in any non-self-destructive form she can get it / notp: the other frayden, lmao aka freya x auburn / brotp: in verses where it’s not as complicated, rosehunter, the other frayden™, freya and dimitri (esp in cousin verses)fay / @hiemaliisotp: i GUESS richfae? but also charfay when it is not a mess. / notp: fay and her bad decisions. girl, stop. / brotp: DAWNHUNTER, charfay, rosehunter when they are not trying to kill each other, winter squad™ and winter squad + 10eleanor / @carnationheartedotp: seleanor / notp: leanry / brotp: isadionor theresia / @enthusiastiicsotp: dimiresia. that hand holding though. also: clausia. it’s a cute ship, even if it can enable unhealthy coping mechanisms / notp: i don’t think i actually  have  a real notp for her? that’s surprising tbh. / brotp: definitely josia. dimiresia when they are living in denial.  maybe  sia and dylan? (could they get along, @rottenxleaves?). sia and rae. 
asks for muns with  many  muses. selectively accepting.
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ghostsiren · 5 years
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“I am not actually tired, but numb and heavy, and can’t find the right words. All I can say is: Stay with me, don’t leave me.” - Franz Kafka, Letters To Felice . Photo was a collaboration with @saddergoblins and @seal.wife 🖤 . . . #winteress #frozen #hygge #antiqueclothes #girlsinwhite https://www.instagram.com/p/B7tWx9LnwiF/?igshid=ixuku4wd2ut9
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winteresse · 6 years
i’m considering to change the url to glaicesse, but i’m not sure yet. also free: winteresse. someone help me pick; im a libra
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