#winged obi wan
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chyarui · 6 months ago
the idea of winged obi-wan has been living in my head rent free for MONTHS and i finally got around to it, enjoy guys! (and let me know if you wanna see more 👀)
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The jedi having feathers growing in their hair was too funny a concept to not include- they just have perpetual bed head at a young age when their feathers are still growing (the REAL REASON why Mace shaved his head)
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theposeknowsart · 2 years ago
But Babe, I Thought I Was the Science Experiment in this Relationship
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Cody, I know you think he’s cute, but the feral boy you found in the woods is going to bite you.
08-07-2023: Day 2 of CodyWan Week! And 2nd ever Star Wars Art!
The prompt I went with was Wings!
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rochenn · 1 year ago
Actually i just wanna see obi wan in the orange rebel pilot suit please
ah yes! ben the rebel ace gunner. we've all heard of him
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frostbitebakery · 8 months ago
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“Good. Very good. Now try to relax your back muscles gradually. Very good, you’re doing great. Try a slow downstroke. Good. And up. Up, very good, up— no, it’s okay, it’s okay, I got you. It’s okay. Back spasms suck, I know. We’re done for today. You did great, Obi-Wan.”
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finniigan · 3 months ago
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I'm excited to finally be able to post my second bit of art for the @obikinbb! This one was in partnership with @rimedehoth and you'll be able to find their fic here ~ I hope everyone enjoys reading :3
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tcards · 6 months ago
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boredflautist · 11 months ago
quotes that keep me alive
"all the people are fake, they're made out of metal. But I like you, and that is not fake" -young royals
"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world." -song of achilles
"No one ever says goodbye unless they want to see you again." -turtles all the way down
"I want to be with you. If we have to keep it a secret then... So be it, if thats the only way... But no more secrets between us. I love you" -young royals
"Why does the word 'love' from you hurt me so damn much?" -Only Friends
"I've always thought Ray was my 25th hour, my extra hour. But the truth is, everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. And within Ray's 24 hours, I'm not part of it. I'm not that special." -Only Friends
"If I'm gone, I won't be anyone's burden anymore, right?" -Only Friends
"You were wearing corduroy, acting like a poster boy" -poster boy by Lyn Lapid
"I would recognize you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognize you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion" -song of achilles
"Tell me every terrible thing that you ever did, and let me love you anyway" -edgar allan poe
"The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you... I can't breathe. I'm haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me. My heart is beating, hoping that that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me... What can I do? I will do anything that you ask." -anakin skywalker
"If changin' my clothes would make you like me more, if changing my hair would make you care, then I'd grab the kitchen scissors and cut myself to slivers" -jigsaw by conan gray
"'Sorry' doesn't make up for everything you did to me." -heartstopper
"You were my brother Anakin. I loved you." -revenge of the sith
"The truth is what I make it. I could set the world on fire, and call it rain." -red queen
" But isn't it also that on some fundamental level we find it difficult to understand that other people are human beings in the same way that we are? We idolize them as gods or dismiss them as animals." -paper towns
"And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like 'I love you'" -somethin' stupid by frank sinatra
"Tell me it isn't true. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm blind. Tell me you love me. " -shatter me
"I do want to be your friend. I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want to be that kind of friend." -shatter me
"The truth is a painful reminder of why I prefer to live among the lies" -shatter me
"'Don't ask me questions you already know the answers to. Twice I've laid myself bare for you and all it's gotten me was a bullet wound and a broken heart. Don't torture me,' He says, meeting my eyes again. 'It's a cruel thing to do, even to someone like me.'" -shatter me
"Everything's a game, Avery Grambs. The only thing we get to decide in this life is if we play to win." -inheritance games
"The world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive." -the last olympian "You think I didn't fight the same fight? I halfway convinced myself that as long as Avery was just a riddle or a puzzle, as long as I was just playing, I'd be fine. Well, joke's on me, because somewhere along the way, I stopped playing." -the Hawthorne legacy
"When you're ready, if you're ever ready, if it's going to be me - just flip that disk. Heads, I kiss you." His voice broke slightly. "Tails, you kiss me. And either way, it means something." -the Hawthorne legacy
"Hell is empty, and all the devils are here" -william shakespeare
"But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all" -10 things I hate about you
"It's just like the novels, side characters end up alone" -footnote by conan gray
"You made us past tense," I said, my voice cracking, "not me." -betting on you
"Because when they write the history of my life, I want it to include you" -red white and royal blue
"My life is the crown, and yours is just politics, and I will not trade one prison for another" -red white and royal blue
"Or maybe it was when I realized the bruises on your neck were fingerprints and wanted to kill them all over again just so I could do it slowly. Maybe it was the first time I recklessly kissed you or when I realized I'm fucked because I can't stop thinking about doing more than just kissing you. Does it even matter when, as long as it changed between us?" -fourth wing
"Oh darling all of the cities lights, never shined as bright as your eyes" -car's outside by james arthur
"I would rather lose this entire war than live without you, and if that means I have to prove myself over and over again, then I'll do it. You gave me your heart and I'm keeping it." -iron flame
"Because pain in the body quiets the pain in your head. It feels good - like a kill switch for your brain" -kill switch
"Then take your punishment like the pathetic creature that you are" -cruel prince
"Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It's disgusting, and I can't stop." -cruel prince
"If you're the sickness, I suppose you can't also be the cure." -the wicked king
"I hate you. I hate you so much that sometimes I can't think of anything else." -the wicked king
"Yes, my sweet villain, my darling god. I will be as sober as a stone carving, just as soon as I can." -the wicked king
"She is my wife," Cardan says, his voice carrying over the crowd. "The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile." -the queen of nothing
"By you, I am forever undone." -the queen of nothing
"Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart, if you just. Just come home." -the queen of nothing
"I wasted all those yesterdays and am completely out of tomorrows" -they both die at the end
"For what it's worth, I doubt I will ever like anyone else in the world as much as I like you." -book lovers
"I'd never thought about my favorite color before. It never seemed important. Not until I looked into a pair of ocean-blue eyes and realized that perhaps drowning was a beautiful thing" -powerless
if you've made it to the end good god please get some sleep
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ymeisli · 2 years ago
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Codywan Week Day 2, Wings
do i love wing aus? yes, do i hate drawing wings? absolutely yes so this is veryy half assed and i sorta rushed it but i hope you enjoy anyways 🫶🫶
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thivell · 10 months ago
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To the ones who had to see me go through bird insanity
It's only gonna get worse
Anyway! New little winged au I'll be drawing and doing doodles for starting with Obi Wan having a Harris's Hawk. For the WFA au birds are really just picked on vibes but some do have meanings behind them
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chiliger · 2 years ago
With the wing au, they're is a chance that Cody does a mating dance like the birds of paradise to seduce Obi-Wan
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First of all, Tumblr ate this ask and I didn't know it existed until I logged on my desktop. Then I sat on this ask for like a week and half cuz each attempt to come up with a response just had me laughing at the mental image. And finally, last night, like the angels singing, I got a 3 a.m. spur of inspiration that allowed me to make:
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If mating dances were a thing, Cody would own it.
So, uh, thanks for the ask. Cuz without it, I would never have thought of making this great, silly drawing.
Cody's wing design inspired by "Take Flight, Brothers All" fic
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valeforess · 2 years ago
star wars wings!au – obi-(s)wan kenobi.
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• when obi-wan was a padawan, his wings were disproportionately large but also weak. he had to train hard to learn to fly. if it wasn't for persistence and self-discipline (and the support of the kwai-gon), he would never have been able to fly.
• master is quite charming and charismatic, and the wings only add to the image of a kind man who you want to trust.
• he doesn't like to fly. walk? yes, please.
• wings of white color demand careful maintenance. kenobi is willing to give this time, a lot of time. he would rather waste his time than go out into the world with dirty wings. even during the clone wars, when most jedi did not have time to take an extra breath, obi-wan was just as meticulous.
• you need to know that obi-wan is very graceful, he can flaunt his wings and it really makes an impression.
• habit of covering anakin with a wing when he was a padawan has not disappeared over time and has spread to ahsoka (and cody...🤭).
• sometimes he has to hide or cover his wings with something, because white color stands out a lot and prevents him from carrying out operations under cover.
• swan is a symbol of love and fidelity. you already figured out that this symbolism applies to kenobi as well.
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aprill-99 · 1 year ago
When you’re consuming a media, do you ever meet a character and just go “Oh….no. Oh dear…. I do fear you are mainly destined to eventually be haunting the narrative.” ?
Because I-
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autumnalfallingleaves · 2 years ago
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Codywan Week Day Two: Wings
I always forget how much I like drawing wings lmao
reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art
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fandom-menace · 6 months ago
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Star Wars Weekly covers with floating heads!
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tcards · 6 months ago
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auroramoon-draws16 · 1 year ago
My friend convinced me to get into Star Wars
Send help
(Warning: SPOILERS and I’m not THAT into it, so correct where you see fit)
Assassin’s Creed x Star Wars
But the Brotherhood is an ancient af group, as old or older than the og Jedi order, they’re so secretive and mysterious that not even the modern order are sure they exist. Kind of like a spooky myth?
The Force be like: “Brotherhood? What Brotherhood? I didn’t help make any Brotherhood!” We love a bad gaslighting bitch 💜
I think they’d be force users who pretty much do as their original universe do: “We work in the Dark to serve the Light.” All the tenants included.
Their sabers are small af and more blade-like, sort of like the darkblade, but crystal clear and emits very little light, they barely make any noise too. (Phantom Sabers? Maybe? That sounds cool, right?) The Assassins got the white hoods and shit too. Omfg they can finally do the Leap of Faith wherever they want! Fuck gravity! We have the fucking force!
As for Eagle Vision, I think you could pass it off as a force ability. Being able to sense feelings and danger is a thing already, so being able to do a large sweep and tag friend/foe would be a step above that. Also treasures. Like the grabby lil dragons our Assassin babies are. They need to be able to fund shenanigans on the fly, and not all of them have time to grab some from their reserves!
As for their role in the main Star Wars story, we got options:
Shoving Desmond into this shit because I can~
Desmond and his Team™️ investigate the Clone Wars shit, because the Brotherhood has always been against oppression and have been systematically wiping out slavery from several parts of the galaxy for a while now, so they would automatically get suspicious. (Clones? Meant for fighting?? For an entire republic??? With no rights of their own???? Idk man, that sounds sus. Oh and the Jedi don’t have a choice because there’s a whole ass war and it would be against their code not to do anything about it? And there’s an order to kill literally all of them at a moment’s notice? Alright, guess we’ll fix this ourselves!)
Des and the crew find the chips and save the Jedi from mass genocide. Maybe killing Palpatine, because fuck that guy.
Would they need to reveal the Brotherhood’s existence to have that happen? Probably not, but it could happen. Boy, wouldn’t that be interesting?
Also, clone shenanigans, because I love them sm
Especially Bad Batch and Domino Squad
And Rex and Cody
My poor babies
But: if the Brotherhood was weakened like in their og universe and they couldn’t investigate (lets say they were compromised by the Sith for a while before the clone wars)
+ Des was born a bit later
Time to aid the rebellion and face destiny!
(If you REALLY want to throw Des into bullshit, like I know you do: Time travel fix it fic with Luke, Leia, Han, and Desmond!)
(You may also include Mandalorian fun, because I also love the Mandos, my other babies <3 Mandalorian culture goes hard and the fics that include them have kidnapped surprise adopted me)
Y’all have fun, I’m tired ^_^💜
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