#wine colour lipstick
beromt12 · 1 year
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berom · 1 year
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scealaiscoite · 23 days
⋆˚࿔ prompt sets of three 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
write a piece featuring - in any capacity you can think of - all three things depicted in the given prompt!
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¹⁾ a polka-dot bikini, a throw blanket and a pint glass
²⁾ a sliotar, a flat tire and a thunderstorm
³⁾ a teakettle, a fresh bruise and rosewater
⁴⁾ a chipped enamel bathtub, a blue sweater and basil leaves
⁵⁾ howling gale winds, an inflatable paddling pool and an oil lamp
⁶⁾ a fresh buzzcut, pink bubblegum and rolling tobacco
⁷⁾ gas station bandaids, a cellophane-wrapped bouquet and muddy footprints
⁸⁾ a lipstick print, skinned knees and stained-glass windows
⁹⁾ a busted streetlight, green olives and a teak countertop
¹⁰⁾ gun oil, red lace and an old armchair
¹¹⁾ a fresh tattoo, a sacristy, and guilt
¹²⁾ a corner booth, sweet patchouli and a wallet
¹³⁾ donuts, orange juice and a jail cell
¹⁴⁾ a cold red bull, shaking hands and broken traffic lights
¹⁵⁾ new graves, a busted headlight and silver rings
¹⁶⁾ handcuffs, brightly coloured building blocks and fir trees
¹⁷⁾ a shortwave radio, takeout containers and a bare lightbulb
¹⁸⁾ broken windows, waist-high grasses and lit matches
¹⁹⁾ orange segments, divorce papers and a front porch
²⁰⁾ horror movies, steaming showers and cold bedsheets
²¹⁾ brazilian lemonade, a split lip and daisy chains
²²⁾ a red convertible, a priest’s collar and dogtags
²³⁾ a corner office, parking tickets and greyhound races
²⁴⁾ bitten lips, army fatigues, and coca-cola
²⁵⁾ old wives’ tales, creaky stairs and cherry lipgloss
²⁶⁾ smooth whiskey, greying hair and warm hands
²⁷⁾ hospital food, full moons and a reconciliation
²⁸⁾ exes, candy wrappers and a twin bed
²⁹⁾ a rural motel, a pocket knife and iodine
³⁰⁾ a dirty martini, a dressing gown and blood under fingernails
³¹⁾ slept-in braids, a lamplit office and an explosion
³²⁾ blueberry pancakes, a restraining order and the taste of rum off someone’s lips
³³⁾ farmers’ market peaches, burnt coffee and houseplants
³⁴⁾ a late text, faded jeans and lightning strikes
³⁶⁾ desert air, zinnias and chocolates
³⁷⁾ an old truck, freshly turned earth and a tv dinner
³⁸⁾ wedding rings, wildfire and wrought iron gates
³⁹⁾ a hostage situation, evergreen trees and a pierced tongue
⁴⁰⁾ unripe strawberries, bitter wine and a kitchen table
⁴¹⁾ a head laid down in a lap, green tea and a break news announcement
⁴²⁾ a fire alarm, a flower-patterened apron and an ajar kitchen window
⁴³⁾ a jar of jam, two shots of vodka and a stack of car manuals
⁴⁴⁾ techno music at 4am, knitted jumpers and a broken watch
⁴⁵⁾ a green silk scarf, a pan of burnt food and the trunk of a car
⁴⁶⁾ bound hands, a crescent moon and laughter
⁴⁷⁾ a winter coat, a heatwave and fresh mangos
⁴⁸⁾ a thrift store sofa, a highrise apartment building and creaking floorboards
⁴⁹⁾ missing teeth, a house half covered in ivy and cheap beer
⁵⁰⁾ undeveloped camera film, stomach kisses and cigarette smoke
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klausysworld · 1 year
can u write something about damon just being soft and whipped for his girl. just need a damon fluffy fic rn 😩😩
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Everything to him
Damon stood with his arms around his girl’s waist as she finished her makeup in the mirror. His chin on top her head as he watched as she layered the romantic red lipstick onto her soft plump lips. He could only hope to have their prints all over him by later that night as she looked herself over.
“You look perfect” he mumbled when she frowned a little and tilted her head. “There’s absolutely nothing I would change, in fact although the makeup has you looking all this much sexier, even without you wear the face of an angel” he purred seeing her lips lift into a smile and her head turn to look at him.
“I’d say flattery gets you no where but it seems to have gotten you rather far as of now” she lifted her arms over his head and round his neck while batting her lashes as him. He pulled her closer so his lips ghosted hers and his eyes dropped at the feeling of her fingers in his hair.
“I only tell the truth to you” he whispered gravelly and she hummed in reply, scratching at his head slowly knowing how it affected him. His eyes shut and pressed his forehead to hers “god I love you” he muttered and her smile grew
“I love you Damon Salvatore” she grinned and he tilted his head slightly to have his lips against hers. He allowed her to take the lead, moving her mouth against his and Brighton’s her other hand up to cup his face as both his hands slid up her back to hold the tops of her arms.
“You’re going to ruin my hair” he muttered and she laughed lightly against his lips before pulling back to look at him, her fingers running through each lock
“I like it messy” she decided before brushing it through with her hands and positioning it in a way that she found suited him best. His eyes glossed over as he watched her loving smile and felt her gentle touches. Her fingertips dances down the back of his neck and round to the front before she adjusted his leather, pulling it tighter on him and wetting her painted lips. Her palms smoothed down his chest, her deep red nails dragging down his black t-shirt before pulling up the hem only to groan at his display of abs. Her thumb tracing his happy trail and stopping at the top of his low-hanging jeans. Her fingers skimming over his belt in a teasing manner.
“Y/n…” he muttered feeling his body getting aroused by her actions “we have a reservation”he reminded, a breath of air leaving him as her hand cupped his crotch through his trousers “baby…” he whispered “you can almost never get a table there”
She sighed and gave him a light squeeze, listened to him grunt and then fixed his shirt and stepped back admiring him “okay…but after…” she pouted and he nodded eagerly
“After you can do anything you want.”
She bit her bottom lip gently and held her hand out which he quickly took with a lustful smirk in place.
He kept a hand in hers the whole drive there, only breaking the hold for a second as they got out the car before an arm was back round her hips. She smoothed her cherry coloured dress down, adjusting it to rest a little lower on her thighs as it had ridden up in the car. His gaze dropped to her heels which make a distinct ‘click’ with each step she took. His eyes followed back up her gorgeous legs, along her beautiful figure and back to her face. Watching as she spoke to the waiter at the front who was finding their reservation in the system with a bashful blush on his cheeks as she flashed her pearly white teeth. Damon knew how easy it was to get lost in her charm.
He was barely aware of the world around them as he followed her to their table by the window, overlooking the sunset which was already meeting the stary night sky. Menus were slipped into both their hands and wine glasses filled as though the staff just knew what they would order.
She looked to him with admiration in her eyes and his lips curled up “I can’t believe you managed to book us in here” she whispered and he smiled back
“I can’t believe you almost had us miss our time slot, we only just made it”
“I’m sure I would’ve made up for it”
his mouth formed a lip lifted grin in response and he glanced down to his wine glass “I don’t doubt that, not for even a second” he muttered under his breath and she offered him another award winning smile which consequently brought his own upon his lips.
Her foot slipped out of her heel to leisurely brush along his leg as their food came and they engaged in pointless yet meaningful conversation and ate their meals. And for one of those rare moments, he felt like he was human again. He felt no urges, no lust for blood or chaos, he was calm. Happy.
He loved Y/n in ways he had never explored. Ways he wasn’t sure how to but he did them regardless and if he was doing it wrong, she didn’t tell him. She just helped him feel it, she chose him first and loved him and solely him and it was all he had ever wanted. All he had ever needed.
His mind often wondered at times like this, just listening to her voice and watching her lips move, and then the way her eyes would shine under the light and her hair would bounce over her shoulders as she waved her hands around in unnecessary gestures.
He knew he was smiling like a teenage boy with a crush but he couldn’t help it, even when she stopped talking and just grinned back at him knowingly. Her hand finding his and squeezing gently as their desserts were placed before them.
“If you’d like…we could skip dessert” Damon whispered suggestively making her smile
“Oh but then we’d have wasted our reservation” she sighed and leaned back in her seat, digging into her sweet dish and watching his eyes darken over slightly before he looked down to his food and begrudgingly ate the heavenly portion.
By the time they had both finished, paid and gotten to the door, a horrific amount of rain was bouncing off the ground.
Y/n turned her head to him before swiping the car keys from his hand and dashing for car making him let out a laugh and chase after her, completely forgetting his vampire abilities and just managing to get into the car before she locked it. Both of them looked at each other with large smiles on their faces before each bursting into fits of laughed and flicking their hands at one another to throw rain-water on their faces.
Eventually they got home and Damon had he run his arms, spinning in circles and running for the ridiculously big bathtub so they could soak together in the warmth of both the water and each others arms.
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Indelible kiss.
König x Fem reader.
König insists he wants to keep your relationship in secret, what a surprise when someone catches a glimpse of your lipstick on his neck.
Warning: grammatical and spelling errors. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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It was supposed both were training at the same hours, just a coincidence, no one would dare to think about something else, after all, König is your Colonel, he's so serious and professional all the time and he never showed any kind of affection or favoritism for you. He treats you in the same way he treats the rest of the team.
So, why would someone suspect you and him? No one would imagine what happens in those late hours of the night, the gym is actually empty, no one is exercising at these hours.
In fact, no one was awake, except for you and him.
- Don't leave König, stay here.
Both are in your dorm, the door is closed and locked, you prefer to prevent, he doesn't want to be caught.
König leaves every night, just in case someone goes to his dorm and doesn't find him there.
- You know I can't stay Meine Liebling...
He's laying on the bed while your body rests over his. His bare chest is warm and always smells good, you love his perfume, it is addictive, you're looking at him with pleading eyes.
- Soon or later someone will know about this, please just for tonight my love!
- Nein, mein kleiner Engel (my angel) we can't let them know, not yet.
He caressed your body with his big hands, you love to feel his hands on you.
You would like to let everybody know about what happens between you and König, but he insists he prefers to keep it in secret, he thinks it's better when no one poke up the nose, he always has the feeling that people will try to separate you from him because he's probably not good for you.
On the other hand, you think it's better and more enjoyable if everybody knows about it, they will be happy for both of you, your team is like your family, you think it is unfair to hide your relationship from them but since König refuses you've been thinking about other ways to let them know love is in the air.
You already tried, you accidentally forgot a shirt in his dorm, you also left your underwear mixed in his dirty laundry, you put your perfume in his clothes, you even gave him innocent compliments in front of the team, you stole some of his clothes and wore them around the base. You don't know if some of those ideas have worked because no one has tried to ask you.
So this time you will try something else, everybody knows you always have lipstick on, wine or cherry, those are your colours. You're sure everyone knows it.
One of the things König loves the most about you, is that too, your beautiful lips always with those pretty colours.
- Ahhh... Okay, but before you leave can I show you something?
- Of course you can, go on.
You stood up and walked to your desk, you took the lipstick and went to the bathroom, then you went back to the bed and turned on the lamp of your nightstand.
- Do you like it?
- Schatz, you look beautiful, is it new?
You nodded in silence, the way he stares at your lips causes you something hard to explain in words but the feeling between your legs and the butterflies in your stomach are proof enough of how much you enjoy this moment.
You started to plant kisses over his chest, escalating to his neck and face.
- Schatz, I love when you kiss me like this but I really have to go back.
*a kiss on his lips* - okay, go *another kiss* - sleep well baby *another kiss* - I love you...
He kissed you once more and he got out of your bed and dressed up quickly, then he left.
König always gets up early and runs to the shower, this time he was really tired, he woke up a little bit later than usual, he tried to be quick but then, he had a problem, your lipstick is hard to clean.
He tried hard, his skin was irritated.
- Scheisse (shit)
He muttered while looking at himself in the mirror of his bathroom when a familiar voice calls him out of his dorm.
- König, Man, are you ok? We're late... Can I come in?
Horangi always goes to knock at his door and both go to the common area together.
König ran to put his shirt on and unlocked the door.
- Ja, come in.
Horangi opened the door and closed it, König is pretending to be busy fixing his hair and his belt, until he remembered he doesn't have his hood on.
Horangi already noticed the absence of the hood and handed it to König
- Where's your head today colonel?
- I don't know, I got up at the wrong side of the bed.
Before he could put the hood on Horangi noticed a red spot on his friend's neck, that's not a mosquito or spider bite, it's a kiss, a red kiss, the lipstick colour looks familiar to him but he can't remember where he has seen it before.
- What the...? (He muttered)
- What?
- No, nothing, are you ready?
- Ja, let's go.
Both left the room. You were in the common area talking with Roze and other people who were there, nothing special or interesting, you were thinking about how silly you were, you planted kisses all over and forgot that König is always hiding his face and always wears long sleeve shirts.
König and Horangi appeared a few minutes later, you noticed Horangi was observing you a lot, König was giving some instructions for the day when Horangi went to your side and spoke almost in a whisper.
- I know what you did last night.
- What are you talking about?
- I saw your lipstick on König's neck.
You blushed, you really weren't expecting it could work, you looked at him as if you saw a ghost, you obviously couldn't see his face but Horangi is smiling with mischief, you didn't say a word and neither did him, the day continued normally, it was until the meal time, as soon as you appeared in the dining hall's door, all eyes were on you. You sat at the usual table with Horangi, moments later König arrived too, all eyes on him, you feel guilty you know his anxiety will increase thanks to you and your mulishness. Poor könig, he sat and instantly asked why everyone was observing him.
- What's going on?
- Nothing colonel, I think everyone wonders why you have a very familiar red lipstick on you.
You hit horangi down the table, König didn't say nothing, but you can see his eyes, he's shocked.
- Sorry Man, perhaps I mentioned it to the wrong person, now everyone knows about you and y/n.
König sighed and continued eating a piece of apple under the mask. At night you weren't expecting him, you supposed he would be angry, but then he opened your door.
You were looking for your pajama pants, you felt too guilty, you didn't want to see him angry. Then a pair of hands were placed around your waist, warm kisses were placed on your shoulder then your neck.
- Are you not angry?
- Nein, I can't be upset, it was an intelligent move, you knew someone would notice it.
- I'm sorry König, In my defense I never expected it worked.
He laughed, you love when he does it, for you It's a reminder of how happy he is when you're around.
- It was also my fault, I forgot to put my hood on.
Did he... what? You looked at him, you can't believe what he said.
- How is that possible?
- Meine Liebling, you left me exhausted last night... I admit I like the fact that now everybody knows you're mine.
You're blushing, your face looks like a red apple, he doesn't say anything else and kisses you. This man will be the death of you.
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arafilez · 6 months
੭୧ ⼂ LOWKEY ﹗
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ cs x fem!reader ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤmature, mdni , smut, fwb, college au 𓏧 wine, sex and your friend choi san- the aftermaths of a party and the dealings of your heart ㅤ warnings vanilla sex, praise kink, alcohol ㅤ﹢ㅤ3.7k wc ㅤ𓏧ㅤ req
You sip lightly on the wine glass while sitting on the couch as a couple makes out beside you. You can’t care less as your eyes scan the party for the person who is supposed to be present at the party. A whiff of smoke comes in your sight and you whip your head at the familiar deodorant.
“Searching for him again?” your brother Mingi speaks beside you blowing another smoke before pressing his lips to a girl clutching onto him. You make a disgusted face and look away saying, “I am.” He looks down at you raising an eyebrow and you shrug finishing the wine that matches the dark red colour of your dress.
“Maybe you should just confess,” he replies over the squeals of a drunk Wooyoung who has suddenly come over to replace the girl and is now trying to smooch him. “Accept his kiss,” you laugh getting up and dodging his question as you walk towards the counter.
He sighs loudly and then walks towards you as Wooyoung’s girlfriend gets a hold of him. “Don’t ignore my question y/n,” he whines and you shush his deep and loud voice looking around in suspicion.
“Maybe not yell that in a party full of gossiping college students,” you hiss at him and he rolls his eyes and is about to retort when a smooth voice cuts him off saying, “The party is wild, Mingi-ya.”
Your ears perk up and you look behind your tall brother to see San’s smiling. Mingi grins doing their personal handshake and replies, “You are going to help me clean in the morning.” You groan at your brother being an ass while San looks at him bewildered and Mingi casually leaves, walking towards Hongjoong who is now trying to enter the waste bin.
“He is really straightforward,” San laughs and you shake your head, cursing your brother internally. San and you make small take before you take your leave, going to meet your friends.
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Your back hits the soft mattress as a whine builds up in your throat. You grasp San’s hair with fervour and tug on it deepening the kiss and San groans in your mouth, feeling himself getting hard with each passing second. The light hint of smoke on his lips paired with the alcohol could only do so much as make you go absolutely feral.
You gasp as he parts for air and takes in your form- hair messy from his fingers running through them, lipstick smudged and breathless, lustful eyes watching him in hazy delight. People talk about the seven wonders but he will pay millions just to see you like this, beautiful and raw- just for him.
You drag your nails along his collarbone and look at him whining, “Do whatever you want with me Sannie.” You are ready to be fucked senseless by him, to spill his name until you feel your mind-numbing so his next action surprises you.
San presses his lips to yours in a soft kiss that makes your insides melt and you feel his hand kneading through your hair softly. A foreign feeling rises in your chest and you push it down as you run your hand along his shirt sleeves clutching on it. A light whimper accentuates the air as you part as the kiss deepens and you feel him breaking all rules of your arrangement non-verbally.
Because San isn’t kissing you like he wants to ruin you.
San is kissing you like you are his only source of warmth on a cold winter night.
“What are you doing?” you whisper to him as soon as you part and he breaks into a smile answering, “You told me to do whatever I wanted to. I want to take my time.” Your protest dies in your throat as you feel him press a kiss on the corner of your mouth and trail it down your throat.
Your body tenses at his actions and his fingers run along your sides resting on your waist and tracing light patterns on it. You relax instantly and you feel his smile against the base of your throat as he kisses it. Slightly sucking on the area he earns a light gasp from you as he applies more pressure and pulls out.
He presses light kisses along your arm and you squirm, a giggle threatening to spill from your throat as he reaches your wrist and presses his lips and then presses feathery kisses on each one of your fingers. You feel the sensation tug your heartstrings and his actions surface your deep-rooted feelings for him.
Feelings you aren’t supposed to explore at all. Feeling that grew each time you had hooked up with him. Feelings that you deny every time.
You pressurise your mind to focus on the pleasure but the more San kisses your body the more you lose it. This was not part of the deal, fuck and leave was the deal. You’re still technically doing that, you think and you push back the reason on your conscience far back in your mind.
“You are so beautiful,” his deep voice sends vibrations along your body as he kisses down your chest and attaches his mouth to your perked-up nipples. You arch your back, San’s name rolling off your tongue as he licks over it and bites lightly. His tongue feels so good that you barely notice San’s fingers hooking your panties and pulling them down in a swift motion.
A shiver goes down your spine as the air hits your clit and San moves down kissing along your stomach. He goes painfully slow, pressing his lips on every stretch mark and your heart does somersaults. San has never ‘taken his time’ before and the way he is treating you almost makes you believe you are a domestic couple.
San kisses along your waistline before he hovers over your clit, his breath hitting your sensitive region and you scream in pleasure when he collects your arousal and pushes it in you.
“So wet baby, only for me,” he says and you gasp as his mouth attaches to your clit. He sucks on hit and your thighs close in instinct but he holds them down as his tongue rapidly laps in your clit. He licks and stripes and his tongue hits the right spots.
And elicit moans leave your throat and you feel like seeing stars as San’s tongue works wonders. Soon you feel the familiar coil in your stomach and it snaps. A string of his name leaves your mouth and San sucks in every one of your juice like it is his last meal. His eyes glisten as he looks at your panting state and kisses you right away.
You groan at your taste in his mouth and he pulls away angling himself over you. He rolls off a condom and pressing his lips to you again pushes himself in. A half-gasp, half-moan rips along your throat as he inches deeper and deeper and his feather-like kisses all over your face accentuate your feelings for him more and more.
“You taste so damn sweet love,” his late admission makes your throat constrict and he takes his sweet time exploring you with his cock. He hits the right spots and you moan into his neck, your nails digging into his skin with his every thrust.
“So beautiful and perfect, just for me,” he whispers in your ears, pressing a trail of kisses down to your throat and his words haze your mind, tipping you over the edge.
His thrusts become harder and faster as he realises you are close before his hips shake in pleasure. You feel your arousal approaching and whisper it out and you hear him say, “Let go, darling.” His voice and his loving gaze make you come undone and San follows soon after with a groan of your name.
His lips find yours and press on them, encasing them in sweet pleasure. It isn’t rushed or high from energy, instead, it is slow and sensual and it tugs your heartstrings more as you take relief from the post-coital bliss. San smiles as he leaves your lips and pulls himself out falling on the bed beside you.
His sentences from before roam around in your head as you feel him get up probably to leave like you guys had planned some months ago. Of course, he will do that.
You are so beautiful.
So beautiful and perfect, just for me.
The deal- fuck with no strings attached. You two had simply decided on it after you two couldn’t find suitable partners and good sex. So five drinks, an accidental hook-up with each other and a pounding head the morning after you two decided on it. Have good sex, never stay the night for aftercare and the universal rule- never fall for each other.
You have been actively breaking rule three for some weeks now. You have fallen for him, like him so much that it physically hurts you when he is with any other girl. It makes your heart clench when he flirts with others, lingers his touches more than usual and laughs in that beautiful voice of his at a stupid joke a girl makes to impress him.
But you guys had decided on this, you two can date whoever you want, this arrangement is only for pleasure purposes. And the sex you just had was nothing but one of his experiments you had consented him to. But the way he touched you, kissed you, whispered to you didn’t feel like fucking.
It was like love.
And you hated yourself for it. San’s hands on your knees jerk you back to reality as he makes a motion that he is leaving and you nod lightly. All the rules in the deal were settled by you, and San had simply agreed to them. So breaking them when the person who got roped into this is following it isn’t the ideal scenario.
And thus you have to get rid of these feelings.
You wake up the next morning and go to the living room to see Mingi already starting the cleaning. An empty glass of hangover juice is sitting alone on the countertop and piles of other utensils and cutlery are in the sink. Your brother has already mopped the floor and you admire him for his tenacity. At least something happened under the influence of Seonghwa.
“Where’s San?” you roll your eyes at the rhetorical question and don’t bother to give him the satisfaction of an answer. Mingi watches you as you pick up the lint roller and start cleaning the other half of the room he hasn’t touched.
“It’s so frankly annoying and stupid that you two try to deny everything between you two,” he sighs loudly and it works as your head whips in his direction. “How much delusional are you? We have nothing within us,” you reply nonchalantly but the tinge of sadness in your tone betrays you.
“Sure, that is exactly why he was so pissed yesterday and about to break a guy’s nose for calling you a ‘slut’,” he deadpans and you look at him in shock before quickly blinking and composing yourself, “Well at least they person’s nose is okay.”
“Nope, I broke it,” he states as if he did something as simple as eat cereal in the morning and your eyes widen as he shrugs. “But this is not about me, this is about San, do you know how many girls he has tipped off with the excuse of your ‘arrangement’? As far as I am aware you guys can date anyone despite the fucking.”
You look away from your brother’s penetrative eyes and try to focus on the cleaning. But your mind is anywhere but cleaning as Mingi’s words play over in your head. Your twin kicks your shin and you jerk in surprise. “When did you-“You get interrupted by him saying, “Stop pretending like you can’t hear me and do something about these unresolved feelings. They are so obvious that even the boy I tutor is catching up.”
“Right, of course, the boy you tutor, Hyunwoo, who comes to our house just one day every week. Do you not know eighth-graders are full of shit and hormones? He is obviously tripping,” you fake scoff three times before stopping as you feel his judgemental eyes boring into yours.
“Whatever sails your ship, y/n,” he says in a sing-song tone earning another eye-roll from you before you both get back to work.
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You stare in distaste at your closet as most of your party outfits are in the laundry. You curse Wooyoung in your head for throwing a third party in the same week right after you send your outfits in the wash you pick up your phone. Your hand hovers over your call list and rational thinking is never an option before you are dialling San.
He is still a friend!
San picks up in a heartbeat, something Wooyoung calls “desperate” but you call “efficiency” and you hear his smooth tone over the line, “Hey y/n.”
“Hey San, I was wondering if you want to catch up for coffee?” you ask casually and you hear him chuckle over the line, “After or before we buy you a dress?”
“How did you know?” you ask and he snorts, his light laugh sending your heart in a frenzy. The warm sound over the line feels like a rush over your muddled brain as you smile looking at your feet.
“I always know, when it comes to you,” he replies and you bite your lips. The small, rational part of your brain telling you to stop is pushed far behind and you reply, “Being a bit too obsessed with me, are we now, Choi?”
“I can be obsessed with you any day,” he smoothly adds over and a half-snort half-giggle leaves your mouth which would be embarrassing if you already didn’t have heart-eyes in a voice call. The familiar day-dreaming returns as you imagine San kissing you, not for merely sex, but for the shy giggles, or him hugging you with his face into the crook of your neck or him tracing down-
“So I will pick you up?” he asks breaking you out of your love-sick trance and your ears feel warm as you reply with a ‘yes’ praying it wasn’t as shaky as it sounded in your head. “Great, see you in fifteen,” he replies and you hum before the call disconnects.
Your brain racks for the casual outfit you should wear now, should you go with the white flowery jumpsuit? Or maybe the yellow dress till your knees? Or just simply go for jeans and a cute top? Or a light cardigan? Stop it. It is not a date. Your mind kicks back in place as you blink lightly from your trance before getting ready.
A car’s honk resounds after a few minutes and you go to the door only to see San holding a bouquet of flowers and smiling at you. His eyes form a crescent moon shape under his hair, a few bangs touching his forehead lightly and you gasp.
“The florist shop was on the way, and I picked some up,” he says adding a casual shrug and then adding, “Figured you can just keep them in the apartment.”
Friends give each other flowers, right? Right!
“Oh, uh, thanks,” your voice becomes smaller with every word as you take the bouquet from his hand and keep it inside. You contemplate whether you should arrange them now but decide later since it won’t be too long.
“You look pretty,” San comments as you go out making you even more flustered and you stutter out a “Thanks.” He hums as you get in his car and drives over to the store he knows you usually buy from. He notices your look of confusion and asks, “Do you want to buy from somewhere else?”
“No, but how?” you ask gesturing him lightly, too much at a loss for words. “I am your friend, of course, I know it,” he smiles, his dimples popping out and you have to physically restrain yourself from leaning over and kissing his dimples. A tinge of red appears on his cheekbones and spreads lightly to his neck as he notices you staring at him and he tries to play it off by mildly coughing.
Choosing some dresses is a smooth process, occasionally San pitches in his choices, which you take for a few, and you get inside the trial room to finalize one.
After trying some and discarding them you pick up one San has recommended before putting it on. The zipper is in the back, unlike the others which had it in the side and you need help because god forbid you aren’t that flexible.
You don’t even hesitate and call for San since you know the boy will basically help anyone with anything without any malicious intent. Your mind slightly turns over the fact that your friends-with-benefits relationship is also because of his willingness to help, and you push it back further down. You do not need it in your mind right now.
“Yes?” San peeks through the door and you smile sorrowfully saying, “Can you please help me pull the zipper?” He nods, throwing in his dimpled smile and you sigh to yourself. If a smile can turn your insides to mush, hell you don’t know what you will do with his wordless rejection.
San's hands on your back make a stark contrast to your skin, and you feel heated up at his menacingly slow pace of pulling the chain up. You blame the confines of the trial room for feeling hot and bothered as his fingertips dance on your skin. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the chain is up and you look in front.
You look stunning and you have to give it to him to know your exact tastes. The lines between reality and dreams blur as you feel his head dip down, lips lightly encasing on your shoulder pads as he whispers, “You look absolutely gorgeous.”
You may have stopped breathing altogether and your heart feels like bursting at any moment as you lock eyes on him, and feel like you have seen a different emotion, other than pure lust and desire. You see love, like last night.
Your stomach churns in an unfamiliar manner and you abruptly push off him and murmur, “No, fuck we can’t do this.” Your skin feels cold with the loss of his touch and your eyebrows furrow in confusion, and searching your eyes for something. Anything, to lead him on.
“San, we can’t,” your breath falters as you look at his perfectly sculpted face and reply, “We can’t continue this, our arrangement, our every single thing, just no!”
“Why?” he asks and you stare at him incredulously and scream lightly, “Why? San why? Because I broke our third rule okay? Because I fell in love, and that is just me. You are exactly where you were some months ago, my friend, that is how you see me, so to save us from my idiotic feelings, we need to stop.”
“Friends give each other flowers?” San asks and you shut up looking at him, gasping from being slightly breathless. You watch his face contort into something undecipherable as he continues, “Just friends don’t offer to pick each other up, in every possible situation, just so they can look at each other. Just friends don’t give two shits about remembering every small detail about each other, just friends don’t look at each other like we do. Just friends don’t feel like ripping someone’s heads off when anyone else flirts with each of them, and just friends for fuck’s sake, do not have sex as if they want to make love.”
You look at him, eyes wide at his face as he runs an impatient hand through his hair, and in one short stride, he is hovering over you. He looks at you, locking your eyes and a beat passes before you whisper, “Then what are we?” “Whatever you want us to be, love,” he replies, his eyes flickering with every emotion, because it is all so damn confusing when it comes to you.
When it comes to you, his mind clams and he has no idea what should be done.
“Then let’s be the corny boyfriend and girlfriend,” you giggle but it dies as his lips fall on yours in a second. His hand traces along your waist and his kiss is just like you imagined it to be. Only better! The gentleman touches with a hint of craziness as you two lock your lips like the perfect puzzle piece. You run your hands through his hair lightly making him smile into the sweet kiss.
He pulls away, taking a second for your appreciation before his lips are on you again. This time, it is hot and heavy, full of passion, and you tug on his shirt, a soft whine leaving your mouth as he holds your cheeks and manoeuvres his mouth into yours. The kiss is messy and full of tongue and when you break for air he whispers, “Let’s get out of here.”
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Mingi enters your apartment and immediately halts as he sees you and San cuddled up on the sofa, watching something on the television that neither of you is paying attention to. In fact, you are both too busy giggling and pecking each other to even notice Mingi. He smiles at you two, glad that you both came to your senses before clearing his throat.
“What?” you ask, the sound coming out muffled since your mouth is full of chips and San laughs pecking the side of your lips. Your attention returns to San and you giggle looking at him making Mingi gag. He is already so tired of this.
“Well, I am home, thanks for asking, sister,” he comments, his voice edging on the ‘sister’ making you scoff at him. He continues, “Glad you two are together now, saves every one of us from your blind misery.”
“Shut up,” you stick a middle finger in his direction and he doesn’t even bother to look before asking, “Hey what dress did you buy anyway for Woo’s party tomorrow?”
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤwanted it to be so perfect because it's my friend requesting, deleted drafts and re-wrote so many times TT hope you like it ㅤ𓏧ㅤ libraryㅤ atz shelfㅤ navi
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੭ 𝅄ㅤ ꒰ TAGLIST ꒱ ㅤ⏤ㅤ @haneagerr ㅤ𓏧ㅤ fill this or comment or ask to be added
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ㅤㅤ(ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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Steve Harrington x fem! reader 18+ requested by @loveshotzz and @palmtreesx3
You thought you were doing an A plus job, all things considered. 
The corner of the restaurant was quiet, dark. Dimly lit with tabletop sconces that glowed amber, bouncing off the white linen. It was much fancier than your usual haunts, but Eddie was only back in town for a few days and your boyfriend had insisted on paying. His treat, he’d said. 
And Steve was really living up to the word, his fingers doing more for you than the chocolate lava cake you’d been ignoring in favour of white knuckling the edge of the booth. Steve was tucked into the suede bench next to you, talking across the table to Eddie about his new single, guitar solos, tickets prices - you didn’t even know anymore. The boy had one arm around your shoulders, an affectionate and casual touch but it only seemed to be a distraction for what his other hand was doing underneath the tablecloth. 
You hadn’t thought too much about it when he’d picked out a dress from your wardrobe for you, pressing a kiss to your cheek and telling you he liked that one, that you looked so pretty in it. Now, you realised his plan, flushing hot when the waitress came to take away your empty dinner plates, Steve thanking her with a polite smile as his fingertips skimmed up the inside of your bare thigh. 
You weren’t sure how he was doing it, talking so casually to Eddie while two of his fingers were pressed to your clit, rubbing in slow, lazy circles. To anyone else - hopefully Eddie included, it looked like your boyfriend was resting his hand on your leg, all affection. 
But if Eddie’s laugh wasn’t as loud and the music coming from the speakers above your table wasn’t as close, you were sure everyone would have heard the slick, wet noises Steve’s fingers were making against your cunt. You were too wet, too keyed up, sitting on the edge of an orgasm and it kept getting teased closer when Steve moved his big hand and stretched the lace of your underwear against your folds, all friction and pressure. 
You tried to nod when the boy’s did, laughed a second after Eddie, smiled and hummed when Steve asked you a question, his eyes dark, knowing. Teasing. He bumped his nose against your cheek, pressed a kiss there, all sweetness and light as he pinched your clit between his finger and thumb. And when you jumped a little, brows scrunching, you tried to pass it off as cough, clearing your throat with a burn in your chest and Eddie was looking at you, smiling in a way that made you think he wasn’t as oblivious as you thought. 
And when the boy’s finally finished their desserts and you knew Steve would taste like chocolate and strawberries when he finally kissed you, Eddie leaned onto the table, his arms folded and his eyes hooded, lashes fanning over his cheeks as he watched the way Steve’s wrist moved almost minutely under the table. 
You held your breath, panic in your throat, ringing in your ears and you were just about to wrench Steve’s hand away when your boyfriend sped up his efforts. 
And then:
“You gonna let her come, Harrington?” 
You were on fire, embarrassed and turned on and everything in between. Eddie was watching your face now and you wondered if he could see the glow in your cheeks from the sconce, from the low lighting all around. You whined, unable to help it, turning to bury your face in the crook of Steve’s neck and you felt the boy laugh, the vibration of it in his throat and he kissed at your forehead, your hairline, all while rubbing two, thick fingers on your clit, over and over and over—
You heard Eddie take a sip of his wine, red, a Merlot. The same colour as your lipstick. “She’s been so good, this whole time,” he cooed and he leant back on his chair. “Make her come, Steve, s’only fair.”
And as if the boy hadn’t been toying with you this entire time, as if Steve wasn’t entirely in control, he leaned down, chin ducking to nose at your cheek, whispering in your ear while his eyes were on the other boy. “You gonna let Eddie watch you come, honey?”
You weren’t sure if you had a choice after that, not with the way both boy’s attention had you dizzy. 
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hotwritergf · 28 days
Telling secrets, there on the mattress. 💋
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Taking another sip of the Merlot that Emily had kindly poured out for you into your lipstick-stained glass, you felt dizzy. You were somewhat seeing double in your inebriated state, but you didn’t mind, what’s better than one Prentiss? A second, obviously.
Tenderly she leans forward, you gaze into her eyes, each coffee coloured iris just sparkling under the big central light. Her lips pin up into a smirk, exposing her dimples on either side. Intoxicated and confident, you match her movement but let Emily lead the way. She was always the one in control, every time you met up, she took care of you.
It’s a dance the two of you have done for years, she takes to dinner, douses your stomach with too much red wine and pasta, shyly holds your hand down the street as she brings you home. It’s always the same excuse; “come and see how much Sergio has grown!”
In all fairness, you do get to cuddle with Sergio every time. But he lays between the pair of you, both of you, exhausted and nude, with the light from the cheap nylon curtains peeking through and gracing your bodies in sunlight.
This evening was no different, her crimson nails trailing up your wrists leaving your arms decorated with goosebumps under her fingers.
“You look so gorgeous tonight.” Emily all but purrs her compliment into your ears, her breath tickling over your neck causing you to shiver. She always knew how to get to you, her touch made your body ignite, no matter how little or gentle it was.
Her hands find your thighs, squeezing softly and skittering her nails in between them, feeling the pudgy flesh under her fingers and your conscious collapsing underneath her. Her smirk only grew wider with the knowledge you were hers, putty in her hands once again. With her lips marking your neck, biting heart shaped bruises into your porcelain complexion, you shuffle closer. Tearing her lips from your throat, crashing your lips into hers.
She tastes like the wine you shared and your fondest memories, no matter how much you try to deny her, you can’t deny the hold she has over. Pushing the thoughts of what your mother would think of you right now, your tongue makes its way into her mouth. Oh you could never resist her, and with her kiss she calls for you like a siren song. Every single brush of her tongue more sensual than the last.
“You missed me?” Emily teases, letting her knee push against your heat when she notices you squirming. Holding you closer and undressing you like you were the best present on Christmas morning. Watching her pupils widen as she glances over your now-bare breasts, she shakes her head and chuckles, leaning down to suckle over your rosebud nipples.
Unable to escape the pleasure, you rut yourself against her knee like a bitch in heat for as long as you’re allowed before Prentiss pushes your back to the mattress. Pinning you down with her hips as she plants gentle, wet kisses over your belly. Taking her time to tease around your belly button, twiddling with the piercing that resides there as you gasp and groan. With each kiss she travels further and further south, before her mouth meets your underwear-clad cunt.
Peeling away your already soaked thong, she brushes her finger over your clit, her touch featherlight and teasing. Noticing the way your head falls back in ecstasy as she taunts you with what you were both wanting.
“Tell me you want me.” She husked, twirling her fingers either side of your heart, just touching so close to where you wanted her most. The sensations were maddening, your core clenches around nothing as if it was asking for her fingers itself. You mewl out a few sweet nothings about how you’ve waited for this since the last time, how you can only get yourself off if you think about her standing at the end of your bed. With her hair tied up and her makeup a little messy, her strap-on tied tightly around her hips as she orders you to suck her dick. How the only thing that can make you cum alone anymore is the thought of looking up at her through your lashes and reminiscing of the feeling of her hand scratching your scalp as she praises you.
“Then you can have me, all of me.” The taller girl cooed before her fingers find your pussy once more. She traces circles over it softly, knowing how much you enjoy the build up and how much it drives you crazy when you get needy and beg for more. Your hips jerk up, searching for more of her, needing all that she could give you. She complies, making herself comfortable between your thighs before she tilts her face forward and passionately begins making out with your pussy. Each gentle stroke of her tongue flickering over your bead makes you beg. Thighs wrap round her head like a spider caught in a web, but Emily is not the prey and you are not a spider. For as long as you’ll let her, she’ll eat you out until you cry for mercy. You belong to her.
Emily flattens her tongue and licks stripes up to your clit, swirling her tongue around it with every stripe, completely unfazed by the bucking of your hips up into her face. They crash and collide like waves in the ocean and you were desperately to ride that high, your orgasm approaching quicker and quicker. When it hits it’s a tsunami, the mental memories flash before your eyes when the fireworks go off inside your belly, rutting your hips into her lips begging for more whilst your hands tug at her hair and caresses the back of her hair as gentle as you could be.
“P-Please.. Em please.. Again… Need to so bad.” You choked on your own words, sobbing in pleasure as you clench your thighs around her. Her hands make their way to your waist, pushing her thumbs into the depths of your hipbones, forcibly restraining you with her strength. Looking up at you through her eyelashes and nodding her head, you let go.
Coming undone on her tongue like it’s what you were born to do. You groan and writhe on her bed, soaking into her sheets you feel paralysed in pleasure. And she just won’t. Let. Up. She knew your maximum was two, you were never able to reach a third peak, by the end of your second orgasm, especially with Emily, you were exhausted.
Prentiss sucks on your clit through your orgasm, pushing your limits to see if she could get another one out of you. Over sensitive and now over tired you lay back, defeated. Letting her toy with you, using you as her very own sex you, you feel it. That familiar, wobbly feeling deep inside. You shriek, “N-No more, it’s too much.” Your demands fall on her deaf ears, lapping over your heat and suckling on your clit harshly.
Lightening strikes inside you again as you orgasm a third time. Convulsing, arching your back high off of the mattress you practically scream out for her. “Oh fuck Em! Yes! Right there!” With each word your pitch gets higher and squeakier, your thighs go limp underneath you and shaking through the after-shocks. You look down at the wet patch you’ve made on Em’s bed sheets, peeking through your squinted eyes, you examine her. Her lips now plump and swollen but still oh-so kissable, pussy drunk on the mix of her own saliva and your juices. Pulling her in for a gentle, you taste yourself on her breath.
Still blissed out, you fall back onto the mattress beside her. Her arm sneaking around your shoulder, pulling you close to her chest and letting your face rest on her breasts. Giggling softly with your noses rubbing against each others, all because you called her breasts your pillows. Taking turns being the little spoon to each other because how can you not want to hold her after she’s given you everything. Emily flutters her eyelashes against your cheek, butterfly kisses under the moon light with her would bring world peace, you thought silently.
You slip your hand into hers once more, interlocking your fingers and turning off the light. You sleep in her arms, her musky scent filling your nostrils and you just wish you could bottle it to keep forever. When you wake up, she’s gone.
A post-stick note on the bedside table reads, “Called into work early, I’ll be home around 6. Make yourself at home.” With a badly drawn love heart underneath the emergency contact number, you smile. This time, you’re not her’s for one night.
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ravenna-reid · 6 months
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Jason Todd x Pain Inflictor Reader
TW: nothing crazy, just swearing and mentions of violence
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All they called you was Crimson.
Maybe because of your signature lipstick and that lace that was always in your hair.
Or maybe because of the blood you drew out of your targets without so much as raising a finger.
A telekinetic pain inflictor. The worst kind of metahuman.
But Red Hood had no reason to worry about you just yet. You tended to keep a low profile and there were bigger fish to fry. And if he was being honest, the sound of you and your abilities were kind of terrifying.
Jason's little mission all went wrong though, given his intel was missing key information. Now he was bound to a chair in a warehouse with a dripping roof. And that dripping eerily echoed as he sat and waited. Desperately keeping his fears and demons at bay.
Being tied to a chair. The looming threat of torture. It all hit a little too close to home.
Two-Face eventually sauntered into view, the rest of the warehouse behind and beside him concealed in shadows. Jason had to grimace every time he saw his face.
"You ugly bastard." Jason retorted, masking his fear with snarky insults and sarcasm. "Gotten work done recently?" He nodded towards Harvey's face with his head.
"Son of a bitch." Two-Face's face contorted with rage. "I would watch my mouth if I were you. You're finally gonna die tonight, and this time you won't be coming back."
Jason swallowed hard, pissed off that he didn't have his helmet to hide the fear-inducing anticipation on his pale face.
"But we'll let the coin decide how this is gonna play out."
So Harvey went on with his odd ritual and flipped his coin. It landed on the tarnish side, and Jason had no idea what that meant. Suddenly, Two-Face was calling out to someone behind him. Someone hidden deep within the darkness of the abandoned warehouse. Jason waited and waited, sweat dripping down the side of his face.
He expected a gruesome looking thug or some other high profile villain. Maybe Penguin, or even Harley.
The sound of heeled boots slowly echoed through out his bleak surroundings, accompanied by a laugh like velvet. You soon came into view.
Crimson mask concealing the top half of your face, the colour matching that string of lace that sat comfortably in your hair. Your usual deep red outfit hugged your body, similar to Catwoman's except for the fact that it wasn't a whole bodysuit. And of course, your stark, scarlet lips were contorted into a sinister smile.
He'd seen you around. But seeing you this close in person was a different story. Jason's breath hitched once you were right in front of him. Truthfully, he never intended to meet you. And now it was so much worse given you would be the one torturing him tonight.
Fuck this mission really went south.
"Here, the coin says you get to toy with him tonight." Two-Face said with a dismissive wave of his hand and scoff as he turned his back. "I have a deal I need to be making soon."
Jason watched as he left, muscles stiff with frustration and venom in his eyes. This was the deal Jason was supposed to be preventing.
As Jason's eyes lingered on Two-Face, your eyes were focused on him. His ivory skin and deep, jet black hair. The aggravated expression painted across his face. That muscular figure.
And that odd looking J scar on the side of his face.
"Red Hood..." Your voice lingered and shivers suddenly went down Jason's arms. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"Can't say I feel the same way." He responded harshly, avoiding eye contact and instead trying to devise an escape plan. Which would, most likely, be futile and stupid.
"Mmm, mean. It's not like you're a saint Red." You calmly pointed out, voice smooth like wine.
And then he looked up at you. "Oh, really? You're one to talk? Ms snaps someones bones and crushes their lungs with a blink of an eye."
Finally making contact, you saw the confliction swirling in those eyes, and for some odd reason something tightened your throat.
Jason didn't miss the subtle furrow of your brows as you neared him. Slowly circling him like a predator.
"Deciding what bone you're going to break first?"
You scoffed, but it was more like a laugh. As you walked behind Jason he began to feel his skin crawl, his heart beat faster. He wished you were standing in front of him again. Staring down at him the way you were.
As you went around him, you noticed the back of his shirt was slightly tugged down, revealing slithers of iridescent scars. Many, many scars.
"What are you doing?" He snapped, but you remained silent until you faced him again. And this time all you did was stare back at him, mind deep in thought. Something stirred deep in your chest. Regret? Sympathy?
"You're just a kid." The words left your mouth in a gentle whisper as you realised he was probably no older than you.
So no, he wasn't a kid. But he wasn't old enough to have his body broken by you. Sure, you butchered people with your mind all the time. But they were criminals. Enemies. Scum. They always had it coming. But him? Red Hood?
You just couldn't do it. It was ridiculous, you knew that. But you couldn't. You wondered where Two-Face was and how he'd react to your odd decision. But hell, you didn't care about ignoring Two-Face's order. Rules and regulations never stopped you before, and what was he going to do?
Jason initially wanted to get even more mad about that statement. Insulted that you just called him a boy when he was in his 20's. But he kept to himself, continuing to watch you closely.
"So what are you gonna do now huh? Cause this game is getting a little boring Crimson."
His attitude made you smirk a little. You suddenly slipped a red-blade dagger from your belt. Jason frowned, wondering why you wouldn't just use you powers, when you cut the zip ties and rope keeping him bound.
Now he was glancing up at you, eyes wide with confusion and suspicion.
"You gonna go or did you actually want me to hurt you?" You asked, brows raised. But already knowing the answer, you were turning to leave.
"Why are you doing this?" He sounded like he was accusing you of something. You turned to look back over your shoulder.
The sympathy was back, but also a few other feelings. Butterflies in your stomach and what not. Shit he was handsome.
"I don't know," you shrugged. "You're kinda cute."
He scoffed before grabbing his helmet from the floor. "Spare me."
Suddenly a sharp pain began in his knees before they turned into brittle leaves. He dropped down onto them and stayed there as the pain began to subside. Then he shot a glare up at you. You were already standing before Jason and looking down at him, that smug smile on your pretty face.
"Mm," You hummed, eyes dancing across his features as you took him in. "Very cute."
Then you turned to leave, and Jason was left blushing and speechless.
Part 2
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banshees-martin · 3 months
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daryl dixon x fem!reader
About- based on the old tiktok trend where a girl kisses her boyfriend all over his face with lipstick on :))
Setting- anytime maybe s5 Alexandria!
Hi!! this is my first fic so I'm really nervous to post it since ive had little to no writing experience and its is short but hope you enjoy it either way!! <33
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It was officially true Daryl Dixon was a complete and total simp for his girl, because now he was sat on the bed as his said girl was sat in his lap taking a picture of them both on a crappy old polaroid camera his face covered in red kissy marks.
Well it all started when you had the bright idea to do a trend that you saw before the outbreak that girls did on their boyfriend. You did have a boyfriend to do it with before but... he was a red flag ick! So now that you have a boyfriend that practically worships the ground you walk on... you thought it was a good idea.
Sure they don't have phones anymore but she could make it work, so before daryl could even speak as he walked into their shared bedroom you urged him to sit down on their bed, "s'aul this bout?" Daryl questioned chewing on his thumb his southern accent thick in his voice.
"Don't worry about it, you'll like it trust me" you answered looking in the mirror to apply some lipstick you had in a drawer it was a perfect wine red colour that matched your cropped tank top perfectly!
All Daryl could do was watch with a puzzled but curious face wondering what the hell you were doing? He watched your every move as you were putting on a red lipstick.
As you were done applying you turned around and dropped yourself onto his lap straddling him, "what're you doin' now crazy girl huh?" he mumbled a small grin on his face looking at you adoration in his eyes.
You grinned at him "watch" you said before placing a kiss onto his cheek a red lip shape now on his face, you hand him a pocket mirror showing him the start of your 'work' his eye widened the tips of his ears turning red slightly.
You kiss him everywhere his cheeks, his nose, his forehead,his neck,lips even on his chest! you pull away and look at him proud with what you did. Your lipstick now being slightly smudged on your own lips.
You go and grab your polaroid camera turning around on his lap before taking a picture of the two of you. You pull the picture out shaking it slightly the picture fading in. In the picture you're smiling softly at the camera your arm hooked around the back of his neck while Daryl's focus is on you looking at you with love clear in his eyes.
"You like it?" you grinned writing on the bottom of it 'Y/n and Daryl 2014! :)' "like it?" he scoffs amused at your question "i love it" he says with a smirk on his face blushing slightly making you laugh and place a kiss on his lips.
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
I just saw that your requests are opennnn. Would you be so kind to write something with alt/goth/heavy lipstick wearer r kissing Hobie's face and leaving kissing marks?? Maybe Hobie kisses r back and since he's also a lipstick wearer he leaves marks on r face too! And mayyybe they're not fast enough (or they just don't care to be seen like that) and their friends are just like, damn those lovebirds
As always, only if you feel comfortable to! Or in case that you have a similar prompt I'd love to read it! Take care and drink water bb love ur brain 🖤🖤🖤
Aisbwijsjwjsjs so cute!! Thank you for requesting! 🩷
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (except they're mentioned wearing makeup), lots of smooches, lovestruck Hobie, Fluff!
You're incredibly glad that Hobie made this long vanity for you and him because now you can enjoy the view of him sitting next to you while he puts on his show makeup complete with dark smudged eyeshadow and black lipstick. Your hand is paused around your own lipstick, (a deep wine shade to compliment the same colour of his guitar) eyes ogling his own expert hand as he glides the lipstick on his lips.
Hobie notices of course, he flicks his eyes over to you, mirroring your position, smiling at your lovestruck gaze. “Careful,” he rubs his thumb across your bottom lip, “you're droolin’”
You gasp, feigning offense but you don't move away from his touch even though he has smudged your own lipstick. “No I'm not.” Shaking your head, Hobie rubs the slight red tint from his thumb to his own lips. You swear your brain short circuited right there. “You…” you practically sigh the word, “smudged my lipstick.”
Hobie, being the menace that he is, hops his chair closer to you. Head on his palm, face leaning close, eyes that are illuminated by the vanity lights roam all over your pretty face that you've painstakingly made up for his show. ‘for inspiration while you're on stage,’ you said, but you'd be a distraction for him, the best kind of distraction. He can see your breath stuck in your throat. “I think I made it better actually.”
“No you didn't.”
He now has his arm looped around your waist. Metal bracelets and rings clinking against each other. “How'd you know? You haven't seen your face yet.”
You tilt your head, mimicking his position, smiling as he rubs the small of your back. “I can see myself perfectly in your eyes, Hobie.”
“Yeah, and it's a bloody good sight.” You already know what he's about to do before he even leaned close. Your hand is on his chest as he peppers your face with quick affectionate kisses, your giggles echo around the bedroom, fingers curled around his belt loops to pull him closer, making him peck you more fervently.
“We're gonna be late—!”
“I–” kiss, “don't,” he smooches the tip of your nose. “Care.” With his lips puckered over to the corner of your lips, he finishes with finesse by kissing your lips, mixing in both dark shades, a perfect combination of the two colours. “There, I never thought you'd look more gorgeous, but ‘ere we are, eh? I love that colour on you.”
You inhale for air, peripheral vision looking at the mirror, showing you your face that's covered in black kiss marks in various opacity. “I think you're right,” you nod with a mischievous glint in your eyes. “But I think we gotta match for this look to work.”
Hobie laughs wholeheartedly. “Hit me, love, make me look bloody fit.” His eyes are already closed, bracing for your kisses.
“That's impossible, you're the fittest man alive. Anymore than that you'll kill the crowd.” Your hands cradle his face, lips puckered, smooching him to hell and back.
Ned checks his watch for the umpteenth time, groaning impatiently at the empty space in the green room where Hobie is supposed to be already sitting with you lounging next to him.
“Where the fuck are those two?” He stomps his foot, “we need to be on stage in five!”
Yuri sighs, mindlessly playing with an imaginary drum to keep her hands occupied or she might end up eating the whole bowl of green skittles. “Don't know, let's hope they don't show up with hic—” the door creaks open. Yuri and James’ loud laugh echoes around the space. “Fucking hell! That's a lot worse than I thought!”
Ned twirls in his swivel chair, groaning, head in his hands. “What the hell am I supposed to do with you two? We're supposed to be punk!”
You grin at the band, hand holding Hobie's, squeezing him giddily. “What?” You both say simultaneously, looking oh so innocent. You look at Hobie who's covered in your kiss marks, lopsided smile on his lips, eyes shaped like hearts for you.
Hobie's heart is full at the sight of you covered in his own kiss marks, from your forehead to your neck, you're covered in it. He looks back at his band, Yuri's on the floor laughing with James who has his camera taking dozens of pictures, and Ned just shakes his head at the two of you. “C’mon now, before the crowd gets antsy, yeah?” They're gonna like his new look.
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beromt12 · 1 year
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scealaiscoite · 3 months
.☽༊˚ a hundred assorted prompts
¹⁾ raspberry lip gloss
²⁾ pajama bottoms
³⁾ a silver lighter
⁴⁾ fresh honey
⁵⁾ flushed cheeks
⁶⁾ a fogged-up mirror
⁷⁾ the imprint of a belt buckle on skin
⁸⁾ helium balloons
⁹⁾ a broken cocktail glass
¹⁰⁾ old playing cards
¹¹⁾ chipped green nail polish
¹²⁾ a brown leather wallet
¹³⁾ bullet holes in a wooden wall
¹⁴⁾ seashells lined up along the curve of a spine
¹⁵⁾ beaded curtains
¹⁶⁾ pomegranate seeds
¹⁷⁾ a carabiner heavy with keys
¹⁸⁾ fresh-cut orchids in a pottery vase
¹⁹⁾ vending machine cigarettes
²⁰⁾ an out of date map
²¹⁾ a creaky wooden gate
²²⁾ a minifridge stocked with budweiser and paracetamol
²³⁾ snapdragons growing between pavement slabs
²⁴⁾ smudged yellow eyeshadow
²⁵⁾ slept-in braids
²⁶⁾ library books that’ll never be returned
²⁷⁾ a pink-tiled shower
²⁸⁾ a honeybee on a linen shirtsleeve
²⁹⁾ burnt popcorn
³⁰⁾ watching an eclipse from bed
³¹⁾ a black lace bralette
³²⁾ a tattered patchwork quilt
³³⁾ blue raspberry bubblegum
³⁴⁾ a rusted fishing rod and a dried-up lake
³⁶⁾ the taste of whiskey on someone else’s lips
³⁷⁾ rose-scented candles burned down to the wick
³⁸⁾ crescent-shaped coffee stains on a wooden tabletop 
³⁹⁾ odd socks 
⁴⁰⁾ a loose thread on a jumper sleeve
⁴¹⁾ warm sheets on cold skin
⁴²⁾ amber-tinged perfume
⁴³⁾ gold jewelry 
⁴⁴⁾  a calloused palm against a soft cheek 
⁴⁵⁾ a busted headlight
⁴⁶⁾ sunrise from a jail cell
⁴⁷⁾ hand tattoos that weave around fingers
⁴⁸⁾ coconut shampoo
⁴⁹⁾ a doorbell sounding in the middle of the night
⁵⁰⁾ ladybugs crawling across a headstone
⁵¹⁾ grass stains on blue jeans
⁵²⁾ a loaded saddlebag
⁵³⁾ a dusty wine cellar
⁵⁴⁾ a bikini top draped over a bedpost
⁵⁵⁾ snow in july
⁵⁶⁾ dirt-red mountaintops
⁵⁷⁾ goosebumps in a heatwave
⁵⁸⁾ an empty dinnertable
⁵⁹⁾ a fresh manicure and bruised knuckles
⁶⁰⁾ zombie movies
⁶¹⁾ bitten lips
⁶²⁾ dark eyes full of tears
⁶³⁾ a soft cast in summertime
⁶⁴⁾ stale coffee in paper cups
⁶⁵⁾ frozen peaches on a black eye
⁶⁶⁾ acrid smoke
⁶⁷⁾ bound hands
⁶⁸⁾ animal tracks
⁶⁹⁾ unwound vhs tapes
⁷⁰⁾ cartoon plasters
⁷¹⁾ lipstick marks on shirt collars
⁷²⁾ silver bangles
⁷³⁾ sharing a coat in a downpour
⁷⁴⁾ fields with grass at waist-height
⁷⁵⁾ daisy chains up to your forearm
⁷⁶⁾ rolled-up shirtsleeves
⁷⁷⁾ the smell of bleach in a dark room
⁷⁸⁾ a shared sleeping bag
⁷⁹⁾ a new haircut
⁸⁰⁾ swimsuit tanlines
⁸¹⁾ perfume clinging to a pillow
⁸²⁾ lollipops dangling between lips
⁸³⁾ a badly-timed grin
⁸⁴⁾ old books
⁸⁵⁾ tongues stained from slushies
⁸⁶⁾ waking up in a hailstorm
⁸⁷⁾ dying sunflowers
⁸⁸⁾ colourful sunglasses
⁸⁹⁾ the last pew
⁹⁰⁾ tall, rattling windows in a storm
⁹¹⁾ six missed calls
⁹²⁾ sticks of incense burned down to the last
⁹³⁾ bunk beds
⁹⁴⁾ matching sets
⁹⁵⁾ ruined mascara
⁹⁶⁾ a boxing ring
⁹⁷⁾ stained glass windows
⁹⁸⁾ fairy forts
⁹⁹⁾ a cluttered bedside table
¹⁰⁰⁾ a hangover in the evening
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justcallmesakira · 7 months
The reader looking so pretty at an event in the agency, co worker dazai can't help but stare at her :> make sum scenario :>
Sypnosis: Dazai just cant keep his eyes to himself when a colleuge of his is looking so darn pretty!
Dazai x fem! reader
Genre: suggestive, romance
Warnings: reader is sort of cheeky, suggestive as hell, implied alcoholism, author gave the reader on what attire shes wearing.
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The agency had decided to hold another party in celebration of a huge deal which would help the agency .
And of course you were invited, almost everyone was. You decided to look extra pretty today because why not, not because of others but for yourself.
You had picked out a extravagant ebony coated frock which covered all the way up to your legs and ended with glistening white layers of laces.
The party was at 8 o clock, you had time plus what would you do getting there so early?
Gently tapping on the tubes of lipsticks you picked out a vermillion shade and smoothly applied the waxy substance on your lips. The colour suited the rose tied around your neck really well.
Finally adding some final touches you rushed out the door and walked along to the agency.
There were colourful lights and food everywhere, Atsushi teaching Kyouka how to make decorations, doctor Yosano taking a bit too much of wine, ranpo staring at powdered donuts... To think of it you remember him taking 5 of them sneakily one night and you wonder why hes so obsessed with them.
But one thing you could notice was a certain someones eyes on you... Dazai.
You walked up to atsushi and kyouka, talking to them and teaching them some tips and tricks to fit in with the agency.
You could feel at all times though, a certain pair of eyes glancing at you from time to time from the corner of the room.
"Excuse me, i will just fix my hair and come back" you politely end the conversation before walking towards the door and going outside.
Despite your heels clacking against the floor, you could feel another set of shoes following them.
"Dazai-san, may i know why i feel your eyes on my at all times?" you ask putting a perfect spot from the distance between your figure and the mans figure.
He chuckled.
"Bella, i must say your quite the smart one arent ya'?" osamu replies back with much cheekiness in his tone as yiu turned to him, he had a black tuxedo, a polished and refined one, it hugged his body quite tightly too.
You just sighed at his remark, he was a ladies man you knew but you have never seen the glint and love in his eyes on a girl ever before, it amde your stomach turn slightly in a good way, of course.
His teasing grin drops and turns into a more soothing smile as he walks over to you which makes you back towards the wall unsure whether to trsut him or not.
He lowers his head a bit to reach your face taking in all of it's features.
"Are you trying to woo me, dazai-san? It seems like it"
"Haaah, maybe. The thing is bella you just look so.." you expect him to give you some compliment like every boy does when they see a girl sitting pretty and all but instead he gently took a strand of your hair, took it to his lips and uttered every single quality and flaw about you, it was as if hes born to have a poets tongue with you being the muse.
"I just want to admire you all day, my darling. Its not lust nor a small crush, it isnt even close to love but something beyond the world and beyond the universe to attend to, i dont know i could drown in your eyes right now but i would prefer staring at them for an eternity as if its a gorgeous piece of art hung on a museum"
he said softly, oh god did this man made your heart drop down your stomach and melt into your intestines.
With each word he spoke through his charming voice, you could feel his breathe and hands going closer towards your sweating body and at last, he asked for your permission to which you only looked at him with a slight embroidery of embarrassment on your cheeks.
Dazai tenderly kissed your forehead but though it lasted short you wondered whether he tried to go for your lips instead because of the shift in his body.
"Oi, dazai and [Name] if your done with your cheesy af encounter than come back to the party! Presidents calling you two!"
Atlast after moments of intimate interaction which wasnt even intimate because of the silent yearn for something neither the two of you could preach. Both of you decided to go back to the party.
Later in the relationship you realised that your first kiss with this loverman was not the type of kiss those possessive men would do which would take your breathe away but more of a desperate one as if to reach out for something which one already got.
In the end nor dazai or you could just confess normally without making each other look like two pieces of magnificent artwork looking at each other.
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A/N: i hate this more than dazai hates him self :(((((((( btw reader is wearing this dress
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Divider crds! : @cafekitsune
Tags! : @inojuuy @silverbladexyz @atlasnessie @tsuunara @elizais @saelique @chuuyasboner @atzuhi @riiwrites @ruanais @biscuits-spooky-corner @rusmii
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ghxstyfae · 8 months
Jake Webber coquette girl? 😻‼️
Hi cutie🫶🏻 just did some headcanons for ya<3
Pearly Kisses ♡ J.Webber
Synopsis: headcanons of Jake Webber and his coquette gf
Warnings: 18 + under labelled section, cigarettes, let me know if i missed anything
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These two are like night and day, aesthetically speaking.
This causes them get looks (mostly from old ppl) wherever they go
Jake 'steals' her makeup
Sometimes when shes getting ready in the morning, sitting at her vanity with a fluffy headband and dozens of skincare and makeup products, he'll just sit on the floor beside her and watch
Makeup all over his bedsheets, especially mascara and lipsticks
"Jakey my dress doesnt have any pockets!! Can you keep my lipstick, wallet and phone in yours? Pretty please"
And of course he will, but tells her to leave her wallet at home because ?? Obviously hes gonna pay for anything she would need, and he's driving anywhere she needs to go.
Takes her to get her nails done on routine, he makes a whole day of it.
First, the appointment, if its a longer one he might leave for a bit and bring back some food for her and her tech. Next, they'll either go to get food if they havent already eaten, or some kinda drink (dunkin, tims, maccas, etc). Then they go shopping or thrifting, and finish the evening with dinner
Feels so out of place in her bedroom at first. Pastel pink, white, and cream shades were they only colours in her room + its full of clean, fluffy blankets and stuffies
"Jake theres literally a huge wine stain on my rug and empty snack wrappers everywhere idc if you make a mess"
But within a month half his tiktoks have a girly background because he records them while hes waiting for her to be done her makeup.
Jake now actively listens to Lana del rey on a daily basis, and his spotify wrapped will have atleast one of her songs on it
Sometimes, if gf happens to smoke, they share a cigarette and she leaves a lipstick stain on it
Speaking of, lipstick stains on his cheeks, neck, forehead, etc 24/7
Jake plans on getting her kiss mark tattooed on his neck after they get married
Likes to have her ride his cock in her tiny little miniskirts, will play with the bows in her hair and praise her for being such a good girl for him
Corruption kink goes brrr
Loves seeing tou all dolled up for him just so he can destroy it🤭
Valentines day special: bought her some cute lingerie and covered the room in pink flower petals, lit some candles and they had a beautiful dinner. He proceeds to absolutely WRECK her.
Would actually go FERAL if gf happened to have some kinda womb tattoo/trapstamp . just saying.
Hey, their isnt too many and they arent very good, so Im so sorry my love. I really hope you still enjoy though<3 if you'd like, id love to make a part two
My masterlist
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estellan0vella · 4 months
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Cherry - Ryomen Sukuna AU Word Count: 6.9K Content Warnings: Death, Guns, Violence, blood Masterlist for Eras AU
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The thrum of bass pulses through the walls of Sukuna's club, a steady heartbeat that syncs with the electric energy of the night. Neon lights flicker and dance over the crowded floor, casting vibrant hues across faces lost in the music. 
The rhythm of the music reverberates through your body, each beat syncing with your steady pulse as you lean against the polished mahogany bar. You exude a confidence that commands respect, your every gesture deliberate and controlled. The dress you wear, crafted from the finest red silk, clings to your form.
The ruby necklace around your neck catches the light, casting tiny red reflections that dance across your collarbone. Each piece of jewellery is a statement, a testament to your status and power in this underworld kingdom. The cigarette between your lips burns steadily, a trail of smoke curling upwards, adding to the smoky allure that surrounds you.
Your signature red lipstick glistens under the dim lights, staining the cigarette between your lips, the colour earning you the moniker "Cherry" among those who know you—and fear you.
Sukuna may be the kingpin, the ruler of this underworld, but you're no mere consort. Your presence demands respect, not just because you're his lover, but because you've earned your place. You can handle yourself, and everyone knows it. Tonight, though, Sukuna is away handling business, leaving you to watch over the club.
Your eyes scan the room, always alert, always aware, even as you sip on the cherry wine Sukuna specially imported for you. The crowd is thick tonight, the air electric with anticipation as they wait for the next performance. You take one last drag of your cigarette, exhale a plume of smoke, and extinguish it in a nearby ashtray.
You finish your drink and set the glass down, the clink lost in the surrounding noise. Your stilettos click against the marble floor as you stride toward the stage. The club's manager gives you a nod as you pass, a signal that everything is set. You make your way to the back, slipping through the velvet curtains and into the dimly lit backstage area.
The stage manager hands you a microphone, and you take a deep breath, feeling the familiar weight and cool metal in your hand. The crowd hushes as the lights dim, the anticipation palpable as they wait for their Queen. With a sultry smile, you step out onto the stage, the spotlight capturing your every move.
As the first notes of the piano fill the air, you begin to sing. Your voice is smooth and intoxicating, weaving through the melody with practised ease. The audience is mesmerized, their eyes glued to you, every word and note wrapping around them like a spell. This is your domain, and you revel in the power it gives you. The song is a slow, haunting ballad, a perfect showcase for your vocal prowess and emotional depth.
The music crescendos, your voice rising with it, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. The neon lights cast an ethereal glow over the audience, reflecting off their entranced faces. The song comes to an end, and for a moment, there's silence, the kind that holds a world of unspoken appreciation. Then, the applause erupts, filling the club with thunderous approval. You smile, taking a gracious bow before stepping off the stage.
As you return to the bar, you notice a group of men at a table near the back. They're not clapping, not even smiling. Their eyes are hard, their postures tense. Rival gang members, trying to blend in but sticking out like wolves in a flock of sheep. You can see the tension in their shoulders, the barely concealed weapons under their jackets. They don't belong here.
With a slow, calculated move, you finish your drink and set the glass down, the clink lost in the surrounding noise. Your stilettos click against the marble floor as you stride towards the back office. Inside, you open a hidden drawer, revealing an array of firearms. You choose a sleek, compact pistol, feeling its familiar weight in your hand. A quick check of the ammo, and you're ready.
The music fades as you step back into the main room, your senses sharpening. The rival members have spread out, moving towards key points. Your heart races, but your mind is clear. You're not just Cherry, the glamorous moll of Ryomen Sukuna. You're deadly, and you're about to remind everyone why.
One of them makes the first move, pulling out a gun and shouting a command. The crowd panics, screams rising as people scramble for cover. You don't hesitate. In a fluid motion, you raise your pistol and fire. The first shot hits its mark, dropping the man before he can fire a single round. The club erupts into chaos, but you're a storm of precision and fury.
You weave through the terrified patrons, your heels clicking with each step, a sharp contrast to the chaos around you. Another rival member appears, his eyes widening as he recognizes you. He hesitates, and that's his mistake. You take him down with a single shot, your aim impeccable as the bullet makes its mark between his eyes.
The others are more cautious now, trying to regroup. You use the confusion to your advantage, taking cover behind a pillar and assessing the situation. There are five left, moving towards the VIP section. You dart out, firing two shots in quick succession. One hits a man in the shoulder, the other in the leg, incapacitating them.
The remaining three try to flank you, thinking they can corner you. They underestimate you. You duck behind the bar, grabbing a bottle and smashing it for a makeshift weapon. As one comes around the corner, you slam the jagged glass into his neck, dropping him instantly. Another comes from the opposite side, but you're ready, shooting him in the knee and then the chest.
The last one is the biggest, clearly the leader. He's smarter, staying back and using the crowd as cover. You spot him across the room, near the DJ booth. He's aiming at you, but you don't flinch. With a calculated move, you dive, rolling across the floor and coming up firing. Your bullet hits his gun, knocking it out of his hand. Before he can react, you're on your feet, closing the distance.
He tries to swing at you, but you dodge, your movements swift and precise. You land a hard kick to his gut, making him stagger. He grabs a chair, swinging it wildly. You duck, feeling the air rush above your head. You counter with a high kick, your stiletto connecting with his jaw. He goes down, dazed and bleeding.
You stand over him, gun trained on his forehead. "This is Sukuna's territory," you say, your voice cold and steady. "Tell your boss if he tries this again, he won't have anyone left to send back." The man nods frantically, his fear palpable. You lower your gun, satisfied.
As the police sirens wail in the distance, you holster your weapon and straighten your dress. The club is a mess, but you're unscathed, your lipstick is still perfect. You walk back to the bar, grabbing yourself your bottle of wine, the respect in the eyes of the staff and patrons unmistakable. 
You're Cherry, and you've just reminded everyone that you're not just Sukuna's lover. You're a force to be reckoned with, heels and all.
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Later, as you sit in Sukuna's opulent office, sipping from your wine bottle, the door creaks open. Sukuna strides in with his characteristic confidence, his sharp eyes taking in the scene. A smirk plays on his lips. "I heard you had some fun tonight," he says, his voice laced with pride and amusement.
You smile, leaning back in the plush leather chair. "Just another night in the life, love."
He crosses the room with purposeful strides, pulling you into a fierce kiss, his hand tangling in your hair. When he pulls back, his eyes are dark with admiration. "You're amazing, dollface."
You grin, wiping a smudge of your maple cherry lipstick from his mouth with your thumb. "I know."
"You know, my sweet Cherry, it's times like these that remind me why I chose you," he murmurs, his voice a low, seductive rumble. "You're more than just a pretty face."
You chuckle softly, leaning into his touch. "I'd hope so, considering the trouble we've seen together."
He smirks, his gaze intense and unwavering. "You didn't just handle it. You owned it. This place, these people—they're all under our control because of you."
You tilt your head, playful and confident. "And because of you, my king. We make a hell of a team."
He pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "A deadly team," he whispers, his breath hot against your skin. "And tonight, you were magnificent."
Your heart races, not from fear but from the thrill of his words. You slide your hand up his chest, feeling the strong muscles beneath his shirt. "I had to keep our empire safe, didn't I?"
He chuckles, the sound dark and alluring. "And you did it in style, as always."
You feel his hand on your waist, guiding you to sit on the edge of the desk. He stands between your legs, his presence dominating yet comforting. "Tell me, dollface," he says, his eyes locked onto yours, "what did it feel like, taking them down?"
You smile, a slow, dangerous curve of your lips. "It felt powerful. Like I was in complete control. They thought they could walk in here and challenge us, but I showed them who really runs this place."
Sukuna's eyes darken with desire and pride. "You're incredible, dollface. And you're mine."
The possessiveness in his voice sends a shiver down your spine. You lean in, your lips inches from his. "Always yours, Ryo. Just as you're mine."
He closes the distance, kissing you fiercely. The world outside might be chaotic, but here, in this moment, there's only the two of you. Your hands tangle in his hair, pulling him closer as his grip on your waist tightens. The kiss is a battle of dominance, each of you pushing and pulling, testing boundaries and revelling in the power struggle.
When you finally break apart, both of you are breathless. Sukuna's eyes are filled with a mix of lust and admiration. "You're my queen, dollface. Never forget that."
You smirk, your fingers tracing his jawline. "And you're my king. Together, we're unstoppable."
He nods, his gaze never wavering. "Tonight proved that. But it also reminded me how dangerous this life is. I need you to be careful."
You raise an eyebrow, amused. "Careful? Where's the fun in that?"
He growls softly, a hint of frustration and amusement in his eyes. "Just promise me you'll watch your back. I can't lose you."
Your expression softens, and you press a gentle kiss to his lips. "I promise, Ryo. But remember, I'm not some damsel in distress. I can handle myself."
He smirks, his hand cupping your cheek. "I know, dollface. That's why I love you."
You smile as you lean into his touch. "And I love you, too. Now, what do you say we get out of here? I think we both could use a little... downtime."
His eyes glint with mischief. "I like the way you think. Let's go home."
You slide off the desk, hand in hand with Sukuna, ready to face whatever comes next. The two of you make your way through the club, your presence commanding the room as you pass. The staff and patrons watch with a mixture of respect and awe, fully aware of the power you wield together.
Outside, the cool night air is a refreshing contrast to the heated energy of the club. Sukuna's car, a sleek black machine that screams luxury and danger, awaits you. He opens the door for you with a flourish, a playful smirk on his lips. "Your chariot, my queen."
You chuckle, slipping into the passenger seat. "Why, thank you, my king."
As Sukuna slides into the driver's seat, you can't help but steal glances at him. The streetlights cast a soft glow on his sharp features, highlighting the intensity in his eyes. You feel a thrill of excitement, a mix of love and admiration for the man beside you.
The drive home is a silent yet intimate journey, the two of you content in each other's presence. The city lights blur as Sukuna navigates the streets with ease, his hand reaching over to rest on your thigh, a reassuring and possessive touch.
When you arrive at your lavish penthouse, Sukuna parks the car and leads you inside. The moment the door closes behind you, he pulls you into a fierce embrace, his lips finding yours with a hunger that sets your heart racing. You respond with equal fervour, your hands tangling in his hair as you lose yourselves in the passion of the moment.
He breaks the kiss, his breath hot against your lips. "You're everything to me, dollface. Never forget that."
Your eyes lock onto his, the intensity of his gaze sending shivers down your spine. "I know, Ryo. And you're everything to me."
He scoops you up in his arms, carrying you towards the bedroom. You laugh, a joyful sound that echoes through the penthouse. "You're impossible, you know that?"
He grins, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "And you love every minute of it."
You do. With Sukuna, every moment is an adventure, a blend of danger and love that keeps you on the edge of your seat. As he lays you down on the bed, you pull him close, your lips meeting in another searing kiss.
The night is yours, a sanctuary from the chaos of the world outside. Here, in Sukuna's arms, you find solace and strength. Together, you're an unstoppable force, ready to face whatever challenges come your way. But in your home, in this moment, you and Sukuna are simply together, entwined in a love that's as fierce and unbreakable as the empire you've built together.
The night in your penthouse feels endless, a blur of passion and whispered promises. But all good things must come to an end, and with dawn, reality intrudes. The underworld doesn't rest, and neither do its enemies.
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In the 1950s, Chicago was a city that never sleeps, a sprawling metropolis where the shadows are long and the danger is ever-present. You and Sukuna have built your empire on the edges of this world, carving out a kingdom in the neon glow of nightclubs and the whispered secrets of back alleys.
The morning light filters through the blinds as you lie entwined in Sukuna's arms, the warmth of his body a comforting shield against the harsh world outside. You trace the lines of his face, memorizing every detail, knowing that each day could be your last. He stirs, eyes opening to meet yours with a soft smile.
"Morning, dollface," he murmurs, his voice rough with sleep.
"Morning, Ryo," you reply, your heart swelling with love for this man who is both your protector and your partner in crime.
He pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your forehead. "We need to be careful today. Word on the street is that some of our rivals are planning something big."
You nod, your mind already racing with possibilities. "We'll handle it, like we always do."
Sukuna smiles, but there's a hint of worry in his eyes. "Just stay close to me, alright?"
You reach up to kiss him, a slow, lingering touch that speaks of your unbreakable bond. "Always, my king."
The weeks pass in a blur of meetings and preparations. Your network of informants keeps you updated on the movements of your enemies, and you and Sukuna make plans to counter any threats. 
The two of you spent most of your time in your penthouse, the safest place for you to be while there were threats against your life but the King and Queen of the Underworld had to show their faces ever so often. Show their power and status.
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As night falls, you dress in your finest once again, a vision in red silk with your signature ruby necklace. Sukuna, in his tailored suit with a red silk tie, looks every bit the kingpin, his presence commanding and dangerous. Together, you make your way to the club, the heart of your empire.
The club is bustling, the thrum of bass and the chatter of patrons filling the air. You scan the crowd, always alert, always aware. Sukuna stays close, his hand resting possessively on your waist. There's a sense of foreboding, a whisper of something dark and deadly lurking just out of sight.
The first shots ring out as you're crossing the dance floor. Chaos erupts as people scream and dive for cover. You and Sukuna react instantly, your guns drawn as you move in perfect sync, cutting through the crowd with lethal precision.
The attackers are relentless, their numbers overwhelming. You take down as many as you can, your bullets finding their marks with deadly accuracy. But there are too many, and for everyone you drop, another takes his place.
In the midst of the chaos, you catch a glimpse of Sukuna fighting off two men at once. His strength and skill are unmatched, but even he can't hold out forever. Your heart pounds in your chest as you fight your way towards him, desperate to reach his side.
A bullet tears through your shoulder, the pain searing and sharp. You stagger but keep moving, your determination driving you forward. Sukuna sees you falter and his eyes blaze with fury. He fights with renewed ferocity, cutting down anyone who stands in his way.
You finally reach him, your breath coming in ragged gasps. "Ryo," you manage to say, your voice trembling with pain and fear.
His eyes lock onto yours, and in that moment, everything else fades away. "Stay with me, Cherry. We can make it out of this."
The pair of you sprint from the club, heading for Sukuna's car. Not hesitating to shoot any man who pursues you from inside the club.
The street is chaos, sirens wailing in the distance as police cars converge on the scene. You and Sukuna slide into the car, bullets whizzing past you as you peel away from the curb, tyres screeching on the pavement.
Sukuna's driving is precise, his focus unwavering as he navigates the maze of streets, the city lights blurring into streaks of colour. But the police are relentless, their pursuit dogged and determined.
You glance at Sukuna, his jaw clenched in determination as he pushes the car to its limits. "We need to lose them," you call over the roar of the engine.
Sukuna nods, his eyes scanning the road ahead. He takes a sharp turn, narrowly avoiding a collision with an oncoming vehicle. The police cars follow, their sirens blaring, but you and Sukuna are one step ahead.
You duck down in your seat as Sukuna swerves into a narrow alley, the walls closing in around you. The police cars hesitate, unsure if they can follow. It's all the time you need. Sukuna guns the engine, the car lurching forward as you burst out of the alley and onto a deserted street. The police are nowhere in sight, left behind in the maze of the city.
You and Sukuna share a triumphant grin, the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins. "We did it," you breathe, relief flooding through you.
Sukuna squeezes your hand, his grip firm and reassuring but his eyes flit to the bullet wound in your shoulder. "We always do. But right now, we need to get you patched up,"
You nod, gritting your teeth against the pain. "We can't risk going to a hospital. They'll be swarming with cops."
Sukuna's jaw clenches with determination. "I know a guy. He owes me a favour."
You trust Sukuna implicitly, his connections running deep in the criminal underworld. You lean back in your seat, trying to ignore the throbbing ache in your shoulder as Sukuna speeds through the deserted streets.
Minutes later, you pull up outside a nondescript building, the windows dark and the entrance hidden in shadow. Sukuna leads you inside, his hand steady on your back as he guides you through the dimly lit corridors.
The man Sukuna knows is waiting for you in a makeshift medical room, his face hidden beneath a surgical mask. He nods in recognition as Sukuna approaches, his movements swift and efficient as he begins to tend to your wound.
You hiss in pain as the man cleans and stitches the bullet wound, but you refuse to cry out. You're Cherry, after all, and pain is just another obstacle to overcome in this dangerous world you inhabit.
Once the man is finished, Sukuna hands him a wad of cash, his expression grim. "Keep this between us," he says, his voice low and menacing.
The man nods, slipping the money into his pocket. "Of course, boss. You know I'm good for it."
You and Sukuna leave the building, the night air cool against your skin as you step back into the car. Sukuna's grip on the wheel is tight, his knuckles white with tension.
"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice laced with concern.
You nod, forcing a reassuring smile despite the pain throbbing in your shoulder. "I'll be fine. We've faced worse together, haven't we?"
Sukuna's expression softens, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of admiration and love. "We have. And we always come out on top."
"So I'm assuming now we plan revenge?" You ask with a sly smirk. 
Sukuna returns your smirk, the fire of determination burning bright in his eyes. "Oh, you can count on it, dollface. Those bastards will pay for what they've done."
You lean back in your seat, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins despite the pain in your shoulder. "Good," you say, your voice low and dangerous. "Because I'm not done with them yet."
Sukuna nods, his jaw set with determination. "We'll hit them where it hurts. They'll regret ever crossing us."
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The days following the attack are a whirlwind of planning and preparation. You and Sukuna call upon your most trusted allies, gathering your gang for a meeting in the depths of your penthouse. The atmosphere is tense, the air thick with the promise of vengeance.
Sukuna stands at the head of the table, his presence commanding. "They thought they could walk into our territory and challenge us," he begins, his voice steady and cold. "They thought wrong. We're going to remind them who really runs this city."
You stand beside him, your shoulder bandaged but your resolve unwavering. "We won't just defend our empire. We're going to take the fight to them. Every last one of those bastards will pay for what they did."
The room fills with murmurs of agreement, the loyalty of your gang unshakable. Plans are made, weapons distributed, and alliances solidified. The night is long, but by the end, a clear strategy is in place. You and Sukuna will lead the charge, a united front against those who dared to cross you.
That night, you and Sukuna drive through the darkened streets of Chicago, the city lights casting eerie shadows on the buildings. Your destination is a rival gang's hideout, a nondescript warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Your gang follows in a convoy of black cars, each vehicle filled with armed men and women ready for battle.
You arrive under the cover of darkness, the warehouse looming ahead like a fortress. Sukuna gives the signal, and your gang moves into position, surrounding the building. You and Sukuna lead the charge, your guns drawn and ready.
The attack is swift and brutal. You burst through the doors, gunfire echoing through the warehouse as you and your gang take down anyone who stands in your way. The rival gang is caught off guard, their defences crumbling under the onslaught.
You move with precision, your every shot finding its mark. Sukuna is a force of nature beside you, his strength and skill unmatched. Together, you cut through the enemy ranks, leaving a trail of bodies in your wake. As the last of the rival gang falls, you and Sukuna stand victorious, your gang cheering in triumph. But there's no time to celebrate. This is just the beginning.
The days turn into weeks as you and Sukuna dismantle the rival gang piece by piece. Each attack brings you closer to your ultimate goal: the complete annihilation of those who dared to challenge you. 
The air in the city is thick with tension, and every night brings a new skirmish, a new victory that pushes you closer to the final showdown. Your enemies fall one by one, their operations dismantled, their power crumbling under your relentless assault.
But the police are closing in. The chaos you've wrought has not gone unnoticed, and the city's finest are determined to finally bring you both to justice. They launch raids on your safehouses, arrest your allies, and close in on your operations. But you and Sukuna are always one step ahead, your cunning and resourcefulness keeping you out of their grasp.
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The final confrontation comes on a stormy night, the city streets glistening under a relentless downpour, the air thick with tension and the promise of violence. You and Sukuna are on the run, your loyal gang members doing their best to hold off the police but the net is closing in, and you both know you can't run forever.
As you speed through the streets in Sukuna's car, the sirens wail behind you, their lights a chaotic dance of red and blue in the rearview mirror. "We have to lose them," you shout, your voice tight with urgency and fear.
Sukuna's jaw is set with determination as he navigates the narrow alleys and winding streets, the rain hammering the car roof like the drumbeats of war. He swerves and skids, his skill behind the wheel keeping you just ahead of the law. But the police are relentless, their numbers overwhelming. Each turn is a gamble, but Sukuna's fierce resolve never wavers.
The chase leads you to the edge of the city, the dark waters of the river stretching out before you like a maw waiting to swallow you whole. Sukuna's car skids to a halt, the police forming a tightening semicircle around you. There's no escape.
You and Sukuna share a look, the unspoken bond between you stronger than ever. His eyes, stormy with resolve, meet yours, and in that moment, you see everything you need to know. "We go out together," he says, his voice firm and resolute.
"Always," you reply, your heart swelling with fierce love and determination.
You step out of the car, your guns raised, ready to face the inevitable. The rain soaks through your clothes, chilling you to the bone, but you don't flinch. You and Sukuna stand side by side, your fingers intertwining for a brief, final moment. The neon lights of the city reflect off the wet pavement, casting an eerie glow on the scene.
The first shots ring out, the sound deafening in the night. You and Sukuna return fire, your bullets finding their marks even as the police close in. The air fills with the acrid smell of gunpowder, the flashes of gunfire illuminating the rain-soaked streets. The world narrows to the sound of gunfire, the sting of rain on your face, and the warmth of Sukuna's presence beside you.
You feel a bullet tear through your side, the pain searing, but you don't stop. You keep fighting, your love for Sukuna giving you the strength to push through the agony. Beside you, Sukuna is a whirlwind of fury, his every shot a testament to his determination to protect you. His face is set in a grim mask of concentration, every move precise and deadly.
But the odds are against you. The police are too many, their firepower overwhelming. You feel your strength waning, your vision blurring as the blood loss takes its toll. The pain is almost unbearable, but you grit your teeth and keep firing, refusing to give in.
In your final moments, you turn to Sukuna, your eyes locking onto his. "I love you, Ryo," you whisper, your voice barely audible over the chaos.
His eyes soften, his love for you shining through even in the face of death. "I love you too, dollface," he replies, his voice strong and steady. "Forever."
As the world fades to black, you take comfort in the knowledge that you faced your end together, as you always promised you would. Your fingers lace with Sukuna's one last time, a final connection in the midst of the storm as he pulls you close to him. The pain fades, replaced by a sense of peace, and you let go, knowing that you lived and died by his side.
The unrelenting rain continues to pour from the darkened skies, cold and unforgiving, as it washes away the crimson stains on the cobblestone. The solemn figures of police officers stand vigil over the lifeless forms of Cherry and Sukuna, the esteemed and infamous Queen and King of the underworld. Both figures are bathed in a chilling coat of red, their lifeless hands still intertwined, and Cherry's body lying atop Sukuna's, the fallen king's arms enfolded protectively around her. 
Even in death, he cradles her close, as if defiantly shielding her from the world's conclusive acts of cruelty. Their once vibrant eyes, wide open yet now unseeing, reflect the tumultuous sky above, the rain intermingling with blood, each element bearing witness to the tragic tale of their final and valiant stand.
"They were some crazy fuckers, huh?" one officer mutters to his colleagues, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and disbelief.
Another officer, younger and less jaded, stares at the entwined bodies. "Yeah," he agrees softly. "But look at them. Even in death, they didn't let go."
The senior officer shakes his head, rain dripping from the brim of his hat. "Love like that," he says quietly, almost to himself. "It's rare. Even if it was twisted and dark, it was real."
The squad car lights cast eerie, flashing shadows on the walls of the surrounding buildings, illuminating the tragic scene in bursts of red and blue. The officers move to secure the area, but for a moment, they all pause, drawn by the haunting tableau before them.
As the rain washes away the last traces of their life, the officers stand in silent contemplation, each lost in their thoughts. The weight of what they witnessed lingers in the air, a testament to a love that defied the world and left an indelible mark on the annals of crime and passion.
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Decades later, the legend of Cherry and Sukuna, the formidable King and Queen of the underworld, continues to capture the imagination of many. In a hallowed lecture hall at an esteemed university, a young, pink-haired criminology professor stands before a rapt audience. 
Behind him, illuminated by the soft glow of the projector screen, hangs a grainy photograph immortalizing the enigmatic duo, their visages frozen in an eternal dance of defiance and allure.
Cherry, a vision of elegance and allure, is adorned in a luxurious satin red dress that clings to her every curve, its neckline plunging daringly low, a scandalous testament to her boldness. A luxurious black fur coat drapes languidly over her shoulders, a symbol of her opulent lifestyle. Around her neck and wrists, dangling from her ears and adorning her fingers, jewels glimmer in the dim light, all encrusted with the finest rubies and diamonds and a cigarette dangles between her red-painted lips.
Beside her, Sukuna cuts a striking figure, a cigarette in his left hand, his presence commanding and formidable. Clad in a meticulously tailored black suit, he exudes an air of effortless sophistication, his fedora perched at a rakish angle atop his head adding a touch of mystery to his already magnetic allure. A crimson silk tie, perfectly knotted, matches Cherry's dress. His fingers, adorned with silver rings encrusted with rubies, trace a possessive arc around Cherry's waist, a silent declaration of their unbreakable bond.
As they gaze into each other's eyes, the intensity of their connection is palpable, a potent blend of desire, admiration, and mutual respect. In that fleeting moment captured by the lens of history, they are more than mere criminals; they are legends in the making, their love and ambition etched into the very fabric of the underworld.
"Cherry and Sukuna," the professor begins, his voice carrying the weight of history. "Two names that struck fear into the hearts of many in the 1950s. They built an empire in the shadows of Chicago, a kingdom of crime and power. But they were more than just criminals. They were lovers, partners, and in many ways, they were inseparable."
The students listen intently, their faces a mix of fascination and awe. The professor continues, "Their love was their greatest strength and their ultimate downfall. In the end, they chose to face their fate together, side by side, just as they had lived. Their story is a tragic one"
He pauses, looking at the photograph. "They say that Cherry and Sukuna's love was so powerful that it transcended the criminal world they inhabited. It was a love that defied the odds, a love that was both their greatest strength and their greatest vulnerability. And in the end, it was a love that would be remembered forever."
The professor pulls up the crime scene photographs, Sukuna's car riddled with bullet holes, blood staining the right side doors. Then he shows the picture that had led to the criminal lovers gaining their infamous post-death moniker: 'The Eternal Lovers.' The picture is of Sukuna and Cherry's corpses.
The image is haunting: Sukuna's lifeless body cradling Cherry's, his arms wrapped around her as if to shield her from the world even in death. Cherry's dress is soaked with rain and blood, her hand still clasped in Sukuna's. Their faces, serene and defiant, seemed to challenge anyone who dared to separate them.
"They say a picture is worth a thousand words," the professor murmurs, his voice filled with a mix of reverence and sorrow. "But this one speaks volumes about the depths of their connection. It tells a story of love, defiance, and tragedy. Cherry and Sukuna's legacy isn't just about their reign of terror; it's also about the unyielding bond they shared, a bond that death couldn't sever."
"How did Cherry and Sukuna meet?" a student asks, their voice cutting through the silence.
The professor smiles a hint of mystery in his eyes. "Now that is something no one knows," he says, leaning against his desk. "One day, the criminal underworld was ruled by a King, and then suddenly he has a queen."
He pauses, letting the weight of his words sink in. "There are countless theories, of course. Some say they met in the most unlikely of places, others believe it was a fated encounter. But the truth is, Cherry and Sukuna's meeting is shrouded in as much mystery as their reign. The local museum has a lot of memorabilia collected from the time of their reign. They have the car from the final stand on display along with the outfits from that night"
As the lecture comes to an end, the students file out of the room, their minds filled with the tale of Cherry and Sukuna. The professor remains behind, staring at the photograph. He can't help but feel a sense of admiration for the couple who lived and died by their own rules, their love immortalized in the annals of history.
His thoughts drift back to the rainy night that marked the end of Cherry and Sukuna's reign. The police reports, the newspaper headlines, the testimonies of those who had witnessed the final showdown – they all painted a picture of a love that was fierce and unyielding, even in the face of certain death.
The professor had pored over these documents countless times, trying to understand what drove them, what bound them together so tightly that they chose to face their end together rather than surrender.
He recalls a particular line from a witness statement, an elderly woman who had watched the final moments unfold from her apartment window. 
"They stood there in the rain, hand in hand, as if nothing else in the world mattered. It was as if they were saying goodbye to everything and everyone, but not to each other. He pulled her close and the bullets rained down on them and tore through them. Even when they dropped, he held her like she was his everything. I suppose she was."
The professor sighs, turning off the projector and gathering his notes. He knows that in another few weeks, he'll be teaching this same lesson to another group of students, passing on the legend of Cherry and Sukuna. As he locks up the lecture hall, he takes one last look at the photograph.
Walking through the quiet corridors of the university, he wonders about the choices we make in the name of love and the legacies we leave behind. Cherry and Sukuna may have lived a life of crime, but their story is a reminder that even in the darkest of places, love can shine through, defying the odds and leaving an indelible mark on history.
The professor's footsteps echo down the empty hallway as he walks past glass display cases filled with artefacts from the same era: vintage newspapers, old pistols, and police badges, each item a silent witness to the turbulent times of Cherry and Sukuna. 
He stops in front of a case displaying two pistols, one sleek black and one with cherry red accents. The guns, reputedly Sukuna and Cherry's, were found at the site of their last stand. He stares at them, imagining the man and woman who once used them, a couple who lived fiercely and loved even more fiercely. 
A soft sound startles him out of his reverie. He turns to see a young woman standing nearby, clutching a notebook. She looks at the photograph on the projector screen, then back at him.
"Professor, can I ask you something?" she says hesitantly.
"Of course," he replies, curious.
"Do you think... do you think they knew how their story would end? That they would be remembered this way?"
The professor considers her question. "I think they knew they were living a life that would lead to an inevitable end. But I also believe that they were more focused on living each moment fully, especially with each other. They were aware of the risks, but their love gave them the courage to face those risks head-on."
The young woman nods, deep in thought. "It's just... it's kind of beautiful, isn't it? To be remembered for something so... passionate."
The professor smiles. "Yes, it is. It's a reminder that love, in its purest form, can transcend everything – even the darkest of legacies."
As the young woman walks away, the professor turns off the last light in the hallway. He leaves the university, stepping out into the cool night air, the story of Cherry and Sukuna lingering in his mind. 
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As Professor Yuji Itadori walks through the rain-soaked streets, he feels the weight of his family's legacy bearing down on him, a legacy shaped by the love and turmoil of his grandparents, Cherry and Sukuna.
Growing up, Yuji had been shielded from the darker aspects of his family's past, but snippets of their history had always found their way to him, whispered secrets passed down through generations. He had listened with a mix of fascination and trepidation, knowing that his own identity was intricately woven into the tapestry of Cherry and Sukuna's legend.
Yet, despite the allure of his family's infamous past, Yuji had chosen a different path. He had forged his own identity, separate from the shadows that had haunted his grandparents. He had embraced his surname, Itadori, a surname his grandparents had given their only son before sending him away from the criminal underworld of Chicago.
But even as Yuji sought to carve out his own destiny, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was still tethered to the legacy of Cherry and Sukuna. Their blood flowed through his veins, their stories whispered in the winds of his dreams. And as he walked through the rain-soaked streets, he couldn't help but wonder about his place in their tale.
Was he destined to follow in their footsteps, to be consumed by the same darkness that had defined their lives? Or could he forge a new path, one guided by his own principles and convictions? The answers eluded him, lost in the labyrinth of his thoughts.
As he navigated the streets of the city, Yuji felt a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of his consciousness. The weight of his family's history pressed down on him, a burden he couldn't shake. But amidst the storm clouds that gathered overhead, there flickered a glimmer of hope.
For Yuji knew that the legacy of Cherry and Sukuna was not just one of darkness and despair. It was also a legacy of love, of sacrifice, of the enduring power of the human spirit. And as he walked through the rain-soaked streets, he vowed to honour that legacy in his own way, to carve out a future that was uniquely his own, yet forever intertwined with the echoes of his family's past.
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Taglist: @sad-darksoul
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