#windstorm the legend of khiimori
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gebo4482 · 10 months ago
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Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori
Announcement Trailer
Website / Steam
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sunnidaydreamer · 5 months ago
Just watched the most glorious video relating to an upcoming horse game called Legend of Khiimori and I guess people are losing their minds.
Because the developer responded to a tweet where someone said they'd buy the game if it didn't appeal to the "woke", but as the developer had her pronouns in her profile that wasn't likely. Said developer replied that "For every similar comment they would add a new set of pronouns" paraphrased.
And there are people taking that comment at face value and saying they gutted their potential buyers by adding more pronouns.
In the game itself you don't choose your pronouns. You play as a female character, the steam page even has the female protagonist tag.
This is too much XD
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hahniana · 5 months ago
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Really obsessed with this exchange
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teaandinanity · 9 months ago
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Oh my god I want this so bad I feel physically ill. MONGOLIAN HORSE GAME. With catching and breeding and possibly some survival (press release mentions 'the challenges of the wilderness') as well?
Early Access is supposed to start in September so I am choosing to believe this is the universe giving me a birthday present.
I applied to be a beta tester but when you ask me to rank my knowledge of things I'm like 'look, that xkcd comic about experts wildly overestimating what is general knowledge has me seriously second-guessing myself on whether I'm overestimating everyone else or if I'm actually an idiot even when I'm PRETTY sure it's not the second thing' but also like... what is 'advanced familiarity' with horse care? I'm pretty sure I'm more than minimally familiar regardless of scale but I don't know if these questions are 'do you know more than the average person' or 'how would you rank yourself on this stuff as compared to Horse People'
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andromedaspark · 5 months ago
Someone better remind me when Windstorm: The legend of Khiimori comes out
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eachuisge-cc · 3 months ago
Not to mention that actual medieval warhorses looked more like short chunky pony-like horses, nothing like the modern warmbloods.
You might've heard about an upcoming horsy game called Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori, it's set in medieval Mongolia, and I am so disappointed they gave in and added warmbloods upon the popular demand. Since the audience deemed mongol horses "not aesthetically pleasing" enough.
I understand you gotta sell the game, but come on
YES, we severely need more appreciation for the less Conventionally Pretty breeds because they have a lot to offer and are honestly so cool looking in their own way if you let go of the idea that a 16hh warmblood is the ideal equine form for every purpose in every context. especially with a lot of those more distinctive-looking breeds being endangered and/or tied to really cool regional horse cultures that have been breeding them for centuries. those horses are usually extremely well suited to their specific environment which is what I really wanted to evoke with the skyrim horses (and with the mod in general, I’m really doing what I can within the constraints I have to make distinctive horses that fit with the aesthetic/cultural influences of different parts of tamriel instead of just having the entire continent be a nonsensical horse melting pot). I’m limited by the size of the skeleton but with all Skyrim’s fauna defaulting to Big and Chonky it’s not hard to imagine the horses would follow suit, and with dole horses being a thing there’s precedent for draft-sized horses being a thing there.
and yeah I was really bummed to learn that a game made to showcase the mongolian horse gave in and added Even More Warmbloods. if they wanted more breeds they could at least have gone for altai horses or some other less known east/central asian breeds that might conceivably have found their way into mongolia or like. existed in the same time period.
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adrianthevampire · 1 year ago
A Somewhat Comprehensive List of Horse Video Games
I will be editing this original post with new games, new information, and so on. If you see a reblogged version of this post, it is worth going to the original post to see if updates have been made.
Ahead will be a list of games that either were released recently and/or are being actively maintained. I have not personally played all of these games. Do not take this list as my personal recommendations.
If you have games you would like to suggest for this list, please let me know!
Some games are listed in both the Single Player and Multiplayer sections. This is due to them having the capability for either.
Single Player
The Ranch of Rivershine [Steam]
Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch [Website, available for PC and consoles]
Rival Stars Horse Racing [Website]
Astride [Steam, Website]
Horse Club Adventures [Steam, also available on consoles]
Horse Club Adventures 2 [Steam, also available on consoles]
Wildshade Unicorn Champions [only available on consoles]
Tales of Rein Ravine [Steam]
Rival Stars Horse Racing [Website]
Astride [Steam, Website]
Horse Isle 3 [Website]
Alicia Online [Website]
Star Stable Online [Website]
Star Equestrian [Website]
Horse Reality [Website]
Ropin' Ranch [Website]
Wild Horses Valley [Website]
Hunt and Jump [Website]
Equestrian The Game
Star Equestrian
Rival Stars Horse Racing
Star Stable Online
Equestriad World Tour
Honorable Mentions
These are games that are not horse games technically but may have good horse gameplay, either in the base game or via user created content.
Red Dead Redemption 2/Red Dead Online/RedM
The Sims 3 Pets
The Sims 4 Horse Ranch
Black Desert Online
Some but not all of these games have demos or paid beta testing, though none are officially available yet.
Fernhoof Grove [Trailer]
Unbridled: That Horse Game [Website]
Horse Life Simulator [Patreon]
Canter Crossing [Steam]
Pro Show Jumping [Steam]
Horse Project [Website]
Horse Trainer [Video]
Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori [Steam]
Details about some of the games:
Rival Stars Horse Racing
Rival Stars has two versions. Desktop via Steam and Mobile. While the gameplay itself (e.i racing, breeding, etc) are identical there are massive differences in how it functions. Mobile has micro transactions and limits on how much you can do a day without paying money. The desktop version has no micro transactions and no limits on how much you can do at any given time. Desktop, however, does not get updated as often as Mobile. I could go on and on listing various pros and cons between the two versions, but ultimately I personally prefer Desktop due to the lack of micro transactions or wait times and in addition Desktop has the ability to make custom horses, which is quite fun. It's worth checking out the mobile version first, however, so you can see if the game appeals to you as the Mobile version is free to play.
Astride is in "early access" on Steam, though that can be misleading. What is currently available is little more than a tech demo. You can create a horse and ride around an area on it, utilizing Astride's unique jumping system, and you can given play with friends. However, it is extremely glitchy, the lighting looks awful right now, and overall it just... isn't good. That said, it is still in progress and I personally have hopes that it will become a full fledged game as promised someday. That day is not today and so I personally recommend not purchasing it until it has gotten a few good updates, unless you just really want to financially support the developers.
Horse Isle 3
Oh boy. I'll just point you towards this article about some of the issues with the community management of HI3. Be warned if you intend to play, moderators are inconsistent about the rules they enforce and you can very easily get banned for saying harmless things. Personally, I stay out of the chat and I'm careful with what I name my horses. Horse Isle 3 is a one of a kind game, sadly, that allows for extremely detailed breeding. Realistic genetics combined with the ability to breed for all sorts of shapes makes it a very compelling game, which is why so many people continue to play it despite... the issues. It is free to play, though there are paid aspects to it. However, you can earn the premium currency within the game and utilize paid features without ever paying your own money.
Minecraft can be a fun horse game using mods or server plugins! The mod SWEM adds a lot of content that makes for good realistic horse roleplay, though doesn't fit well in survival style gameplay. The mod Realistic Horse Genetics actually doesn't change much of the horse functionality, making it a really good fit for survival gameplay, but adds lots of realistic genetics and a better system for inheriting stats than vanilla minecraft. The mod Genetic Animals will be adding horses soon.
Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Online, and RedM
While it is not intended to be a horse game, RDR2 has horses that feel so very real. They are well animated so they feel alive and they respond to their environment in realistic ways. Many people purchase the game purely because of the horses. There are mods you can use to improve the horses in Single Player, though I've never used any so I can't offer suggestions. Personally, I really like Red Dead Online for the horses because the horses can't die and there are a few more breed options. You also can look into joining a RedM server. There is one called Rift that is specifically meant for horse enthusiasts.
I know nothing about Roblox personally, but I know there are several worlds (games? I don't know what they're called) in Roblox that revolve around horses.
I will add to this as I think of more. If you are viewing this as a reblogged post, it's worth checking the original to see if it has been updated.
Please feel free to request more information or suggest games or add your thoughts.
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roguemonsterfucker · 5 months ago
Hey so on the subject of the upcoming horse game, Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori, someone who works on the game is getting harassed really badly by transphobes over a joke she made about pronouns.
Also seems like a lot of people are angry that the game won't have combat? as if there aren't a million games that already have plenty of combat rofl.
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thefoldedbird · 5 months ago
Are you still looking for horse games? This one’s not entirely centered around horses but they’re a primary mechanic. Might be up your alley?
Doesn’t release until next year but the videos look promising.
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meirimerens · 2 months ago
Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori. heard about a game coming in 25 about riding a delivery horse through Mongolia. je ne suis pas une publicité. i thought maybe you would enjoy it.
i like the french disclaimer truly making sure to hit your target and I Have Heard Of It i've seen of it perhaps the One (1) ad i actually are about and i am fuming i tell you fuming the chances of me being able to play it as so thin because the way this looks right up my valley it's not even funny. on my knees screaming coughing choking in pain let me innnnn
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piosplayhouse · 4 months ago
This may be old news to you, but I just got an ad for a game called Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori, and it looks like it could be right up your alley.
YES I saw that Alice Ruppert of the Mane Quest is working on it I'm very excited :) it seems to have a lot of research and care put into it which is awesome, the horse game sphere is severely lacking in Asian rep despite Asia being like the main horse domestication hotspot .. I won't be able to play since I don't have a PC sadly but I will be tuned in
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gebo4482 · 10 months ago
Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori Announcement Trailer
Website / Steam
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horsegirlz · 3 months ago
Horse games released in 2024, and upcoming horse games
Tales of Rein Ravine (early access)
Horse Life on Roblox
My First Horse: Adventures on Seahorse Island
Pro Show Jumping
My Horse: Bonded Spirits
Jousting Manager (early access)
Windstorm: Start of a Great Friendship - Remastered (originally released in 2017)
Eternal Trails
Roam: Wild Horse Simulator
2025 and forward
Astride (early access since 2023)
Ranch of Rivershine (early access since 2023)
Unbridled: That Horse Game
Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori
Fernhoof Grove
Rising Star - The Horse Game
Horse Life Simulator
Horse Project
Galloping Dream
Horse Runner DX
Horse Racing Manager
Sulky Manager
Hobby Horse
Canter Crossing
There are likely games on mobile and on Roblox that released this year or are in development that I'm unaware of, as well as pc/console games I missed. Feel free to reply or reblog with additions!
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lydiaalin · 5 months ago
Hey, have you heard of the game Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori? You play as a courier of a nomad tribe in Mongolia and you can breed your own horses.
first time I heart of it but it sounds cool! I'll check it out, thank you
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trailercheck · 10 months ago
WINDSTORM: The Legend of Khiimori Official Announcement Teaser Trailer (...
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maximuswolf · 10 months ago
Windstorm: The legend of Khiimori. Am i the only one hyped for this one ?
Windstorm: The legend of Khiimori. Am i the only one hyped for this one ? https://ift.tt/1ClqRUX Submitted May 09, 2024 at 12:18PM by CRKVSKY https://ift.tt/rQ5cRN7 via /r/gaming
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