#winds speculation
grennseyelashes · 1 year
Ohhh is GRRM doing a Cain and Abel thing with Euron and Aeron? Interesting. INTERESTING...
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duckngk · 14 days
thinking about how alethi doorframes and stuff are made for taller people since theyre just a taller race generally.. but shinovar is a different story i need kaladin to be hitting his head on EVERYTHING in stormlight 5
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citycrows · 2 months
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Suo Hayato sketches because I desperately need a distraction from jjk leaks
I kind of love Suo he's got curtain bangs, loves tea and is absolutely nasty when he's angry I've never felt so represented
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corvidpolyglot · 3 months
I've been seeing a lot of fun predictions for stormlight 5 but I haven't seen a lot of people mentioning the smoking gun that's just been waiting around since book 1:
(1) every major Rosharan city lies within an oddly symmetrical crater (2) there used to be a city where the shattered plains are (3) the cracks in the shattered plains look an awful lot like frequency patterns (like from a tuning fork) (4) frequency and rhythm are really big things on Roshar
I think it's not unlikely that there's a superweapon on Roshar that was capable of just... breaking cities. Possibly one known by the Dawnsingers, possibly one introduced with human arrivals from Ashyn, but definitely something big. And, notably, there is a very important city to the protagonists right now, and we're coming up to the middle point of the overarching plot. It would not be surprising if someone very old (read: a Fused, or possibly the Bondsmith Herald) remembered that there was a superweapon around and decided to use it on Urithiru.
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whose name is stark
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eekend · 17 days
I am 100% sure that gallant can fly. Like feed that horse som spheres and watch him take off
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kingjasnah · 2 months
WaT book description from Tor dropped... 👀
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HI shallan/ren/rlain???? sigzil and VENLI??? if we hadn't known about the shinovar road trip for years maybe id be less surprised by the other groupings but wow. as for what can be found in the spiritual realm.....maybe it's too early to start racking up speculations but after the lost metal maybe we should all clock some coppermind hours in the next couple of months to see who or what could possibly be making an appearance
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nevertheless-moving · 7 months
stormlight winds and truth fear: kaladin tearfully confesses his love for shallan and adolin only to immediately be sent to Turbo Hell
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thaumasilva · 2 months
my biggest wind and truth theory is still that that adolin dies, shallan discovers she's pregnant after the fact (or otherwise tbh), and then she becomes a worldhopper to abscond into the cosmere and escape roshar at the end of the book. because honestly if things are as Catastrophically Fucked as i'm predicting them to be by the end, i think she's a character particularly vulnerable to, well, the despair of that. she would have found a reason to go on anyway but as a writer that first thought being "i need to get my unborn child out of here for their and adolin's sake if not mine" is super powerful motivation
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angrycommiedyke · 24 days
Speculations on Jon and Arya : "The woman is important too"
It’s no secret that Jon Snow has always wanted to be a Stark, and has a strong connection to this house and to the North, with his looks, his direwolf and warging ability, among other things.
“Lord Eddard Stark is my father,” Jon admitted stiffly. Lannister studied his face. “Yes,“ he said. “I can see it. You have more of the north in you than your brothers.“ “Half brothers,“ Jon corrected. He was pleased by the dwarf's comment, but he tried not to let it show. [Jon - AGOT]
Now when Jon is going to learn the truth about his parentage, it’s going to be a mess in his head and he will obviously need time to process. It will cause multiple problems but I just want to focus on one in particular : his identity as a Stark. 
The male lineage tends to be more important, so wherever R+L marriage was valid or not, even if Jon remains a bastard, he won’t be Ned Stark’s bastard but Rhaegar’s. He may then not feel entitled - or less -  to be King in the North (if he is as in the show), or just feel like he doesn't really belong in the North/Winterfell due to his Targaryen father.
And that’s when Arya comes into play. To remind him that “the woman is important too”. 
"The Lannisters are proud," Jon observed. "You'd think the royal sigil would be sufficient, but no. He makes his mother's House equal in honor to the king's." "The woman is important too!" Arya protested. Jon chuckled. "Perhaps you should do the same thing, little sister. Wed Tully to Stark in your arms." [Arya - AGOT]
So I like to imagine that Arya will be there to remind him that his northern face, which he was proud of when Tyrion mentioned it, isn’t due to his father but his mother. That the sigil he wanted to wear but was never allowed to, is in fact his mother’s. 
"Girls get the arms but not the swords. Bastards get the swords but not the arms. I did not make the rules, little sister." [Arya - AGOT]
And because the woman is important, he’s no less of a Stark or a northerner. Perphaps Arya will be there to tell him directly or he'll just remember her words.
PS : I also hc that when Jon will reveal to Arya the truth about his real parents, she’s gonna tell him these exact words : “You’re still my brother”. 🥹 And i'm still mad we didn't see the reactions on the show, but let's not start on that
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Kaladin used rhythm to communicate in his very first appearance in the series.
It was a useful trick, employed in order to be heard over the din of battle, and I didn't think much of it.
But now we know how central rhythms are to Roshar, AND Kaladin is learning the flute, and suddenly that choice feels more significant.
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beansprean · 1 year
idk who needs this information, but Nandor flies, on average, at 37.37 mph (60.14 kmh).
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showing my work
mans took off when his camera timer was at 2:15:00
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(ty @memosminifridge for the above image lol) when he "reached space" (the weightlessness is not that abrupt but lets assume this was him passing the karman line) the timer was at 01:41:44, so it took him 1hr 39m 29s (1.6581 hrs) to get from the ground to space!
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the moment where atmosphere becomes space (the karman line) is generally believed to be 62 miles (99.78 km) from sea level, and staten island is on average 161 ft above sea level. so he traveled 61.97 miles in 1.6581 hrs and using dis/time we get an avg speed of 37.37 mph (60.14 kmh)!
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quibbs126 · 21 days
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Teaser apparently came out earlier, and yeah, Wind Archer’s our next Legendary Cookie, and it seems like the story is gonna follow him investigating the Laboratory on Beast Yeast
I’m wondering now if he’ll run into Matcha there. She lives there, and she’s constantly going through the sewers. Now I’m thinking it’d be interesting if by the end, she decides to team up with Wind Archer or something, but I don’t know if that’ll happen. Wind Archer meeting a bad end seems likely as well
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Also legit, I can’t tell if we’re setting up Eternal Sugar or Burning Spice as the next Beast. I know the leaks say Burning Spice, but Eternal Sugar’s getting plenty of focus in this trailer too
But we get semi eye reveals for the two? Apparently Spice has yellow eyes
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proffesionalalpaca · 1 month
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Official title : Avatar 3 - Fire & Ash
D23 Ash Concept art
I was hoping they’d go into that dark, ritualistic (getting major hellblade Senua’s Saga vibes) vibe but Goddamn this is went hard and is genuinely terrifying imagery - I LOVE IT!!
Severed Kurus worn as trophies, sharp claws (extensions?) and even a long serpentine tail with a lack of tail tuft. Fairly close to the forest Na’vi but ghostly pale and lacking stripes/ markings of any kind.
They also appear like most besides Varang herself are starved and emaciated (man in the back may just straight up be a sacrifice/mummified corpse) , desperation may be their main motivation - not sure if they’ll do full blown cannibalism. They’ll probably tone it down for the official film but I really hope it’s not too much.
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In another concept we see that the ash Na’vi ride a new species of ikran - a gnarly looking creature with many horns and pale colouration. And there are A LOT!
This implies the ash people number in the hundreds if not thousands - a force well prepared to go against any of Jake’s Na’vi forces.
This version of Varang seems closer to what we’ll probably be seeing in the final film - wearing her riding pants and minimal wardrobe that we saw in the motion capture render footage last year.
And if my eyes don’t deceive me - flying right behind her is a Na’vi man carrying a firearm - who I’m betting is Quaritch. Will he be cosying up to the ash Na’vi temporarily for short term gains or will this be for a more long term goal?
Varang’s signature face paint seems to be a forehead triangle - we saw that exact style on ‘Quaritch’ in this leaked image, so he may be wearing her mark during a big battle.
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moash · 2 months
i think Knights of Wind and Truth is written by Syl. my called shot.
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more snowstorm (what else is new?)
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