#wincest kisses
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unsurprisinglyren · 6 months ago
Pre-series head canon; just before Sam is set to leave for Standford, Dean makes his move and forever changes the relationship between them.
What was between them, this twisted-up, perverse pleasure, nightly escapades and stolen glances, it was strung too tightly between them. A silk thread, poised to break. Delicate and beautifully brittle.
A glimmer of cobwebs stretched between Sam’s ribcage.
A gleam of gluttony in Dean’s gaze. Warm and improper; a secret held delicately between them both.
It had started innocuously enough. Not quite innocent. A press of Dean’s bicep against Sam’s arm as they sat side by side in an out of the way diners booth. Dad opposite them; talking some plan. A hunt. The typical salt-and-burn.
And Dean had felt the way Sam’s body had tensed. Saw the flicker of his eyelashes as he glanced first to dad, then down at his thick shake. The bright red straw, the ring of condensation left on the hard plastic tabletop when he lifted the drink to his lips.
And Dean had stared. Watching the way his little brother pursed his lips around the end of the straw, the way his cheeks hollowed out with each suck. The slurp and slosh of the milk shake. The very obvious obliviousness Sam was displaying.
The next time Dean had pressed his thigh hard up against Sam’s, instead. This time they were in a dingy cafe. Rundown. The waitstaff tired-eyed and slow-moving. It was late, or early, almost dawn. Not quite.
Sam had stiffened again, like last time. A slow tightening down the length of his spine. And something in Dean shifted, come undone. A slippery sort of emotion; a little like fondness, a lot like control.
A twisted sort of control. Where he used physical touch - wholly different than the usual shove or slap on Sam’s shoulder - this touch was private. Secluded. A brush of the back of his knuckles across Sam’s knee under the table. A lean into his personal space on the pretence of reaching for the sugar.
“Coffees too bitter.” He’d said, sparing Sam a glance and nothing more.
Sam didn’t rebuke it. Didn’t saying “but you like your coffee strong”. He sat very still and quiet, and let his big brother play.
It was only after dad and Sam had come to verbal blows about school and Sam’s future, that Dean ramped things up. There was a time limit now. He couldn’t lazily take his time; a touch here, a long look there. Couldn’t play this thing out slowly and sweetly, so he acted on impulse, beer sitting like a slosh of liquid courage and nausea in the pit of his gut.
He’d found Sam in the motel bathroom, red-rimmed eyes, cheeks rawed from crying. And really, Sam was wholly different than him and dad. Too soft. Too emotional.
Yet, despite dad’s opinion drilled into the very marrow of his bones - emotions are weakness - Dean rather liked the pinked cheeks and over-bright gaze.
“Come to have a go, too?” Sam had twisted up his mouth like he was biting back more words. Dean knew he wasn’t swallowing down the threat of fresh tears instead.
He stepped forward, casting a single look over his shoulder, but the motel room was empty, dad had taken off for some air. Hah. A stiff drink, more likely.
And Dean didn’t have a hope of convincing Sam to stay. Sam had made up his mind years ago. It was only a matter of time before dad and him went up like a powder keg, sparked and aflame and Dean stepped another step closer.
Sam’s gaze faltered, a little line of apprehension forming between his eyebrows. He didn’t understand what Dean was doing. His intentions. And to a degree Dean didn’t either. He was running on pure impulse and the dizzying need to close out this game of theirs before time was up.
“Shut up.” It wasn’t meanly said. A breath. Quiet between them.
Shut up because it hurts to hear your voice.
Shut up because I’m mad at you. You’re going to leave me here with dad.
Shut up so I can kiss you.
And he did; a fumble of his fingers, outstretched, catching at the lapel of Sam’s jacket, drawing him in a step, another, until their toes bumped together, socked-feet, a rush of Sam’s breath, then Dean angled him down with a sharp tug at his jacket; and Sam went easily. Bending, dipping into the kiss like he’d expected it.
He hadn’t. Dean knew he hadn’t by the way his lips were trembling under Dean’s. Warm and not-quite pliant. But it changed swiftly, a lick of Dean’s tongue, just the tip, against Sam’s bottom lip. He tasted of salt from his tears. And something warmer. Heady and sweet and all Dean’s.
Sam opened for him; warmth and slickness and the barest little shudders of his body. It was enough. It had to be enough. It was chaste, broken by the sound of the impala’s engine, the slam of the drivers side door, the subsequent jangle of keys.
They broke apart just as dad entered. But it had been enough. The spark to light a bonfire. A pyre of wrongness and debauchery, yet oh so addictive.
A question that was left hanging between them, unanswered.
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originalcrime · 24 days ago
Dean smoking a joint and not letting Sam hit it. no. the only way Sam gets any smoke is if he lets Dean shotgun it into his mouth
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tsukiyo-7 · 1 year ago
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I go off like a gun,
Like a loaded weapon,
Bang, bang, bang,
Grip me in your hands...
So here we go again,
It echoes in my head,
Bang, bang, bang,
Grip me in your hands...
So I can feel you here with me...
Soaked in sin,
Baptized by your kiss and now I'm born again.
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waywardsamdean · 5 months ago
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Dee smooches!!
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ind0mitablesw0rdsmen · 25 days ago
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No way in hell teen dean could deal with his family without a cigarette break and adult dean seems like the kind of guy to have zyns and ketcup packets in his pockets
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samdeancrimespree · 10 months ago
the difference between sam and dean is that in the phrase “incestuous romantic relationship” sam cringes at incestuous and dean cringes at romantic.
i think he’d be maybe a little weirded out but not that embarrassed if he just. wanted to fuck his brother. like… have you seen his brother? who doesn’t wanna fuck him.
no.. dean’s embarrassed because the thought of his brother not wanting to fuck him makes his heart actually hurt, which he thought was just an overdramatic romcom line. because if he fucked his brother and his brother wanted to keep it casual, it would destroy him.
he doesn’t just want to fuck his brother. he wants to sleep next to him and kiss him and play with his stupid hair and grow old with him and die in his arms.
dean doesn’t wanna fuck his brother. he wants to make love to his brother. and that makes his skin crawl.
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 1 year ago
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a smol wincest smooch animation made on flipnote! (yes the one on nintendo ds😗)
some stills below in case anyone is interested in that
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flowersintheimpala69 · 3 months ago
So insane that deans siren isn’t just Sam but the person the siren makes Dean kill, who for all the other victims has been their wives/gfs, is also sam. Sam is deans greatest desire and his gf according to Sex and Violence. Insane.
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my-prompt-dump · 5 months ago
No but. Sam and Dean going to an event (concert or a sports game?) with a fuckin jumbotron. And suddenly it’s those Kiss Cams segment and it lands on them. Sam was about to shake his head and say that’s his brother but Dean just pulls him in unexpectedly and made out with him on live fucking television in front of hundreds of people
the crowd cheers snd whistles and Dean is so proud of himself that he doesnt notice Sam gaping like a fish, beet red from head to toe
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saltmonellas · 20 days ago
Would love love love you to draw anything weecest!! You don't understand how much I love your art 🩷
(gasp) oh my god!! i love your art sooo much as well!! 🥺😳❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 i swoon every time i see your art i’m so serious asdkfjhlkjadsf
anyways enough embarrassing gushing here’s some weecest just for you <3 dean’s teaching sammy how to kiss!
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lambmotifz · 6 months ago
sam isn’t an alpha, he’s a feral, rebellious omega. you know this stereotype that all omegas are sexually passive and naturally submissive? sam never fitted into the ideal omega image and he only willingly submits to his mate (dean), no one else
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sluttyimpala · 6 months ago
need to start tagging every wincest post with "source: eric kripke" because nobody wanted to see those boys fuck raw more than him
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waywardsamdean · 6 months ago
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THE damsel in distress of supernatural
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itsjustwincest · 8 months ago
They're sitting in the bathroom. Dean is perched on the toilet seat in his boxers, his ruined jeans tossed into the tub so they don't drip blood anywhere else. Sam's at his feet, fumbling with an ace bandage. His hands are clean, but only up to his forearm; everything past that is caked in blood and grime. When he'd taken a moment to wash up, his only priority had been to keep Dean's new stitches clean.
The cut is deep and about four inches long and took seven stitches to seal properly, but Sam is used to this process and the sutures are clean and even. The scar won't be bad.
That doesn't keep the worry entirely at bay.
He's careful as he wraps up Dean's calf. They're silent as he works; there's nothing to say that hasn't already been said.
You were stupid to take that hit.
Better me than you.
He doesn't know why he does it, but as he tucks the bandage into itself, he leans to the side and presses a kiss to the inside of Dean's knee. It just feels like the natural thing to do. His tongue darts out briefly to taste sweat and blood and dirt before he shifts to Dean's other knee.
Dean freezes over him. It's then that Sam realizes that he's kissing Dean, and he freezes too, holding his breath as he waits for Dean's reaction.
He expects his brother to laugh it off, or maybe ignore him entirely. Instead, Dean reaches for him.
"C'mere, Sammy."
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wincest-j2-shipper · 12 days ago
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chocolate-milkuwu · 1 year ago
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