the-fiction-witch · 1 month
New Girl
Media - Slaughter House Rulez Character - Willoughby Blake Couple - Willoughby X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating - Mentions of drugs / mentions of drug use / sexual discussion / making out / semi nudity / undressing / breast play / fondling Word Count -3345
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Willoughby sat on the windowsill with his book in hand trying to look as normal as possible like he hadn’t just been doing anything he shouldn’t when the door opened to his head of house Sparta.
“Morning sir,” He smiled briefly,
"AHH! Perfect. Mr Blake, I'd love to introduce you to your new roommate. Miss Y/n.”
Y/n came in, in the usual girls' uniform but very much as against the rules as she could get away with. Her shoes were dirty, her knee-high socks crooked, her skirt rolled up, her shirt untucked and tie pulled low, hee's blazer over her bag, her hair in pigtails with neon purple at the bottom
He raised an eyebrow at her and shut his book on his lap, setting it down on the windowsill behind him as he looked at her up and down, judging her. “Uhh why am I-”
“The Andromeda hall is full, so she’s going to be doing with us this year.”
“Great,” he said sarcastically and let out a sigh as the head of the house left the room and shut the door behind himself. Willougby looked at her again, eyes locking on the neon purple in her hair. “nice hair.” he said in a tone, clearly sarcastic.
"I got bored on the train. I had a Sharpie," she answered her tone dismissive before she pouted her lips and blew a bubble with her gum,
he chuckled a little bit and shook his head, leaning back on the windowsill “Well, it’s… creative,” he said,
"relax. I won't be here long. I plan on getting expelled as soon as possible" she said throwing her bag on the floor and lying on one of the beds,
“Uhh that was gonna be my bed but… fine,” he raised an eyebrow at her, “and how exactly do you plan on doing that?” he asked, leaning back on the windowsill to get a better view of her.
"break enough rules they kick you out" She shrugged,
he chuckled as he rolled his eyes a bit, he’s never heard of anyone getting themselves purposefully expelled on their first day at a school “What, so you plan on being a nuisance all year?”
"that's the plan. I've done this six times already"
his jaw almost dropped, “wow, you’re determined, aren’t you?” he couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought, “so, why do you go to all these different schools anyway, don’t you have parents?”
"I do, rich, and deeply loving. First world problems I know. But they won't send me to the school I want so I'll keep getting expelled everywhere they send me till they send me where I Wanna go"
he tried to hold in his laugh, this girl was actually insane. “and exactly what school is so special that you’re willing to do all this bullshit just to get there?”
"Miss Melaminas Arts Private Boarding School"
he raised an eyebrow and tried not to laugh, not because the name of the school itself was funny, but because of how crazy she was. “all this… because you want to go to an art school?” he asked, still trying to hold in his laughter.
"I don't want to learn Latin and quantum mechanics. I want to be in art classes"
“so you want to waste your life doodling pictures instead of learning anything useful?” he teased teasingly, now laughing a bit.
"I want. To be a dancer"
he continued to laugh a bit, finding it hard to take her seriously “Yeah, and I want to be a billionaire. good luck with that, sweetheart”
she sat up and slapped him across the face “don't. Call me. Sweetheart"
his laughter immediately died, he touched a hand to his injured cheek, a bit shocked that she hit him, a smirk on his face that slowly disappeared as he looked at her “did that slap shut me up, sweetheart?” he said, purposely calling her that again.
she slapped him across the other cheek
he chuckled lightly, his smirk returned and he let out a sigh “feisty. I’m gonna keep calling you that, you know that right?”
"you call me that again. I'll wait until your are asleep" She moved closer "Tie you down with your school tie and use my nice manicure to claw your cock off. Understand?"
he tried to resist the urge to laugh as she threatened him, he tried to maintain a cold demeanour but her threat was actually kinda amusing to him, he tried to look at her with a cold glare, the smirk still present in his face. “oh, I won’t stop calling you that, so go ahead, try any of that, sweetheart.”
she immediately elbows him in the crotch
he let out a low groan, he doubled over a bit, a look of pain on his face “oh god damn it” he groaned, taking a few deep breaths, the smirk gone from his face.
"you were warned."
he was a bit stunned, he couldn’t even remember when he last got such a direct hit right to the crotch like that, he was taking deep breaths as he slowly stood up straight, still wincing a bit as the pain slowly faded “Yeah, yeah, you warned me. fair point.” he said through clenched teeth, still trying to gather himself from the blow.
"so what's the underground at slaughter?" she asked laying back on the bed,
he looked at her curiously, still not over the hit to his groin, he rubbed it a bit to ease the pain “The underground?” he repeated, as if he were confused by her question, but deep down he knew exactly what she was on about.
"the underground you know the stuff kids do secretly, hustles and secrets the kids know"
he sighed deeply, his back laid on the other bed still nursing himself as he looked at her “Yeah, I know what you’re on about.” he took a deep breath and sighed before answering her question “There’s the usual stuff, like smoking, drinking, hookups. then there’s the more… ‘illegal’ stuff, drug deals, stolen merchandise trade, etc..”
"sounds pretty normal. My last school had a calligrapher. He could replicate any teacher or parent signature and even get you on letterhead for a price"
"sounds pretty normal. My last school had a calligrapher. He could replicate any teacher or parent signature and even get you on letterhead for a price"
he raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised by her last comment “Wow, that’s pretty insane, honestly. must’ve been a good way to get out of trouble too.”
"it was helpful. A P.E excuse note would only run you a pack of cigarettes"
he chuckled, he could easily imagine how chaotic and messed up the school must’ve been “I bet having a guy like that around came in handy more than once.”
"it did." She nodded "But come on, slaughter. Let me guess Sparta isn't exactly top dog around here?"
he chuckled at her question, she was a bit perceptive. “you catch on quickly, don’t ya?” he said with a smirk. “Sparta’s not even close to top dog.”
"so it's the outcast house. Got it. Your Hufflepuffs"
he raised an eyebrow, curious about the comparison she just made “Hufflepuffs? like.. from Harry Potter?”
"yeah, it's always how boarding schools are split up, jocks or brave aka griffindors, nerds or smart aka ravenclaw, socially skilled or popular aka Slytherin and then outcasts. Hufflepuffs"
he chuckled at how she broke it down into the different houses and it’s kind of accurate, she’s clearly been to a lot of boarding schools “yeah, we’re the outcasts. we’re on the lowest of the totem pole here, but we actually have the most fun and cause the most trouble.”
"but come on this campus is huge your not telling me there aren't some like prono stashes, drug holes and hook-up places"
he chuckled a bit, she was certainly curious about all the dirty stuff that happened on campus, “oh yeah. we got all of that stuff. I can think of a few places, it kinda depends on what you’re looking for”
she shrugged "… Can I ask you?"
he raised an eyebrow, “sure. go ahead. ask away”
"you smoke?"
he chuckled a bit, expecting something else but he nodded “yeah, like a chimney.” he said and leaned himself forward to reach for his blazer, and dug into an inner pocket to take out a cigarette pack and lighter.
"just those or… You know?"
he chuckled lightly, he knew what she meant, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a drag of it before answering her question “yeah I do, I’m partial to a bit of pot every now and then. and some people do harder stuff if in the mood for it, depending on what’s available”
"how much harder?"
he took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke from his cigarette, taking a moment to think about her question before answering “Coke, mostly. like a bump every now and then”
she nodded "Very common in boarding schools"
he nodded in agreement as he raised the cigarette to his lips and took a drag of it
“very common. the rich kids all do it, and there are always a few lower-classmen who’ve found a source to get their hands on the stuff. stuff like that runs rampant in boarding schools like this one” He explained, “I’m personally partial to snuff.”
“What like some 1800’s lord?”
“Don’t knock it. Means I get to smoke in the middle of class,” He smirked taking his little snuff-box from his pocket to show it off,
“Fair enough,” she nodded, "… You drink?"
he nodded and chuckled a bit, “yeah, I drink sometimes, not very often though. I used to drink more often when I was around thirteen, I’d sneak out for parties, or just to drink with friends. Now I’m just kinda over drinking,”
"ohh I bet Sparta dorm hosts some cool parties…" She joked
he chuckled in response “oh yeah, the parties they throw are the most pathetic, tame parties on campus. like a tea party, but you drink beer instead of tea and listen to god awful music that makes you want to jump off a roof”
she chuckled "… Are you… You know?"
he raised an eyebrow, “….you’re gonna have to be a bit more specific”
she rolled her eyes "You straight?"
he chuckled, “why?”
"curious if the reason I was allowed to be your roommate was cause you where gay. I don't care if you are, I'm bi"
he chuckled a bit, he was actually a bit shocked that she was bi, for some reason he expected her to be straight “no, it doesn’t work like that here. The boarding school staff don’t let gay students and straight students as roommates. it’s all random, I had no idea I’d be getting a roommate, let alone a girl,” he chuckled, “….and you’re bi?” he asked curiously with a smirk on his face,
"yeah?" She chuckled
he chuckled at her response and nodded, he took another drag of his cigarette, “Guys and girls?”
"yeah, both have things I enjoy"
he nodded as he listened to her answer, he couldn’t help but get more curious about her, he took another drag of his cigarette and exhaled before asking another question “yeah? Me too” he chuckled again, he took another drag from his cigarette before he spoke again “I bet you’ve got no shortage of people trying to hook up with you then. both girls and guys.”
"yeah? You think I'll be popular here?"
he chuckled lightly and nodded, he took a moment to look her up and down, he then put his cigarette to his lips again “yeah, you’re new, you’re hot as hell, and you’ve got the whole rebellious artsy vibe going for you. I’m sure guys and girls will be tripping over each other to hook up with you”
"Well, when one needs to hook up. Where do we go? I assume there's a secret spot. Plus I don't wanna be bothering you"
“yeah, there’s a few spots around here where couples go to hook up. but the school’s got more eyes than a hawk to watch out for students sneaking off together anywhere, so we usually go somewhere remote and quiet, some hidden spots near the woods, a few empty classrooms, that sorta stuff”
she nodded before she laughed "You single Willoughby?"
he chuckled lightly and raised an eyebrow, he wasn’t expecting that question from her. he nodded in response “Yeah… I’m single. how about you? I bet you’ve got a ton of guys who’d do anything to date you”
"my phone gets blown up daily but nope. Single. I prefer it that way free to do what I want"
“yeah, being single is definitely more fun. I’ve seen what being in a relationship does to people here, it just ends in tears. and a lot of gossip…”
She sat up more "You are gonna be my roommate if you want… We can make a deal?"
he raised an eyebrow, again, looking at her curiously and asked “a deal? what kinda deal?”
"Well, all the boys and girls flooding my phone asking for hookups. If you wanted I can say you'll always take priority?"
he raised both his eyebrows this time, he chuckled lightly before speaking and asked a question “You’d put me in front of all those other guys? why me?”
"You’re my roommate, doing it with you is literally the least effort I might not even have to leave my bed"
He smirked at her again “Is that a guarantee?”
"I'll say your requests will always take priority where they can. And you want anything, we agree the other just has to ask? That sounds like a deal?"
he chuckled lightly and smiled “yeah… I think I can agree to that deal”
she offered her hand
he smiled again and reached forward to shake her hand, he knew he was definitely gonna get a lot of benefits from this deal that he wouldn’t get from any other girl here
she smiled and adjusted her uniform a little to be more comfy as she briefly glanced around at her bags and the unpacking she has to do. She sighed "Willoughby?"
a smirk appearing on his face, and then he turned his attention to her again “yeah?”
"you wanna procrastinate unpacking and just make out?"
“hell yeah I do. I’m not up for unpacking all my stuff right now”
she nodded "bed? Sofa?"
he glanced over at the twin size beds, then at the two-person sofa and nodded “the sofa, I think”
she nodded and pulled off her tie undoing a few buttons on the top of her shirt before she sat down on the leather sofa, tossing her gum out as she did,
he chuckled and he followed her and sat close beside her on the leather sofa, he put his arm behind her on the sofa. “already getting comfortable, aren’t ya?”
"we're gonna share a room. Our beds are less than a meter apart, we're gonna have to be comfortable" she chuckled laying her head on his shoulder
he chuckled in response and nodded, he then smirked and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her towards him so she was closer to him now “Yeah I guess that’s true, but I didn’t expect you to be so quick about trying to get comfortable on the first day”
she shrugged "No time like the present"
he chuckled again, nodded in agreement and glanced down at her shirt, he then leaned in closer to her, his face only a few inches away from hers “yeah… I guess that’s true. so, do I have to ask for permission to kiss you now?”
she scoffed "You don't have to ask for permission, so you wanna make out?"
he chuckled when she scoffed, then he nodded and smirked “Hell yeah, I do” he slowly leaned closer to her face and pressed his lips to hers, he put both his hands on her waist, he deepened the kiss, his tongue asking for entrance in her mouth
she happily parted her lips her hand settling on his shirt
he smirked against her lips and pressed his tongue inside of her mouth, it was like he took control of the kiss, and he gripped her waist a bit tighter. He deepened the kiss more, his tongue exploring her mouth as both his hands went behind her back, holding her closer to him. he broke the kiss after a few moments to catch his breath, and he then pressed his lips to her neck, kissing it and sucking it softly
she chuckled as he kissed her neck almost giggling as her fingers stroked the buttons on his shirt
he chuckled against her neck, he continued to kiss up and down her neck, as one of his hands moved up a little, as he stared at that part of her uniform, he slowly began to undo more buttons, he unbuttoned one, then two buttons until he had her shirt unbuttoned pretty low now, the shirt now revealed her collar bone, and her padded sky blue bra with white lace trim
Willoughby slowly pulled her shirt to the side a bit so he could kiss her collarbone and her shoulder as his hand roamed up her chest, gently brushing against her bra, teasing her, he pressed his face into the crook of her neck, his hands gently squeezed her sides as he shifted a little so he was straddling her on the sofa now, he pulled back from her neck and looked at her body for a moment. he then smirked as he gently pressed his lips to her ear and whispered “It’s a damn shame I can’t mark you…”
"Who said you can't?"
he chuckled softly against her ear when she asked him that question, he smirked and whispered softly again “Yeah? you’re allowing me to mark you then? no matter where?”
"go for it. I'd appreciate it under my uniform but I have a foundation, so… Go nuts"
he chuckled again and smirked widely, “you’d allow me to mark you… anywhere? as many as I’d like?”
she shrugged "You take priority don't you"
he chuckled again at her response, he nodded, he found it really fun that she agreed to let him mark her wherever he liked, he released her chin softly, his smirk still on his face as he leaned in again and whispered in her ear “yeah, I do, I guess that means I can mark you anywhere I damn please.” he began to kiss her neck again, this time his kisses weren’t soft anymore, he began to find the sensitive spots on her neck and started to suck and nibble on them, he was giving her what could be a noticeable hickey soon
she giggled and gasped the more he nibbled
he smirked against her neck as he continued to nibble on her, he could hear her giggle and gasp softly as he did that, he liked the effect it had on her, he sucked a bit harder, leaving what was definitely going to be a noticeable mark on her neck
she threw her head against the sofa a little her fingers twisting into his dark hair, she grabbed his hand and moved it up so his palm held her bra
he chuckled softly against her neck his mouth continued to work on leaving a mark, this time he sucked hard enough to leave a visible mark, he then gasped softly and he squeezed her breast softly, he lifted his mouth from her neck to look at her face, he smirked “well, somebody’s being naughty today…”
"oh am I?"
he chuckled lightly, he nodded and spoke in a teasing tone in a low whisper again “you know damn well you are, letting me mark you all these places, doing these naughty things with me on the first day, I didn’t know you had a naughty side”
"Like you can talk" she growled "You hiding a pistol in your pocket? Or are you just glad to see your new roommate" she growled arching her back and squirming her hips
he chuckled lightly again, his smirk still on his face, he chuckled once more when he felt her arch and squirm her hips against him, he slowly ran his hand down to her thigh, he gently squeezed her thigh and gently spoke in a teasing tone again “and here I thought you were the innocent new girl, guess you’re not as innocent as I first thought when I met you, huh?”
“Bullshit, you thought I was innocent.” she growled pulling him back into the kiss,
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floatstimmies · 7 months
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I am burning up inside. I don't know my own mind.
X | X | X
X | X | X
X | X | X
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
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v1nsincl4ir · 7 months
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riotinyellow · 1 year
I want a "this is sparta" tattoo but not in a 300 type of way more like slaughterhouse rulez
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lonesomedotmp3 · 1 year
this movie is reminding me of so many gay people I miss... nick and charlie. amy and lucy. gay little asa butterfield...
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Anyone else obsessed with Slaughterhouse Rulez? It’s got so many actors I love and it’s so funny.
I think Don and Willoughby are my favourites but I like a lot of the characters.
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
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mptvinfocus · 23 days
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"Blake Edwards: A Love Story in 24 Frames," recently premiered on PBS. The documentary, an exploration of the director, screenwriter and producer, is chock-full of exclusives from mptv Images by Bob Willoughby and Bruce McBroom, who combined, photographed Edwards on several of his most iconic films, including "The Great Race," "10" and "The Party." While primarily known for his other cinema classics like “Breakfast at Tiffany's,” “Days of Wine and Roses” and the “Pink Panther” series, this episode of American Masters explores the entire life and career of the cinematic genius.
"I don’t think I ever met a man as charismatic, as wicked, as funny, as vulnerable, as angry at times, as adorable and sweet as Blake.”
— Julie Andrews
To see more photos of Blake Edwards, click here.
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the-forest-library · 2 years
September 2022 Reads
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Swordheart - T. Kingfisher
Ten Thousand Stitches - Olivia Atwater
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance - For Meadows
Kismet - Lauren Blakely
The Sweetest Connection - Denise Williams
Do You Take This Man - Denise Williams
How to Love Your Neighbor - Sophie Sullivan
Lucy on the Wild Side - Kerry Rea
The Holiday Trap - Roan Parrish
The Most Likely Club - Elyssa Friesland
Nothing More to Tell - Karen M. McManus
How to Survive Your Murder - Danielle Valentine
Vengeful - V.E. Schwab
All of Us Villains - Amanda Foody
Babel - R.F. Kuang
Carrie Soto is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Just by Looking at Him - Ryan O’Connell
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aiken
Striking Distance - Sarah Rees Brennan
Fence Vol 1 - C.S. Pacat
Fence Vol 2 - C.S. Pacat
Fence Vol 3 - C.S. Pacat
Hark! A Vagrant - Kate Beaton
Step Aside, Pops - Kate Beaton
Sweaterweather - Sara Varon
Spinning - Tillie Walden
Lore Olympus - Rachel Smythe
If You Find a Unicorn, It is Not Yours to Keep - DJ Corchin
Coven - Jennifer Dugan
Unretouchable - Sofia Szamosi
American Born Chinese - Gene Luen Yang
Fun Home - Alison Bechdel
And Now I Spill the Family Secrets - Margaret Kimball
How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You - Matthew Inman
When Life Gives You Pears - Jeannie Gaffigan
Nine Nasty Words - John McWhorter
Resilient - Rick Hanson
Ask Me About My Uterus - Abby Norman
That Sounds So Good - Carla Lalli Music
Unbelievably Vegan - Charity Morgan
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
Lots of really decent reads this month, but the standout is once again Olivia Atwater. I think I enjoyed Ten Thousand Stitches even more than Half a Soul. Just delightful. 
I also read a bunch of graphic novels while I was recovering from surgery and finally got around to reading some that have been on my TBR forever. 
Goodreads Goal: 311/350
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads |
2022 Reads
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coolcatkerr · 1 year
Jane Austen Couples || Everywhere
Sanditon has really put me in the Jane Austen mood and I clearly unleashed a Jane Austen beast of inspiration this week!
M O V I E S .  Sense and Sensibility (2008 TV series)               Elinor + Edward (Hattie Morahan and Dan Stevens)
.  Sense and Sensibility (1995)                    Elinor + Edward (Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant)                Marianne + Willoughby (Kate Winslet and Greg Wise)
.  Pride & Prejudice (2005)               Elizabeth + Darcy (Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen)
.  Pride & Prejudice (1995 TV series)               Elizabeth + Darcy (Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth)
.  Emma. (2020)                Emma + Knightley (Anya Taylor-Joy and Johnny Flynn)
.  Emma. (2009)                Emma + Knightley (Romola Garai and Jonny Lee Miller)
.  Emma. (1996)                Emma + Knightley (Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam)
.  Persuasion (2022)               Anne + Wentworth (Dakota Johnson and Cosmo Jarvis)
.  Persuasion (2007)               Anne + Wentworth (Sally Hawkins and Rupert Penry-Jones)
.  Persuasion (1995)               Anne + Wentworth (Amanda Root and Ciarán Hinds)
.  Northanger Abbey (2007)              Catherine + Tinley (Felicity Jones and JJ Feild)
.  Mansfield Park (1999)              Fanny + Edmund (Frances O'Connor and Jonny Lee Miller)
.  Mansfield Park (2007)              Fanny + Edmund (Billie Piper and Blake Ritson)
.  Sanditon (2019-2023)              Charlotte + Colbourne (Rose Williams and Ben Lloyd-Hughes)
Song: Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac Cover) - Bootstraps
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active threads as of 27 Oct. 2023
@heartxshaped-bruises / derward & alexandra
@diviinc / craig & elena f13
@marshthing / craig & twyla halloween party
@resignedworkaholics / craig & fox quinn
@littlefantasysouls / craig & lav
@pasiphaedemetriadevil / corey, estrell, hobbyhorse & nova / poptop & blake / craig & desi / craig & noelle / alexis & cordelia / reggie & andromeda
@mercsandmonsters / sarahi & dax go to esterlyn
@lostcndfound / craig & willoughby picking berries
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Shall We?
Media SlaughterHouse Rulez
Character Willoughby Blake
Couple Willoughby X Reader
Rating SMUT
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I snuck through the corridors in my breaktime sneaking upstairs to the secret bathroom. The boy's bathroom was so old and in need of updating, the boys had managed somehow not sure how but they had added a slide bolt lock to the inside of the bathroom door. So it became a common place for hookups, drug deals and the trade of answer keys and paid homework. I snuck myself inside shutting the door and sliding the bolt across excitedly immediately I went over and pulled open the tall door, seeing her standing leaning on the graffitied wall, the toilet covered over many times before by other people. even the small back shelf part of the stall had been littered with graffiti and even scented candles for the many people who had used this space.
And Y/n stood in her usual little shoes, her knee-high grey socks, her red and gold plaid skirt rolled up high to her hid thigh, her white button-down hair with her school tie around her neck, her grey jumper with her sleeves for the shirt and jumper rolled up, her blazer elsewhere I wasn’t sure likely over her bag, her hair allowed to flow sweetly with a few bouncy curls, a spare tie wrapped like a headband and sat pushing her hair from her face, And her cute usual makeup.
"Hello babydoll" I smirked
"Hi Willoughby" she giggled grabbing my shirt and tugging me into the stall with her I happily shut the stall door with my foot and wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her own around my neck pulling our lips together passionately, our little kisses soon became hot passionate make outs, she moaned slightly into my mouth as I pushed her shirt and jumper up enough I could rub the bare skin of her waist, "Uhh!" she gasped pulling back slightly so I kissed down her jaw and her neck, I smirked and gave her a gentle hickey looking at it proudly unable to stop my enjoyment at the idea of leaving a hickey on her, she giggled a little and tugged on the buttons of my shirt
"Yeah? That's what you want?" he smirked and she nodded pulling me back to our kiss and undoing the buttons of my shirt, I smirked into our kiss and happily helped her undo them until my shirt was completely unbuttoned she smirked into our kisses and her hands stroked around my neck and began rubbing up and down my bare chest, I smirked and tugged on her shirt a little she pulled back and smiled evilly she grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up to sit under her chin revealing her cute little red push up padded bra covered with black lace "Fuck" I gasped "You look beautiful" I smirked pulling her back into a kiss so tight our bodies pressed together, her hands continued to stroke my chest and I happily rubbed and plaid with her breasts through her padded bra, squeezing and groping them tightly as I pushed her up against the wall.
"Uhhh Willoughby" she gasps moving her hand down and tugging on my belt
"Slow down babydoll," I smirked nibbling at her neck
"How about this?" she smirked moving her hands behind her a moment unclasping her bra pulling it off from under her shirt and tossing it to hang over the stall door exposing her bare breasts
"Uhhh! you know just how to wind me up don't you" I growled pulling her back into our kiss I gently grasped her breasts cupping them and groping them as we kissed I kept pulling away just to look at her because she looked so fucking good, leant against the bathroom wall her bare breasts bouncing, my hands on her breasts and my hickey on her neck, I began to rub my thumb across her nipple hardening it slightly making her moan into our kiss, after a while I dragged my hands off her breasts and moved my hands up her thighs up her skirt, "shall we?" I smirked and she happily nodded so I slid my hands up her thighs until I found the hem of her panties tugging them down her legs out her skirt and down to her ankles I quickly moved my hand back up gently stroking her she grabbed my belt tugging me closer back into our kiss to keep us both quiet as I slipped my fingers inside her and began to rub on her clit -
But both our alarms went off
"shit!" I sighed pulling away "I thought we had longer" I sighed handing her back her bra as she began to get sorted again so I started to fix my shirt and my erection
"I did too, it's fine I'll see you by the lake to skip Latin?" she smirked walking her nails down my chest and slipping her hand down my jeans
"Umm I’ll be there," I growled giving her a kiss before we both fixed our uniform and shared one more kiss before the belt went and we scampered to get to our own classes. 
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Blake Jenner, Glen Powell, Temple Baker, and Forrest Vickery  in Everybody Wants Some!! (Richard Linklater, 2016)
Cast: Blake Jenner, Juston Street, Ryan Guzman, Tyler Hoechlin, Wyatt Russell, Glen Powell, Temple Baker, J. Quinton Johnson, Will Brittain, Zoey Deutch, Austin Amelio, Tanner Kalino, Forrest Vickery. Screenplay: Richard Linklater. Cinematography: Shane F. Kelly. Production design: Bruce Curtis. Film editing: Sandra Adair. 
Richard Linklater has acknowledged that Everybody Wants Some!! is a kind of coda to Dazed and Confused (1993), the action of which takes place four years earlier, on the last day of high school in 1976. The newer film is more narrowly focused than the earlier one, which had a sampling of all types of high schoolers, male and female, from brains to jocks, from bullies to victims. Everybody is centered on a group of horny young men, highly competitive college baseball players, all of whom have dreams of making it as pros. But it's still an ensemble work, with a gallery of good young actors, mostly familiar from TV: Blake Jenner from Glee, Tyler Hoechlin from Teen Wolf, Ryan Guzman from Pretty Little Liars, among others. Linklater forces us to see through the jock stereotypes and find the brains and hearts intentionally hidden behind the bravado and braggadocio of hormones and muscles. He's interested primarily in his characters' intense competitiveness and in their swiftly fading innocence. As in Dazed and Confused, in which the older stoner Wooderson (Matthew McConaughey) exhibited the Peter Pan syndrome, unwilling to leave adolescence behind, in Everybody we meet Willoughby (Wyatt Russell), a 30-year-old who masquerades as a transfer student from San Luis Obispo, trying to prolong the blissful innocence of a life spent smoking dope and playing ball. The adult world rarely intrudes on the film's characters: The coach's prohibition of alcohol and women in the residence houses is quickly ignored. But Linklater neither preaches responsibility nor sentimentalizes immaturity. In the last scene, the freshmen Jake (Jenner) and Plummer (Temple Baker) finally get to their first college class after a weekend of partying and promptly put their heads down to sleep through the history professor's lecture. They're young and have no history, or as Willoughby puts it, they're there "for a good time, not for a long time." As good as it is, Everybody "underperformed" at the box office, perhaps because it looks too much like a routine teen sex comedy for discerning audiences and didn't have enough gross-out humor or marketable stars for the usual audience for that genre.
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v1nsincl4ir · 7 months
Diversity win! This edgy rich teenager and his dead boyfriend are gay!
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unblogparaloschicos · 2 years
Cine: Willoughby Blake
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A ningún padre con dos dedos de frente se le ocurriría inscribir a su hijo en un colegio llamado “Slaughterhouse” (“Matadero”), al menos sin considerarlo seriamente. Eso es lo que debe haber pensado Donald Wallace (Finn Cole) el día que pisa por primera vez las lujosas instalaciones del colegio y se encuentra con un intrincado y feroz sistema de castas dentro del alumnado. Todo parece estar permitido bajo la mirada del director, apodado “The Bat” (”El Murcièlago”, interpretado por Michael Sheen), incluso la actividad inquisitorial del feroz Clegg (Tom Rhys Harries) que carece de límites, aún los etarios: una de sus víctimas predilectas parece ser el pequeño Wootton (Kit Connor, la futura estrella de “Heartstopper”).
El romance de Don con Clemsie Lawrence (Hermione Corfield), de superior escalafón social, agrava el encono de Clegg, en permanente vigilia. Su amistad con Willoughby Blake (Asa Butterfield) le mostrará hasta qué punto llega la locura institucionalizada, que ha llevado a la muerte a un antiguo compañero. Y, como si todo esto no fuera suficiente, un agujero en medio de la nada será el origen de una monstruosa tragedia en la que monstruos subterráneos amenazarán la infame rutina.
“Slaughterhouse Rulez” (2018) es una comedia de terror maravillosamente desquiciada dirigida por Crispian Mills en la que también forman parte actores de la talla de Simon Pegg, Nick Frost o Margot Robbie. 
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mirandamckenni1 · 7 days
My friends and I improvised my song (from "It's All True - a visual album") VISUAL ALBUM AVAILABLE SOON I'm going on tour!: https://ift.tt/SgKJvUA SUBSCRIBE and hit that bell: https://bit.ly/2OgWtuA Join my Patreon: http://bit.ly/MKRsupport Spotify: https://ift.tt/VEG1Y6i Merch and CDs: https://shopmalinda.com Follow me on: Twitter @missmalindakat https://twitter.com/missmalindakat Facebook https://ift.tt/foIOciS Instagram @missmalindakat https://ift.tt/QEJr4dN TikTok @malindamusic https://ift.tt/FeHQErC For fan mail: 3430 Connecticut Ave NW PO Box 11855 Washington DC 20008 THANK YOU PATRONS!! Aubz Ly Balazs Kis Barnabas Nelson Ben Mobley Beth Hinz Bill Penn Blake Bollaert Bree Campbell Brian Falldin Carole Borum Christian Ashby Cinnder Dan Santoro David W Myers Jr Derek Ramm Ed Banas Elias Zeidan Elizabeth Livingston Eystein Nicolaysen Frank R. Robles Freya Miller Geoffrey Morgan Glenn Patterson Hank van Deventer Hannah Weaver isit 1984 James Copple Jeff Schwarz Joe Fessenden John Floyd John Zimmerman Jonathan Isip Joseph K. Katie Palen Kristen Estes Louis Hansen lunixbochs Lynderyn Maik Borkenhagen Mariah Fyock-Williams Mark McCorkle Marlo Delfin Gonzales Mary Hall Surface Mina Molloy Oliver J. C. Paramadomus Pete Warchol Platinum Band Richard Pitman Russ Billings sam knetsch Sam Waller Sam Willoughby Satenius Scott Bean Spectre Orillion Theodore Ts'o Thomas Lusk Valerie Baxter via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9MScjd6rsA
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