#willex fan fiction
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jatpzine · 3 years ago
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We’ve heard your feedback in our form and your lovely comments, and we are happy to announce that we will be having a LEFTOVER SALE later in the month!
Keep your notifications on for us, because our next post will announce the specific dates for the sale! Please note that the sale will definitely ship out AFTER the holidays.
What product are you most excited to see back in our store? 💜❄️
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ghosthimbos · 4 years ago
I‘m so used to Willie calling Alex "Lex" that I get sad when I remember that it‘s not canon in the show.
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kikikiwi27498 · 3 years ago
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Please My Love, Please Let Me Stay
Alex has to admit, the sight of the sun going down past the leaves of the trees is breathtaking. He stares at the light peeking through and how it dances on the fallen leaves. A bright flash yanks him away from the view, and he turns to see Willie grinning from behind a camera. "It's not every day I see you so relaxed." He hummed. "I needed to capture it."
A collaboration between me and the lovely @willex-rights for the @jatpficboardchallenge! They wrote the fic and I made the mood board. It was super fun and I hope to do this again! You can find their post here.
We were given Willex, angst, and canon divergent for our theme. We chose to do ghost!Julie/everyone is dead and I daresay it turned out pretty awesome. You might want some tissues though.
Read on AO3!
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lupinsspadfoot · 4 years ago
Write about Alex havin a panic attack and willie helping him
Though it was a regular Thursday, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, Alex had felt some-what anxious all day and he had not a clue why. That feeling in the pit of his stomach that hadn’t been present in quite some time had returned so suddenly that, over the course of the day, his anxiety had ironically made him feel even more anxious.
What he couldn’t wrap his mind around was that it felt like it had come out of absolutely nowhere. He had woken up to his 8 o’clock alarm (a phone call from Julie making sure he was up) the same as he always did every single morning, however, this morning there was a little tingle in his stomach that lingered a little too long for his liking. His first thought was that he was hungry. Surely that was it, right? Yes, definitely. He just needed a little breakfast and he would feel fine again. But even after Alex had eaten his entire bowl of porridge as well as some cookies, that same feeling was still there.
It carried on as the hours passed, a dull and numbing headache making its way into the day on top of that sick feeling in his stomach, which had grown more and more, until he had exhausted every possible reason of what this feeling could be. Finally, he knew he had to face the fact that it could only be one thing, and that was his good old friend: his anxiety. And as soon as he had come to this conclusion, the reason of why had sunk in as he remembered why his boyfriend wasn’t in the house.
The previous night, something Alex never though would happen, happened. He and Willie had their very first fight. And over something as simple as them both forgetting who’s turn it was to cook dinner. What made Alex even more mad was remembering that halfway through the fight he had realised it was actually his night, but his stubbornness told him to shut his mouth and prove he was right, which is exactly what he did. And after their light arguing had eventually turned into yelling at one another, and a few minutes had turned into half an hour, Willie simply took a breath, said he didn’t want to have to deal with this right now, and stormed out to stay at Reggie’s house.
This horrid feeling in his stomach took him back to a time before he had met Willie. A time when his stomach was nauseas and his head pounded and his palms would sweat every single day. A time when he didn’t have that person who knew exactly what he needed to calm him down and make him feel at ease. A time that Alex really didn’t enjoy looking back on.
But now here he was. 2pm in the afternoon and laying on the couch with an ever-present feeling of wanting to both cry and scream, Willie not by his side where he was usually sat. And as Alex looked up and took note of that empty space that was usually filled by that long-haired boy he loved so much, he finally couldn’t handle it anymore.
Slow tears began making their way down his cheeks as all the anxiety from the day was finally being let out, however, it wasn’t too long before Alex could feel his heart rate beginning to speed up and his throat starting to wheeze as he slowly was losing his control over his breathing. He sat up quickly and closed his eyes, placing one hand on his chest and the other on his stomach like his therapist had once told him to do. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, almost as if it were begging to be let out as it so dearly missed the one that kept it beating. And he felt his stomach rise and fall more quickly as each second passed by and his anxiety rose higher and higher. Alex begged his mind to let himself calm down and get through this on his own, but as he sat there in the living room, the dead silence that screamed he was all alone surrounding him, he knew that the one person he wanted to call more than anything was at Reggie’s and more than likely still was not in the mood to talk to Alex. But as Alex’s fingers began to grow numb from his heavy breathing, he knew that he really didn’t have much of a choice. It was either face the music and call, or faint, And Alex knew which one he would prefer.
He slipped a shaking hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, dialled the only number he knew by heart, and hit the call button as he waited for Willie to answer. He truly thought that his boyfriend would refuse to pick up, that he still didn’t want to deal with Alex. However, after a few rings a sad and tired, yet also stubborn voice could be heard through the speakers of Alex’s phone.
“Ready to apologise?” Willie said shortly, however the exhaustion was clearly evident in his voice.
Alex felt both his heart and breathing rate go up at those words, starting to loudly hyperventilate as he attempted to find the words to ask Willie to come home.
However, those words didn’t need to be found. As soon as Willie heard the spike in Alex’s breathing, he knew what was happening. “I’ll be there in 5, baby,” he said quickly, his tone completely changing to be one that was filled with worry. “Just stay still, okay?” Alex could hear Willie shuffling around, the jingle of keys, the starting of a car. He did his best to focus on the sounds from the other end of the line to try and ease his mind, but every time he remembered last night, he was thrown back into panic with more tears being shed.
It wasn’t long before Willie finally said that he was home and had hung up the phone. Alex had never been so relieved in his life to hear their front door open, and at the same time, his phone slipped out of his hand as his fingers became increasingly number. Willie ran over to where Alex was still sat on the couch and knelt down in front of him.
“Hey, I’m here,” he said gently, grabbing hold of Alex’s hands.
“I-I’m sorry,” Alex struggled out, his cheeks adding to the list of things that were growing numb on his body.
Willie shook his head from side to side before he got up and sat on the couch next to Alex, then tightly wrapped his arms around his torso. Alex appreciated the pressure, already feeling his breathing start to slow down little by little as he breathed in Willie’s scent – his favourite smell in the world.
“It’s okay, Lex. I promise.” Willie whispered, gently kissing Alex’s cheek multiple times before pressing his lips a final time to his boyfriend’s temple, then looked up at Alex’s tear-stained face. “Hey, remember the time I tried to teach you how to skate?” He said with a light chuckle, knowing exactly what would work to calm down the shaking boy in his arms.
Alex simply nodded in response, his eyes still closed tightly and his hands now wrapping around the arm of Willie’s that was around his waist.
“I remember how nervous I was when I was waiting for you. What was that? Our third date?” Willie knew for a fact that it wasn’t their third date, but he also knew that if he got Alex to speak, he would calm down so much faster.
“It was our second date,” Alex said softly. “I remember you bought me iced coffee with oat milk because I told you I was lactose intolerant.” Alex smiled at the memory, thinking back to that time and remembering how thoughtful he thought Willie had been to not only buy him a drink, but to keep in mind something Alex had told him weeks before that date.
“’Cause I had such a big crush on you, I didn’t want to mess anything up,” Willie said sweetly, causing Alex to break out in a wide smile as the feeling began to return to his cheeks and fingers, his eyes still slightly teary, though. Willie wiped away the wetness that remained on Alex’s cheeks and smiled. “I also remember you falling over before you even got both feet on the board, and you forced me to hold your hand as I put a band-aid on your knee.”
Alex smiled and let out a fake gasp. “You so wanted to hold my hand, just admit it.”
The both of them let out a chuckle at this memory and Alex leant into Willie, resting his head against his boyfriends chest. He finally felt calm, like he could breathe and think clearly once again, and it was almost as if the two of them didn’t need to say a single thing more. Almost.
“So,” Alex started reluctantly. “It actually was my turn to cook last night.”
“I knew it!” Willie said with a loud laugh, poking Alex in the ribs to get him to laugh as they both fell backwards on the couch, Willie’s arms still tight around Alex’s middle with absolutely no plans on letting him go for the rest of the day.
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sonseulsoleil · 4 years ago
Alex is a roller blader. Willie is a skateboarder. This skatepark isn't big enough for the two of them.
Chapter one is up!!  @sunsetcurve123​  @rainbowbookcasesandlargemugs​ @mar-and-her-stories​  @nimbus713
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jaylosplus · 4 years ago
hi!!! kiss prompt number 40 with willex plss <3
Tiny little background Peterpatter.
Prompt me! Prompts filled.
“No, you got to pick last time!” Reggie yells, throwing his arm around Luke’s neck and using his weight to pull Luke down. Luke chokes against his arm and Reggie loosens it slightly, expression suddenly full of concern, but Luke uses his temporary distraction to shove Reggie off him and put him into his own headlock. Reggie howls and reaches back, trying to grab at any part of Luke he can.
Willie looks at Alex beside him, head in his hands.
As though he can feel Willie’s gaze, Alex says, “They do this every time.”
Willie laughs and grabs Alex’s shoulders, pulling him over until Alex is leaning heavily on his chest.
“Well then, we’ll just have to let them sort it out.” Willie tucks his finger up under Alex’s chin, uses it to tilt his head back so he can place a kiss on his lips. Alex grins, cheeks pinking at the attention.
“I suppose there’s nothing else we can do,” Alex murmurs, kissing Willie again.
“Nothing at all.” Willie kisses him several times in quick succession, drinking in the way Alex smiles against his mouth, the way his eyes drift shut, trusting Willie to hold him and look after him.
And isn’t that a heady feeling?
Alex squirms in Willie’s embrace, twisting himself around to throw his legs over Willie’s, anchoring an arm around Willie’s shoulders. Then he’s kissing Willie again, properly this time, hand coming up to card through Willie’s hair, tangling his fingers in it to tilt Willie’s head so their mouths fit together perfectly.
And Willie’s gone deaf, it feels like, can’t hear or see or feel anything outside of Alex’s mouth, the feeling of his hand in Willie’s hair, his legs pressing Willie’s into the couch. He loves it when Alex is like this, kissing Willie like he’s starving for it, wrapping himself around Willie like if he just presses hard enough, he’ll sink right inside.
Then Alex is pulling away, giggling helplessly, and Willie can hear again.
“This is your fault!” Reggie yells as Luke scoffs. “If you’d just admit it’s my turn they wouldn’t be trying to eat each other’s faces off.”
“Well, if you would stop being such a stickler for turns -” Luke says derisively. “- They wouldn’t have had a chance to start!”
“God, I hate you sometimes.” Reggie stamps his foot, and suddenly Luke is laughing, and pulling Reggie in, kissing the frown off his face.
“You love me.”
“I hate you both,” Alex grumbles, and now it’s Willie’s turn to kiss the smile back onto Alex’s face.
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phantom-curve · 3 years ago
Shelly my beloved!
💜 What is the most heart wrenching passage you've ever written?
not you asking this question when you're one of maybe 3 people who has read the nancy drew au😭 just for you I'm gonna throw in an extra honorable mention: Luke and Julie's conversation in the apartment during chapter three of did I shatter you?
🤌 What is your best fan fiction you've ever written in your opinion?
okay honestly this is an incredibly difficult question to answer because what even qualifies as 'best'?! not to mention I hate almost everything I write until months after it's written because imposter syndrome is a bitch lol I guess the fic that I would consider 'best' as far as like most developed/consistent would be find the strength, find the melody
❤️ Who is your favorite character to write?
answered here! also though, I have really been enjoying writing Alex lately. maybe you'll get your recycling center willex fic someday after all
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thegirlfulloffandoms · 4 years ago
Surprise im a writer Mom!
I write a lot in my spare time and thought a masterlist could come quite in handy so here are some im working on currently!
ask games:
nickname ask game
prompt lists: (credit to original owners and creators)
things fictional couples do that make me lose my mind
10 lines that could destroy us in jatp season 2
emotional prompts
Prompt list #3
WIPS + stories: (swear ill finish them oneday)
Mixed/full band
Sunset Memories - a collection of Julie and the Phantoms oneshots including various ships such as Boggie (my beloved), Willex,Juke as well as some non canon and canon based stuff and of course Sunset curve are included heavily throughout. This is good if you wanna read something short and sweet!
After Sunset- Bobby Wilson loses his 3 best friends after a deal gone wrong with the famous caleb covington,with the help of his new friends Ray and Rose,Bobby navigates the life of a new rockstar from dodgy managers (TONY DESERVES NO RIGHTS) and invasive interviews to facing the reality that maybe the dream isn’t worth all the hassle and sometimes you have to make your own way to the stars. This is one you’ll need tissues for.
I looked the Devil in the Eye- It wasn't meant to happen like this,murder was never part of the deal,especially when it meant killing one of Los Angeles' shining stars,Trevor Wilson......the problem is there's no turning back once you've looked the devil in the eye.
Alive and Kicking: 80s Sunset Curve AU- Ever since they were young,Sunset Curve had dreamed of being a famous rock bands alongside the likes of Iron Maiden,Whitesnake and Guns and Roses. Now as teenagers the band are battling between what their families want them to be and what they what to become,will they ever reach stardom as one of the most promising  rock bands of the 1980s while trying to fall for more than the music? find out in Alive and Kicking:An 80s Sunset Curve AU.
Our best days are yet Unknown - Willex Siren AU set the kingdom of Appolonia where sea creatures have been by the king banished after an accident involving Queen Molina and a sea monster. Alex is a siren who doesn’t quite fit in and Willie is a pirate on his first voyage searching for adventure,what mischief do they get into,and will the risk of all they hold dear be worth it?
The Price of Persuasion-Socialites have their secrets,their sons shall pay the price for them. The wilsons and the Peters were once collaborators,now bitter rivals in power of the Loz Feliz district,Reggie and Bobby will soon learn that sometimes it’s better to work together than against one another in the hopes of saving the city from total collapse.
Take a star from my sky- BOGGIE BRAINROT! i mean Reggie is mathematically smart but doesn't quite have the same way with words as his classmate Robert Wilson,the round glasses wearing,satchel carrying,nose in a book boy who Reggie has been gushing over for the past two years.What happens when the smarts are doubled and the boys are thrown together by English teacher Mr Jones.Swift words to one another or to the principal? or true love?
An offer you can’t Refuse- Sunset curve were always close,like they would cuddle on the couch on stormy nights and make pancakes together on the regular but none of them expected the offer the record label had in mind for two of the bands members:fake dating for sales. this could go very wrong or very right.
Reggie and Bobby loved each other platonically.....or did they? find out in An offer you can't refuse.
Broke Boys Babysitting-Reggie had planned to spend his summer rocking out with his band at all the venues they could sneak into on the LA strip,baby sitting his brothers children was never part of that plan,neither was finding out his band had a new member through it.Bobby wasn't the biggest fan of it however baby sitting was pretty good money considering how broken his guitar was after trying to copy the bands on MTV rock out the day after he joined Whispercats. Reggie is good with kids,Bobby has no clue,what chaos could they cause together? and who will come out of it not covered in crayons and paint?
Bobby angst
After the light is Snuffed out (Oneshot) - Bobby didn't expect that he would never see his three best friends again,see their names on the board of a crowded church,see their families crushed in together in benches whispering when they saw him take a seat.This wasn't how it was meant to go,he hoped they were somewhere up in the sky,watching on him kindly.
Confessions of the dead- Bobby had to find some way to get rid of the nightmares,even if it wasn’t by his own request,sometimes it takes a certain person with a certain set of skills to solve such sorrows.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
After Sunset- Bobby Wilson loses his 3 best friends after a deal gone wrong with the famous caleb covington,with the help of his new friends Ray and Rose,Bobby navigates the life of a new rockstar from dodgy managers (TONY DESERVES NO RIGHTS) and invasive interviews to facing the reality that maybe the dream isn’t worth all the hassle and sometimes you have to make your own way to the stars. This is one you’ll need tissues for.
I’m always taking requests for oneshots so feel free to drop me a prompt and a ship in my ask box! especially if it’s boggie.
New york state of mind-Julie and the phantoms move to new york to record their newest album,a city that never sleeps with inspiration at every corner from the grubby subway system to the enticing times square lights where they hoped to one day see their faces,it was the perfect scenario.Musically,they are a dream but personally can they survive the madness of each other?Will they reach for the stars or come crashing like a comet into the earth’s atmosphere?
The love and losses of los angeles (mixed oneshots)- a collection of oneshots about the 118 and related characters,of both an angsty and fluffy nature.
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alexandermanes · 4 years ago
ok but what if i write willex fan fiction about willie taking alex to skateboard in justin bieber’s pool?
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small-soft-nobody · 3 years ago
Anyone know of a descendants and jatp mixed fan fiction??
Mostly centered around Willex
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sunsetcurvecuddles · 4 years ago
hiiiii! just wondering if you had any favorite nick fan fiction recommendations? I think like there’s not many but wanted to know if there’s any good ones I should start with tysm
omg hi anon! this is not my area of expertise, but here’s a few of my favourites off the top of my head!!:
em is my resident nick enthusiast and expert !!! never met anyone who lives nick more than her :)
meg @a-tomb-with-a-view also has some amazing fics with some nick features
and a couple other nicks that i love include this great nick/reggie piece in the it's not sunset cis either series by @wr0temyway0ut, and this willex fic with a lovely nick who works in an aquarium by @bouncypickle!!
if anyone else has nick recs, please add them ;; i'm sure i've forgotten some good ones
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ashleemccann · 3 years ago
Alex & Willie | Text Story - #willex 👻#JulieAndThePhantoms
I love Alex and Willie I had a request for this video. It’s a Willex text-story video I tried something different.
I use an app called Texting Story for this it's purely fan fiction. Alex and Willie belong together let's hope for a season 2.
#JulieAndThePhantoms #willex
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williamaltman · 4 years ago
Luke/Alex Rant
Negativity Alert.
So, ugh, the whole Luke/Alex being exes thing actually brings me so much pain, and it’s like no one understands me :(
I’m actually gonna start with the part that’s gonna make people hate me, which is probably not the best idea when looking for sympathy/empathy/understanding, but oh well, it just makes the most sense to me to write it like that... Thanks for those who bear with me.
First of all... It’s not really canon. I mean, maybe it could be. Maybe they could make it in s2. But I’m tired of people saying it’s straight up confirmed, putting it on wikis and everything. Owen and Charlie were just chatting, joking around and having fun with the fans on live, they weren’t being completely serious.
They clearly like to support fan theories, headcanons, ships. Yet on actual serious interviews they have never mentioned that. They have even talked about how Flynn/Reggie was supposed to be a thing, but not that. Not once did it come up when talking about LGBT representation on the show either(why would they not say Luke isn’t straight?).
I understand having a headcanon and feeling validated when the actors support it but it seems like most people legit can’t tell the difference between that and actual officially canon things? It seems like people either think this is actually written in the show(which we don’t have any evidence of) or that the actors have the authority to decide what’s canon just like the writers/showrunners/directors, which... It’s just not true?
Now, why it actually upsets me.
Well, just for starters... IT’S SO SAD??? I really don’t get what joy people get into characters being broken up??? And I mean, the fact that they stayed friends and are still fine with each other is nice I guess, and I see why that could be appreciated... But at the same time the one thing that made people get this idea was when they held hands in episode 2 when they got scared... With the idea being that Luke instinctively went to Alex to cope, and then Alex said “Let’s not” as in “Let’s not make it weird, we’re not together anymore”.
Which is so freaking sad??? The idea that they used to be each other’s emotional support and now even though they’re friends they can never really be that close anymore? Which, means that things are NOT just completely fine like ~UwU happy exes~??? Same for the also popular "evidence" that Luke supposedly looked sad when he realized Alex liked Willie.
And so, we go to the fact that... They’re clearly not happening “again". Willex and Juke/Palina are the ships. I see most people who are into this saying they’re into the current ships anyway and want for them to thrive and for Luke/Alex to stay only in the past. Which, I mean... I KINDA get, liking ships in the past but wanting them to move on. But that makes more sense to me when it’s something that it’s actually in the thing, not something that’s not shown and you’re pushing to happen only to add heartbreak that didn’t need to be there.
EVEN THEN, pushing that aside and understanding liking this idea of them in the past... Why need for that to be canon then??? If it’s all about the fanfics and fanarts and aesthetics and somewhat suggestive moments to relate to that but nothing actually substantial on the show... Then why push for more than that and open the door for people to get invested and want for them to get back together, when for you nothing’s gonna change either way? It’s so counter-productive.
And if you actually want for them to get back together... Well the idea that the creators of a show targeted at teenage girls would take away the main het ship for a gay one even though there’s already a canon gay ship that doesn’t interfere with anything is ridiculous. So again, keeping it as a headcanon and maybe reading fics where they get a happy ending instead of pushing it as canon it’s the best idea possible too.
Ok, I didn’t mean for this post to be so argumentative and combatitive. I meant for it to be more about my feelings really. But now that I feel like I’ve actually brought good arguments to my stance, there’s that feeling that actually exposing my real emotional reason to think like that is gonna “ruin it” and just invalidate everything... But well, I guess that’s too bad, and if anyone’s taking this seriously at all, which most likely isn’t the case, I again ask you to cut me some slack and not just think everything I said is dumb as hell because of what comes later? Like let’s be real here, we’re all coming from some kind of emotional place here, right? Even getting so attached to fictional characters at all.
So, the thing is, I WOULD LOVE LUKEALEX SO MUCH. The possible dynamic and/or tropes/archetypes that they could have would be literally my weakness. It’s already my weakness. In fact what I might consider my very first serious ship already has it. And god, did I suffer for that, and in the end I don’t even know if the results were worthy and if I’m even sure of what they were. 
And that ship was actually a wlw one. A mlm one(I’m a gay guy) makes it 10x worse(the fact that Luke is like totally the kind of character I’m attracted to and Charlie is also like, perfect, doesn’t help either). It would make me invested in a way that would probably already be too much if they were together, but them being exes just absoutely DESTROYS ME. Like on a visceral level.
And the fact that the idea is most of the time that Luke was the one who was there for Alex when he came out. And that maybe Luke was his first love. And now that's gone. It absolutely kills me. It’s so so so tragic.
Like, I actually read a fic like this. Before this whole thing became so popular and Owen/Charlie said anything about it. And it destroyed me. I bawled my eyes out for like an hour. As well-written and touching as it was, it wasn’t worthy, it was definetely not worth suffering so much like a month after reading it.
So it’s just so painful that for most people this is just a cute little thing that doesn’t affect them at all while it truly hurts me so much :/
So yeah, this is my rant. It should probably have been two separate posts, one talking about how I don’t think it’s really canon and one why i don’t want to... Cause as I said, I feel like no one is gonna take me seriously while if I ended it on the arguing part it would lend more credence to it. And I do think people desparately need to take a step back in regards to how they’re considering this 100% confirmed canon(or even anything besides a little teasing).
But I had to vent I guess. Please be kind enough not to come here fight me. Edit: I didn’t mention this at first cause it’s kind of not the main reason and not relevant to LukeAlex specifically, but: I value canon MLM ships A LOT, and watching the show I loved Willex so much and saw nothing between Luke and Alex, so I do 100% want to focus on the canon ship instead of going down this route of hyping up a crackship(that wouldn’t be a crackship if the exes thing was made canon, and might not even classify a crackship even now, but still). I’m not trying to make a point about how people who ship LukeAlex are evil (because, in a way, I do too!), and I definetly don’t want to throw the racism card, but yeah. Just a little extra point to make.
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kikikiwi27498 · 3 years ago
Katie's JATP Fic Recs
I have done a few fic rec lists in the past (you can find them here, here, and here, I need to make a master list at some point), but in light of Julie and the Phantoms being canceled, I wanted to highlight some of my favorite JATP fics. Below, and in no particular order, are the fics I keep coming back to and the ones I couldn’t wait to read as they were updated. You can find more under my Julie and the Phantoms fan fiction tag as well. You can also sign the petition to ask Netflix to renew JATP.
It’s Not Sunset Cis Either by WhatsYourNameMan (@wr0temyway0ut) (T, series on AO3, incomplete) If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve definitely seen me talk about this series. I’ve basically decided this is canon now and Netflix can’t tell me otherwise. A truly wonderful AU in which Nick, Luke, Alex, and Reggie are trans men, Willie and Flynn are non-binary, and Julie is gender-fluid. One thing I really love about this series is Rio’s handling of Bobby/Trevor: acknowledging what he did (and giving a reason that's not “he’s a terrible person”), allowing the boys to forgive him, and making him a part of the family again. Bobby is depicted as just as valued and important to Sunset Curve as Alex, Luke, and Reggie, and Bobby and Alex have the sweetest friendship. I also love how Rio writes Willex, specifically Willie and his Caleb trauma. Some of these stories broke my heart (I’m looking at you, Spider Beetle Bee, The Vagabond, Boy on a String, and Dance Dance), but this is still my comfort series and I love it so much.
The Spotlight’s Your Hiding Place by @wr0temyway0ut (NR, SMAU on Tumblr, complete) Enemies-to-lovers modern AU. Nick, Willie, and Bobby are in JATP’s rival band. After discovering that Caleb Covington has been abusing Nick, Willie, and Bobby, JATP comes together to help their rivals escape Caleb’s control. I love all of Rio’s work, but this one is particularly good. I love a good SMAU, and Rio delivers. Full of drama and angst, but also the fluffy moments Rio does so well.
My Safest Place to Hide by @willexxmercer (NR, SMAU on Tumblr, complete) A Willex modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU. When Alex gets sick on their honeymoon, Willie must put his worries about Caleb and the gossip columns aside to take care of him. With Caleb threatening to make Willie’s life worse, Willie learns to lean on his husband and friends and accept their help for once. That was a terrible summary, but I truly love this SMAU. Lots of sweet Willex moments and hating Caleb Covington moments. I also love Kit’s OCs.
Lie a Little Better by @willexxmercer (NR, SMAU on Tumblr, complete) I know…another SMAU. I just love them so much, okay? A Willex modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU. Alex needs a getaway from the hectic Hollywood life, so he goes to a resort in Canada. While there, he falls for Willie Covington, nephew of Caleb Covington, the one person Julie and the Phantoms swore to stay away from. When Caleb finds out about Alex and Willie, well, you can imagine what happens. I love this SMAU because it’s sweet but also suspenseful and keeps you wanting more. Kit is masterful at the cliffhanger and making you really, really hate Caleb Covington. Know That It’s Probably Magic by thessalonike (starblessed) (@julies-butterflies) (T, one-shot on AO3, complete) “A study in grief, loneliness, and the nature of haunting.” Julie thought Alex, Luke, and Reggie were haunting her house, but Flynn might be onto something when she says the boys are haunting Julie. This realization brings Julie’s world crashing down. They can’t be haunting her, right? This fic is beautiful and deep and perfectly written to be emotional without being over the top. There are amazing Double Trouble moments, and Flynn especially is very well-written.
Gave Me No Compasses, Gave Me No Signs by weneedglitter (@weneedglitter) (G, one-shot on AO3, complete) After the Orpheum, Julie discovers her powers go beyond magic hugs, and the bond she has with Alex, Reggie, and Luke is stronger than she thought. This is pretty similar to Know That It’s Probably Magic (it was inspired by that fic), but the premise is just different enough to make it special. I really loved Morgan’s take on the Orpheum and how Julie was able to pull the boys to her.
Heaven Has Got Nothing On Us by fairylightsandrainydays (@fairylightsandrainydays) (T, one-shot on AO3, complete) This is a fascinating take on the relationship between Willie and Caleb Covington. After he dies, Willie realizes he can’t see color. He joins the Hollywood Ghost Club with the promise of getting color back, but soon realizes it’s not at all what he thought it would be. Rainy gives a very interesting take on how and why Willie joined the Hollywood Ghost Club.
I’d Fall Anywhere With You by novaquill (NR, multi-chapter on AO3, complete) Everyone has a soulmate, except for Alex…or at least that’s what he thinks. After the incident with the hot dogs, the boys of Sunset Curve learn that soulmates can be found in unexpected places. I love a good soulmate AU, and this did not disappoint. I loved this fic because it explores the boys of Sunset Curve’s friendship and how best friends can be your soulmates.
Raw Nerves Can’t Kill Me (But God Do They Want To) by HearJessRoar (@hearjessroar) (G, one-shot on AO3) Julie has a bad day, and it’s up to Flynn and the boys to cheer her up. I love Jess’s portrayal of the friendship between Julie and the boys, it’s so sweet and the boys just want to help.
Are You for Me or Against Me (Hold Yourself Against Me) by siriuslyrose (@siriuslyrose) (G, one-shot on AO3, complete) Modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU in which Caleb adopted Willie. Five times Alex thought Caleb hated him, and one time he was proven wrong. I love Mel’s writing, and this does not disappoint. Mel does a great job of integrating Carrie and Bobby into the group and creating the character of good dad Caleb. Also I love Willie’s dog.
How Long Till My Soul Gets It Right by partyghost (Arokel) (G, one-shot on AO3, complete) This is probably my very favorite Willie fic ever. Astronomer!Willie owns my soul. This story gave me Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe vibes (that’s a complement, I love that book). A great insight into Willie’s character and potential backstory.
Give Me Something to Hold On To by sunsetcurbed (@sunsetcurbed) (T, multi-chapter on AO3, complete) Modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU. As Kay puts it, “Alex and Willie meet young, fall in love young, and fall apart young. But some things have a way of making sure they’re meant to be in the end.” I was hesitant on this one at first, because I don’t usually go for friends to lovers to exes back to lovers stories, but Kay’s writing won me over. This story is so well thought-out and beautifully written, and Kay captures the emotions of a break-up perfectly. I think I cried when I read this. As you might expect, it is a sad story, but I promise the end is happy.
Far Away From Hurt Is Where Healing Occurs by chickwiththepurpleguitar (@chickwiththepurpleguitar) (G, one-shot on AO3, complete) After the Orpheum, Julie has to explain to Ray that there are three sort-of-ghosts living in their studio. Luckily, Ray is the best dad ever, but when caring for the boys means forgiving Bobby/Trevor Wilson, Ray finds it a little harder than he expected. Sometimes time really does heal all wounds. I love how Lilly explores the relationship between Bobby/Trevor, Ray, and Rose, as well as the relationships between Luke, Alex, and Reggie and their parents.
First Things First by Irratia (@on-irratia) (NR, one-shot on AO3, complete) Modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU. Three firsts in Alex and Willie’s relationship: meeting the parents, sharing clothes, and sharing a bed. This is a really sweet story and the rest of the series is really good as well. You don’t need to read the first two parts to understand this one.
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lupinsspadfoot · 4 years ago
started a little willie and alex thing? what do we think so far? i’ve got a couple plans of this being a one shot or maybe even a 2 or 3 part short story?
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sonseulsoleil · 4 years ago
The aftermath! 
@nimbus713 @rainbowbookcasesandlargemugs @sunsetcurve123  @mar-and-her-stories
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