#will this hotel let me ditch my bag until i can check in
tirednotflirting · 1 year
very strange mix of many different anxieties going into this week. have a headache and stomachache. this is fine.
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trainingtofreedom · 6 months
January 7, 2024 - Washington, DC
Washington, DC gets at least two entries, because it was two days.
Day one was a sh--show.
Washington's Union Station was big, beautiful, and historic - on the outside. There was a line, though, one you can't see unless you have a ticket to a train. Over that line, on the Union Staion maps, it's just labelled, "AMTRAK."
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Leaving is disconcerting, because you walk out of that big gray box and into a very large, architecturally-impressive outer shell. There's not a lot of direction about where to go next. The DC Metro is only adjacent. By the time I arrived, it was dark and most places were closed. I claimed my bags and rolled, gingerly, out to the cab pickups. Called an uber, and I was off to my hostel, called "Generator."
My Uber driver had some historic information about the city as we drove through; my building might have been the place where Reagan was shot. I wasn't really clear. What we pulled up to looked like a 100 year old building with a new light-up sign across the front. Stairs, or a long walk up the service ramp. I rolled in carefully, carrying WAY too much.
The lobby was nice, at least. Looks like a tech-startup grabbed this hotel and refreshed it into a hostel. That would be my experience throughout: the rooms felt like hotel rooms, the lounges felt like a hotel, and the front desk felt like a tiny add-on to the original, unused front desk.
When I went up to the check-in, they asked for my information then asked for $100 deposit. Keep in mind, I booked this room on Airbnb for $35, and I couldn't deposit any cash on a card in C-Ville. I told them I only had cash. I had a card, but it only had $12 for my Uber, did they want an empty card number?
No, they needed credit. I was overwhelmed, and frustrated, and flipped my card at the desk. I couldn't think straight, I could barely speak, I didn't have any idea what to do. Do I go back to the train station and sleep?
While my head was spinning, they said, "We can cancel it?" I said, no, I'll just come back later, and stumbled out into the cold air with my too-many bags.
I didn't know how to manage this, but...Google Maps said there was a CVS about a half-mile up the road. I ditched my bags in a hidden corner outside, and started hiking out to CVS. Damn, I should have worn an extra jacket or something. Also, every intersection felt a million miles from the last, and I couldn't see a CVS. All I could see was the Washington monument, in the distance. It was 9pm, would CVS be open?
See, my thoughts were WHIRLING in the moment.
CVS was uneventful. They let me make my deposit, and also some ibuprofen to help with the chronic back pain. I still had to walk with my backpack and small bag, because laptops and electronics are important. Sore but encouraged, I managed to hike back to Generator hotel a little bit calmer.
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Thankfully, the front desk agent was still polite, and I checked in without issue. Up to my room, which I couldn't photograph because there were four of us in there. Two bunks built into the wall, and a hotel bathroom to one side. Two desks. Some of us lined our suitcases in the former closet; others next to our bed.
My own assigned bed was up the stairs...sadly, my hurt back didn't let me choose. I hung my cane to one side and threw my backpack up. Then Up-and-In. The railing couldn't support me, ladder-only.
In my bunk, there were outlets and a light...but I was exhausted. I wanted nothing more than sleep. Passed out, 9pm-4am.
but 4am wasn't actually the start of the next day. I woke up, but there was nothing open. I walked downstairs, wandered the streets, saw the nearest metro station. Starbucks opened pretty early, so about an hour of walking, and I could get breakfast with cash. Fed again, I went back to my room, and spent the next five hours in my bunk. What else could I do? My train didn't leave until 3pm, so I used every minute of my time.
11am, I checked out of the Generator "Hotel." It wasn't too bad, it was just a crazy adventure. Cold. Dark.
I had a lunch appointment with a friend the next day, though. I'll also catch up about Union Station. Next chapter, Washington DC in the daytime, and a lunch appointment.
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broadstbroskis · 3 years
no better company than you | nathan mackinnon
a/n: alright, i’m rolling in late for @antoineroussel oussel summer exchange (thank you love, for running such a lovely exchange again, it was wonderful and i’m glad i was able to particiapte) and i’m very sorry for the lateness! i had the pleasure of writing for the lovely @ghstandpucks​ 💜 again, i am SO sorry about the wait but i hope you enjoy this! 
word count: 3.2k
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I’m late!” You slide into the booth and throw your bag down next to you, hoping to god you don’t look as frazzled as you feel; this restaurant is far too nice.
Nate just smiles at your words, too familiar with your family by now to know that you’re always running 5-10 minutes behind. He’s ordered a bottle of wine- a nice rosé, fitting for the beautiful end of summer day- and had already started pouring a matching glass for you the second you started sitting down. “How’d the interview go?”
You bite your lip. “Eh.” 
“I’m sure it went better than you think.” Nate says encouragingly. “You’re too hard on yourself. All three of you are.”
And well, that’s not a lie. Your siblings were just as critical of themselves as you were. Sid was famously known for it and Taylor, your twin, was as bad as you. But…
“Listen to you!” You laugh at him. Nate’s just as bad as the three of you. A mini-Sid in many ways, to many people in your hometown.
But that was in Canada. This was Denver. And here, Nate was cool. Laid-back. Lowkey. Everything a professional athlete should be. Nobody knew about what a dork he really was, except his teammates.
And now, maybe you too, if all went well with this job interview.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Nate says, looking at his menu to feign ignorance.
You giggle, pulling your own up toward your face. “Sure, buddy.”
It’s not often that you and Nate spend time one on one like this, even if you see him all the time over the summer. He’s usually with your brother when you see him, politely trying to decline your mom’s invites to dinner or already hanging at Sid’s house when you invite yourself over to your brother’s house for pool or lake time. Usually time one on one with Nate like this is brief, usually like in passing while he’s waiting for Sid in the kitchen while you’re eating.
It’s nice. Nate’s funnier than people give him credit for and it’s easy to relax into dinner and conversation, to forget about the anxiety from your interview as you chat about what’s new for both of you and gossip about people you both know.
By the time he drops you off at your hotel, it’s late and you’re too tired (and maybe just on the right side of tipsy) to even worry about the interview. You just barely change into pajamas, run through your nightly routine, and climb into bed, before shutting the lights off. It feels like you’re asleep before your head even hits the pillow. 
In the morning, you’re awoken by the sound of your phone ringing, and it takes a second for you to place the sound, but when you do you pounce on it, recognizing the local area code immediately. “Good morning.” You say, trying your hardest not to sound like you woke up literally thirty seconds ago.
It’s human resources, from the job you interviewed for yesterday.
You got it.
“Ew, no!” Your dad holds his hands up innocently, when you rush over to stop him from unpacking a box. “Why would you put that there?”
“Hey, sweetie, maybe it’s time for a break.” Your mom says gently, exchanging a look with your dad, who nods his agreement enthusiastically.
Which is fair. You’d just about almost taken his fingers off just because you didn’t like where he was unpacking colanders. 
“Dinner!’” Your dad latches onto immediately. “Nate offered to take us all out tonight, I’ll let him know we’re ready.”
“Ready?” You frown, looking down at your workout shorts and baggy t-shirt.
“We’ll be ready in an hour.” He amends, already texting Nate.
Nate knocks on the door to the new condo you’re renting an hour and fifteen minutes later, sheepishly grinning when your dad tells him that you and your mom still need a few minutes. “Thought I had my timing perfect.”
Your dad snorts. “Oh buddy. Keep dreaming.”
He’s not too off on his timing, but unfortunately for Nate, you don’t have too much else going for you in your condo yet. Your dad had gotten your TV all set up, but in addition to the TV and living room furniture, you haven’t gotten much else, and that includes food and beverages. So the two of them sit in mostly silence while they wait another few minutes for you and your mom to finish getting ready. 
“I told you that you should have just met us there.” You tell Nate, as he trips on a box on his way out the door.
“Oh, so this wasn’t deliberate sabotage?” He deadpans.
“You caught me. Just trying to keep you around the city full time until I have time to make better friends.”
Nate laughs, as the two of you follow your parents out the door. “Be nicer to me or I won’t introduce you to my friends.”
“Who said I want to be friends with your friends?”
“Children.” Your mom turns to look back at you and Nate smiles at her innocently, but it’s been a while since that’s fooled her. “Do we need to stay home?”
It serves to get the two of you moving, even as you laugh at her joke. Nate drives you to another one of his favorite restaurants, and dinner flies by, with Nate insisting on picking up the tab, even when your dad tries to fight him on it. 
It’s started to cool down a little by the time you’re walking back toward the car, Nate and your dad still fake-fighting about paying for dinner, and you find yourself not realizing you’re smiling at the two of them as you walk behind them until your mom bumps your shoulder. “A few hours off for dinner with some good company was just what you needed.” She says.
And even though the smile on her face seems too knowing, you’re too tired to ask about it right now, so you just nod in agreement. “Yeah, this was nice.” You smile back at her.
Mel Landeskog pokes her head around the corner and you wave at her, trying to catch her attention. “Jesus Christ.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t think he was serious.”
“I mean.” You bite your lip. “I did have to work today.”
“I would have picked you up!” She shakes her head, muttering under her breath, and you know Nate’s going to get an earful from her later. “But no, no. That dumbass just let you come all the way over here by yourself. Sends me a text to come meet you by the door. All casual.”
“I mean.” You send her a look. “Did you expect anything different from Nate?”
It’s the way she looks at you and sets her face that almost has you nervous for Nate. You’ve known Mel for a long time now, but really, you don’t know her from more than just years of NHL events. “I do now.” She says.
You hope Nate knew what he was getting himself into sending Mel a text to come find you earlier.  
Once she leads you up into the box with some of the wives and kids, she’s back to smiling and laughing, making introductions all around. The mood all around is light and easy, everyone excited for the home opener of the season, and happy to be back with everyone again. 
It’s fun to be back in this atmosphere. Hockey’s been a part of your life for so long and there’s truly nothing like the energy of the first game of the season. You feed off the energy, catching up with some familiar faces and chatting with all the other girls, probably too excited when they invite you to a girl’s night later in the week, but it feels good to have plans that don’t involve trying to invite yourself to Nate’s when you’re bored.
“Hey, good job tonight.” You nudge him afterwards, catching up with him in the family room.
He laughs, pulling you in for a hug. “A little different than what you were used to?”
“It lived up to the hype, I guess.”
“I’ll turn you from a Pens fan.” Nate promises. 
It’s your turn to laugh. “Feel Sid’s wrath.”
“What’s he going to do? Check me into the boards? Bring it.”
Nate’s been hanging out with your brother and your family for years now, so he should really know better by now. “Okay, buddy.” You pat his shoulder patronizingly. “Sure.”
“I could take him.” Nate insists. 
“Throw hands. Next game. I dare you.” 
He side-eyes you, because you both know that’s not going to happen and it’s only a minute before you’re both laughing. 
“I better see you on Friday!” Ashley Kadri shouts out to you as she’s walking past with Naz and Naylah, interrupting your laughter. “No excuses!”
“I’ll be there!” You call back. “Promise!”
When you look back, Nate’s pouting-exaggerated, albeit, but pouting. “Are you ditching me this Friday?”
“Yup. Found better company.”
“How dare you?” He cries. “There is no better company.”
“Well.” You shrug. “I’ll know for sure after happy hour on Friday.”
“Find your own ride home.” Nate says and then he starts speed walking away from you at an absurd speed.
“Nate!” You protest, jogging to catch up and he finally slows down enough for you to catch up when you round the corner, bumping your shoulder right back when you purposely bump into him in retaliation.
No one lets loose like a group of moms when they’ve got a night without their kids.
Someone has mentioned this to you before, at a bachelorette party or a wedding or something, but you don’t think you’ve ever seen it really in action before until this happy hour. 
“If the waitress comes back, order me another drink!” Kerry calls, before running off to the bathroom.
The waitress nods at her, before addressing the rest of you. “Another round?”
“Oh, please!” Mel nods quickly and repeatedly.
“Can we get a few more orders of mozzarella sticks too, please?” You look down at the empty plates in front of you. “And maybe some nachos too?”
“Yes!” Jackie lights up across from you. “Great call!”
It pretty much only goes downhill from there and by the end of the night, both Mel and Ashley are crying for reasons no one is sure of entirely and you’re pretty grateful to see Nate among the group of husbands and boyfriends to come to pick up all their girlfriends.
So grateful you scream his name the second you see him. “Nate!”
He winces, trying to pull his ear away from you, but he’s laughing. “Guess you had a good time, huh?”
“Uh huh!” You nod enthusiastically, not realizing how loud you are until he winces again.
Nate laughs. “Alright, I think it’s time to go home.”
You gasp loudly. “I can’t leave my new friends!”
“Your new friends are all leaving you!”
You frown, but look around and realize he’s right. Naz has already sneakily pulled Ashley out of the bar and Gabe and Erik were collecting Mel and Jackie’s things. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Nate parrots. “Come on, get your stuff, crazy girl.”
“Hey!” You protest, grabbing your purse. “I am the least crazy person in my family.”
“I hate to break it to you.” Nate says, as he guides you into standing. “But that’s not saying much.”
He’s right, but you bump him with your shoulder anyway as you walk past. That’s about sibling honor and shit.
Nate parked too far away and by the time you reach his car, you’re leaning on him, the adrenaline from hanging out with friends wearing off quickly. Nate’s nice about it, guiding you to his car and then helping you into his front seat before heading around to the driver’s side. 
“You guys had a fun time then?” Nate says, once he’s started driving and you’re half asleep leaning against the window. “Looks like it at least.”
“Yeah.” You nod sleepily. “But you were right.”
He chuckles. “About what?”
“There’s no better company than you.”
Nate becomes pretty clingy after that night, texting and facetiming whenever he’s out of town, and stopping by pretty much anytime he’s got a free minute. It quickly becomes something you look forward to, missing his visits when he’s out of town and looking forward to his calls, smiling when his texts come in and breaking up your work day. And it isn’t long before you realize that you’re being just the same. Sending him messages before and after games. Inviting yourself over for dinner and making Nate cheat on his diet.
In a blessed move from the NHL scheduling department, Sid and the rest of the Pens are scheduled to arrive in town on a Friday morning and aren’t leaving until the end of the weekend. 
They have a practice scheduled for early afternoon, which is perfect for you to wrap up your work day before heading over to watch the end.
Geno lights up when he sees you watching from the glass, the first person to acknowledge you, and skating over in the middle of the drill, leaving behind two shocked linemates. “Mini!” He shouts cheerfully, even as you roll your eyes at your least favorite nickname. All because you happen to be the shortest of your siblings. “Great to see you.”
“You too, Geno.” You smile warmly at him, a little annoyed that you can’t get a giant bear hug from your favorite pseudo-older brother right away. “But I don’t think a few other people feel the same right now.” You jerk your chin back over his shoulder. 
He turns his head quickly but then looks back. “Psh. They’ll get over it.”
You bust out laughing, which is right about when your brother comes over, and in classic Sid fashion, is all about hockey. “Stop being a distraction.”
“I was minding my own business until Geno came over here!” You protest, even as Geno starts laughing and Sid eyes you skeptically. 
“Why don’t I believe that one?” Sid says dryly and sure, maybe you were making faces at some of the guys you knew well as they were passing you, but you weren’t actively being a distraction.
“That’s your prerogative.” You tell Sid, who shakes his head and pulls Geno back for the remainder of practice. 
Practice doesn’t last for too much longer and you spend a few minutes chatting with the coaching staff while you wait for Sid to change. But he and Geno finally come out of the locker room and you stop mid-sentence to throw yourself at your brother.
Sid’s laughing and so are you, but both of you start laughing even harder when Geno pulls you both into his arms. “Two of my favorite people!”
“Taylor’s going to be so offended.” Kris grins, watching the three of you amused.
“Taylor?” You grin back at him, going for a hug once Geno releases you. “How about his wife and kid?”
“Those are my other favorite people.” Geno reasons.
“Now I’m offended.” Kappy deadpans.
“You’re not even close.” Geno grins, roughing his hair.
Kappy tries to get him right back, but Geno just swats his hand away and then Sid’s shaking his head, like this is just the same shit, different day. “Look what you did.”
You grin, leaning against him. “Not sorry. I’ve missed this entertainment.”
Sid shakes his head. “Then you can round them up for dinner.”
You do. Easily.
Nate had suggested one of the team’s favorite restaurants and you’re happy to see that he’d accepted your invitation to join everyone, even if he rolls in a little late. You’re deep into Kris’ camera roll, looking at pictures of his kids and catching up on stories that you haven’t heard about them recently, so you don’t even notice he’s arrived and said hello already until he blows on the back of your neck.
You jump. “What the hell?”
Nate’s grinning. “Hey.”
You shake your head at him and bump your shoulders against him. “Hey.” You mimic and then turn right back to Kris.
But your shoulder stays leaning on Nate, and it remains there comfortably all night.
Sid’s a little cranky when you first meet him for breakfast the morning after the game and you’re sure it has everything to do with the last minute turnover that cost them the game (and bragging rights over Nate this summer, which is really what he’s probably cranky about).
He gets over it pretty quickly though, and soon the two of you are laughing and talking, catching up about your family and your lives.
“-and I even love my office, the vibes are just great!”
Sid shakes his head. “Vibes.”
You grin. You know he hates that word. “Good vibes.” You confirm.
“So you’re liking Denver?”
“Love it.” You confirm, smiling.
“Meeting good people?”
You eye him skeptically. “Yes dad. I already said my coworkers are great and I’ve been hanging out with Nate and his friends a lot too. It’s good”
“Geno thinks there’s something going on between you and Nate.” Sid says casually.
The jump of your heart is far from casual. “Oh yeah?”
Sid eyes you but his response to that is surprising. “You know if there was something going on between you and Nate that would be okay?” He pauses, watching you again, but your face is completely neutral, purposely not moving. “Right?”
“You know if there was something going on between me and Nate that your opinion wouldn’t matter at all, right?”
He grins, laughing as he nods, but after he takes a bite of pancakes he says, “To you, yeah. To him, it does.”
“Why?” You blurt out, giving yourself away before you can stop yourself.
But Sid doesn’t say anything to that. He grins again and then changes the subject entirely.
You only make it about a day before you’re knocking on Nate’s door, pretty forcefully.
“What’s up?” He swings the door open, with a frown. “You okay?”
“Does what my brother thinks really matter to you that much?” You blurt out. It’s been bothering you ever since Sid mentioned it at breakfast. That you lasted this long was probably a miracle.
Nate blushes and your jaw drops. “It-”
“Oh my god.” You grin delightedly. “Come on, really?”
“That’s not-” He blows out a frustrated sigh. “You’re really going to make me say it?”
You nod, but you’re pretty sure he’s not going to get far into what he’s going to say.
He sighs again. “It’s not about, like, his approval, or shit. It’s just- he’s important to you. So obviously he’s important to me-”
You kiss him. 
“You know that you don’t even have to worry about that, right?” At some point, you’d slid one hand to his hip and the other arm around his neck, and the hand there plays with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“I’ll argue about that with you later.” Nate says impatiently and so you’re laughing when he kisses you again.
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Show Me [Part 2/2]
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Summary: Spencer finds out his girlfriend’s a virgin. But she wants him to change that.
A/N: This is Part 2 of an anon request. I was shocked by the response to Part 1, and I’m so excited for you guys to read this one! (I also set up an 18+ sideblog @spenciebabie if you wanna check that out)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Mostly smut, and a lil fluff
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sexual acts, oral (female receiving), fingering, masturbation (female), penetrative sex, please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed
Word count: 4.1k
Request: “Omg I’ve just found your account, you’re an amazing writer! If you’re taking requests, could you write something with virgin!reader and like season 13/14 Spencer?”
Read Part 1 Here
He’s booked a hotel room. A nice one. A really nice one.
They spent the whole week hoping that they wouldn’t get pulled away on a case. Just counting down the days until the weekend hit and they could finally release all of the pent up tension that had been building in each of them.
Of course she was still nervous, but the good kind of nervous. The kind that made you giddy more than it made you worried. Since she’d opened up to Spencer he’d been nothing but kind and supportive. It sort of made her want to sleep with him even more than ever, but he insisted that they wait, he wanted it to be special.
And now that she had time to prepare, she did all the things she thought you were supposed to do before having sex. She got waxed for the first time, and it hurt. It hurt way more than she was willing to admit. She bought lingerie. She had no idea what Spencer’s taste was when it came to things like that, but she did what Spencer would do and she made an educated guess. She knew that he liked it when she wore dresses, he would always compliment her when she wore pale colors. He said she looked pretty in everything, but especially in white.
So she picked out a set that was white, with lots of intricate little lace details. No one warned her that lingerie was so expensive, but Spencer was paying for a hotel room, so she figured she could spring for some pretty underwear. It wasn’t just for him, when she tried it on in the dressing room she knew she couldn’t leave without it. Something about the lace and the way it hugged her body just made her feel amazing.
Not that Spencer would’ve minded if she’d done none of that. He’d still find her sexy if she turned up in sweatpants and a t-shirt with stains on it. She was perfect to him. Which is why they didn’t want to jump into it right away. Where was the sense of occasion in that?
Instead Spencer had planned out the evening, he’d pick her up from her apartment, and they’d drive to the hotel, drop their bags, then head out for dinner. When they returned to the room that evening, then they’d have sex.
She didn’t have the heart to tell him that it didn’t sound so sexy when he gave her a regimented list of activities like that. But she knew he just wanted her to have the best possible time, and she trusted him. As always.
And she was right to trust him, but Spencer had been losing his mind about that all week. Stressed that he was going to be a let down. She’d never been with anyone else before and what if he was underwhelming? What if it was the worst first time anyone ever had? He knew the statistics, how few women cum their first time, how few cum from penetration alone. And in spite of himself he was determined. Determined to make this the best it could possibly be for her.
She was perfect, and she deserved no less than perfection.
He thought about filling their hotel room with roses, so many that you’d hardly be able to see the room. Or maybe just rose petals, scattered along the bed and the floor. Would candles be too much?
Instead he stopped himself, and he kept it simple. He bought a bouquet of roses before he went to pick her up. When he showed up at her door, flowers in hand she wasn’t quite ready to leave yet. Her hair and make-up were pristine, but she was still in sweatpants and an oversized jumper.
“Are we staying in tonight? I could’ve sworn we had plans?” he jokes, stepping inside and handing her the flowers.
“Haha, very funny. I just need 10 minutes to change.” she swats his arm, “Aren't you a walking cliche, a dozen red roses?” she admires the bouquet, bringing her nose to them to take in the sweet scent.
“Nope” he says with confidence, “Only 10. While red roses signify love and romance, the number of roses given actually carries it’s own significance.” he explains, “And the message that 10 roses sends is, ‘you’re perfect’, which you are”. He can feel the heat rising in his cheeks as he says it. He feels so sappy but from the way she looks up at him he can tell she’s just as sappy.
“You’re too much” she says, and pulls him in for a short kiss, “Will you put these in some water for me while I get dressed?” she asks, and he wants to tell her not to bother, they should ditch the plan and he’ll just scoop her up into his arms right now and take her on her bed. But he just about manages to stop himself.
When she emerges from her room again she’s in the sweetest little dress. It’s white, and the bodice hugs her while the skirt fans out once it hits her waist. She looks like a fucking princess. He loved her, he loved that this was what made her feel confident, and sexy. And he can’t escape the little gasp that falls from his lips. She just giggles at him.
“Close your mouth” she teases.
“No way, come here” he reaches out for her and settles his hands on her waist, pulling her in close and pressing their lips together, slow and deliberate. Taking his time to taste her, making sure she can feel exactly how excited he is to be with her. It takes longer than it should but she has to press her hands on his chest and push him away gently to break the kiss.
“If you keep kissing me like that we’re not gonna make it out of my living room” she says, and it’s supposed to be a joke but they both seem to know it’s only just shy of the truth.
— —
The hotel’s not far from either of their apartments, but it feels like a completely different planet. It’s expensive looking, and it’s such a stark contrast to all of the motels they have to stay in across the country.
The bed is plush, and high off the ground with crisp white sheets. And even if they weren’t planning on having sex in it, they’d still be excited to sleep in it. As they enter the room Spencer drops their bags while Y/N all but sprints over to the bed, throwing her body onto it with such force that she bounces back up off it just a little.
Spencer laughs at her, and her giddy excitement. There was still a nervous energy present in her, but nothing like before. There was no worry, no uncertainty.
He can’t help but admire her, the way she’s spread out on the bed, her hair fanned out around her like a halo, her dress spread out, blending into the white of the sheets as she giggled, her chest rising and falling with her deep breaths.
“You’re perfect, you know that?” he says, walking over to the bed, standing so that he’s looking down on her. She just shakes her head from side to side.
“That’s you” she turns it back on him and he smiles. He leans down over her bracing his hands on either side of her head as he leans down to kiss her. Her own hands move up to cradle his face, holding it gently as their lips move against one another. When they break apart she’s just looking up at him adoring.
“How did I get so lucky?” she asks this time, and his heart just about explodes in his chest. He leans in again, kissing her with a little more force than last time. Climbing onto the bed instead of hovering over it so that he can be closer to her, feel more of her pressed up against him than just her lips.
He moves so that they’re both on the mattress, so that he can wrap an arm around her waist and pull her so tight against him while they kiss. He uses his other hand to roam around her body, down her shoulder, trailing delicately along her arm. Along the curve of her waist, gripping her hip just a little when he passes it. He uses that hand to slowly pull up the skirt of her dress. Not with an intentions, just so that he can have a hand on her bare skin. Resting so gently on her thigh so that he can feel the goosebumps that he leaves behind.
That’s one of the things he loves most about her, just how responsive she is. It never takes very long before she’s gasping and moaning beneath him, even if his hands are gentle. And that’s exactly how they end up. With her writhing beneath him, tiny moans passing from her mouth into his as his fingers dig into the skin of her thighs. Hiking up her dress, further and further until he could see her panties. Just like that evening on his couch.
“Spence?” she moans out as his hands creep further and further inside of her thighs. He pauses for a moment to look down at her, to check in.
“Are you okay?” he rasps, his breathing shaky, and she nods quickly, putting him at ease instantly.
“I just— could we— can we do it now?” she’s looking up at him completely doe-eyed, her hands draped lazily around his neck, she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth in anticipation. And all he wants in the world is to say yes. Fuck it, yes of course, anything she wanted. But he couldn’t.
They’d waited this long, what was another few hours. Besides, they had reservations, he didn’t want to have to rush anything to make it to the restaurant in time. He wanted to give her all of the attention she deserved. So he shook his head.
“Nope” he says, telling himself as much as her, “We’ve got dinner in 30”
She pouts immediately, and he wants to give in right away but he pulls himself back, removing his hands from her thighs, and freeing himself from her soft grip. She pouts even more as he stands up off the bed completely.
“You’re really gonna leave me like this?” she asks, more brazen than usual, sitting up on her elbows a little so that she can see him as he walks across the room.
“I don’t want to start something I can’t finish” he jokes, but she doesn’t look impressed.
“You already did” she counters, his eyes darting to her exposed white panties between her legs, but he shakes his head again.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, you better start getting ready for dinner” he points at her as though he’s trying to be stern, but they both knew he was wrapped around her finger.
She’s got absolutely no intention of using this time to get ready. Instead she reclines back in the bed, resting her head amongst the pillows, and she takes up right where Spencer left off. Pulling her skirt up and tucking her fingers into the waistband of her panties to find herself soaking wet. She trails her fingers between her folds, her lips softly parting to let out a small moan at the overall feeling that was building in her already.
She can’t help but cry out just a little as she sinks one of her fingers inside of herself, burying it as deep as it will go and curving it up to hit that spot she knows so well. By the time she’s added a second finger Spencer’s back in her line of sight. And he looks like he’s almost frozen in place when their eyes lock.
“Y/N” he just gasps, so small, she’s mentioned that she was the only other person who'd touched her like that, but for some reason he’d never thought to picture it. And thank god he hadn’t, it wouldn’t have held a candle to this.
“You started it,’’ she whines, “so I’m finishing it” her chest it heaving as she takes in long, labored breaths, her back arching up off the bed as her fingers continue to move inside of her panties. When it looks like she might just be about to cum her intervenes, sitting next to her on the bed and grabbing her wrist softly.
“Let me” he breathes, and she lets him pull her hand out of her panties. Instead of leaving it down by her side he brings it up towards him. Taking the two fingers that had just been inside of her and sucking them into his mouth. His soft lips sealing around them. She didn’t even know what to say.
“I’ve wanted to taste you for so long” he says once he lets the digits out of his mouth, and she's not only speechless, but she’s breathless now too.
With that he repositions himself on the bed so that he’s lying in-between her legs. He pulls at the sides of her panties and slides them down her legs so that she’s exposed to him. Now that he’d gotten a taste of her he was desperate for more.
Reaching further up under the skirt of her dress so that he could rest his hands on her hips, he uses the leverage to pull her a little closer. So that his face is right up against her centre. He places lingering delicate kisses all along the inside of her right thigh, and then her left. Agonizingly slow, teasing his way closer and closer to where she wanted him.
Once he’s run out of spots to kiss he’s finally at her core, and he introduces his tongue in one tentative lick right through her folds, tasting her even better now. Thankfully he’s got her hips pinned down with his hands or else they’d have sprung up off the bed.
“Fuck” she moans already, and that’s a good sign.
“Do you like that?” he asks, not playful or teasing, just genuine.
“So, so much” she affirms, and he dives right back in.
His tongue swiping between her folds, just grazing her clit every once in a while so that he could feel the way she squirmed beneath him. When he wraps his lips around her clit and begins to suck, with just the lightest pressure, she’s moaning so loud they’re probably going to get a noise complaint.
“Oh god, oh god” she starts to whine, “I think I’m close” she manages to force out. So he takes that as his queue to release his grip on one of her hips so that he can slowly push one of his long fingers deep inside of her. The stimulation from it, coupled with his lips in between her legs is enough to kill her she thinks.
Before she can think about it she’s cumming around him, on him, her hands fisting the sheets for any kind of purchase. Unable to control the moans the ripped through her.
When Spencer reappears from beneath her skirt a moment later his lips and chin are glistening, and there’s a dopey smile on his face, so she can do nothing else but pull him down on top of her for a kiss, tasting herself on his tongue. She wonders for a second if this turned Spencer on as much as it turned her on.
“Spencer” she breathes once they’ve broken apart, “that was amazing.”
“Yeah?” he looks at her, and delighted is the only word to describe his expression.
“Yeah” she tells him and he doesn’t miss a beat before he's on her again, diving in and placing feverish kisses all along her neck, down her collar bone, right to the cleavage that’s just exposed at the neckline of her dress. He starts to pull down the straps on her shoulders, doing anything he can to get it off her without having to move from his position, so perfectly situated on top of her.
“Spencer” she giggles, pulling his face up out of her chest, “What ever happened to dinner?
“We’re already 9 minutes late” he just laughs, “fuck dinner” and he dives back in. And she can’t fight him on that one. He’s sick of working around the fabric of her dress so he sits up the the bed and pulls her up with him.
“We’ve gotta get this off” he says, frantically searching for the zipper, and she wants to laugh at his eagerness, and she would, if she weren’t just as excited to be undressed. She has to help him find the zipper at her side so that he can slide it down. The dress goes slack around her just enough that he can pull it off over her head.
And now she’s just lying down in front of him in nothing but a bra and he thinks he might pass out. It’s a pretty one, white, and lacy, with a little satin bow in-between the cups. It’s so gorgeous against her skin that he almost wishes he hadn’t taken her panties off earlier. So that he could properly admire the whole set.
“I like this” he bites his lip, “I like it a lot” she doesn’t have to ask ‘what’ he’s looking so unashamedly at her breasts that she can’t mistake it.
“I bought it for you” she gazes up at him. And it makes this heart melt, she’d bought it for him, for him to see, to touch, to admire, to remove. “Can we take off your clothes now?” she asks then, and he feels stupid that they’re still on. He was so caught up in looking at her he’d almost forgotten he was even there. So he moves quickly, hopping up for a moment to rid himself of his clothes.
Once he’s in front of her in nothing but his boxers she starts to feel nervous again. She’s seen his cock before, she’s held it, tasted it, but this time was different. This time it was going to be inside of her. What if he didn’t like it, what if she was bad at all of this and he hated it.
He takes them off so that she can see just how hard he is, flushed and leaking, so excited to be with her. And it should feel reassuring, but it just feels like pressure. Pressure to be good.
Once he’s hovering over her again, his mouth working against hers as his hands work to unclasp her bra he can feel the hesitation in her kiss, in her touch. So he stops, and he pulls back.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” he says, his voice laced with equal parts love and concern.
She thinks for a moment before she speaks, “I just don’t want it to be bad for you” she whispers, like she’s embarrassed. And he can do nothing to contain the shock that spreads across his features.
“It could never be!” he rushes out, “This could be the worst sex of all time, and it would still be the best sex of my life, because it’s with you”
She softens immediately, he always knew exactly what to say to put her at ease. To comfort her so completely. So she pulls him back down to connect their lips once again. This time with the passion that she usually did, no apprehension, no worry.
And they stay like that for a few more minutes, him on top of her, their mouths moving against one another. With her bra on the floor his hands caressed and squeezed her bare breasts, fingers gently teasing her nipples in a way that made her gasp.
He has to climb off of her to get a condom from his bag, and for the brief moment that his warmth is gone she misses it more than she ever thought possible. When he returns to the bed, foil wrapper in hand she’s excited. This was it.
“Can I—” she starts, “can I put it on?” she asks sheepishly. And honestly he’s confused, but he hands her the wrapper anyway. She rips open the foil and pulls out the condom. Holding it in one hand as she grips his cock with the other, pumping it gently, softly gliding up and down the length a few times. She leans down into his lap for just a moment and licks up the underside of it, leaving an ever so slight kiss at the tip where it was leaking. Then she starts to slide the condom down his length, all the way down, so, so, slowly until it was at the base. No one had ever put a condom on him but himself, and he had no idea it could’ve been that hot the whole time.
He pulls her in for an appreciative kiss, pushing her back down on the bed so that he was on top of her once again.
“Can you, um— can you be on top?” she asks, biting her lip and looking up at him.
“Of course, whatever you want.” he whispers, “You’ve got to tell me if you don’t like something, or if you’re in pain, or not comfortable, or if you just want me to stop for any reason. Okay?” he asks, so sincere, and so full of love. And she’s so unbelievably happy that she waited for Spencer.
“It’s usually more comfortable and enjoyable if the woman has already cum once during the session, so you should be relaxed, but I’ll go slow.” she nods up at him.
“I’m ready” she sucks in a deep breath and pulls him in by his neck to kiss him, her lips open on his right away as she delves her tongue into his mouth. The taste of her arousal still lingering on his tongue. He pushes in while their mouths are still connected and he can feel her short gasp against his lips. She lets out a small wince at the sensation and it breaks his heart just a little.
“Are you okay? Do you need me to stop?”
“No, no! It just takes a little getting used to, you can keep going” she reassures him. And it does hurt a little, but it’s more like pressure. A pressure she hadn’t felt before. He pushes further in, and further in, and further in, until he’s completely inside of her, as deep as he can go. He moves so slowly so that she can take her time getting used to the feeling.
And if he was honest with himself he needed time to adjust too. She was so tight and warm around him, and whenever he’s still he can feel her clench around his length. He’d forgotten just how good this felt. Or maybe it had never felt quite this good before.
He keeps still inside of her, leaning down to litter her neck with kisses. Giving her time, she seemed to be enjoying it a little more now, biting her lip as she looks up at him.
“That feels so good Spencer” she moans out, her fingernails digging into his back as he raises up to look at her, “Does it feel good for you?” she says, and he almost can’t believe she’d even have to ask.
“It feels perfect. You feel perfect, so tight and wet” he lowers down so he can moan it right into her ear and that does something to her.
“I think you can start moving now?” she says
“Are you sure?” he asks and she nods, enthusiastic. And so he starts to move, slow and deliberate, long deep thrusts in and out of her. It doesn’t take long before she really seems to like it, adjusting to the feeling faster than she thought she would. Her legs come up to wrap around him, heels digging into his back to pull him close.
And they’re both moaning in tandem this time, moving together, breathing in sync, becoming one whole in every sense of the word. When she started to squirm beneath him, her hands gripping at his shoulders, his neck, wherever she could, he almost couldn't believe it. She was close.
So he put one hand on the headboard to steady himself and slipped the other down, skimming it along her torso before settling it right in-between her thighs. Circling her clit with his finger, faster and faster to match the speed of his thrusts as he tried to continue pumping in and out of her.
“Spencer, I think I’m—” she moans out, breathless and perfect, “Ah fuck! Right there!”
“That’s it baby” he hums, comforting and reassuring, his hands and his cock continuing their movements, working her closer and closer, “Cum for me.”
A second later she’s writhing beneath him, her back arching up off the bed, her nails digging so hard into his back that it hurt. “Fuck! Spencer!” she cries out as he works her through her high. It only takes another moment or two before he’s there himself, releasing inside of her, and the feeling is indescribable.
He pulls out of her slowly, taking care not to hurt her, when he’s sure she looks comfortable he allows himself to finally lay down on top of her. Collapsing softly, and resting his head on her bare chest.
On instinct she moves her hands to his hair, it’s just a little sweaty but she combs her fingers through it anyway. He was so beautiful.
“That was—” she wants to tell him, but she’s got no words, none that would do it any justice.
“Just the beginning.” he finishes for her.
— —
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limenysnocket · 3 years
Salsa Lessons
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Summary: Let's take a break... to go on vacation. Since Taika is a snowflake and can't handle the cold, take a trip down south to Puerto Rico!
Pairing: Taika Waititi x Reader
Warnings: SMUT-- oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, dom Taika, a little bit of degradation, swearing, alcohol, (slight) public sex. 18+ ;)
A/N: One last baecation before I disappear again, and I know this'll be good. I KNOW THIS IS LATE. Like... late LATE. Forgive me.
@honorarytenenbaum @olyvoyl @whatwememeintheshadows @mrtommyshelby @dandywaititi
"MY FACE IS ON FIRE!" Taika was panting and fanning his burning cheeks. The moms running the stand you both went to were cackling at him.
It had been a day since you both landed in Puerto Rico, and after sleeping off the jet lag and trying some of the fine dining, the first thing to do was explore the city, San Juan, from start to finish. Coincidentally, you both walked right into the outdoor market area, where fresh produce was being bought and sold everywhere. That's when Taika, the jackass, got ballsy and decided to try a pepper from one of the stands. He had been warned.
Oh well... guess you can see how that went.
To make up for the commotion caused, you bought a pineapple and a papaya from the same stand, as well as a couple of exquisitely bottled cokes. Taika was consoled, given a bit of coconut milk, and sent right back down the boardwalk. That was the first and last time he tried a freebie from a pepper stand. He was complaining about how his tongue felt (you would have thought that might make him get a little quieter and talk less), and he didn't stop until half of his bottled soda was gone. He sort of forgot about the pain after that and started looking for souvenirs.
You began your walk with him at eight in the morning, sharp. It was near noon by the time you were finished, and Taika had two big bags of fruits and veggies, exotic jewelry, tour maps, and trinkets. You were starving, and, more than once, tried to steal a kiwi from his bags but he would always manage to catch you and slap your hand away.
"They're for later!" He'd say that or make up a different excuse each time.
Taika wasn't neglectful of your hunger, in the end. He took you to a nearby restaurant after doing some searching on his phone and dropping the bags off back at the hotel room.
The restaurant was quaint, but vibrant at the same time. There were colors, dancers, and live music played on a little wooden stage just meters away. Ordering was fine, but it took some time for Taika.
"I've never seen so many things with pineapple in it! And it's not pizza, so it's bound to be good!" He seemed so excited for the food. It made you happy, but you eventually had to pick for him since the waiter was getting tired of actually having to wait.
"I have something special planned for tonight!" Taika exclaimed, the alcoholic drink of his choice being waved around in his hand. You were already reaching for the napkins, afraid he was going to spill something.
So now he tells you...
"Should I be concerned?" your first question came out with ease.
"Honey, if it's anything with me, you should always be concerned," he was smug, but the look on your face told him he needed to fix his wording. "BUT! Uhm... No, no you shouldn't be concerned about where I'm taking you. It's going to be a blast, I promise!"
"Better not be lying, Taik," you warned, and he just started to grin. That made you nervous, but you put the feeling on hold when the food came out.
Two bowls of Asopao de Pollo were placed in front of you and Taika, and they were devoured briefly in the span of thirty minutes. Extra time was added because Taika decided to add hot sauce to his. 'It's to add a kick,' he said. Yeah, whatever.
The rest of the afternoon was spent snacking, and checking out the more historical side of Puerto Rico. Abandoned forts, old canons, battle fields, you name it. It was truly a blast, even when Taika became cocky around one of the forts you visited.
It was at the Sitio Histórico de San Juan when things got... touchy. You were with a group of people, and you and Taika decided to linger around the back so if something interesting was spotted, you wouldn't have to move immediately. Little did you know, Taika was devising a, "ditch the tour guide and go make out somewhere," kind of plan.
Much to your demise, and to your pleasure, the plan worked. The tour guide hardly noticed the two of you disappear down an unknown corridor and push yourselves deep into a dark corner.
The smell was wet, ancient, and dank. Taika had you pressed up against one of the concrete walls while his hands worked their magic, lifting up the hem of your shirt and immediately grasping for your bra. You let him squeeze and grip through the fabric of it and press his body so close to yours, the waistband of his shorts was rubbing a red line across the skin of your stomach.
Your legs trembled while you completely forgot about the tour itself and your fingers started to run through his curly hair. Taika's thigh was moving to be between both of yours and he started to slowly rub the top of his against your clothed cunt. Slowly. Achingly slow.
Whimpers of his name and the sound of your tongue mixing echoed along the dank walls, and whimpers turned to moans, and moans turned into garbled sentences when his hand sunk into your underwear and sought out your clit. You tried to warn him, this was a bad idea. You could be noticed missing from the group and people could come looking for you. There could be papz right around the corner, needing a good look for a filthy headline. He didn't stop, though. He started rubbing faster, playing with you like you were some toy.
You knew he wouldn't give you anything but his fingers. Yet. Taika waited and waited, getting you closer on just clit stimulation, but just as you reached your brink, he started to pull his hand away. Dazed and confused, you looked up, your chest shaking from all the heavy breathing you had been doing. Your hands were grasping at his shirt, damn near begging to have just the tiniest bit more, but the look on his face said it all. Even through the darkness of the corridor.
"What the fuck, dude? I was so close!" You hissed at him. All he did was click his tongue and say:
"That's for later too."
The rest of the tour was dreadful to you. It was long, and hot, and dank while you found your way back to the group. Taika was nonchalantly following just a ways behind you while you consistently traveled in circles or down a corridor and through the next. As if he knew you were getting yourself lost, he eventually stepped in, and lead you back towards the entrance of the fort, where your tour group had huddled together for the last destination and for the tour guide to say goodbye. Oh well, at least you got to take in some historical views.
After one more cramped trolley ride back to the hotel later, you were utterly exhausted, but you knew your night wasn't over yet. Taika still had something planned, and it must have been on the spot this morning too. If he had planned it any further back, he would have blabbed it all out to you by now. You laid on your bed while you could, right on your stomach with your face buried into the pillow, trying to let your heavy eyes fall closed for a second, but the moment you did, you felt a large hand smack you right on the ass.
You flipped over, mad as a hornet when you looked up at Taika. You hadn't heard him come out of the bathroom.
He had dressed himself up in all black. Black button up, tucked into his black pants and pressed firm with a black belt. He looked like one of those pit musicians you'd see when you go to really good musicals with live orchestras.
"Dirty Dancing cosplay, ooor?" you nipped at him and he rolled his eyes.
"Ha ha, you're funny," the sarcasm dripped from him. He then threw a piece of (also black) clothing on. "Put that on."
The reluctance was real, but you followed his orders anyway, grumbling and griping your way through. Turns out it was a dress. A short one, at that, only going down to be just half way down your thighs, but it was comfortable enough. Luckily you had a pair of flats with a slight heel in your bag to pair with it. You had no idea where you were going with him, but you were not about to walk there in heels.
Taika was giving you "the eyes" as you walked out of the bathroom, admittedly messing with the hem of your dress to try and bring it down lower. As a result, came more cleavage that you would have liked, but oh well. At least Taika enjoyed the view.
He took the grocery bags in his hands and in the crook of his arms, and like that, it was time to go.
"We'll be late if we don't rush!" he hurried you. You knew that was just a big fat lie, and he was excited to get to wherever you were going, but you played along for as long as you could.
Taika made you go down the boardwalk again, through flourishes of people while the bags in his arms still jostled from side to side. Eventually, you stopped, just outside of a well lit building, and he took you inside.
He stepped up to a desk, signed something, and set all of the groceries down on the desk. While he did those things, you had a look around. To your left, deeper into the building and with dimmer lighting, there were tables and chairs set up. Almost all of the tables were meant for two, or for four. Before you could investigate further, Taika was back to leading you around, through a few more doors, which opened up to a big ballroom.
A few more people were waiting there, dressed almost in the same fashion as you or even a bit more flamboyantly, and obviously coupled up. Taika wrapped his arm around your waist and made you jolt.
"Care to dance?" he mused quietly and you gulped. You've got to be fucking kidding.
"You're joking," you murmured, but he wasn't, because he took you right over to the group of other couples and started conversing with them while you started to freak out quietly.
Honestly, you had never been the greatest dancer on earth. Sure, you could cut a rug from time to time, but that was in the privacy of your own home or at Taika's place if he happened to pick out a really good song worth dancing to. You knew Taika loved to see you dance, he loved to dance with you most of all, but you both never got into anything fancy.
Now was the time.
Soon, your instructors announced themselves, and the room fell mute while they introduced themselves in their very heavy Spanish accents. You stuck to Taika's side most of the time, even as the mood was set and stone. You would be learning to salsa dance. But what did this have to do with the food? You'd find out later.
To put it simply, things got... touchy. Of course, the one and only Waititi was the one touching you, wrapping his big, strong hands around your hips and making them sway back and forth, but it was personal at some point. His hips were pushed against yours most of the time, and that awakened a more primal sense.
Once the dance had been established, the lavish music and the glow of sweat and cologne heightened your senses, and the lights began to dim or flash with lavish pinks, purples, reds, yellows, and greens. You got lost in the feeling as Taika set his hands on your hips again, his warm palms making your legs ache to feel his skin touch yours. Your back was against his chest while the footwork got complicated. Focused, yet mystical.
All the couples around you, doing the same moves as you, turned to blurry blobs, and your breathing got heavier as the pace of the music piece got faster and faster. Taika's breath drew across your ear, and made you shudder. It nearly knocked you out of focus, because you bumped your hips backwards, and pushed your ass against his hips. Like a chain reaction, you felt his hands squeeze your hips a little more than he was supposed to. So, you bumped your hips back against his again, and suddenly you were whipped around by his hands, and pulled flat against his chest.
The bodies around you still writhed and moved with beauty and grace, then there was you and Taika... in the very middle of the dancefloor while a small hard on pressed against the side of your thigh. He was looking down at you, and through the darkness, just like in the corridor, you could see his expression. It was a look of want. Need.
Before anything could be done, however, the lights flashed back on, and the song had finished. Only you and Taika were out of position. The instructors paid no mind. They just clapped, as well as everyone else. Taika removed his hands from you, but made sure you were close enough to hide the little bump in his pants. You hoped there was nothing other than this, because now you really wanted to get back to the hotel room.
The couples started filing out of the room, back to where the tables and chairs were, and Taika kept you in front of him the entire time, pressed almost a little too closely to him.
"Mr. Waititi," a waitress called to him from the kitchen as you met the front desk again. "Your food has been prepared."
Taika looked at the waitress, then to you. He was debating something. You knew what, but you'd let him figure this out for himself. He was the one with the more visible problem.
"Awesome," Taika sighed, then looked down at you. "Join me for a bite real fast?" He said it through almost gritted teeth. Reluctantly... you agreed.
If it was worth it, that's for you to decide. This place had taken the groceries you bought, fruits and veggies, and made a beautiful dinner with mango kiwi sangria. With the time the lessons had taken, the chefs in the kitchen had made the perfect meal. They had even thrown in a few extra elements like chorizo and perfectly cooked rice dishes. As much as you loved the food, you couldn't forget about the need between your legs. And it was obvious Taika couldnt simply forget about his.
You would watch him squirm in his seat while he sipped on his drink, or you would find him staring at you a little more than usual, and little more intensely with each second. His eyes would gloss over, and his breathing would slow, but he'd snap out of it, only when you said something to him, or a server came out of nowhere to check on both of your meals.
Even if the dinner wasn't as romantic (although more sexually charged than you expected), you still had a fantastic time. As soon as Taika finished his dish, he paid the check and was quick to dash out the door with you at his side. Sure, you managed to have enough time to pack up what was left of your food for later, but that hardly deterred Taika's speed and agility.
The walk back to the hotel room went by faster than you thought. The crowds had started to dwindle, and lights began to dim, because all of the shops and side markets had finally closed down after a long day of work. There was just enough darkness to cover the fact that Taika had his hands all over you. All the way to your room.
The moment you touch the door handle, the frenzy began.
He closed the door with his foot, and with both hands, he grabbed your hips and slammed you against the nearest wall he could find. His lips breathed over yours, whispering dirty praises and hot needs, and his hands reached down to pull up your dress to bunch it around your waist. His hand reached between your thighs, and cupped your wet panties, just over your folds. He started to stroke it, while his lips teased over yours, never kissing you, but needing you.
His strong fingers prodded through the fabric, seeking and searching like he had done with you in the corridor of the filthy base. Filthy actions in filthy places.
You moaned for him, but he seemed busy. He continued to bunch up your dress until your stomach was exposed to him. His parched lips drug themselves down your collarbone, again, avoiding your lips, while your hand shot up into his curly hair.
"Fuck, baby," he muttered, opening his dirty mouth just to use his teeth on you. He bit down on your skin, making a hiss seethe from you through your clenched jaw. "You're so fucking beautiful... making my dick so fucking hard."
You watched him kneel, the position making his pants crumple up, but the bulge in his black pants remained as prominent as ever. His nose brushed over your stomach, and you could feel his tongue prop out softly and hover over the hem of your underwear, just as well as his teeth hooking into them. Your thighs spread on their own, and he started to pull your underwear downwards.
He could see the glisten on your clit and the need drip down your thighs. His tongue poked out again, and you felt it slide across your inner thigh. It crept higher and higher,
He placed sloppy kisses along the soft flesh. The kind of kiss that you could hear. The smack and the pop from the wetness and eagerness to taste more of you and take more of you in. He needed that, and he only got more of it as he neared your core.
"Such a wet fuckin pussy, baby," he groaned and placed his tongue along the lips of your folds. His tongue drug itself along the slit, and dipped in to be right on your aching clit. He swiped his tongue back down, pushing it along your hole. Your legs began to tremble, and he began to dig in like the meal you had gotten at the restaurant only whet his appetite.
He took you seriously this time. The rough pads of his finger nimbly drifting along your hips, tracing every mark, every bump, and every hair, because he wanted to memorize this feeling. He also wanted you to remember these exact moments, when he ate your pussy out on the exotic islands of Puerto Rico.
You gripped his hair so tight, but that only pushed him further into your cunt. His nose swiped along, to add flavor to the sensation. His face, most certainly, would be dripping with you by the end of the night.
How long this went on for? You didn't know. You also didn't know it his goal was to disturb your neighbors, because you got pretty fucking for him at some point. He didn't stop until he was satisfied, and you didn't bother keeping track of how many times you had cum on his tongue. You knew he loved the taste. He loved your taste.
Eventually, you both made it back to the bed for once, after one or two earth shattering orgasms. Thighs shaking, breaths colliding, and tongues twisting. His lips touched yours and your mouth was immediately drenched in your own taste, mixed with his.
He got you out of your dress. You stripped him of his clothes. Skin met skin, and it was an instantaneous bon fire of pure, raw sex.
His hand met your throat and he pushed you against the bed while he sat between your legs, unconsciously rubbing his dick through your folds. His lips were on yours again, and he gave your throat a gentle squeeze from time to time.
"Fuck, Taik, just put it in me," you breathed desperately, and the air grew thick. Your eyes never met his. You just watched the way his hips rolled into you, and took the time to feel his scratchy hair rub against your belly each time. You were addicted.
"You're so soft..." His large hands trailed down your stomach, "I'd rather just play with you and see what would happen if I teased you some more." His snickering and plotting drew a whine from you. It sounded so pitiful, he knew you were on the edge already.
"Aw, pretty girl?" He clicked his tongue in a fake sympathetic way, "You don't like to play games, do you? That's such a shame... I thought fuck dolls loved to be played with."
"Taika," you whined again, and you started to wriggle beneath him.
Taika didn't usually mind it when you wiggled about, but something about tonight, it really pissed him off a small bit.
"You want it?" He hissed. "Fucking fine."
You nearly screamed so loud, the hotel walls would have shook, but he shoved himself in, with hardly any warning, and slapped a hand over your mouth.
"You're such a loudmouth... just shut up and take it," he muttered by your ear, and his hips wasted no time making a fool out of you. While one of his hands stayed over your mouth, the other was planted by your head, almost threateningly, and he gripped the bedsheets. If you had just turned your head a little bit, you would have seen the veins popping on his wrist.
Taika pressed his thumb right on the high of your cheekbone, keeping your mouth clamped shut harder as he lost himself in you. Fuck it, you were gone too. High as a kite as he pummeled you and fucked you up something awful.
He was making your sore already, with the intense clap of his hips that never seemed to slow. He was persistent. He was determined.
You let yourself cum for him way too many times that night, and he knew it. He would watch your eyes roll back, and the way your body would weakly tense each time, like you were recieving an electric shock to the brain. And he kept going. He kept going for a long time.
You just let him use you as the night went on, and the look of satisfaction grew more intensely each time you spilled over. It went on and on and on... until he suddenly just couldn't take it anymore.
"Oh my God," he panted, finally letting you speak out and be more vocal, but he had knocked all the breath from your lungs, so there was nothing you could say. "You're so fucking tight... so fuckin pretty, holy shit."
Taika's head rocked back and his eyes watched the ceiling. Shit. He was starting to give out. Shit, shit, shit.
He hunched back over, his thrusts becoming uneven with the ache of anxiousness and lust. It was a blissful, awful, horrible mix. Taika fucking loved it.
A grunt, a groan, and a brand new hickey to get him through it. He finally gave in, burying his face in the same shoulder he marked you on, kissing, lapping and nipping at your skin, as he came, and filled you up.
His body shook and quivered like an earthquake, and soon he felt much heavier on you. Exhaustion kicked in, and you felt like falling asleep right then and there.
You managed a hand to rub up and down his back, comfortingly, and he would let out the occasional groan in response.
"Do you have any more surprises I should be aware of?" you asked, voice hoarse and very very quiet.
"I might," Taika asked after a long pause of silence. "But those are for later..."
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yandere-sins · 3 years
hii! may i request soft yandere akaashi x fem! reader? she is smol, sweet, and innocent. akaashi loves her so much and act so soft towards her, but he secretly manipulate her and one day when they cuddle she asked him why he never let her hangout with her friends and why he never introduce her to his friends
sorry if it's too detail, you can add or change the scene if it's too hard. thankyou so much! have a nice day!^^
Thanks for your request, sorry it took a while! ^-^
»»———————— ♡ ————————««     
It could have been perfect.
His arm around you, fingers drawing circles into your back. Akaashi smelled like the peachy soap you put into the bath, and his still-damp hair tickled your face when you nuzzled deeper into his shoulder. From the way that your legs were draped over his, his other hand tenderly squeezing out the tension from your shins, to the movie playing away on the big television in front of you, everything was so perfect.
You two had saved up for a bit over a year to afford a lovely city home. Akaashi had come with you to buy decorations, and you two would fetch late dinners on your way home with full IKEA bags. He always took the big and heavy ones from you, even if you complained. Last night, he asked you if you two should take the next step.
“Like a child?” you asked him, and he began to splutter, turning his face away. “Or a bird...” was his curt answer before he hid under the covers as you laughed loudly. But soon enough, even that joyful moment turned indifferent. When the lights were out and Akaashi asleep, the world seemed to slow down. Even if you were grateful for the pleasant life you had and the loving husband by your side, why was the feeling of everything being perfect so... so...
“What are your plans for tomorrow?” you asked, filling your mouth with the popcorn that sat in a bowl on your lap.
“I’ll be working late,” he noted, giving your back soft, comforting pats. You didn’t really need him to comfort you. Working late wasn’t the end of the world for normal people. And normally, it wouldn’t be to you either.
“Ah, I see. No worries, I’ll be out with friends, so I will leave dinner in the fridge--”
Ah, you thought, feeling his hand grab your shin tightly. It’s about to be not so boring anymore.
“Which friends?” he asked, choking back the bothered undertone in his voice.
“You know, from college.” Your answer was dissatisfying, that much you could read from his face as you looked up at him, meeting his cold eyes. “Why them? You haven’t been in contact for a while. I thought you guys grew apart.”
“I thought so too, but they invited me out to drink.” Sighing, you pushed off his hand, still digging into your leg, pulling your limbs off his lap to sit properly beside him. The moment you set down the bowl of popcorn, you heard the television switch off, Akaashi taking a deep breath. Arguments weren’t so uncommon, even in a relationship as perfect as yours. Sometimes it were just the pickled vegetables he didn’t like, and sometimes it were the friends that Akaashi hated so much ever since you met him that would cause them. Either way, they were always awful for you.
“I haven’t seen them in a while! I’m excited!”
Honest emotions. That would do, right? If you were happy, so was he, right?
But he wasn’t.
Akaashi simply stared at you quietly, judging. He was scolding you with his silence, even though he wasn’t a big talker to begin with.
“You know I can’t stand them,” he snarled.
“But they are my friends, not yours.”
“It would be better if you didn’t see them.”
There was no reasoning with him when he was like that, you found. Akaashi would rather bite his tongue while arguing only his viewpoint than take up the truth he didn’t want to hear from you. There was no amount of ‘yes’ and ‘amen’ you could have plead to him that would have made him less aversed to saying ‘no’ to you in return.
“Why are you like this?” you whispered, genuinely feeling hurt. Everyone admired you for the strong bond you two shared. Your parents shed tears of joy at the wedding. Everything was so perfect, but why was it only perfect when you were unhappy?
“You never let me go out, and I haven’t even met any of your friends yet! What harm is there in spending time with my friends rather than twiddling my thumb while waiting for you to return here? What could possibly happen that would make it impossible for me to do something without you?!”
Silence. As always.
Sighing, Akaashi got up, and you felt a string of anger forming a knot in your stomach. No one liked arguments, not even you! But running from them wasn’t a solution. Running away from your partner’s feelings wasn’t something you could do when you chose to be together!
“You wouldn’t understand,” he muttered as he reached for the door handle to walk out, and you sprung up, almost beggings as you pleaded, “Then please tell me!”
You were sick and tired of being left alone and snubbed. If only there was a good reason for him to act the way he did, but by all that was holy to you, you couldn’t find it. Akaashi, however, did stop, taking another deep breath before pinching his nose. If he left now, you knew it would take days for you to reconcile, you two pouting and only pretending to be fine in front of your family to keep face. Eventually, you’d just forget and move on, but that too was something you were sick and tired of, always having to swallow what happened in favor of a happy home life.
“It’s just going out with friends for a drink...” you mumbled, shoulders slumping in defeat.
Say something! you wished quietly. Anything! Just don’t go.
“It’s just going out with friends now,” Akaashi sighed, turning around to face you. Again, you were met with this cold stare of his, making it impossible to read him. Was he angry? Probably, but you wouldn’t know just from his expression. “And then? What if they want to go to a club? Will you go with them?”
Furrowing your brows, you questioned what he was going at, but now that Akaashi suddenly began stalking back to you, you were overcome with a very different type of panic. He had never advanced towards you like this, with his footsteps echoing in the silent room loudly and his body appearing to be bigger than it was just from the tension in it.
“So what’s next? Are you going to let others leer at you? Have them grab your shoulder, grind up to you on the dancefloor? Are you going to let them ask you to go to a hotel with them?”
“What?! N-No!” you stammered, unable to believe what he was suggesting.
“How will you know? What about your friends? Did you check them? What are they doing? Who are they with? If one of them has a crush on you, are you going to allow them to confess it? Are you going to run our marriage into a ditch just because they invited you out for a drink?”
Akaashi really did manage to make you ask yourself twice if this was all your fault as you heard his arguments. He made you question if there was truth behind his words or if the feeling inside of you was just the paranoia that he created.
Your relationship was so perfect, except when it wasn’t.
“Of course not...” you whispered, standing still as he laid his hands on your shoulders. You couldn’t even look him in the eyes, but you knew he was staring holes into you. All you wanted was to go out, to live a little. To experience and make memories, even if they didn’t include him. You didn’t think about these things, and you believed in yourself to not be unfaithful. But had this always been such a big concern in your relationship?
“I worry because I swore that we’d be together until death do us part! I care so much about you--I love you!” His assertion was barely meaningful to you now. After so much time at Akaashi’s side, you were sure that deep down, you loved him. You just didn’t love this perfect world you had with him. The ideal that he created.
Not, if perfect meant this.
“I’ll come home early tomorrow, and we can go to the cinema,” he tried to console you, fingers snaking under your chin to lift it. You barely returned the kiss he planted on your lips, ever-so-slightly averting your head from the affection. Akaashi paused, asserting your every move before pressing you for your answer. “Cancel your plans with them, okay?”
“Okay...” you mumbled unenthusiastically.
His touch lingered for a moment more before he finally pulled away, breathing out slowly before making his way to the kitchen. “Do you want some water?” he yelled back over his shoulder, but your answer never came. No amount of water or love could make up for how suppressed you felt by him and the conversation you just had. He loved you. He worried. It was always his feelings that mattered.
But what about you? Were your feelings irrelevant again?
Did it not matter that you felt like a caged bird by his side? That all the perfection made it truly suffocating? That everything had to be his way but never yours? He decided when you two went out and where. Akaashi was the one to put everything into motion, and you were glad if you could manage to surprise him with his present on his birthday. It was his schedule you followed, but he never asked if you were happy with how things were going. As if he didn’t care that you were bored and longing for more in life than just being by his side.
Your life could have been perfect. You two could have made it work and lived happily. But Akaashi didn’t want to work it out. He didn’t want to compromise or give you your own will. Instead, he chose to possess and monopolize you over true love and happiness.
And you were left to wonder for how long ‘perfect’ had actually just been ‘hell’.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
A Night In Las Vegas
requested by this anon: “I had the BEST idea: CC!Quackity came up with the idea of his Las Nevadas character arc after going to Las Vegas and meeting Reader there. Maybe one night the reader decides to go and twitch and finds quackity doing a lore stream and the reader is like: no way, it’s the guy I met in Vegas.”
{I love this concept, sorry it took so long for me to get out}
Quackity x reader
trigger warnings: some swears
premise: after getting ditched by your friends on the last night of your long weekend in vegas you run into a very interesting guy who doesn’t hesitate to befriend you. But what happens months later when he still seems to be running circles in your mind?
{covid don’t exist here, no sir}
{for the sake of the story, readers favorite color is blue, if its not, either pretend it is, or get over it}
“You can’t just- you can’t kick me out!” You yelled. 
Your bestfriend laughed, “Just find somewhere to go for a few hours! Me and Hunter want alone time!” 
“A few fucking hours!?! Seriously?!” But your duffle bag had already been thrown at your feet, and the hotel door room was swinging closed, muffled giggles coming from inside.
Groaning, you picked up your bag, where were you supposed to go now? 
“Not that I was like- listening in or anything- but damn that sucks.” 
You jumped turning to see a man with black hair sticking out of his beanie standing in front of the door diagonal from yours. 
“Uh- yeah. Last night in Vegas and I get ditched for a random hook up,” You scoffed, “I should’ve known it would happen.” 
“That’s not cool, uh- I’m Alex.” He stepped forward, offering his hand. 
Somewhat reluctantly, you shook his hand, “(y/n).” 
He nodded, “I was going to head out for a late night wander, find something to do-, preferably away from all the hookups that seem to be happing around us right now. If you want to come.” 
You glanced around, “Seriously?” 
“Oh- god that did sound kinda creepy didn’t it,” Alex scrubbed a hand over his face, “Sorry- I- you can just forget about this then-” 
“No! I mean- You don’t seem like a rapist or anything. I’ll come with.” 
He grinned, “Poggers, you can, leave that, in my room, if you want. Just seems like a pain to lug around everywhere.” 
You bit your lip, “Leaving my belongings in a strangers room while I go with said stranger to find something interesting to do, sure- why not?”
Somehow, you found yourself wandering out of the hotel lobby, and onto the crowded streets along side Alex. 
“So.... whats your favorite color?” He asked as you walked.
You laughed, “What?” 
“We’re like, total strangers- it was a question, to get to know you.” He tucked his hands into his pockets. 
“Oh, well-” before you could finish your sentence, there was a large amount of gasps and yells from the crowd in front of you.
“What’s going on?” Alex asked quietly. 
You craned your neck to look over the crowd, gasping, “The water show! With the fountains outside of Caesar’s Palace!” You grabbed his hand, tugging him with you to push through the crowd, “This was the whole reason I agreed to this trip- but we never got to it!” 
You shoved your way through the crowd until you got to the front, pressing against the barrier to watch the fountain display. 
“Holy shit.” You heard him mutter from beside you. 
You grinned, “It’s impressive right?” 
“Imagine the coding it would take to get those things to stay on time.” 
After the show had ended, you had kept wandering for a while, up the strip, asking various questions back and forth. 
You had found out that he was a Minecraft youtuber and a law student, though you’d had to admit, you weren’t too knowledgeable on either that subject. 
Now you were both staring up at the Dave and Busters sign, “This is a good idea right?” 
He nodded, “Definitely. Come on, I’d bet I could beat you at skee ball!” 
Laughing, you followed him into the building, and up the stairs toward the arcade entrance, “Your on!” 
After buying the credit cards for access to the games, you grabbed his hand, dragging him over to the skee ball lanes. 
“Lets go!” He shouted, a few minutes later, upon realizing your score was a total of 10 points behind his, “I’m popping off!”
You laughed, “Okay, what game’s next?” 
Nearly an hour later, you had both run out of credits, and laughing, made you way up to the prize area. 
“Do you think its possible to compile our tickets?” He asked. 
You followed his pointing finger to the large stuffed dragons sitting on one shelf. 
“We need him.” You said immediately.
After picking out a bright red dragon, you began to argue over the name as you made your way to the counter. 
“What about Carl?” You suggested. 
He shook his head, “I have a friend named Karl.” 
“How ‘bout........ Phil?” 
“I also know a Phil.” 
“Hmmmm, what about Sebastian?” 
“He doesn’t look like a Sebastian!” 
You frowned, “Well do you have any ideas then?” 
Alex thought for a moment, “Albert.” 
You looked down at the dragon, “Albert it is.” 
At the counter Alex convinced the reluctant worker to allow you to use both the cards credit totals, and then you went happily on your way out of the building, stopping to take a picture of Albert in front of the sign, which Alex posted to twitter with the comment of, “Look at our son!” 
You’d staid mostly out of frame, but he managed to get about half of your side, since you were the one holding Albert. 
“Do you think any pf the buffets are still open?” Alex asked. 
“I hope so, I’m starving.” You giggled. 
~~ 12:06am
The buffet was somewhat deserted, and you and Alex had grabbed seats in one of the corners after getting plates full of food.
Albert sat on the table between you as you talked. 
“So it’s roleplay- but in Minecraft?” You asked, barley holding back a laugh.
He nodded, chuckling, “It sounds stupid, I know, but it’s like- huge. Especially since technically I’m getting back into the main lore now, with the whole project: vegas thing.” 
“Project Vegas?” You asked. 
He nodded again, “My character, he’s been through almost everything that's happened, and everything always ends to blow up in his face, literally sometimes. He’s built contries from the ground up- as stupid as that sounds- but they always fail, but this one won’t fail.
“I’m partnering with another guy on the server to set up a whole economy, he’s making a bank, and I’m making- well I’m making my own Vegas.” 
You took a sip of your drink, “What’s it going to be called?” 
“I haven’t figured it out yet,” He admitted, “I wanted to just call it Las Vegas but the names already taken.”
With a chuckle you shifted in your seat, “What about....- what about Las Nevada's?” 
He laughed, “I like that.” 
“Tell me more about this server then, I still don’t understand the story.” 
With another chuckle he launched into the story, “Well, it all started when this guy called Wilbur Soot decided he wanted to start a nation....”
~~ 3:18am
You were back at the hotel now, still with Quackity, sitting out on the balcony of his room. Some how, you had ended up having some slightly deep talk about life and death and a million other things before lapsing into silence, simply watching the blinking lights of the city. 
“What?” He asked softly. 
“You asked me my favorite color, ten minutes after we met. It’s blue- that's my favorite color.” You shivered against a cold breeze. 
Alex shifted minutely closer, “Why?” 
You shrugged, “It can be so many things. Deep and dark and mysterious but also light like the summer sky and filled with hope. There’s a million shades from happiness to anger, and to everyone it could mean something else.” 
“I like that.” He said quietly. 
You yawned, rubbing sleep out of your eyes as the car drew closer to the airport.
Alex tapped on the steering wheel in time with the music, quietly humming along. 
“Oh, I see my friend, they actually waited for me.” You said as the car pulled up to the curb. 
“How considerate.” He chuckled, climbing out of the car. 
You followed suit, retrieving your duffle bag from the back seat. 
“Well, it was cool knowing you Alex.” You said. 
Before you started to walk away you remembered, and quickly turned back to where he was standing, pulling Albert out of your bag, “Here, he’s yours. You spent more tickets on him than I did.” 
He shook his head, “Keep him. I give you full custody of our son.” 
“Oh- okay... bye then.” 
You barley made it a few steps before he was quickly catching up to you, grabbing your arm and spinning you to press his lips on yours. 
“Good luck with your shitty friends.” He breathed, before hurrying back to his car, leaving you flustered and running to catch up to your friend. 
One and A Half Months later
It had been over a month since the Vegas trip, but you still hadn’t gotten Alex out of your head. 
You had clicked, on some level, and the late night conversation you had shared seemed to keep you thinking about him.
Now, you scrolled aimlessly through twitter, checking the trending tags until you came across one called “LAS NEVADAS” 
Now that piqued your interest, and clicking on it, you found posts of people live tweeting an event- no a live stream. And not just any live stream- a Minecraft stream.
Quickly you opened a new tab, pulling up twitch as fast as you could. 
What was the name of his channel? Oh god why did you forget?
Returning to twitter you searched until you found a link, following it to a new twitch tab. 
And there he was. 
The boy who had been doing laps around your mind was actually there, talking to another character. 
“Look Sam, you and me, we could control everything. I need the bank to help fund Las Nevada’s, we can be partners.” 
You sat, watching the stream, enthralled. 
Once it had ended, you still could hardly believe you found him, quickly following another link back to his twitter and opening a direct message. 
Y/n: Um, this is awkward, idk if you remeber this, but we met in vegas, about a month ago, and I had no idea how to find you until the stream today
quackityHQ: uh, hi? 
qusckityHQ: proof?
Quickly you sent him the picture you had taken of him with Albert, 
y/n: uhhh, bam, proof? 
y/n: our son is sitting on my head board right now
quackityHQ: holy shit
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
winter formal
Tumblr media
warnings: cursing, smut (18+)
gif from @rafecameron​
wordcount: 2.1k
“Christ.” Rafe breathed out as he watched Sophie come out the door, duffel bag in hand for the night’s stay. He let his eyes trail over her for a moment too long and she paused, folding her arms over her chest to cover herself up. “What, is it too much? A girl in Theta went to Delt’s formal last year and said this was the right amount of dressed up. Fuck, I can go change, just give me a moment -”
As she turned on her heel Rafe came to his senses and caught her forearm, tugging her back. “No, this is perfect. You’re perfect. You look incredible.” He cupped her face and pulled her in for a kiss that went on longer than he intended. She was bright red by the time she pulled away and smoothed her palms over the fabric of her dress. “You’re sure? I won’t stand out?”
“Oh you’ll stand out. In a good way, though.” Rafe assured her, grinning as he offered his arm to escort her to the car. She beamed and accepted. “Okay, good. I trust you.” He kept his hand on her thigh the whole drive, stealing several glances at every red light. When he lingered too long at a green light, Sophie flicked his arm. “Drive, Rafe. You’ve seen me in a dress before.”
He startled and looked back to the road. “Not one like that.”
“It’s just a blue dress, I don’t understand.”
“Just a blue dress, that makes you look extra gorgeous, dips just low enough to show you off, and this fucking slit up the side is going to drive me crazy.” He squeezed her leg for emphasis, fingers teasingly dancing up her thigh. She pushed his hand back and adjusted the fabric of her dress back over her leg. “Behave.”
“Always do, Soph.” He shot her a cheeky grin and she grinned back, skating her fingers across the nape of his neck. “When do I get to see you in your suit?”
“Ah, I have it in the back and figured I’d just change real quick at the hotel before. Didn’t want to wrinkle it.” He leaned his head back into her touch and let out a satisfied hum when she started playing with his hair. “Wait, you mean I could have done the same thing?” She scowled. “I got ready early for nothing.”
“Not for nothing. I’ll take every extra second of seeing you in that dress.”
“Not fair.” 
“Totally fair.” He countered. They checked in and made their way up to their room, Sophie making a mental note to befriend some of the girls downstairs that were already dressed up for the dinner before the dance. “I’ve never been invited to a formal like this, you know.” She stated, taking a seat on the bed. Rafe started changing, his back to her. “Yeah? I’m surprised, figured you’d been to a lot of these by now.” There was just a hint of jealousy in his tone. 
“I mean, I’ve been to the dances before, just, um, not the overnight ones.” She paused. “You know, there’s like an expectation...” 
He whirled around, only his dress pants on and his hair all messy from pulling his shirt over his head. “That’s not why I asked you. You know that? I want you to be here, as my girlfriend.” 
She laughed at his state of disarray. “Yeah, I know. Especially considering you forgot to ask me until two days ago.” She teased. He rubbed the back of his neck, grinning. “Sorry about that. Again. But seriously, I just wanted you to come and have fun and dance. No pressure. No matter what.” He promised, sweet as always. “I know, Rafe, it’s alright.” She reassured him, eyeing him over. “Put a shirt on. You’re distracting.” 
He instantly smirked, puffing up his chest and flexing his abs. “Yeah?” 
“Oh my god.” She threw a pillow at him. “We’ve wasted enough time already, get dressed. I don’t want to be late.” 
“We could be fashionably late.” He countered, catching the pillow in one hand and coming closer. He leaned down to kiss her but she ducked away, bracing a hand on his chest. “Soph, c’mon.” She laughed. “You’re gonna mess up my lipstick, I’ll kiss you all you want later. Get dressed.” 
“Is that a promise?” He kissed her temple quickly anyways. 
She rolled her eyes and pushed at him. “Bite me.” 
“Don’t tempt me.” He smirked, then went back to get dressed. Sophie just shook her head, watching him with a fond smile. Once he was ready to go, she stood and straightened out his tie and mussed up his hair just the way she liked it, then gave him a quick kiss. “Very handsome, Rafe Cameron.” 
After the dinner, they were first of a few out on the dance floor, eager to drink and dance and just enjoy themselves.
“Didn’t think you could dance.” Sophie teased him as he spun her out from him, a perpetual grin on his face. “I’ve had my practice.” He replied, pulling her back in close. Rafe didn’t let her go all night, either keeping her hand-in-hand or his hand on the small of her back. She rested her head on his chest, swaying with him as a slow song came on. 
“Fucking soft, Cameron.” A very drunk James teased, waltzing dramatically past the two of them with his girlfriend. Rafe just grinned and flipped him off, keeping Sophie close. “You’re ruining my rep, Soph.” She snorted. “You were the one that made me watch Clueless last week, I think your rep was already shot.” 
He scoffed and stepped back, hands on her waist. “It’s a great example of a modern adaptation of a classic novel! And you loved it!” 
“I know. Thank you for proving my point.” She grinned and reached up to kiss him. “I wouldn’t want you any other way.” He blushed and pulled her back into his chest, pressing his lips to her temple. “Shh.” 
Later in the night, the two were more than tipsy, sharing champagne and cocktails all night. The DJ played another slow song to close out the night and Rafe convinced Sophie to come back out and dance, even though she had ditched her heels an hour ago and at least half the boys and their dates had left the party a while ago. She stayed quiet as they danced, thoughtful. He caught her chin and tipped it up with a finger to catch her attention. “What’s on your mind, angel?” 
“You scare the shit out of me sometimes, you know?” 
“What? Why?” He widened his eyes, thoroughly confused. 
“Because.” She paused. “I don’t think I’ve ever cared about someone so much before.” 
He exhaled, wrapping her in a big hug. “Just gave me a heart attack for a moment there, Soph.” She laughed, pressing a kiss to his neck. “Sorry, wasn’t thinking. Does that...that doesn’t freak you out, does it?” 
“No, not at all. I feel the same.” He reassured her and kissed her forehead. “You’re my girl.” She beamed and rested her head on his chest again, swaying back and forth. When the lights came on and the music faded out, she let out a low whine. “Don’t wanna leave.” 
He laughed and squeezed her shoulders. “C’mon, you tired?” 
“A little.” She admitted. 
James came by them, arm looped around his girlfriend. “Hey, are you guys going out with us? We’re gonna catch an uber to some bar.” 
Rafe gave her a questioning glance and she raised her eyebrows back at him. He grinned. “We might catch up with you later.” James nodded, not oblivious to the situation, but decided not to tease purely because Sophie was right there. “Good deal, let me know.” They parted ways and Rafe and Sophie made their way up to the hotel room, hand in hand. 
When the door fell shut behind him, Rafe rocked back on his heels, giving her a cheeky grin. “Well? What do you want to do?” 
“Oh, shut up and get over here.” She tugged on his tie, pulling him close. He laughed and kissed her hard for the first time that night, not holding back. 
It was a matter of minutes before both their clothes were on the floor, leaving him on top of her on the bed, fingers working at her core. “More, Rafe.” She moaned, her hand tangled in his hair. He kissed her quickly before pushing her up the bed, gripping her thighs. Sophie whined at the loss, shortly, before he was flicking his tongue across her clit, two fingers curling inside of her. “Fuck.” She breathed out, letting her head drop back to the pillows. 
“You can come for me, baby.” He told her, speeding up his pace. It didn’t take long before she reached her high, tensing around his fingers and biting her lip hard. He worked her through it, rubbing gentle circles on her clit before she had to push his hand away. “Too much.” She mumbled. He laughed softly and came up to kiss her. “You look so fucking pretty like that.” 
“Alright, quit.” She shook her head, blushing. Rafe just grinned. “Can’t be shy on me now after all that.” She rolled her eyes and curled her hand around the back of his neck, trying to pull him closer. 
“Soph, angel, we’ve got a slight problem.” He breathed out, cheeks flushed just from watching her come. She tried her best to ignore the flutter in her chest from the nickname and propped herself up on her elbows. “If the problem is what I think it is, we can take care of that.”
“Ah. No.” He laughed a little and leaned over to kiss her, painfully aware of how hard he was in his boxers. “I don’t have a condom. I wasn’t thinking.” She raised her eyebrows and immediately slipped her hand in his boxers, enjoying his strangled groan in response. “Doesn’t seem like a problem to me.”
He could hardly think with her fingers wrapped around his cock. “Fuck - I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to -” He groaned when she tugged his boxers down his legs. “Fucking hell, okay.” Sophie laughed and pushed him back on the bed, taking a moment to eye him over before meeting his gaze. “Can I...?”
“God, yes.” He breathed out. “Anything.”
She jacked his cock a couple times, more experimental than anything, and raised her eyebrows at his strangled groan. “Okay?” 
“More than okay.” He reassured her quickly, willing himself not to come in two seconds just at her touch. Sophie leaned down and placed teasing kisses over his hip bones, up his thighs. When she kept avoiding him, Rafe gathered her hair aside. “Soph.” 
She grinned, loving the power dynamic. “Are you gonna beg?” 
“Sophie, please.” 
She knew that was the closest she’d get with him and licked a stripe up the underside of his cock, tracing a vein. She took her time before taking him into her mouth fully, hands on his thighs to try and keep him from jerking. “Fuck, baby, so good.” He groaned again, letting his head fall back against the pillows. 
At his encouragement, she started bobbing up and down on his cock, using her hand after a moment. Rafe didn’t stop the continual praise, mumbling fuck and shit and so fucking good, Sophie. That only spurred her on and she kept going, humming around him and loving every time he’d groan in response. She stopped just before he was about to come and jerked him off with her hand instead, keeping her eyes locked on him the whole time. 
He dropped his head back onto the bed after, letting out a big sigh. “You’re incredible. Have I told you that?” She giggled and got up. “Might have told me once or twice.” 
“Where are you going?” He frowned, reaching for her. “Shower, real fast. Want to clean up before bed.” She told him, stepping away from his grip. His mood flipped instantly and he grinned. “Can I come?” 
“No, that sounds dangerous. You can shower after me.” She didn’t let him argue, heading into the bathroom without waiting for his response. 
After they had both showered and were back in bed, Rafe was about two seconds away from falling asleep with his arm wrapped around Sophie, her head on his chest. “You’re my favorite, you know that?” 
“Yeah? For real?” She mumbled, tracing patterns on his chest. 
“For real.” He paused, stumbling over his words. “Lo - um, I like you a lot, Soph. I mean it.” 
Sophie tensed just a little, just enough for him to notice. “Like you too. Night, Rafe. Sleep tight.” 
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :) Part 5
If you don’t get to fight Batman on your class trips I feel sorry for you because Marinette did and she had a great time. Besides from the fact the miracle box went missing that was kind of a downer.
First< Previous >Next
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng!” Chloe yells at her, Marinette pops her head up through the trash, “Just what do you think you’re doing?!”
“I’m looking for something Chlo,” Marinette tries not to betray the panic in her voice.
“You did not ditch us today to search the trash!” Chloe practically screeches, stomping her foot.
“Chloe! I just really, really need to find this ok?!” Chloe actually recoils at Marinette snapping at her, guilt claws at her, adding more scratches to her conscience, “Sorry, I’m just stressed,”
“You need to relax Mari,” Chloe sighs, she cant, she cant! She cant! “I will only forgive you if you come upstairs and have a shower right now ,”
Marinette glances to Tikki, who nods. They’ve searched the trash here three times over, the Miracle box isn’t here. She lets Chloe lead her upstairs, the ground feels like it's swaying under her feet. The pressure like she’s about to vomit has persisted for hours.
“I will be standing right here, so don’t even think about leaving before you are rid of that smell,” Chloe pushes her into the bathroom.
“Tikki what am I supposed to do,” Marinette curls into herself, as soon as the door closes “I looked everywhere, it-it’s gone ,”
“It’s alright Marinette I’m sure you’ll find it, you just need to think things through,” Tikki pats her arm, not blaming her even once, making everything so much worse.
“Exactly, so chin up,” Kaalki commands, Marinette listens looking at the hovering Kwami with swimming vision, “Now make a theory and we’ll work from there,”
“Only Adrien was in the apartment but he didn’t take it,” Marinette works through her thoughts, “I know he wouldn't have,”
“He was gone for two hours talking with Chloe and Kagami,”
“So someone stole it during that time,” Marinette had already concluded that but it was nice to lay it all out, “I thought it was Lila, but she would have just thrown it out,”
“Or kept it,” Marinette gets the picture, formulating a plan, “I have to search her room, as Starling they can get away with it,”
“Good I’ll transport you in there,” Kaalki nods, dipping into her bag to get a sugar cube, “Now change,”
Marinette listens and within minutes they are in Lila's room. The shower running back in Chloe's room. Starling pokes around the room, searching under the bed and in the closet. She spreads out to the whole apartment since Lila isn’t sharing with anyone.
She is opening the oven when the door opens. She freezes, coming eye to eye with Lila. In a split second Starling darts into the bathroom.
“Come out of there!” Lila bangs on the door, “Who are you! I’m calling the police!”
Marinette doesn't give her the chance, teleporting out of the bathroom.
Chloe fights to make her come to dinner that night. Marinette doesn't have the strength to argue and so is dragged along, glaring at Lila from across the table. Lila just looks smugly back, she has to know where the Miracle box is, she just has to.
“Is that the new Wayne?” Marinette hears someone across the restaurant whisper.
Wonder who they’re talking about
“The one with the pink scarf?”
“Take a picture!”
If Marinette could summon the energy she would go over and ask what they meant. Or tell them they had the wrong person. Instead she just hides her face in her arms, lying on the table.
“Head off the table,” Madame Bustier chides, Marinette listens, but doesnt bother answering.
“Oh Marinette,” Lila’s voice is so grating she is ready to send her head through the table, “You look just terrible, what happened?”
“Are you ok Marinette,” Rose asks, she was actually nice to Marinette either unaware of the divide or not caring, “Do you want to go back?”
Marinette supposes Lila never had to lie about her to Rose. As she was already running around after Lila trying to make sure she was comfortable, Marinette just fell by the wayside. Either way Marinette can see that changing in the near future with how livid Lila looks that Marinette got the slightest bit of positive attention.
“I know jetlag can be bad, with all my travels,” Could you get to the part where you antagonise me already? “But don’t you think you’re being a bit dramatic?
“Sure Lila,” Marinette sighs, actually getting a few shocked gasps from the class.
They all probably thought that if Lila said the sky was blue Marinette would disagree. Well she would probably double check. Plus the sky is black at night. And multicoloured during sunrise and sunset. You know what? Screw it, Marinette would not trust Lila if she said the sky is blue.
“So Lila,” Alya speaks up, “ What's the worst jet lag you’ve ever had?”
Marinette doesn’t bother listening. She does get the side eye from Alya.
This doesn't mean I like you
Feelings mutual buddy
However it does allow her to lean against Kagami for the rest of the night and doze off. Marinette doesn't pay anymore attention to Lila’s lies the rest of the night until it comes to getting back to the hotel. They are all piling into taxis when Lila weasels her way into getting her own. Covertly Marinette slides a hundred to the driver and sends them to a less than savoury part of town. Now it’s just up to Starling to keep up.
Luckily for her Lila decides to be an idiot, and actually gets out of the car. So Starling drops in front of her when the taxi drives off.
“You!” Lila backs up into the alley, really ?
“You stole something,” Starling stalks forward, appearing every bit of threatening as a sleep deprived guardian of the miraculous can be, which is pretty fucken scary when the Miracle box is on the line, “Where is it!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Lila tears up.
“Do not lie to me ,” Starling punctuates the threat by bending a discarded metal pipe in half.
Lila squeaks, as she backs up against the wall, Starling cages her in.
The absolute terror on Lila’s face is so gratifying for a moment. Then a cold terror runs down Marinette as Lila smiles. The same smile that promises to ruin her life every day.
“Help!” Lila cries, her voice quavering in a poor imitation of the actual fear she just saw, “Please anyone!”
Anyone turns out to be the hand on her shoulder that rips Starling back. They go to grab her arm but she flips out of their grasp, getting enough distance to come face to face with The Batman!
Before she can even think about formulating a response Batman lashes out, going straight for her gut. Starling side steps, twisting around to stand in Batman’s blind spot, making him turn to see her.
“Why are you attacking a civilian?” He demands, a knife she dodges barely grazing her cheek.
“She stole something,” Marinette drops down as he swings a punch at her head.
“That’s not true!” Lila cries, huddled up against the wall, “They broke into my hotel room today! And then they attacked me! They’re trying to kidnap me!”
“She’s lying!” Apparently that’s not convincing enough as she dodges a kick, having to roll away, thankfully towards the exit.
She tries to make a run for it, getting halfway up the fire escape of the next building when a Batarang pins her cape down. She tears it out, throwing it back at the shadow who hangs in midair.
Wow that is not aerodynamic at all
She watches as it tapers off to the side, falling to the ground. Batman swings onto the staircase of the fire escape. She dodges, she slips on a stair, losing her balance. Batman aims a punch for her sternum she has no choice but to block. It hurts getting an armoured glove full impact onto her relatively light arm guards. In her defense she never prepared to fight The Batman.
He seems to be taken aback that she is able to block his punch, or is re-planning. She takes the opportunity to use her bit of super strength to push him off the fire escape, double checking he still has his grappling hook. He falls down as she bolts up the stairs. By the time she reaches the top he is already on the roof
She has no weapons to defend herself against another Batarang. She can’t slip away like she did last time so has no choice but to dodge.
“I don’t want to fight you!” She yells, rolling out of the way of another Batarang.
“I’m sure you don’t,”
“Not like that!” There's no reasoning with him then, he made up his mind and is going to beat her before asking any questions, “You know what never mind!”
She sprints to the edge of the building. He doesn’t particularly try to stop her, after all he thinks she has no escape route. Which means he was not expecting her to jump right off the building.
“Kaalki, Full gallop,” She says quietly to her Kwami, putting on her glasses.
She transforms, opening a portal inches from the ground, she lands in her hotel bedroom. Dropping the transformation, she collapses onto the bed. She pants lungs burning, soon she realises she hasn't been taking any air.
What does she have to be stressed about? So she lost the Miracle box, an ancient treasure able to harness the gods? So it was all her fault for shirking off her duties for fun. So it was all her fault that she technically attacked a civilian without any proof. So it was her fault Batman attacked her and she’s probably a criminal now. So what?
She chokes around words, apologies to her Kwamis, to Master Fu, to everyone she has failed today. Instead her vision blurs and she has to take gasping breaths, shuddering in the warm room. She curls up on top of the blankets tucked in too tight to provide her with comfort. Too perfect, too well done, everything she isn’t.
Tikki nuzzles into her cheek, Marinette shudders out a breath, curling more into herself. Kaalki comes to rest near her heart. The magical thrum of the Kwami calming her heart beat. There are no words. There don’t need to be. There’s no one here to send Akuma after them. For once Marinette can cry, let her emotions run rampant. Then she’ll harness everything she has into protecting the Miracle box.
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda @awkward0ghostfan @theymakeupfairies @tikki-marinette @insane-fangirl-of-everything @elmokingkong @inarachi02 @slytherinhquinn @moongoddesskiana @dast218 @buginetye @redscarlet95 @biodad-bruce-month @hansa-12 @waiting247 @toodaloo-kangaroo @how-to-fuction-properly @trippingovermyfeet @greekmythgal @whatthefox22 @the-alice-of-hearts @bigpicklebananatree
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reincarnated70sbaby · 3 years
maritime madness
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led zeppelin x reader
warnings: swearing, drug use
an: so I was sailing yesterday and I was thinking about this the entire time I might have nearly capsized the boat
“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this” I spoke, staring out at the large blue yacht that rested on the waters of Normandy. It all started the day before, when we were all throwing around tripped out ideas in our hotel room.
“What are we gonna do tomorrow?” Jimmy asked. I sat by his side, my head resting on his bony shoulder. My dose of LSD had just kicked it, and as it was my first time it probably hit me quicker than the others. I tried to speak, but it felt like every time I moved my mouth, it felt like I would stretch my mouth out of shape, like putty.
“Let’s go explore that cathedral, the big massive one, y’know? The one with the hunchback. Maybe we could bump into him or something”
As soon as the words left Robert’s lips, our entire entourage burst out in giggles. I myself, was having hard time controlling my breathing. I had to rest my head in Jimmy’s lap, Jimmy being doubled down over me clutching his stomach.
“Percy, you dumb fucker, y-you know that’s not a real story” Jonesy informed, all his words all broken up by loud chuckles.
Roberts jaw immediately dropped open in shock, along with his eyes widening and brown trashing in confusion.
“Nah, yeah it was, the uh, the hunchman did the um, bells. Yeah, the bells”
“No he didn’t, because he never existed you nonce. It’s a fairytale from the 19th century” Jimmy piped in, adding his extensive knowledge of mythology and folklore into the conversation.
“But me ma said he existed, you’re gonna say my mum lied to me all those years?”
“Well obviously Perce, it’s just a bedtime story” Jonesy added, still chuckling to himself at Robert’s gullible nature.
“Fine then, someone else give an idea since all of mine always get ridiculed” Robert stated, crossing his arms and craning his head back against the footboard of the bed and staring at the ceiling in a huff.
“How about Père Lachaise?”
“What the actual fuck is pear la chair Pagey?” Bonzo asked, pronouncing the words all wrong in his thick Englishman accent.
“It’s Père Lachaise” Jimmy corrected in a perfect French accent, “and it’s a graveyard in Paris, loads of famous people are buried there - Oscar Wilde, Frederic Chopin, Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf”
“Jimmy you must be as mad as Morrison to think we would waste our day off in a fucking dead person museum. Jesus Christ how did we pick you up” Bonzo sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, what about Mont Saint-Michel? It’s this cool island off of the coast. There’s a bridge but once the tide comes in you can’t get in or out. Wouldn’t that be good craic eh?” Jonesy suggested
“No” Bonzo, Jimmy and Robert all said at the same time.
“Ah! You’ve been outnumbered Mr Jones haha. Maybe you and I could go out another time Jonny boy, we could go exploring and see the spirits trapped on the island” I said with a chuckle, the psychedelic in my system making this whole situation very funny.
“Jesus Christ what the fuck did she even say. That her first time on acid?” Robert asked to Jimmy.
“Must’ve been, it hit her pretty quickly” Jimmy replied, staring into my largely dilated pupils. He swore he could’ve seen something dancing in my pupils, but maybe that was just the drug in him.
We all sat in silence for a couple minutes, all of us enjoying our high.
“Innnnnnnnnnnnnnn fourteen hundred ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blueeee” I sang, the lyrics being the only words of a song I could think of to fill the silence. A beat of silence passed and I wondered if everybody suddenly passed out, either into sleep or another dimension.
As I started the next line, everyone else joined in with me. We eventually finished the entire song, even an encore requested by the boys. I sung the encore in a horrendous, deep operatic voice while prancing round the hotel room. A round of applause sounded, and I took my theatrical bows in front of my supportive crowd.
“That’s It! I know what we can do tomorrow. God that is a good idea!” Bonzo declared, jumping up to his feet, not before nearly tumbling backwards.
“Go on then Bonz, don’t leave us guessing mate” Jonesy suggested, breaking the dramatic silence that had ensued.
“Rent a yacht! We can go out early in the morning and stay overnight since our flight back home is in the evening anyway! All we need to do is hire a skipper or something”
We all were stoked at idea of having a private boat to ourselves. Sure, none of the boys were experienced sailors, but that’s what a professional skipper was for, driving rich people around in yachts right?
“Do we really have to do this” I said, making our way through the marina to our yacht.
“The skipper will probably dive off the boat when we get started tonight” Jonesy commented, sharing my lack of enthusiasm for the maritime adventure. “We should have ditched them and gone to Mont Saint-Michel”. I only hummed in response, dragging my overnight suitcase over the gaps in the planks of wood on the dock.
“Um yeah, about that skipper. We couldn’t exactly book one on such short notice” Cole confessed.
“What the actual fuck Cole? Are we just supposed to sail ourselves and drown? I can’t tie a knot to save my bloody life” Robert shrieked. We all stopped in our tracks and turned to the tour manager, glaring at him through our sunglasses.
“Of course not Percy, why would we do that to our cash cows hm? And this is a motorboat, no ropes involved. It’s basically like driving a car. In water. In fact, all you need to drive it is a drivers license, which I’m positive you all have judging by your expansive car choices. Forgot to mention that myself and Peter have opted out” With that note, Cole dropped the yacht keys into Bonzo’s hand and scuttled away.
We all stood there, bags in hand, confusion over our faces as we watched Cole’s figure disappear behind the hundred of other boats.
“Well shit” Jonesy said, the sourness in his voice barely hidden.
“Let’s just go check it out, we don’t even have to leave the marina if we can drive it, we’ll just park out all night” Bonzo affirmed, being unusually optimistic.
We all found the boat and as the boys started embarking aboard, I thought out loud.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this”
“Cmon darling, let’s just see what it’s like. If you hate it we’ll do something else” Jimmy compromised, outstretching his hand to me.
The boat bobbed a bit on the water as I stepped on.
“It’s not hating it I’m worried about, I was practically raised on a boat Jim, I’m just not sure 4 rockstars and a boat is a great combination”
“It’s okay we won’t go too hard, at least one of us won’t, I guess. Anyway, you were raised on a boat? Like a houseboat or something?”
“No, my dad was a skipper. Whenever he was home from trips, he would teach my and my siblings to sail. Y’know the whole nine yards, all the different knots, pulling in the ropes, steering, navigating charts. It’s just been a while since I’ve been on one and I hope I can remember everything”
“Gosh you are fabulous, my dear, I learn something new about you everyday” Jimmy said, pulling me in for a kiss. There was a loud bang of the engine, which we both jumped apart at.
“What the fuck are they at now, Christ” Jimmy sighed.
“Here, go set down our stuff in the biggest room, I’ll go see what they’re messing with”
We both parted, Jimmy heading downstairs, myself climbing onto the helm.
“Oi, Bonz, Percy, step away from the wheel until I get us out of this parking lot” I commanded. Both Robert and Bonzo looked at me funny, before slowly raising their arms and stepping away.
“And you know better?” Bonzo asked, still not sure where my bossiness came from.
“I think I do, unless you have your skipper license on hand?”
“Wait, you have a sailing license?” Robert interjected.
“I actually don’t, but I know everything you need to not drown. My father was a sailor and he taught me how to run a boat. Thank god we have a motorboat, as we might’ve been a little trouble if we have a proper sailing yacht. If we were, it wouldn’t have been as relaxing as simply steering a wheel” I answered, switching the engine on.
We warmed up the engine for a couple minutes, then casted off and finally escaped the madness of the marina. Soon were out on the French coastline. We continued sailing perpendicular to the coast, not wanting to stray too far. All the boys took turns steering, with Jonesy being the best skipper in-training out of all of them. Only once had we had anchored the boat again was the real party going to start.
if only sailing was this easy in reality 😒
anyway I’m gonna do a spicier part 2 riiight now😎
leave any comments/ideas down below!!!!
tag list : @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @princesspagey @dreamersdrowse
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rafesgfs · 4 years
a lifetime of illusions
Warnings: angst, implied smut, mild violence, major character death
Word count: 3.3k
Summary: A whirlwind summer romance sweeps you off your feet. But you never once regretted it.
Or: In which you fall in love hard and fast, yet when it all stops, you spend the rest of your life thinking "What if?"
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You never considered yourself as someone who would be swept off their feet just because of a guy with a pretty face. But he had been so much more than that. He made you happy, made you smile, made you feel truly alive. Not once had you regretted your decision; you were happy, as happy as someone could be.
Stepping outside, you blocked your eyes from the hot summer sun. The busy, yet small city noise filled your ears, the smell of saccharine desserts invaded your nose. Smiling, you felt at home in this foreign island. The people around you smiled, not one of those tight, uptight grimaces, but a genuine, huge smile. People around here were so different. It was nice.
You called for a cab, surprised there had been a cab at the small island, even more, surprised when they hadn't made fun of your struggle to communicate. Instead, they smiled and helped you figure out where you were supposed to go. He introduced himself as Barry.
"So, ma'am, how long are you staying in Savos for?" Barry asked, taking a turn left. Besides you, the beach stretched out for miles, the sun setting above the horizon. It left a streak of crimson in the orange sky.
Grinning, you shrugged, eyes twinkling with excitement. The long plane ride did nothing to drain the energy and excitement out of you. "Don't know. But from the looks of it, I want to stay forever. This is possibly the most beautiful place in the world."
"It sure is, ma'am. Especially during the summer, you came at the right time. We don't get a lot of tourists due to the long and exhausting traveling." Barry said, pulling up to the large hotel. "Here we are. Have a good night."
"Thanks, Barry. You, too." you thanked, opening the door. You were ever so grateful to pack light, the only thing in your hands was your phone, and bag hanging on your shoulder. The hot wind made you shiver, contrasted by the cold cab, the sudden temperatures changed made you crave the summertime more.
The cab drove away, the sweet sound of the tires against the cement hitting your ears. Walking to the hotel lobby, you checked in, admiring at the antique furniture and the warm white lights. It had an olden vibe, one that you didn't mind. The girl handed you your keys without a word, pointing to the elevator. You had to admit, the hotel was kind of stuffy, a little dusty but a little dust never killed anyone. Who were you to judge for the lack of dusting?
You reached your designated floor, the elevator doors opening with a loud ding. As if you were in a hurry, your sprinter down the hall to your room; in truth, you were just eager to change and see the island for yourself. Unlocking your door, you were greeted by the sight of a clean room, a white bed, white walls, and a white carpet. For an antique-looking hotel, you'd thought the room would have more character.
No matter. You tossed your bag on the bed, slipping into some clean clothes. If you weren't so hungry, you would've taken a shower, gotten rid of all the sticky things that touched you during your flight. Instead, you practically tore your dirty clothes off just to get a fresh feeling from your clean ones. Pulling your hair up, you texted your parents and friends, texting them you had made it.
They had all been a bit hesitant about having you travel to a foreign island by yourself. It had been a little ridiculous but you finally got all of them to agree. After all, you needed to celebrate graduating from college. It only happened once. What better way to celebrate than traveling around the world for the whole summer before returning back to your stuffy life?
There was a fun-looking restaurant across the street from the hotel. A lot of people crowded the place, dancing to the loud music leaking out of the restaurant. You snaked your way through the crowd until you reached the host stand, letting out a huge breath you've been holding in order to squeeze past. It might've been crowded inside but the restaurant wasn't. The tables were all filled but there had been no line.
You made your way to the table, smiling when you reached it. The host gave you a small smile. "Hello, do you happen to have a table for one?"
"Um, lemme check." She glanced down at the booklet in front of her, then scanned the place, as if an empty table was suddenly going to appear. "I'm sorry, ma'am but there isn't a table available. If you'd like you can wait, it won't be long—"
"She can sit with me. If she doesn't mind being tortured by my company." A voice interrupted. Both you and the hostess turned towards the source of the sound, eyes widening when you saw the breathtakingly gorgeous man. He smiled at you, holding out his hand. "Hey, I'm Chris."
You shook his hand, slightly confused by his blunt offer. You told him your name and the corner of his lips lifted even more. "You look really familiar, Chris."
His eyes glimmered with amusement. "Yeah, I get that a lot. You have a beautiful name. Would you like to dine with me tonight? It's totally okay if you say no but it'd be nice to have some company tonight. I'm new in town."
"Me, too," you replied. Biting your lip, you mulled over his question. You wanted to say yes—who wouldn't? He was absolutely beautiful but it wasn't like you to have dinner with a complete stranger. On the other hand, you did promise yourself to be more spontaneous, take more chances.
Sensing your hesitance, he scratched the back of his neck, glancing at the floor. "I promise I won't bite. And if you don't have a fun time, I'll give you some money and we can call it even. What'd ya say?"
Of course, you said yes. If you hadn't, your whole life could've gone so much differently.
It started with dinner, then lunch the next day. It wasn't long before the two of you spent your days together, sometimes going to the beach, sometimes staying in either of your hotel rooms, staying in each other arms, stealing a few kisses. You didn't realize how much of a big deal he was. And he didn't tell you, fearing you'd ditch him.
After your third official date, you slept with him, loving the way he touched you. You smiled when you woke up in his arms the next morning, he had mirrored your expression, kissing you until you were both breathless. Only a week had passed but you were so smitten by the Bostonian. It was during the second week that you realized how smitten he was with you.
"Christopher Columbus, you know how impatient I am. Come on! Lemme see." you pleaded, a little annoyed by his hands covering your eyes. He chuckled behind you, pulling you even closer to his chest. "Chris."
His chest vibrated from his laugh. "Sweetheart, I promise we're almost there. It's not a surprise if I show you. Just wait a little longer. I promise you'll love it."
You groaned, suffering blindness under his grasp. As much as you hated secrets, you liked the way his hands were on you, the way he looked in his Captain America swim trunks. It was adorable. "Okay, fine."
As soon as your feet touched the water, you started to get even more suspicious, aware you were ankle-deep in the ocean. Maybe he was gonna drown you. You let out a little laugh at that. The man had too much love in his heart to even think of such a dark thought.
"Do I get to hear the joke?" he asked, his lips grazing your ear. You giggled at the motion, his neatly trimmed beard tickling you. "Are you ticklish?"
There was a dangerous playfulness in his voice so you quickly shook your head no. "Of course not, your wild beard just gave me neck rash."
"Darling, that's just the hickey I gave you." he teased, laughing when he felt you roll your eyes under his hand. Chris swore, quickly leading you back towards the beach before making you walk across the hot sand with it sticking to your soaked sandals. "Sorry, my mind wandered and I accidentally led you somewhere else."
"Oh my, God." you snorted, finding amusement to your boyfriend's confusion. Was he your boyfriend? You didn't have the talk, let alone labeled what you were. Three dates, days spent together, and mind-blowing sex didn't mean you were dating, right?
Your sandals thud against the wooden ground. You raised an eyebrow at the feeling, curiosity making you impatient from the long-awaited surprise. It was ridiculous how long he made you wait, almost as ridiculous as Barney Stinson's legendary catchphrase Chris once jokingly admitted he loathed.
Once you were in the angled the way he wanted, he grinned, the smile touching his eyes. "Okay, are you ready?"
You nearly yelled at him. "Yes!"
With one swift movement, his hands disappear from your eyes, leaving you to open them slowly as you took in the scene in front of you. Floating in the water, a few feet away from you was a sailing yacht, the boat rocking slightly. A tiny squeal escaped your lips, glancing between the boat and Chris. You wrap your arms around the man, head snuggled against his chest.
"It was hard finding someone that would let me rent their boat without a boating license. But don't worry, I know enough to keep us afloat. Do you like it?" he asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
It was crazy how this man could make your heartbeat out of your chest. Grinning up at him, you gave a nod. "I adore it. It really was worth the wait, huh?"
He wasn't looking at the boat when he answered. He was too busy admiring how beautiful you were to even take his eyes off of you. "Yeah, it really was."
You pulled him aboard the boat, letting him teach you all the right procedures. He had let you steer the boat with his assistance, murmuring praises in your ear, arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he stood behind you. The wind would blow your hair back, making him spit it out when it got in his mouth. Both of you laughed whenever a piece of your hair got wet from his spit; it was also very gross.
The day was spent on the boat, blankets tossed over both your bodies as you watched the sunset. Chris had decided to become the next Shakespeare as he described the colors of the sky, laughing when you jokingly mocked his Boston accent that slipped out every once in a while. Night had come, and Chris drove the boat back to the docks, thanking the owner.
That was the night he realized he was deeply and irrevocably in love with you.
He didn't get a chance to tell you.
He was ripped out of your arms before you could tell him you loved him. Didn't even get the chance to say goodbye.
July came and went. Chris had taken you back to his hometown with the plan to introduce you to his family. Neither of you thought it was moving too fast. You wanted him and he wanted you. It was as easy as that. Yet, he was nervous. Not because he wasn't sure if his family would accept you, he knew they would immediately adore you as he did.
No, he was a wreck ever since he placed his grandmother's ring in his pocket, waiting for the perfect opportunity to come up. It never did.
You met his cute dog, one he named after Oliver & Company. It was hard to decide who water cuter—you soon chose Dodger after Chris scared the shit out of you. The summer was coming together in the best way possible and you never wanted it to end, didn't want to go back to your normal life where everything was vanilla at best.
So, you didn't. You met his parents, spent the remainder of the summer with him in Boston. It was easy being with him, so easy you thought about blurting the three words that eased in your head whenever he smiled, laughed, or moved. You had it bad. Too bad you never found out how much he did.
It happened on a normal Saturday night; you were making dinner while Chris drove back from a day hanging out with Scott. Tonight was the night, the night you told him how in love you were with him, how he wiggled his way into your heart. Your hands were trembling with anxiety as you waited for him, trying to calm yourself, wishing he would get home faster. Dodger calmed you a little but it wasn't enough.
As it got later, your anxiety faded, anger replacing the strong feeling. You had been texting Chris, only getting a few responses in return until he just stopped. Anger seeped out of you as you put the food in the fridge, cursing at the thoughtfulness of your boyfriend. You never got to say sorry for thinking about yourself when his last thought was about you.
For him, tonight would've been the night. The night he confessed his love, the night he popped the question, the happiest night of his life until you get married. He was hopeful you would feel the same way, even asked his friends if they thought you did. They all had answered without hesitation, assuring him you did. So, he picked up his balls, and got his head together. He had a plan: tell you about his actor status, professed his heart out, and get on his knees.
Fate had other plans.
Chris could tell you were anxious, even through text he could read you. He tried his best to assure you he would be home soon. He smiled at the word; home was you. He shouldn't have been texting and driving. If people realized how important those ads were, maybe they would take them seriously. Unfortunately, Chris never thought he would end up as one of those.
It wasn't his fault, far from it. He had stayed in his lane, never veering off his own space. He might've been speeding, but it wasn't his fault. The headlights blinded him, so much that he couldn't move out of the way fast enough. The oncoming car came at him, and he died instantly.
Scott had called you, asking if he could come over, unable to tell you the bad news over the phone.
Opening the door, you greeted the other Evans brother. "Hey, Scott. Have you heard from Chris? He hasn't been answering my texts and I'm really worried. A little miffed but mostly worried—hey, are you okay?"
Tears ran down his cheek as he engulfed you in a hug. His body shook and your stomach dropped. "Chris...he got into a car accident. T-they tried to rush him to the hospital but, [Y/N], he was dead on impact. Sweetie..."
You fell to your knees, the rest of the sentence trailing off as the words sunk in your head.
He was dead.
You cried for days, with the amount of tears you cried, you could've filled the huge bathtub in Chris' house. It was worse during the funeral, seeing his dead, lifeless, cold body in a wooden casket. You didn't think could have gotten worse, but it did.
His will was read, he made changes to it during the summer. If anything happened, you had the house, Dodger was now yours, a handful of millions were in your hands. Other than Dodger, you didn't care about the possessions you held. Not until Lisa, Chris' mom, came by with a blue, velvet box in her hand.
You didn't open it until you couldn't stand it. Opening it, you found the pear-shaped diamond engagement ring resting in the middle. That was when you saw him. It took you by surprise, scared you shitless when you saw him standing in front of you, alive and as remembered. Dodger hadn't reacted to his dad's return. It made you wonder if you dreamt of his death. He didn't say a word as he took the box, got on his knees, and smiled up at you.
"Will you marry me?"
You didn't have kids, instead you spent the rest of your lives enjoying each other's company. You got married, lived the American dream. It confused you whenever you saw mourning posts about Chris when he was clearly alive. So you stayed off the internet, living the second chance you were given. You were happy.
Chris showered you with presents, cuddled you every night, and woke you up with kisses every morning. You barely fought, and when you did, you never stayed mad at each other long. You couldn't find it in yourself to take him for granted again, not when he was taken away from you.
Scott would visit, his face becoming more and more concerned as the visits became monthly, like he was sure you were going insane. But you weren't. Not to you, at least. He never spoke to Chris when he visited, not that Chris was in the room when he did. Scott would stare at the engagement ring around your ring finger, a sad smile appearing on his face before he would go.
You dismissed everyone's weird behavior whenever you brought up Chris. They would always look down, avoiding the subject like he wasn't there. Still, you thought nothing wrong. You were too euphoric to realize how fucked up your situation was.
Life went on, you spent most of it with him, clinging to his presence as if you didn't hold on tight enough he was going to ripped out of your arms again. You got older, so did he, just not in the way you thought he would.
Sighing, you settled beside the love of your life, the back pain, and old age making it hard to get into bed. 70 was a bitch and you weren't taking it too well. Rolling over, you were greeted by the sight of the same Chris you met those many summers ago.
He smiled gently at you, tears brimming his eyes. He cupped your sagging cheek with his hand, the same hand you held so many times. "Sweetheart, I love you so much. You were my destined one but I never got to say goodbye. But you do. You have to let me go and live out the rest of your life."
"How...I—" you gasped softly, unable to feel him.
"You have to let me go."
And you did. Closing your eyes, you saw the past 50 years as they have been. You talking to the empty space in front of you, leaning against the couch, cuddling the pillow you thought was your lover. You truly saw the emptiness in Chris' family. They were lost without their brother, without their son while you lived a lifetime of illusions, delirious from the sadness over his death. You clung to him, even when it wasn't really him.
So, you did as he wished. You let him go and went to sleep.
But you never woke up. Because the only thing keeping you alive was his presence. And he was gone. It only took you five decades to realize how empty you were without him. Because he made you feel alive.
You had spent a lifetime imagining him.
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morceid · 4 years
Snowy Sniffles
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read on ao3
Summary: Derek gets the flu when he and Spencer are snowed in on a case in Colorado.
Word Count:  2k
Category: fluff, slight angst
Content Warnings: swearing, sickness, case details
A/N: enjoy my otp being cute and cuddly for my first day of 12 days of moreid :)
The snowy mountains of Colorado. A serial killer as cold as the air was out there, and It was the job of the BAU to catch him.
The team boarded their plane like normal, occasionally Derek coughed and cleared his throat. Not enough to realize what was happening, but enough to get a “You okay?” from JJ.
There weren’t many hiccups with local police, except for them withholding information about the victims. Derek and Spencer were sent to profile the dump site, JJ and Emily to interview victims' families, while Rossi and Hotch set up at the station.
The dump site was in a clearing next to a mountain frequently used for sledding. A visiting family from Texas was recommended the mountain by a friend and since they weren’t familiar with the area, the mom got lost and they came across the body. Thankfully the kids weren’t there to see it.
Spencer and Derek walked out of the black SUV and ducked under the police tape in their fleece jackets and large boots. 
“The victim was Hannah Gentry. She was a fourteen year old girl who ran away from her abusive father. No sign of sexual assault, but there were signs of restrains on her thighs and around her stomach.” Spencer walked around the area the body had previously been found, searching for anything left behind by the unsub.
“Maybe he thought he was saving these girls. How old were each of the victims?” Derek said, pulling tissues from jacket pocket.
“Ages ranged from 13 to 19. All had someone abusive close to them. You sure you’re okay?”
Before Derek could reply he was coughing and gagging into the torn kleenex in his hand.
“I’ll be fine,” The stuffiness in his nose was apparent in his voice now. “Let’s go back to the station. I’m sure Rossi and Hotch are at the M.E. now.”
The two walked back to the car and headed towards the police station. On the way it started snowing and Spencer said something about growing up in Vegas without snow, and how in Virginia they never really saw the snow fall, they just woke up to it on the ground and in the streets.
Between the snowfall rapidly increasing, the windshield wipers not doing anything to help, and Derek driving in an unfamiliar area, he began having a coughing fit and swerved off the road.
They didn’t get hurt in the accident, just a large rush of adrenaline, but the car wasn’t in the best shape. The engine made a sound that contorted Spencer’s face.
“We should probably check that.”
Derek tried to push his door open but he had driven into a ditch and snow was piled up tp his window. He rolled it down and shoveled some of the snow with his gloved hands. He got the door all the way open with a little wrestling of the handle. The boot of the car was opened and steam was rising from it. Spencer had crawled across the center console and got out from Derek’s side.
“Do you think we could get an officer to pick us up?” Derek sniffled.
“I think the snow is coming down too hard now.” Spencer’s black coat was powdered with snow that he didn’t bother to shake off, knowing it would be back there in an instant.
“I’ll call Hotch.” Derek fished his phone out of his pocket.
“You fell in a ditch? Morgan, this is a very time sensitive case. This guy kills every three days and it’s been the second day since the last body was found. We need you guys here.” Spencer overheard Hotch’s near yells over the phone.
“Okay, dad, calm down there. I’ll call up Garcia to find us the closest hotel and we’ll crash there. Reid says snowing too much for an officer to come pick us up.” It was around 7:30 and the sun was starting to set.
“Alright, we can send someone to get you tomorrow.” Hotch hung up and Derek called Penelope.
“Hey-llo my chocolate thunder! Anything I could do for you?”
Derek coughed a couple of times.
“You okay, Derek?”
“Yeah, uh, me and Reid got stuck in the snow and we can’t get back to the hotel. Are there any near us that we can crash at?”
“You’re in luck, Derek Morgan, There is a motel only a seven minute walk away from you. Anything else?”
“Not right now, baby girl, take care of yourself.”
“So what are we gonna do?” Spencer had begun chewing on his fingernails and pacing in a circle around the car.
“Kid,” Derek took Spencer’s cold hands into his warm, gloved ones. “Stop your worrying. I can see all of those gears in your head going a million miles an hour. Garcia found a motel near us and we can walk there and stay the night until someone can pick us up. We’ll be okay.”
“I know I’m gonna be okay, it’s you I’m worried about, Morgan.” Spencer took his hands out of Derek’s and leaned into the car to grab his bag.
“What do you mean? I’m fine.” As if on cue, Derek started having a coughing fit.
“I’m talking about that, Derek. You’re showing signs of getting the flu. Your heart rate has sped up by 39% in the last couple of days. You constantly have a running nose and you won’t stop coughing. I am not getting sick, I cannot afford to get sick, especially on a case, so I hope this motel has two beds.” Spencer pushed away from Derek and began walking.
“Wait!” Derek ran to catch up. “Pretty boy, you’ve already been with me for almost 24 hours. I think you are already infected. Besides, you, my friend, are shivering. Now let me give you one of my coats.”
Spencer slowed his walking and let Derek drape his second jacket over his thin, purple one. Having a crush on your coworker was the worst.
When the pair reached the motel the sun had fully set and they had snow covering their shoulders and resting on their heads. They brushed it off before entering, where they were bombarded with the overwhelming scent of perfume as what could only be presumed as the owner tugged them in with both of her arms. She was short and wore a sparkly pink dress not unlike one Penelope would wear.
“What can I do for you kind fellows today? Did ya crash on the side of the road? Lots of people did tonight. Can I get you a room? Was it your engine? Faulty car?” The woman rambled.
“Um, we fell in a ditch a little bit back. We just need two rooms for the night,” Spencer looked down at her nametag, “Sasha. Thank you.”
“Well, boys, I am sorry to disappoint but we only have one more room for the night. You’re just gonna have to share.”
“Are there at least two beds?” Spencer whined.
“Sorry,” Sasha took Derek’s credit card and punched in the numbers on a computer that looked almost a decade old. “You good there? You look like you could throw up any second?”
“I’m fine, ma’am. Just give us the room key please.” Derek cleared his throat.
“Alrighty, there you go FBI guys.” Sasha handed them the room key labed 7B.
Given the overwhelming personality that brought them in, neither had a chance to look around and profile the front office. When they got to the room they realized just how miserable the stay would be.
The heater seemed to be turned off resulting in the room being colder than the outside. Complementary water bottles on the nightstand had frozen, expanded, and exploded. The pipes in the walls creaked and whined. Derek moved towards the bed, which when he pulled up the sheets, they were stiff and barely moved at his touch. Spencer moved past the bed and to the kitchen, where he found a coffee machine and cups in the cupboard.
“What are you doing?” Derek coughed.
“Making coffee. It’s something to keep me warm.” Spencer still had Derek’s jacket across his shoulders.
“Alright well, you might be right. I think I’m starting to get a fever. I’m gonna hop in the shower. Hopefully it’s just the reverse air conditioning that’s broken.”
Derek’s observations were proven correct as he unexpectedly walked into the spray of a nearly boiling shower. His muscles relaxed as he began thinking about the events of the day. His nose ran more than it had in the cold weather and it reminded him of a moment in the office that happened some while ago, back when Spencer first joined the BAU.
It was a slow day in the bullpen. With Spencer being nearly fresh from college, Derek wasn’t expecting him to take the best care of himself, no one was. Derek looked up, ready to throw Spencer a rolled up note about how bored he was. Instead he was greeted with an empty desk. After asking Hotch where the boy genius was and getting a surprised ‘I don’t know’ in response, he went in search of him. Spencer was found laying on the couch in an empty office. HIs skin was red and burning to the touch. Derek gave him a couple of shakes and he woke up, groaning. Spencer had gotten the flu and didn’t know how to deal with it at work. Not wanting to disappoint Hotch by skipping a day for something so insignificant as a virus, he settled in an office he correctly assumed was vacant. He insisted that he was okay but Derek refused to believe him. He dropped Spencer off at his apartment and immediately knew. He was in love with Spencer Reid. And he wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.
When Derek was in the shower for at least 15 minutes Spencer presumed that the shower was warm, so he called Sasha at the front desk from the phone in the room. She wouldn’t be able to get someone to come fix it for another day. He sat on the bed, spreading his arms and legs out in an attempt to warm the sheets. Letting his mind wander, he started asking himself questions. Why did he like Derek? He was just his coworker. Just someone in his life. An attractive person in his life, but just like anyone else in his life. Did Derek know how much he meant to him? Would he ever know? Would he be given the chance to let Derek know that he loved him and wanted to spend his life with the other knowing?
He was taken out of his day dream when Derek came out of the bathroom. Derek was shaking. He wore thick, flannel sweatpants and a grey hoodie, along with his socks, not wanting to leave a single part of his body too exposed.
“Uh, I know you’re super germaphobic and probably want nothing to do with my running nose and sore throat right now, but kid, all of my muscles are aching. Do you mind if I-”
“Not at all.” Spencer wrapped his arms around Derek’s middle as he sank onto the bed.
Derek let out a sigh of relief and settled in Spencer’s arms. It wasn’t long until his breathing evened out and he fell asleep in the lanky man’s arms.
“I think I love you, Derek Morgan.” Spencer whispered.
The next day Hotch called Derek to let him know that they caught the unsub. He was an amateur child groomer who left a hair in his latest victims mouth. An officer picked up the pair from the motel and they boarded the jet. Derek’s flu passed as soon as it came and he was better in the morning. A little cuddling with Spencer was just what the doctor ordered.
“Hey, Spencer.” Derek sat across from him after everyone on the jet had fallen asleep.
“Yes, Derek?” Spencer noted the use of his first name in his head.
“We need to talk about last night.”
“What about it?”
“I heard you, Spencer.”
“Wh-what are you talking about? Heard me say what?”
“Spencer,” Derek put his hand on the other’s knee, “I love you too.”
In a panic, Spencer leaned forward and pecked Derek on the lips.
“I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” He stammered.
“It’s okay. We can do that if you want.” Derek leaned back in for a real kiss from Spencer. He still tasted like the cheap hotel coffee.
“We can do anything as long as we’re together.”
TAGLIST: @greenaway-lewis @pretty-b0yy @w0rmpi3 @sunflowrly @fuckshitupm8-deactivated3728 @the-sassy-one @endetit @adhd-lesbian @nobody121113​ @stalinthestripper​
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jawritter · 4 years
When The Lights Go Out
Part 2
Summary: Life hasn’t been your best friend lately, you lost your job, and are on the verge of losing your apartment. Who knew when you decided to join a Sugar Daddy app that your best friend suggested ina last ditch effort to save your apartment, and not end up on the street, your first and only client would turn your whole world upside down.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x Virgin! Reader
Word Count: 2796
Series Warnings: Mob level violence, injured Dean, description of injury, creepy Godfather John Winchester, John is pretty much a double bag, escort services, virgin reader, lose of virginity and all the insecurities and fun stuff that come with it, age gap (23 year old reader; 40 year old Dean), angst, unrequited/requited love?, language, smut, unprotected smut.
Chapter Warnings: John is a creepy asshole, nervous reader, dangerous mob situation, language, escort services, I think that’s it.
A/N: Beta’d by @deanwanddamons! Thanks so much love!! Please don’t copy my work!! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!! It’s gonna be a little bit of a slow burn y’all, but just hang in there!
(This fic is based on this request: Could you do a Dean x reader where she is 23 and lives alone in her apartment, she gets fired and can loose her house, her friend tells her about a sugar daddy app, she makes a profile and Dean 40, contacts her, she is virgin and don’t offers sex, Dean is billionaire business man and needs a girl for his business parties,the reader is really shy, blushes a lot, they fall in love, he takes her to a trip and makes love to her on a private island, could it be a series?)
Want more? Check out my masterlist!!
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You had lived in New York since you were about five years old, and you had never been inside of The Roosevelt Hotel until now. It far surpassed what you expected it to be, and to be honest it was a lot too rich for your blood. 
Looking around at the room filled with small tables and extravagant decorations, candles, and waiters, you felt like you had stepped onto the set of a movie, rather than a party. Everything was so beautiful, so elegant. People of all nationalities in black tie suits, and formal cocktail dresses fluttered around the room, either sitting at the tables, or gathering in small groups with glasses of expensive champagne or scotch in hand. The light buzz of conversation filled the room as the live band played on a stage in the corner. 
You barely had time to take it all in, when an older man wearing an earpiece stepped up to Dean as the two of you made your way towards the table at the top of the room. 
“Dean.Your dad wants to see you. He’s waiting in room 122.” the older man said. He looked very uncomfortable in his suit, pulling at the tie around his neck subconsciously. 
“Rufus”, Dean said, nodding at him as he eyed the man with a smirk on his face, clearly amused by the man’s appearance in front of him, “what exactly did my father have to do in order to convince you to put on a suit?” 
Rufus did not look amused at all, giving Dean a look that said if they weren’t standing in the middle of this crowded room, he would have made him regret that smirk plastered all over his beautiful face. Dean, on the other hand, seemed thoroughly unfazed. 
“Boy don’t test me. Now your dad said to move your ass upstairs with your date, or for me to move it for you.Your choice.”
Dean’s features hardened, and he leaned over and whispered something in Rufus's ear that had him raising his eyebrows, before quickly looking down at the ground.  
Adjusting his suit coat, Dean leads you towards the elevators at the opposite end of the room. His face is still hard, and his shoulders stiffer than they were a moment ago.
Once you were both safely inside the elevator, Dean turned to you, looking at you almost like he was sorry for what was about to happen. That made you even more nervous than you already were.  
"Y/N, I want you to follow my lead no matter what," he said softly, grabbing your shaking hands in his. "Don't worry, my Dad looks scary, but he would never do anything to harm you. He probably just wants my signature on some paperwork from earlier today." 
Dean’s piercing green eyes searched yours, almost as if to see if you bought the lie that he just tried to dish out in order to calm your obvious fear at meeting his father.
"Dean... I don’t know how I feel about this. This is more than a simple escort service.” 
"Just, don't ask questions okay. Let me do the talking. I promise you, the less you know the better, so please don’t ask me any questions. I know I took a risk asking you to come tonight, but I promise you Y/N, nothing is going to happen to you, and the less you know about my business the better okay? Trust me, I’m not going to let anything happen to you tonight.Remember our agreement?Just stand there and look pretty and you will be just fine." 
In a bold move, Dean placed his hand on the side of your face in an almost comforting way, and you couldn't help but lean into the warmth of his hand. It was almost like the man had a spell on you, and the longer you were around him, the more you were drawn to him. You couldn't help but wonder if everyone felt that way around him.
When the doors opened, Dean linked his fingers with yours, and led the way to the room where you were both instructed to meet Dean's father . A body guard in a nice suit opened the door for the two of you and let you in before Dean could even say anything, closing the door behind you both quickly. 
The room was darker than the hall, and it took a minute for your eyes to adjust, before you saw the man standing in the window looking out over the city. His broad shoulders and strong back held  the same air of confidence you saw in Dean. 
"You wanted to see us?" Dean said, and the man turned around slowly. His black beard and hair were the first thing you noticed, his eyes made to look dark by the light of the room. He didn’t move any closer to the two of you, but he did seem to scan you from head to toe, and you shifted a little closer to Dean. 
"Yes, I wanted to see the lady friend that you brought here tonight. I was unaware that you were seeing anyone Dean." he said, turning his head to the side a little, the same amused smirk you had seen on Dean earlier this afternoon playing on his lips. 
You kept your mouth shut, just as Dean instructed. Honestly, you were a little afraid of this man, and you were too scared to say much of anything at the moment, because you knew you were in over your head.
Way over.
Dean blinked at his father, an annoyed look on his face. 
"Dad this is Y/N, my girlfriend," Dean lied smoothly, "Y/N this is my father, John Winchester." 
John said nothing, just looked you over again, and took a deep sip of the amber liquor in his glass.
"You look young. How old are you Y/N?" he asked, and you felt Dean stiffen a little next to you.
"I'm 23 sir." you state, attempting to sound confident. John just smirked, before turning his attention back to his son.
"At least she seems to know her place. Tell me Dean," John moved a little closer to the two of you, but still kept his distance. "does your girlfriend know anything about our company?"
Your heart leap in your throat, and for a moment you wondered if he was going to kill you both, because you were becoming more and more convinced by the second that this man was the living equivalent of the Godfather.
"No sir, our relationship is.... new." Dean said, choosing his words wisely. 
"Prove your together." John stated bluntly, and your eyes almost bulged out of your eye sockets. 
"I'm sorry, what?" Dean said, blinking at his father, seemingly as shocked at his declaration as you were.  
You hoped that John couldn't see you trembling where you stood. White hot fear gripped your gut, and you wanted to run away, but you had a feeling you wouldn't get very far.
"Prove it." he stated calmly, taking another swig of his glass. "I see she's clinging to you, but that could be out of fear, or what you've paid her to do. So prove it." 
John had a full on smirk on his face now, and you couldn't help the sickening feeling that flooded your stomach at his gaze.
Without hesitation, Dean spun you in his hold, your chest meeting his. Before you could even react, he had leaned down, and captured your lips in his, kissing you deeply, his tongue slipping between your lips with ease, and his hand sliding down grabbing your ass, pulling you tight against this body as he kissed you drunk. 
You couldn't stop the blush on your face if your life depended on it as he pulled away from you, and you quickly looked down at the floor.
John chuckled across the room, and clapped his hands as if he were watching a play.
"Good, very good, for a moment I thought you had hired an escort Dean, but I see she's a little too shy to actually be a working girl." 
Your blush deepened, and you hid a little closer to Dean's chest.
"If you done harassing my girl, I think we're both due downstairs." Dean said coldly. 
"You’re right.You two go and enjoy the party, I'll be down shortly. I like this one Dean, and you are going to need a wife soon if you're going to take over our... company.I hope this one sticks." he said, his voice dripping with venom as Dean turned and led you both quickly out of the room. 
You didn't take a breath until you were both in the elevator. You were visibly shaking when Dean pulled you in this hold, his strong arms wrapping around you, and his cologne invading your scene. 
You knew that could have gone much worse, but you were still very shaken up by what John had asked Dean to do in there, and his threat of ,‘I hope this one sticks,’ didn’t go unnoticed by you or Dean.
"Fuck sweetheart, I'm sorry." Dean said, lightly placing his lips to the top of your head, and wrapping his arms tightly around you, pulling you deeper into him as the elevator descended lower.
Dean sounded just as relieved as you were to be away from his father, and you did all you could to try and keep yourself from passing out from the impending anxiety attack that threatened to take over in the dark corner of your consciousness.
These men were lethal, dangerous, and probably murderers or worse, and they have seen your face. 
You were fucked. 
It felt like the universe had decided to get you back for every stupid thing you ever did. All in one night. 
Dean released you from his hold, and placed his hand on the side of your face softly, making you look up into his deep mossy green eyes, searching yours for any sign that you might freak out on him, or crack.
"I need to know if you're okay, because when those doors open it's going to be all eyes on us." Dean said seriously, but at the same time you could hear the concern in his voice. Now whether that concern was for you, or for his own well being you couldn't tell.
"I'm okay, I swear, Just.... Don't kill me..." you babbled stupidly, a single tear sipping down your cheek that Dean quickly caught with his thumb. 
"I'm not going to kill you, no one is going to hurt you, you're safe with me okay? Now calm down. Let's go get some drinks, and let me show you a good time tonight. There's no reason why we can't enjoy the rest of the evening together." Dean said, his voice calm and soothing.
The elevator doors opened and you took a deep breath before taking his arm once again, letting him lead you to a well dressed table in the ballroom where a waiter brought drinks for the two of you. Dean's arm wrapped around your shoulders protectively, and you instinctively leaned into his hold. 
You know that you should be terrified of him, but there was something about him that was calming to you, like he could keep you safe when nothing else could. 
You didn't miss the smirk on his face when he felt you move closer to him, and he made sure to keep the small talk light, asking you things about where you grew up, your favorite things, and before long he had you laughing at some of his childhood stories. 
Yes, you grew up worlds apart, yes he was seventeen years older than you, and yes this was a paid date that he was probably trying to do his best to look real between the two of you.You had a feeling if his father found out that you were just a hired date, you’d both be fucked six ways from Sunday, but you couldn’t help but get lost in his laugh, the way his eyes seemed to dance with mischief as he looked at you, the way his hand felt heavy and warm against your shoulder, or the way his very presence seemed to command the attention of everyone that came within five feet of him.
He was everything a girl wanted, and something you didn’t even know still existed . Too bad he wasn’t really yours. If you were lucky enough to live through this ‘date’ you’d probably never see this man again. You were sure after that little display in the elevator where you begged him not to kill you, he’d never hire you again.
The evening drew on. A speech was made by John, then Sam. Nothing incriminating, or anything, just a lot of thank you messages, and other formalities. As dinner was served, Sam joined you with his fiance Jessica. John stayed busy at an even bigger table.  
You liked Sam and Jessica.They seemed a lot more down to earth and a lot less lethal than everyone else in this room, though you weren’t fooled in the slightest. They were just as dangerous as Dean and his father.
Dean led the conversation, and you did what he asked, just sitting there looking pretty, and leaning into him at the appropriate times, mainly when you saw John’s eyes filter to the two of you.
When the evening was finally done, and Dean had said his goodbye to his brother, he grabbed you around the waist, and whisked you towards the exit.You were grateful this was over, and you were more than ready to get back to your little apartment, and back to reality. 
Dean had almost had you to the car when a voice boomed from behind the two of you, stopping you in your tracks.
"Dean! Hang on a second!' 
Dean took a deep breath, giving you an apologetic look, before turning you both around to face John who was standing very close to you.
"Yes, sir." Dean said, holding himself up a little straighter.
"I didn't get to say goodbye to your lovely girlfriend!" he said, grabbing your free hand and kissing the back of it, his dark eyes meeting yours, a smirk on his face.  
"do svidaniya krasivaya devushka." he said before dropping your hand, and you leaned closer into Dean's hold.
"English please Father. She doesn't speak Russian." Dean said, a little colder than what you expected him to address his father.
"My apologies dear, I simply said goodbye beautiful girl." John said, smiling sinisterly at you before turning his attention back to his son, not giving you time to respond.
"I trust that this lovely young lady will accompany you to our family dinner this Sunday? It will be nice to see the normally empty seat at the table filled for once.”
Dean never relaxed his stiff posture next to you, pulling you so close to him that you had to put your arm around his back in order for it not to look awkward. 
“Well I hadn’t asked her yet, but if she’s not already got plans, I’m sure she will attend.” Dean said stiffly. 
"Of course. Good night dear, I hope you had a lovely time. Now Dean, go break that girl in, she seems barely driven. No woman of my sons will allow him to go to bed unsatisfied I trust." he said, turning on the spot and leaving Dean to hurry you into the warmth of the car that had driven you up here.
Dean huffed in aggravation, turning sharply and opening the door to the car, before helping you inside it’s warmth.
You took a deep breath as soon as the door was shut, and Dean's hand landing on the back of yours made you nearly jump out of your skin. He smiled softly at you.
“I really am sorry about my father’s behavior. I promise that was directed at me, not you. He was doing that because he knew it would get under my skin.” 
Pulling an envelope out from under his seat, Dean passed it to you.You could feel that it was quite full. 
“This should be sufficient for tonight. We will discuss Sunday a little closer to time.”
You nodded slowly, almost afraid to open the money and see how much was there.
“So...That means..I have the job?” you asked, your voice small as the car pulled up to the curb of your apartment building. Dean smiled at you softly, bringing his full lips to the back of your hand, before your door was opened by the driver. 
“Oh sweetheart.You had me at hello.”
Forever Tag List: @lyarr24​ @amandamdiehl​ @love-jackles-37-blog​ @deanwanddamons​ @imabitch4jensen​ @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278​ @lyss-dw79​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​
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Welcome My Dear Friend
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Warning: N/a
A/n: You know me, I got to write a novel before you can get to the great stuff. I think I keep getting the movie and books mixed up. If I did, sorry. But just enjoy it lol, that's all that matters, right?
Tags: @pillowjj @summeerrr
Y/n POV:
I'm walking through the streets of Ontario, Vanity on one side and her "boyfriend" of the month on the other. Ever since the loss of Leo, she's been happily carrying out her dream of living her college experience that she never got to act out. Comes to find out, Leo wasn't her mate; he was her stalker from when they were human. Long story short, they went to college together in the '70s, and he was obsessed with her. One night, lurking outside of her dorm, he was attacked by, you guessed it, a vampire. So, like the trifling ass he was, he attacked her and basically held her hostage all this time. Abusive and manipulative—she wanted a way out. She wasn't expecting wolves to be real, but if she could thank them without getting killed, she would.
Anyway, it has been a little over six months or so since that faithful night in La Push, where I was never seen again. I never got to say goodbye to my family and friends, and when I found out that there was a search for me going on, it was hard to watch. My family and friends posting photos on social media, talking to the police, and holding a conference, all of it broke my heart.  We head back to our hotel room thanks to David—wait, was it David? Yeah, I'm going to say David—who graciously paid for two. Unfortunately, no matter how far apart our rooms are, I can still hear them. Fucking vampire hearing. Oh, if you hadn't figured it out, Vanity changed me. I honestly don't really know if I am mad or not. On the one hand, I am pissed; I'd rather be dead than be the walking dead, feeding off people—I prefer the criminals if I'm honest. But I'd rather not have my body lost in a ditch somewhere or parts of it in a shark's mouth.
Regardless, I really want to go back home, but I don't want to leave Vanity. If I had to describe her, I'd say she is like Harley Quinn. Rambunctious, emotional, kind of stupid but smart, party animal, and promiscuous. All of which attracts her victims. Whereas, there's me, the complete opposite of her—I ground her and keep her from being irrational, and she makes sure I "live a little" since I try not to go on a killing spree and I'd prefer to not have my first time with some random guy who I might accidentally kill. Again, I'd prefer to go after the major criminals, male or female, and not the innocent bystanders. I may or may not do active searching in the area for criminal records. I leave the petty crime alone; it's the others with no sense of morality that I play with.  A few hours later, Vanity knocks on my door and tells me that we're heading out.
"Where’s David?” I said, swinging my bag over my shoulder and looking around. She gave me a look and rolled her eyes but smiles.
“His name is Kyle. I assume my next victim will be named David?” She looks up at me and smiles. I shake my head and shrug my shoulders. I have this weird ability to know things. I don’t know how I know it, but I just know it, you know? Almost like an enhanced intuition. Not like a psychic, but I just…know what’s next. Harley Quinn Jr. over here is basically a succubus—natural raw talent to draw men in. I mean, yes, vampires can do that naturally, but she could wear a mask, and her voice calls them in.
“I guess we’ll see in the next coming days. Or weeks,” I say, looking ahead leaving the hotel. “So, I can assume that we’re leaving Kyle back at the hotel and heading somewhere? Outside of Canada?”
“Yes, my dear, you are absolutely correct. How about South America? I’ve never been outside of the U.S. That bastard never wanted to. It was ‘unnecessary’ and ‘we have everything we need here,’ pathetic ass.” she says, rolling her eyes at the thought of him. I laugh and change our course location.
“How about Italy instead?” I say, getting a better feeling. She stops and looks at me and smiles.
“Oh! Even better! But we need to be careful.” She said in seriousness.
“What do you mean? What’s wrong with Italy?”
“Well, the Volturi is there. Remember how I was telling you about these vampire police/mafia? Well, that’s them. They live in Volterra. I think we can visit, but staying there longer than a week, well really 3 days, may raise a red flag.” Vanity said.
“So, visiting the castle/church is basically out of the question?”
“Yes. They stay there, and the better we lay low, the more fun we can have. Why did you say Italy anyway?” she looked up at me with curiosity. We step up to an ATM machine and take out enough money from Dav-Kyles card and then discard it somewhere where it won’t be found.
“Do we really need to know that answer?” I said, looking at her with a smile. She shakes her head and laughs as we continue onward towards the bus station.
“You need to eat before we stay near anyone.” She tells me. I nod my head and search out for my next meal. I listen to my intuition and walk ahead of us. Weaving around people, turning down different streets until I come upon a high-class looking neighborhood. I calmly walk down the street listening for my next direction.
“Take a left on 5th, then right on the first alleyway. They’ll come,” my inner self said. I follow as instructed and wait. Vanity stopped questioning the things I know and follows along with it. It never led us in a bad situation, and she learned I wouldn’t put us in one. Believe it or not, she’s not evil, misguided maybe, but not bad. Speaking of being evil or not. Here comes our meal.
It was a man, a woman, and a child around six. I looked at Vanity, and she looked back at me. We nodded our heads and waited for the perfect moment. The man, “5’8” dirty blond hair, lanky, with tattoos across his body, was walking in front of the woman and child. The woman—who was “5’3”, long brunette hair with pale skin—was walking together with a little boy with black curly hair, big wide eyes, and dimples. They didn’t see us in the corner of the alley watching them. The man turned around, and before he could do anything, Vanity was behind him. The look on the woman’s face was in a state of shock. Vanity grabbed him by his collar and tossed him near the garbage bin. I looked at the woman, then at the boy, and walked towards her while Vanity was having her meal. I could hear a struggle, and I blocked the little boy's sight.
“Let’s go for a walk, shall we?” I smiled. We walked back in the direction they came from, finding a frantic mother looking for him. We retrieved the little boy to her and walked back to where her lover (I assume) would be dead at. As we rounded the corner to the alley, I shoved her and made sure she saw my face before I ended her life. Like the life she and her trash partner in crime almost took. Discarding the body and gaining enough fill to complete the bus ride, we head back and proceed to Italy.
“Remind me to never get on a plane again,” I told Vanity as she skips through the terminal.
“Oh, come on! It wasn’t that bad.” She said sarcastically.
“I’m going to ignore that comment. Now that we’re here, you can lead the way.” She smiles and proceeds to give me the rundown of what we need to do and where we need to go. It didn’t take long to find willing victims to help us. After going to the bathroom to switch out our contacts, we sat at the airport's bar and waited. It wasn’t long afterward that two men walk up to us and proceed to have a conversation.
“My friend and I are stuck here until we can get a hotel room. Somehow, our reservation didn’t go through, and so now we’re stuck. You wouldn’t by happen to know any hotels nearby that aren’t too expensive, would you?” Vanity said, laying it hard on Thing 1 while I played the shy and sad yet worried friend to Thing 2.
“Of course, we do. How about you guys come back to ours, and we can help you get settled in. We’re here on business, and we could use some company while here.” Thing 1 said. We smiled as if we were so grateful and played the willing idiots they thought we were. We left the bar and headed towards their car and to the hotel. We checked in and proceeded to the room. Vanity and I shared a look at one another and smiled. We weren’t going to kill them; we just needed to use them. Then what Vanity does next is entirely up to her. Over the next couple of days, we convinced Thing 1 and Thing 2 to buy us separate rooms but proceeded to see them. It was currently eleven at night, and Vanity and I decided to head towards Volterra. We checked out and went on foot, going unnoticed to others around. Once we hit some wooded areas, we set sail. About an hour later, I was given instructions.
“Turn left, go up a hill, sharp right, then wait.” I do as instructed, and Vanity follows. She asked what I was doing, and I just pointed to my head. After coming to the location, we wait.
“I know there’s a reason, but is there a reason as to why we’re here?” I look at her and shrug my shoulders. Not long afterward, we hear footsteps running towards us.
“Don’t be afraid.” I hear, and Vanity’s face pops in my head. I grab her hand and give her a smile to ease her worry. I let go of her hand as we come upon four figures. Not even 30 seconds later, I hear
“Hot damn.” I look at Vanity and watch her look at the bigger guy of the group. He smiles, and she smiles back at him. I hid my smile behind my hand and try not to laugh out loud. The big boy goes around the blonde little girl in front of him and steps up to her.
“Hello there, I’m Felix. What might your name be mia bella” he says, looking down at her. ‘Ol boy is huge, and I mean Vanity has to lift her head all the way up to look at him. She smiles at him and raises her hand towards him to shake.
“The names Vanity handsome.” She says, giving her signature smile that brings men weak to the knees. They smile at one another, and the little blonde girl announces herself.
“Felix, let's go. Aro will be expecting us.” And they runoff. Felix rolls his eyes and puts out an arm for Vanity to grab and acknowledges me to follow. We make it to the castle, and we are directed to the three kings Vanity has told me about. And dear God, are they some ugly ass people. Aren't Vampires supposed to be pretty?
Long story short, Vanity found her mate and is basically forced to stay here. I, on the other hand, have no need or want to stay here. Aro can read people's minds by touching them (ew) and picking up on my wanting to leave. No amount of coercing will get me to stay. Vanity understood, but I did promise to stay for a while. Just long enough to know that If I leave, I know Vanity would be safe. But by the time I chose to leave, I was instructed not to.
“You’re staying!” she said/asked me, jumping on my couch while Felix stood in the doorway. I smiled and shook my head.
“No, but I will stay for a little while longer,” I said, tapping on my timple. She nodded her head and hugged me. “Plus, I’m still iffy about Felix here. How do I know you won't hurt her?” I said, half-joking half-serious. But with a smile. He smiled back, understanding the underline warning in my tone.
“I promise you, I would kill myself before I hurt a hair on her head.” I nodded my head.
“Remember, I’ll know if something is wrong...” I said, looking at him.
“And that’s why I love you!” Vanity said, hugging my neck. “Did I ever thank you for choosing Italy as our destination?” I laughed and nodded my head.
“Only about a thousand times.” We continued to talk until Demitri came to let us know it was almost mealtime. We left and went to the main room. Felix and Vanity joined them as I spoke to the receptionist. All of a sudden, I notice three people leaving. A human girl and two vampires I recognized from Forks.
“Bella?” they stopped and looked at me. Her eyes widen as she recognized who I was.
“Y/n?! Wha-what, what happened to you?!” before I could respond, Vanity and Felix come back out, hearing the conversation.
“Well, I changed.” I shrug my shoulders. Alice and Edward are just as surprised, and Vanity breaks the awkwardness.
“Hi! I’m Vanity. Who are you guys?” she asked sweetly. I respond to her.
“This is Alice and Edward Cullen, and the human girl is Bella. We all lived in the same area as each other.” She nodded her head. She looked back at me and gave me a sad smile. We realized this is why I didn't leave when I necessarily wanted to.
“Come on. You can tell us everything on the way.” Alice said sweetly. I hugged the shit out of Vanity, and she gave them a warning as I gave Felix earlier. We grabbed some robes and headed back towards Forks. I have a lot of explaining to do.
Once we landed, I texted Vanity and talked to Alice, Bella, and Edward. I told them I will explain everything when we get to their house. Within an hour of talking to them, I figured Edward and Alice out quickly.
“Be careful of your thoughts and actions...” was the first thought. “He’s a Mindreader” was the second. And “She’s a Psychic” was the third. Edward was slightly standoffish from me knowing, but Alice was ecstatic. It was amusing. She and Vanity would be great friends, trouble makers, but best friends. When we pull up to their house, I notice the rest of the family waiting outside. To say that they were shocked, seeing me is a stretch. The same questions Bella had in Volterra was written on all of their faces. So we proceeded inside to where I explained what happened after my disappearance a few months ago.
“So, I guess I should start from the beginning...” and I proceeded to tell them what happened that night with Vanity, Leo, and the three wolves that came after us. How Vanity decided to throw me into the water and swim off with me. How I basically drowned, and she changed me while underwater. Biting every central artery area and swimming off with me. Now, how did I survive? No idea. It was painful. The transformation and the added pain of not breathing were so frightening that I passed out. We made it to land not too far from the cliff, and she ran towards Canada, unknowing to the wolves. There is where we stayed for the next few months, back and forth from Canada to Alaska and back. I explained what happened and why we were in Italy and how I made a full circle in under a year. Before anyone could ask a question, Edward called out,
“Jakes here.” I looked at him in shock. “You have to hide,” Edward said to me. I looked at him as if he lost his mind.
“What? Why? I won't hurt him. Jakes, my friend.” I said defensively. Believe it or not, I gained significant control over my thirst thanks to my ability. Learning to listen to it helped me better than expected. It took a while to trust it completely, but I’ve learned to do so.
“Y/n. Jake isn't the same Jake as before. He’s...changed.” Bella said. Oh no... the last time I heard that I lost my best friend. I shook my head.
“No...don't say that. Jake wouldn't know as long as I have my contacts in.” Before anyone could say anything, there was Jake, outside looking nothing how the Jake I knew before looked. He was outside asking for Bella to make sure she isn't a “leech.” What the fuck? I went outside to see what the hell was going on, and that’s when Jake saw me. I looked at him and saw why they said he was different. He changed, just like Jared did.
“Y/n! Is that...is that you!?” Jake yelled/whispered, looking at me. I smiled a wave awkwardly.
“Hey, Jake.” He looked in disbelief.
“Hey, Jake? Hey Jake?! You disappear for six months and come back as, as, THIS! And all you can say is HEY!!!” I flinch, taking a step back. “Did that girl do this to you?” I looked at him, confused.
“How did you know about that?” I asked. He shook his head and backed away. A few seconds later, he shifted...into a fucking wolf. Now it clicked together with why Jared went from friendly to hostile. Jake ran off into the woods and howled.
“Jake is going to tell Sam. Prepare to meet up with them,” Edward said. Which Rosalie responded with an eye roll and a sarcastic “Great.” Something tells me that things are about to get real interesting.
 Part 1: Hello My Dear Friend
Part 2: Goodbye My Dear Friend
Part 3: Welcome My Dear Friend
Part 4: Why My Dear Friend
Part 5: End My Dear Friend
Request Open! (Go to the description bar on my page to put one in)
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losers-yurio · 4 years
Road Trip With the Crue
Mick x Reader 
the guys show up at your house with a weekend of fun planed 
i honestly have no idea what this is-
and also warning bc its probably shit
But The first issue arose when loud banging on the door brought your attention to the front of the house. “Okay okay I'm coming calm yourself!” so both Mick and you lazily made your way to the door,  it wasn't that unsurprising when you were met with the faces of your three idiotic friends. “Goddamnit, you three what part of ‘for the love of all that is holy please don't bother us this weekend’ did you not understand” although we had woken up a few hours prior, it was evident from his voice that Mick was still exhausted. Though you couldn't tell for sure if this was because he wanted to go back to bed or if the sudden appearance of his three band members had annoyed him, from prior experience you were almost certain that it was the second option you definitely understood why he was upset though, with all of the shows him and the guys had been doing the two of you hadn't really been able to spend much time together so this weekend was supposed to be catching up on all of the lost time. While on the one hand you absolutely adore Mick’s friends you were quite looking forward to your weekend together as well. “Well haven't heard why we’re here yet” Vince protested in an almost childlike manner.“Nope, not interested” stated in his usual monotone voice as he began to close the door, in response you reached your left arm out in front of him to stop the door from closing.  He gave me an eye roll but said nothing more “now what were you boys going on about?”  And so the guys (mostly Vince being the loudmouth that he is) told you about their plan which was as followed, the five of you were to leave at ten(which was horrible planning considering it was already nine) then stop at the nearest gas station for snack and drink essentials, from there you had a three-hour drive down to the amusement park. “No way, absolutely not” you looked over at mick who had a worried expression on his face,  “guys we just need a minute to pack if that's alright” the three men nodded as I shut the door. “What, why not?” he looked at you with confusion  “what happened to a nice quiet weekend at home?” “But when was the last time we went out for something other than a gig?” “I could say the same for staying home” “oh please Mick it could be fun!” “and if it isn't?” “ then I owe you big time” It wasn't long before we finished gathering what we needed for the trip and had packed it into the back of the van. While it was the band's van you really couldn't trust Vince, Nikki, or especially Tommy with the task of driving and Mick got to sit in the front because of his back issues. Tommy and Nikki were sitting together in the middle and Vince was in the very back with the luggage. Luckily the gas station wasn't that far from the house so we arrived in no time at all, the other three went inside to get the snacks which in hindsight was a terrible idea but hey they needed to get a bunch of moving around in before being cooped up. I had gotten out to refill the tank so we wouldn't have any issues on the road, which surprisingly didn't take very long so I had more time to talk with Mick.
“Are you really sure about this? We can just ditch now and walk home” there was a touch of amusement on his face as you looked at him “I'm sure, besides don't you think they'll just come and pester us at the house?” “we’ll just ignore them” you laughed and shook your head slightly Before I could say anything else the rest of the guys were hopping back into the van with a bunch of bags “for the lame-os,” Nikki said as he handed us two water bottles with a slight smile “I hope for your sake this isn't all you got for us bassist” Mick’s cold look had returned to his face “ um no of course not” I looked over to see a small smirk on Mick's face, what a man.
The trip was pretty smooth considering the party in attendance, with only 3 hours left I was honestly ready for the trip to be over. Both Nikki and Tommy were passed out, Vince was jamming quietly as to not wake the boys, upfront Mick had pulled out a book of his that he had been reading. At Least everything had been going well until the van sputtered to a stop. “Hey Y/N everything okay up there?”  “Yeah Vin I think so, well actually..” “what happened?” by now Mick had looked up from his book “ well we’re out of gas” “huh that's weird I thought we just got some” “yeah I thought so too” you reached around and nudged the two sleeping men “huh what” Tommy answered groggily, “I thought I had the two of you fill-up the tank” “ I certainly wasn't, I thought Nikki did,” he said in an accusatory tone “well I thought you did it” “oh for the love of- you know what it's fine since this is both of your faults both of you get to walk the three miles back to the gas station” “fine” “and no distractions!” “you know we can't promise anything!” Tommy called back “idiots” mumbled Mick and you smiled
After about twenty minutes Mick started shifting more in his seat and making small grunting noises “hey are you good?” “yeah just my back acting up again, do you know where we put the other bottle of pills?” “I think it was in the backpack” a quiet “on it!” came from the back as Vince tossed the bag to me “thanks Vin”. “ um Mick they aren't in here” “ah damn I knew I forgot something” “hey its okay ill look for a drug store as soon as we get to the hotel and we can look for some store-brand pain killers” “ah ok, I just wish the guys would come back already” “I'm sure they'll be back soon” which wasn't entirely a lie as the two of them turned up ten minutes later with a full gas can and Tommy with suspiciously red lips. “And what kind of fun did you two get into?” “oh you know the usual” Tommy replied with a smirk “okay jus- just get in the van, Mick’s having back issues” “ah sorry man if it helps we got candy” “ill except it”
And so we were off once more. Thankfully Mick was able to fall asleep so he was able to get relief even if it was for just a couple hours. By the time you reached the motel, it was already dark out so you got the guys checked in and rushed over to the pharmacy with Mick for painkillers which was difficult until the guy realized you genuinely needed them. Then on the way back to the hotel to rest up the two of you were walking through the parking lot when some guy started yelling ”Hey old man hearing the noise both Nikki and Vince emerged from their shared room. Seeing what was happening Nikki immediately Joined the fray “Hey man that's totally not cool” “Yeah? And what are you going to do about it ninnyhammer?” “listen I have no idea what that means and I'm sure it was bad but regardless you said some shit about my guitarist and we can't have that now can we”  you didn't see it coming but by the time you realized Nikki’s fist was already colliding with the guys face and he was being pulled to the ground. Immediately you rushed over to help tear them apart from each other. With the help of Vince, you managed to pull them apart “while I do appreciate the thought I would kill you if we got kicked out because we don't have anywhere else to go” The five of us ended up having a wonderful time at the park with no more incidents. In the morning we left bright and early much to the guy's dismay. Somewhere along the way, Vince had convinced me to let him drive and I promptly passed out for the rest of the trip. I awoke parked in our driveway with the guys talking “oh come on Mick, please? We’re still exhausted ``''Well that sounds like a you problem, not a me problem``'' what's the matter, guys?” “don't you dare ask them you know they'll say yes” “can we stay over for a few hours to catch up on some sleep?” “ of course you can, just don't cause any trouble” from your view Mick appeared to be rolling his eyes and the rest were high fiving. It was an odd bunch of people but they were your idiots and you wouldn't trade them for anything.
taglist: @makemeyourwife-loveofmylife​
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jedi-mabari · 4 years
Word Count: 2158 Warnings: None, A/N: I wrote this as a secret Santa gift for @sawyer-craft and I am just to proud of it not to share it. I hope you like it, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Summary: Molly and Sadie run away from the gang, planning to take a train from Valentine. But something gets in the way. Will they make it out? or will they have to return with their tails tucked between their legs? _________________________________________________________
Molly had spent all day sneaking back and forth from hers and Ditches tent, carefully hiding her bags in a bush by the horses. She had been careful not to be seen, and easily came up with excuses when someone asked what she was doing.
The sun had gone down and the campfires had been lit. Molly sat at the table furthest from my chuck wagon, moving chunks of potato around her dish. She smiled up at Sadie as she sat down across from her. Sadie took a large bite of Pearson's stew, making a face before spitting it back out.
"I am not going to miss this," she said quietly, so only Molly could hear.
"Me either," Molly said, scooping up a spoonful before letting it drop back into the dish. They both sat quietly for a minute, stirring the stew around the plates.
"Is everything ready," Sadie asked after a long moment of silence. Molly nodded, fighting the urge to look over her shoulder at the bush where she had hidden her belongings.
"Yes," she answered, watching a slice of carrot turn to mush. Sadie reached across the table, grabbing Molly's hand.
"Good, we'll wait for everyone to go to sleep. I think Karen is on guard duty. We should be able to bribe her." Molly nodded, grabbing Sadie's hand back. "We're so close. Just a few more hours and we'll be out of here." They shared a smile, and Sadie stood up, dumping her plate of food behind a tree.
Molly ate a few bites, struggling to get them down, but knew she'd need her strength. She took her dish to the tub, dropping it into the water before heading back to Dutch's tent. It was late enough that Dutch should have already been stretched out on his cot, but it was empty and he was missing. Molly knew he must have been snooping around the younger girls in the camp, or he had managed to get drunk enough to fall into Grimshaw's bed. Despite knowing she was leaving, she felt a spike of jealousy knowing he was spending her last night in camp in someone else's bed.
She shook the thoughts from her head and stood up, making the cot so it looked like she hadn't been there at all. She puttered around the tent until she could no longer hear the chatter from the campfire or the lyrical sound of Javier's guitar. She poked her head out of the tent, seeing several members of the gang asleep on the bedrolls. She forgot that they were going to be between her and her escape. She could barely make out the shape of Sadie on the other side of camp, gathering Molly's and her own things.
Molly crept out of Dutch's tent, walking as quietly as she could, her skirt bunched up in her hands to keep it from swishing and making noise. She managed to make it to Sadie without waking anyone up, and the two women embraced.
"We're almost there," Sadie said, lifting Molly's last bag. "I've got the horses packed, all we have to do is get out of camp." Molly was practically buzzing with nerves, her hands twisting a bit of her shall to keep them from shaking.
Sadie handed Molly her last bag and the two of them walked over to the horses. Sadie grabbed the reins and led the horses away from camp. They had almost made it out when they heard a distinctly male voice call out to them.
"Where the hell do you two think you're going," Sean asked, and Molly spun around to face him. Her stomach was twisting in knots. She was running over all of the things that could go wrong from here. Sean could alert the entire camp and their escape would be ruined, or he could shoot them both seeing their leaving as a betrayal of Dutch. But what he does instead is make a joke.
"Are you two sneaking off for some girly fun," he asked, a letchy smile on his face. Molly rolled her eyes, stomping over to him. She grabbed the front of his grimy shirt, shoving a finger in his face.
"You listen here you letch," she snapped quietly. The amused look on Sean's face fell away, and he held his hands up. "You aren't going to mention having seen us, or I will personally kick your scrawny ass."
"I meant no disrespect," Sean said, shaking his head, "honestly. I was just joking. No one'll hear it from me." Molly let go of his shirt, wiping her hands down her skirt, taking on her ladylike posture again. Sean swallowed hard and looked back to camp.
"Please, Sean," Sadie said, looking over at Molly. "It don't take a fool to see where Dutch is leading this group. If you were smart, you'd get out too."
Sean opened his mouth to respond but Sadie had already grabbed Molly's hands and was heading away from camp, leaving Sean standing alone, slightly confused. The tree's thinned the closer they got to the road, and Sadie stopped, checking to make sure they were alone. She helped Molly onto her horse first before stepping into her saddle.
"We're going to ride to Valentine, then from there we'll catch the train out of the territory." Molly nodded, and they headed down the road, following the railroad tracks towards the small cattle town. It wasn't long before the lights from town came into view. Molly and Sadie rode up to the train station, and Sadie instructed Molly to stay put. Sadie dismounted from her horse and walked up the ramp to the ticket window inside.
Molly watched through the window as money and a couple slips of paper exchanged hands. When Sadie come back outside, her lips were pressed into a thin line of disappointment as she walked back to Molly.
"The next train ain't pulling in 'til morning. We should get a room down at the hotel for the night." Molly nodded as Sadie looked around, her hands clutching the tickets tightly. "Come on I guess," she said, jumping back up into her saddle. Something in her tone set Molly on edge, sent her mind a turning, wondering if Sadie was having second thoughts about leaving. Molly remained silent as they carried down the road to the hotel. Sadie and Molly dropped their bags bags at the hotel, ordering a room for the night before taking the horses to the stable.
Sadie dropped a handful of bills into the stable master's waiting hand to assure the horses were well taken care of for the night. Molly looped her arm through Sadie's, carefully making sure the the coast was clear before before the two crossed the road. They had almost made it to the steps when three men ran into them.
Sadie stopped, standing protectively in front of Molly as she took in the look of the men. They all wore dark clothing, and looked like they had spent their lives living rough. Sadie's eyes landed on the green bandanas around their necks that marked them each as O'Driscolls.
"You should watch where you're going, lassies," the one in the front said, smirking in a way that made Molly's stomach turn into a ball of nerves. Sadie and Molly stayed where they were as the three men circled around them and walked behind the hotel.
"Go one inside," Sadie said, her eyes not leaving the spot where the three O'Driscolls had disappeared behind the building. Molly grabbed Sadie's hand and shook her head.
"Sadie, don't. We're this close to getting away. Don't give that up for those three." Sadie didn't look at Molly as she tried to convince her to stay with her.
"I'll meet you in the room," Sadie said, pulling herself away from Molly. Molly stood in the street as she watched Sadie follow the outlaws into the dark. She shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself before going into the hotel.
The man behind the desk led Molly to the room her and Sadie rented for the night. He waved her in and closed the door, telling her to come to him if she needed anything with just enough of a smile that told her it would be better if she didn't. When he was gone, Molly began to get ready, waiting for Sadie to come knocking in the door. But by the time she had dressed down for bed and braided her hair to keep it contained while she slept, Sadie still wasn't back, and Molly was beginning to worry.
Molly woke up to a hard knock on her door. The sun was just coming up, and the room was beginning to lighten, and Molly stretched across the bed to find it empty and cold, meaning Sadie hadn't come back to the hotel.
"Miss, you asked to be woken up. The train is due at the station in about an hour." Molly chewed her lip, wondering if Sadie was going to make it or if she had found something more important.
"Thank you," Molly called through the door, sliding out of the bed. She filled the basin on the dresser with water to wash her face and help style her hair. She put on her green dress and made sure she was ready to get on the train when it arrived. She gathered her bags and went down stairs, stopping at the front desk.
"I hope you enjoyed your stay, ma'am," the clerk said, folding his hands on the desk.
"It was very nice, thank you," Molly said, sliding the room key across the desk. She glanced around, hoping that Sadie was walking through the door, but frowned as the door remained closed. "Did a woman come in earlier," Molly asked, hoping Sadie was in town and just buying supplies for the train ride.
"Can you describe her?"
"She's the woman who rented my room for me last night," she said, and the man shook his head.
"I'm sorry miss, I haven't seen her since last night." Molly nodded and picked her bags back up.
"Thank you for the room," Molly said, turning and walking out of the hotel. She walked up the boardwalk, passing the bank and the gun shop before turning down the road towards the train station. She set her bags down under a bench and sat and waited for both Sadie and the train.
She began to panic that Sadie wasn't there yet when the train came hissing to a stop in the station. She grabbed her bags and stood, hoping to see Sadie among the crowd as people filed onto the train. She flinched as the attendant called out that the train was about to leave, and she felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes as it dawned on her that she was either going to have to stay, or go on without Sadie.
She stepped into the train, blinking back tears as she made her way to a secluded seat. She smoothed her hands down her skirt, trying not to let herself cry as the train started to pull away from the Valentine station.
The train had almost reached the heartfield oil fields when Molly felt someone sit down next to her.
"Please leave me alone," Molly said, not looking from the window.
"I'm sorry I didn't meet you at the platform," Sadie said. The moment the voice registered in Molly's mind, she spun around and her mouth fell open as she stared at Sadie. She looked like she had had better days, with a black eye so dark it didn't look purple and a split in her lip that made the Mississippi seem narrow.
"How did you make it onto the train?" Sadie shrugged, wincing as she tried to smile.
"I managed to jump on just as it was pulling out. One of the guards had me stay in the back car until they found my ticket." Molly grabbed Sadie's hand, lacing her fingers with the other woman's.
"I wish you hadn't gone after those three," she said, gently touching her hand to Sadie's cheek, her thumb hovering over the cut on her lip.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, Molly," Sadie said, looking around to make sure no one was watching them before lifting Molly's hand to her lips, "but where we're going, you don't ever have to worry about that again." Molly blushed and scooted closer to Sadie.
"And you'll never have to worry about O'Driscolls again." Sadie smiled and nodded.
"No O'Driscolls, not Van der Lindes, what are we gonna do with ourselves," she asked, chuckling as she pressed her lips against Molly's hair. She closed her eyes and felt the heavy weight of exhaustion push her towards sleep. And with Molly's arm wrapped around hers and their hands clasped together, Sadie gladly let herself drift off into sleep.
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