#will regret this in the morning but ah well <3
alnilaem · 8 months
slobbering and whimpering at the thought of butcher!simon who also happens to be your socially inept neighbour <3
It’s the seedier side of Manchester you move to. To a flat with wet rot between each brick and the peal of police sirens on every other street.
Crammed into the corner of your block is a little gem found between flats and markets: a well-loved butcher shop.
It’s suffocating when you walk in. Dewy and damp and misty and permeating with the angry odour of metal, poorly offset by an overripe air freshener hanging above the entrance.
A man lurks behind the counter. He’s big. Huge. Demands too much space as the coarsely-sewn sheers of his shirt look like they’re about to burst at his biceps. His hair is tamed under a Man Utd cap, but a few odd-angled curls peek out. His arm, swathed in tattoos, flexes as he hacks at a red piece of meat, slicing through the tendons, as you meagrely clear your throat for his attention.
His eyes, sunken in his sallow sockets, hinge upwards to stare at you.
“Um, hope I’m not interrupting you.”
His eyebrows purse because obviously you are. He steps away from the counter, wiping his big, bloodied hands against his apron.
“Could I just-“ you sharply inhale, then belatedly regret it as the smell of raw meat invades your senses. You suppress a cough as to not offend him. He stands with his arms crossed, the papery crows feet of his eyes folding as he stares at you above his mask. “Ah… lamb shanks?”
He grunts. It’s curt, but it doesn’t seem rude. More like socially inept in the ways in which he regards you, and how he prepares your order in sparse, quick movements.
You fish in your pocket and bring out a thin handful of coins. He swipes it, doesn’t bother to count it, for some reason, and slides the lamb into a repurposed Tesco bag, handing it over the display.
You reach over, your gaze flitting to his name tag which features only the tail-end of his name, the rest of the ink smudged and washed away from years of hard work.
As you swipe the bag from his hold, his finger brushes yours. A gossamer-thin layer of blood stains your forefinger and marinates your skin in the middle of the exchange.
You pivot, throwing a soft thanks over your shoulder, and rub your thumb into his vestigial warmth on your finger.
It’s after dark when you slip outside your flat, bin bag slapping against your thigh. You’re in a large sweatshirt and some shorts, chucking the trash down the disposal, when the tinny, grating sound of metal-against-metal peals from the elevator.
You throw a cursory glance over your shoulder, but freeze as you spot a familiar figure ducking under the roof of the lift and stepping onto your floor. The butcher.
He is clad in a filmy jacket, arms laden with shopping bags as he helps an elderly lady into her flat.
She says “Thank you, Simon,” and Simon nods, closing the door on his way out.
He fishes through his pockets for his keys and shoulders past you. You think he doesn’t recognise you, or worse, pointedly ignores you.
And for some reason, the latter thought causes a pang of sadness to seize you.
However, halfway down the corridor, in front of the flat next to your own, Simon turns around.
“You’re the new neighbour? Room 146?”
His eyes flicker from your legs to your face. A film of recognition glosses his eyes. Your mouth suddenly feels dry and you dumbly nod, preening under his intimidating eyes.
“Walls are thin,” he says, jamming his keys into the lock, “try keeping quiet, love. Some of us’ve got work in the mornings, yeah?”
Before you can reply, the conversation is already over with the slam of Simon’s door swinging shut.
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luveline · 1 year
hurt/comfort for hotch
maybe he’s been having a hard couple of days at work and says something rude to reader, that he doesn’t mean, he’s just frustrated. then they talk it outttt<3
ty for requesting ♡ fem!reader, 1k
"Did you get wholemeal bread for Jack's lunch?" Aaron asks.
You wince where you're sitting at the table, closing the book you're reading over your fingers. "No. I knew I forgot something, I just couldn't remember what," you lament. You'll have to get some before the grocery store closes at nine. 
You check your watch, a little silver thing that cost too much of Aaron's money, and you're so focused on telling time you almost miss his biting remark. 
"It's fine," he says bitterly. "I'll get it in the morning. I shouldn't have asked you." 
Your first instinct is to react in a similar fashion. "Ah, but you ask so little of me." 
He flinches at your tone. You hate to see it, and regret what you've said immediately, but it's not as if he were being particularly kind himself. A weird, stringy silence pulls between you, a tightrope waiting to buckle. The first to walk will be the first to fall; with the mood he's in, he'll bite. Tonight, you're miffed enough to bite back. 
Pissed, you stand up, grabbing your coat where it's draped across the table. 
Aaron holds out a hand. "Wait a second." 
"I don't want a fight," you say honestly. "It doesn't matter. I'll go get bread and we can forget about it." 
"I don't want to forget about it. I'm not being fair." 
You let your arms hang, coat in a ball against your thighs. "Aaron…" 
"It wasn't fair. Sorry." 
It obviously wasn't fair. Everyone forgets things no matter how hard they try, but you recognise that Aaron just got back from a week away. He's stressed, exhausted, and things need to feel normal for him. He asked you for something and you let him down. 
"It's a loaf of bread, Aaron," you murmur, defeated. "I didn't mean to forget." 
"I know." He rubs his brows, melting the last of your defences as he hangs his head. 
To love someone, you have to give in. There are times where you feel hurt and you have to forgive him before you're strictly ready to do so, because he's his own worst enemy in times like this. Though it's harder now, because you're not used to his derision. Disapproval, silent annoyance, sure. 
You put your coat down. 
"Since when are you sarcastic?" you ask gently, stepping into his space. You tilt your head a touch to the side, braceleting the crook of his elbow in a loving hand.
His eyes crease at the corners, short wrinkles stark, shadows beneath them. "I haven't been sleeping well, away from you both," he says. 
You trace the surface of his rough cheek with your eyes before bringing a tentative hand to it, thumb catching against stubble as you smooth it toward his ear. He doesn't smell like anything he usually carries, no aftershave or cologne nor laundry detergent, and the shirt he wears isn't sharply collared. It's safe to say he hadn't planned to be away that long, and even though he's home, he's not home yet in his head. You don't know how else to prove it, stroking his face, cheek in your palm, your other hand climbing his arm to rest over the hill of his pec. His heart capers under your touch. 
"I didn't mean it," he says. 
"I know," you say. Aaron often makes you feel small in the best way, his height, his naturally protective instincts, he stands by your side and you trust him to take care of you. You don't have to look out for yourself when he's in arm's reach. You aren't tall, aren't half as imposing, but you can try to offer him the same comfort. 
"You just need to relax. I get that it's not as easy to leave your work at the door as you want, but you… it's hard for me too. I need your help," you say. 
He closes his eyes. 
"Sorry," you say softly. "For forgetting. And for being sore about it. You don't put too much on me." 
"No, I do. You're right, I ask for a lot." 
"I have a lot to give, Hotchner," you murmur. 
He nods and you really do forgive him, then. You know he's only tired. You don't have to take it personally. 
"Would you hug me?" you ask.
Take care of him by letting him take care of you; he's visibly and heartbreakingly relieved to be asked, wrapping his arms around you. You love the way he hugs no matter how he's feeling, like you're something that needs a gentle hand. 
"Don't hug me too long, Paula's closes in twenty minutes." 
His fingers spread over the small of your back. "It doesn't even matter. Jack asked me for wholemeal bread and turkey and I wanted to get something right for once." 
"With mustard?" you ask. 
"He's a weird kid sometimes," Aaron says. He gets a bit of pep back, giving you a sway from one side to the other. "I'll get the bread in the morning, and I won't act like an ungrateful idiot when I do." 
"I don't think ungrateful is the right word." 
"But idiot's fine?" Aaron asks, his laugh warming your cheek. He kisses it twice in succession, hands roving up, and up, before lifting his head to tuck you neatly beneath his chin. "It's right." 
"What do you want me to say?" you ask coyly. 
"Alright," he says with a laugh, his chuckle vibrating in your arms where you've curled them behind his neck. 
"You're not an idiot–" 
"No, because now I know you don't mean it," he says. Finally, some light in his tone, that playful drawl that demarcates Hotchner-style flirtation. 
"You're not!" you say, leaning back enough to kiss the dip under his jaw. "You're just moody," you mumble into his skin. 
"And you're too good to me." 
"No, I'm not," you say. "You're better than you think." 
He pats your back gently. "You're biassed, honey."
You're super biassed. "Nope. Totally impartial." 
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archiveikemen · 5 months
William Rex 2nd Birthday Campaign: Story (2024)
Chapters 1 - 3
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
!! Contains spoilers from William's main story !!
1st Birthday Campaign Story
I occasionally find myself reminiscing about the very first time I touched the pair of hands that took lives and gave freedom to others at the same time.
I have no regrets about surrendering everything in my life to those hands.
That’s why, today too, I’m by your side and singing my songs of love for you to my heart's content.
On my beloved’s birthday, I went to see my lover earlier than anyone else.
Kate: Happy birthday, Will!
William: Thank you, Kate. Looks like my little robin woke up earlier than usual today.
Kate: I did that to be the first to wish you a happy birthday.
William: Ahh, so that’s why this morning feels more wonderful.
William: What’s that tea trolley with the delicious looking black tea and sandwiches?
Kate: It’s your special birthday breakfast. I borrowed the kitchen this morning to prepare it.
Kate: Ah, but that's not all. I have more surprises prepared for you today—
William: … Fufu.
Kate: Will?
William: Nothing. I shall not doubt your confidence.
My cheeks turned red, it made me both happy and embarrassed to hear his jolly laughter.
Kate: Today’s your special day, and it has to be memorable for you.
Kate: I’m sorry for being so greedy.
William: You know that your greediness is what I love most about you, villainous woman.
Will smiled and gently pulled me closer by the waist.
William: Come, Kate. I shall enjoy the best breakfast with my adorable lover.
After finishing the dessert strawberries,
William: So, what does my greedy little robin want to do today?
Kate: What do you say about going to a photography studio to have your photograph taken?
William: A photograph… I’ve never thought of that.
Kate: I want to immortalise you, the embodiment of evil, as the fairytale keeper.
Kate: Words are wonderful indeed, but I feel that photographs are meaningful as well.
May my records of the self-righteous King’s sins be passed down from generation to generation, like a spoonful of poison warning against committing evil deeds.
“Look, the self-righteous King will come if you commit evil deeds. Therefore, you must never be evil”.
Because a fairytale can only end when evil has received judgement.
Kate: … You don’t want to?
William: I’d love to, this is a wonderful present you thought of. Thank you, Kate.
Kate: I’m relieved to hear that. Knowing you, there must already be one or two photos of you taken without your consent,
Kate: Besides, Her Majesty is quite a big fan of taking photos… right?
William: Yes, there's even a saying that “she is the pride of England’s photography”.
William: However, excluding a few candid shots Victor took, there has never been a proper photograph of me.
Kate: Why is that so?
William: Her Majesty never allows herself to be photographed. It’s unfair that I’m the only one being photographed, right?
William: Even though she has a role to play in this evil too, I’m the only one being known as the villain.
William’s exaggerated shrug brought a smile to my face without me realising it.
William: My “very first” photograph. I love this present from you.
(Will’s first… hehe)
Kate: Then let’s hurry to the photography studio. I have the carriage ready— ah.
When I was about to stand up and head out, Will pulled me back and I fell into his chest.
William: Before that, I want a birthday kiss.
Kate: … But we’ll be late for the photoshoot.
(I want a kiss too.)
(But I know that if we kiss, we won't be able to stop.)
William: You’re being a naughty girl, saying things that go against what your heart desires and making me out to be the bad guy.
William: Kate, “what do you want”...?
He easily exposed my innermost desires, unravelling my heart like loosening a knot.
There was no point trying to hide anything from Will.
Kate: Will, I want a kiss.
William: Shall we do that until we get tired of it, Kate?
We would never get tired of kissing, so we reluctantly parted our lips and made our way to the studio just in time.
Studio Owner: I’ve been awaiting your arrival!
Studio Owner: We have lovely weather today, so we can have a photoshoot both indoors and outdoors.
Studio Owner: Where would you like to have your photos taken?
Kate: … Will would look amazing outdoors. Ah, but he looks good indoors too.
Studio Owner: Ahaha, let’s do both then. This way, please.
Kate: Oh, thank you…
William: You’re so lovely when you’re being loyal to your desires. Well then, I shall live up to your expectations.
The photoshoot began a few minutes later, and it didn't take me long to realise what Will meant by those words.
(W-William… he looks PERFECT!)
With every pose Will struck, I could only sigh in awe.
William: How do I look, Kate?
Kate: … Perfect. Ah, please show us a wink.
William: Ahahaha! I’m glad you're enjoying this.
— At that moment, the doorbell at the entrance of the studio rang.
An elderly couple walked in.
Elderly Woman: My, are we a little too early?
William: We were just about to take a break. Would you like to proceed with your photoshoot?
Studio Owner: Let’s start the photoshoot! Alright, here we go.
We decided to watch the elderly couple during their photoshoot.
Under the clear blue sky, their smiles and the present moment were captured with every click of the camera shutters.
(They lived a long life together snuggled up like this… how beautiful.)
Watching them hold hands, their hands wrinkled from old age, my chest felt tight.
“Destruction” awaited Will and I with open arms at the end of our love story.
There was no knowing for certain that our destruction wouldn't come tomorrow.
There might never come a day when we could lean on each other lovingly like that elderly couple.
(Even so, I have no regrets. I will continue to live freely by Will’s side until the final moment of my life.)
(It's my freedom and my heart’s desire to love him until the end.)
The heart that Will set free continues beating to this day.
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William: ...
William: I have a favour to ask of you, Kate.
Kate: What is it? It’s your birthday, so I’ll do anything you want.
William: Sounds promising. Well then, will you take a photo together with me?
Kate: Together?
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William: Yes. You’re allowed to refuse if you don't want to be remembered as the self-righteous King’s lover.
Kate: Let’s take a photo together!
Kate: … Actually… I’ve been wanting to take a photo with you…
William: Ahahaha! I had a feeling you did.
William: If that's the case, let us flaunt our evil to the fullest.
— I wonder what the people looking at our photographs in the future will think of us?
Will they think of me as a foolish woman who was spell-bound by the sinful self-righteous king, leading to my own destruction?
(I don't care what they’ll say about me.)
(Because my heart is free and happy.)
Upon returning to the castle after the photoshoot, I guided Will to the dining room.
All the members of Crown were present to celebrate his birthday as planned.
We had cake decorated with strawberries, enjoyed a delicious feast, and drank wine until late into the night—
Kate: Mm… nn…
I was roused from my sleep by the gentle sunlight hitting my eyelids, my body wrapped in the sheets and the heat from last night still lingering.
(Ah, Will and I got intimate last night, and we fell asleep right after—)
(Is Will still asleep?)
I slowly lifted my head from Will’s chest that smelled like roses and caught his eyes, the colour of blood gazing at me.
His eyes seemed to hide a gentle rainfall.
Kate: … Will?
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William: … Kate.
William: How many more of such special moments will we have?
His tone sounded more serious than usual, I gazed at Will while being held close to his chest and listening carefully to his every word.
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William: I don't mean that I’ll let you die easily, but…
William: We’ll never know for sure whether fate will take you away tomorrow.
Kate: Yeah…
William: However, that won't make me regret or give up on loving you…
William: No, instead, that’s why I—
Kate: Will, mm…
William pressed his lips to mine.
The kiss felt more passionate than usual, and I found myself reflexively clinging to his shirt—
Our lips finally parted and he whispered in between ragged breaths.
William: I will risk everything I have to love you.
William: I will listen to and cherish the voices from your heart, and sing the melody of the finest love song.
At that very moment, Will and I shared the same emotion in our hearts.
We didn't know what would happen tomorrow, making that moment all the more precious.
I felt alive.
Kate: Sometimes… I wonder…
Kate: What kind of facial expression will I be wearing when my ultimate destruction comes?
Kate: I think… I’ll surely be smiling happily.
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William: … And when I’m holding your happily smiling dead body in my arms, your poison will spread and stop my breathing too.
Kate: … At that point of time, shall we go to sleep together at the finishing line?
William: … Yeah, sounds good to me.
William: But let's put that plan on hold for a bit.
William: For now, may I kiss those beautifully wicked lips of yours that can charm even the most sinful of men?
Kate: Yes… kiss me, Will.
Kate: Mm… nn…
William: Kate…
The desire in his gaze, the smell of roses in the air, the feeling of his hot fingertips on my skin.
Everything Will gave me fueled my desires and made me breathe.
(I was as good as dead before I met Will.)
I spent my life suppressing and killing my heart, ignoring my inner voice.
I felt lost, not knowing what I wanted.
Loving Will might’ve made me born again.
Kate: Will, Will…
William: … Hm?
Kate: If I keep being loved like this… I might never bear to leave you.
William: Want to hear something that’ll benefit you?
Kate: …? What is it? Please tell me.
William: I requested a day off on the day after my birthday.
William: Because I wasn't confident that I’d be able to let you leave this bed.
Kate: E-Eh…?
I was surprised for a brief moment before I burst out laughing.
Kate: … Fufu, ahaha!
Kate: I didn't expect you to surprise me again this year!
William: It’s not as if you don't know that I’m very loyal to my desires?
Kate: Yes, of course I know that.
William: So, Kate. Shall we make love in bed again, or—
Kate: I want it all. Give me a taste of everything.
William: Alright. … I was just thinking the same thing.
William: We’ll make love so hard, you’ll have scratches on your back.
Kate: Ah.
Will laughed as I looked in surprise at the scratches I left on his back last night.
A few days after Will’s birthday.
I went to the photo studio to collect the photos we took on his birthday—
Studio Owner: Huh? Didn't you just come to pick up your photos earlier on?
Kate: Eh? Was Will here?
Studio Owner: Yes. Fufu, the two of you sure think alike. The photos turned out wonderful too.
(I missed him. … This is embarrassing.)
(But it makes me wonder if Will was looking forward to seeing the photos. I’m happy if that's true.)
Kate: Thank you for taking such wonderful photos of us.
Studio Owner: …
Studio Owner: When he came to collect the photos, I told him “you look happy”.
Kate: Eh?
Studio Owner: But—
– Flashback Start -
William: Happy, huh. That’s strange, because people can never know what’s in another person’s heart.
William: Even though someone appears to be happy, they may be burdened by the feelings of loneliness, conflict…
William: Take these photographs for example. When the future generations look at them, it’s up to them how they want to feel.
William: But that's alright.
William: … Only the people in the photographs know the truth.
– Flashback End –
Studio Owner: That was why I couldn't help but ask him a question.
Studio Owner: “Is your heart happy?”
Kate: What did Will… what did he say?
Studio Owner: “It is, as long as I’m living with her”.
Kate: … I-Is that so?
(I… I see.)
Unexpectedly learning of Will’s genuine feelings made me so, so incredibly happy, I nearly cried.
At that very moment, I felt truly happy.
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starlightrosa · 5 months
Fizzarolli's Nerves
Summary: Fizzarolli is preparing for Mammon's yearly clown contest, and he's getting nervous, as he just has to be perfect. But all this practicing is disrupting Asmodeus's plan of relaxing with his beloved. That won't do at all.
Pairing: Fizz/Asmodeus
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Tickling, Swearing, Mind-Rotting Fluff. (Author regrets nothing.)
(My very first fic! Please be nice <3)
“You’ll do it, Fizz. You’ll be fine. You need to be perfect for Mammon. Always perfect.” the imp mumbled, practicing everything he felt he needed to practice in order to win Mammon’s clown contest for the tenth time in a row. Fizz knew the elements of the contest off by heart, having won it so many times. So everything running through that little imp’s head was covered.
Balloon animals. Pie gags. Comedy section. Singing, dancing, acrobatics. You name it, Fizz practiced it. There was certainly no shortage on what Fizzarolli could do, and he had to win. He had to be perfect.
That was how Asmodeus, King of Lust and Fizz’s loving partner- er, BUSINESS partner, found him.
“What’s the difference between a snowman and a snow-woman? The snowballs! Wait, no. More energy, I need to have lots more energy. Like, twenty seven coffees kinda energy. Okay. You got this, Fizz. You got this. Try again. What’s the difference between a snow man and a snow woman? The snowballs! Hmm, still missing something. What could I do? Maybe I could juggle? Do a pose? Maybe I could hit myself in the face with a snowball? Um… ah, think, Fizz!” the jester rambled.
Ozzie yawned as he came into the living room where Fizz was, the rooster rubbing at his eyes.
“Froggie, it’s eight in the morning. Are you seriously practicing this early in the morning? Come back to bed, babe. You’re gonna be exhausted…” Asmodeus murmured, the grand lord rubbing at his eyes.
Alas, the imp did not heed Ozzie’s warning.
“Ozzie, I have to be perfect for Mammon. If I’m not perfect, then I’ll lose! And I don’t wanna lose, that just-! Ugh. It just can’t happen, okay? I need to be perfect. I need to be better than perfect! I-!”
And that was when Ozzie got on his knees and scooped Fizz off the ground, pulling his beloved into a hug. Despite initially struggling to get out, Fizz soon relaxed and sunk his head into his lover’s chest.
“Fizzie~” Ozzie coaxed, using that voice that Fizz liked to hear. Honey rich and sweet, it always comforted Fizzarolli enough to talk about what was bothering him, and it brought Ozzie some peace of mind to be able to know what was distressing his beloved imp partner.
“Ugh. Ozz, what if I’m not good enough this year? What if I don’t win?” Fizz asked. Ozzie just chuckled.
“Fizz, you’ve won for nine times straight. Ten times this year, guaranteed. And you wanna know why you win so much? Cause you got some talent about you. Plus, Mammon says he wants the best, and we all know you’re the best he’s got. And besides, if that fat Christmas tree wants something better, he just isn’t gonna find it. Plus he won’t give the others a chance, he’ll pull the strings so you win anyway, and I’ll put money on that bullshit.”
“I need to win, Oz! And I need to practice if I want to win. Can you let me go?” Fizz asked, trying to gently pry himself out of Asmodeus’s arms. The King of Lust, however, did not budge a single bit.
“Well, I would on any other day, but I am not having my Fizzie Frog being anxious as fuck. So here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna go back to bed, watch a stupid rom-com, and laugh at it, spending time with each other along the way.”
“Nice thought. But maybe later, Ozzie.” Fizz murmured. And that was when Asmodeus’s grip tightened slightly.
“I don’t think I phrased it as a question, Froggie~” Asmodeus responded, the Lord of Lust’s fingers moving slightly towards Fizz’s stomach. Fizz squirmed a little in Ozzie’s arms, already knowing where this was going.
“Ozzie, don’t you fucking dare!” Fizz yelped, biting back a smile.
“Oh, but I do fucking dare, baby~ give Ozzie that tum-tum, and I’ll tickle those worries right outta ya!” he declared, his fingers finally landing as he snuck them up Fizzarolli’s jester shirt, softly poking and scratching along Fizz’s belly.
Poor Fizzarolli had no chance to resist.
“Pffffhahahaha! O-Ozziehehehe!” Fizz giggled, gently squirming side to side in his lover’s arms, trying to gently slap Asmodeus’s tickly fingers off.
“Hands to yourself, Froggie. Don’t make me get them out of the way~” Asmodeus teased.
Fizz pouted playfully even as he struggled a bit. Rough tickles made him laugh a lot, but these soft and gentle tickles were much worse sometimes if Ozzie was the one tickling Fizz.
ESPECIALLY if Ozzie was the one tickling Fizz.
Ozzie saw the playful pout and he tutted. His Fizzy, pouting at tickles? Oh, that just would not do, no sir.
Asmodeus migrated his gentle scratches down to Fizzarolli’s hips, enjoying the squeaky laughter that slipped out of his beloved’s mouth. “Aww, someone’s squeaky. Squeaky Fizzie.”
“Hahahaha!!! A-Asmodeus, it tickles! Q-Quihihit it!” Fizzarolli managed to press out, a dark black blush adorning his cheeks. Asmodeus had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop audibly cooing at how goddamn cute his boyfriend was being.
“Not until you agree to come relax with me, Froggie. Just say that you’re done practicing for the day and these tickles will stop. How ‘bout that, huh? Seems a fair deal to me.”
“B-But I can’t stop!”
“If you can’t stop, then neither do these tickles, Froggie.” Asmodeus cooed, a wicked grin on his face as his fingers slipped up to Fizz’s torso to prove a point, beginning to gently count his beloved’s ribs. “Two. Four. Six. Eight…”
Fizzarolli was lost in snorting laughter as he felt Asmodeus’s fingers lightly working his ribs.
“Ahahahaha, hehehehe! N-Not fahahahair, Ozzie! Hahahahaha!” Fizzarolli cackled, the odd snort leaving him. For Lucifer’s sake, how could one imp be this cute? Asmodeus felt his heart squeeze in adoration with every snort that came from Fizzarolli’s mouth.
“All is fair in love and laughter, Froggie.” Asmodeus shot back.
Fizzarolli threw his head back, his jester’s hat jangling as he did so. Satan’s beard, it tickled so much!
“Aah! Ah, ah! Nohohohohahaha! Ozzie, not there! Not there, plehehehease!!” Fizzarolli begged, feeling his lover’s fingers tracing at that one spot at the crook of his neck.
Ozzie only chuckled, not stopping the traces. “I’ve not even done anything yet, Fizzie Frog. You can’t be that ticklish here, surely?” he asked, though Ozzie knew much, much differently. It was one of his little rituals he did. Before they both went to bed, Ozzie would give a gentle kiss on Fizz’s neck each night. The imp was rather ticklish on his neck though, and the feeling of Fizz slamming his face into Ozzie’s chest, trying to muffle his ticklish giggles never failed to bring a smile to the Sin’s face.
“N-No, I’m nohohohot!” Fizz lied, immediately going for the defensive move. But Asmodeus was no fool when it came to his beloved partner. Ozzie knew Fizz’s tells, just as Fizzarolli knew his.
“Is that so, Froggie? Funny, I seem to remember that you can barely handle my goodnight kisses on that neck of yours. Like, all I do is this…” he explains, landing a kiss on Fizzarolli’s neck, right into the crook of his neck with an overexaggerated “MWAH!” noise, grinning wickedly. “…And you just fall about laughing!”
Fizz, as expected, burst into hysterical giggles as he kicked his robotic legs every which way, trying desperately to not kick his beloved in the face.
“O-Ozzie! Stop it, hahaha! Stop it, that tickles, Ozzie!” Fizz cried out, a wide smile betraying his true feelings.
Then Asmodeus decided to get a little bit mean. He gently held Fizz against his chest and nuzzled the crook of his imp partner’s neck… before blowing a soft raspberry into the crook. Fizz absolutely squealed.
“EEEEEEEEK! HAHAHA, AAAH HAHAHA! SHIT, HAHA! OKAY, OZZIE, OKAY!” the ticklish little imp shrieked, going limp in Asmodeus’s arms. And that was when Ozzie knew he’d had enough.
“Thought as much, babe.” Asmodeus smirked, finally switching the mood from playful to cuddly as he stopped the tickles, his fingers softly scratching the top of Fizzarolli’s head. The imp melted under his touch as Ozzie walked back to their shared bedroom, the doors closing behind them.
Asmodeus settled Fizz under the covers with him. And soon the pair drifted off, smiles on both of their faces as the sounds of that dumb rom-com in question, Pretty Woman, played in the background forgotten by them both.
Finito! Hope you enjoyed this one :)
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hihhasotherfixations · 7 months
Wedded - Dragon! John Price x Reader | Chapter 1
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When you are mistaken by a dragon as his promised bride, you unexpectedly need to learn how to live with your new husband. After all, the dragon made a deal, and he wants his end of the bargain - you.
Current | Next Chapter
The results of the poll were clear. Dragon Price is first to come up and be written. This was also the only option who’s fic had multiple chapters sooo, woop woop! Hope you all enjoy :3
CW: f!reader, dragon Price, violence in future chapters
Word Count: 3028
Walking into the town, your eyes curiously looked around, an excitement blooming inside you – one you always found yourself in any time you got to a new part of the land, finding cities and villages you never knew existed.
This time, you’d made it to a village just south of the roaring mountains. A range that spanned the border of the land near the east. It was a relatively small village, and as you walked through to the marketplace, you immediately became aware of how close-knit the community was, as everyone seemed to know everyone.
Making you stick out like a sore thumb.
Still, your travels hadn’t gotten you this far if that was something that scared you off. And without further thought, you stepped up to one of the market brokers. The man was a botanist, obviously, selling herbs and wildflowers, your keen eyes curiously scanning around.
“Hello, madam!” The vendor perked up, giving you a once over, noting the large bag slung over your shoulder, as well as the leather-wrapped stick you were leaning on. “New to town?”
“Good morning.” You smiled politely. “Yes I am. It’s very nice.” You said, though as you looked around, it was evident that a scuffle had recently taken place. Broken wood and scorch marks riddling the buildings around.
“Can I help you find anything?” He asked, that typical salesman smile on his face.
Giving a small smile back, you shook your head. “No, I’m just looking for now.” You declined.
As you perused, you recognised most of the man’s wares. Within your own bag that was currently slung over your shoulder, you kept several exact specimens like the ones laid out before you.
After all, you’d been collecting them.
For the last three years, you’d been scouring the land, finding and testing herbs and wildflowers for their potencies and effects. What was once a hobby had become your life, with you abandoning your old one in the process. Yet not a day passed where you regretted your newfound freedom.
“Say, you seem very knowledgeable in this.” The vendor suddenly spoke up and you glanced at him, tilting your head in curiosity. Seeing that, the man explained. “Your eyes zero in on the rarer plants and skip over the common ones. Not many know them like I do.” He complimented.
“Oh, yes.” You smile. “I’m… well, a researcher. I’m writing a field guide on the plants of this continent and their effects.” You said, slight pride in your voice. Though it wasn’t a secret per se, saying it out loud was not something you often did. But giving the man’s profession, you figured it was worth a shot. “I’m looking for some rarer plants and I must ask, what is this one?” You questioned, pointing at a flower to the right. It had white, pointed petals that slowly turned blue the closer it got to the core, yellow spore marking the centre while the stem and leaves itself were green. Nothing like you’d ever seen before.
“That? Oh, that is a mountainscale lily.” He smiled, picking up the dried specimen. “Very rare. Found only in caves high up in the mountains.” As he said that, he turned and pointed to the looming mountain behind the village.
“I’ve never seen them before.” You mused, leaning in to get a better look.
“They’re native to this region. Only grow under very specific circumstances.” He explained and you nodded, curious.
“Is this in a place I could reach?” You questioned, making the vendor frown.
“I would not advise-“ “Ah! Hold on!” A woman suddenly interrupted, sliding in beside the merchant, her hand on his arm. The man looked a little startled, glancing at her in confusion, to which the woman nudged her head in your direction with an easy smile. “Look at the lady, she’s well equipped! Don’t be underestimating her now.” She teased, bumping her hip into his before squeezing his arm to get his attention and sending him a pointed stare, one you felt you shouldn’t be witnessing. At it, the man glanced from her to you – who was standing there confused – before grunting as he looked away from you, muttering under his breath.
Confused, you turned to the woman who turned to face you while smiling wide.
“Sorry about that. I couldn’t help but overhear.”
“That’s… okay.” You hummed, shifting your hiking stick to your other hand, a little put off by her sudden appearance. “So, am I correct in saying you think I could get to where the flowers grow?” You questioned, the woman seeming to light up.
“I am positive! In fact, I would like to ask to make a deal with you. Hire you, if you will.”
That was both intriguing and concerning at the same time. Anyone could take one glance at you and see you weren’t exactly a mercenary for hire.
“Darla, no-“ The man started, placing his hand on her shoulder, but the woman just shrugged it off.
“Hush now, I’m sure it will be no problem.” She smiled, keeping her eyes on you, to which the man grabbed her elbow, forcefully turning her to face him.
“Don’t. This is our problem. We must bear the consequences.” He said pointedly, but Darla scoffed and yanked her arm free.
“We have a perfectly capable young woman here.” She spoke, glaring at him.
“I’m sorry, what’s going on?” You asked, confused and before the man could say anything, Darla stepped in.
“These flowers. They have a healing capability. About a month ago, our village was raided and our supply stolen.” She spoke, a resentment sounding in her voice. “It was supposed to last us through the winter but now new flowers need to be plucked. The problem is that gathering them requires skill and knowledge. No one but my husband can do it, but he injured his leg during the raid and hasn’t been able to make the trip.” She said while gesturing to him.
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear.” You frowned in sympathy, looking at the vendor who had a defeated look, sitting down on his stool behind his stall. When looking around at the village, the evidence of a scuffle was clear. And not a small one. Not only were there the ruins and scorch marks around you, some houses were even burned down on the outskirts – which you’d seen when coming into town.
“Listen.” The man spoke up, catching your attention again. “The mountains aren’t easy to traverse, especially with an injury. It’s not a safe road. Think about this.” He warned, looking at his plants, avoiding your eyes.
Your brows creased together in thought as you then looked at the woman. “So… what is it you want?”
Darla perked up, her eyes landing on you before turning pleading as she walked around the stall, grasping your hands and holding them up between you and her. “We will tell you how to find the flowers. And in return, I beg you to retrieve a satchel full of them for our village. We cannot survive winter without them.”
Blinking in surprise, you looked from her, down to the pressed flower laying on the wood of the stall. You’d never heard of a flower which had capabilities such as that. 
“I-“ You glanced up at her again. Her hand was holding yours tightly.
“You can take this one for free.” She then quickly spoke, grabbing the pressed flower and pushing it into your hand.
Frowning, you looked down at it, briefly studying the colours and make before sighing, looking at the vendor again, who was still looking down. While the thought of a flower having such potent capabilities was hard to believe - not without it having some sort of addicting feature – the opportunity to study it was too good to pass up. “Okay.”
At your simple word, Darla lit up, grinning wide, though it was almost scary as she then turned to her husband and hugged him. “We’re going to be alright!” Before you could say anything, she moved back over to you, gripping your shoulders. “You will save every young maiden in our village from a terrible and ill fate.”
Letting out a bit of a confused chuckle, you leaned back a bit. “Why, does the flower not affect men?”
At that, Darla cackled a laugh – a surprisingly pleasant sound.
“Come, let me give you a map and explain how to get there.” She smiled, placing her hand on your backpack, gently pushing you with her, leading you across the market.
And in the haste of her offering you a place to stay at her impressively lavish two-story house, food, a map into the mountains and all the instructions that came with it, you failed to realise that the herbal vendor never came to the house, nor that neither him or Darla wore wedding rings.
- - - -
Leaning on your stick, you paused at the edge of the trail, huffing and puffing.
Since the early hours of dawn you’d been walking, resting periodically to make sure you’d be fit to continue.
According to Darla, the hike to the nearest cave containing the wildflowers was ten hours – on top of the hour you’d already travelled by horse together with the woman.
She had been incredibly helpful, sticking close to you and repeatedly thanking you for being willing to do this. Hell, it almost felt like she was glued to your hip until the moment you reached the foot of the mountain, where she was all too eager to send you off on your way, taking the horses back home.
Not that you blamed her.
Walking over to the rocky face of the mountain, you leaned against it, staying away from the trail’s edge, not to keen to fall down it. Shifting down to sit, you pulled your backpack off your back, digging in to get your journal where you flicked to the most recent entry.
Opening the page, you carefully picked up the pressed mountainscale lily, turning it in your hand. Before parting ways with Darla, you’d asked her many questions about the flower’s properties. She’d seemed a little flustered, almost unwilling to talk about it.
Glancing down at your notes, you pulled out the charcoal pencil from the spine of your journal, drawing a line down from the drawing you made of the flower.
Hunching forward, you scribbled a single word before a loud thud suddenly echoed through the forest down below, making you snap your head up, looking over the sea of orange-leafed trees before you. Far in the distance, birds rose to the air, making you hum curiously.
Glancing back down at the journal, you placed the flower back between the pages before closing the book, getting back to your feet again, ready to pass the next few hours mulling over your new hypothesis, that one word echoing in your mind.
- - - -
Pulling your coat tightly around yourself, you shivered, tying the strings directly under your chin. Even with the sun shining fully in the sky, the air was frigid – a cause of both the height you were walking at, as well as the nearing of winter.
You’d long since pulled out your woollen hat, keeping yourself as warm as possible, your hands feeling like ice.
Holding your map tight, your eyes glanced from the parchment and up the trail you were currently on. It was small, a goat’s path more than anything and one misstep would result in you plummeting down onto rocks far below.
Yet as you looked right, you couldn’t help but be in absolute awe by the view.
As far as your eyes could see, the forest stretched. Along the way, a wide river shimmered in the slowly setting sun, everything bathed in a gorgeous light, enhancing the golden leaves of the autumn trees. If you weren’t at threat of losing the light, you’d have sat down to draw it.
Looking back at the map, you breathed out, exhausted. Your feet hurt, every step making you question whether or not this was worth all the hassle. Yet as you grasped onto the brittle rock on your left and rounded the bend, you saw it.
A large opening sat in the side of the mountain, a plateau in front of it providing plenty of space. The cave opening alone must have been the size of nearly two houses beside each other.
And about ten meters in front of you, you saw it.
A mountainscale lily gently flowed back and forth in the breeze, the petals gently moving.
Firmly pushing off your stick, you began walking towards it, crouching beside the flower.
It was small, incomplete and evidently not growing in ideal circumstances, too exposed to the wind.
Leaving it where it was, you kept going. The cave sat about thirty meters ahead and your heart began thudding in excitement.
Every herb and wildflower you’d documented so far was one you either already knew, or had vaguely heard of. All of them were known, most likely researched, used in experiments until every purpose was exploited. But this one? You’d never heard of a flower like this. And the thought of you being the first to properly document it? It filled you with an eager excitement.
Reaching the cave, instantly you saw the lily’s on the edges of the opening, blooming in the dirt-like ground that littered the plateau you were standing on, the forest behind you and far below.
Taking off your backpack, you moved over the left, crouching by a cluster of the flowers. Digging into your pack, you pulled out your journal and knife, carefully starting to prod at and study the flower, carelessly scribbling anything of note down.
Your mind was only focused on a single thing, yet as you inspected the flower, you noted that even in its alive state, the colours were less bright than the pressed flower the vendor had given you. Even these flowers weren’t sufficiently growing.
“Is it the cave?” You mumbled to yourself, setting your items down and getting to your feet.
Slowly, you started to walk in through the massive opening, your body casting a tiny shadow in the large circle of light.
For a minute or so, you moved. Yet the further you went, the more you walked, a dread slowly started to settle in the pit of your stomach.
Something felt off.
Stalactites hung from the ceiling, ominous and casting shadows onto the top of the cavern.
The light from the entrance was pale, limited. And as you walked forward, you slowly got to the cap of it. Daylight reached into the cave in almost a halo. A safe circle of pale light, ending where you stood now, right at your feet.
Normally, you didn’t feel like this. Normally, you’d step into the shaded part of a cavern without trouble but in this moment? You couldn’t.
There was something about this place that wasn’t right. Unnatural.
The cave was warm.
It was subtle, not immediately noticeable until you focused on it, but still your eyes widened in realisation of that fact. Despite climbing high up, damn near into the mountains to get here. There was no frigid cold. The difference from the moderately chilly air outside and in here was noticeable. And it definitely didn’t come from the watery sun outside.
A breeze suddenly picked up, a gust of wind so fast you had to snap your hand up to hold onto your hat, your eyes closing on instinct as your clothes billowed and ruffled.
Clutching the strap of your bag with one hand and your hat with the other, you dared to peek an eye open. Yet as you did, your heart sunk, watching as the sun that had been shining on your back was blocked, a shadow sliding in and covering your body.
The gust of wind passed, your heartbeat thudding harshly in your chest as you could hear every breath you took, your eyes wide as you stared at the unnatural shadow currently cast over you. A shadow that shouldn’t be there. A shadow that wasn’t a second ago.
Slowly, as if a thousand weights hung on you, you turned your head around. And the clench of your jaw slackened as a terror fell over you.
Sitting there, sprawled  across the opening of the cave, hung a dragon.
With scales a deep green, its eyes were fixed on you, unblinking while it sat. Hanging on the rock, its massive form blocked out the sunlight, small slivers only escaping near the corners of the scaly creature, the light almost casting it in a halo. Or hellfire.
You’d never seen a dragon before, only heard stories of knights or travellers, regaling the terror and power they could wreak.
You didn’t dare blink or move, just stuck in a staring contest until for the first time, it made a noise as a billow of smoke escaped its maw, a rumble echoing through the cave as it shifted, muscle rippling and scales glistening in the light.
With a deliberate and slow movement, it flexed the joints of its wings, stretching them slightly and blocking out even that last bit of sunlight that was on your body, fully encasing you in its mighty shadow.
With barely anything else to do, you turned your body around to face it like your head was, and as if on cue, that made it move.
Slinking down from the large cave entrance, the dragon landed on the rocky ground, front paws thudding down before the rest of the body followed, moving towards you.
Terrified, you stumbled back, wanting to run, though your heel hooked behind the uneven ground of the cave, making you fall onto your back harshly.
With the wind knocked out of you, you’d barely opened your eyes before you found the dragon’s maw hanging right above you, an amusement dancing in the crinkle of its eyes.
“Please-“ You whispered, only for the dragon to not hear as it instead spoke.
“Finally made the decision to show up, did we? You’re four hours late.”
I’ll try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can! Please let me know what you thought and if there is interest for a tag list for future chappies ❤️
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swarvey · 3 months
paper rings | harvey x f!reader
summary -> you make a confession; harvey silently suffers in his thoughts. warnings -> panic attack + self deprecating thoughts wc -> 3159 tags -> @newtonfinnigan @minnieplier-blog @auroraa-o
a/n: sorry for the drag on this chapter everyone! mainly was struggling to find a song that matched my thoughts, but you're losing me became the clear answer.
to those who hoped harvey wouldn't mess things up, i hate to break this to you … but it had to be done </3 the angst begins.
what are your thoughts?? <33
ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10
paper rings masterlist
chapter nine: you're losing me -> "lose something, babe, risk something."
The first thing you noticed when your eyes opened was how your alarm wasn’t ringing, which immediately started your morning off on the wrong foot. The silence meant you had either forgotten to reset your alarm or you’d slept through it, both of which resulted in the same outcome — a late start to your day, which, inevitably, would lead to a late end. Annoying, sure, but it wasn’t like you hadn’t done it before. 
The second thing you noticed was the bed, because, well, it wasn’t yours.
This was new.
Your head was propped onto a pillow you didn’t recognize, though it still supported your neck just the way you liked. The blankets were nothing like the ones you brought from the city. They were a bit thinner, but much softer, and they smelled nothing like your laundry. They smelled—
Holy shit.
They smelled like Harvey, a mixture of the stupidly good cologne you told him to buy all those years ago and the laundry detergent he’d been using since college.
Suddenly, memories of the night before rushed your head — images of your lips crashing into his, your legs wrapped around his waist, his eyes screwed shut as his mouth fell open with pleasure — and you became painfully aware of the familiar shape already standing in the kitchen. The scent of freshly brewed coffee seemed to jumpstart your brain.
There’s no way I hooked up with Harvey. This has to be a dream, right? 
You pinched your arm as subtly as you could, biting down on your lip to cover up your wince. Nothing.
What could you even say to him? Surely, he would regret his decisions. You recalled how you stumbled upon him and Maru in the maze, how he protected her so easily at the thought of danger. It was clear he liked her. You’d heard rumors around town about how he had a massive crush on her when he first moved in.
But then you thought of the look he gave you when Blueberry appeared; how, for a split second, you swore he seemed lovestruck. Enough to render you speechless, at the very least. You knew it was a childish thought, that it was probably the lighting messing with your head. Nonetheless, how could you resist his offer for a drink? It wasn’t an uncommon thing to do between friends. Plus, it was known the two of you were more than acquaintances — you grew up together, and you would go as far to say Harvey was your platonic other half.
Though, you had a feeling it wasn’t as common to end the night naked and under the same covers with said platonic friend.
Slowly, you sat up and swung your legs over your side of the bed, shivering at the loss of warmth. You found most of your clothing easily, slipping everything on quickly as you searched for your missing top.
“Ah, are you . . . looking for your shirt?”
You froze, turning to see Harvey standing behind you with two mugs in his hand. “Yeah,” you replied softly. His knuckles were white from how tightly he was grasping the handles. “Have you seen it?” 
“It’s in the wash. I must’ve spilled some wine on you last night.” His voice was unnaturally delicate, as if he was scared of breaking you with his tone. “Y/N, listen, I think we should talk—”
“Can I borrow one of yours?” you blurted out, not wanting him to finish his sentence. “Until mine is clean, you know, I should go check on the farm as soon as I can. I’m already late.”
“Right,” he sounded slowly, setting the coffees in his hands down on the countertop. He looked at you with a gaze full of shame and sadness. “I take it you’re upset, then.” 
“Upset?” You couldn’t help the nervous laughter that left your mouth, crossing your arms after realizing you were still only in your bra. “Why would I be upset? I mean, you didn’t mean for any of that to happen last night, did you?”
Desperately trying to distract yourself, you made your way over to his closet, grabbing the first button-up you saw and throwing it over yourself. “It’s okay, Harvs,” you said, even though it really, really wasn’t. “I’ll spare you the apology, okay? It was my fault, I shouldn’t have pushed you. It was my mistake.” You paused, your heart pounding in your chest as you contemplated your next words. “You should know, though, um . . . I don’t actually see it that way. As a mistake, I mean. I wanted it. I’ve been wanting this,” you added, face flaming with embarrassment from your confession. “I like you, Harvey, a lot. I hope you can see past this, for our sake. I don’t want to lose you.”
Fuck. Why did I say that? Harvey, for once in your life, say something.
You searched Harvey’s face for an answer. You typically prided yourself in being able to read him like a book, but for once, you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. His wide eyes stared at you in shock, his mouth just barely parted as if he wanted to say something, but couldn’t bring himself to.
You took that as enough of an answer. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, walking past him to find your shoes. “I’ll . . . I’ll go.”
You left with tears stinging your eyes, Harvey’s horrified expression burned into your head.
Harvey was a wreck.
Or, as Shane would say, a complete shitshow.
As soon as the door closed behind him, he realized what he had done, spinning around on his heel to catch up to you. 
He stopped with his hand on top of the knob. 
Would you even want to see him? Why would you, after he left you hanging like that? Hell, he hated himself for what he did, he couldn’t imagine how you felt.
No, he couldn’t bring himself to chase after you, he was too ashamed. Instead, he watched as hot tears fell down his face and onto the tile beneath him, a quiet panic taking over his body as his mind scrambled for an answer. Was that it? Did he just ruin a friendship he treasured more than anything, all because his stupid tongue couldn’t spit out the words he wanted? Would you ever speak to him again?
Before he could register what was going on, Harvey was curling up on the kitchen floor, his face buried in arms as he tried to calm his breathing. It reminded him of how you used to calm his panic attacks as a kid, usually when his parents would first leave him at Pelican Town.
“It’s okay, Harvey,” you said, giving him a tight hug. “They’ll be back soon.”
But would you?
His breaths were shaky and suddenly he was freezing, wrapping his arms around himself as he desperately tried to ground himself. Harvey hated panicking; he hated how powerless and weak it made him feel. It made all his insecurities come to fruition, bringing to life the countless insults he’d been hearing his entire life. 
You can’t do anything on your own, can you?
You’re just a loser who can’t stand up for himself.
You’re pathetic.
You’re going to end up alone.
God, he felt lonely.
Then again, what’s new?
It took the town about two days to notice Harvey’s absence. When he heard someone knocking on his door, he expected to see his usual two friends, as he knew they’d been wondering about his strange behavior.
1 Unread Message from: Shane
Shane : u good, dude?
4 Unread Messages from: Elliott
Elliott : Are you alright?
Elliott : We haven’t seen you since Spirit’s Eve. Everyone’s wondering where you are.
Elliott : Did something happen with Y/N?
Elliott : Please call me, you’re worrying me a bit.
If the scenario had been any different, Harvey would’ve been a bit heart-warmed to see his friend’s concern. It was a testament to everything they’d been through, and the thought of them showing up at his doorstep was at least a bit comforting.
Upon opening the door, though, he was met with a letterman jacket and a deep scowl.
Harvey realized he hadn’t showered or changed and was still sporting his pajamas.
“I don’t know what the hell you said to her, man, but you fucked up,” Alex snapped, eyes narrowed into slits. “Haley was gonna come and tell you off, but I told Leah to hold her back. You’re welcome for that.”
“Thanks,” Harvey responded quietly, his voice weak and a bit scratchy from crying. “Can I help you?”
“You sure can,” the younger man shot back. “Talk to Y/N. She deserves better than this, asshole. Aren’t you supposed to be her best friend or something?” With that, he turned and quickly made his way down the stairs without looking back. Harvey sighed as he closed the door before heading back to bed. As much as it pained him to admit it, Alex was right. 
Thankfully, there weren’t any appointments to attend to, so he told Maru he wasn’t feeling too well and stayed in his apartment. He felt awful for lying, especially given his circumstances, but in that moment, he saw no other choice. He couldn’t stand the thought of everyone seeing him with bloodshot eyes that couldn’t seem to stop swelling with tears, your words echoing in his ears like some sick joke.
I wanted it. I’ve been wanting this.
Harvey had never been a superstitious man, but he was sure this was karma. 
I like you, Harvey, a lot.
How? Those were the last words he expected to leave your mouth when you got out of bed — he expected the nerves and was honestly surprised you weren’t more jittery. Part of him thought you would be angry at him, that you’d yell and call him an idiot; another part was prepared for panicked crying. A confession, though? He hadn’t been prepared for that, not at all, especially not after the past three seasons where Alex seemed to be smitten over you. Was it one-sided, then? Or had he read into that wrong as well? How much did the jock know that he didn’t?
Questions consumed Harvey as he miserably sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the wall with an empty feeling in his chest. He longed to see you again, and guilt was practically tearing him apart — he kept thinking back to how you’d looked at him before he left, so hurt and insecure and there was no one to blame but him. He’d done that, after swearing to take care of you all those years ago on your grandfather’s farm.
Fuck it.
Ignoring his unkept hair and the dark bags under his eyes, Harvey changed and threw on his coat before rushing out of his house, flying down the steps and into the clinic. He didn’t reply to Maru as she confusedly called his name; he didn’t give a second glance to Pierre or Caroline or whoever the hell else eyed him on the way to your farm; he didn’t even notice your loyal pet staring him down as he walked up the steps to the porch.
Why would he? There was only one person he needed to see.
With a deep breath and a heavy heart, Harvey knocked on your door, praying he could at least somewhat fix the mess he’d made.
Out of anyone on the planet, it was common knowledge you knew Harvey the best. You’d known green was his favorite color since the second day you talked to him, and you would always visit his favorite restaurant in Zuzu City whenever you thought of him, long after he moved away. You even made sure you were always the first one to text him “Happy Birthday” every year, no matter where the two of you were or what you were doing.
After everything you collected on Harvey over the years, though, nothing explained the words spilling out of Leah’s mouth as she explained to you what Elliott had told her.
“So, he’s been making it up?” you questioned quietly, unable to mask the hurt in your voice. “All because he’s actually liked me this entire time?”
“That’s what I gathered,” Leah replied, face grim. “I don’t know, Y/N, it sounded a bit complicated, and Elliott felt really bad for letting it get that far—”
“It’s fine.” Yeah, right. “Thanks for stopping by, Leah, I really appreciate it.”
“Of course. Please call me if you need anything.”
You didn’t move from your position at your dining table until the sun completely set. You’d been keeping more to yourself the last day or two to try and clear your head, especially after you left Harvey’s place so abruptly that morning. Initially, you convinced yourself you overreacted and that you hadn’t even given him a chance to think before he spoke. After all, it wasn’t like your confession to him was like every other one, unless going around and falling in love with their best friends was the new norm.
When Leah showed up in front of your door and explained to you the reality of the situation, though, you realized it was even deeper than you thought.
You’d never felt more conflicted in your life. Of course, half of you was happy to hear Harvey felt the same — apparently he’d felt that way for a while now, which was a whole other story — but the other half couldn’t believed he’d been lying to you the entire time. You honestly didn’t think he was capable of such an act. You were sure if you told this to college Harvey, he would faint on the spot. You knew you couldn’t fully blame him, seeing the stuff you pulled with Alex, but you had also made it clear on numerous occasions that you did not see him that way. You used to think he was super into Haley, anyway, but ever since she and Leah got together, you swore you noticed him beginning to question some parts of himself, too.
But that was beside the point. What mattered was Harvey lied to you for the first time in your life, and you couldn’t wrap your head around it.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to keep pondering alone.
Three gentle knocks echoed throughout your house, followed by a voice you didn’t realize you were beginning to miss.
“Y/N? Are you home?”
You rose from your chair and walked over to the front door, closing your eyes for a moment to gather yourself before swinging it open.
Dear Yoba, he looks like shit.
Harvey stood in front of you with his jacket sitting unevenly on his shoulders without a tie, looking more out of it than you’d ever seen him. Despite being a doctor, he was never very good at taking care of himself when things went downhill. 
You probably didn’t look much better, anyway.
“Y/N,” he sighed, as if he couldn’t believe you were real. “Can we talk?”
You looked at him silently for a few moments, memories flashing through your head like a photo album before landing on the look he gave you as you left his apartment.
“Leah told me,” you blurted, the same conflicting feeling rising in your chest. “Elliott spilled. She stopped by earlier and told me everything.”
He froze.
“So, you know? About Maru?” he asked, sounding numb. “How I made it up?”
“Yeah, and . . . how you feel about me.”
He paled, looking like he’d just seen a ghost. 
“I see.” He looked away for a moment before taking a small step forward, eyes filled with desperation as they met yours. “Please, let me explain—”
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” you asked, crossing your arms. You ignored how cold the air was without a jacket. “Seriously, Harvs, I know you’re not stupid, and we tell each other everything.”
He shook his head as he pursed his lips in thought. “This was . . . different. Let’s go inside and talk.”
You didn’t move from your spot in the doorway. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” you softly replied. You felt a stab of guilt at the hurt in his eyes, but made yourself question him further. You needed to hear him, to have him prove you wrong. “Tell me. What made you hold back? I mean, how long have you even been feeling this way about me?”
His mouth opened, and then shut, his gaze moving to the ground. His hands were in his pockets, but you would bet all your gold that they were clenched tightly into fists.
You scoffed at his lack of an answer, a rising anger feeding your words. “Well? Say something, Harvey, now is not the time to have words stuck on your tongue,” you demanded, your voice beginning to waver with emotion. “The truth’s out, okay? There’s nothing to hide anymore, so you might as well be honest with me.”
“I—” He stopped himself, taking in a shaky breath. “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember.” There was a hint of relief in his words as his shoulders fell.
Your eyes unexpectedly filled with tears at his words, and you silently begged them not to fall. “And those words you said in the saloon that night, they were about me?” You recalled the dreamy look in his eyes as he’d listed off all the traits he was enamored with about the girl he loved.
“Yes.” His voice was just barely above a whisper, and he still wouldn’t look at you. “Everything’s been about you.”
“Why didn’t you say that, then?” You shook your head. “You know what, forget about that. What about now? I told you I felt the same, didn’t I? Do something about it.”
“I can’t.”
You were in shock. “I don’t understand you,” you said, trying your best logic out his words. “I’m right here, literally right in front of you, saying I love you back. Is that not enough?” 
“It is,” he replied quickly, starting to reach a hand out to you before stopping. Finally, Harvey met your eyes, and he looked as if he was restraining himself, like he had a speech written to you in his head that he couldn’t bring himself to say out loud. “It’s more than enough, I promise. You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted this, wanted you .” 
“Then say it to my face!” The breeze sent chills down your body as you saw a tear fall down Harvey’s face. “Tell me it was worth it. Tell me you’ve been waiting for this moment, and that it all got fucked up but we’ll be okay.”
“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment, giving you one last, sad look before walking away. You could only watch helplessly as he left your farm, leaving you standing on the porch alone with the frigid air and a broken heart.
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mimsynims · 11 months
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Fool For Love
part 6
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Author's Note: Sorry it took longer than usual! The first bit I wrote was shorter than I wanted, so I kept writing - and now you'll get more than usual instead haha... (Sorry not sorry about sneaking in a bit of a side ship I have, but it fit in this part and I want Karlach to have her hot blacksmith - yay HeartForge!)
Thank you for the comments! <3
Oh, and as I think I mentioned before, this will of course stray from canon but I have and will use things that actually happen in the game too (act 1/2), just FYI.
Astarion x reader/Tav
Tags: angst, pining, pining while fucking, jealousy, minor Karlach/Dammon, eventual happy ending
Summary: You thought you knew what you were doing when you let Astarion into your bed. He doesn't have feelings for you, and vice versa. Only... now you do. And you're not handling it very well, making a rash decision you will regret. Is there a way to undo it?
It’s eerily quiet when you get back to camp. Not that you expected your friends to still be awake, but the silence feels ominous.
Or perhaps it’s just your guilt making it seem that way.
You’re not sure breaking things off was the wrong decision — the jury is still out on that — but you regret how it happened. Regret being so harsh.
Regret not waiting until morning to have the conversation.
A noise coming from the direction of Gale’s tent snaps you out of your musings. Your body tenses up, readying for battle. Scanning the area, your hand drifts down towards a weapon that isn’t there. You must have dropped it sometime during… during. It aches thinking back and you can’t bring yourself to go back. Not now, anyway. 
You spot a flash of purple and instantly relax. Gale must be awake still. 
Perhaps the gods decided to be lenient after the night you had, giving you the opportunity to stomp out at least one fire you’ve accidentally started before it becomes an uncontrollable inferno.
“Still up, Gale?”
“Tav!” He smiles. “Yes, but I was about to tuck in for the night too.”
His eyes roam over you, but if he suspects what you and Astarion were up to after he and the others left, he doesn’t mention it.
“So, Gale…” You clear your throat. “I actually came over to apologise.”
“Apologise?” He sounds genuinely surprised. “Whatever for?”
“I think I might’ve given you the impression that I’m interested in more than friendship. And that was careless of me.” And apparently, you’re too much of a coward to admit that you used him. “I’m sorry.”
Gale takes a moment before he answers. “You were careless, yes. But I think I may have an inkling as to why.”
“Ah.” Of course he does. “For the record, the circumstances surrounding that… reason, have changed, one might say.” Because you were acting without thought, yet again. “Which doesn’t affect things between us — you and me, I mean. I value our friendship dearly, but–”
“Tav.” Gale holds up a hand to stop you. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
He sounds sincere, and searching his face, you find nothing to suggest otherwise. “Thank you. For what it’s worth, I did have a really nice time tonight.”
“Good. Me too.” A half-smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “I can’t pretend I wasn’t disappointed when you invited the others, but in retrospect, I think you did the right thing.”
“You’re a good man, Gale.” A hug seems inappropriate, so you place a hand on his arm instead. “I’m sure someone better and kinder than me is waiting somewhere out there for you.”
His smile turns wry. “And I’m sure you and your ‘reason’ can sort things out once you both stop being stubborn arses.”
It’s probably because you’re still a bit drunk and in need of sleep, but you can’t stop yourself from bursting out laughing. “I think we would need a miracle for that.” Gale isn’t wrong, both you and Astarion are often too stubborn for your own good.
You expect Gale to at least chuckle, but instead, his expression softens. “It seems a miracle we’re all still alive, so who’s to say we can’t have another?”
He sounds so serious you stop laughing just as abruptly as you started. The hurt from before resurfaces, because there’s a bigger obstacle than stubbornness in your way. “I think I would need more than one miracle to accomplish what you’re talking about, and I doubt that I’m that lucky.”
Because even if you would talk, he still doesn’t love you, and in your current miserable state, you doubt that he ever will. To your dismay, you feel tears threatening to spill. Perhaps you should’ve waited until tomorrow to talk to Gale, after all.
Gale comes closer and puts a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it, sympathy plain on his face. “I’m sure that’s not true.”
This conversation has taken a turn you don’t want to face right now — and with Gale, of all people — so you just nod.
“Thank you for your honesty, Tav. Now off to bed with you.” Taking a step back, Gale lets his hand drop, Gale. “We both need all the sleep we can get, I think.”
“We do, yes.” You turn to leave but not before giving him another smile. “Thank you, Gale.” You don’t elaborate, but you can tell that you don’t have to as he bows his head in understanding.
“Goodnight, Tav. Sleep well.”
“You too, goodnight.”
As you walk over to your tent to change before going to bed, you think you see movement in the corner of your eye, but when you turn your head to look, there’s nothing there.
“And now you’re imagining things,” you mutter to yourself. “No more alcohol for you until we’re somewhere safe.”
Whenever that may be.
The following days go by in a whirlwind of events, and even if you somehow would have plucked up the nerve to talk to Astarion, you never get the chance. 
First, it was Elminster showing up to talk to Gale. You’re still not convinced it was a good idea to let him into your camp — most likely not, considering the message he was here to deliver.
You know you probably should’ve waited to let Gale have the time to process, but he insisted you press on and next thing you knew, your party was in the Shadowlands, facing goblins and driders and Harpers.
And Jaheira.
Astarion has been ignoring you as much as he can since the night, but you could sense his approval when you refused to drink the wine Jaheira offered you. Perhaps you can mend things between the two of you, in time. You desperately hope so, because a part of you already misses the chats. His embrace. The connection.
Last Light Inn turns out to be a place with many familiar faces, but after the long day you’ve all had, you decide to rest before reacquainting yourself with everyone — with one exception. 
To your — and Karlach’s — delight, you find Dammon in the stables outside the inn building.
You hide a smile when Dammon lights up at the sight of the Karlach. He may be greeting all of you, but his eyes rarely leave the Tiefling, even when he talks to you and the others. It soothes your aching heart to know that things might work out for at least one of you, even if your own love life seems doomed.
Somewhere along the way, she’s become one of your best friends. She deserves nothing but happiness, and it feels like she’s one step closer when Dammon tells her that he can craft an insulating chamber for the infernal engine. It’s not a permanent solution, but it’s enough, for now, to finally allow her to touch people again.
You stand back as Karlach instals the chamber; Dammon looks at her so intently it almost feels like you’re intruding.
The chamber clicks into place.
“Go on,” Dammon says, lifting a hand. “Give us your hand.”
Circumstances aside, it’s a lovely moment, watching the two of them.
“Damn. I’m good.” Dammon laces their fingers for the briefest of moments. “And you — you’re very touchable.”
They’re both so adorable you wish you could grab the others and leave these two be. And perhaps you also wish that this could be you and a certain vampire that is currently looking everywhere but at you.
Letting go of Dammon, Karlach turns to you with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen from her yet.
“Tav! I can touch you now!”
“I’m so happy for you, Karlach! May I hug you?”
“Yes.” Her smile wavers with emotion. “Please.”
Her skin is hot against yours but it’s not unbearable, so you wrap your arms tight around her, glad to finally be able to hug your friend.
“Thank you.” She sounds close to tears. “Talk more back at camp, yeah?”
“Karlach? I need to explain the bad news too.”
You can feel a hitch in her movements and when she pulls back, her smile is strained.
She listens to what Dammon has to say, but you’re not sure she fully accepts it. You decide to leave it, for now, not wanting to dim her joy more than necessary.
Back at camp, Karlach keeps touching everyone here and there — even a moody Lae’zel accepts it, albeit reluctantly — and her happiness seems to lift the spirit of the others, too.
When everything calms down for the night, you seek her out. You can feel Astarion’s eyes on you, and in a moment of bravery, you decide you’ll talk to him after you’ve spoken to Karlach.
“Karlach? May I come in?”
“Of course! You’re always welcome into my tent, Tav.” She’s ever-moving, still brimming with energy. “Everything alright?”
“I’m fine.” You decide to get right to the point. “I’m actually here to talk about you.”
“About me?”
“It was impossible not to notice the chemistry between Dammon and you today. With everything that’s happened, and considering what the future seems to hold for us… I think you should seize the moment. Go and find him. Be happy, while we still have time.”
Karlach stops to look at you, uncertain. “You think he would want that?”
“I do. He looked just as smitten as you clearly are.” 
“He did, didn’t he?” Her expression turns a bit bashful. “I didn’t just imagine it?”
“No, definitely not. And we won’t be rushing out of here just yet, so if you find yourself inclined to spend the night with him…”
You shrug, holding back a grin. “I’m just saying.”
“Right.” She nods to herself. “You’re right. I should go right now, shouldn’t I?”
“Yes. Go, shoo.”
She laughs. “So eager to get rid of me. Planning to seduce someone yourself, Tav? I’ve seen your looks towards a certain someone.”
You don’t bother holding back the curse as you both leave her tent. “Am I that obvious?”
“Yeaaah. But it’s fine, and I’m rooting for you.”
You look around, searching for the man in question. “Does that mean that everyone…?”
“Think so, yeah.”
“Fuck. Double fuck.” So everyone knows. And Astarion is nowhere to be found. Again. “He’s not here.”
“Wanna tag along to the Inn? Perhaps he’s there?”
You’re not sure you’ll be able to approach him if he’s there but not alone, but then again, there’s probably no use waiting in camp either. “Yes, why not?”
You tell yourself that if he’s not there, you’ll drink one beer — because gods know you need it — and then you’ll head back. It’s been a long day, and even with everything buzzing around in your mind like a swarm of hornets, you’ll probably have no trouble falling asleep the moment your head hits your bedroll.
It turns out that Karlach is right, Astarion is there. You spot him right away, sitting on a barstool, a goblet of wine in his hand. But he’s not alone. He’s sitting very, very close to someone. You can’t see their face, but the way Astarion holds himself, the way he moves his hand to touch their shoulder…
It seems he has found someone else to spend the night with.
As is his right, but the pain is more than you can handle. You won’t stop him, but it’s impossible to stay and watch it happen. The jealousy would break you. As unluck would have it, Astarion chooses that moment to glance over his shoulder, and before you have time to react, he sees you.
Leave. You have to leave. You spin around and flee through the door, almost bumping into one of the Harpers. You’re making a fool of yourself, but you’d rather have that than seeing a smug expression on Astarion’s face.
Half-running towards camp, you decide it’s time to get over yourself. Astarion clearly has moved on — and so should you.
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kaneaken · 7 months
Furina's Guide to Valentine's Day
From: Furina, To: Neuvillette
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author's note; pumped out a quick Valentine's day drabble for you guys 🫶 Here's some flowers for you 💐
content notes; furina and neuvillette have familial relationship, dad!neuvillette (use of papa by furina), teacher!neuvillette, teacher!reader, gn!reader, school/modern!au, short drabble
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0. Before anything, check target's interest
Furina picked at her lunch as she watched Neuvillette and you talk. With the way you were rambling on and on while Neuvillette nodded his head with a soft smile, Furina knew.
She chuckled under her breath. You two were too obvious! But, a little check wouldn't hurt.
Furina stood up from her seat and made her way over to the two of you. She planted herself next to Neuvillette and sent you a beaming smile.
You sent her one back before asking her about her day. She gave a simple response of fine before adding:
"But Papa isn't." Furina faked a sniffle before laying the back of her hand on her forehead. "Papa's been so lonely! I want him to be happy, especially with Valentine's Day coming up."
Furina settled her forehead against Neuvillette's arm with a sigh. She subtly glanced at your expression. Your brows had furrowed as you looked at Neuvillette to confirm what Furina had said.
"Ah, Furina is exaggerating-"
"Nu-uh! He always ends up watching these weird crime documentaries on Valentine's Day! It screams loneliness-" Neuvillette covered Furina's mouth with a strained smile.
"Please excuse Furina."
You waved off his concern with a smile.
"Well, Furina shows a lot of concern for you. You're lucky to have such a considerate daughter."
Now he had to marry you. No way Furina was gonna let you get away.
1. Make sure your target is free the day of
When Furina approached you one fateful morning, you weren't exactly sure what to expect. You definitely didn't expect her to ask about your availability on Valentine's Day.
However, you couldn't deny her an answer because of the puppy dog eyes she pulled on you. It's not like you had any reason to hide your plans for Valentine's Day, not that you had any plans to begin with.
Furina's bright, mischievous smile made you slightly regret your decision to spill about your plans to just stay home and do nothing for Valentine's Day.
Her slightly evil giggle made you worry more.
2. Plan and consult about your confession with your amazing advisor!
When Furina stormed into Neuvillette's room with a large roll of paper and colorful supplies, Neuvillette already had an idea of what she was planning.
"Furina.." Neuvillette watched as Furina placed the large paper on his desk. The pens and markers in her fist rolled onto the table as well.
"Please, please, lemme help?" Furina asked with her best pout.
"C'mon, I think you two would be a great couple! And I know I can help! Not to brag or anything, but I happen to have an unbroken streak of getting people together!" Furina lets out a proud huff, hands settled on her hips.
Neuvillette sighed, subjecting to his fate. He moved aside his lesson plans and motioned for Furina to come around the desk.
With a beaming smile, Furina skipped around the desk and picked up one of the markers.
"So, first-"
3. Go for it! Make sure it's bombastic with a capital B!
Furina tugged on your sleeve, rambling about how much you were going to love her surprise. Her last surprise had been filling your classroom with balloons and streamers for your birthday. You appreciated the thought, but you did not appreciate how much cleaning you did. You could only guess the surprise this time. The megaphone and poster in her hand only concerned you more.
She dragged you to the field near the back of the school where you spotted a big group of students surrounding someone else. From the white hair you spotted, you assumed it was Neuvillette.
"Alright, formation!" Furina shouted into her megaphone. The group did some sort of messy dance routine before moving aside to show Neuvillette. You watched with confusion (as well as concern when you saw some of them bump into each other).
Furina turned to you and moved you closer to Neuvillette, whose face was just as confused as yours. Once you were face to face with him, she began speaking.
"Alrighty, now, you must be wondering why I've brought the two of you here today."
"I'm here to convince you guys that you are perfect for one another and why you should get marri- I mean, go on a date!"
Furina cleared her throat, holding out her hand to one of the students nearby. The student handed her a large bouquet of flowers, which she handed to Neuvillette.
"First, he got you flowers! I mean, who doesn't appreciate flowers? If you guys date, you get flowers every day. I mean, that's pretty great, right?"
"Second," Furina motioned for a different student to hand her what seemed to be a photo album, "He takes the best photos! If you date, then, you never have to worry about a bad photo ever again."
"Third," This time Furina did not ask for anything. She simply moved to Neuvillette to hold up his arm, "He's very strong! He can carry you anywhere, whenever. He's got muscles."
"Fourth." A small tissue box was given to Furina. "He has feelings! He can be emotional, so you never have to worry about expressing yourself!"
"And fifth, and last reason." There was no object. Furina simply put herself next to Neuvillette with a smile.
"You get to have the bestest, smartest, most amazing daughter ever, me!" Furina let out a proud huff. "I think I'm the best reason, so please-"
Furina motioned for the other students to surround the three of you and throw some confetti at you. Furina unfolded the poster she had been holding and showed it to you. It read:
'Please, please, please, take my dad as your boyfriend! Also, please get married soon!'
Neuvillette sighed as he picked out some confetti out of his hair. He carefully moved Furina, so he could step towards you.
He extended the bouquet of flowers to you and said,
"I apologize for all of this, but if you would allow me, I would love to take you out this evening."
You chuckled and with a smile, took the flowers from him. You nodded to which he smiled and Furina cheered.
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 13
Hey, guys do you all remember that period of time when I was working on this story but refused to show you snippets of it on WIP Wednesdays? Yeah, this is that chapter. (I'm pretty sure, anyway. Because this shit was super spoilery.)
We finally get what happened to Steve and why he didn't grow up as Pack. This chapter does get a little dark in its themes so be careful when you read and if you need specifics, DM me and I'll fill you in.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Eddie and Wayne landed in front of their trailer with a deft touch. Eddie still wasn’t over the joy of being able to fucking fly. Like sure when he was younger, Wayne would take him for flights occasionally, but nothing beat banking on a breeze as the wind lifted him higher and higher.
“Your boy’s got a mouth on him,” Wayne said gruffly as he walked up the stairs to their trailer.
Eddie chuckled. “Always had. Even in school.”
Wayne huffed out a laugh. “True enough.”
As soon as they were safe inside, Eddie asked, “Hey, do you remember that couple who took Stevie in when his parents died?”
Wayne frowned. “You mean the Franklins?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
Eddie snapped his fingers. “Yeah, them. Why was Steve placed with them? And not, I don’t know, the pack?”
Wayne went to the kitchen and pulled out a six pack of beers. “That’s a bit of story. Drink up, you’ll need it for this.”
Eddie opened up a can of beer and settled in for story time.
Wayne downed an entire beer and wiped his mouth off with his sleeve.
“Hopper had gotten bad,” Wayne began. “Like real bad.”
“You’ve mentioned that before. That was around the time I came to live with you, right?”
Wayne nodded. “It wasn’t just drinking. It was drugs, too. And not just weed, either. I’m talking the heavy stuff.”
Eddie nodded. He had sold said heavy stuff to Hopper just before he cleaned up with El coming into his life. When Wayne asked him why, Eddie told him that he had no idea what he was doing with it and honestly didn’t care.
Knowing what Eddie did now, he regretted it, but he was so close to being able to afford his Warlock that that was all he cared about at the time.
“Steve’s dad Clint Harrington was getting ready to challenge Hopper for the position of alpha,” Wayne continued. “He knew that he might kill Hopper, but at that point it probably would have been a mercy.”
Eddie nodded solemnly. Maybe if Clint Harrington had lived, lived to be the alpha, the town wouldn’t be experiencing the troubles it was now.
“So what happened?” he asked gravely.
“Allison’s father died out in New York,” Wayne said. “The timing of it was so suspect, Ed. Like, you know I hate conspiracies with every fiber of my being, because there rarely is one. But this smelled rank from the get go.”
“You think whoever had the Harringtons killed,” Eddie said, “you think also popped off Granpappy, too, don’t you?”
Wayne glared at him, but conceded the point. “Whatever happened to the Harringtons was bad, boy. Like their bodies were savaged–”
He stopped and his eyes went wide. “It was exactly like this morning. I couldn’t tell the scent then, just like I couldn’t now.”
Eddie nodded. “As near as I could tell, there wasn’t a scent to be had. Whatever it was who killed the Harringtons and attacked Patrick, didn’t leave behind a scent.”
“There are very few things in this world that leave a scent so minuscule I could barely detect it,” Wayne said.
Eddie nodded. “So what happened with Steve after they died?” He was interested in the other thing, but he was really worried about his boyfriend.
“The old mayor, Larry Kline and I,” Wayne said amused, “made the decision that the pack wasn’t safe for Steve. But despite what Steve thinks the Franklins weren’t human.”
Eddie frowned. “They weren’t?”
“They were Were too,” he said with wary tilt of his head. “Were-bat. We figured that with them being at least Weres would be able to teach him how to shift and how to shift back comfortably.”
“So what went wrong?” Eddie asked, moving closer to Wayne on the sofa. “Because holy hell, pops, if Steve had been human CPS would have been called and fast.”
Wayne drank more of his beer and then rubbed one eye with the other hand. “I don’t know. I honestly don’t. There were no indications that Steve was anything other than a kid who’s parents died and was adjusting to it. Yeah, he wasn’t exactly happy, but we didn’t expect him to be, you know?”
“So what changed?”
Wayne drank the last of his beer and set it on the coffee table. “They were away on a trip and I don’t know if they forgot, didn’t care, or planned it... but Steve wolfed out for the first in his entire life when he was eighteen.”
Weres were supposed to shift for the first time when they hit puberty. Early teens for most of them. But to not shift until you were eighteen was just begging for the Were to go insane.
“Fucking hell, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie groaned. “Whoever this is is playing a long ass game. Jesus Christ. They were hoping he would go crazy, ending the Harrington line for good. So what happened?”
Wayne licked his lips. “Steve ran to me. He was frightened. Terrified out of his mind. Old Mack nearly shot the poor bastard as he came tearing through the trailer park.”
“Jesus H. Christ...” Eddie whispered.
Wayne chuckled. “It wouldn’ve done shit, it was just a regular bullet, it wouldn’ve even slowed him down.”
Eddie breathed a sigh of relief. “So what stayed Mack’s hand then?”
“You’ve seen your boy in wolf form,” Wayne said, “can you imagine how beautiful he looked then? The cream of his under belly blending with the warm brown of his back and face as he tore down the gravel pavement?”
Eddie could imagine it in fact. Steve was gorgeous as a human, but as a werewolf? He was exquisite. It came from his mixed breeding of being born from another born werewolf and his turned wife. Born werewolves tended to be more timber wolf in their appearance. Almost dire wolf-esque. Big, with course fur and fierce. Bitten werewolves tended toward the smaller red wolves. Quick, slender, and cunning as hell.
Steve was a mix of these two breeds and it made him the most beautiful thing on four legs Eddie have ever scene.
“To fire at something so majestic would have been a travesty,” Wayne was saying when Eddie came back from his revery. “So Mack just stood there, rifle in hand as Steve made straight for my door.”
Eddie frowned. “Where was I? I don’t remember this.”
“You and your friends had gone to Indy for some concert or another,” Wayne said. “I don’t rightly recall.”
Eddie’s frown got deeper, he’d only gone to one concert with his friends in Indy because one of the ‘85 Hellfire Club members had gotten tickets for graduation and had taken all of them.
“Is that why you weren’t home when I got back into Hawkins?” he asked. “You were dealing with Steve?”
Wayne nodded and popped open another bottle of beer. He held one up to Eddie, but he shook his head. Eddie held up his still mostly full can. Wayne licked his lips.
“You’ll want to drink more of that,” he muttered.
Eddie did as he was told and it took the edge off of his anxiety but settled sour in his stomach.
“After I got Steve sedated,” Wayne said, “and yes it was fucked up I even had to in the first place, I went a paid the Franklins a visit.”
“That sounds ominous,” Eddie said flatly.
Wayne grinned. “They tried to tell me that they were frightened of Steve. That as a wolf he was much bigger than they were as bats. That all it would take was one snap of his giant jaw and they would be but a morsel to the boy.”
Eddie blinked at his uncle in confusion. “What now? His first change would have been a literal puppy. He wouldn’t have even been able toddle after them, let alone get within biting distance.”
Wayne huffed. “Right in one, boy. And if they had been teaching him from his first change on, he wouldn’t have thought of them as prey at all. Not even on moon nights.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“And then they tried to attack me,” Wayne continued.
“They did what?” Eddie squawked.
“They probably would have succeeded, too,” he said, “but apparently Steve is a hard wolf to keep down and followed me like a lost puppy. When he saw Dick Franklin raise a fucking yew stake to stab me in the back, Steve leapt on him.”
“Where the fuck did they get a yew stake?”
Wayne just shook his head. “The hell if I know, kid. But in comes this wolf and just snatches the damn thing out of Dick’s hand. He runs off with it Ella Franklin hot on his heels in bat form. Bats are fast and she catches up quickly. The problem is that in or out of bat form she knows she no match for Steve, so she tries to blind him by going for his eyes.”
Eddie’s hand covered his mouth as he listened to him go on about this horrible night.
“But despite what a lot of people think,” Wayne continued, “your boy ain’t dumb. He keeps his head down and makes right for the Creel House. He tosses the thrall on duty the stake and suddenly a werebat is face to face with Tammy Thompson, now holding a yew stake as Steve just continues running past the Coven.”
Eddie blinked. “I didn’t realize that Tammy’s family were thralls.”
“Just like the Perkins, Buckleys, and Hagans are hereditary keepers,” Wayne said with a nod, “the Thompsons, Carmichaels, and Bensons have always been hereditary thralls.”
Eddie was starting to think that he really should have paid closer attention to the hierarchies in school, they were a lot more important than he knew.
“Anywho,” Wayne said with a shake of his head. “Ella flies back to their house to find me beating the hell out of Dick. She manages to distract me long enough for Dick to get on his feet, but now it’s two against one and they’re still strong in their human forms, but wicked fast. I was able to take out Dick, the coward that he was, but Ella was proving to be too fast. She was going to get away.”
Eddie drank the rest of his beer and popped open another one. He leaned forward so that he was on the edge of the sofa, and his knee began to shake.
Wayne put his hand his knee to settle it, but Eddie stared at him wild eyed.
“I don’t have to finish if this bothering, Ed,” he said warmly. “I can give you the Cliffnotes.”
Eddie shook his head. “What happened next?”
“Just as she took flight, the thing they had always feared happened,” he said softly. “Steve’s jaws came down on her with a sickening crunch. Dick started spewing all sorts of curse words and things I didn’t understand. Something about how werewolves were a plague among the Weres and that they had to be exterminated and how if Steve hadn’t had my protection they would have drowned the bastard in the bathtub.”
“What. The. Fuck?” Eddie asked, can crumpling in his fist as it tightened on it.
“It didn’t mean anything until the events going on now,” Wayne said with a heavy sigh. He crumpled his can one handed and stared at the twisted mass. “But I think whoever it is who is trying to tear this community apart is getting desperate. They’re starting to make mistakes. And I think one day soon, this is all going to blow up in our faces.”
Eddie gulped, but nodded.
Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
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koji-haru · 23 days
Swap AU Part: 3
The tall grass swayed gently along the passing warm passing breeze, dancing like soft waves in a golden sea. The morning sun was still climbing up the clear skies, gradually brightening and warming up the garden. Adam was draped over a lion, both lazing about under the late morning sun, and both exhausted after a bout of rough housing. His limbs hang limply over the animal, his breathing was a little erratic, and there was a thin layer of sweat covering his body, giving it a subtle shine. Recently, Adam had been finding it difficult to have energy for himself, but lately, it seemed that Michael’s visits had been slowly but surely helping him find that energy back. Today, he woke up feeling better than he had been in a long time, with a similar vigour that he once used to have, and with a few more hours before his shared lunch with Michael, Adam decided to wander back to places he had neglected since the Lucifer and Lilith thing. The savannah, as he had named it, was one of his favourite places to spend time in. From the long golden grass fields to oddly shaped plants with rarely blooming flowers, it was a place that used to always pique his interest. That, and also because it housed his favourite animal, the lion. Always looking so majestic and refined, but really, they were just as friendly and playful as the other inhabitants of the garden. Adam especially loved playing with them, their fur blending in with the tall grass made games with them much more challenging and fun. 
Regaining some strength back in his limbs, Adam petted the lion, its soft fur easily giving way between his fingers. “I missed you,” he muttered as he snuggled into its fur. 
The lion carefully tilted on its side before swiping the first man off its back, who let out a small yelp, and onto the ground beside it. It then began to eagerly rub its head onto Adam’s, almost drowning the first man with its affection. 
“I see you missed me too,” Adam laughed while trying to hold back the onslaught of nuzzles with both hands.
The voice sounded so familiar, yet something he hadn’t heard of in a while. Still lying on the ground, Adam turned his head to look up at the source of the voice. Ah. No wonder he hadn’t heard this voice in a while despite its familiarity, he had been avoiding the owner of the voice. Adam remained frozen on the ground as he stared wide eyed at Lucifer’s anxious figure standing in front of him. 
Lucifer played with his fingers as his eyes wandered back and forth between Adam and the ground. Guilt had been eating away at him this past few weeks, and while he knew his brother was looking after Adam, he still worried for his best friend. That, and his absence had made him realise just how much he enjoyed his company. “I…would you be willing to–”
“No.” Snapping out of his daze, Adam scurried behind the lion. “...sorry.”
That caused the tightness in his chest to become more painful. Lucifer had some disagreements with the first man before, but never this bad. He had never been rejected for as long as this. And he knew he deserved it, for having hurt his friend this badly, for having betrayed his trust. But he also wanted Lilith’s love. He may have gone about it the wrong way, but he didn’t regret pursuing the first woman. Her love had completed him before he even realised he was missing a piece. Although, the aftermath had left him shattered. Lucifer looked towards the lion, where Adam had hidden his form. 
“I’m really really sorry for hurting you Adam,” Lucifer pleaded. “If there’s anything I could do to make it up to you. Anything!” He tried to take a step forward, wanting to be closer and to see his friend, but the growl and the intense glare of the lion held him back. 
No response. 
Lucifer felt tears well up in his eyes, “I really messed up this time, huh?”. He wasn’t about to give up though. Adam was still here, he hadn’t run away yet, so he still had a chance. A chance to mend their relationship. 
Just as he was about to say something, a hand grabbed at his shoulder, pulling him slightly away from Adam. Lucifer turned to check on the offender and was greeted by the face of his brother.
“Lucifer, I don’t think Adam wants to see you right now,” Michael stated as a matter-of-factly. The first man had been doing well lately, he wasn’t going to allow Lucifer to undo that progress. And while he still didn’t know what happened, it was obvious that the angel of creation was involved. Michael gave Lucifer a slight nod before heading towards Adam, the lion’s defensive posture easing a bit for Michael.
“There you are,” Michael said, a gentle smile on his lips, as he rounded behind the lion. “I was looking for you. I thought we were having lunch together?”
Lucifer stood baffled. Was his brother, the leader of the heavenly host Michael, smiling? And that softly too? Also, since when did they eat lunch together? As far as he knew, Michael didn’t even bother with Eden’s inhabitants, much less try its fruits. But what really baffled him, and made him burn up in jealousy, was when he saw a glimpse of Adam sit up from behind the lion as he desperately clung to Michael’s kneeling form beside him as he whispered comforting words to him. How the first man seemed relieved and genuinely happy to see the angel. It used to be him in that spot. It used to be him that the first man clung to and had shared lunches with. It used to be him, always. But now it seemed that he got replaced. 
Michael turned towards Lucifer’s gloomy form, clearing his throat so as to catch his attention and drag him out of whatever thoughts plagued his mind, “We’ll be going then.” He spread out his wings, all six beautifully blue and white as wide as the cloudy sky. He held out his hand to the first man, “Let’s go.”
“You’re taking me flying?!,” gasped Adam as he bounced on his feet, his mood quickly brightening up. 
“Only if you want to.”
“I would love to!” Adam quickly took the offered hand as he allowed Michael to hold him close. 
“Hold on tight.” And Adam did, wrapping himself around the angel. Before taking off, Michael gave Lucifer a final look, “See you then.” Lucifer gave a small wave in return, his lips in a bitter smile. Then, Michael took Adam to the skies, and Lucifer was left alone in the grassfield. 
Lucifer watched their figures fly away from him, getting smaller every second. In each of those seconds, his friend was getting further away from him, slowly being dragged away from his reach. He laughed bitterly, “I guess I got a taste of my own medicine, huh.”
Adam closed his eyes when he felt the ground leaving his feet and the wind crashing on him. Despite having flown before, with Lucifer, some fear still lingered from being up so high, but the rush and the joy of being so high up overruled his fear of heights as usual. When he opened his eyes again, he was greeted with sights he had never seen before. They were so high up! Lucifer had never flown him this high before, so high up in the clouds. Out of instinct, Adam clung even tighter onto Michael. 
Having noticed his tense grip, Michael slowed his flying as he patted Adam’s head. “Are you scared? Do you want to go back down?”
Adam shook his head, “No. It’s just that,” he turned to look around, one hand reaching out to touch a nearby cloud. “I’ve never been so high up before.” His eyes glistened with wonder. He rubbed his fingertips, slightly wet from touching the cloud before he reached out again to grab a handful of it. The cool, barely there wetness of the water vapours in the cloud felt nice on his skin. How the clouds seemed solid until he made contact with it, quickly dissipating as tiny droplets on top of his skin. And the sights! Everything looked so small from where he was. Rivers and forests seemingly smaller than the palm of his hand. There weren’t even any flying birds from where they were. It was like they had found a little spot in Eden no one knew of. Almost like a secret hideout. 
Michael looked down on the human he held within his arms. It seemed that Adam was regaining his vigour back, the one he had heard about before his visits. His eyes shone brightly like twin pairs of suns, only it was somehow even brighter, as he took in all the new sights around him. And he had never seen the first man smile so widely before. It was always bitter smiles or small smiles that never seemed to be fully happy. But this smile. It looked so genuine and carefree, unburdened by lingering unpleasant thoughts. This look suited him much better. 
“Michael,” Adam looked the angel in the eye. “Thank you for picking me up. Really,” he said as he hugged the angel tightly, truly grateful for his presence.
Astounded, Michael remained still and silent for a moment, the flapping of his wings the only sound in the vast sky. How should he react to this? He didn’t understand how this lanky, fragile human could bare himself open like this. To expose this kind of vulnerable affection. He wanted to correct him, tell him not to lay his weaknesses to predators so openly like that. But he didn’t. Just like the space they were currently in, this moment felt private. A show of trust. And Michael wasn’t one to break people’s trust. So, with awkward unsure hands, he carefully wrapped both hands over Adam, returning his hug. 
Eventually, Michael flew them back down towards the lake where they usually met up. It was already past noon, and it was about time for Michael to return and assume his duties up in Heaven, but seeing Adam’s disappointed look when Michael was about to leave made the angel change his mind. He could stay a while longer. He kept up with his work, so a little tardiness shouldn’t necessarily cause much backlog.
“So, what’s today’s lunch?,” he asked.
At that question, Adam quickly looked up from the ground. Downcast eyes noticeably getting brighter as a smile returned to his face. “Oh, well, I was going to…” Adam paused, then let out a gasp before sighing disappointedly. “I…I left them back in the savannah…”
“What does it look like?”
“They’re mangoes, but they’re much smaller and green and–,” Adam quickly stopped himself from saying more. It was supposed to be a surprise (or more like a prank).
“And..?,” Michael inquired, now curious.
“I can’t say more. It’ll ruin the surprise,” replied Adam, a little mischievous lilt in his voice. 
Michael cocked an eyebrow at that, “Really?”
Adam nodded, not willing to say more.
“Alright then, lead the way,” Michael clapped his hands decidedly.
“Let’s go get our lunch together. Aren’t you hungry?”
A smile formed on Adam’s lips. He couldn’t help it, today was just a happy day it seemed. “Alright! Follow me then,” he said as he waved his hand, gesturing to the angel to follow behind. He couldn’t wait for Michael to try the green mango. 
Adam sat on the ground with his legs crossed, body leaning forward towards Michael eagerly waiting for him to take a bite. Michael sat across from him, now a little sceptical about eating the fruit on his hands. Adam was always eager to share things about the garden, but he had never been this eager. Plus, he had that look in his eyes that didn’t look so innocent. 
“Aren’t you eating first?,” Michael asked.
“Nono, you go ahead!,” Adam grinned. 
That spelt bad news. Michael turned the fruit in his hands, it felt nice and firm, just like many of the garden’s fruits. He brought it closer to his face. It didn’t smell particularly odd, and it looked just like a mango, except smaller and slightly green. Oh well. It was a fruit grown in Eden, what could go wrong? He bit into the fruit’s crunchy flesh expecting a similar juiciness and sweetness from a regular mango, but was instead met with a dry and shocking taste of extreme sourness. Michael pulled the fruit away from his mouth, still surprised at the invasive flavour that invaded his taste buds. The sound of suppressed laughter brought him out of his stupor. 
Adam could feel tears form in his eyes as he tried to hold back his laughter. Michael’s scrunched up face was just too funny to see, and then his bewildered look after like he didn’t understand what he just bit into was the cherry on top. 
“Haha, you should’ve seen your face!,” Adam laughed, unable to hold it back anymore. “I think that was the funniest face I’ve ever seen.”
A yellow tint covered most of Michael's quickly heating up face. To think that he had been fooled and then made fun of by this silly human. Normally pranks didn’t affect him, or at most they annoyed him slightly, but a smile somehow managed to creep up on his face. He supposed it was a little funny, though Adam might have to be more careful from now on.
Part 2
Part 4
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weirdoswriting · 6 months
Hai >:3 can I request some luci fluff? Specifically hurt comfort with luci getting mad at mc while drunk and then deeeeply regretting it when he wakes up the next morning? Ty :33
I have a feeling who this is
But anyways
Lucifer is Drunk
DISCLAIMER: as the title says, mentions of Alcohol, and as the ask says, arguments but, there’s hurt/comfort
Notes: GN!MC, Mc got no name :3, established relationship but can be seen as just caretaker!Mc, they/them for MC, Luci behavior is off since he’s drunk and also this is kind of based of S1 Luci, also no beta read and kinda bad since I’ve never wrote anything like this so I’m sorry!
Lucifer is drunk again. And no matter how much Lucifer tries to insist it, the brothers and especially Mc can tell. But his pride won’t let him try to just relax. Mc sighs as Lucifer tries his best to walk in a straight and proper line to his room. Mc goes and gets a water bottle and follows him as he slams the door on Mc’s face. They sigh heavily as they anticipate the worse. Knocking on the door, Mc is greeted with a “Busy.” Ah, so that’s how this will go, huh? Mc turns the knob, it’s unlock, go figured, they open the door slightly as they look around the room and finds Lucifer lying down on his bed.
As Mc opens the door more to let themself in and close the door, they are greeted with a “I said I was busy.” Lucifer said with a croaked voice. Jeez, how much Demonus did he drink??? “Well, I don’t think lying in bed is being ‘busy’,” they said sarcastically back, to which Lucifer seemed to get angry at it. “Just leave me alone. I’m not in the mood to deal with your antics Mc.” He pinched his nose bridge as his expression turned sour.
“Well, I can’t just leave you here like this, you clearly are too drunk to be left alone,” they said as they understood that they now needed to be careful with their words. Mc approaches Lucifer slowly as he groans and sits up, “Here have some wa-”.
“Did I stutter? I said leave.”
“Lucifer I can’t just-”
“Go! JUST GO!” Lucifer yelled as it startled Mc a little.
“Lucifer, no. I won’t.”
He kept yelling, as his demon form started to form and got up. Mc began to start forming tears, out of anger they yelled back.
“You’re just a human. No matter how much you try. You can’t help me. You’re just a stupid. Human. You’re lucky you’re even alive.” Lucifer said as he got up, and gripped Mc’s wrist. “If it wasn’t for Lord Diavolo’s order. I would’ve easily killed you by now.”
Mc feels tears fall down their face, they free themself from the demon’s grasp as they wipe their tears away and leaves. Slamming the door as Lucifer is left alone. Just like he wanted. He felt relaxed as he walked back to his bed.
But this feeling would soon turn to regret. As Lucifer wakes up with a huge hangover and a huge feeling of regret. As he realizes what he had said. Oh no he thought as he got up. It was luckily a weekend and therefore no schooling or meetings at that time. He got himself back into a stable mental condition as he goes out to buy somethings. From chocolates to flowers.
He knocks on Mc’s door, who didn’t respond. “MC?” He asked as Mc didn’t respond. Lucifer hesitantly opens the door, holding flowers and chocolate and other snacks that he knew they loved. He goes over to their bed as he places the vase of flowers on their nightstand. Mc was lying down and not facing the demon.
“…I’m sorry..I’m sorry Mc”
Lucifer gently puts the snacks and chocolates in front of Mc to which they sat up and looked up to Lucifer. “I’m still upset with what you said.” They said as some tears falls from their face. “I know, and I’ll do anything if it means you’ll accept my apologies,” He said as he held Mc’s hands with his. Soon Mc raised an eyebrow and asked “anything?”.
Want a part 2? Pls tell me if yes :D
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aven7toru · 3 months
🔹️ ;; " stay with me, i don't want you to leave. "
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satoru gojo x reader oneshot (?) ♡
contains ; suggestive, gn reader, partying, drinking / alcohol, romance, swearing >_<
a/n ; I MISS GOJO SO MUCH. first time doing this plz be nice aaaaaa, not proofread i did this at like 3 in the morning... (this is self indulgent)
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Gojo Satoru was not above one-night stands. Sometimes— no, most of the time, the stress of being the strongest sorcerer and also the loneliness that came with it after Suguru left him would take its toll on him. So to distract himself from it, to just feel anything, he'd show up to a party, bar, whatever. He'd take someone home, have a fast one then dip in the morning. No strings attached. Like a hit-and-run, but less literal. It had turn into a habit... flirt, fuck, flee, repeat. Anything to fill the void Suguru left.
That was up until he met you.
Gojo had just recently finished up with a troublesome mission, so he had plenty more free-time to mess around. After walking through the bustling streets of the city of Tokyo, He found himself in the same bar he had visited so many times before, nonchalantly ordering drinks he knew he'd regret downing as a lightweight. Guilty pleasure. As Satoru was only just starting to sip his drink, someone had entered the bar. Someone who immediately caught his eye.
That certain someone, of course, was you.
You were celebrating with your friends since one of them had recently gotten promoted, and decided to take a gander at the drinks of a nearby bar naturally.
His blue eyes followed your silhouette, chin in his palm. He didn't wanna seem like a creep but god, who could blame him. You were the prettiest person he had ever seen, and well, he just couldn't resist as he left the various shotglasses had paid for unattended, to talk to you.
" Excuse me, sorry to intrude but do you mind if I buy you a drink ? "
Satoru spoke with the softest tone he could, of course with his trademark smirk that would make anyone fold. Intently taking in the sight of you, making it clear who he was speaking to. Your friends nudged you and before you could even say anything they spoke for you, rushing you along. 'come on [y/n] ! it'll be good for you.'
Well.. it wasn't like you would decline anyway, after all how could anyone? Pretty snow-like hair, hypnotic blue eyes hidden behind pitchblack glasses, honeyed tone and certainly a charming man... also, he was paying. You went for it.
" Ah... sure, why not ? "
You smiled at him, getting out of your seat as you eyed your companions snickering with eachother as they sent you off. The both of you then sat down nearby the shots he ordered earlier.
" [y/n] , " he spoke your assumed name, basing that assumption off what your friends called you just a few seconds ago. " I'm guessing that's your name? Pretty, if so. " He's said those same words so many times to so many other people, the only difference being the names he'd refer them as. You gave him a shy nod as well as a giggle.
" Mhm, what's yours? I think it's only fair if I know your name.. right? " You chided playfully, although internally cringing at your own words... you weren't really used to things such as this.
"Gojo Satoru. Feel free to call me what you like, as long as you call me." he replied with a wink, arms rested on the counter with his head resting on them. Oddly, as you chuckled, Satoru couldn't help but feel a small tingle that spread throughout his body, giving him goosebumps... He wasn't so sure what it was, but honestly, he didn't bother thinking about it.
" Gojo... I like it. "
Your small talk turned into longer and deeper conversations in the span of a few hours and the both of you grew comfortable, to the point he subconsciously had turned off infinity just at your sheer aura. Taking shots and drunkenly giggling with one another.. Satoru hadn't had this much fun with anyone ever since he was a 2nd year, and oddly enough you reminded him of those days. Your friends figured you were safe in his company. Eventually they informed you that they would be leaving due to how late it was and asked if you wanted to go back with them, but you stayed. Saying you'd either find a taxi or walk home—
Oh, you stayed? He wasn't sure why it made his heart beat out of his chest, why it made him perk up...
He didn't think much of it.
" Ah.. are you sure [y/n]? It's pretty late... it's alright if you go, you know."
" Oh, no, it's okay. I actually want to stay. "
...but, maybe he should've.
Your friends exchanged their goodbyes with you and they went back to their respective homes... now it was only you two. Satoru stared. Drinking in the sight of you and ending up with this weird admiration for you. It was incredibly unusual for him to feel such things about someone he had thought would just be another person at the bar, let alone someone he barely knows yet. Satoru didn't like how dangerously close to the sun he was getting. So he ignored it.
"...right, right."
During the time you spent together, that lingering, hollow feeling of loneliness of his... fades away. And eventually enough, safe to say he's taking you back to his place after the various shots. Speaking softly, he asks you: "Do... do you wanna go to my place?" the alcohol taking the wheel for this one question... he cursed himself for being such a lightweight.
First time he's ever felt shy whenever asking someone to head to his place.
Satoru tipped the bartender and walked out the bar with you at his side. Dizzy, ushering you inside the car the moment he gets the attention of a taxi... driving back to his place.
He wasn't a stranger to this type of thing. Satoru has of course done this many times before and yet... why were his palms so sweaty? He felt so uncomfortable, not because of you but because of himself. Unsure where to put his hands—
You held them.
All the way back to his house.
He didn't know how to feel.
The moment the both of you were in the privacy of his house, your lips interlocked with eachother's. Scary. This is scary. He doesn't understand why. The esteemed Gojo Satoru, he who fought the most anxiety-inducing battles and won, and he's won a lot. And yet still, so scared of losing.
'This is just a one night thing,' he thinks, he lies. How could the strongest sorcerer let himself get so weak?... for a non-sorcerer no less. Roughly 20 minutes into making out, he's taking you to his room. Messy and unorganized.. but navigatable.
'Gojo–' you say breathlessly inbetween kisses. His heart melts. Satoru's eyes bore into yours, stopping the kiss briefly.
" It's okay, call me Satoru, " he says, sitting at the edge of his mattress. Urging you to sit down.. and so, you do so. Straddling him. You swear you heard his breath hitch. He wasn't sure what made this time different from all the other times. But honestly... why would he think about that when he had you right there? He could feel your warm breath hitting his lips. Reeks of whiskey... but it's comforting.
" G–..Satoru, is this... just a one-night thing? " You asked the same question he had been asking himself all evening. His rule of no-strings-attached slowly blurred into wires tangled together.
"...just stay long enough to find out, sweetheart."
Well, this was gonna be a long night.
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borathae · 4 months
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↳ Index [Chapter 05 - Bonding]
Focus on Pairing: Jungkook x Taehyung
Warnings: a romantic picnic date in the forest, Tae is a nervous mess, he is actually a mess in general, so many insecurities and anxieties and signs of PTSD, please seriously someone hold this man, despite these warnings this chapter is so romantic and healing, Kook is the sweetest and most patient person ever, he is so fucking important to Tae's healing journey, they're really bonding <3, they're so cute :(, there is a moment where "smut" could be implied but i can't say more without spoiling the plot, there is no smut though, ah yes there is also talks about being queer and how amazing it is to be queer, i love being queer no joke <3, and i love them :(
Wordcount: 10.4k
a/n: i feel like these warnings are a mess bahahah i didn't wanna spoiler too much, this chapter is definitely the "angstiest" though which says a lot about this story because it's still so fluffy and sweet despite the "angst"
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Yoongi’s softened eyes meet yours as you open them to a new morning. His face lights up, an adoring smile washes over his features. He must have been gazing at you for a while because his cheeks are slightly flushed.
You retort the smile instantly with your pulse speeding up. His eyes are dark brown again, his hair a deep black, and yet, the memory of how they glowed purple last night is still so fresh to you. He looked so incredibly beautiful.
You reach out and caress his cheek, making him flutter his lashes in contentment. 
“Good morning, my beloved”, you speak softly.
“Good morning.”
“Did you sleep well?”
He nods his head and scoots closer to kiss your forehead.
“I love you”, he whispers, making your heart race.
“I love you too.” 
“My love”, he sighs, giving you a gentle hug.
You snuggle into him, giggling quietly.
“Last night was so nice”, you say.
“It was incredible”, he agrees.
“I can’t stop repeating the way you looked.”
“Me neither, my love. Your magic is so beautiful.”
“Yours is just as beautiful.” 
He gives you a gentle squeeze, “my beloved love.”
You giggle, “Yoongi, oh god. You’re so cute.”
You crane your neck, kissing his lips. He smiles into the kiss, purring in happiness as his hand caresses your cheek. 
You break the kiss once you need to breathe, putting some distance between each other so you could gaze.
“I like you so, so much, Boongie.”
“I like you too, my princess.” 
You smile. He retorts it, holding your hand.
“Do you feel normal?” he asks.
“Yeah, just really happy and a little hungry. Why?” 
“Just so. I still can’t believe you let me cum inside.” 
“Yeah”, you agree with a giddy scrunch of your nose, “I don’t regret it.” 
“Me neither”, he squeezes your hand, “if something happens and you change your mind, I will support you. I just want you to know.”
You know what he insinuates, feeling so incredibly safe with him. 
“Thank you so much”, you kiss his hand, “I love you.”
“I love you too”, he answers you and rubs his tummy, “I’m hungry too.”
“You are? Oh poor Boongie”, you go to rub his tummy even if he giggles as a defence mechanism, “should we get brekky?” 
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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Taehyung and Jungkook are up earlier than you because the guestroom is already empty when you pass it. Yoongi thinks that they are downstairs and so you continue your way to the kitchen.
Taehyung is sitting cross-legged on the floor, freeing cherries from their pits together with your grandfather. Next to them, your grandmother is kneading dough for a pie. Jungkook isn’t present in the room, but the door to the garden is open. They have the radio on, playing songs from a long passed time. 
“Good morning.” 
Their heads turn in sync with your greeting. Their voices overlap as they all greet you and Yoongi. You hug your grandmother and your hug your grandfather, then you kiss Taehyung on his lips and caress his soft cheek. He leans into the touch with sparkly puppy eyes.
“Did you sleep well?” you ask no one in particular.
“I did”, Taehyung answers, “and you?” 
“We did.”
“We didn’t get to see you at all yesterday.” 
“I know, right? Yoongi and I practiced magic for almost the entire day and when we came back for dinner, you guys were still out, painting? Paps said that you were.”
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One Day Prior
“Well then, I don’t wanna keep you from it. See you later, guys. I love you”, you say and send them flying kisses. You are below their window, carrying a picnic basket and a bright smile.
Taehyung and Jungkook catch the kisses you sent them, giggling just as you do.
“We love you too”, they say in unison, waving you goodbye as you continue your journey to the forest.
“She’s glowing today”, Taehyung says as he watches you skip along the path.
“I thought the same”, Jungkook says.
“Do you think that she will find Yoongi?” 
“I bet she will. But even if she won’t, she’ll have a good time. She’ll probably just look at plants and cry over small animals.” 
Taehyung laughs fondly. Jungkook does the same. 
“That is something she would do.” 
“Yeah right?” 
You disappear out of their sight as the forest swallows you. The two men shift their eyes back to the view of the forest before them. Taehyung steps closer to Jungkook and hugs his waist tighter.
“Your heart’s racing like crazy, by the way”, Jungkook speaks softly as his fingers play with Taehyung’s mindlessly. He has his left hand rested on the window sill and Jungkook took the chance.
“Because I am with you.”
“You’re a softie.” 
“I am. For you”, Taehyung kisses Jungkook’s neck gently, “my weakness.” 
Jungkook smiles fondly, “softie.”
Taehyung purrs, rubbing his cheek against Jungkook’s shoulder. He slips his hands from their intertwined fingers and runs them along his arms instead. Once he reaches his elbows, he changes his touch to his stomach instead, tracing the lines of his muscles with his fingertips. Goosebumps cover Jungkook’s skin instantly, soft purrs rumble in his chest. 
“Do you want to spend time with me today?” Taehyung asks in a whisper.
“Do you have something in mind?”
“Do you want to paint in the forest? Perhaps have a picnic as well?”
“A picnic? It sounds romantic.” 
“It is supposed to be romantic. We haven’t truly gone on a date ever since all of this calmed down.” 
“Right”, Jungkook agrees, “mhm, a picnic in the forest sounds nice.” 
“Really? Do you truly want to spend time with me?”
“Sure, I’d like that.”
“O-on a date?”
“Yes, that sounds nice.”
Taehyung exhales shakily and presses a kiss to Jungkook’s shoulder.
“I am so happy to hear that”, he whispers and breaks away from Jungkook, “I am calling dips on the bathroom.” 
Jungkook chuckles, “alright, do your thing.” 
Taehyung keeps the bedroom door open, singing to himself on his way to the bathroom. 
Jungkook tidies the room a little. He makes the bed, puts away yesterday’s clothing and cleans the clutter on the bedside tables. He takes the empty glasses of water and makes his way downstairs with a melody on his lips. The shower runs and Taehyung sings happily. 
The downstairs is empty, but Jungkook doesn’t worry. He knows where you and Yoongi are and your grandparents are definitely in the garden. Jungkook thinks that it is so lovely that you got your passion for gardening from them. 
Jungkook turns on the radio and begins making the picnic. He eats a slice of raspberry pie for strength and sips from his cup of coffee every now and then. Food tastes so good when it actually nourishes the body. Jungkook really loves it. 
Taehyung comes downstairs when Jungkook has already finished two dishes. 
“You tidied the bedroom.”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung. He is wearing beige dress pants and a white linen shirt with strings in the front to close the collar. He has his sleeves down and golden rings on his fingers. His dark hair is styled. 
“I did”, Jungkook confirms.
“Are you making breakfast?” Taehyung asks and comes behind him to hug his waist. 
“No. I’m preparing the picnic. I had raspberry pie for breakfast. I saved you a slice as well.”
“I see, thank you”, Taehyung says, nuzzling his nose into the crook of Jungkook’s neck.
“Tae, behave”, Jungkook warns and wiggles out of the hug gently. 
“I am. I just wanted to smell you”, Taehyung defends himself.
Jungkook scoffs in amusement, placing the cooking towel aside.
“I’m washing up now. Take out the bread once the timer’s done and check on the potatoes. Don’t touch anything you have no idea how to cook.” 
“You are mean”, Taehyung calls after him. 
Jungkook chuckles. The door closes moments later.
Taehyung looks around the kitchen. Jungkook prepared sandwiches with various fillings, as well as rice rolls with vegetables from the garden. He also has potatoes for a salad boiling happily and seems to bake small baguettes in the oven. 
Taehyung straightens up after looking into the oven, scratching his head in thinking. He has no idea what he could contribute to the picnic. He can’t cook and the one thing he can make - sandwiches – Jungkook already made. 
Perhaps. Taehyung’s eyes light up. Perhaps he could try his luck with pancakes again. He must be better at them these days. He just must. 
With this glorious plan in mind, Taehyung begins his contribution to the picnic.
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Jungkook hurries downstairs.
“What’s burning?” he asks worriedly.
Taehyung has his sleeves rolled up by now and his hair dishevelled just a little.
“Don’t look.”
“Tae, what did you do?”
“Don’t come here.”
Jungkook reaches his side, looking at the stack of burned pancakes. He looks at them with big eyes.
“How can you burn them so bad?” he gasps.
“I swear I did everything right. I worked so diligently on getting them golden”, Taehyung says and pouts, “I’m sorry. I know you told me not to do anything, but I still did.” 
Jungkook laughs, patting his butt gently.
“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t apologise. At least you tried. And look, you made five nice ones. That’s an improvement.”
Taehyung’s eyes light up, “that’s right. I did manage to make five nice ones.” 
“Good job, Tae”, Jungkook praises and pats his butt, “also, you took out the bread and potatoes at the right time.”
“I even cut them. Can you see?” 
“I can. Good job. They’re cut very nicely.”
Taehyung scrunches his nose.
“Thank you so much.”
“Now can you get me the salt and pepper? We need to marinate this salad. It’s gonna be so good.” 
“Yes, of course. I can get you spices”, Taehyung says and begins working with sparkly eyes. 
Jungkook studies him. He looks so happy and content now that he can be helpful. Jungkook smiles. He likes seeing Taehyung like this. 
“Should I put them in already?” 
“Yes, go careful. We don’t want it to be too salty.”
Taehyung goes careful, sticking out his tongue in concentration. He sprinkles salt over the potatoes, looking at Jungkook once his fingers are empty.
“Was that good?”
“That was perfect.”
Taehyung’s eyes sparkle. 
“Go ahead and put the pepper in it as well, I’m getting the stuff for the sauce.”
Taehyung sings to the radio as he works. Jungkook listens to him with warmth in his chest. He is always the one others take care of, others baby and coddle and try to help. And while Jungkook likes being coddled, he also sometimes really needs to feel as if he could guide someone, as if he is the one being needed. He really likes what he has going on with Taehyung right now. 
He returns with his hands full, looking into the salad.
“And?” Taehyung asks with expectant eyes.
“Looks good. You’ve done so well”, Jungkook praises.
“Thank you, wow”, Taehyung rests his head against Jungkook’s arm.
“Do you want to do something else?”
“Yes. I want to.”
“Why don’t you make a pretty charcuterie box? I’m sure someone like you can make pretty boxes.”
“Yes, oh I love charcuterie boards. Why a box?”
“So we can take it with us.”
“I see. I understand. I am going to make it very prettily. Just you wait, I will work very hard on it.”
“I’m sure you will.”
The two men share lovely silence like this. Jungkook finishes the potato salad and makes little wraps with a savoury filling, while Taehyung works hard on perfecting the charcuterie box. Jungkook also cuts up some fruits and puts grandma’s pie into a container, while Taehyung still works on his box. And as Jungkook fills the picnic basket with the food, cutlery and plates, Taehyung still works on his box. 
Jungkook allows him this time, eventhough he feels stressed about it. He is someone who likes to move fast, work quickly and finish a lot in little time. He would have finished this box ages ago, but he knows not to comment on it. Taehyung needs it. Jungkook knows way better than one might assume, how important such small moments of quiet are to a traumatised mind. 
So he lets Taehyung work and busies himself with cleaning instead. Taehyung doesn’t notice until Jungkook wipes the counter a little to his right. He lifts his head, looking around the room with big eyes.
“Am I taking too long?”
“It’s okay. Take your time.”
“I am sorry, I am almost finished. I, I am trying to get all the details right.”
“It’s okay, take your time. We still have all day”, Jungkook assures him with a chaste kiss to his jawline, “I’m gonna pop into the garden real quick and ask grandma if they have painting supplies. Take your time, okay?”
Taehyung nods his head, lowering it shyly afterwards.
“Take your time, okay? You’re doing well.”
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Taehyung has finished his charcuterie box, as well as finished packing the basket when Jungkook comes back inside with your grandmother. They are talking about painting as she shows him what they could take for their picnic. Once all supplies are packed, they leave the cottage to finally go on their forest adventure. Jungkook carries everything because he finished putting on his shoes sooner than Taehyung. The latter jogs so he could open the garden door. 
“Thank you”, Jungkook says and enters the forest path. 
Taehyung closes the door, then does another light jog to catch up with Jungkook.
“Should I help you?” he offers, trying to reach for the heavy picnic basket.
“It’s okay, I can manage”, Jungkook says as he carries it with ease. It doesn’t feel heavy to him at all.
“At least let me carry the blanket.”
“It’s fine, seriously.” 
“I feel so useless now.”
Jungkook ogles him and gives up with a sigh.
“Actually, maybe you could carry the blanket. It’s kinda heavy.”
“Of course”, Taehyung says and takes it happily. He throws it over his shoulder, giving Jungkook a shy grin. One Jungkook retorts. 
Their adventure takes them past the lake you and Yoongi are spending time together at. The sound of someone cutting wood fills the air. 
“So this is where she went”, Taehyung says. 
“I guess so, yeah”, Jungkook agrees.
The two men slow down and linger in hiding. Yoongi is cutting wood while you are on the blanket reading a book. You and he seem peaceful and truly lost in your own little world.
“Should we join them?” 
“No, let’s give them their privacy.” 
“Very well. Then I want to walk along this path”, Taehyung says and takes Jungkook’s hand to lead him away. 
Jungkook looks at their intertwined hands, then at Taehyung’s face. The latter seemed content and as if the sudden skinship felt normal to him. 
“The sunlight looks especially beautiful on this path, wouldn’t you agree?” Taehyung asks, looking at Jungkook. He flusters and pulls his hand away, “forgive me.”
“It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong”, Jungkook assures him in a soft voice. 
Taehyung lowers his eyes shyly and reaches for Jungkook’s hand again. Carefully. Just a brush of his fingers to test the waters. Pull away. Cheeks flush. Jungkook reaches out and intertwines his fingers with Taehyung, making the decision for him. 
Taehyung meets his eyes and giggles. 
“Mhm”, Jungkook lets out and smiles fondly. He never imagined Taehyung to be so timid, but he likes that he is. Normally, Jungkook is always the one who everyone wants to baby and call shy. So it is a very nice and welcome change to feel as if he could be the one babying someone. 
He pulls Taehyung just a little closer, “you said the sunlight looks especially nice here?”
“Yes, I did. At least I think it does”, Taehyung says and flusters again, “ah please forgive me”, he gets out, breaking away to hide his face in his hands and giggles. 
“What’s the matter?” Jungkook asks in a chuckle, nudging his arm playfully, “why are you so shy?”
“You make me shy”, Taehyung says and glances at Jungkook, “stop it, please.”
“Why? I’m not even doing anything”, Jungkook complains in laughter, stumbling slightly when Taehyung pushes at his arm softly. 
“Yes, you do. You look at me.”
“Oh? I’m sorry then, it won’t happen again”, Jungkook teases and turns his head away. 
Taehyung rounds him, but Jungkook turns his head away again. 
“No”, Taehyung laughs and rounds Jungkook again only for the latter to turn his head away. 
Taehyung whines and grasps for Jungkook, “don’t do that”, he is laughing. 
Jungkook laughs as well, feeling happy when he can tease Taehyung one more time by turning his head away as the latter tries to get his eye contact. 
“I didn’t mean it”, Taehyung says and cups Jungkook’s face. They fight each other gently. Jungkook could easily win in this realm, but he lets Taehyung win instead, laughing heartily at his adorable attempts to steal a glance. 
Taehyung pulls him closer and rubs his nose against Jungkook’s. Jungkook keeps his eyes closed on purpose.
“Look at me, please”, Taehyung begs in a whisper as his fingers grasp Jungkook’s face almost desperately.
Jungkook opens his eyes. 
Taehyung melts in giddiness instantly, scrunching his nose. He flutters his lashes prettily, letting out a shy giggle.
Jungkook chuckles softly and steals a kiss. 
“You’re adorable right now”, he says, sliding his hand together with Taehyung’s and tugging softly, “come on, the basket’s getting heavy.”
Taehyung follows him with wobbly knees, hugging his arm. He rests his head against Jungkook’s shoulder, twisting the fabric of his shirt mindlessly. He hasn’t felt this way about a man in decades. He feels so entirely silly for it because in the grand scheme of endless time, he has only been with Jungkook for a very short time. Four months ever since Namjoon was defeated to be exact. The two men didn’t have enough time yet to truly get to know each other. Taehyung shouldn’t feel so strongly for him already, but he cannot help himself. Courting Jungkook makes Taehyung feel like a giddy, young queer again. He hasn’t felt this way in forever.
He keeps these thoughts to himself however because he fears to be too much. That is why he shied away from holding his hand or why he didn’t dare to call it a date. Yes, Jungkook is very openly and proudly bisexual, but Taehyung doesn’t want to be the reason why Jungkook could question it in a negative way. Taehyung truly feels that he could make him question it. Oh, he feels so insecure lately. As if he was a desperate, pitiful beggar asking for something he wasn’t worthy of. 
Taehyung lifts his head from Jungkook’s shoulder, deepening the hand holding. He gulps. They begin again. The painful thoughts. They have been haunting him for months. They keep him up at night and steal his desire to be creative. The once beautiful sunlight is invisible to him right now. Jungkook’s hand in his’ feels like an act of pity. Taehyung wants to gulp, but can’t because his throat is beginning to constrict. 
“Look. What do you think of this spot?” Jungkook asks and slows down on a small clearing. A patch of grass is stretching its green arms to the sunlight. Small forest flowers break up the lush green in specks of white and yellow. The spot is romantic and intimate. Jungkook knows that Taehyung will like it, so he gets worried when the latter doesn’t answer him.
He looks at him. Taehyung is staring into nothingness with glassy eyes. He is at the same time breathing heavily and not breathing at all.
“Tae?” Jungkook tries, giving his hand a gentle shake.
Taehyung doesn’t react, so Jungkook tries again.
“Taehyung?” he says a little louder.
When Taehyung doesn’t react again, he places himself in front of him and cups his cheeks.
“Taehyung, hey.”
Taehyung flinches, blinking his eyes a few times before they finally focus on Jungkook.
“I lost you for a moment. Are you okay?” 
Taehyung grows embarrassed instantly, “please forgive me”, he whispers, trying to lower his head, but Jungkook doesn’t let him.
“Don’t apologise, you didn’t do anything wrong”, he assures him and brushes his thumb over his cheeks, “what’s the matter? Where did you go when I lost you?”
Taehyung shakes his head.
“You can’t say yet?”
He nods his head.
“Is it too painful?” 
He hesitates, but nods his head in the end.
“I understand. Well, I’m glad that you’re back again and if you want to, you can talk to me.” 
Taehyung nods his head and leans into Jungkook’s touch. He closes his eyes and sighs in relief.
“Now. What do you think of this spot? I think it’s very romantic”, Jungkook asks in order to take his mind off of whatever haunted him before. 
Taehyung peels his eyes open and looks around for a bit. His face gains a happy glow as more and more seconds pass and soon, he carries an honest smile on his lips. 
“I love this spot. It is so romantic”, he says.
“Yeah, right? Let’s set up our picnic here. Come on, teamwork. we’ll put down the blanket together.”
“Yes, alright”, Taehyung says with newly found joy in his voice. 
The two men work perfectly together to prepare the picnic. They lay out the blanket, put down a few pillows and spread out the containers of food. Jungkook hands them to him and Taehyung opens the lids. It is truly perfect teamwork and only a few moments later, the picnic is set up. 
Jungkook and Taehyung are facing each other because it naturally happened this way. Obviously, both men have their shoes off. Jungkook leans back on his hands and stretches out his legs.
“Ah”, he sighs contently, “that’s life. Picnics in nature are the best.” 
He closes his eyes and tilts his face up into the sun. The light feels warm on his skin, filling him with a sense of freedom. He missed the sunlight so much. In the real world, he can’t stay in it for too long because his sensitive eyes would begin aching way too much. Jungkook really treasures the sunny moments here.
Taehyung watches him with a racing heart. Every single inch of his face is perfect. His jawline, his chin, his lips, his nose and forehead. The way his eyes look closed and how his cheeks are so soft. Because he is human in this world, Jungkook’s skin finally looks alive again. It is golden in the sunlight. Taehyung doesn’t exaggerate. He truly thinks that his skin looks as if made out of pure gold. 
Taehyung reaches for his paper and gouache paints and begins sketching what he sees. Taehyung imagines everything in shapes of different colours when he paints. Humans, animals, nature and architecture are basically all just made up of different shapes in different colours to him, which he will replicate in his art until it shows what he sees. Taehyung thinks that Jungkook’s shapes are the most beautiful shapes he has seen in a man’s face in a long time. 
Jungkook moves out of the position when he doesn’t hear Taehyung after a few moments. Worry is prominent in his eyes, he must have thought Taehyung was lost in painful thoughts again.
“What are you doing?” he asks him, studying him.
Taehyung lifts his head and widens his eyes.
“Please don’t move. I am not done yet.”
“Are you drawing me?”
“Yes, please move back to how you were before.”
Jungkook chuckles and does as he is told.
“Like this?”
“No, not like this. Tilt it further.”
Jungkook fixes his head.
“Like this?” 
“No, wait”, Taehyung says and gets on his knees so he could reach for Jungkook’s head. He fixes his position in his stead, oblivious to Jungkook’s eyes on him until he goes to fix the strands of hair on his forehead. Jungkook is smiling at him, letting his pretty eyes run over his face. There is fond playfulness sparkling in them.
Taehyung flusters, pulling his fingers away. 
“Forgive me. I didn’t ask for permission to touch”, he whispers, feeling mesmerised by Jungkook’s eyes.
Jungkook stays quiet, which makes Taehyung nervous.
“I am sorry”, he says, “really.”
Jungkook reaches up and brushes the back of his hand over Taehyung’s chin.
“You’re so handsome”, he whispers.
“What?” Taehyung breathes, feeling lightheaded.
“You’re so handsome”, Jungkook says and smiles, tracing his thumb over Taehyung’s lips.
They part. His eyes lower. His cheeks flush.
“Oh god”, Taehyung presses out and falls back with his face hidden in his hands, “please stop it.”
“Why? You’re normally not that shy.”
“Because you aren’t like this normally.”
“I don’t know what you’re saying. I’m just as I always am.” 
“No you are not, you are looking at me.”
“Why am I not allowed to look at you?” Jungkook laughs and closes the distance between them to overwhelm Taehyung. He pushes him to his back, grabbing his wrists to pin them above his head. 
“Ah”, Taehyung moans softly, having to gasp for air afterwards. 
Jungkook is pinning him down, staring so deeply into his eyes, Taehyung feels dizzy. 
“Mhm? Why am I not allowed to look at you?” Jungkook whispers in a slight rasp. 
“I, I”, Taehyung stutters, but can’t think of anything to say.
Jungkook chuckles and places a kiss on Taehyung’s jawline. The latter arches his back and sighs, parting his legs for something which never comes. 
“You’re so cute, Tae”, Jungkook whispers and breaks away to return to the pose.
Taehyung needs a few moments to function again. He lies still on the blanket, staring at the sky with a racing heart. The spot Jungkook kissed is tingling uncontrollably, his stomach is spilling over with butterflies. He is done for, isn’t he? 
In the past, Taehyung was the one to fluster Jungkook, to steal his breath and make him malfunction with just a touch. Not anymore, not when true feelings are involved. Nothing but a look is already enough to mess up his thoughts, a touch truly renders him useless. Taehyung is so done for.
“Are you going to paint me?” Jungkook asks. 
“Forgive me, I”, Taehyung sits up and tries to fix his hair. His fingers shake a little as he reaches for his brush, “ye-yes I am. Please uhm, please hold still.”
Jungkook chuckles, “you’re so cute”, he says and closes his eyes.
They spent quiet like this, but it is never truly silent. The song of birds, the humming of insects and the rushing of the wind keeps them company. Taehyung’s brush makes a faint sound as he guides it over the paper. It doesn’t take him long to finish his sketch. He has been painting for more than eight hundred years after all.
“You are allowed to move again.”
“Yeah? Did I turn out well?” Jungkook asks and tries to look.
“No peeking”, Taehyung says and moves the paper away, “I want to finish it first.”
“Alright, if you say so”, Jungkook chuckles and sits back. He shifts his eyes to the picnic, “you don’t mind if I start eating, do you?”
“No, go ahead.” 
“Mhhm nice. Oh all of that looks so yummy. Mhm what should I take first? Uh gimbap”, Jungkook mumbles to himself as he fills his plate with a variety of foods.
Once his plate is finished, he prepares one for Taehyung as well. He places it next to him, laughing when he moves the paper away panickedly.
“I wasn’t tryna peek, just made you food.”
“Oh. Thank you”, Taehyung says with a blush. 
“Enjoy”, Jungkook says and pecks his pink cheek, before sitting back to begin eating. 
He does so with his eyes scanning over the scenic view. The sunlight breaks through the leaf canopy perfectly so that the sun rays are visible. There are small bugs and butterflies fluttering in the lights. 
“I think I wanna paint the forest”, Jungkook says and busies himself by setting up his painting station. He makes breaks for snacking every now and then.
“The forest is a wonderful motive”, Taehyung murmurs with his mouth stuffed with food. He truly enjoys the taste. Jungkook is a very talented cook.
“Yeah, I agree. Have you been painting for long?” 
“Yes, all my life. Even when I was still human, I painted in my spare time.”
“Damn, then you’ve been painting for forever.”
“I truly enjoy it. Painting, or art in general, brings me great peace of mind. I find myself truly zone out whenever I create art.”
“I get that. My brain sorta shuts off too when I paint.”
“So you paint as well?”
“I do, yeah. Just not as passionately as you.”
“I see. Did you paint as a human as well?” 
“No, not really. I was more of a drawing kinda guy back then. I always loved the sketches I did, but hated colouring them. I honestly still do. I prefer to draw than to paint.” 
“I see. I really love drawing as well, but I prefer painting.”
“It suits you.”
“What does that mean?” Taehyung asks, meeting Jungkook’s eyes.
“Just that painting suits you”, he smiles, “it’s a compliment.”
“Oh”, he flusters, looking away, “thank you.”
Jungkook feels warm fondness in his chest for Taehyung. He is genuinely so cute when he flusters.
“Okay, idea. What are your top five art forms?” he asks because he wants to keep talking to him.
“My top five art forms?” 
“Yes, painting, sculpting, stuff like that. What are your top five? They don’t have to be in order, just what do you love the most?” 
“No one ever asked me that before.”
“I thought it could be fun. Normal date questions can be so boring.”
Taehyung flusters. A date. He is truly on a date. He almost forgets about his answer because of how giddy he feels.
“Well then, uhm”, he begins, “I would say that painting is my most favourite, I enjoy pottery a great deal and the entire process of painting the pieces. I would also consider embroidery to be one of my favourites.”
“Yes, I like it.”
“That’s so cool. I never tried embroidery before, but I think it’s such an impressive art skill.”
Taehyung studies Jungkook’s features. Jungkook doesn’t hate him, does he? He is actually interested in him. Taehyung doesn’t need to feel like a pitiful beggar because there is nothing he needs to beg for with Jungkook. He gives him attention and interest willingly. Taehyung cannot put his feelings into words yet, but what Jungkook is doing right now feels healing to Taehyung. 
“It is so much fun. I really love it”, Taehyung says and takes a deep breath. The air filling his lungs feels so good all of a sudden. 
“You have to show me how to do it one day. I would love to learn.”
“Yes. Yes, I can teach you”, Taehyung says, bouncing on the spot excitedly. 
Jungkook grins, “awesome. I’ll take you up on your offer then. Now back to the question, give me two more.”
Jungkook is so interested in him. Holy fuck, Taehyung feels like finally diving up for air after an endless battle under water. He talks with his heart racing addictingly in his chest.
“I would also say that I enjoy writing poetry a great deal and my fifth thing would be” he thinks for a moment, “does music count?”
“Of course it does.”
“Then I would say that I truly enjoy music. Making it or writing it. I love it.”
“These are good answers. They fit you all so well.”
Taehyung blushes. They fit him. His favourite art fits him. 
“Thank you”, he whispers with a racing pulse. This is what being human is about. Racing heartbeats because of love.
“Now ask me a question. Let’s make a game out of it. We take turns asking questions.”
“Oh, I love this idea. I shall think of a question.”
“Don’t be shy. Every question is allowed. Even dirty ones.”
Taehyung blushes, “don’t say that.”
Jungkook laughs.
Taehyung takes in the sound and puts it into his memory drawer of favourite things. He studies Jungkook for a moment. He wants to get the first question right. Jungkook’s first question was so perfect that Taehyung doesn’t want to disappoint. Jungkook bites off from his sandwich. Food! Taehyung has the first question!
“Have you been cooking for long?” 
“Yes, I liked to occasionally cook as a human, then had to give it up for a while because of my curse, but when I moved in with Seokjin and Hoseok joined us, I picked it up again.”
“That is so wonderful. I never learned how to cook.”
“I can teach you.”
“Oh? Oh no”, Taehyung shakes his head and laughs, “it’s rotten work.”
“Not to me.” 
Taehyung stops laughing. He meets Jungkook’s eyes. The latter smiles sweetly.
“Not to me it’s not. I can teach you”, he says. 
Something inside Taehyung snaps. Or shifts into its rightful place. Whatever the case, Taehyung cannot take the feelings in his chest and so he acts. 
He closes the distance between him and Jungkook, grasping his face to pull him into a kiss. A kiss so passionate he feels tears well up in his eyes.
“Mhm”, Jungkook lets out in surprise, closing his eyes after a few moments of baffled blinking. 
He laughs into the kiss, combing his fingers through Taehyung’s hair. The kiss is so passionate. So desperate. Filled with such urgent pleas. Jungkook soon feels his composure falter. He was never kissed like this before. He was kissed with passion, with desire, with desperation, with warm love and adoration, but he was never kissed with such suffocating urgency before. He was never kissed as if it was the only remedy to an ache unknown, as if his lips carried the only spark of life a dying flame clings to.
When Taehyung breaks the kiss, Jungkook feels just a little out of it. Not in a sexual way, but in a deeply emotional way. His lips still taste his kiss, his scalp still feels the paths his fingers took. 
“Can I be yours?” Taehyung whispers shakily, resting his forehead against Jungkook’s.
“Please. I, I know I am rushing it. I know that I am too much and that I am not easiest to like, but-”
Jungkook places his finger against Taehyung’s lips. Taehyung exhales shakily.
“Tae, why are you asking this? You’re already mine.”
“I am?” 
Jungkook nods his head, breaking away from him just so he can cup his cheek. Taehyung gazes up at him, holding his breath. The adoration in Jungkook’s eyes is honest and goes so very deep.
“You’ve been mine for months. Do you think that I see this as a casual fling?”
“I don’t know”, Taehyung whispers.
“Well, I don’t. I don’t do flings, I do it seriously or I don’t do it at all. You’ve been mine for months now.” 
“Oh”, Taehyung lets out and overwhelmed by his feelings, he falls around Jungkook’s neck in a tight hug.
Jungkook chuckles fondly, hugging him back.
“I was so worried.”
“I could tell. Don’t be anymore, I want this to be serious just as much as you do.”
Taehyung lets out a relieved laugh and buries his face in the crook of Jungkook’s neck. He sobs softly afterwards, grabbing a bundle of his hair to hold it for support. He needs it. He would be lost without it.
“Hey, what’s the matter? Why are you crying?” Jungkook asks worriedly.
“I haven’t felt like this for a man in decades. I feel so young again. So, so…so…I feel so alive.” 
“You’re so sweet, Tae. I feel really happy as well.” 
Taehyung sits back on his feet, taking Jungkook’s hands. His glassy eyes never leave his’, racing between them in adoring obsession.
“I love being queer when I can feel this way.”
“You do?”
Taehyung nods his head, “I witnessed many phases of humanity and how it handled us. Most weren’t good. But the way you make me feel makes me so happy to be who I am.” 
“Yes. Oh yes, I am so happy. I am queer”, he spills tears, smiling, “I am queer and I am free and I, I”, he falters, furrowing his brows as his lower lip trembles.
“Go on”, Jungkook encourages him in a whisper, thumb caressing his knuckles slowly.
“I am in love with you. I am so deeply in love with you that I could fill galaxies with it. This isn’t desire. I could go without sleeping with you if that is what you asked. I could miss out on sex. I could. I, I truly could be-because what makes me happiest is being with you.”
Taehyung fights for air before he continues.
“You have no idea what this means. I live for sex, I enjoy it, I desire it, I need it. But if we never made love again, I wouldn’t miss it because I could still be with you. I love you so much that I finally know what it is to love.” 
Silence. Taehyung is panting for air. Jungkook studies his face.
“God Tae”, he says “you really held back on a lot, didn’t you?”
Taehyung shies away. His chest tightens. He was too much. Came off as overbearing and as if he wanted to bury Jungkook in love. 
“I’m sorry”, he chokes out.
“No, god I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it in a negative way. I’m happy that you are letting it out. I wanna be someone you can share your feelings with safely”, Jungkook says and tilts his head up so their eyes reconnect, “okay?”
Taehyung nods his head, feeling the warmth return to his chest. 
“I’m happy to be queer as well, Tae. I grew up in a very conservative, queerphobic time, so to be surrounded by people like us and to have the opportunity to love freely, makes me so happy to be queer.” 
Taehyung agrees with a nod of his head. 
“And I love spending time with you as well. You are cute and gentle and you have a good heart. I know you’re older than me, but I want to protect you and take care of you. It makes my heart race and I know it’s because I’m falling in love with you, I can feel that I am.” 
“You do? You really do?” 
“I do”, Jungkook smiles, “I don’t lie about love. If I say something, I mean it.”
“Oh”, Taehyung gets out and hugs him, “I’m so happy.”
The two men hug for quite a while. They settle back in their places after the hug, but sit a lot closer together. Their knees are touching at all times, sometimes Taehyung or Jungkook reaches over to caress the other’s leg. Taehyung can’t stop sneaking glances at Jungkook and neither can the latter. It feels good to know that the other felt the same.
“Were you in a queer relationship before our poly family?” Taehyung asks and picks his paint brush back up. He can barely paint. He is so giddy that his hand is shaking in a positive way.
“No”, Jungkook shakes his head, “the only relationship I had before our poly family was with my human sweetheart. Otherwise, I wasn’t in any kind of relationship before our poly family. I tried not to kill people by staying away from them.” 
“I see. I am sorry. Life must be so lonely as a Ripper or Glutton.” 
“It really fucking is”, Jungkook says and despite his words, smiles at Taehyung, “but I’m not lonely anymore. I have our family. My past was sad, but my present isn’t anymore.” 
Taehyung smiles, “that is so good to hear. You deserve it.” 
“Thanks. Yeah”, Jungkook says and looks at his painting. He looks just a little shy. Shy, but also content. 
Taehyung studies his face for a little while, enjoying the way his heart races in his chest. He reaches out and caresses his leg. 
“So you didn’t even try anything with Hoseok or Seokjin?” he asks.
Jungkook lowers his paint brush, looking at the trees as he thinks. 
“Not really? Not actual sex at least. I was too out of control, I would have just ended up ripping their heads off.”
“I see. How terrible.”
Jungkook agrees with a nod of his head.
“We did cuddle a lot, but that’s not queer, that’s just being really good friends.”
“Of course. Good friends can cuddle just as well as partners can.”
“Exactly”, Jungkook smiles fondly, “I love them both so much. They saved me. I think I would have killed myself eventually if I had never met them.” 
Taehyung furrows his brows. Jungkook meets his worried eyes. He touches the side of his neck awkwardly.
“I know, heavy stuff. Sorry.” 
“Don’t apologise. Please don’t ever apologise for that”, Taehyung insists, shaking his head, “I understand. You had no support system, killed against your will and had to cope with it alone. Of course your situation drove you to consider suicide. I am so happy that you held out for as long as you did, so you could meet them. This world would have been a sad one without you in it. You are such a strong person, you truly are.”
Jungkook lowers his eyes, touching his chest.
“Well fuck, nobody ever called me a strong person for this. It took so much strength to keep going, so uhm, yeah. Thanks. Seriously, thanks.”
Taehyung holds Jungkook’s hand gently.
“I was truthful”, he whispers.
“I know”, Jungkook whispers as well, lifting his eyes.
Taehyung gazes at him, giving him a shy smile the moment their eyes meet. Jungkook leans in to place a soft kiss on Taehyung’s lips. The latter receives it with a fluttering heart. Jungkook pulls back afterwards, giving him a grin. He picks his paintbrush back up and continues painting. 
Taehyung looks at him for just a second longer before continuing his painting as well. 
“So who was your first ever queer experience?”
“Yeah. God, it’s so embarrassing to think about because I was so out of control back then”, Jungkook says as he has to laugh.
“Really? Tell me about it”, Taehyung snickers as well.
“God, it’s so embarrassing. We didn’t even try a lot. He just touched my cock and I already spiralled. I called him a fucker and tried to rip his jugular out.”
“Oh heavens.”
“Yeah, he had to use force to pin me down and then used his compulsion to calm me down. I kept snapping at him and growling like a fucking idiot. I was such a mess back then”, Jungkook says and laughs.
Taehyung joins him, staring at his lips the entire time.
“That does indeed sound like a very wild time.”
“It was. It really was. God”, Jungkook snorts in amusement, “I felt so bad afterwards and kept crying and beating myself up about it, but Yoongi stayed calm and comforted me. That’s why I can laugh about it these days. It could have become another bad memory, but I look back at it fondly.”
“Of course. It shows how far you have come.”
Jungkook meets Taehyung’s eyes in surprise. He understands.
“Exactly. Yeah, that’s right”, he breathes.
Taehyung smiles shyly, lowering his eyes at his painting. He feels giddy when Jungkook looks at him. He really does.
Jungkook studies his face for a few more moments. He starts to understand what Taehyung means. He hasn’t really felt this way about another man ever and it is a very good feeling. He feels really young and giddy this way. 
“Did you always know that you weren’t hetero?” Taehyung asks.
“Mhm, I don’t know. I don’t think so”, Jungkook says, looking at the trees as he thinks, “I honestly felt really happy in my heterosexuality when I was human and I also didn’t really consider other men as attractive. Of course I could see that some were handsome, but I wasn’t attracted to them.” 
“I see. So you discovered yourself when you were already turned.”
“I did, yeah. And you? You told me once that you first thought that you were just gay.”
“I told you that?”
“Yeah, in the car. After we hate fucked.”
Taehyung laughs, Jungkook does as well.
“You remember this all this time?” 
“Of course I do.”
“Oh”, Taehyung says and lowers his eyes. 
Jungkook watches him with growing worry in his chest. He keeps making himself small with each confirmation that Jungkook feels the same. As if he didn’t want to believe that he was worthy of affection. 
“Is it my turn to ask you a question?” Jungkook asks him.
Taehyung nods his head, still staring at his hands.
“What troubles you lately?” 
Taehyung looks up in shock.
“This is your question?” 
Jungkook nods his head. 
Taehyung looks away. He stays silent for a long time, losing himself deep in his thoughts. What isn’t troubling him? How does he put something into words which he doesn’t understand either? He can’t find an answer in the end.
“Can you please ask something else?” 
“That’s okay, I can do that”, Jungkook assures him, “how many queer relationships were you in before our poly family?” 
Taehyung relaxes again.
“Serious or casual?” 
“Oh heavens, casual way too many to count. I am quite frankly, such a whore.”
Jungkook laughs, Taehyung does as well.
“As for serious, I would say that I had four serious relationships before our poly family.”
“Four you say? Are they still alive?”
“No, they were all human. I loved them all very much. Their loss ached very deeply.”
“I can imagine. I’m so sorry, Tae.”
“I have healed from it”, he assures him and leans in to kiss him.
Jungkook lets it happen with a fluttering heart. He gazes when the kiss breaks.
“What was that for?” he whispers 
“Because I feel so happy to be with you”, Taehyung whispers.
“I see. Then I gotta steal one too, don’t I?” he says and takes Taehyung’s cheeks to use them as leverage to push him onto the blanket. Taehyung falls with a laugh. 
They shove and push the picnic and paintings aside, losing themselves in the kiss seconds later. They will be lost in it for a long time. They will use this time in the sweetest, most healing way possible with tangled limbs and dancing lips, mixing in innocent touches and sighs of each other’s names. 
And they will make each other feel good. It will feel so incredibly good to them that their hearts will beat in sync through it all. And it will be innocent. It will be the sweet, innocent exchange of touches between two people who are so freely themselves when they are together.
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The sun is in the midst of setting already when Taehyung feels the need to share what had burdened him for months. A blanket cocoons them in, keeping their bodies warm in the sinking temperatures. They are on their backs, watching the sky change colours. Jungkook’s body is touching Taehyung’s, sharing warmth this way. Jungkook has his arm stretched to the side, Taehyung is resting his head on it.
“Can you keep secrets?” Taehyung whispers.
“I tend to forget a lot of what other people tell me, so I can definitely keep a secret because I’ll forget it again.”
Taehyung laughs loudly, craning his neck to look at Jungkook.
“I mean it”, Jungkook snickers. 
“I know, I just thought that it was funny.”
“Yeah, I know”, Jungkook grins, “now what’s up? What secret do you wanna tell me?” 
Taehyung rolls his head back into a more comfortable position. Despite his muscles, Jungkook’s arm is very comfortable to rest on.
“I think it is more of an empty talk about my feelings than an actual secret.”
“That’s okay too. I can listen.” 
“I sometimes dream of being controlled. Of being told what to do, how to act, where to sit or stand or lie, what to wear. I dream of it. Dream of having every single aspect of my life dictated.”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung with slightly widened eyes, while the latter is too lost in his rant to notice.
“And the thing is? I haven’t figured out whether it is a trauma thing or not. For many, many centuries I didn’t have freedom and lived under constant mind control. I had someone controlling me, but he hurt me as well. A lot.”
“It’s okay”, Jungkook whispers and holds Taehyung’s hand. He heard the tremble in his voice and needed to be there for him. 
Taehyung speaks easier with Jungkook’s support.
“I shouldn’t want to be controlled again, but I still dream of it. I truly do. I want to put myself into the hands of another and let them decide what is best for me. Is this wrong of me?” 
“You asked me too quickly. I need to think about it for a little.”
“No, please. This was just a rhetorical question, please don’t tell me your stance on it.”
“Why not? It could be good.”
“And if it is not? I cannot bear to be ridiculed, I am not stable enough for it.”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung, the latter can’t bear to meet his eyes.
“Are you currently having a hard time?” Jungkook asks quietly. 
“I think I might”, Taehyung confesses, “it hasn’t been that long since our situation has truly calmed down and I feel very lost these days.”
“You do?” 
Taehyung nods his head, “my life is so different to how it once was. All of our lives are. In the past, Yoongi rarely left his wing, let alone conversed with us, but these days he is spending time with us and talking with us. You, ___, Seokjin, Hoseok and Emma weren’t part of my life either and suddenly you live with us. Peace was never truly lasting for Jimin and me, but now it is our new reality. I am aware that our dynamic changed when we travelled the lands in search for Namjoon, but I feel like we didn’t have time yet to truly bond.”
“We didn’t have time yet to make sense of our situation.”
“Exactly. We didn’t have time yet to truly let it set in. At least this is how I feel. I feel so lost because everything changed so much and now I do not know what to do. How do I live freely? How do I find happiness? How do I…”
Taehyung looks away, touching his chest.
“How do I heal?” he whispers.  
“God Tae”, Jungkook whispers and rolls to his side. He gets on his elbow, closing the distance to Taehyung to place a tender kiss on his temple. He hugs his head gently, massaging his scalp slowly and keeping his lips against his temple. 
“I do not know how to live my life now that I am free and I think that it gives me a hard time. I am restless and nervous and scared to settle. What if I settle and then something ruins it again? What if I make peace with the fact that I am free only to be captured again? What if I allow myself to heal only to be hurt again? What if”, Taehyung gulps, reaching for Jungkook’s chest, “Jungkook, I think I might struggle more than I initially thought. My heart is beating uncomfortably. I don’t like this sensation, my throat is so tight.”
“You’re safe. You’re in the beginning of a panic attack, but you’re safe”, Jungkook comforts him, rubbing his chest in slow circles, “try to follow my breathing. I know it’s difficult, but you’re not gonna die. Promise.” 
Taehyung listens to Jungkook’s comforting words and finds healing in breathing with him. He felt smothered by his thoughts. Small, fragile and incapable of carrying their weight, but breathing helps. His pulse, which once tortured him, becomes bearable again. The rope once tightening around his throat dissolves again. 
“There we go”, Jungkook caresses his cheek, “you did it. I’m so proud of you.”
Taehyung closes his eyes and leans into Jungkook’s palm. 
“How did you know what was happening to me?”
“Experience. I didn’t have the easiest life as a human once I was drafted. I had a lot of panic attacks in the barracks and the trenches and I helped many of my comrades as well.”
“I see.”
“That’s why I’m so sorry that you feel this way. I understand how you feel so well.” 
“You do?”
“Of course. When something changes you as a person as drastically as trauma does, it is difficult to relearn yourself. And it’s only natural to feel restless and lost in calm moments when your life consisted of pain and trauma for so long.”
Jungkook brushes Taehyung’s tears away.
“I know that our traumas aren’t the same, but I also felt like you feel right now when I first had a holiday from the frontlines. Life back home was relatively normal, nobody changed drastically and I should have found peace in resting, but I couldn’t. I had changed. I woke up screaming, crying and throwing up from my nightmares, every loud sound felt like torture to me, my sweetheart’s affection made me uncomfortable and I kept shaking even in calm moments. My family had no idea how to help me and I had no idea how to live a peaceful life anymore because peace felt like mockery to me after everything I went through at the frontlines.” 
“I’m so sorry. Oh Kook, war is terrible. I hate that men never learn. It shouldn’t happen. It never should have. What an awful way to solve disagreements. What an awful, inhuman way.” 
“I agree”, Jungkook says and rests his forehead against Taehyung’s, “but what I want to say by sharing this part of me, is that you’re not alone. Our traumas may have different origins, but I understand how lost you feel in the peace and how anxious this makes you.” 
Taehyung whimpers softly, spilling tears against his will. Jungkook wipes them, keeping close to Taehyung.
“It gets easier, I promise. I never officially returned from the war because I became a Ripper before that, but I still experienced trauma afterwards and when I began to settle with Seokjin, I felt just as lost again because peace wasn’t an option for so long. It gets easier with time, I promise.”
“How long did it take you?”
“A few years.”
“Oh”, Taehyung gets out and sobs softly, “years.”
“It could be different for you. I wasn’t in control back, so obviously I didn’t have absolute peace. But your situation is different and maybe it won’t take you years to be comfortable in the peace. Oh Tae, it’s okay. Let it all out”, Jungkook says and works diligently to wipe every tear Taehyung spills. 
“I don’t know why I am crying.”
“It’s okay. That’s all part of the healing. Let it happen.” 
And so Taehyung cries. He cries in grief for the person he could have been if he had never gone through hell. He cries in relief from being freed of this hell. And he cries in sweet realisation that he wasn’t alone in this, that he had Jungkook offering him comfort. He cries for many reasons and it felt good to do so. 
His thoughts are clearer after the cry, his chest not that heavy. 
Jungkook changed positions by now, resting on his side propped up on his elbow and with his hand drying his tears. 
Taehyung rolls to his side, looking up at him. He stopped crying many breaths ago. Jungkook still cradles his cheek and brushes his thumb under his eyes slowly.
“I feel better”, Taehyung whispers.
“That’s good to hear. You did really well. I know crying sucks, but it’s so healthy for you. Don’t ever hold it back.”
“It’s overwhelming sometimes.”
“That’s understandable. Come to me whenever you feel like crying. I’ll pay you company as you do.”
“What if it happens often?”
“Then I’ll pay you company until often turns into occasionally and sometimes until it finally turns into rarely.” 
Jungkook brushes his thumb over Taehyung’s temple.
“You’re not a burden, Tae. You aren’t too much or overbearing. You never were and never will be. Not for me and not for our family.”
Taehyung places his shaky hands on Jungkook’s chest. 
“Can you control me?” he gets out.
“I’m sorry?” 
“Please can you control me? I don’t know what to do, but you do. Can you be the one to control me?”
Jungkook’s eyes soften.
“Oh Tae”, he whispers, “no, I won’t. You will always be free with me.”
“Please. I’m begging you. I don’t know what to do.”
“Then I’ll be with you as you walk the unknown path.” 
“I won’t promise you anything like control, because I don’t ever want to take advantage of you, but one thing you can always count on is me. I’ll carry burdens which are too heavy for you, I’ll show you the way and you can always lean on me, okay?”
Taehyung nods his head.
“Okay”, Jungkook says and kisses Taehyung’s forehead. 
Taehyung exhales shakily, chasing the affection with closed eyes.
“Sweetheart”, Jungkook whispers and kisses his lips gently. He had no ulterior motive behind the kiss, no ill intent. But Taehyung is fragile and confused, lost in a situation he knows not to handle healthily.
Taehyung whimpers into the kiss, he chases it, deepens it with trembling lips. His hands slide to Jungkook’s small waist, his breath is instantly quickened, his heart races unbearably. He kneads Jungkook’s waist, touches it, grasps it. He needs to make sure he stays. He needs to stay please. Taehyung whimpers again, lips shaking against Jungkook’s, and then he slides his hands under his shirt to feel his naked skin. 
Jungkook breaks the kiss with a gentle “hey”, followed by a chuckled, “what are you doing?” 
“I’m yours, please I’m yours so, so claim me.”
“Claim you?” 
Taehyung pushes at Jungkook’s chest to gain space. The younger man lets him, gawking at him in confusion. Taehyung hooks his fingers in his own shirt and pulls it over his head.
“Tae, no wait-” 
He is shirtless, panting heavily but his eyes carried discomfort Taehyung wasn’t even aware that he felt it.
“God Tae, what are you doing?” Jungkook gasps.
“Take me, I-I can serve you well”, Taehyung stutters, presenting himself in an arch of his back. There are tears in his eyes and fragility in his voice. 
Jungkook studies his naked torso for a second, exhaling deeply. He takes Taehyung’s discarded shirt and unbuttons it.
Taehyung puts his hands together and presents them to Jungkook, thinking that he wants to tie him up with the shirt. 
But Jungkook doesn’t. Jungkook cradles his hands and holds them one by one as he slides the sleeves back on. He smoothes out the shirt on his back and closes it again in the front. 
“I don’t understand. Do you not want me?”
“I do, just not like this.”
“Is it because I’m human? I, I can make myself pretty, I-”
“No Tae”, Jungkook cups his cheek, silencing his anxious words, “no Tae” he whispers, “you’re beautiful. So incredibly beautiful.” 
Taehyung lowers his eyes. Jungkook continues with the buttons. 
“But you seem unstable to me.”
Taehyung meets Jungkook’s eyes again.
“Consent is more than just believing someone’s words. It’s about reading the situation and I can tell that you don’t really know what you actually want right now.”
Taehyung sniffles in order not to cry. It has been a long time since someone saw him.
“Let’s drink something for now, okay?” Jungkook suggests, rubbing his upper arms soothingly.
Taehyung nods his head.
“Okay. Do you want lemonade?”
“Yes”, he whispers.
“Okay. Me too. I think lemonade is really yummy. You?” Jungkook asks, preparing the fruity drink.
“Me too”, Taehyung whispers, accepting the cup from Jungkook. 
Jungkook clings cups with him, making him giggle and lift his shoulders to his ears in shyness. 
Jungkook smiles at him, draping his arm around his waist.
“I like hearing you giggle, Tae. You’re really cute.”
“I am?”
Jungkook kisses his cheek, “you are.”
Taehyung whimpers and snuggles his face into his neck, squeezing his waist tightly.
“Thank you.”
“It’s the truth. You’re cute.”
“No. Thank you.”
“For what?” 
“For stopping it.”
Jungkook furrows his brows, tightening his jaw. How many people ignored the signs and took advantage of Taehyung’s unstable attempts to “serve”? He shouldn’t thank him. Not for something that should be the bare minimum. Jungkook is a very protective person. Once he loves a person (in whatever form that love comes) he will literally burn the world for them. He feels numbing anger right now, wanting to hurt whoever took advantage of Taehyung. But he doesn’t let it show for Taehyung’s sake, speaking softly with the mentally fragile man.
“You’ll always be safe with me, Tae.” 
“I know”, his voice is shaky as he speaks. 
“It’ll never change. You’re safe and I’m gonna keep you safe.”
Taehyung exhales shakily and while it was shaking, it carried the first indicator of stableness in it. Just a little, just enough that Jungkook knows that all Taehyung really needs right now is a shoulder to lean on and someone being gentle with his words.
“I don’t think I enjoy being dominant as much as I thought I did”, Taehyung confesses quietly.
Jungkook tries to glance at him as best as possible.
“Not in a sexual context, but in general. I crave to be taken care of. I ache for it.”
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of. You are in a vulnerable mental state. It’s okay to want to be taken care of.”
Taehyung lifts his head, looking up at Jungkook with glassy eyes.
“Will you take care of me? Please? At least this?” he asks – begs – him.
“Of course Tae, I’ll take care of you.” 
“Oh god”, Taehyung chokes out and buries his face in Jungkook’s chest, “this felt so good to hear.”
Jungkook closes his arms around him, massaging his scalp slowly.
“Can we stay like this for a while?”
“Yeah, let’s stay like this for a while.”
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voidconversations · 1 year
fic req: i've had this hurt/comfort fic idea in my head ever since re4r was released and i NEED to tell it someone.
ever since leon had the plagas physically purged out of him in spain, it has left him infertile. he feels really upset and regretful that he can't give the reader any babies. and in his moment of weakness, the reader comforts and assures him that it does not matter and isn't his fault.
i love your work!! hope you're doing well <3
AH. my heart just cracked a little. and thank you so much !! i am doing well :) [This can be read as GN but there’s mentions of pregnancy directed towards the reader]
navi. | masterlist.
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You’d noticed a change in Leon ever since he got back from Spain. At first, he was so happy to get back, he didn’t leave your arms until he had to, to get additional testing done. He told you not to worry, that he had gotten “injured” on the mission, but that it was taken care of, and that the testing was just a precaution. You believed him, you had no reason not to, but after those appointments he came back different. Dejected.
You didn’t want to pry, knowing that talking about his mission is not only against his contract, but hurts him to relive as well. But he was so sad. He wouldn’t even look at you, and anytime you went to reach for him, he pulled away. It was hard to give him space when you didn’t know why he wanted it in the first place.
So, you decided to ask him about it, tired of dancing around each other for the past week. You started by making him breakfast—scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon, with a glass of orange juice—as a way of showing him you still care. You make his plate, stacking neat piles and making sure they don’t touch (a habit from your childhood you never outgrew), and started the walk to your shared bedroom.
Peeking your head through the doorway, you see Leon, laying on his stomach with his head buried in the pillows, one arm extending to your side of the bed. You smile, he’s searching for your warmth even in his sleep.
Setting the plate and cup down gently on his nightstand, you sit on the bed next to him, reaching out your hand to brush through his hair. You caress the strands while applying a soft pressure to his scalp, massaging gently. He hums in satisfaction and you move your hand down, now kneading circles into the meat of his back. He stirs, rubbing his eyes with a groan before turning around to lay on his back. He keeps his eyes closed for a minute then slowly opens them, landing right on your sitting figure next to him.
You smile at him, “Hey, sleepyhead.”
The corner of his mouth twitches up a little, “Hey.”
His voice is deeper than normal with a slight rasp to it and it makes your smile widen. You’ve always loved when he first woke up in the morning, lips slightly chapped and cheeks a little red, hair tousled into a messy style from moving around during his slumber. He looks peaceful, beautiful.
He’s so beautiful.
“I made you breakfast.” You pick up the plate and hold it out in front of him, still smiling.
“Why?” His brows furrow and you ache to smooth the lines between them away. He just woke up and he’s already distancing himself again.
Your smile falters a little, “Do I need a reason? I just wanted to do something nice for you, because, ya know, I love you or whatever.”
He scoffs, lips stretching a little more into a real smile, “Yeah, well, you didn’t have to. Really.”
“I know. I wanted to.”
He shuffles up the bed and leans his back against the headboard, taking the plate from you and starting to eat, immediately digging into the bacon. He leans down to eat over his plate and his bangs fall over his eyes, you reach out and brush them back. His movements stutter and he tenses slightly, he only relaxes when you pull away fully. You frown.
“Leon, we need to talk.”
He continues eating but nods his head slightly, signaling you to continue.
“You’ve been different since you got back from your checkups. I won’t force you to talk about anything that you don’t want to, but I’m worried. You’re distancing yourself from me. And we don’t do that, we always talk things out.”
He sighs, placing his—now empty—plate back on the nightstand and picks up his glass to take a big swig of orange juice, putting it away once he’s done with that too.
“I-I got told something that I’ve been having a hard time coming to terms with.” He’s fidgeting now, picking at the skin around his nails until a little speck of red can be seen seeping through his skin.
You hold his hands in yours, stopping him from peeling back the raised skin any further. “It’s okay, Leon. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it. Like we always do.”
His hands squeeze yours tighter. “Back in Spain, my injury, it did something to me. Something permanent. It…” His voice breaks off, his hands trembling and eyes darting around the room. “It made me infertile.” He says it quietly, so quietly you almost miss it. Almost.
Your gaze softens and open your mouth to speak but he beats you to it. “If you don’t want to be with me anymore, I understand. I-I know you want kids a-and that you’re dream is to be a parent. I won’t keep you from that. I tried to ask them i-if there was any way to reverse what happened to m-me but they said there’s not. I’m so sorry, I should’ve been more careful-“
You shake your head and scoot closer to him, releasing his hands to place them on his cheeks. “This? Not your fault, don’t apologize. I would never leave you over this. Never. There are other ways to have kids, we could get a sperm donor, adopt, the list goes on. This isn’t the end of the world and it’s certainly not the end of our future. Our future. Which I want with no one else besides you. Understand?”
You don’t see Leon cry much—if at all—but now there are tears building up on his waterline, with you wiping them away as soon as they fall. He presses his forehead to yours and nods.
“I got so fucking lucky with you.”
You laugh, “I can say the same. I love you, Leon. Forever and no matter what.”
“I love you too. Forever and no matter what.”
You press your lips to his softly and he reciprocates immediately, dragging his hands up to hold your waist tightly. “God, I missed this.” He mumbles on your lips.
You chuckle, “Me too. Next time something like this happens, don’t push me away. I hate not knowing what you’re thinking.”
“Deal.” He connects your lips again and you sigh in content.
You know the road ahead of you won’t be easy, and that Leon will still blame himself for this, but you also know that you’ll be there for him. You won’t ever let his guilt eat away at him, his pain. You’ll shower him in love everyday for the rest of your lives, just as he will for you.
Forever and no matter what.
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does this suck? i feel like this sucks and it’s probably too short. im sorry if it does! thank you again for not only the request but the kind words <3
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hunieday · 1 year
8th Anniversary story - Chapter 1 : Open the door and be lead out.
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
[Car engine SFX]
Riku Nanase: Fuwah… Is the car Manager sent to pick me up here yet?
Riku Nanase: Banri-san?
Riku Nanase: Ah, here it is. Huh…? It’s the company car, but who’s inside…
[Car door opens]
Banri Oogami: Good morning.
Riku Nanase: Good morning. Are you not with MEZZO” today?
Riku Nanase: Wait…Huh?!
Riku Nanase: Why are you in our company car, Momo-san?!
Momo: Good morning, Riku! I actually have no idea either…
Riku Nanase: It's Yaotome-san?!
Gaku Yaotome: Neither do I…
Torao Mido: I don’t know either…
Riku Nanase: Mido-san is here too?! Where are we all heading to!?
Riku Nanase: Banri-san…
Momo & Gaku Yaotome & Torao Mido: We don’t know…
Banri Oogami: I’m sorry. I can’t go into details.
Riku Nanase: At that moment, it struck me. We are celebrities.
Riku Nanase: From this moment onwards, there are definitely hidden cameras and surprises  waiting for us…
[Cut to inside the car]
Riku Nanase: Y-Yes. Yaotome-san, can I sit next to you?
Banri Oogami: Well then, please get in.
Gaku Yaotome: Sure thing. Do you want some Nigirimeshi (rice balls)?
Riku Nanase: Yay! Thank you so much! I wonder if it’s salmon.
Gaku Yaotome: Oh, you got that right.
Riku Nanase: Yippie!
Momo: Tora-chan, Tora-chan, don’t worry.
Torao Mido: How can you eat so calmly? We don’t even know where we’re heading, there’s also this camera in the car… 
Torao Mido: Don’t worry, you say…
Torao Mido: Relax…
Momo: The more you worry and fuss about it, the less you’ll enjoy yourself. Just relax and let it go.
Momo: Relax.
Gaku Yaotome: Isn’t that a different mountain?
Riku Nanase: Oh, we can see Mount Fuji today!
Banri Oogami: Alright everyone, we’re leaving.
Momo: Yes! Everyone, salute MEZZO”’s manager for driving us today!
Riku Nanase: We’ll be in your care!
Torao Mido: We…we’ll be in your care…
Gaku Yaotome: We’ll be in your care.
Banri Oogami: …This is awkward…
Banri Oogami: Ahaha, thank you.
Momo: Your handle of that wheel is extremely cool, MEZZO”’s manager!!
Banri Oogami: Ahaha, I get that a lot.
Momo: Aw man, too bad… Well I’ll just burn it into my memories…!!
Momo: Ah! As expected!! Then…can I take a picture?!
Banri Oogami: Ahaha, that would be embarrassing.
Riku Nanase: Ah, Look! Mount Fuji’s over there!
Gaku Yaotome: That’s not Mount Fuji either. There’s only one Mount Fuji.
Gaku Yaotome: See that hazy mountain? That’s its direction.
Riku Nanase: And where is it?
Gaku Yaotome: Well yeah! It’s the number one in Japan!
Riku Nanase: Do you like Mount Fuji?
Torao Mido: What is this, am I dreaming…
Torao Mido: …
Torao Mido: …Kenta Eternal Private Property Act (1)…
Torao Mido: …
Torao Mido: I’m trying to relax…
Gaku Yaotome: …? What are you talking about all of the sudden?
Riku Nanase: If you try, it won’t come naturally.
Torao Mido: When I space out, I remember things I’ve memorized a long time ago.
Riku Nanase: You think about studying when you space out ?!
Gaku Yaotome: I relate to that. Sometimes when I’m staring at my hands I remember Fleming’s right-hand rule. 
Gaku Yaotome: That’s right! Oh, do you want some rice balls too?
Torao Mido: Yeah, something like that.
Torao Mido: Ah, well then…
Riku Nanase: Which one do you want, the left or the right one?
Torao Mido: …Left?
Riku Nanase: Left! You won't regret it will you?!
Torao Mido: Uh, yeah… Maybe.
Riku Nanase: Ta-dah! The rice ball on the left… Yaotome-san, what flavor is it?
Gaku Yaotome: Bonito flakes.
Riku Nanase: Bonito flakes! Do you like bonito flakes? 
Torao Mido: Well, I guess.. I like them the normal amount.
Riku Nanase: Bingo!
Gaku Yaotome:  Good for you, Mido!
Torao Mido: Ah, thanks..I…somehow I’m happy… Maybe I do like bonito flakes in my rice balls…
Momo: Uwaaaaah ! MEZZO”’s manager’s U-turn was super cool…!
Banri Oogami: Ah, I missed the right turn.
Momo: It’s completely fine! It’s so cool! A national treasure! A world heritage that mankind has been waiting to see for generations! 
Banri Oogami: Sorry about that, I missed it.
Momo: Uuu.. and you just boosted my self-esteem by telling me my praise boosted yours…!
Banri Oogami: I missed the right turn and now my self-esteem is being boosted from being praised by a top idol.
Momo: I’m gonna cry…
Torao Mido: Is there some kind of connection between Momo-san and MEZZO”’s manager?
Torao Mido: There’s definitely something going on, are you sure? His excitement is scaring me a little bit ?!
Riku Nanase: Ermm, no!
Riku Nanase: Yeah, but the camera is on so…
Gaku Yaotome: Momo-san, if this gets broadcasted Yuki-san will definitely sulk. 
Banri Oogami: And I’ll get scolded for this. Everyone, we’ll arrive in about 40 minutes, feel free to sleep if you want to.
Momo: Don’t worry!! I’ll negotiate so that they cut this part out!!
Torao Mido: … Is it okay if I contact our manager?
Banri Oogami: Ah, yes. Go ahead.
Torao Mido: Got it.
[Phone rings]
Torao Mido: I’ll contact our manager Utsugi-san to see if he could explain…
[Cut to another car]
Torao Mido: Oh, hello. Utsugi-san?
Haruka Isumi: Hello, Torao?
Torao Mido’s voice: Haruka?
Haruka Isumi: Utsugi-san is driving so I picked it up for him.
Torao Mido’s voice: Are you guys with Utsugi-san?
Haruka Isumi: No, it’s just me but, it was all too sudden…
Tamaki Yotsuba: Isumin, who’s on the phone?
Haruka Isumi: To…Torao…
Tenn Kujo: Mido-san? Is someone from TRIGGER with him?
Nagi Rokuya: OH! IDOLiSH7 as well?
Haruka Isumi: Hold on, I’ll ask.
Haruka Isumi: Listen, Torao. Who are you with right now? I’m with TRIGGER’s Kujo-san and IDOLiSH7’s Yotsuba and Rokuya-san…
Haruka Isumi: Huh ?! G-Got it… I’ll hang up
Tamaki Yotsuba: Who’s Toracchi with?
Haruka Isumi: He says he’s with Momo-san, Yaotome-san and Nanase-san…
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ho, Rikkun’s with them!
Nagi Rokuya: There are four people here, and four people there.
Tenn Kujo: So Gaku is with them. I wonder if we’re headed towards the same place?
Haruka Isumi: Not sure… is this a TV program or something?
Tenn Kujo: I don’t know. Why don’t you ask your manager who’s currently driving us?
Haruka Isumi: I tried earlier but he wouldn’t say a thing!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Be more assertive about it! Go for it!
Nagi Rokuya: It's a mysterious drive for mysterious purposes, how about you ask for hints instead of answers?
Haruka Isumi: Be more assertive about asking for hints… I see. Okay, Utsugi-san.
Shiro Utsugi: Yes?
Haruka Isumi: Give me a hint on where we’re going!
Shiro Utsugi: No, I’m sorry.
Haruka Isumi: You’re sorry?! Why? What about Touma and Minami? Are they with others like Torao?
Shiro Utsugi: Who knows. Ah, there’s a small refrigerator in the back seat with drinks inside.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Really? Can we open it?
Shiro Utsugi: Dig in, dig in.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yay! Thanks for the food!
[Fridge opens]
Tamaki Yotsuba: Oh, there are so many drinks! Which one do you guys want?
Tenn Kujo: I’ll have the Rooibos tea.
Haruka Isumi: I’ll have uhhhhh…
Nagi Rokuya: OH …!! There is the collaboration drink with Magical★Kokona! It’s the Magical Beauty Soda!!
Tenn Kujo: That’s right.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Good for you, Nagicchi!
Haruka Isumi: Do you like Magical★Kokona?
Nagi Rokuya: Rather than me liking it or disliking it, it’s more like whether it’s me or not.
Haruka Isumi: Well that’s deep…Then, I’ll go with that one too. Did you like your Magical Beauty Soda?
Nagi Rokuya: It was unique.
Haruka Isumi: Unique?
Tenn Kujo: I could guess.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I drank it too, but the taste changes with every sip. At first it tasted like banana, then lemon…
Haruka Isumi: That sounds interesting! I’ll try. Cheers!
Tenn Kujo: So?
Haruka Isumi: … Oh. It does taste like bananas at first… then it gradually shifts into…
Haruka Isumi: Steamed egg custard…
Tenn Kujo: Steamed egg custard?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Wh- Steamed egg custard.
Nagi Rokuya: Yes… Even the description in the back says it’s salty pudding flavored…
Tenn Kujo: Steamed egg custard…I can’t imagine drinking that…
Haruka Isumi: Wanna try it?
Tenn Kujo: No, I’m good.
Haruka Isumi: C’mon, it’s not as bad as it sounds. I think it’s actually pretty good, even if it’s steamed egg custard.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Did they have to make it salty? Pudding flavor would have been better. It’s yummy…
Shiro Utsugi: Um…
Tamaki Yotsuba & Haruka Isumi & Tenn Kujo & Nagi Rokuya: …
Shiro Utsugi: It’d be for the best if you didn’t criticize it too much…
Tamaki Yotsuba: We shouldn’t criticize it?
Haruka Isumi: You’re saying we shouldn’t complain?
Nagi Rokuya: The Magical Beauty Soda was manufactured by the major beverage company Jyuurokugumi (Group 16)…
Tenn Kujo: All the drinks inside this refrigerator are from them…
Tamaki Yotsuba & Haruka Isumi & Tenn Kujo & Nagi Rokuya: …
Tenn Kujo: I get it. We are celebrities after all.
Tenn Kujo: and Jyuurokugumi… If I remember correctly…
Tenn Kujo: Well, let’s focus on what’s in front of us for now. The cameras are rolling after all…
Tenn Kujo: Yotsuba-san, what would you like to drink?
Tamaki Yotsuba: I’ll take the orange juice. They keep telling me to eat more vegetables ‘cause I snack too much. Oranges are their cousins, right?
Tenn Kujo: Well, you’re not completely wrong. Rokuya-san?
Nagi Rokuya: Mineral water, please!
Haruka Isumi: So I’m left with the Magical Beauty soda huh…
Tenn Kujo: This tea, developed as a collaboration with a long-established tea shop, is very rich and full of history…
Tamaki Yotsuba: The orange juice is super yummy too!
Nagi Rokuya: This mineral water has incredible thirst-quenching properties! 
Haruka Isumi: A-Amazing! A true magical beauty!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ah…I got a rabbitchat from Sou-chan.
Haruka Isumi: Osaka–san? Why?
Tamaki Yotsuba: He says he’s heading to an unknown destination.
Nagi Rokuya: OH… the same as us.
Tenn Kujo: I think he’s worried about you. Tell him you’re safe and sound.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I wonder if he’s worried…
Haruka Isumi: I think he might be feeling down as well. Why don’t you cheer him up?
Tamaki Yotsuba: He’s not the type to do that…
Haruka Isumi: Really? I think Osaka-san has a kind, reserved and delicate aura.
Tamaki Yotsuba: You think so?
Haruka Isumi: Is that not the case?
Tenn Kujo: I don’t think so. He’s tougher than I imagined.
Haruka Isumi: Tough? Is he like Minami? He seems kind as well, but when he’s angry he’s real scary.
Nagi Rokuya: Mister Natsume is not scary. He’s not kind either.
Haruka Isumi: W-Why are you speaking as if you know him more than me? You know we’re members right.
Nagi Rokuya: OH, of course. I think highly of ŹOOḼ’s bonds of friendship.
Haruka Isumi: Are you and Minami close?
Nagi Rokuya: I don’t know. You ask him.
Tamaki Yotsuba: …Okay, I sent him a message.
Tenn Kujo: What’d you say?
Tamaki Yotsuba: I said I’m okay, so he should be fine too.
Tenn Kujo: Haha. That’s something you would say. I’m sure Osaka-san and the others feel cheered up.
To be continued…
Konden Einen Shizaiho was promulgated on May 27, 15 (June 23, 743) during the reign of Emperor Shomu in the middle of the Nara period. It is also called the Konden Einen Shizai Law, which is a law that allows the permanent privatization of Konden (newly cultivated land by oneself). Later this system collapses. It is a decree that was the basis of the outbreak of a villa.
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slutforsnow · 8 months
Reliving Hell
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Chapter 6 :3
Summary: Someone's getting suspicious of "Easton's" identity and decides to see who he really is by seeing if he can scream
CW/TW: SA/groping, trauma response, violence, hungover
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The next morning, Violent was stretching as she walked down the stairs. She had been too drunk to find Alias, so Courtney had brought her home, so nothing bad happened to her. She yawned as she pulled her hair up into some kind of style to make sure no one figured out she was a she.
"Ah, morning Vi," Courtney greeted as Violet threw on a coat just to be safe. She could never be to safe.
"Morning, Courtney," She greeted, looking around the kitchen for her boots.
"So, what you got plans for?" Court asked, setting a plate of breakfast on the table. She knew Vi had a tendency to skip breakfast when she was on a mission, but she at least wanted her best friend to eat something.
"Goin' to that ranchers place—Harry Hooker. He hired Billy, Alias, and I. Well, technically, he hired William H. Bonney, Alias, and Easton Vargough," She answered, correcting herself. Vi leaned against the tablet, using a fork to eat some of the egg and bacon on her plate. She grabbed her boots from the threshold leading into the living room, slipping them on and fixing her trousers to be over her boots.
"I should get goin'—should find Billy and group up with Alias," Vi added, grabbing her bandanna from her back pocket. She tied it around her face, securing it tightly.
"Alright, be safe Vi!!" Courtney told her as Violet left.
When Vi finally found Billy, he looked rough—like a kind of 'I'm so tired cause I had intense sex' rough.
"Hell happened to you?" Vi asked, laughing softly, grabbing his hat and fixing his hair somewhat.
"A girl; real pretty girl too from the saloon last night. Her name's Alice," Billy replied, grinning a bit before Violet put his hat back on his head.
Violet fought back the urge to scream; Alice slept with Billy!? Of all the people he could've slept with, he slept with her?! She shook it off, not wanting to keep the conversation on Alice going; the cunt was an all-too horrible memory for Vi to handle—especially with a hangover.
Violet fought back the urge to scream; Alice slept with Billy!? Of all the people he could've slept with, he slept with her?! She shook it off, not wanting to keep the conversation on Alice going; the cunt was an all-too horrible memory for Vi to handle—especially with a hangover.
"You ready to head to the ranch?" She asked, diffusing any questions Billy was starting to ask about why Violent had an angry look in her eyes.
"Yeah, and are you okay? You've got this... firey look in your eyes, and it's kinda scary," Billy questioned. Vi simply laughed it off, dismissing his question.
"I'm fine, knucklehead," She reassured, punching him in the arm. "Now let's go."
When the duo found Alias, the three of them made way for Harry Hooker's ranch.
Later, around maybe 3 hours after regrouping with Alias and making their way to the ranch, Violet was beginning to regret wearing 2 shirts. Did they conceal her female anatomy? Yes. Were they killing her and making her sweat to death? Yes. Was she going to suffer anyway to make sure no one found out "he" was actually a she? Very much so.
But to help her not focus on the sweltering heat, she was silently cursing out Alice. Alice was known for stealing boys back in her boarding school days—specifically boys Violet showed interest in. She never knew why Alice did it; if Violet had ever so much as said hi to another boy that wasn't Jesse, Alice or some other girl would yank them far from her. She hated it—all boys would eventually drop her as a friend and avoid her like the plague.
Eventually, it made her snap, and she started to act out, doing whatever she could to raise hell for everyone, and she thrived in it. She loved the attention and fear her other classmates had, seeing Vi cause destruction until she was expelled.
Shakin' her head, Violet squeezed her eyes shut and disrupted any memories of her boarding school days. Her chaos had been short-lived and not enough to undo the hell hole before she snapped. Sighing, she stretched, deciding to take a mild break from workin'. Sliding her smaller frame off of North, she made her way to grab some water.
She hummed to herself, grabbing a mug and lightly dunking it into the tub of water before beginning to down it after pulling her bandanna down enough to let her drink the heavenly liquid that trickled its way down her throat.
Meanwhile, Billy was helpin', the other cowboys bring the cattle back and lock them in their pen. He was thinkin' back to last night about Alice and how nice she felt against him. He was hopin' to see her again, wanting to introduce her to Violet. Then he heard it.
The blood-curtling horrified womanly scream that no pre-pubescent boy could ever imitate. He snapped his head towards the direction he heard it and snapped the reigns, urging his horse to the origin of Violet's scream of absolute terror.
When he came back to her, he practically jumped off his horse and kneeled down to her. She was hyperventilating with tears rolling down her cheeks and crying, holding onto Billy, feeling his calming and reassuring grip.
"Vi, it's okay, it's okay, it's just me, it's just me," He told her, pulling her into his arms and his hand on the back of her head. "Shh, shh, it's okay I've got you."
The other cowboys were talking amongst themselves about how "Easton" wasn't a he and instead was a girl. Billy took notice that one of the other cowboys had Violets hat in his hand and frowned, putting the pieces together and realizing what must've happened.
He stood up, holding Violet close in bridal style, and set her on his horse. He put his hat on her head, which ensured that no one else would touch her as Alias joined the two.
"Vi, I'm gonna go get your hat, OK? Alias is gonna stay with you," He told her, holding her free hand. Her other hand was holding the buttons of her shirt together, so they didn't expose her chest more.
She simply nodded, not meeting his gaze. Billy squeezed her hand before going off, grabbing her hat and cursing out the other cowboys for what they did to her.
After the three got to a quieter place, Violet finally took Billy's hat off and dropped it onto his head and putting hers back onto her head.
"Hey," Billy greeted, looking up at her with a reassuring smile as he led his and her horses in tow to Alias and his horse.
"Hi," She replied, her voice thick from crying.
"I took care of 'em," He told her, averting his gaze as she fixed her shirts. "Mr. Hooker's gonna fire 'em hopefully and you'll get to keep your job."
"I don't wanna," She mumbled, taking the reigns of Billy's horse weaving the leathers through her fingers. "Wanna find a different job."
"Are you sure? Alias got us this job-" Billy asked, confused but understanding. After what happened, he didn't blame her one bit, and if he was in her shoes, he'd do the exact same.
"I'm sure." Billy nodded, leaving it at that. He wasn't one to judge and wasn't going to start now.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing
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