#will draw them after tonights commission maybe
beeapocalypse · 2 years
want 2 talk abt an old dnd pc idea i had. it was a dark elf (just 4 the look lol) toymaker who ended up lost in a cave+died that then had their body taken over by a sentient magic spider hidden away there that then uses it to blend in w ordinary ppl in society. it physically puppets the corpse around (w illusion magic used 2 hide a lot of it- the silken threads run across the body which it manipulates to move it mostly) from within its hollowed out head (maybe maybe smth abt the control in part the spider also manipulating what remains of the nerves up there both physically+w magic ?) and its whole deal was the thought that the toymaker was an incredibly cruel person actually+the spider taking over their corpse+going out to interact w society as a whole was a marked improvement as opposed to the toymaker never dying lol
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plumipal · 4 months
Hello again Plumi! Normally i wouldn't be so informal with my dear customers, but I'm not here for business.
You see, there is this drawing that i would love for you to give me feedback of, this time it's about Cater.
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( Text : Cater - "Prefect! Can i stay in your dorm for the night?" )
( Text : You - "Yeah, sure i guess?.. Don't know why you'd want to stay here but okay.. )
It was actually supposed to be yandere, believe it or not.
But it really doesn't look yandere, but just think of it as a yandere Cater that acts normal, like he's not a yandere.
( Note: The whole "trader" thing is just a roleplay, by the way )
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BOTH OF THEM LOOK AMAZING!! BOTH OF THEM LOOK SO SILLY ID EAT THEM IF I COULD! Silly little caycay is such a fun yandere to do ad well! Man would 100% change how he portrays himself infront of you just to please you (or maybe scare you-)
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Youll let him have a sleepover at your place tonight right? And the day after that, right?? You let those two dumbasses Ace and Deuce do it! Its unfair if he cant join as well!
.. he would rather it be just you two tho <3
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(Hej guys ik ive been GONE- moved across the country to study, gmworking hard on doing my own game and accedentally forgetging my password to here, ive done it all. Im working on something big for yall tho, anyone who can guess what im working on correctly gets a free commission!!hint: it has to do with several students at nrc)
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bamsara · 2 years
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Sorry I hope this isn't too sappy but I wanted to write a big thank you to everyone that came to stream last night and just abosultely obliterated me with kindness and support
For folks who weren't in stream: I had planned on setting up a commission thing on kofi to start tomarrow (today, now, but a day after this chaos event) to raise money to buy myself a christmas gift of a Switch, planned on clearing out a whole few days to try and earn money, but after figuring out to make a goal post thing on the KoFi page and on stream I decided to save from posting commission listings until I had a full day to sit down and stream it all since I had something else planned in the middle of the day
I did an art stream later in the day and let me tell you I was *floored* by kindness and people were just being so nice and im aughsdglhsdsdgsds. Not only did we meet the Kofi Goal, BUT THEY KEPT GOING. I'm scared to look at the total amount and I plan on refunding some folks when they're not looking because I feel so bad because tbh I haven't deserved or rightfully earned the amount of generosity given to me but I just wanted to say like, holy shit. Thank you? Thank you oh my goodness
I HAVE A SWITCH NOW. AND SOME GAMES. Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter: Rise to start. I've played Monster Hunter before so it's a love of mine but Animal Crossing is something Ive only gotten to play the free pocket camp phone version of, and watch videos of, so I'll have to learn the woes and wins of that game and I'm super excited!! And I'll be able to play online with people too holy shit
If you were in stream then you already know but if you werent or maybe tapped out early then I tried to caluclate and make a list of people who wanted doodles for what they donated, and the amount to my old commission list (sorry I haven't updated my examples in 2 years) and I plan on drawing doodles for the large donators and the folks who really just slammed me with love. I have some drawings to post already! If you see me drawing something on stream and finish it and not post it pls remind me because Im REALLY bad at that
Also I promised chat that I wouldn't open the Switch box until I did it with them so we can do that later tonight when I get fully home, but YEAH!
Anyway THANK YOU. I'm not the best with words but oh my god THANK YOU
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idyllic-affections · 8 months
summary. kaveh is dead.
trigger & content warnings. referenced death of a parent/parental figure, crying, grief, etc.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. angst, major character death, comfort. alhaitham & kaveh's adoptive child!reader. 1k words. they/them pronouns used for reader.
author's thoughts. teehee. you guys thought i wouldn't do it huh..... you thought i was kidding when i made that post a while back about kaveh dying.... Fools.
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rest, it seems, is not finding kaveh's child tonight.
even when curled up under his sheets that still vaguely smelled of him—ink and a sweet but unidentifiable floral scent—all they could do was toss and turn, trying their best to slip into the world of dreams. the comfort of his bed, unusually cold and vacant when they were not in it, was not enough. they almost wished nahida would appear in kaveh's room and knock them out, putting them out of their endless misery.
(they'd met her before. perhaps she would do it if they asked her kindly enough? though, they doubted she would knock them out in the way that they were envisioning. she'd probably go about it much more gently.)
their eyes ached. the prominent tear streaks on their cheeks explained why.
their chest ached. the frigid stillness settling in his room, aside from their restless shifting, explained why.
everything ached. kaveh's absence explained why.
his room was so lifeless without him. scattered drawings along the walls and incoherent notes scribbled on the margins, crumpled up papers spilling over the trash, an ink pot that had yet to dry out, unfinished sketches lining his desk... oh, archons. his room looked so used, so full of life and light, yet so lifeless and devoid of warmth because they knew its owner would not return to finish those sketches, to close that ink pot, to replace those drawings pinned to the walls.
it was equally as suffocating as it was comforting to lie within it.
regardless of how tired they were, their mind would not slow down, and they could not find enough peace within themselves to fall asleep. at this point, they were sure they would only pass out if they worked their body to its absolute limits to the point that their mind was forced to shut down.
but kaveh wouldn't want that. such self-destruction... no. he wouldn't want that for them.
with a tired body and an equally tired soul, they got out of his bed, walking as quietly as they could out of his room and into the halls of alhaitham's house.
so much furniture that kaveh never liked... but alhaitham was no interior designer, was he? that was more like kaveh's job, a job he would never be able to complete.
truly, they had only intended to go to the kitchen. maybe to get a glass of water or maybe just to sit there for a while like they had done so many times in the past with their father when they happened to be awake at the same time as him—him, the light of kshahrewar who often worked late into the night to complete commissions, and them, a kshahrewar student who often worked late into the night to complete difficult assignments.
of course, that's not where they ended up.
they ended up standing quietly in alhaitham's doorway; he was mindful to leave his door open for them in the case of this exact scenario, but they didn't know that, so they hesitated, fingers anxiously clutching the doorframe.
he wouldn't be mad, would he?
after gathering up their courage, they tiptoed over to his bedside. for a moment, all they did was stand there, shifting on their heels, but then...
gingerly, they climbed into his bed beside him.
alhaitham was a notoriously light sleeper. the dip in the bed was enough to rouse him from his sleep, and for a moment in his half-asleep daze, he expected kaveh. it wasn't uncommon for him to do what his child was doing now, after all. kaveh ended up in alhaitham's bed quite often as a consequence of nightmares, but...
as he came to, he remembered all the reasons why it would not be the architect he so loved.
a weight settled in his chest as he turned over, draping a strong arm over [name]'s tired body and drawing them closer. his fingers absentmindedly carded through the tangles in their hair, working gingerly to undo the knots—a consequence of their tossing and turning, if he had to guess.
the visceral sound of their pain tore through the silence.
alhaitham's heart shattered. it didn't show in his expression, however... or if it did, the late-night darkness hid it. they wouldn't have been able to tell regardless; the tears blurred their vision far too much.
his arm seemed to tighten around them as they wept into his chest, incoherent apologies spilling from their lips. he didn't say anything; instead, he shifted slightly, leaning forward to press kisses to the crown of their head.
to think that just a little while ago, he was struggling to comfort kaveh, who'd sob similarly into his chest as the weight of guilt crushed his body... kaveh always cried about his father's death.
he never once imagined that he would need to do the same with the child kaveh raised.
it was ironic, really.
it used to be difficult, alhaitham thinks. he used to find it hard to know how to comfort kaveh. he never knew where to put his hands, and he didn't know what to say—if anything at all.
somehow, he finds himself a little grateful for kaveh (he wouldn't ever admit that to the architect's face... not that he would ever have the chance to now). if not for him, the scribe is certain he wouldn't know what to do now.
he knows where to put his hands—one on their back to keep them held close and to reach up to their hair to toy with it (kaveh once told him that it was comforting), and the other settled vacantly unless he needs to wipe their tears dry.
he knows what to say—nothing at all, in this case, because there is nothing he will be able to say to dull the pain [name] is feeling. perhaps in the morning he'll have words for them, but now... he knows that isn't what they need from him.
eventually, alhaitham realizes that their cries have silenced. they've fallen asleep.
'good,' he thinks. they'll need the rest.
the minutes tick by.
alhaitham does not fall back asleep... but that's fine, he supposes. kaveh is no longer around to watch over [name]. that duty now falls to the scribe.
if it means losing sleep, then so be it.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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cowboysandpilots · 1 year
Bradley draws a picture of him, Ice and Mav for Ice’s birthday, he is very detailed in his explanation for the drawing, Ice maybe cries a little because “that’s you and you’re angry at daddy cause he did something dumb”
(God, I love writing Icemav and baby goose so much. Thank you for this ❤️)
Even as a little kid, Bradley knows he has no money. He can't buy Ice a birthday cake with a fighter jet on it like Ice, and Mav do for him on his birthday, but Ice is always proud of his drawings. He always ruffles Bradley's curls and puts the drawing on the fridge.
Despite the effort on his babysitter's part, Bradley stays in his room all morning at his little desk, working on the perfect drawing for his Papa. Ice and Mav were both at work, and he knew exactly how much time he had before the party tonight. He wanted it to be really special, to give it to his papa before the party so no one else was around, just them, his family.
He's just putting the finishing touches on his perfect drawing when he hears his daddy and papa coming through the door, arguing about something. It's not the angry arguing like the previous day; it's the arguing that makes his daddy laugh, and his papa roll his eyes but still kiss each other. He rushes out of his room and jumps down the stairs to the door and right into Ice's open arms.
"Hi, Papa." He grins.
"Hi, Baby Goose. You have a good day?"
"Uh-huh. I made you something for your birthday." He stays grinning, holding the picture out. It wasn't completely just them; Slider was there too, but it was okay; Bradley loves his Uncle Sli.
"Lemme see then." Ice smiles, holding the picture and inspecting it.
Without any prompting, Bradley starts to launch into an explanation of the drawing. "'Member yesterday, when you were yelling at Daddy 'cause he did something dumb?"
"You shouldn't say dumb." Ice interrupts, "But yes, he was dumb." He adds, throwing a look at his husband.
"Well, that's you yelling at him, but he has these red hearts around his head cuz he still loves you even when you're mad at him." Bradley smiles, but when he flicks his eyes up back to Ice, he notes the tears in his eyes that aren't falling. "You don't like it?" He asks, immediately hurt.
"No, no. I love it, Bradley." Ice assures. "It's perfect, and I love you and Daddy more than anything in the whole wide world." He murmurs, pressing a kiss into the little boy's curls.
"It's a great drawing, buckaroo." Slider adds in, holding his arms out to take Bradley in his arms. "Your papa is just a big sap." He teases, causing Iceman to glare at his RIO. "Now, your daddy and papa need to put that masterpiece up on the fridge, and you and I need to wash our hands so we can have cake." He grins, carrying Bradley to the bathroom.
"For the record," Ice starts, after he puts the drawing up with one of Bradley's letter magnets. "I still love you even when you do something dumb."
"How could you not? Me being dumb is exactly what made you fall for me in the first place." Maverick smirks, pulling Ice in and catching him in a deep kiss full of promises to be carried out after little boys go to bed. "Happy Birthday, Loverboy" He smirks.
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queenscholar · 11 months
leona kingscholar's gift for tonight seems a little bit special
cw tw // nsfw , mindbreak , overstimulation , don't open the post if you dont want to see there are graphic drawing
art is commissioned to tasya and fic written by me, please do not steal them
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“Leona, I’m only letting you have Patricia this once and bring her back before nine, clean and bathed, not limping. Do you understand?” Vil Schoenheit was disgusted with himself to say it outloud, he wasn’t keen on giving away his best friend for the night to the despicable prince but he also knew if he swung by her room tonight, she would be gone already. So why not set some ground rules?
“Oh and what about the other times that have already happened?” Leona smugly replied, before laughing as he saw Vil bursting with a cuss word he tried to hold back so desperately with the assistance of Rook and Epel beside him.
When the party was over, Leona returned to Savannaclaw and wasted no time after he took the shower and changed, straight to his room for what Patricia had prepared for him tonight. He was getting giddy with excitement, was it a brand new lingerie? Was it her, lying naked on his bed? Or the repeated same old tricks with nothing but stiletto?
And again, his phone dropped for the second time in his history when he opened the door, thinking he was prepared but he wasn’t at all. Leona closed the door immediately as his eyes couldn’t be averted at anything else beside Patricia laying on her bed with nothing but ribbon, covering her private parts and tying her hands, like she was a gift delivered to him.
So, she went classic, yet Leona Kingscholar couldn’t help but say he liked this old surprise thing. Patricia only smiled a sly one, seemed like he was enjoying the view a bit too much to stand on the side of the bed while staring at her with his members getting hard and his tail wagging excitedly behind him.
“Leona, do you like your present? Patricia asked the obvious question as she saw the glint on his eyes.
“A little bit too much, how do you manage to tie yourself anyway? No one saw you like this before me, right?” Leona asked, from fascination to a sudden possessiveness.
“We have magic, I tie myself up with some practical magic as you can see the pen has fallen on the floor.” Patricia answered, Leona averted his gaze to see her pen on the floor for a second before returning back to the smug Patricia.
“Now, untie me Leona.” Patricia offered her hands to the said male who was climbing up on top of her. She was too excited for the night.
“Nope,” Leona replied before ravishing her with a kiss, which startled her, what did he mean by no? Patricia tried to break it off with only her face, and when she did, she asked him a bit enraged.
“What do you mean by nope?!”
“Maybe I want to let my gift rip herself apart slowly,” Leona answered as he positioned himself behind her, placing Patricia on his lap. His fingers trickled down from her covered ribbon nipple, that was clearly hard as Patricia jolted a bit from his touch, to her belly before reaching her abdomen, ghosted over her lip’s opening up and down as Patricia moaned “Leonaaa,” needily to his ears, then he untied the ribbon on her abdomen.
“Starting with this one tear to your hole, Patricia.” Leona whispered as he inserted the tip of his finger to scavenge around her lips,playing with the glands it produced, making Patricia’s whining intensified before inserting his finger one too suddenly earning a yelp from Patricia.
“Birthday is when wishes come true right? And tonight, all I want to do is break Patricia Venenum incoherently so all she could think of is me as she orgasms over and over again.” Leona then kissed her neck as Patricia whined “Noooo,” when his finger rhythmically thrusted in and out inside her.
It started with a finger, then it came two and soon enough it was replaced by his dick pistoning nonstop inside of her. How many times has she come? Patricia couldn’t remember as she was crying for the nth time tonight coming down with a crash. Her mind was broken, her focus was scattered and Leona was enjoying it all too much as he heard his name chanted repeatedly by her lips, alongside incoherent words. Her ribbons already loosened up, though the one in her hands was still pretty tight.
“Aren’t you cute as a present?” Leona teased grabbing her face, even though he knew Patricia wouldn’t have a response to that seeing her fucked out expression. Her leg was up in the air supported with his hands gripping her thigh as Leona’s dick thrusted inside up, finding the perfect position to reach her deepest place over and over. Patricia was numb with the overwhelming feeling of pleasure yet Leona didn’t stop his thrust there, kept ramming as she was cumming. The tension from the thrust built up while she was not done yet, resulting in her squirting all over him when Leona whispered those words to her.
Number of screams were incoming as orgasms were both from Patricia and Leona, pretty sure everyone in Savannaclaw heard about it though they wouldn’t dare to utter a word. Leona had many things planned to do to wreck Patricia, so forgive him when he flipped the girl with only half a mind right now on top of him. Her body was still shaken from coming as she collapsed on his body, shuddering but Leona wasn’t satisfied yet.
“If you couldn’t ride me, I will manhandle you from below, okay Princess?” He asked, Patricia only responded with a “Huh? Okay…” As she couldn’t even process a sentence but Leona was playing an unfair game here. She wasn’t even finished and he was brutally manhandling her from the get go, nails pressing down on her big ass cheeks, purple marks were sure to be shown tomorrow when they were down with how tight he was gripping it to lift her ass up and down his shaft. She cried for Leona to stop then harder, like she couldn’t make up her mind, her body kept hitting Leona’s abs as she couldn’t even hold on him for support, her ribbon hands being damaged, slowly undone with the process.
“S-stop, L-leona, ahh!” Patricia cried, her ribbons were measly scattered by now as she found her hands free from the tight ribbon, she grabbed Leona’s arms for support immediately. Nails digging to his arms as she hit another of her peaks again today and Leona wasn’t helping to calm down the stimulation as he was sinking his teeth on her chest area, making marks everywhere to be visible. When they were done for a while, gasping for stability, her face was a mess yet Leona found it more beautiful than before as he took her in a kiss. Of course, that didn’t mean the night was over.
Leona found himself behind Patricia again for tonight, he had cummed numerous times, inside her and she did too, mixing loads of their cums together inside her, a bulge even appeared on her stomach.
“Greedy for my cum, aren’t you?” Leona asked after the sight, kissing her again. He was quite proud of it, stuffing her to the fullest. Leona took a recess, finally slapping his penis away for a second to see their cum oozing out together from Patricia’s vagina and he could see, she was full to the brim.
“Don’t let it spill, Patricia.” Leona whispered to her ear as she was still crying, tears couldn’t stop riveting from her eyes, her body was shuddering, so overstimulated from tonight that her brain couldn’t function.
“Y-yes,” Patricia answered, it was so unlike her but she didn’t even know what slipped past her lips anymore. She even felt another cum was coming with how sensitive she became just from Leona rubbing on her clit lightly.
“We are over for tonight.., right?” Patricia asked, helplessly, finally regaining half of her sanity back. While Leona sill parading his fingers all over her oversensitive clit, making her shivered everytime as her loins coiled up with every touch to a sense what was coming.
“Oh no, we aren’t. Not until I can confirm you can’t walk completely tomorrow or you are rightfully pregnant with a Kingscholar.” That was of course a joke, or was he half serious? Patricia couldn’t process it but as she was just about to throw a little fit, she found Leona Kingscholar had made himself inside again as she carved her walls with his shape and her body underneath him.
And with that another wave was incoming, crashing again with her yelling Leona's name at the top of her lungs. Patricia Venenum would say she was very very regretting the stamina Leona Kingscholar had, because he just hadn’t had his fill yet by that dangerous glint.
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mrs-snape5984 · 4 months
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“I have nothing left. And all I feel is this cruel wanting…”
“And as much as I'd like to feel like I belong here, I'm just as scared as you.” (“Lost in paradise” by Evanescence)
I have to put a trigger warning (suicidal thoughts and swear words) on this post and I’m doing this before I’ve even written my text. I’m sorry. I only need to scream my pain out.
1, 5 years. 535 days. 12840 hours. 770400 minutes. 46 224 000 seconds. Approximately.
1,5 years ago, my life became my personal hell. I feel captured in my own useless body…captured in my goddamn dark room, captured in my fucking overstimulated mind. And who’s my sadistic prison guard? It’s this cruel bitch of a disease ME/CFS!
Wasn’t it enough yet?! Am I such a horrible human being, that I really deserved even more shit in my life?! There have been so many ordeals in my life…so many rough times, disabilities and diseases…so much anxiety and stress to deal with!!! What have I done wrong to deserve all of these dreadful things?! Seriously, what have I done?!?
I must be some kind of a magnet for disasters…I can’t explain it in any other way to myself. Maybe, I’ve just yelled “here!” for all these experiences…maybe I’ve volunteered accidentally?!? Watching your parents fighting night after night until you have to intervene again and again? Here! Being sexually abused at the age of 12 years? Here! Being raped at the age of 15 years? Here! Multiple surgeries and endless pain? Here! Domestic violence? Here! Multiple Miscarriages? Here! Months of pregnancy staying in bed at the hospital? Here! Fighting for the lives of your extremely premature born children without a partner on your side, even though they were the result of ICSI treatment? Here! Colitis Ulcerosa? Here! OCD? Here! Disability? Here! Several other severe illnesses? Here! Getting ME/CFS and being doomed to a life in darkness and silence? Here! Here, here, here!!!!!!!!! Fuck me sideways!
Is it me? Am I the problem?! What have I done wrong! Tell me, God, what shall I do to end this madness…to finish this suffering?! I’m already broken!
And yes, I know, I have three wonderful children….and I’m forbidding myself to leave them behind…to leave them alone. They need their mother. I know that all. But seeing the sadness in their little faces every day…noticing the disappointment in their voices every fucking day…it’s breaking me.
I’ve tried to have dinner together with my children tonight. Therefore, I wore my noise canceling headphones, my sunglasses and I told them to be as quiet as possible. And still….still….fuck! Their movements, their voices, when they spoke all at once…the light in our dining room…everything was too much for me!! I got disoriented…overwhelmed by this overstimulation. All I could do, was to close my eyes and to wait until dinner was over. I couldn’t eat or drink, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t interact with my children the way, they deserved to be treated by their mother! So…what kind of mother am I now? I’m just a shadow of the mother…of the person, I’ve been, before ME/CFS started to destroy me. I’m only a pathetic failure. My children deserve more than that!
I’m hopeless…and all I want is to let myself fall…just like Julia lets herself fall into the tempting abyss in this heart wrenching drawing, which I’ve commissioned from my dear friend @madfantasy. I’ve told Mani to make Severus come and save her. He’s there…holding her back…grabbing her in the very last moment, screaming “Stay with me, Jules!”. Severus is her last anchor. Severus is my anchor. I won’t let myself fall with him by my side.
Mani, my precious friend, I can’t tell you how grateful I am, that you were brave enough to give my cruel fantasy a face. I know, that my dark thoughts can be overwhelming, especially for someone, who’s also struggling with their own mental health. I’m apologizing for the way, I’m pouring out my grief and despair over your marvelous artwork. But you’re the only artist, who’s capable of getting a grasp on my emotions and transforming them into something so powerful, so delightful like your art. Thank you for everything, my dear. 🫂🫂 (Fly fly)
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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waywardstation · 4 months
Option 2 won for this poll, so here it is! A segment from HFBE, where hunting was successful, but at a small cost.
Enjoy! Wording is apt to change.
“We wouldn’t be going home with this without Ingo and Gliscor, you know!” Gaeric reminded them over their own cheers as he finished tying down the bulky swinub. “We’ve got them to thank!”
He paid no mind to the streak of warm blood on the ropes as he gave it one final tug, unaware it was not the swinub that had stained it red.
Still on his knees at the edge of the clearing down the hill, Ingo was entirely occupied with pressing his hand into the snow with Gliscor by his side. Unfortunately, the cold did little to quell the searing trail that had torn tracks into the sensitive skin of his palm. He curled forward, hissing through his teeth as his other hand gripped the afflicted extremity by the wrist to keep it from shaking.
A prominent rope burn putting his dominant hand out of commission. Just what he needed right now.
Gliscor chittered meekly, dripping tail dragging heavy in the snow as he stepped closer to inspect. A claw reached forward tentatively to nudge Ingo’s arm.
“It’s alright, Gliscor.” The warden reassured his companion, finally taking his hand out of the snow to inspect the damage. Red and irritated with both pain and cold, globs of blood sluggishly sprung up and stung in the cold air.
It was deep. It was ugly. It would probably scar noticeably unless he took very good care of it.
It was bad. But it could always be worse, he knew.
The icy sunset was succumbing to the night behind the mountain range. Gliscor licked the last off the red off of his fangs as Ingo looked over the site where the oversized swinub had thrashed, where blood and snow had been thrown. Where it had been trying to free itself from the ropes, and escape the fangs sinking into its back. Where it had been inches from driving itself over the ridge in blind terror, and dragging him over the side with it.
Oh how it had fought so hard. Oh how it had looked so furious, then so scared. Oh how his hand burned where the rope had imprinted itself. But he had to do it. The clan needed it. The sick and the frail needed it. The children needed it-
“Hey, you alright, Ingo?” Meto’s voice called behind him. It seemed the young man had been the first to notice he hadn’t made his way back up the slope yet. Getting to his feet and turning around, Ingo could see the young man’s gaze move to his hand, the awkward stiffness and red smears drawing it as he approached. “Oh, man. You gonna get that looked at?”
“There is no need, I can manage the repairs myself.” Ingo swallowed down any pain that might make its way into his voice. Nothing a little medicinal salve couldn’t take care of, honestly. And he wasn’t about to go and bother Calaba about it at this hour. Maybe tomorrow, but not tonight. He’d need to hurry right back to the den after delivering the spoils of their hunting efforts anyways.
Leaning on Gliscor for support, Ingo got back to his feet, pantlegs soaked from the snow and hand slick with red. He held it away from him as it dripped and mixed with the dark swinub blood, following Meto back up the steep incline to reconvene with the rest of the group.
If it didn’t slow down soon, he might have to end up asking Gaeric if they had spare wraps. He couldn’t afford to leave a potent red trail behind for anything to follow him back to the den.
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sweatandwoe · 1 year
[slams my minimum wage on the table in front of you]
If you're not swamped with enough writing Sweaty, a lil sumthin sumthin with Gomez!Terzo and Morticia!Reader would literally make my 2023
[hey my commission open post won't be out until later today]
Also I love the thought of just very happily married Terzo and goth wifey, so here ya go
tags: MDNI, Terzo x F!Reader, Married couple, Married life, Reader is goth, entire family is goth really, Suggestive, Fluff, Google translated English to Italian
"Cara mia."
You glance into the mirror, seeing your husband at the door. A small smile graces your lips, while his gaze finds your own in the reflection. "I'm not done yet, love."
"Hai già un bell'aspetto da mangiare, mia cara." Terzo is moving quickly into the room. He gazes at your dress, a tight black number before his gaze slides over your exposed shoulders. Then he frowns. "Did I not leave you marks last night?"
"You did." You raise your lip pencil, to draw over the line while your husband watches. "I covered them up. Just for dinner."
The lack of noise from him has you pause, grabbing your bright red lipstick while you glance up at him. And you have to laugh because he's pouting. The Papa of the satanic church, pouting at you.
"I'll let you leave new ones tonight, amore."
"Oh, don't say that, Tesoro." It's a groan, while he descends. He takes your free hand in his own, thumb rubbing over your knuckles before he presses a kiss to it. "You know better than to speak like that before dinner."
Your lips curl when he places the next kiss on your covered wrist, slowly rising. "Perhaps if you're good, I'll let speak more to you like that while you have dessert."
Another groan at the crook at your elbow, his eyes lighting up. Both eyebrows raise, grinning when he pulls his mouth off of you. "I think date night is turning into my favorite new tradition."
"And why is that?"
He grins horribly wide, his mismatched eyes twinkling. "I love eating out."
You smile, giggling while your husband busies himself by kissing the parts you haven't carefully decorated in concealer. His hands roam over the dress and you haven't even risen from the vanity yet.
"Are you going to let me eat out tonight, cara mia?" Terzo's voice lowers, just enough for it to register in your ear. It has you recalling the way he growls on stage, deepening his voice. Another kiss to your neck this time, before he rises to your ear, nipping that before he speaks with that deeper tone. "Maybe I should do it while we're in the restaurant, si?" Fingers dip over your waist, and your back is pressed to your chair. "I'll drop my fork, crack a joke, and then I'll-"
"We're not going to make it to our dinner reservation if you keep talking, sweetie."
There's a smirk, digging against your ear that's sharper than any ceremonial knife. "Am I getting you worked up already?"
You pull away, and he releases his hold on you, hands falling to rest on your legs now. He's still smirking when you gaze at him, lipstick now on. "Let's hurry up and go eat, and then we can go home."
"And I can have my dessert?" Papa Emeritus the third stands fully, holding out his hands for you.
It's hard not to smile, to not give in to the charms you had caused your relationship to start in the first place. You take his hands in your own, rising to press a gentle kiss to his mouth, which he returns with just the same amount of pressure. With arms linked, you head out of the room, and you rest your head on his shoulder, finding it so easy to relax n his hold.
"And you can have your dessert, amore."
"Cara mia, seriously, you must stop that."
Your giggling could be heard echoing through the halls. You'd end up late to the dinner reservations, but you couldn't deny that Papa was much more manageable after he had gotten his dessert first.
Hai già un bell'aspetto da mangiare, mia cara = You already look good enough to eat, my dear
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bvannn · 6 months
Weekly Update December 29, 2023
I got surgery this week, which was apparently a lot more urgent than I had realized, since the removed tissue was absolutely covered in cysts! Doesn’t matter now, it’s gone, and I got time to work on artstuffs.
TRGA: I finally got a good bite of the props done, just kinda missing the actual playing table and background for the next few shots (plus maybe some miscellaneous ones, but I think I can do those in another big go at the end). I got a room plan for this and future TRGA animations too, so backgrounds should be nice and consistent once I get around to them. Also cleaned up 1-4 Tim, his face is all done, I’m developing my a faster method of doing faces in the future, and I started and mostly finished keyframing Jon for 1-5, so tweens would be the next step after I finish finagling all the props. Might take a bit more time than expected but since I know what kinds of props I’m missing now it shouldn’t be as hard for the rest.
Music: was able to move around my plugins and install the remaining stuff from Black Friday, as well as the trial version of Vocaloid. I’m not looking to dive headfirst into vocaloid yet but I’ll watch some tutorials once I get around to it, I’m more concerned about doing instrumental music production because I want to a) have something to show, b) have something to animate, and c) eventually add it as a commission option. With any hope my pain from surgery will be down tomorrow so I can take a crack at it.
On the topic of commissions I’ve been putting off redoing them for probably a bit too long, and to combat this I have made a spreadsheet, to be filled out over the next few weeks, of miscellaneous OC drawings so I can time myself and calculate appropriate prices. I’ll try to post those drawings here as they’re completed. TRGA is still going to be highest priority, but I’ll also keep trying at music and at general drawings. I’ve decided to drop the remaining October prompt sets I didn’t finish, due to lack of interest, and in order to make room to hopefully do that epithet erased weekly set I made. I’ll also try to do those comic thumbnails where I can (probably I’ll take another crack at them tonight).
And finally on the topic of epithet erased I’ll try to throw together a little campaign for friends to drag them into it, hopefully to stabilize my mood this upcoming semester. I have at least one ‘episode’ generally planned, just need to tighten up villain motivation and stuff.
Lot got done this week but a lot still needs to go. Tonight I’ll either do a timed drawing or timed music thing, followed by some comic thumbnails.
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Commission for Taren14, that is also a follow-up to another piece they commissioned, thet also provided a big, fat story for this;
“You sure you were giving it all you had?” Leo asked as he rubbed his bandaged cheek where Ty’s last punch had hit him in the face. “Felt like you held back on that last punch.”
“I could ask the same about you,” Ty replied with a smirk of his own. “Your punches felt like wind. “Oh, stop it you two,” Blitz laughed. “You don’t need to act tough for the rest of us.”
Roxy giggled from where she sat next to Leo. “Are all Fighting-types like this? I bet if you two hadn’t dropped you would have kept going!”
“Probably,” Blitz said as he rolled his eyes. “Leo’s never been one to give up easy.”
After the so-called “friendly sparring match” that Leo and Ty had both partaken in hours before, their final punches had seen both team leaders knocked unconscious. Upon their awakening, they’d agreed to call it a draw, and both teams’ focuses had turned to bandaging them both up. Along with a bandage on his face, Ty had had various parts of his arms, legs, and chest wrapped up. Leo was bandaged similarly, with a bandage on one of his hanging sensory bundles and across the bridge of his snout.
“Says you,” Leo jeered back. He looked over his shoulder and frowned. A fair distance away from the rest of the gathering, where Leo, Blitz, Ty, and Roxy sat on a log and a stump around a campfire, Hector sat curled up with a book under the shade of a tree. “Hey, Hector!” Leo called. “You sure you don’t wanna be over here with the rest of us?”
“O-oh, no, I’m okay!” Hector called back. He unwrapped a vine from his bulb and waved it. “I…I’m not a fan of fire.”
“You sure?” Blitz asked. “Might get cold tonight…”
“He’ll be fine,” Ty said. “Hector’s tougher than you think.” He glanced at Leo and indicated him with a lazily-pointed finger. “Unlike this guy…”
“Oh, spare me,” Leo snorted. “If I were a Lucario I’d have knocked you flat!”
“That reminds me,” Roxy said suddenly. “Leo, what’s that little crystal you’ve got around your neck?”
“Oh, this thing?” Leo slid his paw underneath the tiny crystal that hung from a cord around his neck. He lifted it up slightly, watching the firelight play along its glassy surface. “It’s nothing, really. Just kind of a training tool.” He turned his head to look at Roxy and smiled. “Since I’m a Riolu, my Aura powers aren’t really all that strong yet. So when I’ve got some spare time I focus on this, to try and make them better.”
"Really?” Ty asked as he looked at the small gem. It gleamed in the firelight, casting a small spot of light on Leo’s face. “Huh. Didn’t think Riolus had that problem too.” He looked at one of his hands and slowly curled it into a fist. “Wish I could figure out what my problem was. I know I can do it, I’ve done it before, I just can’t…do it on command.”
“You’re farther along than I am, then,” Leo said. “But we both probably just need to keep trying. We’ll figure it out eventually.”
“Hope so,” Ty replied.
“So,” Blitz said. “You guys are leaving town tomorrow, right? Where’re you headed next?”
“Hector wanted to go to some place called Atloge,” Roxy said.
“The Electric-type town?” Blitz asked. He raised his eyebrows and whistled. “Sounds interesting! Never been there myself though.”
“What about you guys?” Ty asked as he looked back and forth between Blitz and Leo. “Any plans?”
“Probably back home,” Leo replied. “We’ve been away from Gentle Glade for a pretty good while. Might as well get back there and say we completed our mission.”
“I’m gonna miss you guys!” Roxy said. She threw her arms around Leo and smushed her face against his in a big hug. “It was so fun meeting another team!”
“I’m glad we got to meet you guys, too!” Leo replied as one of his eyes was smooshed shut by Roxy’s head.
“Maybe we’ll meet back up on the road sometime!” Blitz said. “We might even get on the same mission!”
“Sounds like a good time,” Ty agreed.
“Write to us in Gentle Glade if you get the chance, Ty.” Leo added. “Maybe if you ever come by, you and I can have a rematch.”
“Oh? You want me to kick your butt again?” Ty asked with a wink and a grin. “I’d be up for that.”
“In your dreams!”
“Yeah, I’ll make you dream!”
Blitz shook his head and rolled his eyes as Roxy and Hector giggled. Leo & Blitz belong to Taren14  I get Ty, Hector & Roxy, they're MINE
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
can i have a romantic twst match up, im an esfj, pisces, i use any prns, im not smart nor am i physically well(as in athletic well) I’m more into arts such as literature, music, drawing, etc, im easy to get along with ambivert, has a lot of hobbies i can keep up with, i usually keep things to myself solely bc i dont wanna bother ppl that much, i rarely ask for help cause i want to feel independent, procrastinates a lot, average grades, i dont put effort on things that i deem as pointless only doing decently at it, im always seem to be on my imagination solely bc i have a lot of ideas in mind i just dont have any motivation to do any of em! and may or may develop some bad habits due to obsession! (i hope this is good enough!)
A/N: Thank you so much for your request, I hope that you like it! I'm sorry this took a little longer to get out, I've had recital practice for the last week and a half and tonight is opening night!😊😊
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I match you with.......
Ruggie Bucchi
• Now, there are a number of reasons as to why I chose this beloved hyena man and I will try to touch base on most of then here so bare with me here😊.
• For starters, he wouldn't want you to keep anything to yourself, no matter what it was. Bottling things in and never trying to seek for help can only make things worse in the long run. Ruggie is so used to helping others and doing work (looking at you Leona), that he WILL want to help you any way that he can.
• That being said, if you truly do not wish to talk about it, he will not force you nor will he use his unique magic against you to tell him what is wrong. What he WILL do, is take you back to his room in Savanaclaw, and he dies have a habit of letting you wear his clothes, and he (if there is no work to be done), will lay down with you. If he does have to work, then he will still take tou there, but makes sure you have food and water, and anything else that may help before he leaves. He will be sending you messages throughout the day, though, just so you know he's thinking about you.
• For him to leave you in such a place as his room, shows that he trusts you a great amount, something that doesn't come easily to him. You're very important to him.
• He gets the feeling on being independent. After all, he had to learn from a very young age to take care of himself and then to take care of others. While you are fiercely independent, he makes it very well known that you can ALWAYS go to him if you need anything. He is there. Perhaps he will even bring you a meal so you don't have to travel where you are to get something. Another way he shows how much he loves you, he shares his food with you. If you know his background, you know just how important that is for him.
• He admires you talent and ability for art, especially your drawings. Though, the first thing on his mind was that you can easily do commissions and make some money from them. A lot of things his mind goes to is circled around money, again, with his background, it makes sense. But if you draw anything for this hyena, it's become his most prized possession and no amount of money can be given to him for it to be given up.
• Ruggie is an active boy. Between all the running around on his numerous jobs, back home, P.E, running errands for Leona. The boy has great cardio. Knowing your own athletic state, he at least tries to help you out. Nothing to severe, maybe going on a walk with him to Sam's shop. Something simple, easy, but still exercise. He greatly cares about your health.
• He is a great motivator! Yes, you may not want to write that paper, do that assignment, or any other task, but he is there with you through the whole thing. He is not above bribery either. Kinda like, if you can finish this assignment then I'll find a way to get you that art kit you really like, or, say you're working on a task, as soon as we are done, I promise that we can cuddle in bed for the rest of the day. We won't have to do anything at all. He just wants to see you do your best. He comes from a place where no one js really given that opportunity. He was lucky enough to make it to NRC. He's going to make sure both of you pass cone hell or high water.
• Gifts are not the most common with him, the man is on a tight budget, especially especially he sends things back to his hometown as well. Though, if he wss out and about and happened to see a book or any form of literature on a discounted price, he will spare a few madols and get it for you. Seeing the smile on your face makes it all worth it in the end.
• Overall, he is one of your biggest supporters. He wants to see you thrive and do your best while also embracing the hobbies that you have. The hyena is smitten with you regardless. He just wants to see you happy, and to him, just seeing your smile is payment enough for him.
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Commission from a friend
I recently commissioned my friend @grim-liturgy! I figured I’d share the short snippet with you guys. I highly implore you to commission him too. He’s a fantastic author!
The sound of footsteps in the rectory, and the knowledge that no one was supposed to be by let me know that you've arrived once more. It takes but a moment to track the sounds, footsteps, breathing, heartbeats, to the kitchen. You're sitting on the table, a pretty little meal that I can't eat, just within my grasp. 
"How nice, dinner decided to bring itself by," I say, lips curling up in a smile that reveals gleaming white teeth and sharp fangs. A predator's grin if there ever was one.
"There's my favorite mosquito," you say with a laugh, and I can't help but shake my head as I draw near. My hands rest on your hips, dragging you closer to the edge of the table. My head dips down, making me nearly bend in half, even with the added height of the table, nose dragging across your neck. The soft sound of a knife pulling free from a sheath and the burning sting of silver against my cheek has me laughing as I draw back. 
"So it has fangs after all," I murmur, still holding on to you, not allowing you the luxury of distance. Looking down at you is a little awkward, I have to lean back just a touch, but you don't seem to mind. 
You grin, leaning back, your hands planted on the table as you look back and up at me, flashing your neck in a way that has my eyes wandering. 
"It has more than fangs, Father," you say, a grin working its way across your face. Always so willful. If it didn't amuse me so much I'd have taken care of you the first time you tried to kill me. 
"It certainly does. Tell me, little hunter, why have you decided to drop in tonight? Going to try to stab me again?" I ask, though I don't seem too worried about the possibility. "Or maybe you seek forgiveness? Penance for your sins against the church?"
Your smile is a mocking thing as you roll your eyes, "Sins against you, you mean? I don't know, I guess I wanted to make sure that you hadn't started growing cobwebs." 
I wait, watching you closely, ears filled with the sound of your heart that picks up in pace the longer I'm silent. 
"Okay, whatever, there might have been another hunter that talked about coming by this area and maybe I wanted to see if someone had managed to put a stake in you yet, happy?" You snap, a gorgeous blush rising high on your cheeks. 
"It does care," I coo, mocking with a sweetness that feels a little too real. A little to true. You huff, looking away, and I reach forward, gripping your chin lightly to bring your gaze back to mine. "You don't need to worry about me little hunter. They've been dealt with. Your, concern, is touching."
"Yeah, well, you're growing feeble in your old age. I was sure that a stray gust of wind and a splinter would do you in by now," you grumble, trying to sidestep more genuine emotions. It's habit for me to allow it, to play along with a bit of a laugh. 
"I ought to snap your neck here and now for that," I threaten, my grip still on your chin.
Your smile is softer now, a little more truthful, "You won't though." There's more hidden in those words, unspoken acknowledgements that I care far too much for you. That I'd allowed you to live after trying to kill me the first time. 
"You're right. I won't," I agree, letting the truth of my words sink in as I let my hand drop back down to your hip. I should have killed you ages ago, just like you should be trying to stab me through the heart with the dagger that rested on the tabletop. We should be doing a lot of things. Falling in love isn't one of them. 
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keefwho · 5 days
June 24 - 2024 Sunday
The thing with scoring days is that today feels like it could have been a 7 or maybe even 7.5 but I am limited by my thoughts it seems. Not that I was in a bad head space, but I feel limited by not being able to be in a particularly good headspace.
This morning I did my laundry and took awhile fixing my weed scythe. It had a loose head and I ended up jamming a few nails into the sides of the fixture to tighten it which worked great. I had leftover rice a roni for breakfast and kinda piddled around until my haircut appointment at 10. I went over to meet up with mom beforehand and my sister's dog jumped up on me with wet, muddy paws and I said "what the HELL" in front of both of them. I cant remember hardly ever swearing even mildly in front of my mother but it kinda slipped out. I heard some weird storied about my family while getting my haircut. I also got to talk to the lady more directly and we related on our clients saying we can do whatever we want but how awful that is to work with. Im sure my hair will be fine in a week but Im not sure I like what she did. She offered to do a clipper cut instead which I agreed to since she seemed to have something in mind. The sides and back are REALLY short and the top is still kind long but in an awkward way to me. I think once it settles in it'll be okay. She also raised the price from $25 to $30 which is starting to get rough. I picked one of those random flavored dumdums lollipops and got watermelon.
At home I joined BD and her friends in a call while I did commission stuff until lunch. They were kinda fun but a bit too sexually direct and a couple of rude things were said to me relating to my art abilities. For lunch I made tuna macaroni and chilled watching Squeex on Twitch while browsing some things.
In the afternoon I joined AE and VN while I worked. Today's request had me borderline repulsed because 57 wanted ass stuff and I wasn't in the mood to be putting up with kinky content like I usually am. I also finished a drawing of DS's oc and mine which turned out great. Then I finished one of the commissions I was working on earlier. I started to dislike how I draw faces and expressions again so maybe this can be used as motivation to start getting out of my comfort zone to practice more.
After work I got Cities Skylines 2 running to check out the new update and I got my city ready to go. DS started working on her fursuit so we called and chatted. I switched from Cities to watching The Boys and then furry content for her. It was a very nice evening. In bed we did our puzzles and I got embarrassed at how poor my spelling and audible understanding were tonight. It's weird because I really am not bad at spelling when I'm writing but having to do it in a puzzle situation trips me up. I think because I actually have to think about how it's spelled and sometimes work through the letters I have at my disposal. With writing it all comes naturally like muscle memory.
Nothing crazy is going on in my head right now, the past few days have been very good compared to how things have been lately. Im just staying aware of the kinds of things that tend to bother me and putting them to words. I feel confident that I will find ways to move through some of these things in a way that I support.
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
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Kabukicho Love (Chapter 01)
I don't wanna check into the Tokyo Love Hotel. I just want your love all to myself
Successful but lonely businessman Sukuna gave up on love. Why put his heart on the line when he can just as easily buy "love" from the prettiest escorts of Tokyo? But why does this supposedly fake love feel so real when he's with the new boy he booked?
Pairing: Sukuna x Escort!Yuuji Genre: Escort AU, smut, fluff Word Count: 2.3k Playlist: Sukuita Escort AU Warnings: 18+, smut, sex work, age gap (Yuuji is 21 and Sukuna 30), in later chapters: oral, fingering, rimming, anal, cum eating, alcohol, light angst, mention of a side character's death, mutual pining. All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
The picture I used in the header is from the Manhwa BJ Alex. There is art now for this series! Thank you so much to @/silverink58 for drawing this beautiful picture of Sukuna and Yuuji for me! I'm so happy that you let me commission you!
Thank you so much to Liz @lizarts01 for drawing this super hot and super cute picture of Yuuji + Nobara as sexy bunnies!! I am losing my mind!!
And thank you so much to @/cometcoffee103 for making this beautiful moodboard for the AU!
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"So, what can I do for you today? Need a little sweetness in your busy life again?"
Gojo's icy blue eyes fix Sukuna amusedly over the rim of his cocktail glass. His arrogance and blatant mockery are something Sukuna hates about his former classmate. Gojo Satoru is one of the only people who don't treat Sukuna respectfully. The problem is probably that Sukuna and Gojo are too similar. And arrogance isn't the only thing they have in common. Gojo is also the best in his field of business, just like Sukuna is in his.
They went to college together, both majoring in economics. Sukuna graduated to take over the family business empire, becoming the CEO of the S.H.R.I.N.E. Group, while Gojo built his own empire in Tokyo's glittering red light district. And his most lucrative business is the Infinity Escort Service. First class company for the rich and influential people of Tokyo.
A busy man like Sukuna gets lonely sometimes. Maybe that's his biggest regret. He always puts all his time into his work, and his little free time is spent at the gym or networking in bars or restaurants. So he doesn't have time to actually meet someone. By now he is 30, and while most people his age are already married, he has no one to come home to.
At this point, Sukuna doesn't believe in love anymore. Not after his former fiancee left him after three years for a man twice his age but also twice as rich.
There isn't love for a man like Sukuna. Only sex and money.
And that's where his old dormmate Gojo comes into the picture.
Gojo takes pride in acquiring the most exclusive escorts. They are all gorgeous. Pretty face, smooth skin, well-groomed with fit bodies and immaculate style. A feast for the eyes.
And they have to undergo a training to blend in with the rich and famous, meaning you can take them to the most exclusive restaurants without making a fool of yourself. They have the proper manners. They know which wine goes with what and can hold conversations about current events.
They are excellent in the bedroom too, of course. That's the unofficial part, though. But everyone knows you don't just book an escort for a nice dinner.
So long story short, Sukuna always calls up Gojo when he feels a bit lonely. He knows he can always count on his old friend to understand what he wants.
And tonight Sukuna has a special inquiry.
He tilts his head back to swallow the vodka shot before putting the glass back down on the table and looking at his former classmate with a slight smirk on his handsome face.
"I'm going on a little vacation, actually. A weekend at the beach. And I'm looking for some nice company."
"Ooooh, I understand. You want to unwind after all the hard work. It's what you deserve! And I have the perfect cutie to keep you company. I have a new boy! You haven't met him yet. Absolutely gorgeous and eager to please. And he has the perfect beach body! Look here! Isn't he cute?"
Gojo shoves his iPad across the table, internet browser opened to the Infinity profile of an escort going by the name Yuuji. Sukuna draws in a breath.
His friend wasn't lying. The boy is really stunning. Bright sunshine smile, light brown eyes that almost glow golden in some of the pictures, smooth tan skin, athletic figure with well-defined buff muscles, a cute firm round ass, and to Sukuna's amusement, pastel pink hair like himself.
"He looks cute."
Gojo's grin is far too conceited when he leans across the table and nods enthusiastically.
"I know! See, I told you I have what you need. I'll let sweet Yuuji know that he has plans for next weekend. Oh, he will be so excited when he hears he'll go to the beach! He's so cute! You'll absolutely love him!"
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Sukuna is glad for the dark sunglasses he is wearing when the boy is walking towards his Porsche. At least this way, he can check him out unashamedly. And oh yes, he is definitely someone who's a feast for Sukuna's hungry gaze.
Yuuji is even more gorgeous in real life. He shines as bright as the sun with that pretty broad smile and the sparkle in his honey-colored eyes.
He's walking confidently, with big fast strides. Strong body and strong boy. He doesn't look like the typical bottom, but that makes him even more perfect in Sukuna's eyes. He will have a lot of fun playfully wrestling with this strong cutie, pressing him down onto the bed, making him whimper and moan. Fuck, it has been too long! His pants are already feeling too tight just from one look at his little pet for the weekend.
The boy slips into the passenger seat with the same big sunshine smile and movie star glow he had in all of the pictures Gojo showed to Sukuna.
He's so pretty. And sweet like honey too, apparently, because he turns to look at Sukuna and bows his head respectfully before addressing him with a cute and sexy voice that sounds too excited to be fake:
"Heyy, I am Yuuji! It's so nice to meet you, sir! Thank you so much for inviting me on this trip. I am so excited! I wanted to go to the beach for years!"
Sukuna is watching him with a lazy smirk, slowly taking off his sunglasses to get an even better look. The boy's eyes widen, and he blushes the slightest bit. He's getting cuter by the second.
Yuuji scratches his neck a bit sheepishly,
"Um, sorry... I... I am just really excited. But I forgot to ask you, what should I call you? Is sir ok? Or do you prefer something else? Master? Your name? Or maybe Daddy?"
Sukuna smirks in amusement. Such a sweetheart, so eager to please. He likes that in a boy.
"Thank you for accompanying me, Yuuji. It's nice to meet you too. Call me Sukuna. And Master in the bedroom. But we'll get to that later."
Yuuji smiles and bites his lip at Sukuna's words. He looks cute enough to eat.
Sukuna laughs softly, reaching out to gently cup the boy's cheek and caress it with his thumb.
"Let's drive, so you can enjoy the beach all afternoon, hm?"
Yuuji's honey eyes sparkle at him in excitement, and he nods eagerly. Sukuna already feels some of the tension that all the long stressful weeks of work caused leave him. The beach and this sweetheart will be good for him!
It's a three-hour-long drive, and Yuuji seems to be a talkative thing. He is cute at it, though, a charming boy that seems genuinely happy to ride shotgun in a Porsche and head towards a five-star beach resort. It's endearing. He comments on the car and the landscape around them and asks Sukuna all kinds of questions, polite and sweet. Gojo taught him very well.
"Do you do that often, Sukuna? Take trips to the beach?"
"No, usually I don't have time for that. It's been probably a whole year since I last had a little downtime like that. Usually, my work comes first. But I need some time to recharge. And if I take a timeout, I want to enjoy it to the fullest. That's why you are here."
"In that case, I will do my best to make it an enjoyable weekend for you and make sure you can forget your stressy work."
There's a smile on Yuuji's pretty face when Sukuna turns his head to look at him. The corners of Sukuna's lips lift in a grin too, and he reaches out to put a hand on Yuuji's muscular thigh, giving it a squeeze, enjoying the feel of the firm muscles.
"Oh, I am sure you will, honey."
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A few hours later, Sukuna is lounging comfortably on a beach chair at the private beach of the holiday resort while letting his gaze travel slowly over Yuuji's naked skin.
Gojo was right. The boy really is perfect. Especially now when he's only wearing a pair of snug beach trunks, bright red and accentuating his cute round ass enticingly.
The tan skin, broad shoulders, and narrow hips add to his sexy appearance. A body full of toned muscles, just as fit as Sukuna himself, but slightly leaner and not quite as tall as him.
Sukuna grins slightly. This has got to be the best one so far. Sukuna likes them submissive and eager to please but with a strong body. Makes it sweeter somehow when a guy like that gets on his knees for him and wants to be dominated.
His fingers twitch, feeling the urge to reach out and touch that smooth skin and the firm muscles. But Sukuna can hold back. He doesn't want to rush things. Better keep the tension a while longer. The anticipation, the hunger. He likes to prove to himself that he can control himself. And it will be even better to reward himself tonight after dinner with this beautiful boy as a dessert.
Yuuji plops down on the beach chair next to him with a happy sigh. His honey gaze meets Sukuna's, and he smiles.
"It's so beautiful here!"
"Hmm, yes. And you are beautiful too, sweetheart."
Sukuna likes to do that. Flirt and watch the reaction. See how flustered the recipient of his compliments becomes. He watches the boy with an amused smirk.
Yuuji laughs and beams happily at him.
"Aww, thank you! But you are too. I'm really lucky this weekend."
The last part is said in a slightly lower voice, and he cocks his head cutely and looks deeply into Sukuna's eyes. There's a light blush on his cheeks, making them glow prettily.
Sukuna's grin grows wider. Oh, he loves that!
Of course, he knows that Yuuji is an escort and gets paid for being sweet to his customers. It's part of his job to flatter them and charm them. But when the boy says he is lucky that Sukuna booked him, it is probably true since other customers aren't as hot as him.
Sukuna is confident about his own looks. He knows how attractive he is. A handsome face, pretty eyes, and a tall and muscular body, which he takes good care of. He knows the effect he has on people. And he can see the glances the boy is stealing at him. He can see the desire in those honey eyes.
So when you think about it, they are both winners this weekend. Sukuna gets cute company and lots of good sex with no strings attached. And Yuuji gets a generous amount of money for spending a weekend at a five-star beach resort with a man who is not only attractive but also intends to fuck his cute little brains out.
The sunshine smile is back on the boy's face. He looks like an angel. A sexy angel.
Sukuna wants to ruin him and at the same time, spoil and pamper him like the cutest little pet.
Sukuna's smirk turns devilish as he spreads his legs and pats the space between them.
"Come here, darling. Let me apply some sunscreen for you. Don't want my pretty boy to get a sunburn."
He doesn't miss the way Yuuji bites his bottom lip at his words. He is sitting between Sukuna's thighs just seconds later. Almost purring like a little kitten when the older man rubs some sunscreen between his large hands before applying it carefully to Yuuji's back and arms.
Sukuna takes his time spreading it slowly over Yuuji's broad shoulders and massaging them gently before trailing his hands all over those toned biceps and down his muscular back.
"You're so good to me, Master. Taking such good care of me."
"Of course. A sweet boy like you deserves it, don't you, honey? You'll be so good to Master too, won't you?"
Yuuji's hands land on Sukuna's thighs, slowly caressing his firm muscles, and he nods,
"Yes, I will."
Sukuna chuckles softly, loving how putty the boy gets under his caresses. He leans closer to press a gentle kiss to the back of Yuuji's neck. His lips hover over Yuuji's skin afterwards, breathing in his sweet scent, cherry hairspray, and the same expensive perfume Gojo uses, combined with the unique smell of Yuuji's sun-kissed skin and the sunscreen Sukuna just massaged into his skin.
"Good boy."
Yuuji's fingers dig into Sukuna's thighs. Ah, a praise kink, huh? That's cute.
Sukuna smiles against Yuuji's neck and trails some more soft kisses over the hot skin. Until the boy lets himself fall against Sukuna's broad chest, resting his back against him and tilting his head to look up at him.
One of his hands finds its way into Sukuna's hair, fingernails scratching gently over the short hair of Sukuna's undercut, so similar to Yuuji's hairstyle.
"Master... can I kiss you, please?"
Sukuna feels heat pool in his stomach. This cute boy is really anything he wished for on this little weekend getaway! So perfect for him!
He puts a finger under Yuuji's chin to tilt his head back further and leans down with a grin and a husky whispered:
"Kiss me, sweetheart."
The moment his lips touch Yuuji's, he feels his eyes close involuntarily, lips opening against the sweet sensation of the boy's soft mouth. Yuuji is an eager kisser, sweet and oh so good at it.
His lips are soft and his tongue silky and hot, flicking sensually against Sukuna's, caressing it with so much abandon and tenderness. Kisses as sweet as the boy himself.
Sukuna groans softly into Yuuji's mouth. God, he can already tell that the boy is amazing at giving head. Someone who kisses like that will also excel at worshipping a cock with that cute little mouth.
But that's for later. Something to look forward to for tonight. Right now, Sukuna is going to kiss his pretty pet a bit more and then go for a swim with him and watch the beads of water run down his tan skin. Get drunk on those kisses and that smile and that gorgeous body.
He already knows that this weekend at the beach with this cute boy is the best decision he has made all year. Sukuna hasn't felt this relaxed in months.
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Thank you so much for reading the first chapter! I am so happy to finally share a Sukuita story with you again! They have a special place in my heart, and this Escort AU is so much fun to write! Let's see how long it will take until they fall in love :) I'm not sure how many chapters this AU will have, but I am currently at 19k words and haven't finished writing all scenes yet.
I hope you enjoyed the story! Please let me know what you think. Comments and reblogs make me very happy!
Chapter 2
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin Modern AU - Stress and Comfort
Summary: Woke up late. Missed a class. Forgot that assignment due. Another one due in two days. People are downplaying the things that you do. It’s raining and you don’t have an umbrella. Sometimes the little things pile up all in one day and it feels like all you want to do is to get it over with... and your boyfriend to make everything better.
Warnings: crying, stress, mood swings, other than that it’s fluff
Characters: Kaeya, Zhongli x gn!reader
Notes: Also a commission <3 Thank you for the love. Once again if you want something written for you I have cheap rates XD and I’ll always accommodate to your wants! Just leave me a message!
“Hey, Y/N, do you know how to write this part of the essay?” It wasn’t as if you were a particularly good student. But somehow, the people in your class liked asking you because you were accommodating. Ready to help with a smile on your face. Always there to turn to and rely on. “Yeah, it’s just like this…” and you spend nearly an hour explaining it.
“Oh gosh, I don’t think I can finish this part of the presentation tonight, something came up at home,” Group projects were sometimes difficult too. You understood. Things happened, but when they happened, you’d be the first one to say, “It’s okay, I’ll take care of it,” Even though the presentation is tomorrow, even though you barely get enough sleep for the next day. A part of you just wants to quickly get it over with.
“You said this would come out on the test… It wasn’t even there…” The worst part of it is not even receiving any thanks. It’s the way that they look at you when you make a mistake, despite all of the good things you’ve done for them, one mistake, and they make you out and guilt you to be a bad person.
“Your analysis is all wrong, Y/N. This part over here…” Sometimes the price of that was paying with your own grade. You try to listen as the lecturer explains a part of your essay. You’re listening, but it just doesn’t register in your mind. Something about misunderstanding the concept. Those concepts that you’ve tried so hard to remember and to understand. In the end they were all mixed up and confused.
Perhaps the lecturer sees the deflated look in your eyes, and ends quite happily. “Just do better in the next one!” pats your back and lets you leave, handing you your essay graded with a C.
Do better in the next one. Easier said than done.
You shove the paper in your bag without giving it a second glance.
The cafeteria. It was slightly late for lunch but you like it that way. There weren’t a lot of people at this time, which meant you didn’t have to fight for seats. Still, as you put in your order and bring your tray of food to the nearest seat that you see, you somehow bump into someone who topples over your chosen lunch, the tray completely doing a flip and landing on your chest, then on the ground with a plop and rattle.
There’s an ugly stain on your shirt. Forget about hiding it, it had to be washed. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry,” and yet they can only stare at the stain. What else could they do? Dabbing it with wet tissue would just make it worse. “It’s…fine,” you wave them away, but you leave the mess on the floor in a hurry and in an embarrassed state.
You sigh once outside again. Deciding that today was enough, you make your way home.
Even then, as you sit at your study table, all washed up and changed, sketching a little something on your tablet, your mother stands at the door, observing.
“…What does that do for you?”
You jump a little in surprise and turn, looking at her blank expression. “What does what do for me?”
“That, your drawing. You’re always on the computer or tablet Y/N. If not that, then your sketchbook. That’s all you ever do,”
You turn around because you don’t want to argue. You don’t want to hear her complaining about how you do nothing but stay in all day after lessons and play games and draw. It was one of the biggest forms of comfort you had for yourself and yet she--
“Maybe try a part time job or join a club or some—”
“Mom, I’m still trying to adjust to uni,”
Why does no one understand how difficult it is to juggle the classes and do all the readings required? Why do I have to do so many things all at the same time? Can’t I do it when I choose to and when I’m ready? Can’t I do things that I enjoy?
“The degree you chose won’t even pay the bills…” You hear her mutter as she walks away. Footsteps receding into the hallways.
You push your tablet away and lay your head face down on the table. You’re trying not to lose it and finally, whatever higher being up there hears your plea to give you a break.
A phone call from Kaeya comes through.
“…Hey,” you answer.
“Hey, hun. You haven’t been replying to my messages,” there’s a lilt of playfulness in his voice. He just thinks you’ve fallen asleep or taken a nap at home or something.
“…Yeah, I—” You try to explain. You try to say that you weren’t feeling well. That you didn’t feel like talking. But would he understand? Everyone today seemed to be against you. “I just, fell asleep,” You lie and there’s a few seconds of silence on the other side.
“…You sure?” Now there’s a hint of unease in his voice. The playfulness is gone. “You ok? Do you want me to come over?” Somehow he senses that it isn’t just “falling asleep”. His simple worry and caring attitude towards you breaks whatever composure you had left. You accidentally let out a sniffle as tears start to pool in your eyes.
“Hey… You don’t have to talk to me, but I’ll come over right now, okay?” The sniffle was enough to tell him that perhaps something had went wrong. You couldn’t help but let out a few more sniffles as tears slowly trickles down your face.
Minutes later your blue-haired boyfriend shows up at your doorstep. Despite your mom being a little hard on you earlier, when she opens the door to see him, she smiles and says. “I think they were having a bad day, I might have been a little harsh on them too,” Kaeya only grins and points a thumb to his chest. “No problem, that’s what I’m here for,” He’s still wearing his volleyball jersey.
He knocks softly on the door, “Y/N?” there’s a plastic bag in his other hand.
When you open the door your eyes were already a little red around the edges, but seeing him made your lips tremble and fresh tears fall out. “Shh… You’re okay.” He wraps you in his arms, plastic bag rustling, his hand smooths your hair down and the other rubs your back as you cry out your frustrations for the day.
The two of you stay there for what seems like a long time. You hiccupping into his chest and trying to calm down. At some point he moves the both of you on the bed and lets you curl up against him. When you finally ease up, he pulls away slightly to look at your face, then brushes away the wetness still lingering on your cheeks. “Feel better?” He whispers, as if being too loud will break you again.
You smile a little and nod at how gentle he was being. He smiles back and leans in to press a kiss on your forehead. “You’re doing great, Y/N. Whatever it is, just talk to me when you’re ready,” and it hits you so hard how much he’s willing to just be there with you, even though he doesn’t know what’s happening. How he wasn’t going to judge you for what you say or what you do and your face crumples and grimaces into a face that tells him you’re trying not to cry. “D-Did I say something wrong?” He’s a little startled, but you laugh a little through small droplets of tears that you wipe away by yourself. “No, you idiot. I’m just happy you’re here,”
He sighs and relaxes, taking his own hand and pinching your cheek, pulling at it a little. “Who’s the idiot? Crying and laughing at the same time?” He was joking, of course. He’d only do so when he knew you could take it. You swat his hand away with a slight glare, and he knows that he’s got a little bit of the normal you back. “Alright, come on, here,” He suddenly sits up and presents the plastic bag that he’s been holding all that time.
“Ice-cream, your favourite flavour,” rummages into it and takes out a tub the size of two fists, a little damp from the melted moisture. He’s got spoons in there too. Slowly, as you eat the tub together, you tell him about what’s been going on in uni. How people just expected you to help when you could. How you got nothing in return. How you try really hard and they somehow still end up piling on negativity into your life.
“…It’s okay to help, Y/N,” he thoughtfully says, mouth muffled cause his spoon was still in his mouth. “But don’t forget to take care of yourself too,” then he scoops another bite. “…But even if you don’t…it’s okay,” he looks up at the ceiling. “If you don’t take care of yourself…Then I’ll do it. That’ll be my job. Forever,”
You lay your head on his shoulder as he says this, still eating from your spoon “I love you,”. He smiles and presses a soft kiss atop your head. “Love you too. I’m always just a phone call away, babe,”
“Is there something on your mind? You’ve been quiet for the past hour,” Nothing slips by Zhongli. He’s observant. He knows you don’t feel like eating by the way you’re picking at your food. Knows that you don’t want to talk because you don’t even meet his eyes.
“…Nothing, really,” You just didn’t have the energy to talk about it.
He feels as if this date has gone awry, and he didn’t even know where he went wrong. Though, if he had to guess, it wasn’t his fault. You were just in a particularly bad mood. Not that the two of you were anywhere fancy, it was just your usual sit-down restaurant at a mall across the university.
To him, the right thing to do was give you the space you needed. So, after walking you to your room that night, he’d wait till the morning to contact you. Imagine his surprise when none of his calls go through. None of his texts were returned. He was beside himself with worry when suddenly, near the afternoon, he finally gets word from you.
“Sorry Li, I feel a little sick today. Don’t worry though, I’ll be fine in no time,”
You’re bad at lying. Or was he just good at reading you? You tend to have the habit of withdrawing when you’re out of energy. To give too much without any regards to your own state, your own feelings. Sometimes you don’t realize that you had to watch over yourself too.
It’s nearly 8 at night when he knocks at your dorm room. Zhongli went through a few steps to make sure your roommate would be out tonight. It was from them that he found out you hadn’t left the room at all today, but that you weren’t sick.
“Oh… Zhongli,” You’re surprised at the amount of things he’s holding. There’s a plastic bag that seems to nearly be popping and in his other hand was a mysterious paper bag. Under his arm he’s tucked his laptop with him. He lived in the dorms too, and if someone saw him now, it would look as if he was moving into your room. “You could’ve just asked me to come over to yours,” his eyes trail away, a certain brown-headed roommate pops up in his mind.
“No, Tartaglia’s in tonight,” You make a sound of understanding. His roommate was rather…special. Too energetic for your tastes, and sometimes nosy. “What do you have there?” You ask and invite him in. He chucks the plastic bag on your bed, lays down the laptop on your table along with the mystery paper bag. He notes that you’re already in your sleepwear, which was perfect. He starts to take out a throw blanket from the plastic bag and a hoodie.
“…This..is?” You’re a little baffled by what he’s trying to convey. “…My throw blanket that you like so much…and you said you like wearing my hoodie,” then he points at the laptop. “Do you want to watch a movie in bed? I have popcorn too,”
Then you realize that he’s trying to make you feel better. He’s figured out that you weren’t really sick, possibly just mentally drained. You smile at him and lean in for a hug, to which he responds to by wrapping his arms around your back and whispering. “…I’m not…really good at these things… Tartaglia said it might make you feel better…” You chuckle in his embrace and could imagine the kind of conversation they had.
“You’re the best Zhongli,” he secretly smiles while rubbing your back up and down. He doesn’t ask questions as to why you’ve been acting the way you do, but you’re the one who offers him the answer. “It’s just school… Too many things have been piling up… My class they… They’re really nice people you know? But just… there are times where I wish they would stop asking me for help, but it feels so selfish of me… I have my own things too, but they never think about that…”
It’s always about them, you want to say, but keep your mouth shut. He runs his hand through your hair gently, internalizing the things that you’ve said. “…I see… Would you like to hear what I think?” He’d ask first, because he knew sometimes that you didn’t really want an answer. You just wanted to be listened to. You nod against his chest, you could feel his heart beating from the closeness. “I think, you’re a very selfless person, Y/N,” he places a kiss on your head. “There’s nothing wrong in wanting to take a break from time to time, you deserve it,” and he guides you over to your bed, wrapping the two of you up in his throw blanket. Laptop on, popcorn in the mystery paper bag as you put his hoodie on. It smells just like him.
His back leans against the wall and you’re in the safety of his arms. You’re practically in his lap, encased in his scent and warmth. He’d managed to prop his laptop up on a pile of books and the two of you watch a random movie on the screen. You were paying attention to it, but you couldn’t help but be more interested in the way his chest rises and falls. You can feel him against you, and the comfort it brings is like no other.
You turn away from the screen and rest your head at the nape of his neck. He looks down, movie still playing and asks “Tired?” You shake your head, eyes closed. “No, I’m just enjoying this…” There’s a small rumble from his chest as he lets out a small “Mm,” his eyes are glued to your face. Movie forgotten.
“…Y/N, I’ll always… be next to you,” Your eyes flutter open a little to look up at him, curious. “…Always?” He nods his head firmly to confirm, and you lean up a little to press a sweet and quick kiss on his lips. “Even when I’m not my best and I’m moody?” He chuckles at that and responds with a remark that might have slightly brought tears to your eyes.
“Especially when you’re not at your best, I’ll be there. Just call,”
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