#will I fix it?
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rubitheracoon · 1 year ago
Guess who forgot to apply his eyeshadow today 👀
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P.s I did not edit this in anyway this is an actual animation error in the show :>
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fallencrow333 · 2 years ago
Reasons why Azzy and Crow are DeFEnInAlY typical Angel/Demon
Delivered fire to the humans allowing them to survive and evolve (Prometheus)
Got the fire sword which is actually canon in the Bible, gifted to an Angel (in this case azzy) to protect the tree of life (though is a tad different from the Bible in many ways buuuut we ain’t gonn get into that)
Watched over the east gate (East gate is gate of mercy, the main most important gate of Eden)
Watched over the first humans
Oh on a side note
In the Bible the East does not mean the compass East. East In the Bible means front, eternal, forward. This also follows withe how when Cain left god’s side he went to “the land of nod, on the east of eden.”
And when looking from the front of eden, (from the east gate), you would overlook the lesser world (earth). Oh and nod means homeless basically
The east of Eden is the border between the physical realm and the spiritual realm (heaven and earth, or in this case the garden of Eden and the rest of earth)
The east border is the border azzy looked over, he was the protector of the tree of life (not to be mistaken as the tree of knowledge of good and evil aka APPLES). As well as the entrance to the garden of Eden. He was actually supposed to be the Angel to ward off Adam and Eve. At least In the Bible it says that to protect the tree of life from man and to make sure mankind does not enter the garden, god placed an Angel withe a flaming sword at the entrance of the east gate (the gate from which Adam and Eve were discarded from the garden)
He overlooked the lesser world (earth) which at that time was nothing but vastness. So ya
The east is where earth is, it is the "unholy" lands
This could show that he was destined to connect two realms maybe
Oh and the east gate is the only one mentioned in the Bible specifically
Oh and just casually saying that the flaming sword is canon in the Bible the most powerful weapon ever (and was broken into three pieces after lucifers rebuking but I don’t think that corresponds withe good omens) (I also think it’s hilarious that azzy was technically supposed to use the flaming sword against Adam and Eve but instead gave it to them it’s just so azzy)
OH AND GUESS WHAT in the Bible it's canon that humans will merge around 6,000 years after the fall
Which is basically the apocalypse
You know what else happened 6,000 years after the world began in good omens? THE ANTICHRIST aka THE APOCALYPSE (or almost)
Anyways so there’s all that BUT ANYWAYS back to azzy
He was chosen to watch over the first peeps
He was also chosen to watch over the antichrist
He was there at the beginning
So he’s one of the oldest angels one of the first ones
He is the only Angel other then the archangels that god talks to directly
The name Aziraphale when broken down is seraph (which means the burning one) and el (which means of god, of power)
(Seraph also means serpent so do what you want to do withe that information)
So he is not only the one to handle the flaming sword, but in itself actually IS the flaming sword
In the Bible the quote “So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way”
And he gave the sword to humanity, He gave himself to humanity. He has been withe humanity and protecting them since the beginning.
Ok now
So there’s the obvious thing of him being the famous serpent of temptation (deFiEnTlY just a small feat not as if it literally started everything insert eye roll)
(In many myths and religions there are many gods and symbols of the serpent so for this one the comparing is not only of the Bible. And even then most of the time snake is good, such as withe a snake being a sign to carry a message to John)
Ok so first let’s start withe the Bible
The Bible never actually states that the serpent is of satan, only that it is of temptation and sin. So there is no definite person or title I can compare crow to. (Well satan has been called serpent BUT NO WERE GETTING OFF SUBJECT THIS IS NOT A BIBLE STUDY)
(The only definite name the serpent was called other then words of titles was Nahash but that means serpent in Hebrew)
I do want to add that the serpent never actually lied to Eve or Adam it actually went on to say how “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” And that is what happened. They became aware and held wisdom aloft. (Crow is actually very proud of showing Adam and Eve the knowledge of good and evil because I bet he was reflecting himself on it thinking that he sure would’ve wanted to know some of that before he fell) I’m pretty sure there’s a quote from Neil gaiman about this.
Now serpents have never actually been seen as anything bad other than in the Bible. In most religions they are known to be symbols of life, death, and rebirth. As well as cleverness and slyness. In the Bible the serpent symbolizes evil powers, temptations, chaos, but also life, rebirth, and divination. (WE. ARE. NOT. GETTING. OFF. SUBJECT.)
So crow was the serpent, temptation, he could’ve also been a sort of Mestophillies (but I have nothing to back that up)
Honesty he kinda reminds me more of loki, chaotic but not in an evil sense. Sorta chaotic neutral.
Ok back to the list
Crow was famous serpent dude
Crow was also the watcher to the first humans (Adam and Eve)
He was chosen to not only watched the antichrist (death the everything, very high feat) but also deliver it.
He was there at the very beginning, and was one of the original fallen angels
Oh and I’m pretty sure he’s the only demon who can make holy miracles
So he’s one of the oldest (he even created nebulas for hells sake)
He himself was able to deter Lucifer himself by doing his stopping time in a different dimension thingy (I’m pretty sure this isn’t a normal power, it stopped satan for hells sake!)
He also was the dude who took Jesus on a road trip (in the Bible it was Jesus was tempted by satan for 40 days)
I've noticed that every other demon is rotting
But crow is as maculent as ever
He also seems to be the only one to have Angel wings, even if there black
He created original sin
Response for the whole corruption of gods creation
Honestly I can see why he is the serpent he’s very resourceful and clever (the switcheroo as one example you go azzy and crow)
While we are at this let’s talk about what type of Angel crow was when he fell.
We know that even though he has been corresponded to Lucifer due to the snake thingy, he isn't Lucifer
We know he is higher rank then Muriel
In season two they hinted he was a prince, saying only one other high ranked Angel fell (minus Lucifer)
AND crow had clearance to open the file folder even though Muriel specifically said only the highest ranked angels could open it
I think that crow was corresponded withe archangel Raphael maybe
The only archangel not mentioned in good omens is Raphael
Now let’s talk about Bible Raphael
So Raphael is the second in command of god
Or third
Ok wait so Lucifer used to be the first, then Michael, then Raphael
So we will say third
Raphael was the Angel of healing, but also the Angel of death and the protecter of the third heaven (third heaven is the heaven that god himself dwells in)
He was the closest archangel to humans
Also Gabriel and Raphael are the archangels who created the stars
Oh also Raphael is the one who conquered the demon asmodeus (and guesss what azzy thought Crowley changed his name to~)
Raephael is the "the Angel of spirits of men" and "heal the earth which the angels have defiled" so that could be why crow likes humans so much (as you can tell in the show I will not be elaborating)
Raphael symbol is a snake entwined withe a wooden staff
In other words Raphael is the guardian
Oh and Raphael is the one to call judgement day (the day of reckoning, dies Israel)
This corresponds to Raphael Islam name
in the islam raephal is also called Israfel which is the dude who trumpets the Qiyamah (did I spell that right I dunno) which is the day of judgement in Islam
So he tells the start of the apocalypse(ish)
His titles are
Angel of Song. The burning one. Herald of the dawning day.
And another connection that is a maybe this
So Azrael is the Angel of death
He is fallen Angel and is left shoulder Angel (left corresponds to evil)
(I wonder if crow is left handed??)
(Though Crowley from what I have seen has always been depicted on the left side)
Also in some depictions Raphael is the only Angel (other then I think ururial) that has black wings
So azrael is carrier of souls
He's also the Angel of passage
So yeah there’s that
Then there’s Gadriel
Wait imma need to add
So Gadriel and Azazel are from a group of fallen angels in the book of Enoch called the watchers. The watchers were angels who fell because they became involved withe women. The watchers fell before Lucifer (they fell willingly accourding to some accounts)
There are 200 watchers that fell (Gadriel was the third of five leaders)
Ok so Gadriel was the Angel who watched over the garden of Eden (in the book of Enoch)
The direct quote is “And the third was named Gâdreêl: he it is who showed the children of men all the blows of death, and he led astray Eve, and showed [the weapons of death to the sons of men] the shield and the coat of mail, and the sword for battle, and all the weapons of death to the children of men. And from his hand they have proceeded against those who dwell on the earth from that day and for evermore”
He was who taught mankind warfare, and was also the snake who tempted Eve, maybe. It’s hard to tell if he is the one to be the serpent or if he failed at keeping evil (Lucifer) out of Eden. Nevertheless it does add up withe Crowley being the snake but not being Lucifer.
Aaaand the last one is barachiel, who taught mankind astronomy and was the Angel of blessings before he fell (he is part of the watchers as well) They are also associated withe children and plants.
And then there’s this little fact
Aziraphale (in Hebrew depending on how it’s spelled) translates to either helper of the defiant one, heedless helper, helper of the fallen
In an interview it was said that azirahphale would be spelled like Aziraphael to keep withe the angels having el at the end (michael, Gabriel, Uriel, etc etc) and if that’s the case then it could translate to Raphael is my strength (because azir can be translate to helper)
Crowely name is קראו לי in Hebrew. Which means they called me, in past tense specifically. Crawley in Hebrew is קראלי (change in pronunciation and form). It means they call me, specifically present tense. His first name (maybe while he was still in denial of the fall) was crawley, which means call me. That is some real symbolism there…a tad sad
When he changed his name, he only added the letter ו (Vav). Adding this specific letter has a lot of significance to it. that ו is part of God’s Holy Name, which is י-ה-ו-ה (Yud, Hey, Vav, Hey). Adding a letter of god holy name is symbolic of a person’s essential connection to God. Each letter symbolizes a different thing. The ‘י’ in it’s shape is not grounded. It symbolizes not being grounded to earth, only heaven. The ה in its shape envelops a grounded marking. The grounded beings purpose is entirely, and solely, on Earth. What’s so special about the ו part is that it is a connector. It is the literal line connecting the top to the bottom. It channels earth to heaven and heaven to earth.
Crowley is a ו. By him being a fallen angel, he brought a piece of Heaven down to Earth. He is a channel of the two worlds. An example of this was when he and Aziraphale averted the Apocalypse.
He never knew where he belongs, doesn’t know what he was called for, he and azzy were made to connect the two worlds together. Hes not quite an Angel, but neither is he much of a Demon, and has the the imagination of a human. I guess he’s on his own side along withe azzy.
Oh and the fact that together they made a hugggeee miracle, and they were trying to be subtle. So imagine how huge and powerful one where they weren’t trying to be subtle would be.
There’s a lot more, but I shall refrain
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elliespeach · 1 year ago
no one was going to tell me i’ve been spelling ellie’s name wrong on tear up apart
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ashes-in-a-jar · 3 months ago
Forget about torturing your blorbos, putting them through the wringer. I'm putting my blorbo in perfectly ordinary, pleasant situations. Their tortured personality will cause them anguish anyway, making an absolutely mundane scene into the most dramatic, agony filled affair as though the world is ending and it's all their fault
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possumtion · 5 months ago
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They’re back!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 year ago
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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catie-does-things · 20 days ago
Thinking about how Anakin canonically both touched grass and got laid and was still Like That.
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irate-iguana · 3 months ago
For those who don’t know, Elon Musk has recently been directing his assholery towards Wikipedia — calling them ‘Wokepedia’ due to the amount they spend on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and calling for people to stop giving them money “until they restore balance to their editing authority” —, now is a great time to consider donating to Wikipedia!
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wormspoodle · 5 months ago
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compiled some things
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imperatoralicia · 1 year ago
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I get a lot of entertainment thinking about how containers are used in video games sometimes.
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chongoblog · 6 months ago
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So a lot of political scandals just dropped in the last 24 hours
-NC Governor Candidate Mark Robinson's online posts were found, including some VERY graphic descriptions (like seriously, do not read if you're not 18) of him cheating on his wife, calling himself a black Nazi, and expressing support for reinstituting slavery. His email address was also found on Ashley Madison
-Robert F Kennedy Jr was revealed to be cheating on his wife with a reporter (and that isn't even the weirdest thing since federal law enforcement opened an investigation into him allegedly cutting off the head of a whale and taking it home with him less than 24 hours ago)
-GOP Senate candidate who is the CEO of a bank has been found accepting millions of dollars from what seem to allegedly be Mexican drug cartels.
-Finally, probably the biggest bombshell, according to multiple eyewitness testimonies within sealed sworn affadavits, Congressman Matt Gaetz allegedly invited a 17-year-old girl to a drug-fueld sex party
And we haven't even hit October, folks. Again, these are all still breaking news stories, so things are subject to change, but oh man oh man.
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draconym · 5 months ago
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yeehawpim · 2 years ago
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a comic about fix-it fanfics
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cowboysmp3 · 10 months ago
there’s something sooo sickening about how dunmeshis whole energy is like sometimes something terrible and awful happens to you and it changes you forever and nothing can make you the person you were before but there’s still love and there’s still sharing a meal together and there’s still living
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acapricorncreature · 3 months ago
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parkjammys · 6 months ago
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the audacity of the official dc account to even post this 😭
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