#wild i was not expecting this lmao
flamelscross · 1 year
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I was like what the fuck is this giant wiggling present on my dashboard what fuckery has tumblr concocted now....
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gunsatthaphan · 3 months
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"are you a foreigner?"
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nipuni · 5 months
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On may 2nd we participated in the reenactment of Madrid's uprising against French occupation in 1808 at the Royal palace and also visited the Liria Palace 😊 All of Madrid was there!! it was crazy, I couldn't take pictures once the act started but we were on the news and had our pictures taken by the press 😵‍💫
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jamesbukkakebarnes · 1 year
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let's ignore the fact that i've been super inactive and focus on them 💕 i just want yall to know i think abt stevebucky (and alpine) constantly 😭
anyway it's my birthday, and ive been doing a lot of Thinking and idk, i think im gonna start posting art w/o worrying abt if it's good or not. so here's steve and bucky and little alpine sleeping in (i love that for them) 🩷
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tuituipupu · 4 months
it’s only 13 seconds he didn’t last :( (i’m lazy) no actually i’m all outta moans chief 🤷🏻‍♀️ what can i say too busy posting literal shit
this was requested by @jaarijani 💙💚
also we ignore the fact i think he is moaning chicken ok we move build a bridge get over it 🐓
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mazojo · 3 months
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hi yeah so to this day i’m still thinking about the direct aftermath of the betrayal. about how we still don’t know exactly what happened - maybe the movie will give us some backstory! obviously we know the long-term effects of it, but what happened directly after the button was pushed? like did ambrosius realize what he’d done at first? was there instant horror and regret the moment it happened? or did it take a moment to register that he’d blown off ballister’s arm?
and how long did it take ambrosius to realize that the worst mistake of his life had been by design, planned all along? how long before he realized it was never really his fault, but rather the director’s? was it right after he’d stood up in the arena only to find that ballister was still on the ground, or was it a slow reconciliation with the truth that stretched across years?
and about the feud/breakup itself, too - how much of it was pushed by the director and the news, and how much was it ballister himself, rightly angry that he’d been betrayed? how many times did ambrosius try to tell ballister it was an accident before it became clear ballister didn’t believe him, and how many times after that was he just repeating himself over and over? did he ever mention that he’d tried to help, that he’d seen the spreading pool of blood and tried to rush over, only to be held back? did anybody ever find out that beneath the triumphant, untouchable king’s champion was a scared and bitter young knight, forever regretting something that was out of his control from the very beginning? that the price of his victory was so, so much higher than a broken lance and an arm?
what would it feel like, i wonder, to be a golden boy on a pedestal, exalted as a hero but despised by the person who mattered most to you? to be rewarded with fame and glory and a statue in the town square for something you never even meant to do, something that ruined everything? to be celebrated for the worst thing you ever did, crowned king’s champion and gilded in the eyes of the whole kingdom but knowing their approval means nothing compared to the love of the person you’d hurt, someone you’ll probably never get back again because why would you after what you’d done? to get everything you’d ever thought you wanted, at the expense of the one person who mattered most?
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wazzappp · 4 months
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One fun little idea I love to pull off the shelf every once and a while: mutant Lisa with ice powers
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meteorherd · 8 months
live action atla rewriting sokka to not be sexist because it's "problematic" and then priding itself for "more explicitly" showing the airbender genocide because the show only "alluded" to it...quite possibly the weirdest implications of what "progressive media" means that i've seen in a good while
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dazais-guardian-angel · 3 months
gotta say that if bram stoker is trying to convince me that Renfield isn't actually future Johnathan from another timeline, then he isn't doing a very good job at it
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deus-ex-mona · 21 days
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mona’s self liner notes for fukutsu no idol!
This song was the first of my new songs to be released. I sang it with many thoughts and feelings about everyone I know and everything I’ve gone through up till now in mind. I really love the MV and my costume too. I did fret about how well the song would be received, but I was really happy to receive many comments about how excited people were for my album♡
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quuma · 2 years
[not proof read - just forewarning you LOL goodluck,, there's likely many mispellings and inconsistencies in structure and past/present tense]
“silence speaks the loudest.”
a phrase that the boy had never fully understood. how could the lack of noise ever make comment? ever express itself? [he was never one to enjoy symbolism – preferring the objectiveness of facts. unfortunately, symbolism was something he needed to know for his final assessments. when one does not understand, they can do nothing but learn. alas, he had to try.]
sitting together in the common room one late night, air weighed down by the pressure of the upcoming O.W.L.s - silent, still; thinking. him, gaze fixed straight ahead, enraptured by the glowing fire in front of him, parchment and quill long abandoned and spilling in waves onto the cold floor below. [his hand aches, as does his head. unintelligible words bounce around, vaguely connecting to others before disappearing. he can’t remember anything he’s read in the past 2 hours.] you, tucked away in a corner, scribbled work illuminated only by a curtain of reflected moonlight creeping through the alcove windows and the lone candle melting above. drip, drip. the flame almost tickles the end of the wick – forewarning of the late hour. but neither of you make any sudden movement that suggests the intention of leaving anytime soon.
the room had once been full, bustling with frazzled teenagers and their shared confusion. shouts of questions juxtaposing aggressive hushes for silence. his friends had once been there too, now long retired to the comforting confines of their bedsheets. he cannot help but be jealous. [but a small part of him is guiltily glad to be away from them. don’t get him wrong, he loves his friends and fellow housemates, but sometimes he just needs space.]
seconds pass. minutes pass. wax drips to the floor one final time, announcing light’s departure. his eyelids struggle to remain open - fighting a losing battle - but his hands are still. his gaze is finally torn from the hypnotic fire, lethargically flicking around in a half-hearted attempt at waking himself of the enticing trance that orange light brings. they eventually reach you. you, now staring back at him.
the two of you had never been particularly close. it was no personal slight against one another, of course. you were friends of friends - skirting the edges of one another’s social groups, but never each other. there was simply no need to. no magical spark, no unexplainable invisible might bringing you together, no forced proximity in classes – he didn’t think he’d ever even accidently locked eyes with you before this.
silence. a heavy sigh escaped a pair of lips [he couldn’t tell if it had been yours or his, mind too fuzzy from hours of memorising equations, wand movements, and literary techniques.]
no words passed through that night air, but the message was still clear.
you looked away. so did he. movement ensued once more; quills flicking lethargically, eyes hesitantly blinking, the crackle of the fire filling the air.
silence, silence.
time had continued to run its course.
the night (or morning, as the faint light of dawn had replaced the moonlight) had ended with you suddenly rising from your chair, startling the boy from the half-asleep daze he hadn’t even realised he had slipped in to. upon realising that you were leaving, he too clumsily collected his things and stood. by the time he was done (which, admittedly, took an embarrassingly long amount of time. but who could blame him? he was attempting to function off less than an hour’s worth of half-conscious sleep) you were long gone. the sound of the common room door thumping gently behind you, paired with your fading tip-toed footsteps were all that reached him.
in the hours, days, months after that moment of eye contact, that moment of mutual understanding, nothing eventful followed. there were no sudden deep discussions, there were no shared inside jokes – but there was that passing moment. there was that presence. there was that tranquillity. there was that shared struggle of staying awake. there was the recognition of unspoken words; “i’m glad was not alone. i’m glad it was you. no expectations, no forced discussion, no preconceived notions. just two people, sitting, experiencing; living. normal, together. thank you.”
no words ever of acknowledgment of that moment ever cross either of your lips – no one admits the comfort of that silent scene. [but there are now locked gazes. there are now small smiles shared. there is now proximity. the social circles you two skirted are now closer, closing in on one another.]
but you both know. you know, he knows.
he thinks he understands now.
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kareenvorbarra · 1 month
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Meme: favorite books read so far in 2024 (tagged by @child-of-hurin)
Ju's post doesn't say how many books to pick but she listed four, so that's what I'm doing.
Honorable mention goes to the six other Sayers novels I've read so far this year, because I've been absolutely devouring them and it was hard to pick a favorite (and no I'm not done with the series yet)
tagging @wizardysseus, @anghraine, @yavieriel, @thecrenellations, @roseofbattles, and anybody else who would like to do it!
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mod2amaryllis · 9 months
Do you have any fish that you dream about one day getting? For me it’s ropefish, gimme those lil snakes
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i would die for a ropefish.... in the same vein the only monster fish that I've ever put in a heart shaped locket is a birchir. they're even among the smaller monster fish so they're not THAT unattainable, i say, foolishly, longingly (and before anyone gets irresponsible ideas when i say "smaller" i mean 1-2 feet minimum lol, still a monster)
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then ever since having my kribs and seeing how cool and intelligent they are, the dream cichlid is a blood parrot AND I KNOW, THEY'RE ASSHOLES, but looooook at itttt.......wawer puppy.... I'd want one in its own big tank as a wet pet
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but those are the highly unlikely gets, the top of my realistic wishlist is pretty stereotypical: pea puffers 🥹
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they're a perfect mix of attainable + new challenge + omg omg omg cuuuute!!!!!!! it's honestly puffers in general that i desperately wanna try, large puffers are equally adorable to me... if I'm at an aquarium they're my number 2 after arapaima, i could watch a big puffer toot around for hours. they're so visibly intelligent it's amazing!
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just for fun, I've been snapping fancy shots of each of my beta test characters this time around. so without further ado, these fellas are:
Kara the Fierce (Norn Soulbeast) Valiant Luaith (Sylvari Daredevil) Goria Deathcaller (Charr Reaper)
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vulturevanity · 1 year
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I know what you are
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