#wild bumblebee fish
witchofthesouls · 8 months
Hey! I saw an earlier post you had about the boys in the grocery store and it got me wondering about how they would react to hunting. I’m a hunter, have been all my life. I hunt deer, boars, ducks, coyotes, turkeys, quails, pheasants, wild Burmese pythons, and I fish locally too (strictly a vermin exterminator and food hunter, I find sports hunting to be distasteful and I strictly use a bow and arrow, no traps or guns as I take issues with those too). I can picture the absolute horror of the TFP or Lost Light bots seeing their/a human skinning and processing an animal that they just hunted for food, they see the modern convinces that are grocery stores so it’s easy to forget where human food actually comes from 😂
Weirdly enough, IDW/MTMTE does have Cybertronian edibles like cesium salami and rust sticks.
But then again, there's a big percentage of the crew members who were produced by the war, so there's a great chance that they didn't get a crash course on things that were deemed "unnecessary," like Cybertronian cuisine and fauna to forage and hunt.
TFP Cybertronians, on the other hand, have Questions.
Get ready to pull up diagrams, manuals, videos, and live demonstrations via YouTube or your own hands because they got the curiosity of two-year-old with the capacity to keep you in their palm for no escape.
Ratchet absolutely hates it. It's too messy and squishy and completely unalike the organized and relatively clean method of converting crystals to fuel. Horrified over the mysteries of hotdogs and how everything can and will kill humans without specific preparations to negate the toxins. Ratchet is boggled over spice challenges and how the hell humanity hadn't died in its infancy over culinary explorations. Someone told him to look up Hákarl.
He takes great displeasure when the kids sass him over Cybertronians eating their own blood. Different. Absolutely different. He clucks over the base kitchen and is not above making things disappear. He argues with June and Agent Fowler over the groceries and fast food bags. Ratchet's crunchy.
Bulkhead actually enjoys fishing. He's more catch and release rather than for keeping and gutting. He likes soaking up the heat of the sun, the sound of running water, birdsong, and insects buzzing, the gear setup and picking out the right lure and bait. It's a different kind of downtime, but it's nice. All he's missing is engex, but he's able to throw a line farther out than anyone else and has the capability to detect motion far greater than an average human. He still wants an engex cube.
Arcee has mixed feelings. She enjoys hunting. Patience, tracking, stealth, and the sense of accomplishment with a clean catch. She likes less the process of handling carcasses, but really hates waste anything that could have been useful. Meat, leather, tools, jewelry, and raw ingredients that could be sold or traded. Arcee just doesn't like sharing something with Airachnid's methods.
Bumblebee's a scout. People expected him to like foraging or the wilds. He prefers domesticated stock. In particular, beekeeping. To him, it represents a more equivalent partnership: he provides accessible resources and safe quarters and the bees yield honey, comb, and wax in return. If the hive don't like him or the area, then they can leave elsewhere.
Optimus is deeply fascinated by how Earth's biodiversity is so immense and how ecosystems are so diverse and complex, yet so fragile. He quietly wishes for Alpha Trion's presence because Optimus is seeing familiar similarities of Cybertronian long gone biomes: wetlands, woodlands, and reefs. The Sea of Rust once was a massive ocean of mineral-laden Energon. It has long since disappeared by the consensus of heavy, unregulated industrialization, but if Earth has the water cycle, ocean currents and belts, and complex system of thermoregulation that replenishes itself, then Cybertron had to have something similar at one point, no?
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celestiallyslimy · 2 months
,,what is it like to be an uncommon theriotype?'' tldr; having an uncommon theriotype is a wild ride. you get to find out what being an alterhuman is like, for you, and for yourself. but, its hard to connect with other therians.
so, most of the therian community are caninekin or felinekin. that's completely fine! im not gonna diss someone for having a certain identity.
but, as a catfish and as a bumblebee therian, it's sometimes hard to find advice for my theriotypes and fellow fish/insectkin. it's not like it's all bad- i mean, there's somethng special about it. there's very little people who can tell you how your identity is "supposed" to be. you're completely free to find your own path on what alterhumanity is like, for you. maybe you might be the one to help others realize that their theriotype doesnt need to be a cat or a dog or a fox. but on the other hand? most people look at therians and think of the cats and dogs. even just saying "mammals" is too broad to describe the majority of therians. i mean, how many monkey therians do you see? they're mammals. how many pig therians do you see? how many whale therians? theres not really many people you can relate to. thank you for reading the whole thing! a reblog, comment, or like would be appreciated!
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arecaceae175 · 4 months
This is my mermay contribution. All characters belong to @heroesspirit!!!
Each Link has a different place in the world of cultural inspiration, so at least one of the fish included for each is endemic to that region. Endemic means it is native to that specific area and not found (naturally) anywhere else in the world!! It’s really cool. There are some fish that are endemic to a singular lake!!!! Big lakes, but still one singular lake!!!! Or one reach of a tributary stream!!! It’s super cool.
Anyway. FISH!!!!! Image descriptions at the very bottom! :D
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IMAGE ID: Images are the names of each link and then a saltwater fish and a freshwater fish. Each fish has the common name, the common name in the native language of wherever it is found, and then the scientific name. The fish are listed below. Since I am posting this on mobile I only have an English keyboard, so I am only including the common names in the ISO Latin alphabet in the descriptions.
Eras. Saltwater: Whale shark, Rhincodon typus. Freshwater: Rock carp, Procypris rabaudi.
Legend. Saltwater: West Indian lionfish, Pterois brevipectoralis. Freshwater: Malaysian fish, Betta tussyae.
Sailor. Swallowtail fangblenny, Meiacanthus procne. Freshwater: Peacock-eye gudgeon, Tateurndina ocellicauda.
Kiri. Saltwater: Saddleback anemonefish, Giru, Amphiprion polymnus. Freshwater: Starry sturgeon, Uzun burun, Acipenser stellatus.
Four. Saltwater: Bluehead fairy wrasse, Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura. Freshwater: Pumpkinseed sunfish, Zonnebaars, Lepomis gibbosus.
Cori. Saltwater: Morid cod, Úthafsmóra, Svetovidovia lucullus. Freshwater: Bumblebee guppy, Poecilia reticulata.
Sky. Saltwater: Blotchwing flyingfish, Peshk fluturues, Rundinella, Uçan balik, Cheilopogon heterurus. Freshwater: Peruvian longfin, Aphyolebias peruensis.
Piper: Blackspot tuskfish, Marigyan, Mugadyi, Nggalanggari, Choerodon schoeleinii. Freshwater: Central stoneroller, Campostoma anomalum.
Wild. Saltwater: Ornate cowfish, Arcana ornata. Freshwater: Blunt-nosed Irish charr, Salvelinus obtusus.
First: Saltwater: Leafy seadragon, Phycodurus eques. Freshwater: Leopard barbel, A’djzan, Abou khazzama, Luciobarbus subquincunciatus
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the list!!!
every creature that's endangered or critically endangered or extinct in the wild that you can keep and breed in your own (freshwater) aquarium to stop it from dying out completely.
ive been working on this for a while and its still very not done bc oh my god theres so many-
some of these are super duper rare and expensive but others are widely beloved fish, some of them are rlly surprising to see here
pls lmk if theres anything i should add that i havent yet :3 theres a lot of undescribed species that you dont find in databases and stuff so i need all the obsessed nerds i can find to finish this!!!
not bolded = endangered
bolded = critically endangered
red = extinct in the wild (THESE LITERALLY ONLY EXIST WHERE WE KEEP THEM 0.0)
okay here it is :3
Allodontichthys polylepis - Finescale splitfin
Allotoca catarinae - Catarina allotoca
Allotoca dugesii - Bumblebee goodeid, Opal allotoca
Allotoca goslinei - Banded allotoca
Allotoca maculata - Blackspot goodeid, Blackspot allotoca
Allotoca meeki - Zirahuen allotoca
Allotoca zacapuensis - Zacapu allotoca
Amatitlania kanna - Panama convict cichlid
Amatitlania myrnae - Topaz cichlid
Ambystoma mexicanum - Axolotl
Ameca splendens - Butterfly goodeid
Amphilophus chancho
Amphilophus flaveolus
Amphilophus lyonsi
Amphilophus zaliosus - Arrow cichlid
Apistogramma lineata  
Apistogramma psammophila - two banded dwarf cichlid 
Aponogeton capuronii 
Aponogeton longiplumulosus
Astatotilapia desfontainii
Ataeniobius toweri - Striped goodeid
Aulonocara baenschi - Nkhomo-benga peacock, yellow benga, sunshine peacock
Aulonocara kandeense - Blue orchid peacock
Aulonocara maylandi - Sulfurhead peacock
Bedotia geayi - Madagascar rainbowfish, red-tailed silverside, zona
Bedotia madagascariensis - Madagascar rainbow, Madagascan rainbowfish
Benitochromis conjunctus
Benitochromis finleyi
Benitochromis nigrodorsalis
Benitochromis riomuniensis
Betta albimarginata - Whiteseam fighter
Betta antoni
Betta sp. “api api” - Api api betta
Betta burdigala
Betta channoides - Snakehead betta
Betta chloropharynx - Green throat mouthbrooder
Betta compuncta
Betta cracens
Betta foerschi
Betta hendra
Betta hipposideros
Betta sp. “jade” - Jade betta
Betta livida
Betta mahachaiensis - Mahachai betta
Betta mandor
Betta miniopinna
Betta omega
Betta pardalotos
Betta patoti - Tiger betta
Betta persephone
Betta pi
Betta rubra - Toba betta
Betta rutilans - Fire betta
Betta schalleri 
Betta simplex - Krabi mouthbrooding betta
Betta smaragdina “guitar”
Betta spilotogena
Betta stiktos 
Betta tussyae - Chukai betta
Betta waseri
Brevibora dorsiocellata - Emerald eye rasbora, eyespot rasbora
Cambarellus patzcuarensis - Mexican dwarf crayfish
Caridina dennerli - Cardinal Sulawesi shrimp
Caridina glaubrechti - Red orchid Sulawesi shrimp, red orchid shrimp
Caridina holthuisi - Six banded Sulawesi shrimp
Caridina loehae - Mini blue bee shrimp, orange delight shrimp
Caridina masapi - Towuti tiger shrimp
Caridina profundicola - Sunstripe shrimp
Caridina spinata - Yellow goldflake shrimp, yellow nose shrimp, yellow cheek shrimp
Caridina spongicola
Caridina striata - Red line shrimp
Caridina tenuirostris 
Caridina tigri - Tigris sulawesi shrimp
Caridina woltereckae - Sulawesi harlequin shrimp
Chapalichthys pardalis - Polkadot splitfin
Characodon audax - Bold characodon
Characodon lateralis - Rainbow goodeid, Rainbow characodon
Chilatherina bleheri - Blehers rainbowfish
Chilatherina sentaniensis - Sentani rainbowfish
Chindongo saulosi
Coelotilapia joka
Coptodon bythobates
Coptodon deckerti
Coptodon gutturosus
Coptodon kottae
Coptodon snyderae
Cyprinodon alvarezi - Potosi pupfish
Crenichthys baileyi - White River springfish
Cribroheros bussingi
Cribroheros rhytisma
Danio/Celestichthys erythromicron - Emerald dwarf rasbora
Devario auropurpureus/Inlecypris auropurpurea - Lake Inle danio
Devario pathirana - Barred danio
Dicrossus gladicauda
Epalzeorhynchos bicolor - Redtail shark/red tailed shark
Etroplus canarensis - Canara pearlspot
Gambusia hurtadoi - Crescent gambusia
Girardinichthys multiradiatus - Dark-edged splitfin
Girardinichthys viviparus - Chapultepec splitfin
Glossolepis dorityi - Doritys rainbowfish, Grime rainbowfish
Glossolepis incisus - Red rainbowfish
Glossolepis maculosus - Spotted rainbowfish
Glossolepis wanamensis - Lake Wanam rainbowfish, emerald rainbowfish, green dragon rainbowfish
Gymnogeophagus caaguazuensis
Halocaridina rubra - ‘Opae‘ula
Haplochromis brownae
Haplochromis ishmaeli
Haplochromis latifasciatus - Zebra obliquidens
Haplochromis perrieri
Hemichromis cerasogaster
Herichthys bartoni - Bartons cichlid
Herichthys labridens - Curve-bar cichlid
Herichthys minckleyi - Minckleys cichlid
Herichthys steindachneri - Steindachners cichlid
Hubbsina turneri - Highland splitfin
Hypancistrus zebra - Zebra pleco
Hyphessobrycon flammeus - Flame tetra 
Kiunga ballochi - Glass blue eye
Konia eisentrauti - Konye
Lamprologus kungweensis - Ocellated shell dweller
Limbochromis robertsi 
Limia islai - Tiger limia
Limia nigrofasciata - Humpbacked limia, Black-barred limia
Limia sulphurophila - Sulphur limia
Lipochromis/Cleptochromis/Haplochromis parvidens
Luciocephalus aura - Peppermint pikehead
Malpulutta kretseri - Ornate paradisefish
Mchenga conophoros
Melanochromis chipokae
Melanochromis lepidiadaptes
Melanotaenia ajamaruensis - Ajamaru rainbowfish, Ajamaru lakes rainbowfish
Melanotaenia boesemani - Boesemani rainbowfish
Melanotaenia bowmani - Bowmans rainbowfish
Melanotaenia fasinensis
Melanotaenia gracilis - Slender rainbowfish
Melanotaenia klasioensis - Klasio Creek rainbowfish, Klasio rainbowfish
Melanotaenia lacustris - Turquoise rainbowfish, Lake Kutubu rainbowfish
Melanotaenia mairasi - Lake Furnusu rainbowfish
Melanotaenia parva - Lake Kurumoi rainbowfish, sunset dwarf rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sp. “Running River” - Running River rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sembrae
Melanotaenia sexlineata - Fly River rainbowfish
Melanotaenia susii - Susi Creek rainbowfish
Melanotaenia utcheensis - Utchee rainbowfish, Utchee Creek rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sp. “Williams Creek” - Malanda gold rainbowfish, Williams Creek rainbowfish
Mesoheros gephyrus
Metriaclima koningsi
Metriaclima usisyae
Microrasbora rubescens - Red dwarf rasbora
Myaka myaka - Myaka
Nandopsis ramsdeni
Nannostomus mortenthaleri - Coral red pencilfish
Nanochromis transvestitus
Neoophorus regalis
Neotoca bilineata - Twoline skiffia
Nyassachromis boadzulu
Oreochromis alcalicus - Soda cichlid, common natron tilapia
Osphronemus laticlavius - Giant red tail gourami
Parananochromis ornatus
Paretroplus dambabe
Paretroplus maculatus - Damba mipentina
Paretroplus menarambo - Pinstripe damba
Paretroplus nourissati
Parosphromenus alfredi 
Parosphromenus anjunganensis
Parosphromenus filamentosus
Parosphromenus gunawani
Parosphromenus harveyi
Parosphromenus linkei
Parosphromenus opallios
Parosphromenus ornaticauda
Parosphromenus pahuensis
Parosphromenus paludicola
Parosphromenus phoenicurus
Parosphromenus quindecim
Parosphromenus rubrimontis
Parosphromenus tweediei
Phallichthys quadripunctatus - Four spotted toothcarp, four spotted merry widow
Placidochromis phenochilus
Poropanchax/Congopanchax myersi - Hummingbird lampeye
Pseudomugil connieae - Popondetta blue eye
Pseudomugil furcatus - Forktail blue eye
Pseudomugil ivantsoffi - Ivantsoffs blue eye
Pseudomugil luminatus - Red neon blue eye
Pseudomugil mellis - Honey blue eye
Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos - Maingano cichlid
Ptychochromis insolitus - Mangarahara cichlid
Ptychochromis oligacanthus
Pungu maclareni - Pungu
Priapella olmecae - Olmec priapella
Quintana atrizona - Barred topminnow
Rocio spinosissima
Sahyadria/Dawkinsonia denisonii - Denison barb, red line torpedo barb, roseline shark
Sarotherodon caroli - Fissi
Sarotherodon knauerae
Sarotherodon linnellii - Blackfin tilapia
Sarotherodon lamprechti
Sarotherodon logbergeri - Keppe, keppi
Sarotherodon steinbachi - Kululu
Scleropages formosus - Asian arowana
Sewellia marmorata
Skiffia francesae - Golden skiffia
Skiffia lermae - Olive skiffia
Skiffia multipunctata - Spotted skiffia
Skiffia sp. “Sayula” - Sayula skiffia
Sphaerichthys vaillanti - Samurai gourami, vaillants chocolate gourami
Stomatepia mariae - Nsess
Stomatepia mongo - Mongo
Stomatepia pindu - Pindu
Tanichthys albiventris 
Tanichthys albonubes - White cloud mountain minnow, white cloud minnow
Tanichthys micagemmae - Vietnamese cardinal minnow, Vietnamese white cloud
Teleogramma brichardi
Tilapia guinasana - Otjikoto tilapia 
Trigonostigma somphongsi
Vieja hartwegi - Tailbar cichlid 
Xenoophorus captivus - Relict splitfin
Xenotoca doadrioi - San Marcos redtail splitfin, San Marcos redtail goodeid
Xenotoca eiseni - Redtail splitfin, Redtail goodeid
Xenotoca lyonsi - Tamazula redtail splitfin
Xenotoca melanosoma - Black splitfin
Xenotoca cf. melanosoma 
Xiphophorus andersi - Spiketail platyfish
Xiphophorus couchianus - Monterrey platyfish
Xiphophorus meyeri - Marbled swordtail
Zoogoneticus tequila - Tequila splitfin
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solaneceae · 10 months
【 𝙿 𝚁 𝙾 𝙹 𝙴 𝙲 𝚃 : 𝙳 𝚄 𝙲 𝙺 𝙻 𝙸 𝙽 𝙶 】 | a QSMP Baghera playlist 🐤
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a narrative playlist retracing her story, from her humble origins to Purgatory.
cover art by @Rion_Riots on twitter
⤵️ tracklist under the cut ⤵️
CHAPTER 1: lab rat
a duckling opens her eyes to white tiles and syringes.
Bumblebees are Out - Jack Stauber
A Bird in a Gilded Cage - Alex Niedt
Body - Mother Mother
rises the moon - liana flores
CHAPTER 2: Duckling and Bluebird
a bond is formed between two birds of a feather.
Rule #4 Fish in a Birdcage - Fish in a Birdcage
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn
Innocence - Madeon
CHAPTER 3: escape!
this little duckling has had enough.
Escapism - Rebecca Sugar
Shelter - Porter Robinson
We'll Meet Again - The Ink Spots
CHAPTER 4: drifting away
the ocean waves are tall and scary, but she presses on.
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - Radiohead
Ship in a Bottle - fin
Shackleton - Adam Young
soundscape diary - vylet pony
CHAPTER 5: a new life of music and dirt fountains
she finds new friends. and slowly, she forgets.
Youth - Daughter
Tout Oublier - Angèle
La veriter - KronoMuzik
I Say - Zerator & BagheraJones
CHAPTER 6: [[We Hope You Enjoy The Island :) ]]
you didn't think it would be that easy, did you?)
Fallen Down - Toby Fox
Amnesia was Her Name - Lemon Demon
HEAVEN SAYS. - chart
Clocks - Alex Niedt
CHAPTER 7: binary green and white bears
federation? codes? where am i?
Your Best Friend - Toby Fox
Beware The Friendly Stranger - Boards of Canada
01001010 01000001 01001101 - Red Skies Project
Untrust Us - Crystal Castles
CHAPTER 8: cherished egg
the island has granted me the gift of motherhood.
Daughter - Sleeping at Last
I'm a Survivor - Reba McEntire
Apple Pies and Butterflies - Blue Wednesday
Little Moth - chloe moriondo
CHAPTER 9: petit frère
Anything You Can Do - Bernadette Peters, Tom Wopat
Amor de irmão - Barão Vermelho
Brother - Kodaline
For Forever - Ben Platt
CHAPTER 10: can I call you Bébou?
(gifting furniture is his love language.)
Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend - Powerwolf
It's Alright - Mother Mother
Chateau - Angus & Julia Stone
CHAPTER 11: ordo theoritas
call her apollo, because her theories ALWAYS turn out correct.
Cry Babies - cclorox
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
Dream Sweet in Sea Major - Miracle Musical
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel
CHAPTER 12: don't you want to become a leader?
the election arc.
Blood // Water - grandson (first death: whale)
14.3 Billion Years - Outer Wilds (second death: the tower)
Brutus - The Buttress
Animal Farm - BIBI
CHAPTER 13: There is no escape this time.
a childhood bedroom hidden beneath engine steam.
Everything Stays - Rebecca Sugar
715 - CREEKS - The Nor'easter
Memories - The Midnight
Look who's Inside Again - Bo Burnam
CHAPTER 14: "Pomme reviens... les gosses me manquent."
she waits for things to change. she seeks her origins.
Dear Wormwood - The Oh Hellos
CRT Days - Waveshaper
Implanted Memories - Infinity Frequencies
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
CHAPTER 15A: P U R G A T 👁️‍🗨️ R Y part I
i don't want to leave. i can finally be myself, here.
Wonderland - Caravan Palace
Misery Meat - Sodikken
Hayloft II - Mother Mother
Chainsaw Girl - Chainsaw Girl
Family - Mother Mother
CHAPTER 15B: P U R G A T 👁️‍🗨️ R Y part II
adios, bolas. i won't leave without her.
Idioteque - Radiohead
Eat Your Young - Hozier
My Friends - Oh Wonder
Goodbye - Bo Burnham
On the Nature of Daylight - Max Richter
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miasmaghoul · 2 years
good ole fashioned kink nonsense you say??
i offer options:
1) scent kink
2) semi public sex and/or voyeurism
3) the dynamic duo of praise/degradation
4) mirror sex
your choice my horny friend 😏😚 (some lady action, perhaps?? im not picky)
He certainly shouldn't be watching the way she straddles an equally naked Cumulus, who is stretched out on a picnic blanket amidst their sea of wildflowers and bumblebees. It's hard to tell with the sound of the water, but he thinks he hears one of them laugh when Cirrus bends to meet Cumulus in a sweet, deep kiss, hands tangling in each other's hair.
He shouldn't be here.
He was supposed to be foraging berries and wild greens for his lunch. He shouldn't be standing behind this old-growth pine tree, hidden from the summer sun in deep shadow, gazing into a clearing instead. He shouldn't be watching the way droplets of water drip from Cirrus's breasts as she wades naked out of the stream nearby, sparkling as they glide over her pale skin.
Mountain swallows hard when Cirrus's hand drifts south, sinking into the softness of Cumulus's breast. Squeezing, gently kneading, catching the nipple between two elegant fingertips and rolling it until the shorter ghoulette is wriggling. Cirrus starts a line of kisses down her jaw, down her pale throat, and Mountain palms himself through his jeans. He's chubbing up so quick, he can't help it. He's always liked to watch.
Cirrus slides down Cumulus's body and leaves a trail of shining water droplets behind. They glint in the afternoon sun, accenting Cumulus's gorgeous curves like flecks of diamond. Her breasts, her belly, her hips - the further Cirrus moves, trailing wet kisses the whole way, the more ethereal Cumulus becomes. Her white curls are spread out in a stunning halo, brilliant against the red of the blanket. Cumulus palms her own chest as Cirrus kneels back and spreads those plush thighs, and Mountain has to bite his hand to keep from groaning.
They've clearly been at this for a while, Cumulus slick and swollen between her legs. Cirrus has her open and dripping, kissing over her mound and across her thighs, and Mountain is fishing himself out of his pants before he has time to think about it. It's already wet at the tip. He really likes to watch.
Cirrus lifts her head and speaks but Mountain can't make out the words over the rush of the stream. He gives himself a slow stroke as he watches Cirrus press her fingers into the pudge of Cumulus's stomach. He wants to sink his teeth into it to hear her giggle. Cumulus smiles fondly at Cirrus in response and reaches into their picnic basket, coming back with a handful of strawberries most certainly pilfered from the greenhouse. She holds one up between two polished fingers, the red of her nails brighter than the fruit between them, and Mountain's cock throbs when Cirrus licks at Cumulus's fingers and plucks the berry away with her tongue.
A spurt of precum leaks from his tip when Cirrus dips back down and runs her fingers through Cumulus's slick folds, biting gently at her thigh. He yearns to join them, to bury his face in Cumulus until she sees fit to release him. Or until he drowns, whichever comes first. Cirrus drags her red-stained tongue over soft skin and Mountain mirrors the motion by running a finger over his twitching shaft, biting his other hand again when Cirrus's licks just above the swollen bud of her clit. She lifts her head to speak again, and Mountain is certain she's telling Cumulus she tastes sweeter than those berries.
It's torture when Cirrus puts her mouth to work, lapping at Cumulus's cunt with the flat of her tongue. Mountain huffs out a pained breath when Cumulus draws her knees up, hips rolling against Cirrus's face, hands flying to her own hair. Her moans are harsh and breathy, bits of them carried to his ears on the fragrant summer breeze. It's honey-thick and floral, but undercut with something deeper. Tinged with salt. It makes Mountain's cock kick and drool, makes his mouth water. He rests his forehead against the rough bark of his tree and starts stroking in earnest, sucking air through clenched teeth.
Cirrus flicks her skilled tongue over Cumulus's clit in lazy swirls, slipping two fingers into her with no resistance. She pumps them in and out and Mountain matches her with his own hand, smearing pre down his length. Cumulus arches off the blanket with a soft cry and Mountain thinks Cirrus must have crooked her fingers against that one really good spot. Mountain can hear her moans in his head, tightening his hand as memories of being buried deep inside the ghoulette flood his mind. So tight around him, so soft beneath his hands.
"Fuck," he gasps, rubbing just under the head. His eyes are glued to the the way Cumulus writhes in the sun, to the way her curls bounce around her head. The way Cirrus licks at her so casually, chasing her every move. Her unused hand slides over Cumulus's hip, searching the blanket blindly until it finds the squirming ghoulette's arm. Their fingers lace together so easily, so perfectly. It's the most intimate thing he can imagine, and Mountain's chest aches with want. Cumulus's other hand winds into Cirrus's damp hair and tugs.
Mountain chokes when Cirrus looks up, tongue and fingers still working their magic, and Cumulus gazes down at her with nothing but obvious love and adoration. Her silver eyes blown black, heavy lidded and unfocused. Her kiss-bruised lips slick with spit. She looks so beautifully wrecked, and Cirrus must agree. Mountain's strokes go uneven and jerky as she works with renewed vigor, curled fingers rubbing that spot and her tongue working circles around Cumulus's clit. Mountain can see her thighs shaking.
A louder moan cuts through the hum of bees and junebugs and he can't hold back any longer, huffing for breath as he brings his empty hand to cup his balls. Mountain's mouth hangs open as he watches Cumulus hold Cirrus's head still to grind against her face. He gets a few more pulls in before he's spilling onto the dirt with a tight groan. He wants to sob for how good it feels, but he can't make himself interrupt the beautiful scene playing out before him.
He stays through Cumulus's orgasm, watching how she clamps down around Cirrus's head and shudders, her softest parts shaking decadently. He wants to touch every part of her, of both of them. To be smothered in them. But this isn't about him, and he's intruded enough already. He watches Cirrus lick her fingers clean and crawl back up Cumulus's aftershock-riddled body, capturing her in a tongue-filled kiss that must have an undertone of strawberry.
Mountain shakes himself back to his senses, zipping up and wiping his hand on his jeans. He grabs his discarded foraging basket and gets back to work, head spinning and knees shaking.
In the spot where he left his mess, a shock of violets and baby's breath grows to life.
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cao-the-dreamer · 1 year
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@artsy-hobbitses Here is he, the boy, the gremlin, the feral critter, I named... Cliffjumper!
If Ben and Claude decided to swap their clothes, nobody would notice the difference… until Claude starts spouting Cajun insults and charging through the enemy lines with a gun three times his size. Claude is often defined by his urge to fight, his stubbornness, his daredevil personality, and his habit of literally jumping off cliffs (giving numerous heart attacks to his teammates), hence the nickname “Cliffjumper”.
Hanley/Hot Rod: Yeah, you’re definitely related. Claude/Cliff & Ben/Bee: Cause we look like each other? Hanley: *raises an eyebrow since he saw Ben knee someone in the balls and Claude bite someone else’s nose* Sure. That.
Having grown up in an all female household, he finds it pretty normal to wear skirts (and they’re waaaaay more comfortable and practical). During his calmer moments, he likes to settle down and mend his clothes (often torn because of his running and climbing), just like his grannies taught him. People meeting him for the first time often mistake him for a girl, which he absolutely adores and he decides to see how long before they actually realize on their own; it took a whole week for the rebellion to notice and he finds it hilarious (he could simply tell them but… nah).
He’s also a very good bait.
Starscream: What the hell are you wearing. Cliffjumper, with a very frilly, glittery, neon-colored dress: It’s my ass-kicking outfit, BITCH *effectively acts as a distraction, drawing fire away from the rest of the troops*
Although he pretends to be annoyed when people mistake him for Bee, he will go feral if anyone threatens his half-brother and, over time, starts to view him as the sibling he never had.
(He also definitely encourages Bee to release his inner gremlin)
More of his story below!
Jean Claude Frugé, or simply Claude for his friends and family, was born of a Cajun mother — as for his sperm donor, he is an “holiday souvenir”, and the one thing he shares with Benjamin/Bumblebee, making them half-brothers.
When his mother, Lucienne, discovered she was pregnant, she dropped her dream studies so she could keep the baby. To this day, Claude still feels like he wasted his mother’s life, and tries to “make it up” for her, no matter how much she told him it was unnecessary.
Claude was raised between the bayou, the rice fields and the farms of Louisiana by an army of aunts, grandmothers, grandaunts, and great-grandmothers. He learned English at school and French at home. At a young age, he was already a wild child and spent his free time running through the swamp and fishing all by himself, so he could bring food to his maman. Imagine an eight-year-old absolutely caked with mud, his clothes dripping swamp water and holding out a fish that’s half his size, while grinning despite the face covered in dirt. Lucienne couldn’t be mad at him when he looked so proud of himself, and the grannies encouraged this behavior by showing him the best fishing spots.
The town folks got quickly used to the child walking barefoot through the bayou, but it didn’t stop the whispers about Lucienne’s broken dreams; she had lost the opportunity to get out of here and study in a renowned university/city, which was a pity in their eyes.
The whispers were quiet, but Claude heard them nonetheless.
He didn’t know if his penchant from fighting came from the hurt these whispers caused, or from the paternal genes, but his fists and sharp teeth ostracized him from the other children. Although he belonged in the bayou, he didn’t belong with the people living here. At least he had his family and their gentle love.
But sometimes love wasn’t enough.
Thus he began to leave more and more frequently, going deeper in the bayou, learning how to avoid quicksands and recognize alligators in the water, spending time with the birds and climbing trees until he was so high he felt he could touch the sky.
Sometimes, he wondered if his family’s life would have been easier in the city; he thought he would probably be less lonely with a nuclear, intact family, and he cursed his faceless sperm donor for “running away”. The spite prompted him to look for any information about his progenitor.
He was surprised to discover his progenitor had made a family in one of the big cities, and quite disgusted he was a cop. He was unable to know how to feel about the existence of a brother, and decided to drop the research.
He didn’t want to shatter the peace of this family; they seemed happy like that.
He had never been so wrong in his entire life.
As time passed and unrest began to grow through the United States, the Frugé family took on an activist side; the house became a safe haven for protesters who needed to hide from the police, and the older women wrote down their testimonies, which they then hid in the walls.
They told Claude how powerful memories could be.
When the Clampdown started and more people hit the road, Claude used his knowledge of the bayou to guide refugees through and to Mexico, stopping at his house so the Frugé women could feed and clothe the Cold Constructs, Beast Men and other refugees. More testimonies filled the walls.
One night, as he was guiding three Cold Constructs who had fled from Texas, they made a remark about his uncanny resemblance with one of their previous helpers. He would have brushed the words aside were it not for them mentioning the other one’s name.
His half-brother’s name was the last thing he expected to hear.
Knowing he was risking his life for a stranger, he nonetheless decided to look for Benjamin/Bumblebee, with whom he shared a fight. At only 19, he joined the rebellion created by Omar Parvez (Optimus Prime), Jace Zayden (Jazz) and Preston Wan (Prowl); while it was a good outlet for his chaotic energy and thirst for danger, his true reason was still Bumblebee, but he didn’t dare approach him, fearing the anger shimmering within him would scare Ben away, like it has scared so many children before.
But at some point he had to stop running away.
Time only will tell whether or not the revelation of the lineage between Bumblebee and Cliffjumper will bring pain, as both boys have their demons and misconceptions about each other, but there is no denying a tentative bond is starting to grow.
(Bonus: His color palette)
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sparksinthenight · 1 year
Living Woods
Soft and white and covered in peace  Shining brown and wild-branched  Full of life and leaves of green Burning yellow like fire 
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you  And I feel all the infinite ways you love me too You welcome me into your arms like a mother You plunge right into my soul like a lover You heal me, you help me, when I am broken  I hear your words though they are not spoken  You guide me through this writhing life You cut through illusion with your stone knife You give me comfort, you give me peace You give me the strength to hold every piece I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you  And I feel all the infinite ways you love me too
Trees like beacons, reach to the sky They answer each time I ask them why Plants like spirits glowing with life They give me friendship when loneliness is rife  The birds, the squirrels, the deer, moose, coyotes The voles, the porcupines, the bears and the bumblebees The fish, the snakes, the salamanders and frogs The moss, the lichen, that cover trunks and logs  The river, of course, flowing strong-souled The streams that rush so free and so cold  The life that dances and twirls in sweet harmony They are the treasures I’ll always hold in my memory  I cannot put into words how you made me into me I cannot put into pictures all that you made me see
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phanfictioncatalogue · 10 months
Fics Named After Animals (2) Masterlist
part one
A Moment of Spiritual Connection With A Bumblebee (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan loved how you were able to connect with animals in a different way than with people, even though he felt a bit awkward after his mistake.
a week in the life of steve the pigeon (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: An outsider-POV from Steve the pigeon’s perspective (based loosely on Phil’s new video, “Trying to Catch and Rescue a Wild Pigeon”)
Barbie Horse Adventures (ao3) - Fictropes
Summary: Sometimes friends force you to get over your worst fears, sometimes you meet your soulmate in the process.
Beetles In The Bath (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: It has been a long while since we knew such warmth. Some of us venture out. Maybe we shouldn’t have. Maybe that was unsafe.
Birds of a Feather Steal Together (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan never expected anything remotely interesting to happen during his summer job at a petting zoo. But when he catches a boy with bright blue eyes and a cute laugh trying to smuggle a bunch of ducklings out of the farm, things take a much more interesting turn...
Caturday (ao3) - vvelna
Summary: A cat appears in Dan and Phil's kitchen.
did you know penguins mate for life? (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: Phil takes care of fifty penguins at work and another twenty-five at home, though the latter wasn't exactly his choice.
fish dads (ao3) - plinth_of_life
Summary: Dan and Phil can finally bring their adopted betta home. They watch their new fish with admiration and anticipation of the future.
fish makes three (ao3) - watergator
Summary: dan and phil get a fish
greatest of all time (goat) (ao3) - SebbyLestowell (lafbaeyette)
Summary: Phil returns home from a trip with a surprising new visitor, and Dan is rightfully flabbergasted at the situation.
The One Where Phil Adopts A Goat
Kill Phil Or A Llama? (fanfiction.net) - Amy788
Summary: Small changes in Dan's live shows mean the world to Phil.
Kitten Love (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil finds a cat, and brings it back to the apartment. Dan is not amused.
Long-Horned Beetles and Dusty Archives (ao3) - chiridotalaevis
Summary: Dan was climbing up the marble steps of the museum full of dread and resentment. It was Sunday morning, and all his classmates were probably still asleep, or nursing their hangovers from the party before. But Dan couldn’t do that, no. Because Dan skipped too many classes in his General Biology course, he now would have to make it up with extra credit. By working at some sort of museum with some grad student that needed help sorting bugs. Yuck.
Spoiler: the grad student is Phil.
Night Moths - camisadan
Summary: Dan and Phil are camping, Dan needs to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night but is too scared to scared to go on his own.
Of Cats and Dogs (ao3) - GabbyGums
Summary: Dan gets roped into taking care of his friend's dog.
And somehow Phil manages to get hold of a cat.
This can only mean chaos.
Spiders and Spells (ao3) - Full_Moon_Lover
Summary: Phil was never great at transfiguration but thought he was getting better. At least he did until Professor McGonagall paired him up to work with Dan Howell. Dan is nice but there's just one problem. He's Phil's crush and Phil is prone to make mistakes when working under pressure.
The Admiral's Birdcage (ao3) - QuietBubbles
Summary: Daniel, an orphaned ward, has never set foot outside the Great House at the top of the High Street. His guardian, the powerful Admiral Malock, grows ever more obsessed with him, and hatches a terrible plan to keep him by his side forever. With Daniel approaching his twenty-first birthday and longing to see the world, Malock will go to any lengths to keep him prisoner. But when Philip, a young clerk, discovers Daniel trapped in his birdcage, a secret friendship leads quickly to love. Though there is danger at every turn, Philip knows he has to set Daniel free… Alternative Victorian England. Old-fashioned romance, fluff, obsession, danger, and smut. Also a cute kitty! Enjoy!
The Cat Brought Them Together (ao3) - yeahthisaccountisinactiveso
Summary: "Quick, catch that cat! It stole my wallet!"
The Great Cat Rescue - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan is a lover of cats, and has been obsessed with them ever since he was a little boy. Now, he runs the biggest and only cat rescue in London. But, things are starting to get very stressful and he might have to shut down, but not if Phil has anything to do with it.
The Pet Surprise (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Phil is going to his boyfriend’s apartment for the first time, and he certainly didn’t expect his boyfriend to have a pet snake in his apartment.
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ardentguilt · 11 months
Dash game thingy
Are you named after anyone?
((I guess. My mother got the name from a character in a Tom Cruise movie. I think the movie was Cocktail))
When was the last time you cried?
“What? Me? Cry? Haha. No.”
((4+ years ago))
Do you have kids?
“Oh 8oy. Yeah. 3 from a previous relationship 8ut they’re off doing their own thing nownights and one from a current relationship.”
((Definitely not. No interest or ability to have bio kids but I’m open to maybe one day adopting an older kid if I ever feel ready for that))
What sports do you play/have you played?
“They made us play gru88all as wrigglers 8ut other than that is 8eing a pain in the empire’s ass a sport?”
((Used to do Archery and was freakishly good at it despite being shortsighted and not having glasses back then. Kinda wanna get back into that. Used to run as a kid and was pretty good at it. Also used to do tae kwon do but I don’t do sport nowdays.))
Do you use sarcasm?
“What do you think?”
((Mostly no and if I do it’s not often or usually intentional because autism.))
What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
“Um….I dunno? Is there something specific you should notice first or…?”
((No clue. I don’t like to make eye contact so I guess maybe..hair color? Outfit? Never really paid attention before))
What’s your eye color?
“Right is teal 8ut my left is all fucked up and damaged red.”
((I guess green-brown? I’m a weirdo and they’re still shifting every so often but seem to be settling into the green-brown sort of range. Apparently they’re supposed to settle while you’re still a kid??))
Scary movies or happy endings?
“I don’t have any real preference, I don’t mind an occassional scary movie 8ut romantic stuff is mostly just the same things repackaged with different actors so it’s a 8ut 8oring. I prefer action, sci-fi and drama”
((Same as the muse tbh))
Any talents?
“Conditional immortality. I’m essentially an escaped imperial experiment. They fucked me up good and I’m VERY hard to kill and even then unless certain criteria is met I won’t stay dead”
((Where do I start? I’m the weird cryptid of my local town. Deceptive strength for my appearance. I don’t feel most physical pain. I heal abnormally fast. I have abnormal night vision, tongue spines, teeth that keep growing back when removed, hypersensitive hearing, my core temperature is above the norm for a human. I befriend wild animals like a Disney Princess…))
Where were you born?
“8rood Cavern C-1768-Z4, Central Alternia.”
((NSW, Australia))
What are your hobbies?
“Horticulture, 8artending and criminal mischief.”
((Reptiles, minerals and videogames))
Do you have any pets?
“Not at this stage no.”
((2 cats who are siblings Willow & River, an abundance of fish [spotted silver dollars, freshwater angelfish, bristlenose plecos {standard color, super red & albino}, bumblebee gobys, Gourami {golden Pearl, honey, coral blue, neon stripes}, phantom glass catfish, freshwater mussels, mystery snail, tetras {neon, Cardinal & rummy nose}, loach {yoyo & banded kuhli}, Siamese algae eaters and 3 generations of swordtails] and 2 central bearded dragons Spike & Puff))
How tall are you?
“Not counting horn height 8’8” 8ut if we’re including horns it’s 9’5” last I checked”
((Last I was measured it was something like 170-172cm))
Favorite subject in school?
“Eww no”
((School was hell on earth so hometime))
Dream job?
“You know I’ve always wanted to open my own 8otanical store….”
((Working with reptiles, specifically in the area of rescue and rehabilitation. I’m working on qualifications to get there but with that I have obtained currently I’m qualified for volunteer work. Just need a first aid course and snake handling course and I’ll have everything officially to get into it fully))
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aquariuminfobureau · 5 months
The genus Brachygobius is a nexus of species in the true goby clade, that are collectively known as bumblebee fishes or bumblebee gobies, in account of their colours and patterning. Often they are seen in dealers aquariums, because they are petite and beautifully colored. Yet much confusion exists as to which exact species is being traded, and what water conditions they might benefit most from, or are natural to the wild gobies. Particularly, the question of proper salinity, with confusion and dubious, repeated 'facts' as to their wild habitats.
B. doriae, B. nunus, and B. xanthozonus in particular, are often confused, and indeed, there is confusion even among ichthyologists, as to which of the Brachygobius species an individual bumblebee fish, or Its population, might belong to. The species of Brachygobius are, in nature, partially separated by environmental niche partitioning, with some species present in wild freshwaters. However, the Brachygobius sp. most usually encountered in the aquarium trade, are in fact from brackish waters.
For instance, B. doriae is sympathetic with Rhizophora mangroves, as well as fish like mudskippers, siganids, and archerfishes, in the muddy lower (and thus tidal) reaches of tropical Asian rivers. Thus this species, chosen as an example, would appreciate a quite higher brackish salinity, than books might suggest. But also, it's presence overlaps with that of the palm, Nypa, which is not as salt tolerant as is Rhizophora, so it would be wrong to reckon B. course as a marine fish.
Smaller Brachygobius species, such as B nunus, might grow to around 1 inch or 2.5 centimetres long. Larger congeneric species of bumblebee fishes, can grow to about 4 centimeters, or over 1 and a 1/2 inches. The small size of these beauties has often appealed to those seeking oddballs or brackish fishes, but finding themself with limited space. Although the male gobies can be territorial to one another, its possible and imperative to house members of these species, in a group of about six or more fishes. Single fishes are too easily stressed, it seems. A combination of factors makes these fish unsuitable for a typical community tank, although with careful thought, they can share with other benign brackish fishes.
Its also worth noting that these gobies appreciate it demand warm end tropical temperatures, higher than the 24 degrees centigrade standard, that is probably the norm for tropical tanks. Perhaps a temperature between 25 and 28 degrees centigrade would be ideal for their aquarium. The wild gobies show a positive association, with a muddy substrate. Again contrary to information in books, these gobies do not need crystal clear water, as they evolved in conditions of turbidity. Their presence in mangrove habitat, means that non-toxic leaf litter and wood, are suitable choices for the aquascape also. Wood could be arranged to imitate the appearance of mangrove roots.
Brachygobius sp. aren't quite as finnicky about eating, as some aquarium literature might lead you to believe. These gobies will, at least if acclimatised, take to defrosted foods, and do not require regular feedings, of love invertebrate prey. Some of them even adjust to nipping proprietary flake foods, although it must be cautioned, most of them will not accept manufactured substitute diets. Given that misinformation about feeding this genus, has daunted many aquarists from attempting bumblebee fishes in the aquarium, it isn't really a basis for most fishkeepers to fret unduly about. Misunderstood fishes that are not eating, are presumably stressed in some way.
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tintinntabuli · 1 year
World Bee Day: 10 Surprising Facts About Bees
Graphic: Adobe/Muhammad
To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face, and their contribution to sustainable development, the United Nations (UN) designated May 20 as World Bee Day in 2017. With the theme “Bee engaged in pollinator-friendly agricultural production,” World Bee Day 2023 calls for global action to support pollinator-friendly agricultural production and highlights the importance of protecting bees and other pollinators.
According to the UN, present bee species extinction rates are 100 to 1,000 times higher than normal due to human impacts. Close to 35% of invertebrate pollinators, particularly bees and butterflies, and about 17% of vertebrate pollinators, such as bats, face extinction globally.
Yet pollination is a fundamental process for the survival of our ecosystems. Nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species depend, entirely, or at least in part, on animal pollination, along with more than 75% of the world’s food crops, and 35% of global agricultural land. If this trend continues, crops such as fruits, nuts, and many vegetables will be substituted increasingly by staple crops like rice, corn, and potatoes. Not only do pollinators contribute directly to food security, but they are key to conserving biodiversity.
New Bee Book: 10 Facts
To help inspire empathy for bees, here’s more about them. In the recently published, What a Bee Knows: Exploring the Thoughts, Memories, and Personalities of Bees, pollination ecologist Stephen Buchmann brings readers into the mysterious, fascinating minds of bees and introduces the scientists and researchers uncovering their alien ways of seeing the world. Here are some surprising facts about the inner world of bees from Buchmann:
Although bee brains are incredibly small—just one million neurons compared to humans’ 100 billion—they have remarkable abilities to navigate, learn, solve problems, communicate, and remember.Global bee diversity is about the same as the number of fish species. There are 21,000 species in the world, with roughly 3,500 species from the continental US alone.Most bees in the world are actually ground-nesting and solitary, with no queen or workers. Only about 10% of the world’s bees are social, including honeybees and bumblebees.Bees are sentient, self-aware, can likely feel pain, and may have a simple form of consciousness.Despite being the size of a poppy seed, a honeybee’s brain is quite complex. It has almost one million neurons and up to a billion synaptic connections.Bee eyes detect ultraviolet light. They can see hidden UV nectar guide patterns that are invisible to humans. Bees have been trained how to use a string as a tool, pulling the string to access a sugar reward under a clear plastic cover.Far more than mindless drones, bees may actually play. In a laboratory, bumblebees rolled small wooden balls around without rewards.Bees can not only count to four, but they can also remember the shapes, scents, and colors of flowers for up to three days.130 million years ago, bees evolved from carnivorous wasps during the early Cretaceous period. These first ones were tiny, just a few millimeters long, matching the size of the earliest flower.
Read the original article in the National Garden Bureau online newsletter.
For more on supporting pollinators, see The Science Against No Mow May.
Read the full article "World Bee Day: 10 Surprising Facts About Bees" on Turf Magazine.
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pogidoradinae · 2 years
HI IM POGGIE aka @pocketpossy
This blog is for my fish and other aquatic critters :) follow for fishy content !!
(Probably) common Q’s:
Wtf is a Pogidoradinae? I’m a huge fan of corydoras. So, naturally, I slap my name in there and there we go !
Wtf is your profile picture? That is a ‘baby’ photo of one of our pea puffers, Yoshi. She’s terrific :)
Whatcha got in them there tanks? Well in the 25g we have a shit load of wild guppies, two fancy guppies, bumblebee gobys, ember tetras, neon tetras, galaxy rasboras, otocinclus, pea puffers, snails, and ghost shrimp ! In the 12g we have corydoras, shrimps, and snails :3
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exhausted-archivist · 2 years
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Bestiary of Thedas
From bird to insect, fish to land animal. Every creature mentioned in Dragon Age, blighted and non-blighted, spirits and demon, created and possessed creatures alike are listed along with their breeds, subspecies, or variations.
If you want a more specific list, check out the post for Real World Animals in Thedas
Updated: 2023/11
Horned Toad
Poison Toad
Black-capped Songbird
Mallard Duck
Rock Darter - Native to the Anderfels, an insect eating bird.
Simir - A bird hunted in Tevinter for the magical properties in their feathers.
Bald-necked Vulture
Fish and Marine Creatures
Blind Tetrava
Lamprey Eel
River Herring
Giant Squid
Bony Whale-Shark
Pilot Whale
Crustaceans and Shellfish
Giant Swamp Crab
Cave Beetle
Death Watch Beetle
Dung Beetle
Glow Worm
Roof Beetle
Wood-burrowing Beetle
Blue Flies
Giant Spider
Giant Poisonous Spider
Giant Spiderling
Poison Spider
Poison Worm
Honey Badger
Giant Bats
Black Bear
Brown Bear
Cavern Bear
Great Bear
Large Bear
Red Deer
Coursing Hound
Ferelden Shepard
Hunting Dog
Rat Terrier
Wild Dog
Wofun Hound
Ayesleigh gulabi goats
Mountain Goat
Bercilian Sure-Foot
Greater Frostback Elk
Pride of Arlathan
Red Hart
Royal Sixteen
Tirashan Swiftwind
White Hart
Wild Hart
Amaranthine Charger
Anderfel Courser
Avvar Mixed Draft
Dalish All-Bred
Fereldan Forder
Free Marches Ranger
Frostback Mountain Horse
Green Dales Feral
Imperial Warmblood
Inquisition Barded Charger
Oath-Bound Steed
Orlesian Courser
Taslin Strider
Great Lion
Red Lion
Mountain Lion
Chip Mouse
Avvar War Nug
Battle Nug
Greater Nuggalope
Greater Mountain Nuggalope
Gwaren Land-Hammer
Knuckled Thunderer
Tiddles Majoris
August Ram
Giant Rat
Spotted Cat
Spotted Hunting Cat
Black Wolf
Crag Wolf
Great Wolf
Death Adder
Deepstalker Matriarch - largest deepstalker
Deepstalker Leader - always male, second largest deepstalker
Deepstalker Runner
Abyssal Hang-Tooth
Basking Longma
Blue River Bane
Desert Lightning
Hunter Shade Dracolisk
Mountain Dracolisk
Primal-Trained Longma
Abyssal High Dragon
Fereldan Frostback
Greater Minstral
Guardian of Mythal
Highland Ravager
Hunterhorn Shrikes
Northern Hunter
Sandy Howler
Great Dragon
Guardian Serpent
Sand Stalker - a small vermin-like creature similar to deepstalkers
Sand Stalker Spitter
Sand Stalker Leader - larger than common sand stalkers
Snowy Wyvern
Created Creatures
Blighted Creatures
Blight Owl
Blight Wolf
Blighted Werewolf
Corrupted Spider
Corrupted Spider Queen
Darkspawn Magisters (Named and known)
The Architect
Dragon Thrall
Created Creatures
Demons and Spirits
Possessed/Magical Creatures
Arcane Horror
Ash Wraith
Devouring Corpse
Devouring Skeleton
Enraged Corpse
Fanged Skeleton
Shambling Corpse
Shambling Skeleton
Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Mage
Walking Corpse
Rock Wraith
Ancient Rock Wraith
Wood Nymphs
Glowing Slime
Wandering Hills
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