#widower obiwan
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sendpseuds · 1 year ago
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I'll Fall For You If...
For the last hour or so Anakin and Ahsoka had been watching the man nurse his drink, fidgeting with his phone like he had a secret — picking it up, taping the screen once, twice, until whatever displayed there became too much, placing it back down on the bar with a clack — wondering what he could possibly be hiding.
-or- Bartender Anakin helps barfly Obi-Wan build the perfect dating profile... maybe a little too perfect
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tennessoui · 10 months ago
for the never have i ever game. have u ever written a fic w stewjoni Obiwan or Tatooine Anakin? Where 1 isn’t a Jedi or maybe they’re both on their home planets and meet somehow 👀
[never have i ever ask game]
hello!! i have!!
i wrote stewjoni obi-wan in stay til the dawn, i'll give you the sun where he is a king and anakin is a jedi (who has amnesia as a fun little bonus!!)
i have another fic where obi-wan is a stewjoni king and anakin is a jedi he is arranged to marry: let's get your fingers tangled in my hair (with bonus veil/mistaken identity!!)
in polyglot, obi-wan is a stewjoni senator & anakin is a jedi, but maybe this doesn't count as much because it doesn't take place on stewjon
on the anakin being from tatooine front, i have sun, sun, sun here it comes, where anakin is senator from tatooine, though this also may not count as much cause it takes place on coruscant
in hold me fast or kill me quick, anakin and obi-wan are soulmates and jedi obi-wan meets anakin on tatooine! the fic takes place half in flashbacks on tatooine and half in the temple where anakin has moved (after marrying qui-gon) (it's complicated)
and that's all for ao3! for tumblr, the ficlets that are popping to mind are:
stewjoni troublemaker little brother obi-wan & widower anakin who needs a nanny to the point of distraction au - where sith obi-wan is sent to seduce the son of tatooine's newest ruler, without realizing that the actual son is posing as the prince's manservant
which all just goes to show i have a deep abiding love for stewjoni obi-wan and also i need to spend more time writing raised on tatooine anakin </3
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rarepears · 1 year ago
#winter soldier has to waste a bit of time finding out what a sith is and how the republic works#but once he knows whats what it's very easy for him to id Palpatine as the sith lord#like embarrassingly easy#palpatine had force protections#they just bounce off winter's poor abused brain#also omg they think he's a mandalorian or a mandalorian spouse#do they think he and obi wan are married or do other mandos volunteer?#do they think he's a widow?#cause his arm is grey which is mourning a lost love#but the star is red which is honoring a parent#also do they think he has the force for a hot second#not like the jedi but the general public#also omg what does his dna register as#near human or actual human? cause the serum probably fucked his dna @caranmerya
Winter Soldier just randomly popping up around Obiwan to ask more questions about the republic, planets, splicing, etc. and Obiwan is one heart attack away from dying-
"THIS IS A BATTLEFIELD, HOW DID YOU GET HERE?" "Do I want to know how you managed to sneak onto the ship while we were docked in Kamino?" "Okay, I don't even want to know. Help carry these supplies down to Christophsis." "Master, why did I find another man in in your bedroom? I thought the temple didn't allow outsiders to stay overnight."
Isn't is that force users can't detect slug throwers? And what are slug throwers if not guns and sniper rifles that the Winter Soldier is very VERY good at?
Winter Soldier has the metal arm, that metal face covering, maybe a little chestplate and couple other pieces of armor but not enough to signal that he's a proper Mandalorian who grew up in the culture; nah, he looks like someone who married in. The clones all find him to be hot single MILF material.
Give me an AU where the Winter Soldier is thrown into Star Wars and he latches onto Obi-Wan Kenobi as his handler.
Obi Wan makes the mistake (plus some miscommunication) of telling the Winter Soldier that the mission is to identify and eliminate the Sith in the Senate. But really, that's what he gets for underestimating people who don't have the force and letting Palpatine get some nice private meetings with this oh so interesting person who claims to be from another world. So is it really that surprising to find the Winter Soldier dragging a dead Palpatine with yellow eyes a couple weeks later?
Worse? Winter Soldier has a metal arm. Just a metal arm. An arm that looks very different from the usual Star Wars prosthetics. One could even see it as an exchanged vambrace done in the Mandalorian marriage way...
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elcarimercanto · 3 years ago
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niniblack · 4 years ago
The muse is working overtime but not on any of the things I would like the muse to work on, so. There’s that.
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iidigestive-readerii · 5 years ago
“You okay, Obi?” Dex asked, eyeing his friend warily while wiping down the counter. He was no Jedi, but he knew that look of defeat. Today had been an eventful day, with Coruscant - and the Galaxy - celebrating the one year anniversary of the end of the Clone Wars.
Obi-Wan scoffed a bit, swirling his vodka in it's dingey glass. He had wandered end when there had been a parade outside, ignoring the few patrons and sliding into his usual seat at the counter. “Never been better.”
“Don't make me comm that scary girlfriend of yours, Obi-Wan.”
Evidently that was the wrong thing to say. Obi-Wan sighed heavily, hunching over himself, leaning his elbows on the counter top.
“Something happen between you two?” Dex had to admit, he didn’t follow the news much. He got most of it from his patrons, but didn’t trust a ton of it. 
“We…” his Jedi friend shook his head, like he was debating whether or not to speak. “Satine’s dead.”
It took a second for the words to register. Dex paused slowly, glancing at his Jedi friend. It had been years since he saw him so upset - after the death of Qui-Gon Jinn, probably. With a sigh he reached out a hand and clasped Obi-Wan's skinny wrist gently. “Sorry, Kenobes - wouldn't have asked if I’d known.”
“It's quite alright, Dexter. It…happened a while ago.”
“Doesn't make it any easier - ’'specilly if yur forced to relive it.”
Obi-Wan nodded, his hand closing around his shot glass. “Yeah...yeah.”
“She was certainly someone special.”
Obi-Wan swallowed hard, then took his glass and drained the contents. 
The sunlight made him groan and try to pull the blanket over his head. His head was pounding, and his stomach was churning.  Another hangover...Force...you’d think I would have stopped drinking so much in my twenties. It should have been quiet, peaceful, and easy to fall back  asleep.
But there were speeders whizzing in the distance. He frowned, hearing a baby fussing and Padme somewhere nearby singing.
“What in the universe?...” He sat up slowly, rubbing at his temples before glancing around. He was sleeping on a large bed in a little decorated room, sleeping between silk sheets. There was a pile of items on the nightstand table, and a scrap of flismi by a glass of water. He took the flimsi in hand, recgonizing Anakin’s barely legible handwriting.
Dex commed me I draged your sorryself back home instead of the Temple - figured you wouldnt want to be there today
A change of clothes from the Twilight is on the floor you owe me please shower you smell like grease
“Oh, Anakin,” he muttered, turning the flismi over and reading Padme’s neater handwriting.
My handmaidens can show you to refresher, Obi-Wan, should you not know where it is. I do wish to speak to you, should we be awake at the same time. 
-Padme Skywalker
Obi-Wan smiled a little at the signiture, scratching at his beard. He found himself focusing on the singing again, imagining just for a precious moment that it was Satine.
Just the mere the thought of such a future made his chest tight.
“Feeling sorry for yourself got you drunk, Obi-Wan,” he muttered to himself, putting the flimsi back on the table. He could hear R2’s treads whirring somewhere in the kitchen, and C-3PO muttering while a servant booted him up for the day. “Just shower, get dressed and - I have truly gone crazy, I’m talking to myself.”
Dragging a hand through his wet hair, Obi-Wan nearly marveled at the serenity and peace of the apartment while he walked to the kitchen. It was so different than the hustle and bustle of the Temple, where so many Force presence’s and kyber cystrals and general chatter made it impossible to sleep.
He could sense Anakin and the twins nearby, all of them strong in the Force and near dead to the world while they slumbered. When was the last time I felt so much calm from him?
Padme was a bright spot on the Force, growing closer with every step he made on the carpeted floors. She was reading quietly, sipping at tea when he walked in.
“Good morning.”
She jumped, glancing up when he walked into the kitchen. “Obi-Wan! You’re awake!”
“That I am. Leia’s fussing woke me up, I believe.” He spotted a kettle on the stove, and went to pour himself a cup.
“I apologize for - ”
“Don’t apologize, Padme.” Obi-Wan sat at the table, cupping his hands around the mug and watching tendrils of steam float up. “It was…” he sighed, staring at the tea, “it was pleasant to wake up to that. Truly.”
Padme clucked her tongue, and put a hand on his forearm. Her brown eyes shown with sympathy and warmth. “Anakin spoke of it. I’m so sorry, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan shrugged, glancing at her. “How did Anakin possibly know what today is?”
“He probably hacked Mandalore’s records - you know how he is. Or he paid Ferus Olin to do it.”
“Mmm,” Obi-Wan sipped at his tea. “I should comm Korkie. He...probably isn’t doing well.”
“...so he is your son?”
He gave a slow nod, his hand moving to his throat and sighing. “We would have been married nineteen years today...it just just seem possible that she’s gone. That it’s been a year I’ve...been a widower.”
Padme put her hand over his, squeezing it gently. 
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inkognito97 · 7 years ago
In the witch coven au can we have satine hold a witch’s sabbath to celebrate tahl’s return? With obiwan and anakin spying on them due to reasons. Obiwan’s reason is that they must be out to sacrifice a child or have a giant orgy to drain the town’s male population of their life force. Anakin’s is due to wanting to learn more about padme’s double life but all he sees is a bunch of them gossiping,eating, and doing the odd spell that changes their clothes color or hairstyle?
“Tell me again, why are we here?”
“Will you be quiet?” Obi-Wan’s voice was perhaps a little too sharp, but Anakin Skywalker, his unofficial acolyte, would just not shut his mouth. “I told you already FOUR times, I have the suspicion that the witches are practicing a dark ritual and as a hunter, it is my duty to make sure that no ordinary people get hurt.”
“I see,” Obi-Wan doubted that, “But what could they possibly do?”
“There are many possibilities. Back in MY time,” he pointedly looked at the blonde, “witches sacrificed children, offered virgins to demons or had a… well, a giant orgy that drained the male population in the whole town.” 
The redhead looked around carefully and upon deciding that it was safe, he began to move forward. That meant, he crouched from bush to bush, with Anakin close behind him and with a self-crafted smoke bomb ready, just in case they WERE spotted. Obi-Wan himself would not have a problem fighting his way out, but Anakin was not even close to ready. It was a high risk to bring him in the first place, but Obi-Wan’s teacher had been of the opinion that ‘learning by doing’ was the best possible learning method. Obi-Wan agreed, to a certain degree that is.
Anakin’s face had turned a light shade of red. “Why?” he croaked out.
“Witches have a way to convince… other women of their ways. You could say that they converted the newly made widows that they would have better lives without their man and if they joined the ranks of the witches.”
“But not everyone has magical powers,” Anakin had furrowed his brows.
“Exactly,” he was impressed that Anakin HAD listened after all. 
“I don’t get it,” the younger male replied, as he sneaked around the house wall, towards a small window that would allow them to look into the cellar.
Obi-Wan grimaced. “Not everyone is open for magic,” he replied in a hushed voice. Now that they were getting much closer to the witched, the possibility of protection and detection spells was high. He needed to be careful and keep an eye, or better yet BOTH, open. “But everyone can work.”
“Like… slaves?” Obi-Wan just hummed in reply.
“Also, I forgot to mention that the men’s life force is drained. Or in other words-,”
“In other words,” continued Anakin the sentence without really thinking about it, “they gain life energy and probably longer lives by draining others.”
“Correct,” perhaps he sounded a little bit too stunned, but his comrade did not seem to notice. Who would have thought, Anakin seemed to be a natural.
“What are we waiting for then? Let’s see what they are up to!” and with that did he move past Obi-Wan, who could only shake his head at the enthusiasm and recklessness of youth.
When the blonde reached the small window, he was unconsciously holding his breath, while silently wondering, what dark and sinister scheming would await him. Slowly, because he was still unsure if he really wanted to see what Padme of all people was part of, did he move closer and what he saw… surprised him.
“I could be wrong, but this does not look… bad at all,” his voice was hesitant and questioning.
“Let me see,” demanded Obi-Wan and he pushed the younger male aside to see for himself. What he discovered, was more than just a little strange. 
Instead of pentagrams, candles and other magical tools and devices, the witched were sitting at a large table that was filled with delicious treats, most of them rather sweet. Further were the witched laughing and happily talked among each other. And if Obi-Wan did not know better, than he would say they were exchanging beauty tips as well, because the hair length and color of some women kept changing, with those around them nodding or shaking their heads. It was… disturbing and if the hunter was honest with himself, then he would have preferred catching them in the act of committing a terrible and destructive ritual.
“Care to explain?” asked Anakin, who was getting impatient.
It was in exactly this moment, that a honey skinned woman made her entrance. All the witches’ attention turned to the newcomer and everyone stood up from their seats and circled the laughing female.
“Apparently, this is a welcoming party,” Obi-Wan would kill Qui-Gon for sending him here like a cheap errand boy for nothing. 
“So… no evil schemes?” Anakin wanted to be sure.
“Doesn’t look like it,” Obi-Wan was not amused…
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coditower · 7 years ago
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Apathy - The Widow's Son (2018) This album is straight up crazy. This makes me very Happy. I had to think about this album for a couple of days to sort of digest it fully. I was absolutely loving this album all the way through and it was getting a little weird. I had to listen to it a few times just to really make sure this is as good as I think it is. This project is bars after bars after bars. There's so many quotables on almost every track. Bars like.. "while you rockin man buns, I'm cockin hand guns, stickin you for paper that I'll pass down to my grand sons" on Alien weaponry. Also the crazy bar on the the crazy banger "spell book", " look how crazy you've become, like seeing a nun twerkin while she's purchasin a gun". This album is full of clever and funny bars like that. The production is also fanstatic. I believe DJ premier produced alot of it. It Defenitly has his sound. That classic boom bap, scratchy, groovy ear candy vibes is a DJ premier staple. It blends perfectly with Apathy's content. Apathy pretty much has a song for everybody on here. Bangers, personal songs, experimental songs, it even has some string sample songs in it. The album has this mystical, sorcerer sense to it while at the same time it feels like he's gonna stick a gun in your mouth or curb stomp you. There's a lot of clever, funny songs on here and There's also some really real songs on here that comes up too regarding free masonry. Overall i love various themes on the album (mystical, horror, free masonry, renaissance vibes). Apathy raps like a ghost wizard or something (Lol). I love all the bangers, this is like legendary classic experimentation hiphop. The production is nearly flawless. Even the features hold up good. This album is very likely to be on my top 10 albums in 2018. 9/10 FAV TRACKS #TheSpellBook #NeverFallOff #TheWidowsSon #TheOrder #AlienWeaponry #Hypnosis #AViewOfHell #ObiWan ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° #apathy #rap #hiphop #music #hiphopalbums #hiphop2018 #albumreview #soulful #culture #rapculture #fire #banger #experimental #experimentalhiphop #mystical #boombap #djpremir #preemo #renaissance #horror #classic #realhiphop #realrap (at Moncton, New Brunswick)
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rarepears · 3 years ago
Teach your wife to be a widow
A story where Padme survives childbirth and she's both a wife but also a widow considering how Anakin is technically alive but now he goes around calling himself Darth Vadar and that Anakin is dead so...
Padme gets herself official widow status. And then she gets herself a new identity to raise the twins herself. Of course, raising two babies who are incredibly bright in the force is difficult, particularly when the galaxy is recruiting all force users into their... indoctrination camps. Yeah, let's just call it that.
She needs to move them around frequently or they would be sitting ducks. So if she ends up flirting with Hondo Ohnaka to convince him to help her out some more... from first moving the kids around to then helping her watch the twins while she takes a badly needed nap... to supervising the twins while they do homework while she was busy with the Rebellion meetings...
Ahem. Was it really surprising that she ended up coparenting with Hondo Ohnaka, much to Obiwan's horror?
End result is naturally Hondo Ohnaka X Padme.
[check out other fic ideas in the #made up fic title ask game]
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rarepears · 1 year ago
#lol everyone blaming obiwan Is great#like he spent a few months with you and suddenly he's this suave guy wtf obiwan#thr negotiator more like the flirt#winter probably interrupted palpatines speech to kill him#the force reached balance and left all jedi with a vague sense of amusement#also can you imagine the moment winter arrives.#obiwan asking the force for help with the sith like lilo asking for the nicest angel#cue winter murder struting in#also omg yes they think he was death watch when they ask him if he was part of the terrorist group slash cult he's like yeah hyrda is that#most important question is does anyone succeed in seducing winter? @caranmerya
No one succeeds in seducing Winter because he's too busy figuring out a sense of identity, seeing his mind healers, and dealing with a million different clones all eager to help him (and by proxy their own selves) discover new hobbies.
In teaching Winter how to be a person, the clones discover their own sense of identity too. It starts off as the clones feeling that things are wrong wrong WRONG for a nat-born to act so much like a (memory wiped) clone and are desperate to restore things back to normal so their world is normal again. Then they got attached and Winter let them (because the Winter Soldier could just sneak past all of the clones to get to Obi-Wan but he didn't). They spar even.
Okay, just BECAUSE Winter doesn't fall for anyone doesn't mean that other people realize it. The public thinks that there's a very hot forbidden romance going on between famed Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi and widowed Mando Winter. How else to explain the many pap shots of Winter leaving Kenobi's ship (out the front door!) all mussed up in the morning? Or... maybe Winter has a harem of clones on top of seeing the Jedi Master? Oh my, all sorts of combinations are possible...
Winter Soldier is still a little shit. He knowingly breaks a lot of rules and drives Obi-Wan insane but he just gives that blank look with a lot of blinks like he has no clue what he's doing - oh look, he's a poor survivor of abuse and mind wipes, can you really be blaming him for not knowing better? He's basically got the morality of a toddler in a deathly skilled assassin body, ha take that, Ventress - and he offers to give up his prosthetic arm as a form of punishment. Which doubly horrifies Obi Wan who has seen how difficult things are when Anakin is forced to go without his prosthetics.
Insert Anakin awkwardly trying to get to know Winter because hey look! They are both missing an arm! And hiding relationships because the Jedi Order would disapprove!!
Winter: we are not the same
Give me an AU where the Winter Soldier is thrown into Star Wars and he latches onto Obi-Wan Kenobi as his handler.
Obi Wan makes the mistake (plus some miscommunication) of telling the Winter Soldier that the mission is to identify and eliminate the Sith in the Senate. But really, that's what he gets for underestimating people who don't have the force and letting Palpatine get some nice private meetings with this oh so interesting person who claims to be from another world. So is it really that surprising to find the Winter Soldier dragging a dead Palpatine with yellow eyes a couple weeks later?
Worse? Winter Soldier has a metal arm. Just a metal arm. An arm that looks very different from the usual Star Wars prosthetics. One could even see it as an exchanged vambrace done in the Mandalorian marriage way...
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