#padme lives
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vadersgrl · 3 months ago
anidala medieval moodboard
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queen amidala & knight skywalker :3
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whayjhey · 2 months ago
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excuse this silly drawing but— once upon a time i thought of a padme!survives au where she raises the twins in tatooine but she has no idea who vader is and it went a little something like this: PadmĂ© eyed her five-year-old daughter from across the table. Leia was in a grumpier mood than usual, evidenced in the way she gripped her spoon tightly and the way she chomped on her breakfast like an angry Sarlaac. (PadmĂ© was reminded of how her baby girl looked a lot like Anakin, especially when she was this way. Her heart clenched at the thought.)
"Leia," Padmé said when she was no longer able to take the silence. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" And where in the galaxy was Luke? Leia grumbled a reply, one that her mother could barely hear. "Use your words, sweetheart," Padmé chastised half-heartedly. "I said," Leia huffed, looking up finally, her brown eyes meeting its identical, yet older, counterpart. "Why didn't you tell me about Daddy?" The admission caught the former senator off-guard.
PadmĂ©'s brows furrowed, confused. "What do you mean, baby? Of course I've told you about Daddy." About one side of him, anyway. The one of the kind Jedi Knight, her handsome protector. Of her sweet husband, the love of her life. Of the man who was so excited to have a baby, but had fallen along with the demise of the Republic before he had gotten the chance to know that he was a father of two. "No, Mama," Leia argued. "I mean— why didn't you tell me Daddy was alive?"
Before Padmé got a chance to react, Luke bounded into their small dining area, hands clutching a piece of paper close to his chest. "Mama!" Luke exclaimed excitedly. "Look, I drew Daddy!"
He slammed the tiny piece of paper onto the table.
Padmé paled at what she saw.
She almost balked at the words "DADDY" scribbled in his childlike handwriting, underneath the sketch of the galaxy's most feared.
She took a deep breath after a moment of silence. "Luke," she whispered shakily. Her son had a smile so bright she didn't have the heart to warn him of the man — if Vader even was one? — on paper.
The Empire had little of its propaganda on the sand planet; how in the living Force was Luke able to conjure the image of Palpatine's right hand man? Worse, why was Luke suddenly calling him his father? It didn't make sense.
It was Leia who brought Padmé out of her state of shock. "It's not fair!" the little girl cried. "How come Luke gets to dream of Daddy but not me!"
Padmé was having a hard time comprehending. "You dreamt of him?" She asked Luke, who was still eyeing his work of art proudly.
"Yeah!" Luke nodded his head happily. "I dreamt of him, Mama! He had a big black suit and a glowy red sword and he said he was Daddy!"
"Luke," Padmé started again. Kriff, she didn't want to break his heart. "Are you sure, sweetie? It was only just a dream."
Dreams. Force forbid, Padmé had to deal with another one. The last important dream belonging to a certain someone ended up costing her her entire world.
"I'm sure, Mama," Luke said seriously. "He walked up to me and said, 'Luke, I am your father!' He was very tall! Do you think I can get to be as tall as Daddy, Mama?"
Padmé blinked once. Twice.
After everything she'd ever been through, she didn't think that she'd be caught off guard by anything anymore.
She didn't want to believe it. This was all simply a misunderstanding. Luke had been always wanting to meet his Daddy; maybe her baby boy was just projecting, his wishes manifesting itself in his dreams and imagination.
Not all visions by Force users turned out to be true; she was living proof of that.
Padmé watched as Luke continued to boast about his encounter with his supposed father, Leia pouting in jealousy beside him. Right. Luke was just a boy. It was only just a dream. She could already see the difficult conversation ahead with her twins.
But then she couldn't help thinking... why would Luke picture Vader, of all the people? She needed a chat with Obi-wan. Soon. (check out the rest of my stuff: masterpost)
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darthjess-writing · 7 months ago
"I believe there is another world waiting for us. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there." – David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
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This is a quote from one of my favorite books, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, but I dare you to try to convince me this is not what Padmé's last thoughts were.
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fanfic-obsessed · 3 months ago
Gift of Sentience
I was going throuhg some old ideas, and I cam across this one to finish.
I am starting with even less of an idea of where this will end than usual
so let's go on an adventure. 
As always, I have barely met canon. 
We start on Mustafar, just before Padme realizes what Anakin is capable of. Everything that has happened has damaged Obi Wan's shields a bit more than in canon so he is absolutely gushing despair and grief and confusion into the Force. But he is also practically a fountain of the love he still has for Anakin.  For his brother.
It buffets Anakin, even as he holds Padme close. It stops him cold, these feelings. The powers of the dark whisper to Anakin that this love is Obi Wan’s weakness, that Anakin is Obi Wan’s weakness. That  Anakin has a way of keeping both his wife and his brother. 
Anakin has always been greedy. And is always good at rationalizing things to himself, even when his whims change. After all, he thinks to himself, if his brother and his wife both belong to him, then it doesn’t matter if they are sleeping together (as Palpatine had implied). It isn’t a betrayal because they are both his. They must have realized that they are both his, so it is ok.
And he listens to the Dark, deeper and far more powerful than even Palpatine realizes, which whispers of the power that would come from corrupting the Jedi’s Guiding Light. That Obi Wan’s darkness would be all the deeper for how he shines. 
Pulling from the Dark whispers he is able to feign confusion at what happened at the temple, to play that he had not marched in and killed everyone. Something must be wrong with the men, he declares, if they are following an imposter to kill Jedi. 
Obi Wan buys into it first, lets himself buy into it first. He wants to believe that it was an imposter wearing his brother’s face. Wants more desperately than he can say that there is a good reason for everything that happened, a reason for him to not have to kill his brother. 
Padme, upon seeing Obi Wan’s relief and belief, lets her guard down as well. 
Neither have even the time to feel betrayed before Anakin knocks them both out. 
He is careful with them, particularly with how far along Padme’s pregnancy is, as he moves them to somewhere safe.  Somewhere under his own control. He set them each up in a comfortable room, separated and unconscious.  The whispers in the dark lead him to put a force blocker on Obi Wan’s wrist, call the 212th to him, and have the 501st collect a dozen Nabooian human women about Padme’s age (three of which are pregnant). 
Using those women as test subjects, Anakin very quickly learned how to use the Force to manipulate Padme’s mind, so that she would never leave him. Would always love him best. Would always be the Padme that Anakin wanted her to be. He changed her entire self before she woke up. Anakin was infinitely gentle in changing Padme’s Mind and Self, he was not gentle with the test subjects. 
The Dark side of the Force also gave him insight into Palpatine’s machinations. That Palpatine was a threat to Padme.  But that was OK, by the time Anakin was finished he would install a willing and eager Padme as Empress, with Obi Wan an adviser and part of the royal family. Palpatine would not be necessary for much longer (The Dark is just as selfish as its practitioners and would abandon Palpatine as soon as it had a better Sith to serve and be served by).
Anakin does not use the Force to change Obi Wan (though he does use the Dark Side to scan his mind/memories for the best ways to break him), but instead straight up starts to gaslight him.  Anakin tells Obi Wan, while he is groggy and out of sorts because of the Force blocker, that something happened to the Jedi, that the Force itself seemed to become corrupted and cause a paranoid break with reality, that only Anakin seemed to be fully immune and the Force Blocker is the only thing keeping Obi Wan sane.  
Anakin outright denies that the Clones tried to kill any Jedi, brings Cody and Bones in (acting, on Anakin’s orders, as they should to match the narrative) to confirm; and to confirm that Obi Wan has to stay in this room specifically. 
Over the course of several weeks Anakin, still guided by the dark side, very effectively breaks Obi Wan’s mind.  
At random intervals he uses drugs to keep Obi Wan from moving, then turns off the Force Blocker, leaving him buried under the horror of the Jedi Purge. He sends Cody in to interact with Obi Wan-Sometimes Anakin uses the chip to make Cody act like they are still mid clone wars, with nothing wrong. Sometimes Anakin sends Cody in with full Order 66 mindset, to spew horrific words about traitor Jedi (never leaving a physical mark, so that Cody can later say it is all was all in Obi Wan’s head). Sometimes Anakin sends Cody in to treat Obi Wan like a lover, that it is post war. Occasionally Anakin even sends Cody in without the chip active, heartsick and guilty and confused. As Obi Wan begins to doubt his own memories, Anakin ups the ante. He, and by that point a willing Padme, will speak to Obi Wan, saying that they both have always been Sith, that it was the Jedi and the Light Side that brainwashed Obi Wan, but that they will fix it. 
It works, though it takes several months (during which the rest of the galaxy is brought to heel by Palpatine and Padme gives birth to the twins). The Jedi’s Guiding Light falls into darkness. His loyalty to Anakin is absolute.  It does not matter that he quickly realizes what Anakin had been doing, he appreciated his brother/son for taking what was obviously necessary steps. 
Anakin, very magnanimously, gifts Obi Wan Cody, dechipped (but with several mental adjustments to make sure that Cody also belongs to Anakin first and foremost), and the rest of the 212th, chipped but as much of their own people as possible. 
They take the Empire. Padme is the Empress and Anakin the Emperor with General Obi Wan Kenobi as their right hand.  They maintain a story that the Purge had actually been a mass hallucination caused by Palpatine (Specifically that Palpatine did something to drive the Jedi into insanity where they actually killed each other, thinking that it was the clones), that Anakin killing Palpatine freed the survivors, who were welcome to come out of hiding for reintegration into the newly reformed ‘Jedi’ (Read falling to the dark side). 
Many of the purge survivors (including both Caleb Dume and Quinlan Vos), upon realizing that Obi Wan Kenobi was truly on the side of the new Ruling family, made the conscious decision to buy into the story and return to the fold.  
With Anakin, the Dark grew in strength. With Obi Wan, the dark won.
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musewrangler · 4 months ago
Firmus Piett didn't ask to have this strange ability. But because of it, his life is not his own, and he suffers daily until the arrival of a stranger named Plo Koon. It is then that Piett learns about Jedi and the Force and is taken to Coruscant to live in the Jedi Temple and train alongside a young padawan named Anakin Skywalker. Canon gets vaporized as the two young Jedi navigate slavery in the galaxy, a manipulative Sith Lord, and the trials of Order 66. Along the way, Commander Fox finds he isn't as alone as he thought, Plo Koon adopts yet another son, and the wife of Max Veers is a rather brilliant neuro tech specialist. Come see why all those things matter in this story!
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darth-jess · 6 months ago
[Palpatine] had stolen everything from her, and had been stealing from her for her entire life. No one had ever confirmed it, but she heavily suspected Emperor Palpatine was behind the blockade of Naboo. He had manipulated her into calling for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum, knowing he would be chosen to fill the vacancy. He had made her his pawn, and she had played an important role in his rise to power and it sickened her that he’d used her in this way. Palpatine had stolen the Republic from her, from the entire galaxy. And while all of this was awful, it would have been bearable if he hadn’t stolen Anakin away from her, too.
-Chapter 16 of Beauty & Rage
Set at first in the immediate aftermath then five years after the events of Revenge of the Sith: Padmé Amidala came very close to death but managed to survive. With the help of Bail Organa and Obi-wan, she fakes her death and goes into hiding to raise her children. When Inquisitors come looking for the Force-sensitive twins, Padmé realizes she has to fight back against the Empire to protect them. The Emperor's Executioner, Lord Vader himself, stands in her way.
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lizarbbb · 3 months ago
Prince of Naboo AU Luke Fic
Chapter 1 is out!
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makiruz · 2 years ago
This is an old fic, 2007, and it's really good. Padme Lives but Owen and Beru don't, sad; anyway, Padme takes care of her son and must keep him hidden from her husband Darth Vader
God I love this fic, please give it some love
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typhoidmeri · 1 year ago
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A strange alien doctor stands near the unconscious body of Padme Amidala. “It appears she has lost the will to live.” A older man with a limp hobbles closer with the aid of a cane. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” says Dr. Gregory House.
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raycatzdraws · 11 months ago
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The true botw shrine experience. I don't think Four approves!
The full comic page and some colorful Fours can be found under the read more!
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A meme redraw based on something I did in a playthrough lol. Out of arrows? Throw your sword!
I love Four so much aaAA
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vadersgrl · 2 months ago
anidala aesthetic
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whayjhey · 2 months ago
you know what if they use "somehow queen amidala returned" to explain padmé's appearance on ahsoka s2 i wouldn't even be mad id be all over it bring my girl back!!
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darthjess-writing · 6 months ago
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Chapter 18 is up!!! Let me know what you guys think, you are all amazing and I can't believe I've gotten so much support. 😘 Also shoutout to my amazing beta reader @skywalkr-nberrie who has literally been such an incredible resource and help to me on this journey!!
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ct7567scyarika · 4 months ago
Adding right before midnight my time, so technically I’m starting in time.
There’s a few, but if you love some good angst, especially in romance, of “you’re a monster and I love/hate that I found lingering feelings for you”, starring SITH OBI-WAN, then I present
This is by @agirlunderarock and I’m not biased because she’s my friend. Genuinely, the way that she writes how her Oc and others feel from body language alone, the use of words and pacing, are phenomenal.
The best part is that Obi-wan becoming a Sith with Padmé alive is set up in a way where it makes sense, not put together for the sake of angst.
Please give this and her other works a read, like, and comment.
Comment Bingo Day 1: A WIP you're following
Today's comment goes to a WIP you're following! Give that beastie some more love <3
Challenge #CommentBingoFest2024 this December! F.A.Q. here.
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musewrangler · 11 months ago
Kark this, Anakin thought. I’m not just waiting for him.
“PALPATINE!” he roared to the sky, and his two most trusted officers jerked startled eyes to him. “I know it’s you! Come forth and answer for what you have done! We will finish it here!”
The air around them became unnaturally still. Not a breath of wind. It was as though the very trees and water were frozen in place—not a leaf trembled, not a drop rippled.
A faint rumbling as though a thousand horses were approaching at full gallop.
He reached to Thraia, but his dragon did not see any massive force approaching.
The Lady hissed and narrowed her eyes as she too took to the air while Thunder shook his heavy head and bellowed.
“Whatever is coming!” Veers called, “I’ve not sensed anything like it before!”
The General gripped his sword for a better hold and glanced to Piett who shook his head, and drew a long knife from his boot, changing his stance for a two handed battle.
The earth began to shake with an intensity Anakin associated with a mighty cavalry that was practically on top of them, and yet there was nothing to be seen.
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darth-jess · 6 months ago
“We failed him, Obi-wan,” [PadmĂ©] barked, turning to glare at him, unafraid to show him the angry tears in her eyes. “We all failed him when he needed us most. He died thinking I betrayed him, that I
” That I wanted him dead. Her stomach twisted and she looked at the ground. Nausea threatened to overwhelm her. She felt her fingernails digging into the palms of her hands, and the pain helped her focus.
–Chapter 19 of Beauty & Rage, posting TOMORROW!
Set at first in the immediate aftermath then five years after the events of Revenge of the Sith: Padmé Amidala came very close to death but managed to survive. With the help of Bail Organa and Obi-wan, she fakes her death and goes into hiding to raise her children. When Inquisitors come looking for the Force-sensitive twins, Padmé realizes she has to fight back against the Empire to protect them. The Emperor's Executioner, Lord Vader himself, stands in her way.
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