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@wickedlehane liked for a starter and so is getting a bunch of teens with zero brain cells.
There were so many ways in which New Sunnydale was just like Old Sunnydale, including the revolving door of teenagers that seemed to frequent the Summers-Pratt home. There were Buffy and Spike's two (Sara and James). Willow and Tara's girl (Arwyn(. Her half brother (Stevie), who belonged to Xander and Anya -- Xander having been the witches' donor. Oz's girl (Cherie Ann). The Mayor's daughter (Abigail). And occasionally, the LA contingent. Amythest and Angel's two (Connor and Kathy) who came to join their cousins and help stir up trouble.
Not to mention Faith's own daughter, Fiona.
And as Halloween was right around the corner, well...they were all there in force. Making plans.
"So wait... Halloween is REALLY devoid of demon activity? Like somehow the spookiest night of the year is also the safest?" In Arwyn's mind that just didn't compute. Shouldn't Halloween be the night when all hell broke loose? What about the whole thing with the veil between worlds being its thinnest?
"That's what they say...right?" Helping herself to a soda from the fridge, Fiona popped the top and looked over at her mom. She'd been through more than a few Halloweens...if anyone knew what really went on then, it was her.
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Closed starter for @wickedlehane
Buffy rubbed her eyes as she sat in front of a glass window in the visitation room of LA prison. She'd been driving since five am. Part of her felt bad for leaving Dawn two days after promising her that things would be different. But, her sister was understanding. She even offered to go with her, but Buffy thought it best that she stay behind and Dawn seemed relieved.
A buzzer went off jerking Buffy out of her thoughts as she watched Faith enter the room and sit down on the other side of the glass. The dark-haired slayer had spent the past three years in prison and she looked perfectly rested whereas Buffy was sure she looked like she rolled out of bed. She picked up her phone as soon as Faith picked up hers. As stoic as the expression on her face was, Buffy could see the surprise in Faith's eyes, but she pretended like she couldn't. "Don't look so shocked," she said, half-sarcaatically.
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a fuffy christmas ; for @wickedlehane <3
christmas was never easy, not since mom. and yet this year, buffy felt warmer, a little more joyful, even. it wasn't a sunnydale christmas, but it was something. maybe better.
dawn's somewhere upstairs with spike and giles, and she can hear andrew bickering with the others in another room about what ingredient the nog in egg nog is. typical.
buffy, who always felt a bit grinch-like during this time of year, had just concocted two mugs of hot cocoa and placed one carefully in front of faith, with extra whip cream and cinnamon added to it. she wraps her fingers around her mug and sips, licking the residual whip cream from her top lip. " first christmas with you since that snowy sunnydale one. " reminiscing isn't always fun; makes her sad, mostly. but, that had been a good one. " i always had a suspicion that it was you who spiked the egg nog that year. " and buffy laughs, 'cause there was something worth laughing about. faith was here, with her. and it was christmas, and maybe this was exactly what she needed.
moments alone with faith were few and far between, so she selfishly was going to relish in it. guilt - free.
#they will have a cute christmas ! i demand it#she who hangs out a lot in cemeteries › ic.#verse. meanwhile / the world goes on › goodbye sunnydale.#post season 7 !!!!! i want them to be happy kfsdfjkjf#wickedlehane
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"Wait!" Matt breathed as he dodged the impressive snap of her leg in a fierce roundhouse. He'd already caught her fist a couple times and her strength reminded him of Kingpin's. A terrifying and astonishing notion given she wasn't very tall and the power behind her strikes had very little to do with her physicality. Just what he needed. A super powered opponent that...well, he was pretty sure the woman thought he was actually a demon. It wasn't a first, but her certainty was almost casual. There was no heat of righteousness when she talked her shit or senseless, circular logic of delusion.
"Hang on," Matt spat as he caught her first and used her momentum to take her down. She was strong but thankfully predictable. "When you call me a demon, you mean it literally, don't you?"
#wickedlehane#MAIN | the man without fear#✝ | the gates of hell are open for you (BtVS continuity)#✝ | seek my wrath and ye shall find (ch: Matt Murdock)
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ROBIN WAS ALWAYS MORE THAN HAPPY TO HELP WHEN IT CAME FOR THE FIGHT AGAINST EVIL. his answer was always an enthusiastic 'yes' when buffy needed him for his muscles or even knowledge. he wanted to be helpful and make his mother proud, that's all he ever really wanted, and with the first parading around with the face of his mother, there was nothing more he'd like to do then to take this evil thing down. that's why he was here; patrolling alongside @wickedlehane , enjoying her company and her wit and even the valuable advice she'd throw his way ( when she was in a good mood, anyway ).
WITH HIS STAKE IN HAND, AT THE READY, AND HIS HIP PRACTICALLY CONNECTED TO HERS, THEY WALKED IN SYNC THROUGH THE FOG OF THE SUNNYDALE CEMETERY. faith had spunk and this positive, fun light he wasn't used to being around. it was definitely something he could get used to; something he knew deep down he needed currently in his life. he was hooked on something that he couldn't seem to let go of... avenging his mother. he looked over at her as he walked, “ i think i'm still figuring out the dynamic of the group back at buffy's house. i feel like i can't get a good read on --- what's that blonde guy's name ? spike. what's his story [ .... ] ” he asked, trying to be subtle because all the while, he knew damn well who that infamous vampire was. the son of a bitch that killed his mother, the same one that took away his whole life and childhood.
#wickedlehane#I HOPE THIS IS OK MY LOVE#robin wood ( closed starter. )#robin wood ( season 7A threads. )#( closed starter. )#wickedlehane: robin wood
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@wickedlehane liked this post for a starter...
"Faith, right?" She'd seen the dark haired girl around. Seen her hanging out with her sister and her friends. She'd been kind of avoiding them. Ever since the whole Cordy/Xander breakup happened. Part of being #TeamCordy.
This was the first time she was really meeting her, though. "I'm Stef. Buffy's sister. She said you two uh...work together..." And yes, she knew what that meant. She had found out after her sister FREAKING DIED the year the moved here.
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mini-starter // @wickedlehane
❝ Are you planning to have some burger with that sauce, or...?” Her voice trailed; eyes unable to look away from the mess that was Faith’s sloppy excuse for dinner between her even sloppier painted nails. Buffy made a mental note to offer to paint them properly later – maybe she could even con her into a color that wasn’t black or mauve, not that black technically ever fell out of fashion.
There was a half-poked at eggplant sandwich sitting below her, staring up at her really, willing her to find an appetite but she was too preoccupied with Faith unhinging her jaw. Barbeque fell slow motion-style, and the blond’s gaze followed every single drop to the plastic dish before settling back to ruby colored lips. Wow, not even a smudge. Second mental note – ask Faith what brand she used for lipstick.
“More fries?” She figured she didn’t actually have to ask the question, Faith seemed to always have room in her stomach for food that came from mom&pop run diners at 2am. Two fingers already began to push her leftovers in the second slayer’s direction, the motion intentionally slow and steady as to not trigger the fresh wound that was settling in from the hour prior. It was a rookie mistake – she was, once again, engrossed with staring at Faith, but this time it led her shoulder-first into a headstone. Or…well...now it was headstones. Sorry, Gertrude Hurley – rest in peace circa 1947. She was infuriating, honestly. She slayed the same way she ate – haphazardly and without a single thought in that perfectly styled brunette head of hers. How could Buffy not stare? She was keeping a watchful eye, earning her title as Giles’ favorite, making sure the job got done, no other reason –
Two more inches across the table and it was too inches too many. Her shoulder popped and the muscles stiffened, forcing her to recoil back with grit teeth as she fought the urge to wince. Being showed up by a freshly risen baby-vamp was humiliation enough, she didn’t need to send the little old grandma across the counter into a panic that ended in someone calling 9-1-1.
“Remind me to ask you to pop my shoulder back into place on the way home.” A pause.
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“Do you ever wish that Vic Rattlehead was your real dad?”
starter for @wickedlehane
#starters / ic.#wickedlehane#for reference vic rattlehead is the mascot of megadeth and he's my favorite little metal boy
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“So is the whole unwashed masses thing like intentional or...?”
starter for @wickedlehane
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@wickedlehane is getting a #tequilamom starter. because reasons.
Sliding her glass across the island of Faith's kitchen, Buffy motioned for the other Slayer to refill her glass -- a slice of lime ready and waiting. "You would think I kicked her puppy. Not that we have a puppy. But still. The way Sara acts you would think I was a serial puppy kicker. Ruined her life. She actually said those words to me. Told me that her father and I ruined her life by moving her here..."
Glass refilled, Buffy downed the liquid in one before biting the lime and tossing it into the trash. "James seems perfectly happy. Even has himself a girlfriend. Or something. He doesn't tell me. And why should he? I'm all old now. I'm an old life ruiner."
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Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)

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“Alright, my Metallica cassette is missing and I know it wasn’t Max. Hand it over.”
starter for @wickedlehane
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She really did try not to be a victim, but it was hard to be a human in a world full of monsters. Growing up on the Hellmouth had made her a bit more resilient than most. For example, she knew not to wander around at night alone in high heels. It had been a long time since she'd lived in heels, though. These days she preferred flats and sneakers. They were easier to run in.
Like now. She'd gotten a rare prescient vision and had been able to identify the group of vampires lurking about an alley near the convenience store store she'd been heading toward. So much for getting a box of rosé and staying in to watch shitty rom coms that got problematic by the year. Cordy crossed the street but they must of scented her, vamps were freaky like that, and began to follow. A brisk walk became a light jog, turned into a sprint. She wondered why they weren't running after her after a block and dared to look behind her.
Someone was fighting the group. Not Angel, not even Wes. From her viewpoint, she saw a whirlwind of feet and fists. Definitely a Slayer. Buffy? Cordy frowned. Usually it was a bit fucking deal when she came to L.A., mostly to brace Angel or keep him away, and she hadn't gotten a call from any of the Sccobs that Buffy would be visiting the city.
When the dust had literally settled, Cordy's curiosity turned to irritation as she walked back toward the dark haired woman who was brushing streaks of vampire ash off her leather pants. (She rolled her eyes. Honestly, who wore leather pants anymore? Well, she supposed, Faith did.)
"I don't mean to be ungrateful or whatever, but what the hell are you doing here?" She cast a vaguely disapproving look over her outfit. Unfortunately, having a dire sense of fashion looked really good on her.
for @wickedlehane 💗Cordy
#wickedlehane#MAIN v.2 | There's a black moon tonight shining down on the western neon lights (A:TS vibes mostly)#;I put my high heels on so I'm closer to God (ch: Cordelia Chase)#gestures vaguely at the angel series#sorry it's a little hefty#but sometimes I like exposition
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🩸 ―――― IT WAS A CHILLY NIGHT OUT IN SANTA CARLA WITH THE MOON OVERHEAD AND THE STARS ILLUMINATING THE NIGHT SKY. it was the night the ghouls and goblins came out from the shadows to wreck havoc amongst the humans; david and his boys being part of that chaos. santa carla was their town and they always did what they pleased. david and his boys dressed up for a party that was being held on the beach, each in their own costumes, with david dressed as dracula --- it was the easiest and most on the nose costume. he always did like to be the center of attention. the bonfire on the beach roared, crackling as it sparked, with unsuspecting victims drinking and dancing around it in their own spooky costumes. david didn't find anyone particularly interesting tonight; it was always the same dull tourists, blonde bimbos that had no idea how to form a nonsensical sentence, and uninteresting fake punks. as much as david loved halloween, he was hoping something new and fresh would happen to spice up his life a little. his wish had just came true when he spots @wickedlehane by the bonfire, the light of the fire shining on her face as she danced and swayed her hips. there was something alluring about her that drew him in; her energy tugged at his own. finally something that piques my interest, he thought. he signals to marko that he was making his move elsewhere before sauntering over to the raven-haired goddess. he appears from behind her with a smirk already stretching his lips, dry 'fake' blood staining the corner of his lips, “ boo ” he whispers, “ i've come for your blood [ .... ] ” he just had to push the boundaries, didn't he?
#i hope this is okay my friend!! idk what's going on w my writing but it is not A TIER tonight#( closed starter. )#wickedlehane#wickedlehane: david#david ( closed starter. )
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PROMPT: moving from here to beta editor. ( @wickedlehane )
" ALRIGHT, BUT . . . i can throw pretty far these days. you might wanna work on a new saying. " having the strength to maneuver a slayer is, of course, a 𝘄𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 and cordelia isn’t stupid enough to overestimate her abilities, but it helps to keep their conversation a little light when they’re about to head into bloody war. the calm before the storm, or something along those lines. " i know. hard to believe my feet haven’t been swept up by that rich millionaire i swore i was gonna move to the bahamas with someday. what more has a gal gotta do? " an old dream that was long forgotten in favor of saving the world. some things were just more 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝, especially when the evils of the world flashed right before her very eyes, making them impossible to ignore.
the quips quieten down as they head out. there were only so many jokes to be made before 𝐚𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 started to seep in. thick skin and experience have 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍 her, sure enough. the things that used to frighten cordy barely reach radar anymore, ready to 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 when needed, but it’s different when it’s this. ⸻ different when it’s angel. such thoughts keep her silent for part of their journey, lost in arguments with herself until she finally remembers there’s company to share these concerns ( or at least seek out a 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 from them ) with. even if that company is 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵. cordelia doesn’t know how well the other shares. doesn’t know a lot about this new version of her actually, and now seems like a 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 than any to change that. they might be dead tomorrow.
" so, prison. " and of all the conversation starters gal could’ve picked, this is apparently the one mouth settles on before mind catches up. maybe she’s not ALWAYS as 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻 as she appears, though better to break the tension with that than talk about what they do if they can’t get angel’s soul back where it belongs. cordelia promised her friend once she’d kill him dead if that ever happened. it’s a promise she’s really hoping she doesn’t have to keep. " what’s that like? because your skin looks fantastic. "
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@wickedlehane | chaos bleeds.
Ripper stared at the Slayer, watching her movement like a hungry predator. Or a mad man. A combination of both was unnerving but anything seemed possible right now. The question was asked innocently enough, all things considered.
“Do all Slayers smell like you?”
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