#why yes im a past lives devotee how could you tell
linaxart · 3 months
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feel like pure shit I just want them back x
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tvip11-fics · 7 years
A/N: A very shitty (imo) Dan/Val Gods AU feat. Meddling Paulina and Sam. If you have trouble visualizing the temples, just message me! I had trouble figuring out how to even describe what was in my head, so don’t feel bad if you don’t get it! 
Warning: Language
Valerie crushed the goblet in her hand, rage seeping through her eyes and threatening to kill anyone in their path. "I will kill him."
Sam eyed her from across the room, absentmindedly wrapping vines of ivy around her wrist. "You won't." "Yes, I will." The Goddess of Justice stood up, crisp, white robes fluttering around her ankles. "I will murder him and force him to pass through his own domain like a mortal." Sam rose a brow. "You realize that Jazz will kill you if you do that, right?" The Goddess of Wisdom had always been quite protective of him, even if he was only part of her brother's original soul. "I don't care." Valerie began to pace back and forth in the small garden house. "As long as Phantom dies, I'm fine with whatever she does to me." Paulina, who was busy paying attention to her own reflection in her mirror, pouted and sat up on the couch. "Wait, is Phantom really dying?" She let out a sigh. "That sucks. I never even got to see him naked." Sam let out a sound of disgust. "Paulina."
"What?" She glared at the pale-skinned woman. "Don't try and tell me you haven't thought about it."
Paulina tilted her head to the side, inky black hair falling past her shoulders in perfect curls. "Val, if you're going to kill him can you at least let me look 'im over one last time." "Nobody's killing anybody," hissed Sam. "Valerie, if you just talk to him I'm sure he'd-." "No." Sam let out a heavy sigh, the ivy around her wrist drooping with stress. "Then what do you want? It's not like he knows that you're bent out of shape over this." "He messed with my temple," Valerie hissed, "My sanctuary. He should at least give me an apology." "Then tell him you're mad!" "And go near that thing he calls a temple?" Valerie rolled her eyes. "As if." Sam sighed and drained the life from the ivy. "Fine. If you're too stubborn to take care of it, then I'll do it myself." Valerie stopped. "What in the hell is that supposed to mean?" "Exactly what I said."
"You didn't have to come with me," said Sam. "I know," said Paulina, way too giddy for someone that was currently walking into the underworld. "I've never been down here before." The Goddess of Beauty looked around, taking note of the cave-like walls and chill air. "But, now that I'm here...this is kinda...grungy." "No shit, he lives in the Underworld," hissed Sam as they descended down the stairs. Back when the Earth was first created, Dan had not existed. The Original Gods had never planned to have a God of Destruction or two Gods to reign over the night. Dan wasn't created until one fateful night when the God of Vengeance tried to steal the son of the King and Queen of the Heavens. The baby's spirit was split in two, resulting in Dan and his counterpart, Danny. Dan was cursed to stay in the Underworld while Danny stayed in the Heavens. Ever since then, Dan had remained reclusive and cold to all the other Gods, even his own parents. The only people he was even seen talking to were the God of Time, Clockwork, and the Goddess of Wisdom, his older sister. The pair finally reached the tall entrance doors. Solid marble hid things that two of them had never seen before. Their imaginations were the only things they could use to visualize the rumored horrors that Phantom kept locked away from the other Gods. Sam took a deep breath. "Are you ready?" Paulina nodded. Sam pushed the door open and paused. "Oh." She blinked. “Holy shit.” Paulina gawked. "This is Phantom's place?" The two looked around the temple, amazed by how elegant and beautiful it was. The first floor was circular, with windows on almost every wall so one could gaze out at the stormy ocean that encompassed the room. Tall columns accented with gold brushed against the painted ceilings. Two sets of stairs flanked the throne in the middle, which was surrounded by trinkets and treasures thrown out by humanity. Dan entered the room, hair flickering around his face and past his shoulders. Undead servants trailed behind him, arms full of scrolls and maps. He looked at the pair in surprise. "Samantha? Paulina?" He sent his servants away with a flick of his wrist. "What are you two doing here?" "It's Sam," corrected the Goddess. She nudged Paulina and the two of them bowed. "God of Destruction and keeper of the moon, we have come to ask a favor of you." Dan raised a brow. "A favor? I don't do those." Sam rose and frowned. "It's very important. If you would just listen-." Dan waved his hand and turned away. "If it involves your petty matters in the Heavens then don't throw me in the mix. I mind my business and will continue to do so." "But you minding your business is what brought us here," stressed Sam. "Please, you just-." "It's concerning Valerie," chimed in Paulina using her sickeningly sweet voice. As Dan turned around, she jutted out her bottom lip. "She has been very upset lately because of what you did." Whether it was because if Paulina's devilish tricks or the mention of Valerie, Sam would never know, but Dan's blue face began to tinge with blush. "Something I did?" he asked. He stepped closer toward the women and they realized how tall, how foreboding, he was. "What did I do to upset her?" "Her garden," explained Sam, "Your tides ruined her garden a few days ago. It was a gift from her human father." Dan made a strange face. "Gift from her human father?" "Yeah," said Paulina, "Not all of us were born in the Heavens, y'know." Dan weighed this new information in his head. "Then tell her I'm sorry,” he said after a moment of thought. Sam frowned. "That's it?" Dan quirked a brow. "Very sorry?" Part of Sam wanted to strangle him, to break the windows and flood the place as she wrapped goopy seaweed around his neck and choked him to death. It was a sentimental gift for crying out loud! And with Valerie’s father long gone and the centuries passing faster than the seconds, there was no way that she or Valerie could replicate the garden. Flora got lost and evolved over time just like empires. But the other part of Sam was then one that huffed and bowed. She knew there was no way Dan would understand; all those years of being trapped down here probably ruined his emotional development and fucked with his logic. She accepted this, because this was probably as good as it'd get. "Thank you, Phantom," said Sam. "I'm sure Valerie will be happy to hear this." He nodded and the two Goddess left without a word.
"We can't tell Valerie that," said Sam as she plopped down on Paulina's mountain of pillows.
Paulina lived on a piece of a cumulus cloud; her temple composed of cotton-like matter and rays of sunshine. She has decorated most of it with diamonds, roses and whatever else her devotees left at her altar. It was the most beautiful temple around, which was quite fitting for the Goddess of Beauty.
Paulina floated down on her favorite cloud and pulled out a brush. "You're right," she said as she brushed her curls, "Maybe we can work out something with Clockwork and get him to reverse this whole week." Sam shook her head as she stared up the night sky. The stars twinkled brightly, something Danny often did. He liked for the constellations to be visible and for the stars to be as bright as the moon when he placed them in the sky. Sam sighed. "We just need to think of something-." Suddenly, they heard a loud boom that bounced off the sky and echoed through the stars. Someone was flying. Flight was an ability that Gods only used in emergencies. It was draining, using up all your energy and strength. Too much flight could kill a God, so why was-. They flew past Paulina's cloud, fluttering both of their hair. "Who in the-?" Petals. They scattered across the sky in a flurry of colors, drifting down like winter snow. Paulina caught one in her hand. "You don't think-?" The two women looked at each other and gasped. "Shit! Phantom!" The two of them chased after him, panic setting in. They descended  the stairs and watched helplessly as he flew toward Valerie's temple. Sam huffed, "You don't think he's doing what I think he's doing, right?" "That bastard is crazy!" said Paulina as she rushed up the steps. “Of course he is!” Out of breath and surely too late, they finally reached Valerie's temple: two adjacent valleys that her temple covered and often shifted with when the tectonic plates moved. The building, made of marble and gold, stood proudly on the surface. Outside on her balcony stood Phantom, bundles of flowers in his arms, talking to Valerie. Sam and Paulina hid at the landing of the stairs behind a few bushes, listening in on their conversation "I mean it," Dan said, pushing the flowers toward her. "So here, these should be enough for you to start a new garden." Instead of taking all of them, Valerie plucked one flower from the pile and placed it in her hair. "Why?" He frowned. "Why? Your friends barged into my temple, telling me that I upset you. I assumed this would make up for it." "But why? We've never talked before and we're definitely not friends-." "Rude," noted Dan. "-so why do you even care that I was upset?" "Because..." Dan trailed off, feeling his face- his whole body really -grow warm. Valerie sighed, noticing his lack of speech but not knowing the real reason behind it, and decided not to push the issue any further. She took the bundles of flowers from his arms. "Thank you." "...you're welcome." Dan turned to leave, glad to finally be through with the whole ordeal, but Valerie stopped him. "Don't you feel weak?" she asked, grabbing his hand. Dan turned slightly, hoping to avoid showing her his blushing face. "W-What?" "You flew here from the Underworld. You're not gonna be able to make it back down even if you use the stairs." She pulled him close. "Stay the night. I'll have the servants prepare a room for you and everything." Paulina and Sam gawked at their friend. "She can't be serious?!" whispered Sam furiously. "That'll ruin her standing with the other Gods!" "Shh!" hissed Paulina, "They're talking again." "I insist," said Valerie, tugging on his sleeve. "If someone caught me here-." "Who cares?" "You should," said Dan, brow furrowed. "Well, us Kuano Gods don't care about that type of stuff like you Originals do." Valerie casted a wicked look toward the stairs. "Isn't that right, ladies?" Sam let out a squeak as she turned pale. Paulina on the other hand-. "Yeah!" she shouted, glad to be free from her hiding spot. "Go inside Phantom!" Dan scoffed at Valerie's friends. "Fine, I'll stay for the night," he told her before walking inside. Valerie smiled and followed him inside, observing the flowers as she did so.  The Goddess of Beauty pumped her fists in the air. "Yay! Just don't do anything I would do, Val!" "Paulina!"
A/N: Kuano Gods are Gods that were humans. Sam, Paulina, and Val are Kuano Gods, which means that when they died they became Gods. Dan, Danny, Clockwork and Jazz are Originals, meaning they’ve been Gods since day 1. 
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