#why nonnie what did you do /j
shannonsketches · 10 months
i know you said you want people to feel welcome here but you also said you blocked people because of dnis when you looked at their blog so do you just block anyone you don't like? i don't want to get blocked
Oh god nonnie I block for so many reasons, and the older I get the faster I use that button. Sometimes I have legitimate moral reasons, but sometimes it's just me setting a hard boundary for myself if I have a bad reaction to something.
Some Circumstances For Folks I Don't Know:
If we're not mutuals and your post gets suggested to me by tumblr, and it's something I'm really not into, I'll block instead of throwing a tantrum on your post.
If you're a stranger with an opinion on something that I have an intense (or immature) reaction to, I'll block instead of throwing a tantrum on your post.
If you're a follower and you're acting inappropriate, or posting hate, or being disrespectful toward me or people I interact with (then invite me to your blog to see it?), I'll block you. If you're normally nice, I might say something, but if the behavior appears to be a pattern or it crosses a line, you're blocked.
So, generally speaking, NO. I don't personally vet everyone who follows me, and it's not offensive to have a dni or opinions that don't line up with mine. However, if you call attention to ones (dni or hc) that strike me as harmful or needlessly, repeatedly mean to other people in the fandom, I might block you.
Some Circumstances For Folks I Do Know:
If I feel your access to me is or has become unhealthy or uncomfortable, and I've communicated that to you, and had a string of repeated offenses after that communication, I'll block you.
If you were a mutual and unfollow me first with a note or general PSA before you unfollow me, depending on what that note/psa says I may block you just so you don't accidentally follow me again, or so that I don't accidentally show up on your dash again. I'm a HUGE fan of curating your online experience, and this is the best way I've found to remain unintrusive on tumblr.
If you're a mutual or we interacted often and you unfollowed me, I may block you. I might look into why, if I thought it was a glitch, but I won't chase you down, especially if you have a reason posted. I'm just going to close the door behind you, because it's never led me anywhere healthy to leave it open. The block is for me.
So again, NO. Generally I don't block needlessly or ghost folks on purpose. I DO have ADHD and don't always process messages in a timely manner, but I won't block you unless I feel like I need to set a boundary out of either respect or personal comfort or both.
tl;dr: I mostly block as damage control, usually for myself.
Sometimes it's an immature choice, sometimes it's an experience-based choice, sometimes it's a straight up trauma response. But mostly it's just to avoid cycles that lead to my being upset, and hopefully to avoid cycles that lead to other people being upset by me.
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Waking up to twitter dot com to find parkour civilization become so fucking popular it even went beyond mcyt spaces is ??? Crazy ??? This genuinely felt like a fever dream to me
Like it feels like groggily waking up from your deep sleep from the past century and then you check the news and find that industrialization happened. Like yeah okay I guess we are doing none pizza left beef now ☹️ ?????
[ ps i think parkciv is cool looking, i just yk, same reason i dont watch unstable... I don have the time to watch mc movies... 😔😔 ] [ I'll support from the sidelines tho ]
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lizdive · 2 months
Heyy :3 I saw your Lynette! Reader and I'm love with it 🥰 Can I also request some version for Welt, Gallagher, Argenti? Ofc platonic all they wayy [I love ur work 🫶🫶🫶]
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Yes you can nonnie 🫡🩷 thank you so much for your sweet words MWAH MWAH 🫶🫶 thank you for requesting !! if you’re unsatisfied just tell me and i’ll redo it <33 ALSO !! NOT CLICKBAIT I GOT TWO POSTS OUT TODAY AND THE CROWD WENT HOME 💯‼️ *Comically gets tomatoes thrown at me* /j
notes 𐙚 gender-neutral reader — "you" used to refer to reader ,, reader is a teenager ,, reader is based off of "lynette" from the game genshin impact ,, platonic relationships ,, mentions of being sold, close to being 'used', creepy old men, and other things relating to lynette’s past ,, mentions of various other characters in various parts ,, platonic relationships ,, not proofread ignore typos
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⭑ Much like Dan Heng, WELT did not expect you to fully trust anyone on the express quickly, which was why he tried to make himself seem as welcoming as possible even though he very much is welcoming on his own.
⭑ He was patient with you and respected your boundaries, and when you’d give him your wacky replies he’d just nod his head and leave you alone. He never pushed you to do stuff with any of the members and was overall pretty chill.
⭑ His comforting and welcoming vibes alone helped you trust him easier than the other members of the express, and soon enough Welt found himself walking around with you trailing behind him like a duckling. If he was sitting in the parlor cart, you were next to him practicing or showing him your card tricks. If he was in his room, you were probably there just in the corner doing your thing.
⭑ Tea time anytime anywhere. WELT will always have the time to enjoy tea and snacks with you whenever you’d like! If you make your treats yourself, he’ll help you make them, too. It’s nice bonding time. He’ll also learn a thing or two about tea making from you as it seems that you take the art very very seriously.
⭑ He’s not a swordsman by any means but he’s seen many different fighting styles in his time so he’ll give you some tips on how to improve. He’d still prefer for someone else to properly mentor you and by someone else I mean Dan Heng as he’s the closest one to a swordsman on the express.
⭑ Like some others in the first part, he’ll keep something sweet with him in his pocket so if you’re ever craving something sweet or feeling hungry in general he’ll be able to hand you the sweet treat easily. Feels bad whenever he doesn’t have anything on hand, especially when there aren’t any stores nearby.
⭑ He can do the talking for you if you want him to. He’ll calmly tell others that you aren’t comfortable with conversations and that he’ll be doing the talking for you during interactions. If they don’t cooperate then he’ll just,, leave with you. He needn’t waste both of your times with someone who cannot respect boundaries.
⭑ Not surprised by your feline features as he’s seen many things in his time, but if you lean more into the feline mannerisms he’ll give you extra head-pats and ear scratches and may buy you cat toya if you want them. Makes sure you take care of your nails too!! Doesn’t want you hurting yourself.
⭑ He doesn’t mind participating in your performances. He,,,, he has experience on stage,,,, ahaha,,,, WELT can entertain a crowd! Doesn’t like the tricks that involve the both of you getting a bit messy thought like the water container, but he’ll indulge you in any other tricks! He also doesn’t mind watching your performances! He’ll smile and clap after every trick, praising your skill and what you do. He’s very supportive and would be honored if you teach him how you do what you do.
⭑ If you ever open up to him about your past, he’ll be there for you as he pats your head and rubs your back soothingly, telling you to take your time and that he’s so proud of you for getting through that and having the courage to tell him all of this.
⭑ Like Veritas, I don’t think WELT do anything to the man should he still be alive. He’ll help you forget him if you’re bothered by the memories and help you heal should you be repressing emotions. He’ll teach you how to accept and will make sure by the end of your journey you’ll be the best self you can be. He’s already so proud of you.
⭑ You both are like old people with technology and both learn as you go. A member of the express teaches WELT something, he’s quick to message or tell you about it and vice versa.
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"Humans are complicated creatures. Even when they are not doing so intentionally, they will still unconsciously hide their true selves. Though I can always notice a few 'redundant' details, I won't expose their facades when it isn't necessary."
"That’s… very nice of you?"
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⭑ You were a performer at the bar, many of the patron and visitors flocking to the bar just to watch your amazing performances. GALLAGHER couldn’t deny that you were a talented kid, and he also quite enjoyed your performances.
⭑ You were young, so it’s not surprise some people did try to get you to work for them instead in hopes of exploiting you. GALLAGHER would always step in if they were being too insistent and sometimes even kick them up, however most of the time they left you alone due to your eccentric replies. They always made him snicker in amusement secretly.
⭑ GALLAGHER will make you drinks as you work and fix up small snacks if there’s anything available. Because of you he’s become a bit of a tea-making expert. Every time you take a break or finish a performance he’ll have a nice cup of tea set up for you in the staff room at the back. He awaits your feedback.
⭑ When you invite him to joins you in your tea breaks? He’s either tossing the bar to Siobhan or another employee, and if there’s non then uhm,,, yeah he can’t join you but he’ll make it up to you! And if you help him with drink making he’ll cry a bit internally. You’re such a good kid,,,
⭑ Not only are you both a good duo in the bar, but you both are a good duo in officer work. He’s is a bit intimidated with your swordsmanship, but he also admires your quick and clean cuts. You become his unofficial official assistant sometimes when it comes to snatching up criminals and it’s actually kind of fun.
⭑ You suck at technology, he’s decent at it, he doesn’t mind. If you want to improve he’ll help you out but if you don’t he’ll supervise you whenever you’re using anything relating to technology so that you don’t burn the bar down or something. Is it possible to get hurt in the dreamscape? I can’t remember. But still, he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
⭑ Calls you 'kitty' jokingly but if you get upset he’ll drop it. Also, only he’s allowed to call you that. Nobody else. He feels that if others do it then it’s mocking you — even if they mean well he just doesn’t like it so only he can do it.
⭑ He’ll help you practice but I don’t think he’d perform insane acts with you. Maybe the more simplistic ones or ones that don’t require him doing really complex things. He just doesn’t want to mess up and ruin your acts. If you want him to do a dramatic announcement for you before you go on stage, he’ll do so happily.
⭑ The moment you open up to GALLAGHER trust that he’ll make sure you’re much more guarded and kept safe. He’ll also be much more observant of the patrons and visitors and nobody will be offering you work offers. He’ll ask you during your break times if anyone tried to do anything to you, and if so, to give him as many details as you possibly can. No need to ask why — he’ll deal with them.
⭑ Should the man that you were sold to dare be alive and enter the bar, GALLAGHER will have him out of there before you even catch a glimpse of him. He’ll also make sure that man is out of the dreamscape. Man, Sleepie has been needing a new toy as of recent!
⭑ Does the talking for you but at the same time not many people will be talking to you anyways after your performances because you’re having your tea break and so he’ll tell anyone that wants to interact with you that you’re unavailable for the rest of the time.
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"If you explain a magic trick, then the allure of the performance is lost. Personal relationships are the same. If you want to understand me, why not learn a bit at a time, and gradually piece together a complete picture?"
"I like how you think, kid. Don’t change your mindset ever, got it?"
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⭑ A new feline-featured performer holding a show in a planet nearby? Oh how delightful! ARGENTI’s getting a ticket to your show the second they’re available! He’s always loved performances and shows as they show how skilled others are and are always so beautiful.
⭑ He absolutely loved your performance and even wanted to thank you personally for the lovely time! And so after the lights were back on and all guests left, he made his way outside in search of you with an appreciative rose in hand which he expected he’d be able to give to you.
⭑However, what ARGENTI didn’t expect was for you to give him the wackiest response ever. He blinked, handed you the rose, and then continued to converse with you. He’s like Sunday but oblivious — there is no winning with him he can talk for hours.
⭑ It’s a huge yapper / listener situation. You travel a lot for performances and he travels a lot in search of Idrila, so you can’t escape him because he has the excuse to follow you around. Well, he does protect you even if it’s not needed due to your swordsmanship, but it’s convenient so you guess it’s fine.
⭑ ARGENTI also does all the talking for you which is a nice and huge bonus. Sometimes he does it without even realizing and nobody is able to make him shut up. It’s a big win win for the both of you and he never brings it up out of concern because you don’t seem bothered by it.
⭑ Finds your feline features beautiful and would love to help you groom your ears and tail if you’d let him !! He’s be very gentle as he brushes out the loose furs and if you like head pats / ear scratches he’ll sneak them in while he grooms your ears. He’s somehow so good at it for being a first timer (or so he claims.)
⭑ Very present in your performances and will always be there to support you and cheer you on, handing you a rose as a congratulations for the successful show. If you perform for him alone during your free-time, he’ll clap with a big smile and tell you how wonderful that was and how you’re improving so much.
⭑ ARGENTI is probably the best performance partner out of everyone because he puts in so much emotion with the tricks and acts he pulls. Also, he doesn’t mind being in front of a large crowd and he manages to captivate their attentions so that’s a bonus. You’re deadpan and he’s very emotional. A good duo.
⭑ If you open up to him, ARGENTI will be appalled. Not at you — never ever you — but at that disgusting man who dared to even think about using you. He’ll promise you that he’ll make sure nothing like that ever happens again and then he’ll ask if there’s anything he can do to make you feel better. Would you like a specially prepared fish dish? Some sweets? Tea?
⭑ Speaking of tea, he loves tea time with you! It’s a nice time for the two of you to bond and relax from life, enjoying the flavors of the teas that would vary each time you prepared some. If you teach him how you make your teas he’ll be over the moon.
⭑ I don’t think ARGENTI is bad with tech, he’s probably pretty good, so he’ll help you figure out how to not bust everything that contains some sort of tech or machinery. If you break things he won’t be upset or anything — he’s a pretty patient person. He’ll care more about you and if you’re injured.
⭑ Spars with you and constantly praises your agility and clean cuts. You both share tips and tricks for tending to your weapons and fighting in general, too. ARGENTI won’t be too rough on you but he will put up a challenge — he genuinely wants you to improve!
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"Building a relationship with someone is like gambling. No matter how much information you have, it's hard to predict how other people might change. I've always had the habit of keeping a safe distance from others, but in your case... I'm willing to shoulder the risk of losing a bet."
"I promise you, you will not regret this gamble nor will you lose."
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shawtuzi · 1 year
absolutely insanely obsessed with your nerd!eren hcs <33 what are your thoughts on nerd!eren going down on y/n for the first time?
great question nonnie let’s get into it
what’s that one j cole lyric??? oh yeah i remember ‘haven’t been in pussy since the day i came out one’ now THAT describes nerd!eren perfectly when you first started dating him. sure he’d seen his fair share of pussy when he watched porn but other than that he’d never been lucky enough to be graced with the beautiful sight of a real life woman’s pussy. until now.
“you wanna take ‘em off for me?” you asked referring to your pink cotton panties that had the tiniest wet spot in the center. eren looked up at you through his lashes, his breathing ragged. with shaking hands he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties before slowly pulling them down, he let out the tiniest groan when he saw a thin string of your wetness cling the soft fabric of your panties.
“jesus christ,” eren let out a breathless moan when he finally saw your pussy in all its glory. you brought your hand down and spread your glistening folds giving eren a mouthwatering view of your lil clit that was just begging for some attention. “this right here?” you said slowly circling your clit with your ring and middle finger, “this is what you wanna pay attention to, go ahead and try touching it with your hand first.”
eren gently pressed his thumb against your clit and he swears he could feel a lil heart beat with each second that passed. “mhm now go in slow circles,” your eyes fluttered shut when he did exactly as you instructed. if eren had to choose his drug of choice ever? it would be your facial expressions from him pleasuring you. after a few moments he got greedy and begin to circle his thumb a little too fast and started rubbing his thumb against the right side of your pillowy soft folds. you sat up on your elbows and the sight before you was absolutely adorable. eren looked so concentrated with his glasses fogged up and brows furrowed it was too cute.
“eren, baby, slow down slow down,” you giggled grasping his shaking hand in yours. eren eyes locked with yours, the tiniest pout on his kiss swollen lips. “m’sorry i got a little too excited,” he breathlessly chuckled pressing a kiss to the inside of your thigh. “it’s okay baby, why don’t you try using your mouth this time hm? if you flick your tongue sideways that’s the quickest way to make me cum,” eren brought his face closer to your dripping center, taking a deep inhale. “m’not trying to be weird…you just smell so good,” he hummed pressing a kiss to your aching clit.
eren gave your pussy an experimental lick, the salty sweet taste of you immediately burning into his brain. fuck. at first he was very sloppy, going between swiping his tongue up and down your soaked slit to sucking your folds into his mouth that he swears were as soft as rose petals. your slick was smearing onto his glasses but he just couldn’t find it in himself to care, not when he was between the thighs of the most gorgeous woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
suddenly his lips wrapped around your clit and he was sucking so fast and so hard you nearly screamed. “f-fuck ren,” you sniffled gripping onto his chocolate locs. eren traced tight little circles around your sensitive bud, relishing in the sweet moans that escaped your plush lips. “am i—hmph doing okay?” eren asked lifting his head just the tiniest bit. the entire lower half his face was coated in your wetness and you had half a mind to yank him up and lick it off him. “you’re doing so good hun, can you use your fingers too? m’so close i can feel it,” oh how eren wanted to kiss that adorable pout on your lips.
eren glanced at your cunt and groaned when he saw your lil hole clench around absolutely nothing. “okay…okay yeah i’ll use my fingers jus’ tell me if it hurts or m’doin it wrong,” his sentence slowly trailed off as he brought his mouth back to your pussy. he brought his middle finger to your entrance and slowly began to push his finger in. “shit that’s tight,” he whimpered, i repeat WHIMPERED!!!! at this time in your relationship you’d yet to have sex with eren yet so if you were squeezing only his finger this tight he couldn’t even imagine how heavenly you’d feel wrapped around his dick.
“put another one in renny c’mon,” you whined bucking your hips up. eren did as he was told and added his ring finger (he’d read online those two fingers were guaranteed to make a girl cum if used correctly and by god was the internet so right). while his fingers pumped into you at a relentless pace he began to flick his tongue back and forth on your neglected clit. “c-curl your fingers r-ren your fingers!” you squealed gripping onto your bed sheets for dear life. eren hummed and curled his fingers just the slightest bit and that’s what finally broke the dam. your thighs immediately clenched shut as you began to practically hump eren’s face, his teeth scraping against your clit in the most delicious way possible.
“god your pussy is so fucking loud, does that mean you’re gonna cum?” eren grunted relishing in the lewd squelches that came from your sopping pussy. you let out loud chants of ‘yes yes yes!’ before coming undone, nearly suffocating eren between your thick thighs. eren’s glasses were completely fogged up and for once you actually preferred to have them off, so you gently took them off and set them aside so you were able to clearly look into eren’s needy orbs. you were the one who just came but he looked completely and utterly fucked out boy was it a sight to see.
eren slowly removed his fingers, licking his lips when he saw how the milky white substance of your cum coated his digits. he brought his fingers to his mouth and greedily sucked your cum off them. “good?” you breathlessly giggled, running your your fingers through his hair. eren let out a quiet ‘mhm’ as he pressed sloppy kisses all over your thighs. “can i keep going? please?” he sounded borderline desperate and you were loving it.
it’s safe to say it was a constant struggle to get eren to keep his hands to himself once he had a taste of you. while you two would be studying in the library his fingers would not so subtly make their way up your skirt and into your panties, rubbing your swollen clit with vigor. sometimes he’d usher you into the nearest bathroom and toss your legs over his shoulders so he could get a little taste, tongue fucking your tight lil pussy until your were creaming all over his tongue.
ahh man i love me some pussydrunk eren.
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bekaterrier · 1 month
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! This week definitely had me feeling some feels...
@hinaypod Episode 45 - Paghahanda (Preparation) Part 1: More Mari and Sauvard bonding time! The music box is interesting, I can only imagine one of those tunes playing creepily in the background of a scene... More vague clues from J, the man cannot just outright say something. Also starting to see some of the consequences of Murphy's decision after dealing with Bolton.
@desertskiespodcast Chapter 17 - The Accident: I said it earlier this week and I'll say it again, phew, that was an episode. I was so frustrated like Nonny and Mac, wondering why Tendy wasn't doing more about this terrible traveller. Tendy's breakdown at the end was so raw and heartbreaking (serious kudos to Jared for the acting on this one). I'm glad Nonny and Mac are there and hopefully they can start helping him out of this hole.
@storiesfromylelmore Episode 202 - Chess: Rion, sweetheart, let someone hug you! I felt this episode to my core; the trying to please everyone all the time, taking on too much, and then Rion also had to deal with that awful secretary's bigotry? I'm glad there was an adult who was able to recognize at least some of what was going on and hopefully make things easier (even of Rion didn't want them to). I can't wait to see how well Keryth's charmed rings work!
Case Study IREC-A59 Episode 3 - So Here's The THING: I really like the little clues we've been getting to give us an image of what humans look like compared to the alien crew (ex: "sit down so you're not towering over it"). Like Ineke, I am also very curious about the initial report about humans and what the reported first contact was.
@midnightburgr - Welcome to the Horizon Part 5 - Trinkett's Trip: Can you feel the vibes? I definitely feel the vibes because Tina and Cat are killing it as Deidre and Verge! I love that Frank is teaching Verge how to be part of the community. But also, Frank? Are...are you gonna be okay? Clementine, what did you do?!
The Department of Variance of @somewhereohio Season 2: I have to stop trying to predict where this story will go because I am never anywhere NEAR what actually happens - and I love that! The world is so rich and complex, the characters are so compelling, and I cannot wait to hear Jasmine and Scarlett kick some ass in season 3.
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asumofwords · 1 year
Honestly I've been in the feels so this question is so random but how would aemond react to the reader falling sick? like not anything highly serious but she threw up a few times and has high body temperature and she's extremely tired.
This is definitely not a self projection and totally not cause I'm sick haha whaaattt 🤪/j
Okay but your fic is the main thing that's getting me through this, I've reread it like 2 times already 😂😂 might do a 3rd reread 😳
Omg nonny I hope you get better soon and feel better soon too! You poor thing ! Thank you so much hehehe love you 🖤🖤🖤
Here’s a lil Drabble on what Aemond would be like with a sick!reader!
Enjoy 🖤
When the maids had warned Aemond not to enter his shared chambers he had looked at them incredulously.
Who were they to tell him where he could and could not go?
Yet as he reached for the doors, they had insisted,
“My Prince, you mustn’t. The Princess is unwell.”
“Then why did you not inform me sooner?” He all but growled, pushing past them and into the chambers.
She was sick.
But sick could mean many things.
He had witnessed, first hand, his sister when she was with child become sick. Food did not hold well in her stomach and it caused the Queen to be up at all hours spilling the contents of her stomach into a bowl.
The idea of his Lady Wife being with child sent a thrill down his spine as he entered the chambers.
Finally she would give him an heir.
But all excitement and pride left his body when his lone eye settled upon her, laid flat in the bed on her side, blankets pulled up to her neck.
The old dottery Maester sat beside her, dabbing at her forehead with a warm, wet cloth. At the sound of Aemond’s entrance he had turned, hand stilling upon her forehead.
She groaned.
“My Prince, it is not safe to be here. The Princess may have the Chill.” The Maester spoke words of concern, though his voice betrayed him, “You may get sick, My Lord.”
Aemond hummed, ignoring the Maester as he came beside the bed.
She was shivering and pale, a light sheen of sweat atop her brow that the Maester wiped away with the cloth.
The skin under her eyes was darkened and she looked, as both the maids and Maester had said, to be ill.
Certainly not with child.
“How long has she been like this?” Aemond grunted, looking down at the way her silver hair stuck to her forehead.
“Since early this morning, My Lord.”
“You may leave.” Aemond snipped, feeling irritated that no one had come to fetch him at her condition.
Did they not think it was prudent for her Lord Husband to ensure her well-being?
“Your Grace-“
The Maester bowed and left, leaving the cloth on the bowl of steaming water beside the bed.
Aemond sat himself on the chair the Maester had been sat and picked up the cloth, dipping it back into the warm water before squeezing the excess through his fingers.
Softly, he wiped at the top of her brow, hoping to soothe the furrow that had not left her face since he had entered. The Princess mumbled, stirring in the sheets.
He could not stop looking at her face, no matter how hard he had tried.
His fierce zaldristos, his mighty warrior, his spitfire, so weak and sickly. Aemond had to force himself to swallow, memories of the last time she had been under his care coming forth to mind.
Aemond remembered how pale she had looked, more so than she already did now. How gaunt her face had been, shadows across her cheeks from lack of sustenance and near death. Her skin had had a hollow greyness to it, and she had been so cold to touch, as though she was already dead.
The only sign of life was the shallow breaths she took, and the way she would groan and whimper when her bandaged would be cleaned.
He had insisted to his mother and brother that he was to stay at her side to ensure she wouldn’t escape, but that concern was falsified, and the only fear he had had then, was that he had killed her.
So he had made it his duty to tend to her when the Maesters and maids did not, sitting by her bedside, watching her chest rise and fall to ensure that it would continue to do just that.
He remembers when once her chest stopped as it fell, and all the air in the chambers had been sucked out through the window, including the air in his lungs. He had sprung up from his seat and jumped to the side of her bed, hand on her chest as he looked down at her and prayed.
Prayed to the Gods to spare her, prayed to the ancestors to not take her yet, making promises that he would give anything to keep her alive and safe. And then the Gods had answered his prayers moments after, with the shallow rise and fall of her chest again.
He had nearly wept.
Aemond shook his head to dispel the memories.
The Prince continued to wipe away the sweat from her brow, just as he had when he brought her back to the Keep, hanging onto life by a thin thread that frayed with every waking day.
The Princess stirred beneath him again, and Aemond hummed at her as she opened her eyes to peek up at him.
She blinked owlishly at him and he had to suppress a smirk.
“Go back to sleep.” He cooed, brushing hair away from her face.
The Merciless Princess grunted and then groaned, eyes scrunching up as a hand came to press against her face.
“Where is the Maester?” She asked, voice quiet and weak.
“I sent him away.”
She let out an annoyed grunt and shifted in the bed sighing, laying flat on her back as she huffed.
But Aemond did not relent, instead he dipped the cloth in the now cooling water and squeezed it one last time, brushing it over her forehead and through the sweat slick hair at her crown.
She sighed and relaxed back into the pillows.
Aemond spent just over three days doting on her. He had told the Small Council that his Lady Wife had fallen ill and that he needed to be there to tend to her. He had left the council chambers without waiting for their response, the King be damned.
He helped to bathe her and feed her, sitting her up to give her small spoons of soup, nursing her back to health. He would not admit to himself that he liked seeing her small and so dependent on him.
It aroused him, and for those days spent by her side, his cock strained against the material of his breeches. Only when the hour was late, and his Lady Wife was drifting into a dream would he pull himself from his confines and bring himself to his peak as he watched her.
Aemond had soothed her back in a gentle rhythm as she spilled her stomach into a bowl beside the bed, and had held a glass of water to her lips, telling her to drink with no room for argument.
He barely let himself rest, and only crawled into bed beside her when the hour was late and his eye became weary.
Aemond could feel the fever she had beside him, heat pouring from her in waves, making the sheets stiflingly hot.
Yet still, he rose early before the sun with the maids to help prepare a day of care for her, to nurse her back to health, soothing her when she was sick or groaned, wiping sweat from her brow, and even singing songs in old Valyrian, just under his breath to calm her fevered dreams.
Aemond let himself bask in the feeling of her needing him for those days, and knew that soon, when she would be back to better health, that his doting of her would end, and she would become his zaldristos once again.
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sucrows · 1 year
Hi hii can I request Souma, Kuro, and Keito with X, J, and E please?:)
OMGs a Souma request?? I was totally expecting for him to be entirely left behind. Like a unicorn or something. Thank you nonnie I hope to do him service.
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Practically none before entering a relationship. He knows ~in theory~ what's supposed to happen. Does he know how to actually do things? Absolutely not. He’s probably seen porn before but considered it much too dirty a thing to properly watch at all. Thankfully, he is quite eager to learn and please. Getting in bed with him allows you to basically adjust him to all your preferences and he’ll be perfectly happy to follow your lead.  
He’s shy and a bit ashamed of doing it. He didn’t do it for a long time, did it maybe a few times throughout high school, then got more into doing it after entering a relationship. He didn’t use to crave it often at all, only doing so when he really couldn’t get it to go down. As he’s become sexually active though, his libido has gone way up, and he can’t help himself every once in a while when he thinks about you. It’s an entirely private affair to him and is usually taken care of in the shower. He will also NOT bring it up to you so you’re going to have to do detective work if you want to figure out why he looks like a guilty dog. 
Above average length (6-7 in or 15-18 cm) but on the thinner side of the spectrum. It’s quite pale around the base but also quite red towards the tip. He’s a shower and its proportions make it look longer than it is, though its actual size keeps it quite comfy for insertion. It sticks straight outwards when he gets hard. He’s also pretty sensitive and any type of dirty talk gets him immediately going so watch out if you want to rile him up in public. 
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He has experience! Not a massive amount, but he’s probably picked up a FWB before and if one of his friends were to proposition him then I mean, hey, why not? It’s not a crazy big taboo to him. He hasn’t thoroughly explored a lot though despite having experience. He is still quite curious about a lot of things such as kinks and toys he has yet to give a try. 
With decent frequency, he’s not to embarrassed by it. He doesn’t often go out of his way to do it but sometimes the body wants what the body wants and he’s not against taking care of it. He’d rather initiate something with his partner than have to take care of it but sometimes you’re just not available so he’s another one who goes off to the shower. He tends to take it quite slowly when he does do it, enjoying long, slow, heavy pumps along the shaft over really fast ones.  
[X] X-RAY:
Longer (between 7-8 in or 18-20 cm), thicker, and a grower. Holding it is an experience because it’s so girthy, it takes a lot of preparation and lube if you want to take it. It also curves to a side a bit, but not too horribly- it's long enough that it doesn’t really impact things. The veins on it are pretty noticeable too so it’s quite the looker and a bit intimidating. Thankfully Kuro is a gentle soul, so you don’t have to worry too hard if you want to take him. 
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Mr repressed himself. He’s probably had a partner or two before, people who noticed his stress and propositioned him most likely. He’s not against casual sex to blow off steam but the world will end before he tries to make a move on someone for those purposes. He is quite knowledgeable on topics related to sex though! He’s done a lot of things to himself, researched a lot, and has at least an idea of how to pull off most things. 
More often than average. Despite his composure, he’s quite the horny mess sometimes. He tries to play it off and play it down, but it’s a bit obvious sometimes. He’s also fairly shy about initiating, a bit too ashamed to just go for it. He tries to get it over with as quickly as possible, but he also likes to use toys on himself when he can. A very strange, repressed man with a complicated relationship towards his own boners. 
[X] X-RAY:
Roughly Average (5-6 in or 12-15 cm). Grower, It’s also pretty average in terms of girth. When hard, it does tend to extend straight out which is quite convenient for easy penetration. His head is noticeably sensitive too so between his length being pretty comfortably sized and that, he’s very fun to play with and very easy to give handjobs/blowjobs. 
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
I’m so sorry if you’ve already done this but I keep thinking about William dealing with his bunny having like a major nightmare or something and then taking care of her 🤧
nonnie are you sneaking in my drafts?? /j
i was planning to write more fluff tonight like a one-shot but alsdkfjafk,,,
warnings: age-gap relationship (reader 20 peepaw almost 40), secret relationship, nightmares, crying, kisses, insecurity, but lots of fluff, dom/sub undertones, not proofread, i also made reader GN i hope thats okay nonnie 🙏
William knows that you're almost always a sleepy little bunny. You have a lot to do during the week; and so does he. But, he knows being in college is hard. You have many assignments to keep track of, and that often means when you come over on the weekends, you're tired. And when it comes to bedtime, you're almost always asleep far before him, and wake up after him too. As much as he'd like for you to stay awake with him, he wouldn't ever push you to do so. You were comforted by having him next to you, just as he was comforted by your presence as well. Sleep all you want, little one.
It's a plus that you also like to cuddle in your sleep. Oftentimes, the brit stays awake for about an hour or so after you fall asleep, reading one of his old novels you tease him for enjoying. Although he's sat up in the bed during these times, you're still plenty curled up next to him. One of your arms is draped across him, and his around your shoulders, his hand rubbing small circles into your shoulder.
Its a very peaceful thing for William. One of the few times his head is quiet. Calm. Relaxed.
That's why he's so quick to notice you stirring in your sleep.
He didn't think much of it at first. You moved around time to time if you were dreaming, or too hot or something. You settled down quickly though. Typically. But, not this time.
You were tossing and turning much more than usual, even mumbling some nonsense every now and again. It's when you clutched onto him rather tightly did he turn his full attention to you.
Uncurling his arm from off your shoulders, he used his free hand to smooth the hair away from your eyes. The older man could feel his lips part at what he saw; tiny, miniscule tears in the corner of his precious bunny's eyes.
Oh, no. No no no. This wouldn't do at all.
Quickly closing his book and setting it on the nightstand, William smoothed your hair down more as he pressed a few kisses to your heated cheeks, gently shaking you awake in between.
"Bunny," he said, "Wake up, little one."
Eventually, with enough jostling and encouragement, William was able to get you awake. You didn't take too long to become fully-conscious again, a look of worry in your precious eyes as you looked up at him.
"Will?" You questioned, your voice wobbly from your tears.
The brit cradled your face in his hands, gently getting you to sit up in front of him, "My love, what's wrong? You were trembling, dear."
You swallowed the lump in your throat as your hands found a home overtop his own, nuzzling your wet cheek into his palms.
"I... I had a bad dream. A really bad one.."
William used his thumbs to wipe away your little tears, feeling his heart break a little and your soft words, "You didn't tell me you got nightmares, bunny. You should tell me these things. There's nothing to be embarrassed of."
You shook your head a little, "That's the weird thing, I... I don't normally have them."
"Oh, my sweet baby bunny. Do you want some water? I can-"
"N-No!" You exclaimed, "S-sorry, I just... Please don't leave me."
The older man was worried before, but became really worried at your words. You always wanted his attention, yes, but this was... different. His bunny was never this vocally clingy. Something was wrong, and his heart hurt for you.
"Come here love." He told you, leaning down and giving you a kiss on your puffy lips. Pulling away, he wrapped his arms around you and laid you on his chest, his back against the headboard of the bed. You held onto him tighter than normal as he rubbed soft circles into your back.
"What's got you so upset, love?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "You're a brave bunny. You know dreams aren't real, yeah?"
You nodded, but looked away from up into his eyes, "It's... it's kinda stupid. You don't have to listen if you don't wanna."
"Hey," William said, sitting you up in his lap so he could look at you better, cupping one of your cheeks again, "Whatever it is, it made my baby bunny cry. And I don't like seeing you cry, love. Anything that makes you upset isn't stupid, yeah?"
You nodded again as you leaned your cheek into his warm palm.
"Of course not." He continued, "Now why don't you tell me what this something is, hm? I want to help you."
William could tell that you were still a little embarrassed, but felt soothed by his words. Tears were still in the corner of your eyes as you thought about what you wanted to say.
"In my dream, I..." you peeped out, "We finally got to go out on a date. Like, a real one. Outside somewhere nice. And... And I spent hours and hours getting ready. And I was so excited and..."
You had to pause for a moment, a few stray tears falling down your cheeks.
"And when I showed up, I... Y-You were there too and you told me I took too long... And that I was always messing everything up and that I made things too difficult and..."
You had to swallow back a sob to keep going.
"A-And that you didn't love me anymore..."
William watched as you lifted up your hands to wipe away your tears, but quickly stopped you. He leaned forward closer to you again, cradling your face close to his.
"Bunny, look at me." He instructed you, looking deep into your teary eyes.
"I will never," he continued, his tone serious yet soft, "and I mean ever stop loving you, little one. Not for as long as I live. I will never leave you ever. You're the only one for me, bunny. You know this."
You sniffled, "I-I know, but... S-Sometimes I just get worried that... You're getting frustrated that I can only really come over on the weekends, a-and that we gotta be like... lowkey. And that I'm too busy and that I sleep too much, and..."
"No, bunny no. I'm never frustrated with you, love. Your uni is important, and I know how hard you work. I love that about you. I love how driven you are. Of course you're going to be tired, bunny, I understand. And I love having you here on the weekends. I cherish every moment with you."
You shook your head a little, "I just... I don't want you to get bored of me and... f-find a new bunny. That's better than me."
William felt his heart break a little more, leaning forward to capture your lips in another kiss. He made this one longer, more drawn-out than normal, and poured every ounce of his love into it before pulling away. He looked right into your eyes, again, gently grabbing your chin so you wouldn't look away.
"You're my bunny, love." He said, "No one else could ever come close to you. I'd never replace you, because I love you. Only you. And there's absolutely no one that could ever replace you. You're my everything, little one. I love you more than I can describe."
The brit wiped away more of your tears as he saw you smile again. Tiny, but it was there.
"I don't know who this mean version of me is," He continued, "But he can go to hell. He doesn't belong in my bunny's head."
Your smile grew, "It's just a dream, Will."
He let out a hum, "So you know I'd never say those things then, hm?"
You nodded as he leaned down to you again, giving you another kiss.
"Good. Now, come here, love."
William pulled you close to him again as he reached over to the nightstand, shutting off the lamp as he lied down with you. His arms around your waist, he held you tighter than normal close to his chest, close enough to where he could feel your heartbeat against his.
He made sure you fell asleep peacefully before allowing himself to drift off.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
I know you read the transcripts of K&J podcast. I'd be interested in hearing your views on what they talked about with Becca today. Specifically about not getting cast or work after glee ended.
Hi Nonny!
I kind of skimmed it - and I wonder is there something specific that's got you thinking?
I can't tell tone from a transcript - but it sounds like the whole experience was bittersweet for her?
Her experience post-Glee sounds like what a lot of actors go through after being on a hit show. Where you get type-cast and have trouble breaking out of the mold that Hollywood wants to put you in. She also kind of brings up something that is frustrating in the industry -- that I've heard from all of the women on these rewatch podcasts that I listen to...
Hollywood thinks it needs two type of women - women in their early 20s and the older women for the older parts. There isn't much space for women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. It's like women stop at 25. Though 'old' woman is usually 50 and that's just ridiculous. The part about her talking about not being able to get a role as a mother when she's 38 and a mother - I did feel that.
I also found the talk about everyone struggling post-Glee interesting, but when they started to get into it, found that actually people are more successful than you might think. I think a lot of the cast is doing really well -- just maybe in different ways. Like Chris has his book career (and as someone who works in books - he is incredibly prolific and popular for a children's author). Darren and Amber have both been successful on the stage. As they said, Harry and Melissa have both spun out into different directions.
Interestingly (?) it seems like Kevin and Jenna are probably working the least (which is probably why they are doing the podcast).
I also understand why she doesn't want to go back and watch the show. It is awkward. And it can be a sad thing. I think the Newbies were treated horribly (said from someone who didn't think that particular decision was a great way to take the show).
That's what I've got, Nonny. I'm not entirely sure what nugget you wanted commentary on, though. Like I said -- I think it's an unfortunate thing to happen in post-successful things when actors struggle to move on beyond what they're known for. Let me know if there's something I missed!
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sarahsmi13s · 11 months
Hi nonny darling! Thank you for the ask! -> send me an emoji!
all my answers are under the cut!
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
i feel like "Natural Disasters" was a fic a struggled with, that one was very grief focused and it was difficult. but i'm very proud of it.
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
if i'm honest, i'm insecure about just everything when i post. like, is this what people want, or will it live up to this this and this that i've already written?
🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
i feel like the amount of things my brain comes up with over whelms me sometimes and i'm afraid that by the time i get there... it'll be too late, you know? so like what's the point right? i'll tell you what the point is. i love writing, i love my little universes that i've created. so who cares if it's 'too late'? someone is going to read them and i'm still going to love them. i write for me
🍉in what ways has writing helped you process trauma and/or navigate through your own life?
J and S has been a big help with my confidence, Sugar Sarah is a plus size woman who is engaged to a very fit and attractive man. writing the two together, without ever truly addressing that fact, is refreshing in a way. it's not blantatly Jake saying, "i love you, no matter your weight" it's Jake showing that. and i think writing Jake that way has helped me a lot do that make sense? probably not but yeah 😂
🌿how does creating make you feel?
it makes me feel accomplished in some way, you know? like "damn... i did that. i took that from the alphabet soup that is my brain and put it out there. look at me go" do i get down on myself and my abilities sometimes? yeah, i do. but once i get past it and finish something? it feels that much better
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
how dare you ask me to be nice to myself but one thing a will say is that i put a lot of care into the worlds i create, it's why some updates may take a little too long. even one-shots, i put as much love and detail as i would any series
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
i think everything is important honestly! it comes down to the story itself and the message or idea you want to convey! but the techincal stuff is always important
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
you know... i'm not entire sure.
💎why is writing important to you?
i love creating, i really do. and i think the joy it brings me to do it is important! but one thing is that somewhere, someone in the world may feel seen by something that i've written. and i think that's beautiful too
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osachiyo · 11 months
miau 🙁
https://pin.it/4grpJoD (i found another version of this but lost it)
https://pin.it/7jT5STN bedroom eyes fr
https://pin.it/El1WjfH i would start rambling abt him but it would sound like im obsessive bye
I also wrote smth abt that anon but i lost that too,, mad at tumblr >:(
@/sukiischaotic stole my words /j (im jokjng dont attack me pooks 😨)
Idk what went through that anons mind that it would be okay to ask such questions like that.. erm… sounds like egoisme or smth like that i forgot the word..!!! anyways i hope that anon leaves u alone now otherwise im throwing hands 🙏 also why werent they thinking before asking questions? Like, do they not think on how you would feel??? Its honestly giving careless. ☠️ erm anyways
nuthin special happened today other then me finally finishing a syory in my notes and publishing it on tumblr.. yay (that story was like in august or smth) 😭
I WOULD ramble abt dazai but idk if its allowed— also u n @/stinkyme remind me of the song “La seine and I” :3 hope ur doing well now btw 🙏🙏
Wishing you a amazing day if not, sending cookies n hugs !!!!!!!!!!
( ding ! ) reminder; whenever you feel sad, just remember that you have billions and billions of cells in your body and that they care about you ! And so do us humans :3 we love n care abt u so never forget that<33
-💞 anon
AAA THE FIRST ONE OMG :( gojo n the cat hiuwiwur !! also the dazai one goddamn ! the artstyle n everything is so good?? AND FEEL FREE TO RANT ABOUT HIM OMG ID LOVE TO LISTEN
about that anon, i dont know if they had ill intentions or not but its just super awkward and creepy to ask personal questions like that uifiuob esp to ppl online ! but i blocked em and saw that its a porn blog...like actual real ppl porn so um that was something.
glad to know that you published your story !! :D id love to read it lol <3
OMG YES I LOVE THAT SONG :( that is literally so cute uwqiduq aaaa !! im doing well now, thank you for your concern sweetie <3
i had a good day ! i had some rlly rlly good shrimp fried rice so mmmm ! i love shrimp so muchh... but i'd still like the hugs n cookies pls <3
thank you !! that applies to you too, nonnie !! i care about you sososo much and literally look forward to your lil dailies <3
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residentdormouse · 2 years
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
💖 Thank you for the asks, Nonny!!
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J: What’s your favorite fanfic trope? Have you written it?
I’m all about Hurt/Comfort. Usually included in OC insert fix-it fics to help out/save a character I latched onto like a lost duckling. I also love injecting more magic than intended. I get that it teeters the ‘overpowered OC’ line, but eh, it’s what I like.
As for writing it? I mean, of course; why would I not right this? 😂 That’s really all Something like a Spiral is when it comes down to it. Diving has a good deal of it as well, although power is increased on all ends to tone down the overpowered aspect. I just like my magic.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
I’m not a huge porn without plot person. I need plot. I’m here for my characters, and not just to know how they’re doing that. I want to know what they’re thinking. I want to know how they’re dealing with unknown stimuli and non-canon situations. I'll take some good smut in a story though.
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
I would say Just Keep Diving Down for sure. But I completely understand. It’s a sequel to Spiral, which is for a small fandom (the Stand). So not only did I have to battle the small fandom issues, but I had to not alienate the small amount of people in the fandom that may read it with the AU overpowered OC nonsense that is Spiral. I don’t think I succeeded with that since Anth’s is the only one to comment on it, but ah well. It still makes me happy, and I don’t regret taking the time for it.
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(Fanfic Writer Ask Game)
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hello, modern!daemon nonnie's part 2 again (I'M SORRY) HFLDHNH i knew you'd written it unknowingly but outwitted?? i'm flattered. i'm just used to notice things like this. and i didn't mean that her office is literally shitty! when i was writing it i was like 'stop?? it's a museum it's not shitty.. but i don't know how to describe it in english?? ok. shitty' i meant more like the contrast? this meaningful, intimate, magical moment in JUST a PLAIN office? lovely. by 'waiting wife' i meant like more of the person who won't be able to feel the same for him? like darling you're a pretty boy but we have a dragon in tears who waits to be tamed ;) andand the spoiler? it's not that big of a spoiler, tbh? you've mentioned in the 'Never Before' that reader had met aemond as a child. but i love getting spoilers! really. i either forget them or they just don't affect my impression. and i love learning things about the process of the writing like you've mentioned about iron ring! it's always so interesting to know more about whatever you see in the end. i love crying over fanfics too! so yes, go on pls 'they really just want to be with each other so so so bad.' lovei, i hope it doesn't mean anything bad... i need to cry out of happiness too, you know.... so if you approve... (coming alive to destroy the world) hope you'll like it) i'm glad you didn't cut the story!! it feels so whole and complete. you've made a really good job! i'm still veryvery proud of you! i know about fanfiction but one shot? drabble? i don't know what is what so i'm like um-ah fic? i'm not as worried about mistakes as i was like...last year... but i still read your answer and realise i've typed 'then' instead of 'them' and so on... you'll never know what hour is ungodly for me bc i live in another timezone, i guess) but you can come to my house whatever hour you like! coffee or tea? overall, i'm glad i like your fic too) and thank you sm for answering me!! hope you're not annoyed with these ones. i just like talking to you ig. so!! waiting for the part 3, sending you all my love and breath and tears!! stay hydrated, eat well, sleep tight and don't overwork yourself!! love you! take care! <з (fanfact. as i always type 'fell' instead of 'feel', i tend to type 'tace kare' confusing 'c' and 'k'. like my brain goes absolutely blank when i need to choose a letter so a pick a random one out of these 2 TT)
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also you like me FR FR FR FR i also have a sending inbox anxiousness T_T which is why i rarely do so, but i always think about how I dont find it annoying so why would THEY think that??? alas i am still working on taking up space too FUCK ANXIOUSNESS IT BELONGS IN THE TRASSSSHSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
i knew you'd written it unknowingly but outwitted?? i'm flattered. i'm just used to notice things like this. and i didn't mean that her office is literally shitty! when i was writing it i was like 'stop?? it's a museum it's not shitty.. but i don't know how to describe it in english?? ok. shitty' i meant more like the contrast? this meaningful, intimate, magical moment in JUST a PLAIN office? lovely.
DYING OF LAUGHTER HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yes yes you totally outwitted me with that be 100% flattered the fact youre a genius and caught onto that makes me more so a genius and i think slay i think yas i think thats what we deserve AHHAHA. ok HAHAH im glad you didnt mean her office is shitty AHHAH. but youre so right with using that word to express what you mean it really did give the juxtaposition you wanted to convey, albeit not very accurately hahahah i appreciate the clarification. i understand the struggle of thinking in another language and having to change it into english. i loses something along the way, so again i appreciate the effort. and so true getting married to the love of your life in an office is such a paradox ahahahah
by 'waiting wife' i meant like more of the person who won't be able to feel the same for him? like darling you're a pretty boy but we have a dragon in tears who waits to be tamed ;)
i seeeeee HAHHAHHA THIS IS SO FUNNY SAUR TRUE MY BABIES SO CUTE BUT SHE BEEN WAITING TWO THOUSAND YEARS FOR HIM GIRRRRRLLLLLL T_T also lol it actually not 2000 years probably 1800?? give or take but its so much easier to say 2000 so imma just keep saying that
andand the spoiler? it's not that big of a spoiler, tbh? you've mentioned in the 'Never Before' that reader had met aemond as a child. but i love getting spoilers! really. i either forget them or they just don't affect my impression.
HAHHAHH SO TRUE YOU CAUGHT ME IM GIGGLING SO HARD I WAS TYPING THE SPOILER OUT then i thought, i already mentioned they met so this isnt too world changing HAHAAHH YOURE TOO BIG BRAINED I CANT AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I love/hate spoilers, sometimes i dont care, but other times i would rather not know because i want to enjoy the plot/plot twist in the moment when it happens
and i love learning things about the process of the writing like you've mentioned about iron ring! it's always so interesting to know more about whatever you see in the end.
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i love crying over fanfics too! so yes, go on pls 'they really just want to be with each other so so so bad.' lovei, i hope it doesn't mean anything bad... i need to cry out of happiness too, you know.... so if you approve... (coming alive to destroy the world) hope you'll like it)
I LOVE CRYING OVER FICS!! lets cry together sLAY!!! actually my teacher said crying once/twice a week is healthy for your eyes 😴 it flushes out the dirt but the only thing i hate about crying is when i cry i CRY i cant just like ~cry i CRYYYYYYY then my eyes get super puffy the next day (putting a cold spoon on your eyes help but please i cannot be bothered to go through that) it doesnt mean anything bad. like i say its better than aCTUALLY DOING SOMETHING BAD LIKE A CRIME OR DRUGS OR SMTH so shhh let's just enjoy our evil meow meow and YES COME ALIVE TO DESTROY THE WORLD WITH ME
i'm glad you didn't cut the story!! it feels so whole and complete. you've made a really good job! i'm still veryvery proud of you!
same im glad i didn't too!!! it does feel so much better like this because thats how i intended and saw that fic to be in the first place. I TAKE ALL YOUR COMPLIMENTS LIKE CHOCOLATE THANK YOU MY LOVE I LOVE HEAD PATS AND HUGS AND WORDS OF AFFIRMATION IM LUV U SO MUCH
i know about fanfiction but one shot? drabble? i don't know what is what so i'm like um-ah fic?
aHHH OK fanfiction is like the general umbrella term!!! its basically any work of fiction made for an existing story. one shot is for a fic thats only meant to be one chapter, thus one shot. it's not meant to be continued (which is why as a prominently one shot writer, i am very apprehensive for part twos) a drabble is basically a short fic, normally i think around 100-500 words??? a drabble can be a one shot, if its short enough. ashflashfsa i hope that made sense and that im right with my explanations. i highly suggest searching in case you wanna quote me T_T and i might be wrong lol
i'm not as worried about mistakes as i was like...last year... but i still read your answer and realise i've typed 'then' instead of 'them' and so on...
thats fine. i do that too. IM SO GLAD YOU ARENT AS WORRIED ABOUT MISTAKES!!! PROGRESS IS PROGRESS AND I THINK SLAY. i think as long as people get the essence of what you want to say, they really dont care about grammar mistakes. its fine!!!!!!!!!!!! but i feel you i cringe whenever i see a grammar mistake but lol when im not writing fanfics i kinda dont care AHHHAHH
you'll never know what hour is ungodly for me bc i live in another timezone, i guess)
yes you do i figured. i'll never know but i hope you still sleep RIGHT i will be so sad if you dont ):<
but you can come to my house whatever hour you like! coffee or tea? overall, i'm glad i like your fic too)
ok be there soon just gotta magic my way through the screen somehow. tea please! i love tea!!
and thank you sm for answering me!! hope you're not annoyed with these ones. i just like talking to you ig. so!!
waiting for the part 3, sending you all my love and breath and tears!! stay hydrated, eat well, sleep tight and don't overwork yourself!! love you! take care! <з
same im waiting for the inspo to strike so i can write it im still not sure what i want to do. i was hoping you would tell me about your thoughts for aemond or aegon here but T_T NO WHERE IN SIGHT. anyway its 10pm im so sleepy i love you good night bye. YOU BETTER DO THE SAME THINGS AS WELL BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU I AM A WELL ADJUSTED 🤪🤪🤪 HUMAN BEING HOLISTICALLY 😡 TAKE CARE OR ELSE GRRRRRR
im luv u
(fanfact. as i always type 'fell' instead of 'feel', i tend to type 'tace kare' confusing 'c' and 'k'. like my brain goes absolutely blank when i need to choose a letter so a pick a random one out of these 2 TT
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mioons · 3 months
😭😭😭😭😭 that was not me but you are too cute to guess it was me 😭😭😭😭 why did i find it cute princess 😍 and good morning xuan!!! how is your day going on ?? i woke up and made breakfast for my fam cause my parents went out :/ they be enjoying at the temple praying 🙏🏽 hehehe and what are you planning to do today???
seriously, i found you cute when you thought it was me 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 hehehe
— 🍮
HELP ITS NOT U?? that’s embarrassing! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 good morning to u too! i’m currently eating lunch rn >< eating pizza ! i just finished my church service hehe! and omg ur so sweet to make breakfast for ur fam TT i don’t think j would wake up early enough to do that. i’m planning to study physics and chinese today :3c
have a good day nonnie<3 love ya!
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sadwrncupid · 6 months
choose violence for jw fandom 6, 13, 24 idk why i like negativity so much lol thx
hi nonnie!! by any chance do you want me to get publicly executed? >_< /j /lh
6. Which ship fans are most annoying?
I got into contact with a Vincent & Akira shipper whoever that is I will kill you. Whoever ships this? Yeah, buddy, no. Akira would kill him in a heartbeat. I’ve said this before and WILL say it again, Vincent is the goddamn reason why Akira is suffering. It’s even said in the MOVIE that what Vincent did(deconsecrating Osaka Continental) was a HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE. Like you want a straight ship with Vincent?? WUXIA RADIO DJ.
13. Worst blorbofication
Santino. Looking at the John Wick ao3 my god do some people infantilize this nearly forty year old man. Demonizing Gianna too?? The hell?? Okay, first off hats off to the Santino others who don’t infantilize him and second…. why demonize the shit out of Gianna when it’s clearly Santino who is in the wrong by desiring more power? (If you say anything along the lines of- “the seat should have been Santino’s” you need to watch John Wick Chapter 2 again)
24. Topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
One character: The Adjudicator. You bring up the fact they’re CANONICALLY NON BINARY and hoes are like “nah that’s a cisgender woman” as if the production team and Asia Kate Dillon have stated that the character is indeed nonbinary. They’re either ignorant or brain damaged. Probably both.
VIOLENCE ask game
ty for de ask :3
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Hello! Would you ever expand the sex worker universe? I would love to read about will and benny and santi
Hello lovely Nonnie! Thank you for sending in this fun ask! I wanted to grab it and answer it over some other stories because I’m elbows-deep in other content, but this is something that’s also been bopping around in my head.
The short answer is: probably not. I like all of the TF Boys just fine, and I love pulling them into Frankie and Ms J’s stories, but I don’t plan on expanding the Sex Worker!Frankie universe to include standalone stories for the boys. However, I do have some headcanons about the boys when they were all working together that I thought would be fun to share:
Sex Worker!TF Boys Headcanons
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, Sex Worker!TF Boys, watch me make up shit about sex work, descriptions of sex with clients (including PiV sex, oral sex, group sex, and BDSM), descriptions of male and female bodies, the boys are implied bi/heteroflexible, mentions of drug use, discussion of the aftermath of military service, a brief Tom appearance, assholery and derogatory language pertaining to sex work (only in Tom's if you want to skip).
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We all know Santi started “Pope’s” 
Part of it was for the money; he only had girls to start, recommended to him by his friend Javi, former DEA in Colombia
But when his fellow brothers in arms were struggling to get work, he thought he might have found a niche market
Will said they’d get one phone call and that would be that. Benny bet Frankie fifty bucks it would be for him
In the first week Santi got ten calls for the rugged men he’d convinced to pose for his strip club posters
The screening was the same as what he did for his girls
STD tests, birth control, health, payment, rules
The sweetness of their nerves only solidified what Santi was doing
Will was actually the first of them to have a client
When they met up for beers after his appointment, he walked in with a sheepish look
“Yeah okay, it was…it was a good time. I’d do it again.”
Benny and Frankie got into the rotation next, and after their first few appointments it was like entering a new brotherhood
Santi swore he saw them come back to life
The stress of reintegrating into civilian life while also needing to make a living washed off of them
They could do this, were good at this, and even enjoyed it
It’s work sometimes, like when Benny has a fight the night before and has a little less stamina, or if Frankie’s having a rough day, but like any job they still rise to the occasion
And the reviews are glowing
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Santiago “Pope” Garcia
A few times Santi would take clients of his own
He called it the “Manager Special”
He liked the calls that were bristly, doubtful
“I’ve never had a man make me cum and I’m at the point where I just want to see if it’s possible.”
“I honestly don’t know why I called.”
“You must get lots of women who know just what they want.”
He likes the challenge, and can take a little bit of a cold shoulder to start
100% success rate for turning around an appointment
The woman who couldn’t cum needed lots of foreplay, Santi’s slick tongue and coaxing fingers pulling her first one out amidst a chorus of “Oh fucks!”
She knows now that smooth and steady is her recipe for cumming with a cock inside her
The ones who are hesitant are fun
Santi likes to watch when the urge to bolt out of the room is replaced with lust and post-orgasmic haze
Having them writhing in the sheets, clutching at him and begging him not to stop? Worth every minute
And if they don’t know what they want? If Santi can’t figure out which of the boys is best for her?
Well then, he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. One of them is sure to work
His filthy talk is guaranteed to at least get their motor running
And he'll never admit it, but the brattier they are, the harder he gets
Getting someone face-down in the pillow hoarsely chanting his name after a battle of wills?
Feeling them relax around him and take what he's plowing into their body?
It never fails to put a grin on Santi's face
And if they try to regain the upper hand after Santi cums?
Poor dears have no idea he's got a short refractory period
He's got them folded in half under him and chasing another orgasm in record time
Santi is still running Pope's after the boys leave, but it's just his girls now
He has a few repeat clients that request Will or Benny, but only a handful over several months
And one time he gets a sweet, nervous divorcee looking for someone to treat her kindly
And he instantly knows who to call
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Will “Ironhead” Miller
Will always ends up being the main attraction on the flyers
Santi prefers to stay out of sight and behind the scenes, and Benny is already on posters for his boxing career
He couldn’t convince Frankie to smolder with a camera on him. The second it turns on he’s all awkward energy
Will exudes quiet confidence, and that apparently does it for a lot of clients
Santi sends Will the half-confident ones, who have maybe used an escort service before. 
They’re experienced in their own way and know what they want. Will is happy to give it to them
But there are also the desperate ones.
Failed marriages, stressful lives, partners away on business trips, kids out of town and they just need to feel seen and fucked senseless for an hour
He’s attentive, watching their faces for the minute signal that he needs to stroke faster, suck harder, whisper something in her ear to tip her over the edge
This attentiveness is why when Santi gets a unique call, he goes to Will first
“Ever do any BDSM stuff?”
Will does some reading, watches some videos, listens to some BDSM community leaders
He can definitely understand the appeal
The first client is a softball, just looking to be tied up and spanked a little
She cums so hard Will loses feeling in his hand from how tightly she’s squeezing him
The shudder that overcomes her when he hums out “good girl” makes him shudder too
From then on Santi sends Will anything with a BDSM tilt
Will excels at reading his client’s body language, but consent and negotiations are a large part of the appointment too
Will is the only one of the boys who requires a phone call with a client before he’ll participate. No charge, and no booking until his questions are satisfied
His clients often tell him the negotiation is half the foreplay for them
Will also has the most repeat clients. 
It comes with the territory, and knowing his clients wants and needs more intimately than from one session is what makes him so desirable
He often doms, both hard and soft (but he prefers soft)
He’ll sub occasionally too, if the client is right
Couples require two separate phone calls, and additional measures to ensure everyone’s safety and pleasure
He is methodical, rigorous, and diligent
Will leaves Pope’s when he’s saved up enough money to open his own little car repair shop
He likes working with his hands, taking things apart and falling into the calm headspace of rooting out problems and solving them
He still takes an old regular once and a while
After all, they’ve put a lot of time in. It would be a shame for them to start all over when he knows exactly what they need
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Benny "Golden Boy" Miller
Being a sex worker with your brother is weird
Benny never thought asking about Will’s day would lead to discussions over brands of condoms or bed restraint preferences
But here they are
At least they’re not in close proximity, and they decided on a clear line not to cross when discussing work
Benny started soon after Will because the money sounded too damn good
He was working his way up the food chain in the boxing ring, but it would be nice to make some cash that didn’t involve getting the shit beat out of him
The exhaustion after an appointment was much more satisfying
Santi sends Benny the “party clients”
Bachelorette parties that need spicing up
Those that want to have their world rocked seven different ways and in gravity-defying positions
Occasionally the brazen ones who want the title of being Benny’s best lay
If it sounds like a party scene from a 90’s movie, Benny’s your man
He’s devilishly handsome, which of course helps when the door opens and eight screaming women greet him
Plus his body is rippling and firm, perfect for fingers or manicured nails to skim over
His stamina is well tested, and he loves ratioing his client’s orgasms against his own
His current best is 5:1
He also enjoys being playful in bed
Tossing the client around, nipping and scratching lightly as they squirm underneath him
His mouth can run a mile a minute with little praises and quips
Unless, of course, it’s otherwise occupied, in which his hums and groans will speed them to a faster orgasm anyways
Benny’s “never have I ever” roster is incredibly small
Fucked every hole? Yes
Milked out every drop of their cum? Yes
Tried every creative position, including hanging off a hotel chandelier? Oh yes
He convinced the client that it would definitely come down, but he did fuck her standing up and let her thread her fingers through the metal as long as she promised not to pull
She pulled his hair instead as she came
Benny also loves groups - to be watched, to have them join in, to be in a mass of writhing bodies and skin and pleasure
He can’t be as unreserved as he might have been in the past, simply because he’s being paid to be the guide, but he’ll take moments to relish in the raw sexuality of it all
Men, women, as long as everyone’s having a good time Benny is in his element
He leaves Pope’s soon after Will, his boxing career starting to make the chance of him getting recognized more and more likely
Not that he’d necessarily mind, but if he was going to make a go of it, it was time to jump in with both feet
But if something juicy comes up - a “Just Divorced” party or a fiery client begging for a challenge, Benny can’t help saying yes
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Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Frankie was the most nervous about working for Pope
It took him a full month of asking Will and Benny questions about it before he could commit
“Are the girls expecting a lot when they come in?” “I mean, usually not much more than you’d normally do for a woman, Frankie.”
“Does it get weird?” “It’s a little awkward to start, but once you start getting into it most of the nerves go away.”
“What do you normally do?” “Jesus, Frank, do I have to give you the birds and the bees talk?”
But finally he calls Pope and says he’s in, at least for a little while
He figured it would be a little less passionate, a little less connection than Frankie normally craves in a sexual encounter
What he didn’t expect was how much he’d like it
What Benny and Will hadn’t put in as many words, and what Santi had glazed over, is how much it felt like helping someone
It stroked at a caregiver desire in Frankie, to give and soothe and make another person happy
The price of coke was the first reason why Frankie started sex work, but the work itself is what kept him there
Santi sends Frankie the shy ones, nervous or full of hang-ups around sex
Frankie excels at making them feel at ease, and then making them feel every pleasure they can think to ask for
He especially loves eating pussy, both for himself and for how reactive the clients are under his hot mouth and relentless tongue
He knows he’s better at it than most, taking his time to find the spots that make them cry out (it’s different for everyone, but he’s got some tried-and-true techniques)
When he puts his big hands on their hips and hold them down, feeling them clenching on his tongue, he has to bite back a growl
Beyond the oral, or the penetrative sex, Frankie also excels at the intimacy of the situation
It’s weird, paying for something that should be easy enough to get for free, and that can make any person feel broken
But if they're inexperienced, or had a string of bad lovers, and their confidence is low, Frankie will take every moment of time together to make them feel like the most desirable person on the planet
His hands roam skin slowly, reverently
He likes placing kisses along the dips and curves of bodies
Not every client wants to be kissed on the mouth, but when he does he’s sure to leave them breathless
Santi calls it the “Boyfriend Experience” and it’s Frankie’s pride and joy to offer
But the coke begins to creep up as Frankie struggles with his own self-worth in the reflection of his clients
Once they leave he’s back to being just Frankie, coke addict, ex-military working at a mind-numbingly boring airport hanger
And he yearns for the touches he gives to the people who walk in and out of his life
Santi kicks Frankie out when the coke becomes all-encompassing
He enters his hardest, and darkest days, and comes out on the other side
He knows sex work will tempt him, so he starts working for Will instead, and things finally feel brighter
Santi throws him the odd client here and there, but they tend to be simple one-offs
Easy money, straightforward needs, no chance for attachment
Frankie thinks it’s Santi’s way of protecting him, and the twin annoyance and gratefulness wars in his chest
And then one day, Santi calls him for a client he thinks Frankie will like
It’s the understatement of the century
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Tom “Redfly” Davis
(Dis)honorable mention of the original team
Santi never offered, due to Tom’s marriage
That doesn’t stop Tom from making the odd tasteless joke about “having to turn down the pimp” or "how he avoided getting sex trafficked"
He makes too many STD jokes, even though he’s heard about how rigorous Santi is with keeping everyone clean and healthy
The boys (and his girls) know everyone who works at the health clinic by their first name
When Tom jokes about needing sanitizer after shaking Benny’s hand, everyone’s hackles go up
When he also asks too many questions about if any of them are “gay for pay,” Santi has to walk away before he punches him
They stop inviting him around soon after
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