sucrows · 8 months
There’s a distinct lack of Kuro enjoyers here.
I need that man to throw me around. Literally. Manhandle me like I’m nothing. FUCK.
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be the change you wanna see in the world. enter my inbox. thirst over them lads.
Trying to rile Kuro up would be so fun, he'd catch onto your game so quickly and call you out on it before he gives in and does what you want. He'd still be careful so as to not hurt you, but if you want him to show off those muscles a bit then hey, whats a bit of harmless fun?
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sucrows · 1 year
my brother in christ i cannot get femstars kuro out of my brain. i love buff women i want my head between her thighs so bad man. and her HANDS ouhg they are so big….. no coherent thoughts 👍 just her 👍
She'd totally do that hand size comparison thing to flirt with you
ough,,, but think of her breaking a watermelon with her thighs....
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sucrows · 1 year
Any Kuro thoughts?
He has very large fingers and i very want them in me
He's a very gentle guy! He'd be so sweet about everything and keep you perfectly at ease. No experience with him could be uncomfortable or awkward.
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