#case study: IREC-A59
bekaterrier · 23 days
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! This week definitely had me feeling some feels...
@hinaypod Episode 45 - Paghahanda (Preparation) Part 1: More Mari and Sauvard bonding time! The music box is interesting, I can only imagine one of those tunes playing creepily in the background of a scene... More vague clues from J, the man cannot just outright say something. Also starting to see some of the consequences of Murphy's decision after dealing with Bolton.
@desertskiespodcast Chapter 17 - The Accident: I said it earlier this week and I'll say it again, phew, that was an episode. I was so frustrated like Nonny and Mac, wondering why Tendy wasn't doing more about this terrible traveller. Tendy's breakdown at the end was so raw and heartbreaking (serious kudos to Jared for the acting on this one). I'm glad Nonny and Mac are there and hopefully they can start helping him out of this hole.
@storiesfromylelmore Episode 202 - Chess: Rion, sweetheart, let someone hug you! I felt this episode to my core; the trying to please everyone all the time, taking on too much, and then Rion also had to deal with that awful secretary's bigotry? I'm glad there was an adult who was able to recognize at least some of what was going on and hopefully make things easier (even of Rion didn't want them to). I can't wait to see how well Keryth's charmed rings work!
Case Study IREC-A59 Episode 3 - So Here's The THING: I really like the little clues we've been getting to give us an image of what humans look like compared to the alien crew (ex: "sit down so you're not towering over it"). Like Ineke, I am also very curious about the initial report about humans and what the reported first contact was.
@midnightburgr - Welcome to the Horizon Part 5 - Trinkett's Trip: Can you feel the vibes? I definitely feel the vibes because Tina and Cat are killing it as Deidre and Verge! I love that Frank is teaching Verge how to be part of the community. But also, Frank? Are...are you gonna be okay? Clementine, what did you do?!
The Department of Variance of @somewhereohio Season 2: I have to stop trying to predict where this story will go because I am never anywhere NEAR what actually happens - and I love that! The world is so rich and complex, the characters are so compelling, and I cannot wait to hear Jasmine and Scarlett kick some ass in season 3.
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grifff17 · 22 days
Audiodrama Sunday 09/01/2024
Happy Audiodrama Sunday! Right now there are so many shows I follow that are releasing an episode every other week. It’s great! But it does mean I have a lot to write about. This week - Electromancy relisten, lots of werewolves, the arc finale of WBN, and more!
NEW SHOW ALERT Spout Lore’s spinoff Mall Brats is no longer Patreon exclusive! Mall Brats is a Blades in the Dark actual play about 3 kids who live in a giant shopping mall in a fantasy world and do crimes. This is a relisten for me, a year or so ago I subscribed to their patreon for a month and binged the whole thing. My only criticism is that the new version of the theme song isn’t as good as the old one.
I relistened to @electromancypodcast this week. I love this show, it feels so thorough in it’s approach to the setting and core conflict. Electromancy would adapt so well to a tv show, I can see so many of the scenes in my head. I don’t know how else to say it, the show feels like it was written like a tv show. Don’t get me wrong it’s great in an audio medium, but it would also be great as a tv show.
In @storiesfromylelmore this week poor Rion! He’s like Molly from Epithet Erased except he’s overworked by choice, and he also has to deal with werewolf racism. He didn’t even get a hug! The luck charm was really cool worldbuilding but also such an incredibly meaningful gesture from Keryth. Literally giving someone your luck because you care about them is so powerful.
@worldgonewrongpod also had an episode focused on werewolves this week. It has a very different interpretation of werewolves to Ylelmore, but both used them as an allegory for actual marginalized groups. Werewolves are so versatile.
Starwhal Odyssey released it’s second episode this week. It’s officially moved away from 5e, the new system seems cool. I loved the audio design for gamer space, and the gaming chair spelljammer helm is such an inspired choice.
I have a lot of distinct thoughts about the arc finale of @worldsbeyondpod. First off is that they have trains? That’s not something I expected from this setting. Immediately following that revelation was another party split, the rest of the party really is so irresponsible without Suvi. Stealing anything other than the coven wand was so dumb, Indri can curse the shit out of them for that. There was a complete tone shift in the last half hour of this season, at least Suvi isn’t going to be as upset this time.
We had part 5 of @midnightburgr’s Welcome to the Horizon. Everyone is high! I’m glad Verge is enjoying themselves, Verge and Deidre is fun. I guess Verge has a thing for humans, first Leif and now Deidre.
Case study: IREC-A59 released its third episode this week. It’s really good so far, it’s making me want to reread Project Hail Mary. I love that no one knows the captains name, that’s a great detail.
I listened to part 3 of Moonward, the @midstpodcast AP miniseries. For some reason I didn’t expect it to lean into horror, but given the setting, I shouldn't be surprised that it did.
We went to the Paris Olympics this week in Mission Rejected. That was a fun episode, I loved the image of two random Olympic athletes taking on a bunch of kidnappers and destroying them. Interesting to see the nation of Val Verde again. Mcgrath hitting up Athena for a gadget was great.
I didn't get through all the new shows that came out this week, there's still some more for next week. I also want to try to catch up on The Once and Future Nerd, I think I need to start from the beginning of book 2.
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boombox-fuckboy · 5 days
Case Study: IREC-A59
A human student stumbles across a box of USBs with recordings of the first encounter between humans and aliens, from the aliens' perspective...that apparently occurred 3 years before the widely publicized first contact date.
Only 4 episodes so far, but I'm enjoying it! It's got great "humans are space orcs" vibes.
(I'm loving the plant facts)
Sounds interesting. Subscribed to listen!
Plant fact: Many plants growing in saline (salty) conditions have the ability to push salt directly out of their leaves, ensuring their own internal environment doesn't get too salty.
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audiodrama · 2 months
Case Study: IREC-A59
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ohoho just started Case study: IREC-A59, and i looove the premise of this! Im so weak to the perspective of humans from the outside!
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bekaterrier · 1 month
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I received a new jewellery order at the beginning of this week so had a few uninterrupted hours of podcast-listening time while I made that. I listened to:
@hinaypod Episode 43 - Uwian (Homecoming): This episode fed us a few more tidbits about the Benefactor, but I still have so many questions. I'm still distracted and absolutely over the moon though, about the news that Dooley and J finally reunited!! The emotion from Alasdair Stuart as Dooley was beautiful, I had tears in my eyes that whole section.
@proserpinapark Ep 33 - The Search Begins: Apparently I had great timing in listening to seasons 1-3 of RoPP as the first episode of S4 came out this week! As much as I miss hearing from the ragtag group in New Jersey, it's fun hearing Mirai and Daichi take the lead. I'm also excited to learn more about this Park in Japan!
Case Study IREC-A59 Episode 1 - Too Close for Comfort Encounters: This is a new show whose first episode came out last Wednesday! A student listens through a box of 16 USBs which details the truth behind howbaliens and humans actually met. The friend who first introduced me to audio dramas is involved in making it, so I may be a little biased, but I really enjoyed the first episode. The implications of some of the world-building elements that were hinted at are intriguing.
@desertskiespodcast Episode 16 - It's Gonna Cost You: There wasn't much Mac & Tendy in this episode, but I'm not mad about it! I love Corson (bitch) and I love that we're learning more about the other sphere movers. We're starting to dig into the reasons behind some of the conflict from S1 and bringing back the question, "what is up with C.A.S.H.?"
@monkeymanproductions's Moonbase Theta, Out: I also started a relisten of one of my absolute favs this week. I'm about 3/4 of the way through and even though I've listened to this podcast many times, I still get so drawn into the story and the emotions. This is a credit both to the writing and the acting! I just love these characters and the journies they go on.
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bekaterrier · 9 days
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! Lots going on this week!
@desertskiespodcast Chapter 18 - Spoke to my Damn Soul: This episode was so good. We ended the previous episode in a tough place for Tendy, and thankfully he got the help he needed along with a new gift. That moment was so beautiful, the way the words and the music came together felt so powerful. Also, Tendy name reveal!! The mystery deepens with Nonny and C.A.S.H. so looking forward to hearing where that goes.
Extra Note: DS creator Jared Carter has been invited to NYC to speak to a college class about DS, and to attend a DS event there (lucky for any DS fans in the area!) He's raising money for the trip by holding a script auction and selling personalized messages, among other things. You can check out all the details here! Also, happy birthday JC!
@thenightpost Season 2 & 3: I absolutely flew through the next two seasons of the Night Post. The spirits! The conspiracies! Will! The Urban Strategist! The cult! Ashley! The quasi fourth-wall breaks from Nick! Ashley again! (😭) The will-they-won't-they! The change in the opening in S3E15! Again, that cliffhanger! Ahhhh!
@storiesfromylelmore Episode 203 - Classes: Rion got his hug!! I mean, it was basically a tackle from Keryth but it still counts! This episode was too adorable. The way that Keryth and her moms know how to give Rion what he needs when he's sad (and how they shared that with Elas). The way Keryth was explaining more about how magic works to Elas (and by extension us). And the play! 🥹
Case Study IREC-A59 Episode 4 - Gavisti and Other Forms of Poor Translation: We finally got to hear directly from the human! I can't imagine being in his place. I do appreciate the effort Dr. Orla is putting in to try to communicate. And that little bomb dropped by Ineke at the end... I really wonder where this story is going to go.
As a side thought, I was reading some of those "humans are space orcs" tumblr posts this week and realized this is exactly the situation the crew of the IREC-A59 are dealing with! The only they know about humans is that they're violent, per a 7-year-old report. Humans are literally orcs to them and they are panicking trying to contain the one that's awake on their ship, communicate with it, and figure out how they got off their planet.
@camlannpod Episode 1 - Keep the Home Fires Burning: I've joined the @podcast-bookclub and started listening to Camlann this week. I've been really looking forward to listening to it and I wasn't disappointed! Episode 1 starts off going hard! The music and sound design are fantastic and I was immediately sucked into the world and the story. Can't wait for next week's listening party!
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bekaterrier · 1 month
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I started a new series and caught up on some new episodes that released this week.
@tellnotalespod S2 E16 - Love is Stored in the Carpet Burn: I didn't cry (maybe because I was driving and had to keep it together) but I definitely got emotional listening to Leo, Riley and Julia talk to Noah. They have their people back! I'm glad they're finally going to do something that makes Frank uncomfortable too. Hopefully they get the answers they need...
@desertskiespodcast Desert Skies FM - Someone Crashes the Show: I love Nonny so much, she is a gem. And her segment on this edition of Desert Skies FM was beautiful. "Something inside of me tells me it's best just to start out loving people, the moment you meet them."
@storiesfromylelmore Episode 201 - The Garden Club: They're back!! I'm so excited that season 2 has started, and this was a great episode to welcome us back. I love the worldbuilding so learning more about the little spirits and the traditions to help them was so much fun. I felt like I was Rion and Elas, with so many questions to begin with and just in awe of the whole process. It was also great seeing more of Keryth's moms and how they interact with the kids and other witches. I love that Keryth and Rion fighting is just them saying each other's names back and forth with different inflections. True friendship right there.
Case Study IREC-A59 Episode 1 - Too Close for Comfort Encounters - Part 2: The crew of the IREC-A59 seem very competent. I'm curious how they're going to proceed in dealing with this human they have on board. The distorted effects when the human is talking are a neat approach, giving us some insight but still not letting us know too much more than the crew themselves (who can't understand the human at all).
@hinaypod Episode 44 - Tula (Poem): Add this one to the (not insignificant) pile of truly creepy Hi Nay episodes. I loved hearing one of DJ's personal stories, and getting more info on what might have happened to the Sauvard family. That reveal at the end though...ahhhhhhhh I'm still not over it!!
@midnightburgr Chapter 37 - The Paradise: MB always has so many things going on and I love it. The Paradise, the Leifs, the wedding, Ava, the wolves, DAVID... incredible.
The Dead Letter Office of @somewhereohio - DLO 1-13: Another podcast created and performed by just one person. I am always in awe. These letters are so good at being normal on the surface, but being a little off, a little wrong... with things getting more and more wrong with every letter. And poor Conway is all caught up in it! I'm curious to see what Wren ends up doing.
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grifff17 · 9 days
Audiodrama Sunday 9/15/24
This week I finally checked out Starfall! I have a knack for starting shows right before their next season stats, its great. Also, kids performing a trickster myth, mysterious huts, and more!
After hearing about it for ages I finally checked out @starfallpod! I listened to most of the first season, with only 2 episodes and some specials left. I have a lot of disjointed thoughts about it. I didn’t realize Ishani Kanetkar played the lead, her voice is so soothing to me. The magic system is really interesting, I love how much the story focuses on it. Leona’s powers seem to be tied to hunger, and her masters intentionally starved her to control her. If I’m right that’s really fucked up, and explains a lot about her. The mold script was incredible. I would never have guessed that Fel used to be a cop.
In Starwhal Odyssey, I continue to love the style of “4 players, 2 are also GMs”. I love all the modern touchpoints used for this world, “Apple store planet” instantly creates such a vivid image in my head. Harker’s magic sword was awesome, and the ending was great.
@worldgonewrongpod had huts! This episode was a really cool premise, I really liked the discussion of the possible causes of the phenomena. From discussion online I've gathered that we were meant to recognize the food, but I didn't. Can anyone enlighten me?
@storiesfromylelmore this week included the incredible quote “It’s a surprise! It’s not like the last one I promise!” I love stories about deeply weird kids, I'm glad that Rion is doing at least a little better. The Littlest Mouse story felt very Watership Down to me. Now I wonder if there are any audiodramas with Watership Down vibes. I feel like it would adapt well to an audio medium. If anyone has recs I'd love to hear them.
In Case Study: Irec-A59 we're finally hearing Grayson speak! He's so level-headed about getting abducted by aliens, I feel like most people would be panicking or freaking out. The meta-narrative is interesting as well, why was this covered up?
This week's Second Fiddles episode was focused on Chameleon. They're such a fun character, and the alien shapeshifter making an annoying amount of pop culture references is very funny.
Once I'm done with Starfall I'm going to subscribe to the Worlds Beyond Number Patreon for a month so I can catch up on all the bonus content during the break between arcs, so I probably won't have a ton to write about next week.
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grifff17 · 30 days
Audiodrama Sunday 8/25/2024
Happy audiodrama Sunday! Lets get right into it.
NEW SHOW ALERT Case Study: IREC-A59 is a new sci-fi audiodrama about first contact with aliens - from the perspective of the aliens. I really enjoyed the pilot episode, it has a cool framing device. The basic premise of the story is a really cool unique idea. Also, the captain really sounds like Zach Valenti of Wolf 359, I genuinely thought he was until the credits.
I listened to part 2 of @midstpodcast's Moonward. The line “I think I have a crush on my leg” really got me, but also like it’s a really interesting character arc. David is so likeable!
In @wanderersjournalpod the plot thickens. Is the journal making them swap places by subconsciously walking toward where the other is? Will this cause them to meet eventually?
I continues listening to @cryptonature. The background worldbuilding in this show is so interesting. Are cryptids widely known? Does that make them no longer cryptids, technically speaking? Also the guests are crazy, a McElroy in episode 6?
I finally got around to starting season 5 of @victoriocity. I forgot how good the narration in this show is. It really reminds me of Discworld/The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Excited to see where the plot goes with the beast in this season.
I'm continuing to (slowly) catch up on Rude tales of magic. This week I started Bears! The Blessing of the Obelisk. It was really funny, when the cast break on this show I always do too.
On Spout Lore this week there was the finale of the Critshow crossover. It was fun, I hope they do more crossovers. Then later this week the new season started. I swear Billy is such a good character, such a great and well done example of the the “immortal child” trope. Jessica understands playing kid characters so well. This was almost a serious episode, between the funeral and the horror.
In Skyjacks: Courier's Call this week Cici is back! God I wish I was one quarter as outgoing and unafraid of what people think about me as Cici is. The entity at the end was so intimidating, I wonder if Cici is going to end up getting her curse from it. I like the idea that when the kids reunite, they all have something new to show the others.
With the @electromancypodcast update, and someone asking me for magic school story recommendations recently, Electromancy has really been on my mind lately, so I've decided to start a relisten of it. I'll probably start that next week.
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