#why is the only light source here a fucking candle
vennw · 8 months
omg its finally fucking done
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yurozo · 20 days
ink-related natural disasters (leon kennedy restaurant au oneshot)
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summary: it's your first shift, and leon's been asked (ordered) to show you the ropes (fuck up tremendously in front of you on numerous occassions). no warnings, gn!reader.
a/n: my first request!! i hope you guys like it :D if y'all want me to continue the restaurant au let me know!
"does the cheese pizza have dairy?"
it's only half an hour into his shift, and leon's already contemplating on the different ways that he can permanently end his career in food service. lighting himself on fire in the middle of the floor is currently the most viable option, the candle is right there and if he moved his arm down just far enough-
"yes, ma'am. the cheese pizza does have dairy in it," he answers instead, mouth pinched into a thin smile. the pen between his fist cracks a little at the last word, earning a much easier end than the man holding it.
"then i won't get it," the woman says, looking back down at the menu with a huff. "i'm allergic."
for all of leon's strength, he can't help the little sigh that comes out of his mouth then. the man sitting at his table gives him a sympathetic look, and it's only then that leon does actually feel a bit bad.
not only does he have to deal with a woman who apparently never passed third grade english, he's currently responsible for training the new person coming in tonight. in all honesty, he's not quite sure why wesker gave him the responsibility. he's certainly hasn't been here the longest, not the most strict, and about three shattered glasses currently in the garbage isn't exactly giving a testimony to his self-assurance.
he's fucked. leon's going to have some half-baked college kid show up, stand behind him ominously all night, and ask questions until his head hurts. wesker didn't even allow him the chance to say no-- just glaring through the world's darkest sunglasses before storming off to his own office.
the only hope for him is that the tips are decent enough for him to put up with it.
the woman sitting in front of him, who he has so aptly named public enemy number one, finally finishes her order. leon offers a quick goodbye, snapping the notepad shut with his best attempt at a smile. he walks away, looking for the next open source flame is until he freezes right as claire walks by him.
what might just be the most beautiful person he's ever seen in his life is currently at the front entrance.
you're there, chatting with jill at the hostess stand with a nervous smile on your face and a notebook tucked to your chest. as cliche as it is, the restaurant really does seem to come to a standstill-- conversation seems to dim, everything seems to move in slow motion, and leon suddenly feels like air isn't getting into his chest.
if you're actually the new hire, he is truly and royally fucked.
claire giggles to herself as she finally breezes past him, muttering something under her breath that goes completely over his head. he couldn't give less of a shit what she's saying, because now jill's pointing at him, and you're looking at him with a smile and bright eyes.
it's a miracle he isn't a puddle on the floor yet, but that's neither here nor there. not when you're now walking towards him, and leon still hasn't thought of something cool to say.
"hi," you greet him softly, quickly rattling off your name and qualifications while leon is still a million miles away. "you're leon, right?"
he blinks at you slowly. "huh?"
"leon." you clarify, the slightest hint of a grin curling at your lips. jesus, you're cute even when you're clearly pitying him. "jill told me that i'm supposed to shadow you on the floor."
"i'm leon." the words leave his mouth a little too fast, the syllables blurring together in a barely perceptible haze. he gives himself a mental smack on the forehead. "i'll take care of you."
at least he has the mind to smile, even if the plastic of pen number two shatters completely in his fist.
he learns four things about you in the span of two hours. one, that you're incredibly smart. after about three tables you've already picked up on the general routine, the menu prices, how to describe food that you don't even eat.
two, you have a great sense of humour. or he's just on a roll with his jokes. regardless, you've laughed at every shitty one-liner that left his mouth tonight, and leon feels like he's on cloud nine.
number three, you're gorgeous, and in a way that everyone else is noticing too. tables are significantly nicer to him when you're standing politely behind, as if they too want to be on their best behaviour to win your approval. get in line, he always thinks bitterly.
and finally, you're friendly in a way that almost infuriates him. mostly because he can't tell if he's actually winning brownie points with you, or you're just entertaining the man training you. every piece of information about yourself is carefully folded and tucked away in his brain for safekeeping, just in case its the former.
"you know, i should set you up with my daughter, i think you'd love her." the old lady at his table speaks up, reaching across the table to pat his arm. "she's a real gem."
"okay," leon sighs, "how about instead, i get you that appetizer?"
you stifle a laugh behind him, but he can still feel the puff of air on his back. leon can feel you move behind him until your head is peeking over his shoulder, pretending to be very interested in whatever he's writing on the ticket.
you're so close-- he can feel your hair brushing against his cheek, feel the warmth of your shoulder right against his back, and thats when disaster strikes.
ever so glorious pen number three creaks under the weight of his grip, before pronouncing its death by exploding ink all over both his hands and the ticket. all he can do is mutter some half-formed apology to his table before running to the bathroom with his metaphorical tail between his legs. you follow closely behind, but not before giving the customers an apologetic smile and a sickly-sweet apology.
again, infuriating. been here a couple hours and you're more of a natural than he is.
any hope of brownie points with you is draining alongside the ink dripping onto the ceramic. when he looks up at himself in the mirror, he can't help but internally cringe at his appearance. fully-formed eyebags, hair tousled from a nervous habit he's too tired to break, and now ink all over his sole work shirt. he's been looking like this in front of you this whole time, no wonder you probably think he's truly lost his mind.
you appear behind him through the mirror, just over his shoulder again. "you really should take it easy on the pens. they didn't do anything wrong."
a half-hearted laugh rings between the both of you. you reach for the paper towels to start getting some of the blue residue off. the way you touch him is soft, way too caring for someone you just met. he thinks that's the part he likes the most so far.
the heart on your sleeve, not too unlike his own.
"so much for taking care of you, huh?" he chuckles, staring down at the way your hand is holding his with the other rubbing the ink off his palm.
"you did great, don't worry," you smile, glancing up at him. "let me return the favour."
still trying to will the blush off his face, leon furiously uncrumples the ticket and sticks it in front of luis.
"sancho, what the hell is this?"
"it's the order for 37, what does it look like?" he barks back, a little too harshly for something that is most definitely his fault. if luis is offended by his tone of voice he certainly doesn't show it, just tilting his head at leon like he's got him all figured out.
"it looks like you wrote this with the pen in your mouth," he laughs, sticking it above him anyway. "what's got you so distracted?"
before leon can give him some sort of half-witted answer, ada steps up to the counter, glaring at the piece of paper above her like it personally offended her. "you're an idiot, kennedy."
leon just sighs, "tell me something i don't know."
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Can you write a Percy de Rolo one shot where the gender neutral reader has to be revived after taking an arrow for Percy and the aftermath
Thank you so much for sending something for Percy in. I really enjoyed writing this. I hope you like it as well, anon.<3
On the romantic side
pairing: Percival de Rolo x gn!Reader
synopsis: “Come on, stay with me. Open your eyes. Fuck, Pike!” You recognize Percy´s voice calling out for help and hold onto his arm with all the strength that is left in you.
warnings: lethal injury, mentions of blood and fighting, angst, hurt/comfort
word count: 1.5k
“Noooo!” His voice echoes through the hall and rings in your ears. Followed by the piercing pain of something sharp  puncturing your neck.
The breath get knocked out of you instantly. You barely even feel the pain of crashing to the floor, dragged down by the sheer force with which the arrow was shot. You try to call out to someone. Percy, Pike, Keyleth, just anyone, but the only sounds that come out are some gurgling ones as blood enters your mouth. It spills over and runs down your chin, further sullying your clothes. You feel your strength fading fast, yet even if it weren´t your mind wouldn´t be clear enough to heal yourself. You feel someone carrying you away, but through closed eyes you can´t see who it is. A deep, frustrated grunt comes from above.
“Come on, stay with me. Open your eyes. Fuck, Pike!” You recognize Percy´s voice calling out for help and hold onto his arm with all the strength that is left in you. “Please, I…”
Something wet falls onto your cheek, but you can´t hear the rest of what he says as your body begins to shut down. Everything that once weighed you down is lifted from you, by some divine power. It´s peaceful and warm and safe. The glowing figure of your sister takes you by the hand, leading you towards a comforting light. When you try to ask her what all this means and how she could be here when she had died already, no sound leaves your lips.
Yet just as you are about to give in and follow the woman that had raised you so selflessly for most of your life, an indescribable force pulls you back from her. All the way back into a cold world full of pain. Your eyes open once more and you try to sit up with a gasp but a gentle hand pushes you back down.
“Whoa. Take it easy.” You recognize Vax as the source of the softly spoken words. Pike sits on the other side of your bed. Giving you a tight lipped but glad smile.
“What happened?” You ask them. Coughing up a storm as your throat scratches with every word.
“Well, um, you kinda got hit by an arrow back there.” Pike bashfully scratches her cheek.
“Wh-What?” This time Vax can´t keep you from sitting up. You look around with heavy bursts of breath escaping your lungs.
As you look around your room you remember everything. The battle, seeing Percy about to get shot and jumping in front of him to save him as the only solution you saw.
“Where is Percy, is he…?”
“He´s been in his workshop all day.” Vax grumbles.
“Was he here ever since we came back?” You are unsure why you even ask that question, but something tells you, that you need to know.
The lack of answer that you get in return is all the answer you need.
“Can I go see him?” You turn again to Pike. Looking for her go ahead. Which doesn´t come.
“I may have been able to bring you back, but it was a close call. You need to rest now.”
Wordlessly you let yourself fall back onto the pillow and huff a breath. “Okay.”
The two of them leave you alone after that. Telling you to sleep and that they would look after you again tomorrow.
But no matter how much you toss and turn, sleep won´t find you anymore. So, despite the warning you stand up and make your way down the hall. Sneaking past several rooms until you stand in front of his workshop. Underneath the door you can see the flickering light of candles and hear the muffled sounds of tinkering. For a moment your hand hovers inches away from the wooden portal. Debating with yourself if it would be smart to interrupt him. If he was avoiding you, there must be a reason and who are you to just burst in on him like this. Then again something deep inside you tells you, that you need to see him and you need to talk to him.
Before you can stop yourself to think again, you have already knocked at the door. It takes a moment to open, but once it does, Percy stands in front of you with an unreadable look on his face.
“You´re awake again. Good.” Is all the acknowledgement you get from him.
“May I come in?” You scratch the back of your neck at a loss for any more words.
The door opens the slightest bit further and he takes a step back, making barely enough space for you to pass through.
“What have you been working on?” You murmur as you sit on one of the stools, but Percy only stands there. His back turned towards you, shoulders tense.
“Pike said I shouldn´t come here tonight…” You continue in a soft voice. As loud as your aching throat will allow you.
“Then why are you here?” He grips the workbench so hard his knuckles must be turning even paler than usual under the leather gloves.
“I´m sorry… I just… I needed to see you…” You are taken aback by his reaction.
“Well, you saw me now.” His tone is clipped and so icy you almost think it drew all the warmth from the room.
“Percy, I don´t understand. I was just trying to protect you…”
“No, of course you don´t understand.” His shoulders tense even further and from the looks of it he pinches the bridge of his nose. Not that you could really tell from your place behind him.
You stand up and reach a hand out, desperate to touch him, to have him believe you and stop being so cold.
In the same moment he turns around and gives you a glare, prompting you to retract your hand and sit back down. “So why don´t you just explain it to me? We are both reasonable adults. You can talk to me.”
“Would you leave it if I said I can´t do that yet…” His voice and face turn surprisingly soft all of a sudden.
“Not if you plan on continuing to be like this.” You meet his eyes again.
“Like what?” He asks, clearly becoming frustrated with god knows what or who.
“Cold and irritable, when all I did was trying to help.”
He sighs and sits down beside you, before he speaks in an apologetic tone. “You may just wanted to help, but I almost lost you. I already lost one of my families. I can´t lose another.”
“Oh…” You are unsure what to say. Your heart aches. For his loss and for the fact that he did not see you the way you saw him. “I´m sorry. It´s late and I interrupted your work. I should go back to bed.”
The conversation doesn´t help you sleep that night at all. Or the ones to come, as a result you pull away from him. Until you find yourself in front of his workshop again. Wandering up and down the hall in uncertainty. Right when you want to walk away again.
“I can see your feet under the door. Come in.” He says with a blank face.
You follow his instructions and sit down in the same spot you sat in a few days back.
“Can I… Can I ask you a question?” You murmur hesitantly.
“What is it?” He answers.
“Do you really see me as your family?” You look at your hands, fingers playing with each other uneasily.
“Well, all of you, as much as you may steal my last nerves sometimes. Why?” He questioned.
“Why are you asking that? There surely must be a reason for this trouble late at night. I know you.” He inquires further.
“I… I just…” You pause. Weighing the cleverness of speaking the following words. “I found that the nature of my feelings towards you to be a little less on the familiar side.”
“What side are they on instead?”
“The romantic side… But now that I see you do not feel the same I am starting to think it may have been a mistake to confess that. So, please ignore my foolishness.”
“No?” Once again you are taken aback by his persistence.
“No. I will not ignore you and you are not foolish. In fact, I… I feel the same for you.” He takes a step towards you.
“Then why did you…” It´s becoming harder to come up with words.
“Because I was afraid and you were just brought back from the dead. I did not know how to behave towards you or what to say. It was my fault you did what you did. I could never apologize enough for that. I…” You interrupt his rambling by pressing your lips to his for a moment.
“It was not your fault. It was my choice and I would do it again any day over having to live with the knowledge that I could have done something to prevent your death and I didn´t.”
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yeonzzzn · 1 year
⛅️heartless: heeseung
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pairing: heeseung x afab!reader word count: 2.1k
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synopsis: heeseung finding heaven in the darkness as he tries to find the right choices to make…
genre: friends with benefits, smut, angst.
warnings: alcohol, oral (m. receiving), fingering, unprotective sex, heartbroken heeseung.
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Heeseung tipped the bottle to his lips, the bitter taste filling his mouth as he forced the alcohol down.
His face was flushed and the room was slowly starting to spin, a small giggle left his lips as he finished the bottle, gently setting it down on the coffee table.
Normally Heeseung loved drinking, but tonight he was doing it to just power through the night. To power through the heartbreak he knew was coming. 
Your giggles filled the living room as you stumbled back in with more bottles in hand, “Hee!~ I have more!” 
Heeseung softly smiled at you, nodding in response. 
He watched as you sat on the floor, admiring you. Admiring how your oversized tee shirt stops directly below your ass, showing off your long beautiful legs that Heeseung loved so much. 
You leaned your head back onto his thigh, making him twitch against the couch, his whole body was sensitive from the alcohol. 
“Want another one Hee?” you asked, turning your body around to face him. 
Heeseung wanted to drink more, but knowing if he did, he would end up in your bed tonight.
Heeseung smiled, “No, thank you though.” 
You frowned at him, knowing Heeseung wasn’t fully here today. You could tell his brain was clocked out and somewhere else. 
You tried to read his face better, but the darkness of your apartment made that hard, the light source of the candle across the room being the only thing due to the power outage in your apartment complex. 
Heeseung stared back at you, seeing the cogwheels turning behind your doe eyes. 
You slid between his legs, rubbing your hands up his thighs. 
“Y/N…” Heeseung whispered, doing nothing to stop you as he watched your hands unbutton his jeans. 
Heeseung lifted his hips as you pulled his jeans and underwear down his legs, immediately getting hard at the thoughts already running through his head. 
He tried to blame the alcohol on why he was letting this happen, but the hard truth was he was desperately in love with you and wanted your pretty mouth wrapped around his cock.
You position yourself on your knees, taking his hard length in your hand.
Heeseung bit his lower lip as his eyes watched as you slowly took his tip between your lips, feeling your tongue swirl around mixing his precum with your saliva. 
“Fuck, Y/N…” he groaned, trying to keep his head steady. 
You slowly slid your mouth down, taking him completely in your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat. 
Heeseung gripped the couch cushions, his knuckles turning white. He was melting under your touch. His head spun as you bobbed your head up and down onto him, your hand sliding on his shaft in the same movements. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck.” Heeseung breathed out, flinging his head back against the couch, his eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows narrowed, mouth slightly opened. 
It turned you on hearing his breathing, knowing you were the cause of making him melt like this. Your panties soaked to the brim at how sexy Heeseung’s moans were. Your pussy throbbed with impatience, wanting his dick to slide into you. 
Heeseung looked down at you, taking your long pretty hair and wrapping it around his hand, slightly pulling. 
You moaned at his pull in return Heeseung groaned at the vibrations of your moan against his cock. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” 
Heeseung’s cock twitched in your mouth, he knew he couldn’t hold out much longer. 
“Get up.” He demanded, pulling your hair to the side, making you slowly release your mouth around him. 
Heeseung wasn’t ready to finish yet. He pulled his hoodie over his head, leaving him naked. 
He slid off the couch, pushing you down onto the floor. 
Heeseung lifted your arms above your head, pinning them there with one hand. 
You bite your lip, chills being sent down your body from the way Heeseung would dominate over you. You fucking loved it. 
Heeseung snaked his free hand down to your panties, slowly rubbing your folds, watching as you squirmed at his touch. 
“So fucking wet for me baby,” Hee smirked at feeling how soaked you already were. His index finger slid your panties to the side and slowly moved his fingers between your folds and inside you, “Fuck, all this just from sucking me off?” 
You bucked your hips in the same rhythm with Heeseung’s fingers sliding into you. His pace slowly picked up. 
Heeseung loved seeing you fold at his touch. He loved the way you’d squeeze your thighs against his hands as he fingered you. Watching you crumble completely. 
“Hee, fuck. Fuck me, please.” You barely whispered, your head spinning. 
“Speak up, baby. Tell me what you want.” Heeseung teased, rubbing his thumb against your clit while curling his two fingers inside you as he pumped them into you. 
You arch your back and bite your tongue to keep yourself from moaning too loud, not wanting to disturb your neighbors. 
“Use your words,” Heeseung demanded, pumping his fingers faster inside you. 
Your stomach tightened, “Fixing…to cum.” 
“Yeah? Do you want to cum? Make a pretty little mess on my fingers?” You nodded, knowing you can’t hold out much longer, “Cum for me then baby.” 
You released yourself into his fingers. Your thighs squeezed tighter against his hand, bucking your hips slowly as he continued to move his fingers to help you chase your high. 
Heeseung released your arms and removed his hand from your folds, sliding his hands up your thighs and to the hem of your panties, sliding them off you.
Once your panties were gone Hee spread your legs apart, lining up himself to your entrance. 
“Hee, please…” you begged, wanting to feel him inside you. 
Heeseung folded at you begging, it turned him on so badly knowing you wanted him inside you this fucking bad. 
He wasted no time, shoving himself into you. 
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned at the feeling of your walls wrapped around him, “you feel so fucking good.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him down to kiss you. 
Heeseung kept his pace slow but hard, pounding into you deeply. His hand grasped your breast, his fingers twisted and pinching your hard nipple. 
Your tongues danced together, swirling around together. 
Heeseung felt dizzy as he was losing himself in you. His mind stuck between fucking you dumb, or fucking you with every ounce of love he had to give. 
Heeseung chose fucking you dumb. 
He picked up his pace, kissing your lips, down your jaw and neck, stopping at your ear. 
His moans filled your eardrum, sending chills down your body as you squeezed your legs tighter around him. 
Heeseung found heaven in this darkness as he fucked you on the floor of your apartment. 
Finding the pure bliss in your moans and the way your body moves with his. 
Heeseung knew months ago, that you two were over before it even started. 
He met you through a mutual friend. You two hit it off immediately, drank way too much, and fucked in the back of his car. 
It was the first time Heeseung found heaven with you as you rode his dick in the backseat of his car, both of you were a cumming mess. 
Heeseung became a close friend of yours, a friend who you would fuck on the regular. The only issue was the more time Heeseung spent with you, the more sex he would have with you, the more he fell in love with you when you didn’t feel the same. 
It was just sex for you, Heeseung knew that, but his feelings kept building up. All the jealousy he would have to shove down seeing you go on dates with other guys or when they would walk you to your next class, or fuck when they would flirt with you in front of him. 
Heeseung was torn into pieces when you told him how you hooked up with one of the random guys from your psych class. “It was terrible sex though Hee! Nothing compares to the way you fuck me!” 
Heeseung hate fucked you that tonight. All the jealousy and anger piled into one as he held his tongue back from spilling out every emotion he was feeling. 
But Heeseung couldn’t do it anymore. He wanted to give you more, oh he wanted to give you so much more. But he couldn’t if you continued to be so heartless. To flirt with him and drink with him on the regular, to swoon him into your bed just for him to leave early in the morning to make it to class on time. 
It was exhausting. Heeseung knew tonight had to be the last. 
He hung his head low, watching himself pound into you, your moans in his ear screaming his name. 
“Louder,” he said, “Scream my name. Let the neighbors hear how good I’m fucking you.” 
You obeyed, using every last bit of the air in your lungs to shout his name, “Fuck me, Heeseung!” 
“Fuck, I’m cumming.” He groaned, closing his eyes and narrowing his brows at the pressure his tip felt.
Another groan left his lips and he shot his load deep inside you, slowly moving his hips against yours as he chased his high. 
The warmth of his cum filling you up let you arch your back against his chest, your nails digging into his back, “Fuck Hee.”
Heeseung pulled himself out of you, sitting back and watching as his cum dripped out your pretty pussy, “Fuck I came so much.”
You both slowly pulled your clothes back on, Heeseung’s eyes not leaving you. 
“What Hee?~” you sang, “Can’t get enough of me?”
Heeseung knew it was now or never, and he was choosing now. He couldn’t take this one-sided love anymore. It needed to be over. 
“I love you, Y/N.” 
Your body stiffened at his words, your heart pounding against your chest. He loves you? You couldn’t believe it. 
But you decided to laugh it off, “That’s funny Heeseung. Nice joke.”
“I’m not fucking joking,” he snapped, “I am in love with you.” 
You slowly turned to him, seeing the hurt written all over his face. His eyes glossing over, the candlelight made perfectly sure that that detail was made clear for you to see. 
“Are you going to say something?” Heeseung softly asked, looking away from you. His heart already knew your answer, but he needed to hear it. 
“I-I don’t know what I am supposed to say…” you tried to say any word that could help this situation. Find anything within your heart to give to him. But you couldn’t. 
Heeseung shook his head, “I can’t do this anymore, Y/N.” 
Your heart stopped, “Hee, what do you mean?”
He looked back at you, his heart breaking right in front of you, “I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep being your fuck buddy. I can’t keep coming over here or you randomly showing up to my own apartment when your dates fail, when the guy that dicked you down hours before but left you feeling nothing and you showing up at my doorstep knowing I will satisfy you.”
Heeseung took a deep breath, flinging his hands through his purple-dyed hair, “I fucking love you, I fought these feelings for months, trying to think of this friendship as sex alone, but unfortunately I cannot be as heartless as you.” 
You tried once again to find the right words, but he was right. You used him to satisfy your needs, not even thinking about what it could be doing to him. You loved his attention and the way he cared for you. But you never once returned anything back to him. 
All you could do was look at him.
“It’s over, Y/N.”
You shook your head, moving towards him, “No, Heeseung please.” 
He stepped away from you, “Please, don’t. If you touch me right now I will fall right into you again. I will fold and drag you to your bed. We can’t do this anymore.”
You didn’t want to lose him completely, but this was the consequence of your own actions. You hated that you couldn’t love him back, not in the way he deserved. 
Heeseung, scoffed, “Fuck I wish I could be so heartless.” 
Those were his last words to you and he stormed out of your apartment. You followed him to the door, watching as he ran down the stairs, throwing the hood of his hoodie over his head. 
You watched his car drive out down the street and disappear into the night. 
Heeseung gripped his steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. His heart was shattered, he felt each piece of it collecting into the bottom of his chest. 
Tears swelled in his eyes as he tried to focus on the drive ahead of him, never once looking into the mirrors back at your apartment. 
It was over, he felt that weight lift from his shoulders, but that pain was still there. 
It would always be there.
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ravennaortiz · 2 months
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August 7th features Juice with the prompt "Blow out your candles baby girl" requested by the lovely @juicesgf .As always my stores are 18+.
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“Blow out your candles baby girl” whispered Juice into your ear. His breath warm on your ear. You tried but failed again. You heard Juice chuckle as you desperately tried to get your lips to work. You could feel his fingers trailing up your spine making you shiver and clench around him. “Too much?” he cooed as he gently turned your face so he could see it, smiling seeing your teary face and lust blown pupils.
“Please…” you begged, not sure what you were begging for. Everything was too much, the pleasure and the pain, you loved every second of it “please…please…”you muttered as you tried to focus your eyes back on him. Juice was silent as he fisted your hair and turned your face back to look across the kitchen table before resuming his pace inside you making you gasp as your body shook and clenched around him. Eyes rolling back as he hit that sweet spot repeatedly making you come and shriek his name for what had to be the hundredth time since the two of you had returned home from dinner hours ago.
The only source of light being the moon, street lamp that shown through the still open curtains and all the candles on your cake. The damn candles that you could not get blown out. The same candles you had been bratty about earlier. Teasing him about not being able to get them lit after you had been mouthy all day. Using the excuse of it being your birthday and silly you, you thought Juice was letting you get away with it. He just laughed and smiled and nodded. Which made you push harder to get a reaction. Which is why the challenge through out of your mouth at dinner before you could think it through.
“I bet you can’t make me come for every candle on my cake. You don’t have that stamina anymore babe” you had stated with a smirk as you sipped your second glass of wine. Juice had shook his head and told you to slow down on the wine as he continued to eat his steak. But you pushed just a bit harder. “I mean your performance this morning was kinda ehh”.
After a couple minutes of silence you looked up and met Juices eyes. The look in them made you shiver and a small smile curl your lips. Got him you thought. “When we get home love, that dress needs to go directly on the couch and you need to be face down on the kitchen table.” Stated Juice as he took your hand and gently caressed it. “Leave the heels on” he added as he smiled at you. “If I make a mess of them I’ll just buy you another pair”
“Shhh, baby girl. “ chuckled Juice as he leaned down clamping a hand over your mouth bringing you back to the present as he continued to fuck into you from behind a couple more times before slipping out. “Gonna get the neighbors calling the police. Over here screaming like I’m torturing you” murmured Juice as he flipped you over effortlessly on the table.
“How many has that been?” inquired Juice as he ran his fingers through your click making your back arch on the table as you tried to scoot back. “No no, don’t run away from it baby girl. This is what you wanted remember?” chuckled Juice as he grabbed your thigh and pulled you back to him.
“Don’t remember” you finally croaked out as his thumb traced gentle circles on your clit. “Juice, please….too… much” you added as your body shook and trembled.
Juice ignored you as he grabbed his cock and ran it up and down your slit before sliding back inside you, grunting as you enveloped him in warmth. “Guess you need to either come up with a number or blow out your candles baby girl” stated Juice as he moved the hand over your mouth to your neck as he started thrusting in and out of you. The grip on your neck gentle but just tight enough to make you coat his cock again as you came your body jerking and your moans strangled. You gripped his forearm, your nails digging into his skin, to ground you as pleasure washed over you in a tidal wave.
“Fuck” you heard Juice hiss as your body hugged him tightly forcing his own release out of him. Collapsing on top of you he kissed your forehead gently as he brushed your hair away from your sweaty face. “Good girl. I love you” he murmured as he kissed you gently before leaning up and pulling out of you. You lay there smiling and panting as he walked over to the counter. “Guess we will have to watch this and count” he stated as he turned back to you with a video camera, red light glowing in the dark as he walked back to you.
“Such a mess baby girl” murmured Juice as he let the camera capture a shot of his release dripping out of you to the floor before turning it off. Helping you sit up he picked you up and carried you out of the kitchen. “I’ll get you a bath drawn and get you cleaned up” he whispered making you smile as you felt your eyes close.
“Can I tell you a secret?” murmured Juice.
“Mmhmm” you uttered as you listened to the beat of his heart.
“Those candles were no blow ones. You were never going to get them to go out so don’t feel too bad” laughed Juice as you weakly smacked his bare chest.
“Asshole” you muttered.
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polarisbibliotheque · 7 months
Devil May Halloween - The Samhain Ritual - Dante's Path
Devil May Halloween 2023 - The Samhain Ritual, Dante's Path
Pairing: Dante x Reader Summary: It’s finally Halloween and, even if the demons are a lot more active this time of the year, that doesn’t stop you from going on hunts - the partying can be done later. Or… At least that was what you thought. Maybe Nero had pretty good reasons to worry about that job after all. Author's Notes: Fucking. Finally. It took forever, but here I have around 20 pages of a demon wanting to marry the reader and Dante going feral over it. Took me ALL THIS TIME to write and I do apologize, but SO MUCH has happened since October, I'm finally managing to get my life back on track. So heeeeeey, here we have Dante's part of the Halloween Special for 2023! Be sure to read the Prologue first to understand the road so far yes Supernatural fan right here and have fun!! But I do have to thank @furyeclipse - the idea came from an ask sent a thousand years ago and I've been reading her works on ao3 and that motivated™ me to write again! Be sure to check Fury's work over there!
Oh. And I highly recommend an AC/DC playlist while reading this. Just sayin'. We all know Dante is an AC/DC guy
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Devil May Halloween 2023 – Dante’s Path
“You know, of all the things that could have happened to me as a hunter, getting into a forced marriage with a demon lord was the very last one I would’ve imagined.”
And you were definitely the only person in the world that could have made Kyrie laugh in a moment like that – at least, that was what she thought as she smiled for the first time since you both had stepped in that place.
It was desecrated ground, that was the reason why the demons chose such a place. An old cathedral, now turned into an abandoned set of ruins with a cemetery of forgotten souls in the back. Some stone walls still stood tall, but the roof was gone, along with some windows and part of its gothic architecture. The shroud of the darkest tones of night slowly crept over, having rows and sets of candles of all sizes as the only source of light beside the moon.
You and Kyrie were being kept in a secured room – the only with still four walls to hold you in, and a heavy set of crumbling wooden doors. You were handed wedding attires – white, as to demonstrate the purity of your human souls compared to demons – and shoved in there, forced to change before the ritual.
You tried to resist, but as soon as they threatened Kyrie, you had to abide. There was nothing you could do: you had promised Nero nothing would happen to her, and she was your weak spot that night.
“We will figure something out…” Kyrie murmured with a ghost of a smile on her soft lips, even if she didn’t carry too much hope in her heart. She knew that if you were alone, you would probably be fist-fighting demons with all your might to drag yourself out of that place, but with her by your side… She had never seen you so compliant.
“Hmmm. Yeah. I’m still trying to think of something.” You huffed, sitting by her side on a stone loveseat, having your elbows on your knees and your face cradled by your hands. “I feel naked without my stuff. So uncomfortable.”
Once again, Kyrie giggled. Indeed, it was probably the first time she ever saw you without your everyday clothes and specially without your weapons: be it your guns, your sword or even a pocketknife you carried around for emergency self-defense. She could only imagine how stripped you felt at that moment.
“Well, if it serves as consolation, this is definitely not my style.” She whispered in response, making you laugh immediately. Indeed, poor Kyrie looked like a princess covered in Chantilly. Too over-the-top for her, and you could say the same about your forced attire.
“Oh, what a mess we got ourselves into this time, huh…?” You still had that laugh in your lips, making Kyrie respond with a sad smile. “Though I bet Nero is going to die seeing you dressed as a bride.”
“He will never admit it.” Kyrie had to giggle with that mental image. She could almost see Nero standing in front of her, red as a tomato, stuttering while trying to maintain that nonchalant punk attitude he always tried to – even if Kyrie could easily see through all of that. “He does get all flustered whenever I’m wearing anything slightly bridal looking.”
“There you go. The hideous Chantilly wedding dress will have at least one good effect after all.” You sighed with a laugh, following Kyrie on her giggles as she blushed herself, happy to imagine that.
The moment wouldn’t last long, though, as you felt something shifting in the air. You immediately got up on your feet, keeping Kyrie safe and sound behind you. Her curious, scared eyes tried to pick up what was going on, but neither of you could see – you could just feel it.
With some fiery sparkles, one of the demons responsible for that mess materialized right in front of you.
“Well, well. It is good to see you are already prepared.” Horns and sharp features, but in the suit of a ruthless man – that was the best way you could describe the demon lords. They had the leathery wings, skin as rough as that of a lizard, eyes bright like flames in the dark – but something still carried the resemblance of a human being. They were tall – even taller than most doors – with sharp nails to be used as claws, fangs ready to tear throats apart. But they were built in the image of humans: something quite rare when it came to demons.
“Not out of our own free will – you shouldn’t be that pleased your minions managed to coerce us into these horrid things.” You pointed at your own attire, making Kyrie look up at you with tense eyes.
It was something she admired, to say the least. You could all look in the face of the most threatening of creatures and still manage to say something to taunt or belittle them. She wished she had that kind of courage.
“You do have a point, human.” The demon had a quick giggle in his voice, making you furrow your eyebrows slightly. It wasn’t every day one of those things would agree with your big mouth. “Come. I would very much like to speak with you.”
Oh. Demons and their teleportation shenanigans – to be quite honest, you hated it. Whenever you used any of their magic or even Vergil’s void thing from the Yamato, you always felt a little dizzy afterwards. It took you some quick seconds to make sense you were in what seemed to be the abandoned church’s library – in a room made of stones and rotten books, lit by decrepit candles and having just one usable table in a corner. The demon lords had clearly made that their own room for the day.
“It’s rare a demon wishes to talk.” You finally managed to say while the demon lord slowly walked towards his desk, having you in the middle of the room. Now Kyrie was alone and you had no idea what was going on with her – you had to play your cards well to see her alive again. “According to my experience, your kind prefers a bloodier approach.”
“I take it you haven’t met many demon lords then.” He had a nonchalant tone, waving his hand in disregard as he approached his desk and leaned into it, staring at you. “Nevertheless, that is more Orcus’ style.”
“Your little friend.”
“Al Pacino did play the devil once, didn’t he…?” The demon laughed in response and you did your best to cover up the shock that he understood your Scarface reference.
Movies and pop culture references with Dante were a given – the same way Vergil was an encyclopedia of forgotten and obscure texts, Dante was the go-to man when it came to movies, especially the classic ones. Making references and laughing with each other was something both of you cherished wholeheartedly – and you never thought a demon would get it.
Vergil never did – and he had to have spent some time with those guys in the last decades.
“Well, I don’t think you brought me down here just to talk about movies.” You crossed your arms, trying as much as you could to look tough in that attire. Which wasn’t going very well for you. “And it certainly wasn’t to properly ask for my hand in marriage.”
“Oh, no, no…” He answered with a laugh that crackled like fire – and you could easily see the amusement in his eyes. “I wanted to see what the son of Sparda saw in you… To bind himself to one of the weakest creatures known. Just like his father before him.”
“It’s not like Dante has married me, you know? We’re not like Eva and Sparda.” You raised one of your eyebrows. Something about that conversation was very… Weird. To put it mildly. “We’re not bonded like you want to do today. And on that note, I have to point out: marriages are quite religious. Aren’t you guys going to combust spontaneously trying to do something holy?”
“Oh, but you are bonded. He may not have chosen his father’s path, but his heart does not lie.” The demon had something quite mischievous in his eyes, and you were starting to notice the difference between him and Orcus: the second one was more of a brute, a lord of war so to speak – the one you were talking to, Erlach, was very cunning; but there was a glint of bloodthirstiness in the back of his eyes. That made him even more dangerous than you gave him credit for at first. “I shall never understand why Sparda did not wish to follow the ritual with his human. That would have made him so powerful, not even the most dangerous creatures in Hell would have dared to slaughter his family. A shame really.” He tossed aside a charred painting of Sparda and Eva: old, barely holding itself together, but still clearly depicting the couple holding hands and smiling to whoever decided to look upon them. “We do have our own rituals – and demons are no strangers to marriages. It has another name in Hell, though, it is a binding ritual: where souls connect and one can be made more from the other’s power.”
“Oh. So the other just accepts it’s going to be a puny little thing beside their partner? Sounds more like slavery to me.” You wouldn’t give the demon the benefit of the doubt nor make it all sound so wonderful. Anything related to devils always had a catch – and that had to be the catch to their own twisted version of a ‘marriage’.
And in all honesty, you weren’t looking forward to be made a slave to a demon lord.
“Some creatures enjoy that.” And the smile that covered Erlach’s lips could be only considered devilish. You did your best not to look like you were agreeing – even if you knew, deep down, that yes, some people did enjoy that. “Every con has its pro. With the binding and forfeit of power, comes protection and status. Few would want to desecrate the partner of a powerful demon – it could easily be the last thing they would do.”
“if I am bonded to Dante, then, I wonder why would someone like you decide to mess with the chosen partner of the son of Sparda.” Now you had a small smile hidden in the corner of your lips, slightly raising your head in hubris. You wouldn’t lie: the status you got from him among demons was always very welcome. “Not that I really need him to help me. If I had my weapons, you would all be laying on the floor in a pool of your own blood – and I’d be home celebrating Halloween with him.”
Erlach stared into your eyes for a good four seconds before opening a threatening smile with his sharp fangs. His own eyes burned like fire, but you never let his gaze go – it wasn’t in you to be scared by the likes of him. You had seen worse, you had fought worse… And only you knew how threatening Dante’s eyes could look when he was half asleep in a nightmare of his young years with you trying to wake him up so he could have some peace. That was worse than any demon you could ever face.
“Indeed, that is why I needed some leverage against you.” He waved his hand nonchalantly towards the door and you immediately understood he was talking about Kyrie. “It was never my intention to allow Orcus to bond to some creature as powerful as mine… But I did not knew the extent of your powers, so I needed something to keep you in line. Luckily, Sparda’s grandson is not as attuned to powerful partners as Sparda’s children.”
You furrowed your brows. Whenever you talked between the members of the crew, there was a tacit agreement Kyrie was indeed the most powerful of all – for her ability to love openly, to cry, to be vulnerable and to care with such an open heart.
But those abilities were inherently human – and appreciated in humans rather than demons. In the human point of view, Kyrie was stronger than all of you together, and no one could argue against that. But in the demonic point of view… You and Lady were top of the list when it came to being able to take demons in a fair fight.
But you… You had Dante’s heart.
“It was part of our bargain. But I would never allow Orcus to bind to the most powerful of partners, would I?” Again, that smile painted his lips. You remained in the middle of the room, holding his gaze, not even flinching as he approached you. “I must admit, though, I never thought you would have this… Fire.”
As Erlach stopped with a few inches from your own face, you didn’t recoil. You remained with your arms crossed, standing as tall as you could in front of that huge demon lord as his fiery eyes just stared deeply into yours – and you stared back.
But you sensed something… Different. In his words, in his gaze. You wanted to furrow your brows as you were slowly coming to realize something, but you did your best to remain as proud and emotionless as you could – and Erlach took note of that. A pleasurable note.
“I can see what the son of Sparda saw in you.” That devilish smile colored his lips once more as the demon took another step towards you. It took you a great amount of willpower not to step back. You would never step back. “When demons bind with demons, it is one sort of marriage. When demons bind with humans, on Samhein, with the correct ritual… Well, it is a very different thing. A kind of binding never seen before – and never attempted, not even by Sparda.” Erlach approached with another step, making you raise your head even higher. Every fiber of your being wanted to scream Dante’s name and watch your red devil storm inside that room and suplex Erlach face first on the floor – as he deserved. The demon lord, though, offered one hand to you, palm facing up. “At first, I targeted you for Dante would not take a weakling as a partner, but now… I am more than inclined to take you as mine. With me, you would have the protection and status of royalty in Hell. We can take over entire worlds. And they would all be mine and yours to rule.” You just kept staring at him as Erlach’s fiery eyes stared even more deeply into yours. “You just have to say yes.”
To say your head was spinning was an understatement. What a wild ride that night was becoming – and something inside you stirred, telling you it would become even wilder. Were you reading his words right…? His gestures…? Not that Erlach was being subtle about it, he was being as blunt as his kind could be, but… Were you going crazy? You were, probably. That was a more plausible explanation than what you had to admit yourself – than what you were living right at that moment.
“If you think I’d give up Dante for power, then you can see nothing he saw in me.” You spat back, still holding your head high. “You are just as clueless as the rest of your kind.”
Erlach laughed back – not a laugh of an evil demon as you were used to, but one of delight. He… Enjoyed your answer…?
“The more you speak, the more I see.” He finally chuckled, stepping back after one last stare. “And I will see you later.”
With a snap of his fingers, you were back to the cold, abandoned crypt you and Kyrie were being held hostages. As your dizziness faded and you came back to reality, you saw her holding one of your hands, checking if you were ok with one of her palms on your forehead. Even if you didn’t feel lightheaded anymore, your mind was still troubled – and you had to sit down on the stone loveseat you shared with Kyrie earlier.
“Are you ok, y/n? What happened?” She sat by your side, big hazelnut eyes staring at you with warmth and humanity – so much different from the fiery pit of Erlach’s eyes. So much more welcoming and cozier. So much more like home. You would’ve hugged her if you weren’t so disoriented. “Y/n. What did he do to you? What happened?!”
“I think…” You finally managed to put into words what just happened – even if you didn’t want to say what you thought out loud. It seemed that by saying it, a sort of magic would make it become true. “I think… A demon lord just fell in love with me.”
You and Kyrie just stared at each other in horror, not even knowing what to say.
“What the hell…?!”
And Kyrie finally managed to put into words what you had been thinking the whole time.
“Fuckin’ hell…”
Nico just stared at Lady as Dante growled while mounting on his bike.
To be fair, Nico wasn’t the safest person to be behind a wheel, even more in a dire situation like that with Nero by her side looking like he was about to bite ankles and throw punches – but something about Dante looking like he was about to burst into flames while viciously riding the Cavaliere and growling in a half-distorted demon voice was enough to get the gunsmith ever so slightly… Concerned.
“Everything ok there, Dante, or do we need to take you in the van?” Lady screamed out her window, while Nico hoped the bright red glint in Dante’s eyes was only her imagination. “You look like you wanna beat me in a race! We hunt demons to save humans, not run them over, you know?”
“Eh, demon spidey-sense is tinglin’, Lady! That’s no good!” Dante screamed back, doing his best to keep the demonic part of his voice repressed inside his chest. He would have more than enough opportunities to let that explode. “Y/n is unsafe. I can feel it. And I…” With that, Dante drove to the back of the van because of a narrowing road, only to come back a few seconds later. “Don’t…” Another interruption for Dante not to run over a citizen cluelessly crossing the street and almost being run over by Nico. “Like it!”
His last phrase couldn’t keep the distortion in anymore and it sounded like a deep roar that came out of his chest like fire. Trish could already see the fangs in his bared teeth: those demons were in for the fight of a lifetime, for everyone knew making Dante’s lover feel unsafe was one of the worst sins in the Sparda dictionary.
Nico opened her mouth to talk to Nero – because, maybe, he could beat some sense into his uncle’s head, given they had the very same heritage – but for the first time she just put the cigarette between her lips and decided to shut up.
She was still getting used to Nero’s new trigger, so the halfway-into-turning state was something Nico didn’t really know how to deal with. By this point, Nero’s nails were definitely claws and his fangs were very much similar to Dante’s. He was fidgeting everywhere, messing with Blue Rose, as if something was really wrong with the gun and he had to fix it – a thousand fucking times. Nico could also swear his eyes were starting to glow with an inhumane gold tinge and that was very alien to her.
“Hey, kid! What about your spidey-sense tingling? Anything new?” Luckily for Nico, she had Trish around – and that woman was a pure devil, so there were very few things she feared. They all knew Nero was getting used to his own new powers, so Trish always decided to stay around and lend a hand whenever Nero had to go through something emotionally heavy – she knew it herself that demon instinct always came crashing like a wild wave whenever emotions were running high.
“Eh, she’s not good too, Trish. Worried as heck, I can feel it.” Nero mumbled under his breath, fixing the barrels of the Blue Rose for the tenth time, probably – not even needing to mention he was talking about Kyrie. With a click, the gun cocked back to its original state and Nero turned his now slightly golden aquamarine eyes to the devil leaning on his seat. “And I don’t like it either. Not at fucking all.”
Nico had to say, it always sent shivers down her spine when Nero spoke with his demonic voice like that. She was used to him being her goofy sort of brother, bickering with her down the road and tossing over-the-top, smart mouthed taunts to demons. Hearing him like that was… Something else. And Nico didn’t like it that much as well.
The last time you felt unsafe seemed like a whole lifetime ago.
You tried to control your hands as they wanted to start shaking – but you kept telling yourself you needed to keep Kyrie safe. After all, you were the devil hunter, not her. Kyrie could kill every single one in the crew with kindness, but not those devils… Those had to be killed with blades and gunpowder.
Being with Dante had given you something you never really had before, and just now you noticed it was tied to your red devil: safety. Even if he wasn’t around physically, you could always count on the fact that Dante, son of Sparda, Crimson Slayer, would bend Hell itself around his will to keep you from any kind of harm. It had never downed on you because, up until that point, that was a given.
Today, Halloween of all days, was a little more complicated. Dante wasn’t around, the whole ritual was bound to have some heavy magic to keep him at bay, you were completely unarmed and the demons you were up against were another kind – not the stupid, belligerent type you handled almost on a daily basis; no, those were smart, cunning and dangerous.
To top all of that, you had Kyrie on your side. If you were alone, you’d probably already be trying some unhinged escape attempts, but they were so smart on deciding to kidnap her as well. She was your weak spot on that situation and the fact that you felt unsafe and couldn’t do your best to protect her, only highlighted the fear you started to feel creeping up at the base of your stomach.
Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, the only thing that could at least try to calm your nerves was to imagine being back in Dante’s arms, at the Devil May Cry, the smell of warm pizza around and him humming some old tunes you both loved. That was home. That was your haven. Dante was your refuge, keeping you secure from every evil thing that could attack you in this world, and he wasn’t there.
For a split second, you wondered if he could feel how much your heart was aching – screaming with all its might in the hopes he would hear its call.
Suddenly, two demons entered the room you and Kyrie were being held. They didn’t have to say much: with swords pointed at both of you and the heavy doors wide open, you knew it was time. Knowing you had to calm your nerves so at least she could have a chance to escape, you got up and calmly walked in front of Kyrie – head high and staring those demons right back in their eyes.
“Everything will be ok.” You murmured back over your shoulder, knowing Kyrie would listen. “If you find a safe chance to run, do it and don’t look back. I can handle them better alone.”
You felt Kyrie’s soft hands brushing on one of yours, her voice nothing but a whisper. “Don’t put yourself in danger, y/n. I don’t wanna run without you.”
You closed your eyes, chuckling a little in silence. She was indeed an angel among so many demons – including all of you in the crew. “Oh, Kyrie. You have to learn… The whole crew would die for you, don’t you know that already…?” And even if your words weren’t the kindest, you had the sweetest tone in your voice – saying nothing but the truth. “You run. It’ll take more than a few demons to bring me down.”
Kyrie knew you were lying only to make her feel safer – there was a tinge of bitterness in your sweetness, a slight glint of sadness in your eyes. Those were more than a few demons, and both of you knew it.
She could only sigh in response and confirm with her head. You and Dante were bittersweetly so alike: always lying and pretending nothing was too serious, putting yourselves on the line for those you loved, trying to make them stop worrying while you were both ready to walk right into certain death. She had seen how angry you got every time he tried to pull something like that on you – and Kyrie had to smile even if a little bit upon realizing how similar you and your lover were, even if you hated when he did that.
Both of your thoughts had to be violently changed and brought back to the present moment when the time came to enter what one day was a beautiful, untarnished cathedral. The imposing gothic architecture was in shambles, the stars shining clearly in the deep night sky above your heads – the high peaks of the cathedral long gone. A long tapestry on the ground, torn apart and eaten by parasites, lead the way in a dirty blood red to the middle of the aisle, where a grandiose bonfire stood and lit none other than your groom.
That was definitely not the devil you had intended to marry if you ever walked down the aisle. Also, you always thought if you ever married Dante, the ceremony would be in the Devil May Cry: you would enter the shop, dressed in your best hunting clothes – maybe something leather, carefully picked by Trish to make you even more mesmerizing – watching Dante smiling at you, leaning on his desk, arms crossed and love pouring from his eyes.
That was the perfect marriage for you alright. And leaving for a quick honeymoon with your red devil, riding on the Cavaliere, a few cans tied to it with a “just married” sign on the back, waving at the crew at the door of the shop while Dante made the motorcycle burn the road with its demonic power? More than perfect.
“You shall enter first. The other human stays until your ritual is performed.” One of the demons held Kyrie hostage, pointing your way down the derelict aisle. Her eyes were filled with fear, and you couldn’t do anything but comply.
Holding your head high, you walked down the damned aisle. Not like a perfect fiancé, but like a wronged force of nature, just waiting for the right time to unleash your fury against all those demons. You were wearing those ridiculous clothes, on that ridiculous place, while demons started chanting and playing a song for the demonic ritual that had just started, stripped of your guns, blades and clothes.
To say you wanted to sucker punch Erlach on his face until his sharp teeth fell out was an understatement.
And yet, he had nothing but admiration and fire in his eyes for you. The more you approached, the more he smiled, offering you his hand as you were getting closer and closer – you refused to take it, standing in front of him just like you did when he first talked to you.
“You know, the kidnapping and taking my gear away, I could forgive. But these clothes…?” You pointed down at that hideous thing that was forced to you. “You could’ve done better. A lot better.”
“I judged you by all the mortals I’ve ever met – and now I realize I shouldn’t have done so. Do apologize, exquisite creature.” And Erlach answered your insult with a delighted distorted laugh. You just remained there, looking like you had just stuck a flip flop into a toaster, not knowing what to do. It seemed that the more you tried to repel him, the more Erlach liked you. “But rituals shouldn’t be taken lightly. One should wear the proper attire.”
“To think a demon would’ve dressed his counterpart a lot better and risqué than this…” You sighed, pushing all those ruffles away from your face as he, once more, tried to take your hand and guide you to approach the bonfire. “I thought this was going to be a dual wedding. Where’s your friend?”
“Orcus can try to pull off his ritual after I’m done with mine.” Erlach had a devilish smile pulling his lips up in a distorted line. It was a little… Unsettling. “We… Agreed such a powerful ritual should be done one at a time.”
“Huh. That’ll be before or after you kill him?” You had one eyebrow lifted and Erlach laughed with joy in his voice, now finally forcing you to walk with him towards the bonfire. “You got quite the silver tongue to convince him you’re gonna let him go through with his ritual with his head still on his shoulders.”
“Oh, my dear, you have no idea.” Erlach forced you to spin around and look deep into his eyes, holding you by both of your arms in an iron clasp you couldn’t break away easily without your weapons. “You are very welcome to discover soon enough. I am mesmerized with your cunning and wit – so much better than all those pitiful uninspired creatures I have to live with every day. We will be quite a pair, sweet temptation.”
That admiration was there, that fire burning in his eyes, and… Lust…?! You had to contain a shiver of pure terror thinking a creature like that lusted for you. It wasn’t necessarily his appearance – you did find Dante one hell of a piece of temptation in whatever form he was, be it human, Devil Trigger or even his Sin Devil Trigger – but his soul. Erlach lacked the very thing that made you fall madly and hopelessly for Dante: his golden heart, his gentle soul, his kind eyes and his unapologetic humanity.
That was why it didn’t matter how Dante looked like: you would always fall in love with him. Even if he was just a piece of rock with googly eyes laying on his desk, you would love that rock with all your heart.
“What if I refuse to be your pair?” You had one of your eyebrows raised, trying to hide the fear creeping at the base of your stomach. “As far as I know, all marriages require a resounding yes from both parts. What are you gonna do? Torture me?”
“As tempting as that sounds…” And even if you didn’t show it, your blood certainly froze in your veins for a second. “I fear you would take a very long time to break under such circumstances. The Son of Sparda chose you for your brave heart and hardened soul, I can see that now. Luckily for demonic rituals, the sacrifices don’t need to consent.”
“Oh. I thought I was more than just a disposable piece of meat. I’m hurt.” Masking your fear with jokes and taunts, you had learned that with the very best. Dante had all the blame for that.
“Don’t be, my creature.” Erlach’s words were laced with a laugh while he took a ceremonial dagger from an altar nearby. “That is how humans are usually named in our rituals. You will remain alive, or else, it doesn’t work. I do need your blood… A reasonable amount, but nothing lethal.”
His hand clasped your wrist with a tight grip you couldn’t break from. Your heart started beating faster and faster, as you looked around trying to find Kyrie – crossing her terrified eyes as she watched from the distance, close to the entrance where once was a door, fearing for your life. You wanted to mutter some soothing words for her, but not even you could lie that much: your survival instincts kicked in and your adrenaline spiked. It was now or never, but you had to escape.
Erlach held your arm above a bowl made of pure gold, now darkened with time and stained with all the sacrifices it contained. He spoke some words in demonic language, while the chanting got even more intense – some things you could understand, but the others were lost as your mind became hazy with trying to think what to do.
It was a surprise to all – you closed your free hand in a fist and did exactly what you wanted to do since you saw that hideous thing you were wearing: sucker punch that conceited demon right on his face.
Erlach was taken aback for a moment, looking back at you with confused eyes. Seizing his distraction, you disarmed him and took the ceremonial dagger to yourself, cutting his hand that held your wrist and demanding him to let you go. Erlach stumbled back in awe, while you took a fighting stance with the dagger in your hand, ready to kill – but not ready to get married.
And he smiled.
“Such fire…!” To say Erlach was ecstatic was an underestimation. “My creature… What are you going to do with that?” And he took a predator stance, as both of you studied your options in that fight.
If you could look back at Kyrie, you would see her smiling and supporting you as much as she could. To say she admired you, was to say you only liked Dante.
“I am going to kill every single demon in this cathedral… Including you.” Pointing the dagger at Erlach, it was your turn to allow a devilish smile to cover your lips. “Then, I’m taking my friend back home. Back into the arms of the only devil I will ever love. Back to Dante.”
As you spoke, you didn’t even hear a ragged guitar faintly playing in the background – and approaching ominously. The only thing you had in mind was a tunnel focus on Erlach, ready to tear him apart as soon as he got close to you.
“Oh, I will enjoy that, my creature. And I might even need to get rid of Dante myself.” As soon as he finished his sentence, though, you scoffed in a laughter of pure mockery.
“Now that, you would try. Dante is so much more than you will ever be – he will reduce you to ashes with a single stare. That’s how pitiful you are compared to him, Erlach.” As your words poured, you couldn’t stop laughing at how he looked slightly insulted. Fucking finally. “And I gotta say, that’s not the only thing Dante is really good at. He does burn like fire.”
“I will enjoy subduing you.” Erlach growled, baring his teeth. Now you managed to piss him off.
“I will enjoy watching you try.” You wouldn’t allow him too much time to think: spinning the blade in your hand for a better grip, you finally tried to stab him with a swift attack – but he easily dodged as you got even angrier at that ridiculous clothing you were wearing. Those frills and terrible fabric made your movement a lot debilitated.
You tried a few other attacks as Erlach dodged and started smiling again, enjoying every bit of it – starting to even try a few attacks, while you blocked with the dagger. It was all too fast… At the same pace of the guitar that now echoed loudly, with a very familiar song approaching the chorus.
“Now, my creature.” Erlach held your hand with the dagger when you tried another stab. Even if you were resisting, it was more entertaining than anything else: you needed your gear. He pulled you closer to him, even if you tried to stay away as much as you could. “It’s time to stop the fun. We can do this after the ritual.”
Before any of you could do anything else, the guitar finally arrived – with the screeching of what seemed a thousand tires, the smell of gasoline and the sound of a shot from a gun you knew so well.
Said shot hit the dagger, making it shatter into a thousand little pieces in your hand, causing Erlach to let go of you in a reflex – while AC/DC’s vocalist screamed he would shoot to thrill, play to kill.
“Well, I think we’re all ready for the afterparty, aren’t we, hot stuff?”
Dante had entered down the aisle with Cavaliere screeching, leaving a trail of fire behind him, stopping right in the middle to shoot that ceremonial dagger into oblivion. The smoke was still fresh on the barrel of his gun, while he had one foot on the ground, still mounted on his motorcycle, smirking at you with that gorgeous smile that, today, you wanted to kiss out of his mouth with so much passion the crew would probably have to throw a whole bucket of water on both of you to put out the fire.
And, right behind him, Nico crashed what was left of the cathedral’s door while blasting AC/DC’s Shoot to Thrill because she would be damned if she didn’t put a good soundtrack for that moment. You could see her smiling behind the wheel, supporting every single bit of Dante’s antics.
The smile that painted your lips – a broad one, mixed with thrill and relief – was everything Dante wanted to see. That was all the confirmation he needed to know that pull in his chest was actually your heart desperately calling for him to help.
“Ya know, I could forgive the kidnapping, you got one hell of a devil hunter in your hands to deal with…” Dante now let go of Cavaliere, leaving it in the middle of the cathedral, walking down the aisle with the sassy walk you always loved to see – moving his hips and opening his arms, taunting with a pretended carefree attitude. The distortion in his voice, sharp teeth and claws betrayed his words, though – and you couldn’t be happier. “But what’s the deal with those clothes?!”
“Exactly.” You smiled back, sighing as if someone there finally understood you. Erlach just looked at you and back at Dante trying to contain his surprise – it wasn’t possible you were synchronized in even that. “I can barely move, how am I supposed to kick his ass?”
“I can help ya with that, pretty eyes.” Dante’s voice now became darker, leaning even further into his Devil Trigger. For a split second, you could swear you saw his demonic form taking over before Dante appeared again. His eyes were almost entirely taken by red, his hand already gripping the hilt of Rebellion. “But I gotta deal with a few of these clowns first.”
“I’m not going anywhere, hot stuff.” You had the proudest of smiles on your lips as the demons started to approach, ready to fight your red devil. “Show them what a real party looks like.”
“Ya don’t have to ask twice!”
“What are you all waiting for?!” As soon as Erlach screamed, the demons ran towards Dante as a pack of rabid creatures, ready to take his blood. Erlach smiled with pride as they surrounded the Crimson Slayer, already pouncing to take a bite – there was no way a hybrid could take so many demons at once in a fight.
Looking at the crew’s van, you managed to see Lady leaning by the vehicle, watching it all with excitement but refusing to get into the fight. You almost laughed upon seeing Trish holding Nero’s jacket while he tried to let himself go from her iron tight grip, probably saying he should be in the fight too – but his eyes weren’t locked on Dante or the swarming demons: Nero was looking for Kyrie.
And you would’ve done the same, finally questioning yourself where they were keeping her after all that confusion took over the ritual. Nero could very well let himself go of Trish, but everyone knew he had his own priority – a priority you couldn’t find, and that fact started worrying you.
You would have given that a better thought if a sudden fiery explosion hadn’t sent demons flying around the cathedral like fireworks. Dante’s Devil Trigger was on, but not his normal one… It was his Sin Devil Trigger in all his demonic glory, with leathery wings hovering him from the floor and Devil Sword Dante burning like fire in his hands.
To say that would be a slaughter… Again, would be putting it lightly. With the masterfully chosen soundtrack by Nico blasting on the background, Dante single handedly slayed all the demons that decided to cross between you and him. You risked a side look to Erlach, only to find the demon astonished by Dante’s form and power – and you couldn’t resist. You leaned on the altar next to you, with a matter-of-fact look in your eyes.
“He usually has this effect on people… And demons.” You had to say it. You just couldn’t refrain from taunting and annoying that silly devil who forced you to wear those terrible wedding clothes.
With the Devil Sword Dante dripping blood, the son of Sparda approached as he slayed all the demons that tried to fight. Dante was a frightening powerhouse – usually terrifying, but today even more… After all, the human he loved most in all dimensions was kidnapped by a conceited demon who thought he would have the chance to bind his beloved in a marriage ritual without their consent. Dante was beyond angry.
“It will only be an obstacle, then.” Erlach turned his eyes back to you. “Don’t think for a second I gave up, my creature. If I have to kill the son of Sparda, I will do so – with the power you will grant me with your blood.”
Once again, the demon held your arm – but this time, digging the nails into your skin, making you scream with the sudden pain. That made Dante immediately turn to you, being hit as well and inundating the cathedral with the smell of the blood of Sparda. His fighting became sloppy as he tried to approach you even faster – but it also became even more vicious.
Erlach dragged you back to the sacrificial bowl, as you tried to get away. Even with your fighting, your limited movements weren’t helping too much. As he extended your arm above the bowl, you managed to see – behind him, in the distance, covered in shadows – Orcus holding Kyrie hostage, searching everywhere for a breech so he could finish his ritual before Erlach.
“Nero! Kyrie is over there! Go kick his ass, kid!” You screamed while fighting so Erlach couldn’t drip your blood into the bowl. Yes, he needed more than a few drops from the gashes from his claws – but he could make them bigger once you were in a decent position. And you didn’t want to give him that.
“Kyrie! I’m coming for you!” And finally, after his aquamarine eyes found Kyrie’s plea for help, Nero did let go of Trish with ease – and the she-devil didn’t even try to hold him back. With just a smile on her face, the woman looked back at Lady and they knew it was time to intervene now that both of you were located and they wouldn’t risk any of your lives.
Amidst all that, with Dante literally burning his way towards you while being held back by three demons, a few invisible cuts made them fall apart and gush blood all over the floor. Vergil entered the cathedral, while carrying an old book you saw at Erlach’s office earlier that night – the book with all the ancient, and most forbidden, devilish incantations.
“Go on, Dante. I’ll take it from here.” Vergil barely looked at the demons he was fighting with: holding the book with one hand and being assisted by summoned swords, he only needed a few well placed judgement cuts to get rid of all those nuisances.
Dante didn’t even think twice after hearing his brother’s words. Marching down the aisle, he approached you and Erlach like a death omen – his demonic form in his ultimate Devil Trigger was enough to inspire respect even in the upper echelon of Hell.
And you had to say, you were proud of that.
“Let y/n go, Erlach.” As Dante commanded, you couldn’t fail to notice his voice was slightly… Different. The more he approached, the more his voice sounded less distorted and more human. “Ya know, for a demon with such a pretentious plan, you’d think you’d put up more of a difficult fight.” And when Dante stopped right in front of the altar between you both, he was completely human – looking at you with the sky blue eyes you loved so much. “I’m barely breakin’ a sweat.”
If Erlach’s claws weren’t deep into your skin, you would’ve locked your arms around his neck already, taking in his scent and calming down your heart. Yes, Dante would be smelling of gunpowder, blood and sweat, but that was still his scent. It was enough to make you feel secure again.
“Indeed. I underestimated you.” Erlach’s claws dug out of your skin, making you retreat quickly. You managed to see a little commotion where Kyrie and Nero were before, but with everything that was happening, you couldn’t quite make the moment where Orcus was nowhere to be seen – all you could be sure was that Kyrie was safe, back into Nero’s arms. And that was enough. “It seems like the blood of Sparda still thrives to this day.”
“Yeah, yeah, daddy’s blood and all that…” Dante rolled his eyes, shooting near Erlach’s feet. The demon jumped back, farther away from you – and that made you smile. “Spit it out, spook. How did you find out ‘bout the ritual? Where did ya get that book?”
“Apparently you never heard of a library. On that aspect, I win, my creature.” Erlach still had that weird admiration in his eyes for you, making you wince. You never gave him a single reason to like you. Demons had to be masochist creatures.
“Oh, I heard about those alright. It just so happens my brother here has spent a very long vacation time in Hell and lemme tell ya…” With those words, Dante finally took Erlach by his neck, leaning the demon over the sacrificial bowl and touching the blade of Rebellion on his neck. Dante usually didn’t get that feral… But Erlach had tried him a little bit too much that night. “He doesn’t have very nice words about you and your little friends. Those rituals aren’t well known in detail. Something gave you that book. Who?”
It wasn’t a side of Dante you liked to see, but, when dealing with those kinds of demons, it was a necessary one. Erlach, as far as you could tell, wasn’t just your dumb daily demon – he was in the upper echelon. And said echelon only became worse the higher the rank.
“You would love to know, wouldn’t you?” Erlach laughed even if the sword already started to nick some blood out of his thick demonic skin. “You will have to let me go to get your answer. If you don’t, no deal.”
You closed your eyes, sighing. Erlach was the deal kind of demon. And it was always a slippery slope with those silver tongue devils.
Dante knew that as well. His heart screamed at him to kill Erlach and let his blood run over the floor of the cathedral – to take you home safely and let you know that threat would never loom over you again.
But they needed answers. Only very high rank demons would have access to that kind of book – to those kinds of rituals. Demons like Sparda… Like Mundus. And that was something none of them wanted as a threat. The single thought of the possibility of Mundus being alive made him shiver and his blood boil. His house burned in his childhood, his family slaughtered like animals, his past stained in blood and sulfur. He didn’t want that to happen again. He wouldn’t let that happen again. Not to anyone in the crew, not to his nephew, not to his brother… Not to you.
Dante let Erlach go. The demon cracked his neck, gaining his posture once again. You stood by Dante’s side, ready to suplex Erlach into oblivion if he tried anything funny.
“The two of you already have what you need to know the answer.” Erlach pointed at the book in Vergil’s hands, moving his gaze back to you soon after. “I will have you as mine, y/n. You have my word, sweet creature.”
Before you could do anything in response, Erlach set himself ablaze in flames that kept burning for a few seconds while he disappeared back to where he came from – probably Hell, if you had to guess.
“Eh. We should’ve known he would leave without giving us a decent answer.” You sighed, feeling your shoulders relax for the first time that night, knowing all demons were dead and you were around safe people again.
“And even shamelessly flirtin’ with ya, what’s up with that…?”
“No idea, red devil. I did my best for him to hate me; apparently it backfired tremendously.”
You finally turned to look at each other. Both of you looked tired, completely out of energy – you, from your human body; Dante from the toll all that fiery explosion of anger and demonic heritage could take on him. His eyes, though… Those sky blue eyes, looked at you with the human kindness you always longed for – with the admiration and fire of a lover, but the gentleness of a soul who was not only your mate, but your home.
You felt safe again. All that insecurity, that fear, that horror of being alone and having to fight on your own – to survive on your own – it washed away in that infinite blue sky. He was your home, and you were safe. Nothing bad would ever happen to you, for Dante was there to catch you and hold you in his arms until you felt you could walk with certainty again.
“I heard you, pretty eyes…” Dante murmured, taking a strand of hair out of your dirty face, watching with amusement as you furrowed your brows. He took one of his hands over his heart, eyes looking into yours. “I heard you here.”
A gradual smile lit up your face as you understood what he had said. That pull, that thing you did, of closing your eyes and praying he would find you… It worked. Of course it worked. And you couldn’t be happier, with all that pouring like a golden fountain from your heart, making your eyes laminate with a few tears and threaten to overflow.
“I’m glad you did, cowboy.” You approached him, cradling his face with your hands and leaning him down so his forehead could touch yours. “I’m glad you did. I prayed so loud for you.”
With that, you took his hand to touch your heart, in the hopes he would once again listen – but this time hear the golden tunes it sang along the overflow. The frills of the ridiculous attire didn’t allow him to find your beat, though.
“Well, I told ya I’d get rid of that, right?” Dante sighed, staring down at that horrid attire – although he would argue you could never look bad. Even with that thing on. “Ei! All of ya, look away! I’m puttin’ y/n out of their misery!”
Before you could finish asking, though, Dante masterfully moved Rebellion around you – while everyone turned away or closed their eyes. Lady and Trish, though, just kept staring at that goof of a man you called your lover. Within a few seconds, those terrifying wedding clothes tore apart, pooling around your feet on the floor while you just stared back at your red devil – the chilly air of the night all around your bare skin.
“That was hot.” You had to say it while Dante quickly checked you out like the masterpiece he always thought you were.
“Not as hot as you, babe.” With a wink, Dante took off his red coat, wrapping it around you and making you warm again.
You loved wearing Dante’s coat. It was definitely too big for you, but it was always warm – that night, you could almost say it seemed like it was enveloped in flames. But it had his scent all over it and it fit like a huge cape you could almost drag on the ground. You couldn’t have asked for a better attire for that evening.
“Hey.” As you called for his attention, those blue eyes rested on you again, little by little settling all that restlessness that whole ordeal had set in your soul. And, since words weren’t enough, you once again cradled his face with your hands, this time placing a well-deserved kiss on your lover’s lips.
Dante giggled between your lips, wrapping his strong arms around your waist to lift you off the floor – making it easier for you to kiss him unapologetically. You never saw yourself as a damsel in distress, and you would have killed every demon in that room with a dagger and your teeth if it was necessary, but it wasn’t. And that was so new: you could always count on Dante to be there for you, to protect you and to be a place for you to fall whenever you lost your balance.
Your heart stopped screaming and Dante’s soul found peace again.
“Ah, I see Nero stole Dante’s idea.”
As you saw Kyrie leaving the van’s bathroom wearing nothing but Nero’s coat, she smiled happily back at you while showing it off as soon as you pointed that out. You were sitting in the van, still in the red coat – Dante would know only later that decision would cost him his sanity while trying to get his coat back from you. A few chases and him gripping you tight to get his coat back was in store for the rest of that night.
“It was a very good idea.” Kyrie had a mischievous smile on her lips, blushing a little bit while grabbing the collar of Nero’s coat and taking in the scent. “It smells like him. It feels like he’s always around.”
“I know what you mean.” You smiled proudly as an answer, barely noticing Nico staring at both of you while Lady and Trish giggled.
“Ya know what she means…? That coat is nasty!” Nico pointed at the blue coat enveloping the crew’s little angel, making you laugh a little bit more. “And yours?! If Nero’s coat is bad, Dante’s even worse! Looks like he just blasted from the insides of a frog demon or somethin’! And you say it has his scent?!” The gunsmith couldn’t be more revolted at yours and Kyrie’s antics.
“That’s Dante’s scent for ya...” You sighed, leaning back on the van’s seat – something quite red devilish like. “Gunpowder, demon’s blood and sweat. When he’s clean, though, it’s more of a woody and musky with a hint of pizza kind of scent. Sometimes strawberries.”
“Apparently, love doesn’t make us only blind, it makes our sense of smell completely absent.” Trish strutted her way towards the seat she always took in the van, across from you, having a complacent smile on her devil lips.
“It makes us more tolerant.” Kyrie sat by your side, completely happy to be wearing Nero’s clothes and safe and sound with the crew again. “That is a thing most people need to learn more about.”
“As always, angel Kyrie is right.” Lady sighed, taking her spot inside the van – after lightly elbowing Nico just to tease the gunsmith. “Just like we tolerate the smell of your cigarettes.”
“Hey, at least I’m not turning into a fuming creature blasting demon viscera everywhere!” Nico pointed at Lady with her cigarette between her fingers, making all of you laugh. “Must take days to get those things off your hair!”
“Sometimes, it takes even weeks!” Dante’s voice added from outside of the van, entering soon after to take his seat right by your side. To say Dante would be hovering around you for months, overly protecting you over anything and everything, was a very mild way to describe his behavior after that evening.
“Ya know, once I found a piece of liver hidden right behind my ear…?” Nero approached Nico as she just glared at him with pure disgust. “Took me days to find it.”
“You’re nasty, demon boy.” Nico lightly shoved Nero out of the way, dismissing all that conversation to go back to the stirring wheel. Nero laughed back, making his way to Kyrie and sitting by her side, cradling her with one of his arms while she rested her head on his chest.
“We couldn’t find more on the origin of their knowledge…” Vergil was the last one to board, closing the van’s door behind him. As soon as he did, Nico started driving back home – and he showed you a few things he had in his hands. “But we did find your gear. I will keep it in a safe place until we get back to the shop.”
“Oh, thank you so much, Verge!” You had genuine relief in your voice, watching as he carefully placed your sword next to him. “I thought I’d never see those things again. Thanks for finding them.”
As always, Vergil didn’t answer, just bowed his head as the perfect gentleman he was. Soon, Dante’s arm found its way around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.
“Huh, so much thankfulness for Vergil, while I was the one who saved your ass from that demon lord. I’m feeling a little ignored.” Of course, you knew Dante was only joking – never in all your time together you picked up any sign of jealousy he could have of you and Vergil. Dante was very secure about your relationship, knowing quite well where your heart rested – he would be insecure, sometimes, when it came to other humans.
“Oh, c’mon. How can I not be thankful when it’s my gear we’re talking about?” You raised one eyebrow, teasing him back – which only made Dante smile. “Now being a little more serious, it was rough being stripped of everything. Even with that hideous frilly attire, I felt completely naked. There’s no way for me to defend myself without all my stuff; I don’t have demonic blood running through my veins to go into a rampage and kill every single living thing in front of me.”
“Well, lucky for you, I got that goin’ for me.” Dante brought you even closer, tightening his half hug around you.
“Hmmm…” You took some time to take in his scent, this time directly from his neck, right in front of you. Yes, all those things you mentioned before, but you could always find the woody and musky Dante scent underneath all of that. And maybe it was that which made you feel so comfortable and secure. “I was scared. I was running out of options when you showed up.”
“Shhh, don’cha think ‘bout that, pretty eyes.” Whenever you voiced how uncomfortable you were with something, Dante immediately started caressing you just to at least make you feel physically comfortable again. And you had to say, it always worked.
“I know, I know… It’s just… I know I can always count on you to appear at the direst of moments, no matter where I am.” With those words, you placed one of your hands above his heart, making those sky blue eyes look back into yours. “I know you can hear me call, no matter what.”
“It’s part of the demon thing, babe.” Even though he was happy with that, Dante had a bittersweet smile on his lips.
“Yeah, maybe… But demons don’t show up to save desperate souls who are praying for them when all other options have failed.” You brushed aside some strands of dirty hair that insisted on covering those beautiful eyes – now looking at you with curiosity and admiration. “Do you know who do?”
“Angels do.” Your answer was but a murmur, even quieter than the engines of the van. “You are my very own guardian angel, Dante.”
Lady once said that, somewhere out there, even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one – but you would dare to add that devils did cry when they were loved back.
Your red devil was living proof of that on that Halloween night.
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hischierswhore · 1 year
right where you left me
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“you left me no choice but to stay here forever”
pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
TW: cursing // asshole mason (again) // if i missed anything pls lmk
A/N: this is part 3 of a multi part mini-series!!! each part will be inspired by a song, so this one is inspired by "right where you left me" by Taylor Swift. i highly suggest listening to it as you read :)
read part 2 here
You woke up with a combination of excitement & nervousness spreading through your stomach. You spent the majority of your day thinking about what you were going to say to Mason, and how you were going to bring it up.
You wanted to ask why he didn’t show up to your birthday party. You wanted to know why he didn’t call you the day after like he said he would. You wanted to know why he was being so distant with you.
What changed? Why was he not putting in the effort he used to?
You began getting ready for your dinner with Mason. You decided that you would start with the topic of your birthday party and then lean into your questions as to why he didn’t show.
You wore a cute top & skirt. It wasn’t too formal, but it wasn’t too casual either. Around 6pm, you set out on your drive to the restaurant.
When you arrived, you saw Mason sitting at a booth and he raced to the entrance of the restaurant to greet you. He led you to your table, a glass of water already set on your side of the table to drink.
The table was dimly lit, a small candle sitting at the edge of the table being the only source of light in the area. It was a rather romantic setting. You & Mason hadn’t been on a romantic outing in a few weeks.
You made yourself comfortable, removing your jacket and situating your bag to your side. You looked up at Mason and saw that he was lost in thought, blankly staring at the white cloth on the table.
“Everything okay, Mase?” Your voice pulled Mason from his thoughts, his attention immediately turning to you.
“Oh yeah. All’s good” He flashed you a smile, but you sensed something was wrong.
“How was your birthday? Ben & Christian told me it was eventful”
“It was okay. Would’ve been better if you were there but we can’t go back and change that, can we?” You shrugged your shoulders.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. I was running late and then traffic was just terrible so by the time I actually got into the city, it was too late. Ben & Christian told me that the party had ended”
“You weren’t in the city? I thought you had training that day?” You saw Mason’s eyes go wide at your words: he’d fucked up.
“Uhm…” You could see the gears turning in his head as he tried to come up with a cover up.
“I’ll just be honest: this isn’t working” He gestured between the pair of you.
“Well no shit, Mason. You’ve been distant lately. Hell, you didn’t even show up to your girlfriend’s birthday party, and now you’re making excuses for your absence. So be honest with me, where were you?” Mason sighed as he held his hands to his face.
“I was with someone. A woman. I lost track of time and by the time I made it to the city, it was far too late. I drove to my own house and then called you” He could see the light in your eyes suddenly dim.
“You what?”
“I’ve been seeing another woman, Y/n…” All you could do was stare at him as he spoke. It felt like time stopped at that moment.
Silence filled the air between you both, tensions high as you both waited for the other to speak.
“How long?” Your voice was broken and barely understandable.
“2 months” He mumbled as your mouth fell into an ‘o’ shape.
You swear you heard your heart break at that moment, the sound of glass shattering being the only sound you could hear that moment. Your heart was fragile, and he just single-handedly broke it, watching as the glass shards of your heart scattered across the table.
“What we once had isn’t there anymore, and it hasn’t been for a while now” He scanned your eyes to find any sort of emotion, but there was none. You were numb, still thinking about his initial statement as you stared at the glass containing your water in front of you.
“So you’ve been with another woman while we were still together?” You were still dumbfounded by his statement.
“Before you ask, I used protection, so there’s nothing to worry about” You hadn’t even thought that far. You simply nodded.
“Yea, because telling me that using protection while fucking another woman is so helpful right now. Do you know how embarrassed I was infront of my friends & family that my own boyfriend didn’t show up to my birthday? I had a breakdown, Mason. Your friends were there. They had to help me through it because you couldn’t be bothered to show up, seeing as you were balls deep in another woman” Mascara stained your cheeks as you spoke, your voice slightly cracking.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n” Mason couldn’t find any other words to say.
“If you were sorry, you wouldn’t have done it repeatedly. You wouldn’t have done it at all, nonetheless on my birthday. Were you even planning on telling me?”
“So what? Is this just a spur of the moment thing or do you actually feel anything for her?” Mason sighed.
“I feel a connection with her, Y/n. Something similar to what I felt at the start of us. I haven’t felt a spark between you & I as of late, and I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have. I’m so sorry Y/n” And with that, Mason got up and left.
You stared at him as he walked away, your heart breaking into a million pieces. You watched as he left the building entirely, leaving you in the corner booth all alone. The dim lighting reflecting onto your tear stained face brought attention to you.
You didn’t even get the opportunity to say anything else. You heard the other diners whisper amongst themselves, murmurs of “what a sad sight” & “poor girl” were heard as they looked in your direction.
You felt frozen, you couldn’t move even if you wanted to. You were beyond embarrassed, your face burning as you felt all eyes on you. You wanted to scream and cry simultaneously.
Eventually you found the courage to get up from the booth and made your way out of the restaurant before driving back to your apartment.
You washed your face of the ruined makeup you had applied only an hour before, letting your hair down before changing into some sweatpants & a t-shirt. You sobbed into your pillow once you actually got into bed.
You may have physically left the restaurant, but emotionally you were still there, sitting cross-legged in the dim light as you relived and replayed that heart shattering moment over & over again in your head.
You didn't know how to move on from this moment, how to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart and start again, if you even could start again.
You were right where he left you,
and you would be forever.
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Part 2 of Adamsapple + Cain angst
Adam and Lucifer weren’t on speaking terms after the argument. Adam kept true to his words; he wouldn’t allow Cain to go out with Lucifer. Lucifer tried everything to make it up to Adam and Cain but the lamb demon wasn’t letting him go by. It been three weeks and four days since Adam last talked to Lucifer face-to-face. The king of Hell could forced the first man to talk, but unfortunately, Adam was very stubborn when upset. Hell, the only way to get Adam from talking in Eden is when he was upset and Lucifer doesn’t remember the ruby blood flow like a waterfall from under Adam’s right chest.
So, he went to the person who knew Adam the best.
The Root of Evil, herself
Eve, the mother of humanity.
In an Inn, there was a long-haired sheep dinner at the table. His hair was fluffy and curly like a sheep’s fur and he wore neat, clean clothing. There was a name tag on the sinner.
It read as “HELLO my name is ABEL”.
He was busy talking to a distressed sinner with a forced smile on his face, “Oho! I wouldn’t know why you’re in Hell. I mean, who’s knows? Here just take a key and relax yourself, Mister. You have all of eternity to find out! Like me.” The sinner took the key and went down the hall. Abel looked around the—finally—empty lobby before signing and taking a drink of some fancy wine or vodka that Luluwa’s husband got for her that he stole.
“Long day?”
“Yeah,” Abel took another drink of the alcohol. For a moment, he thought the voice was Awan, his older sister who finally came back.
But it wasn’t the burnt up swan demon.
It was the King of Hell, himself. How boring to Abel?
The sheep demon stared daggers at the devil before placing the bottle down on the counter. It wasn’t his fault he looked down at the fallen angel. He was very short.
Abel: “What the fuck do you want?”
Lucifer, chuckling nervously: “I know we got off the wrong foot… but I—“
Abel, buried his face in some type of magazine: “Ma is in here room, Seth in the kitchen, Seth’s wife in the garden, and Luluwa and her husband are busy.”
Lucifer quickly nodded his head before speaking up but the first victim flipped him off, “Father like son,” Lucifer thought before creating a portal and stepping through it.
After the fallen angel closed the portal, the room he was in was dark and red filled with eyes of all different shades staring at him. It was quiet at first. The curtains were closed. The only light source was coming from the ceiling. “Abel did say she was here… was he wrong?” The devil thought before looking up at the ceiling. More eyes and a falling candle with bright flame burning from it. Lucifer caught the candle, “Odd,” he thought, he turned his head around before hitting his head against something. He stumbled backward before looking up to see a head. The head was attached to a body that was standing on the ceiling. The fallen angel heard a snapping sound as the head made a 180 degree turn to face him. The body and the head were pitched black and covered in eyes. “Eve always know how to make someone feels welcome.” Lucifer rolled his eyes as the mother of humanity spines her head upward so she wasn’t getting a blood rush to her head, after all, she was still human.
Eve: “How the in unpleasure of Heaven’s wrath do the king of duck want?”
Lucifer took a breath before sighing, “This is about Cain and—“
Eve: “You want to know why I didn’t tell about Cain! Isn’t that correct?”
Lucifer: “Uh—well… That’s partly so…”
Eve clapped her hands as her smile grew wider, “Because we didn’t trust you~!” She sang.
Lucifer: “Didn’t… trust me?”
Eve: “Well, you did gave him false hope and promises, Lilith was his wife, you didn’t even notice Adam was bleeding, you stole his heart and shattered it so many fucking time, and after you tricked me, we didn’t trust you, Lucifer. Why would we trust you with a half human if you didn’t treat a full human good?”
The archangel gulped, “Adam… was bleeding?”
Eve: “You don’t remember? It would be very funny if Adam learned you didn’t even notice there was a hole under his right chest and the blood.” Eve remembered it as if it was yesterday. It was the day she was created. It was a sunny day, everything was still wet from there being a rain storm just happened. She first thing she saw was the wet grass before looking up and seeing Adam. His face was covered in tears. The mother of humanity looked down from the first man’s face and her eyes just stared at his chest. There was blood flowing down like a waterfall from a wound under Adam’s right chest. There was a giant being beside Adam, God. God told her that she was created from Adam’s right rib and he was her husband. The first man helped the second woman to get up. He smiled as if there was no pain in Eden. But there is pain in Eden. God left. Eve was on Adam’s left side as she held him close. Soon, she saw the archangel, Lucifer, and the first woman, Lilith. Lucifer greeted her with a big smile as his eyes were only on her not Adam. Not his wound. Not the blood. Her. How was she supposed to feel? She wished she didn’t fall for a moment in love with Lucifer. But she did. And Cain was born because of it.
Lucifer: “… I want to make it up to them.”
Eve: “Hm?”
Lucifer: “I want to make it up to Adam and Cain. I know this family isn’t the greatest… but I do love them both.”
Eve: “Adam said the same thing about you and Lilith in Eden. But Adam pissed this time. No how much flowers, apologies, anything will make it up to him. Words and little actions won’t make it up for Cain tears.”
Lucifer thought for a moment, “What does Cain like?”
Eve smiled grew larger as she walked backwards towards Lucifer and whispered in his ears what her firstborn son liked. After whispering, Eve and Lucifer were inches apart. “You know, Abel and Cain were once very close on Earth. And you know Abel was the first sinner correct?”
Lucifer: “Yes?”
Eve: “Good. But we never told you why he died, did we?”
The devil shook his head.
Eve: “Well… Abel was Cain’s new favourite brother after Awan was a girl. Cain would hold onto Abel like a koala bear! It was quite adorable to see it. Cain… I couldn’t give much attention to him when he was alive… but Adam did. He did his best. But so many our children did before adulthood… Adam give more attention to children than Cain. He knew they were important… it didn’t help. After Abel reached adulthood, me and Adam decided after so many death to not have children. Adam wasn’t in the best place after the triplets’s death. Since Abel was the youngest, he gave more him more attention. One day, Cain couldn’t help himself. He was filled with anger and jealousy and so… when Abel and he were together and alone. Cain killed Abel. Abel did forgive Cain after his died. But we still don’t know what happened to Awan and Abel blame Cain.”
Lucifer: “I thought Seth was the youngest.”
Eve: “He’s not important right now.”
Outside of the room, there was a hooded sinner walked by with a food tray in hands. The figure wore a name tag.
It said “HELLO my name is SETH”.
Seth: “I feel so loved in this family,” he grumbled as he continued walking down the hallway.
Lucifer: “Why did you tell me this?”
Eve: “I know you’re dating Adam. Adam loves his children more than anything. More than you, Lucifer. If you want Cain to see you as a father, you have to get all of Adam’s children to see you as a father.”
Lucifer: “How do I—“
Eve: “Get yourself, Adam, Charlie, Lilith, Abel, Cain, and Seth in therapy.”
Lucifer: “What about Awan?”
Eve: “If I cannot find her. What make you able to find her?”
Lucifer: “… What about Luluwa?”
Eve: “She already did her time.”
Lucifer: “That sound like she went to jail.”
Eve started to crawling away on the ceiling.
Lucifer, shouting: “What about you?!? Don’t you need therapy, Roo?!?”
Eve, fading into the darkness in the ceiling: “I BEAT THERAPY!”
Lucifer, confused: “What is that supposed to mean?!?”
When Lucifer was walking back to the hotel, he felt Eve’s presence behind him.
Lucifer: “Need something?”
Eve: “Promise me something, Lucifer. Promise me, that you won’t break his heart again.”
Lucifer: “I promise, Eve.”
Eve: “If you do break this promise like all of your other promises to Adam, I will find a way to kill an archangel. After all, you lost some power down here, don’t you?”
If wondering, Lilith was super freaked out when she saw blood just poured out of Adam’s wound. She just left him for an hour and he got a new wife and a mysterious wound under his right chest.
(No one knows, beside Adam and Eve, how Eve was created)
God is not a surgeon (and He’s a giant compared to Adam and Sera) and He fucked on taking Adam’s rib.
That was so sad! Oh Eve! Wow this was a lot but very good!
Thank you!
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stunningsturns · 2 months
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pairing ; Chris x reader
warnings : swearing and fluff.
wc : 694
a/n : Since the triplet's birthday just passed yk I had to make a fic about it! Sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been busy with my job and cheer.
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The triplets birthday was today, it was a very special day seeing as they were finally turning 21. Meaning they could finally drink and do all the things teens dream of doing as an adult. I knocked on their door, Matt opened the door greeting me, “Hi, I am glad you made it. Chris is gonna be so excited.” Chris didn’t know that I was still in town, I had told him I was going to College. Though I lied, I just know he is gonna be so excited.
I walk inside the home, Matt shutting the door behind me. Marylou walks over to me giving me a hug, “Chris is upstairs in his room!” she beamed. I nod, walking upstairs towards Chris’s room. As I approach I hear Lil Skies blasting from his room. His door slightly ajar, I smiled to myself. I walk into his room, seeing him laying on his bed scrolling on his phone facing the opposite way. 
I approach his bed, “Chris.” I hummed. He stays staring at his phone, “Go away Nick.” he commanded. I giggle, “Chris, it's me.” I gushed. He clicks his phone off, rolling over to face me. Once he notices it's me he immediately jumps up. “Holy shit..” He gasped, jumping onto me, gripping me tightly and pulling me into a hug. I smile to myself “Hi baby..” I cooed. He buries his face into my shoulder, his arms tightly wrapped around my slim waist. “C-Can I kiss you.. Are you even real?” He questioned. I nod “Yes Chris, I am real and yes you can kiss me.” I chuckled. He pulls away from the hug, looking down at me as he plants a gentle kiss onto my lips. 
He pulls away from the kiss for a moment, admiring my features “God, I missed you.” He rambled. “Why don’t we go downstairs, your Mom told me the cake is ready.” I state. He nods, grabbing my hand and he drags me downstairs towards the dinning room where his parents, Matt and Nick reside. They all look up once we enter the room, “Can you guys believe it!! She's here I can’t believe it.” He gushes. Marylou laughs, “Hunny, we invited her.” She giggled. I smile, “Yeah, they all knew about it.” I say. He rolls his eyes, “Of course they did. Now you owe me another kiss.” He babbled. He pulls out a chair for me, I sit down. Then he follows by pulling out a chair next to me and sitting down.
In front of us was the amazing cake Marylou cooked for their birthday. The cake was decorated with white frosting and some fruits on top. The cake was topped with ‘21’ Candles. We all admired the cake in front of us. It was gorgeous, Jimmy flicked the lights off, and Marylou lit the candles. The only light source was the light radiating from the candles. Matt and Nick stood next to Chris, and we began to sing ‘Happy Birthday.’ Then they blew out the candles. 
Jimmy flicked the lights back on and now it was time to eat the cake. Marylou took out the candles from the cake. Grabbing a knife she cut each of the boys a slice before she cut mine and her and Jimmy’s slice. I grabbed my plate and fork and began eating the cake, Chris practically devoured his in an instant. I giggled watching him grab seconds while Matt and Nick had barely finished their first slice. 
We finally finished the cake, I got up placing my dishes neatly into the sink. “Thank you for the cake Marylou, it was wonderful.” I compliment. She smiles, “Of course, Thank you for coming to celebrate my boys birthday!” She replied. I nod, “Anytime.” I smiled. Chris grabbed my hand, pulling me away from her and dragging me upstairs to his room. Once we entered his room, He shut the door eloping me into a kiss. The kiss was slow and sensual, he pulled away for a moment admiring my features in awe “I fucking love you.” he praised. I blush, “I fucking love you Chris.” I replied back.
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taglist: @hysteria-things @stellarsturns @lightningsturvn @maggiefilms @sturniozo @notariverdaleacctanymore @tillies33ssss @h3arts4harry
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dannnnnny666 · 5 months
Day 10: Mausoleum
I didn't really know what to do with mausoleum, the first time I think I actually heard about it was in a book I read recently. So I decided since I have no other ideas, crossover time! This is for me more then anyone.
TW: This contains some spoiler from Scum Villain Self-Saving System's 2 vol, if you have not finished it and decided to read it anyways, don't cry to me when I spoil one of the funnest characters.
When Danny awoke he was in a coffin. Which was relatively weird since he fell asleep in his bed.
Did someone think he died? Did they bury him? Why hadn’t Sam and Tucker stopped them?
Danny needed answers, so he quickly went intangible before rising 6ft off of his coffin and out of the ground to find… he was in mid air. He looked down and saw that instead of being underground, his coffin was on a pedestal of sorts.
Danny floated back to the ground and took a look around his surroundings. The room was dark but it looked like he was in a dungeon. Seeing as there was a coffin in it, a lot of precious items, like gold, silver, and gemstones, and that the walls were covered in a mural of some tough looking dude, Danny surmised he was in a mausoleum. 
Since it didn’t seem to be his, he decided to leave this room and try to look for an exit. As he stepped out of the room, a weird candle turned on and emitted a low dark green glow. It didn’t seem to have any mechanism that would turn it on but something about it seemed strangely magical.
As Danny continued to observe the candles, thinking to himself which of his enemies would do this to him, he heard weird groaning noises. Looking past the candle into the hallway before him, Danny was a horde of what looked like zombies approaching him. 
On instinct, he shifted into his ghost form to prepare for a fight. But as soon as he did, the candle next to him went out, and the horde stopped approaching, and began to just mill around.
Confused about the what just happened but also wanting the get the fuck out of there, Danny ripped the candle of the wall and began to fly over the zombies as he tried to find an exit. As he flew through the twists and turns of the mausoleum, which was starting to feel more like a labyrinth, Danny noticed a small light down one hallway.
Since the candles only lit up over certain circumstances, which Danny was theorizing to only light up if someone living was around, he sped over to the source.
Once he arrived, Danny realized it wasn’t another candle but light seeping through the crevices of a door. Even though he was a bit nervous about why someone might be down here, he was getting really scared being all by himself, so he shifted back into a human and took a deep breath before walking into the room.
Surprisingly, it was empty.
The only inhabitant seemed to be a green snake, which quickly slithered behind the coffin in the center of the room. Like the one Danny woke up in, this room was filled with precious items, a huge mural, and a coffin at the center. The only differences were that the theme of the items and decoration was different then the previous, which made sense since it was for a different person, and that there were torches lighting every inch of the room.
As Danny continued to look around the room in confusion, the coffin in the center suddenly began to open.
Slowly and slowly, it was opened by an invisible force, leaving Danny transfixed to the spot, horrified of what would come out.
Finally, the thing in the coffin sat up and began to speak,
“Immortal Master Shen Qingqiu, how lovely is it to see you-”
The thing, more specifically a handsome older dude in some kind of traditional asian dress (Danny should have paid more attention in history), looked over at him before a surprised look apearch across his face and he cut himself off.
“Umm… who are you?” “BITCH, WHO ARE YOU?!?!”
Explanation for not SVSSS fans: The candles are called Last Breath Candle and are fueled by someones breath. The light brings the Blind corpses, which attacks any intruders when th lights are on.
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breitzbachbea · 9 months
I'm With Him And This Is Real Life, Honey
Thank you all for your enthusiastic responses! This is a Spamano One-Shot which I originally wrote for the dearest @someone-you-do-not-know, as part of my Rake Courtship AU, vaguely set in the Regency or preceding Georgian era.
If you want some general backstory for this AU or read another piece of unbearable Spamano longing and Lovino never getting what he deserves, partially because he won't allow it to himself - here is another One-Shot set in the same AU.
Summary for this One-Shot: After Antonio's and Michele's wedding has been crashed by Michele's former suitor, Lovino urges Antonio to go after his former fiancé and Lovi's cousin, if only because if Michele's father Salvatore finds him first, there will be bloodshed. They find Harry and Michele, sadly just in time to witness their elopement wedding, which will complicate things further. This is the night after that Lovino spends in an inn room with Antonio. I also made a little playlist for Spamano and Sicire in the AU, if you'd like to listen to "Would you be so kind" whilst reading Lovino's suffering.
Here's the fic - enjoy!
It was a quiet night. No wind that howled, no rain that pounded. They were the only guests at the inn – It wasn’t shabby enough that they all had to share a single room, vermin not included, and not classy enough to carry gossip to where it shouldn’t be. Not that Lovino had ever been in an inn. People of a certain class always stayed with one of their own, that was what mansions were for. Everything about this was so beneath him.
But now he wished he had simply bitten the bullet instead of drawing the line and insisting on separate rooms. He’d rather have shared a room with these two sources of his malcontent than having to listen to their bed creak through the walls. Already a pillow over his head and he could still hear the creak of wood and the slap of skin on skin.
“I’m not sharing a room with you two knobheads! I don’t care, I’ll pay for it myself!” He had protested an hour earlier or so. “I’ve had enough of you as is, for all I care I never need to see either of you for the rest of my life, but a night’ll do! I’ve been a witness against my will to your we-” He had stopped himself, suddenly aware that there was no need to bellow details about the place. No need to blow their cover
“Well, kind of you to give us the privacy,” Michele had replied and there seemed to be genuine surprise in his voice. Of course, overshadowed by how pleased he and his lover had seemed by the implications.
He didn’t even end up paying for it, but his cousin’s rotten lover. Not that Lovino had much money on him, as he had left in a hurry, but Antonio hadn’t been allowed to pay either. Simply thinking of the entire charade made him want to retch again.
Michele had taken Antonio’s hands and looked him in the eyes when he said: “You’ve already done far too much for me to ever repay it. Please, Antonio, don’t make my debt any greater. I’ve caused you enough hurt as is, let me be the bigger person now.”
Bigger person, his ass. A bigger person would put their money where their mouth is and not fuck his new husband within earshot of his old fiancé.
Christ alive, why was that stupid candle still burning. The light it produced wasn’t much, but he could see Antonio clear enough as he laid next to him in bed.
Because of course his luck was just so that there was no more than one bed in each room. At least Antonio wasn’t talking to him. He had rarely spent a moment in silence with him ever since his father had asked to spend time with him and Michele.
Antonio was mute now, as he stared at the ceiling. He had his arms crossed over his chest, stripped to his undergarments and shirt like Lovino, who could see dark curly hair peak out at the top of his shirt. In his sculpted face – Lovino still couldn’t believe his cousin had chosen to bang someone who’s face looked like an entire carriage accident over this – the brows were slightly knitted and the full lips had a hint of a pout.
He couldn’t imagine how Antonio felt, but wouldn’t want to switch places with him. A twinge of guilt came over him to have dragged him into this whole affair. What concern should it be to Antonio if the man he was betrothed to ran off with someone else and incurred the wrath of his monstrous father? He was no longer Michele’s fiancé and was not obligated to care for him anymore. And yet he did.
There was another twinge and it took Lovino a moment to realize it was jealousy. Underneath fondness for Antonio’s selfless nature, it was jealousy that it had all been wasted on Michele. His stupid cousin got betrothed to a sweet, hot, rich, important guy and then he blew it, he would have deserved it so much more than Michele. He deserved to be fawned over and cherished and spoiled rotten, he deserved to have a husband who was as kind and doting and hot as Antonio. Instead he was relegated to be the best man and agony aunt, the company that Michele couldn’t be and now he was in bed with the hottest man he’d ever seen and wasn’t even allowed to touch him. Relegated to hear his cousin screw his lover in a second-rate inn and hiding underneath the pillow as not to hear the muted throes of passion...
He could see the hairs on Antonio’s strong arms. He realized he’d been staring at Antonio the entire time and felt his face burn up.
In that moment, he could hear something that sounded like a pent-up moan from the other side, followed by some laughter.  
Antonio’s eyes squeezed shut for a moment, face scrunched up in discomfort. He sighed through his nose as he relaxed and his eyes opened again.
Great, now he could even hear them suck face in the silence. Antonio’s own expression turned from displeased to awkward – and he turned to Lovino, who felt panic well up in his stomach and fan out to his limbs.
“What the fuck are you looking at me for?!” he asked him and buried his face in the mattress, hoping it would swallow him. He could still hear the damn bed creak. “It’s not my fault!”
“S-Sorry …” Antonio apologised. Great. Simply great. He could hear Antonio clear his throat.
He tried to visualize what was going on in the other room, in the hopes that his rotten cousin and his troll of a lover would be enough to exorcise his feelings of desire. Sadly, whenever he tried, his mind too soon drifted off and kept the steamy fantasy with a tanner body underneath his own fingertips, full lips ghosting over his own body, rough but gentle hands gripping his hips, his own fingers running through wild, curly hair -
Lovino screamed into the mattress. “I’ll kill him, I’ll kill him tonight, and if I don’t I hope his dad strings him up by his own entrails, he deserves it,” he muttered into it.
“Are you alright, Lovino?” Antonio asked and Lovino considered biting himself through the entire bed and then the floor to escape the situation.
He lifted his face but didn’t face Antonio. “These two have not a bone of shame in their entire body,” he said as he stared into the dark, since Antonio’s body blocked most light of the candle in this position. “We should just have bid Michele good riddance and washed our hands of the entire thing. He’s clearly enjoying himself as is, that ungrateful bastard.”
Oh god, as if the universe itself wanted to mock Lovino, he could hear the sounds on the other side increase in frequency. He gritted his teeth.
“I mean …” Antonio sighed again. “It was the right thing to do, Lovino. It’s not always easy to do the right thing, but still you do it.” He could hear the smile in his voice. “And I guess it is their wedding night …”
Something almost slipped Lovino’s lips, but he bit it back. There was no need to tell Antonio what he had seen the night before Antonio was supposed to marry. No need to increase his suffering.
“You’re being a saint about this,” Lovino said. “If I was you, I would have walked already. To do it with you around … aren’t you mad?” He’d be mad if he was Antonio. To be betrothed to someone who doesn’t want you, have that fiancé kidnapped at your wedding day and run after them only to barge in on their elopement wedding … If he was Antonio, he’d curse everyone he ever met. Lovino included – after all, he had spurred him on to run after Michele.
“I mean …” Another sigh, this time more of an angry snort. “I would prefer to not have heard it, but … what is done is done. Pretending that it isn’t wouldn’t change much, I can fool myself. I don’t need Michele for this.”
Lovino’s brows furrowed while the rest of his features softened. I wouldn’t have fooled you, he thought. Maybe he should have run to him the night before the wedding. To hell with Michele and his secrets, Antonio would have deserved the truth.
The noises from the other side had stopped. At least that torture was over. Lovino turned on his back and clutched the pillow against his chest instead. “You are a saint,” he said. “Michele doesn’t know what he’s missing.” He didn’t dare look at Antonio. “And I’m the fucking Virgin Mary for putting up with all of it!”
Antonio laughed. “Yes you are. Thank you, Lovino. I appreciate it and I’m sure that Michele does so, too.”
He snorted. “Psht. Yeah, sure.”
“When you get married, I’ll be your best man, yes? To pay back all you gave me.”
Lovino’s heart sank into his guts. “Yeah, sure.”
Antonio put the candle out. “Good night, Lovino.”
Lovino stared into the dark. He could hear indistinct murmurs from the other room between the lovers. “Good night … Antonio.”
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ghostly-penumbra · 2 years
Seven Ways to Summon the Ghost King
Chapter Six: Traditional Way, Part II: The Remix: Electric Boogaloo, Slumber Party Edition
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [here] [7]
Summary: Class 1-A humours its resident goth...
... things go exactly as he planned.
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A Hero’s life was a stressful one, even if you were still just a student. It was nice, to find kinship and support from people that got it, that sometimes had been there with you as you faced down the villains.
That is to say, the UA dorms had been a great idea, actually. 1-A managed to find the perfect balance between each other’s little idiosyncrasies pretty well, with only minor mishaps along the way.
This week’s’ “Fun Night” showed to be quite the example.
“Are we sure we’re gonna do this?” Asked Kaminari with a shaking voice as he passed the small candles for Todoroki to light up with a touch of his finger.
They were in their dorm’s common room, with the furniture pushed to the side to make space for the… temporal redecorations.
“Well, it is his turn to pick this week’s activity.” Yaoyorozu said reasonably, watching Tokoyami draw the summoning circle from memory without hesitation.
“Yeah! ‘Sides we all participated in your skit videos last week!” Mina told him as she skipped next to him. “So if our introverted classmates can appear and act in front of a camera, you can hold hands and chant the creepy verses!” She slung an arm over his shoulders and pulled him towards herself to whisper in his ear, “And it’s not like something’s gonna actually happen, so relax!” And with a conspiratory wink she shoved him off.
- - -
“How do we stop it?! It’s almost finished!”
“Someone bring Aizawa-sensei!”
“It’s too late.” Tokoyami announced calmly over the cacophony of his panicking classmates. His eyes were lit up with the reflection of the green fire on the candles, giving them a manic gleam “He is here.”
All the candles that Todoroki unsuccessfully tried to smother with his ice flared up at the same time, illuminating the scared faces of the heroes-to-be for a second, and then diminished back to small embers, making the biggest source of light in the room the pair of flames that hovered in place atop the summoning circle, until these two blinked out… and then back on
“If this is another cult seeking immortality…” A voice said a hundred times at the same time, and even Todoroki’s resistance to the cold was useless against the chill that ran down their backs.
Bakugo would remember that Midoriya moved first, activating his quirk and launching himself at the dark figure feet first in a kick aimed to the face.
The person –being?– caught Midoriya by the ankle and easily redirected him to skid along the floor with his momentum. They –it?– dodged Kirishima’s hardened fists with the ease of a dancer, sidestepped a rising block of ice and broke it into small flakes of dust. Bakugo had him in the face with a good explosion and –bright toxic green eyes that bore into his soul as he illuminated them, making him feel so smallweakuseless– next he knew he was crashing against stupid fucking Deku, who chose that fucking moment to have his second wind.
“That’s enough.” The being said, and the lights came back on. (He couldn’t be older than any of them. He just couldn’t!)
The class stopped in their tracks at the sight of him, except for Iida who had already ignited his engines and was just as easily redirected back towards his friends, who held him quickly as he abruptly stopped his quirk.
“A bunch of teenagers, why not.” The little boy face palmed after looking at them.
“Hey, that’s rude!” Ashido complained, being the first one to step up with no intentions of attacking.
“Well, forgive me for not lying to spare your feelings after being summoned against my will in the middle of a power nap.
“But let me guess,” he pinched the bridge of his nose and rested his elbow on his other palm, “you somehow found an ancient ritual to summon one of the most powerful beings there are –which, by the way, I made sure to get rid of- the rituals! Any book that had it. Jeez, I didn’t get rid of all the powerful beings, don’t give me these faces.”
The students looked at each other; had it been that they all misunderstood the –boy’s– words and jumped to the same gruesome conclusion, or had he just been bad at wording?
“Anyway, you kids somehow found the only source for how to summon an eldritch abomination, thought it would be a fun bonding activity,” an awkward glance at each other, “and didn’t stop to think, just for a second, that perhaps you shouldn’t be messing with things you don’t understand?”
The class kept silent, most of them staring ashamed at their feet, some even scuffing the floor with them.
“It was Tokoyami’s idea!” Kaminari cried, trying to hide behind Kirishima. “He was the one to do it all!”
“Kaminari!” Several of his classmates cried out in offense at such coward snitching.
“Hey!” The ghost boy called, bringing everyone’s attention back to him. He had stopped hovering, rather planting both feet on the ground. “Alright, listen. I’m not mad at you kids, but this is something you shouldn’t be meddling in just for fun. And not only that, but I made sure no way to summon me remained in this plane of existence, so I need to know how you did it, to make sure you didn’t do something dumber than summoning me.” With his hands on his hips and that I-can’t-believe-I-have-to-deal-with-this face, the self-proclaimed eldritch abomination looked more like an annoyed (if short) senpai correcting his kohais.
“It was not hubris nor naïveté that made me desire to summon you, King of Ghosts, Liminal God, Harbringer of-” Tokoyami’s greeting was cut short as said liminal god –and didn’t that make some eyes widen in shock and wariness– held up a hand to stop him.
“Two titles are more than enough, buddy. Y’all can call me Phantom.”
That sounded like such a simple hero name, that the students easily accepted it. Phantom: The Ghost King Hero.
“As you wish, Phantom.” The goth corrected himself with a grave nod. “As I said, I did not arrange for your summoning out of hubris or ingenuity, for you see, we are in the dark path of Heroism, where we will face countless more encounters with horror, destruction, and death, and so I sought you out, so you may tell my friends of the kindness of leaving this world.”
His classmates stared at Tokoyami after his solemn words; some with apprehension, others with growing understanding. Iida adjusted his glasses and breathed in deeply, preparing to launch himself into a rant speech about how they were thankful for his consideration but he should please refrain himself from things like this, when the bird-headed boy spoke again.
“And if you could please sign this for me, I would be in your debt.” The boy held out a black, leather-bound journal with a black pen adorned with a plastic skull hanging from the bookmark.
There was a long, awkward beat of silence until –unsurprisingly– Bakugo exploded.
The feeling was shared by the rest of the class, as they showed their discontent all at the same time.
Tokoyami ignored them, though, keeping his wide, hopeful –and, this was a bit worrying– worshipping eyes on Phantom, until he finally relented.
“Alright, kids, listen up!” Phantom said, commanding the attention back to himself. He took the journal from the bird-headed boy and flipped the pages until he found a blank one. “Gosh, this brings me memories…” He mumbled, scribbling down, before continuing for the class. “Rule Number Two of Interacting With Paranormal Slash Mystical Slash Magical Slash Et Cetera Et Cetera Et Cetera, never make open-ended deals, ever, this includes but is not limited to: contracts, handshakes lood oaths, spit oaths, fist bumps, promises, spoken words –you get the gist. Now, what did you friend say to me?”
The teenagers looked at each other in awkward silence but, being teenagers, they were easily reverted to their ‘we’re in a lecture in class mode, and the brave soul of Yaoyorozu raised her hand.
“Tokoyami-kun said that he would be in your debs in exchange of an autograph.”
“And there was truth and intent to his words, so now that I’ve fulfilled his request…” He let the sentence open as he showed the journal where it now had a stylized D with a smaller P within it.
The class looked at their friend with mixed feelings of concern, irritation, and fear.
“You could ask anything from him.” A brave soul finally answered.
Tokoyami didn’t seem to care what might be asked of him, as he stared almost reverently at the journal now back in his hands. That wouldn’t do.
“Well then,” Phantom began, placing his hands on his hips, ready to deal out a detention, “your part of the deal will be that you never ever again make such a fool open-ended deal with anyone! No ghost, monster, creature, oni, Higher Being™, angel, god, God, demon, or anything else I may have forgotten. Not your parents, not your relatives, classmates not your teachers or principal, not random people on the street, not children, not the government. No one, ever.” He finished sternly as Tokoyami nodded along.
“That…! Is actually really kind of you, Phantom-san.” Iida saod thoughtfully.
“The Lord of Cessation is known for his kindness and fairness.” Tokoyami told them, clutching the journal to his chest when he noticed Bakugo’s slightly-more-murderous-than-normal expression still in place.
“Yes, I’m cool, I know, whatever.” Phantom was massaging his temples breathing deep and slow. “Alright! He began anew, now with some cheer. “I haven’t’ been to the Living World for anything other than work in over a century and a half, so, what’s good in video games these days?” He asked with a smile finally acting like the teen he was when he died.
“I mean the controls are different, but a fighting game is a fighting game, so no biggie.”
“If you want you can pick All Might to make it more even!”
There were very heated protests (from two very specific boys) as everyone surrounded the dorm’s gaming centre so Phantom said “Don’t worry, I’m my own character.” Before merging with the console and appearing on the screen, unleashing chaos among class 1-A once again.
- - -
“So you were born before the Dawn of Quirks? What was it like?” Midoriya asked, distractedly losing in Hero Cart as he kept looking at Phantom next to him.
“Eh, I can’t really say it was much different. Y’all seem to have gotten… stuck in time, in a way. Like, I understand a lot of stuff like time and work and resources go to make accommodations for mutations and stuff which is great, don’t get me wrong, but one would have thought that over two hundred years in the future, at least clothes would be different.
“And for what the dead say, some of those ‘accommodations’ are… doubtful, to say the least. And don’t get me started in social issues.” He quickly mumbled with his mouth in a thin line. “So, overall, it was pretty similar. It may have to do with the fact that I was born in another dimension.”
He kept his focus on the game. So, if Phantom noticed all of their shocked faces and stunned silence, he didn’t show it.
- - -
“D’you guys have DOOMED?” Phantom asked as he leaned against the couch from his place on the floor, watching as Mina ruthlessly obliterated Sero in Dance, Dance Revolution!
“What’s DOOMED?” Ashido asked, not skipping a step as Sero stumbled with the increasing speed of the game.
All the lights went out and the room’s temperature dropped, making Tsuyu swoon and the rest of the class to cry in alarm or fall into battle stances.
“The DOOMED devs didn’t release the game’s code for it to become memetic, only to be completely ignored by some- futurelings from another dimension!”
The lights returned, and the TV they were playing in turned back on; the cold ebbed out slowly, not as abrupt as it had come, and Tsuyu slowly began to stir helped by the proximity of Todoroki’s left side.
“Alright, kiddos! I hope you’re interested in coding, ‘cause I know by heart and tonight, we make history!”
- - +
Phantom typed away without thinking it twice, confident, whilst the class watched and Midoriya took notes just as fast, transcribing on his notebook what Phantom put in the computer.
Kyoka leaned against Tokoyami’s side as they saw, well, history. “This is the best night ever. Do you have any other interesting being in your journal? Possibly someone who liked karaoke?”
“Just so y’all know!” Phantom told them cheerily, spinning his neck 180º degrees as his hands kept typing. “I know I’m cool and a chill guy to hang out with, but that’s ‘cause I was human and died at fourteen! Most beings that can be summoned hate being summoned. Myself included, bus, as I said, I’m rather cool!”
A chill ran down the class’ back again, and all of them –minus Midoriya, who kept on writing– turned to look at the resident goths.
“… I shall abstain from more summonings, Lord Phantom.” Tokoyami conceded, and Dark Shadow cooed at him.
“There’s a good boy!” Phantom said brightly, returning to his coding.
“Let’s just do regular karaoke next week, right, guys?”
“Alright, students!” Phantom called them. “Get ready to get schooled!”
- - -
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lilacsmothership · 1 year
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bonus lore junk
here's the concept sketches i did to develop tazdev's space train / jumptender. i originally based this off of a sketch of what a Q-Drive ship would look like, but then i realized that these would be exclusively using much more speculative warp drive / Krasnikov tube FTL shit to get around for the most part, but the overall design still works i think. big magnets, long slender profile.
(why do the magnet loops look all fucked up and weird? is there a hard sci-fi™ reason for that? well yes sort of. i basically imagine that the magnets are a bit more complicated than a simple loop to help give better control of the field geometry. something like a stellarator i guess, which is what i was riffing off of visually. however i don't really have any "hard numbers" to back up the specifics of this, it's just an idea i feel like has some merit and more importantly i suppose, looks cool.)
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if you have no idea what i'm talking about, a Q-Drive is one of a really fascinating family of speculative propulsion technologies called plasmadynamics, ranging from implementable basically tomorrow to stuff that will probably require multiple big breakthroughs. the basic idea of plasmadynamics is that if you have a magnet with a relatively small power source (on the order of a modern-tech fission nuclear reactor), you can use the magnet to attract plasma into a big cloud around your ship, making a much bigger magnet thousands of km wide (as big as a planet, basically) pushing against the ambient plasma in space (solar wind or interstellar medium). because this "plasma magnet / sail / wing" is so huge, it feels a HUGE amount of force from the ambient plasma despite it being so thin, giving you rocket-like acceleration (like, multiple gees are possible as i understand it) and letting you accelerate up to small percentages of the speed of light inside and out of the solar system for basically free. this could be done more or less with existing tech to my knowledge.
i'm still thinking about how to design this into my ships but i think i'm going to have this be the default in-system propulsion tech for Standard Candles vehicles.
Q-Drive lies a lot farther in the future, but basically the idea is that you can use plasmadynamics to make an extremely supercharged kind of rocket. if you have a really efficient particle accelerator, you can hook it up to a series of magnets to draw power from the aerodynamic drag on your plasma sails, meaning you get more power the faster you're moving (faster = more drag). it sounds kind of like troll physics but apparently there's no fundamental reason why this shouldn't work, but a particle accelerator efficient and powerful enough to make it happen is probably quite a ways off into the future. but basically, to sort of put it in videogame terms, unlike regular rockets that only ADD a certain amount of speed per unit fuel, Q-Drive MULTIPLIES your speed, which can give you a pretty crazy boost... especially when you can already sail to multiple percents of lightspeed for free.
as for the FTL stuff, that'll be for another post... keep an eye out perhaps lol
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rachel-of-autumnbow · 11 months
Day 9 of @fanovember: Vampires.
Percy enters a mansion presumably haunted by a couple of vampire twins, but there's nowhere else to spend the stormy night.
Probably grammar mistakes. Perc'ahlia. Vampires. Side Vaxleth cause i cant help it. Percy is a (literal) wet cat. Enjoy
9. Vampires
The storm was raging and Percy was soaked, as well as his glasses. He could barely see, and his backpack was heavier than usual. It was dark, the only source of light were the lightning that broke the sky in two every minute in a deafening burst also shaking his whole body.
He finally made it to the mansion atop the hill and knocked on the front door. It opened with that mere push, which was strange, given the strength of the wind. Suspicious, Percy entered the hall and closed the door behind him. He shook the water off his head and his glasses and let the backpack down on the floor. There were candles on through the room. “Hello?” Only his own echo answered, along with the muffled storm outside. “Anybody home?” Rain falling on the rose window, but nothing else. “Fuck it.” Percy hung his backpack on his shoulder and started walking towards the stairs, decided to find a room for himself, and maybe even a bathroom.
When he got to the top of the first section, he heard a laugh. A masculine laugh. Percy shook his head. “Don’t let the local stories get into your head. Vampire twins. Yeah, sure. This has been abandoned for years.” Another laugh, a woman this time. Percy turned around to try and see, but his glasses were still dripping. He continued to the first corridor, “Must be my influenced imagination,” he said to himself. He tried opening the locked doors until he found an open one. "Finally!" The fire was set. He let down the back pack and took out everything that would need to dry, mainly clothes.
He barely looked at the bed, neatly made or took out any rations to eat. He sat at the desk with all his tools ready to fix his guns in case they had water inside too. Luckily Bad News didn’t have any, although that wasn’t the case with the pepper-box, so he started working on it silently.
“Need any help?” Percy stood and turned around, pointing Bad News at the source of the voice. A woman sat on the edge of the bed, legs crossed and a hand resting behind her. She laughed. Pointy fangs on sight. “I don’t think that’s going to be of any use, dear.”
“Who are you?”
“Don’t worry, if I wanted to harm you, I would already have done so.”
“Who are you?”
She sighed and stood up too. Percy unlocked the safety catch and she lifted her arms. “My name is Vex, pleasure to meet you, Mr. Big Gun.” Percy didn't laugh with her.
“This is filled with silver bullets, just so you know.”
“Precious, I wouldn’t waste them if I were you.”
“I don’t believe you’re actually a vampire.”
“So, you’re a skeptical one. Well, I’m not here to convince you.”
“Then why?”
“Just to tell you you can stay here for as long as you want, but this is Keyleth’s room.”
That name was familiar, he heard it in the town, when the shop owner told him about the vampires. “That’s the girl you killed.”
Vex bursted a new laughter. “Believe me, killing her is not what my brother did with her.”
“She never went back to town.”
“That was her own decision to make.”
The door opened and both Percy and Vex looked at the girl. “Oh, uhm… hi.” That was the voice he had heard laughing climbing up the stairs. Her teeth didn’t show any signs of vampirism.
“Keyleth, dear, we have a visitor.”
“I see, uhm… I see you made yourself at home already,” she smiled, “Don’t bother to pick anything up, I can sleep in Vax’s room today, uh… What’s your name?”
Percy glanced at Vex side eye and lowered the gun. “Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III.”
Vex walked towards the door and stood next to Keyleth. “Good night, Percy, if you need anything you can pull this cord here. My room is right next to this one, and the next one is my brother’s.”
Percy was pretty sure he didn’t imagine the wink Vex threw at him before disappearing with Keyleth.
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francesminos-tt · 1 year
religious!Daeron x little shit!Joffrey
Daeron, a follower of faith and defender of "society's moral values", is corrupted by his provocative nephew.
The sept was dark and quiet, the strong scent of incense filling the air. There were seven statues in the sept, representing the faith of the Seven. Daeron took off his helmet and handed it to his squire at the door, before entering the stifling sept.
The sept had no window, the only lighting source was the flickering candles scattered around the altar. The septon nodded to Daeron as the prince entered, but they didn’t exchange any words. Daeron wasn’t offended, for he was only a humble follower of faith, not a prince, in a holy place like this.
Daeron lit a candle and placed it on the altar before kneeling down to pray. It was his routine, a quick prayer after training. He was the only one of his siblings who kept a strict routine of daily prayers, before breakfast, after training and before bed. He accompanied his mother to faith services three times a week. They called him Daeron the Daring, but he might as well be Daeron the Faithful.
Daeron closed his eyes and whispered a simple prayer. The Faith taught its followers to always be grateful and thoughtful during their daily lives. Daeron was training for a tourney a fortnight from now, but today’s training didn’t go well as he expected. He was distracted most of the time, and was even knocked off his horse two times.
“Please give me strength, Warrior.” Daeron whispered.
The quietness of the sept always calmed his mind, but today, the scent of incense only made him restless. Daeron frowned, trying to concentrate, but failed miserably.
“Something bothering you, my prince?” The septon asked next to him.
Daeron felt something touched his arm, gentle as a feather. The prince turned his head sharply to the septon, only to find a pair of dark eyes staring back at him.
The septon wore a simple linen robe, loose around the collar, exposing his pale, smooth neck. A mop of dark curls cascading down the septon’s shoulder, dark as raven’s feather, a sharp contrast to the paleness of the neck. The septon had a small smile on his face, pink lips curling up slightly, reserved with a hint of hidden mischief.
No. It was not right. The septon was an old man with brown spots on the wrinkled skin. The old man was bold, with a pair of dull, green eyes. The young man in the septon’s robe was not the septon.
“What are you doing here,” Daeron hissed, looking around as if to make sure no one could hear or see them, “Joffrey?”
“Did you miss me?” Joffrey asked as his smile widened, the feigned reservedness giving way to mischief.
“Why are dressing like a septon?” Daeron shifted away from his mischievous nephew, “Where is Septon Eustace?”
“Drunk. I sent him to rest.” Joffrey kneeled down beside Daeron and place his hand on the blonde’s shoulder, “I think perhaps I can take his place when he’s resting. The sept needs a servant of the Faith to receive faithful man like you, doesn’t it?”
“You don’t even follow the Faith, Joffrey. It’s highly disrespectful-”
“Is it?” Joffrey came closer, his face inches away from Daeron’s, “I am so sorry, uncle. I mean no harm. I promise.”
“Get away from me.” Daeron tried his best to ignore the warm breath on his cheek when Joffrey spoke, “And get rid of that robe.”
Joffrey did as he was told. He backed down, stood up and took off the overly large robe, exposing his naked body underneath. Joffrey wore nothing under the robe, showing off his body as if it was the most natural thing to do.
Daeron’s heart skipped a beat as he felt a rush of blood to his cheeks. He jumped to his feet in less than a second, taking off his cloak in the process and throwing it over Joffrey’s shoulder, concealing the brunette’s nakedness in a desperate attempt to save whatever holiness left in this sanctuary of the Seven.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Daeron was on the verge of losing it completely, “This is a sept! Not a whore house!”
“You told me to get rid of the robe.” Joffrey replied, blinking, his long and thick lashes batting innocently, “I only did as I was told. I have been a good boy, uncle.”
“No, you have not.” Daeron shoved Joffrey to the back of the altar and pinned the boy on the cold marble, “You didn’t attend training today, as you should. Instead, you wasted your time here playing dress up.”
“Is that why you looked so grumpy when you entered?” Joffrey tilted his head to side, a strand of curls falling to his face, “Because I didn’t show up at training today?”
“I don’t give a damn about your training, but you ignored your duty today. You are not good, Joffrey. You are a lazy, unresponsible, shameless, unholy piece of shit.”
“Then what are you going to do to punish me, uncle? As a loyal follower of the faith?” Joffrey smirked, his eyes sparkling with mischief, “Spank me?”
Daeron was silent for a while, his nostrils flaring and his lips pursed tightly into a thin line. He was angry. No, furious. How dare Joffrey interrupt his moment of holy prayers? How dare Joffrey dress up like a septon but act like a whore? How dare Joffrey be so disrespectful of the gods?
And why Daeron couldn’t keep his eyes off the brunette boy? Why did his heart ache with desire when he saw Joffrey’s long neck and fluffy curls? Why did his pants become so tight all of a sudden?
“I will do much worse.” Daeron said after a long pause. He flipped Joffrey over, lifted his own dirty cloak and parted the boy’s butt cheeks after giving Joffrey’s butt a loud slap.
Joffrey let out a muffled moan, his head rolling back and his legs began to shake. He was exhilarated and satisfied, proud of himself that he had successfully corrupted the most faithful follower of the gods.
Daeron would choose him, Joffrey, a lazy, unresponsible, shameless, unholy piece of shit, rather than the fair, gentle, justified and holy Seven.
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
You've got me quite invested in the idea of gl wanting to protect humans but ending up hurting them more by basically forcing the entities to having to survive off humans,, like that's such a cool idea I love it!!
Oh my god you get it. You get the theme. THE THEMEEEE.
Minor spoilers for ask blog (when I come back to it)
The hotel is a living magical (ecosystem?)
The entities live within its walls and in exchange for shelter, food, a place to safely reproduce- they must protect and maintain it lest it fall apart. This is why beds are always folded, rooms dusted and cleaned. They decorate it with ornaments during the winter. Candles are lit, incense is lit and songs are sung/put on the radio to soothe it’s pain.
Even when it cannot do that for itself anymore.
The hotel cannot protect itself. And even when it was at peak health, it couldn’t protect itself.
It can try, but it’ll typically fail due to delayed reaction. That’s why you see bookcases drop or mysteriously barricaded areas (some barricades are from entities, others are natural, the nailed down ones definitely.)
Unfortunately, the magical conduit/organ/power source (still working on that bit here) has been damaged by yours truly.
So guess what! Unaided, It can no longer (without failure or damage heavy damage/distortion.)
Make new rooms, only shuffle/warp around pre-existing ones.
Make new objects appear. Including food/organic matter.
Make stuff float/sort/clean themselves. (It tries, but is massively discouraged by entities)
Repair major parts of itself. (Not including light bulbs)
Make new entities/organic life.
GL fucked up baaaaad
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