#critical role percy
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thereifling · 3 months ago
“Flying” CR comic
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redwinetalks · 5 months ago
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Hey Percy?? Hey Percival Fredickstein Von Musel Klossowski De Rolo III? Hey what did you just say?? We’re what? What’s happening right now????? You chose to say what now? In this near death scenario you said hmm?
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liltaireissocute · 1 month ago
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remember those 2 weeks Vax spend with Percy in his Whitestone lab? 'cause i do
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chaoticrage99 · 4 months ago
The Veil Between Love and Death
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CW: angst, mentions of de@th, possession on Percy’s behalf
Being in Whitestone for the first time, you thought it would be under different circumstances that you did not have to fight the undead or vampires, nonetheless, you were happy to help Percy out through this time of need.
Fighting alongside the members of Vox Machina, who you joined with Keyleth, to destroy the evil and undead that plagued Whitestone by the Briarwoods, who you all found out were the people who murdered Percy’s family and had taken over Whitestone.
They had turned it into a barren and desolate wasteland, filled with walking stone giant zombies. You were mortified and infuriated at how the people were being treated and the party felt the same, Percy even more.
From rescue missions to setting different houses on fire, you all helped the revolution and made your way into the castle to finally defeat the Briarwoods. Battling different foes and trying to stop Percy from killing one of the people on the barrels of his gun. You all seem to notice the black smoke becoming more and more apparent and visible and he didn’t seem to be himself, taking a mental note for yourself as you continued downward.
You all were below the castle, on top of a ziggurat, fighting the Briarwoods and a charmed Vax’ildan and Cassandra. You were helping Vex to snap Vax out of his charmed spell but nothing seemed to be working no matter what you or Vex said to him. You looked over to Percy who appeared to be having no luck with Cassandra as Sylus was in the middle of their fight. Luckily for you guys, Keyleth made sunlight to help break the charm, and together, with Grog, they burned Sylus to dust and took Delilah with you all.
Vax was helping aid Keyleth when you all made it to the acid room. You notice that Percy is almost completely wrapped in the black smoke and doesn’t seem like himself when talking to Delilah. The way that he was threatening her for vengeance for his family and going to torture her bit by bit so it lingers, that wasn’t Percy anymore and you knew that. Vex stepped in front of him and Delilah and from where you were, you could hear their conversation. She carefully took off the mask and it revealed Percy’s face he looked terrified and his eyes had blackened with his iris’ now bright orange.
Ever since you and Keyleth had joined Vox Machina, you and Percy were always together whether you were helping him build new weapons or just going into town and getting supplies for the team.
The more time you spent with Percy, the more you started to fall for him and who he was. The slightest touch of your hands with his made you crave his touch more and anytime your eyes met for a few seconds, you would look away and blush a bit. You both would confine in each other with whatever was bothering you or if you had a certain problem that was bothering you, except whenever he told you and the party about the Briarwoods and his family.
Everyone has secrets in the end.
Suddenly black smoke overtook Percy revealing itself as the smoke demon Orthax. The team was keeping Delilah away from Percy no matter the cost. That seemed to make Orthax upset and he had completely taken over Percy’s body and was making him shoot at anything that stood in his way for vengeance.
“Percy! You must stop this! This isn’t you, wake up!” You shout at him while dodging bullets while helping the others. This wasn’t the Percy you had fallen in love with and he needed to fight Orthax and regain control.
“Isn’t there something someone can do?” Vax yells out as he jumps behind the cover that you, Vex, and Keyleth were behind.
“You’re not under a charm anymore, say something to him! Say anything!” Vex grips Cassandra’s collar while saying this before letting her go. Cassandra nods, gets up from behind the cover, and slowly walks towards Percy as Orthax’s form looms over him.
You decided to go with her and hold onto her shoulder to give her support when she was reaching out and telling Percy to fight within and find the real him, which the others had come out so you all were together as a group.
Suddenly you felt a burning pain shoot through your body, close to your heart. You let go of Cassandra and look down and see that you were shot through your chest as black smoke wisps up and dissipates. The blood seeping through your shirt and some coming out of your mouth, you stumble a bit before looking up at Percy with tears rolling down your cheeks and seeing one of his eyes had returned to normal.
“Percy…” you said before you fell to the cold concrete ground.
You hear a scream and a second gunshot had gone off, not sure where it went or who it was for due to your vision fading in and out. You saw blurs in front of you and the sounds were beginning to be muffled and turn into high-pitched ringing. Suddenly visions of your life started flashing before you so realistically as if you were reliving your life over again.
Most of the moments you saw were times spent with Percy and how he made you laugh and smile, especially when you were helping him with his experiments and some of them blowing up in his face. You both look at each other and burst out laughing as black powder covered his face. Other moments showed you two enjoying each other's presence, whether it was chatting over something or reading together in silence in the foyer of Grayskull Keep.
A tear rolls down your cheek as the moments begin to dissipate, leaving you with nothing.
You wanted to say something but couldn’t before suddenly, your vision faded to black. All senses slowly left you and the last thing you swore you could hear, even with your hearing muffled, was someone yelling, “Y/N!”, and then darkness. You slowly fall into a cold and deep dark solitude, wondering if you will ever see your friends or your love again.
Author’s note: So this is the first thing I’m posting so I hope you all enjoy. I hope to post more Vox Machina tales soon. If you’d like a part 2, please let me know. Also I’m not great with titles so apologies for that lol 😅
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vaxlethtrash · 1 year ago
Percy: Nobody calls Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III a thief!
Gilmore, whose shop Vox Machina was robbing:
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deadarchivesienjoy · 5 months ago
i’ve seen a lot of people share their thoughts on the changes made so i’m gonna add my two cents
- vax and keyleth
i know a lot of people don’t love that vax was the one like ‘we can’t be together because of your aramente’ instead of how in the campaign keyleth was the one who was like that. but i think it works given where the characters are at in the show. it’s very different from where they were at in the campaign and honestly i don’t think it would have made sense for keyleth to be like that in the show.
- vex and percy
do i love a slow burn? yes. am i sad that we don’t get to really drag it out? a little. BUT YOU KNOW THE ANGST IS GONNA BE GOOD WHEN WE GET TO GLINTSHORE BABY!! ‘we are just a fling’ oh baby girl you in for a rough one
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stacia-honey-art · 2 years ago
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Here's a Percy sketch I did a while ago! I am planning on finishing it but it's giving me a hard time with the rendering so I keep dropping it 😣
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nowyoursoulisforfeit · 2 years ago
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It is crunchy as hell, but the Perc'ildan shipping world needs to see this.
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sunstone-smiles · 2 months ago
There's No Working On Winter's Crest!
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Author’s note: Happy Holidays everyone! Merry Critmas because a Critical Role fic is here! I absolutely love how this fic turned out and it might be one of my new favorites that I've written. This fic is part of the @squealing-santa event and was made for wrestling!anon! 🎁 Thank you @squealing-santa / @cantsaythetword for all your hard work as host this year! Now on to the fic! Enjoy!
Series: Critical Role (Campaign 1) 
Characters: Percy, Vex, Vax, (and guest starring the Vox Machina crew and Cassandra)
Provided prompts:  “Forever love ‘character A doesn’t think they’re ticklish; character B proves them wrong’” / “…also love the Percy/Vex/Vax combo of ‘Vex & Vax are chaos goblins and Percy is wayyy too serious.’”
Word count: 5,328
Summary: Percival claims he has work to do when the rest of Vox Machina is decorating the castle of Whitestone for Winter’s Crest. Vex and Vax volunteer to persuade (or annoy) him until he caves in; however, their conversation skews slightly off topic when Percy has an unexpected, jumpy reaction to a poke Vax delivered when he was emphasizing his words.
The Winter’s Crest festival is just around the corner as citizens across Tal’Dorei prepare for the festivities, especially in the Kingdom of Whitestone. Snow drifts gently to the surface of the walkways and powders the roofs of homes in a coat of white that brings a literal meaning to the name Whitestone. Townsfolk are dressed in thick furs and winter resistant outfits to decorate the city. They put up strings of magic lights hanging across the streets, ribbons adorning homes and merchant stalls, and other handcrafted decorations—like snowflakes and snow-themed creatures that many of the children make—are displayed on the front doors of homes. The Sun Tree, the centerpiece of the Kingdom, has also been dressed with lights and ornaments for the festivities.
The castle of Whitestone is no different. Inside, currently lining the halls and the main foyer of the castle, the heroic group members of Vox Machina are in the process of putting up the decorations. Though unfinished, the area is already teeming with wintery accessories. Like the rest of the town, snowflakes are plastered on the walls or dangling on strings, small bulbs of magic infused light arcs across the edges of the roof, and fluffy cotton is clumped together to line the corners of the walls; it makes the room look like a portrait of a snowfall that breached inside the castle’s halls.
Cassandra, the current youngest heir of Whitestone, enters the wintery landscape. She gasps, glancing about the room with sparkling eyes like a child witnessing the beautiful display of a real snowfall.
“I love what you’ve done with the place, Vox Machina. It looks lovely,” Cassandra says as her sight indulges in every bit of her surroundings.
Keyleth, with a hand-made parchment snowflake in her hands, pipes up beside her. “Thanks! We saw that the rest of Whitestone was decorating, so why not give the inside of the castle the same treatment? At least to get everyone in the spirit of the Winter’s Crest festival.”
Cassandra chuckles. “I don’t disagree. I knew you would all be decorating, but this is already mesmerizing.”
“You can thank me for that,” Scanlan points to himself, speaking with pride. He’s standing on Trinket’s back and using the bear as a platform to reach higher ground. “I know a thing or two about preparing a room for special occasions,” Scanlan boasts. Trinket growls and shakes under his feet in response, nearly causing Scanlan to tip over.
Cassandra giggles again. Glancing about the room, she sees Keyleth choosing a new spot for her parchment snowflake, Vex and Vax stringing colorful orbs together, Pike standing on Grog’s shoulder as they both focus their decorations on the same wall, and Scanlan glaring at Trinket after the bear’s attempt to knock him off. Everyone has given themselves a project to add on to their winter scene. But, hold on… Where’s–
“Wait a minute, where’s Percival?” Cassandra asks, seeing no sign of her brother.
Vex answers. “Percy said that he had more important things to do,” she draws out her words sarcastically, rolling her eyes at the thought of the man’s decision. “If you ask me, I think he’s just being stubborn.”
Vax glances up towards the hallway behind Cassandra. He nudges his twin in the shoulder. “Well, look who decided to show up at the right time,” Vax gestures his head in the direction of the hallway. 
Vex and Cassandra turn. They see Percy walking across the foyer in their direction. He’s carrying a small wooden crate in his hands and his eyes are glancing inside of the box’s contents as he heads towards the other end of the room.
“Percy! There you are!” Cassandra calls his name as he passes by her. “Why aren’t you decorating with everyone else? I’m about to join them as well.”
Percy stops walking to properly speak with his sister. He shifts the box in his hands to get a better grip. “Because Cass, I have a lot of work to do. You all keep on decorating. I’ll join you later if there’s time.”
Vex barks out a laugh. “By the time you’re done tinkering, darling, the whole inside and outside of the castle will be finished.”
Percy narrows his eyes at the ranger’s claim, but pays it no mind as Cassandra pulls his attention with her own concerns. 
“But Percy, this is a time for joy and relaxation. What are you building that’s so important—” Cassandra places a hand on the box to sneak a peek inside. Percy yanks the box to the side and tears it from her view.
“That is none of your business, Cass. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some work that needs to be done.” Percy states before walking away and leaving towards his original destination.
Cassandra, Vex, and Vax watch him exit in silence as his form disappears into the hall and behind the palace walls.
Cassandra crosses her arms and grumbles. A little bit of her childish side shows despite how mature she usually holds herself. 
“You’re right, Vex,” she says while staring at the empty hallway. “My brother is a great, big, stubborn, pain in the–”
“A donkey! I made a donkey!” Grog exclaims from across the room while excitedly showing Pike his hand-made snowflake donkey.
“Nice, Buddies!” Pike complements from her spot on his shoulder.
Cassandra throws her hands down to her side with a huff and smooths out her dress. “You know what? I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.” She daintily stomps a few steps forward.
“Hold on there, Cassandra,” Vex places an arm out to stop her, smiling. “Allow Vax and I to deal with Percy. We know how to be more than enough of an annoyance in order for him to cave in.”
Vax leans over his twin’s shoulder. “Plus, he might put up more of a fight if it’s against his sister,” Vax smirks. Vex responds with a playful elbow to his stomach.
“You do have a point,” Cassandra concedes with a chuckle. “Alright then, I’m entrusting this task to you. Bring him out here and let’s show him how to be in the ‘proper’ Winter’s Crest spirit. I’ll check in a little later to see how things are going.”
“Will do, Cassandra,” Vex places their string of ornaments down with Vax and winks at the young de Rolo.
“We’re on it,” Vax says while already beginning to walk backwards. Vex joins him and they both make their way towards Percy’s direction.
Through the marble halls of polished white, Percy’s footsteps and the occasional rustle from his box of materials keeps him company. He passes by a few bedroom doors of his allies before he reaches his own room. As he repositions the wooden crate into one arm to free one of his hands, a third arm suddenly slings over his shoulders.
“Hey there, de Rolo!” Vax exclaims by his side. Percy jumps.
“Vax! Don’t sneak up on me like that,” Percy adjusts his glasses. Over Vax’s shoulder, he sees Vex walking up to join them.
“Sorry, friend. Hard not to when that’s your speciality as a rogue,” Vax shrugs one arm while the other remains around Percy.
“And don’t forget about me,” Vex leans her arm on Percy’s unoccupied shoulder and smiles.
Percy sighs between the two twins barricading him at his sides. “If you’ve come to convince me to decorate with you all, the answer is no,” Percy opens the door to his quarters. He enters, immediately heading straight towards his desk and leaving the twins behind. He places the crate on the surface of his desk with a clatter from the materials inside. 
Vax leans a hand against the doorframe. “Well, the whole point of convincing is to change that answer to yes,” the rogue persists. He watches as Percy reaches into the crate and pulls out onto his desk golden-colored gears, tinkering tools, and a small chest lined in purple velvet that has a similar shape and size of a box that could hold jewelry.
“Exactly,” Vex agrees with her brother. “And I think we’re both pretty skilled when it comes to our tactics of persuasion.”
Vax crosses his arms and switches to leaning his back against the doorframe. “You have struck quite a few bargains here and there, sister.”
“I wouldn’t say a lot, just when it was necessary. Like when I dropped the cost of that book that was thirty-five gold pieces down to twenty-five.”
“Twenty-five? I thought it was thirty?” Vax steps further into the room.
“No. That seems too low of a bargain for me. I think it was twenty-five.” Vex pauses. “Or maybe we met in the middle, like around twenty-seven?”
Percy lets out a long, irritated sigh. Without even looking at the twins, he says, “You’re not going to leave until I say ‘yes’, are you?”
“Ah, looks like Percival’s catching on,” Vax wraps an arm around the noble’s shoulder again, smirking at him. Percy crosses his arms.
The noble shakes his head with an eye roll to the side. “I know this isn’t going to work, but I’m going to try it anyway—is there any chance that you’ll leave me alone and let me work in peace?”
Vex leans on his desk. “Ha! Not a chance.”
“Thought so…” he grumbles.
“You see, Freddy,” Vax says. “You, my friend,” he gently pokes Percy in the side and leaves his finger pointing at him, “need to get into the holiday spirit. So stop. Being. Stubborn!” Vax delivers a poke for each of his final three words, adding slightly more pressure to the third poke for emphasis.
“Aah!” Percy jumps away from the third jab. “Vax! What was that for?” Percy rubs the spot on his side.
Vax puts his hands up to prove his innocence. “Whoa. Sorry, de Rolo. I didn’t think you would be so sensitive. Are you ticklish, maybe?” Vax genuinely asks for clarification; however, a slight hint of amusement curls its way into his voice.
Percy adjusts his vest. “Unfortunately for you and what you’re thinking about, no, I am not ticklish.” Percy flicks his eyes to the side, “Not anymore, at least. You surprised me is all.”
Vex, intrigued by his words, backtracks to his initial response. “So, you were ticklish once before?”
“A long time ago, sure. Cassandra would be an absolute menace with it,” Percy answers. “But I grew out of it,” he looks towards his desk.
The ranger listens to Percy’s words and watches his expression intently, trying to gain any insight towards his claims. She can tell that he’s speaking the truth, as far as he knows. Though, there are traces of uncertainty when Percy glanced away during his last sentence.
“Do you know that for a fact?” Vex exposes the brief blunder in Percy’s words.
The noble freezes. That got his attention.
“Well… I assume so,” Percy replies.
Vax smirks, catching on to his sister’s plan. “Ahh, so it seems Percival’s evidence is outdated.” 
“Meaning that the answer is still unknown,” Vex joins in with a smirk of her own. “You’re a man of science, right Percy? Let’s test our theory.” She wiggles her fingers at him.
Percy returns a glare in Vex’s direction, unfazed by her attempt to taunt him. “I already told you, I’m not ticklish. But you know what? I’ll humor you.” He turns to his work and resumes speaking over his shoulder, “Go ahead and try to tickle me because you won't get the reaction you’re expecting. And once you try, you have to leave me alone to work. Do we have a deal?”
The eyes of the twins widen. They glance at one another with silent expressions of shock before looking back at Percy.
“Did my ears deceive me or is Percy actually giving us permission to tickle him?” Vex gasps.
“We do have to agree to his conditions…” Vax ponders. “But, what the hell? We can’t let this opportunity go to waste.”
The twins excitedly step up to both of his sides as Percy continues his tinkering.
“So, where should we start? There’s so many spots to choose from!” Vex teases like she’s a tourist exploring a new town.
Percy sighs again from their antics, already regretting his decision to let them even try. “Just pick one and move on,” he says without even taking his eyes off his work.
“Well, poking his side got a reaction out of him in the first place. Let’s try there,” Vax suggests to his sister. The rouge presses his fingers into one of Percy’s sides, followed by a gentle wiggling. Percy jolts and bangs into his desk, though more so from the aspect of surprise rather than the attempt at tickling. With a quiet grumble, the noble regains his composure. He has no reaction when Vex presses her fingers into his other side, since he was expecting the attempt this time. He returns his focus towards his tinkering, as if the twins are nothing more than an itch that can be ignored.
For (barely even) a second, that is. Until the corner of his mouth suddenly twitches upwards. 
Percy neutralizes his expression, but every time he tries to refocus, his mouth pops back up into a quivering smile. His fingers subtly flinch as he works. The sensation at his sides grows more and more tingly. There’s a bubbly pressure building in his throat that’s slowly rising like steam in a tea kettle.
It occurs to Percy that, despite his arguments, he is, most definitely, still ticklish.
Percy, being as inconspicuous as he can, leans his head closer to his chest and shoulder to hide his wobbly expression. His arms nearly fall to his sides as a reflex of protection, but he attempts to stay as casual as possible to conceal his ticklishness from the twins.
“Are you sure you’re not ticklish, Percy?” Vax tilts his head with a smirk.
“Because for someone who’s not ticklish, you sure are trembling a lot,” Vex says, having a keen eye for the subtle shifts in his movements.
“It’s just…difficult to concentrate!” Percy steadies his words so he doesn’t stutter. However, one of the twins spiders their fingers up to his ribs, causing Percy to slam a hand on his desk so he doesn’t completely collapse forward. There’s another surge of pressure in his chest. His smile wobbles even higher like it’s a ship being elevated by a wave in a storm. Percy’s in big trouble now.
“Really? Does concentrating involve slamming a hand on your desk and nearly folding yourself in two?” Vex knowingly questions, confirming to Percy that it was her who experimented with a new spot towards his ribs.
“Y-yes! It does!” Percy responds, letting a stutter slip.
“Mmhm,” Vex hums as she reads him.
Technically, it’s not a lie. He really is concentrating…on not bursting out into laughter right in front of the twins. He bites his lip and curls his head closer to his chest and shoulder. He’ll never hear the end of it if he ends up letting the half-elfs hear a giggle or two slip. If he holds out just a little longer, they’ll give up and stop. Right?
“Let’s face it, Vex. Maybe he really isn’t ticklish anymore,” Vax states, although there’s a teasing demeanor that drips from his voice like the poison from one of his daggers when he’s about to strike. Vax slows his fingers down to a stop, giving Percy the slightest sliver of hope that he could prevail.
…Oh, who is he kidding? These twins don’t give up until they get what they came for.
Vax quickly scribbles his fingers into Percy’s stomach using a sneak attack. Although Percy holds back his giggles, a few airy snickers slip from the gunslinger before a loud snort emanates from his person like the echoing blast of an explosive shot. 
Percy immediately slaps a hand across his mouth. Time feels like it stops. A moment of dead silence passes as Percy senses his imminent doom approaching. He can already feel their grins searing a mark at the back of his head.
To his better judgement, Percy lowers his hand and slowly turns his head around. His back hits against his desk when he’s met with the two gleaming grins of the twins.
“Gotcha.” Vax smirks.
“Oh no–” Percy’s eyes are wide behind his glasses. Without further hesitation, the twins lunge at him. Percy lets out a startled scream. He clamps his hands to his sides as the half-elven twins take advantage at poking, tweeking, and scribbling the open spaces of his torso. Percy shimmies between them, protesting and shoving at the two through an occasional bark of laughter when one of the twins gets in a good hit; nevertheless, he still holds back his laughter from fully flooding into the room.
“Percy, you’re so squirmy!” Vex smiles as she tries to get a hit on his nimble form.  
“What else did you expect?!” Percy’s words trail with a giggle as he pushes Vex out of the way and tries to run, but Vax throws his arms around Percy’s waist and tugs him back. 
“He’s a fighter alright!” Vax says as Percy kicks and squirms in his grasp. The noble tries to push down on Vax’s arms and pull himself out of his hold, but Vax tugs his friend back towards him.
With his friend grappled, Vax wiggles his fingers into Percy’s sides, resulting in a surprised giggle from Percy. The gunslinger reels in his laughter, toning it down to a stream of snickers so he doesn’t allow the twins to hear the robust laughter their ears desire from his stubborn self. 
Percy shakes his head. “Noho! I’m not ticklish!” he shouts as an impulsive reaction, hearing the giggle in his own words. He facepalms to hide his flustered features and the embarrassment that comes with a critical failure of a deception attempt behind his hand.
“Gods, I knew you were stubborn but that is just flat out denial,” Vax smiles over his shoulder.
“Come on Percy. There’s no need to hide it any more, so cough up that laughter!” Vex darts her hands towards Percy’s ribs. Percy drops his arms to his sides with a yelp that’s finally followed by a plethora of unrestrained, wheezy giggles pouring out of the noble who refused to smile just a few minutes ago. 
“Ah, there it is,” Vex smiles.
Percy wiggles in Vax’s hold and buries his face in his shoulder for a moment, too overwhelmed to think of a snarky comeback. He forgets what to do with his hands after not being tickled for so long, but when Vax gives a quick squeeze to his side, Percy instantly remembers and latches on to the rouge’s wrists. He pries Vax’s hands from him and holds them hostage from his sides, but Vex suddenly scribbles her fingers at Percy’s stomach, which sends the gunslinger with another shriek of giggles stumbling away from his desk and collapsing forward to the floor. 
“Aaand down he goes,” Vax grins.
Percy lifts himself on his arms. He glances up and sees the open door for freedom, but he also sees Vex dash in front of him to block the exit. As the ranger moves her hands towards him, he springs to sit on his knees and wrestles Vex’s approaching hands, protesting, “Vex, no! No!” 
Percy tilts back to avoid her, allowing Vex the momentum she needs to grab his wrists and shove him over onto his back. Then, she immediately buries her scribbly hands into his torso, causing Percy to resume his giggling. (He should have expected Vex, the ranger with a bear as a companion, to have the advantage when it comes to anything like bear wrestling.) Vax soon rushes over and joins her at Percy’s other side.
“Now, returning to the topic at hand, why won't you decorate with us Percy?” Vex asks as she maneuvers her hands around Percy’s flailing limbs to scratch around his belly, occasionally having to pull away then release his wrist for a few moments to get a good scribble in.
“Hohohow many times dohoho I hahahave to say it! I’m wohohorking!” Percy exclaims while wiggling from left to right. He curls to the side with an enormous smile when Vax gets a scribble at his ribs. 
“Well, you’re not getting much work done like this,” Vax observes as he scratches at Percy’s other pair of ribs and corresponding underarm, making Percy curl up in his giggly ball even tighter.
“Vax has a point, Percy,” Vex agrees. “Either you spend your time decorating with us, or you spend it giggling on the floor. The choice is yours,” she teases. 
Just then, a delicate hand grips the doorframe. Cassandra peeks in. The confusion she first had on her face turns into an understanding smile once she sees her brother laughing with assistance from Vex and Vax. The cheerful sound of the room refreshes her with memories of their childhood, making her smile just an extra bit wider.
Cassandra repositions herself to lean back on the doorframe. “So, how’s the persuasion going?” she raises her voice so it’s heard over Percy’s peels of laughter.
Vex and Vax turn and see Cassandra over their shoulders. They share a smile with her, then return their attention to tickling Percy.
“He’s still being stubborn, as expected, but I think we’re making progress,” Vex scribbles a hand at Percy’s side to prove her point. Percy kicks out his legs with another cluster of giggles.
Cassandra also giggles at the scene. “Percival, I didn’t know you were still ticklish.”
“Neither did he a few minutes ago,” Vax replies for him. 
“Cahahahass! Hehehelp me!” Percy reaches a hand out to her before snapping it back down to for protection against Vax’s hand wiggling at his ribs.
Cassandra glances to the roof and taps her chin. “Hmm. Should I? I am on the side who wants you to come decorate with us…”
“If it helps you decide easier, Cassandra, Percy called you a menace earlier,” Vex mentions.
“Nohoho! I–” Percy shouts before he’s cut off by his own intrusion of laughter. 
“Really?” Cass puts her hands on her hips, playfully taking offense at the remark.
“Yep, a big, mean, menace of a sister. I heard him say it myself,” Vax attests. 
“Percy, did you call me a menace?” Cassandra asks with a lighthearted inflection.
“Nohoho! I mean, yes! But it wahahahas in a different context!” Percy admits. 
“I see. Well, I suppose I will help then.” Cassandra turns her attention to the twins. She places a hand to the side of her mouth like she was about to whisper a secret to them. “Vex. Vax. Make sure to get his hips. That was a spot that always got him laughing up a storm.”
“Whahahat?!” Percy shouts. It only then occurs to him the severity of Cassandra’s statement as the memory of his own ticklishness comes rushing back to him.
“Noted,” Vax nods.
“Cahahass, NO!” Percy tries to sit himself up like he’s about to lunge at Cassandra, but the noble is easily shoved back down to the floor by Vex and Vax.
Cassandra leans on the back of her foot like she’s about to sprint. She speeds through her next words, “Well, I’ll take my leave now. Good luck! I’ll see you out there decorating! Bye!” She springs forward and disappears behind the door frame, as if she is running away before she can get into any more ‘trouble’ with Percy; it’s another reminder of her child-like side coming out despite the mature part she plays.
“Cassandrahaha!” Percy yells towards the empty hallway as if he was cursing her name to the gods.
“Well, you heard her,” Vex says. “Let’s try it!”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait!” Percy objects. He flails his arms to shove and swat away the hands of the twins. Despite his efforts, the half-elven siblings are able to find an opening to push his hands aside and allow Vex to give a squeeze to his hips.
Percy curls forwards with a giggly screech before he crashes back to the floor with an outpouring of laughter. His laugh sounds like a squawking crow that’s learned how to chortle with an additional wheeze. But his laugh is far from being annoying; it’s adorable. His head tilts back and he turns it to the side as he pushes and shoves at the hands latched and digging at his hips, and the other set scribbling at his middle. 
“Wow, Cassandra wasn’t kidding,” Vax smiles, “His laughter really does spike there.” 
“Vehehex! Vahahax! Thahahat tickles!!!” Percy wheezes in a higher pitch, his mind too flooded with his own giggly reaction to think before he just stated the obvious.
“Really?” Vex remarks sarcastically. “Well, at least you’re admitting it now.”
“Sounds like we’re starting to knock some sense into him,” Vax says to his sister. He looks down at his giggling friend, “See, Freddy? Isn’t this so much more fun than working alone in your room all day?”
“I agree, Vax,” Vex says. “I mean, what is so important that you can’t leave your room to decorate and spend some time with us?” Vex teases with a rhetorical question.
“I was making a gift!” Percy shouts.
The twins immediately halt the momentum of their hands. Vex and Vax look at one another in stunned silence. They glance back to their friend, who’s steadying his breathing after expelling his remaining giggles.
“A gift?” Vex asks; her voice leans forward with a sense of curiosity.
The noble takes in a few more breaths of air. “Yes…”
Vex’s expression lifts to one of unbridled elation and she gasps as if she was just given the most exciting news. 
“Who is it for? Is it for me? Tell me! Tell me!” Vex questions him like a giddy child. Vex gives a quick scribble to Percy’s stomach. Percy jolts with another giggle and smacks her hand away. 
“It’s not for you! It’s for Cass,” Percy reveals. “Your gift is already finished.”
Vex shows him a soft, thankful smile.
“Cass? That same Cassandra that you called a menace earlier?” Vax jokes.
Percy rolls his eyes. “Yes, that same Cassandra, who I unfortunately love and care for. If you let me up, I’ll show you the gift.”
The twins each extend a hand out to Percy. They pull him to his feet, and he returns a silent ‘thanks’ to them. He straightens his vest and shirt from their scuffle, then walks towards his desk. When there, he places his hand on the velvet chest.
“This is what I was making for her.” Percy opens the lid. Inside, a small, metal figure pops up—a woman with long bronze hair in a ballroom dress designed for dancing. Reflective glass is the background for her stage as she waltzes from side to side on her platform in the middle of the box, occasionally performing graceful twirls. Her movements are paired with the rhythmic chimes of a bell that plays a lullaby-like version of the jolly Winter’s Crest Festival theme.
“It’s a music box,” Percy finally says.
Vex places her hands on her heart. “Oh, Percy. It’s beautiful.”
Vax wraps a gentle arm around Vex, pulling her close to him. “Cassandra is going to love it.”
“Promise me you wont tell her?” Percy glances at his friends.
“Of course, darling,” Vex nods. “We wouldn’t want to ruin a surprise like this.”
Percy closes the lid. “Now you know why I declined the offer to decorate with you all, and why I was so adamant about working. So if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get back to it.”
Vex nods again. “I understand, Percy. We’re not going to force you, especially since this is the reason.” Her voice is soft. It’s a drastic change from the teasing Vex that he heard just a few minutes ago. “But, we would still love it if you could come out there with us, if you get a moment.”
“Yeah, despite how much of a pain you can be, we enjoy your company,” Vax shows a soft smile.
“Vex…” Percy’s voice sighs ‘I can’t’ when his words don’t.
Vex continues, “All I’m saying is that I already know that you put a lot of time into Cassandra’s gift, and towards your other gifts, I can only assume.” She puts a hand on his shoulder. “We’re grateful of course, but I know that she, as well as all of us, would also be grateful if you could eventually take a short break and provide us with the gift of your presence.” Vex ends her speech with a soft smile. Percy lifts his head, allowing him and Vex to exchange a sympathetic glance. After their eyes speak their thoughts, Vex slides her hand off his shoulder, and she rejoins Vax. The twins make their way to the door.
Percy looks away from them and hovers over his desk. His peripheral vision shows the music box on one side, and Vex and Vax’s shadows disappearing from his sight on the other. He lays his hand on the music box. His thumb glides over the velvet material. He rubs it, staying silent amongst the clatter of gears turning in his mind.
Now Percy has quiet time to work on his gift—that’s what he wanted in the first place. It was a choice to either sacrifice time with his loved ones, or sacrifice time for his loved ones. They’ll understand his decision. Vex and Vax already do.
He looks once more at the music box. He thinks about Cassandra, Vex’s words, and the rest of his family just down the hall. He wants them to be happy. So does he.
Vex was right. She is pretty skilled in persuasion.
A long sigh, like he was expelling all the air from his lungs, releases from Percy. “Alright.” He pauses, relieved by the comfort that he’s making a good choice. “I’ll come.”
Vex and Vax turn around. “You will?” Vex’s eyes twinkle. “Oh, that’s wonderful, Percy!” She runs to him and grabs his arm. “Come on! Let’s not keep everyone waiting!” she starts tugging him from his desk.
“Vex, hold on!” Percy pulls against her and starts wildly placing some of the parts on his desk back into the wooden crate. Vex, too excited to wait, pulls him back and straight out the door before he can finish. Vax strolls right behind with a big, beaming smile on his face.
What remains scattered on the desk is a couple of the golden-colored gears, and the velvet music box resting safely beside, like a flower patiently waiting for rain to bloom. It’ll be right where he left it when he returns. 
When Vex and Vax tug him into the room with an announcement, everyone’s smile grows just a little bit wider than it was before. Grog, Pike, and Keyleth even happen to call out his name in unison like a gleeful cheer. It’s a warm welcome within their wintery landscape. 
Cassandra walks up to him, holding two hand-crafted snowflakes. “Glad you could join us, brother,” she says with a thankful smile and hands him one of the snowflakes.
Percy nods. A relaxed smile makes its way onto his features like he is getting cozy near a fireplace. He takes the parchment snowflake, then follows Cassandra to help with the most current wall being adorned by the Winter’s Crest spirit.
Over the course of their decorative snowstorm, lively conversation is held and some tea is brewed and passed around like the group is having their own little holiday party. Laughs are shared, memories are made when Trinket is dolled up in wintery decorations like a tree (to the bear’s reluctance), and their time together is priceless. 
Time is a gift that can’t be wrapped and tinkered with, but it can be cherished as one all the same.
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rebe-draws · 2 years ago
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III I am not immune to Taliesin Jaffe, Percy is one of my favourites. Old art but wanted to share it!
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art-missy · 1 month ago
Alcohol was often an excuse or a way for people to boost their ego. You've seen this all your life. When you told people that you were from a city known for the great variety of alcohols and their strength, they often tell you that a whole barrel would be enough for them.
And you liked to set their ego aside.
Currently, Scanlan could be find hanging unconscious on the chandelier of his Chateau, Vax'ildan was spread like a starfish on a table, and Grog was groaning against a wall. You took great pleasure at sketching their demise, immortalising every detail on paper. Only Pike was still sipping her cup, handling alcohol better than most of the party. You shared a look with Keyleth and she nodded at you. She finally understood why you have strictly forbidden her of touching even one drop of beer.
"What on Earth...?"
Percy, who just arrived in the room, watched his friends with an exasperated consternation, then raised an eyebrow at your calm and amused demeanor.
"Oh, Percy !" you smiled widely. "Since you prefer wine to beer, I got you a bottle. The best I could find."
Percival eyeing warily at the bottle you were pointing, as if it contained a summary of all the sins of humanity. A light scoffed escaped him as he sat down on a nearby armchair.
"So you could draw me inebriated ? I'll pass."
You chuckled softly at his blatant mistrust, setting your pen aside.
"No, don't worry," you shook your head. "I prefer sketching you when you're savoring what's dancing on your taste buds."
To illustrate your words, you turned a few pages of your sketchbook to show a portrait of him. His facial traits on the paper were relaxed, a serene smile painted his lips as the red of the wine glass contrasted with the jade of his eyes.
The real Percy on the other hand, had his eyes widen in shock and his jaw slightly ajar.
"When did you...?" he stuttered, his cheeks flushing.
"Everytime your brows relax, me and my pen are not too far," you shrugged as you handed him your sketchbook.
He turned another page and find another portrait of himself reading a book in a comfortable-looking armchair. The colors were warm, and something soothing emanated from the drawing. This version of himself seemed at peace, a look he could barely find in the mirror.
"Aren't you beautiful when your ego is away ? The best muse I ever had."
He turned another page and find himself laughing, his head tilted back and his eyes wrinkled with joy. He could almost hear his laugh by simply looking at the image. And he almost couldn't recognise himself.
"I can't believe you drew me that often," he breathed out, his eyes still wide as he hand you back your sketchbook.
"Oh believe it," you said calmly. "Because I'll be done only once I'll draw every relaxed expression your face can make. So, will you take the wine ?"
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thereifling · 4 months ago
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“I’ve known a lot of people with money, and they are definitely not worth you”
Drawn in Procreate
Trying out some new fun brushes!
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hi-its-chaos · 2 months ago
Okay but pls tell me theres fics or headcanons out there of mobility aid user Percival De Rolo. I mean, its so simple! He literally uses a cane in the show!
Percy using a cane most days. Percy being able to walk normally on good days. Percy using a decked out wheelchair he has customized to high hell on bad days.
I need this hc so badly
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saintastaeroth · 1 year ago
He's my Orthax 🥰 jokes aside it was so special to meet this man who inspired my trip to becoming a DM! Thank you for honouring me with such a joy!
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jarhara · 4 months ago
I have Percy pictures!
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My Percy cosplay in its full glory. And this is not even its final form yet.
I sadly couldn't bring The List on the con grounds with me, so no full on "no mercy Percy" yet, but I at least had a "replacement character" prepared in case anyone would have killed me 😜
Also sadly not visible in the pictures is Diplomacy's light up effect, so you just gotta believe me when I tell you that the gem on the back of the glove and the "wires" light up light blue.
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chaoticrage99 · 11 days ago
The Veil Between Love and Death 1.5 (Percy’s POV)
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CW: angst, mentions of de@th, Percy is possessed for a bit, Percy uses The List aka his pepperbox
Once a beautiful and thriving place and home to my family and I, now a place of death and filled with dread and sorrow. The Briarwoods took everything away from me and have done this to the people of Whitestone…they will pay for their crimes against us.
Managing to start a revolution with my dear friend Archie to help restore faith and hope to the people of Whitestone and two names removed from the barrel of my gun, the party, my sister, and I had made it into the dungeons of Whitestone castle.
After seeing Ripley and having my body taken over by the smoke and the deep-seated urge to kill her on the spot, I was lucky enough to have Y/N snap me out of it along with my sister. Y/N has always been able to help me in a bind or whenever I need to calm myself it seemed like they knew how to help. Granted I still wanted her to pay for what she had done all these years but we continued our way to the zigguraut to finish this once and for all.
What I didn’t expect was the sudden betrayal of the one who was most important to me and who I hold dear.
My sister.
As soon as I had gotten her she suddenly was taken from me by those blasted Briarwoods again. Oh, they would certainly pay for ever hurting my family and their blood will be spilled by my hands or my name isn't Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III.
We will make sure of it Young Percival. Let’s finish what we have started.
That voice that I’ve come to know since the day I built this gun. I told the party about my past and what happens when I see someone from my dreaded past and the smoke appears. They think that something is corrupting my soul but as of right now, I can’t think about that. We have something we came here to do and it will be finished, one way or another.
The fighting at the ziggurat ended with Sylus being burned by Keylth’s sun with help from the Suntree and Grog.
That was supposed to be our kill! They took it from us! They will not take this one away, Percival.
Delilah tried to bring him back and summoned a black orb that canceled any and all magic, almost killing Keyleth in the process. Luckily, the further away we were from the orb, our magic came back and Vax and Scanlan were able to bring her back from the brink of death.
I dragged Delilah all the way back to the once acid-filled room and began interrogating her. The black smoke had begun enveloping me and the voice mixed with my own. The party had noticed that there was something happening with me and tried to help me, Vex’ahlia included. She took off my mask and I remember hearing her to come back to us but the voice…that damned voice wouldn’t allow it and suddenly I was enveloped in smoke and darkness, my body not moving on my own accord.
My subconscious going through people who had betrayed me and turned against me, and seeing my sister be shot from behind as we had been running away from the Briarwoods. I shot at everyone and anyone that I saw whose name was inscribed on my gun.
I suddenly heard my sister’s voice and aimed my weapon at her, my hand shaking a bit. I heard her talking about how she wanted to help and Vex and Y/N appeared next to her. They were trying to help me break free from Orthrax’s hold on me. My gun kept spinning showing different names branded on the barrel and suddenly I shot when I saw movement. I looked up and saw who I had shot.
“Percy…” I heard them speak softy before falling to the ground
No! Not them!
“No!” I say as I shoot my hand and Orthax screeches out and releases from my body. “Y/N!” I race over to her body that had gone limp and the light from her eyes slowly fading. “Gods, Y/N…I’m so sorry…” I say as I hold their body close and trying to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the wound.
“Percy, we need to get them out of here now, or they will die!” I heard Keyleth say to me and before I knew it, I felt Grog pick up their body and carry them out from beneath the palace along with us following close behind.
The healers came and took Y/N to the med bay to prepare for surgery. I wanted to go with them but I was held back by Vax and Grog, struggling to get past them with tears streaming down my face.
“Percy, let them do what they need to do. If you went back in there now, you would only feel more guilty than you do right now. We’re here for you, and we’re all worried about them, but as of right now, we need to wait,” Vax says to me in a stern and calm tone.
I nod before sitting down in a nearby chair, head in my hands, wondering if they would be alright. My party and sister surrounded me and gave me as much support as I needed but the question that swirled in my head and caused me to stay awake was…
Would they ever forgive me for what I had done to them?
Hey guys! Firstly, @undertale-anomaly20 thank you for the idea for writing Percy’s POV. I hope this came out well. Secondly, i apologize for this getting out really late, I’ve been really busy with work and also kinda writers block. I hope you all enjoy this and I will be writing the next part soon. Also I am getting to requests if you guys have any, slowly but surely. Anyways, I love you guys and I hope you guys enjoy! Also if you would like to see/request other things other than Vox Machina, please send in some requests ^~^
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