#why does this read a bit like an ad 😂 it is not!! you can request art or fic or moodboards or novel narration etc for lots of danmei books
danmeireader · 24 days
Danmei Action has 15 gifted prompts!
Some generous danmei fans wanted people to request whatever ideas they like for the danmei books they like! Don't hesitate to message us to get a slot!
More details in this post:
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thechekhov · 8 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts
CH. 34 Cockatrice
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He's doing his best.
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L...Laios no..... LaioS NO
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I respect Kui-san so much for the work she puts into not only the Senshi pantyshots but also affirming the fact that Marcille and Laios are in no way sexually interested in one another whatever.
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I suppose it itches BECAUSE it's healing but also.... w...why does it look infected?
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...did.... did Senshi consent to being a test subject? He looks a bit nervous 😂
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(Marcille has no time for your internalized homophobia)
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Oh??? Is there old-party drama that we're about to be privy to? I'm listening reading.
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In a storytelling sense, this is very clever. Chillchuck is clearly drawing parallels (unknowingly, I assume?) between Laios and Kirby(?). That guy is.... In Control of his party in a sense, and clearly has earned their trust as a leader. But he trusts himself a little bit too much for it to result in an unhealthy feedback loop of 'I'm always right, these other people think so too!'
Meanwhile, although Laios isn't actively trying to steer the group, they DO trust him to care about their safety, to an extent, and retain their own goals and judgements about certain other things. In fact, it's arguably BECAUSE they all trust each other to be better judges of character that they keep one another in check, so to speak.
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The tea is SIZZLING. The girls are fighiiiing
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So. Natural energy points. You're basically using energy of unknown origin to fuel spells instead of tapping into what is available readily.
But that sounds like maybe you'd have some. Hm. Questionable side effects? From adding ingredients into the mix which you can neither understand nor fully control.
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......of course............of course it was.
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it's got business to attend do, presumably. Also, which floor are you guys on? Are you still in that ancient city?
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Maybe that would have been good to.... lead with.......
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.........IS THIS WHAT FALIN IS CAPABLE OF?? IS THIS WHAT SHE USES TO COMMUNICATE WITH SPIRITS? Maybe they ARE both talented, but Laios just never bothered to tap into this.
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I'm sure it's fine. Hang on, didn't they fight this before once already?
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AH right, that was the basilisk. My bad.
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I don't. So this'll be a double surprise for me!
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I aLmost thought this was it!!! Marcille don't fuck with me like this!
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You can't not love her.
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This is NOT the time to be a zombie movie deuteragonist
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.........I guess that's. a good point but. Laios. Buddy.
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I have nothing to say here. This is peak DnD behavior.
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...hang on they never took her out of the pot? 😂
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..how proud you are of them?
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....................yeah alright I guess that works too.
For a second there I thought maybe her petrified hair was gonna snap off and she'd get a haircut.
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base0h · 1 year
Sorry if I bother you or send you something a bit suck but I wanted to know if it was possible to you to do a hcs (or other forma, it doesn’t matter) with shanks and mihawk with a s/o who can copying everything (Haki, Mouvement, Physic, Devil power fruit, Everything) thanks to a rare Devil fruit..? Than you if you make it and sorry if it’s not corespondent to your blog or rules. 🐙
a/n - watch shanks fall in love with himself 💀 I added Law bec why not 💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, s/o has copy copy no mi (copy fruit)
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- At first, he thought this was some twisted nightmare where he met himself… “Oh god. It’s me.” He was so disgusted 😭 he was also so embarrassed whenever you copied his abilities, hearing you say “room” and “shambles” made him reconsider what he named his techniques. 💀
- “Room…” -law “SHAMBLES!” -you
- “excuse me y/n. It’s my attack.” Man was offended, you literally interrupted him lmfao 😂 he was all like: bitch don’t take away my spotlight it’s the only thing I have
- “But it’s cool when I get to say it!” He also hates the way his voice sounds now because of this. Overall, he’s very embarrassed of himself, so as a result, you do not use your ability around him much. BUT- he does appreciate it when the marines start targeting you instead of him 🤭
- “LAW. HELP!”
- “Huh? I’m not Law wdym?”
- “NO-!”
- (ahem, I will calm down)
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- enjoys it but also REALLY hates it at the same time. Perona gets you two confused all the time, she’ll ask you where Mihawk’s wallet is and you have to remind her of your abilities. “HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHEN YOU BOTH LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME?!”
- “Scars on the back are a swordsman’s shame!” You said, holding Mihawk’s sword in front of a pirate who had tried to take over the island. Your physique and features were perfect, an amazing copy of Dracule Mihawk himself
- “Y/n, I do not say that. The young roronoa says that. If you do something, get it right.” He said, sipping his wine while reading a newspaper under his umbrella. You glared at the man, turning back into your normal self before shoving the pirate off the island with ease
- “Can you at least admit that I am literally a perfect copy of you-?”
- “No, because you’re not.”
- “Why are you so difficult?”
- “Why are you so talented in things that do not matter?”
- “…You think I’m talented? 😖🥹”
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- shanks absolutely adores the fact that yo have this ability. It makes for amazing party tricks! Turn into Uta and sing a beautiful song? Easy. Turn into Rayleigh so you can scold him? Hell yeah.
- you turned into him one day, and he was impressed. With himself 💀 “Damn- I look good!” -_- You had enough of him looking at you and complimenting HIS looks. So you turned into Rayleigh, and that my friend, is how you get your red haired man to shut the fuck up.
- “Shanks, do the dishes before I punch you.”
- “Yes sir.”
- man is deathly afraid of Rayleigh’s punch- 🤪 so everytime he starts fo be rude in any way, you turn into Rayleigh, it always works! Except turning into the dark king isn’t exactly great for camouflage against marines.
- they ended up seeing you and chasing you around since you looked like Rayleigh. “I’m not Rayleigh! I’m y/n l/n of the red haired pirates!” They stopped in their tracks, “Y/N L/N! THE LEGENDARY PIRATE?! GET THEM!” That plan of yours severely backfired, they ended up calling reinforcements.
- “Rayleigh you need some help down there?” Shanks asked with the literal most smug grin on his face. You got the best idea, while the marines were confused, you turned into a random soldier to blend in. They then caught sight of shanks and started going after him instead. Man did not think to argue with you ever again.
- “Baby I’m sorry 😭 please don’t ignore me I need love.”
don’t give him hugs
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a/n - I loved this idea sm 🤭
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ike-garden2024 · 2 months
Mirror Mirror 🪞
So I read this man’s route. The translated version provided by @aishangotome it was so good! There’s quite a few translations on their page. Go check it out!! 😄 It took me a couple days to process what I read because I binged the entire thing, including both endings 🤣 this is a mess of a post 🙈 the rest of this post will contain spoilers, if that’s not something you want to see please scroll away 😂 anyway thank you @aishangotome for your translation work! Now let’s talk about the man in question, Alfons
Warning ‼️ contains topics that may be uncomfortable to some including but not limited to: death, addictions, trauma, etc.
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The tragic fate attached to his curse is exactly what I thought it would be, to be forgotten by everyone who knew him after he dies. I can only imagine how painful that is. Lots of people nearing death tend to talk about their memories a lot and often I’ve heard them say “I’ll be remembered for x,y,z”, Alfons can’t have that… well, not completely… I like that the writers added the part of Roger and Kate doing some research of people who were involved with someone who has the mirror curse. It opened up another avenue, the name and face may be forgotten but the impact the cursed one had on the other person is not. In fact it leaves the person with a sense of emptiness, like they’ve forgotten something important. While that can be painful, it also means that the life of the cursed one matters, they’re important. I can imagine that no one wants to leave their loved ones with that kind of pain, a pain that will never really heal over time because they’ll always be wondering what/who their forgetting and that could potentially lead to always trying to find answers. It can potentially drive a person crazy. Despite all that, I think I agree with Kate. All of that pain and suffering is worth it. Sure you end up making memories that you’ll eventually forget and you’ll forget the important person but, your body and emotions don’t forget, it’s still actively being felt. That’s why Alfons loving Kate means tearing her life to shreds, leaving unforgettable marks on her entire being. It’s also why he’d prefer to die after her, he genuinely doesn’t want to be forgotten by her. I think in the fake wedding event epilogue she says something about dying together 🤔 I can’t quite remember.
Moving on! The way he goes about using his abilities doesn’t strike me as “evil” necessarily. On his personal time I mean!! He’s certainly making criminals go mad as part of his judgement on them 😂 although it’s a bit twisted, the way he makes himself available for random people to use his power is a form of care. It’s not good to run away from the reality of a situation but many times people wish they could. That’s kind of where addictions and bad habits come from. But even if it’s not that extreme, reading a favorite book, watching a favorite show, playing a game, etc. are also ways to escape reality for a while. I like the way the character Alfons basically encompasses the idea of escapism. It’s an extreme version of something everyone does in their own way. I’ve always loved how writers have the ability to create a whole new world where you can just get lost in. It’s what inspires my career choice and seeing people’s reactions to anime, games, stories, etc. continues to motivate me. I’d love to help create a world one day for people to enjoy. Reading Alfons’s route weirdly motivated me more 😂 without moderation, anything can become an addiction, but it’s sometimes hard to create these moderations. Alfons always makes himself available, his free time is literally dedicated to sex addicts behind a bar and people in the east side(?) of London. Moderation is not in that man’s vocabulary 🤣 He can say it’s for entertainment all he wants but I think he’s somewhat genuinely concerned 😂 he’s like a drug though, have a small taste and you end up wanting more and more.
I don’t particularly like the man’s personality but I understand it a lot better now. I can somewhat respect it but thats it 🤣 His lifestyle choice truly is understandable after reading his story and the “why” behind it all pulls at my heart a bit. Honestly the way he found out about his curse and fate did not help at all 😂 like young Roger had absolutely no consideration when he dropped the info on him. To young Roger it was like “a new subject!” Damn, what if he would’ve turned out a little different had young Roger just gone about it a different way. I believe this is the reason they don’t get along(?) it’s my understanding at least. When the route comes out in English I’m looking forward to reading his side stories to get to know him even more. I definitely find him interesting from a writing perspective. Great character concept and execution!
AH! I forgot to touch on the Elbert/Alfons dynamic. They’re so cute 🥰 you can really tell they care for each other. With their silly bets, Alfons leaving Elbert a handwritten note, and just other things 🤭 it’s great
This is such a bad pile of notes, I apologize for any mistakes but I needed to get my thoughts down and out 😂 Thank you
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This would work for any grumpy x sunshine.
Like sunshine just goes on and on talking about their interests and grumpy listens, from an outside eyes it may look like they don't care but of course they do.
I see a scenario with grumpy!Reader x Eddie. He keeps on talking about his new DnD campaign, and the reader listens, he at some point thinks she's not interested, but wave it off and keeps talking, less enthusiastically though,(he knows she would say something if she wasn't interested at all, but sometime he has a lot of doubts.)
But some time later, she shows up with something she brought for his campaign, and he is just all adoring and hugging.
For a dialogue, you can just write the reader giving Eddie the present, of course.😂
omg yes! this is so cute! 🥰🥰🥰 Warnings: smoking; reader is in a bad mood/grumpy, also I know little to nothing about D&D so sorry for any mistakes about it Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things 😊 gifs aren’t mine 😁
New Dice
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"Dude, what's up with your girlfriend?" Eddie turned to look at Dustin and Lucas who were now beside him at his locker.
"Nothing, why?" he asked, confused. Before either one of them could reply, they all saw you make your way down the hallway, pushing a few people out of your way as you walked to your locker.
"Well... she just... seems a bit... grumpy..." Lucas said, nervously. They all knew better than to talk bad about you in Eddie's presence. "-er than usual" he finished.
"What do you mean, Sinclair?" Eddie asked, confused.
"Look, we know she's not... the most cheerful person, but she's usually pretty chill with us. And today, she even pushed us out of the way" Dustin explained.
"And she didn't answer when we said hello to her, which she always does" Lucas added as they heard you smash your locker's door, louder than usual as one of your least favorite people approached you.
"This is gonna be good" Dustin muttered under his breath.
"Hey, babe-"
Before Andy could even finish, you grabbed his wrist, twirled his arm around, and pushed him against the lockers.
"If you ever touch me again, I will make sure that the only way you are able to eat is through a straw, got it?" you threatened him before letting him go and he nodded cowardly before you made your way through the halls again, pushing a few people out of your way, again.
"Yeah, okay, something might be up" Eddie said, nervously.
Your encounters with Andy were usually just you cursing at him and maybe pushing him away if he got too close. But you were in a bad mood today. And that was not good.
"We just wanted to let you know, dude" Dustin said, patting him on the shoulder before he and Lucas went the other way.
By lunchtime, Eddie was entirely convinced that something was up with you. You had rarely spoken to him, or anyone, really. There was a permanent frown on your face, and right now, you seemed to not be paying attention to what was going on at your table. Granted, whenever you sat with him at the Hellfire table, you rarely participated since you didn't really play D&D. Even if you always listened to Eddie when he talked to you about his character or a new campaign he was working on, deep down, he sometimes feared that you would realize just how different the two of you are and you would basically get bored with him. And today, as he watched you grumpily play with your food instead of eating, while the rest of his friends happily discussed tonight's 'The Cult of Vecna', he definitely felt anxious.
"Hey, princess" he said softly, getting your attention as you lifted your head and smiled wearily at him. "You okay?"
"Yeah" you nodded, looking away from him. "'M fine" you insisted.
You hated that Eddie was probably the person who could best read you, and he would instantly know when something was wrong. You didn't hate that he knew you so well, you hated that he would think you're too moody or get upset about stupid things and wouldn't want to be with you anymore.
"You sure?" he asked, grabbing your hand and stroking the back of it with his thumb. "You've seemed... a bit edgy today" he said, making you chuckle a little. He meant you seemed extremely grumpy today. You had heard everyone else say that. Well, not really the word grumpy but, bitchy.
"Sorry" you murmured, looking down and squeezing Eddie's hand tighter. "I'm a bit nervous about... my Math test" you lied, hoping he would let it go.
"Oh, sweetheart, you shouldn't worry about that" he said, bringing your hand to his lips. "You've studied all week. I'm sure you're gonna do great" he smiled. "Do you want to go over it tonight one last time?"
"No, love. That's okay, you have your Vecna's um... curse thing" you chuckled.
"It's cult, dude" Gareth interrupted, laughing a little. "Is The Cult of Vecna" he corrected.
"That's what I said" you said, rolling your eyes.
"No, you said curse" Jeff laughed.
"Well, it's the same thing!" you snapped at him, getting irritated again. "S-sorry, Jeff" you said, feeling a little guilty. "I need some air" you smiled at Eddie before getting up.
"Is... she okay?" Jeff asked, confused.
"Not really" Eddie sighed, getting up and instantly following you.
He finally made it all the way to the picnic tables past the football field and he found you smoking.
"Thought you said you needed air" he chuckled, when you turned around to look at him, still frowning.
"This is fresh air" you defended yourself.
"Look, sweetheart, I'm sorry" he said, sitting on his side of the picnic table. You frowned at him confused, tossing your cigarette away.
"What? Why are you sorry?" you asked, sitting on the table in front of him.
You hated that your sulky mood may have passed on to him. Eddie was that ray of sunshine that made you want to smile all the time. He looked up at you with his big brown puppy eyes and you felt like someone had just kicked you in the stomach. If there was something that you truly hated, was seeing Eddie upset.
"What's wrong?" you asked, worriedly.
"Look" he said, grabbing your hand in his. "It's just... I know that you don't really like this whole D&D thing and we talk about it non-stop, especially me, telling you about my campaign and all and I just... I'm sorry. I know it can be boring for you and I'm just worried that you realize that we're too different or something and you're just not gonna want to be around me anymore-"
"What? Eddie, love, no" you said, cursing yourself silently. You climbed off the table and sat on the bench next to him, taking a deep breath as you played with his fingers. "You got this all wrong" you muttered. "I'm so sorry I've been in a shitty mood, but I promise it's nothing about that" you insisted, looking up at him. "I love it when you talk about D&D, it's really interesting, and I love how excited you get when you talk about your campaigns" you admitted, feeling your cheeks burning a little.
"Really?" Eddie asked, feeling his heart fluttering and you nodded, with a tiny smile forming on your lips. "So, why have you been in such a bad mood today? And don't say it's your Math test, because I know you're going to do great at that-"
"It's not" you admitted. "I actually had it today and I think I did pretty well" you smiled. "Thanks for helping me study" you added.
"So then, what happened?" he asked, frowning. "I mean, don't get me wrong, seeing you kick Andy's ass was the highlight of my day, but I know that something's bothering you" he insisted.
"You sighed, grabbing your bag from the floor and putting it between the two of you.
"I b-bought you something" you said, looking down.
"You did?" he asked excitedly, but his smile dropped again. "Wait, why did that make you upset?"
"It's just..." you said, getting out a small pouch out of your bag. "Last week, when you were telling me about the whole Vecna campaign, you mentioned you lost your dice" you started. "And so, I wanted to get you new ones, and I did, and I wanted to give them to you today because I knew your campaign was tonight, so I told Gareth and I showed them to him and he said that you had already bought some and that mine were not the right kind because the set only has seven dice and the ones that you use for your campaigns have more" you said, opening the pouch and making the seven dices fall on your palm. Eddie didn't think he could love you more until he saw the dice set. They were black and silver metal dice with blood stains on them. "So, I got upset because when I went to the store, the guy asked me what I needed and he laughed when I didn't really know, and when I asked for dice for D&D he started telling me about all the different types of dice and I just got so confused, and then I saw these and I thought they looked metal, and cool and that you would like them but-"
You were suddenly interrupted when Eddie placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you to him so he could kiss you intensely. You loved these kinds of kisses from Eddie. They were so full of passion and desire that it made your entire body tingle.
"I love you so fucking much" he said, before he planted another kiss on your lips and he felt a smile on your lips.
"I love you too" you said, unable to stop smiling at the way Eddie was looking at you. He looked so enamored by you.
"Princess, first of all, these are the coolest dice I have ever seen in my entire life and I can't believe that you bought them for me and I love them so much!" he insisted, grabbing the dice from your hand before he carefully placed them on their little pouch again.
"Really?" you asked, feeling a little relieved, but you still felt he was just saying that to make you feel better. "B-but Gareth said-"
"Gareth's an idiot" he said, rolling his eyes.
"He's your best friend!"
"He's still an idiot" Eddie insisted. "Look, sometimes we do use more than seven dice but we always use at least seven" he told you. "Plus, are you kidding? These are so badass! Everyone is going to want to play with them, although I might not let them because they are mine and those idiots lost my last ones so-"
"Eddie" you chuckled.
"Right. My point is, I'm sorry that you were in a bad mood because you thought I wouldn't like them" he told you. "Sweetheart, you could give me a cat and I would love it more than anything-"
"Eddie, you're allergic to cats" you chuckled.
"I know, but it's a gift from you" he said smiling. "I love every single thing you give me and that you do for me" he insisted, grabbing your hands in his.
"Really?" you asked, smiling brightly at him. Eddie loved it when you smiled. Especially because he knew he was the only one who made you smile like this.
"Yes, princess" he said, pulling you again for another kiss. "Thank you for my cool gift" he smiled, putting the small pouch in his bag.
"You're welcome, Eddie" you smiled shyly.
"Also, you're gonna tell me the store that you went to and point at the guy who laughed at you because I'm going to kick his ass!"
"Love, you don't have to do that" you chuckled, giving him another peck on the lips.
"Yes, I do. Nobody laughs at my princess" he pouted before he kissed you again.
The End
A/N: hope you loves liked it!
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cosmoglaut · 1 year
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who WALK the EARTH
(It was Hastur's!! Aww whatever happened to the toadhead? Would he be back to challenge Shax for the post of Grand Duke of Hell?)
Inside page describing Aziraphale:
(This font is Furfur's additions)
⚠ Mind you
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On sighting: TORMENT.
An easy target, any demon who does not proceed to aggravate said angel in execessive quantities will be punished with full diabolical force.
Principality. Angel of the Eastern Gate.
Stationed: Land of the Angles, Hemisphere of the West & North.
Appearance: Fair hair. Suspishus Ears. Plum hands.
Replusively soft. Can generully be found wearing various shades of loathsome beige. Occasional spectacles.
Residunce: Angelic Embassy X also known as AZ Fell & Co, 105 Whickber Street, London.
Known Earthly Occupations: Guard of Eden, Music Ty---- (couldn't read), White Knight, Garden Deziner, Bishop, Bookseller.
Weaponry: Flaming Sord.
On sighting: AVVOID
A wily opponent, this demon smiter must be warily approached. Report any interactions to the demon Crowley (circled to say)
Dominion. Angel of the Sky
Appearances: Hair an eye-burning jinnjer. Eyebrows with the appearance of grisly slug. Often draped in red. Occashunly damp, most likely singed.
(At the book seam are added notes:)
⚠⚠⚠ The prop designer has asked not to put the hi-rez photo of the book up on social media. I had written down the transcript before reading about it. I won't be posting the photo, but hopefully the text is ok. Because it's just so deliciously funny 🥺
Now my ravings:
Omg AZIRAPHALE's description!! Suspishus ears?!?! Repulsively soft?! 🤣 I almost thought this might be written by Crowley because of 'various shades of loathsome beige'. Which is actually what prompted me to dig into whether the copy belonged to anyone else at all. But no, it was the toadhead's!
At first I wanted the angel described before AZIRAPHALE to be Muriel given their description as easy target and TORMENT suggestion. But Next angel is BARAQIEL, which makes me wonder if the list is alphabetical. AZIRAPHALE coming at the end of the list of A-angels would definitely make sense. Which in itself is suspishus because that's a bit too organized for Hastur. The front page simply says it's his copy, not that it was written by him. And yet, Aziraphale's description (with all the demonic spellings) suggests it was written by some demon who did frequent the earth throughout the ages. (And knew the angel was Crowley's 😁)
And the entire description of BARAQIEL is just so tempting 😂 Occashuly damp?! Mostly Singed?! WHY?! Tell us more!!
Finally, Furfur didn't know Crowley changed his name from Crawley until he got the book. It's also his addition in the Occupations section after watching Aziraphale's sad magical act. (The act might've been sad, Aziraphale most certainly wasn't <3)
Uh ok, finally finally, as far as I could find through multiple rewatches of the scene in the green room, Furfur had put this copy down on the dressing table, and did not pick it up back before vanishing. I hope just as the angel and demon got to keep their photo (through Aziraphale's timely, and luckily working, prestidigitation), they got to keep the copy of the book as well. And I hope Crowley teased the angel about having suspishus ears and being repulsively soft 😂💗
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crystallinestars · 4 months
Yeah English isn't my mother tongue so thank you for the compliment 🥰 Honestly I saw the way you write (it's scrumptious) and the Argenti header and thought "damn I need to be on my best behaviour!" haha
Also never apologize for going off on a rant, I truly love your input!
Oh I do agree that it must be a mix of multiple things and that virtue signalling is definitely part of it! And the point you make about people creating a safe bubble for themselves and others really does make a lot of sense! I'd even be so bold as to say that this initial sentiment has unfortunately spiralled into having kneejerk reactions against any kind of perceived threat (for their identity, etc.). While I understand the need to be careful about who you let into your circle, it's a shame that instead of meaningful conversations (I'd imagine something like "I enjoy X thing in this story", "oh that's great, I have a different hc / interpretation but I'd love to hear your reasoning!") we're having a lot of passive aggressiveness or even full on pissing contests within the communities.
And if I had to sum up why I dislike, let's say between 60% to 90% of 'fandom culture' depending on whether or not it's a good day, I'd say that it's because of how often I have to see the utter glee and contempt this subsection of the fandom radiates whenever they feel like they've won their one-sided arguments / they can lord a win over someone's head for the dumbest things. It just boggles my mind. What happened to basic courtesy? I feel like people have grown so accustomed to living their 'bad bitch' fantasies on the internet without having to shoulder any responsibility for it (because of anonymity) that they've started to become waaay too comfortable coming into your space and being rude at best.
This is a bit of a digression, but for the sources, an example that comes to mind is a post I saw a while ago about the maple leaves associated with Dan Heng and (no shade to the person, it was an interesting read). However, they presented their argument in such a way that you just KNEW it wasn't just about Dan Hend, but about Blade too. They gave a list of symbolism for maple leaves, and the last point (the one highlighted by the structure) was "they also symbolise lovers!". It's in cases like this one I'd love for the OP to provide a source for their analysis, because the uni student in me just cannot accept claims on specific fields without credible evidence. Like is your analysis based on a discussion you had with a native? A paragrapgh you found on a blog named "sakurasdreamygarden.com"? A book you've read? Please, I'm not here to troll, I want to educate myself 😭 In this case it was also worth noting that someone in the comment added that 'maple leaves' is the literal meaning of Dan Feng's name (丹枫), in which case (this is just me adding my two cents) you could also argue that the maple leaves, specifically on Dan Heng's splash art, could symbolise the shadow of a past he cannot completely get rid of.
I was feeling like sticking my head in a lion's mouth when I wrote the 4th point 😂 And since I still do, I will just say that Mihoyo's pandering extends to hetero relationships too. Remember how I said these games remind me of Kpop? What I meant by that is that what they do is basically "All for the glitter and the aesthetic with zero commitment to the bit". So far in Genshin and HSR, they seem to focus especially on giving players shiny little toys to play with (attractive playable characters). And I say that their pandering extends to hetero relationships because as of now the only playable character with a semi-canon relationship is Welt, who's a Honkai Impact character (at least that's what I've heard, I don't know anything about Honkai Impact). I'm thinking especially about Yukong when I say this, because when she became playable in 1.1 I think, they wasted no time to clarify in 1.2 that actually Qingni is her ADOPTED daughter, which is basically like telling players "don't worry, Yukong hasn't been tainted by any man and is just as much of a shiny little toy freshly out of the box as the others!" Like, what am I supposed to believe with that? That for HSR the censorship this part of the fandom loves to bring up was magically extended to the heteros?
Also, I know nothing about Hi3 but since I love semantics, identify as a relationship fiend and still feel like getting shot by the fandom today, I'd also like to ask people to please explain to me how a kiss (yes, even on the lips) is objectively an undeniable act of romance. I'd argue that it's a sign of intimacy because it involves letting someone else get super close to you in a vulnerable moment, but that does not make it inherently romantic. Truthfully I'm just being facetious here but my sentiment is genuine: I would be eternally grateful if we stopped taking certain things for granted "because it's obvious" or whatever, and if we truly started to take the argument that many things in relationships are social constructs seriously. (PS: I mean "intimacy" here as "the state of having a close personal relationship with somebody", based on the first definition given by the online version of the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
Oh yes, Childe. I had heard of him before I started playing Genshin and when I arrived in Liyue I was like: "really? Is this the little guy you've decided to call daddy??" Childe's case hurts me less than Aventurine's solely because I decided recently that I would get Arlecchino and then uninstall the game for a while but I also really feel you! For HSR I'm here mostly for the lore and the Aeons and it really doesn't help that while I don't particularly mind shipping, it's something I indulge in sporadically, when a pairing scratches my brain just right. So I'm sitting here on the outskirts of the fandom watching people get mad at fictional corpos (the IPC, especially Topaz) but then jumping through so many hoops and getting up in arms to protect Mihoyo, or acting like the social justice police 😐
Oh and the fanarts you're talking about. I've been lucky enough not to see anything like that but like. Out of all the characters they could rough up they chose Aventurine?? Now it's reminding me of that one slave owner fanfic and I just have to wonder what it is about characters like him that always attracts the most unhinged fans.
They complain about Paimon hogging the spotlight in Genshin but then are taken by surprise whenever they fail to pick up hints, it's lowkey disheartening to see.
Honestly for Kaveh I feel like people had massacred Alhaitham's character even before Kaveh was introduced, to make it fit into any sexual fantasy trope. I just remembered this but whenever I hear about haikaveh or any shoe-horned ship for that matter, I start hearing this post:
The answers trying to make the character played by OP admit they've got hidden feelings is really how people with shipping lenses glued to their heads behave 😭
I'm also glad to see people focusing on characters individually and picking up interesting things about them! And I'm going to be honest: I mean this as disrespectfully as I can but if someone is surprised by reveals like that in a story like that, I'm just assuming they've never read anything else in their lives. Like, if your first reaction to anything in a story is to neatly categorize it as a trope (especially a romance trope) I genuinely need for this person to start educating themselves and engage with other media because there's just no way 💀 I can understand making assumptions / theories and then be proven wrong but this just on another level.
I hope I was coherent enough with all of this, and that you have a great day, evening or night too!
I’m so happy you like my writing 😭💚 I believe you can write amazing things as well. You’re really good at expressing your thoughts. The Argenti header is there because I like him and think there’s not enough of him in fandom haha.
The gleeful attitude some people have when their bullying succeeds is honestly repulsive. I only saw a bit of it, but it’s nasty how they act as if they accomplished a good deed. I daresay they even purposely go after people with differing opinions just to bully them into submission and feel good about it. As you pointed out, basic courtesy went out the window a long time ago due to anonymity of the internet.
Haha the Dan Heng maple leaf bit is proving my point! While people do try to be informative about symbolism and whatnot in character design, it’s also a means of validating their headcanons/ship. If Dan Feng’s name means maple leaves, then it makes perfect sense why maple leaves are a big part of Dan Heng’s design. Not everything about characters is linked to a ship, and I would love for more neutral discussions regarding the symbolism and culture behind their designs 😔
About Welt. I actually played Honkai Impact 3rd and read some of their comics (I was on the hunt for Su and Sumeru lore in preparation for Sumeru’s release). HI3 has a lot of canonical NL and GL pairings. Welt’s love is Frederica Nikola Tesla. There are more moments between them in the comic than the game, but it’s very obvious they’re in love with each other.
But of course, when he was introduced as a playable character in HSR, that part of him was buried. You can see Tesla in his splashart, but that’s about it. Same with Yukong. I was surprised they made her a mother since that’s a very bold move for a gacha game, so I knew there had to be a catch. And sure enough, she’s just an adoptive mother.
Gacha games are notorious for marking their characters single. If playable characters have a confirmed relationship, a lot of players would get very angry and jealous, and the company would lose profit. For example, I heard that back in 1.1 or so, Mihoyo wanted to release a lore book about Zhongli and Guizhong. I haven’t read it, so I can’t say if there was any romantic implication between them in the book, but Zhongli fans threw a fit, so Mihoyo scrapped it. Similarly, before Inazuma released, a leaker falsely said that Thoma was Ayaka’s fiancé, and again, the community got angry and cursed Thoma to hell. Ironically, it seems like players are far more accepting of same-sex relationship between characters than of opposite-sex ones 😅
I think kissing is strongly associated with romance because we have been conditioned to perceive it as such. Movies and other media make kissing a big deal between characters, there’s a lot of emphasis put on it as a turning point in their relationship. It also doesn’t help that practically every aspect of physical intimacy gets relegated to romantic relationships (hand-holding, cuddling, etc).
In our modern era, a lot of people feel isolated. Physical intimacy between an individual and their friends and family is rarer, so they think that if they get a significant other, they’ll receive the physical intimacy (and not only physical) that they crave. It’s a social construct for sure, but it’s very wide-spread and hard to break out of. At any rate, this is all just my conjecture.
Aventurine is a tragic case. I’m glad the amount of abusive fanarts of him has died down, though Childe doesn’t have that luxury 😔 I suppose the fuckboy type makes people think the character is up on a high horse, so they want to knock him down a peg. Some also perceive the trope to be inherently masochistic for whatever reason. I doubt we’ll ever know.
Lmao that post you linked! So true! That’s exactly how they behave! Gaslighting everyone, even the author, to convince them there’s romantic feelings between the characters when there are none. Characters used to be interpreted as friends, enemies, family, etc, but nowadays every character relationship gets seen as romantic. I miss the days when characters could be just friends or found family.
And I agree, Alhaitham was already butchered since the Sumeru Archon quest. People see a hot, muscular guy and focus only on how sexy he looks, and how hot it would be if he was dominant or aggressive, despite it not being his character at all. I get that people are free to imagine whatever they want for the sake of fun, but with how widespread some of those interpretations become, the character gets quickly reduced to tropes, and people forget what they’re actually like in canon.
To this day, there are still people surprised that Alhaitham is actually very nice and kind, even to children. He took in a broke man he didn’t particularly get along with and hasn’t seen in years, so if that isn’t a big fat hint that he’s a nice person, then I don’t know what is. As we have both agreed, a lot of people don’t pick up on the nuance of character writing 😔
Thank you for stopping by 🪻anon! I also hope you have a great day, and take care 💚
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monards · 8 months
Alsjtbsjbt thank you!!! I'm putting the paragraph in ask format so its easier for you to see. Mostly what I need is just whether it gets an emotional reaction, although if you do find spelling or punctuation mistakes lmk😂 its from an Albether oneshot I've been writing and it is an au so a little dialogue at the start might not make sense now but it will in context. In advance I am sorry if this makes you cry 😅 aight here we go
“All right,” Albedo said, placing his tools on a nearby rock, “let’s suppose I’m not dreaming. Why are you here? I never made a prayer, or… summoned you.” At this, Aether’s face dropped from a smile to sadness. He took Albedo’s hands in his, gazing into his eyes.
“Because you’re lonely. You’re so, so, lonely and it’s so hard to watch so the moment you thought about it I just couldn't help it. You’re surrounded by people just like you, and yet you’re so deep in your anxiety about being different that you’ve pushed everyone away.” Aether’s voice broke, eyes brimming with tears. “I know you’re not very good at socialising, I don’t blame you for that, but you don’t need to isolate yourself because of it. Not being human isn’t something to be ashamed of, and even if it were there’s hardly a difference between you and a normal human anyway. How you were born makes no difference and it’s no reason to isolate yourself so much. And I know that I have no right to say this, no right to just waltz into your life and tell you how to live, but I cannot see you look at your city, your home, and cry yourself to sleep on a desolate mountain. Not anymore.” Aether was crying now, tears spilling off his cheeks and falling on Albedo’s hands as the star’s voice broke into a whisper. “Please.”
thespian I’m actually under the impression you personally find pleasure in my tears.
The dialogue is actually writtten just so beautifully I took a bit to think about how I should respond. But I’m here now and oh boy did this make me emotional
The “Because you’re lonely. You’re so, so, lonely and it’s so hard to watch so the moment you thought about it I just couldn't help it. “ line KILLED ME. KNIFE PLUNGED IN MY HEART, TWISTED AND THENN RIPPED OUT. DEARRR GODDDD
the way it’s not an explicitly negative sad I’m feeling too??? It’s like a hopeful-sad?? Does that even exist??? I don’t know??? All I know is that reading this MAKES me want to see them happy. Desperately. So desperately in fact I’m now gonna be stuck thinking about this for the next three hours. And longer, probably.
I think the thing that made it so much worse was the added please at the end. It’s separated from everything else and I think that’s what’s killing me; it’s a genuine plea and THAT is gonna kill me.
You did so well at encapsulating a like. Not explicitly sad-sad mood,, but like such a hopeful and thoughtful one?? Like it’s so unique and sweet and my GOD is it gonna kill me.
Thespian you are genuinelly so amazing but if you continue this trend of making me emotional; I don’t think I can take it anymore.
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usagiverse · 11 months
This is a bit of a strange ask, but I'm still confused over Usagi's last name. Some tell me that is Miyamoto his last name and that Usagi is his first name... but then others tell me that Usagi is the family name 😂
Just wanted to ask.
Gelu. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this ask. I have been preparing for this very moment. I'm ready to answer this and I already know I'm going to fail miserably at explaining. Here goes.
Usagi Yojimbo. In the comics, "Miyamoto" is the surname / family name, we know this because his father is Magistrate Miyamoto. This makes our titular character Usagi, his first name.
Usagi Chronicles. In this animated series, we know that Yuichi is descended from Miyamoto. However, his name isn't "Miyamoto Yuichi", Yuichi is in fact his surname / family name. That means they both share the same first name, Usagi.
In Japanese fashion, the family name comes BEFORE the first / given name. Let's take George Washington for example. To do so properly, it would be "Washington George". So if we see "Miyamoto Usagi" and "Yuichi Usagi", that means their last names are in front of their first names. If you watch any Japanese shows or movies, they introduce themselves with their last name first and given name after, and people will call them by their last name. In TMNT 2003, he specifically introduces himself (and we will ignore the poor pronunciation of Japanese words including his own name) as "Usagi Miyamoto". This is so that the Western audience knows Usagi is his first name, Miyamoto last. (Also told the audience his last name was Miya-ma-to but uh. We're ignoring it, right?) This is not the proper way for him to introduce himself if he were being strictly Japanese… we say it's fine because it was for an English audience at the time, but this is the only time (that I can recall) his name being introduced in this way.
Typically in Japanese fashion, when you first meet someone or are on acquainted terms, you would only refer to them by their last name and add "-san" to the end, until you become closer and can use a different honorific or use their given name. However, all of the Usagi series have been adapted for western consumption, so they use their first names in all of this familiar media. The western version of "formal" or "polite" in a Japanese setting is taking the first name and adding "-san" to the end instead. So in 2003, Usagi calls Leo "Leonardo-san", and Leo calls him "Usagi-san" back. In 2012, the same thing. When you meet someone who is older than you in the west, you would usually say "Mr./Mrs./Mx. Lastname". That is the English equivalent of what "-san" is, loosely. I'm not sure why western media wants to flip names and add -san to it anyway, since we do use last names sometimes? Mr. Obama… Miyamoto-san. We can also chalk this up to relationships, as Leo and Usagi have been close in every iteration, perhaps they just went to the "first-name-basis" immediately. (copium)
I don't know if you've noticed, but there are a lot of Usagis! Even just 2 is too many, and I have 4! (Well, one was married in, but still.) In my case, I wanted to be able to have multiple samurai rabbits out in the world of Rise, but I couldn't have them all named "Usagi" unless that was all their last name-- which meant they all also had to be directly or indirectly related to each other. Which posed other problems, like… what about Magistrate Miyamoto?? Well.. he's still related, just differently. I know some important plot points get washed out when you move characters and their specific roles around, but that's exactly what ROTTMNT does, and excels in. So we do some problem solving, we write every idea down, and then we iron out the edges.
I am not an expert in the naming culture of Japan, though I can understand why people might be confused or spread misinformation as though they are correct. It takes just a little bit of reading and context to understand, which I hope I've been able to provide. TBH I still get confused, but that's because I am actively doing it differently by going against what it normally is.
TL;DR - Usagi is the first name in all published media, with Miyamoto and Yuichi both being family names. The proper way to introduce oneself in Japanese is [Last Name] [Given Name], which Miyamoto Usagi and Yuichi Usagi both follow this rule (and are both Japanese). In my fanon, I have too many Usagis in one time period, so Usagi is the family name and everyone can still keep their original name. Hope this helps!
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papa-evershed · 1 year
from the first episode of the show it's obvious that they are showing that Daniel is suspicious, you know with his first sort of lack of reaction to his father's death, to little things he says like "my mum" then "our mum", the banged up car, not finding out who the company's are and then needing money (and his bloody coat, maybe he's hiding something in there) ofc the show is throwing us of, when I first watched the episode I wasn't paying attention to the other characters because I was just thinking what is Daniel up to (and why is rob James collier so good looking) but I've been thinking about who the murderer could've been, it could've been the wife, the best friend, or any of the siblings or ex boyfriends, or it could be a situation where they all helped to kill the dad, and they all had their own motives. But I completely agree with you on your other post, all of them or some of them have drinking problems. Part of me feels like the murder wasn't a 1 man job tho.
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Alright guys, just for the sake of saving myself some time and people's dashes from being flooded I'mma answer all of these at once and under a read-more, hopefully that's cool. Plus, I'd probably answer them all fairly similarly and a read-more may be for the best in case anyone out there doesn't want any spoilers/speculation.
I've definitely seen a few people now speculating that there could be more than one person responsible for their father's death. And it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility. I lean away from it being all three siblings (but still could be two of them or a nonsibling involved) for a few reasons though.
First, I really don't think Daniel did it. Like one of you said, I believe we're supposed to the suspicious of him but based on a few things I just don't think it was him. I felt like his reaction to finding his father's body was more of an "oh shit, who is going to bail me out now" mixed with a bit of shock, most likely. RJC said in an interview that Daniel is quite selfish, has used his father his entire life, and has taken from the family pot on the regular. Someone else hypothesized on Discord that the accounts their father has been sending money to could very well be Daniel's and I think it's a great catch and probably likely based on RJC's quote and the fact that Daniel was quick to take those papers and offer to figure it out...while never actually doing so. If his father has been bailing him out on the regular, I don't see someone jumping to murder for more money, especially since getting an inheritance can take a long time to be sorted. Daniel really has no motive, his father was worth more to him alive than dead, and even if he'd learned of the will change, I'd definitely hold off on killing him if I needed the money asap (which Daniel clearly does).
Could it still be him? Sure. But I really hope it isn't because that just seems too easy and also nonsensical at the same time to me. I think most of his behavior can be blamed on how he's scrambling now without his financial safety net.
Which leaves Chloe and Sian for the siblings and Chloe is still sus af to me. Why was she cleaning? I feel like these small details are usually added in for very specific reasons, they're supposed to be anyway, so I wonder if 'ol girl needs to remove some evidence. 👀 And if by some chance I'm right, then I really, really don't think Daniel is in on it because he was the one to ask her why she was doing it. Plus, like I said earlier, she's just too quiet but her eyes are so knowing. Mind you, they're all supposed to have secrets according to the official plot so perhaps I'm reading too much into this girl's poor face. 😂
I still don't know what to make of Sian. She seems more detached than the others but that's just how some people grieve. Could also be a red flag. Maybe the ladies teamed up and took out dear Dad for some reason. 😅
I do really like the idea that there are clues hidden in the home videos and that sinister things were accidentally captured. The creeper in the caravan I'm still clueless on, none of the characters introduced so far seem the sort to hide out in creepy caravans, except perhaps the father's ex-best-friend. I do wonder if the caravan scenes could perhaps be on a different timeline that we need to catch up to though and in that case it could be one of the siblings or well...anyone, still.
I'm reminding myself of the fact that this is a mini series, so it's all got to be summed up in only three more episodes which seems like a lofty goal to me. But I will say the pacing on this show has been amazingly executed so far, it definitely feels like there's zero filler (although I wouldn't object to Daniel related filler) which is also why I think every tiny detail is placed there for a very specific reason. Their time is so very limited, I don't see anyone wasting time on throw away scenes or even lines. As mentioned above, even the music choice seems exceptionally intentional, more so than most shows, so I'm just going to continue to assume everything is being said or done for a reason until I'm proven wrong. 😂
Maybe we're all wrong and the dad killed himself because he was tired of these damn kids. 🤪
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@organized-chaotic-disaster I totally see what you mean 😭 (tho I haven’t played the Derek or Baxter DLCs myself). Tbh I think the main reason you can’t be poly is the fact that it would be hard to implement in an already complex game with high customization of your experience, especially since it’s written by one person— idk how they’d do that tbh. And I know GB has gone on record to say that Cove wouldn’t be down for a poly relationship, but it still sucks to not have the option. I understand why poly relationships aren’t really a thing in games— a combination of monogamy being the norm irl and the difficulty in implementing the mechanic itself —but I hope one day those barriers can be broken down so it becomes an option 😭 And sorry if any of this comes across as me coming for you or something, that’s not my intention!!! I just had some thoughts I wanted to share. Overall I definitely agree that things like this could and should be handled better, and hopefully will be with future games with dateable NPCs— I’d love to explore that myself, and I wish I could with OL.
[original post]
Mm, It's certainly not impossible to add in those features [the FH series, for example, is a single writer and they've added in poly options upon fan requests] but, I can understand not wanting to put the extra work in yeah, especially since the creator has been saying for a while now that "this is the last thing I'll do for olba" like, they seem to be really trying to move on to the next project, so I get it.
It's also why I don't expect to ever get any resolution for this😔but it still does make me very sad because I really do love this game so much, it's one of the few forms of media out there that make me feel comfortable/understood/safe with myself and the lack of a poly option really takes away from that feeling quite a bit.
My main gripe though is that there isn't any conversation at all about it. Like, that just takes away from the experience of the game.
Once you choose to date Baxter, everyone just goes 'Error 404' on you and seems to outright forget that you were basically setting up to and expected to marry Cove. That, to me, reads like a failing of writing.
Like, there should be some dialogue, y'know? Cove should be able to question your relationship, even in a round-about and self-concious/self-serving way, there should be some tension there where he has to tackle his very real feelings for you and you can possibly do the same for him but, there's just none. Like, if you flirt with him in Step 2, have that romantic tension carry over to Step 3 he shouldn't be able to just shrug off all his feelings instantly. Feelings don't work that way, bro😂It just bugs me that it's so inorganic and unable to be explored. Cove and MC have a lot of history, they should be able to talk about it in every aspect, y'know?
Also! Not ranting at you specifically, lmao! I'm just sharing my feelings. Thank you so much for replying to me, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts! It's also just nice to see that someone out there also wants the poly options like me🥺we got too much love in our wee little hearts for this single romance bs lmaooo
I lowkey wish there was a mod community for games like these😂ngl, it'd be nice to just have a mod that ignored certain flags or something so that you could at least have the romantic tension still there with Cove while you romance someone else. It doesn't fix the lack of dialogue option but it'd be better than the clear and noticable lack of what was clearly there before. At least then it'd be easier to pretend there was something to bite into lol
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desolateice · 8 months
(Scissors) what's your editing process?
(Hamburger/three lines) send a fic and an unrelated trope and I'll remix it - Cherry Cordial but Royalty AU 👀
Thank you for the asks from this game! 💖 ✄ what’s your editing process? Editing process...lol what editing process? Okay so I'm going to give you my like actual editing process for anything that I like send out beyond fandom funsies. Write Let it set for a bit, walk away from it. Come back, read it to myself. Read it to a small gathering of plushies (do this for my secret santa fics because those are gifts so I want them to be slightly more edited then my usual.) Go walk away for a bit or do something else. If lucky come back another day. Have a text to voice reader read the thing back to me. Make edits and changes. Have it re-read it to me again. Repeat as needed. Maybe pop it into a program that is supposed to fix your writing. However I don't fully trust those. They make just as dumb of mistakes as I make on my own and sometimes worse ones.😂 Send the thing wherever it needs to go. My teachers always told me to let things marinate and my mentor pretty much told me that I got to always read my stuff out loud to myself so that I can catch errors I wouldn't otherwise. I use the plushies because I was trained to read to people, to an audience even though I hate it because I get super nervous about it. But then later on in work situations where I had to edit I realized that wasn't working because I was inflecting which is fine in fiction but not so much in non-fiction and was told that sometimes it helps if something else reads it to you so now I have an app in monotone read to me because then I can catch when things don't sound right or when something is wrong because I'm not filling in those blanks myself because I know the content too well. Another reason why letting things marinate works. But truthfully for fics I write it in Scrivener, read it to myself not out loud, paste it into ao3, read it one more time adding bolds or italics because for some reason those don't copy over from Scrivener properly and then hit paste and try not to cringe at all the mistakes I find later when I re-read the thing. Because I make more mistakes now then I used to, silly mistakes I didn't use to make but again, it's for fun so I try not to let it bother me too much and when I've got the energy I try to occasionally pop back in and fix glaring errors. But I'm sure I miss them.
☰ send a fic and an unrelated trope and I’ll remix it Cherry Cordial as a Royalty AU 🤔 My first thought here is that it's magic right? Like at it's core Cherry Cordial is about magic which makes me think fairy tales and then I realize that's what Candied Apples is. 😂 A fairy tale royal au of sorts. So maybe we can mix a few fairy tales together for a royalty au. Daniel stumbles upon a magical artifact like the lamp only instead of a genie he gets Terry. Or Terry could be like jafar, (I should probably read the original and not just know the disney version) Or Daniel runs into a witch (Terry) and makes a trade to be a royal so that he can better compete with the royals or get a step ahead of them (Johnny and cobras) Because Johnny would be a prince...or maybe he's Cinderella. I guess my question is whose the royal in this AU? One of them? Both of them? Johnny's Cinderella with fairy godmother Susan and his cat that talks and dresses up in a pretty dress and all in magical disguise to dance for the night because Susan wants to dance with the princess and can't go alone, or they sneak in to dance together and Susan uses her magic to help him sneak in with him without getting into a fight because he and Daniel (the prince) don't get along, only Daniel doesn't recognize him but also kind of does but can't quite put his finger on it and wants to keep dancing but the magic will for sure where off so Johnny runs, slipper left behind. If we do a both of them au, maybe Daniel is set to meet up with Johnny to discuss things between their kingdoms but they've met before and it went awful and he doesn't want it all to get screwed up again so he makes a drink, a concoction he finds in an old book that should make them more amiable but he made the wrong one and he thinks he totally gave him a love potion, but he also misread it and really it's just a harmless aphrodisiac or something like eating an oyster but not, and so Daniel is less nervous and actually having a good time and Johnny was determined to try and have a good time and maybe his cat keeps like trying to trip him and Daniel catches him when Peri succeeds in tripping him and he realizes he's got a total crush because Daniel's good at all the princely stuff: sword fighting and horseback riding and talking and Johnny doesn't feel like he is (except at fighting) but really they're both in the same boat at being good at it just getting in their own heads and thinking the other is better. Maybe Terry uses Daniel to kidnap Johnny by tricking him so that he can impress Kreese, not realizing that was maybe a non-useful ploy and really only just makes Daniel have to go rescue him but also makes Johnny realize that he's not as worthless as he was lead to believe and that he actual does know all the princely things he's supposed to and is good at it. But Daniel would for sure bust in, possibly fight Terry, realize it's a waste of time and grab Johnny and run. Gotta let him have his badass hero moments.
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to bother but do you know if Episode Nagi has any relevancy to bllk manga too or if it's just a fun random spinoff?
Hi! Don't worry, it's no bother at all. Feel free to talk to me about blue lock anytime! I'd actually love the chance to interact with other readers
To answer your question, plot-wise it doesn't add much to what we already know since it's a retelling of the main series from Nagi's pov. Although there are a couple of extra added scenes that give us glimpses at stuff the main series didn't show, like the other matches of Team V in the first selection before the game against Team Z. We are introduced to Barou earlier and offered a reason why Nagi doesn't click with him beyond the fact that Nagi's messy, for example, lol.
But mostly the reason that makes epinagi a worthwhile read for me is that it gives a lot more insight into both Nagi and Reo's choices and povs. The last updates have fleshed out Reo's devastation at being left behind much more than the main series. There's a buch of extra scenes that we didn't see in bllk, and his crestfallen reaction doesn't seem as outlandish when you're given context for why he feels the way he does imho. He's still a drama king tho, that hasn't changed 😂
I also feel like epinagi does a much better job of conveying how Nagi's thought process works, and how he can mean well even when on the outside he comes across as cold and indifferent. Turns out, he just thinks other people think just like him lol.
Epinagi can at times feel like fanfic but it is written by the same author as the main series (though it's drawn by a different mangaka), lol. I find it both a fun side-story and something that ties well into main canon, particularly with respects to certain themes. Like being willing to change to grow versus being afraid of changing and losing your dream.
I would recommend reading it for the characterization alone tbh. A lot of the rotten takes I see on Nagi have actually already been dispelled by the spinoff, but alas most fans don't follow it. Fair warning though, it does get a bit more slice of life-y than sportsy and action-y at times. But that's to be expected since we already know how these matches go anyway o/
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houseofbrat · 1 year
Laughing my ass off at the Wales Wailers who think William or George will bring back the coronets, robes for all, and all the pageantry back same as Elizabeth 's coronation 😂😂. They'll be lucky if William doesn't decide to let go of the coronation and simply have a concert of something. And George's coronation/reign? Yeah let's not even go there. All three of the Wales kids have already been put on mile long pedestals. People keep in forgetting the huge controversies that Edward and Anne caused in their younger years. Those days are forgotten now, but it's far more difficult to forget the scandals now in the age of social media. Keep on dreaming.
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It's even funnier when you read Roya Nikkhah's article in The Times this weekend:
A source close to William said: “There is no way he will go down that route or anything like it.”
William, 40, who paid a poignant “homage of the blood” to Charles, 74, during the coronation, kneeling before his father and swearing to be his “liege man of life and limb”, has been carefully “reflecting” on the events of last week with his closest friends and advisers.
A source close to the prince said: “He is really thinking, how do we make his coronation feel most relevant in the future? He is mindful of the fact that in 20 years’ time, or whenever his time comes, how can the coronation be modern but also unifying to the nation and the Commonwealth? I think his coronation will look and feel quite different.”
The source added: “Are courtiers sitting at Kensington Palace coming up with a grand plan about what the next Bridge will look like [London Bridge was the codeword for the late Queen’s death, and Forth Bridge for Prince Philip]? No.
“But of course the prince and his team are reflective about the events of last week and it is extremely important to him that it evolves to be relevant whenever it happens.”
It is understood that, contrary to some reports, William was not closely consulted on the planning for Charles’s coronation. The prince, who will be known as King William V, is thought to be committed to being crowned at Westminster Abbey, where every British monarch’s coronation has been held since William the Conqueror’s in 1066.
But those close to him point to his decision not to have an investiture as Prince of Wales as an indicator of how William will continue to break with tradition as heir to the throne. In July 1969, Charles had a coronet placed on his head by his mother in a ceremony at Caernarfon Castle in north Wales that looked medieval in parts.
William is going to trim that coronation ceremony down to an hour. Eliminate all the great music that was in Charles' coronation. It's going to be a quick & stale ceremony. Just say the bare minimum of liturgy, put the crown on, and walk out with the national anthem. That's it.
Actually, I do have better hopes for George's coronation as he seems to have a bit of an artistic streak, which William most definitely does not have.
Also, note the "source close to the prince" who mentioned "in 20 years' time." This is why William is so slow to prepare himself for becoming king. He figures he has another twenty years to prepare for being king. This is why he's in no rush to do regular royal work. He figures he can push it, and everything else he doesn't like to do down the road.
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Ok currently on my luck break and had to write about the new WOTC Chapter….first things first not Felipe and Letizia being the actual king and Queen they are. I can truly imagine Leonor going to them for something like this in real life. 🇪🇸 got a great way of really taking some of there true qualities and putting it in writing form. I have to say I agree with you on the whole Peter Townsend aspect. I was actually wondering if there was going to a big but at the end. Not Leonor being an absolute legend and just telling her parents like it is. I love the father daughter relationship that 🇪🇸 added in the writing. Letizia giving the mother advice and truly asking Leonor the real question 😭 Felipe just being such a dad and is like “sure that’s great!” And Letizia bringing the mother aspect. The “are you 100% sure about this?”. Leonor’s characterized is again so well done! And I love how respectful the writing is. Sofia being emo about not being invited to the family meeting made me laugh. We all know if the girl had been there she’s be like “that’s wonderful and great but it’s boredom town in here”.
I KNEW LEONOR DID NOT DO IT ON PURPOSE!!! She was just doing her part and being a good daughter and taking her parents advice 😭😂 but I love the small bits we got if Leonor and Sofia. We love the sister duo in fictional character and realistic just the same. I knew as soon as Leonor called to give a message that something would happen. This whole time I was yelling at my screen, “ST JOHN HOW DARE YOU!” But the call dropped so it’s not the poor guys fault. Still not sure why nobody mentioned it to Alix though 🤔 as someone who loves government I think it’s interesting to see how parliament and everyone will react once the news is out…and how will the girls feel?
Not Leonor being such a responsible dutiful heir that she spends all day running around campus for Alix 😂 like girl please rest. But I do love the slight undertones of the protective Leonor we got. The way she immediately turned to Lacy for all the deets. I also love Lacy 😭 is it bad that I feel like she just genuinely sometimes doesn’t even care how she speaks to Leonor. Like girl is respectful but once Leonor starts talking about Alix she’s like “let me help you both love sick fools” 😂 the way she reprimanded Leonor who was about to go break the rules just to see Alix. The whole “sit down Leonor you can see her tomorrow” I can just imagine her all dead tired and still having the audacity to be like “sit down girl” 😭
Why do I feel like Lacy will be invited to the wedding? 😂🤔
Alix and Leonor need to get there communication skills in check 😂 this while relying on the staff is not working for them. But I do love the whole miscommunication tripe.
Alix is a shy baby around Leonor and I live. Like same girl 😂 Leonor is a sun shine baby and I love how she just dotes on Alix. I can’t wait for the next bit! I know you just gone reading it and said your thoughts, but as always I would like to know more. What was your favorite part, I think you said the beginning. But what did you specifically enjoy about the bit? And did Leonor and Sofia make you laugh as much they did for me 😂 (also Alix formally meeting the Spanish royals…imagine the press) 😂 also girl! I took the time to read your cousin Ella fic..🇪🇸was right you are a talented girl!
Luke literally the government not relaying the message and how u said that that’s like what the government does is SO FUNNY!
I specifically enjoyed the Sofia interjection during the family meeting and just all of the little bits of fluff and how it completed half of the story. I love how it finished Alix’s perspective of the events but in Leonor’s perspective and how it wasn’t Leonor’s fault. A+++++++++ work
Thank you for sharing!
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amelee23 · 1 year
Let's start this!
💫 What is your favorite kind of comment/ feedback?
Honestly I like any kind of feedback. It is to note I'm an absolute compliment goblin, so I like to eat any compliments up like toast in the morning 😂
1. I LOVE the ones who get a bit technical (about my writing style, words used, metaphors, anything literature nerdy basically)
2. I absolutely adore being added to fic recs. Just the idea that someone enjoyed my work so much to want to recommend it to others just breaks my brain
3. I love it when people describe their experience with the fic as well. Like 'I held my breath' or 'I was giggling the whole time' love that.
4. I love overdramatic comments. Like "I fell to my knees I'm sobbing" followed by a keyboard smash djispsjosns like y'all are so cute pls continue being dramatic to me ily
5. TMI comments. Yas queen tell me the exact hyper you specific reason why you liked this and what it reminded you of from your life experience. I love to hear it
🎀 give yourself a compliment about your own writing!
The thing I like the most about my writing is how original my ideas are. I've always been really harsh on myself in the terms of 'quality'. I have this stubbornness that I won't just write a sweet little fic to make my heart beat faster and make me giddy. No, it has to be special, somehow, or else I don't feel like it's MY work. (I don't mean to be offensive to anyone by saying this, btw) I've given up on so many ideas and didn't even consider writing most ideas because they didn't feel me enough. And by me enough, I mean, having that shock factor. Knowing my readers will most likely not read anything alike it for, idk, months or years to come.
But the most magical thing about it is that, I don't just sit here and wonder "hmm what can I do that would be original" nah I just wait for it to happen. And when it does, my whole world catches color. My ideas are so ridiculous, so far fetched sometimes even I get shocked by them most of the time. And this originality is what gives me the most pride.
🎉 how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? How often do you give yourself the credit/ validation that you seek from others when you post? (If you don't, you should!)
I'm my own worst critic, to be honest. I only really celebrate my own fics when I feel I have created something of high quality. Original, coherent, compelling, immersive, emotional, you name it. If it's well crafted and well inspired I will celebrate it without outside validation.
If it's not something I consider to be Oscar worthy and I feel I "wasn't at the top of my game" I just pat myself on the back for being productive and hope the next one will be of better quality.
Thank you for participating!
Here's the list of questions used.
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