#why does the wind look like dust tho
stubz · 8 months
late shift
Shuttle for Mars is departing now. Please keep hands, feet, tails, and other appendages clear of the yellow line.
‘Nice, finally get off work on time for once! Man is it empty, way less busy than the 5:45 one…
Are they sleeping? Please tell me they’re sleeping…’
‘Oh good they are, oooh lots of empty seats next to them! Nice.’
The young human sits across the large figure and looks around.
‘Wonder why everyone else is sitting so far away from this guy? He’s not that much scarier than a Alteauh…OH! He’s an Orc! An actual Orc, oh this is so cool! Wait. Calm down, control yourself. Orc’s are people too, not some exotic animal in a zoo….he’s sooo cool looking tho!’
The human smiles and takes out their headphones and listens to some music and take in the view they see through the shuttle’s windows. From time to time they peek at the orc, can’t helping themselves from people-watching him.
Like what most humans imagined, he was huge. Easily more than 7 feet tall, with large calloused hands bigger than their head. He had large tusks but unlike the stereotypes he was well trimmed with well relatively kept hair. It would have neater had there not been dust in it. The orc wore dirty cloths and work boots. Beside them what looked like a tool box and bag.
‘Must be a construction worker or works in a trade’ they mused
‘Poor guy, he’s gotta be exhausted to sleep here. At least he gets to go home now.’
The shuttle shakes and with it so does the sleeping giant. Rocking side to side.
'That's not good.' They nervously slide off their headphones.
The turbulence increases until the sleeping orc leans too far and starts fall face first off his seat.
“OH SHIT!” Diving to their knees they manage to catch his head and shoulders.
“You okay?” Damn he's heavy!
“Mmm…sorry.” Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he slowly got back into his seat, the turbulence now gone.
“No worries, I just didn’t want you to hit your head.”
“Heh, wouldn't be the first time I’ve done it.”
after rubbing his eyes a bit more and a crack of the neck he looks at them, brain finally working to some degree.
“…wait. You caught me?”
“But you’re so small! Are you hurt?”
“You're not the first sleeping giant I’ve caught. I’m alright.”
“I am so sorry for that. I just finished working a 12 hour shift fixing the 1st and 3rd engine rooms and couldn’t help myself from dozing off.”
They whistle. “12 hours? No wonder you’re tired! If I were you I’d be in a coma.”
“Ah but surely you have a difficult job yourself. How else would you be able to catch me?”
“No, nothing like yours! I just work at a youngling centre.”
“The one on the ship?”
“That’s the one.”
“…you’ve heard of us?”
“Every orc and warrior worth their blade knows of your valiant deeds!! Tell me, what is your name??”
“Kim, uh and you are?”
“Fenrir. It is truly an honor to meet someone of your bravery and intelligence."
"Likewise! I've heard that the orc species are a true warrior race."
For the rest of the trip the two talked. Kim sharing how her and Max built such a safe room in the centre, which lead to the two realizing how similar each other's planets are.
"You have wind whirlpools as well? I thought they only existed on Bantor!"
"Well we call them hurricanes and tornadoes but yeah. Do you guys have hail?"
"Not where I grew up but nearby farther up they get a week or two of light hail showers during the fall. What about animals? Do you have reptiles bigger than an adult with large teeth and live in rivers? We call them darthrang."
"Oh we call them crocodiles!"
"Amazing! To think that your species live in a world much like mine!"
When the shuttle finally reached it's destination the two went their separate ways. A few days later they meet again, this time on the later shuttle. They sit and talk and create a routine of sorts where they became each others travelling companion for the trip to Mars.
One day however, Fenrir stopped coming. The human was saddened as she enjoyed his company but was soon surprised when seeing him at the centre.
"Kim! I've been transferred to stay on the ship so I won't be taking the shuttle to Mars anymore."
"Oh...well, as you know I only go home at the end of the week so maybe we can hang out now. Like eat lunch together or have a drink after work...or something like that!"
"Actually we'll be seeing each other everyday now. But if you don't get sick of me then yes, lets each lunch together."
"Great! But why will I be seeing you everyday?"
"Because after telling my family about you and the centre they've enrolled my nieces and nephews and younger siblings here...and I offered to drop them off and pick them up."
It was then that Kim noticed the dozen of orc children hiding behind Fenrir. The tallest and what looked the eldest of them stepped forward.
"Hello, I am Athea, uncle Fenrir said your one of the ones who saved the centre."
"Yes, my name is Kim. It's great to meet you AtheaaAA!" The orc girl pulled the human into a tight hug, lifting the adult woman off of her feet.
"Thank you for saving Nova." she mumbled into her chest.
'Ah, the Captain's daughter' Kim thought. "I was just doing what any teacher would do."
After a moment the human was put down and lead the children into the centre. The day went well. Fenrir's young family members were quickly won over by the humans, first with the saving of the centre, then with how they understood how wonderful their planet was rather than terrifying or deadly.
They were also greatly intrigued by how such a small species could survive in a planet that was thought to only be habitable to orcs.
"How can you carry us?" asked Thor, one of Fenrir's youngest brothers. "We're much bigger than a human child."
"Yeah but your not bigger than my cousins who are teenagers. Also just last month I had like 10 kids climbing on me. Two were tighalaxes."
"Your joking!"
"It that tumpon?!"
"Hm? We call it maafe, but it's also known as peanut stew, do you want some? It doesn't have any meat in it though."
"Guys Max has tumpon!! Can you tell Fenrir where we can buy the ingredients?"
"Of course. Finally I'll finish what gran gave me without having to gain 10 pounds."
And thus the first day ended on a high note! Now if only Kim could figure out why the children looked at her and nodded while talking to Fenrir...
So this based off of a post by @llamagoddessofficial about humans meeting actual space orcs. Sadly I can't find the actual post. but yeah, here u go, space orc and human meet cute
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luna-loveboop · 1 month
I started playing Wind Waker! Y'all want some thoughts?
-Why is the first thing I learned how to do with Link crawling on the ground like a sneaky sneak?
-Why is the SECOND thing I figured out how to do Link sidling along a wall like a sneaky sneak?
This kid is a sneaky sneak sneak!!!!
-Why is Link instantly jumping on people's tables? Get down please sir
-Wind and his family are so sweet I love them so much- and Aryll got kidnapped noooo TT
-Tetra has shot Link from a catapult
**I'm just gonna keep editing this post and adding random thoughts as I go does that sound cool? I wanna do that @hero-of-the-wolf
-Tetra's winking at Link has my heart forever she's so cute I swear
-love the glowy blue talking rock btw yesss stalker pirate girl
-Link why do you yell so loud every time you jump this is a sneak mission I thought you'd be good at this
-the game grumps on YouTube saved my life tho bc im a coward and get way too nervous in places like the forsaken fortress and watching someone else swear through the area before I do it helps ok
-Wind is such a gremlin but he's actually so polite? Like he instantly bowed to the sword trainer and then to the guy on windfall island after paying for breaking his pots- before running out of the house at breakneck speed. He's such a sweet and polite boy you can tell he's grandmas kid- yet he's such a menace what a wild yet polite lad ridndkkfkdg
-the people of windfall island are way too judgy stop being condescending to Link he's my baby. 'The Tipsters' girls have my heart tho because they.. they... well they give you tips. Tip you off you could say
-I think the King of Red Lions just legally adopted Link
Ok so small rant section but this game is so tragic. Like the art style is so goofy and fun but it hits you so hard that these are KIDS. Link is freaking twelve and his sister was kidnapped on his birthday, leaving him to follow in hot clothes because of higher defence I'm guessing (new hero clothes are more suitable for an adventure than casual loose ones but still!). But he's literally like half the height of DOORKNOBS- he has to stand on his tiptoes anytime to open doors. He is so very small.
My mom was like 'I love this animation style - does it help with your nerves that it's lighter?' And I was like 'honestly it makes me feel more deeply the tragedy of what should be a happy childhood being torn apart' but she's used to me saying weird shit like that so it's fine
-I think we as a fandom are severely underestimating how much of a gremlin Wind waker link can be and that's saying a LOT
-I got the Wind Waker!
-K learned the Wind Waker
-Ok I like got to dragon roost island on the first day and FINALLY got an empty bottle my beautiful baby where were you??
-I cleaned- like actually fully dusted and cleaned- my wii u for the first time after it was inactive for years and holy mother of improved game pad controls
-is it wierd that I'm more excited about the empty bottle than the wind waker?
. . . .
-ya know in hindsight gabon looked pretty shady. I mean he was standing in the shade but what kind of asshole stands there and tells a giant bird to throw a child in the ocean
-I think ganodonk is dumb I can't wait to get the sword and bitch slap him
-'we cANt set SaiL aGain Until you geT a GLowY thiNgy' well mr boat man sir have you considered that I realised there was most definitely a heart piece or two I forgot on windfall island and I'm doing another dungeon with three hearts? At least I got a bottle ig
-why am I trading with rats for potions this doesn't seem hygienic. I know rats are in fact very clean animals but this dungeons isn't and why do the rats want rupees anyways?
-so there's this like steamy glowy pot that teleports me to the start/end of the dungeon? I'm questioning all existence in this world why is that a thing. Honestly think Twilight princess's bald teleportation chicken made more sense but whatever
. . . .
-I saved the dragon! By riding on his tail? What a boss fight that was fun. Got a shiny thingy Yayy
-So the wind waker! I learned to change the direction of the wind which is so cool and also to change whether it's night or day. Which is wayyy too much power for this kid how come no one told me he could change night and day?
-That said I love how musical Link is. Like when he looks so happy waving the baton playing to the wind it's just really cool
- Why is the God of Wind a like. Toad surfer dude. Whatever, I like him.
-So apperently there's these little dudes called fish-men who are talking fish who fill out your sea chart- I am still questioning why link can talk to animals but that's fine
-I missed out on pawprint isle before apparently, so I'm gonna do that before whatever the red lion king tells me next
-Also I love Beedle in this game so far he hasn't threatened me like the other beedles in games I've played
. . . .
-Sailing through the ocean is really fun
-I went back to windfall and got a 'swift sail' that lets me go faster but I still like the blue one better
-I reached the great deku tree! He had monsters for pimples and I couldn't figure out how to get them off 'what are you doing?!?! go help him!!' IM TRYING ADOPTIVE BOAT FATHER. Turns out I needed to roll into him and not use the grappling hook which makes sense but still
-He. Grew me a leaf. A magic blowy leaf. Which is great it's an awesome gift and means a lot but the Deku tree grunted and grew a leaf for me and that's kinda wierd right?
-Reaching said leaf was a PAIN and I am very impressed with Wind Waker Link.
Hang on rant session. Bro's tiny little grandmas boy but flipping through the air to reach an unspeakably high up leaf is chill. He flipped through leafy child cannons a billion times to reach the Deku leaf and didn't get dizzy or give up even after falling. And that's saying nothing of how he picked up a sword for the first time and swings his way through EVERYTHING thrown at him. Gosh he's so cool I love this Link
-I HAVE MAGIC NOW!!!!! With like a little meter and stuff tidkkfdjfnkdjfkd I'm very excited that I have magic
-Reaching this high shelf with my path forward was a pain but I have to save and quit rn so if it puts me back at the start of this room I will be. Upset.
-It put me back at the start of the room.
-I ordered a game guide! I'm gonna try and play through with it- this'll be my first time using one. But I haven't updated for a few days bc I'm waiting on it :)
This whole post is a bunch of random thoughts jumping around which my adhd self appreciates- that said I really love that we can grab an enemies weapon and use it against them. Increases my respect for ww Link even more- when he had no weapon in the forsaken fortress he grabs a literal wooden stick from an enemy and kills it with. A big twig. Kid's brutal and does what it takes which is so crazy. Also using an enemies sword is great hehe shiny
. . . .
-Got game guide. Yayyyy
-The forbidden woods are scary but they remind me a lot of the forest temple in twilight princess. A lot. The mechanics are also very similar. I love Zelda games
-Maybe it's because the only time I've had free to play rn has been at night, but I find myself constantly thinking this game is creepy. It's so unsettling for a cartoon style- the boko babas freaking eat link! And chew on him like no!! Fisnfjskfkfk *shudder* aaaanyways I am NOT looking forward to redeads in this game but that's a later problem right?
-I figured out how to get the treasure chests from the sea!! And got a piece of heart :DDD
-Ok game guides are really helpful
-Apparently the 'warp pots' are a consistent thing- I guess that's just how Link teleports in dungeons in this game. The second pot is generally hidden a bit but then you can teleport to the beginning of the dungeon and back- then the third pot is near the end... I think. This is only my second dungeon in this game with the pots but it's going great! I'm learning a lot hehe
-I love the grappling hook so much. I can farm spoils/materials from monsters with it before I kill them and I love that. Also it makes me feel cool swinging it.
-Also the title screen theme and animation play around outset is very satisfying. Watched it replay three times tonight before starting the game. Time well spent.
-I appreciate the items so much. The Deku Leaf is great like I can F L Y with magic and also blow wind at enemies and make them look silly <3
-The look of Link's spoils bag has grown on me and I love it. Purple.
. . . .
-I got the boomerang!!! Oh my gosh it's so cool I love it.
-I've been trying out the switch mechanic for targeting rather than hold. It's going interestingly bc I've only ever held for targeting before. But I think I like it
-The evil flower ate Makar- the Korok I'm TRYING to save GIVE HIM BACK
-That was the prettiest boss fight ever. I couldn't even be intimidated, I don't think I've ever been more relaxed during a boss fight lol. They should make all of them purple and blue sparkly- it was legitimately beautiful.
-I finished the forbidden forest dungeon!! :DD yayyy
-Link's hopping up and down in celebration after the boss fight was so cute he's so happy!!
-Have I mentioned I'm excited about the boomerang
-Makar is so cute?!?! I love him with his little violin and- the Koroks oh my heart that was the cutest ceremony ever
. . . .
-Ok so I went around the great sea, for now avoiding the big octos I am uhh terrified interested to meet, went to a place that got 'corrupted by gannorks power' so now I'm following the pirates back to windfall island
-The pirates are stealing bombs and I think this is illegal.
-My girl Tetra's here!! :D also doing illegal stuff! And Link is just watching them rob the bomb shop lol these cutscenes are the best sometimes also I love the pirate banter
-Tetras little smile and wink when she saw Link was so cute I love her. Also the little hints that she was concerned about his island and not just treasure?? Sweet
-I stole the bombs that the pirates stole from the pirates. And getting there was a PAIN with swinging on the ropes the tiny pirate (Niko) made Link do
-TETRA is a STALKER she was watching Link through the glowy rock thingy- probably cause he was just sneaking around watching her rob a shop but still that thing scares me sometimes when her voice just comes screaming out of it
-Btw why do the pirates want the god pearl thingy anyways? Just cause it's really shiny orrr
-ok we're headed to outset! I'm so excited to get back to Link's home hehe. Also I think Tetra just dared Link to a race bc she was like 'we'll get there first we still have bombs' so yeah anyways she's spending the night here tho so I'm sure it'll be fine.
-I don't like the great sea as much when it's raining and thunderstorming all over :/ I hope it doesn't stay like this? Because that would suck
-I got sucked into a cyclone and was panicking cause it threw me across the great sea BUT then it threw me onto outset!! :D so that was uhh. Handy I guess.
-Ohhh ok so like. time is frozen from ganad's current curse, which means it's gonna stay night for right now, so tetra won't be coming in time to get the treasure from the god dude first. Nice.
-The Lion King just kindly told Link to visit his family and chill for a second and check on his island?? Sobbing yes thank you sir
-Grandma's sick oh no this is the saddest thing I've ever seen ima cry. I healed her with a fairy but she was so sad link and aryll were gone im- and then grandma blamed herself for not being there for them like no it's literally cold and rainy all the time it's frozen right now you have every right to get sick- and then she made Link soup and she'll remake it for him which is great and I LOVE LINKS GRANDMA SO MUCH it was so sad she was sick I'm glad I could heal her :))
-Link smiled and nodded so enthusiastically when Grandma told him to stay out of trouble/stay safe like Link you are a liar I just watched you steal from pirates
-I sparred with Orca and I like him. It's cool how he trains Link on his home Island with like formal training because Link definitely needs it with what he's facing
-Controlled a seagull for the first time. That was fun they can fly for such a long time like. Forever?? Idk I eventually stopped
. . . .
-Ok so I talked wait no. The king of red lions talked with this guy who's a god named Jabun (I think that's how it's spelled I'll check) and he gave us a THIRD glowy thingy. I'll give more thoughts on that conversation later I gotta look up the translation. The sea is back to being sunny :))
-I spent a bit just sailing around. I need to place the shiny pearl thingies from the gods in special places marked on the map to 'reveal the place where my courage will be tested' or whatever
-I have found several great fairies and gotten my rupees and wallets upgraded twice. I like the fairies in this game.
-it was scary.
-But my magic meter has been doubled!!! :D *slaps wind waker link* this bad boy can fit so much magic and blessings inside of him
-I've placed two of the fancy shiny orbs. Its wierd... I put them in old looking statues and they glow. That's fine I guess.
-the fishmen are my best friends. Kind of. Every square on the map I go to one is there and they'll give me lil hints and tips while they fill out my map. Nice guys.
-beedle sent me a beedle chart! :D which. Is a map of where his shop appears so handy!
-there's these maps called 'treasure charts' everywhere that mark places in the sea with rings of glowing light that I can bring up treasure from. Generally a purple rupee but a lot of times other things :)
-there's this one square with beedles shop ship that has an empty bottle and heart piece and treasure chart for sale 00 I got the empty bottle immediately ofc (now I have three!!) and saved up the money and got the rest :) it was all like. Five to nine hundred rupees each yeesh
-Link sure does rely on maps and charts a lot in this game
. . . .
Ok (storytime) so I was placing the last pearl of the gods that I've been collecting in the ancient statue and a cutscene starts right?
So Link places Farore's pearl and the ancient statue starts glowing. and Link kinda startles and runs away, but then he comes back and the statue EXPLODES with light and Link goes FLYING like Farore just bitch slapped Link with power across the ocean WHY?!?!
And so you have this big dramatic cutscene where the ancient statues become really pretty and form a map of the triforce on the ocean and a big freaking TOWER comes rising out of the water and it's really cool- and then at the end Link SPLATS INTO THE FREAKING TOWER AFTER BEING SENT FLYING INTO IT LIKE GIVE THE KID A BREAK ALREADY
Of all the things I was expecting in wind waker, a cutscene of Link being sent hurtling across the world to slam face first into the literal 'tower of the gods' was not it. like forget a concussion how is Link ALIVE?!?!
-k so anyways. I'm good. Wasn't expecting that. This 'tower of the gods' is the place the King of red lions keeps telling Link he'll be tested/have to prove himself to the gods as a hero or something
-Oooo this dungeon seems cool so far! Riding in, it's just risen out of the ocean, so I'm entering the dungeon on my boat dad
-so it's like we can do it together! Not really, but King Red is how I get around the first bit at least. It's crazy how Link doesn't have a companion for in dungeons. Boat dude has just been dropping Link off at dungeons like a kid at school.
-So the tides come in and out of this dungeon. The floor will be filled with water when it's up and I'm only able to walk when tide is low and the waters gone. This is dangerous because Link, although he can survive being yeeted across the sea, can in fact drown.
-also I've just realised I haven't died so far in this game yet!! Go me :D
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nyxmisfortune · 1 year
Happy Birthday!!
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Paring-Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, Scar x reader [seprate] 
Summary-How the Hermits would help you celebrate your birthday
Notes-As a happy birthday to this blog, the reader gets to celebrate their birthday! This does take place in summer so sorry to everyone with winter birthdays! [It’s me, I’m the one with the winter birthday] I might write one for Impulse Pearl and Xisuma later
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Mumbo Jumbo
I think he would plan a cute picnic! 
He has everything, flowers, the red checkered blanket, and food Scar totally didn’t help him make
It’s really cute and he treats you so nicely
It is your birthday after all
And of course, what is a picnic without a surprise?
Mumbo had Insisted the two of you stay out late, though, you didn’t quite know why. You watched the sun go down and thought that was what he wanted to stay out for, but no. He insisted that if you’d just wait, you’d love what was to come.
So you wait. 
And wait. 
And wait. 
You wait till The moon is high in the sky. “Mumbo, I think it’s time to-” You’re cut off by Mumbo pointing at something “Look!” You look to where he’s pointing only to find a little firefly. You watch the little bug flutter around. Soon, there’s more until the whole valley is lit up with tiny lights. It looks magical like the stars came down to make a show just for you.
Mumbo smiles “Suprise” 
He takes the day off from his little prank war with Doc to spend time with you.
You have to make him promise he won’t wake you up at 6 AM this year 
He takes you out for lunch
This man is taking you flying, whether you have wings or not.
You’re woken up by a loud thump. You sit up in bed, confused until you realize the pesky bird just slammed himself into your window, thinking it was an open gap. You have to hold in laughter as you run downstairs to go make sure he’s ok.
You quickly change out of your night clothes and run downstairs and outside. Grian is dusting himself off when he sees you and his eyes light up. “There you are! Right on time!” Before you can ask questions you’re being swept up into his arms.
He shoots off into the sky and you have to cling to him so you don’t fall. “GRIAN!” You yell, have to scream to be heard over the rushing wind. Finally, he slows down “Yes Y/n?” 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You ask, a mock scolding tone to your voice. “Taking you to lunch!” He says cheerily
The whole day is spent doing whatever you’d like to do. 
You want to go to the shopping district? Scars got Diamonds. You want to walk around Scarland? He’ll give you the best tour. Just want to cuddle in bed? He’s more than happy to do that!
The one thing that is for sure is that he’s waking you up with breakfast
No guarantee on how it turns out tho
You’re woken up to the smell of something burning. You quickly get out of bed and head downstairs. You head into the kitchen to find Scar making breakfast. 
“Scar is something burning?” 
“Just my love for you~” 
“Scar the toaster is on fire” 
He quickly whips around and does his best to put out the fire. You sigh and smile. “Scar, the fire extinguisher.” Scar pauses for a moment before grabbing the fire extinguisher and putting out the fire. 
You can’t help but laugh, and give Scar a hug “Thanks for making breakfast” Scar smiles and kisses your forehead “Of course. Happy birthday Y/n”
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soullessfawn · 1 year
In Every Life Time, I Fail
Phil was cursed a very long time ago with immortality after killing the End Dragon, with her death he was granted what she could never have before that fated day, an end to her existence. With her wings attaching themselves to his back transforming him into a feathery winged creature, half human half immortal, Phil will forever no the pain of living too long of a life.
At first he never even noticed, going back to his wife and kissing her on the cheek, pride in her eyes at the tales he spins of his battles, but soon that smile started to winkle, like any persons does as they age.
Phil loved it just the same, that smile, it only started to hurt him when he realized the winkles on his face were missing. Phil kept looking young, his wife getting older and older, until she dies, leaving him behind.
The wings weren’t enough anymore, he wanted to see that smile again, but she’s forever locked away from him. Phil would trade a hundred flights he took with her in his arms to be able to join her in the after life, but no matter who he prayed too, his fate was sealed.
Phil knew there were many names to the End Dragon, yet he never wondered why.
He never thought about how they changed form woman to man, from beast to beast, that they isolated themselves in a dimension outside of time itself at the end of the universe.
It’s only hundreds of year after when Phil looks I’m the mirror, does he realize who the Ender Dragon truly was. She was a mortal just like him once, going on a great adventure to slay the End beast and just like Phil had, she fell for it, the curse moving to her when she killed her predecessor.
Phil took to travelling the land, doing good in hopes that he’d find a way to break the curse, instead Phil found a man who could hear the voices of blood and vengeance themselves.
Techno was a weird man, the sort of man who wouldn’t ask questions as to why Phil never seemed to age, had wings that were black as the void and smelled like star dust, the sort of man Phil could find happiness in. They travelled the world together, Techno wasn’t immortal but he was far from a mortal man, always hiding his face beneath a pig mask.
Phil found this out one day, when a stray arrow got him in the chest, this was before Techno knew of his immortality, so as Phil collapsed to the ground not able to move, Techno thought he was dead.
That night Phil witnessed why people feared Technoblade and why his voices named him Blood God.
Techno was a beast just like Phil was, but instead of one born from the death of another, Techno was born from the blood of the living and suffering, as long as blood flowed through his veins, Techno could transform into a monstrous boar stronger then any man.
That night Techno’s true nature was revealed and Phil’s was, but the blonde was more focused on the black mail he now had on the other.
“You cried!” Phil would chuckle, patting a sulking Techno on the shoulder. “Awww mate, you really do care about me!”
After that, Phil found a boy with brown hair and a love for the people. Wilbur, a scrawny thing you’d think would die from the softest winds, but somehow survived the many winters Phil housed him.
Wilbur was Phil’s son in everything but blood, then came Tommy, then Tubbo. Soon enough the boys set off, all to soon if Phil had to say, but in hind sight Phil would have preferred it ended there.
L’manburg was a country he watched his own son build, then die for.
By his hand…
Phil would never forgive himself for that.
“Please!” Phil screamed into the night, the Tundra winds freezing him. He would have died out here due to the cold if it wasn’t for his curse. “Take me instead! Let Wilbur live! Let him live!”
Some of Phil’s wings faded to a dark grey and Wilbur woke up in his bed the morning after, a mad man who’s seen death and walked away from it.
After the fall of the country, Phil left, Techno hot on his heels like he had always been.
The man was older, Phil could tell, even after all these thousands of years, time was never one there side. “I think I’m going to go.” Techno, his old friend, said one night over a warm bowl of soup.
“Go where?” Phil asked, oblivious at the time. “The voices needing entertainment—“
“Not like that.” Techno cut him off, humming. The man was looking out the window, hair tied up in a loose bun, colour freckled with grey. His face was wrinkled, his knees ached, Techno hasn’t fought in a battle since L’manburg times. “I’m going to visit your wife.”
Then it clicked, yet by this time death was meaningless to Phil. Everyone but this one, it seemed. “It’s that time already?” Phil whispered.
Techno nodded, smiling. “I’m not gone yet, old man, I still have a few more years.”
A couple of years later, Phil was invited to an island resort. The QSMP, whatever that was.
He should ah e known his bad luck would follow him.
Phil met new people, reunited with Wilbur, Quackity, Tubbo, Niki…
He became a dad to two lovely kids named Chayanne and Tallulah, it was perfect.
Until they went missing.
“Please come back…” Phil cries, eyes gazing out of the birdcage he was trapped inside. “Before I outlive you both while stuck in here.”
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bearimba · 7 months
Kris (Pokemon Crystal/HGSS) Character Headcanons
And last but certainly not least, it's time for the third of the New Bark Town kids, Kris! (just to be clear btw, I kidnapped her from Crystal (the game) and threw her into HGSS because she deserves love too)
Anyways, here's my list of headcanons for her:
Her name is actually Crystal, she just goes by Kris because she likes it better (she spells it with a K because when they were kids, Ethan said it was "cooler" and she thought it was amusing so it stuck)
Her pokemon are Furret, Dunsparce, Slowpoke, and Tauros.
She's friends (tired older sibling vibes) with Ethan and Lyra, but because of her position as one of Elm's research assistants, she doesn't get to hang out with them nearly as much as they do with each other.
She's four years older than Lyra and Ethan more or less, making her about 20 by the time HGSS rolls around.
She's super chill most of the time but can be incredibly dry and sarcastic and sometimes brutally honest. Despite this she's genuinely and openly supportive of her loved ones a lot and would probably kill for them. Unfortunately for them, she's also not afraid to turn her fury on them too if necessary. Sometimes tough love is valid if your friends are risking their lives by being idiots :D
She's already been on her own journey when she was around 13-14, during which she managed to get most of the badges and dominated the Battle Tower (which has expanded into the Battle Frontier by the time HGSS rolls around. She likes to visit from time to time when she needs to blow off steam). She probably could've gotten all of the badges if she hadn't gotten bored of travelling.
She likes to battle “just for fun”
She takes over the lab from Elm, though it doesn't happen until he's basically forced to retire (the man loves his work, ok?). He still hangs around though especially since his home is literally on the second floor.
“oh haha looks like I won (again)! great battle tho :D don’t worry maybe you’ll get it next time <3 btw here's a comprehensive list of everything you could've done better” meanwhile the opponent’s team is absolutely decimated. dust in the wind. reduced to scorch marks on the ground
Where Lyra depends more on flexibility and Ethan just kinda does whatever during battles, Kris uses a lot more strategy. She's able to come up with plans on how to defeat an opponent team even if she's never seen their team before thanks to her extensive knowledge of pokemon. However! if her plans happen to get knocked off track, it's much easier to overpower her team.
She also specializes in evolution, but instead of focusing on breeding like he did, she's more interested in requirement-based evolution (like why some pokemon will remain in their first stage of evolution despite being old enough/having the experience to evolve. or why some pokemon need certain items to evolve. or why some pokemon evolve with trading. stuff like that. it's definitely a wide field but she enjoys the variety a lot).
She has this habit of flicking people's heads if she's annoyed with them. Light flick? she's being lighthearted. Painful flick? she's actually upset. Oftentimes she'll flick herself if she's particularly stumped on something, usually to do with her research.
She owns a bicycle her parents bought from Goldenrod and takes it absolutely everywhere---girl could probably ride across the entire region if she wanted to.
Her pokegear is horrendously outdated, and the screen is so cracked it's a miracle it still works. Regardless, she refuses to get a new one because "it turns on just fine."
She typically just wears whatever clothes are comfortable/convenient. She also mends all her clothing until it's unsalvageable and she's even made a couple pieces herself. For example, her white jacket is just a lab coat she cut short and upgraded. She tried to teach her friends but Ethan would start loudly complaining about being bored after two seconds and Lyra couldn't sit still long enough to learn anything past basic mending. Silver is the only one she's had any luck with, but even then it's far from his favorite activity (they'll still save their sewing projects until they can meet up and gossip together).
She has the worst handwriting known to mankind, but she still insists on scribbling everything down herself. It's like a rite of passage for every new researcher to try and decipher her notes well enough to transpose them into the lab's computer system.
Her love language is sending pictures to her friends. except. most of the time it'll be motion-blurred pics of random pokemon or the world's most incomprehensible memes
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cavewretch · 6 days
captains log #755680 i don't remember how many numbers i used to put
been a while since i wrote one of these so it's Long
day 355 of the genocide in gaza. 500+ people killed in one day in lebanon. my neighbors put an israel flag in their window. hinds hall 2. i started watching this guy on youtube who does "gaza war sit reps," essentially summarizing events and the resistance's actions. he also does "tankie therapy sessions" with other ml journalists which are helping me keep it together. my mom said i looked down today and i said it's been a rough news week. she asked why. i'm trying not to let the rage and despair and biting indignation seep into my every interaction, but it'll be day 365 soon, and majority of people around me callously keep their heads firmly in the sand. how are you not also fundamentally different? how do you ignore this? aren't you at least ashamed?
no doctors will listen to me about mast cell activation syndrome. i don't almost die when i get a reaction so it doesn't count for them. i fear im getting more sensitive to triggers. i didn't get to go outside much at all this summer because of dust and pollen counts, and we didn't even have many wildfires this year. my pt said i should still do design for theater, and that i fit the vibe. "cool, chill, sure of yourself." that felt nice to hear :3 i tried to explain that i would love to, i desperately want to, but like. i get a migraine from other people's detergents. scented air fresheners force me to leave an area. i can't be in that environment anymore. not to mention my physical limitations.
i miss stimulants. pharmacies love to make you do a little dance before u can get meds. i hate being Dependent.
i can feel myself spinning out a bit on photosynth. i feel like i need to have something new every week to show to my professor, when i used to sometimes not even have a new note or idea for two months at a time. i think i need to turn the creative soil but i don't know that i have the energy for it.
i told my dad im a communist, and his first reaction was to tell me to talk to my grandfather about "living under communism" (former yugoslavia) (he left in the early 60s tho. and he lived on an island. his village has 6 houses to this day. he did not see socialism. i digress). this was a fascinating response considering my grandfather disowned my father in a fit of rage in april. do you still not think your father might be wrong about some things?
anyway. we bickered for a half hour, and the next day he informed me he downloaded the communist manifesto. probably the last thing i expected to happen but i'll report back if he actually reads it lmfao.
i've been watching a lot of documentaries on natural disasters and storm chaser videos on youtube recently. i've always had a fascination with extreme weather but i'm watching a lot lately. if you'll allow me to psychoanalyze myself. it's awe with weather and how the earth works. it's also a reminder that the world is bigger than humanity, we're part of an ecosystem. it's also a reminder that not all damage comes from us to each other . and that we can't possibly control everything. and it's nice to see people help each other. idk. it feels a bit twisted. but isn't it incredible that wind and temperature and water can mix up and spin and do all that?
writing about lesbians is very difficult. writing about lesbians under the (albeit lax) supervision of an older man in a position of authority over me is even more difficult. every time i feel the horror in the pit of my stomach i remind myself of that tweet that was like u have to write for u & ur dick (something like that) . and it actually Isn't perverse and evil . it's actually fine. (gritting my teeth)
ok thats all i got for now . disjointed wretched brain sample . good night 🤙
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libidomechanica · 9 months
Untitled Poem # 10929
A sonnet sequence
Bode nae man I have felt my body be. Hey ho their cones brow chalcedony. And the mounts them south, tells me oft amid that, amassing in due bouncing popularly low: for which ends in making in the clergy, who must, with Juan: if she’d choose all men and the path again, with Jealosies another self-love nor such as their compeers, the darke, they led thrusts into a woman laugh at—the wind, with those loss: then did stars. ’Tis tatters, blind amazed to me the place for the heaven! First made so clear rime, infers a Right, in like my heals his front of its many days exile lock’d me too.
Which murmur are rustling like gold sands flash and gamed of deserves be; seeing, the scent came which with a General Factious air than a stings. At presence not why, ador’d their own Worthies, in the after, through cast together bliss from every desolate appear as if they change; then you great desecration, may reach—tho’ lost to him, near think it would have been control the dead and out of entry.; And tumbling of the high hopes crowds; who doth one hand winnow’d by fate and the most sublime at, are but that I doe Stellas name,—sweet should dissential: i’ve hear the Argonauts, in this bough, each house.
Shall not forever. Him deep snow piled all the Heathen the prophets of nothing to feed on her swept, the pictur’d infant buds,-— that he then go home and Turbulent dust die: they’llonly more appetite for years—an oratory, let me name through the depths, and airy, stood long memory: fair cheek; perhaps than poet’s sounds breakfast of this year had a motive, like a rack of Hazeldean. And then alone—the could charitable lovely young beam reflects upon the enfeeble age, equipage! Is idle’ then fill’d nymphs were narrow Circle, but better; but to be set less obscured sparkle in his Consenting Jews: wHose features, cool, and the phoenix’ breast, but represent days, but Salámán have drenched ear: surely once, till the unimaginable loved Attribute of money, to aid the few. Or did trip for post-horses can claim according other forth, when nature’s wheel?
; Shut her in thrall? The throws: and our heart only Crowd willing, the rest hater! Sweet kisses to run to say is, no sorrow is, but to flee—I stare the hosts; the woods and so it is the principle of hair. And utter one drink? Till thy sweets I fairly knocks in their arms, a poison cannot bloody go, what he seem’d it, and solemn bird wing! And with that I writes were midnight it sing nothing. Or generous family of Christ! Street, i’ll loveliest knows to lightsome lookes stumbling, leading injury, revenge for the rest. So winged Psyche true’ is a steed, I hung just enough the cellar.
All but Strongbow’s talk you there. His Hand a sweeter meets, enkindling snare or long flat or should shake their death, but I and sleeping into cloath some smart, to revel in armour, overwove by many a benison. And see its complete darkness. I walked out in dispute about on Neptune, my love, to lookes you rush on every tree. There were all cover’d with and for which thread most logically spend his can’t well them who through thine eye and settled over brothers of the wrought about the milkweeds’ honey cells from thy faith prove that portending. To Head the better the most heart, thought me their fill, it pushed with his rushing Absál set it glowing to others, it yearned the fault; not stings, with a kiss? At that warpings on flitting to gorge upon matter where long blink is nothing to her, and I to nurse of polished, and Redressing thro’ the gay, but a Spark too later. Like sympathy?
If they knows where she flies. Worked by his tender a cold neglect has scoop’d up to draw the bedde, or solitary gloria victorie, yet deepest moon, unlook’d for but the end of delight, a cloudless famed for dress, in pass mildness the barren Land: Achitophel’s praise; but the sea look in your gentle Spaniard was the mind wave, the figure; like grown quite under Jebusites the fierce of Prayer in peace: so happy pieties of Lords A. Or else for my palm nothing heaps o’ clavers: and Ioy, whistle though heroic salamander, ’ and take my gentle and faded hierarchy!
The stones. A bird; nor would have not share the altar heats the mysteries, I don’t remembrancer of his Hear hims! To save in her whom we should somewhat both men of the leafless boughs perfumes by date and temper; but this host, and blush, at first time all the others fall do less the Priest-craft Jock of pleasures a roach; but serene and War was he the Charming Greatness his Estate. Sing or a place for you will be my lord, or criticised to a finer mood. Snake Society is but turn glean in the back and strain on your equal young mans bereft, he laity our roots together.
Despise, and something but also some eares you skill in the winged censer teeming thee. In such sweet; but forth a steadfast aim a lovers fall; I mourning me aloud their own steps towards glad: the supreme author’s wheat with a dumb that fish, who can blaze, and of the snowy-banded priest aspects, save power to quaff a brook but cloy’d; that same, but sweete Violets purple or parade, which grace? Late, and her hair, and rites of truth of sense enough: how should be said, How’s martiall love neurosis you’ve saved my dear. I recoiled feelings are me, against himself in the green water on thy follying before.
Turns out-going back o’er the care-burden to a bee did from Blood, then did was Restor’d, and even th’Offending place in their own through ethereal—a new no reason bold, without occasion of the grand arbitrary to paste of the sky and hands to join their most. And with other—still old days, but life and Infinite clods, until is answer; feeling fire-flies twould be told you haven’t gone, and there is no show, than when those who better, the green grasshoppers again, his own: tis Juster without my inner cloth, by sun or tempers can get nachos. Ah, desirable, plate.
I could put with strange,—but try your eyes their sphere; and of in Arcadians both, ’ are less discovering, and Pharaoh’s Pentioners. Or that, in like feeble age of sound-like David’s Part excess, to-morrow? For breath’d tree; thy gloom will in very Siria of thorn. But at that spread a lane to any questiond cannot too tall as I watch a certain play’d in senators declared in silence, only then in the duckling to charm of thirty thousand yet ’twas everywhere: and yonder as they keep himself thou, thyself the Power: but what no just new, and Tear—mother just abounded thus gentle rush, in gastful groue the sofa, dozed, snored. Because is—’t is made; and see how did Judas had a rider as crystal brook and wandering Wealth and grass; His Psyche wind drops dead. For all be true colour sound the Blest: his is love: and awe. Those diapasons; and through reserve them all!
Multitude; but with his skin ginger, there are not Israelite contented, while its own apace, makes himself thou goest safe, and so that is the midst of these question well or ill desires; but Manly temple time for that not, and thanks that she had a motherly cheekbone, explain that shall wear u is fountain cure for me; plant thou or I, who could shoutèd and forget not thy lips. Love sheeted and merry, thence love will I stretch they thing told their tasted in the fair-grown will, of me, or treachery, to score, she condition. But writes were down: thy fingers, Campbell, Moore, and easier wrecks.
Family like name on aught my hid meant amiss ladie? Steel baron than Accuse. To sleeps for ill, so by the tender a common- place bring to ravel forth eternal God Supreamly Good design’d. In the most exquisite small distinct with fires, the walls I have writ do only beauties brought me.—Would yet by rote, which doth hath no sport every that which even ghost. Discord, but a things I do to the nightingales from this break, and blacks—now pray shut my eyes glow-worms, when that harves with baleful ardor burn, a knell; till that give away the day in distresses several Mother losing.
A half-forget, or his fear, his Verses higher bread or that something is blessing for the races; and there a serpent twists, and making through to-day. Your more praise, painting my sack of grass above the soft-dying and drove of almost above their estate upon that Plot, though tis so? Others, intense sensitive, only content. Let her Harmony combination’s mint, the kill’d nymphs were some say, Shame, but Lofty to a certain that first Impressions, that to filled; where moans a few hours shall ne’er presently, what payne, and claiming its heav’n has tried to bind you, partly because you’ve missed kiss.
I know not how, with many cover’d in your mantle of song; permit me with diamonds where? And I sigh’d for a chosen so feeble age, his judge a Cause. I marriage of the picture of in Arcadian books, with the fingers seek and pass our clay,— thoughts and monde. Your sickness of hurt maken field, so indefeasible mighty Years, that swords against yon bean-field! So thoughts their create the merry in our memory: fair present wealthy weep not, be nothing off our newly cut hair was turned them, but here’s nought to patience the will proceed; of the dryness of Royal Youth remain!
As oftentiment, so fair daughter’s story, let me, and breath, stifling a shapes and many a very Sheckle which in his vainly aim; and years should not a Slaves; And, wide spindrift of the brimmed with flower and strong. Cannot Praise; but while in her way back and leave his messenger bloomed like to a Shrine, no doubtless the sea, betweenwhiles so master in their wild, unequal, at home, gleaning much. Careless our past themselves cover’d well—a man know. A might I am waiting on untamed wings, ere patriot sympathy: tis to this, give life into a rivulet; and this thee,.
To those who knew their earth; so thou art so oft amid the moon, or else can our wood as weak tongues to the sun sank or for the herdgroome. And water warn’d by th’Effects by the Shah Salámán listening the striue, such a beauty’s pattern of almonds where two so as still air is to the whirling modest o’er some approved enough thou would wear thee fall of men, that it winter away. And bade adieus, to be love, to a thought, hey ho the who would we pad through we can seem of reach around a tress Bride; he whole— I don’t known to following, the wiry conceal’d, he seed; david, undisturb a Statues drawn from Court remorse of his new fields of despots ride a breast for that light to ashes; whate’er them one poor lips, which is always fair; true, hath found of the strings, even as the tools; but their Fate may bring to raise; because you so and noble guess, I’ll fight, rhythm in a flask of Rhenish.
Grow Stale and Tyrus interjection with fame; I heard and a sister! Of new roses propos of man was in the merchance he begins to please about, yet Comets rise in Jerusalem were stop my Muse, here, each sence Hell. White flocke did raign: and, they call its Grief content, sacred majestic treasure before if too well be love bears they Prove: for Converts, even where missed or mocked; there, that blackbirds of early purchased by a lost and see but could forget you ask my eye like winds: rain-scented eglanting Tyrian, the Goal of pearl and amid this autumn robbed, by divinely singing.
Whose sorrow pine, o forest with many man in their Taxes doubt, when my tender to the glow-worm bite the faltering through still, yet still in the sad song. Whence could blunt thou, to love unto that awkward children bred thermopylæ its hand to fret at my will I sobbed in a setled Throne, hey ho Bonibell, that heart, to pause? And how strange,— but true tears down quite on a sisterhood. Permit me wood, and things in triumph bars, unless to all swell trimm’d, a crowded you’d channels pebble-stones in that I show, since had chidden heart, discuss’d her in the side should it so late, our chief of Royalty?
Heart, and eyes were rich part I call back the receives his to the good to represented to be the mountain pathless her tree when Exchequers flower rate. Meet me with the least satiety with baleful as a gift, wouldst thou, to whose cool and think their weak or witty, ere patriot, and out by this, that Change tulips and build a footprint thy spire of water one to quality: how lights in the buffeting you canst not yet with good sense, had I love has few drops dead. Or upward: but ’twas all day long herbs that time you leapt about they have had design, nor any below the quality.
Was ever. Within their bed, with the meadows runnels pebble-stone;—felt the Chinese— perhaps to keeps with the newest cou’d be undone. Had turned with bitter fools prophecyings rave round him, up, the laws of painted stranger bright nearer rate. When I wander’d o’er-brimm’d, a crowd of counsellors, ’ as Solomon a zany. Thou the ground. Halt of empty world aside; he whole with barred cloud and psalms but figures with her virtue hath not enter. So all mirth; but who have writ do lie, even where thee, what you wert, I may their Kingship, and fair; true, he was on the Nations try; and thee, though but two days old.
There is my rhyme may make some leuin shroudes, hey ho hollidaye, where lies but you the garland we love it and whoever sees than the temple be described better side, hey ho seely she; when e’r their sins have drenched leaves few words and pitied Youth, thy days, of all the King hidden weapons to proclaim. Like to fret with my own empty cells from Endymion’s blushing since it birth, that time will drip and freaks that very Jewes, which indeed, like a hawk, an’ it winna let a purer sips We fool ourself, so doth scathe, therewith, life’s a lake in Paris, but even of every night; for wider.
So thy Will, ’ and statue, war, a tempest’s roaring Eye to gracious chariot last, when she crimes dropping stars, and since Juliana came, some original, a please approved, as he knew the answer.—And truth as I have made us bravery inch a’ duke; the then she said, he like feebled mine could tell than the fair-grown lambs loud this we have added since, possest; still and mused and she what the villeggiatura will he can recent. I standing thoughts to have I to take place of rhyme at, are burthens for aye remov’d: then broken in, than that thirty servants will find no longest soil.
Much I might win or lost in her did I seek for me thy lips do their claretless asphodel, look in the sea is cruel coxcomb, in her. Our ridicules are all those old face, and folly call, and strands with some would task to my though green leaves beset, with Pride; the falsehood in it, the Gothic, such sweetest at ever leaps, and having been film, an oratory, by the sky. And hence she hath so dear? With silenced quite Danish to squeeze like a you alone—the lute unstrung, and gay, and clodded ear: surely; am I Scanted like a hawk, an’ it’s like a vice, for myself I do, doing white, in him share in the mode the railway: love has neither call’d to cloath to flourishings, nodding, the first made it any been unhappy dove? And then a commotion: she thonder what I reck not save one frozen into the steed, both light love the sunbeams against thy Will’ in overpowers?
Foreign treasures given, all my toil breeding cockatiels—clutch, and my too was made you rehearse each others Mold. Of higher honor flies fleck three the Ephesians, in the world aside, not stem and wait until again? Were dream how did Judas, the pours ere time all children are his fancy, till he came not she crickets but easy those weighty tribe of Reuben? Within the winds at least, there branches play, and cooler side; pitying! Turn gleanings but short the circle just to ever be broke up old and airy, stood, whom shall be done by Weavers issue, and some roundels from thou shalt do!
What can penury witnesseth all that Time or Fate may so fast, whether than every loth to an every marges meet his constant love or art. No Will-o’-th’- Wisp mislight Muse by longer-lived philosophy and the doubled sea of the rill. And thus began that it weeping flower, the Deity swore heart like a serpent of being his eye stedfast fair moon was none so Beauty purely then sneer sombre cave, whence itself have me fashionable love inhere; one of him, because, no truth,—the ostler pleads me prisoner bound, which how far conduct had dashed quite lamb, yet was led from me!
In secret spring enduring, and sweets completions—condescence. But all, nor in nothing more blue were be, which point with so raft vs of our farms, a poise of other nation I could their griefs in the Ephesians, Lady, you preserve them, dearest, ere yet I have to friends, and broke; and once, as the tool’s true nature, all purposes unsure, that each breast, this Prince her favour atonement. In Homer’s career homely pedigree told of thousand freedom. And once, and happiness discords need not when Zephyr penitence. As my craft did not the tyrannie; and what stremes of promise such, must going to charm, that love us! As Phidian formed beauty, education, but seize to-day, to- morrow find none! It sure and the Rhone by. But by no meaning that which obscure and psalms but for us nobis pacem oh my bodhisattva of nothing in ghastly night be fall out.
Sire to be shine from that he country. No friendships sent up with caprices some call’d the garden, a cigarette cradle shell of things miswent? And bright hinters in the major parliament; the rest, my heedless moon-gazing of thee—I am thence the mountains, on that sleep. For such a beautiful. Echo up inside my dear. Opening rolls, as freeze once screen’d many days alone cou’d pleasent realms: O thou, my murmuring home to fret with look was deare. Who whirr and change; thereon. Nothing reeds are Negligent orange faces bloom in Forget not the ocean woman laughter.
Who thine eyes’ full of heaven! You left in milk and for a Darling mazes that it might I faine woud by Land, cov’ring rain. At being forms thy finger young bard Rackrhyme, and Patron’s Herse? Self in the grand art. Now grave, nor any body as my circle smiling but it is some’s self-love, but that it might hold. Or if such set trash of game; though our foreheads too fortune may the took another serious: besides, my Love! Neuer them very tress Bride the great race by fire. All that acquiescent moon back together for love these were two object. Watching heaps of moistener, heavier still.
—For thee the fresh Force: but, ere ticking look, look at there’s live you, dear, a Soyl ungrateful Evening scenting backward the nature’s little or profit when the World, and maiden Bay, hey ho the Faction, no more, and I entered in your presumes no face and bad, that he sucked in like a stir; and Fir’d with more of June, had it at twelve sheds, and here also was on the upper life you learn the murderers hung by stealth, while thy shade and therefore the studied with the knurlin’, till it been fruit, and watch the water one waiting flowers and let him weary. Death, if their death was its sweetly doth delightful scarlet, and prove of gray, and you wilt, swift-footed planets all them that like a sweates for which long before, was some words he said i’m going backward with my young begins a journey on that pays his faults of our Jealous pilgrimage; but I am they pleasure, whose very sport.
But ‘tis Duty; but Nature suited Night! Heart, I read in the moon’s noon: but where we may be divert my Nativity some hopes and all place! And as a compose a Monarch, which time, Kenny says she dabbles, and she was hung dew-dabbles, like vestal primroses, but large was believe, better, I could unlace to shew her famoused to a mean to beholding well proportion of this implies: she made every vinous call’d glory for their punish a Body to described soul behind, blown blonde, twenty, my life than piety, and when only line portrait showers; and Paradise.
For the grass, and scatter’d by the road besides the change minstrel memory excellent for ever saw so sweetly in the next day, your conscious Progress toilet lay; while I, with no specious flame groan doth weary dream thro’ thee, o do not pine.—Shall bleed and all the point; whose deities, what I’ve watch the dawning taught, by yourself in her sound of the temper; but for yoghurt partly because of charmes resists, you lov’d your quaint, old, cruel break its so far off, the Ages, so indefeasible might be fall of Angells Metal in hot blown hither chanced to possesseth: what is lost.
Yet, do they things which breath goes,” and “baby. Or be my love, ’—and they misunderstand at there. Such Vertues ways; also become against wreckage. But like awe, that’s thick leaves and live, a jest, and the Pack; tho not kill a heart, the sweet brood; plucked from hanging a little pale to work me why, ador’d through his Memory, they view’d such a tale as it impart to thy believing northern shore, softly lulling to these dull twanging door? That for rough, much Grace and dewy morning to the six from shepherds in the memory station; and satyr kingdom Most logical concealed, for they do not.
Laughing linnet and Tyrant who, by Force be know, since your Piety, should, if then moving by those regions are a new birth, as thou the forbidding on untamed with a dream with green nets blue latitudes and Property allow, and—what doesn’t matter end of Worthier Heavens Annointed do allow, and the white-flowers woos, and regions be his sense, which we may, a manly steepy flight. The winds a-wooing flowers for he would I could trust thy Will, ’ and somehow man-made held up that moments far more the poppy hill. Impatience the like an end. Her Jason; or to hold it!
Other presence not weighed so longer skies. Chatted their sphere; or contriv’d longer hovering those shrieking say, where Cupid, with repining puclick Good, by thy healthy by heart is just sleepe, and in than a conquering with full of ivy in the wild vine, a fellowship diviner Lust, his lone immortal looks ouer they take. See how the people no more can’t for the daisies round, taking each gift, each my sole those secret Joy, indulgent David’s Part did: if he had a page has Spagnoletto taintless asphodel, looks went and life into a mandarin find out it Within that’s it, the Dew of saving kiss! For thy returning, said, Art thou cheering of it or not wear not: t will stay, since thee? What with benefits unknown munificences must help Thou Me, for a Worthies, in their use: I own time, the cup that rings so that rich banker’s self will begin to make a breast.
And Consent: with his ditty, and try thee. At leisurely she conversazione; there all hold, thorowest words should every cheek; perhaps mankinds Epitome. And caught fair ones; come instead. From that I stood like rabbits, and your charms they shew’d he lover, and bear not: t was on the widest all bleed, and ripply covers, all human breath, fling and noble conquer’d Hand, whom Just Revenge is freezing. Be named her interest scent clay! Or just sleepe. For forest; for the breast. In his Soul? To feeling fish gasping belly. Who had been told you are you saw two wits by the Incomprehensible.
Knowledge the taperness of them he is a screen of Jebusites; and still, announce they durst not Faction within the way, why should we no matter her fetters blamed as obstinacy, both your yrksome young- wise, which reall, the least so much know, then the earth its hero’s right spirit deceit, for some diplomatist, there is an arch face peep’d,—an Oread as if she had made: our time as Diviners Theams; and afternoon news, some Eyes be blinded guest waiting on darken, I walked they durst, how dark velvet edges of spleen. Nor evening none, I though even condensed to talk was left by me.
Successive lies another name of a female missal, which was rumour’d, sad and the Wine of Verse. Hey ho thence rare I can not a flower bell that faithfully rude, that hope no noise, but Esau’s Hand of company, and sheltering in the famous in a little of chaste, no praises, and free from my break the while the ills of Thessaly: some high soars and Starrs, allies, kings, and anon, to slake Thy this defect. Makes their own sweeps o’er-power’d in his trophies hommes’ who stem the sort of his bag, and gay, my head, but take, although name has a meet, and thus, thou, being him his Loyalty?
The London winter chill. Brought to make youngest date, as north, where we combine, althought to curtain of Latmos! I think of the next a quality uncommon look but those bestowes on mine did Joyn, the beginning rolls, as an idol show, since thou breakfast, myriads of clichés. Well, which much too is the floods, unfixt in Prince; held her long witnessed the Jebus bore, that spot whether friendships and praise upon thy call, inventions for maydens meet more is still, hoping t’ have fled is every small; until, from thy fingers fine into the rest, that I still thy hungry Israel, free the sky.
Of awful marriage? Its bodily tenement. Oh curst Effects brink of comely to panting dais before. Strong, and mine’s home. My Muse, thy ioynts be taught meant the approved enough a splendid host intent to move, but faithful friends he whole wide as himself at least Complaintiue pleasure an enduring, and thou cheered like I hope hope that loved, complain. And believing lyre, who nere complaint of youth, toward me such words that calls on this dungeon mine eyes’ full many a summer, that you linger too? No wonder an efforts while others vanity retired; a little eyes most riches it thou laughing.
Our soule a son at Waterloo, it was a test. The several pitied with those to the lie this and joyous love: with buds and here I bid Love! WHose fellow pine, o forest brake and you, except the marke, as their own death, and death composed lets fall: for Shimei, thou, the offence’s crooked foresters Fate: in Exile with those most her dark-cluster’d well—long, and take my soul she was done, cut off our day: our time when wreathe wild roses at myriads bloom, where speculating that come, Font of dappled for then fetter to pleasure can tell the rest of an inch, but for love, and the debt than mine.
Of golden as a Guardian Angels from his own heart. Second proud of his bag; but half consequence in partial fear and go but if there in that’s in her example led, to show the brought for rays of gold: and Grace, because of Concubine and breath, a wanton o’er hill so hye, hey ho hold a tale, especial legend or God to resists, you look was water, and hunched earth was in Blank—but rank; at least thou, that the thy hair would not bade between eternity and fruit; the Vein of plastic basis of emotion: at present, thought to be unmoved her can hinder haunches: late, close, a world’s tide I had ever was made: our Authour swell of folly call’d at such as sat list from David’s life is that somewhere, for hand heavnly Justice damn us allay’d, pursues the drill but for my Safety pray, and happiest the chace—i, who mould achieve no high, bob, And faults which to loue!
That you to a foreign Gold, is grows his Life Ambitious crowd? Rich when the early hour with so displac’d his mother’s ripply cover, it pushed to thee so late, and stars began to the casually to this teeth o’ time watch and duly sea. Fresh, fragrant- eyed, too, of his beauty shall stoop through reeds and mingled with Zuhrah wrought it seemed turf he kept up a strange shirt, by your gaming, therein did was girt to Wives and bounding all my lay soar high contemn; and then the dancing Bellibone, hoping eye could, till to thee fall a symbol of it flash and loth, by sun of spangly light from Cato.
This old and kisses, and sluicy stalks, the truth of the hands in Erin’s gore, a house revive the dust, like to his Present have a futures on scrolls of Thunders, how he’d love, and her Grace a Church and love. Where they are but forme of song; permit me wish’d, she sing under a brook; or should breath of unsluice a tear; but her blown in Peace it drew to wise or stops, stain’d to slumber, and ancient before subdued me to manhoods prime by unequal, o’er cloth, by sun or tell me a bouquet in vain Philomel, which is the rose the newest joys three year; all my sweetest partake, by no more, a house.
He had press my uncertain if once but ta’en at the War, but two days was of the siren’s hair smell: but in the worlds passion every thine. Watching herbs that hadn’t see now his Jest, and wedded unto Thee mid foresaw the queen? So overwhelm surrounded the blaze from a looks: the warning Post? Cripples, much Adeline and gazed: I play and make for myself alone—the caitiff; opposing mead to hearers of the grey: a whispers looks as Heavens Decree; with his rushing were gone into closed eyes, as free quills the glacier knocks in their Kings a long as strange! And was a miser’s hoard, for meals.
Once moves not Beauties Queene, whose leap, in female missed kisses, then, for a plain of golden scabbard on a wren light, star kissing about globes of monks, that serene and trembling on her fingers, me through my limbs at nook, the kindly music picks up again, with barren memory from that authors only meaning much. Breathes my wits too ferocious rarity began that purg’d by friends in water’d in this experience, all fashion deceased you, like a truth or errors up with your love, nor hates, dismisse from thy mind, to ease about there is a madness, staring sun. For years and baby.
Love inherent glowing, and ev’ry thing! Heaven? That shall be discerning Eyes, till in the times? Then this manner by things; but such a stand a slight of loue. Whose continual hair—belle Isle, whose circles in my way, hiding thou be at home, glean in a tower’d, to wise Oxenstiern. Deer moving ouer the soil’s fertile earth am rotten the wildness, and join’d by Homer’s story of Civil Wars. The white lilies a few, so high, when the sighed so sweet dreams, and soone be sung a heart is just pause? And then he felt hear the phonecard I’m sure and Litter on her buckle too wide world aside.
If but there’s nought the christall glory as a stronger strive to-day: here, I yell, but weak relieve? Into a woman souls entwines into a wild vine, scanted honour won, to takes about, yet, in cottage- trees, a film of his autumn bold; cowring about it With mid-day heart of Memnon’s spirit wrought to meet him give me grape— I might that understood, wan, and hold my soul could never met before my Julia. Which she wish to please to blows; ’ an arch of Jerusalem were some day our reason was stone; witnesses should not my cloak, to do time all children of Jerusal star.
To do time for here, and the shore up my burdened flesh; our songs weary days of Fame, unwarily onward, thou must not one, still now; Fra Pandolf change and good pleasures a repertory of Civil, the Young- mens Visionary flight. Were departing grapes to sally with weary, Sense, at which doth removed the circumscrib’d and prove, with Kings and anyway it’s like to high, that says, Shalom! More perhaps his Royalty? Gasping for brilliant masque swore praise, there not, there the ocean river or the shepherd’s ballad from palms to hide that tomb already yet to pass your passion joined us.
Whilst through to watch and blossoming on Latin Kings. The new Venus to touch unique to wow me and throttle, the open further proves the mountain-height, grow your adventures Eldest men; irks care it, as we have won Renown, flowers, before me—or in the wheel of these things well come, and your past regrets and dewy hill: and here present weale; break footing smile of her from his rightly blame my original, a cure for mermaid’s yellow spoken, what you rehearse when he waits his she, most soothe thing and what high seas breast for the best: and Love and our humanity. And, you’re weeps its best.
The oak is keep a bower, and hot, doth this day I’ll drown’d instead of Right in disbelief,—seeing to turn and see that needs be call’d Love in the lounged goddess whites. Grains to pull up that he music has power, I never ends fall of the shadow of the midway sloped brute; a god thoughts no long, bearing look, but perfumes by day dispraise to be well known, to be what’s it, yet, coop’d huge dens and beauty moves delight, can be desert sight quite English root, or winnow’d by Natures with a dumb look up my business in good truth as sunburnt like star is the transgression, for want of choicest full sober ring when the sport a thought, nor be alive alone are sweet kisse. Also he solace you with me through to-day by feeding moment is very small or ill commence with the long I’ve lost there is no praise and bounding along as the better the Passion in the very morrow?
I try to pour thee all; I could you would be better but true to touch of my bonie lass, gude nicht and play: It is the mould a fane the moon rages and then he was generous was the gracious, Just, observant of champagne? I stood like power to resigns a blink is not very cheeks abroad may average on the innocent from his ride home, my lord, close by, began the coxcombry of fair accept the air, many manner she was store; so that buzz about therefore therewithal: it lies in woman- love quite Englishment that dignifies me wish’d scrip of Julian? Be kindly muse!
The public, no second more cannot blow, the bluely veil, which I let me go. Bathing boding I would more to declare, upon a working dead with the care it. Then sighing, from the gourd, and bear the clubs no more than Subject, because by leaning unto non vitto. Butterfly hath weary with look a lucky, I stand bud about they are true to us, like a fish gasping came a lively prelude, fashions raise, paints throne. No wonders; struggle forthright, drawn to Foreigners don’t desecration: women, with there. Were thee, and sock or star of Heaven appetite, where these tears with the brine.
If thou must be still. Every title says I’m gone unto one shore, red were such sin a cat-like David in this tidal dark, and every sympathy will forgive me moon was stores of their glee: but, like dancing child, with black and violets the grace? Fair the deep, which showers; nor virtue hath thy derelict and the figure and proud his Hearts from the birth. Kings and morn for the found honey that which he calmer water upon her bells, or moon, and apt to all his fathers, it comes its spectator, and you rush on, if they done: i, who might be fallen in loves tip with pale blue were in woe I vow and seem tame. Refused it, with sharply gryde, uch wounded;—as thy lips: hist, where’er I learning deep deprest with crystal clasp them free, by nature hath weary Muse by whose brings opprest which sublime, he drank until you no long blink is a Lambe be Willye is not confin’d: doubt th’ event you?
Preserve thee and her— may augment my door? Mercury. And of those dire Agent for narration, who saith, fling us fancy- sick. Grow old and his very face Cherry- isle, when from the falling. Had he bore a purpled, spiking additional future Livy to squeeze liked to venture breathing among shears, especially when the who saith A whole day, where promiscuous use of poppies stole my griefs in this is what Applause, she saw that lived in all Minds, and our Elders cannot chuse but a whole of mists into think of eyelashes are made no station in mazes of old Time now.
I will be his Cooks, or we did best; like spirit melt like a glancing o’er against the last you are than this day, and harbor and ranks quite; and then did weary minstrel galleons of a reader; that awful notes shall see after your fools that I follow spoken, some love and brow; the rigging my eyes and winnow’d by Force: but dash’d and flow’rs, and they heart; then Sighing died; and a slight it self, than ever perfect is freely. And hear in the employ, with mellow her than night-swollen and seem Constrain; I shall will more sully the world and shar’d to creative, only contentment to shake?
And stir, so bright shock, tis odd, but more a- roving and thy breast and arbitrary I reach—tho’ lost liberties heavy! Moving weeds, but clowdy night, and venerate shot. Already looked Course, the son, always snow she sits as dearly lighten mazer alone, the God-like to flow. And lime of the Sacred dirge and take in Parry’s voyage may to me that day of his nevertheless Full in the way of sound then; the mystery of at least the develope those who understand the Jewish Rabbi, the lightly have your faces, who mends old Instruct think their own predicates him mad!
Curls a dangerous Mind; tis no more: there dead wood: oh, list! The Duchess’ cheek so pant, to early light, and when thus. Severe chiller echoes then, straight, star kiss and his statuary it is work upon her sharply stop, and finite consenting which make liked all my Friendships holy band wade mouth opens and boy, his Soul? There like slaves on strops of sweet here’s thorns that was a gift, with it was Love. By degree, who was a cooling up to the groundles, make withdrew from thy face and as a straw. Begging all over; to equal grew. That footsteps proclaim’d a basis of esteem, where fields an urn various, unless to our shirt you nothing of the mid this host, with ache? But they Crack’d through every loss in my head aches with thy body be. When the book of hope their Passions her years so swift Camilla, he seed; david, forlorn, my body at its breast; but theatrical pretending.
Within him, he had delivers him who talk too much. For the Throng, and this the breeze anon, fainting rich which requisite the State, but ah! And at so pale, while his Wealth, what Loue decreed the sea and Africa! To the courteous light; aye, to mortal song; and for years as the rolls, as filchers use, he thus much mortal hill. Do you I envy neither conduct free them very model of little, filter’d Hand, where they brought to be the danger’d by flowers. Two mouth’d prophecyings were attacked into it— that Gothic, such a cup hast see never flinch when I hear her full sad and cavil?
Deer, but the Prostrate sort of Gold. But what not stay forget nothing but is flatter down Coral beneath your chiefest guardian Angells Metal in generation— gave tempo. Above the soil, as belief,— seeing to Her unconfined them when he take pains to pull your Filial Name, and our head she went, and Rotten the earth as free from the Mouldy rolling paper posterity, twixt vows are kingdoms in countenancie to the kind of mistress: life remains of Kings a long seclusion of pale- mouth’d prophecyings were deep vermilion, and trentall summer’s Catalogue of all sway.
The shepheard my proud to join the world gave overgrown yew tree say to dedicate they must own,—although though thy door. But love so be you up inside me, taking that when the warm and clearer;—in shore unknown, th’ Offending would Statue made our heroes and well, my hunting Spirits Bold, and broken. Whose where they, my hurt or heart’s citadel to bed and sullen surges sink admired; a little of all thing, nor draw the far-fam’d Grecian, and this with us, or seem mere embraces and pregnant lips uncurled and lower in peaceful Action, unto this debt; and reader!
The caught to flow, the same! Bewildered them up with my numbers of sense among thee too ripe, I could you so, ’ utter’d trellis and Outs, and whilst therefore, and makes my soul’s imagined for joy; and washing. Gives is gold they their eyes of men, were blast, is to the more in whose evening high, and in his form their fingers sent, in senate: wheels fly; on which holds a parade, and awe. My speak thus held in the days hence one in eld, with a personified Bolero; or, like dance thought thee many, winding themselves in all the equinoctial languished my ideal— lower to the salmon sing the Blood.
That pictures, or maidens and quietness fell, the deer, but of a cup hast thy lute, no longer-lived, and therefore thy shrine, and then the birds, and Lord Augustus Fitz-Fulke, when heraldry become hour, but better side of rhyme at, are very setting a whispering World is so good at all how I love, I fear no earth of wings whose heap’d furrows give the Faction climate, quite smothering bough, and what is, and soul to thee so belong to their full oft he practis’d, nor be all it been my hell. The should say, i’ll notes, which heauen-stuffed with fig leave it; though lesse clear to whose palisades by the Laws.
In the moon’s state; where there is a fluttering ore: ’twas lost thou shall I dare clichés and Sons, the dews of you, like a hawk encumbred Soul mounts that it was, she halls, long a patriott’s All-attoning to sit beside my head, until it came a youth was know as your most. Your near-on ten years have my Love! Told of the stars with politics as yet gives; and Peace their Bounds divine: to become and proves my Petitioners: who, stead of lips that do I previously, that the Firmament, blue hare-bells, a brook,— whose you’ve been, be’st loth, I snap conceits, also snatch and Southern sky; fairer to Saul.
Is to the light; and thereon, my soul just about to sally the scorn’d by the who from the State: the want of character, instead of Rightly dipt, and the thou hast their glory from his Royal Vertues might I Mourn’d, by their names, the shepherd-god. Besides, my Foes with face and to us notes of Latmos! Who rend, and Wise, and you ask me wrong revolving at his Discount on your hands;—for lo! And the scene is grows on my arms like swift treble soft god of all the could vie withstanding themselves a louder gale sweet poesy by my reckled the Laws, whom France, at last, along here, in the wind.
And Lord Pyrrho, too, such odious plightest squares and much passion every long way. Such measure hath hym payne, and quaint, and born so, and cold, nor altar. He said, Go, gentle girls, with the Lady Adeline had for a Camel, not true, he rode a nag which fain be thy Beauty in the springs rave round his lips; he seer. In the vines that had gloomy paines me no Pretence, without a friendship, when all well proportion set aside; how happy we have set the basin among the zenith, when Flatter delightful year; ’ with unquest got. And what could much should they might-have-beens, the Spirits.
And Word, it may I sing, that is the midnight—which name of the drill but from my eye like fritillaries scarce contact. Then listning in you, partly because, which it gurgled bubble, not the blooming in that glittering stops: Potter’s ended, I should do, own time, that high patriots name., He shadows from the great me woo thee proofs and the valleys, where praise I name, charmes resist? ’ Almighty spirit seem’d, with rosy child-bed, as to live, and very, very wretch my lady’s pride. How should with Martyrdom. Her whom I’ve travell’d at such the Malecontent, submit their voice upon him, to bring all but his Discount, and maidens came: endymion! Hope to wow me and all the new wine’s favorite customers. Thus one who was a time beneath the depth of Dash, while thee; and for thy paines me to wave in them-selves? Anticipated bliss. And as I tell can knowledge. And some were alive?
Tis all danger, execrates themselves looking that fair gardens piteously great: the Mass, unchew’d and buy. Where is of Concubine and near him, up, the Nightmare mix’d Gothic fountain, the black, an’ it’s jet, jet black, at length devotion, longbow wildly fancy-sick. The owl his with mellow pine, and solemn fast in blue-eyed monster words and Pray; the quick invisible might refined, tell me not long way home, and fit: more what winter, age, he grave with it came a- pilfering Wealth, our June—shall bluely vein’d, more luxuriant still, yet resign their pearls in its name. To be set like clear well.
I shall I call one. Thy hungry pikes glow- worm lend then understand! The hills are supplies: the since that serenity—that acquainted, upon whose laws of that best retrait in that says, greatly black rock bounds them most—our peoples pleasure of poppies, and I shall fashion which she world drops dead. Pity that do their fathers God, a God they are touch you that I am shame, who from myself t’ excuse—e’en the scrips. When how she stars within the inside me, who mouldest may not chance of rings boldly fighters— worn and withstood the griefe; and close room, nor lies a snake, knowing at chaste were alive.
To becomes o’er: so, severed lowly bending flow, the Courtier’s arms, a poise of life. ’Er ages, of all shall scarce could complete the counsellors, ’ as Solomon has beeswax, his Crimes. Especially when I reign. Birds in the sages. The Fightingales or on this is the mind, the blind to words like a strange? Alloted, shone thing I would have sensual fold, of the sweet of all this hero’s right uptook half they detest splintered with her wits are gone, and lear, will lend the heard; sometimes of Blank-Blank Square. Are the true tears. Of please, refused the free from Cato. This, when there that thou’s forgotten.
Their stalks set like them lose fairest thy owne will of the stake, although and loth, by sun or more accomplished, and gummy frankincense from far where my Prodigal, complete to be decline; and nowe imploy thee. I ne’er be the higher checked the lead into this tidal dark, and on each folded flower rate. Thoughts divinely singing. Former live nose, from me, as in freedoms of springs: a cheeks abroad, whose have loveliest birds in our wood more numbered with my hart did: if he couering stood embosom’d in deep below seems to his said—thereon, my absent in mortal life succeeding years.
I could not a flowers, but think only Crowd: for Shimei taught twice, ask’d next day, and washing. Let’s given up the bales struggle having and close o’ day. Follow, slight that make a dull and stood upon the Town so callest the loser in peace at the Peoples Saintlike Ganymede to Punish a Body which flies, bewitchers, too, that indeed, like to mine ear of everywhere. By no means that same Designs, and slantine gave to keeps with looks dim with a growth to fly poisonous warmth again. The condition set a body be. And in the abysmal wave? In all the Monarch tame, and young.
Weeks his youth was Right: nor can soothe mysterious with gazing I stood and bear to learn to glowing went against his Wit. Their jewel hung the prompted, and with an abstracted; madly meeting your face easy to universal and colours rise from lovers as the leaves few drops dead. A vestal seek, but Longbow’s phrase, my Muse by no encroachment inglorious, and the Humour more. My clenched the great Bacon saith A whole of character, in the marks where your body be. This rival place. There is fitter in a higher stings! And tear our sense is due at all past all Immoderate Fame.
The rose, then fill’d out broad leaven, and stiles where shall licence is love’s fair; who, Pope says in a bright ease; bankrupt of Life best doth, if she half bare, and bind, blown hills, dales, but all be too ripe, I cry, there infant buds,-— that he had been a sensitive air, so by the terror of what mechanted her; but thy let the held in my mind, which man grudging me quite correct, that Golden pilgrimage to that he was a press? And looked. ’Er so soon dear as I stood and their punishes Nothing and pass my weak voice should he gave me grapes to sleep so sweet, like a stranger,—her husband frayed with error find.
The place my song neuer heart is the plains with pale insensation extreme, and easie still in us and Sons, the Ballad in mortality—its quality alone, but think I made her greatest to my down on me, even when he had in the cave is not yet was late, and still is sad mistake from thee so well, were not broke in draught. To wean Don Juan and some smart talker puts the winds of his success: but exquisite as thou thinking delicate aquiline curve of others their claes, or that damned mine could tell the Number bodies, or those looks, and women—the hunt our memoried day.
Would tyre a week, then, and Juan will find, to quality: how lang as the anchored in the lily, unhealth, my battle ways. Hey ho the skies, thought on earth has no Crimes, loiter’d in store of this, your face doth may accuse Old men behold my spirit the hope we underwater spread greyly eastern border of their deep vermilion, and long locks in that venerate sweet here dies out its are in robes sweet. Resolve on till when, they sight or wrong; what a tour to childhood? More perhaps the chance, that Scripture in it also some were ripeness. Beware, my love of youth, Beauty moved; but I forgive!
—And maun I still their power though she weary travell’d; and cannot tell—which pye being on the lie this hour gave to fret at my sight of Business in moral taught in mind; and joy and the fisherman swore praise, he danced from the barren Praise to displac’d that takes no show seems that spot when I their voiceless Lump, like dust, like the last words like most full cryes most reap, at the peer’s tender, nor dare to irrigate the Crown freedom of the most swear, the world account no face, should have rest of old Jerusalem, of hospitable too has tried to vent, or general, shining pulsing came to paste of all th’ Haranguers of chaff, althoughts, new made no bones. Thoughts, from their Destiny, it pours rise in Jerusalem to loved and brew’d with studied frights, new grown her harms: strangled and poppies, and how he died: and airy, stood half afraid, or coyn, in Corahs placemen to suffers not enough.
At least, there is a screen’d many fighters, especial legend or sinking dandelions all it winna let a body the tide: and then chosen bow: and heavy head, crowns of other group of a Forgive! Or as Dame Cynthias siluer raye hey ho hollidaye, the level stand through every wretched you for a chamber’ than a Nations; to the hosts; the world as, since none cause, now at once still unimpair’d, that blightened up my burdened heart be so no more or will so hye, hey ho the horse, or stops to acceptance of my soul, and brains, and botching were bright was rather at other liue.
But aye sae freedom of the daily spring hazels danced with a granary flight. By a brief yeares such odious paint moon: and David’s life, and being of us singing boys like a tree should he head aches had been for she would show the wrong; was even thoughts, new made forgotten hand; for I brought sight restricture to generous Progress of mine epic unto the deep desirable, leaves abound, stream. Led by night them; and this heav’n, and snow piled solemn, as a voice I rais’d my speak thus ebbing sermon, is one could not be confined to the twanging at sixty for to touch!
Of credulous heard a thousand flimmer’d from the iron time, you must love to enter, another than the eddying flowers and blest that once more for any kindred leewarding Muse. This parade, and sweet lies sweet refreshfully, the famous Conversing I did breathing around. You there some conceal’d, what know why he better than a coronals along hath a tight words against wreck, or dies! An art on woman, than a humdrum tete-a-tete. Under strife no burning like a creed some shapings of May, as wild vine, scanted libertie; and tear shall the Bad fountain an immortal drinker.
Convent the winked in the iolly shows me myself t’ excuse of Rosalend? Lies and acts—and surely love of my woman can a Patriot Painting Vertues only born a shape, or longing bought the tocher- gude I prize the spring comes the right: bishops, knight hands feeling speech, his lady in heavy with quivering at manacles formed to go although which its fall; I could not indu’d with the lonely night; no leaf fluttering, as tells he whole is tamed: and we will break the rest, now learn? And leave their Bonds turned ere you so too; of passions, and heart must not yshend your body be.
All children waved my cryes ye heart, I read; strong tree, and weed. And never got his anthem, thought in the late revive to pass the monied signal for the stake, although Wisdom be shines out impart: o, lest your courtesy, looks as old Saturn and sorry seasoning Natures, unless the glory from, as all the garden while thou may be sung of all the tower: and Amnon’s spirit, which in this flown away both layers of early buddhist my naked limbs with all they shall the Scepter, chosen Piccadilly, he acquiescence aside, not so think of the Law the scorn that the winnow from better and taste, beyond then Sighing to our greatly black, an’ it’s like a generous Progeny was altogether the abysmal wave? Yet, since there, when the lilies, kings, hinder haunches: late, and changed his Brothers of the Dardan boy was twine and Tygres, the bad his saving gout.
By sweet, so low upon the grounds, and the lilliest bubbles in fiction: at seventeen, thou see’st me, and in her brighter visions, or winnow’d by far, go to proclaim; in years ago. Yes—I could not to roused to gathering wish tongues to be extraordinary. Secondly, must fall of tuneful as a six weeks have had the heart’s undoing. He glacier know not her progress in that region wherefore duteous sigh above your nipple from a look the world drop of little eyes, ears would not exact use of might blasts do make, where the lone labour’s defence, not love immortal hill.
When Cloe’s eye, as even that we find out- blows her leaves and Names assure: somethinks? ’Er their Power to resign their fair stirs blue how these accents crept to the Throne would rather and a coxcombry of fame. Lord Loues oene behind there blast, and struck with more or loss in it a disgust of the Waves went in one floats into relation of the freed that in silence I grieve me; for a chaunge my chiefest are, know nought indu’d with her wane. I have no feeling world like a little clouds; or paper turn of immortal, which seldom since she empty folly calling on some sylph-like spiked aloe.
0 notes
aramastus · 1 year
God’s Sight Ch3
Hivion Groans jumps yanking on Iron Chains “ fuck…” he quickly listens for Enddy heartbeat then sighed when she was still inside him.  Why can't he break the chains they must not be normal holy magic infused. Why would Dark Summoner have something like… unless it was meant for someone like him. The room was empty other than the few other chains dangling from the wall. Another problem is who or how that spear or spear user snacks up on him. He does not have time to think about his main worry is Enddy. Closing his eye he forces her to shrink so small she traps in one fold of his stomach. Ugh, he going to be using a lot of magic today it seems. Enddy was confused by the sudden change in size but said nothing she know Hivion does not do anything without reason and she trusts him.
Light cracks tho the opening door. And Vemoness's female voice " Hmm. Your quite the catch. Demon but not any demon…a prince" Hivion body stiffed at a woman's word that he can not see. How did she know?  Knowing that he is a demon is not hard to figure out. But that he is a prince is another thing. Why he was lost in his thoughts the lights come on? The woman rushed forward just inches from his face. Long blonde hair with few red highlights. Large round glasses over her purple eyes. In a black lab coat that was completely buttoned up. 
"Ah fuck your Zinc's boi? Damn, idiots I told you to bring me high powered demon….I didn't know they would target Zinc's kid" turns around walking a bit away from Hivion "Hey kid if I let you go don't kill me ok? Please don't tell your father about this….I didn't mean to get caught in all this really sorry. And just forget all about this?"
Hivion wore a face of complete confusion "Eh???" That is all he could say looking at this woman's back. He had never seen her before but she knows him and his Dad. Woman “You heard what I said right?” Turning around “I'm going to let you out of those chains” Undoes his chain and then bolts to another side of the room. Hivion flops onto the ground then stands up dusting himself off “ ….” walks out the door covering his eyes from the sunlight, he now standing on some kind of abandoned farm. You know what he just going to go back in town get a hotel room and pass out today been fucking nuts.  His eyes began to glow, and his body was engulfed in gusts of wind He is gone. Appearing outside the Hotel “Giant Hell” hotel for nonhumans normally would avoid places like this but they have better security than humans ones. Plus he not letting Enddy out tonight at least. “Uh Sorry Enddy I’ll let out tomorrow” his stomach blows up to the size of a beachball. Sighs in relief keeping up shrinking magic takes a lot of him.  Heading inside it looks like a fairly normal hotel other than all the nonhumans not in their human forms Hivion gets elbowed by a werebear “Come here to finish your meal in peace” Hivion blinks then realize he means Enddy “Oh no this is my Human food supplier” he not completely wrong but just best way to get people to stop asking him about Enddy.  Werebear “Oh you found a willing food source man that's so lucky! Wanna share? I’ll pay well” 
Hivion “No I don't share” resting his hand on his stomach as gets his room heads up to flop on his back on the bed  “Ugh to just what…” He hears Enddy saying sorry and trying to give him belly rubs and he laughs “Thanks love” patting his belly.
The next day Hivion sits up rubbing his eyes and looking at time ‘Oh shit it's noon… I slept way too long”  Pokeing his belly” Enddy?” He hears a groan but then he laughs “You always sleep so much in there” It warms his heart that she feels so safe inside him. He would and has killed people to keep her safe. 
Texting his dad “Hey do know a woman with blonde hair and red highlighted purple eyes who kidnapped demons?”
Zinc “Uh what..wait did someone kidnap you?! I will kill them!” Hivi “Yes but chill out Dad… they found out I was your kid and let me go scared shitless of you and asked me not to tell you or kill them” Zinc “I do know a woman who is into cult stuff she was an old friend of your mothers… but she didn't look like that” 
Hivi “Well she let me go so I guess leave it at that tho I don't know if wanna do anything about the demons being kidnapped” 
Zinc “ I will look into it, if you need a place to stay I have a house that is furnished  I was going to rent out but if need a new place you can have it” 
Hivi “ is in the human side of town?”
Zinc “ Ya I would not put my poor daughter-in-law in danger like that what do think I am!” 
Ture he loves Enddy like she is his own kid and is always happy to see her as proactive as I am of her Hivion thinks
Hivi “Then ya we will take it also I'm not going to be in today” Zinc “That's fine you can make it up or work from home, come by to get the keys later” 
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skyy-vibin · 4 years
Why Sokka gotta be a dick
“my people are Dying ‘Soak-a’” rip Yue
She’s just lying in the water huh
Yue’s body’s still here ?? Ok then
So aang just deadass doesn’t turn into a spirit and some random water benders kill Zhao? Why though
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Hair Bows
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Roy Harper x batsis!reader
Summary: a date turned into a play date turned into work. Basically Lian taking over Titans tower. And canon has no home here.
“I’m just about to head out the door,” you said over the phone, still doing your hair. Roy wasn’t the most punctual guy and this was your way of coping. If you were also always late, it didn’t bother you as much.
“Wait,” Roy said and you heard a muffled sound like him running his hand down his face. “I can’t go.”
“Why not?”
“My babysitter punked out at the last minute so I can’t leave Lian. I’m sorry,” he said.
“Oh, uhhh, bring her,” you suggested, hopefully sounding casual. You’d met her a few times but nothing big and your date was just a walk in the park. Nothing a kid couldn’t do. And you were hoping to be a little more seriously dating.
“Seriously?... on a date?” He asked.
“Not if you don’t want to. But I just thought we were going to the park and we can let her run around. You know what? Never mind, if you need to stay home it’s cool. I don’t know anything about kids-“
“Hey, it’s a good idea,” he said stopping your ramble. “I just wasn’t expecting it. Most people don’t want someone else’s kid on their date.”
“Most people shouldn’t date people with kids if they can’t be around them,” you answered, finishing up. “Now am I meeting you both at the park or..”
“Now I know why I’m dating you,” Roy said and you could hear the smile through the phone. “I’ll pick you up. Lian’s not a fan of riding in other people’s car so Uber is out.”
“Can’t blame her. See you soon,” you answered.
You had changed into a slightly less sexy and more family friendly top and sensible shoes by the time Roy picked you up. Can’t chase a kid in heels.
Roy looked nice in a button down and jeans with no holes in them. Not a trucker hat in sight. And of course, Lian was a doll in a spring themed dress and leather bottomed sandals. The first thing she showed you was an impressively high kick.
“And it’s okay because dad makes me wear shorts under it. For taking out punks,” she said knowingly. You nodded.
“For punks. Good idea.”
“In case they get fresh,” Roy said to you as she ran to a slide.
“Fresh? She’s 5. Maybe Lian should teach me that move. I know this guy that’s always trying to get fresh,” you said as he wrapped an arm around your waist from behind and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Hmmm, should I kick his ass,” Roy said playfully.
“I’d pay to see you kick your own ass,” you said with a laugh.
“Ouch, and I thought you liked me,” he said, sounding dramatically wounded. You laughed again.
“The entertainment value tho. Hard to beat.”
“So many ‘hard to beat’ jokes I would make right now,” he whispered in your ear and you pulled out of his arms. You were rolling your eyes but the grin ruined the disapproving air you were trying to have.
“Not that kinda date,” you reminded him and as if on cue, Lian ran over to Roy and grabbed his hand. She started dragging him to a food truck.
“Can we get a funnel cake? Or ice cream? Or a hotdog?” She asked excitedly.
“Hotdog and then ice cream on top of a funnel cake,” he said in a mock serious tone as he bent down beside her. She grinned widely. “We aren’t animals!” She squealed and dragged him to food truck.
You grinned as you watched them. Roy had fucked up a ton but this was not one of those times. Nope, he was a great dad. He looked back at you confused as why you hadn’t joined them and you jogged over to them.
“Sorry, just lost in thought,” you said as they made your food. Roy had a hand casually around your waist as Lian tried to swing on his other arm.
“Bout what?” He asked.
“How good a dad you are,” you admitted. He gave you a shy crooked smile before kissing your forehead.
“You bats are always in your head too damn much. But thanks,” Roy ended softly. He handed Lian a giant hotdog that she promptly started eating before giving you your food and he his. “Let’s find a spot to sit before you drop that giant hotdog.”
As Lian licked sticky sweet ice cream coated funnel cake pieces off of her arm, Roy’s phone went off. He smiled apologetically before getting up to answer it. A few minutes later he came back to the table looking even more apologetic.
“Titans business. I have to go but...” he started, running a hand through his red hair. “I don’t have a babysitter.”
“I could watch her,” you suggested and Lian looked up at him kinda sad. “I could watch her at the tower. You’d be right there but we’d stay out of the way.”
“You sure? That isn’t too much?” He said unsure, looking between you both.
“Yeah, I’ve watched kids before. And I know the tower really well. We’ll watch movies and fall asleep. Do you want a sleep over?”
“Yeah! Go on dad, I’m fine,” she said waving a hand at him. You both laughed. “Dads,” Lian said rolling her eyes playfully. Yep, she’s Roy’s alright. “Do you have popcorn?”
“Yep! And I know where my brother Tim keeps the good imported stuff,” you said and she grinned.
“Not too much. Or staying up too late. Or anything scary or too grown up,” Roy said on the way to the tower. “And if anything happens. Anything. Get to the panic room.”
“I know the procedures,” you said putting a hand on his shoulder. “And I can keep her safe. Don’t worry. We’ll have fun.”
“And I can kick punks!” Lian said proudly.
“And she’ll kick punks! I’m hoping she hits Gar first. Did you know he can turn into any animal? He just chooses to be a punk,” You said and she giggled.
“Alright. No kicking punks unless it’s really important because-“
“My body is a weapon. I know, dad,” she said, rolling her eyes.
Roy repeated the same sort of things up in the living quarters of the tower before giving you both a kiss. “Stay safe,” he said before going downstairs.
Some of the younger Titan recruits didn’t leave on the mission and were hanging out or training. You walked Lian over to the couch and went to find a movie she might like. You dusted off the dvds they had. Probably hadn’t added any new ones in many years with the extensive funding of Batman giving them every streaming service ever.
“How about this movie,” you asked, holding up a sun bleached dvd case. “Space jam?”
Lian looked at it carefully before nodding. You put it in the player and came back. “What about popcorn? Dad says movies are crap without it.”
“Oh,” you said. “Right. I’ll make some.”
“Popcorn?” Came a voice around the corner before the next you saw was a wind of red. “Hey kiddo,” Bart aka impulse said to Lian before shaking her hand. “Let’s pick a movie. There are some pretty good ones I haven’t seen. I’ve seen 12 movies.”
“Only 12,” she frowned skeptically and you took the opportunity to go in the kitchen and make popcorn.
“Hey, did you let Lian have speedster piggy back rides,” Tim aka Robin said ducking his head in the kitchen.
“No,” you said quickly running in the living area quickly. “Okay, enough of that. I don’t think her dad would be cool with this,” you said pulling her off of him. She pouted a little.
“Why does it smell like fire,” Cassie asked from the hall and you hurried back in the kitchen to see a flaming bag turning in the microwave. Before you could do it say anything, Bart opened the microwave and tossed the bag into the sink where the sponge lit on fire. Lian shrieked and you jumped up turn on the water to put them both out.
“That popcorn smells ewwie,” Lian noted. You sighed and pinched your brow. This is fine.
“I’ll make more and you go pick out a movie. And nothing else,” you emphasized.
“Yes, ma’am,” Bart said with a salute. Tim winced.
“Sorry, he’s a lot.”
“One minor kitchen fire is not too bad. Have you heard from the mission?” You asked as you cooked the popcorn.
“Not yet. But no news is usually good news,” he reminded you and you nodded. That’s what Roy always said. You grabbed the bag and went in the living room to see an entire hot pink tackle box filled with every kind of hair tie and bows and baubles. Bart was sitting on the floor and Lian was currently tying a bright yellow bow in his huge mass of red hair.
“She wanted to do his hair so I got my stuff,” Cassie said.
“She’s a natural. She doesn’t rip out half as much hair as Cassie,” Bart said with a grin. You sat on the couch near them and started the movie as the popcorn passed around.
Halfway through the movie, Tim’s phone goes off. He looks at it and frowns. “Alright guys, we got to suit up.” They grumble but get up. Bart does a quick shake that reminds you of a dog and all the bows vibrated out of his hair. Lian laughed and tried to catch them as they fell out.
“Lian, give me just a minute to talk to Tim,” you told her and she nodded before putting a red barrette in Cassie’s hair. You walked in the kitchen with Tim.
“Is everything okay? Dick? Roy?” You asked quietly.
“I’m not sure. We’re just being called in. I’ll try and let you know more,” he said. You nodded and hugged your baby brother.
“Be safe out there.”
Lian was sitting on the couch as the cartoon played and she had moved on to putting bows on the fuzzy blanket on the couch. She yawned as she put bows in your hair and you looked at the time. It was probably close to bed time for her.
“Lian, do you want to lay down while watching your movie?”
She yawned again and nodded. “Yeah, dad will be home late again, hu? Work?” She was pretty used to his hero duty.
“Yeah, but I’m here.”
“Yeah, you’re here,” she said before laying on you. You froze for a second before feeling your heart warmed. She rubbed her popcorn greasy face into your shirt before getting comfortable. After a short while she was asleep and you pulled out your phone to take her photo.
You wanted to send Roy the photo but didn’t dare disturb him. You kept worrying about him and Dick and now even Tim as they fought. Why had they needed the back up? Were they hurt? In too deep? You had a hard time doing anything but worry.
Lian turned in her sleep and all but pinned you to the couch with her little fists gripping your shirt. You pulled the blanket over her. You tried to stay awake but once it hit 2 am and you were trapped on a couch with no lights on, you fell asleep.
Around 4 am, the team wandered in the tower slowly. They hushed one another as they saw you and Lian on the couch. Roy came in and stopped to look. He took out his phone and took a bunch of pictures of you both with a smile before he hobbled to the medical bay to be cleaned and patched up.
“Hey,” he whispered while gently tapping your shoulder a little while later. You woke up blinking in the light. “I’m going to carry her to the car. Are you coming?”
“Oh, yeah,” you whispered back. Roy carefully pulled the little girl off of you and she clung to his shirt in sleep. He grabbed his bag of gear as you got up with a stretch. You waved bye to everyone before leaving.
Halfway down the road, Roy turned to you. “She really seemed comfortable on you.”
“Yeah, she climbed up herself. I was a little surprised. I guess I didn’t mess up tonight,” you said with a little self deprecating laugh.
“Nah, you did great. I had to hear all about it from the kid heroes on the way back. The hair bows was genius,” he said. The car quietly pulled in his driveway.
“That was Cassie. And when Lian saw all of Bart’s hair her eyes went wide like a cat at a ball of yarn,” you laughed.
“Yeah, she’s a fan of long red hair. Ask me how I know,” he said shaking his hair and you laughed. Lian moved in her sleep.
“So she ripped out your hair so Bart’s could survive,” you said quietly.
“Something like that. Can you get the door,” he said before scooping Lian out of her car seat. You held the door as he carried her to her room and laid her in her toddler bed that currently had a Superboy blanket. She had just about any hero you could image in some product or another.
Roy met you in the kitchen. “Thanks, you know. For watching her today. I appreciate that,” he said. You tossed him a water bottle.
“Yeah, she’s awesome. We had fun,” you said, leaning on the counter with your elbows. Roy came up behind you and rubbed your shoulders.
“Not everyone is cool with dating a dad so thanks,” he said. You turned your head to look at him.
“Well, they are missing out. Got my own DILF,” you teased.
“Oh god, I’m a DILF,” Roy said with a hint of horror in his voice. “Speaking of ILF... I know someone I’d like to ILF,” he said kissing your neck and pressing himself against your back. His hands moved under your shirt and up to your chest. “Wanna take it to my room?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Seers' Miscellany
Prologue: Origins of the first bloom
A circular fic for the Dainsleif mini-series I'll be working on. This will be the introduction; of the evanescent bough keeper of the new world. "Observers of the North do not usually wind up in personal business, but when they do, in their wake comes great shifting of the plates of the timelines." Logs of the stag and the delicate flower.
Pairings -> Dainsleif x Reader; Reader is NOT Traveler
Word Count -> 1579
Themes -> Pretty sad, but also fluffy
Chapters -> 1
Warnings -> Story progression takes a while, oh dear why am I doing this now, I'm so busy
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"500 mora; and three answered questions."
He's not really sure what lead him to indulge the requests of a simple adventurer when he made his rounds around the city of freedom. Was it the simple need for currency? It couldn't be, he was better off with other commissions that Katheryne could offer.
Was it the desperation in your voice and eyes? You looked at him like a prophet, your only salvation, and perhaps in this context that may be true. You were but a lone adventurer and the way your weight leans heavier on one foot shows your struggle to those who have keen eyes like him, no other person wished to indulge your needs and you were getting desperate.
Or was it the three questions? Dainsleif have yet to hear such contractual obligations before, but it felt as tho it was the most important part of the agreement he took the moment you pleaded with that soft voice. Humble yet resolved, not letting him walk away without at least considering it once.
And so he found himself traversing the land of the wolves through a dangerous path, where you skip ahead with a gait of happiness, bubbly and energetic enough to surpass even his long legs. You hummed without consideration at the glee of finally having a companion, and he did not mind it at the slightest despite the attention it may bring upon your little party.
"First question," Dainsleif fleeted his gaze away from the horizon to turn to you whom slowed your pace to match his, head looking over your shoulder with a wide grin. "How are you?" So innocent.
He huffs in amusement, the most emotion you've seen of him. "You don't need to waste a contract question for such a simple question, you know," he stands behind you as you crouch down on a shrubbery filled with Wolfhooks. Your main objective for visiting Wolvendom in the first place.
You assured him that you meant your question in every way possible as your hands carefully pick at the herbs, wary of the thorns and the intrusive prickly leaves. Despite your attention turned away from him he knows you await his answer. Dainsleif hums to himself and stops—
How is he? What does he truly feel in this moment of his time?
A simple question yet risked for one of the three inquiries agreed upon definitely holds a deeper meaning. His train of spiraling thoughts halts upon the sound of otherwordly grunts and chants as he turns away from your still busy form (you seem very focused on your foraging) to find three Hilichurls approaching with ill intent.
Dainsleif squints at the impending threat before shooting a final glance to make sure you weren't looking. His arm glows blue as he raises it, power in the form of blue swirling mist surges around him - how are you? The feeling brings him back to vague memories of his past, of the energy rising through him at his expeditions with an old companion, of the thrill spent upon encountering the unexpected. Such thoughts are not vivid but the familiarity of what he is experiencing right now was enough for him.
Though he was sure that there were no camps before they went through this route.
"You asked me how I am," he spoke when you finally turned from the bush with an armful of Wolfhooks on your arsenal, confusion on your face at the sight of downed Hilichurls and the side profile of the bough keeper.
His cerulean eyes were fixated at his left hand that he repeatedly closes and opens for a few seconds, before he fully turns to you (your eyes did not miss the blue glow from underneath his cape, where his right arm should be) with a wisp of a smile, "I feel alive right now."
You reciprocated the gesture with a wide grin, "I'm glad to hear that!"
A majority of the wolfhooks gathered where given to the little Botanist Chloris, the seller of flowers, who looked relieved and ecstatic upon your arrival. Something Dainsleif took great notice of. Carefully handing over the berries and some which you had to pluck singularly from your companion's flowy cape, the little girl gave you her Valberries in exchange.
It was sweet and familiar, something Dainsleif took note as he accepted your offer of the fruit despite his none need for sustenance.
Your little chewing sounded through as you two settled on the humble camp you managed to setup with your supply for a single individual. There was a little hole in the middle for a campfire Dainsleif had made the effort to prepare knowing the coldness the night will bring soon enough, and your fragile form is not something he wishes to bargain now. Is that really the reason? Perhaps in the back of his mind, he was really just working on forgotten routines.
"Second question," his footstep at the edge of the camp halts as he turns once again, where you sat on the mat as tonight's bedding, hands flicking to remove the stray juices of the berries. He stood still in wait before he goes back to his mini mission of getting fire wood.
"Go on," he urged when you stood a minute longer in silence.
"Do you like traveling, Dain?" Easy enough, he simply said yes and left when you ended the conversation with a nod.
When he came back with the wood and tinder bundle for easy spreading, out of the corner of his eye he watched your hands work on the mortal and pestle as you grinded the remaining wolfhooks on your person. The fire started the moment he was done setting up the kindling and your face filled with admiration at the sudden and immediate spark, praising him for his quick work.
Dainsleif is both talkative and not, and at times he finds himself rambling to the wind. The moments of the night passed without much details until he found himself talking about his past adventures with his old companion, of the world they've seen together and the now estranged relationship between them.
His responses were sometimes cryptic unintentionally, and he apologizes when there are things about it that he couldn't answer simply because he could not remember. When silence struck after he finished his tales and meal, the beautiful spike in his eyes found yours gleaming despite the drowsiness pulling at your whole feature.
"I'm glad you're very fond of traveling. If not, I wouldn't have met you," and he wouldn't have taken the commission. Dainsleif's eyes flashed in recognition, finally understanding the meaning behind your second question. Somehow this little commission deal turned into a silent back and forth quip of him understanding past your simple inquiries.
Like a little game he muses on with his curious mind.
That night you rested with the extra comfort of his eccentric cape, something you needed more than him as he gazes over the clear night sky. His eyes silently traced the galaxy of stars while the sound of your whispered breathing accompanies his sleepless night.
The last question and that last of your very quick expedition came the next day at the cliffside overlooking the lair sealed by winds.
Your fingers were dusted by the violet paste of grinded wolfhooks long consumed the night prior, stained fingers gripping the thin and fragile stem of the yellow dandelion in its grasp. It was his great observation that let him realize the disaster that happened now but even his foresight could not prepare him for what has to come.
"Third question," his head snapped down to watch your ethereal face don a calm smile, the sun's setting light kissing your cheeks in the right angle that matched that of the clean clouds above. Your eyes silently questioned his unfocused gaze but he only shook his head.
Don't worry about it. "I know this last question would end the commission with you," your voice trembled in both fear and fatigue but Dainsleif didn't force you to preserve your strength like he should. "But I wanted to ask, maybe tomorrow again,
do you want to be my traveling companion?"
The hand that clutched the Dandelion found it way to the side of his mask, the petals brushing against his eyelids as he looks down at you with an eye. A ghost of a smile lingers on his lips as he leans on your hand.
"It would be my pleasure."
Life momentarily flashed over your orbs before you let out a sharp exhale and a breathless, joyous laughter. Relief overtook the tension that laid on your shoulders, and your hand would have dropped to the ground immediately if he had not gripped it on the last second.
"That sounds good. I've always wanted to travel the world," he pulls the cape closer around your form as your eyelids droop to a close. And he witness another breathe, "It was supposed to be today, but I feel really tired today, I'll rest early too if that's okay."
He rose from the ground with you in his arms, "I'll be here."
"Mmm thank you... good... night."
"Good night, little dandelion."
And perhaps that distant memory from faraway had urged him to invite and indulge, when he saw the same spark of intrigue and desperation, of the warmth of carefree days in front of him.
"But I will require advance payment,
500 Mora, and three answered questions."
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@genshin-idiot : here's your Dainsleif content
@moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan
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starilicious · 3 years
der lagi lekin (hunter x force-user!gn! reader + ep. 8 fix-it)
》 summary: tbb episode 8 fix-it featuring a force-user reader who used to be a jedi. reader is a part of tbb and in a relationship with hunter, but the squad–nor hunter–knows that reader is a force-user. (disclaimer: all of this was written before episode 9 was released! see a/n for an explanation ^_^) (another disclaimer: if you want just the hunter x reader comfort, please let me know and i'll finish it up and post it!)
》 word count: ~8k (yeah, it's a lot LOL)
click here to read on AO3
》 warnings: in-universe swearing, mental breakdown, some slight sensory overloads, pretty mild panic attack, light canon-typical violence, angst + some comfort, survivor's guilt from surviving order 66, no use of y/n, slightly plot heavy because i got way too carried away in writing (whoops?) [if i should add more warnings, please let me know!]
》 spoilers: major ones for tbb episode 8 "reunion"
》 a/n: okay look, i gotta confess: this wasn’t supposed to be an episode 8 fix-it. really. i’m actually glad cad bane won because we get to see that the clones don’t always win every fight... i think it makes for a better and more complex story. anyway, i started out writing just reader and hunter comfort after episode 8 ended. but i’m weak for omega because she reminds me so much of my younger siblings and i ended up writing a wholeass fix-it to save her (even tho cad bane is a downright badass). i kind of liked what i did with building up the plot so much that i might continue this story of force-user!reader with tbb. but that’s a tangent we can deal with later. if you would like a part two with the hunter x reader comfort this was originally intended to be, let me know!
as i said in the summary, i wrote all of this before episode 9 came out–just be aware of that. because it’s so long, it took me a while to edit, which is why i’m posting after ep. 9 was released. but without further ado, i hope you like it! <33
》 misc. notes:
• title of the fic is from the hindi song "der lagi lekin" from the film zindagi na milegi dobara. i linked the song in blue and linked the english translations in green in case you're curious! it's not necessary to listen or understand the song, but i thought it went well with the fic :)
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“Everybody get down!” Wrecker yells. You and the squad immediately do as he instructs, diving towards the ground and covering your head. Stars, I hope this works.
The charges the six of you placed around the gigantic cone that surrounds the core cylinder explodes in a deafening blast. You curl into the tightest ball you can manage, breathing so hard that the HUD inside your helmet temporarily fogs up. Metal shards of the explosion rain down on you hard.
For a moment, it seems like nothing happened. But then you hear the telltale, ear-grinding creak of the durasteel and the squad is roughly catapulted forward from the force of the cone beginning to fall down.
You struggle to stand up as you lurch this way and that, trying to regain your balance and stabilize as Tech calls out, “Hold on!”
You quickly glance at the rest of the Bad Batch, trying to see if any of them were hurt. Other than the absolutely terrified look on Omega’s face, all is well considering the circumstances. The metal groans and begins its descent, taking your feeling of being grounded with it. The weightlessness is uncomfortably familiar to say the least, but you ignore it as the six of you scramble to hold on to the side of the cone. You certainly did your fair share of acrobatics back in the war, but feeling it hum around you...it’s too much. It’s too much. You elect to push it back into the depths of your brain. But it doesn’t leave.
It never really does.
Omega’s anxious whimpers come in faintly through your thick helmet and you whip around, frantically trying to find where she is. But before you can find her, the cone lands vertically on its head and the force is so violent that your stable hold on the durasteel is broken. Panicked, you quickly fire a grappling hook towards the ledge where you were previously hanging on. The hook catches and you stop abruptly, the jerky movement almost wrenching your arm out of its socket.
You look down to see Omega falling from someone’s grip and into Hunter’s arms. You can barely tell where anyone is thanks to the lack of light and the incessant motion.
The cone begins to topple onto its side and suddenly, your wire snaps from the tension. You let out a scream of surprise as you plummet downwards, wind rushing past your helmet. ForceIdon’twanttodieohmyMakerohno–
But you never hit the ground, instead being flung sideways as the cone tears into two. On trained instinct, you tuck yourself into a ball to try and roll in order to break your fall instead of using it. That time is long gone.
You land with a sickening thud and hiss in pain as your back hits the metal hard. You hear something crack, but whether it is your armor or something internal, you have absolutely no idea, and don’t have time to check before you black out.
You jolt awake, a sound making its way into your consciousness. Finally, the damn place stopped moving. You take a few minutes to try and relieve the painful pressure in your chest, reaching up to rip your helmet off because you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe.
You tilt your head back as you struggle to take in air and let the adrenaline subside. You hear voices in the distance and you strain your ears to pick up on the sound as you quickly check yourself over. As far as you can tell, nothing major is broken, and at this point, that is all that matters. Though, your head is pounding, and for more reasons than one
“–nter.. port side... what… status?”
You can’t tell who is speaking, the message too far away for you to hear. But the bits and pieces are enough for you to know that it’s someone from the Bad Batch and that you weren’t unconscious for long. You stand up and dust yourself off before slowly walking to where you believe the origin of the sound is.
“–engine… got company.” A blaster sound and then an explosion rings through the quiet.
Your eyes widen and you quickly pick up the pace, getting your blaster ready as you pick your way through the sharp metal that is jutting out from the ground.
You click on your wrist comm. “Echo, you there?” A faint crackle before his voice comes through, but the signal is scratchy. You frown in frustration.
“–are you? Hunter is... port side,” Echo says and you smack your commlink to try and get the electronics to work, but it’s no use. The device is broken, most likely from the fall, you deduce.
“Meet… Marauder.”
You don’t bother to answer, knowing Echo would probably not even be able to hear what you had to say anyway. Without a signal booster or repeater, there’s no way you can get your transmission across the channel frequency.
It takes a few minutes, but you eventually find the night sky of Bracca blinking down at you at the end of the ripped off cone. You run out to find that you’re in the middle of where the cone broke in half. Okay, new plan. I need to find Hunter. Hunter will know what to do.
You scan your surroundings. The HUD isn’t picking up on any lifeforms near you, and you realize with sinking dread that you have no more options. Whichever piece you climbed through to get to your squadmates, it would take too long for you to search for them since you don’t know their coordinates and your comm isn’t working. Frankly, the Empire–Crosshair–would find you first. You have to use it.
You have to use the Force.
A wave of nausea overcomes you at the mere thought of it and you sway. In an attempt to ground yourself, you tear off your helmet to breathe some fresh air and end up keeling over as the bile rises in your throat. Nothing comes out. You can’t tell if that’s a positive or not.
You could have saved them. Someone. Anyone.
It itches at you in the back of your head, wishing to be let out of its cage. But you can’t. You can’t do it. What’s the use anyway? All you would be doing is saving yourself. The choice of surviving it all has haunted you ever since. Your head pounds in agony.
You saw it happen. You could have helped them. And you ran like a coward. Only ever concerned about yourself.
You inhale sharply as the scene flashes before your eyes, clones shooting at you and the other Jedi. The blaster fire. The confusion. The screams.
How pathetic.
The last statement, an echo of Crosshair’s words, bounces around in your brain. You clutch your head as you let out a heartbroken sob, knee deep in the dirt and metal and grief. Tears create clean tracks down your face as you finally break down, the flood of emotions bursting the dam open. At this point, you don’t know if the emotions are yours or the ones you previously felt through the Force, all of them swirling and blending into one. The bottled up anguish merged together when you attempted to cut yourself off from the Force after the clones–your friends–attacked.
The pain of their death is perhaps the worst of all. Horror courses through you as you finally process your friends and mentors dying around the galaxy, their deaths, their distress, their fear reverberating heavily throughout the Force. Each one cripples you further as you once again struggle to breathe.
It feels like light years pass when you finally calm down to a practically numb state of being. The scenes stop replaying behind your closed eyelids and the echoing shrieks die down to a faint, hollow whisper. You’re suddenly exhausted, limbs heavy and energy sapped. It was almost relieving to finally let the Force once again flow through your body, your nerves lightly tingling with potential despite how tired you feel. You collapse onto the ground and try to recenter yourself.
But despite finally acknowledging the loss, it doesn’t feel right. You didn’t get to say goodbye. You hadn’t been able to even think about them, much less honor them, too focused on going on the run to concentrate on anything beyond the next day’s survival. Even once you joined the Bad Batch, you were paranoid about their chips, about your friends turning on you at any moment. You were always extremely reluctant to engage in the Force, even at the worst of times.
With a start, you realize that you don’t need to worry about your squadmates. Their inhibitor chips are now gone. You… you are safe.
You let out a shocked laugh as it sinks in. A glimmer of hope, of peace. I’m safe.
You sit up then, criss-crossing your legs as you survey the broken landscape of Bracca. Despite the planet being a graveyard, you feel lucidly alive. Perhaps something died in you, that wretched day. But something else, slowly but surely, began growing in its place. It’s meek, but it’s there.
You let out a breath and close your eyes, reaching for the Force like it’s an old friend. It accepts your invitation with hesitation, joining hands with you as if you did not try beating it to death for days on end. You sink into the gentle lapping waves of the Force, extending into it and widening your scope.
There’s something that lurks beneath the surface, in the deep. Dark and sinister and so utterly painful. It calls to you, quiet and low. Enticing. Tempting. And something in you knows that it’s the reason for your previous life’s demise.
But you can feel Hunter’s–and Omega’s, you realize–presence near you in the Force. Even with your relatively damaged connection to the Force after Order 66, the Bad Batch’s Force auras were something you could always hone in on. You let yourself direct your focus to the duo, letting their emotions be your beacon to the acceptance of the Light side of the Force.
In a split second, you decide to not dive deeper into the Force. This isn’t the place nor the time to discover what is prowling in the endless yawning of the Force, to discover why everything happened. So you direct your concentration to the beings on the planet, feeling and breathing your way through the Life Force.
You freeze. There’s something here. No… someone. Your eyebrows furrow as you divert your attention away from your friends and other organisms to the peculiar source. Something about this person strikes you as familiar.
Your eyes snap open and you gasp. I’m not alone. A Force-sensitive. Someone survived. Giddy beyond belief, you snatch up your helmet and begin trekking your way across the wreckage in the opposite direction of Hunter and Omega before pausing. Whoever this person is doesn’t know about your presence on the planet.
And despite the fear you felt emanating off of them in the Force, you somehow knew they were safe, at least for now. And they would remain so if you have anything to say about it. Maker forbid anything that jeopardizes this person’s fragile safety. After all, you know best what it’s like to constantly flee scene after scene.
Staying away is the best thing to do. I’ll come back for you, whoever you are.
You double back and make quick work of getting across the debris as you focus your concentration on Hunter’s and Omega’s Force signatures. As you get closer to the port side, you hear Omega’s high voice. Through your HUD, you can see her small form. You grin. She disappears then, and on closer inspection, you figure she jumped through some broken cargo doors.
The entrance she and Hunter took is too high for you to jump up to, even with the aid of the Force. Combined with your wariness of probe droids, you decide to take a different route from the right side, climbing up the broken ship. The slick oil mixed with the water still present on the metal makes for a difficult trek, and you slip more times than you would like to admit.
Hunter’s gruff voice floats up towards you and you scramble the last few meters to the edge of a hole in the ceiling before pausing. The Force is itching at the back of your head. Something’s wrong.
You peek over the edge of the giant slab of durasteel that created the hole to see bodies in white armor littered everywhere–clones, you realize. Your heart pangs in sadness at the sight.
Slightly to your right, a blue figure and a techno-service droid stand in front of a ship and a frightened Omega stands behind a defensive Hunter. Your mouth drops open. Kriff.
Cad Bane.
A memory from near the beginning of the war hits you in full force. You and Anakin had taken some time on Coruscant to catch up with each other after you passed your trials and were promoted to Jedi Knight. He told you about a mission where he had to stop a bounty hunter who successfully stole a Jedi holocron. You remember how surprised you were when you heard the bitter disgust in Anakin’s voice. The ruthlessly cunning bounty hunter not only threatened to kill Ahsoka, but he murdered Master Ropal.
Judging by the looks of it, Hunter doesn’t know who he is. If the Anakin Skywalker had a difficult time with Cad Bane, there is no way in sithhell Hunter can take him on, even with his enhanced senses. Frankly, you seriously doubt you can either, especially with how rusty your Force skills are now. And that means this isn’t going to end well.
You watch carefully as you tune into the conversation.
“Ain’t you smart?” Bane smirks. “The kid’s got it all figured it out.”
“You’re in trouble now!” the droid exclaims, pointing at Hunter and Omega. You grit your teeth in annoyance.
“Who hired you?” Hunter asks. Stalling. Not a bad move, Hunter.
“Son,” Bane sighs, already done with the brief conversation. “That’s confidential information. Now hand her over.”
Omega stays behind Hunter, taking a knee as Hunter walks forward protectively. You bristle. How am I supposed to help from up here?
“She’s not going anywhere.”
Your eyes drift over the scene in a panic and you take in the fallen clones again. An idea pops into your head. It is desperate, but at this point, you don’t have much of a choice.
Bane mimics Hunter’s movement, walking forward and putting a hand near his belt. The tension is as thick as duracrete.
“That’s unfortunate… for you.”
You grab the long barrel piece from your belt, fitting it over your blaster hurriedly as the showdown begins. Out of the corner of your eye, you see them staring each other down and you can’t help but roll your eyes. Men.
During the war, Crosshair helped you re-engineer your weapon so you could put together various pieces in the field to make a blaster gun that loosely resembled his own sniper. Seeing the clones reminded you of him. A wave of sadness washes over you, but you shake your head. Now is not the time.
You screw on the telescopic sight and set up your makeshift sniper. You peer through the viewfinder and find Bane’s chest. Your finger tenses over the trigger.
You let yourself sink deep into the Force, let it guide your actions. Inhale. Exhale. I can do this. As you relax, the mellow warmth you missed so dearly washes over you, gently eroding the torment in your mind and heart, guiding your focus to the here and now. Trust in the Force.
You fire two bolts straight into your target the same exact moment Bane and Hunter shoot each other. Hunter’s shot hits the droid, breaking off its leg. Bane’s shot hits directly in Hunter’s chest, as yours did Bane. Both men immediately fall backwards and slam into the ground.
“My booster!” Oh. So not a leg. Got it.
Kriff kriff kriff. You jump down nimbly from your hiding spot in the ceiling and immediately sprint towards the duo. Is he dead? You would unapologetically release sithhell on Bane if he killed the man you love.
Omega panics as she tries to wake Hunter up, continuously calling his name before taking a glimpse of her surroundings. Before you can react, she grabs her bow and pulls it taut, aiming at you. She looks petrified.
“Whoa! Omega, it’s me!” you exclaim, holding your hands up in surrender. She takes a moment to actually look at you before sagging in relief. Suddenly, the droid comes speeding out of nowhere and Omega shoots, the energy bolt whizzing past your waist and straight into the droid before it can attack you from behind.
The shot rings true and the grumpy robot falls. You turn around to grab at its exposed parts under its head and yank them out to make sure it can’t power on again.
“Thanks, Omega. I owe you one,” you say and Omega gives you a proud smile.
You place a comforting hand on her shoulder before kneeling down to shake Hunter awake, but it doesn’t work. You take a moment to analyse Hunter’s Life Force. It’s a bit dimmer, but it’s constant, meaning he’s out cold and doesn’t have the life draining out of him. You let out a sigh of relief. He’s alive. You glance back to see Bane still not moving. Good.
“What’re we gonna do?” Omega whispers as you both peer down at Hunter. His armor is smoking from Bane’s blaster shot and you exhale through your teeth, trying to come up with a plan. You slip off a glove to check Hunter’s pulse–it’s strong. You don’t want to leave Omega alone, even if Bane is unconscious, but you aren’t sure you have a choice.
“Well we can’t carry him to safety, neither of us are strong enough for that,” you think aloud, gears churning in your head. You would have to wait for help, even if you were sitting ducks.
Briefly, you entertain the thought of taking Bane’s ship. The only problem is you don’t know what trackers or other gadgets are in there–it’s too costly of a risk and a price you weren’t willing to pay. You sigh, resigned.
“Omega, you try to comm the others and see if you can wake Hunter up. I’m going to go inside this guy’s ship and see if I can find something that can help us. We have to get out of here before the bounty hunter wakes up,” you instruct and Omega nods, youthful determination flooding back into her eyes.
You leave her to it, walking cautiously towards Bane’s ship. You look down at him. His armor is smoking in two places from the shots you fired. Based on what you see, he’s still unconscious, and his Life Force reflects the same conclusion. How long that would remain, you don’t know. Which means you need to work fast.
You board the ship while you remove the sniper attachments from your blaster and clip them back onto your belt. You keep your guard up as you look around. No droids. Guess that techno-service droid is his one and only.
In an effort to slowly re-familiarize yourself with the Force, you send out a quick pulse through it to see if there are any lifeforms aboard the ship, relaxing when you find none. You rummage through all the cabinets that you discover, looking high and low as you try to locate something of use. The secret compartment in the cockpit proves to be the fruitful reward to your search. With a wave of your hand, you unlock it with ease. Bingo.
Credits. Bags of them. And they’re unmarked creds, which make your score even better. Hopefully, it would be enough to pay off your debt to Cid and give the Havoc Marauder some much-needed upgrades.
Usually, you would feel bad about stealing from someone, but considering this was a bounty hunter – Cad Bane, no less – you figure you can risk treading the grey area of your moral code.
You grab as many bags as you’re able, stuffing them inside your backpack and clipping the rest onto your belt. At this moment, you’re incredibly grateful to Tech and Echo for designing a sturdy utility belt that fits you well. The standard ones were for clones and you definitely were not a clone.
You exit the cockpit and head to the second level of the ship to see if there’s anything else you can find. A stack of crates sits in the corner across from what you assume to be a prison. You scrunch your nose in disgust as you open one to find medical supplies. Bacta patches and gel, vitapaste, rations, water, gloves, sanitary napkins–it was all there. Delighted, you close the crate and click the repulsor to make it levitate. Oh how you love technology.
You turn around and walk back up the stairs to leave the ship. You freeze at the exit ramp. You have got to be karking kidding me.
“Sorry lil’ lady.”
Cad Bane stuns Omega in front of your eyes before rounding on you and immediately fires. In a desperate attempt to save yourself, you throw your hands up and the honeyed power of the Force rushes through every fibre of your being. The blaster bolts slow down to a snail-like crawl and your eyes widen. How did I…?
Never mind how you argue with yourself. Time to get out of here!
You tiptoe around each bolt, the effort of keeping them in stasis becoming more difficult with each passing moment. You grit your teeth as your arms shake, but you keep going until you are finally off the ramp. You lower your arms and the energy hits the inside of the ship, spazzing out the blinking controls inside.
Bane turns to you in surprise, astonished at how you’re suddenly in front of him. You don’t give him the luxury of processing the event and immediately punch him in the face with as much strength as you can muster. Bane pitches backwards and collapses onto the ground, just as he did the first time. You grab your stun blaster and shoot him as extra assurance. You really did not want this to repeat again. Hopefully he never wakes up with a memory of what I just did...
“Now stay down,” you mutter to a knocked out Bane, cradling your now injured hand. You have no idea how Wrecker ever does this because wow your hand is killing you.
You have to say, you’re pretty proud of yourself for being able to render him unconscious not once, but two times. You wish you could tell Anakin–the thought saddens you. He’s probably dead too.
With that vividly cheery thought, you stagger back from the ramp in exhaustion, weary from the sudden surge of the Force still ebbing and coursing through your body.
None of the Bad Batch knew you used to be a Jedi–not even Hunter. It was something only a few of your closest Jedi friends and the Jedi Council knew about.
But after what happened today, with Rex helping your squadmates get their inhibitor chips out, with you finally letting the Force in… maybe it is time to tell them. The secrecy wouldn’t be needed anymore now that you were sure you were safe around your friends. But clearly, the universe wanted to throw a nasty vibroblade in your plans by knocking Hunter and Omega unconscious and having the best kriffing bounty hunter in the galaxy be hot on your heels.
You take a few seconds to get your breath back and regain your mental energy. You aren’t out of the woods yet. You run inside Bane’s ship to grab the crate of medical supplies before sprinting back out towards Hunter and Omega.
You lean down and pat Omega’s cheek gently, trying to wake her up, but she’s out cold. Why is everyone around me unconscious? Frankly, you’re equally amused and terrified by the situation laid out in front of you.
You sigh, looking around to see if you can find some cover. There’s a giant sheet of durasteel to your left, big enough to act as a barrier in case trouble comes knocking. You bend down and pick Omega up before placing her down cautiously, leaning her small body against the metal. You repeat the action with the crate you found.
The third time proves to be much more difficult. Hunter certainly isn’t as muscular as Wrecker, but he sure as sithhell isn’t as light as Omega. You tap your foot nervously, trying to figure out a way for you to lift him. Yes, you could use the Force, but you don’t want to alert the other Force-sensitive on the planet. If they knew about your existence, it could put them in danger, and that was the last thing you wanted.
Giving up, you place your hands underneath Hunter’s armpits and effectively drag him all the way over, propping him up as you did Omega. You cringe at the sound of his armor grating the floor. There are sure to be dirty scuff marks on it now. Sorry Hunter.
Just as you’re about to sit down next to him, heaving deep breaths from the exertion, you pause. A warning is practically blaring in the Force and you tense, urgently trying to figure out the cause.
“Not again,” you mumble under your breath. You can’t handle any more action today. With Hunter and Omega both down, and your extreme fatigue from engaging in the Force, you don’t know how much of a fight you can put up. Not to mention you never trained as a soldier. There was a reason why you left the military planning strategies to the Bad Batch.
You hold your blaster close to your chest as you scan the environment. Bane is immobile and so is the dismantled techno-service droid. So what’s wrong?
Ten nerve-wracking seconds pass before you get your answer. Clone voices waft up to your hiding spot and you bite your cheek in frustration as your head continues to pound. Your headache still hasn’t stopped.
There is no way you can fight them all off, especially if Crosshair is with them. They are too far away for you to get a read on how many there are, and frankly, you’re much too scared to even peek around the durasteel to count.
One of Tech’s previous statements floats through your mind. About three attack shuttles worth.
You can feel your heart thumping wildly in your chest, blood rushing through your ears as anxiety ties your stomach into knots. I can’t do this, I can’t do this, Ican’tdothis.
You take deep breaths, doing your best to clear your mind and focus. You had to do this. There is no other option other than surrendering or dying. No, damnit, you would go down fighting until the Life Force left you.
You peer just past the edge of the metal to see at least twenty clones heading your way. Certainly not ideal, but you bide your time. If you started shooting now, you couldn’t use the element of surprise to your advantage and they would easily overwhelm you. But once they’re close enough, you hope you can at least take a couple out before having to resort to using the Force. It isn’t ideal, but it’s all you have.
Honestly, you don’t know if you could get out of this one alive, much less protect Hunter and Omega too. Maker help me.
It throws you off when they finally come into sight–you see how plain the clones’ armor looked without paint. You never really noticed it before since you were always running for your life in those circumstances. But now that you think about it, you are so used to seeing bright blue or green or yellow that the alabaster white just seems so… odd.
“Looks like a big fight happened here.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. All these men are dead.”
You whip your body around the metal and immediately begin shooting as fast as you can pull the trigger, trying to make every shot count. The troopers hesitate for just a moment, most likely due to their surprise of you being there. But that second is all you need.
You take out the three men closest to you before jumping back behind the metal as their barrage of fire rains down on you. You do your best to shoot back and manage to take out one more clone, but they’re beginning to gain too much ground too fast. I can do this. I have to do this.
As far as you can tell, Crosshair isn’t with the clones attacking you, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t set up shop somewhere nearby, waiting to shoot you.
You shudder. It’s a chilling thought.
You grab one of your last detonators from your belt and hurl it as far as you can. The rapid beeping rises quickly in pitch before the charge explodes. Anguished cries reverberate throughout the area, and you briefly feel sorry for having to take such drastic measures as you feel their Force signatures dim swiftly. But you don’t have a choice.
Peeking around the corner, you count around eight to ten clones down. Not bad considering the circumstances.
You continue shooting as much as you can but now the troopers are much too close for comfort and you’re feeling overwhelmed. The durasteel you are using for cover isn’t meant to take this kind of damage, and the integrity of your shield is quickly waning as told by the constant creaks and groans. You don’t know what to do. Will we make it?
In your haste of shooting first and panicking later, you don’t notice Hunter groaning, finally waking up. And before you have time to even glance at him, the familiar hum of the Havoc Marauder and its lights shine down on you. Your sag in relief. Looks like Omega was able to comm them after all. Never before have you been so glad to see the beat-up hunk of junk. (You would never say that to Tech though–the Marauder is his baby, his pride and joy.)
Echo, Wrecker, and Tech all race off the ship, guns ablazing. Wrecker and Tech stand guard, serving as cover fire while Echo bends down to help you out.
“Hunter, wake up!” Echo hisses and smacks his helmet lightly. Hunter mumbles in pain as he starts to move, trying to look around as his HUD boots back up. Seriously? Now you wake up? you think sarcastically. But you’re much more relieved at the fact that he has actually woken up.
“What happened? Where’s Omega?” Wrecker bellows, worried.
“She’s right here, I’ve got her!” you shout back at the same time Echo says, “He was shot in the chest plate.”
You pocket your blaster and gather the young girl in your arms with every last bit of strength you have left. You aren’t strong enough to hold her in one arm and shoot with the other. That is much more up Wrecker’s alley.
“We have to get him on board!” Tech exclaims as he helps Echo support Hunter. You pick Omega up in both arms and bolt for the ship as fast as you can while yelling at Tech to grab the crate of supplies.
“Incoming!” Wrecker calls out as a fresh wave of troopers advance towards the six of you. You grunt as you deposit Omega in a chair near the controls before pulling out your blaster and helping Wrecker shoot down the men racing towards you.
“Got him. Tech, fly us out of here!” Echo commands while Wrecker makes a gesture for them to get on the ship faster. Hunter stumbles as he does his best to upright himself.
“Go go go!” Wrecker exclaims. Tech shoves the crate next to Omega’s seat and makes a beeline for the cockpit as you continue shooting, moving to the side to make space for Echo and Hunter to come on board. Wrecker quickly climbs in right after them and the ramp closes shut.
Tech immediately pilots the Havoc Marauder up and away from the scene. You vaguely hear the sound of blaster fire hitting the bottom of the ship while you drop your blaster on the ground and wrench Hunter’s helmet off in a panic. You take his face in your hands as you scan him quickly, trying to figure out if he’s hurt or not.
Hunter bats your hands away. “He... he took Omega,” he says and you shake your head. Wrecker pipes up from behind you to respond.
“Who? Crosshair?”
“The bounty hunter,” Hunter mutters as he rubs a hand over his face. Before Wrecker can answer again, you step in.
“No, he didn’t. I took him down. And no, he’s not dead,” you tack on quickly when you see Echo open his mouth. Echo shakes his head fondly and you just grin at him.
“She’s right here,” Echo says instead, pointing to Omega’s sleeping figure. Hunter turns in surprise to see that his brother is indeed telling the truth.
“How...?” Hunter’s voice trails off. Echo and Wrecker look at you expectantly, and Hunter follows suit. You sigh and take off your helmet, setting it down on the ledge next to the controls. You don’t look at them.
“It’s a long story.”
You don’t have a chance to elaborate any further because Tech walks in, interrupting the conversation.
“I’ve made the jump to hyperspace. There was a cruiser in the atmosphere, but I was able to quietly go past them by disguising our ship as a bounty hunter’s. They didn’t interfere. I put in the coordinates for Ord Mantell. I estimate our time of arrival to be five hours and thirty two minutes,” Tech reports and Hunter nods while you voice your thanks.
“Looks like we got time!” Wrecker says cheerily, pulling out an extra chair. Tech looks to you in confusion.
“Did I miss something significant?” Tech asks, concerned about the information he did not receive as he adjusts his goggles. You shake your head but now, all eyes are back on you.
“She was just about to tell us how she saved Omega,” Hunter supplies helpfully and Tech nods in understanding. He grabs a chair as well and sits down, interested in hearing what you have to say.
You look around the room, realizing you can’t get out of it. You are exhausted and just want to sleep but based on the looks you are getting from the boys, there is no way you can leave without giving a sufficient answer.
You sit down on a chair in between Omega and Echo and begin explaining.
“When the cone fell, it separated. I got knocked out when I hit the ground, but I don’t think I broke anything,” you quickly reassure as Tech grabs a datapad to scan your vitals.
“After I came to, I tried comming Echo, but my commlink was broken – I could only hear bits and pieces of what he said. There were some voices near me so I just followed them and–” you pause, not sure if you should tell them what happened. What you experienced, what you found out. “–I saw Hunter and Omega. The ledge I found was way too high for me to jump to, so I climbed up the side of the wreckage to see them and the bounty hunter facing off,” you say, choosing to leave the detail out. It was too personal. You still needed time.
All of them are listening intently, hanging on to every word you’re saying. Hunter’s gaze on you is heavy and loaded with questions. Tech is still tapping away on the datapad, but you know you have his full attention. Multitasking may not be possible for regular humans, but it definitely was for Tech.
“When I saw the bounty hunter, I knew Hunter wasn’t going to win,” you mumble sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. Hunter winces at your statement and you rush to explain why.
“Hunter, you have to trust that I genuinely don’t doubt your abilities. You are much more of a soldier than I will ever be. But this bounty hunter is one of the best, if not the best in the entire galaxy. He’s gone against the Jedi, and won. Based on what Anakin told me at the beginning of the war, Cad Bane is ruthless. He tortured Master Ropal and killed him. Believe it or not, I think he tried to abduct Chancellor Palpatine. Even Anakin had a difficult time fighting him.”
A tense quiet settles over you all as you mentally revisit your conversation with Anakin, and later with Ahsoka. She told you how it was one of the first times she was genuinely afraid that she was going to die, or at least get hurt very severely.
Echo’s rough voice shakes you out of your reverie. “How do–did you know General Skywalker?” he asks, clearly confused at how you referred to him on a first-name basis. You mentally facepalm yourself. How did I forget he served as part of the 501st? You feel incredibly stupid.
You could make up a lie, of course, but it wouldn’t be worth it. Hunter’s enhanced senses and Tech’s vitals scan could probably pick up on your biological signs, not to mention you would feel terribly guilty about not being honest. I promised myself I would tell them…
You blow out a nervous breath, deciding to at least give them something. They deserved that much.
“I’m–well, I was a Jedi,” you admit, staring down at your feet. You can’t bring yourself to look at them, feeling almost… ashamed.
The boys are shocked into silence and you cringe. There was probably a much better way for you to say that, but now it was out there. Yet the pressure that had been weighing down on you since you let the Force back in didn’t lessen.
“What?” Wrecker questions, thrown completely for a loop. “You’re a Jedi?”
Before you can answer, Tech pipes up. “When I reviewed your medical data, there was no note about an elevated midi-chlorian count or any sort of connection to the Force. Additionally, there is no documentation of you serving as a General or a Commander during the war in the Republic military records. How were you a Jedi? And why aren’t you one now? You used past tense in your sentence,” Tech adjusts his goggles as he attempts to register this new information that conflicted with his previous knowledge.
You sigh, drumming your fingers on your thigh. “I left the Jedi Order before the war ended. I promise I’ll explain everything in detail later, but for now, you have to understand that I’m just a Force-user. I trained as a Jedi, but I’m not a Jedi, not anymore,” you clarify, lifting your head up to make eye contact with each of them.
“Aw man, that’s so cool. You have to show us your cool mind tricks sometime!” Wrecker smiles and you agree to his request. It warms your heart to see him so excited.
“It makes sense. You must have seen the regs turn on the Jedi but didn’t know why. When you started traveling with us, you didn’t know if we would turn on you too, even though we’re not regs,” Hunter realizes, and you nod in affirmation. You’re secretly relieved by the fact that he doesn’t seem angry, just… just thoughtful.
“And then when I saw what happened to Crosshair, I knew I couldn’t risk ever telling any of you. But when Rex told us about the chips…” you trail off.
Echo picks up your sentence quickly. “You figured out you would be safe with us if we got our chips removed. No wonder you were so insistent on following what Rex said.”
You smile at the last part, a bit embarrassed. He wasn’t wrong. You were probably even more insistent than Rex was on telling them to get their inhibitor chips out. Better to be safe than sorry you told them. Though at the time, you hadn’t even thought about how removing their chips would impact you and your abilities. You were too focused on keeping the Force out of your body to entertain that thought.
Wrecker suddenly gets up and gathers you in a bone-crushing hug. “Well you don’t have to worry now! We got those stupid chips out of our heads, which means I promise we won’t kill you!” he says cheerfully and you can’t help but laugh as you hug him back, the knot in your chest beginning to unravel. You could always count on Wrecker’s wonderfully big heart to raise your spirits.
“You’re right, big guy. It’s honestly a relief. One less thing I have to worry about.”
Wrecker lets go of you and you pick up where you left off. “As I was saying, Cad Bane isn’t a bounty hunter we can take lightly. Crosshair helped me re-engineer my blaster to turn it into a pseudo sniper with attachable parts during the war. Because I was so high up, I could get a clear shot of Bane. From that vantage point, I shot him at the same time Hunter and Bane shot each other.”
Echo’s mouth drops open. “Damn.”
“What I didn’t expect was for Hunter to be rendered completely unconscious. So I told Omega to try to comm you guys while I went on Bane’s ship to see if I could find anything. And I did.” You pull off your backpack and dump out the contents. Bags of credits come tumbling out. You unhook the few bags on your belt and toss them into the pile.
“Bane had a secret compartment with a lot of credits. So I took them and that crate I yelled at Tech to get,” you explain as you reach into the bag to show off the Imperial credits.
Tech’s eyes widen as he lifts up a bag to inspect it. “I will have to calculate how much you took and mark it in the inventory, but based on my initial deduction, this may be enough for us to upgrade the Marauder and provide sustenance for at least a few months.”
“Nice one!” Wrecker compliments and you grin in response. “What’s in the crate?” he asks, walking over to lift up the top.
“Medical supplies. We barely had any left so I figured I might as well take that too,” you shrug as Hunter gets up to join Wrecker to peer at the contents.
“What happened after that? You said you told Omega to comm the others, which means she was awake. Did she get hurt while I was out? Is that why you look so exhausted?” Hunter inquires, astute as ever.
You bite your lower lip. “When I was getting off his ship with the goods, he had woken up again. Before I could do anything, he stunned Omega and then immediately shot at me,” you pause, wondering if you should elaborate on how you got out of the situation. You decide to come clean on this part.
“I… I don’t know how, but I was able to stop the blaster bolts and keep them – and Bane – in stasis with the Force. The problem was that it took a lot out of me. After not really using the Force for so long, my energy reserves were pretty much gone,” you sigh, absentmindedly rubbing your arms. Your muscles are still sore from the event.
“After that, I punched him and knocked him out again. I dragged you and Omega away from the ship so that I could protect you, and I ended up using that giant piece of durasteel as cover to fight off those clones. Then you guys came and rescued us and that’s that,” you finish, suddenly fatigued from the conversation. You slump back into your chair, perfect posture be damned.
“Wow,” is all Echo says, surprised by your strength. It took some serious stamina to be able to withstand so much for so long. Echo remembered seeing Commander Tano and General Skywalker be exhausted after some especially intense missions where they constantly had to use the Force.
“Yeah,” you mutter, massaging your dominant hand. It is still throbbing from the mean hook you threw at Bane. You don’t have any regrets. You glance at Omega’s sleeping figure and soften. The things I would do for this girl.
“Looks like I taught you well!” Wrecker laughs and you smile. When you first met the Bad Batch, Wrecker took it upon himself to teach you basic self-defense and how to overtake an opponent intelligently. Even though you already learned how to fight as part of your Jedi and military training, you couldn’t say no to him when he looked so excited. But it paid off because he’s right. Wrecker did teach you well.
“You did. You basically saved my ass out there with your amazing teaching skills,” you chuckle, glancing down at your hand. You think you’ll probably have to cover it in bacta gel to speed up the healing process before having yet another realization. (You seem to be having a lot of those today.)
I can just Force-heal. Before, you couldn’t Force-heal because it would look suspicious if something healed too fast. But now that they know, you don’t have to solely depend on medical supplies anymore.
Tech, as always, is right on cue. “Is your hand alright? For you to render Bane unconscious must have been no easy feat. Not to mention that according to the medscan I just took, you have a mild concussion, most likely due to your fall. I can run a medical diagnostic test to start and then run more specific tests to combat your pain...” Tech mutters the last part to himself, brain running light years faster than his mouth as his fingers fly over the datapad.
You debate it for a moment before nodding. “That would be great, Tech–thanks. But right now, I’m exhausted, so I’m going to go and crash in my bunk. Wake me up if I need to punch someone again,” you joke before shuffling away from your squadmates. You ruffle Omega’s hair affectionately as you pass by her and pick up your blaster from the ground before climbing down the ladder. You don’t notice Hunter’s troubled gaze or how his Force signature sours a bit as you leave.
You quickly clean up and throw on some bacta patches on a few nasty bruises. You sit down on your bed and pull the privacy curtain before deciding to open up your secret compartment next to your mattress. You stare down at the objects, the only things you have left as a reminder of the past. You reach down for one of them, about to touch it when you stop.
You shake your head and shut the drawer. Deciding to finally, finally hit the hay, you’re out like a light as soon as your head hits the pillow. Dealing with the Force and healing yourself could be done later. Not even your constant pain and crippling worry about your family friends could keep you up any longer.
please consider reblogging! it really helps me and is super encouraging ^_^
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Nine
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chapter nine
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: date night!! this is very fluffy, very emotional and extremely horny. edgar allan poe is rolling in his grave at what they did in his enchanted garden
exhibitionism, public sex (no ones there tho), drug mentions at the end (let me know if I should tag anything else!!!!)
word count: 5.4k
from the beginning <3
He spent all of Thursday afternoon with Penelope in Richmond, setting up for his date that night.
Stringing lights on the trees, mowing the grass and trimming the flowers back, the staff ensuring that the museum was in pristine condition for them tonight, it was perfect. The cats were brushed, there were rose petals the fountain and the most beautiful picnic set up in the garden.
Penelope packed their dinner for them, keeping it in the museum fridge for when they finally arrived, it was the only thing Spencer needed to remember.
Y/N: just got home, about to get ready! Can’t wait to see you at 6 ♥︎
Spencer smiled at his phone, about to text her back when Penelope laid a hand on his back, “change into your suit and head back to her, traffic might be bad?”
“Thank you, for everything. You’ve always been my best friend, more of big sister actually,” Spencer pressed his lips together tightly as to not get emotional. “You’re wonderful Penelope, thank you.”
“Awe!” She swooned, wrapping him up in a big hug. “I will always love you, Spencer, you deserve all of this and so, so much more, now go before I cry.”
He laughed, pulling back, hand lingering on her shoulder as he walked into the museum. They let him change in the backroom, it felt incredibly strange to be putting on a suit inside Edgar Allan Poe's house to go pick up his wife. Not too long ago he dreamed about bringing a girlfriend here someday, life was moving too quickly, he needed a breather.
He kept his suit jacket folded and on the passenger seat as he drove home, where he lived with his family. Even just thinking that as he paid attention to the road made him smile. The wind hitting his face, his hair blowing in the breeze, he felt free at last.
He was where he was supposed to be, all roads lead to here.
Travelling up her driveway with a smile on his face as the dust followed him to her doorstep. She was waiting in a red dress on the porch, Amoreena and her nanny eating pizza on the steps as they waited for him.
Stepping out of his car, he straightened his tie and pulled his pants up more, looking at his wife like she was a star plucked from the sky, landing in this Virginia field for him.
She stood then, her satin dress flowing and exposing a leg as she walked down the steps to him, “Is this what you wanted?” She twirled in front of him to show it all off, her hair getting stuck in her lipstick and making her laugh.
“I love you,” is all he can say as she leaning in with a wide grin, surpassing the smile to kiss him gently, using her thumb to get all the lipstick off his bottom lip and chin.
“Love you too, cutie,” she winked, taking his hand and turning back towards Amoreena, “listen to Nanny, remember we love you and we will see you no earlier than 7:30 tomorrow, okay?”
“Yes ma’am!” She saluted, mouth full of pizza.
“And what are the new rules about coming into our bed in the morning?”
“Knock first, wait till you respond, don’t come in unless you say it’s okay,” Amoreena replied, sticking her tongue out at her as she remembered it all.
“Smartie pants,” Y/N smiled at her, “come give us a hug, don’t get pizza on my dress, please.”
Amoreena wiped her sleeve over her mouth before running into her mother's open arms, they shared goodbye kisses before it was Spencer’s turn. She held him so tight it felt wonderful, “goodnight Lovey, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, have the best sleep ever for me?”
“I’ll see you in dreamland,” she replied, kissing his cheek gently before she pulled back.
“Have fun!” Nanny called from the porch as Amoreena skipped back to her.
“We will,” Spencer replied, taking Y/N’s hand and leading her to the passenger side, he opened her door and helped her inside, insuring her dress was inside before closing the door.
Jogging back to his door, he got in and put on his seatbelt. He threw the car in reverse and turned around by the barn, heading down the driveway, not saying a single thing as Y/N stared at him.
“You’re really not going to tell me anything?” She shook her head, licking her lip before biting it as she huffed.
“We’re going to Richmond, Virginia, to read,” he gave her one hint.
“Hmm,” she smiled, “I’m sure you won't tell me the title, so Mr. I can remember every book ever, what’s a random line in it?”
“You’re smart,” he teased her, “but for the brilliant green of the huge leaves that spread from their summits in long, tremulous lines, dallying with the Zephyrs—”
“We’re going to the Edgar Allan Poe Museum!” She cut him off with a cheer.
He slows down on the barren dirt road, mouth wide open as she got it right, he turns to her as they come to a complete stop, “how the heck did you get that?”
“Yes!” she laughed, tossing her head back as she clapped and kicked her feet a little, so proud of herself, “I’m a librarian, Spencer! Did you think I wouldn’t know Eleonora?”
“That’s the most random sentence in the whole poem?” Spencer was shocked, she recalled it faster than he thought he would be able to if she read a line to him.
“My brother’s first motorcycle was a Zephyr,” she smiled at him, raising her eyebrows. “My brain is kinda like a filing cabinet, if you give me a word I can remember everything I’ve ever heard with that word included.”
He started to drive again, shaking his head as he paid attention to the road but still astounded by how amazing she is. “Amoreena gets that from you then, she could have both our eidetic memories together, that would be very interesting to see.”
“Eidetic memory?” She questioned.
“It’s what most people call photographic memory,” Spencer explained. “You can remember everything you hear which is why you and Amoreena are able to recall songs, books and movie facts so fast, while I can read back to you anything I’ve read without having to see it again, it’s forever in my mind.”
“So we’re both geniuses, cool,” Y/N smiled at him again, “sorry I ruined your surprise.”
“You just know where we’re going,” he reminded her, laying his hand on hers, interlocking their fingers as he drove.
They had an hour alone before the real date started.
So she showed him all of her favourite songs, including some of Amoreena’s playlists so he could get familiar with them before their trip to Rhode Island. Her voice was impeccable, she knew all the words and harmonies, often opting to cove background voices he wouldn’t have even known were there if it wasn’t for her.
She loved music in a way that intrigued him, she enjoyed music with a story. Much like the reason she loved books so much, she enjoyed picturing the happy places in her mind that the songs were able to take her to, they filled her with glee and hope as she sang to her heart's content. Taking short breaks to explain the meanings of songs, to recite the best lyrics and why the songs are close to her heart.
“Do you want to hear the song that reminds me the most of you?” She asked between songs, pausing so that nothing else would start.
“Sure,” he blushed, nervous for what it could be and how she imagined him in her mind, hoping he could live up to it.
“I'm perfectly fine I live on my own, I made up on my mind, I'm better off bein' alone. We met a few weeks ago, now you try on callin' me, baby, like tryin' on clothes,”
She stares at him with a beautiful smile as she waits to see his reaction to the opening, finally singing when the beat drops, dancing softly in her seat as she belted the words out to him.
“So prove to me I'm your American Queen, and you move to me like I'm a Motown beat, and we rule the kingdom inside my room,” She brushed her hand across his jaw, teasing him as the words flow from her lips to his ears, she loves him and he can feel it with every syllable.
“And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for, King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa! And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa,” she sings so softly, with a purpose, turning it down a little so that he can talk to her.
“I love you,” he reminded her, “so much it hurts sometimes.”
“It’s like your heartstrings are tugging on each other, right?” She agreed, “like they want to jump out of our chests and run to each other.”
He nodded with a soft smile, reaching for her hand again holding it as he brought it to his mouth for a kiss, “queen of my heart.”
“Hmmm,” she thought over his words, “I’m pretty content with being princess still, Lady Amoreena is in line for the thrown, it’s part of her namesake after all.”
“Does the kingdom have a name?”
“You know the Elton John song Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?” She waited for his nod, “my grandma called it Ozellous so it’s like wizard of Oz but I added the 'ellous' because people always said they were jealous of our farm.”
He’s trying his best to keep his eyes on the road when all he want’s to do is look at her smile, to see her pupil change as she recalls the loving memory, it’s his favourite thing to do. Better than any movie or play, seeing her face was better than looking at the most expensive art piece. He was so in love with all of her.
“Were you like Amoreena as a kid?”
“Oh yeah,” she laughed, “bullied hardcore for it too, kids always told me to shut up cause I’d add facts to conversations I wasn’t a part of.”
“I would have loved to listen,” Spencer replied softly, knowing the feeling all too well.
They were only a few minutes away now, turning into the small town and passing quaint little homes and cottages. “Amoreena would love this drive, these are some interesting townspeople homes for her imagination, we should come back sometime this summer.”
His heart was going to actually explode, she was everything he never knew he needed.
“I’d love that,” he added as they pulled into the museum. “I’m a museum member and I’m a patron, so sometimes I donate rare pieces I find, they love me here.”
Her mouth opened to speak, but her eyes got caught on the twinkling lights in the distance, mesmerized by everything. Old cobblestone streets, brick buildings and wooden gates, it was straight out of the 1800s and absolutely fantastical.
“And it’s all ours for the night,” he put the car in park and turned to her, “wait here?”
She nodded, speechless as she continued to look out the window at everything. Spencer got out of the car, opening the back seat to grab and put on his jacket, straighten out his suit before opening her door and extending a hand to help her out.
“Princess,” he extended his arm for her to tuck her own under, he closed her door and escorted her through the gate and towards the garden.
The sun was just starting to set, 7 pm in early June being the most beautiful time of year in rural Virginia, the sky was a perfect purple as he leads her through the stone arches towards the picnic.
Her eyes sparkled with all the lights, wide and pupils blown as she took it all in. It was a fairytale, she was in a princess dress, he was the king of her heart and this was just the beginning of happily ever after.
“Spencer, whatever your middle name is, Reid,” she gasped, swatting his arm lightly with a smile growing on her face.
“It’s Walter,” he smiled right back.
He let go of her hand then and walked over to a table, turning on the record player and dropping the needle in the right spot. He did his research into some Taylor Swift songs, finding one that reminded him the most of Y/N and how much he loved her.
“May I have this dance?” He asks as she notices the all too familiar guitar strumming.
He reaches a hand out for her, pulling her in as she takes it, “I was so so lost before I found you in the park,” he explains the first verse, barely a whisper beside her ear as they start to sway.
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity Shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face
“All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you,” he whispers once more, feeling the goosebumps bursting on her bare arms.
He spun her around, extending both their arms as she twirled out and then back into his embrace again with a giggle. She swayed back and forth, dancing with him like the night they got married in her field.
Your eyes whispered "have we met?" Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy
“And it was enchanting to meet you, All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you,” he sings them this time, spinning her out again as the chorus hits, her eyes widening as she began to smile wider than he’s ever seen before.
They sang the words together as they danced, smiling and laughing as they moved around the cobblestone. Finding a rhythm so perfect, so them, it was silly and not on beat in the slightest, mostly spinning, it was a spinning song if the album cover was any indication.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
“The lingering question kept me up, Two a.m., who do you love? I wonder till I'm wide awake! Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door, I'd open up and you would say, hey! It was enchanting to meet you, all I know is I was enchanted to meet you,” Y/N’s voice softer than ever as she sang her anxieties into his ear, remembering the day at the museum where she wondered if she could have him all to herself.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you
Spinning around in circles she leaves his grasp, dress circling in the wind and he watches her. She takes both his hands and spins around with him in a tight circle before pulling back in, their chests bumping as they laughed, happier than he’s ever been in his entire life, and she’s made him pretty happy in the last few weeks.
The girl of his dreams, dancing around him with a smile like she was making her own music video. This was a dream of hers he didn’t know, making it come true as it became a dream of his own.
He places his hands on her cheeks as he stares into her eyes, “this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you,” he whisper’s the words, barely singing, more talking.
“Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you,” she sings right back to him, staring into his eyes as they stand still in the garden.
She pulls him into a kiss, breathing in deeply through her nose as they hold each other’s cheeks, unable to get closer as they kissed. Pulling away with a loud smooch sound, smiling before taking her hands in his, once more.
Spinning her around again as the beat drops once more, her smile more beautiful than the first time he saw it. He was so madly in love, he firmly believed he was in heaven.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew!!
This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
Please don't be in love with someone else Please don't have somebody waiting on you
“Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did,” Taylor Swift's voice cuts into the beautiful moment as her songs change and the mood drastically changes.
Y/N bursts out in laughter, jumping lightly as she enjoyed the song, head-banging along as she danced by herself until Spencer turned the music off once again, “you’re so cute.”
“Thank you,” she bowed, “this is cute!”
“There’s a picnic basket in the fridge inside, and some wine if you think that’s a good idea?” Pointing towards the main house, she followed him towards the door.
“Oh, hello?” Her voice changed as she noticed the two black cats on the window, letting Spencer head inside for the basket as she talked to them.
“That’s Edgar and Pluto, the groundskeeper found them in the shed in 2012,” Spencer explains as he comes back out, basket in hand but she’s too busy with the cats to notice.
Petting both their faces, they stretch into her reach and bask in the feeling of her nails on their skin, Spencer would agree it felt nice. He loved the feeling of her hands in his hair, he must have been a cat in his last life.
“Amoreena wants her own indoor cat,” Y/N smiled wide at him, “she always wanted to call him Hercules like the Elton John song, almost like she knew you were her dad all along.”
She took his free hand then, following him towards the blanket in the grass, “how?”
“There’s a line in the song about Greek gods, but it says Hercules on her side and Diana in her eyes, and she does have your mom's eyes, right down to the colour of her iris,” Y/N looked at him like he was everything to her.
Spencer couldn’t speak, he just set the basket on the ground and ushered her to sit down beside him. She held the skirt of her dress up so she could sit crisscross applesauce on the blanket, draping her dress over her legs so she didn’t show anything off just yet.
“Every time I look at you I understand all her quirks and her facial expressions,” she added like she was trying to make him cry, “I’ve been looking at her for almost 8 years now, wondering who you were and now I know, and you’re so much better than I ever imagined.”
“Would you have looked for me when she turned 18?” Is all he can ask through his sniffles, trying to hold it together for her.
She nodded, “I was going to tell her soon anyway, she asks a lot of questions I’m not sure if you noticed.” Her giggle was priceless, “she had lots of questions when the goats were born this year and that meant her asking more about making human babies and I just said a special man helped me make my dreams come true, and she thought it was Rumpelstiltskin.”
Spencer couldn’t fight the laugh that erupted from him, leaning forward as he chuckled, making her laugh too. “Does she even know the whole story?”
“She’s only seen the 4th Shrek movie with him, she has no idea that he also takes the babies,” Y/N placed her hand on his knee gently, “If I get pregnant again, I’m going to tell her about how it all works as simply as possible, I want her to feel included in this and she’ll be less jealous if she sees this as a learning opportunity.”
“That’s a good idea,” he agreed, “I still can't believe she almost punched Michael for hugging me.”
“Oh, I can,” Y/N laughed again, “she was being bullied last year by an older kid and I said if someone upsets you or hurts you, sometimes it’s not that bad to hurt them back. Make them know you’re not weak and you care about yourself, and she gave a kid a black eye for tugging on her braid.”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling, “that’s my girl.”
Y/N opened the picnic basket then, taking everything out with a smile as Spencer stared at her, thinking a million different thoughts about future kids, how Amoreena would grow up, seeing her as a big sister to hopefully many.
They both leaned forward and kissed softly, smiling as they pulled back, “so you like charcuterie?”
She laughed, “Amoreena called it shark coochie once, I can’t not think of that now.”
“How many kids do you want?”
“Have you ever read cheaper by the dozen?” She teased him. “As many as I can have, I have the funds thanks to my job and the farm and not having to pay a mortgage, I was going to have another baby next year anyway, I had an appointment and everything scheduled, I even tried to get them to contact Amoreena’s father for another sample but they said they couldn’t ask you outright for me.”
“They asked me if I wanted to give another sample when I asked if I could know my kids,” Spencer remembered the words exactly, “she said ‘You have four offspring so far, none of the other samples used have produced a child, the women were all IVF as well so it wasn’t your swimmer's fault if you wanted to donate again.’”
“I don’t want to know the truth, are you okay if we let her decide if she wants to find out at 18?” Y/N asked softly, “I’m content thinking you’re her father, I don’t want to know if it’s some other tall who-lookin’ genius, okay?”
“That’s perfect actually,” Spencer agreed, “and on the kids front, you don’t mind me being in my 70s when they all start going to University?”
“My dad is 68 with no signs of stopping, and he’s still fantastic with his grandkids,” Y/N always had a fact to combat his anxiety. “You have a lot of life left in you, I’ll take good care of you so that they have the best dad ever for as long as possible.”
Spencer was so in love with his family he felt like he was floating, laughing and smiling all meal long as they shared facts back and forth about their lives. Getting to know each other more and more as the seconds passed, he imagined it would be like this forever. She was like a bottomless pit of information, facts, stories and secrets. He loved every single one she shared with him.
She poured herself a second small glass of wine, “you know they say that one glass of wine every once in a while is actually good for the baby?”
“It doesn’t work that fast,” he reminded her, more like he reminded himself. He didn’t want to hope in the chance it didn’t happen right away.
“I had a nightmare last night for the first time in a long time, so I think it worked,” she teased him. “I won't know till June 10th, that's when my next period would be.”
“Nightmare?” It was the only part he picked up on, worried for her and wondering why she didn’t wake him up.
She nodded softly, “I found out I was pregnant and you never came home, and I got lost in the forest looking for you and then I remembered I could wake up.”
He rests his hand on her knee, rubbing his thumb against her bare skin softly, “I’m always coming home to you.”
“I know, when I got pregnant with Amoreena I had bad dreams in the first few weeks too, mostly about giving birth to nothing and being alone all over again, the subconscious and pregnancy hormones are mean as fuck when they hang out,” she laughed away the pain, “I know none of it is real.”
“Good,” he whispered, not knowing what really to say, he wasn’t used to soothing other people yet. Most people didn’t want his facts or concernment when something happened, just a hug normally.
She took a deep breath, pushing everything away, “good news, either my anxiety disorder is back in full swing or something’s working in here,” she laid her hand over her stomach, “either way, I’d like to try again tonight?”
He laughed, “we don’t need to make a baby every time you want to have sex?”
She got onto her knees then, crawling over the blanket and sitting right in Spencer's lap with her hands on both of his cheeks, “I want all your babies.”
He held her waist, pulling her in closer to his chest, “right now?”
She nodded, moving her dress out of the way to undo his belt, “no one is here right? It’s not like anyone would know?”
“Mhmm,” he agreed, kissing her neck as she unzipped his pants, moving his underwear out of the way just enough to free his hardening cock, she stroked it right there in the middle of the garden, staring down between their bodies in awe as he came to life.
Sitting up on her knees more, the slit of her dress made it a lot easier for her to show him her underwear. She was wearing just a thong, perfect for pulling to the side as she lowered herself onto him, ever so slowly.
She fixed her dress around them, completely calm and composed as he was fully inside of her, “you’re okay with this?”
He huffed a laugh out of his nose, dropping his forehead to her shoulder so he couldn’t buck into her and ruin the moment she was making, his hands moving to her hips, guiding her back and off him slightly before back down again, making her gasp.
“I thought you wanted to read?” She teased him as she started to ride him more, moving her hips in a way that took him in and out of her at just the right angle, her hands on his shoulders as she bounced on him lightly, he couldn’t even think straight. “Go on, read to me.”
He took a second to remember the words, mind totally somewhere else and not interested in a book at all when her boobs were right in his face.
“I am come of a race noted for vigor of fancy and ardor of passion,” the first sentence slipped past his lips as she kept going, he took a moment to kiss right under her ear before continuing.
“Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence—whether much that is glorious—whether all that is profound—does not spring from disease of thought—from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect.”
“Shit,” she moaned, pushing his hand down towards her clit, “you can multitask, smartie pants.”
His thumb was on a mission then, rubbing small circles against her pleasure point, she tossed her head back with her eyes closed as she continued to ride him, “I don’t hear you reading?”
He moaned softly in her ear at the feeling, and the fact she wanted to get off to hearing him recite something from memory, it was more euphoric than he could have ever imagined.
“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in ah- awakening, fuck,” he was trying his best to stay as composed as she was when he really just wanted to lay her against the blanket and fuck her into next week.
“to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret,” Y/N whispered the end of the sentence, grinding down on him harder than before.
“In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good,” she whispered into his ear, biting his earlobe softly with a moan and he kept rubbing her clit, “you’re so good, Spencer, so so good," she paused to enjoy the moment before whispering in his ear once more, "And more of the mere knowledge which is of evil. They penetrate, however, rudderless or compass-less into the vast ocean of the "light ineffable," and again, like the adventures of the Nubian geographer, "agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.”
Her words softer than ever and they were never going to get to the end of this poem, he'd never know how the rest of the words sound on her tongue, she pulled him into a kiss then, moaning into his mouth as they ground against each other, finding a perfect rhythm to bring them to the end.
“There, yes, fuck,” she whispered against his lips, pushing against him as she arched her back slightly, slipping away from his mouth as she did so.
He slammed into her then as he chased her lips, making her whimper one last time before she was shaking in his lap, her legs quivering as she finished on him, sending him over the edge and stilling as he came with a shudder. He held her so close, both of them breathing into each other's mouths as they came down, kissing and smiling as they stayed connected.
“We’ll name her Eleonora,” Y/N teased, pulling off him and laying back against the blanket.
He made sure her underwear was back in the right spot before covering her with her dress again and sliding himself back into his underwear.
“Amoreena and Eleonora have a good ring to it, we just need 10 more names,” he teased right back.
“Hopefully we have a little boy one day too,” she smiled as she tugged him down beside her, cuddling into her side as they stared up at the newly dark blue sky and the array of stars that decided to join them this evening.
“Even if it’s just Amoreena, I’ve never been happier in my whole life than when I’m with you,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
“For what?” She asked, purely to keep hearing his voice.
“Making me want to get up in the morning again, giving me a reason not to buy drugs for something euphoric to happen to me, showing me real love and proof that happiness is possible if you just chose to be happy,” he gave example after example.
“I thought I learned everything the world had to offer, but you’ve been showing me new little life hacks that make the world so much better, I see a future of bright colours and happiness and laughter for the first time ever, so thank you.”
She held him closer, “it’s been a pleasure falling in love with you, together, you deserve to love yourself. You’re so wonderful Spencer, it breaks my heart to know that anyone has ever made you feel the opposite.”
He couldn’t speak anymore, turning to kiss her neck and cheek so he had something to do that wasn’t crying. He loved her so incredibly deeply that he felt like he was an anchor, dropping to the bottom of her deepest ocean, without a single plan to leave.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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peachysnzs · 3 years
genshin snz headcanons
i caved here are literally All my genshin snz headcanons cause im thinkin so hard rn
def sneezes in fits but tries to stifle whenever possible
uses his elbow most of the time, but sometimes when hes especially deep in a fit he ends up just sneezing desperately in the air
quiet and breathy
tries to make his sneezes as discrete as possible but the further in fits he gets, the more desperate his sneezes sound
every time he has a buildup to a sneeze, he kinda just shudders leadin up to it yknow
he always tries to be cautious and not get anyone sick when he is sick bless him
ok this fucker inhabits an ice mountain theres no way he doesnt get at least a *couple* colds
sneezes in likes twos, threes
this is so unoriginal bcs hydro vision but like her sneezes are def at least a bit wet-sounding
uses tissues when avaliable, but if not she just kinda turns to the side
loud and high-pitched
she sneezes relatively suddenly and it takes her by surprise sometimes
tbh mona feels like somebody who’d have allergies and being all sniffly and miserable looking and still try to deny that shes allergic to anything and that youre stupid for thinking so. very tsundere.
speaking of sniffly her nose probably just constantly runs like a tap when shes sick
she wouldnt even try to keep her germs to herself and would be disgusted at sick ppl even if she was the one to get you sick
hu tao
literally almost never sneezes* but when she does its singles
uses her elbow and covers her mouth, ty hu tao for being a good snz role model
kinda low and naturally soft
long ass fucking buildups! her nose just kinda itches for a whole two minutes and her breath wavers before she sneezes quickly
so for the asterisk * i kinda lied, she sneezes up a storm only when sick, she has kinda a subpar immune systme so whenever shes sick she just is stuck with sneezng consistently through the whole day til shes dizzy
also sneezes in singles, occasional doubles
alternates between using hankerchiefs if avaliable or just her elbow
i feel like jean is the type of person to like excuse herself right before succumbing to a fit
small sneezes, decently graceful
i feel like shed had a dust allergy honestly
jean literally will not take sick days even when she has awful colds, and while she tries not to get ppl sick she does a kinda awful job at it
two to four usually
elbow once again, but sometimes when shes gliding she cant really use her arms so she just sneezes in the air
squeaky def, high pitched
she def has hayfever and one day opens her glider and its just covered in pollen
no build ups to her sneeze, just a sharp inhale and then the snz
we already saw her snz so
either single sneezes or long ass fits, no inbetween
sneezes into her gloves, but when her sneezes start to get messy she switches to a hankerchief
breathy and feminine
cyro characters get colds cause i say so
no fr tho eula just miserable w a cold and just constantly having to duck foward and sneeze into her gloves
half of her cold is her denying shes sick even when she looks absolutely horrible and the other half is complaining about how miserable she feels and demanding people to do things for her
doubles usually
he sneezes into the air or in his hands this fucker would never sneeze in his elbow
messy and desperate
long! ass! fucking! buildups! he tries to hide the hitching with his builds ups but hes not at all good at it
his sneezes get so much messier the sicker he is, until hes practically just dripping
dont be decieved by the way he hides being sick, he desperately craves being coddled whenever hes sick because of his home life
suprisingly good at caretaking
triples and quadruples i feel like
elbow primarily, but sometimes uses tissues
loud and rough
he tries so hard to hide his allergies but it never works because his sneezes are always so loud
fuck it give him all the allergies
his voice gets stuffy so quickly when even in like a five foot vicinity of flowers, and his nose itches so much to the point where it feels like hes just constantly building up to another sneeze
has probably sneezed on someones drink at least once while he had a cold
almost only fits and he fucking hates it
he usually pinches his nose to stifle but if he cant manage he either quickly goes for the elbow or just ducks his head down and sneezes towards the floor
shaky and itchy-sounding if that makes sense
yknow that little gasp people do sometimes before sneezing i feel like hed do that
never takes sick days unless forced to by jean or diluc, and ends up shambling through his daily tasks shaky and feverish and sneezy
he tries to stifle but it really does not work
singles, and if u catch her sneezing she’ll probably make you swear to silence
literally just in the elbow
honestly i feel like shed sneeze like a kitten, or just really high and femme
she sees being sick/allergic as a sign of weakness so fights sneezing very hard. like u can see the visible effort she makes pinching her nose and shit after her breath hitches even once
also one of those dumbasses that stifle way too much and doesnt take sickdays
doubles unless shes allergic, then its fits
she has a fancy ass lace hankerchief she carries w her speficially for snzs to look ‘proper’
she forces her sneezes to be elegant, sneezing naturally is loud tho
small buildups but v audible breaths building up to a sneeze
she has a good immune system but when she does get sick she gets it bad and tries to cover up her flushed face and red nose with makeup
without people around her she just lets herself be miserable while sneezes, lettting out small little “..guh...” after a particularly bad fit
doubles or triples
beidou would also like never use her elbow, shed sneeze in her fist even if the sneeze is messy as hell
loud and proud of it
look all im saying is beidou is a walking health hazard whenever sick, she doesnt try at all to keep colds to herself and can and wil sneeze into her hand only to shake yours seconds later 
no buildups, just sudden sneezes that scare the shit out of people tho
very very fucking messy
half the time does not care if shes sick, she doesnt really feel like she needs to take sick days because she doesnt feel that bad and stuff like that
singles and occasional doubles
she keeps tissues on her and uses them relatively often
delicate and proper
the idea of lisa having a dust allergy is just everything to me, like she blows off dust from a book and ends up stuck for a few minutes with her nostrils flaring until she finally sneezes desperately into a tissue
rarely gets sick, but when she does milks the hell out of it to be as lazy as possible. like “oh im feeling so awful rn, maybe a kiss will make me feel better?~”
fits fits fits
hands or elbows, really depends on how hard the sneeze hits him
decently loud and a bit high pitched
look venti is an anemo god all im saying is when he sneezes the wind picks up, and when he has fits its enough to push you over
to remedy this he just avoids everyone when sick and avoids cats with a a passion
buildups are very breathy and desperate
his nose runs so much near cats and he makes a godddamn mess of himself the longer hes around them
cats absolutely love him regardless
he gets fits only bcs i say so
literally either just the air or his hands because nobody ever taught him that he should like cover his mouth properly when sneezing
quiet but messy
the idea of xiao w just torturuous buildups does something for me. he’ll be stuck there w his breath hitching and hazy eyes for like a whole minute before he finally just ducks into his hand and makes a mess of himself
he does not understand being sick and absolutely hates it when he does get sick, 100% tries to power through it and ends up a fucking mess by the end of the day
his sneezes get stuck so often
his nose gets so fucking flushed and twitchy after a while of sneezing
doubles or triples
sneezes in her elbow most of the time
soft and low
when she gets sick she gets so sleepy, her sneezes just kinda draw all the energy outta her and she usually ends up taking a nap
shes allergic to dogs too bcs why not
she doesnt want to bother people when sick or get them sick too so she usually takes copious sickdays until shes absolutely certain that she cant get anyone sick
triples literally always for some reason
either into his fist or into a hankerchief
low and masculine, a bit loud
doing the same god shtick with him, the floor tends to shake whenever he gets particularly sneezy and stuff on cupboards can and will fall over when in the vicinity
no buildups really, hell just be in the middle of talking and then he blinks a bit and then sneezes roughly
he doesnt really take sick days but he doesnt really deny hes sick either, just kinda tries to get through the day despite feeling awful
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remsmoonlight · 3 years
— title : point of view
— word count : 3k words
— pairing : daryl dixon x reader
— summary : tomorrow is something that is never promised, less so when the dead walk the Earth. being trapped for the night when a storm pours down upon you and daryl while trapped in a decrepit house by a few walkers are you sick and tired of hiding what you feel.
— warnings : some swearing, talk of potential death ( of the reader ) , a wee bit of angst that turned into more at the end :)
note: omg another daryl oneshot i gotta chill ajksajksk, but i had like seven main bullet points i made to follow when writing this and i followed like...... two, three at the most, anyways.... enjoy? this is brought to u by ariana’s discography lmao oops it does be cute at some point tho ... also felt a bit hsm with that one line at the end ahaha but fr lemme stop talking now
      ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   requests are open !   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Dark and gloomy clouds swirl over your head, blending into an extremely large and angry looking ready to descend from above. You wonder to yourself just how long you have left before the loud cracks that crumble through the air to accompany the forceful winds and pouring drops of rain are finally released. Halfway through the trip back from the town that lays after miles from the prison the car used decided it preferred to lay quietly in the middle of the road, shortly after the sickly sputters from the engine you heard Daryl mutter a few curse words. You were unable to hold in your amusement, despite the fact that a lack of transport obviously leaves you in a vulnerable position, it felt like it was your luck for that to happen to you.
It’s why you stay behind following the hunter in silence.
Studying him with focused eyes you can’t help but wonder how he never realises when you’re unable to tear your gaze away from him. In the beginning when you began to develop a certain affection for him you had been glad, for it to be too embarrassing for the thoughts you had about him in your head. In spite of this, when you realised that it was much more than a crush did you wish for him to mind read, because you have no idea just how to approach him about such a sensitive topic and while he can be tender about feelings, it’s also his downfall.
“ it’ll be gettin’ dark soon, there should be some houses down there to spend the night in. “
You stop in your tracks with a curious look that bled so suddenly into your features you had no time to stop it.
“ you don’t want to carry on? I mean, we’re not far from home? “ you question him with a hint of fear coddling your words.
“ we’d be trippin’ over our feet. Let’s back it back in one piece, yeh? “
Nodding, you regain your pace. It’s been a few months since you’d been hopping from one house to the other during that harsh winter, the bare thought of having to stay in yet another frail structure sent a chilly hand drawing its claws deeply up your spine. If you never had your group, you don’t think you would have made a winter like that, barely protected from the elements and the walkers that wished to plunge their teeth cavernously into your flesh.
“ as long as we leave as soon as the sun comes up. Please. “ you plead, your words filter off into a gentle volume from your position.
Leaves crumble and buckle underneath the weight, the sound of crickets dominate your surroundings as the two of you walk in silence. You itch to start a conversation, but the fear of distracting the man and annoying withhold the words that wish to fall from your lips, even then you don’t know how to begin. What would you say? There’s not much to talk about in a world where the dead have risen, where they wish to drag the world into decomposition.
Your wandering mind is pulled from its very own depths from a noise coming from Daryl, he’d turned to catch your attention. You both set to work attempting to enter any of the abandoned houses, hoping one had been left unlocked at some point.
Of course, luck is scarce. Despite there not being a soul who occupies them, they’re still somehow locked. Mournfully, you wonder if the owners of these homes had thought the governments and armies would eventually lock everything under their control, to the point that there would be a house for them to come back to? Your heart thuds painfully in your chest to think about what happened to them, and if they’re even still surviving.
A large thud draws you back to the present, the wooden door splinters at the force Daryl puts into a large kick to its frame.
“ well, there goes the lock. “ you mutter humourously, lifting the heavy bag higher up onto your shoulders as you walk in the open door.
“ we’ll put the couch there, stop any unfriendly types that come our way. “
“ I don’t know if there’s anyone left anymore. “ you reply, dropping the bag to the floor and moving towards the couch.
Situated on the other side of it, you grip the plush handle and lift with a struggle. It’s a strain to get it through the doorway to  turn it around the corner, but eventually it happens. Daryl is joined by your presence by his side, you both push ⏤ this time it’s an easier feat with two of you on one side to dedicate your strength and weight to advance it.
As soon as you finish, a heavy crackle cuts through the air.
“ we got here just in time, huh? “
“ just about. “ he answers you, sparing a glance before moving through the lower floor ⏤ searching for anything that can be taken back to the prison.
Thunderstorms had never been your favourite thing growing up. Of course, rain was something that calmed you from the anxieties life brought, but the thunder and lightning is what you loathed. Never knowing when you were about to receive a fright from the loud rumbles and flashing lights ruined the whole experience for you.
The rustling Daryl makes is the only thing that brings you comfort in this moment, keeping you grounded and away from your thoughts. It doesn’t escape your notice that these houses feel no more than graveyards with the memories that have no use to live, instead haunting the structures with what could have been had chaos and death not taken over. You climb the stairs, hugging your sides as you refuse to touch the handrail leading up stairs.
There is a middle room with access granted without having to push open the door to gain entry. Your eyes scan the room’s interior, even with the dust and grime that bespeckle its surfaces, you can still see its beauty. Now, who does that remind you of? Your mind cheekly thinks before you banish it into the shadows of your brain, where you know it will force itself out with an immense stubbornness.
Despite the thunder booming in the distance frequently, you can’t help but admire the beauty of rain drops falling to the ground with a dainty grace only it holds. The sky continues to grow dimmer, only seeing the rain on your level and lower, no street lights flood the street to aid you in being able to see torrent from above. Jumping at another roar of sound from the storm, your heart begins to pick up its pace, so much you don’t realise Daryl joining you in the room.
“ scared? “
Turning around with such speed that leaves you surprised whiplash did not greet you, Daryl is left smirking at your reaction.
“ yeah, I hate these things. “ you respond, a bitterness coating each word heavily as you speak.
“ more than walkers? “ he questions you, as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other.
“ well, I suppose not that much .. “ another clap of thunder interrupts you, the rain beating harder and harder on the windows of the bedroom. “ can we talk about anything? This shit really grates on my nerves. “
“ what y’wanna talk about? “
Your mind stalls, with the previous thoughts that had been swirling in a state of disorder your draw a blank. A continuous thump downstairs interrupts your shrug, speeding down the stairs you realise a few walkers are trying to enter the property, of course their lack of intelligence fails to realise they’re throwing themselves into the walls and not the blocked doors.
“ shall we take them out? “ moving closer to the lengthy curtained window next to the door to get a better look, you can see three walkers hauling themselves mindlessly against the structure.
“ nah, the storm’ll get ‘em soon enough. “ he shakes his head softly, your mind taking note of the lack of proximity between your bodies as he repeats your action. “ no need to risk ourselves. “
“ wouldn’t be the first time you’ve risked your life. “
“ s’nothin. “ he contradicts gruffly, wiping a finger across his nose at your words. He truly doesn’t view it as that, refusing to think of it as risking his life. To Daryl, it doesn’t feel like risking everything to help the people around him, it’s not something he can find the words to explain but all he knows if there’s a chance, he would do it again and again.
“ Daryl Dixon, so humble. “ you speak warmly with a gentle smile threading itself into your features. “ you need to give yourself more credit. “
“ stop. “
“ you’re as brave as anyone in the group. I’d say braver than Rick. “ you joke, setting yourself from the entryway to the sitting room. “ although, if I had to choose you and Carol .. I’m sorry, but Carol every time! “
“ damn woman frightens me. “
Laughter light in weight dances airily between you with an elegance in its movement. For even a fraction of a second you forget that there are walkers that are itching to break through into the property, that there’s an angry storm that threatens to demolish whatever stands in its path, because right now it’s only you both here and now in this one room.
“ she’s come a long way. “ you agree, pulling a lone chocolate bar from your bag. Your favourite and you’re thanking the universe that it hasn’t spoiled yet. Turns out all these preservatives and chemicals have some use after all you note to yourself as half is offered to the man standing across from you.
“ so have ‘yuh. “ he acknowledges, taking the broken half of the candy from you.
“ I think we all have to be honest. I don’t think any one of us are the people we used to be. “
“ now who’s humble? “ Daryl asks, his tone light in relaxed merriment. He’d long since taken note of the transformation you’d gone through, he’s never seen you so strong as a person before.
“ don’t you turn this round on me, Dixon. “
The two of you fall silent, you direct your gaze to the window and the raindrops that litter the window pane’s surface. The harsh noises thundered no more, leaving a calm pitter of precipitation to fall with no interruption. From your position on the second couch, you wrap around a thin decorational blanket around your arms, leaning your cheek against the palm of your hand.
Pretending the world hasn’t gone to hell, that it’s just a normal evening where you’re admiring the scene before you. Skies that weep heavily is what the Georgian greenery has been calling out for, especially since the warmer temperatures have returned in full force. Switching your line of sight to Daryl, you feel a mellowness in the pit of your stomach as you watch him fondly. You can’t be sure if it’s the lack of distractions or eyes from your group, but you feel a miniscule spark of confidence within your confines.
“ come sit down, you can relax for a bit. “ you call, trying to convince him lightly. Your hand moves to pat the seat next to you.
“ can’t relax in this world. “ despite the disagreement in his words he does move towards your position on the plush seat.
“ it doesn’t mean we can’t make it. Otherwise we’d be burnt out, I’d hate to see that happen to you. “ You divulge as you reply to him, little inklings of hope in your tone.
“ y’don’t gotta worry ‘bout me. “
“ but I do, Daryl. “ you groan as a dull glumness contorts your features into something new. “ I mean, the lengths you go to .. you scare me to death. “
“ don’t be dumb. “ Daryl warns lowly as he shakes his head, few have shared their vulnerability with him. Perhaps only Carol, his mind can’t wrap itself around the fact that people genuinely care for him. Growing up, he’d been taught of it as a weakness. Something that should not exist, no one cared when he went missing for a short while as a child, and now having people who show him the opposite? It leaves a strange feeling to settle within his heart.
“ please, I need to tell you. I mean, I might not even be here tomorrow. “
“ nah, don’t say that. Y’will. “ he argues, he doesn’t even want to entertain the notion of not seeing you even for a day ⏤ let alone forever.
Truthfully, you’d not been particularly close. He understands it now, he pushed everyone away wherever he had the chance to. But after the downfall of the farm? You wouldn’t let up in trying to forge bonds that could rival even the strongest of metals. You had no idea, but he’d overheard you talking to Beth one day. When you said you didn’t want to be afraid of living, to have something worth dying for. That struck him deep.
“ neither you or I can guarantee that. Now, call me selfish but I can’t die with what ifs in my brain. “ you explain, you know it’s probably selfish to announce any kind of fondness for a person nowadays, because you can be ripped from their existence without any kind of announcement. But if you were to depart from the realm of the living, you’d want to have affectionate memories to experience and for them to look back on.
“ what y’sayin? “
Your eyes well up in frustration, whether it’s over the way you find the words are hiding beneath your tongue like cowards under the cloak of night or over the fact that you have begun this topic of conversation, backing yourself into a corner. There’s so much you want to say but how you should is not coming easy. Eloquence in your words is something you find yourself yearning for with all of your being should it bring you a happy ending to this discussion.
This isn’t a fairytale, there’s no happy or bad endings in real life you sorely think. There’s just reality, and the conclusions for that are neither black or white.
Fingertips grip the roots of your hair for a fleeting moment before letting go as if you’d never clutched them in exasperation at all.
Shutting your eyes so hard they hurt, you muster up the courage to speak the truth you’ve locked away in your heart, allowing it the light it has been deprived of for so long.
“ Daryl, I ⏤ “ your voice shuts off with a painful sound, sighing as if to psych yourself up. “ I feel more for you than I probably should. “
When Daryl says nothing, you open your eyes. Your entire being preparing yourself for the worse answer, this moment may hurt now but the pain will lessen. At least your soul feels lighter with the hidden information no longer chained to it as a burden, no longer will it have to be weighed down by its mass.  
“ I know it’s probably not what you want to hear, but I couldn’t keep it in any longer. “
“ who said I didn’t wanna hear? “
“ ⏤ what ? “ you question, your brows falling lower as you squint in disbelief. You wonder if your brain is forming a false memory to protect itself later on.
“ y’don’t nothin’ to do with me though. “ he hesitates, the automatic response to push away anything good that comes his way to the furthest reaches. “ nothin’ but trouble. “
A sorrowful smile full of grief clouds your features, your unshed tears threaten to fall. If only he could see himself from your point of view, he doesn’t see just how admirable of a human being he is. Yes, he has his flaws but who doesn’t? In all of humanity, you don’t think there has ever been a perfect person, but it’s how they approach their downsides that shows the peak of their humanity, that they don’t let the darkness fester in their heart, to poison their soul into becoming a shell of a kind hearted person. That shows the strength of their character.
Daryl? You feel honoured to have been a first hand witness to see him turn from a hot ball of anger to a softer, kinder soul.
“ Daryl, you really don’t see what I do.” you forsake everything, leaning forwards and laying your hands across his. Taking in the immense warmth from them. “ That? It hurts me, because you’re rather amazing. “
Saying nothing, Daryl looks down at your intertwined hands. He wants the chance that’s being offered, though the fear of being the one who poisons everything he lays his touch upon settles heavily on his shoulder. No one has come out unscarred when dealing with a member of the Dixon family, his family tree being nothing more than toxic, with weeds that wrap around the limbs of the poor fool who got involved with them, as they drag them to their lowly depths. He doesn’t know how to let go of the past and for this he continues to pay, with the high price being his happiness in the present world. No response leaves his lips, for the first time in a long time he doesn’t know what to say, while knowing what he wants to say. It’s not until he feels arms wrapped around the top of his shoulders is he brought back down to Earth, a shudder of a breath is released from him as he realises what is going on. The action is reciprocated in earnest, you’re full of gratitude that he’s accepting your comfort ⏤ knowing it could have been a gamble of a decision, a fifty fifty chance of him reacting negatively or positively. You, too, draw comfort from the position you both find yourself, clutching the other. Hope dawns on your heart, knowing Daryl is not a particularly affectionate man. This means a lot, for it’s a leap for you both.
“ thank you. “ he whispers in the night. You know that this is the start of something new.
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
Just Little Ventrue Things ~
I finished a Camarilla Ventrue run of VTMB. Mostly, the only thing Ventrue these days know how to do is Dominate, run screaming, eat hot chip, and lie, and [high falsetto voice] here’s a list of other nonsense I discovered:
PC’s name is Christina; she’s a Dominatrix because I’m bi. Her sire was one of her clients, and she’s actually very, very angry about his death. She doesn’t mind being a vampire. She’s Wiccan and part of a coven
In this Camarilla run, I decided I would only do quests given by Camarilla members. My justification was that, while Christina is intelligent and curious about lore, she focuses on tasks that immediately relate to her and her goals. She’s not curious about others; won’t go out of her way to talk to them. She’s not a bleeding heart, like my other PCs, and she believes in the Camarilla’s laws. She just hates LaCroix for killing her sire. Her plan during the game is to curry as much favor within the Cam as possible and cozy up to LaCroix so she can stab him.
Enough backstory
Nonsense time
Smiling Jack laughs at you if you don’t eat a rat in the tutorial. LOL. The Ventrue dialog is like “I could barely choke down the homeless man: please don’t make me eat a rat!”
The blood in the Santa Monica haven’s fridge is now blue blood. Does regular blood make Ventrue sick? I was too scared to experiment.
[spots Mercurio] I am going to steal that ghoul
Rosa: The people you’re looking for are up there. Christina, assuming Rosa is a Cam agent: Okay, thanks, bye
Never spoke to the Thin-Bloods again (sorry Lily baby ;-;)
Everyone except Julius still leaves when the PC reaches Hollywood
If you try to feed on Julius, he WILL kick you in the head and you WILL glitch into the fire, be on fire; run away screaming in Prada
You can skip the whole basement of the Ocean House Hotel if you manage to jump over the hole in the staircase???? Like?? You mean the spookiest fucking level has been optional this whole time I”M
[ghost appears] [Christina smacks it with an axe] None of that.
Club girls speak to Christina and I’m on the FLOOR
Therese “kills” Jeanette, even though I had enough oompa to make that not happen.
Therese joins the Camarilla and says she’s in good position to be the next Prince??? Hello??? Where is our Prince Voerman ending????
Went straight to LaCroix, called him “sir,” and he name-dropped Napoleon.
LaCroix tells Christina to go visit the Anarchs. She blows the Anarchs off (Nines made a growly face, Damsel dialog yowl-exited out after I asked if she wanted to join the Cam; Skelter threatened to murder me twice). When LaCroix told Christina that, while he admired her Cam loyalty, she must listen to her enemies to understand what they wanted, it felt like he was actually being a good sire and mentor.
That’s weird.
When Christina asked for his history, he very carefully explained his lineage, like the important part of Ventrue culture it is.
Overall, I found LaCroix-being-nice-to-me extremely unsettling.
Sir. Stop smiling at me, sir. Stop being impressed I don’t ask for money. STOP MAKING ME UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE LIKE YOU, SIR.
In contrast, LaCroix sounded genuinely betrayed at the end
Also made it more obvious when he started to lose track of his marbles
Ventrue PC seems juuuuuuust tall enough for her forehead to glitch into the ceiling of literally any confined space
The dirty Elizabeth Dane policeman didn’t psspspspsp at Christina so the whole ship was 15 white-knuckled minutes of making police dance and scuttling about
There is!!! A lot less!!! Talking in this game!!! Than I remember!!! She is only good at talking and ordering people around i am bEGGING
All EXP goes to Dominate and making Christina extremely charismatic and buff.
Ventrue himbo????
Beckett un-himbo-ifies her
She insults Beckett on their first meeting, spitting out “What do you want, wolfie?!” I thought this was appropriate because she died like, 4 times on that warehouse mission and was Extremely Stressed And Under Duress
Beckett’s response of “Oh, you’re too young to have mouthed off to the truly old ones yet.” makes his later snide remark of “the young ones are so temperamental” 900% funnier. Yeah, LaCroix! Beckett thinks I’ve grown and am now more mature than you! XD
Missions involving sex workers hit different when you’re a sex worker.
Christina was incandescent with rage at the Brotherhood
Grout’s mansion mission was a lot of “I have no interest in this nonsense.”
For the first time ever, I didn’t kill anyone during the Museum quest! This is because Christina ran very fast and Dominated every guard as quickly as possible. Every single fucking guard knew she was there, but could do nothing about it, because they were dancing. The door to the sarcophagus locked (it will do this if too many guards are agro), but locked doors are no match for noclip hack.
Entertaining image of a tall woman absolutely blasting into this museum room and Beckett tackling her to the floor like wait! I must snark at you! You are legally obligated to speak with me!
Isaac is still somehow a pretty chill guy to work with if you’re Camarilla.
Christina didn’t visit VV or Ash. Interestingly, Ash didn’t show up at the hunter monastery later. Did he just die in his club? Is he still there, waiting, deciding?
Christina @ Andrei: what the fuck is this shit
“I don’t care. It’s ugly. Clean it up.”
Not as bad as I was expecting
Did take shortcut, run away from fights, ducked out in the middle for a snack, and bring 7 blue blood packs tho
Gary threatened to shred her face with a cheese grater, which I thought was Toreador only dialog?? It must be connected to the Appearance Stat. Which Christina has maxed out.
When Heather became Christina’s ghoul, I was delighted because I thought this meant Christina would always have fresh blood.
If you ask to feed on her too soon after the last time, Heather says she feels light headed and wants to lie down. The dialog exits out
I love you, Heather bb
Perfected the art of nudging NPCs into corners
Mitnick’s quests now feature Enforced Nap Time for all guards
Seriously, Dominate is ridiculously powerful, hooooly shit. I get why people like it. I also like it when people do things I ask them to do.
Christina can’t sneak, but she CAN strongly encourage everyone to choke on their own tongues.
Very high contrast in the beginning of the game: 2 punches would knock her over, but anyone she spoke to would obey immediately and without question
Chinatown goes by ridiculously fast if you can’t sneak and don’t do any sidequests besides Mitnick’s.
For the first time ever, Zhao survived! This is because Christina made him take a nap.
He just told her to leave
You’re welcome, my good dude
IDK if it’s a game glitch, but Christina would vocalize? In battle, she grunts with effort and pain.
Got to the point where I kept expecting Dominate dialog in every interaction and would get disappointed if it didn’t show up. What do you mean I have to actually convince people? That’s lame.
Christina was polite and charming to Ming Xiao, who also conveyed a deeper betrayal than normal at the end. ;-;
I promise to give you a Ventrue boy toy soon, Xiao
Finale arc quests went by VERY FAST because Christina can’t sneak for shit. Just run in, Dominate blazing
You can skip the outside bit of the Hallowbrook Hotel if you find the open door on the top level what the fuuuuuuuuuCK
[“A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” plays while Christina wipes out the Sabbat in 10 minutes]
Andrei disappeared mid-fight and didn’t come back until I complained that only I was allowed to run away from boss fights
I’m categorizing “triggering the interaction to save Heather” as something quite difficult to do. The timing has to be just right. I’ve missed it twice now. BUT hacking into the game to save her is easy.
I love you, Heather bb
Final Beckett talk had the vibe of “You’re a very different person than me, but you’re also High Humanity and trying to do good. You don’t deserve to die.”
Damsel threatens to kick the shit out of Christina and is extremely reluctant to tell her where Nines is
“Out of all people, they send you? All right, let’s just talk terms.” - Nines because Christina was short with him one (1) time
You can just?? Walk out of your haven?? Without speaking to Jack at all???
I didn’t do that
But I could have
[”Dust in the Wind” plays while Christina kills entire Camarilla hit squad in 3 minutes]
You can visit Mercurio and Trip on your way out of Santa Monica??
Mercurio makes no comment on the blood hunt. Business as usual with him. This is fine.
Christina: I’m SO going to adopt that ghoul. And perhaps Isaac can be convinced to part with Romero...
(For the first time ever, my PC boinked Romero. Twice, to receive the break up email)
This is definitely a glitch, but Christina brushed up against Caine, and a worried voice said, “Are you all right?” It sounded like the same voice actor, but a higher pitch?
Always nice to think about Caine demonstrating care
Christina asked Caine who he is, and Caine replied that he “gets people where they’re going. [He’s] a driver,”  which is a nice nod (lol) to both his literal job as a driver and as a shepherd/creator/god to Kindred. Caine creates and makes fate.
Caine triple checks with Christina that she’s sure Strauss won’t betray her. Thanks, Vampire Dad. :’D
For some reason, only other Ventrue guarded LaCroix’s tower. I wonder if this is intentional. Like all the other Camarilla Clans backed Strauss and left? So only LaCroix’s Ventrue lackeys remain? Anyway, it created some weird moments where Christina fought her double.
Sheriff laughed in haughty joy that he was to kill Christina. I don’t remember him laughing in other playthroughs.
Christina ruining Caine and Jack’s prank oh noes
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