#atla movie liveblog
businesstiramisu · 10 months
omg no one told me that the backstory of Nimona is *actually* the lie that Aang told in the worst ATLA episode
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rathockey · 1 year
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atlas (ace) | 26 | he/him
old urls: transbuck | arthursdent | scarcrossedbuck
main fandoms: bruins | hockey | spn | house md | btvs
original posts/personal posts: atlas.txt (any post i make is free to rb) answered asks: atlas answered trigger tags: currently i do not tag for anything but if you need something tagged send me an ask! liveblogs: atlas watches [SHOW/MOVIE] \ [TEAM] lb (hockey)
hockey note: i'm not longer following anyone's superstitions other than my own. i don't expect anyone else to follow my superstitions and i'm not following anyone else's. if my saying certain phrases or talking about the game in a certain way bothers you, feel free to unfollow, block, filter certain words, whatever you need to do.
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bmblboop · 11 months
RWBY X Justice League... TWO!
Gonna do another liveblog while killing some time. Here goes!
-cut for length-
UHD is 480p? This movie has been out for two weeks and it's not 1080? I thought the first one was only that way bc I got it day-of!
Ugh, I wont get mad over it. The YT edition gave me trouble the last time too - let's just see how it goes.
Recap! Took me a minute to realize this is the Weiss vs Bruce music from the first movie - which is definitely the closest we've gotten to classic RWBY music.
"'Grimm' as in, "The Brothers"?" For half a second I thought she was referring to the Gods of Light and Dark but no as in the authors 'Brothers Grimm' because the DC universe is supposed to be Earth and fairytales are just fairytales here. Are they gonna lean more into the allusion aspect of RWBY et. al now that we have a world where Red Riding Hood and the others are just stories?
Jurassic Park moment with the Pterrorsaur. Except this time they can literally smell fear.
Epic Ruby moment vs the Taijitu (first time in Maya), love how creative the fights are.
Grimm on Earth turn to gunk? Hopefully it's just goo and not regeneration-goo (like the Wyvern 'Blood' in v3).
Ooh, when the Kilg%re/Goliath gets punched the cracks are yellow. Color scheme: red, white, black, yellow.
When I saw the flash of purple tailing Batman I thought TYRIAN!? Nope, it's just a Scorpion with a modified tail... suspiciously like Tyrian's. Guess Watts is involved after all.
Saw this preview clip, but ow. Weiss is still hurting from losing Atlas, and I honestly don't blame her. That was her home, and it's straight up gone. Glad to see this carry through from v9, as well as Ruby's post-renewal mindset.
Voice changer to keep the mystery voice a mystery.
Mmm Flash angst. Reminds me of v9 Jaune. Blond boys get no sleep.
Had to pause on Weiss' contacts screen and I love that shes got all her teammates, all her family, and Maria just, lurking. Lol
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Clearly Maria has her own scroll but I do have to wonder how good she is at tech things given she has such a close-cropped image. Or maybe she doesn't give a shit XD.
Love love love that conversation with Klein, I love that this is the direction of Weiss' character arc and I love that daddy issues whammy of 'He abandoned Atlas long before it fell.' 'Do you mean Atlas, or your family?'
Time dilation double pun. The 'when you are needed most' line at the end of v9 and Weiss being the one saying 'we have experience with that' considering one of her glyphs is Time Dilation.
Blake breaking down the door feat. Yang's flirty wink.
XD Ruby entering the portal in style
We finally got a 'not in Kansas anymore' referenceeeee.
Oh, split up along Weiss/Blake and Yang/Ruby this time, glad to see it! Time for sisterly conflict.
Heh. Joker and Harley watching the city burn.
Oh now I see why Blake went to Gotham. Cat. Bat. "This is where he's from. I get it now."
The way Ruby just knew that she'd still be able to move like she did on Remnant. My girl. (Was worried for a sec she was gonna try to Silver Eyes it and that would fail)
"You learn not to question Flash's villain roster." That got a laugh out of me and I don't even know about Flash's lore.
Something about Weiss mentioning "Mr Freeze" while dressed as an Ice Princess is funny to me.
The particles on Blake and Jessica's fist bump :D
Aw man, it IS regeneration goop!
I guess 'consciousness is stored' is how we can get Watts in a post-v9 crossover. Technomagic stuff.
Weiss proving she's the queen.
Hope Cyborg isn't corrupted.
Love this Cobra/Dragonfly grimm. Clip it's wings!
'We need more firepower.' Enter Yang with an epic save.
Hold on, are Yang's flame punches the color of the lesbian flag?
Are we gonna a get a 'speedsters need to slow down' moral here? With Flash also rushing into danger and nearly getting killed?
Anyway, planning session time.
The truth revealed.
Honestly, 'no body no death' kinda applies here like we KNOW that Watts died either burning to death via Cinder's wish or when Atlas fell but he was surrounded by computers at the time as well. It could have literally been the last thing he ever did. (Or he did it during v7 since he already wormed his way into the Atlas network via Jacques).
Via Jacques. Man. Watts really is Weiss's personal villain.
The whole 'transferring consciousness' thing also reeks of the Aura Transfer machines used on the Maidens, but I always assumed that was Pietro's invention so he could give life to Penny. Maybe Watts stole or twisted the concept for his own use.
Yang seeing the Ruby in Flash mmmmm. The way he looks at her arm and asks 'what happened?' and Yang explains how she felt ooooooooo. Flash explaining that Kilgore is no longer in his brain but he hears and sees him all the time.
Blonde PTSD buddies WOOOO-
Meanwhile Ruby and Clark orphan bonding. Not entirely sure how Ruby will take the 'I make my parents proud for fighting for the things they died for'
Also given that some of Summer's first "lines" in the show was Red Like Roses Part 2 "baby please don't do what I did/I don't want you to waste your life in vain"
And on that somber note -break time!
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jackfromthefairytale · 6 months
cure album liveblog (aka me devolving into insanity) unedited no grammar corrections this is between me and my phone keyboard
all I'm gonna say is that the singles do not do this album justice
cure: it's a precursor to what's to come I'm already so familier with it. first time I've got both earbuds in though 🥴. it's an expeeince
rumour of light: SHES PRETTY AND HEAVY holy shit the opening instrumental I was gonna cry, the vocalsssssss! the scream melody is so good, jesse's singing is something else (he's singing lower I might be able to actually hit his notes for once) GUITAR SOLO!!! its so melodic and pretty the vocal layering in the chorus is everything to me
idlw wind: quiet straight into heavy djenty, dark ambience, pretty yet heavy chorus, guitars are tight as fuck, chorus vocal melody is so good hes got a little bit of scream in there too, the bridge instrumental part is so !!! HANG JT IS DOING SOMETJING DIFFERENT I DONT KNOE. outro part of chorus is so !!
blue reverie: fits so well in the grand scheme of the album? it's the slow respite from three quick heavy songs
slow sour bleed: industrial! production heavy intro! reminds me of psalm of sedition? it's gone quiet? very djent. ambience!! heavy/light whiplash. ELECTRONIC? erra typical structure fuck. OH BREAKDOWN THESE CALLOUTS ARE AMAZING. oh she's very heavy
wish: opening guitar haunts me. she's light and building. and an interlude
glimpse: OH! SHE CONTINUES DISTORTED. jesse is going at it with vocal work holy shit! JT CLEAN YELLINH! the guitars here I adore. THE VREAKDOWN HAS BEOKEN MY CEILING. jesse's voice from this chorus specifically is gonna haunt my dreams
past life persona: intro guitar is so pretty. dust of the human shape esque opening verse. very ghost atlas, a bit radio rock (metal)? sounds seaside in summer, type of song you'd introduce to your grandma. backing screams on point. breakdown flows very well it's explosive but doesn't break the stream of the song. is jt singing here?
crawl backwards out of heaven: jt song right after a jesse song, foreboding heavy. verse two is still groovy as fuck. bridge is still haunting as fuck
end to excess: clean glittery guitars, i want this intro to last forever. and now he's screaming. oh that verse lead! blast beats! oh that chorus feels movie-hopeful! I love it! the guitar leads in the second part of the chorus! BREAKDOWN! it's so different wow
pale iris: some good old fashioned metalcore. the verse leads at the start of the verse fit the leads sprinkled throughout the rest of the album. it's weird, it's the first single from the album but appears second last, and now I'm hearing it as part of the picture it sounds so much more coherent.
wave: ?? energetic guitars? reminds me of hyperreality? I love this song I don't know what's going on. some of the vocal parts remind me of a savage hands song. oh that bridge is powerful. I don't want this to end.
it can't be over
please tell me it's not over
that might be the best album I've ever heard.
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tuiyla · 7 months
NATLA Ep. 1 "Aang" thoughts
It might not be the Avatar but it's still an Avatar show which means I'm giving it the respect of not doing anything else while watching, so I'm not gonna liveblog, as such. BUT, I do have many many thoughts after just episode 1 so before I proceed I'm gonna digest a bit and do a word vomit of those thoughts. Maybe I'll get around to a more in-depth and critical examination later after watching the whole thing but for now, a few thoughts here and there. Spoilers inbound.
The opening
The first huge difference is of course how the whole thing kicks off. Trust me, despite having been a huge ATLA fan for over 15 years I'm not trying to approach this in a way where I automatically shit on everything the new show changes. It's a different era, different medium, different audience. Well, in a way. So some changes are outright necessary and, in some cases, even good! Therefore I don't automatically roll my eyes because we don't open with Katara's narration and the Southern Water Tribe. Modern audiences, Netflix audiences are more fantasy savvy than Nick's target audience in 2005 so it makes sense to open with the war's beginning. I'll even take the Sozin scene, though it feels a bit wrong, in a way, to introduce a character like him so early on. I wanted to say, without much sense of threat, too, but it's not live action movie Ozai levels bad and we do get our arguably most brutal scene when Sozin straight up burns an earthbender from pretty much inside out. This level of violence is something I'll perhaps get into more in another post but long story short, I think it's the right amount. This ain't a Nick cartoon anymore but it's also not gratuitous. What it is, is war.
Part of the opening is the intro, of sorts, a twist on the beloved opening sequence as narrated by Katara. The twist itself, I'm okay with, but I have Feelings on Kyoshi being our narrator that are again for a more in-depth look. In short, it makes no thematic sense for it to be the Avatar from before the last to narrate this. I know Kyoshi is the fan favourite, pun intended, but that's all the justification they have. If anyone other than Katara, who is done dirty by taking her narration away btw, it should be Roku. You know, the actual last Avatar? Having it be Kyoshi is fan service as much fans are symbolic of her. Bad pun, I know. I haven't seen ep 2 yet but do tell me we're shifting to Katara, pls pls pls. Another gripe I have is the title, "Aang", since the OG show has such beautiful symmetry with its first and last ep titles but this is a nitpick. Also, nothing to indicate that this is the season of water? Titling the seasons after the elements matters very much.
And then, just when I think we're jumping to 100 years later, we meet Aang. I'm already going into more detail with thoughts here than I intended but I just do not like how we drag this on and on. Show Aang's backstory and the details of the attack later, mid-season. Yes, like the original did it, because the original did it for a reason and that's to not info dump in the very first episode and have sloppy exposition that would have felt more natural had it been delayed for later. We don't need to know everything about the world and the role of the Avatar right away. I do like how the Aang and Gyatso relationship was established but we didn't need All That, and we could have had the vast majority if not all of this as a flashback later on. Random idea, but maybe even in the episode where Zuko's backstory is covered. I'm really innovating here, I know. I'll explain why this was too much in another post, maybe, but for now I'll say the positive that I do think these scenes are done well, I just don't like their placement. And I don't like what we're doing to Aang's ch in terms of his responsibility and role so far, such as him not actually wanting to Run Away run away, but I'll wait and see where they take him for the rest of the season.
Wolf Cove
Omg what, the Southern Water Tribe? Finally. The ch who started off the whole thing in the OG appears 21 minutes into this episode, almost the length of an entire ATLA ep. So far, the sibling dynamic is Fine. Again a bit too heavy on the exposition but what can you do when you cut Katara's opening narration about their family and tribe. Some things I take issue with include the way Katara breaks the iceberg open, i.e. lack of feminist rage and in general her lack of strong presence in this first installment. It feels like they're trying to give Sokka more but you can showcase Sokka without making it feel like Katara is less of a presence, less of a driving force, and frankly more of a kid than she is in the OG. I do like her and the actress, her interactions with Aang and role in the story just feel lacking so far. And then they actually include her intro word for word, just said by Gran Gran! Like yeah we know Katara tells the story like Gran Gran told her but damn, straight up theft.
I'm also not satisfied with Kanna's place in the story. Her breaking the news to Aang feels flat and devoid of the tension that was present in the OG where Aang and Katara put two and two together on their own. Also no goodbye to Gran Gran? No big sendoff to her grandkids? No speech about destiny? Disappointing. What is done well is the sense of dread when the Fire Nation ship arrives at the village and Zuko's whole entrance, that's good. But again, he and Iroh give away way too much way too early about his mission and banishment and such. You guys, you have a whole season to get into it, why rush. I have a fear as to why they're rushing but we'll see. It just feels like a rookie mistake to try and shove so much into the first ep. We get it, the world is so much bigger and these chs so much richer than they first seem but that's the point, the audience will watch and learn as the season goes on. Just because Avatar has all this lore way beyond the first installment doesn't mean we have to go back to Wan and explain everything before we can head to the North Pole. I joke and exaggerate, but there were times I rolled my eyes at the dialogue. Again, not Shymalan levels bad but that is not where the bar should be.
I have less to say about the Southern Air Temple as it is quite brief, all things considered and because we already got so much of it before even making it to the present. I do think it's funny people thought the live action would let the story breathe more just because the eps are longer because look, here we are, three 23 minutes eps shoved into less than an hour with expanded stuff from the very beginning. This is not it breathing more because there aren't 20 eps to work with. They have a lot of content to get through and as a viewer you can feel it, which doesn't bode well. The whole script does have this first/second draft smell which is sus, when this thing has been in development since at least the end of 2018 and the OG eps it's based on just turned 19. Yeah, that's right, nineteen.
As for things like the visuals, the costumes, the acting, the score, bending, I think it'll make more sense to pass a judgement at the end of the season. Besides, what I'm most interested in is the script and I don't pretend to know much about things like costuming. First impression, it looks good. CG is a bit stifled at times but I like how oversaturated it often is, especially with the nations' colours. It's probably the closest we'll ever get to Avatar in live action and I'm okay with that, since I still believe they should stick to animation anyway. But yeah, good. Nothing mindblowing and bending so far but I'd also rather it didn't try to razzle dazzle with just flashy CGI and no substance. As is, there's not too much substance so far anyway so I'm waiting for subsequent eps to be more confident in what they're doing, whether that's building on or steering from the source material.
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auberginebear · 7 months
«Overall (Spoiler-free) Thoughts on Netflix's ATLA»
I liked it, even with the changes I wasn't jazzed about. It's doing a much better job than the movie, that's for damn sure, but it still cannot replace the OG. But this isn't trying to replace it, it's trying to give us a new rendition of the story.
Which is what any adaptation should do, and that people keep expecting adaptations to be carbon copies of the originals is frankly a tired argument for hating on media. Nothing can be perfect adapted, NOTHING! It's like people didn't learn from the great example of the Holes book to movie saga, where the writer of the book wrote the screenplay knowing that since there would be difference, he'd be the one to decide what they were.
Anyway, to get off my soapbox on that issue (cause I could keep talking about it for ages), this is a good adaptation and I hope we get at least 2 more seasons. If this is received well and Netflix knows what's good for them, they'll adapt Legend of Korra too as well as possibly adapt some of the stories from books and comics, including Kyoshi and Yangchen.
If you haven't and would like to read my liveblogging thread, there are spoilers there.
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thesinglesock · 2 years
Oh, I had absolutely no idea the book had slurs, it's been so long since I read them, and I probably didn't have any idea they were slurs😰 I'm gonna start mentioning that when I recommend the books to people. I'm also sorry you saw the movie first, it's not very good. It's like what the AtLA movie is to the ALA tv-series 😅 I look forward to your reactions to the books, if you share them ofc c:
ah, yeah they're not even used too much, I just make it a point to mention it whenever I see it, that "eskimo" and "lapp" are rather dehumanizing words for Inuit and Sámi people, and the proper term for "lappland" would be Sápmi (but I know this is still barely known within Scandinavia, and is very much not known internationally yet).
I was like 9 when I watched the movie, and even then I noticed that it was way too good of a concept to be executed that badly, and felt like I had missed out on something. It only made me want to read the books, but the title change did me no favors, as I had no idea it wasn't called "the Golden Compass".
I don't know if I'll be doing a review or liveblog or anything like that, but I for sure will go look for some neat fan art and the like to put on my blog when I'm done reading :D (I know I've seen some really cool fanworks on here before, I'll have to track them down)
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#but it's a messed up relationship between two people who are both kind of messed up and both clearly have some affection for each other
My Top Posts in 2022:
Catra: Awww, look at the little baby.
Glimbow Baby: *Coos*
Catra: And now look at the big baby.
Bow: *Crying tears of joy as he holds his baby*
120 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
I don’t know what I’m most excited for: 
The resurgence of fanworks with the Teachers from the Web Series (because we all know that there’s no way the OG fans are going to forget them)
The fandom coming up with stuff for the new Teachers and Lesley from the TV series
Stuff with the two...versions (timelines/universe?) combining in some way.
All I know is I’m already getting sucked back into this fandom.
132 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Do you think the people of Encanto waited until Bruno was an adult, or at least in his teens, to start blaming him for bad things happening because he saw them in his visions? Or do you think little five year old Bruno had to deal with people giving him dirty looks or saying cruel things when he was within earshot but his mother and sister’s weren’t close enough to hear, just because he saw something they didn’t like, and it came true?
139 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Can I just say how much I love that the creators of DHMIS clearly love their fans? Like, in this one interview, it kind of comes across like they expect Joe and Becky to be disturbed by the fact that so many fans make humanized versions of the characters and ship them together. And Becky and Joe are both just like “Yeah, we know - it’s amazing and we love that our fans decided to explore ideas like that”. 
155 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The DHMIS Fandom
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659 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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pixie-mask · 2 years
What’s Up With Me
started: 6/28/23
updated: 9/22/24
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Invincible: Atom Eve
Orion and the Dark
Emesis Blue
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> Warrior...Princess...Tramp
> Intimate Stranger
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One Piece
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The Monkey King Reborn
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skyy-vibin · 4 years
Why Sokka gotta be a dick
“my people are Dying ‘Soak-a’” rip Yue
She’s just lying in the water huh
Yue’s body’s still here ?? Ok then
So aang just deadass doesn’t turn into a spirit and some random water benders kill Zhao? Why though
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eerna · 4 years
It's so surreal that Neflix hurt the ATLA creators so bad they said "ATLA CINEMATIC UNIVERSE IS NOW A THING BECAUSE WE'LL BE DAMNED IF THE LIVE ACTION BECOMES THE MAIN SOURCE OF AVATAR CONTENT" and went straight back to Nickelodeon
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agentmika · 3 years
sometimes I think about fandoms and I'm just like holy shit
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bmblboop · 1 year
Justice League X RWBY Crossover Movie Liveblog
i’m not spelling out the whole thing every time
It took some reloading due to internet issues for me to catch it, but the Grimm are, glitching? Yang’s comment about breathing lazers must mean that it’s a ‘worlds crossing’ issue.
why are they emphasizing yang’s breast so much
I picked up on Superman’s semblance limitation right away, and it’s the same limitation he had in the comic
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Her little pose saying “Don’t worry, I got you!” (which i might have missed by one frame)
Does the Youtube version have weird volume issues? Is that a production thing or a distribution thing?
“when things get weird, you can bet there’s one person who knows what’s going on (camera pan to Beacon), Ozpin” what did you break this time old man XD
“B: What are they[Atlas] doing, having a party?” “W: I can’t believe you’re having a party.” That transition made me wheeze
I do like seeing the Schnee manor again, filled with returning v7 faces. It does feel like a party.
I do like Bruce and Weiss’s dynamic already
You Schnees and your diegetic (in-universe) music!
Turns out Ozpin didn’t break anything, if anything he’s just an NPC in this weird mix up
Nice of the movie to sprinkle in RWBY-universe world building for the DC fans
Cyborg saying “What, you haven’t learned how to adapt thanks to childhood trauma?” to Ren and Nora of all people is a pointed choice and I’m here for it XD
Bonus points for Ren and Nora immediately demonstrating they ways they react to it too, Nora with humor and Ren with bitter silence.
Flash is being a snarky lil’ shit to constrast more strongly with Jaune is great
I know it’s just a training montage but cmon - Nora’s hit should have had more of an impact on Barry than *squeaky toy noise* after all that build up
“He’s fine.” “He’s in pain!” *eye roll* I missed sassy Ren so much
JNR I missed you all together so much.
aaaand my internet is being slow, hold on I’m gonna meme
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tepkunset · 4 years
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I was. Not prepared. For these emotions...
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ameliatheamazing · 4 years
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Why would ancient temples with magic items on pedestals that trigger booby traps when you pick them up actually exist? Like what’s the point of even building that. Especially in this situation, they solved the puzzle which gave them access to the stone but then they’re not supposed to take it? What was the reason
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orchidbutch · 3 years
hey it’s Big Prison Fight time!!!!
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