#why do posiedon and zeus look like that…
goodboyaudios · 1 month
Hello Hello Gb, I’ve returned to give you more praise on your creativity and questions.
1. How do you decide which theme of music fits best for each of the Orrerian Giants? 
2. Is Poseidon's chariot actually shaped like a chariot or is it more like a car or another vehicle?
3. Is Posiedons appearance modeled after his VA’s (@DadeAudio) appearance, like with the leather jacket and stuff?
4. Since Pandora was the one who created Polythemus, does that technically make them the mother while Posiedon is the father?
5. The big three have golden leaf crowns but instead, is it possible that Persephone would have a golden flower in her hair to symbolize her relation to spring and the other giants have different objects based on their aesthetics as well?
6. Am I allowed the theorise that: One, Persephone is actually dead and Hades writes letters to her in order to cope with the loss? And two, some sort of fight broke out between Hades family in the past which involved Persephone which is why they're all so estranged with one another, even though he said they have no issues with each other?
7. Why do the giants look like that of stone yet don’t have the same components as stone? Do all the Orrerian's share this attribute or is it just Hades and his siblings?
8. What do Hades and Pandora do together when they're not working on Ambrosia?
9. How big is Cerberus when compared to Pandora?
10. How come Zeus has red highlights in her hair while her siblings don’t and do a few others share this trait with her?
Sorry if I ask too many questions but your continuous creative genius ceases to amaze me and I admire that from you! Good sir, your decisions in the field of script writing make my brain work over time.
1. Tbh, I don't, lol! I just fond music that fits the current themes and emotions I want people to feel.
2. It's essentially a Harley lol
3. Actually, no! I just wanted him to look like a biker uncle! Dade was chosen after!
4. I prefer to think of Thoosa, Poseidon's workshop, as his mother. While Pandora did technically take charge in building Polyphemus, I think Pandora has enough on their plate to deal with outside of being a mother lol
5. It's possible!
6. You can do whatever you want, lol! Doesn't affect me or the story, lol
7. WHY do they look like they're made of stone? Well, there's no small answer to this question, but the simple answer is, I love the aesthetic of Greek statues and wondered what an alien race would look like based on them. So yes, they all look like that on one way or another.
8. Play with Cerberus, eat, sleep, read, look at all the weird things Hades and Poseidon have found, etc...
9. About the same height, 7 feet tall.
10. That's just a Zeus thing. Though, her children may show that trait too.
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emzzy · 2 years
HADES 2!!!!
ok so WOW i was not expecting this so i am compiling all of my thoughts/theories i have gathered from the trailer
ok so for those of you who don’t know the main character is Melinoe zagreus’s sister (or half sister because sometimes Hades and Zeus are swapped around in regards to her origin) so no thanzag fan baby for us :’( sadge, but anyways, on to the story(that we know of)
so the story from what we can gather is that kronos (titan of time, father of zeus, hades & posiedon ETC, ate all of his children, was chopped up and had his chunks scattered around tartarus for said child eating) is the big bad here and he has presumably taken over the underworld after capturing hades as seen here
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(and presumably all the other cthonic gods as well, but we don’t know for certain)
we know from the supergiant blog post that melinoe will be fighting through the underworld (and maybe more) but instead of going up through the underworld to the surface melinoe will instead be going down through the underworld to tartarus, which is presumably where kronos, and maybe even the other titans are waiting.
we also have a bunch of new characters such as:
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moros! doom incarnate and im calling it now, he is SO gonna be a romance candidate like come ON look at this emo bitch and tell me supergiant wont let us fuck him, no idea whether he gives is boons or not.
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we also have apollo, who does give is boons and seems to have a ‘daze’ debuff effect he can give you he seems to fill the same roll as the other Olympian gods so i dont have much to say about him yet
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nemesis, very cool looking, probably also a romance character
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and dora, who is a shade, which is interesting because before this we could only listen to shades in passing conversation, so the fact that we can talk to them is cool, and may also have something to do with melinoe apparently being the goddess of ghosts
we also see a few potential non-underworld areas, mostly the forests, but there is one in particular i want to call attention too
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this one, just look at this place, water everywhere, coral growing on the floor, fishy looking enemies, even those shell shaped jugs, id bet money that this is posidons realm, or at least his house or something which makes me question just how BIG this game really is and just how much is at stake here, we know kronos captured hades, but what about his other kids?, did he capture them too?, because i don’t know why else melinoe would be in posidons realm other than to free him, or maybe to ask for his help to save hades?, IDK man im just really exited for this game and needed to write out my initial thoughts
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barbiegirldream · 9 months
I think because hera is the goddess of marriage, she's expected to be loyal to Zeus but like athena makes some dumb decisions or unjust ones, hades will let people leave the underworld etc
The point of half the myths is that the gods will do whatever they want and face the consequences later or force a mortal to
there is like a super important founding myth for Troy that Hera convinced Poseidon Athena and Apollo to rebel against Zeus and then when they failed Hera got chained up in the stars. Poseidon and Apollo had to build the walls around Troy which is why they wouldn't fall and why they were both fighting For Troy protect those Walls ! Athena got ignored <- some people read this as Zeus liking her better but really it was an insult that he didn't see the goddess of strategy and war as a legit threat.
anyways point is Hera isn't all That loyal. Also Athena isn't really the goddess of justice. Hades is there watch the underworld but he's not say Thanatos or Hermes who cause/bring the dead. It's not like Posiedon doesn't pick and choose if he's gonna let people pass easy or sink them on purpose. All Gods operate on their own whims and are fucking about. The only God who is correct all the time no matter how it looks is Apollo god of truth prophecy (future) and knowledge what he's doing it's cause it Has to be done
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Zues Hades and poseidon were the faces of the first time God let humans be like him before he was crucified. Zeus being the most Godlike appendage posiedon the most human and Hades was Hell, hence why the statues just look like the same dude wearing three different helmets. Something to do with God making it up to Eve and Ables half of the apple after the flood where as Cain and Adams got to be Noah and the ark as well as I'm the Bible. . . ✝️
Hera was the whole planet If she was an instrument as complicates as the Earth.
Cronos was time and we had to keep it.
There was Hephaestus which was the original concept of blacksmithing, and beauty Aphrodite. Both of which will always go together in the human realm and the whole thing went together like a ship or an Ark.
For example Hades was the person and the place
And both were a labyrinth, Prometheus was a poem about a mechanism in Hades that enables people to be healed just the be then toured again..
Where as God's ressurection is to be healed and places in Heaven. As above so below they say...
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moss-c0uch · 2 years
bruh the pjo movie sucks did they read the fuckin book
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
So I read a lot about Pandora and some Greek myths and I got very curious.
Can I have yandere yandere Greek gods (arse Poseidon Zeus Hades Hera Aphrodite and Athena) x human child Reader please
Like how they found a human child and how they take care of her and take her as ther own
Broken Truth (Laying on the sofa with swirls on her eyes): Why so many...?
Mask: Just relax, I'll do this one.
Broken Truth: Thanks, Mask.
Mask: Let the words weave together.
Zeus + Hera (King and Queen of Olympus)
Having you was Hera's Idea, she was sick of looking at her husband and his bastards that she decided to venture into the mortal world to see what she could see and she stumbled upon a small house where a single mother lived with her child - the most lovely and kind child she had ever see; she knew that she had to have them for herself and she wasn't gonna let anyone or anything keep her away from them. Every day, Hera would hide in plain sight to watch the child work in the fields with their mother and she wasn't pleased with how close the child was to their mother, it was going to be hard to separate them and bring them to Olympus. When Zeus got curious about his wife's actions, he offered to get rid of the mother and deliver the child the Hera in exchange for her forgiveness and she agreed. One day, the child's mother was attacked and killed by a lion and Zeus came down to collect the child and delivered them to Hera, who hugged the child and shushed their cries for their mother, saying that she was going to be their new mother and everything was going to be alright.
Poseidon (Gods of the Seas)
Poseidon and Amphitrite were upset that the fates haven't blessed them with a child yet and this caused the king of the seas to take the form of a dolphin and explore the land above; there upon the beach of a child with eyes as blue as his own and sun-kissed skin just like his wife's - this child was the perfect blend of both of them. That's when Poseidon knew the fates had answered their prayers - this mortal child was meant to be theirs. First, they took the father - he was a fisherman and they created a massive storm that swept the father away in the seas, never to be seen again. Then, the mother followed him - without her husband, she ventured into the wilds to find herself and was torn apart by the beasts of the forest; leaving the child all alone. Posiedon came before the child and introduced himself before taking the child to the undersea kingdom where the child met the queen and their new mother and father. The child wasn't for it but they didn't have a choice - Poseidon and Amphitrite weren't going to lose their child.
Hades (God of the Underworld)
While he and his wife - Persephone - had a child, they wanted something more - a new child that they could groom and make not a Prince or Princess of the Underworld. Hades was looking through the orb before him to see if he could find a child with his characteristics and Persephone's heart but he couldn't find them in the city, so he looked in the countryside and found the one he was looking for - a child with back hair and fair skin but there was no sight of parents; was this child living alone? Hades went to the world of mortals in the form of a hound and befriended the child, listening to the grief and anger towards the parents that abandoned them; Hades wiped the tears away and slept with the child in his canine body and he would move his plan forward. While the child was sleeping, Hades dragged the child's soul to the Underworld after giving them poisoned water, allowing them to die in their sleep for that was the only way to bring them to the underworld. When the child awoke in the underworld before the King and Queen, they announced they were going to be their new family and nothing would take them away from them.
Aphrodite (Goddess of Love)
Being the Goddess of Love made Aphrodite feel powerful but she felt like she was missing something - something that her mate, Ares, or her husband, Hephaestus, could give her - a beautiful child. She looked in the mortal realm and found a child with [hair length] golden hair and [eye color] eyes praying at the shrine for love and acceptance; this child was lovely, their voice was heavenly, and their looks...they were beautiful/handsome. Everything about this child was perfect and she was going to have them. During the prayer, the goddess herself appeared before the child and offered them the love and acceptance they wished for in exchange for their loyalty as her child; considering they had no family that loved them, they accepted her offer. Aphrodite walked them to the realm of the gods and raised them as her own - to be an image of beauty and love, just like their momma.
Athena (Goddess of 'War')
Athena was known as the Goddess of War - a rival to her brother Ares, the official God of War - because some people approved of her tactics rather than Ares but she was the Goddess of Wisdom and she knew what she wanted and how to get it - and she wanted a child, an heir to raise and possibly take her mantle if they proved to be strong enough. She looked for an orphan that had no ties to the mortal realm and found one that had the spirit of a warrior, surviving on everything they had and the wits. When Athena appeared before them, the child refused her offer to take them up as her child and that made Athena want them even more. She tampered with their hunts, with their training, with their crafts, and everything until the child called upon her and agreed with her terms. Athena took them to her realm and raised them to be a warrior to rival Ares himself. Her warrior. Her heir. Her CHILD.
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felswritingfire · 3 years
(Hades) Gods x Shade! Reader
No matter how much you try, mortality will always catch up to those who are not of gods. Even the most blinded of them learn this eventually. You take your death with grace, choosing to go and explore this new world as soon as Lord Hades permits you to go, impressed by how little you complain and demand. You are one of the brighter parts of his day (night?).
You drift along, catching certain snippets of other Shade’s conversations as you wander aimlessly. You notice a crack in the wall; deciding to muster up your courage, you slip through it to find yourself in the glowing green torches of Tartarus. With what little you have, you hold it close to your translucent body and push forward.
You’re quick to notice the large glowing ball with an oddly familiar symbol floating in the middle of it. You take your time circling it, feeling compelled to touch it. When you do, a beam of light comes slicing through the dreary air to reveal a mighty god who stares down at you at your shocked form...
Cause of Death: Lightning Strike
Zues is confused when he sees you. He’s even more confused when you start screaming at him, waving your hands about and threatening to fight him yourself.
“You fucker! You killed me!”
He raises a brow. “I think I’d remember if I killed you.” You flipped up your middle finger at him and his eyebrows drew into an angry v. “How rude! I am the God of Gods-”
“I don’t care!”
Zagreus had to high tail it to you before Zues tried to smite you (possibly a second time).
Suffice to say you hoped you’d never bump into that boon again. And you didn’t. No, the God of Gods and Lightning himself decided that he’d have to make a house call himself (Hades was not pleased when a bolt of lightning came crashing down and left a scorched black ring in the carpet).
He picks you out quickly and you try to zoom out of the lobby until he catches you by the back of your robe and then you’re swinging and yelling profanities at him. He’s kinda amused now instead of angry- you’re just so weak and tiny compared to him. It’s hysterical- ow! Did you just bite him?
After you and Zues finish your little “spitting match”- Hades kicks Zeus out and you're forced to hang out in Tartarus for a bit (“but I’m just a simple fisherfolk! I can’t fight anything!” You cry, Hades does not spare you a look as you're dragged out by Meg).
You think maybe that’s the end until you’re approached by a… a squirrel? You almost punt it when his voice spills out as he shoots into a long prattle about how much of a jerk Hades was and how he couldn’t handle someone as grandiose as him appearing before him. Threatened him as a god or something- you were busy trying to figure out how you were going to kill this guy and make sure he stayed dead.
Turns out, after the two of you chattered (argued) a bit about whether or not he actually killed you, Zeus had some neat stories about the gods.
While you were interested in his children’s and brothers’ and sisters’ stories, he was interested in your stories of the mundane. A simple fisherfolk? That was a word? You just fished and traded? Amazing! Tell him more!
After this particular interaction between the two of you, Zeus really ended liking you. Maybe a little too much, but, aw well, it wasn’t everyday a mortal soul had the balls to argue with him for something he doesn’t remember doing (he probably did. Probably. Most likely). He swore that he’d come and see you everyday as he sat on your shoulder as a squirrel, going on and on about how you should feel blessed to be praised by one such as he. You were about to throw him until a giant hand came out and grabbed him (seemed you drifted too close to Lord Hades’ desk), the hulking god flinging him out of a portal.
He continues to pop up and bother you and, to be honest, he’s kinda growing on you. Also, I’m gonna be frank and lay it out that, if he likes you enough, he’s probs gonna want to smash, especially if you lean more towards the feminine side (he’s fucking AWFUL). It’s up to you if you wanna indulge that or not, I don’t recommend it, but you can if you really want to.
We’re going with the option you don’t smash- he’ll be salty at you for a whole ass day before he comes back the one after that as a rat (Hades kept finding out his forms that he used to sneak in so it was an ever constant menagerie of appearances to keep up the disguise) and is like: “I thought you would miss me too much so I came back before you could even complain.”
Zag likes to watch the two of you interact because he finds it absolutely fascinating. It’s like watching… He doesn’t know what it’s like but he’s having a blast as you roast his uncle to bits. It really helps him out when he’s feeling a bit down after failing getting out one too many times.
When you first get Zeus an Ambrosia, he thinks it’s poison and then he gets all prideful because of course you would give him an offering, he was the strongest of all the gods! Him and him alone!
“Silly, mortal, you cannot poison me! I am a god.”
You squint your eyes at him before you huff and pull the bottle closer to you. “Fine, whatever, I’ll just give it to Zagreus- or better yet, Hades if you don’t want it.”
“No! No! I want it! Give it to me! It’s mine!”
During this time, he’s actually experiencing some purer emotions in life- he’s genuinely giddy that you got him the Ambrosia and asks how you got it. You hold up a makeshift fishing rod and grin at him, telling him you snatched it from some nasty shades before you wandered back down to Tartarus.
His gift to you is a little lightning pin that, when you're in danger, will send a nasty bolt of lightning down on your enemies. You wonder what good it’ll do since you’re dead already, but shrug and accept it, thinking that he looks years younger and friendler when his smile isn’t packed full of ego and pride.
Cause of Death: Drowning
Poseidon, Lord of the Oceans, Earthquakes, and many other things, is simply- how do you say? Amused? It’s the best way to describe it at least. Of course he was mostly surprised when he appeared expecting the Little Hades to be waiting for him just to meet a Little Shade in his place.
“Why, hello there, Little Shade! You wouldn’t happen to know where the Little Hades is, would you?”
You shake your head, he doesn’t miss the way you nervously play with your hands, drifting back as some of his droplets float close to you.
He laughs at your simple reply. “Shy one aren’t you?” He leans closer to you, squinting and running a hand through his beard while he hummed.
You fight the urge to take a step back, the smell of salt water making your stomach churn.
His eyes flutter shut as he takes a deep breath. He takes a moment before he opens his eyes again and a look of understanding flashes across his eyes. “You drowned. Didn’t you?”
You stare up at him, eyes round and glassy. You nod.
Before your conversation can go any further, Zagreus comes running through the window, surprised to see his Uncle talking to a Shade (you look so scared- he hopes that you aren’t being bullied). You’re quick to take your leave bowing to both and passing the boon to the Prince before you scurry away into the cover of the other Shades.
He hums to himself, a cryptid smile on his face as his eyes follow after you. Such a strange little thing you were- he wouldn’t mind seeing you again.
It takes a bit, but he does happen to see you again, by peaking through a fountain in a fountain room in the Underworld. He spies you trying to poke at the water that he happened to choose, but jumping back each time. You face scrunched up into one of pure frustration. He asks if you’re doing alright there, Little Shade? Causing you to flash out of existence for a moment before settling back down and looking into the pool with wide eyes. Posiedon almost busts a gut with how hard he’s laughing and you huff telling him that it wasn’t funny.
He says otherwise, but asks what you’re doing. When your face bursts into a large blush you mumble something that he doesn’t quite catch and he’s left with more questions than answers as you take the chance to phase out of the chamber when Zag walks in and steals his Uncle’s attention for a split second. He furrows his brow before asking his nephew about you, which Zag, surprisingly, supplies rather quickly, seeing as the two of you talk a lot: apparently you’re deathly afraid of water after you were thrown into the ocean by your supposed best friend. The memories of the waves crushing you deeper and deeper beneath them sticking with you even in death. So, you were trying to curb that phobia. Posiedon nods, letting the words sink in before he offers the Little Hades a thumbs up and says he’ll help with that.
The next time you see the god, he’s eager to call you over and explain that he’s figured out what you were doing last time and offers to let you mess with some of the drops of water that follow him wherever he goes. You stare at them, eyebrows furrowed and looking just as sick as a shade could look. Yet, you still nod your head and hold out a shaky hand. He smiles at you, praising you for your courage and flicks one towards you; it floats gently before it rests serenely on your palm, allowing you to feel the cool sensation of the droplet. You marvel at it, still shaking with an anxiety before you nod. He pulls it away, it shoots back to rest next to his head and you thank him for going out of his way to help you and ease your fears.
He remarks that you should fear the water out of respect: it’s unpredictable, terrifying in it’s own right- vast and, seemingly, never ending, what could possibly be more terrifying than the unknown, hm? He continues to say that you should also hold onto a bit of bravery at the very least, for untold treasures come from there for those who look.
After that conversation, Poseidon makes it a habit of having you hold onto his droplets of water, making them slightly bigger each time for you to get used to them.
By the time you’re able to touch them freely without experiencing crippling fear- the droplets are almost the size of you. Poseidon praises you the more you grow out of your fear.
You do eventually open up to him about how you died and he never tells you that he already knew. Just allows you to talk in a soft voice as you recall it. It’s a nice bonding experience for the both of you and Posideon decides that you’re his favorite Shade and he’ll treasure you for as long as you exist.
The first time you get him a bottle of Ambrosia, you come to him shivering and sopping wet. He’s confused and concerned as he hovers to you.
“What happened to you, Little Shade? Are you alright?”
It takes you a moment to be able to speak. “I- I found a bottle of Ambrosia. I thought-” you take a deep breath, holding out the bottle with both hands- “I thought you’d like it.”
It’s one of his prized possessions now, he takes little sips of it once in a while, but other than that it remains as one of his most precious memories. He’s very attached to you at this point and you’ll forever have his blessing. His gift to you, aside from the undying loyalty, is a shell necklace, if you ever need him- you only need to whisper his name to it and he’ll appear in an instant.
Cause of Death: Exhaustion
Athena had been prepared to meet with Zagreus- not a curious shade staring back up at her with all the relevance of one of her worshippers.
“What business do you have with me?”
She raises her brow at your gobsmacked expression, watching as you screw your face up before bowing. “Apologies, m’lady, I only happened to bump into your…” you look at where it glows, furrowing your eyebrow, “your orb?”
You nod your head in understanding before bowing your head again. “Again, my sincerest apologies.”
Luckily, she didn’t smite you, instead asking the question of how you were even talking to her. Getting a shrug from you, you say that maybe it’s because you worshipped her (unofficially, you were never able to make it up to her shrine much to your disappointment) when you were alive- maybe a deeper bond is there compared to someone who had never prayed to her for her protection and guidance.
When she hears this, she’s very interested, pressing you to elaborate further when the Young Prince comes jogging out of the glowing window, waving to you. You slink away, passing the boon to him and bowing to her once again before you disappear into the mass of Shades that choose to wander their new home as well.
After the conversation, you had caught the Goddess’ attention, planting a desire in her to see you again. Even going as far as to write a letter to ask her uncle for a council with you after a week passed of her placing her boon in Tartarus so that maybe you would drift too close to it once again. But each time only the little prince would find them (which she was fine with, but it still left such an unflattering taste of defeat on her tongue each time it wasn’t you). She figured it would be a moot point to send the letter, but it was worth a try.
But she decided to place her boon down once more before she sent it out. Just to try. And this time it worked.
You were the one she saw and she was absolutely delighted- not that she showed it, choosing to keep her stoic and sharp expression. You greet her in a similar way before: awed before bowing your head to her. You continue to go on about how you're happy to see her again and, despite how little you had been buried with, you hoped that she would take this- a broken sword, despite the worn hilt and the deep scars the littered what was left of the flat of the balde; it was still polished (at least what was left of it)- as a proper offering to her for all she had done in your life- even if it truly wasn’t all her doings.
She takes the sword in her hand, holding it high, her eyes shining as she studies it: truly, it was a warrior’s blade. She watches as the history and memories flash in the smooth iron. She remarks that it is a remarkable offering, but she cannot accept it. It feels wrong taking a weapon of a warrior such as yourself.
You smile as her, shaking your head, urging her to take it, for you didn’t need that blade in this afterlife. You had already fought your battles, killing the man who you had been battling with and quelling the rage that had followed you since you were a child for revenge. Eventually, dying from the strain of the fight with a feeling of contentedness.
Athena raises her brow, remarking how that sounded more along the lines of Ares rather than her.
You nod, but say that you couldn’t help but desire her help for she was the goddess attached to your favorite animal. She had to fight the urge to laugh, a shaky smile slipping through as she nods at you. Such a silly thing you are. She decides that she’ll take the sword as a reminder of you, no matter where you should go now. She also decides that you were forming a rather soft cradle in her heart.
After this, she is quick to ask Zagreus about you every chance she gets- not that he minds too much, he tells her about how you’ve been helping him train and you’ve even told him about your life when you were alive (“a general, can you believe that? They’re so young!” Zagreus says as he shows her the new move you taught him). She’s only the slightest bit miffed at hearing that you and Achilles have begun to form a sweet friendship. She’s pleased to hear that his father has been trying to barter with you to get you into Elysium, though she’s a tad confused on the reason you refuse to.
She asks you about it one day and you say that it would take longer to see her and you would prefer to avoid that. It was the only time the goddess has ever had to fight down a blush.
When you get her a bottle of Ambrosia, she’s in pure awe at the huge bottle.
“How did you get one this big?”
You lean against the new sword you managed to get your hands on- something simple and obviously used- you offer her a lopsided grin. “Well, not just any Ambrosia would work, so I decided to try my luck with Lord Theseus and, The Great Bull, Asterius. Took me a couple of tries but I managed to beat them and snag it.”
Athena smiles warmly at it, telling you that she’ll treasure it and think of you every time she takes a drink of it. She realizes in that moment just how important you had become to her, never feeling this… soft for a mortal soul in her life. Her gift to you is a shield and a new sword: the shield bares her symbol of an owl while the sword was ornate with a divine glow. She promises that no matter what they’ll protect you and so will she, you only need to call out her name.
Cause of Death: A Broken Heart
When the Goddess of Love first sees you- she thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous (of course not as gorgeous as her). The sad look in your eye and the slight frown that rests on your lips makes her almost fall in love right then and there.
“Hello, little one- do you know where the little godling is?”
You shake your head. “I’m sorry, Lady Aphrodite. I know not where he is.”
She raises her brows, a smile on her face. “How did you know I was Aphrodite, my dear?”
You look up at her, a sudden glint in your eyes has her yearning to see it once again. “No one else could be so breathtaking, my Lady.”
Oh. Oh, she likes you.
She chooses to chatter away with you- despite you mostly listening, adding little things here and there, she feels a strange sense of fullness, like she just ate a full and warm meal for the first time in a very long time, by the time Zagreus arrives. You bid your farewell and she can’t help but follow you with her gaze as your transparent form blends in with the other Shades.
Aphrodite is thrilled the next time she runs into you- or rather you run into her boon. She missed the melancholy look in your eyes, she also doesn’t miss the fact that you’ve come bearing gifts this time: an assortment of colorful flowers rests in your arms and you offer it to her. That glint coming and going like a shooting star as she accepts the offering, holding it up to her nose to take in their sweet scent. How sweet were you to hand her something so delicate.
She asks you where you got them and you remark that you made your way up to Elysium. She’s surprised to hear as such- you didn’t seem like the warrior type. You shake your head, your eyes sweeping low. You weren’t a warrior, far from it- a simple florist if anything. You just drifted until you made it up there and plucked some flowers to make bouquets. You mumble that maybe you’ll be more useful in death.
She tilts her head at the comment, beginning to ask until Zagreus is jogging up to the both of you and it was time for you to leave. She’s a tad annoyed, but reminds herself that the little godling didn’t know- simply trying to break out of this dreary place he calls home and see Olympus in all its glory. She’ll just ask next time.
You gave her another bouquet, this one more beautiful than the last, when she gets the chance to ask you her question. Your eyes pool with a mournful look as you gaze up at her, your hand resting over the place where your heart used to beat as you look to the ground. You explain that you were young when you were wed- just as you were young when you died. You were married off to someone you did not love- someone awful, vile, who beat you down daily just to build you back up so they could laugh when they toppled you over once again. You remark about how you could feel yourself dying little by little, your delicate heart bleeding as your want for life began to dwindle away. You grew sick and you would sit by the window day in and day out, staring out and wondering what your life could have been if you were married to someone you loved. A ghost of a smile blooms on your lips as you look up at her, that glint she oh-so loved twinkling in your eye as you say that you did not die in as much loneliness and pain as you could have; having been making a bouquet dedicated just to her love and sweetness: your Lady Aphrodite who you love, ever so much.
She’s shocked when she realizes the tears that drip down her cheeks, her hand coming to caress your cheek (really your head, she was hulking compared to your small form) with her fingertips. She comments that she would accept every bouquet you made and treasure each flower like it was the one you made for her with your last breaths in the living world.
After that interaction, she comes down a lot more, asking Zagreus if he could bring along her darling florist so that she could talk to you. He always obliges, loving to see the two of you chatter about (well, her chatter about, you usually just listened with a smile on your face as you used the flowers you had plucked into flower crowns for him and Lady Aphrodite). You two become a sort of comfort for him when he’s getting frustrated: seeing your usually melancholy demeanor light up as soon as the goddess appears and in turn the goddess becomes something less vain and more gentle as she speaks to you.
At some point, you’ll probably meet Ares himself- the two never that far from each other, also she adores you, so it only makes sense for you to meet him. He’s honestly a tad unimpressed when you first meet, but when he hears about the heart ache you faced he gains a sense of respect for you, remarking that love is a battle in and of itself and you fought valiantly to keep your ability to love freely (Aphrodite might convince you to have a threesome, I’m not gonna lie, she’s attracted to you on a deep level and she has her trysts with Ares- it’s perfect in her eyes. Though she won’t push you if you don’t desire it).
When you first get her Ambrosia, she’s flabbergasted before it turns into worry for how you got it and the potential danger you were in.
She takes the bottle of gold liquid and the flowers that you had so carefully arranged. Her attention, though, is focused on the said bottle of Ambrosia. “My Darling Florist, how did you get this?” Before you can answer she shoots into a flurry of questions. “Are you alright? Did anything catch you? Hurt you? You don’t seem hurt. Oooh-” she puffs her cheeks out, her gaze sharp- “why did you get me this? It’s dangerous!”
You wait for her to calm down. “I apologize for making you worry, but I simply snuck around and grabbed it from some witches- they didn’t even notice me. And I-” you tap your fingers together, a blush blooming across your face as you look away from the goddess and she decides that she craves seeing that expression on you again- “I thought that you deserved it. It’s a much better offering than my silly bouquets.”
Well, aside from the ‘silly bouquets’ comment (which she corrects you on very quickly), she’s absolutely flattered and it might be the final nail in the coffin that has her falling for you, the little shade in front of her. She decides that you hold a piece of her heart in your translucent hands, though she chooses to keep that information to herself.
Her gift to you is a hairpin that matches hers, though if you don’t have enough hair- she says, you can always pin it to your robe. It’s a blatant claim on her part, but it also helps ease the residual heartache that followed you into death. And, hopefully (a personal hope of her), each time you look at it, you’d fall deeper and deeper in love with her as well.
Cause of Death: Arrow to the Heart
She’s confused when she sees you, quick to voice her confusion as well. Also depending on if you're more feminine or masculine (and I don’t mean woman or man, I just mean how you present yourself), she will treat you differently depending. So, for now, we’re gonna go with the more “feminine” option:
“Who’re you?”
You bow. “An honor to meet you, Lady Artemis, I seem to have bumped into that orb on accident. Wasn’t sure what it did and the curiosity got the better of me.”
She hums, she perks when she notices your bow. “You’re a hunter?”
You smile, holding it out to her. “Yes, indeed, my Lady- I prayed to you a lot.” You laughed, adding. “Hoped to join your hunters when I was young.”
She’s quite happy to hear that and begins to chatter along with you. For some reason feeling oddly at ease around you. It’s probably because you were a fellow hunter but she simply can’t help the way she grows an odd sort of… adoration? Something like that, she thinks- for you. She almost laments the fact when Zagreus comes to get the boon.
You nod to him, biding your farewell to the Goddess and passing the boon to the Prince. She doesn’t miss how Zagreus’ eyes shine as you walk away. She almost comments on it but bites her tongue, wanting to observe the prince and the dreamy look that drifts over his features, even as you disappear.
The next time the two of you meet, she asks if she can see you in action. You agree and search up ahead to find something to demonstrate your skills on. You’re quick to find a few Numbskulls. She watches as you take a deep breath, your eyes narrowing on your unassuming targets and your footsteps become silent as you skirt closer to them. You nock an arrow, never looking away. Her eyes gleam with thrumming adrenaline at the way the muscles in your arms tense as you draw the string back. The low groan of the wood barely above a whisper as you wait for them to line up. You hold your breath, releasing the arrow- it goes through all three of them, making them break into dust in a consecutive line, a harrowing scream being wretched from them as they fade from existence. You release the breath you were holding and stand, sending a smile to the young goddess whose eyes shine with stars.
She praises you for your amazing skill and sings of your prowess. You shake your head, looking down at the ground as you argued that you were but a simple bow folk in your living life. Nothing more, nothing less.
She begs to differ! That type of skill only belongs to those of her highest ranking huntresses! She continues to gush about you until Zag comes up and, once again, greets the both of you. That dreamy look coming over his face as he looks at you. She watches as you once again disappear into Tartarus, this time though, after you’re gone, she turns to her cousin and shoots into a tangent about why he had never told her about you before and where did you come from? She has to know!
He answers all of her questions to the best of his abilities but there are even some he doesn’t know about, for example: how you died.
Artemis accepts this and decides that she’ll just ask you the next time the two of you meet.
And, true to her word, she does. She asks you point blank and you can’t help but be slightly taken aback. You laugh softly, leaning on your bow as you begin to recount that you were traversing her forest, as you had done many times before, and noticed fresh foot prints of man. You decided that it would be a good idea to look and you found hunters trying to kill her Golden Stag. You had dove in as quickly as you could, shooting one- the arrow sailing in a clean arch through his wrist before he could let loose his arrow. But as you went to nock another arrow- a searing pain in your chest and heart. You looked down to see blood pooling around your robes, dying the olive green of your cloak a wine red. You remember the last thing you saw was the Golden Stag running away. You smiled telling her that you were happy he got away- you don’t know what you’d do if he had been captured despite your effort.
Artemis suddenly remembers that day: her stag rushing to her and urging her to follow him- he bounded through the forest, frantic and panicked. When they got to a clearing, she was quick to notice the blood and the drag marks of a body. Her stag pressed his nose to the ground sniffing at the pool of blood, his eyes watering and bulbous tears slid down his muzzle. It suddenly made sense. You were the one he was mourning for.
She couldn’t help but grab your hands, resting her forehead against the back of them; thanking you for protecting her stag when she couldn’t. You smile at her, bowing your head to her and thanking her for the countless hunts she went on with you. You pull your hands away from her and hold out your bow to her. She asks what you think you're doing in a watery voice and you say it’s an offering. You couldn’t give much when you were alive and you still can’t give much now, but, this bow- it shall treat her right.
She sniffles as she takes it, trying to hold in tears. She vows to treasure it for all of time as she admires the worn wood.
That day, the two of you became closer as comrades, she would actively come down to say hi to you (and encourage Zagreus to take the leap and court you after she learned of his growing affections for you). The two of you would talk about everything you could think of, explaining how your hunting styles differed or how you could set a trap easier. She had realized that she had never felt this carefree with anyone before. She felt like a child. It felt nice.
When you snag her a bottle of Ambrosia- she’s swaddled in a whirlwind of emotions.
“You… You got this for me?” She asks as she takes the bottle of golden liquid.
You nod, that gentle smiling spreading across your face. “Of course. You had helped me so many times- it is only fair, my Lady-”
“Artemis-” she sniffled, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles- “call me Artemis, my friend.”
She finds you to be a perfect friend- a breath of fresh air from home. She may not feel any romantic feelings towards you, but she still holds you in a dear place in her heart. Her gift to you is a new bow and quiver that will never run out of arrows. The bow is enchanted and you’ll never have to fear it breaking for it will protect you for as long as you exist- in this realm or another.
Cause of Death: Blood Loss
When Ares first sees you, he is… well- he’s impressed that you stumbled upon his boon, but at the same time… He’s a tad miffed? That you found it?
At the very least he’s condescending as all hell about it:
“What is this? A little lamb came to beg me for power? How foolish. No matter how hard you struggle you will never be much more than some little shade.”
“Ah, sorry, my Lord! Didn’t mean to bump into it!” You hold up the basket in your translucent arms, “I wanted to see if I could find some new ingredients to bake with! I do oh-so miss it, sir.”
Well, he wasn’t expecting that.
He ends up allowing you to chatter on with him despite his obvious judgement on your, what he calls, “soft mortal hobby” until Zagreus comes to do his daily try of breaking out from the Underworld.
As he watches you drift away (after passing the boon and giving words of good luck to the Prince, who happily takes it), he kinda hopes to see you again
And see you again he does! He literally sees you the next day- night? Whatever, he’s never sure when he drops a boon in there- it’s damn dark-
He’s presented with a basket of treats and your gleeful greeting as you chatter that you found ingredients to make some Baklava and you thought that, maybe, he’d like to try it?
He smiles- cruel and sharp- and asks if you truly think that this is a fit offering for a god such as himself?
You shrug, saying he doesn’t have to eat it if he doesn’t want to
He laughs and takes it and you two are off chattering again: him regaling you with his war stories and you of the ingredients you had (somehow) found down here until Zag shows up, once again, the boon is passed to him (this time along with a slice of the delicious, warm Baklava. Which, he’s confused on what it is but he finds out very quickly that it’s his favorite treat).
The two of you talk a lot, which Ares is pleasantly surprised about, usually he’s the scorn of everyone- not that he cares, it causes conflict and he likes that. But you’re so calm and sweet that he just can’t get a rise out of you. Which, on one hand, pisses him off to no end, but, on the other, it’s such a nice change of pace for him. He’s used to the bloodshed and animosity of battlefields- the iron tinged air that follows after the warriors that traverse those fields. And yet, here you are: a shade that always has a treat for him when you run into him and the smell of warm sweetness wafting after you.
So when he learned exactly how you died- he was absolutely floored.
“How did you die, little baker?” He asked one day, fiddling with his knife, tilting it discreetly so that your reflection was in it.
“Oh!” You smiled sheepishly, glancing away from him and placing the bag of flour (how did you even get that? He’d have to ask you next) back into your basket. “Well- you see, I bled out.”
He raised his eyebrow, suddenly very interested. “How? You’re so…” he tilted his head and flipped his knife so that the blade pointed at him and the hilt pointed at you, he poked your arm with said hilt. “Soft.”
You explain that you had a little brother who had a nasty habit of getting into trouble- he was a good person, just made foolish choices- and this time, it had cost you your life. He had pissed off the wrong person and, well, when the man had attempted to grab your brother when the two of you were out walking the stalls on your break- you did the only thing you could think of: you fought.
Of course it went horribly, you’ve never been in a fight before then and, despite all the work you did with dough, it didn’t help much when the man pulled out a knife and dug it straight into your gut. But, you don’t mind too much- your brother’s alive and well and, from what you understand from asking Lord Hades, he had started to be more aware of himself and who he angered. Which made you super happy and proud of him!
Ares can’t help but feel some sort of pity for you. So much life to be taken so quickly and placed in- wait. Why weren’t you in Elysium?
You’re incredibly confused when Ares suddenly disappears (Aphrodite appearing in his place in the blink of an eye- she greets you happily and asks if you have any of Baklava to share today. You do not but you do have some Loukoumades if she wanted some. She did). You’re even more confused when the Underworld shakes and angry yelling fills the entirety of it for a solid ten minutes before all goes back to normal.
You tell Ares about it the next day and he simply hums. Keeping it to himself that he made a whole scene about you not being in Elysium by popping up and butting heads with Hades, of course he got kicked out. That still doesn’t stop him from sending angry letters that can span anywhere from one word letters (usually containing a curse word) to a 30 page essay on why you should be in Elysium instead of milling about in such unkempt places.
The first time you go out of your way to get him a bottle of Ambrosia is the day that both scares the shit out of him and makes him hate you for giving him mushy feelings.
You came to him in, almost literal, tatters: your greenish, transparent form ripped in places, the few wisps of you following after your torn form like they were tied to a string. You had held it up to him in a basket, a plate of Baklava sitting next to it, along with some other treats. “Lady Aphrodite mentioned that she wanted to try my Baklava, so I made her some! Though the Ambrosia is just for you, my Lord!”
He blinked at you, taking the basket in a delicate hold. He turned it this way and that, his chest feeling… warm? He wanted to grimace at the soft warmth that thrummed through his veins, yet it was replaced with a smile as he held up the gold liquid. “Thank you, little Baker.”
It was the first time he felt something so unexplainably soft: so gentle and warm as it settled somewhere between the bottom of his ribcage and the top of his stomach. He listened as you told him how you had gotten it: with Zagreus’ help (you even got to meet Lord Hermes! It was so amazing! He had scoffed at that) he led you to a room with Ambrosia as the prize and, despite the young prince’s worry, you managed to beat the monsters and collect it, mostly, by yourself.
Ares was so flattered, but he couldn’t help the way that your tattered form made him feel a sort of worry. He waved his hands through the wisps of your body before he snapped his fingers and a small blade appeared: a beautifully constructed blade that was an exact replica of his (albeit much, much smaller). He handed it to you, telling you that you should have a proper weapon if you’re going to go out of your way to fight in his name.
Cause of Death: Alcohol Poisoning
Dionysus, unlike many, is incredibly excited to see you sitting there. He adores mortal souls and can’t help but look at them each time Zag chooses his boons and he has the chance to glimpse at their souls (despite his tendency to let them go completely after they die- he can’t help but wonder about them once in a while).
“Why, hello there! What’s a little thing like you doing strolling up to my boon, hm?”
He can’t help but notice the way your eyes are a tad dull, but he writes that off as the dark of Tartarus since it’s gone as fast as he noticed it. You smile up at him, absolutely beaming at the God of drink and madness. “Hello, Lord Dionysus!”
“Oho, you could tell it was me? What gave it away?”
The two of you laugh, diving into a conversation. He offers you a cup of wine and is put off with how long it takes you to decline it. He almost thought you looked absolutely ravenous as you peered into the deep red liquid. He shrugs it off and continues to chatter with you until his favorite Zagman stumbles upon the two of you. He’s quick to say hi to you and even leans down to ask you… something. Dionysus misses it, but still watches the way you stiffly nod before you pass the boon to the prince and scurry off.
He’s tempted to ask about it, but decides that he should probably ask you himself instead of trying to pry. Mortals didn’t take well to people snooping around their private lives, which he could respect.
The next time he sees you though, he relaxes you into a sort of peaceful lull as he chats with you before he drops the question.
You stare blankly at him, that dark look in your eye coming back and making his skin crawl. You suddenly laugh it off waving your hands as you tell him that a god shouldn’t worry about a little ol’ shade like you.
He doesn’t push for an answer but the question still swirls in his mind, even as you toddle off after his Zagman pops up. He decides that he’ll actually ask the Prince this time around.
He asks him point blank and Zag, despite him being hesitant at first, decides to spill how you died. You had been the black sheep of your family, never truly fitting into the carefully set path that they wanted you to follow- so you found solace in drinking from a young age. It had taken the edge off of everything, Zagreus recounted you telling him. It filled you with a warmth you had been missing all your life and you couldn’t help but indulge more and more in it until it slowly became your own personal poison. Dionysus grimaced, for once feeling a sort of queasiness in the pit of his stomach as Zagreus continued on with your story. So, one day, you had drunk yourself into a deep stupor after an awful argument with your parents. But, this time, you never woke up. Instead you woke up floating in the river of blood- the River of Styx.
Dionysus had nodded after the Prince finished the story, playing with the goblet in his hand and swirling the red wine that resides in it. He offers a bitter smile to Zag and bids his farewell (of course leaving a boon of his choice with the lad) popping off back to Olympus.
The next time he runs into you, he asks if you’re feeling alright- if you want to talk. You blink at him, confused at first until realization dawns you. You bite your lip, looking down. He’s quick to assure you that you didn’t have to talk about anything- you two could just have a good time like always. You tell him that you’d like that, not yet ready to face your past. He nods, immediately telling you about an embarrassing story about Ares and how much of a lightweight he was which had you letting out an ugly snort along with your loud cackles.
The god begins to take it upon himself to have you smiling more and maybe remedy those dark clouds that appear in your eyes once in a while. He’s pretty observant despite being piss drunk half the time, it also helps that he’s very intune to your emotions for some odd reason, so he’s quick to pick up on when you feel down or your having something the equivalent to a relapse. He has you drink just a little bit from his goblet since it’s better than quitting cold turkey. And that little bit is always enough to quench your thirst and calm you down. You’ve been needing less and less of it as the days (nights?) pass by.
The first time you get Dionysus Ambrosia is the same day that he almost swears that he’ll marry you. He’s quick to grow emotional with the sheer fact that you went out of your way to get something so special for him, his face almost splitting with how wide of a smile he has on his face.
“You got this for me, man?” He says, holding up the bottle in his hand and inspecting it like it’s a precious jewel. “You know this stuff is hard to come by, super hard.”
You nod, the clouds far from your eyes now. “I had to thank you some way and punching a couple of Shades to get my hands on that was worth it.”
“You punched people for me?”
“Of course.”
He fights the urge to squeal and pops the top off, summoning another cup and pouring some in it. “Here’s to us!” He says as he hands you the cup.
He’s honestly never had so much fun just existing with one person. After that he’s never far from you, one usually not seen without the other around- even despite the Underworld not being Dionysus’ favorite place, he can’t help but be willing to venture down there to see you in person (he’s been trying to convince his wonderful Uncle Hades to let you come up with him to Olympus for a little bit- he’s even got his dad and (other) Uncle in on it. Hades officially hates all of them). His gift to you is a matching goblet that will supply you any beverage of your choice. It also has the double power to protect you from all that wishes to harm you, but you’ll learn that in due time. It’ll be more fun that way, Dionysus muses.
Cause of Death: Falling
Usually, Heremes wouldn’t have taken the time of day to chatter mindlessly with a shade. But, it was a different story when that shade summoned him through bumping into his boon- now it’s just interesting!
“Eh? Who’re you? It’s kinda strange for a shade to be here and not my Cos, huh? Did something happen to him? You his stand in or something? That’d be kinda funny because you don’t seem like his stand in- not buff enough or something like that.”
You blink slowly taking in the words of his mile a minute speech as he continues to prattle on. You take a seat in front of the quick mouthed god, getting yourself comfortable as he flutters about and chatters. Not like you minded- he filled in the places where you couldn’t with steady conversation. You nod to some of the quips he makes, just to show you were still listening.
He decides then and there that he likes you a lot and that you should meet Charon. As soon as Zagreus pops up to collect the boon- he grabs the back of your robes and goes zooming off with you in tow. You wave to the panicked prince, allowing yourself to be dragged around. He continues to chatter on and on, only taking a break when he reaches the Boatman (who was not expecting a Shade to be accompanying the God of Messengers). He sets you down, tries to introduce you two to each other- realizes he doesn’t know your name, so you end up telling them your name- and then is quick to say goodbye, after he gives a scroll to Charon, and shoots off.
You end up staying with Charon after learning a bit more about the quiet boatman and Hermes is quite pleased when he realizes that he’d be seeing you around a lot more. He’s quick to flutter about you and chatter for a few quick seconds before zipping off. You wave at him.
The process repeats for a while before he finally takes a moment to really sit with you, Charon having gone to pick up more souls and lead them down the River of Styx. He chatters on aimlessly, asking little questions here and there before he decides to ask the million dollar question: “How did you die?”
You blink slowly as him before murmuring that you fell from a very high place, you head cracking open on the rocks at the bottom and now here you are. He asks why you were messing about on a high place, as that seemed to be something most mortals avoided doing. You explained that there was a kitten stuck in an old root on the ledge and you couldn’t just leave her. So, you crawled onto the branch and put her back onto safe ground, but the root gave way and then you went tumbling to your doom.
Hermes is surprisingly quiet throughout the entire exchange until you reach the end and he says: “you’re a real bleeding heart under all that quiet, huh?” You nod solemnly and he laughs, pulling you into a side hug. How could something with such a fleeting life be so selfless with it? He squeezes you harder before he stands up and bids you farwell, shooting off once again. And, again, you wave as he goes.
He grows attached to you quickly afterwards, bringing you little things that might help make you more comfortable down in the Underworld. Of course Charon is there to keep you company which he’s happy about- and he voices that exact thought to the boatman, who just grumbles out a long: uuuuaagghhh as his reply. He pats his arm and says that he knew he’d get it.
When you manage to get your hands on a bottle of Ambrosia- he’s completely blind sided that he almost trips on his own feet. His face flushing a deep red as he takes the offered bottle.
“How’d- how’d you get this?” His speech is all jumbled and jumpy, though he tries to keep the giddy excitement bubbling in his stomach as bay.
“I saved up my coin,” you said, nodding to Charon who nods back. “And bought it from Charon. I would’ve fought for it, but I’m no warrior.”
A smile splits across his face and the wings on the side of his head flutter. He’s quick to scoop you up and hug you, floating up with you as he does.
Hermes is an absolute giddy mess with your offering, not sure if he should kiss you or simply remain holding you. He had a special place for you before but this just solidifies his adoration for you. His gift to you is a pair of boots with wings on the side of them- an exact replica of his (in your size! Somehow-). He promises that they’ll help you get anywhere you want quickly, also the two of you match! How cute is that?
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manga-b · 3 years
An idea about Medusa...
So, modern interpretation of the Medusa myth is basically reclaiming her as a protector of abused women.
Medusa and her sisters were attacked by the god Posiedon in a temple if the goddess Athena. The sisters prayed to Athena for aid, but instead Athena transformed them into the Gorgons to punish them for desecrating her temple, despite that fact that, y'know, it wasn't there fault.
Then, the hero Perseus is sent to retrieve the head of Medusa by King Polydectus, who just wanted Perseus out of the way so he could have it on with his mother. Perseus is able to retrieve the head with divine help from Athena.
Meanwhile, Posideon had been sending a sea monster Cephus to harass the kingdom of Aethopia in an act of petty revenge -- Queen Cassopiea had said the beauty of her daughter Princess Andromeda rivaled that of the Neireds, Posideon's sea nymph consorts. The only way to stop the attacks was to sacrifice Andromeda to the monster. Perseus, however, intervened and slew the monster, and Posideon couldn't retaliate because Percy was the son of the god Zeus.
Finally Perseus showed up on Polydectes' doorstep, and gave him Medusa's head like he asked, turning him to stone.
Now, if we take modern discussions on Medusa, we come across the idea that Athena DID help out during Posideon's attack in the temple. Since Athena couldn't actually stop Poseidon, she did the next best thing and made the Gorgons so freaky-looking Posideon didn't want to touch them.
According to myth, Medusa was the only Gorgon who wasn't immortal, which is why Perseus cut off her head. But what if she WAS immortal and her head continued living after it got cut off?
So in this version, Athena tells Perseus that when he approaches the Gorgons to name drop her as they owe her a favor. The Gorgons hear Perseus' story of his mother and pervy Polydectes and they're like, "yeah, we've been there," so Medusa rips off her own head and hands it to Percy because f*ck men who can't take no for an answer.
On the way they come across Aethopia, and Medusa sees her chance to get even with Posideon. Sure, she can't hurt him directly but she can f*ck up his plans and ruin his day. Since she's helping Percy protect his mom, he's happy to help her out.
So there you have it -- a new modernized version of the tale of Medusa. What do you guys think?
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antihero-writings · 3 years
Before it Kills You Too (Ch2 Snippets 1, 2 & 3)
Fandom: Lore Olympus
Chapter Summary: When Hera gets into a car accident after a fight, Zeus has a moment to ruminate on their relationship. Written using the song “Wait” by Maroon 5 as a prompt.
Character Focus: Zeus
Please note!! This is the previous Ch2 snippets I posted + a new snippet (the new snippet starts with “I would venture to guess she was driving too fast.”)
I’ve been having trouble with this chapter for a very long time, so I’ve decided to post it snippet-by-snippet, because that seems like the only way I’ll successfully finish this fic. 
While this should be as close to the final version as it can be, anything in this snippet is subject to change when the full chapter comes out. (And, hey, to that end, if there’s anything you think needs to be edited here, please kindly let me know!!)
Im really excited about this snippet!! Definitely one of my favorite parts of the chapter!!
Thanks again SO much to those who support this fic and want to read more!! The fact that you want to read more really does mean the world to me!! I appreciate your kind comments so much!!
I’d really appreciate it if you could leave a comment and/or reblog!!! I’m not kidding when I say that makes my week!!
Tagging some folks who’ve shown interest!! @jayyy007 @autumnmoon21 @sunsetsofanemoia, @lynnie51 @what-the-fuckaroni @masquejj
And please do let me know if you’d like me to add you to a taglist for this fic, or message you when new snippets/the next chapter come/s out!!
Chapter 2 Snippets 1, 2 & 3:
Hera was standing in the crowded meadow, surrounded by her friends, laughing that girly little giggle full of sunshine that just about made Zeus’ heart ooze in a puddle out of his chest.
Her blue dress made her eyes look like two shimmering sapphires.
“Have I seen her in a dress that color?” Zeus inquired excitedly from behind the bushes.
“How can we know what you’ve seen?” Aidoneus muttered. “With you creeping around, you might have seen her naked for all we know.”
Zeus punched him in the arm, (lightly).
“I don’t think she’s worn a dress that color!” Posiedon bubbled.
“Thank you, Posiedon. At least someone can answer a question.”
“I think she looks like the sea on summer day.” He put his hands on his face, them sliding slowly.
Zeus eyed him. “Alright, keep it in your toga, Little Green Man.”
“Should we really be here?” Aidoneus muttered. “We weren’t invited.”
“Oh come on,” Zeus stood up, putting his hands on his hips. “Who wouldn’t want to see the King of the gods here?”
Poseidon grinned and stood up behind his brother. “No one!”
“Hestia, Demeter… assorted sane people.” Hades muttered as he stood to follow.
“If that’s sanity I’m glad I’m insane.” Zeus trilled as he strutted up to the entrance.
A cute pink nymph—(rather well endowed in the chestal region—not that he noticed!)—greeted them at the archway.
“Oh! Zeus!” She flushed and bowed. “It’s an honor. Welcome!”
“Why it’s an honor to meet you, my lady.” He kissed her hand, and she giggled. “See?” he turned to his brothers. “They’re delighted to have us.”
“I’ve got a bad feeling.�� Hades muttered.
Hera was closer now; she smelled like summer, and she looked like it too. Poseidon was right about the ocean thing; she practically shimmered as she spoke with her friends.
“I’m gonna go talk to her.”
“Wait—!” Hades was soon swallowed by the crowd.
Zeus scooched behind her at lightning speed. One by one her friends began to take notice, their eyes widening.
Hera took a step back and would have tripped in surprise if he hadn’t caught her.
“Careful there, you might fall, Birthday Girl.”
“Oh, Zeus!” She looked up at him, the back of her head hitting his chest, “hi!”
That golden smile.
“I made you something!” As she spun to face him, he produced a little carving of a bird from his pocket. (And, no, he didn’t make it).
“Oh!” She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, gently taking it from him, “It’s beautiful!”
All his responsibilities and stresses melted away with the sight of that smile, and he forgot there was anyone else at the party…in the world.
(…He wished he saw that smile anymore.)
Zeus’ chair was spinning empty at his desk before his assistant could say another word—
And Olympus wept, distant peals of thunder rending the sky into pieces.
Lightning crackled and cackled through his hair, creating violet tracks through the air, as Zeus sped through the sky.
It was freezing, and people were staring, but he didn’t care.
All that mattered was getting to his wife.
“My you look stunning.” Zeus sidled up behind his wife, running his fingers gently along her arm. “Is that a new dress?”
“New as that girlfriend of yours.” Hera grunted.
His eyes widened with shock, his voice with an indignant undertone to it. “Is something wrong?”
She paused a moment. He could see words fluttering behind her lips—(like they did so often, too often)—the words Yes you did something wrong, how can you not know?
He knew she wouldn’t believe him when he said he didn’t mean to hurt her.
“You weren’t invited,” she said softly.
“Not invited? Me?” He put his hand to his chest, like the thought of him ever not being welcome to somewhere was absurd. “To what?”
“The party, you nitwit!” She whirled around, her hair nearly whipping him in the face. “You just came barging in like you owned the place!”
“Well…to be fair—”
He stopped short at the look in her eyes, like two blue-hot flames.
He knew it was taking her a great amount of effort not to slap him.
“Do you know how long I’d been preparing for that?! How long it took me to get everything just right? I told you, but you never even listened, did you? And then you just barged right in!”
“Why are you so upset? What’s so important about a party?!”
“They were my friends.” Her gaze softened, and her tone became more serious. “They were—” Until she cut herself off, and her expression hardened as she whirled around, her hair billowing behind her.
“Bunny, wait!” His tone was softer too.
He wished she’d just turn around. That he could say sorry.
Was it really so hard? He should have started there.
Had he ever apologized for that?
He was always doing that; barging in where he wasn’t welcome. The world was his, yes but…he had to concede there were some parts of it he ought not just barge in on.
When he burst into the hospital, however, they wouldn’t dare tell him he wasn’t invited, wouldn’t dare tell him he couldn’t see her.
“Where. is my. wife?” Lightning slammed into a lamppost just outside the front door, shattering its glass box, and making the light spark, the rain pounding at the window like rabid dogs.
The desk clerk looked like she was about to pee out of sheer fear.
“Sh-sh-she’s not out of surgery yet, your majesty...I understand you want to see her, but I can’t let you…until-until they’re finished.” She was practically vibrating. “I assure you the moment she gets out, we’ll notify you.”
Surgery? He wanted to demand. She’s the queen of the gods, how could she be in surgery?
Electricity sparked in his eyes, trailing throughout his hair. He could say I demand you let me see her. He could say I don’t care! She’s my wife, and I’m not waiting! She’s fine! She’s the queen—she’s my queen—she won’t be hurt from a little car accident!
But there were some places he ought not just barge in on… and the surgeons room was probably one of them.
The lightning let out a sighing crackle, before he closed his eyes, his hair falling back upon his shoulders. It was then that he noticed he was dripping wet from head to toe. He sighed himself before muttering something like a garbled “I understand, thank you.” And turning to sit in the lobby. Behind him the desk clerk’s coworker held her to keep her from fainting.
He snapped his fingers, drying off, so as not to get their nice, barf-colored carpet all wet. Once he sat down in a chair—(the cushions didn’t have any cush to them)—a kid in the chair across from him scooched away.
He could have that kid lightly charred if he wanted.
Instead he settled for a nice glare, and reached over to pick up last month’s—(or maybe it was a few months ago)—issue of  “Goddess weekly” listening to the rain die down to a drum.
The same old gossip. Usually if he picked one of these up he’d check for any news he ought to be aware of. You know, as the king. Not to mention the ladies weren’t unappealing. Now he flicked through without seeing any of it.
Speaking of ladies, there was a nymph sitting across the room from him, her skin blue, her ears down, and a cute little half smile. She surely wasn’t in here for anything serious. She kept glancing from her own magazine to him—but not in a nervous way. If he wasn’t mistaken, she wouldn’t be opposed to a session of hide-the-German-sausage.
If he wanted he could take her there in a darkened closet in the hallway. It wouldn’t take long—(if it didn’t need to…or it could take all night). That would be a nice way to relieve the stress bubbling in his body.
—Someone was laying next to him, her skin smooth, practically glowing. There was rather a lot of it exposed.
She turned over, her eyes fluttering open, a small smile creasing her features as she rolled onto his chest, tickling his chin with her fingers.
“I had a wonderful time,” she twittered, and he practically purred, staring into those big blue eyes, glittering like river stones.
He pushed her green hair behind her ear.
“Is that all? I’d like to think a night with the King of the gods would be more than merely ‘wonderful.’”
She giggled. “No no, it was much more than wonderful! It was spectacular! Mind-blowing!” She threw her arms in the air.
“That’s more like it.” He grinned—
When was that again? Two years ago, or two days ago?
It could have been either.
Had he apologized for that?
Would it have mattered if he had? Would she have forgiven him? Would he have stopped?—
Bile rose in his throat, and he dove his nose so hard into the magazine he almost smacked himself with it.
His wife was bruised and bleeding, and potentially worse in a nearby room, at the mercy of some quack holding a scalpel and a few comforting words…and here he was thinking of betraying her for the…
How many times had it been now?
He threw the magazine back on the table and sank in the chair till his head was nearly on the bottom cushion, his lip flapping his he blew out a breath, making his hair fly up a little.
The kid and his mom got called, and seemed glad of a reason to leave.
After a healthy dose of moping he pulled out his phone. After checking fatesbook and playing a few games he decided it was time to open his messages.
He didn’t want to be alone. He wanted some sensible and non-conjugal company.
He scrolled through and clicked on a name.
A number of old conversations sprinkled the page, often detailing Zeus asking about getting together and the correspondent saying they were busy.
He thought a moment about what to say—(a rare occurrence for him)—before deciding any vague requests would probably get ignored, so he simply decided the boldfaced truth:
Hera’s been in a car accident. She’s in surgery.
“WHAT?!” The word was spoken aloud—and very loudly at that.
Hades was standing in front of him. If the king being here wasn’t enough reason for weird looks, this outburst had sent more than a few eyes their way.
Zeus did a finger wave at the nymph, before he grabbed his brother’s arm, whisking him off to a less crowded hallway.
The only thing here was a vending machine, and a few overly picturesque pictures of trees.
“How did this happen?!”  Hades shout-whispered.
“I would venture to guess she was driving too fast.”
“I could have gathered that myself, thank you very much!” Hades was clearly trying not to shout. “What was she doing?! Where was she going?!”
Zeus rolled folded his arms. “Does it matter?”
“Sure it matters! Well at least it’d be good to know!”
“…I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?! What do you mean you don’t know?! She’s your wife—!”
“I said I don’t know!” he kicked the vending machine.
The air shattered and reformed itself.
Zeus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, his voice softening. “I…I don’t know.”
Two sides of him warred. One wanted to shout at Hades. He expected him to know where she was at all times? Oh yeah, that would go over well with her. What kind of helicopter husband would he be then?
And yet, it felt wrong for him not to know. Like some sort of failure. She was his wife. Shouldn’t he? Shouldn’t he have asked? Shouldn’t he care?
Hades’ gaze softened.
“I upset her.” Zeus murmured. “We got into a fight.”
Hades leaned against the wall. He was probably resisting the urge to say he could have gathered that too.
Zeus leaned his head forward onto the glass of the vending machine, his hair falling to the side, his reflection vaguely eyeing him.
“We got into a fight and she…I hadn’t even realized she went for a drive.” He paused, observing the chocolate and chips sitting in neat rows in the machine. “Do you think she liked Twyx?”
“Do you think she liked Twyx?”
Hades pondered it a moment. “Probably. She tends to like things with caramel in them.”
Zeus smiled wryly. “See? I didn’t even know that.”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to ask her all your burning questions about her favorite candy flavors very soon.”
“That’s not the point.” Zeus whispered.
Zeus was feeling a little off-kilter.
He nearly fell into a three-thousand drachma vase.
Okay, make that a lot.
The sound of heels on the staircase. The white one they’d painted for that one event…what had they been celebrating again?
His hazy gaze made her glitter even more than usual.
“Have I ever told you that you’re like the sea on a summer’s day?” Zeus’ voice came out blurry. He put his hand in his hair, trying to look sexy, you know, like the kind of guy you���d wanna forgive.
This was met by her hair slapping him in the face as she walked by him. She paused a few steps below him, turning.
“Is that alcohol I smell on your breath?”
“I may have had one—“ He hiccuped, “or five, appletinis.”
“And this is what? An intelligent conversation you’re trying to have?” She folded her arms over her chest.
“Actually,” he held up a finger. The action made him feel off-balance so he leaned against the railing, trying to land in a sexy pose. “There is something I wanted to say.”
“You’re barely coherent when you’re sober, at least spare me until then.”
He rolled his eyes—(and made himself feel even dizzier).
She turned to go back up the stairs.
“Wait!” He shouted.
She stopped, looked over her shoulder, eyes narrow as a cat’s. “What?”
“I-hic!” He covered his mouth as if embarrassed. Clearly emotion was dangerous. “I wasn’t trying to get wasted! I just-hic!-needed more than three or four to say this.”
“Oh yeah? Spit it out Grape Sorbet.” She folded her arms over her chest.
“I’m…” he held on to the railing for support. “I’m sorry.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”
“You…You were right.” He took a step closer.
“About what?” Her breath bated.
“I just…I didn’t want to admit it. I couldn’t…” He looked away. “I couldn’t tell you sober.”
“About what?” The words had a rough edge to them, her chest heaving with breath.
Ah. She knew. She knew what he was going to say, even before he said it.
“I…I did cheat on you.”
“Wh-What?” Her eyes tinted red…but there was so much hurt in the word.
Fear and shame rose in tandem like ocean waves, threatening to bowl him over, and he realized that the truth wasn’t going to help at all. But all he could do was let it pour out of him.
“You-hic-You asked if I was with-hic—”
“Stop.” She covered her mouth as if to keep the worst words from spilling out, tears welling in her eyes.
“But I—”
“I said stop!” Her voice rang through the room like something shattering.
Maybe something was.
Her heels against the stairs, fast and sharp, and away.
Turn around please, let me apologize, let me explain, I won’t do it again.
He threw up in the vase.
“Daddy? What was that all about?” The small voice made his blood run cold. “What did you cheat at? Were you playing a game?”
Zeus turned, horrified, to see Ares, hiding behind a crack in the door.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at her.” He breathed. “It was stupid, really.”
Hades put a dollar in the vending machine and punched in a number.
“People say all kinds of things when they’re angry. Doesn’t mean you’re bad, just means you’re people. Which…” Hades looked him up and down, adding under his breath, “I wonder about sometimes.”
“...You must think I’m a terrible husband.”
Hades grabbed two chocolate bars and handed one to his brother.
“I think you need something sweet, maybe a little hydration, and some rest.”
Zeus unwrapped the bar and took a bite, not really tasting anything.
After a moment Hades sighed.
“It’s not so simple as that.” Hades said between bites, “I don’t necessarily think there’s such a thing as a ‘terrible husband’ or ‘the best husband.’ I…I don’t even think there’s such a thing as good and bad people. There’s just…people. There’s just husbands. But there are rules that come with being a person, and/or being a husband and…” he paused, trying to choose his words carefully, “you don’t always follow those rules.”
Zeus fell back against the wall, looking at the floor, denials dying in his throat.
It was raining.
No, actually it was pouring. And thundering. The lightning was like cracks in a collapsing sky, and Zeus’s gut was twisting like the snakes on the head of a gorgon.
“What? You-you think you can just undo this?!” Hera’s words were biting. “It’s done!” Her laugh was wry and sardonic, like an ache in her throat, red tainting the blue of her eyes. “You can’t just fix something like that! Once someone cheats at the game no one else just keeps playing!”
“It was a mistake! One stupid night!”
“One stupid night, huh?! Then how do you explain this?!” She held up his phone. The pictures. The…Oh Gaia.
The snakes in his gut bit down, and he bit his lip looking away. He hadn’t known she knew about that.
“You’ve got it all wrong! That was just—!”
“I thought you were different!” She bit off his excuse, the anger cracked, and the pain was bleeding through, and he wasn’t the only one making it rain: A tear fell down her face, then another, her mascara running black along her cheeks. “You made me smile, you made me laugh! You saved your brothers from your father. And I thought we could make a kingdom—a world—together!” She shook her head, grimacing, trying and failing to keep more tears from falling. “I thought we could be something!”
“We are! We have! I just made a mistake! I—!”
“No, Zeus.” There was a finality to her tone.
Tears streamed down her face now. He hated it when she cried. She didn’t do it often, and whenever she did he was ready to smite whoever hurt her but…he’d hurt her worst of all.
“I thought you were different. But you’re—“ the words were like an antique vase, riddled with cracks. “You’re just another bad guy.” She punched him in the arm, and the vase broke, the defiance into pain. She punched him in the arm…but it was weak and far too soft, and that’s how he knew she was really hurt; she could bring the sky down on him if she wanted.
She looked down at her hand, twisting her wedding ring with a finger.
“I’m staying with a friend tonight.”
Her wedding ring tinkled on the floor.
As she turned and walked away the word rang out like he was hoping his voice alone could rewrite his sins and bring her back:
She didn’t stop, didn’t turn, didn’t make any indication she’d even heard him.
“Please…Please just wait.” These were soft.
He fell to his knees on the marble, scooping up her wedding ring and enclosing it in his fingers, holding it to his forehead, and trying not to bring the sky down upon himself.
He’d seen her angry. He’d seen her sad. But this? Seeing her break for him…was so much worse.
It reminded him too much of another time. Of a scar on her stomach. How she broke herself just to be his.
—(And he wondered, for a fleeting moment, if it would have been better if he had been the one to break.)—
“There you are!” Said a voice. “You can come see her now,”—a cleared throat— “your Majesty.”
Notes: Aright, so this chapter had a few things I was unsure about I thought I’d ask about here!
1. Does anyone have any other clever play-on-words for candy brands? I feel like Zeus would know that she likes caramel in general, so it’d make more sense if Hades said “she likes [X similar candy] so she’d probably like Twyx.” But Twyx is all my brain came up with and I don’t even know that it’s all that good XD
2. I’m aware that the gods don’t call each other “people” they call each other “beings.” However, Hades’ lines don’t have as much impact with “beings.” Did the fact that I used “people” stick out too much? Should I change it to “beings”?
3. I know Ancient Greek wedding ceremonies are different from ours, and they might not even have wedding rings. But that image was so impactful for me I decided to use it. Should I remove it? Or did you find it impactful?
Please let me know if there’s anything you felt was inaccurate to their characters!!
Thanks so much for reading!! 💕💕
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so I just watched the percy jackson movie and WHAT THE FUCK??? I had been warned by many on how bad it was but I wasn't expecting the absolute trainwreck that it was
- the stupid clicky pen is a safety hazard do you know how many times percy would have started like clicking it and stabbed himself by accident because that's what I would have done - why the fuck do all the gods look so stupid - their hair should be longer and cooler - i saw no orange t-shirts - SEAN BEAN AS ZEUS???? - THEY FUCKING CARRIED AROUND UMA THURMAN'S HEAD FOR THE WHOLE MOVIE LIKE WHAT THE FUCK - how did the hydra see through the wall of flame it was shooting to see uma thurman's decapitated head and turn to stone it couldn't fucking see her - why can they drive - they're all like 12 how did they not get arrested - clearly the mist didn't exist bc people could see the uma thurman head and didn't think it was like a basketball or something - how the fuck did annabeth survive that with her hair down the whole time - that shit would have gotten burned off or tangled so fucking fast - OH MY GOD I FORGOT PERCY'S CABIN - AND THEY ALL ARE LIKE "OH YEAH THIS KID IS FROM POSIEDON" AND HE DOESN'T EVEN GET CLAIMED DURING CAPTURE THE FLAG - WHERE WAS CLARISSE I WANTED TO SEE PERCY GET HAZED - the stupid flying shoes battle at the end was so weird
there are more thoughts but i don't feel like writing them all out. and if i hadn't read the books and seen this movie i would have been so fucking confused
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There are many things that bug me about HoO, and one of them is how RR failed in the whole 'Percy and Jason Are Opposites/Equals' thing. Especially the equals part. As much as I love Percy I can't but feel the scales are in his favour between the two. Jason doesn't even have a fraction of what Percy has - not anymore in ToA. The only things they've had in common is: their gender, are a son of a King, and are/were leaders of their camps.
ooo anon this is a hot take and boi oh boi the kettle is boiling over!
so the way I see it:
If you only consider the books as your material for this argument then you are absolutely and unfathomably right.
Percy is the stronger of the two. Percy has more depth. Percy had a bigger reach. Percy is better at handling his power and knowing what to do with it. Percy is better at adapting to situations.
All these things absolutely what make him the stronger of the two of them.
However and this is a rather large billboard sized however:
The problem is not that Rick made Jason try to be Percy's equal. It's not even that he pitted them against each other as if they'd care who's better.
The problem is that Rick decided to give these two characters an arc that if truly done well would require at the very least two full books of just them. The problem is that Rick went from a five book series focused entirely around one character and their development and their trials and triumphs to a five book series with seven characters of which we did not know 5 of them.
Rick tried to fit too much and too many tropes into the hoo series and fucked up all of them in the process.
So now if we consider using the broader spectrum of information and theory than just the books we can start to explore Jason's character a little more:
The biggest and most glaring point (one I'll harp on about constantly) is that he ALSO fought in the Titan War. If we think about it he technically also got a five book series worth of character behind him. We just never actually got to read it.
So we don't know where Jason started besides the whole wolf thing. And even that: he went to Lupa, as all Roman demigods do, however he went for a longer period of time than most. But that didn't mean he was with lupa for like years and years? I think he left when he was pretty much still a toddler.
We also don't know what Jason did in his time at camp? We don't know if it was a Luke situation with one quest and too much training. We don't know if it was an Annabeth situation with no quests and far too much training.
Additionally we don't know if he spent all that time at SPQR? Or did he grow up more in New Rome? I'm posing this question because it boggles my mind that: if he grew up on camp surrounded by all these people why on earth were the so weary of him and unwilling to trust him when he returned?
Barring all our "don't knows" what we do know is he toppled the titans throne, just as Percy toppled Kronos. He lead an entire legion from the very bottom ranks to the top solely because he was inspiring and powerful enough to do so.
This brings me onto a side point: I know Rick tried to paint this accomplishment on Jason being kind hearted and always looking out for the underdogs but I just can't imagine that an entire legion of literal child soldiers followed Jason just because he was kind to them. He must have shown exemplary power in some form of the other. I can't imagine Roman soldiers followed faith over power. They didn't seem very emotional to me in the snippets we got of Roman life tbh.
But back to the previous point: he is also a son of Jupiter. And while we can all laugh ourselves sick over how annoyingly childish Zeus and posiedon (specifically) are we can dispute the fact that they are p o w e r f u l. And their children by extension are powerful. It cannot be that Jason doesn't at least match Percy's power if not exceed it. Zeus is a dick but he's the king of the gods for a reason. (it should be Hades but that's not the point here and also don't get me started on this I could write a dissertation on this)
Which segways me into my next point: if jason had all his memories (because we really don't know if he gets them all back?) would he be able to do more with his power? Would he be able to recall more if his training from all those years at camp and with lupa?
Memory is our be all and end all. It quite literally shapes who we are. Now imagine all of that being ripped away with no clear sign it may all come back?
There's just so many unknown factors with jason that it makes it so hard to immediately say he can or he can't take on Percy
Gods I'm so sorry this became a whole dissertation in itself. I have so much to say about this and only so few brain cells with which to say it.
All in all anon I agree with you, to an extent. And I think if we got a better arc for them we would be able to truly debate the Victor in a match.
TL:DR If you consider only the books then Jason probably isn't a match for Percy. But if you consider his story and theories he could probably match up fairly well and it would actually be very interesting to see who would win.
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adminbryantsaki · 3 years
Pro heroes/ teachers/ Other characters Masterlist.
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This includes all the pro heroes and teachers of UA, along with any other side characters seen in the show that i have written for.
*= Nsfw
LOV/ Shie Hassaikai
Pro heros/Teachers
Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomitsu:
"Don't look at me that way." (ask)
"Want some help?" (ask)
Summer fun (August 2023)
Scent from BBW (100 follower event)
Omegaverse Headcanons (200 follower event)
Omegaverse Headcanons (200 follower event)
Kamui Woods:
Omegaverse Headcanons (200 follower event)
Omegaverse Headcanons (200 follower event)
Gang Orca:
Omegaverse Headcanons (200 follower event)
Omegaverse Headcanons (200 follower event)
Best Jeanist:
Omegaverse Headcanons (200 follower event)
Omegaverse Headcanons (200 follower event)
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Sir Nighteye:
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Reader’s birthday (ask)
"You want me to give you your phone back"& "Behave" (ask)*
"I didn't know you were so sensitive" & "Could he make you feel as good as I do?" (Ask) *
"Were you just masturbating?", "U-uh... no, I was just...", "Want some help?", "Shut up.", "Why don't you come over here and make me.", You're so fucking hot when you're mad.", & "We're not just friends and you fucking know it."(ask) *
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
A girl like you part one. (commission)*
A girl like you part two. (commission)*
What he would do on his rut *
Easter breeder *
“I missed you… a lot.” & “I’m sorry.” (250 follower event)
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Hizashi Yamada/ Present mic:
Roommates (bnharem server collab)*
Mafia AU (bnharem server collab)*
Birthday fic *
"I think that's the first time I heard you moan... It was like a fucking melody." (Ask) *
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Posiedon (Bnharem collab)*
What he would do on his rut/heat *
Spring season (my own collab)*
"No one has ever made me feel like this." & "Stay with me." (250 follower event)
Countdown (my own group collab)
Mermay 2023 * (May 2023)
Spring Season* (Easter 2024)
Hades(August 2024)*
Shouta Aizawa:
General Headcanons (50 followers event)*
Scent from BBW (100 follower event)
Alpha werewolf (bnharem server collab) *
CEO/vigilante (bnharem server collab)*
"We're not friends and you fucking know it."(ask)*
"Friends don't do this kind of shit" & "Were you touching yourself?" (ask) *
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Birthday fic *
What he would do on his rut *
What would make him blush (ask game) Slightly *
Its Ok to Cry. (comfort fic)
I Sail To Sea, Yet, You Belong To Me. (Bnharem collab) *
"Don't hurt yourself again." & " Don't be scared. I'm right here." (250 follower event.)
Take me to the Yule Ball (December 2022 story)
How to say "I love you." (300 follower present)
You belong to me (February 2023 story) *
Hades (April 2023 story) *
Alone at night (July 2023)*
A Wolf's desire (Bnharem story)*
Under the Moonlight (April 2024)*
Relaxing in the Bath (June 2024)
Oboro Shirakumo
Forbidden Love *
Honeymoon on the beach *
September 2024
Emme's mental health collab *
Kar's 1k collab *
Pala's Angst collab *
Christmas eve drabble
Emoji headcanons (ask)
Soul mates au (collab)
A Moonlight Marking (Harem collab)*
Pala's Adelie collab
Imposter! (Lena's Frying pan collab) *
Nesting, breeding, Rut/heat (June 2023)*
Christmastime is here (December 2023)*
Rock The Boat (Mermay 2024)*
Greek Gods collection
Hades (April 2023 story) * (Shouta Aizawa)
Posiedon (Bnharem collab)* (Hizashi Yamada)
Zeus (Feb 2024 story)* (Oboro Shirakumo)
Hades (August 2024)* (Hizashi Yamada)
All Might:
Scent from BBW (100 followers event)
Ms. Joke:
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Multiple character scenarios
Shouta, Hizashi, Hawks
When you're sick and on your period
The Wild Wild Pussycats
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Other people
Rei Todoroki:
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Natsuo Todoroki:
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
Fuyumi Todoroki:
Omegaverse headcanons (200 follower event)
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dyde21 · 5 years
So @annabetncnase answered my request for a prompt with a short story about Paul and Percy bonding, so here’s this! It was sweet to write.
Percy stood up awkwardly as Paul returned with the food, lettimg him shimmy by as he took his seat again. They really didn't give enough leg room in the stadiums
Eventually though Paul settled back in and Percy sat down again, taking the pretzel that wqs offered to him. Paul also handed him the cheese before he started unwrapping the foil around his own hotdog as Percy turned his attention back to the game.
"What I'd miss?" He asked in a teasing tone. Percy laughed. "Another base hit followed by three strikeouts." He answered, even though he knew Paul was keeping better track than he was. Percy enjoyed baseball for sure, but Paul actually followed the league pretty closely. Plus the entire night the game had been rather uneventful. The score was still 1 to 1, after they each scored a run in the second inning. At the bottom of the 5th it didn’t seem like much was going to happen. 
“At least it’s not raining.” He offered as he took a big bite of his hotdog. 
“For once.” Percy replied, eating his own snack. He usually had pretty bad luck with it raining when he went to a game, and some part of him honestly just believe Zeus was petty enough to ruin games for him. 
Honestly, hanging out with just Paul was a little odd. Usually Sally was with them, or Annabeth if he was lucky. Paul was cool, and both Annabeth and Sally had been encouraging him to try and spend more time with him. Annabeth especially, mentioning how he should really give him a fair chance, the same way he had talked her into giving her dad another chance. 
So when Paul had offered him a ticket to the game a little nervously, Percy had agreed. Annabeth’s smile alone when he told her had been enough. But he was glad to actually get to hang out with Paul a little. He was usually either off on some quest to save the world, or he saw him as his teacher so it was weird to get used to the idea of him being family. But with his little sister now here, he really did want to make sure she had a happy family to grow up with that he never had growing up.
Another inning had passed, and Percy realized he was actually having a lot of fun. It was one of those rare times where he felt just like a normal teen at a baseball game with his stepdad. It was… nice. Their conversation eventually found a comfortable cadence, and Percy really he never really had an older guy to talk with like this. Everytime he talked to his dad, it was always… tense and important. Chiron was also important to him, but things were usually cryptic or distant. 
“So… how are things with Annabeth?” He asked after a moment, causing Percy to swivel his head to look at him suddenly, almost spitting out his soda.
Paul had a tight lipped smile. “I was just curious, you know?”
“They’re… good.” He said after a moment. It was true. After everything they had been through, they finally had a chance to work on them. It was… refreshing. 
“That’s good.” Paul said, raising an eyebrow. “I know you two have been through a lot, so things are probably a little weird. It’s just... “ He trailed off, and Percy hadn’t really seen Paul look so nervous around him since those first few months when he had started dating his mom and Percy had been unsure about him. 
“It’s just… I’m old. I’ve had a lot of time to make mistakes and learn from them. If you ever have any questions or… I don’t know, need anyone to talk to, I’m here, okay? I know it might be weird… I just want you to know I care, okay? Or even if you just need money or something.”
Percy stared at him, his chest feeling with an emotion he couldn’t fully understand. He nodded, turning to look back at the game and feeling the corners of his eyes burning slightly. “Thanks. I’ll remember that.” He offered a bit lamely, really not sure what to say. 
They sat in quiet for a few more batters, until a small idea crept into his head. 
“Do you know what women like?”
Paul seemed surprised to hear Percy speak again. “Uh… no. I don’t think any man really does, but why?” He asked with a laugh. 
His joke brought a smile to his lips, making him feel a little better about being confused. “It’s our anniversary soon, and I’m trying to come up with a gift for her.”
Paul nodded, patting him on the shoulder. “You really are becoming a man, the eternal struggle of choosing a gift.” He teased. “What do you think she wants?”
Percy thought for a moment. “I don’t know. She’s pretty good about managing her own supplies and books on architecture. I was thinking a necklace or something… but I don’t know if that’s very Annabeth.”
Paul thought for a moment. “Annabeth is pretty tough, and honestly I think she would love whatever you get her. But I don’t think you’re off track with a necklace. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that they often love having reminders of you, and the right necklace makes them feel even prettier.” He paused for a moment. “We’ll go this weekend. We can swing by some stores, and just see what sticks out, cool?”
Percy nodded, grinning. “Thanks. I don’t want to screw this up.”
Paul takes another sip of his drink. “That just means you’re on the right track to doing it right. Caring goes a long way.”
Percy glanced at Paul for a minute, before nodding. It was hard to put it into words, but having someone he could talk to like this was… nice. It was something he had always wanted, but was never willing to admit. Sally had been the best mother he could imagine, and in the end, Posiedon had even done his best as his dad in his own, weird way. But this… was nice.
Eventually the game ended, and Percy let out a yawn as he shuffled back into Paul’s car. It was late, and he had gotten up early to spend the morning with Annabeth. As the car warmed up as Paul started to make his way back, the ride was mostly quiet. “Thanks for coming with me today, I had a lot of fun Percy.”
Percy nodded, resting his head against the headrest. “I enjoyed it too. We should… do it again sometime.” He finished after a yawn. His head slowly rolled to the side as sleep was overtaking him. “Thank’s dad.” He mumbled out as he passed out.
Next to him, Paul gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, a big grin on his face. Silently he turned up the heat a little more as he drove back to their apartment, eager to talk to Sally.
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thinkyoureholy · 5 years
Opposites Attract [8]
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[ a/n : the story is unfolding and getting bigger, some holes in the plot will start to fill up from here on out]
Pairing : Park Jimin / [Fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Enemies to Lovers! AU, Fantasy! AU
Words : 4k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9. Pt 10. Pt 11. Pt 12. Pt 13. Pt 14. Pt 15.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I crouched down in the hallway, staring at the door across from me anxiously. As soon as I did what I did I regretted it immediately. I-I never meant to hurt anyone I...I just wanted Levi to stop.
-Three Hours Ago-
I sank to my knees when I realized what I had done. My hands shook as I stared down at them, seeing my fingertips covered in frost. I looked up with wide eyes to see Levi had stopped the punishment, his eyes now on Yoongi. I looked at him as well, my breath catching in my throat at the sight of him lying unconscious on the floor. I got up on trembling legs, taking a tentative step towards Yoongi but I didn’t get very far before a wave of water stopped me from going any further. I stumbled back, speechless as I was pushed back by Hoseok as he stood in front of Yoongi protectively.
“You’ve done enough don’t you think Y/N?” He asked, his voice low and...threatening.
Was he really going to attack me if I even try to get close to Yoongi? I mean I can see why but it still hurt to have him threaten me like that. Yoongi and him had gone through a lot together, both orphaned at a young age, their parents dying in the same battle that took my father. My mother had taken them in when it happened so I got to experience that brotherly bond they had first hand. I knew Yoongi would do anything for Hoseok and vice versa, this was enough to let me know Hoseok was more than serious about attacking me. So with that in mind I took a step back, watching as he frowned before turning to Yoongi. He reached down and picked him up, slinging one of Yoongi’s arms over his shoulders and dragged him inside to get looked at by our doctor. 
Even though I knew I had to keep my distance this time I couldn’t just not follow after them but again like before I didn’t get to take more than one step. I had been so focused on Yoongi I had forgotten all about Levi. He had come up and grabbed my wrist, stopping me from going any further.
“Before I let you go I have some questions for you and I want answers.” 
I didn’t even bother looking at him, staring after the other two until they disappeared out of sight, “Not now.”
“Now, Y/N. You’re not going to get out of this that easily.” Levi said, his voice firm.
I couldn’t think straight as I tried to pry his hand off me but he held on tight, “Levi, let me go I have to see if Yoongi is-”
“Were you the one that let that man in here? Were you conspiring with him in anyway?” He asked.
I looked at him through teary eyes, confused as to what he meant. Surely he--he doesn’t think I’m going to challenge him for his position does he? I mean sure I said I would when I was with Hoseok that one day but I said it without thinking, a heat of the moment type of thing, I don’t have the courage to actually do it. But if he’s asking that must mean he knew about that...does this mean he’s had eyes on me the entire time? Does he know about me sneaking into Hephaestus to talk to Jimin? Just how much does my dear older brother know about the secrets I’ve been keeping? At that thought I yanked my wrist out of his grip, taking a few steps back.
“I wasn’t conspiring against you if that’s what you’re asking. I don’t agree with the things you’re doing but I wouldn’t dare to actually challenge you for your position. I know more than anyone I’m not fit to lead. So rest assured, your position isn’t in danger,” I said, watching as his face fell slightly but he recovered quickly, “Now if you’ll excuse me I have a friend to check up on.”
And with that I turned on my heel and headed inside but stopped as soon as I got to the door. I looked over my shoulder to see Gai laying on the ground face down, but still breathing. I cast a glance over to Levi for a moment before facing forward.
“Take him back home, Levi. I don’t care for your position whatsoever but if you kill him I might just dethrone you, I don’t care if I die trying either. You and I both know once I set my mind on something I won’t let it go so easily. So if you value your precious throne so much you’ll do well to listen to me, regarding this at least.” I said, threatening him now.
It was a hollow threat but Levi and I both knew if I was pushed far enough I was capable of anything.
-Present Time-
I rocked back and forth on my heels, waiting for either the doctor or Hoseok to walk out of the room so I can ask how Yoongi is doing. I know he had incredible healing abilities but that injury--I just hope I didn’t cause him serious damage, I’d never be able to forgive myself for it. I buried my face in my hands, praying to our God that he’d be fine. I didn’t even know if he would hear me, not like he’s heard me before but it never hurt to try. I never believed in the gods our factions were named after, only when I really needed him even then Posiedon was completely useless. What’s the point in teaching us about him when he never did anything for us. Like Gaia, she’s blessed her people for generations, Zephryus too, even Zeus, I’m sure even Hephaestus, but never Posiedon. It’s like he’s completely forgotten about us. I scoffed, some God, he’s completely fucking useless if you ask me.
I was drawn out of my thoughts at the door opening. I stood up immediately, running up to the doctor as he closed the door behind him.
“Y-Yoongi...how is Yoongi?” I asked, tears already welling up in my eyes.
The doctor sighed, running his fingers through his hair, “He’ll be just fine. He started healing himself as soon as the ice pierced his skin but he’s still weak right now. He’ll need to rest for a few days to regain his strength but besides that he’s just fine.”
I let out a heavy sigh, relieved. I felt my knees go a little weak but I held onto the door frame to keep myself upright. I took a step into the room but stopped at the look Hoseok was giving me. I froze at the hate in his eyes, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach.
“Hoseok...you--you know I didn’t mean to hurt him.”
“That doesn’t erase the fact that you did. He could’ve died, Y/N.” He said, his voice cold.
“Hoseok I would never hurt either of you knowingly, you’re family to me. We basically grew up together for crying out loud.” I said, destress seeping into my voice.
“If you treat your family like this I’d hate to see how you treat your friends.” He said, as if without thinking.
As soon as those words left his mouth my heart dropped, his eyes widened the slightest bit before he cast his gaze down. I shuffled back, lowering my head as I stared at my hands, my fingers still a bit numb from before. We stayed there in silence, neither of us saying a word.
“Why’s it feel like someone died in here...I’m still alive you know.”
My head shot up at the sound of his voice, the tears falling before I could even stop them. I also couldn’t stop my knees from giving out as I kneeled in front of Yoongi, keeping my head down as I cried and apologized over and over again. I was so happy that he was awake and that he was fine I couldn’t stop any of this, unaware of the way their eyes widened at seeing my kneeling before them. It’s always been the other way around, I had never kneeled before someone but this was a better time than any to start. Half way through my apologies I felt gentle hands grab onto my shoulders. I looked up to see that it was Yoongi. I looked at him in shock, knowing he was still too weak to be getting up this quickly but before I could say anything he spoke.
“Save it, brat, I know it was an accident. I had to stop you before you hurt your brother and I know you’d regret that even more than what happened to me. If I had to choose again I’d make the same choice.” He said, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
I frowned, new tears blurring my vision. I buried my face in his shoulder as I cried, hugging him tightly.
I walked through the yard aimlessly, my mind in chaos. Yoongi had gotten better in a matter of days and for that I was grateful but that small moment of relief was crushed by Seokjin announcing that he’d be visiting our home soon, in a few hours to be exact. If he was coming here then it must be about something important. What if he wanted to take matters into his own hands? But he said he’d give me a few months, it’s only been a few weeks. I stopped in my tracks, a thought popping into my head. This very thought had my face paling just thinking about it. What if he’s planning something with Levi...if those two get together on this the outcome will be anything but good.
-Jimin’s P.O.V- 
I stood at the foot of his bed, watching over him. I can’t believe they did this to him. Why? Gai has never harmed anyone, at least not without reason. And they expect me to believe he was the one that trespassed onto their land? I scoffed at the thought, grinding my teeth together in indignation. No, they must’ve captured him somehow, Gai had no reason to set foot onto their land. I bet she’s the one behind this, it has to be her doing. This must be her way of getting through to me, since her words did nothing she thinks I’d be more inclined to listen if she threatens me with Gai. I clenched my hands at my sides, well she won’t get away with it. 
With a huff I turned on my heel, only thinking of pay back at this point, but no, it wouldn’t be against her directly. I’d go after something just as precious, her dear older brother, maybe even those precious protectors she calls friends as well. With a fire burning deep inside me I marched out of the house, making my way over there.
“W-Who are you?” A woman asked, running after me, “Hey you can’t just barge in here like-”
I reached out and grabbed her wrist, twisting it back as I concentrated my fire to my palm, “Watch me.”
With that I let her go, watching her crumble to the ground, clutching her now burned wrist close to her body. I did that with every servant and guard that tried to stop me. I was a man on a mission and I wasn’t leaving until I got it done. Both men and women lay on the floor writhing in pain in my wake, no one was escaping my wrath today.  But the one person I wanted to run into didn’t show up, annoying me further. After a few minutes I arrived at a door at the end of the hall. I closed my eyes and listened intently to what was going on inside. I could hear two muffled voices coming from inside, both sounding male but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
“Ah fuck it.” I said to myself under my breath, kicking in the door.
I had thought there were only two people in here but I was wrong, there were five.
Standing in the back of the room were Yoongi, Mana, and Hoseok. Levi and Seokjin were standing in the middle of the room, looking over a table. As soon as they saw me they stopped talking, all their eyes on me. I saw Mana take a step towards Seokjin, stopping when he put up his hand, silently telling her to stay back. I grit my teeth when I noticed Yoongi and Hoseok didn’t even move to get closer to Levi to protect him from me. Oh so they thought I was no match for him did they?
“Jimin. I don’t recall inviting you over to my home.” Levi said, his voice calm.
Hearing his voice so calm only set to anger me further, “You invited me over the moment you laid your filthy hands on Gai.”
He tilted his to the side, a sly smirk playing on his lips, “Ah...you mean that trespasser? You know as well as I do if anyone is found in another’s land without permission they get punished, your dear friend isn’t immune to those rules.”
“You’re lying! Gai has no reason for coming over to this fucking dump!”
At my words his face fell, a cold look in his eyes, “Watch what you say, remember you’re in my home. I have every right to kill you right here and now for barging in like this.”
Before I had the chance to answer I felt someone bump my shoulder from behind, running passed me, “L-Levi, everyone outside is hurt! There--There’s an intruder in…” She trailed off as she looked around before finally looking at me, her eyes wide as she finished her sentence, “... the house.”
“What are you doing here? D-Did you do this?”
I glared at her, keeping my mouth shut, Levi answering for me, “He did. Apparently he’s angry about what I did to his friend...though he did deserve it.”
“Levi what do you plan to do with him?” Seokjin asked, his voice low, not even bothering to look my way.
“I don’t know...I’d think you’d want to deal with him from what you told me.”
“No! Seokjin you--you promised me you’d give me a few months!” Y/N exclaimed, coming to stand in front of me almost protectively.
I couldn’t hold back the scoff that fell from my lips, I cracked my neck, feeling my anger start to bubble over, “Are you trying to protect me? You of all people?”
“I’m trying to stop a war you asshole.” She said through gritted teeth, looking over her shoulder at me briefly before redirecting her words to Seokjin, “I thought you were a man of your word Seokjin...I’d hate to lose the respect I have for you.”
I watched them speak with furrowed brows, not believing what I was seeing. They were completely ignoring me, talking as if I wasn’t even there. I watched on, deadpanned, staring at the back of Y/N’s head for a moment before heaving out a heavy sigh. I’ve had enough of this, I went to take a step forward but froze at what I saw. No, no that’s not possible. Seokjin… his--his eyes glowed a blinding white for a second. I-I must be seeing things, something like that is impossible. Almost unconsciously I took a step back, an overwhelming sense of fear washing over my body.
“Y/N...I’m sorry but an opportunity like this only comes around once.” He said, sounding apologetic.
He gave her a look before he looked over at me. There it was again. His eyes are glowing a blinding white like before...but how is that possible? I knew his people were strong but just how strong are they? Is it because he’s a direct descendant of Sia? Or does he have ties with Zeus himself? That’s not possible either, is it? 
In my confusion he gathered up his strength and put it all in his right hand. Before any of us could say or do anything he raised his hand up high over his head, a bolt of lightning stronger than anything I’ve ever seen before shooting out of the palm of his hand. I heard the thunder before I saw the light above my head, knowing that bolt of lightning was about to strike me down within seconds but it never did. A second before I was hit I felt Y/N push me out of the way, a flash of blue light blinding me for a second. I tripped over my own feet and fell on my ass when she pushed me, my eyes about ready to pop out of my head at what I was now looking at. Y/N was kneeling down on one knee, her hands raised up. What I saw, I never thought I’d ever see anything like it, she was consuming that bolt of lightning with her ice. But--but how is that possible? That bolt should’ve shattered her ice and overpowered her yet she was the one over powering it. Nothing that I’ve seen in just these last few moments has been making any sense, just what the hell was going on? I watched with wide eyes as her ice covered the entire roof of the building, the lightning bolt frozen along with it. After another few seconds she finally let her arms fall back down to her sides, looking exhausted.
“Are you alright?” She asked, turning to look at me.
My breath caught in my throat when I looked into her eyes, seeing two different colors other than her regular eye color. Her right eye was a deep blue color, the color of the ocean while the other was green, the color of water that had an abundance of algae. But as soon as I saw the change in her eyes it disappeared when she blinked. I said nothing as I watched her stand, both arms were covered in a thin layer of frost.
“T-That’s impossible. She stopped it…” Mana said in a low voice, in disbelief over what she just saw, the others just as shocked...all but Seokjin.
He looked like he knew this was going to happen, no, he was counting on it. He went to take a step forward but stopped, his feet glued to the floor by ice but when did she- I looked down to see both her legs up to her knees were covered in frost. So not only did she stop that bolt of lightning but she also froze their feet to the floor at the same time. This is when I realized that it wasn’t Seokjin that was the strongest one here, it was Y/N.
“I see you’ve finally tapped into your true power...I was wondering how long it’d take you.” Seokjin said, his voice calm, drawing everyone’s attention.
“What are you talking about? What true power?” Levi asked, struggling to break free from the ice that held his feet in place.
“Every few hundred years a single person from each faction is personally blessed by their respective God, although recently there have been two people from different factions that have been blessed. But one faction is blessed every generation, but... Zeus is a gracious God. My family has been visited by him every generation, granting one with an overwhelming amount of strength, he loves his people unlike your God,” He said with a chuckle, “But I never expected Poseidon to bless you with this power...since you’ve never believed in him. What am I saying? Of course I saw it coming, it was my first vision actually, I just didn’t think it’d take this long for you to unlock that power.”
I looked at him wide eyed, slowly getting up, taking a cautious step forward. That look in his eyes was making me uneasy, I didn’t like it one bit. It was that same look he wore when he let out that huge bolt of lightning. Wait, was he really going to attack Y/N? I mean I could care less but why? Weren’t they on the same side?
“Look...I don’t know what nonsense you’re talking about but...if you attack Jimin once more I’ll have no choice but to hurt you this time.” Y/N said, her voice sounding strained.
This idiot was still trying to protect me? Why? Before I let myself get ahead of myself I remembered her words from earlier, ‘I’m trying to stop a war you asshole.’ Right. That’s all this was. She held no affection for me, I mean why would she after everything I’ve done. I sighed heavily, rubbing my palms over my face roughly, closing my eyes for a moment. When I opened my eyes I saw a smirk on Seokjin’s face, he was going to send another bolt of lightning our way. He brought his arm up and pointed it directly at Y/N this time. As soon as I saw that I took a step forward subconsciously, reaching out a hand to grab her and pull her away but before I even got close Y/N had already built a wall of ice in front of us. The ice was so thick I couldn’t even see any of them through it. I stared at the back of her head, wide eyed. I couldn’t believe just how powerful she was, blocking another one of Seokjin’s attacks. I watched as she staggered back, a thicker layer of frost covering her arms, no it wasn’t just frost anymore, her skin had turned almost blue from how cold she must’ve been. She winced when she moved her fingers, the pain so obvious on her face but she didn’t show signs of slowing down. She walked over to me slowly, reaching out to grab my hand and led me out of the room. I almost flinched back when her skin touched mine, it was so cold it even sent a chill down my spine. I looked down at her hand in surprise but I kept my mouth shut, letting her lead me out of her home. I kept quiet the whole way out of Poseidon, my mind in shambles. I hated how I was actually worried over her well being as I watched her stagger with almost every step. 
As soon as we reached the border between our lands her legs finally gave out, her body shaking almost violently. I watched on with a frown, cursing myself for reaching out to her to try and help, forcing my hands to stay at my sides. Her words from days ago were still bouncing off the walls of my mind, having gotten louder over the last few minutes and I hated every bit of it. I cursed aloud before reaching down to grab her arm, picking her limp body off the ground and draping her arm over my shoulders. I shuddered at the feeling of her skin on mine, her body cold to the touch. I sighed heavily before emitting heat from my body, hot enough to warm her up but not hot enough to harm her. I heaved out a heavy sigh, looking up to the sky momentarily. I just came to deliver some well deserved karma and what I got in return was a twisted tale of our Gods actually being real and apparently blessing a random person with immense power. I’m starting to think Gai was right in telling me to let go of the past, damn me and my temper.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
Tags : @rjsmochii
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Is it too much to ask for normal?!?!??
On a quiet and unusually peaceful night an owl began to sing an eerie hoot when it was interrupted by a terrible scream as if a child had been struggling for air gasping for oxygen to begin filling their body again. Loud stomps could be heard heading to the door of a room as it swung open and with an echoed slam a tired but alert motherly voice whispered "are you alright?" As if the boy that was sprung awoke slowing down his breathing on his bed was normal. The boy managed to huff out "I'm...alright. bad...dream" which startled her more than the fact her child was dripping in sweat when -THUMP- shocked out of her frozen state the woman looked to the man on the floor with the end of his night robe draped over his head. The man with his face still planted on the floor yelled "SALLY ARE YOU ALRIGHT! IS PERCY HURT!? HE'S NOT IS HE!?" His voice was muffled as such that his words were heard as "SALLY YOUR A KITE! WHERE IS CURT!? HOPSCOTCH!?" both Sally and the calmed Percy began to laugh hysterically at Paul, Percys -step dad who had come to check on the situation after he grabbed an old golf club-. Sally's laughter died suddenly as she looked at her son with a pained expression "Percy most of your dreams are bad but you usually don't wake up screaming. Should I call your... um ... father? Or would Chiron be better?" Paul looked rather uncomfortable at that moment so Percy spoke up to help "no I need to talk to someone who I know won't like it. I need to talk to Zeuz" in the distance thunder so loud it could of caused an earthquake was heard in complaint. After a few minutes of packing things - nectar,clothes that could last months, bandages etc- Percy sent an Iris message to Annabeth Chase, Percys beloved girlfriend and daughter of Athena. For a moment their were smiles but then as soon as Annabeth asked why Percy called her late in the night, Percy explained that he needed to meet up with her and go to Olympus that made her worry but she agreed. Through the next couple of minutes Percy got a ride from Paul to pick up Annabeth and drop them of at the empire state building the current gate to Olympus. On the way over Percy and Annabeth caught up on what they had been doing during school and stuff like that until Annabeth asked the question she really wanted to know "Percy why are we going to Olympus right now? Won't we be turned away?" Percy just sagged his shoulders and looked down to his feet as though he need to answer some question of his own before he could answer her properly when he finally said "I need to talk to Zeus about something. He's not pleased either but he knows something is wrong. I need to confirm something before I can arrange my thoughts." The rest of the trip was mostly dead silent apart from the country music playing from Paul's radio you could see he was trying not to sing along to the songs because you could see him lip syncing to many of them. Just before Paul broke out into a musical they reached their destination. Usually when their going to head up to Olympus they need to ask the front desk but after the (many) times Percy has saved Olympus from falling his father Posiedon moved that he could go up with whoever he wants in any case and much to Zeus' dismay he grudgingly accepted. So they headed straight for the elevator and listened to the cheesy elevator music chosen by the sun god Apollo, they hadn't said anything since the car ride until Percy said "you know Annabeth if I'm right about the dream I had you are going to be so happy I think You would even hug Hera" he started chuckling at that very thought as a visual of it happened in his mind which left Annabeth looking at him with slight disgust but mostly left with the thought of how cute her boyfriend looked and a hint of curiosity making her ask "even the gods know my dislike of Hera, I mean even Hera herself knows this and your telling me that if you're correct on the rare occasions you are I would hug Hera?" "Correct-o-moondo Wise girl" "Have you finally gone crazy, Seaweed brain?" "I haven't angered Mr D that much yet so I'm not totally crazy, just insane enough for you~" "Oh shut up" and then Annabeth leaned in to kiss Percy as he pulled her closer with his hand on her waist. Percy thought that the kiss was so great he might start liking Apollo s cheesy song he chose so he could listen to it when he missed Annabeth... almost but no, the kiss lasted until they heard the elevator open and they started kissing half way. As they were walking past all the houses and gardens Percy was complementing it all with a little smirk knowing that Annabeth had designed them and every now and then stop to admire the works because he genuinely like the designs... and the designer. They finally made it to the main palace with Annabeth red from ear to ear and Percy grinning like an idiot. They walked into the room that was as big as ever and Zeus was sitting at the Centre like always but none of the other gods were there which Percy was kind of grateful for. "So, Percy Jackson, what do you wish to speak about?" Zeus said in a booming voice that could of easily echoed for miles "Well, no need to be intimidating Zeus it's an easy question any person or god could answer," "So what is it then!" Zeus was clearly getting annoyed "Fine. I'll get straight to the point," he took a (dramatic and unnecessary) deep breath and said "you can send people to different times can't you?" Annabeth stood in shock as she processed what Percy said and with a calm voice she said to Percy "that can't be possible Percy, I mean yes the gods are powerful bu-" "*Sigh*" she was stopped by the huff of Zeus as he pinched the top of his nose and began to speak "Jackson, where did you hear that?" "No where I dreamt it. And can I say it's going to be cold when I get there I mean isn't it winter? " "What makes you think I would send you back in time!?" "Because~, I need to actually kill and make sure that he dies. Duh" "Don't speak to me like an imbecile and I made sure that he died and was sent to tartarus!" "You said that about Kro-" he stopped mid sentence because he didn't want to remind Annabeth of Luke, mainly because of the look on her face when he was mentioned and open old wounds. Annabeth hadn't noticed because her mind was doing circles trying to understand what was going on, and she hates not knowing what was going on so "Percy explain. What are you talki-" she stopped as she finally put the pieces together. Sure it didn't make sense but it was logical that the gods could go back in time, they were immortal. They actually stopped time. Now she started getting annoyed though because she now doesn't understand what or why Percy is fighting with Zeus. "Perseus Jackson explain your dream to me right this second! "I had a dream about Harry potter which was weird then I saw that voldemort was claimed as a son of Zeus but got possessed by Kronos and J.K Rowling could see through the mist as a kid and saw this and wrote it down and now I have to go back and help Harry kill voldemort!" Percy said all that in one breath. As Annabeth slowly understood she started grinning like a maniac until she started running around silently screaming and then tackled Percy as she came up to him and screamed into Percy's chest. "Told you, you would even hug Hera" laughing as she looked up at him with the biggest smile that made Percy just melt. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME! PERCY THAT- YOU- YAY!!" "Why is she acting like that Jackson?" Zeus said looking at the demigods wit Confusion. "Harry Potter is one of Annabeth favorite book that she has. Doesn't Hera have something she really likes?" Percy said to the god trying to get up with Annabeth hugging him like a koala. "I belie-*cough* I do not need to explain myself to you and I cannot see why I am sending you back to that time" "Well i can and i did mind you and i saw this crazy guy in a fez i think.... yeah and he was in the blue box.... you know him??" This part 1... might foget about it but meh...
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antihero-writings · 4 years
Before It Kills You Too (Ch2 Snippet)
Fandom: Lore Olympus 
Chapter Summary: When Hera gets into a car accident after a fight, Zeus has a moment to ruminate on their relationship. 
Written using the song “Wait” by Maroon 5 as a prompt. 
Character Focus: Zeus
Please note!! 
1. This is only a snippet of chapter 2, and not the full thing. I usually don’t post this way, but a) lots of people have been asking for chapter 2 lately--(which, thank you SO much for the support, by the way!! The fact that you want to read more really does mean the world to me!!)--and b) this is one of the hardest fics I’ve ever had to write, so I don’t know when I’ll finish, so I wanted to give you something, at least.
Do let me know if you’d like me to keep using this posting-snippets format, or you’d rather I just wait to post the full thing, however far in the future that may be!!
2. While this should be as close to the final version as it can be, anything in this snippet is subject to change when the full chapter comes out. (And, hey, to that end, if there’s anything you think needs to be edited here, you may kindly let me know! I’d appreciate if you said things you liked too though.)
I'd REALLY appreciate it if you could leave a comment and/or reblog!!! I'm not kidding when I say that makes my week!!
Tagging some folks who said they were interested! @jayyy007 @autumnmoon21 @sunsetsofanemoia
And please do let me know if you’d like me to add you to a taglist for this fic, or message you when new snippets/the next chapter come/s out!!
Chapter 2 Snippet: 
Hera was standing in the crowded meadow, surrounded by her friends, laughing that girly little giggle full of sunshine that just about made Zeus’ heart ooze in a puddle out of his chest.
Her blue dress made her eyes look like two shimmering sapphires.
“Have I seen her in a dress that color?” Zeus inquired excitedly from behind the bushes.
“How can we know what you’ve seen?” Aidoneus muttered. “With you creeping around, you might have seen her naked for all we know.”
Zeus punched him in the arm, (lightly).
“I don’t think she’s worn a dress that color!” Posiedon bubbled.
“Thank you, Posiedon. At least someone can answer a question.”
“I think she looks like the sea on summer day.” He put his hands on his face, them sliding slowly.
Zeus eyed him. “Alright, keep it in your toga, Little Green Man.”
“Should we really be here?” Aidoneus muttered. “We weren’t invited.”
“Oh come on,” Zeus stood up, putting his hands on his hips. “Who wouldn’t want to see the King of the gods here?”
Poseidon grinned and stood up behind his brother. “No one!”
“Hestia, Demeter… assorted sane people.” Hades muttered as he stood to follow.
“If that’s sanity I’m glad I’m insane.” Zeus trilled as he strutted up to the entrance.
A cute pink nymph—(rather well endowed in the chestal region—not that he noticed!)—greeted them at the archway.
“Oh! Zeus!” She flushed and bowed. “It’s an honor. Welcome!”
“Why it’s an honor to meet you, my lady.” He kissed her hand, and she giggled. “See?” he turned to his brothers. “They’re delighted to have us.”
“I’ve got a bad feeling.” Hades muttered.
Hera was closer now; she smelled like summer, and she looked like it too. Poseidon was right about the ocean thing; she practically shimmered as she spoke with her friends.
“I’m gonna go talk to her.”
“Wait—!” Hades was soon swallowed by the crowd.
Zeus scooched behind her at lightning speed. One by one her friends began to take notice, their eyes widening.
Hera took a step back and would have tripped in surprise if he hadn’t caught her.
“Careful there, you might fall, Birthday Girl.”
“Oh, Zeus!” She looked up at him, the back of her head hitting his chest, “hi!”
That golden smile.
“I made you something!” As she spun to face him, he produced a little carving of a bird from his pocket. (And, no, he didn’t make it).
“Oh!” She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, gently taking it from him, “It’s beautiful!”
All his responsibilities and stresses melted away with the sight of that smile, and he forgot there was anyone else at the party…in the world.
(…He wished he saw that smile anymore.)
Zeus’ chair was spinning empty at his desk before his assistant could say another word—
And Olympus wept, distant peals of thunder rending the sky into pieces.
Lightning crackled and cackled through his hair, creating violet tracks through the air, as Zeus sped through the sky.
It was freezing, and people were staring, but he didn’t care.
All that mattered was getting to his wife.
“My you look stunning.” Zeus sidled up behind his wife, running his fingers gently along her arm. “Is that a new dress?”
“New as that girlfriend of yours.” Hera grunted.
His eyes widened with shock, his voice with an indignant undertone to it. “Is something wrong?”
She paused a moment. He could see words fluttering behind her lips—(like they did so often, too often)—the words Yes you did something wrong, how can you not know?
He knew she wouldn’t believe him when he said he didn’t mean to hurt her.
“You weren’t invited,” she said softly.
“Not invited? Me?” He put his hand to his chest, like the thought of him ever not being welcome to somewhere was absurd. “To what?”
“The party, you nitwit!” She whirled around, her hair nearly whipping him in the face. “You just came barging in like you owned the place!”
“Well…to be fair—”
He stopped short at the look in her eyes, like two blue-hot flames.
He knew it was taking her a great amount of effort not to slap him.
“Do you know how long I’d been preparing for that?! How long it took me to get everything just right? I told you, but you never even listened, did you? And then you just barged right in!”
“Why are you so upset? What’s so important about a party?!”
“They were my friends.” Her gaze softened, and her tone became more serious. “They were—” Until she cut herself off, and her expression hardened as she whirled around, her hair billowing behind her.
“Bunny, wait!” His tone was softer too.
He wished she’d just turn around. That he could say sorry.
Was it really so hard? He should have started there.
Had he ever apologized for that?
He was always doing that; barging in where he wasn’t welcome. The world was his, yes but…he had to concede there were some parts of it he ought not just barge in on.
When he burst into the hospital, however, they wouldn’t dare tell him he wasn’t invited, wouldn’t dare tell him he couldn’t see her.
“Where. is my. wife?” Lightning slammed into a lamppost just outside the front door, shattering its glass box, and making the light spark, the rain pounding at the window like rabid dogs.
The desk clerk looked like she was about to pee out of sheer fear.
“Sh-sh-she’s not out of surgery yet, your majesty.”
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